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Fraternization by patricia51

Every child always wants to know how his mother and father met. I tell mine, it all started with a flat tire on a jeep. But maybe that is getting a little ahead of my story.

My name is Kelly, born Kelly Wooten. I was the younger of two sisters in a small southern coastal town. When I was a senior in high school I managed the astounding feat of getting married, getting pregnant and getting divorced all within that single school year. Okay, the events didn't occur exactly in the order I listed them.

Stu and I were doomed from the start. We were in lust, not in love. We were two frightened teenagers taking responsibility for a night of fumbling passion in the back seat of his dad's 71 Camaro. Neither of us had the slightest idea of what a marriage entailed, nor were we ready for such a step. Given the facts, it was sort of amazing we lasted six months.

Here I was, living with my parents, who made the best effort they could to support their daughter and her thank-god-not-born-out-of-wedlock son. My father worked in a mill and my mom was a waitress. They had worked hard all their lives and now it looked like they were going to have to keep working. There weren't many jobs available even then to someone who's last semester of high school was spent with morning sickness. None of them had a future. Then my sister came home on leave.

She had enlisted in the Army as a clerk-typist the summer she graduated. She had just made Specialist 4th class and had the news that she was being assigned to a recently reopened post only an hour and a half from home. She had a car, nice civilian clothes and actual money in her pocket. A week later she and I went to the recruiter's office.

This was 1977. Vietnam was finally officially over. The Army was, frankly, a wreck and enlistments were so low that even with my lousy grades I met the standards, except for one little fact. The Army wasn't taking single parents.

I sat down with my parents, my ex-husband, my sister and the recruiter. Stu was terrified of taking Jeremy. In his defense, I will point out that he had no family support available. His parents were divorced. His mother had moved away and his dad's only interests were drinking beer and hunting deer, in season or out. Stu made no objections when the recruiter proposed we surrender custody of Jeremy to my parents. We took the legal steps and a month later I left for Basic Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

I didn't like Basic, but I didn't hate it either. I did what I was told and made an effort to be invisible among the other female recruits. In those days we trained and lived completely separate from the males. I did okay and went on to Indiana where I was trained as a Personnel Specialist. Following that I came back to the now rapidly expanding post where my sister was assigned. There I was assigned to the Records Section at Post Headquarters.

I had busy days, followed by usually NOT busy nights. I dated occasionally, but I spent most weekends at home with my parents and son. I was saving my money, living in the WAC barracks in a room with my sister and eating in the Mess Hall.

Early in my enlistment I realized there were pretty much 3 kinds of female soldiers. The first were the kind that knew in a lot of ways they had it made. We were outnumbered 50 to 1 or more by the male soldiers. They could pick a different date every night, screw whoever took them out and have wild times as long as they could make morning formations. Most of them ended up pregnant and married to other soldiers. I had already been down a similar road. I certainly enjoyed sex, but I didn't want to be thought of as one of the "20 dollar WAC's".

The second kind kept to themselves. The Army was pretty sudden death on Lesbianism but it flourished in the barracks in a very careful fashion. I received several oblique and one very direct proposition. I didn't have any kind of objections to being with another woman, but I never felt any real attraction to the ones I thought were gay. So I didn't pursue anything there either.

The third kind were the minority that simply wanted to do their jobs, be respected and get ahead. Some, my sister included, were considering making the Army a career. Some wanted to learn skills for civilian life. Some wanted a more permanent relationship than they expected to find with another PFC, someone more settled, like a civilian employee or an NCO.

I might add that the lines of these groups, like all artificially drawn lines, blurred sometimes. Some of the party girls also liked other girls. One of the most intense and capable females in our barracks was a lesbian who eventually went on to Officer Candidate School and got her commission.

I worked in the same office as my sister. Other than morning PT three times a week and occasional training at the company we were assigned to, we generally worked 9 to 5. We worked hard, but I had no objections to working in an office that was heated in the winter and air-conditioned in the summer. I suppose that made my grumbling even louder when the company's turn to supply the Interior Guard force came up and I got nailed for the first Saturday detail. A whole weekend blown as we would be doing 2 hours on and 4 hours off from 0800 hours (8 AM) Saturday to 0800 Sunday. When we were off we were to stay in the Guardhouse except to take meals.

My sister was not on duty that day. She opened one eye and waved as I struggled into the fatigues I usually didn't wear, along with my web gear and steel helmet. I drove my new (new to me anyway) red Pinto to the company area. There we were formed up, loaded into trucks and were carried to the Guard shack. The NCO serving as Sergeant of the Guard split us into the three shifts and arranged us for inspection by the Officer of the Guard.

I didn't have much experience with officers. At Basic and Advanced Individual Training they were a remote presence that generally only showed up for Saturday inspections. A Warrant Officer was in charge of the office where I worked. So I kept my eyes fixed to the front. I did get an impression of a tanned face and brown eyes as he paused to check my appearance.

I was assigned to the second shift, so I went to the curtained alcove in the back of the open sleeping area that was marked "Females Only". Only one other woman was pulling guard with me today, a black female from the company orderly room whose name I only vaguely recalled. We settled in. She was called for the second shift and two hours after that I joined my relief shift and off we went.

I didn't pay attention to all the guard posts, figuring whichever one I was placed at would be the only one that would really matter. I had heard the Sergeant of the Guard and the Relief Commander discussing that the post an individual was first placed at would remain that person's assignment.

Only six of us remained when the truck halted again and everyone was told to get out. We were standing at the front gate of the Ammunition Supply Point. The Guard Sergeant explained that four of us would be posted in the towers that stood at each corner of the surrounding fence and the other two would be a roving patrol, driving a jeep in amongst the bunkers and along the inside roads. I was lucky enough to be assigned to the roving patrol.

In short order everyone had been replaced and I was riding shotgun (literally as we were armed with 12 gauge riot guns) with a black Specialist from the Personal Assignments Branch named Larry King. I was happy to have someone to talk to, and even more fortunate because Larry was intelligent and witty. In fact, I discovered he had taken a year of college before enlisting.

Midway through our first shift we heard a honking from the gate. When we drove up, the Officer of the Guard waved to us. I got out and unlocked the small gate beside the vehicle gate. I saluted him and then climbed in the back seat as he slid into the space I had been riding. To my astonishment, he immediately began talking to Larry as though they were old friends.

He visited each tower guard. I immediately noticed that he seemed to have difficulty climbing the ladder to the towers. By the time he had visited all four, he was limping and had a slight sheen of sweat on his face.

I had sat silently the whole time he made his inspections. Then he told Larry to ride around so he could check the fences and turned his attention to me. His questions seemed to be the usual "Officer-type" ones; where was I from, what was my assignment, etc. He did seem to actually listen when I answered. Twice he asked a follow-up question, getting more information than I had intended to give away.

Once we had dropped him off at the gate I turned towards Larry. Before I could even open my mouth to ask it, he answered my question.

"Yes, I know Lieutenant Ashe. We were in college together. I was a freshman and he was a senior but we lived a few doors away from each other and he's a nice guy who made a black kid welcome in a small southern college that didn't have many blacks. We weren't close friends or anything like that but I do know him. By the way," Larry grinned, "He's single and his first name is Mark."

I know I blushed, because Larry's grin got even bigger. I plowed on, even though I knew I was giving away something, although I wasn't sure what that something was.

"Why is he limping?"

"Broke his leg in three places in a parachute jump. You probably didn't even notice that he's not wearing the shield of the Adjutant General's Branch, he's wearing the crossed rifles of Infantry. He's just assigned to the Personal Services Company until his leg heals up."

I hadn't noticed that. I had noticed though that he had a very nice smile.

Shifts came and went. I'm not stupid. I noticed that Lieutenant Ashe made the rounds of each shift, but discreet questioning elicited the information that after an initial inspection of the tower guards on the other two shifts he simply rode by and waved. When Larry and I were on, he came in and rode around with us. And it didn't strike me that he was interested in Larry.

We were on our last shift, beginning at 6 in the morning. The night was getting foggy. Lieutenant Ashe showed up with a big thermos of coffee he told us he had persuaded the mess hall to give him, along with a stack of Styrofoam cups. He climbed into the front seat again and we started the rounds of the towers.

That was when Fate intervened. There was a sharp "POW" and the jeep lurched to the side. Larry leaned out of the jeep as he brought it to a stop and glared at the rear wheel. "Flat tire, damnit."

We climbed out and I went around back to start taking the spare off when Larry called to me.

"Kelly, leave that alone. I got it." I don't think he winked, but I could be wrong. So Lieutenant Ashe and I settled down by one of the bunkers and watched Larry work. I have to admit, it was much nicer sitting there then sweating over the jack and the tires.

The silence seemed awkward. Finally Ashe made some half-silly remark and we relaxed a bit and began to chat. I told him some about me; growing up, my job and my divorce. The one thing I hesitated about was telling him about my son. I decided to save that for another time. Besides, I wanted to hear about him.

I discovered that he was also from the South, Alabama, although he had gone to school here. He had majored in History and had been dumped by his girlfriend about 6 months ago. Really dumped. They had gone to a party and she had left with someone else.

He had been going through the Pathfinder course at the Airborne School at Ft. Benning when he had made a bad landing and torn up his leg. Until it healed, he had been assigned as the Executive Officer of the company. He frankly admitted that it was driving him crazy doing nothing more than signing papers and inspecting the motor pool instead of running through the woods as an infantry platoon leader.

"All done!" Larry's announcement caught us off-guard and we both jumped. Reluctantly, I got up and we both headed back to the jeep.

"Maybe you won't have to wait too much longer before you can go to a line unit," I said.

"Maybe not," he answered. Then, almost to himself, he added "Being here does have an advantage I never had thought of before."

I think he didn't plan to say that out loud, for he suddenly changed the subject to the blown tire. We pulled up to the gate and loaded the tire into the back of his jeep and he sped off, leaving the coffee, and some doughnuts I had no business eating three of, with us.

The rest of the shift, every time I looked at Larry he was grinning. I knew darn well why, but I didn't give in to him. The Guard Sergeant brought back the repaired tire. We finally finished our shift and the entire detail was relieved.

The trucks returned us to the company area. I unlocked my car and tossed my gear in the back seat. My eyes swept the parking lot. On the far side, Lieutenant Ashe was standing with the door open on a white Mustang, his gaze searching the people. When his eyes met mine, they stopped. For what seemed to be a long moment, we simply looked at each other. Then he got in his car and drove off. I wasn't sure, as my own stare followed him as he left, but it appeared he was looking in the rear view mirror at me.

I went back to the barracks and took a long hot shower. It was Sunday morning and my sister was gone. I slipped under the covers and settled in for a nap before lunchtime. When I did, my hand slipped under the covers and between my legs. I closed my eyes and imagined a certain dark-haired man was in bed with me as my fingers gently relaxed me and I fell asleep.

The following week I wandered around, unsure of what in the world I was going to do, or if I was going to do anything at all. There is a tremendous gulf between the enlisted and officer ranks. The Uniform Code of Military Justice even provides penalties for "Fraternization", and I wanted to do a lot more than just have a cup of coffee with Mark. God, now I was thinking about him by his first name, and not the old joke about first names in the Army.

I didn't see him. I made a couple of excuses to visit the company orderly room, but he was never there. What the hell I would have said if he had been there, I have no idea to this day. I didn't share what I was feeling with anyone, especially my sister.

Then it was Friday night. I was almost alone in the barracks and I didn't like it. Moved by an impulse, I put on some nice clothes and drove to the company area. I hesitantly walked into the company dayroom. There was only one person there, the Charge of Quarters who's duty was to answer the phone should anyone need to call the company. And it was Larry.

"Hi Kelly, what's going on?"

"Oh nothing, I guess. I was bored and didn't know what to do so I thought I might ride around."

He looked at me with affection and exasperation. He turned and pulled the loose-leave binder filled with the instructions for the CQ. He cradled it in his lap.

"Did he call you?"


"The commanding general, of course. Kelly, I saw you looking at Mark and I saw him looking at you. But he didn't call, did he?"

"No, he didn't." I tried and failed to keep the disappointment out of my voice.

Larry sighed. "I knew he wouldn't, damnit." I must have given him a stricken look or something because he hastily added, "Not because he didn't want to. As I said, I saw him looking. But Kelly, you know the Army regs. He can't cross that line and ask you out, much as I can tell he wants to."

"Then what do I do, Larry?"

He looked at me again, a smile on his face. He put the binder on the desk, opened it and turned it to face me. Then he pushed the phone to me and pointed out Mark's name and number on the alert roster.

"Call him."

I couldn't do such a thing, of course. It simply wasn't done. I mean, I had never asked a guy out before and I had no idea what to say and what if he said "No" or even worse and then the phone was ringing and I heard a male voice say "Hello?"

I swallowed hard. Twice. "Lieutenant Ashe?"

"Kelly!" Oh my GOD. He knew my name. I searched my memory. I hadn't told him that so it meant he must have looked it up.

There was a terribly awkward pause that he broke in a rush.

"I'm awfully glad you called Kelly. I've been thinking about you. I, I, I really would like to see you again. What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing more than getting up the nerve to call you," I said. I relaxed a bit. Somehow the knowledge that he was both as nervous and also apparently as interested as I was calmed me down.

"I'm just fixing supper. Its not much, spaghetti and garlic bread, but I always make too much." He took a deep breath. "Would you like to join me?"

"I'd love to. I'm over at the company day room. Why don't you come over here and I'll meet you outside? Do you remember what my car looks like?"

There was a soft chuckle. "You bet I do. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"I'll be waiting." I carefully hung up the phone. Larry was grinning at me like he had pulled off the coup of the century.

"I think you should name your first child 'Larry'."

I blushed. Then I grinned, every bit as wide as he had and kissed him on the cheek. "You never know."

It probably didn't take more than 5 minutes for Mark to arrive, but it seemed like an hour.
Naturally I was in the bathroom checking my appearance once more when I heard the door creak and Larry's voice say "Good evening, sir."

"Good evening, Specialist. Quiet tonight?"

"So far, sir. I'm not sure about later. I believe there might be some fireworks in store."

Embarrassed, but tired of hearing standard male veiled repartee, I came out of the rest room.

"Good evening, sir." If the two of them could keep a straight face so could I.

"Why Private Wooten! What a surprise."

"A pleasant surprise to see you too, Sir."

"Looks like you have everything under control then, Specialist King. Good job," Mark's eyes met mine, "Good job all around."

He left and I followed. He had parked right beside me and our fingers brushed as we approached our vehicles. For an instant we both slowed and gripped each others' hand. Then Mark was driving off and I was right behind him with my heart hammering in my chest the entire time.

We drove to the Post Trailer Park, which rather surprised me. Mark was to later explain that the tiny Bachelor Officer's Quarters was completely full so Housing had set up trailers, two to a parking pad, for the single officers.

We went in and I was pleasantly surprised at how nice the place looked for a trailer occupied by two single guys. Mark told me that most of the decor was his, his former girl friend being an art major. I was surprised when I found that for a moment I felt jealous. Very jealous

After supper, while Mark cleaned up, I perched on the couch with my hands in my lap. I really didn't know what was going to happen next. I knew what I was hoping for, but I had no idea how to approach the subject of the two of us ending up in bed. Not without seeming like one of the "20 dollar WAC's", eager to catch someone. I really liked him. It was way too early to consider anything more than just tonight, but darn, I just wanted to both make a good impression, and well, as embarrassing as the thought was, to get laid at the same time.

I found out later, much later, that Mark was as uncertain as I was about what the next step was going to be. He plunked two glasses of tea down on the coffee table and sat down next to me on the couch. He actually made three attempts at sitting down before he successfully accomplished it. The first time he seemed to feel he had sat too far away. The second time he moved away a bit, as though he had come too close. Like the story, the third time was "just right".

Then we sat there, both of us darting looks at each other and looking away when our eyes met. We might still be there today had Mark not finally cast caution to the winds. He leaned over and kissed me.

It was a soft kiss, almost but not completely closed mouth. My eyes shut as his lips tentatively clung to mine. It lasted for a long breathless minute and I didn't want it to end when he pulled back.

I opened my eyes and this time neither of us flinched when our gaze locked.

"I don't want to fuck this up, Kelly," Mark breathed.

I summoned my courage. "Then don't stop, Mark." Without letting my eyes leaving his, I reached down, undid the straps on my high heeled sandals and slipped my feet from them. I started to unbutton my blouse, but then Mark was kissing me again, one hand on my back and his other hand pushing my fingers aside.

My arms went around his neck and I kissed him for all I was worth. Both his hands were on the buttons of my blouse now. I moaned in satisfaction as the last button was freed and he pushed the blouse over my shoulders. By now I was leaning back against the corner of the couch and Mark, Mark had slipped to his knees as he began to kiss down my throat to the swell of my breasts. He ran his tongue along the top of my bra, halfway on the white lace and halfway on my skin. I was desperately wiggling, getting the straps to fall down my arms far enough that I could pull my arms from them.

I finally succeeded. Somehow, Mark felt the bra loosen, for his fingers curled around the cups and slid them down. I all but cried out when his face buried between my breasts, his hands holding their fullness while his tongue parted them and then swirled over each exposed square inch.

He licked, he sucked, he darted back and forth from one orb to the other. His lips caught my nipple and squeezed it with a gentle pressure that made me fight to get my slacks open. I lifted my hips and got the top button open and then Mark was pulling them down, his mouth still closed on my breast.

He slid my slacks and panties down to my ankles. Then his arms ran back up my body and he lifted me from the couch. I blinked. When in the world had he managed to undress? I didn't care, as he kissed me again and pulled our naked bodies together. But damn, he was obviously a man of many talents.

He walked me backwards and through the door next to the couch. That walk continued for another few steps before I tumbled onto his bed. I never let go, pulling him down on top of me. My legs spread as though they had a mind of their own and my hand worked down between us to grasp his cock and guide it to my already wet vagina. He pushed his torso up as he settled on his hands over me and with a gentle push of his hips he slid into my waiting sheath.

He thrust deeply inside me, holding his body over mine. His head lowered to kiss me. As he bottomed out in me he stopped, holding himself motionless. Then, instead of withdrawing, he began to move his hips around and around. I arched under him, feeling his cock move, rubbing different places of me.

"Oh GOD, you're blowing my fuses," I managed to moan.

He was. No one had ever worked so hard to ensure my pleasure. He varied the speed, he varied the depth of each penetration. His lips moved over mine, over my face, down my shoulders. I couldn't stand it anymore. I grasped him in my arms just as he filled me once more and clutched him against me.

"Now, Mark," I all but begged. "Please. NOW."

His mouth returned to mine. Freed of the need to hold himself up, he rolled us slightly onto our sides. One hand cupped my breast, squeezing it again and again, the nipple stiff against his palm. The other lifted my leg, holding it aloft with his forearm as his fingers settled on my ass. I was spread wide for him, allowing his hips to begin to slam forward faster and harder.

I rained kisses over his face as his chest pumped like a bellows from the effort of driving his shaft into me. I felt him trembling as he strove to keep from cumming. Then, suddenly, he gasped,

"Kelly. Are you safe?"

In spite of the spasms that were racing through my body, I nearly burst out laughing. What a helluva time to ask THAT. Thank goodness I was, because at the stage I might have told him anything. Fortunately I WAS on the Pill and managed to squeal "Yesssssss, I am."

In response he went wild and I went wild with him. I buried my face against his neck, my arm circling him and let loose as I came. The wonderful feeling ran through my entire body and I gave voice to my excitement.

"Come on, come ON. Do me! Fuck me! Fuck me Lieutenant!"

Mark told me later he never heard a word I said. However he responded anyway. I felt him swell and he came inside me, the hotness of his release flooding me. Instead of slowing down though, he redoubled his efforts.

"Ah, ahhhh, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhh," he all but chanted through clenched teeth. Each grunt accompanied a wild thrust of his still hard cock. I thought he was going to split me in two. I couldn't have cared if he did. I wanted him to go on and on until I was a puddle of nothing but sweat and mingled male and female juices. I felt I was dissolving into that, my whole world nothing but the sensation of my body being penetrated.

The second orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks and all but swept me unconscious. Instead of yelling and screaming I simply went limp with a long, almost inaudible, sigh of delight. As I collapsed, I felt him slow and finally soften and pull out of me.

In unspoken agreement I rolled all the way onto my side and he spooned against me. He rested his chin on top of my head and his arm snaked around my body, his hand on my belly. It was a perfect fit.

As I drifted off to sleep in his arms, I heard him laugh softly.

"What?" I mumbled through my yawns.

"Not a very respectful thing to say to an officer. 'Fuck me Lieutenant' sounded like you were trying to give ME an order Private Wooten."

I giggled. "Are you going to give me an Article 15, Lieutenant? Sir?"

"No, I think continued counseling would be appropriate to the situation." He kissed the top of my head.

"I couldn't agree more," I whispered as I snuggled back against him and fell asleep.

(The End)

(It was mentioned to by my wonderful editor Marian that I should explain the joke about first names in the Army. Everyone in the military probably got a variation of it on their first day of Basic Taining when the Drill Sergeant introduced himeself by saying "I am Sergeant John Wayne, your Drill Instructor. You can call me by my first name, which is 'Sergeant'.")

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Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en udan velai seitha thirumanam aagiya akkavai eppadi sex seithen endra kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagiguriren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar dharani vayathu 25 aagugirathu. enaku puthithaaga oru idathil velai kidaithathu, aam naan oru civil engineer puthithaaga velaiku sendru irunthen. Niraiya kanavugaludan thaan velaiku sendru irunthen, aanal enaku angu oru kanavanu thevathai enaku kidaika irunthaal. naan velai seiyum idam foreigner...

1 year ago
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The CircleChapter 4 Group Encounter A Barrier Broken

Matt borrowed his dad's Suburban because it had two separate back seats: he could put a girl in the front seat with him, and two couples in the back in separate seats with a lot of space in each seat to make out, even reclining. The men picked up Monica first. Bob helped her with her beach bag, and then when she came to the car he gave her a passionate kiss. Monica smiled at him and turned. Jim was there with another kiss even a little hotter; he wasn't trying to out-do Bob, but he was a...

3 years ago
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Bro and sis dirty

Will i should explain who am i first, My name is Josh im 18 years old 5″7 tall they say i have a body design only for romance in bed quite cute also, and my sister she is 18 years old 5″4 tall very cute and pretty she has skin like snow and her long hair that black as a crow she has also the most beautiful breast that i have evr seen quite round,firm and not big just right and i know all boys that would see it would be amazed cuz” its perfect. We live in Manila Philippines.. We live a normal...

3 years ago
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The one that got away

This happened about 3 to 4 yrs ago, before this girl before she became popular. I was browsing the net on a social site and when I came across this really gorgeous chick. I mean this girl had everything from a gorgeous face, to nice slim body with tits n ass. I thought to myself, y not message her see if I get anything back. Later that evening, surprisingly she did! We exchange numbers, and she called me an hour later as I was coming home from work. I thought to myself again, is this forreal?...

2 years ago
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His Daddys Car Part one of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 4 Friday

A tapping at the bedroom door woke Bobby. Katie was beside him and apparently was able to remain asleep. Bobby was feeling mischievous, so he said “Come in” in a voice loud enough for JR to hear him through the door. Katie opened her eyes just as JR stepped into the room. She was still curled up next to Bobby with her head on his chest, and it took her a minute to register the situation. When she did, she promptly reached under the covers and pinched Bobby in a spot that he would remember...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Sally in Wonderland 2

I never understood my need to be admired by men as a woman. I do know that I did something to close the spirit of my wife towards me 33 years ago and I have not heard her tell me she loves me since. We had wonderful sex with multiple orgasms but I finally realized that it was just "getting it on" for her. The sex stopped 5 years ago. I had long curly hair as a toddler and I often heard, "he is too pretty to be a boy". As a young man in college I dated several good looking girls and...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever

The sounds of nature filled the night air by the shore of Spring Lake. A hundred feet from the water's edge sat a mixed quintet of women around a roaring fire. The clear water reflected the light of a full moon, a light that added to the illumination from the fire. Fifty feet further from the waterline stood a large wooden cabin, their home for the weekend. "I can't remember the last time I've had this much fun," Julia Marshall said with a wide smile. "I'm so glad you asked me to come...

4 years ago
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The Other WomanChapter 2 A New Beginning

Edy’s new “hobby” started innocently, an attempt to get out, live life, and maybe meet a man or at least gain a new friendship. She had signed on to a hike in the woods, a day trip into the mountains and around a series of small lakes, a bit of moderate exercise with like-minded others who wanted to get out of the city for the day. The group had connected via email and met in a local parking lot, one group of two couples driving up to the trailhead in one car while the hike leader and Edy...

1 year ago
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At the Handicraft Shop

I really liked that shop. This big department store-like seven-storybuilding in the middle of Tokyo had always had a magic appeal to me.Already some years ago, when I had been on an internet in Tokyo before,I was regularly on my pilgrimage to "Tokyu Hands". In the middle ofthe building always had been the metal department. A lot of things tostimulate your fantasy. And a lot of things you had to pay a fortunefor in an online-sex-shop.That I liked bondage, especially when steel was involved, was...

1 year ago
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Husband Begging For Humiliation

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all me stories, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect girls, I do. It all started with a mail, which read, “interested in a sexy wife”, who would deny a chance, I replied surely, a sexy photo would do, next day what I get is not what I was prepared for, I see a lady in her early thirties, she is in a...

3 years ago
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Like Mother Like Daughter

As he exited the conference center following the welcoming dinner he notice a fine set of buns a few feet ahead of him. He didn’t recognize them and was pleasantly surprised when the owner turned back to check him out. The attractive woman smiled and then slowed to allow him to catch up. He guessed her to be in her middle forties, her fit physique and broad smile made her appear much younger. He had just turned thirty. She had a deep resort tan and a well maintained body for a woman of her...

4 years ago
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The Perversion of Lady Jane GreyChapter 5

Daphne shivered, she was so tempted, but the situation was very strange. The man had something about him, he was eloquent and persuasive, but something made her cautious. Was it the environment she wondered? She had never been in a building like this one, or witnessed as many wonders in such a short period of time. The man returned and immediately spoke. He had a strange Germanic accent that had only added to the queerness of the day. "Well my Lady Daphne is your mind now knowing what it...

2 years ago
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Shower Time With CoachmdashPart 1

This is a true story of my first time with a guy.Coach Kennedy was my high school football coach and was constantly pushing me to do more. One day at practice he told me was riding my ass over a dropped pass. He told me to start running laps and not stop until he told me to stop. When practice was over, I was still running. My teammates hit the locker room and I was still running. I asked Coach could I stop and go to the locker room. Coach Kennedy said "Did I say stop running?" I kept running...

3 years ago
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(Credit to Incase for the cover art.) You were finally moving away from home! Hallelujah! Goodbye small town thinking and boring familiarity. You were off to the big city, you were off to college, you were out on your own for the first time ever. It was time for higher learning and expanding horizons. You simply could not wait. This last year back home had been claustrophobic. You had decided to wait a year after graduating in order to wait for your girlfriend Samantha, who was a year behind...

1 year ago
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My Little Innocent Teen Sister

Hi my name is Nichu (18yrs). I’m from Cochin (Kerala). Well I’m from a middle class family. I have a typical South Indian family. To be frank I don’t know much about sex. Just I have seen a couple of blue films that too I saw in my friend’s mobile phones. I’m a college boy 1st yr mechanical engineering in a college which is about 48 km from my house. So I had nearly one and a half hour of journey from my house. It was tuff task for me to be a day scholar. But still as my parents told I would...

1 year ago
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Tiffanys Filling Experience

The school bus pulled out of the church parking lot carrying a load of kids to summer camp. My eight year old son Jeff was on the bus. I now had a full week to myself. My husband John had been on a business trip for two weeks and was not expected back for another two. I missed him very much and was starting to miss Jeff. I had been looking forward to the time alone. Now, I wasn't sure it would be that much fun. I had planned to spend time with my best friend Judy. I wanted to check out a new...

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The Massage

We were “just friends” and you asked to come by as you always did, and I agreed even though I was tired and my body ached. I was lying on the couch, and you offered to give me a massage. At first, I said no, trying not to cross those imaginary lines that I had constructed…again. You persisted and I finally gave in, but only a massage, nothing more. You got the lotion and I pulled my shirt over my head and removed my bra, careful to keep everything from view as I lay on my stomach. You warmed...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Ms Palvin a forced bi story

I arrived at the charity event a little late that evening, for no real discernible reason. But I was finally here, and the room was alive with talk, and was hugely attended. Celebrities from all walks of life were in attendance, from sports star’s to film star’s to and a s**ttering of B and C class celebs as well as catwalk models. One such model, I noticed, who was standing on her own sipping at a flute of champagne, was Barbara Palvin. The blue sequinned figure hugging dress she wore, was cut...

3 years ago
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Real Dreams

Chapter 1 The sound from the alarm clock ringing broke the silence in the bedroom- waking Sandra up from a good nights sleep. Rubbing her eyes sleepily, she reached over to the nightstand beside the bed and pushed the button turning off her alarm waking her up for work. Her eyes caught the rounded tip of the nine-inch vibrator laying on the nightstand that she enjoyed using before falling asleep. Her lips curled into an amusing smile as she remembered masturbating before falling asleep last...

2 years ago
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Angel Season 2 Episode 1 Be Our Guest

Angel S:2 E:1 "Be Our Guest" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2013 Edited by: jeffusually Lockwood readied himself by the aluminum door of the warehouse, stopping a moment to double check his M16A2. The weapon's three round burst setting was engaged and his weapon was locked and loaded. He held up his right hand signaling the rest of the team to hold position as Hernandez took place along the right side of the door, his automatic 12 gauge in one hand, a flash--bang in the...

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Waitress at sex party

Last week I was having a girly night out down at the local pub, when I got chatting to one of the girls who asked me if I would be interested in being a waitress at party. Now as I am a very high maintenance girl, always broke and in need of money bordering on the verge of desperation, I said that I was up for it. She would be working with me as well. Apparently the wages were very good with lots of tips to be had. On hearing this I couldn't wait to get started.On the evening in question, Jenny...

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TURNAROUND by Geneva In the German Thirty Years War an emotionally crippled assassin is outmanoeuvred by a Gypsy girl. She uses him to get revenge and he gets a chance at a new life. "Who," I asked, "is Count Von Meissner?" Bishop Alvarez looked up from the documents and maps on his table and stared at me. "My dear Heinrich, he is a potential enemy of the Holy Roman Emperor, and of the Church. Some think he may invade in support of the Calvinists. This war has been going on...

3 years ago
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Raj And Rahul Aur Unkee Maa Shanti

Hello readers, this is the story of a happy family consisting 5 members, two sons Raj n Rahul, their mom – Shanti, Father – Suresh and a grandmother – dadi. The family belongs to Videsha, Madhya Pradesh. A small intro of the family, Father Suresh -49, is an govt. Employee working with irrigation department, mother Shanti – 38, is a house wife, but an educated lady, passed B.A degree, who manages her home efficiently, two sons – Raj – 19, elder son, studying and younger son Rahul 18, studying,...

4 years ago
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Me and the guysand my sister

I had heard of a club down town that was for men only and a nudist place. I had to check it out. I was so aroused at the thought of what might happen there. I went to the front desk and payed for a "video room" and was given directions how to get to it. I had to walk down a little hallway and go up some stairs where there was a series of hall ways lined with "bedrooms." The rooms were very small. Just a single size mattress on a built in frame and enough room to take your clothing off and...

1 year ago
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Joans Room Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Homeward Bound Sunday morning I awoke in a strange bed, in a strange place. I still wasn't sure why my father had dragged me down here. It obviously wasn't an "act of love." I made use of the private bath. The shower didn't help at all. I felt dead both inside and out. I donned a clean pair of jeans and pulled a polo shirt over my head. Realizing that I couldn't stay in the room forever, I made my way downstairs. I had no interest...

3 years ago
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My First Bisexual Watersports Foursome

A few weeks ago a Fuck buddy of mine who’s also very keen on watersports invited me to a dinner party - we spent most of the time with a Lesbian couple he knows well. It turns out the younger of the two women has never been with a guy and she was curious to try it – also that the other woman sometimes has casual sex with my buddy (he’s also a bit older and Bi). I guess why I agreed is that the girls are also heavily into watersports – plus just being curious. But I was very tempted to...

2 years ago
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HomebodiesChapter 3

It was during Gath’s third week at CVS that he finally got a taste of why everyone hated the homeland and the homebodies so much. Up to this point, his outlook on his job and his colleagues had been steadily improving and he was actually starting to like being there. Though everyone was still calling him “groundie” or “ting” or “the TNG”, it was generally not quite as venomous or contemptuous as it had been in those first days. Indeed, among his peers—Medics Bong, Sax, and Zen—he was starting...

4 years ago
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The Joys of JournalingChapter 4 Wherein I Keep the Pot Simmering

Perhaps I'm going to hell. Who knows? Heck, with my luck there will be an entire level just for me, right next to people who talk at the theater (Pat yourself on the back if you get the reference). I knew what I was doing was wrong. I was manipulating a young girl who didn't know any better. Everything in my upbringing told me I should be ashamed of myself. But I wasn't. Not by a long shot. Nicole wasn't the only one who had jumped onto a moving train. I probably could have put the brakes...

1 year ago
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Bangla sex stories

Hi all, I am Khalid 22 year old now but this story some year ago but plz one think my English so poor plz try to understand and I will try to write better who u understand so when I was 13 ,slim body owner as like kids in as age , my sister yes she was mush older to me her age was 23 m age 10 year different so mush because our dad was go USA after my sister born we was so mush poor so my dad go to USA for money and then he come back so late and I was born .. So my sister is also mom for me…she...

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Tracy the Crack Whore part ll

Sean wrapped up at work early. It was a blistering hot and sunny spring day and he couldn’t concentrate, all he thought about was Tracy. He was a small-town boy from the mountains in the Southwest and had never been exposed to anyone like her. On the way home, he stopped at Walgreen’s to pick up some bathroom supplies and beer and found some other cool stuff, too. Getting back into his truck, he cracked open a beer and pulled out of the parking lot, his mind on Tracy again, the blow job she had...

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A Staring Contest with Her Ass Pt 1

We were doing the dishes. He got the scrubbing/washing part and I got the drying part. It was always like this. Every time he came to dinner, it would end up like this. It was tradition you can say. For the two years he had been coming over every once in a while and it led to this. So I might have been a 16 year old girl in love, what’s it to you? I knew what I was doing; trust me. I didn’t read a book and end up knowing the knowledge of life. He actually explained it to me. Could you...

3 years ago
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Second Honeymoon Chapter 10

Monday night was interesting, to say the least. Christine had a "date" and was not around, so Dimitri showed up at our place unannounced and unhappy. Karl was ecstatic that Alec would arrive sometime tonight. We knew Rex would show up when he finished his local tasks. We also knew Rex would claim his property. I prayed that Alec and Ian would show up and be such a distraction for my husband so that I could get the fucking I needed. Dimitri said, “Our friend Christine is a very good employee....

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I had first discovered my attraction to Lauren five years ago. I was thirteen and my grandparents had invited us to their lake property (a crappy old trailer on an equally crappy lake... we're not rich) which was a rather normal occurrence. Everyone was getting ready to go for a swim, so I decided that I'd change in the back room of the trailer but the door was closed... or, rather, as closed as anyone could get it. When I got to the back I noticed that someone had stored a mirror in there,...

2 years ago
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A Chance to AdvanceChapter 27

I woke up after seven the next morning and realized that I had no idea what time we got home or went to bed last night. I had been more than a little drunk. I was so high that Gregg almost had to hold me down in the bed. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I didn't have one of those awful hangovers I've heard so much about. When Gregg woke up with a hangover half an hour later he explained that often, people getting drunk for the first time or two don't get hangovers. He smiled...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Andi Rose Kyler Quinn Love Notes From My Stepsister

Kyler Quinn has a serious fetish about fucking her stepdad or her stepbrother. She confesses that desire to her friend Andi Rose as they’re decorating for Valentine’s. Kyler even has a plan for how she’s going to make it happen. She has two jars of love pill capsules that are just big enough to hold a folded note with something sexy inside. Andi helps Kyler write some notes out so that one jar can go into Kyler’s stepdad’s room and the other into her...

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A Sailors Tale chapter Nine

Chapter Nine   Walking back over to the couch I slipped out of my shirt, stepped out of the house shoes I had slipped into while I waited, and dropped my pants to the floor and stepped free of them as well.   My cock sprang up to an upswept 45 degree angle and a good two inches longer than Uncle Charles’ had provided.   I sat back down beside her just as I had been, and slung my bandaged hand onto the back of the couch to avoid the throb of blood that in truth was pretty painful. “So,...

3 years ago
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I Had to Get AwayChapter 7

If Mindy and I hadn't stopped to buy fixings for a steak dinner, we might have gotten home before Melinda. Her Vespa made my heart jolt. We entered to the sound of the shower. "I'm home," I shouted. "I'm glad," she shouted back. Looking clean and steamy and sexy under a short black robe, Melinda immediately embraced me and kissed me. "I missed you today. Where were you?" "We went flying!" Mindy exclaimed. "Flying?" asked Melinda, pressing her body along my side and resting...

3 years ago
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Highway Slut

Donna had dinner with friends. Her best friend had told her about some website she had found. She said it was a hook-up site. Donna and the other women giggled, but were quite intrigued. Their friend told them that she created a profile and had talked to a few different men. She had arranged to meet one of the men she had talked to. She told her friends that the man she met was much younger than her. She was living the dream about being a cougar. She went on to explain that they met at a...

1 year ago
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Death by fucking ch 12

It happened one night. I had been going down on Dee Dee, giving her one of my patented ‘make her talk’ jobs. Because of her fragile condition (she is seven months preggers after all) I relented after only about fifteen minutes of gentle torture and got her off big time. Her screams could have woken the dead. But it wasn’t the dead she woke. I lay there with my head on her enlarged belly. She is incredibly beautiful pregnant. Her face is aglow. Her tits are sensitive, her skin radiates...

2 years ago
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Older Neighbor Part 2 Bottomless Happy Hour

My neighbor Megan and I would often get together for happy hour, and following an evening where we ended up masturbating together, we started to make both happy hour and masturbating together part of a regular routine.Megan was forty-two years old, slender and tall standing about six-three in height. She had long, curly, reddish-brown hair, perfect handful breasts, a beautiful face, and a very tantalizing ass. Most of the time she had a full bush of pubic hair that was bright reddish orange,...

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The Sauna

Early one Saturday afternoon, after spending most of the morning in town, I decided I should go and relax in a sauna for half an hour. I decided to head straight for the “Sauna & Beauty Parlour”, where I’d been a couple of times previously. As I arrived, I was met, in the waiting room, by one of my best friends, Katy. She asked me what I was doing there. I replied by saying that I was exhausted after spending the morning in town and had come in for a relaxing sauna. When I’d...

2 years ago
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Poker NightChapter 3

After Fred had had sex with Dean’s eighteen-year-old wife, he had gotten to paying much more attention to his daughter, Angela, who was seventeen. She was an extremely pretty girl with thick long blonde hair that hung about six inches past her shoulders. Angela usually had one side brushed to the front, it would lay on the top of her very ample breast and kind of curl at the end. She was dating a boy in one of her classes. Fred wondered if they were having sex. He certainly couldn’t blame the...

1 year ago
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Model MotherChapter 7

The reason I let Phil unmask me is simple. Say that somehow a rumor got started that that babe Bob kept running around with was actually his mother, but that was all. If somebody then braced me about that it would go something like this: “Hey, I heard something interesting. I heard that your cougar girlfriend is actually your mother.” “Well, she is, but she’s not my girlfriend.” “So you’re not fucking her?” “Of course not. We were just trying to hide the fact that she’s my mom, and that...

3 years ago
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Virtuous Vices

Virtuous Vices This is the first part of a story of innocence I’d like to share with you. The story is quite long and becomes intricate at parts and I do not wish to reduce it by trying to squeeze all the happenings in one short story. Please bear this in mind. I was sixteen. Studious, sensible and growing up quickly. Those were my good points. How I’d be described by someone else. Shy, easily embarrassed and blushed at the merest mention of anything sexual. Those were obvious points too. I had...

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I grew a BBC

*If anyone wants to either add on to or start a completely new line to this story feel free to* John Kingman was your average what guy, 24 years old, about 5’10”, little over 170lbs, not too muscular but had some definition to him. The one thing he didn’t care for was that he always seem to lack in his manhood, according to him atleast. Even tho he sports a nice 8” erect and his girlfriend always tells him she’s satisfied after sex, he just wishes it was on the larger side of the spectrum. John...

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The Transendence of Rose

Rose felt a tingling and tightness in her breasts. The sensation was awkward and foreign, enough to get her attention while she flipped through the channels of her TV. She moved to adjust her bra believing it must have shifted or bunched up only to remember she hadn't yet put one on for the day. Still feeling the strange sensations she stood up from her bed and walked towards the mirror on her closet door, removing her top as she did. At first, everything seemed normal and as it...

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