- 4 years ago
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Heather found herself on a beach, pounded by the surf and lashed
by the wind and rain. She supposed it must be the coast of Spain,
but all that mattered at that point was survival. She crawled
upward and hid among some rocks, her shoes lost, her clothing
sodden with sea water. At dawn, some peasants, searching for
valuable jetsam after the storm, found her. She could not run from
them, for her bare feet and full skirts, wet, heavy, clinging,
impeded her, and she was, in any event, exhausted.
At the castle, in the great hall, the peasants presented her to the
chatelaine, while a few men at arms leered lustfully at the captive.
The mistress of the castle spoke to Heather in Spanish, but she did
not understand. "Am I correct in assuming you are English?"
Her majordomo, the head butler, spoke. The chatelaine responded
in Spanish and then turned to Heather: "We are, as you know, at
war with England, and you are presumed to be a spy. You are also
presumed to be a heretic, so when we are through with you here,
the Inquisition may wish to question you."
"No, there is no need for the Inquisition. Madame, I am a good
Catholic, though I must keep it secret in England."
"You would say that, even if it were not true. Your soul is not my
concern. If, however, you are a spy, I will have it out of you, your
purposes, your contacts, your evil intentions. You will tell me
everything you know."
"I am not a spy. I know nothing."
"You will be treated as if you are a spy. If you are innocent, I pray
God will accept you into heaven. First, I must reward the peasants
who found you and brought you to me. I propose to give them
your clothing. Undress, now."
"No, not in front of these men."
"Your modesty is of no concern to me. Do not struggle or damage
your clothing, for I have given it to these four peasants."
Heather could not undress herself, but the four rustics were happy
to help, carefully unlacing her bodice and removing the layers of
petticoats and chemises, until, thoroughly groped and pawed,
Heather stood, stark naked, her legs crossed, her arms across her
bosom, before the chatelaine and her men. The woman issued
brief orders. The peasants left, and Heather was dragged down to
a lower room, below the great hall. The floor was stone. Stone
columns, stone arches, and great wooden beams supported the
floor of the hall above. The outer wall was solid stonework and
several feet thick, but the wall which faced the inner courtyard had
a few slits high on the wall, which admitted some light. It
appeared to be a large storage room or armory, with a blacksmith's
forge and tools, with stands of pikes and halberds, edged weapons
of all kinds, and hundreds of bundles of barrel staves. The
presence of chains and other restraints suggested it served as a
prison when required. The majordomo and six men-at-arms
watched, expecting to be entertained by the torture of a spy. The
chatelaine spoke to them, and they seemed disappointed. "I have
explained," she said in English, "that only the master of the castle
may condemn a prisoner to death, and, at any rate, it requires a
trial, a confession. On the other hand, we require the information
you can give us in a timely manner, so the questioning must
commence immediately. In order to assure that you remain alive,
until you can be justly sentenced, I will personally supervise the
torture. I know how to cause a woman pain with can be sustained
for weeks or months before leading to death."
At her direction, the men arranged two a saw horses and bound
halberds between them, forming a rectangular frame, about the
height of Heather's waist. Halberds are an infantry weapon,
typically six or eight feet long, with an ax blade, a hook, and a
spike on one end, a spike at the butt end, and various bands and
studs along the shaft, to improve the grip and to catch a sword
blade. It is a versatile weapon which can be thrust like a pike,
swung as an ax, used to hook a man and drag him from his saddle,
and, close in, the studded shaft is itself a weapon.. The men tied
cords around Heather's thumbs and led the cords over hooks in an
overhead beam, forcing Heather to stand, her arms raised, her
thumbs coloring from the restricted flow of blood. Heather was
humiliated, to be so displayed, but it soon got worse. They lifted
her, for she was light and only little over five feet tall, and they
placed her so she sat on the shaft of a halberd. Her weight was
supported by the knobby shaft under her thighs, close by crease of
her buttocks. Her ankles were bound, spread far apart, to the
other horizontal halberd. The cords on her thumbs kept Heather's
arms raised and forced her to sit erect, while the studs on the
halberd shaft pressed into her flesh. "Now, tell me what your
mission is, here in Spain, and who is here to help you."
"I cannot, for I am not a spy, and, but for the storm, I would never
have set foot in Spain." Her torturer shrugged, and began to tickle
the soles of Heather's feet. Heather squirmed and cried out, but
she could not stop the torment. As she writhed in torment at the
tickling, the metal adornments of the shaft upon which she sat tore
at her tender skin. The tickling continued, until heather was
breathless and exhausted, no longer erect, and essentially
supported by her burning thumbs.
"It will only become more painful. Tell us now what you know."
Heather protested her innocence, but the woman used a
horseman's spur, with a spiked wheel, to draw lines across her
feet. When Heather was still not forthcoming, she ordered the
men to beat Heather's feet with canes. Two men, making lewd
sounding comments as they peered at Heather's exposed pubic
hair, began to cane her feet, one man striking each foot. The pain,
at first, was severe, as it would be being struck anywhere with a
limber cane, but the cumulative effect increased the pain, as her
bruised feet started to swell. After a hundred or more blows,
Heather was insane with the pain, but her brain compensated by
secreting natural pain killers and befuddling her senses.
She became aware that the beating had stopped, though her feet
radiated pain right up her legs. She opened her eyes and saw her
tormentor holding nooses of strong cord. The woman slipped a
noose over each breast, and tightened each, holding it close to
Heathers ribs, tight into the crease below, so it would constrict the
base of the breast and not slip off. The cords were run up over the
same hooks which secured Heather's thumbs. "Speak," said the
chatelaine. Heather could only mumble. Then the men removed
the halberd upon which Heather sat, so that her weight was
supported by her breasts. Heather cried out, afraid her breasts
might be torn from her body. The nooses tightened even more,
and her breasts swelled and turned color, so they resembled two
pomegranates. Heather tried to relieve the strain on her breasts by
pulling up with her arms, but that increased the pain in her thumbs,
and tired the muscles of her arms until they ached. "We don't
seem to have thumbscrews handy, but this will do." She showed
Heather pair of blacksmith's pincers, designed to cut hot iron. The
woman pinched one nipple, then the other, eliciting cries of
anguish. The pain Heather could bear, for a while, at least, but
the thought of being permanently disfigured, of being unable to
suckle her future children, that made her wish she had something
to say to stop the torment. The woman went back to Heather's
feet, pinching each toenail until it turned black.
"You might as well tell me your mission and your contacts now, as
it will only get worse until you do. You will wish for death, but it
will not come, until you reveal your secrets. Perhaps the master of
the castle will keep you for ransom, or he will be merciful and
grant you a quick death. Or, perhaps the Inquisition will want to
question you. However, until he returns with his men, or you
reveal your secrets, I will keep you alive and in pain."
As she watched Heather, hanging from her deformed breasts, the
woman seemed to search for her next torture. She sent the men
away, to perform their duties, and returned with a candle. She
came close to Heather's right side and held the flame near the arm
pit. Heather screamed, as the underarm hair smoked and shriveled
and was gone. There was, in fact, no serious burn. Heather
clenched her jaws and only moaned as the left arm pit was
similarly singed by the candle flame. The woman smiled at
Heather and said, "You know what comes next?"
"No, My Lady, but I do not deserve it, for I am innocent." For all
that Heather hated her tormentor, she hoped to elicit some feelings
of mercy. The chatelaine then methodically moved the candle
flame between Heather's parted thighs, burning away the pubic
hair. Heather struggled to move away from the flame, to raise her
hips, which strained her arms and hurt her thumbs even more, to
swing from side to side, trying to avoid the flame. It was, of
course, a fruitless effort, and in time every hair, from her anus to
the top of her mons had been shriveled to nothing. While the
sensitive skin of her labia hurt from the heat, glowing red like a
sunburn, there was minimal blistering.
"I see you have great courage under torture, but I am known for
my persistence. Women value the beauty of their breasts. You
could lose yours, without fatal injury." The candle flame lingered
a few seconds below each swollen breast, eliciting pleas for mercy
from Heather. The woman put down the candle and took up a
cane, slashing at Heather's breasts, then beating the tops of her
horizontal thighs, then, with great skill, planting a few blows
directly on the now hairless labia.
"Please, no, My Lady," heather cried. "I know nothing to tell
She beat Heather's feet again, using a thicker cane which sent
pains right up Heather's legs. "We don't want to break the bones
just yet," she explained. "Perhaps tomorrow." She again applied
pincers to the swollen nipples, smiling as she said, "There are
more sensitive spots to pinch, as well, but one of the principles of
interrogation is to allow the victim to anticipate the increase in the
pain." Tears slid down Heather's cheeks, when the woman went
upstairs with her men. Later, writhing in pain, Heather heard
sounds of revelry, dozens of noisy diners, almost directly
Heather wanted to make up something to tell, but she could think
of nothing. She knew no one to inform on, and the pain in her feet
and arms and tortured breasts kept her from thinking straight. In
time, a crowd of half-drunk diners, men and women, came down
to see the latest in amusements, the English spy. The chatelaine
gestured at Heather and said, "No rompa loss hueso ni dibje la
sangre. Debemos mautenerla viva," a warning not to break bones
or draw blood, so as to keep her alive.
One young woman stepped across the framework and sat across
Heather's thighs, doubling the force on her breasts, but the woman
got off when the breasts began to bleed, where the cords cut into
the skin. A young girl pulled Heather's hair, as hard as she could,
which also tightened the cords to breasts and thumbs. A young
man had brought with him an unripe pear which, after one bite, he
decided not to eat. He squatted down behind Heather and
explored her vulva with the small end of the pear. Then he pushed
the hard fruit up inside her. She had been a virgin. Now there was
One of the men at arms took his sheathed sword and swung it hard
at the soles of the feet. Heather was sure she felt bones breaking,
and her paroxysm of pain popped the pear from her vagina.
Women with canes beat heather's torso and thighs, while two or
three men joined in beating her feet, until Heather fainted.
When Heather awoke, she could see her feet were swollen and
bloody, and the pain was intense. One little toe was missing, taken
as a souvenir by someone. Her breasts were no longer bound, but
she could see that, while they had resumed their former shape, they
were bruised, with bleeding nipples. While her ankles were still
bound to the horizontal halberd, most of her weight was now
supported by another halberd shaft, horizontal between her legs, so
that supporting pressure compressed the nerves of her anus and
vagina. Perhaps fortunately for her, the concentrated pressure
damaged, so she became progressively more numb, but she feared
she might never feel pleasure there again. The night passed in
fitful half consciousness.
When the chatelaine returned, she asked how Heather was doing.
"I think my feet are destroyed. I shall never walk again."
"Perhaps so, but you are still alive, to feel pain. Tell me what I
want to know." She squeezed one broken foot, and Heather
fainted again.
Heather awoke to find that the halberd to which her ankles were
bound was now raised hanging from an overhead beam, her
splayed legs displaying her female parts, turned upward for the
chatelaine and her men to view as closely as they wished. Her
thumbs had been detached from the overhead hook, and her wrist
tied behind her back. The weight of her torso was supported once
more by her breasts, though they were bound with thicker rope
and hurt a little less than before. She was half bent double, so she
could look between her elongated breasts and see he hairless labia.
Her experience, viewing female genitals, was limited to little girls
and, once, a slave who was punished. She had never seen genitals
like hers. The outer lips were thinner than the slave girl's, and her
inner lips protruded, wrinkled and ugly. And here were two men,
discussing her most private place, pointing, even running a finger
tip along the uneven labia.
"If you will faint every time your feet are touched, I suppose we
must find other ways to make you talk," said the woman. "Is there
any way I can make you more comfortable, before we commence
the torture?"
"Please, My Lady, water. It has been two days since I have had a
"How nice that you should mention that, for that's exactly what
I'm going to do, give you a drink." She pulled Heather's hair until
her head was bent back, and she forced a metal object into
Heather's mouth. Then, with a pitcher of water, she poured water
into Heather's mouth. Greedily, Heather swallowed and asked for
more. The woman continued, until Heather was quite filled and
desired no more. The woman pinched Heather's nostrils and
continued pouring, which forced Heather to swallow or drown.
Each mouthful became harder to swallow in time to get a breath,
and Heather's stomach was painfully stretched, bulging visibly.
Still the water torture continued, and the pain grew, and the fear
that she would drown drove her nearly insane. And then, she did
drown, sort of. Water ran into her lungs, and she tried to cough it
out, but she couldn't, and she fainted again.
She awoke with her shoulders and head on the stone floor. Her
torturers had detached her bound breasts from their overhead
support, so that Heather hung upside down. The water, apparently,
had drained from her lungs and tortured stomach. "I suppose I
could continue the water torture all day, and you would have
nothing to say. I'm told by a priest that heretics almost always
recant, if given enough water, and it leaves no visible injuries, but
my patience is running out. You are an attractive woman, of
childbearing age, and I'm sure you hope to have children. Tell me
what I want to know, or I will make it so you can never bear
children, even if you should escape death." Heather looked up at
her exposed genitals and wondered what would come next If only
she had something to tell them. "Very well then. Destruya sus
organos sexuales."
One of the men returned from the blacksmith's forge with pincers
and a heated knife. While one man pulled her outer labia apart,
the other pulled one of the inner lips with the pincers, stretching it
outward. Then, with the point of the hot knife, he began to detach
the glistening membranes from their origin on either side of the
vagina. Heather screamed, in pain and fear, as the hot knife
cauterized the wound, coagulating the blood. There was a brief
respite, while the man went to reheat the knife, and the other tried
to see how far he could stretch the half-detached labium. Again
she screamed as the burning knife made its way toward the apex
where the inner labia came together. Then the labium came free,
and the torturer handed it to the chatelaine. She examined the
wound, which bled very little, and expressed approval. The
procedure was repeated on the other side, so that nothing but
smooth pink and red could be seen between the widespread outer
labia. The woman explored Heather's vagina with a finger.
"Tight. Virginal, no doubt. Too bad you will never feel a man
inside you." She held up a curved sailmaker's needle, with waxed
twine through the eye. She gestured at the man with the knife,
who was heating it again at the forge. "One thrust into your
womanly sheath, and then I will sew you up. The scar formation
will seal your sex forever, unless, of course, you tell us why you
came here and what you intended to spy on."
Desperation cleared Heather's mind for an instant, as she looked
and saw the countless barrel staves. "I was sent to spy out the
whereabouts of the barrel staves. Everyone knows the Spanish
armada is preparing to sail and invade England, but it cannot sail
without water and victuals. Destroying the barrels will delay their
sailing for a year or more."
The chatelaine threw back her head and laughed. "Strangely, I
believe you." She motioned the man with the glowing knife to
stand back. "So, as a reward, I will not totally destroy your sex,
but only guard your chastity until such time as a surgeon can repair
you. There was some sort of commotion upstairs, and the two men
went to see what it was, but the chatelaine was intent on her work.
She pulled one labium upward and thrust the curved needle
through it, and then through the other. She pulled the twine tight,
tied it, and cut the loose ends. Twice more she stitched to cover
the vagina. She inserted a straw to mark the place where urine
comes out, and she was about to insert a fourth suture, forward of
the straw, when they both heard a shout, "Piratas ingleses! Ahh!"
Armed Englishmen swarmed down the stairs.
Later, on the pirate ship, Heather sat with her legs propped up, for
her feet were throbbing beneath the bandages. She wore the
chatelaine's dress, too big for her, and she had been given enough
wine to dull the pain somewhat. She and the ship's officers looked
back at the smoke rising from the distant castle. The seasoned
barrel staves had burned hot, burning through the floors above
until, now, flames could be seen as high as the highest battlements.
The Spanish torturer, naked now, was bent over a gun, her
discolored breasts bound tightly to hold her in place, as the sailors
took their turns raping her from behind, a reward for work well
done. The bosun's mate stood by waiting, holding his cat o' nine
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"You called, my lady?" the elder Vulkai bowed his head, nose almost touching the ground. "I did," Ilesa nodded, smiling. "Thank you Ketna, for coming so quickly." "The Vulkai do honor the Witch of the Vale," Ketna replied, raising his head again and grinning in the Vulkai way. "As I honor the Vulkai," Ilessa bowed her head this time, then lifting it with a matching grin. "I wish I did not have to call on you, but I must. I must send you where I cannot go." "What is your will,...
Quentin pressed the control button that opened the door of the Playroom...and Cassim entered. His muscular, dusky body seemed to glisten with oil. He grinned aimiably at Hans and then inclined his head towards Quentin. But his eyes were on the kneeling figure of Simone. “Was there something, Boss?” he asked. “I think you might say that,” smiled Quentin. “This slave ...” he pointed at Simone ...” has just been fucked by Hans but she still doesn’t seem satisfied.” “Hot for more cock, is she?” “I...
Hi, I’m Robyn and there’s a story I want, no - NEED to tell because it’s just too good to keep to myself. I’m thirty-one, single by choice and just moved into a new apartment with my best friend Emily. She’s twenty-eight and is adventurous as I am. It’s one of the reasons we get along so well. That and, well, she’s ridiculously sexy. More on that later.Emily and I have been friends for about six years and have been inseparable since we met at a mutual friend’s birthday party. It was a backyard...
Group SexShe asked when he was leaving and he told her it would be in three weeks. "That soon!?" "Yes. I'm afraid so." He could tell she was upset but that she was trying not to get angry. She sulked for the next few days until she got used to the idea. Not out in the open sulking but he could tell she was bothered by it. As the time approached for him to leave, he said that he had asked his parents to spend some time with her while he was away. They had agreed. She wondered if he had told...
The long metal toy was covered in athick blue jelly. When the base was twisted it exploded in a flurry of intense vibrations. It was mesmerizing to watch as the 6-inch machine came to life in my hands. With half lidded eyes I flipped it back to off, laying back in the plush comfort of my bed. The deep purple of my sheets enveloped the bare skin of my body. Every curve of my body was held in the cockles of my bedding. The swell of my breasts rose and fell with every shaky breath. It had been...
MasturbationPaying Back the Girlfriend By Frank Patrick Steve sat on his couch wondering when Diana would come home from work. Before she left for work this morning she had promised him that his 'debt' was going to be repaid tonight. He wasn't really sure what this meant, but he wasn't exactly worried. He wasn't the most dominant of people in a relationship and tried to shirk responsibility and control whenever he could, but she was even worse than him at this. That was why this little 'debt'...
Hello everyone i am ajay from banglore. Me banglore me job karta hu or ye story he ki kese me male escot bana banglore me. Ye kamukta kahani saru hoti he jab me ne ek story upload ki online or mujhe waha se bahut achhe response mile. Unmese ek esha response aya ki meri jindagi badal gai. Direct story me ata hu. Mujhe ek ladki ka message aya. Hi karke or usme likha tha i am from banglore are you from banglore?? Me: yes Girls: kya ham bahar kahi mil sakte he. Me : ya sure kaha milna he . Girls:...
My wife and I over the last 7 years or so enjoy fucking others,she's 58 and I'm 60, well my wife enjoys fucking other guys, I'm not allowed but I have strayed a few times. One weekend before Mardi Gras, we live in New Orleans, we went to a Mardi Gras Ball in the convention center along with 10,000 other crazy parade goers. Now if you haven't been to one of these super parade balls, go. The parade actually goes into the convention center and it gets wild. The ladies are all dressed up in long...
Hi I am 24 years Punjabi male 4 u? This is a real story happened in 20003 when I was working in a private limited company at Baroda. Three brothers who were Directors ran the company. Ours was a small office staffed by one Receptionist, one Accountant, and five others including me, as a Stenographer. I was the only Malayalee staff, remaining were Gujaratis. Our company was located hardly ½ k.m. Distance away from the Gita Mandir Bus stop in the outskirts of Baroda city, where I used to get down...
We laid back and cuddled, but I could tell she was still aroused, wanting to cum again and wanting me cum. Lauren smiled as she straddled me, moving her hips softly and slowly in a circle. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against mean. I put my hand on the back of her head, pulling her closer and kissing her deeply and passionately. She moaned into my mouth quietly and moved her hips faster as she felt my bulge press against her soaking and naked pussy. I knew she could taste herself in...
My loving husband would be out of town during the week end; so I accepted the invitation of my nice girlfriend Velma to spend a couple days with her.The trip to her home was a bit long and I had to go by bus, since my own car’s engine was out of order in these days.So I sat in the bus, ready to enjoy the landscape around.I was a bit tired and fuzzy, since I had been in a wild party with some girlfriends the night before, having so many margarita shots... I had chosen for the trip to wear a...
She sat down at the table across the aisle from him, her long legs exposed half way up her thigh. She was a mature woman fifty-four, fifty-five maybe, but in excellent physical shape, and with great looking legs. She ordered a cup of tea and then smiled across the isle at him. He looked up again when he heard the click-click of her heels as she approached his table. “Please don’t think me too forward but I simply detest sitting alone to take tea, would you mind terribly if I sat...
Introduction: For those of you who dont like to read and are hear only for the sex then this story is not for you but this story does have some sex to it so enjoy Shadows story Chapter 1 Shadows birth and introduction to the living world Our story begins in the rukongai district of the Soul Society where a young boy name Shadow Kyo was born. When Shadow was born he had the spiritual pressure of a Vice captain so at his birth there were 2 captains there, Squad 6 captain Byakuya Kuchiki, and...
Cal stood in the open doorway of the Community Room, watching a light rain fall on the gravel lane. It was eight-thirty at night and dark already. The dampness put an added chill in the air. Cal and Roxie were indoors, but the chill had invaded the unheated room, as well. Cal poured himself another cup of apple cider. He almost picked up a donut to go with it but forced himself to pass at the last moment. Roxie sat on a chair next to the long table, beside handfuls of Tucker Buttons piled on...
Island Slut With a TwistWhile I was living in the Virgin Islands (and being an absolute whore) there were quite a few interesting twists and turns. There were also some things that were traded or bartered at times. One of the nicer ones was ‘ride for sex’ by one of our favorite MiniMoke drivers, Georges.When I used him I’d always paid. I noticed, after a few trips with the girls, that we never paid – they never paid. Molly was nice enough to wise me up one day; I’d arrived where we were meeting...
Prologue: I always had a feeling that my fascination with sex cropped from the sightings I initially had to encounter during my c***dhood watching the illicit couplings of my mom and grandpa in our ancestral home and later on mom with my dad's elder brother after Grandpa passed away. We basically are a family of 3(mom, dad and myself) living in our Grandpa's home in Hyderabad, India. Dad was always away from home as part of his job, he used to come home only for 3 days a month. As a k** I used...
THE ER: Judy Reid is a doctor; it had positively been the peak of a long lasting ambition for her: to be a doctor. She loved medicine and she absolutely loved working the ER at St. A’s in the city. But: Judy Reid. She was a bit short. She lacked really only a few inches of being what in rural Pennsylvania would have been termed: ‘built like a brick shit house’. Please don’t get the idea that our Judy was dumpy. She certainly wasn’t that. She was too tall by several inches for ‘dumpy’, even...
Shoes & Socks by CutePatti ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As I walked into the bathroom to take my evening shower I noticed that my daughter's cute pink mary jane shoes and a pair of her white frilly socks were laying on the small dressing bench. The socks had each been separately placed just inside each shoe's opening with great care, certainly not the usual way she would have normally removed and discarded them by flipping the shoes...
Francis threw open the door and said sternly to Daniel “it is unacceptable, you just forgot, so you are so going to get a spanking.” Daniel looked up and immediately knew what she meant. Francis, his fiancé, asked him to take her library book back whilst she was at the shop. It was the last day so now she gets a fine and had made it clear, like very clear indeed, that she would put him across her lap if he forgot. Well, he did forget as he got engrossed in a game of cards with Francis’s...
Paul put himself between the half open door and its frame and lent gently back against it. With his head resting on the architrave he could see directly into the mirror on the bathroom wall. As long as he kept his eyes fixed on the mirror and did not move them he could see the shower. The curtain was open and Stuart had just stepped in. The two had shared their house for just over a month, since the new academic year had started. This was their second year at Uni and they had to move out from...
GayPATRICIAS PUNISHMENT I suppose this could be seen as a cautionary tale aboutthe dangers of drinking too much alcohol, but for me it's about the start ofmy life as it is today. Let me introduce myself. I'm Chris, and presently I'ma doctor - one of those overworked, overtired House Officers you read aboutfrom time to time. Actually, it's not too bad - better than being a medicalstudent anyway. And life's good at the moment. I've just got engaged, to Patricia,who I've been seeing for the past...
Why Teachers DRINK The following questions were set in a GED examination. These are genuine answers (from 16 year olds – 'selected') Q. Name the four seasons A ... Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar. Q. How is dew formed. A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire. Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on A ... If you are buying a house they will insist that you are well endowed. Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections A ... Very...
With some of the things I’ve posted I’ve chatted with a few likeminded sissies and TS; we all share a lot of the same likes and dislikes in sex. We all seemed to start young, some even as young as ten, we all seemed to ease into it then suddenly go out of control so to speak. When I post some things it stirs up more thoughts and memories, starts me thinking back.My mom helped me in some things without even knowing it or, she was subtly helping me because she knew/suspected something. I mean she...
I was driving home from the airport after a short but successful trip to the U.K. for a client. The deal went well and closed bringing a nice chunk of change into my bank account. I rounded the corner of my street and found three cars in the driveway. Shit. Now I’ll have to park in the street. I stopped in front of the house and recognized two of the three cars but the third was a mystery to me. Rather than leave the car out on the road, I squeezed next to the Mata. Thank goodness for small...
Tina: My fantasy involves an ultra suave and sophisticated mature man with dashing looks and impeccable manners sweeping me off my feet in a whirlwind of romance. He will wine and dine me in a style to which I am yet to be accustomed. His conversation will be witty and interesting. He will be beautifully dressed in bespoke shirts and suits and wear just a hint of expensive aftershave.By the time the meal is over I'll be so wrapped up in him that I will be putty in is hands. When he suggests we...
Quickie SexSorry that this took so long. Things came up that were out on my control. Will try to get the final chapter out soon. Hope that you like this chapter. Let me know what you think. Thanks Baron It’s like deja-vu, all over again. Yogi Berra THE WEDDING We sent out invitations, but not really that many, as we wanted to keep it small and Gitano’s was not that big. I did, however, send invitations to all of Mama and Papa’s family. Knowing full well that the only ones who would make the trip...
I decided to buy the shoes I got fucked in. We got dressed and went to pay. I asked Suzie if I could keep the panties. She shook her head “You came without any on, you’ll leave without any.” I paid for the shoes and we left the store. I asked if we could go back to your house because my thighs were sticky with my juices. “No, we’re going to find you a dress.”After a few minutes we pulled up to what appeared to be a very nice shop; the windows had very nice European style dresses. We walked into...
When I left after my last post Lesly was in the van sleeping. I waited about an hour or so and went to check on her. She was awaked but very upset. I asked her what was wrong. She thought that I was mad at her. I asked her why. She said that she thought that she took it to far with the stranger and that she wanted to finger herself for me first. I told her that it was for me and that I was watching her at the same time as the man was. It had turned me on to no extent. I gave her a hug and said...
Hi, I’m Neeti, DJ Neeti (name changed). I came to Mumbai 7 years back when I was 21. I dreamed of becoming one of the best female DJs in India. Now 7 years later, that dream is still far away. But I have become one of the best whore in Mumbai. How did this happen? Well, I will explain that in every detail, have some patience. One thing I would like to mention here, everything which will be written here is almost 90% truth and 10% of added masala. So let’s get right into it. When I moved to...
In the year 1990, I was then resided in Chittagong. I changed my rented apartment and hired a flat at second floor of a six storied building. The house-owner resided on my head at the third floor. He was a Christian, I called him ‘David-da’, because his name was Mr David. His family was so small, only son and his wife Mrs Nilima. The whole family was whitish in complexion. Though his son was studying in college but he and his wife both were looked so young, what is the secret I don’t know. As...
IncestColleen reveled in being a slut when the opportunity availed itself. I saw her as she rounded a corner of a building downtown, wearing high-heeled boots, a matching skirt and blouse, a big purse perched on a shoulder. It was late in the afternoon. She was 5'8" 5'9",with thick pale thighs, ample ass and matching bosom, easily 40dd, curly red hair to her shoulders, big sunglasses, voluptuous and appealing, even more so as she smiled at me and walked up to me as I waited for a trolley. "Hi."...
InterracialThis is a work of fiction, any similarities to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. I hope that you don’t think this story is too long and drawn out, I like stories that take you some place in the end, and getting there is half the fun. This is far removed from what I have done so far, I hope not too far, but I love this romantic era. Enjoy! Elizabeth Buckingham could not imagine her life coming to this, as she set sail to a land she knew nothing about. But this was her only...
I had fantasies about it. I'd see her tied up on a bed while I beat her with a whip. I imagined sitting on a float at the lake and pushing her head underwater and holding it there every time she tried to climb out of the water. I pictured her being tied up and being tossed into a cage full of pit bulls that hadn't been fed in a week. If it was gruesome enough and painful enough I would imagine it happening to her. Who was it that brought out all this anger? None other than my older,...