A Second Chance - Chapter 58 free porn video

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MONDAY, June 20, 2016 Rachael woke up with a small body hugging her back. Apparently Bobby had woken up during the night, and had decided to crawl in with her rather than into his own bed. She loved the little guy, but he was getting a little old to be sleeping in the same bad as her. She got up and went quietly into the bathroom, coming out several minutes later to see her brother awake, and smiling broadly from his own bed. He held up his Harry Potter book. "Read?" "Yeah, Tiger, we can read for a while. Momma and Dad won't want to get up for another hour or two." She got onto his bed, sitting outside the sheets and the pair read, following their traditional method of Rachael reading a page, and then Bobby reading the next page. He was much slower than his sister, and occasionally she had to have him sound out a word, or explain what one meant, but overall she was amazed at how much better he was reading now. When she had started reading with him, he was at a Grade 2 or 3 level. Now he was reading at a Grade 6 level, and was nearly as good as some of Rachael's Grade 8 classmates. Much later Maria opened the door to look at her two children reading in bed. "Anyone hungry?" "I'm starved," Bobby said, jumping out of the bed. Rachael got up as well. "Geoff ordered room service," Maria said. "They just delivered it to our room." "Froot Loops," Bobby called out. Rachael wouldn't buy him junk food for breakfast, and she glared at Maria. "It's a holiday," Maria explained, and Rachael agreed to the slip in her brother's diet. There were eggs for the other three, although Bobby brazenly stole the bacon from first Rachael, and then his mother. He eyed Geoff's, but the baker held his fork up menacingly, and said: "Just you try." Bobby decided the four rashers of bacon was enough, and contented himself with his milk-sopped cereal. Maria and Geoff were dressed already, while Rachael was in her robe, and Bobby was nearly naked in only his shorts. Maria took him to dress, while Rachael got her outfit for the day and took it into the washroom. They were on the streetcar for the short ride back to the stadium, getting off one stop early at the CN tower. The weather at 10 a.m. looked a little hazy, so the family went to the adjacent aquarium first. They spent the next three hours in there, looking at the various exhibits and shows. When they came out, the haze was gone, and they went up into the CN tower for its breathtaking views of the city and out onto Lake Ontario. They came down just before 2 p.m., and took the streetcar up to the subway line, where they went underground. Mid-afternoon is probably the best time of day to ride the Toronto subway, especially for a group of rubes from a small town like the Barrons. In early morning or later in the afternoon it is rush hour, and even later in the evening the drunks and party people take over. But at 2:30 there was only a few people in every car, and the Barrons walked down to the end of the station to get on the first car, which no other patrons were on, as most preferred cars closer to the stairs. This allowed Bobby to be able to run back and forth in the car as it ambled down the tracks, stopping at each station. He watched how the driver controlled the train from the small cubicle at the front of the car, while the guard at the other end of the train used her whistle to warn people to stand back. He finally dragged Rachael to the very front of the car, where they could see down the tunnel. He was enthralled. Rachael: not so much. She could only see the dark and dank tunnel, and think: Here be rats. "We get off at the next stop, kids," Maria sang out from the middle of the car. So when Rachael and Bobby could see the lights of the next stop ahead in the dark tunnel, they headed back, just in time. In fact, they had to jump out of a set of doors ahead of the ones their parents used. The museum was just outside of the station, so they were soon inside. Bobby found the dinosaurs first: it isn't hard, with that exhibit just inside the lobby. The family travelled the entire multi-floor museum, with everyone finding different things to admire. Rachael and Maria split off from Geoff and Bobby, so that they could look at the Art Deco furnishings and old costumes, things that didn't interest the boys. "This has been great," Rachael said. "It is so nice not being poor. I bet we had spent more money these two days than our family ever spent on ourselves before Geoff." "We planned this for a couple weeks," Maria admitted. "Geoff wanted to bond with you kids, and we had the money in the budget. Then I wound up getting another $1000 check from Bill Strong for doing some interviews on Saturday. He has some good people working for him now, so I probably won't do any more for him. That made it easier to afford all this without wincing." The two pairs rejoined after a few hours, and after Bobby had one more chance to see the dinosaurs, they headed back. Outside there was a stampede of people rushing to get into the subway station, so Geoff held up his hand and soon a taxi pulled up. The four got in, and rode quickly back to the hotel. They had checked out in the morning, but Geoff had paid a fee to allow him to leave the rental car until evening. They went directly down to the parking garage, and in a few minutes were on their way home. "Why aren't we moving?" Bobby asked a few minutes later, after they got onto the expressway. "This is how rush hour traffic works in Toronto," Geoff said. "Hurry up and wait." "Why do they call it 'rush' hour," Bobby noted. "They should call it 'slow' hour." "And hour doesn't fit either," Rachael said. "I understand it is like this from 6 to 10 in the morning, and 4 to 7 in the evening." Later, when they had gotten past most of the traffic, and were only a half hour from Ingersoll, Geoff called back: "So Bobby, was it 'Best holiday ever?'" "I guess," the boy said. "It was the first holiday ever. Can we do it again?" "Sure," Geoff said. "I love my little family, and want so much to have fun with you. In a couple years Rachael is going to be grown up, and then a few years later you will be too. Until then we need to make a lot of memories." "Blue Jays again?" Bobby suggested. "Or a hockey game! Toronto and Pittsburg. I could see Sidney Crosby!" "Well, hockey would be difficult," Geoff said. "Toronto is hard to get a ticket to, and against Pittsburg nearly impossible. Maybe if we went to Buffalo or Detroit: they are both close enough. But we could do other things. Camping or cottaging. The roller coasters at Canada's Wonderland. The Science Centre in Toronto is good for kids. I wanted to go there this trip, but your Mom said dinosaurs would appeal more to you." "The dinosaurs were awesome," Bobby said. "You are the best Dad ever." Geoff smiled. Statements like that, plus the hugs he got from his kids when they finally got out of the car at home were the reason he loved being a Dad. He had hopes that Maria and he could have a child of their own one day, but he admitted that no child could be better than the two he had inherited. Hopefully he, she, or they could be just as good. ---- - -- --- -- Earlier in the morning the town police chief looked at the picture that Gary had given Steve. "Definitely a grow op," the chief said. "It would take our entire force to clean it up, assuming it is empty. But I got a memo a few days back ... here it is. A fellow I went to police academy with years ago joined the OPP, and he has moved up fairly well. A good cop. They just made him officer in charge of a new mobile SWAT team that will be able to go out to trouble spots in the province. Let me give him a call. You head out to that house, and keep an eye on it." Steve parked his cruiser in the church parking lot and walked the two blocks to the grow op on Oak Street. He found Gary standing on the porch of the house facing it across the street. His policeman's eyes noticed that repair work had been done on the porch, and was just waiting for paint. Apparently the Hobo Army had been doing work here. "Hey Steve," Gary said. "We have something new." He gestured to a Hobo Army member holding a somewhat bulky device that was pointed at the house. "That is an early thermographic camera that was in the shed, and Chipper fixed it up. Just in time, too. Look." The images stored showed that there were heat sources in all three levels of the grow op." "These red areas are lights at the top of the levels. Then below are these orange strips, which we think are the plants growing. But look up here, in the second floor," Gary said. "There are two blobs up here. We think they are people. They don't move much, but they do move around within that one room." Just then the chief pulled up in his cruiser in front of the house. "Maybe we don't want a cruiser here, chief," Steve said tactfully. "I parked at the church." A light of recognition shone from the chief's face as he climbed the steps to the porch. "I could have one of the fellows drive it over there for you," Gary offered, and the chief handed over the keys, who Gary handed to another person. "It is illegal for someone not in the force to drive a cruiser," the chief said. "So I am officially making you an auxiliary office of Ingersoll Police Force." As the man drove off Steve showed the thermographic images. The chief agreed that this was clear evidence of a grow op, and would enable him to get a search warrant for the next day. "We should keep an eye on the house until then. Does the owner of this house mind if we leave an officer?" "Danko here has made some rapport with the lady who owns the home," Gary said. "He cleaned up her flower garden, and did repair work on the porch and inside the house. She trusts him. I suggest we leave him to look after the place. If you need to leave an officer, you would need to cover three shifts until tomorrow." The chief agreed and swore Danko in as an auxiliary, and then let him lead them into the house to see Mrs. Berrilia. "Dolores," Danko called out from the door. "I have some people who would like to talk with you." "Oh, more company," the elderly woman said. "I must make tea." The police and Gary waited patiently until Danko and the woman made tea, and served it with cookies around a coffee table in her living room, which had a large picture window staring at the grow-op. She complained about the house, which she called a blight on the neighborhood. Of course, her reason was that they didn't mow their lawn, which at a foot high was apparently 'out of control.' She didn't know anything about the people who looked after it: they apparently had rented the house a year ago. Previously two different families had lived there in separate apartments. She agreed to allow a person to spend the night observing, so long as 'Danny' was present. She considered him to be like a grandson. "We'll need a second man overnight," Danko said. "I can nap on the couch as he watches." "Nonsense, Danny," Mrs. Berrillia said. "I have a perfectly good guest room you can sleep in." Gary, the chief and Steve left soon after. "You are going to have to swear in a few more auxiliaries," Steve said. "The second man at least." "And I'd like to keep a few men from the Army in the area," Gary said. "Just to be safe, and to run back to the church if there are problems. We'll keep a couple here, outside, on four-hour shifts. We can get a couple dozen more men out here quickly to support your officers, if you need." "That might not be a bad idea," the chief mused. "We are going to get over a dozen men from the OPP SWAT team, and they should be here around 10 in the morning. We will have our warrant by then. Your guys could do traffic control into the area. But if the SWAT team requires it, we may want to evacuate the houses nearby. That can be a pretty manpower-intensive step, and having your guys do it in several teams will be a huge benefit. Where can we put all the people who evacuate?" "The church," Gary said succinctly. "There is room for several hundred there, and we have the facilities and the staff to feed them and keep them busy. Many of the area people go to our church, and we will welcome those of other faiths as well. The church is the voting poll for this part of town, so most of them are familiar with it." The men left Danko with the elderly lady, and headed back to the church. During the day Gary had some of the Army go down the entire block, and determine who was in each home. In most cases the Army had done lawn work or repairs to the houses, and knew which of the Army men had made contact with the people, so that it could be familiar faces that conducted an evacuation if one was necessary. Back at the church the men built a map showing each house on the street, and Maple Street behind it. This allowed Steve and the chief to make plans for deploying officers and auxiliaries the next day. At about 2 Inspector John Bell returned from Woodstock, where he had been overseeing several minor court cases at the county courthouse. The Inspector would be the Ingersoll officer in charge of the operation, although in fact the OPP men would lead the plan. There were a few areas where local officers would be needed. For one thing, the warrant would have to be served by local officers. The three policemen spent several hours at the church, and joined the Hobo Army for their supper. Before the meal the chief swore all the available men in as police auxiliaries." ---- - --- -- - - That evening a tired Barron family returned home. Grandpa had insisted that he could look after himself, but Grandma had been driven over from her home. She spent Sunday afternoon and all of Monday with him to keep him company. She also ensured that he ate well, with dinners ordered in; as well as toast for breakfast, and sandwiches and some of Rachael's soup for lunch. Geoff went to bed soon after they got in. Tuesday was Mike's day off, so he had to go in for 11 to start on the bread. Maria was going to go in early at 4 to help out. Doug was coming in at 2 a.m. since high school was out already for the summer, and the boy was hoping to get 40-hour weeks until September to help his family get ahead financially. With Geoff in bed, Maria drove her mother-in-law home, but not until Bobby spent nearly an hour excitedly going through every step of their adventure. When Maria was finally gone, Rachael sent Bobby to take his bath, and then helped Grandpa into bed, with the old soldier admitting that he was glad not to have been on the trip: "I got tired just listening to everything Bobby said you all did," he admitted. When Grandpa was done, Maria was home and joined Geoff in their bed. Rachael joined Bobby, but they only read about ten minutes before the boy fell asleep." Dear Lord Thank you for another great day. It is so nice to get back to sleepy old Ingersoll where nothing ever happens after a busy day in the city. So many people. I hope you can look after all of them as well as you look after us. Amen

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Second ChanceChapter 6

"Director Hudson, you do not know me. My name is Carl Fleming, and I am temporarily living in Branson, Missouri. You can see my cell number on your caller ID, and I am renting a houseboat at Table Rock Lake Vacations. "I tell you all that Sir, to make sure you can find me should you be displeased with what I am about to disclose to you. A man named Grayson Foster owns Community Bankers Association, in Branson. Mr. Foster is a pillar in the community, and has owned the bank for many...

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Second ChanceChapter 22

I looked at them both and saw sincerity, kindness, and affection. It would be so easy to go along with the two women and see how long it took to get them both in bed, but I wasn't interested in seeing what I could get. What I wanted was the chance to develop a long term, stable relationship that got me back to the way my life used to be. Maybe I was over-romanticizing their feelings and mine, but I thought we had a chance to be good together and wanted to find out if it was true. I'd been...

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Second ChanceChapter 55

"Mr. Crane, there is no chance I would hurt Jennifer, especially in her condition. If you, Sherrie, and Jennifer want me to hang around for a little while, I can as long as we all understand that the second I am a bother, or in the slightest way inconvenient for you all, I'll be on my way. "Ok?" He smiled when he heard me agree to his request. I soldiered on. "Mr. Crane, What is Jennifer's medical problem? She seems so loving, an adorable that I hate to think of her being so...

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Second Chance Ch 01

I can still remember how his hands felt on my body the first time he touched me. I can still remember the taste of his kisses. It had been ten years since I had seen Roberto and yet when I ran into him last week it felt as if all of my old feelings came flooding back. When he brushed my arm, it felt as if I was a live wire. How after this much time could I still have feelings for him? Now as I sit in my room late at night, I cannot help but think about what could have been. What if I begged...

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Second Session With Aunty And Got Chance To Fuck Her Next Time

Hi my dear friends! I am back with my sixth story and thanks to this website who had given a chance to post all this stuff. Comments and requests are all ways accepted on my mail lovingdynu(at)gmail.Com. Waiting for more feedback friends, I am expecting a lot of feedback and comments for all my stories and I want to help any girl’s/aunties/womens/widows who are facing problems, they can share any problem to console themselves, I am not only a sexual friend but can be a genuine friend. In this...

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Second ChanceChapter 19

We traveled to Seattle to play a one game playoff, the day after the season ended. Our final two regular season games were throw away games, because we had already clinched the final wild card. Martin Janacone called up two pitchers from Triple A to pitch those games, and left them in to get pasted. Our bench players filled the field for both games, while Martin rested everybody else. That saved two arms for the important games coming up. When he set the playoff roster, we were back to some...

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Second ChanceChapter 21

The woman broke down as she watched her ride disappear. Her companions rallied around her trying to give her support, but failing. There was no way I could just leave them, so I gently urged them into the coach so we could get out of town before their friends showed up with reinforcements. We could talk about who they were and who was chasing them once we were someplace safe. “Please ... Please let’s get in the RV and get out of here before whoever is chasing you figures out where you went...

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Second Chances Chapter 13 Foolish Games

When Gym class ended, I avoided Fay. I avoided Amber. I was afraid. I was afraid of confrontation. I was afraid of rejection. Much of the school day passed without much drama. My last two classes were uneventful. Since we had a show later this evening the band focused more on honing the field-show. So we ran through that 3 or so times. Occasionally Fay and I would make eye contact and she'd turn away. That was certainly not a good sign. At the end of band class, I was packing up my...

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Second ChanceChapter 33

Chatting with a guard while the crew got the helicopter ready to depart, I found out that the tank looking things were DHS armored vehicles, and since DHS doesn't get many chances to use them, whenever another agency asks for help, they jump on it and bring the big stuff. It's supposedly as much for show as it is for any need they might actually have. The things you can do with other people's money... Colleen joined Rebecca and me near the hangar doors waiting for the signal to board. Our...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 1

August?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...

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Second Chance Ch 02

Here is the second installment of Second Chance. BTW my grammar is so even though I appreciate people telling me where I missed up, I am still working on actually writing correctly. So bare with me. Again thanks to MaaddMaaxx for editing, I know that you have a crazy schedule and I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. – CinderLaw * Jared woke with a start after having another dream about Trista. She had been standing in front of him holding their baby, blood streaming down...

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Second Chances

SECOND CHANCES BY PAUL G JUTRAS I would like to dedicate this little story to the on line TG comics that inspired me. Comic sites such as Venus Envy, Xanny?s Curse, The Wotch, Lean On Me, From Here to Forth and EL GOONISH SHIVE. ---- Spring time had come once again. It was the time of year that depressed Jeff more than any other. Even summer didn?t depress him as much as he did when he stood and the cashier ring up the purchases before him of a woman in a hot pink bikini and...

1 year ago
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Second Chances

Note : This story is completely fictional! I always hear the term "dirty old man" referring to a lot of older men that gawk pretty young girls. Well no one really ever mentions "dirty old woman" although there are a lot of us out there. I am one of them myself. Here is my dirty little tale. It was that one summer that changed everything. My husband had died earlier that year and I was left alone in our small country home. My daughter Caroline had just met a wonderful young man whom she would be...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 8

Janet’s suite was on the second floor, and took up about four thousand square feet. It was beautifully decorated, beautifully kept, and completely organized. The neatness and careful presentation made me realize that Janet intended to bring me up there all day, and got the place ready to impress. At the center of the bedchamber was a super king sized bed, all ready for a tumble, and Janet started toward it, while unbuttoning her blouse. I stopped her with another mind searing kiss, and...

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Second Chance Book 05

As always, my thanks to ErikThread for his editing skills and advice. * Chapter 22: Bonnie Simpson was a thirty-seven-year-old single mother who had never married. She was a young receptionist at a major distillery in Calgary when she met Eddie Parker. He was a salesman for a national label company calling on the distillery’s purchasing department, and by all accounts was doing very well. After he had been in a few times, he asked Bonnie out on a date, and she agreed. It was the beginning...

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Second Chance Ch 06

Okay everyone, here is the next chapter for Jared and Olivia. I’m working on the next chapter right now. Hoping that I don’t crash another computer (cross your fingers!) or that I’m not hit with another case of writers block. I have known where I wanted this chapter to end for months but couldn’t get there. Once again special thanks out to MaaddMaaxx for his editing skills. I have tried to take some advice given to me by readers so I hope this chapter is easier to read for you. A final note, if...

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Second Chances Chapter 3 Questions and Answers

Tuesday, September 23, 1997 Ron's truck stopped in the driveway. Metallica spilling out of the rust and pock-marks of the truck. I laughed to myself. Ron in 2018 is making enough money to drive a Lexus, or rather his wife is. His music taste has changed too. The music stopped as I walked out of the house and down the front porch. I opened the passenger door and threw my backpack onto the seat. Behind the steering wheel was a younger Ron. While Ron is older than I am by a few months, it's...

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Second Chances Chapter 10 Escalation

Thursday, September 25, 1997 I woke up and looked at the clock. 4:59. A minute before the alarm goes off. I get out of bed and stretch. The alarm goes off and I stop it. It's a new day. I feel great. I have a spring in my step. Today is going to be another great day in the life of Christina Demarco. I walked over to my closet to pick out my clothes for today. The floral dress I found in my closet looks nice. I hadn't wore a dress to school yet. Let's try these heels too. I...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 15

I awoke to lots of activity. My hospital room was teeming with people! Then I realized I wasn't in a private room, but had been moved to ICU. I wondered why but didn't get a chance to ask. From the look of things, either I was dead, dying, or something bad was happening that concerned me. From the number of armed people around my bed, I suspected it was the latter. I could count ten agents, each holding a weapon, or with their hand inside their jacket on a weapon. The next thing I...

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Second ChanceChapter 12

The days dragged by without my family. My heart was with them, but my body was hard at work changing, or attempting to change the way the US government agencies communicated among themselves. At time I thought I was wasting my life, trying to make them understand the reasons for cooperation, and common ground. At other times I felt like they got it ... at least a little. "Mr. Vice President, I so appreciate you organizing this golf outing, so that I could spend some time with the head of...

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Second Chances Ch 06

We arrived at the casino on Friday at 8 PM, a full 2 hours later than our plans. It took us a while to get out of Portland and get there. Weekend traffic, getting away from work, an accident on the highway. Both Jerry and I had last minute emergency issues to clear at work before we could leave. It all conspired against us, but we finally made it. It’s Jerry’s birthday this weekend. We’ve been living together again for about 11 months now, and we both needed to get away from work and be with...

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Second ChanceChapter 21

Meghan was visibly happy to see me. She virtually squirmed in her chair with joy when I walked into the media suite. Off my leash, I decided to flirt a little and test the water. "How is my FAVORITE Kansas City Royals executive?' She blushed, squirmed a little more, and thanked me. "You look nice today." She blushed a deeper red. Squirmed a little more obviously, and leaned over towards me so I could look down her blouse and see her lacey bra and lovely breasts. "I hope you are...

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Second Chances Chapter 17 Youre Makin Me High

During the car-ride home, I talked about my day. About how I made the track team. About how hard my first track practice was. Ron asked about Chase. I talked about date night tomorrow. I said nothing about Jessica. I drove us all home. When Cindy and I arrived home, I decided I needed to shower if I was going to Jessica's house. "Hi Mom," I said passing her in the kitchen. "I'm going to go over a friends this afternoon." She gave me a look. "We're not going to have a repeat of...

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Second Chance Book 07

My thanks, as always, to ErikThread, who stuck with me and this story to the end. Lots of rewrites and fixes and discussion about what was missing or awkward, but in the end, we got there. It goes without saying, any errors or omissions are mine alone. * Second Chance: Ch.28 Bonnie Simpson and Brent Gordon were married in the Lutheran Church in Castlegar on a bright, sunny, warm day in late summer. It was the only venue available for the date they wanted, the last Saturday in August. It...

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Second Chance

       It had been three years.  Three looooooong years as far as her libido was concerned.  She’d stayed far away from all of it; buried herself in her awful temp job that had since become a permanent secretary position, not that it’s permanence made it any better, just more predictable.  She’d aided her ailing mother until she’d died six months before and her sister was so far AWOL she hadn’t even shown to the funeral.  She was alone and emotionally destitute when not so long ago her life...

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Second ChanceChapter 17

Roberta and another woman were waiting when they finally rolled me back to my ICU room, hours later. I wondered about Roberta's willingness to stay with me the way she was, and resolved to ask what was driving her to be so determined to be beside me day and night. The second woman was older than Roberta, stout, and quite stern looking, except when she saw that I was awake. Then she broke out in a wide smile, so wide that it got me wondering. "David, I am SO HAPPY to see you awake,"...

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