Rayne Ch. 06 free porn video

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Rayne retuned Gabriella to her home, reluctant to leave her, but knowing he had much to think about. His own affairs needed settling, and there was the crew to think about as well. They were not accustomed to being long in port and there were decision to be made. Then there was Navia, who he knew would be waiting for his return, as always. And yet, he could not see himself leaving Gabriella here alone and unprotected. Yet, there was very little chance of Torquemada presenting himself here, or was there. It suddenly dawned on Rayne that he still had no idea what Gabriella had been doing down at that warehouse at such a late hour. He seemed to lose all train of thought when she was near.

The hour was indeed late and all of his musings would accomplish nothing, so he picked up his glass of cognac, amber liquid that reflected the fire dancing in the grate, and headed upstairs to bed. He knew sleep was a long ways away, and most likely fleeting, but he sprawled across the bed anyway. Sleep did indeed eventually come, just before the dawns lights streaked across the heavens, but with it came dark and sinister dreams.

Rayne sensed danger, it lurked and permeated the room. He saw evil eyes, that glowed red and the snarls even shook his strong heart. He heard shrieks of pain and terror and saw a small urchin dressed in rags with tears streaming down her dirty cheeks. He tried to see what it was the small child focused on to cause such distress, but couldn’t see. Suddenly the small bedraggled child turned and ran as if the hounds of hell chased her. She ran down the crowded street, dodging men in uniform and for one so slight in stature, she seemed indeed strong, for she managed to elude the men and disappear as if she had never been there. Rayne awoke a sheen of sweat on his body, soaking the sheets he lay on and there was an uneasiness upon him that he just couldn’t seem to shake. A bath and breakfast would return him to normal, or so he thought. But as the morning wore on, the unease only increased, and when he could stand it no longer with an oath, he left the house and took a his horse to Gabriella’s house.

Maria answered his urgent knock, and with one look at Rayne, she made the sign of the cross, and swore, ‘Dios mio’ under her breath as she let him in. She turned to fetch Gabriella, but Rayne forestalled her, it was she he had come to see first. He told her of the dreams, and the old lady’s breath caught in her throat, he had seen the very scene the day Torquemada murdered Gabriella’s parent s in his dreams. If there had been any doubts that he was the raven from her visions, there were none now. She wanted to tell him that all would be well, but she was not so sure that would be true. She had no advice to give him except that good could and would over come evil, but, that did not mean they had nothing to fear, for she knew that until Torquemada was dead…they all had something to fear.

With no more answers forthcoming from Maria, he asked to see Gabriella and Maria ascended the stairs to fetch her. Rayne paced the parlor, for what it seemed an eternity, and a slight movement caught his eye and he turned to see a very pale Maria standing as if a statue in the open doorway. Gabriella was not with him and one look at the old woman made a chill run down his spine.

‘Where is Gabriella? Is she coming?’ he asked.

‘No, she is gone’ the old woman managed to get out.

‘Gone? Gone where?’ Rayne demanded.

Maria only held out a piece of paper to Rayne, which he quickly read thru.

‘Dearest Maria,

I got a dispatch late last night that Torquemada is close, closing in on us. I knew it could not be long before his henchmen learned where we were. It is my fear for you safety, yours and Raynes more than my own that that has brought me to the decision to leave here. Please keep him safe for me and if and when I return, we will no longer have anything to fear, or flee from. I know that your visions foretold that Rayne was the one that would protect me, but I love him far too much to put him in harms way. So, I have gone and when I am ready, I will arrange for Torquemada to find me, and then, and only then will I face my nemesis and be done with this game once and for all. If I do not return, please know that I did what I deemed best for all concerned and know in your heart that I loved you like the mother I lost. Tell Rayne that my heart did and does belong to him for all eternity. My only regret was that our time together was far too short lived.



Raynes face was drained of color and his hands shook, his heart ached for the woman that was so fearless and naive to think she alone could defeat Torquemada. He had thousands of men at his command, while she only had her crew. For there was no longer any doubt whatsoever that Gabriella was indeed La Gata. The realization hit him like a punch to his stomach and he wondered how he had not known that immediately after meeting her. There had been those enormous emerald eyes that when focused on you felt as if she could see into your very soul. Then there was the attraction between them, it was electric, instantaneous and undeniable. How could he have been so stupid not to have recognized all of these things in the beginning? He looked at Maria and knew he must questions her, that he must know all that she knew before taking off in search of Gabriella.

‘Maria, I saw Gabriella coming from a warehouse several nights ago, do you know what she was doing there?

‘Si, she went there to meet some men who have helped her, they have kept her apprised of Torquemada’s whereabouts and saved our lives multiple times. ‘

‘Do you have any idea where she is headed to and where her ship is anchored?’ he asked tersely.

‘Si, I know where the ship is, it is anchored off a small waterway several miles down river from the docks, and well concealed. I can show you. But I have no idea where she is headed, but perhaps a vision will come to me to help us.’

Us? Rayne thought, did she think he was taking her with him? She was far too old and having to worry about Gabriella was enough of a distraction without having two women to worry about. But, one look at Marias face and the stubborn jaw line and he knew that he would waste his time and his breath arguing with her about this. As if she could read his thoughts, she quickly said ‘I can take care of myself, and you need me, I know visions will come, they always do when Gabriella is in danger. Besides, you need me to show you where her ship was anchored, if we hurry we may catch her.’ But Rayne knew that was wishful thinking as the tides had long since gone out taking Gabriella with them.

Rayne assured her that he would return for her and for her to pack light, the ship had all that they would need, but it didn’t have the speed nor the invisibility that the Phantom would accord him. So, his first business at hand would be to round up the crew, get the rest of the supplies on board, contact Javonnie to have him handle his estates here and dispose of the cargo he had brought in. He sure wished that he was coming with him, he had an inkling that they would be in need of his services, but it was a favor he couldn’t ask. Off Rayne set to accomplish the tasks he had mentally ticked off, then he would return for Maria and they would sail with the evening tide to Tahiti where he would collect his ship of choice and then, Torquemada would be hunted down and dealt with, and God help him if he found Gabriella first. He was overcome with such a fierce protectiveness for her that rocked him to his very soul. If one hair on her lovely head was harmed the atrocities that he had heaped on the Spanish people during the Inquisition would be nothing to what Rayne would do to him.

The evening tide found The Eclipse sailing out of the harbor, Javonnie and Veronica waving until they were mere specks on the docks and Maria nervously pacing the deck of the ship. The crew had all been apprised of the
situation and what they would be up against, Rayne giving them the choice of sailing with him or remaining in England. Non had taken the later choice, which did not surprise Rayne in the least for they were indeed a loyal lot. Rayne had offered Maria his cabin, but she chose instead to occupy Javonnies old cabin, insisting that she was as good a physical as he had been and that she would earn her way by administering to the crew as required. Rayne had no doubt that she was capable, however, convincing the crew she was not a witch would take some doing.

It was a moonless night and the wind was brisk, popping and filling the sails and The Eclipse was making good time. Rayne took the helm at midnight as sleep evaded him, his worry and anger at Gabriella was so great. How could she have not trusted him enough to have come to him with this instead of placing herself in harms way and most likely in grave danger? He swore, not for the first time, under his breath about the hard headedness of the woman! It was way over in the early hours just before dawn that he saw an eerie sight and for a moment he was taken aback before he realized it was Maria. She could not find sleep either it seemed. However, as she approached he saw the look of anxiousness on her face. He asked her, ‘a vision?’

‘No, just a feeling of great unease, nothing else’ she responded. So, together the two stood in worried silence watching the ship eat up the distance and yet knowing that as yet, they had no idea where Gabriella had headed. Maria knew her crew was a loyal one and would fight to the death for their capitan, but it was that what worried her. Death…it seemed to permeate the air, and deep into her very being. She knew bad things were on the horizon for both Rayne and Gabriella, but as of yet, she had no clue as to what that would be.

Finally tiring, she found her bunk and fell into a troubled sleep, as did Rayne when the helmsman took over at dawn.

The next day dawned gray and foggy, a chill permeated the air and Marie set about figuring a way to get into Raynes’ cabin unbeknownst to him to put some charms to ward off the evil that she couldn’t shake. As soon as she saw him climb to the upper deck she slipped into his cabin and set about the task at hand. She burned some incense and wandered around the cabin almost in a trance like state mumbling incoherently and shaking burning sage, the pungent smoke slipping into cracks and crevices. Beneath his mattress she placed a charm and performed an elaborate incantation to keep him safe. With the task accomplished she slipped unnoticed from the cabin and returned to her own. The incantations had taken their toll on the old crone and she fell exhausted into the bunk. Rayne had seen her leaving his cabin and he was curious as to what she had been about. As he entered his cabin he smelled the pungent smell of the sage and he shook his head, as if some burning leaves could ward off evil, but if it made her feel useful, there was no harm.

The days turned into weeks and no sign of Gabriella came as he made his way for home and his preferred ship. Finally at long last the ship anchored off the island of his home and smaller boats took the returning crew to the island. There was Navia, excitedly waving as they drew nearer and nearer. Then she saw Maria, and she froze as if rooted to the spot. She could feel the power of the woman and knew that the future was about to be irrevocably set in stone. She knew the day she had dreaded had arrived at last. She turned to walk away just as Rayne stepped from the boat.

Rayne watched her walk away and knew something was amiss. When he confronted her later at the house, she told him that she knew Maria was a woman of power, the mystic kind and that she knew that Maria could protect him far better than she could. He told her that Maria was just an old lady with fanciful thoughts but Navia told him he was wrong. That she could feel danger in the air, and she knew he would not be here long, that he would leave to fulfill his destiny and that when he returned she would no longer be there. She knew their time together was over, and that she wished him well. It seemed that Javonnie was right, she had hoped and even dared dream that he would be with her forever, but it was like she knew about Gabriella already, even though no mention had been made of her. Rayne had no time to reassure her, and he wasn’t even sure that he could, even had he believed it himself.

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She lay there in the darkness and knew he had entered the room. As usual he was silent in his movements but by now, after the other times, she could sense his presence. Her naked body tensed, not with fear but with anticipation. At first, when she had been brought to this place by her unknown abductor, she had been terrified. The sudden arm around her neck, the chloroformed pad over her nose and the sudden loss of consciousness had all been too sudden for her to feel anything. But afterwards...

3 years ago
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Daddys Little Girl

I'd like to start out by saying I was twenty and he was thirty-one. Just a regular weekday, but I was overcome with anticipation at the promise of my boyfriend, who I called Daddy, being home that night. He had gone away for a week long trip and I couldn't wait to see him and have his big cock take control of me once more. A week had been agony. I had woken up with my heart pounding from excitement, my pussy already tingling. It was about ten A.M and he said he would be home that night by nine....

1 year ago
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The Callgirl 8211 Under The Peepal Tree

Hey everyone! Devil here with the Last Part of The CallGirl Stories. Pls do read and mail me all your Comments, Suggestions and Feedbacks Coming to the Story.. This is Anirban’s Story. A 40 Year Old Bengali Man from Kolkata. Read on to find out what happens with him… Anirban’s Narration: “After shutting all my competition’s mouth in the day it was time for some fun at Night.” I murmured to myself as I kick-started my scooter and went on my way to SonaGachi. Recalling the jealous faces of all...

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Every Woman Has a Price2 Undervalued

Frieda ground her teeth. Shouting “Fuck you, Val!” wasn’t worth the effort. She was kicking the snow off of her boots on the back mat. She hadn’t even unzipped her parka yet. “Girl!” Her dad’s girlfriend glared as she leaned back from the front counter. “Get your ass in gear.” “Be there in a minute!” Came out despite “Die screaming in a fire, you harpy slut!” standing ready on Frieda’s vocal folds. The weather had delayed her a little. It wasn’t snowing hard; she was early for her four pm...

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On the Fifth Day of Christmas

Honkkkk! blared the car horn. Mike Merrill jumped back, his mind on other things completely unaware of stepping in front of the red minivan. Looking up at the young woman, her three kids strapped tightly in their car seats, he smiled weakly as she glared at him shaking her head. Continuing his walk towards the mall entrance, he passed a red Salvation Army kettle. Putting a few bucks in, Mike strode into the holiday madness known as the Christmas season. Walking over to the Circle Centre Mall...

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Let's watch some natural porn & erotic sex at 21 Naturals! There is a whole universe of porn available on the web. The number of porn sites that there are to choose from online would be nearly impossible to count. Not only are new ones being created all the time, but old ones go extinct at a similarly fast rate. With so much porn at your disposal with nothing more than the click of a mouse, it can be difficult to figure out which sites are worth your time and/or money. The best way to...

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FamilySwap Eve Marlowe Haley Spades My Swap Mom Has Blue Pubes

What would happen if three families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Haley Spades has a bad dream so she gets out of bed in her PJs and goes to sleep with her swap parents, Eve Marlowe and Charles Dera. Spooning against Charles, Haley is just starting to get comfy when Eve wakes up and kicks Haley out. Haley tries to sneak back into the bedroom and get a peek at her swap dad’s dick, but when she pulls the covers up she sees that...

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A Fresh StartChapter 14 Junior Year

September 1971 In the Seventies, it was a lot simpler getting a driver’s license as a teen than it is nowadays. You could get your learner’s permit when you were still fifteen, and then get your license when you were sixteen, as long as you had taken Driver’s Ed classes and passed the tests at DMV. Now you get different grades of license, all depending on how old you are, but back then, if you had a license, you could drive. I was going to be sixteen in another couple of months, and I wanted...

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Busty Mom the Bullies Bk1Chapter 2

This is Chapter 2 of this six-chapter book. For those that want to read ahead, the complete book is available at the Lot’s Cave website. They were barely past a half hour into the movie Elliott had chosen before Tanya spoke. “Elliott, I just can’t get into watching anything tonight. I think I’ll just go up to my room and read. Do you mind, sweetheart?” Elliott realized the visit from the three bullies was playing on his mother’s mind just as much as his. “No, that’s okay. I’m not into it...

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Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse Ch 03 Turning the tables Part 1

“Don’t move or I cut you. Put down the gun.” Troy was very confused and stood frozen for a moment. The voice was clearly behind him and very close. He started to turn very slowly to not alarm her, but then ducked and spun in the opposite direction. He blindly swept his leg out, hoping to catch his attacker. His instincts were right and he connected with a pair of shins. He watched as this woman fell to the side, banging her head hard against the wall. Troy caught his balance, stood up and...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 219

After the meal, the men tried to stay to help with cleanup, but Diana shooed them out, whispering into her husband's ear, "We," meaning the women, "need this time together to assimilate the new women more fully into the group. Nothing like cooking and cleaning up after a big meal to get us all in harmony. And that would have applied even before the enhancement. Now, that 'harmony' is raised to a new level. You and the guys go play with your toys, or do something, Husband. We'll call...

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Horsing Around For Halloween

My twin sister Sandy and I grew up in a rural town, population about a thousand or so, and most of the time the only playmates we had were each other. For that and other reasons we were really close. Our parents were pretty liberal too, and it was common to see another family member with little or nothing on, especially in the summers when it was hot. So nudity was no big deal. Well, not until Sandy started growing these really nice breasts. She had always had nipples, like me, but now they...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 12

Call Jesus As I was driving home yesterday, worrying about all the stuff going on in Washington, Ottawa, London, Moscow, Ukraine, the Middle East, etc., and how America is falling apart, I saw a yard sign that said: NEED HELP? CALL JESUS 1-800-005-3787 Out of curiosity and desperation, I did. A Mexican showed up with a lawnmower. This is a contribution from Dennis A priest and a Rabbi are sitting next to each other on an airplane. After a while of talking about their day the priest...

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A Bridge Between WorldsChapter 11

As the battle raged through the streets of San Francisco, Melody and Salim led their forces brilliantly. The three beasts had been slain, and all that remained was to mop up the last of Edward’s army, then deal with Edward himself. Standing back-to-back, the pair found themselves surrounded by the demonic forces, but merely grinned at each other and combined their powers of water and fire. Upon doing so, a thick cloud of smoke covered the battlefield, blinding and disorienting the monsters...

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My Date Night Bad to Worst Gay

The night was a disaster from the very beginning. I should have never gone to that club. Right after we arrived there with my girlfriend, we started arguing. Anne hated the music and smoke, and I hated her attitude. After five short minutes, she walked out on me.You can imagine my mood for the rest of the night. I was just standing at the bar, pissed off and ready to jump in a fight. I soon had the chance.I was sipping my drink when I felt a hand grabbing my butt and a rough whispering voice by...

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I Love Seducing Straight Guys

I love seducing straight guys. What I have found works best is to be assertive and calm their fears by swearing it will be "our little secret." I find being very direct, by painting a graphic picture of the great sex we’ll soon be having, works well.What circumstances work best to get a straight guy in bed? A recent pitch of mine happened at a friend’s party. The host of the party, Greg, had been out for years, so I knew all the people in attendance would be accepting of his preference and...

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Showing off the wife leads to a creamypie

The fact that my wife's pussy is available is common knowledge to my friends. I myself are denied the pleasure of her womanhood. The typical scenario is she has sex then comes home with a pussy full of cum for me to clean with my mouth. So on this day I'm writing about that's almost what happened.We went down to the Peachtree Road Race to watch the runners. The city of Atlanta does a over six mile race every fourth of July. It was hot and humid as it always in here in Georgia so my wife chose...

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Milk Slave 2

They shoved all three of it into her babybag,and it all fits since her pussy was loose enough after all the double fuckings in her pussy. They took all of it out after several minutes, and checked the signs. The first one was positive,but it doesn't mean she's pregnant.It maybe a fluke.The second one showed negative. If two third of the items are positive, it may mean she's pregnant. And lastly, it came up positive. It was a high chance that she was pregnant. The men then blindfolded...

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The Booths

Not sure where to begin. I guess I will start with my name which is Brian. I am a twenty-one year old with a thin frame making me look much younger than I am, and I have always had a fascination with adult video booths. Perhaps it began as a child with the mystery of that building in our small town all lit up with neon and colorful markings, but it definitely set in as a teenager when I understood what it actually was. Either way, I knew where I wanted to go when I turned eighteen. I had been...

Gay Male
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Vatsyayana Kama Sutra Part 1 Chapter 2 ON THE ACQUISITION OF DHARMA ARTHA AND KAMA

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Hindu tradition has the concept of the Purusharthas which outlines "four main goals of life" It holds that every human being has four proper goals that are necessary and sufficient for a fulfilling and happy life: Dharma – signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the order that makes life and universe...

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Good Man in a Bad Time

*** She had seen her parents off at Denver International Airport the day before – they were embarking on a month-long trip to Sydney in celebration of their twentieth wedding anniversary. Natalie was happy for them; they were hard-working and had never had a real vacation together. Still, she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy that she couldn’t come along and soak up some sun as well. However, there were certain compensations to having the house all to herself, and spending...

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The TGirl who Became my Secret Wife

"So you were hopped up on testosterone and just fucked these random women? "haha i laughed, no its so much more subtle." For example I am in the Sauna after working out, This 40 year old looking mom comes in and sits across from me. I'm a simple man so I do what works stand up and walk over, extend my hand and say "Hi, my name is Maxwell" She looked up at me with this look, the look an older woman gives you when they make up their mind that they'd fuck you. She takes my hand and says "I'm...

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Chris Marrs All For Bet

Chris Marr’s all for Bet“Unghhhhhh! Unghhhh Ohhhh! Yes! Ohhhhh.”Bet held her husband close, her breath short, and felt his breath in her ear as he grunted his cumming. He went limp and lay, a dead weight, on her hot body.“Oh, that was beautiful, Baby,” he panted at last. “Still got the old oomph, Eh?”“Mmmm,” she said feeling the early tinglings of her own orgasm fade into the distance. “Can you just roll off me, love?”“Why?”“I got to go outside.”“Oh, dear. Old bladder not what it...

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