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I decided a few moments alone with her thoughts would be helpful to Dominique. Stopping in the doorway and buckling my belt, I gazed back at her while she swung back and forth in her own world. Now, THAT is a beautiful sight. There was more for Dominique to learn, and much more she would discover, but for now she could relax. A smile played across my lips as I took one last look at her, then went to take a shower.
It's strange how sometimes I have to remember to take a breath. As if not taking one will keep me safe. Or perhaps that taking one will break a spell. But I did remember to take a breath, and the spell wasn't broken. And I did feel safe. My nudity hadn't even occurred to me. I felt alive. So alive. My skin tingled and my pussy was swollen. Feeling the collar around my neck while I fingered myself, the thought occurred to me that I felt owned. It was so strange, because at the same time, I felt completely free for the first time in my life.
My pussy was so hot and wet. Cleaning it up got me close to the edge, but Andrew wasn't there to see. It just didn't seem right. So, instead of bringing myself off, I decided to quickly get the cleaning jobs done, then go looking for him.
I got down on my hands and knees and my hair fell over my face. Tucking it behind my ears, I dipped my face to the floor and lapped the nectar that had spilled from me during our lovemaking. Our fucking. Oh, it was definitely fucking. And it was glorious. I hadn't cum that hard since that one time in college when my boyfriend was so sick of my teasing, he pulled over in a rest stop and fucked me hard against the side of the car. Okay, so it was on the other side to the traffic, but it was so exciting and I came gangbusters. I liked getting fucked. And it had been so long. Was it wrong to think like that? I loved 'making love' too! I just wanted variety. 'Curious and adventurous', I always called myself. Now I was wondering whether kinky was more accurate. I was definitely receptive to crazy, out of control, 'rip your clothes off' kind of sex.
God, Andrew really gave it to me. My pussy throbbed deliciously from his rough treatment. What a wonderful feeling. I felt like he took his pleasure, and I was just along for the ride. Or was he along for the ride with me? He waited until I came a second time before her exploded inside me. Never before had I cum twice in the one act of making love. Or fucking! I giggled. Wiping my chin and licking the back of my hand, I was glad I was on the pill. God, he comes a lot. I shuddered and blushed, licking diligently at the last droplets and reaching between my legs again. Gently stroking my slippery aching clit, I searched for any I missed. Finding none, I sat back on my heels and sighed, scanning this incredible room. I can't believe I just did that...
It was a beautiful, warm night and I was sitting on the back steps after showering. There was a glass of red wine in my hand, and another at my feet. It didn't take Dominique long to find me. She sat on the step below me, between my legs and snuggled into me. She sipped the wine I handed to her and, turning to the sky, her eyes sparkled the reflection of the stars. "It's a beautiful night, Sir."
"It certainly is," I agreed. Taking a few strands of Dominique's long black hair in my fingers, I tugged gently.
"Sir?" she asked, bringing her eyes to mine.
"How are you feeling, Dominique?"
She took a moment before responding. "May this one speak freely, Sir?"
"By all means. It would please me if you did. I won't interrupt."
"Um, thank you, Sir. Well, this girl feels... a little afraid of what might become of her. Even shocked by how intense my feelings have suddenly become." She turned in my arms, pressing her cheek to my chest and whispering, "This girl doesn't want to get ahead of herself, Sir. She just wants you to know she feels like she would do anything for you. Anything you asked." I smiled down on her and nodded. Her words were like music to my ears. "She feels incredible, Sir. She feels so eager for more. Eager to prove to you that she is the one. Eager to satisfy you. To please you as best as she can. It makes her wet just thinking about it, Sir."
I could fall for this girl, I thought, listening to her.
"And... She um, wants to be tested, Sir. She can't believe she's saying this, but she wants to be used in... in any way you wish, Sir. She wants to feel everything you want her to feel. Anything and everything. She knows we are just starting, Sir. But she is so excited..." Rubbing her thighs together, she squirmed in my arms, moulding herself to me and whispering again. "And she feels so sexual, Sir... and she loves it... she loves it so much... maybe too much."
"Finger your cunt, Dominique."
"Ohh. Yes, Sir... Mmmmmm... You are so mean... I'm so wet..."
"This girl..."
"Y... Yes. This girl is so wet. She can't believe she's acting like this... but she's not acting... she always dreamed of feeling this way... feeling in someone's power... someone good and kind. But also," she blushed, "someone mean and... nasty." She laughed nervously and looked into my eyes. "She feels safe with you, Sir. She trusts you. And... And... she really doesn't know why... she hardly knows you, Sir. And yet... she feels closer and more secure with you than she has ever felt in her life."
I hugged her warmly, enjoying the moment. "Is that what you need most, Dominique? To feel secure?"
"Yes... Yes, Sir. I think so. But a little more than that... to feel truly secure I also want to be desired... wanted... used... used often... Oh God, what am I saying... I mean, this girl! Ohh! I was doing so good!"
"Shhh, Dominique... It's all right..." I said, kissing her forehead. "You know, your deepest secrets... your deepest desires... are safe with me."
"Somehow this girl knows that, Sir."
Dominique leaned back against my chest and we sat there on the back steps, the minutes ticking by. One of her forearms rested on my thigh, her fingertips caressing my knee absentmindedly. I could faintly hear her other fingers sliding slowly in and out of her wet pussy. We stared at the sky and listened to each other breathe.
"Mmmmm... The stars are beautiful tonight, Sir."
Andrew took my hand and led me inside to his den. It was a cosy room of wood panelling and a large desk with papers and folders neatly stacked. He sat on a dark red velvet couch resting against one wall, directing me to kneel comfortably on a thick matching cushion at his feet. I leaned against him, sliding my hand up his pants leg and playing with the hairs on the back of his calf.
"Tell me what you fantasise about, Dominique," he said.
I swallowed and explained that most of my fantasies involved a 'he-man' type, kind of dragging me away and having his way with me. It was a recurring theme. He seemed amused, and I giggled. "This girl's dreams are often similar to her fantasies, Sir."
"Why am I not surprised, Dominique?" He grinned at me. "What does your fantasy man do to you?"
"Um... well... this girl usually thinks of him as a barbarian type or something, Sir... But um... sometimes it's a faceless nameless man. And um... usually he scares me first, Sir. He drags me by the hair kicking and screaming. And it's often outdoors where others may see... He calls me a stupid whore cunt or something similar, Sir, and tells me he is going to rape my sorry ass. I usually scream and try to fight at first but I am mostly ashamed because he will soon find out I am as wet as anything. He calls me a dumb horny whore and slaps my breasts. Then he throws me over a rock or a table and he fucks me really hard. I um, I usually cum thinking about that, Sir." I didn't realise I was touching myself again.
"Um... outside usually, Sir. Usua-"
"No. I mean where does he fuck you, Dominique?"
"Oh... Sorry, Sir. He, um... he usually fucks me in the pussy but... Oh, God. I'm so embarrassed, Sir!"
"Go on."
"Well, Sir... He, um... he fucks me in the ass. Well, lately he has anyway. Oh God, Sir. My cheeks are burning!"
"Yes, I can see that," he said with a wink. "Pinch your nipples, Dominique."
I did and whimpered. He grinned once more, and I giggled, realising I was getting wet all over again. It shot through my mind that confessing stuff to him was actually pretty hot. I looked right at him and waited for him to speak.
"I wonder why lately he has been fucking you in the ass?"
"Siirrrr!" I blurted out, pushing his legs away playfully. "You're going to find out everything aren't you? Years ago... um, about four actually... I was, well... threatened with being fucked in the ass. And um... I've masturbated there regularly ever since. So, it wasn't really just lately, Sir. I guess I've always wondered..."
At that moment I felt an unholy grip take hold of my hair. Suddenly he was on his feet and dragging me out of the den. "Aaaeeee yaaao oowwwwww!!" I screeched. "Please! Oh!! I'm sorry Sir! What did I say? I mean, this girl! THIS GIRL!!! Oowwwwwwww!!!"
He moved so swiftly out the door and down the wide hallway, I had no chance to get to my feet. He held my hair down and I stumbled, crawling after him, holding his wrist and pleading with him, trying to get to my feet. When I realised he was dragging me back to 'the study' a rush of bizarre pleasure enveloped me.
What fun this was going to be. As I dragged Dominique up the hallway, I looked down at her hands wrapped around my wrist. My fist was full of her lustrous black hair, and I almost laughed out loud. I couldn't get mad at her speech. She was trying hard. But she had surprised me. Here I was thinking I'd have to take my time with her, and she'd already been masturbating her ass! And fantasies of varying degrees of force were not uncommon, but jeez... I wouldn't have picked it. I thought butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
Dragging her back to my study, I could feel myself getting hard again. I needed to reassess how to treat her. What were her limits? I knew I was testing them now, but I wasn't sure if she knew it. She struggled mightily, her legs kicking and her knees banging the floor as she tried to gain her feet. But she never said 'red'. In fact, she never said 'stop' once. As we approached my study, I had an idea and snarled loudly enough for her to hear over her whimpering, "So, Miss Goody fucking Two Shoes has fantasies of taking it up the ass, eh? Well, well, well... the sick truth finally comes out."
"Oww, Sir! You're hurting me!"
"What? This?" I tugged her hair. "This is nothing you little fucking slut. Nothing compared to feeling my big hard cock sliding up your tight little butt. I can't wait to show you what I have in store for your sweet, smooth, innocent fucking ass. Oh yes, I'm going to have a lot of fun with you, dirty girl."
"Oh! Ouucchhh!"
I pulled hard on her hair, swinging her through the open door of the study into the dark interior. "Get in there you dirty little ass-fucking cunt!" I growled. Flicking on the low lights, I swung around and advanced on her. She cowered below me, leaning back on one hand and holding the other up between us, unable to speak. I grabbed her by the wrist and slowly twisted her arm, hissing at her through clenched teeth. "If you speak I will gag you, understand?"
She grimaced in defiance, bending lower under the strain. "But-"
With a glancing blow I slapped her across the top of her head. She gasped at me in shock. "Do you fucking understand?" She nodded quickly, a tear falling down her cheek. "You said you wanted to be tested? Well, you are going to be fucking tested. Let's see if you can do exactly as I say. Get the short-handled whip with the thick tails, and the long rope," I said menacingly. Her eyes grew wide and I could almost taste her fear. I was going to enjoy this.
Jumping to her feet, Dominique hurried on tiptoes to the display wall, grabbing the whip and lifting the rope from its hook. She dropped down to her knees and crawled back to me with the handle of the whip in her teeth. Not once did she look at me as she knelt in the classic manner before me, head inclined with the items offered up to me. I wanted to smile and praise her but I didn't. Taking them from her hands, I clipped the whip to my belt.
"Get on your fucking feet." She climbed to her full height, glancing at me and trembling. Though her cheeks were tear streaked, the look in her eyes was not one of fear. "Don't you fucking look at me. Turn around, hands behind your back, ass slut."
Turning quickly, she laced her fingers together above her ass. I slipped a loop up to her elbows and tightened, pulling them together. Then I wound silk rope down her forearms, binding them together down to her wrists. The rope wasn't that tight, but it pulled her shoulders back and she whimpered. "Move over to the training table, slut," I directed her, prodding her in the back.
She walked forward quickly until her shins met the edge of the table and she planted her feet about a foot apart. Moving over to the side of the room, I reached up and grabbed a chain hanging from one of the four pulleys I had installed in my study. I dragged it by the chain until it stopped almost directly above her. I had plenty of rope left and threaded the loose end from her wrists up through the ring on the chain and pulled down on it. Dominique's shins were against the table, and she had to bend at the waist as her wrists were pulled upwards behind her. With my free hand I pulled one of the side rings from Dominique's collar to the back of her neck, then threaded the other end of the rope through it and tied it off. Standing back from her, I couldn't help but be impressed. She looked quite stunning and I squeezed the growing erection in my pants. It was time to have some fun. "Well, ass slut, you said you wanted to do anything I asked, and we're going to find out if you meant it."
Without a word I walked over to the toy box and lifted the lid, rummaging around inside. I found what I was looking for and walked back to Dominique.
She moaned hotly as I reached under her and pinched at her nipples from the side, first one then the other. They were already hard but I tweaked and pulled at them anyway. I enjoyed tormenting her. Deftly I caught each of her nipples and fitted them into nipple clamps. She gasped delightfully as I adjusted each one until I was satisfied. "Look at me." I tugged the pretty silver chain connecting them to make sure the clamps wouldn't come off easily. She groaned and blushed and I kissed the perspiration from her top lip. "Head down. Open your mouth," I said. She obeyed and I leaned down, hooking the chain over her teeth and closing her mouth with a finger under her chin. She was breathing hard through her nose. "Don't let it go." She nodded and immediately moaned through clenched teeth, realising any movement pulled on her nipples. "Almost ready, ass slut."
I smiled to myself as I hovered over the toy box, trying to decide which size. Shaking my head, I smiled. I am too merciful. Picking out the small butt plug, I was looking for lube when I glanced across at Dominique.
Look at her. Damn... Her thighs were straining, flexing in the low lighting. It wasn't a really tight tie, but for a novice she was doing very well. And in this position, her ass was something to behold. Her hair shimmered as she tried to get comfortable and soft moans came from her lips each time she moved too much. I wonder if she imagined it would be like this?
I scratched my chin with the butt plug as I stared at her ass and long legs, her weight shifting from foot to foot. Something was missing. I snapped my fingers. Climbing to my feet, I lifted the spreader bar from its place on the wall, and walked up behind Dominique. I smacked her ass and she jerked, moaning as she accidentally pulled on her nipples. I said loudly, "Spread, ass slut." She shuffled her feet apart and groaned as the new position pulled at her bonds.
I went down on one knee to cuff her ankles to either end of the bar. When I stood, I felt like I was looking at a work of art. I stepped back and admired her for another moment before heading back to the side table to lube the plug. When I returned to Dominique, I smoothed over her heart-shaped ass with my free hand and she moaned in pleasure. Reaching lower, I slid my fingers between her legs and into her furnace. "You fucking slut," I breathed in her ear.
I fucked two fingers in and out of her drenched cunt. She tried to press back and moaned in need. I slid my fingers from her then pushed one slowly up her ass, sawing it in and out and telling her how much I was going to enjoy breaking her in. She moaned louder and her thighs shook.
I slid two fingers back into her pussy and she gasped when I slipped them out and started working them into her asshole. Her entire crotch was coated in her juices and her soft moans filled the room. Sliding my fingers out of her, I leaned into her ear and whispered, "You are so fucking beautiful." Then I slowly slid the plug right up her ass.
I could see her body tighten and shudder a little, but she did not cry out. I brushed a tear from her cheek and told her I wanted her to have something to remember this by. With my fingers I combed her hair forward, hiding her face, then walked back to the toy box. I picked up the Polaroid camera and fired off ten snaps of her, moving around but mostly from behind. Putting the camera and photos on the side table, I unsnapped my whip from my belt and swung it through the air a few times, warming my shoulder. Choosing one of the developing pictures, I returned to Dominique.
I placed it on the training table in front of her so she could see how she looked. "For you," I said softly. "I am going to flog you now. I'll go easy. You can let go of the chain if you want."
She shook her head and moaned, clenching the chain tighter between her teeth. Her eyes were on fire. Where did this girl come from? I wondered, just a little awed.
I swung the whip in the air again and she flinched, moaning. Then I brought it down across her ass. She jerked on impact, moaning loudly through clenched teeth. I couldn't wait to show her a real flogging. But I did want her to welt. I wanted her to feel it tomorrow, as a reminder of who she was. I brought it down again across her ass and she stifled a scream and jumped. That's better. It was firm but I was pleased. The flogger I'd chosen was 'thuddy' rather that 'whippy'. It wouldn't have hurt.
I worked my way up her ass to her lower back, criss-crossing her skin with red welts. Then back down again over her ass and down the back of her thighs. She was moaning more softly now, almost constantly. As I worked my way back up each of her thighs to her ass, a louder moan broke through my rhythm. She had started shaking almost constantly and it dawned on me that Dominique was about to cum. The chain had fallen from her mouth and she was whispering to the floor, "Please... Please..."
Dropping the whip, I gripped the plug in my fingers and steadied her with my other hand in the middle of her back. I started slowly pulling it out and pushing it back into her. I thought she would cry out, and she did, but not in pain! It was only seconds before I realised I was about to push her over the edge. "You like this, don't you, ASS SLUT?" I spat, fucking her ass in earnest, and watching the first multiple orgasm I had ever seen. The words coming from Dominique's mouth as I fucked her with the butt plug took my breath away.
"Fuck me! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck my ass!! Ohhh, Godddd... Fuckkkk... Oohhhh!!!" She shuddered, moaned and screamed then started all over again. "Fuck me now! Please!! I want it! Fuck my dirty ass!!! Ohh! Ohhhh!!!"
"Sweet Jesus," I whispered, my cock pulsing obscenely in my pants. Pulling the plug from her, I was shocked by how wet her thighs were. She was creaming. I actually tore the zip in my pants trying to get them off, but I didn't care. I threw the plug across the floor, stepped in behind her and wedged my cock in her ass.
Then I lunged. Tightly gripping her hips, I buried all I had in her. Her shudders and her moans were mixed with mine and I held her tight as she screamed and bucked, coming again and again. Her ass spasmed with her orgasms, literally milking the cum from my balls. I couldn't stop myself. She would hardly notice it. Leaning up, I pulled back and started fucking her ruthlessly. Her tight, burning hot ass had me on edge in seconds. I wrapped my fingers in her hair, pulling her head back and pounding her in a rush until I flooded her guts with hot cum. Holding her tightly to me, my cock spasmed and throbbed, shooting her ass full of thick juice.
"Ohhhhh... Ohhhhh... Ohhhhh..." Dominique cooed each time my cock flexed. My spent cock slipped from her, and in moments her own spasms subsided and I heard her mumbling to herself. I released the rope attached to her collar and she collapsed to the table.
We were breathing as hard as each other as I struggled to find the strength to unbind her forearms. My eyes scanned over her flawless skin and approved of the raised welts decorating it. I threw the ropes across the floor and stroked her body. She moaned softly and I leaned down closely, listening to her whisper and gathering her in my arms. "Oh, Sir... Oh God, Sir... Please keep me... Please, please keep me..."
"Shhh, Dominique... Shhh..." I said, smiling down on her and kissing her softly. "You will be sleeping in my bed tonight."
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First TimeHi all this is Shree from Bangalore this is my third story and I like to thank all who shared their valuable comments about my second story about me, I am 23 years old doing my engineering in a reputed college any unsatisfied lady widow girls can ping me @ or on hangout ur comments are most welcome OK now after submission of my story many girls replied on my mail and one lady of age 40 emailed me that awesome story I wanna connect so replied and we started to chat on Hangouts. After 3 days we...
Let me start this story with telling you a little about my situation. I am married and I have 3 k**s and my husband lives in a different state for work reasons, He makes it home almost every month for a few days but im pretty much on my own. We have phone sex and cam sex alot to keep it interesting and I love watching him pleasure himself. I will sometimes let him buy full body massages so he can get his asshole and cock rubbed til he cums just so he can tell me about it (it drives me crazy)...
It all started when I was in 2nd year of my engineering. I belong to Ahmadabad city of Gujarat. Let me introduce myself I am Krish (fake name ) myself an average Gujju boy of age 21 with my man hood of size 6.3 inch I am not that muscular but can easily satisfy any girl or lady or aunty. So if anybody wishes for a secret relation of any type do inbox me on my mail id. Now without wasting time let me jump to the story. As it’s my 1st story hope u all readers will give me responses. My mail id ...
Every now and then, a man came, and asked her questions. Then he punished her wrong answers with wrapping a cloth over her head and leaving it for longer and longer periods. The cloth was the most horrible thing Lilly experienced. It was like being drowned, but while being constantly aware. The next time the man was about to wrap it over her mouth and nose, Lilly screamed like a banshee. --- "Still not talking, Pico?" --- said Jose in Spanish to the man orchestrating her torture. ---...
On the trip home, we had an interesting discussion. I wanted to go to Weston. Goran had fired up my interest. Sable was adamant that he would be coming too. Harry said if Sable went then he went. Rose said where I went she went. Rose amused me because she seemed to relish the idea of going to visit Silver’s City, so she didn’t even attempt to talk me out of the trip. I also suspected she had a thing for Silver. They had become best buddies when they met in Horn City. I did occasionally...
I could feel her quiver beside me as her knees buckled just slightly. She grabbed my arm tightly, "Take me to your car and fuck me right now.""No""God, you have me so turned on I just want to come. Please make me come." I smiled as I asked her, " Right here? In front of my friend Andre's house? " Leaning forward half whispered, "What if someone saw us? What if Andre opened the door and saw me fucking you right on his door step? That wouldn't be very lady like would it?" I was enjoying...
Since I’d been away at college, I had become quite a little slut and I had been aching to show Uncle Frank some of the things I had learned! Home on Spring Break, seeing the family was nice but deep down inside, I couldn’t wait until they were gone and I had Uncle Frank alone. I played sick when they all left for the outlets and I heard Uncle Frank was going to hang back and watch the game.It felt like Christmas morning when I saw the car pull out of the driveway. I quietly scampered to the...
IncestAs I entered Candy Cane's it was dark and smoky. Not surprising for a small town strip joint. The DJ was playing a song by some 80's hair band as the dancer on stage worked the men around her out the money they busted their ass for all week. The money they will go home without, and in return all they will get for it is a hard-on that they will either take out on their wives, girlfriends or sadly themselves. Going into the night I was unaware that I was going to be introduced by my friend...
Trip to Goa with my boyfriend leads to hot sexual encounter with his boss who squeezed my juicy body and fucked me hard as per his liking One deep secret between me n my pussy...Nick n I had planned on for a holiday to a beach resort. It was summers and we loved to show off our body to the sun n get hot.he beaches, the sun, the naked body, the water rides, the alcohol, all was dancing in my headThe day we planned out trip, we met Nick's boss in the plane. He was with his wife flying to the same...
Cuckold'What the heck was her problem?' I thought back to my fight with Terri. 'I mean jee-zus. Didn't she know we were just jilling buddies. I mean its like she's in love with me or something.' Holding up another outfit, I wondered if it was good enough for today. 'Hopefully it will drive Helen crazy.' Helen was her newest interest. Tossing the cloths on the bed I shuffle through my closet looking for another possible when the phone rang. Picking it up I hears Terry's voice. "Never again to peak,...
LesbianSo welcome all Indian sex stories readers to my story where I am presenting an electrifying and erotic true story happened couple of days ago. First of all let me tell you girls that I am from Vizag and studying in well reputed college and I am boy with fair complexion whom any girl would readily accept to go on a date with and with a cock about 8″ and 3″ in diameter which can satisfy anyone fully .!I am interested in ladies who r young and virgins and like to have sex with bbw cause I like...
IncestI woke up early the next morning with a raging hard on. I could not get the image of my hot and sexy aunt out of my mind. Everything that had happened the night before was coming back to me like a very erotic dream. I knew my hot ass aunt was asleep in the next room and my cock throbbed with the anticipation of being inside her again. I wrapped my hand around the thick shaft and started to slowly stroke it. I thought about how hot and wet her pussy was and the look on her face as I slid my cock...
IncestAfter we got home, I changed into a swimsuit and practically jumped into the spa. Being that everyone else was of a like mind, within a half hour, I was joined by my entire C.A.S.K of ladies. Kalista came up to me and asked, in an alarmingly sexual tone, “Whatcha doin, Loverboy,” and she sat down on my lap, spreading herself out in a leisurely manner. “Well, Special K, you sexy lump of clay, you, I was looking at the final leg of our US SST tour.” I had my laptop on a stool...
MONDAY, June 20, 2016 Rachael woke up with a small body hugging her back. Apparently Bobby had woken up during the night, and had decided to crawl in with her rather than into his own bed. She loved the little guy, but he was getting a little old to be sleeping in the same bad as her. She got up and went quietly into the bathroom, coming out several minutes later to see her brother awake, and smiling broadly from his own bed. He held up his Harry Potter book. "Read?" "Yeah, Tiger,...
"So, what am I going to do now?" Vicky thought to herself. Vicky had been called into headquarters six times since the presidential order had released her from Findley's. She had been subjected to three evaluation sessions regarding her mental stability and each with a different doctor. Her Captain had called her in yet again for another talk about the situation. "Sergeant, here is the situation" Erica Christiansen explained. "The District Attorney's office is insisting that you...
Hello Everybody, this is my first story. My name is Ayesha Khan (real name), the sexiest girl you will ever see. I am 26 years old now and working in a big MNC in Hyderabad. My hobby is to show off my body and temp every one around to the extreme. This is the story about how my sexual journey started. I am writing down true stories that happened in my life. This is going to be lengthy and detailed so please be patient. Let me describe myself in full detail as I want you guys to paint a clear...
Hello everyone, I am Samar and I am back with my new story. I know is waqt aap sabhi hilane mein ya ungli dalne me busy ho. To direct mudde ki baat pe aate hai. Sabse pehle hilana band kardo or ladkiya apne chut se hath hata do. Ab story pe aate hai. Ye story meri or meri ek school friend ki hai. Uska name Misty hai. Wo din mera birthday tha. So mere sabhi school friends ne mujhe surprise dene ke liye, subh subh mere ghar aa gaye. Me tabhi so kar utha tha, or baki friends bhi waise hi aaye the,...
Fear And Lusting In Las Vegas By Cooper There is nothing more depraved than beer drunk Southern Baptists on a tear in Las Vegas. Nothing. Spending most of the year wearing pants that are three sizes too small in the crotch area, married to frigid women with bee-hive hairdos on their heads-- and in their skirts-- pounding Bibles and burning crosses, these hypocrisy-drenched Jesus freaks come to Vegas once a year, hit the Casinos and make Jim Morrison look like Jim Baker. Let...
Mornings in New Jersey so far had always provided surprises. This one seemed no different when Tony awoke to someone screaming for Tina. Rebecca was in bed but was waking up as fast as he had. It only took him a second to recognize that it was Anita screaming Tina's name. Rebecca managed to grab her robe and wrap it around her faster than Tony could get into his shorts and a T-shirt and she was out the door like a shot. By the time he made it to the hallway both Rebecca and Tina were...
Forced black suck Chapter IX Jamie get used by Daddy's friends Like I said I was very happy with my new life. I was very comfortable being Daddy's toy and being able to dress up and be a gurl at times. Daddy didn't care that I wore panties all the time now, and he knew that I would go lingerie shopping and buy cute outfits to go out to the club in with Tommy. He just said that I could do what I wanted with Tommy but HE didn't want me as a gurl and that I was his turned out boi bitch to him.I...
Hi! Mera naam aashu hai or mai lucknow uttar pardesh se hu mai ISS ka bahut bada fan hu. ye meri pahli or sachchi kahani he isliye maine isme naam or jagah k naam ko badal diya he agar aap logo meri story pasand aaye to feedback kijiyega meri ID Meri age 27 saal he mai avg kad-kati ka hu ye kahani aaj 2 saal pahle ki he jab mai 25 saal ka tha, meri study puri hogai or mai job k liye apply kr raha tha tabhi 1 MNC ka call Dehli se aaya mai Dehli gaya or mujhe job mil gayi mujhe rahne k 1 room...
While watching interracial porn, where white ladies on vacation in Jamaica were long dicked by natives, my girlfriend Cindy admitted to me that she had been fucked by a black guy while in high school. After watching the porn, she related the following story to me.She told me a black guy would catch her alone and repeatedly tell her he was going to fuck her. The rumor around school was that he was on a quest to fuck as many white girls as possible. Rumor also had it that he had been very...
InterracialHer large, milky white cheeks wobbled as her ass bucked back onto the oversized rubber dildo. Her luscious tits quivered as the toy rammed deeper into her stretched anus. His fist tightly gripped her long blonde hair, pulling back her head. Her back arched as he pumped the toy harder into her taut hole. “That’s it you little slut, fucking take it all for me. I want to see you take every fucking inch of it!” “Ohhh fuck me… I want to fucking squirt for yooooou…” she groaned. His left palm...
Slutty Fallon freshly creamed by her boyfriend outside her home; gets double wicked by the security instillation guys rewiring her parent’s mansion....Fallon was uncomfortable and it had nothing to do with the lax security she had encountered when arriving home after college. The back gate was unarmed. Now the back door opened without their family pin. Fallon thought, oh well I won’t dob in the cleaner.She adjusted the wet patch in her knickers again. God her arsehole still felt good but Jarryn...
“Now that was completely unexpected,” Dan commented as they enjoyed their evening walk. “I am being rather naughty for the way we’re celebrating our honeymoon. I can’t help being sexy for you, my love.” “I can’t imagine what’ll happen to us next,” he anticipated. “Then you should walk me to Club Rouge so we can enjoy some more sexy fun.” Dan’s eyes took in the beauty of his love, and so did almost every eye, along the way. At the entrance to Club Rouge, Dan mentioned he had reserved the...
Door Candy by Bryony Marsh "You are gonna love this shit, bud. My finest and weirdest yet!" Jamie should have been a great pharmacologist - and in a sense he was, only he didn't work for any of the major drug companies. He'd dropped out of the degree programme as soon as he'd "learned enough", and instead he spent his time inventing new and crazy highs. Matt, his roommate, looked at the proffered substance with some skepticism. It looked like burnt toffee. "What is it?" "I...
5 years-10 weeks Again ‘Jim, I’m heading to the can.’ Bill paused, ‘ I’m going to be there for a bit, to take a.. ‘ He laughed. Classic Bill when Terry wasn’t around. He was a poet and did know it. ‘Why don’t you plug your phone into the wall and see if you can call Terry. I didn’t bring my plug-in charger.’ ‘No problem Bill. It feels good just to sit down in some place half-way clean. This cafeteria is tiny by Milwaukee standards, but these little hospitals in the middle of nowhere, I guess...
Priti looked out the window, and saw that it was still raining hard. She rubbed her arms absent mindingly, pulling her thin silk robe more tightly around her. It had been now more two hours since her husband of two years had been gone. Priti’s thoughts wandered as her eyes slowly fell on the picture of her and Bobby on the shelf. It had been there for exactly two years now, but it didn’t mean anything. Bobby had his arms around her, smiling into the camera, while Priti was shyly gazing up at...
Alice was the first one back. She walked in proudly on her high heels. This time the bustier supported her naked teen titties, with their pink jutting nipples. And the wispy panties showed her blond pubes too. She jutted her chest out. “Do I look sexy?” she asked. Betty stepped aside so Alice could see her Uncle Bob and said “I don’t know honey, lets ask Bob.” Alice stopped as if she’d run into a brick wall and stared at the first erect male penis she’d seen outside of a computer screen or...
Three-way fucking with Kendra and Marshall was an exciting twist for Laura, but she still could not keep her eyes off April. At first she had not found her very attractive, at least by comparison with most of her other girlfriends, but April grew on her. She was demure and quiet, good-natured and sweet, dark and pretty. Her squarish, fleshy body, which first had seemed somewhat unappealing to Laura, began to seem more desirable. She wasn't the thin, exquisite type, like Jonelle or the three...
When I first met her, I was the sales manager for a Chicago based national distributor of hardware products, nuts, bolts, chains, hammers, and what-nots. My name is Dan Raymond and I worked for Accent nearly 25 years. It was my first job out of college and I started off in inventory control and worked my way up to the sales manager’s position. Periodically we needed to hire additional Customer Service Reps (mostly due to expansion). The process took anywhere between six and eight weeks and...
Veronica had a party to go to. After all, that was in the script, the course of events with her friend John, the turnface before the turn of face, another move of prince charming before he got around to detail his marital status and the resulting connubial confiscation. This party would not be difficult to remember: it wasn't that long ago, but something about the atmosphere cemented the whole thing in her mind. A few twists and turns and the vibrator and she'd be in the middle of it once...
"Shhh, I'm not going to hurt you, you're badly hurt and you have a pretty nasty cut in your side. I can't fix it fully but I can slow your bleeding some if you'll let me." It said. "Oh...Okay." I replied, noticing the blood pouring over my shorts. The creature touched my side and my bleeding slowed, it wiped it's finger on my shirt and sat down. "So, I'm Misha, I was a Cupid Angel before I discovered brandy, the drink, not that slut from your English class, anyways, I was...
When my wife had just turned 18 she was a Senior in High School. She was somewhat restricted in her sexual knowledge and experience mainly due to her parents upbringing. She had just broken up with her High School boyfriend of 1 year and they had made out quite a lot and even had intercourse four times. She was a typical High School student with school spirit and cheered from the stands at every game. On this occasion she really wanted to attend an away basketball game but her ride canceled at...
I am Anish 18yrs old. I have completed my 12th std. I am my height is 1.7 m and my cock is nearly 6 inches. I am athletic and my skin color is black. I started watching porn during my 12th std when I came to know from my best friend. My family consist of me , mom , dad (working in oman) and a sister (married and settled in goa ). Me and mom are always alone at home. My mom works in a govt office and used to go at 8 am and return at 7pm. So I would be always alone at home. I had a wifi...
Well this pasted weekend my wife came up with a plain that included me for a change. She told me she wanted a small gang bang . Knowing my place in these matters I didn't say anything at first. She said well ? what do you think? Who me I pointed at myself...She had a slight pissed look about her when she said Hell Yes you, Dickhead. I don't know what to say I told her. She then informed me that she would tell me what to say and to who. She carried on by telling me I would be calling a few of...
Bajahsa maina ussa puch lund dalu chut ma wo taraptihui boli daal do nahin to ma marjaungi aaj itna maja kabhi nahin aya aaj fardo meri chut iska ma kabsa wait karrahithi ki aapka lund ki sabsa pehala meri chut fara ya sun kar ma uski tango ka beech aa gaya aur uska paro ko felakar apna pero ma fasaliya aur uska boobs ki nippel ko apna muh ma dabaliya fir usko kaha ki lund ko khud apna hatho ma lekar apna chut ka darwaza dikha usna lund ko apna hath sa pakar kar chut ka muh par rakha aur maina...
My name is Tara O'Brian and I am 100% pure-blooded Irish. Well, at least on Saint Patrick's Day I am. I started to tint my hair red many years ago and never turned back. Just between us, I am not really Irish at all even though I have freckles and my faux red hair. My real name before I shit-canned it was Magda Kaminski and my family came from a small village in the eastern part of Poland. I was always a bit on the chubby side when I was a youngster and the boys would ceaselessly make fun of...