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Hi, my name is Geri. Before you get all hot and bothered about some ravishing, big-breasted slut with a tiny waist... that just doesn't describe me, although, I do have nice sized boobs and I am a slut. So I guess that two out of three ain't bad. Let me begin back at the true beginning. As a preteen I was average in look, still am. Even though my parents thought that I was their beauty queen the boys at school didn't. Then I began to develop, not big tits in the beginning but very large nipples. They were about the size of an erasure on the end of a new #-2 lead pencil by the time I was twelve. My areolas were about the size of quarters, in fact the still are. My nipple continued to develop all thru high school until they were as long as my pinky from the tip of my finger to the first knuckle. A dream comes true! Right? Wrong! Everything I wore excited them and my nipples were rubbed raw by every bra I owned, which meant that they were swollen constantly. You can see my "Catch-22" can't you? I doubt that any of the boys I went to school with knew the color of my eyes. That probably goes for most of the men I met also. Male eyes never seem to wander past my protruding nips.

My teen dilemma didn't stop there. Along with my nipples growing so did my clitoris. I developed what our family doctor called a "Clitoris Proboscis", which of course translates to a clit that looks like a big nose. Now I consider this my best feature. It has provided me with many hours of enjoyment but it is not something that you want every kid in school to know about. Well, it wasn't really all that big at first but by the time I graduated from High School it was an inch and three quarters long and as big around as my pinky finger (a handy measuring device that pinky, don't you agree). It too seemed to have a mind of its own and whenever I was sexually excited it would rush from its hiding place and say 'hello, I am here, let's play'. Since my hormones where raging in my teens, it seemed that my clit was always popping to attention making contact with the seam on my Levi's. So I wore skirts almost all the time but even contact with my panties would have me squirming in my seat. It was damn maddening! Of course, this was the cause of my most embarrassing problem during my teen years... a continuously wet pussy! I wore a panty shield everyday. By the time I would get home from school the juices from my pussy would have soaked the panty shield as well as my cotton panties and be dripping down the inside of my thighs. Mom complained about my "wasting money" by using so many panty shields but we never talked about the cause. How can a fifteen-year-old tell her mother that she is horny all of the time? Anyway, since I wasn't the prom queen, my fingers and many of the vegetables I found in the refrigerator solved my sexually frustrated period. That is until I turned seventeen.

By now my tits had filled out to a very nice and round 36C. My baby fat melted away and my complexion cleared up with very little scaring. Poppa finally broke down and bought me contact lens so that I didn't look like a nerd. I became self aware of all of these changes one Saturday evening when my parents were throwing a backyard party. I had chosen a simple black mini skirt with a silky blue blouse. Sure I was showing lots of leg but it was my nipples that seemed to garner most of the attention. Several of my Dad's buddies made, which at the time, seemed very unusual comments. You know, comment about my "sexy" little body and how gorgeous I had become. Well, I started checking myself out in the hallway mirror and damned if I didn't look pretty good. My facial features still wouldn't be mistaken for a movie star but I was okay.

Bob and Julie Snyder, neighbors from around the corner, had been friends with my parents since I was ten. I have 'house-sat' for them on many occasions. During the party that Julie found my sitting alone in the living room. She sat next to me on the sofa and placed her hand on my bare thigh and asked, "Geri, could you watch the house for us next weekend?" I said, "Sure!" She began to stoke the inside of my thigh very tenderly and added, "We don't want to leave Hans alone for that long. I am so glad that it will be you watching him. He loves you so." I said okay and she slipped her hand high on my thigh, her pinky actually grazing my panties. Then with a squeeze, she was off, back to the party. I sat there feeling quite odd about the whole incident. Why had she been so 'friendly'? She had never touched me like that before. Why was I so turned on? My pussy was dripping wet and my clit and nipples were so hard that they ached. I headed for my room for a quick fingering but then my Mom needed me to see to the appetizers. For the rest of the party I could not think of anything else but Julie's hand stroking my thigh. That night, after I went to bed, I masturbated thinking of Julie and I together. It was the first time I ever thought about sex with another woman. I was looking forward to that next weekend very much. Although Julie would not be there, I would be in her bed. Maybe I would find something of Julie's that I could play with, something secret and sexy. That next weekend turned out to be a turning point for me sexually.

House Sitting

I arrived Friday evening as expected. I wore my shortest skirt and decided to go without a bra. At the last minute I removed my panties. I felt so damn slutty that my juices were dripping down my thighs. I had to stop before knock at the door to wipe my pussy dry. Julie greeted me with a kiss on the lips. It was the first 'sexual' contact between us and my body responded, as you would expect. Julie took me on a tour of the house, a house that I was already familiar with and we walked together hand in hand. As we strolled together, Julie told me what the feeding and exercise schedules were for Hans. She showed me that the refrigerator was newly stocked with all sorts of goodies. She pointed out some zucchini that "are very naughty in design but scrumptious when used right." Her hand rested on my butt as I checked out the fridge. Then we went to the master bedroom and told me to sleep in their room "since it is the most comfortable bed in the house" and I could watch TV and the VCR while relaxing on the bed. Her side of the bed was turned down and she sat me on the edge and knelt in front of me. My heart was racing. She placed her hands on my knees and looked me in the eyes and said, "My husband and I think the world of you. Please treat our house as yours. Everything here is for your use this weekend. If you should need it there are the telephone numbers where we will be staying." She nodded to the notepad with the emergency telephone numbers that lay on the nightstand. The drawer was slightly ajar and I could see what looked like a very real looking man's penis inside. I was embarrassed by this discovery but at the same time I was very turned on. Had Julie just shown me her 'toy' on purpose? She saw what I was looking at and she closed the drawer without a word. Her hands slip up my thighs and I instinctively allowed my legs open slightly. I was confused at that moment. I am not sure what I expected to happen, I just know that she could have done what ever she wanted right then. I know she could see my naked pussy. I was sure of it. But she simply smiled at me and gave my thighs a squeeze, stood up and walked from the room. I realized that my breathing was ragged and labored. The room seemed charged with sexual energy and I was one turned on girl. As I sat trembling on her bed, I vowed to use her toy all weekend until my pussy was fucked raw. I regained my composure and went downstairs to receive a goodbye kiss from Julie and then they were gone. Hans was at my side as I waved goodbye.

I should explain that Hans is their German Shepherd. He is a beautiful golden color with streaks of black and must weigh nearly 125 pounds. He is a loveable and cuddly brute of a canine. I have always enjoyed being around him. I was alone with Hans now so as was our usual we wrestled and played fetch in the back yard until dusk. I feed him and then decided to eat something myself. It was while I was search for something to eat that the zucchini grabbed my attention. Julie was absolutely right. The damn things looked like big dicks. My pussy started to juice up and my nips and clit popped to attention.

Now it is important to note that I had lost my virginity at an after school party in the pool house of a friends. It was my swimsuit's fault. My nipples were boring a hole in my top. The boy, Tim Wate, was very aggressive. He maneuvered me to a remote corner of the yard and we started kissing. Soon his fingers traced the outline of my nipples and I was his. I had my first orgasm with that boy as he gently pinched and rolled my nipples between his index finger and thumb.

Tim suggested that we find somewhere more private and pointed toward the pool house. We found the door was unlocked so we went inside and Tim locked the door behind us. I giggled a little as we hugged and kissed. I knew that I was going to give myself to this boy and was willing and excited by the thought. But when his tongue slipped between my lips and we French-kissed, that sealed the deal. I took his hand and guided him to the couch. As he sat, I started to sway very slow and sexy. I started to hum softly and began to rub all my 'private' places. Tim sat there watching me as I danced for him. I could see his hardon and I asked him to show it to me. Tim almost ripped his swim trunks off. I stared at his hard cock as I slowly stripped my swimsuit from my body. I walked right up to him and stuck my cunt into his face. He inhaled my fragrance deeply and slid his fingers into my juicy pussy. My legs went weak so I sat down and let Tim fondle me and work me up to be even hotter. Tim was inexperienced and he shoved my legs apart and jumped between them. His cock slammed into my cunt about a dozen times and then it was over. From start to finish my sexual deflowering took all of fifteen minutes. I wasn't sure that he even penetrated me except for the telltale leaking of his sticky cum for the next hour. All my girl friends noticed the wet spot that stained my white bikini bottoms. All the boys stood around whispering and they all seemed to know what happened because they keep checking my crotch out as well. All the whispering at that party was deafening. Oh well, my status as the school slut began with a bang as they say.

Back to my weekend and my sexual epiphany. Reminded of what was upstairs in the night stand drawer, I headed up the stairs. I stripped off my cloths and pulled back the covers of the bed. I rummaged through the VCR tapes but could not find anything very "adult" so I checked the closet. Bob hadn't hide his porn stash very well so I popped in something called "Cherry and the Hood".

WOW! I could not believe the size of the dicks on the black men in the flick. Poor Cherry's mouth, pussy and ass were plugged over and over by these huge black cocks. I was well on my way to fingering my pussy to orgasm when I opened the drawer. Not only did I find a nice sized white 'cock' but a huge black one as well. As I watched the debauchery of Cherry on the screen, I slicked up my pussy and the white dildo with some lube that was in the drawer. As Cherry gave herself to five very hung black men one after another in every hole without let up for thirty minutes of film. I fucked my pussy with that dildo. I came five times before Cherry allowed two huge cocks to fuck her pussy and ass at the same time. I was mesmerized by the sex on the screen. I popped the 'white' cock from my quivering cunt and slowly stuffed the black one into my hole. I had never been filled like that before. It hurt so good and I wanted more. On the screen, Cherry let a third black man stick his cock into her mouth. His thick black cock disappeared down her throat. The camera zoomed in and you could see her throat bulging as he penetrated deeper. That was followed by close ups of the cock plunging in and out of her two stretched holes. I started playing with my asshole as I fucked the black dildo in and out of my tender young cunt. I double fucked myself to a screaming orgasm. I lay there on the bed exhausted from masturbating like never before. My youth allowed me to recover quickly and I was now very hungry. I bounced downstairs and was bent over checking the contents of the refrigerator when Hans pushed his cold nose between my legs. I damn near fell into the refrigerator headfirst. I was about to yell at the damn beast when his tongue slipped into my pussy.

"Oh, damn it Hans. That feels so damn good." But I got a hold of myself and pushed him away. "Now stop that," I said as I turned to face my assailant but again his tongue flicked out and lapped my clit. You remember my clit, all inch and three quarters of freshly excited clitoris. "Ohhhh, Hans," was all I could squeal! I opened my legs and allowed Hans to lick me from asshole to clit. My body was quacking from sensory overload. My knees began to buckle and I slipped to my knees on the kitchen floor. I lowered my head and stuck my ass up in the air so that Hans could focus his tongue on my open twat. That tongue touched everywhere. It slavered along my cunt lips; pushed its way into my wet sloppy hole; and massaged my clit until an orgasm rocketed thru my body. My toes curled, the muscles in my flat tummy rippled and my head whipped from side to side. With a yell of satisfaction echoing throughout the house, I collapsed in a blissful heap on the kitchen floor.

I lie there panting and cussing myself for allowing this big dumb animal to... well what? What had Hans done that was so wrong? Okay, not everyone lets a dog get them off; even back then I knew that to be true. I reasoned though that no one was hurt. Certainly not me and I am pretty sure Hans was okay with it. I also knew that it had to be a very closely kept secret. If I kept my mouth shut my secret would be safe. I would be in deep trouble if anyone were to find out this illicit secret. I would just die.

I struggled to get the beast out the back door and returned to eat a light supper. Hans howled constantly while I ate. Finally, in desperation to shut him up, I let him back in. I decided that I would go back upstairs and watch some TV. I started for the stair when my newest friend stuck his nose in my ass. With a squeal I bolted up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Hans' nose never left my butt. It was like he was super glued to my crack. I jumped onto the bed with him in tow and I started laughing. I thought that Hans and I were simply wrestling as was our normal play but apparently Hans had other ideas. I caught a glimpse of the two of us in the mirror and there underneath Hans was this raw naked looking appendage. IT was his hard-on sneaking out of his sheath. Apparently all males are the same. Once they smell pussy they become single minded and single purposed.

I moved under Hans and damn... eight inches of hard, pointy and dripping cock stood out from his sheath. I had never had a cock in my mouth before that moment but the image of Cherry sucking that big black cock was stuck in my mind. I bent under Hans and licked the tip of his cock. Its warmth and salty flavor won me over. I wrapped my lips around his thick cock and sucked on it. I moved my mouth along the shaft of the canine cock, my tongue whipping around like crazy. Hans' body quivered. He made a whining noise and I thought that I had hurt him so I quickly stopped suck on him and knelt next to him. Kneeling there I petted and spoke softly to my lover. I rubbed my nipples into his luxurious coat of fur coat. It is very exciting to feeI a dogs fur on your naked skin, especially my sensitive nipples. I reached under Hans and stroked his hot doggie cock. I found that I hadn't hurt Hans at all. He had only whimpered with excitement. It was then that I made a mistake. Flipping over once again onto my elbows and knees to get a better look at his doggy cock, Hans made his move. His movement was quick and assured. Hans jumped behind me and mounted me. I yelled for him to get off but he just started humping my ass. His hot pointy cock was poking all around my asshole and I was terrified that he might score a direct hit. Other than my fingers, and a small carrot, I had never had anything in my ass. I reached between my legs and attempted to guide his slimy cock away from my virgin ass. My hand wrapped around the hot prick of the animal and I slide it down and away from my asshole. My only mistake was his hot cock flesh slipped between my cunt lips and came to rest against my clit. A jolt of electricity shot thru every nerve fiber in my body. The hesitation was my doom. As soon as Hans felt the warmth of the petals of my vaginal opening, he tightened his grip on my waist and drove his ass forward. In one violent motion I was impelled on eight inches of very hard and hot dog cock. I was stunned and shocked by the invasion.

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My Friend8217s Sister 8211 Part I

Hi this is Kishore from Hyderabad. This is my real story happened to me at the age of 19, when am studying my b tech 1st year. My best friend sister was 12th then. Here how it goes..when i am studying btech 1st year i use go to my friend’s house regularly to play cricket , video games and to chitchat about girls. My best friend has a younger sister who is studying 12th class then. She used call me bhayya as i am her bother’s friend. Initially i don’t have any bad intentions towards her. One day...

4 years ago
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She wanted Hard Sex And So Her Step Daughter

Hi,my name is Mannu from Gorakhpur. Had written few stories and time to time got lot of mails from you all. Now plz do let me know your feelings , after reading this story on …………………………………… we lived in a clean and popular area in our city…I love to drive my grandpa’s vintage car, and i always use to wash it some times, when our servant not at home.Our front door neighbor is a Doctor. He had a sexy daughter of age 18, name Simran , her mom died 6 years ago. So doctor uncle married again with...

1 year ago
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The Ring Ch 03 Induction

M's is a pretty, detached house, tucked away behind a high hedge in a tree-lined street.I ring the bell precisely at the agreed time. I've timed the walk well from the side street where I parked and waited, watching the hand creep round on my watch, determined not to arrive early as I was determined not to be late. As I check my watch, I'm pleased with myself, despite the anxiety that clamours within me.She greets me at the door, with unforced warmth and a radiant smile."David! Welcome! I'm so...

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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 008 Insatiable Curiosity

With sudden force I snap back into the reality which holds me captive.  I am sadly not even confused.  It seems as real as anything else, despite it’s multitudinous artificial qualities.  There is still something kind of hot about being trapped here, though…  About not knowing how I’ve come to this place, and having less idea still of how such a place could even come to be.  It’s hard to see why, but there’s even a mysterious something that turns me on about not knowing who or what has taken...

2 years ago
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Andy 1

Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German (## signifies a change, a passage of time throughout.) ONE "I can't just put on your jeans!" I said in irritation. "Don't make such a fuss," said Biene. Her name's really Sabine, but everyone calls her Biene. But you're not allowed to say Bienchen, 'cause then she gets cross. "These are totally normal jeans." (Note: 'Biene' means 'bee' in German, and the name Sabine is...

3 years ago
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An Unknown AttractionChapter 7 A Crisis and a Change of Heart

The conversation pretty much broke up after the girls finished teasing me about my fear of commitment, both to them and to my role in this whole thing. We got into a more in-depth discussion about our new abilities, although trying to communicate with dear little Anh Ngo was agonizingly slow. Clearly she knew some English words but she simply didn’t trust herself to misspeak in front of me, so I bore with it. Victoria (or Vicky as I’d taken to calling her) was just a cutie, so it made it all...

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Parents AwayChapter 6

Around 8am Pam and Tom came around for breakfast. Pam explaining what occurred last night and laughed, We walk in, Jill, Neil and Eddy were sitting at the dining table waiting for us with a box of tissues in front of them. Tom announced to them about our engagement, they broke out into tears. Cuddles and hugs all around. Eddy was so pleased. Later she told us, she had a warning from a person, that she did not know weather to kill or hug, and all they were told was, to have a box of tissues...

4 years ago
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Bi Buddies Having Fun Part 3

As we sat drinking our beers, it occurred to me that I didn’t know what John did for a living, so I asked. I’m an inspector for the local gas utility. I do inspections all around the city, most of the time indoors. But a couple times a month I have to go to one of our facilities up north of town and do some inspections outside. Of course, today was one of those days and one of the asshole supervisors was there making my job hell. I had to rush home so I could take a shower before I came over...

2 years ago
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Birthday GiftChapter 2

I started to work the first thing Sunday morning. With the amount of beer Tom drank the night before, I knew it'd be some time before he dragged himself out of bed. I had a lot to do before my birthday on Saturday. The first thing I did was switch the regular and decaf coffee. Tom's a coffee drinker, and I didn't need him overstimulated. After I made a pot, I rearranged my room. My bedroom was right across from his, so I put up a full-length mirror so he could see into my room, and, more...

1 year ago
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Millenium Present

I never thought I can give this kind of present for my son from me on the new millenium. My son Ramesh is working in US and returned home for the millenium. As usual I was very excited to see him. He has been living in US for 5 years now and he comes home every 2 years. He arrived on the Christmas day as myself and his dad went to the airport to pick him. Ramesh was very excited to see us both despite his jetlag and just kept talking. Since we picked him up in the middle of the night we went to...

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Threesome with Kate Winslet

"What do you think?" She said to Andrew, not even noticing that I was in the room. "Nice!" He said nodding in approval. Kate looked over at me. "Who's this?" She asked, pointing at me. "That is my best friend and partner, Charles." "So this is the notorious Charles?" She said walking over to me. "So... how comes you never picked me? You don't think I'm hot?" She was being very blunt and getting to the point. If I'm suppose to be the big guy, the man in charge,...

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The Second Hundred Years Ch 05

Please read Chapter 1 to 4. It will help to understand the characters and how they got to this point in the story. Constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and follow this story. ******************** ‘Your ex fiancée?’ William asked. He didn’t need an answer, he’d heard Lewis the first time. But he did need a few seconds to adjust to the woman that had dumped his grandson being on the ranch. Remembering his manners he said, ‘Hello...

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Bithday Fantasy

Birthday Fantasy        My wife bought this little jump suit a while back.   It is one of my favorite because she looks so sensual in it.  It is black with a gold zipper at the front from waist to collar.  Each pocket had gold buttons about the size of a nickel.  The legs were short, not to mid thigh.  It fit snug, not tight enough to bulge or reveal a camel toe but rather snug to the form, shoulders, waist and hips with no excess fabric along the outline of her sex.  It lay smooth to her...

4 years ago
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Love Triangle

You just finished college a few weeks ago and decided to take a breather for a while in the rural outskirts of the city. Joanna wanted you too to rent a quiet home for the next few nights. You both know that this break isn't going to be filled with just dates and strolls along the country side. You pack enough condoms and lube to last a lifetime, or for you two around 4 nights, together with your clothes and other essentials. As you leave you look at Joanna and wonder "How the hell did I get...

2 years ago
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Miss Britt Memories 5

"Lisa dear, Margret has requested your presence at her house this coming saturday. Seems she needs someone to help clean and straighten up her closet and other things. I offered your service so saturday I will be taking you over around noon and I will not be staying. You will be in her charge as to what she wants done and I must insist you obey or punishment will be in order. Do you understand me dear?" "Yes Miss Britt......perfectly." Saturday Miss Britt dropped me at Margrets...

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Sex With Aunty

I am a new member to ISS.. I read most of the stories…. Recently I had a sexual encounter with my aunty…. Let me introduce myself I am Ram Kumar age 20 from Erode (Tamilnadu) doing my 3rd year of engineering in a nearby college. My aunty is 33 years of age and her house is just two houses apart from mine. She is little plump.. As my mother is working when I am in my school days I used to be in my aunt’s home in the evening after school. At that time she used to feed me and give me a bath. This...

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Xxxecils NymphaManiacsChapter 8 Finale The Male Animal

It was a soft, fuzzy feeling when I awakened. Waves of feathery delight flowed into and over me. Like my entire body was being gently massaged with happiness. I opened my eyes slowly to survey my surroundings. It felt like a silk & velvet four-post bed in a room scattered with throw pillows and round cushions obscuring the floor. The walls were covered in soft, rich-red curtains that muted light from the windows. I did not recognize this place. And I was naked. "It's a new Hive...

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Castaway Cuckold

Castaway CuckoldMy wife and I are stranded on an island with five other men. When they started go become wrestles my wife did what she felt she had to do. I supported her of course, yet became very frustrated.Castaway cuckold.StaringRoy, Suzie, Arthur, Ernest, Robert, Samuel, JosephWe where flying out of the Caribbean heading for Columbia. I was on a business trip with my wife on our way to Columbia south America. The farming of soy and corn there is growing, and I was to see what future I...

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Raped by Rocky

  My story starts on a Friday evening when I got home from college. I found a note on the table telling me my parents were on a trip and wouldn't see me this trip home. Sorry, it said. As I was coming in my brother was on his way out saying hi Ange as he passed. I ask where he was going and he said date, see ya tomorrow. Great I thought, I should have just stayed on campus. Looks like it will be just me and our German Shepard Rocky.   Later in the evening and after my shower, I put on my...

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A Gray Winters Day

A Gray Winter's Day By Anna Feie It was in 1982, winter and the day dawned gray and miserable. I had graduated from high school a couple years before and had gone on to a local college where I received a degree in accounting. I had parlayed that degree into a job working for the county's Department of Tourism and Economic Development. It was my job to do statistical analysis on various projects the county and my department had going. Like any...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 85 The Bull

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 7

Alicia’s Discussion At Henderby Hall, Alicia was anxious to continue her discussion with Adelaide. She waited until her husband had left the room, turned towards Adelaide and leant forward with a conspiratorial air. “I need to confide in you,” she said, her voice at once breathy and tense. “Can I count on your discretion?” “Of course,” Adelaide responded. The two had a long history of shared confidences from when Alicia had been studying at Cheltenham and Adelaide had started teaching...

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Sabrinas Embarrassing Schoolday

Sabrina Davis is a 18-year old high school student at North Lake High. Although she doesn’t know it yet, today is going to be very, very embarrassing for her. She won’t be forgetting today for a long time. Today will be full of nudity, humiliation, and much more for poor Sabrina. But where do we start? Edit 8/3/20: Thanks everyone for all the likes, comments, and views! The story is now public, anybody can add a chapter without my approval. Have fun!

4 years ago
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EMails To My MasterChapter 19

TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse Dear Daddy, Thank you for sending two really long and detailed e-mails in one day. I'll try to go through them point by point before bringing you up to date with some news about my lessons here at the convent. Aunt Sandra? Not Great Aunt Sandra? Surely not! I can't imagine that proper, matronly lady being the slut you describe. I guess it just shows that we all have to age. That said, I really enjoyed your story about how you and Aunty first developed your...

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Losing My Love Part 3 Final Part

Safe. That is how I felt when I woke up. Safe and most of all, loved. Bella and I both woke up with smiles on our faces because we know we had a fun weekend ahead of us. We spent the whole weekend together laughing, playing and exploring ourselves. We spent everyday in my room and found out new things about each other. On Sunday, we planned out our week. “Hey, you know what would be fun?” I asked her. “What?” she responded excitedly. “Let’s try out for the cheer team!” “Oh my gosh that...

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Domes Early LightChapter 7

Joan just would not let me leave. She insisted that I stay for the rest of the day and overnight. She argued that I could leave for Sweetwater tomorrow as easily as I could leave today, and she felt that I had not been thanked properly. Now just what the hell did that mean? I couldn’t resist and gave in to the pressure to stay overnight. Joan changed into more suitable clothes and rode with me around the ranch, ostensibly to show me the scenic wonders of the JC— (Jay Cee Bar), but actually...

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East Or West Neighbor Sex Is The Best

Hi friends this is Jay from Mumbai. I am very big fan of ISS. I m although married but still I enjoy reading stories from ISS. Here I m going to tell u the story which happened with my neighbor few years back when I was not married. Its an fiction story… I will tell this story in hindi and gujarati. Us waqt hamare flat ke samne wale flat mein ek family rehta tha. They were also gujju. Hamara kafi acha relation tha. Ek dusro ke ghar ana jaana laga rehta tha. Unki ek beti thi Jo same meri age ki...

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PervMom Linzee Ryder She Dreams About Me

It feels like I’m living in a fantasy when I walk in on my stepmom, Linzee Ryder, talking to her friend about fucking me in a dream last night. I’ve been jerking off to her for months now, and I can’t believe she feels the same way. And when she sucks my cock in the kitchen, I can barely believe my eyes. It’s not until later when she tries to convince me not to get back with my ex-girlfriend that I realize how much she really likes me. She strips off her clothes and bends over, backing her MILF...

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Had Fun With My Servant

Hi this is again Moorthifucker. This is my third story. My first story is “had fun with my teacher in office/teacher category”. My second story is “had fun with neighbor aunt in incest category” So don’t want to introduce me u all knows me well. And also thank u for your feedback for my previous story. I also had secret sex with my teacher also. But it won’t a regular sex it’s only an occasional. But I liked my teacher very much. At this time her husband came so didn’t done sex with her. For...

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Berlin Nightclub Adventures

My sex life can, as a first approximation, be divided into aMDMA and pMDMA—before and after MDMA, respectively.Hour Zero pMDMA corresponds to right around 2am, on some generic Sunday in the late fall of 2014. The spot was a surprisingly large toilet stall at Stattbad Wedding, a club nestled into the catacombs beneath a derelict swimming pool in northern Berlin. Five twenty-somethings, more or less nervous. More or less drunk. Among them Justine, a red-haired Canadian girl, one of my closest...

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