Jingbang In Goa 8211 Part II The Butterfly Effect
- 4 years ago
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+ ka lamp bad nga khlem khang hook ruh ia ka jingkhang, namar ba ngim ju ia mlien ban ia bo na shapoh.
Tharai kumba shikynta ei ei ba nga la iohthiah nga kyndit ramia kumno re bad nga phohsiew ia uwei u briew uba leh samla ia nga, ha kata ka jingphohsniew nga shong bus ryngkat bad uta u briew ban ia leit sha shnong. Hadien ba la purkhana ia kane katai; nga thiah noh ha ka seat bad sa shiphang nga iohsngew ba uta u briew u tynruh ia ka shadem jong nga da ka tymbuit kadiang jong u. U Shong ha jan jingkhang iit bad ma nga pat hapdeng bad kham harud iwei i Kong ba la iaw rta, ita ruh i iohthiah. Shiphang nga leh kum bym bna hynrei kham hadien u thum ia ka pla snieh jong u bad najrong kata ka pla snieh u tyrsuh ia ki shympriah kti jong u ha ka jymbuin kamon jong nga. Nga lah sngewbitar haduh wow ia kata ka jingkhlem akor jong u’ nga la pyrkhat ban pyrta briew, hynrei nga sngew eh bad lehrain, kumta nga iada noh da ka ksangti lajong. Uta u biew u sngap noh, hynrei kham hadien u syrpud biang jai ia ka ksah kamon jong nga kaba kah ia ka jymbuin, bad kata ka jingsyrpud jong u kaba smiej bad sngewtynnat ruh ha kajuh ka por. Nga sngap la ka sngap bad nga khap ia la ki khmat.
Khyndiat minit hadien nga sngewtynnat ia kata ka jingsyrpud jong u, bad nga pynjem jai ia la ka kti: hadien katto katne por pat, uta u briew u ioh mynsiem imat da kata ka jingsngap jong nga, bad u pyrshang ban nion shapoh ia ka ksangti jong nga: nga ruh ba la tlot nga kohnguh ia ka jingleh jong u. Ka tymbuit jong nga mynta ka tyngkhuh ia ka met jong u, bad ma u pat u la ioh ia ka lad bad tba laitluid ia ka jymbuin jong nga. Suki suki bad ha ka rukom kaba pynhun u syrpud ia ka jymbuin jong nga nalor ka tshirt rong lieh ba nga phong, swetar ruh nga la law namar ba shit hapoh bus. Ka jingsyrpud kaba ktah ia ka long kynthei jong nga baroh shirynieng, bad khlem bakla ki soh buin jong nga baroh ar tylli ki la eh kum u nar. Suki suki, ki shympriah kti ba pnah ki poi ha ka soh buin kamon jong nga, bad da ki ar tylli ki shympriah u khniot ia i sohbuin. Anii… nga sngew kwah ud kwah kyang hynrei ngam nud namar nga don hapoh bus; nga pyneh doh iap ialade ha ka jinghun ba ngam pat ju mad…
Nangta suki uta u briew namar uiohi ba nga sngap jar bad khap khmat jai, u ioh mynsiem shuh shuh bad mynta u sdang ban khem ia ka jymbuin kamon jong nga baroh kawei kaba la wandur bha ha ka kti kamon jong u; kata ka jingleh jong u ka pynkyndit ia nga da ka jingsmiej bad kyndit ruh ha kajuh ka por; nga khih ban bat ia ka kti jong u da ka jingthmu badn pynsuki ia u; phewse ha kata ka jingkhih bad bat ia ka kti nga kyndit thret. Ka jingkyndit ba klhraw ka long ba nga don ym hapoh bus, hynrei ha jingthiah; tangba nga ioh bat shisha ia ka kti kaba khem ia ka jymbuin jong nga, ym ka jong uta u briew hynrei ka jong u Bahbah uba dem mynta ha ka jingthiah jong nga khlem poi pyrkhat imat ba ngan kyndit kumta.
Aniiiii ….. nga lait ban pynhiar mynsiem. “Bahbah phi leh aiu ia nga nga kren kynhied”. “Sngap” u ong da kaba pynidak da ka kti bad u ong “Map” lada phi dom bad phim sngewtynnat. Ngam nang kren ei ei shuh. U Bahbah u dem kumta ha jingthiah bad u iam da ka jingtieng ioh nga iathuh briew ia kata ka jingjia. Ynda nga peit ia u nga sngewsynei sa ba khleh lang ka jingsngewhun, nga syrpud ia ka khlieh jong u da ka kti kamon jong nga bad nga tan ia u bahbah sha lade. Ynda u la poi hajan khlieh jong nga nga ong ia u ” Jia aiu bahbah” u shu jubab lyngkut “ngam tip Thei, nga i skuin palat ia phi nga kwah ban doh bad kjup ia phi baroh shirynieng”. Ka jubab jong u ka pynkhih met ia nga.
“Em Bahbah, nga dei i Thei jong phi ka bym lah long” nga jubab. “Nga tip Thei, tangba to seh tang mynta nga kwah palat” u kren ha ka sur khroh kaba ngam lah kyrngah. “Ani ban da tip i Mei bad Meideng te ngam tip shuh” nga jubab.”Kumno kin tip?’ u kylli “Lada phim iathuh yn nym don batip”
“Ka Dei” nga ong hapoh lade tangba nga kun sak ha la mynsiem.
Ba ngam jubab ei ei,u Bahbah u kiew kynsan joit ha jingthiah bad nga, donbok ba ka jingthiah ba nga thiah ka dei kaba heh 4phut la hynriew phut hynrei te la klumar. Ki kjat jong u ki la eh kum u nar namar ba khriat bad u phrung jluk hapok ka nep ba nga kup. Ka don ka jingsngew wit bad sngewtynnat ruh ha kajuh ka por namar ym pat ju don ba thiah lang bad nga. Ha kata ka por nga kynmaw ia ka jingkhang, bad nga peit, tip ma u bahbah u lah dep khang hook lypa naduh mynne ban nym don ba wan rung.
Ynda u la rung hapoh nep, u tan ia nga shalade, bad suki suki u syrpud syrpai biang ia ka shadem jong nga nalor ki jain ba nga phong, nga kwah eh ha ka jingshisha ban ialeh pyrshah hynrei ka doh jong nga kam lah ban khang namar ba ka don ka jingkwah kaba ngam pat ju mad ha ka jing long kynthei jong nga. Nga shu lait tangban ong “Ahhhhhhh……………. Bah … bah….. bah bah…… ani….” ka jingsmiej ka ba ngam lah shisha ban batai. U Bahbah wat la u dang rit ia nga pynban u triem bha ha ka ne ka lain nga imat, suki suki u law ia ka swetar ba nga phong namar ba khriat, nangta da ka jingtbit u law sa ia ki budam jong ka blouse ba nga phong bad mynta da ki kti ba jem jong u, u khem ia ki jymbuin jong nga baroh ar tylli, tangba nalor jong ka sop jymbuin rong pink kaba nga phong. Ka jingsmiej te ka bym lah shisha ban batai. “Thei nga itynnat bad skuin palatia phi” U bah bah u pynhiar mynsiem, “nga kwah ban doh ia ki rymmiang shyntur ba jem jong phi mo?”
Katba ngan da jubab, tangba ngam lait ang; u thylliej jong u u la poi ha ka shyntur jong nga bad da ka jingtyllun ba jem u phrung lut ha poh shyntur ba khluit jong nga, suki u sei bad dait ieit sa ia ki rymmiang shyntur; ani ka jingmad ba ngam lah shisha ban iathuh. Katba u dang doh dang dait kumta ia nga, ki kti jong u pat ha ki bynta ba shadien ka met jong nga; ohh u wad ban law ia ki budam ka jingsop jymbuin (bra) jong nga; suki jai ki jingteh ki lait bad ki jymbuin ki laitluid war ha ki kti jong u. Ynda lah lait ka bra, u bahbah u iehnoh ia ka shyntur jong nga bad mynta u hiar ha ka ryndang—- ani ka jingsmiej. “Thei” u khot. “Oi” mynta nga lait ban jubab, “nga kwah ban kjup ia ki jymbuin ba syaid bad ba jem jong phi ho” u ong ha ka sur kaba pynbrai shisha ia nga. “To” nga jubab da ka met kaba khih bad kyiuh that that. Ban da dei ka jingthiah tor te ka la khein nga tharai ha ka jingkhynniuh ka met jong nga. Ka jingkhynniuh ba ngam pat ju mad.
Jai jai nga iohsngew ia ka jingtyllun u thylliej na u ryndang ha ka shadem ba jem jong nga bad suki u thylliej u shad lyngwiar ia ka sohbuin kadiang jong nga, ani ni ni, ngam sngew don pyrthei ka jingsmiej jinghun ym lah ong, bad suki jai ka soh buin baroh kawei hapoh shyntur ba khluitu bahbah. Ani ba u tan u kjup kum u khunlung shisha. Katba u nangtan katta nga nang smiej nang hun. Da baroh ar tylli ki kti nga kdup ia ka met bad nga syrpai ia u shniuh ba kdor itynnat u bahbah. San minit hadien u pyllait ia ka sohbuin kadiang bad u pyntyllun pat jai sha u soh pet jong nga, nangta pat u kiew biang artet bad u tawiar ia ka buin kamon jong nga, nangto biang u kjup ia ka soh jumbuin kamon jong nga. Ka jingbang ba nga mad te ka bym lah ong, tang ki longkmie hi kiba sngewthuh haduh katno ka mut ban shongkurim.
Suki u pyllait, bad da baroh ar ki kti u khniot pynbrai ia baroh ar ki jymbuin jong nga. “Thei” u ong, “nga kwah ban mad ia ka umpohliew ba kyrsoi na ka ‘liew jingieid (nyllong) jong phi”. Tip nga jubab. Ha ka jingshisha naduh hynne ka patlunpoh jong nga ka la ktieh hor da ka um kaba kyrsoi kum ka kshaid na ka nyllong jong nga. “Thei u ong bad ki kti jong u ki poi jha ki jain jong nga. Ngan law ho?” “Ahhhh… ani… bah bah….” da ki kti nga khiot ia ka khlieh jong u sha ka longkynthei jong nga. Nga kwah ban mad ia kaba kham khliut shuh shuh.
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xmoviesforyouFeel free to contribute pages! I could really use some help in writing this, considering the expansive scope planned. I've built most of the framework already, so jump right in! - Mespot First Name: Your main character's name, John. Last Name: Your affection target, or otherwise, Doe. The feeling of cold stone on your naked flesh jolts you awake. You look around, confused. You blink a couple times and realize you're in a cave. The dark walls are faintly illuminated by what is presumably...
FantasyHaving the same old granny fantasy for so long now...Last week i decided to join a dating site to find, chatup and hopefully at long last have sex with a lady who was aged 60plus. The plan was to make out to be interested in these ladies lifes, Don't seem rude or aggressive in anyway, Listen to them and then win their affection...Which i found out to be much easier than i could of possibly imagined. It was a sunday afternoon, I'd only been a member 2 days and i was in contact with a few gilfs...
We first spot each other at the front desk checking in. I ask for a room with a view, you do too. We're handed our keys. 33 and 34. I pick up my bag and head towards the lift, you behind me, following my slipstream of my perfume. Watching my big ass, as I walk. In the lift not a word, but I can feel you're warm breathe on the back of my neck. As your breathing heavily, I hear you drop your bag to the floor...I can feel your wet lips on my neck and the bulge in your trousers, right up behind me....
"I talked to Lisa last night," Tanya said, sitting down to the table next to Vanessa. "She wants to start you training..." "To become a Phoenix?" Vanessa interrupted, her eyes wide open with excitement. "Wow! That's more than I'd even imagined!" "Well, you're a powerful Empath and there's nothing that attracts Lisa more than a mind with a lot of voltage," Tanya told her, "but there are some issues to be dealt with first." "Like what?" Vanessa wanted to know. "I'm ready...
He tried. Really he did, but the flicker of disbelief was impossible to miss. I invited him in and didn’t settle into the front office, no ... straight through to the big curly burly solid walnut desk I bought when daddy was gone. I moved around to my Fashion Minimalist Modern Reclining Real Leather Executive Massage Swivel Chair that I bought when the I didn’t like the ponderous matching chair that came with the twenty four thousand dollar desk. I put That monstrosity on the penitent side...
Hours later, Madeline awoke in her own bed. She wrinkled her nose when she realized she was lying in the "wet spot". That was unusual. Normally Scott, ever the chivalric gentleman, relegated the wet spot for himself, wherever it might be in their bed. Madeline's first reaction was disappointment, but then she smiled at the thought that there even was a wet spot. It meant the week-long dry spell between she and her husband was over! They had made love!Her head was thick with too much drink,...
I was at this hopping frat party, and was just about to bang this hot chick when I got a drunken txt from my sister. Grt homee now! Now Becky normally gets on my case about my txt speech so I knew right away something was up. I walked in to the living room to the sight of my mother passed out on the sofa wearing only a thin bright yellow summer dress and plain white panties. I could see her panties because sitting next to her, my drunken naked sister was trying to pull them off. This sight...
For all intents and purposes i am your average middle aged married man, and though very masculine and straight acting for as long as i can remember i have been addicted to sucking cock.I have always been a prolific and regular wanker and right from the start enjoyed the taste of my own sperm, although i enjoyed masturbating over my dad’s straight porn magazines and cine films (especially the scenes showing women sucking cocks and swallowing sperm) i found myself drawn to reports in the tabloid...
Shannon came into the cell the next morning, wondering if this would be the day she got a little fun. The moment Nick lifted his gaze to her she saw that he was enraged with the sexual frustration dumped on him. Good. This was bound to get interesting. “Slept well?” she asked sweetly. “Go to hell!” came the gloomy answer. But she saw that his response lay far from that. His breathing had sped and his glare undressed her. His silent bidding would be granted. Her boots approached him with an...
I got back to the London offices the following day. A comfortable flight had made it easier but I was still suffering from jet lag. Still I doubted that I was feeling as rough as the packages that had been in the hold. Freddie gave me a call and suggested a meeting. He wanted an update on progress. I was happy that I had some ideas after my various trips. We agreed to meet in the board room the following afternoon. Clegg arrived on time, looking in as good humour as he usually was....
The seas around Aziz's island seemed to boil in the storm. From shore, looking all around, it would be impossible to see anyone or anything approaching on the surface of the water. Still, Aziz had made sure that lookouts were posted at every approach; everyone was linked by radio. There were even sentries posted in the grotto that had been the sight of Lt. Trish McKeeson's gruesome death in the event that the Americans were stupid enough to send another intruder through that entry. But, no...
The same evening - at Polly's - Thursday, 10-June [Sarah] I heard the car in the drive. Car door slamming. Footsteps. Coming quickly. Hopeful. The front door. I couldn't move, or breathe. Life was poised on a knife-edge, the pendulum suspended at one end of the swing. Then he was in the room striding down, Barbara standing and being moved out of the way. He looked haggard; his beard untrimmed, hair untidy, wearing slacks and an old sweatshirt. Weary. The pendulum began to swing. I put a...
Today we got Canela Skin and the newbie Katrina Moreno visit us for some naughty fun. They both bring the big asses AssParade needs so it was a great day. We met on a bridge where we get the first tease before the girls met the stud to bring him back to the house where they start the action. They both share his cock as one places her big ass on his face.The girls take turns fucking the cock and Canela Skin shoves the cock right into her ass. They both fuck hard until they share his cum load at...
xmoviesforyouMy mother had been in her mid-thirties when she gave birth to me, and my father nearly ten years older. It wasn't a particularly happy marriage: they rarely spoke to one another, and I knew that their sex was infrequent, to say the least. Their bedroom was next to mine, and the dividing wall was paper-thin, and it wasn't very often that I heard the bedsprings creaking. What I did hear sometimes was my mother saying things like 'Please, George! It's been nearly two months!' and my father...
This story explains how the sexual adventures of Tony and Angelique started. It is the first time they had sex with each other, and right away it becomes clear they share a preference for perverted, fetishistic sex. The time in the story is the early 90s, when shaven cunts were not yet the trend. Angelique would never shave her pussy, when she found out her fuck buddy (and at a later time, husband) loved thickly haired pussies. The character Angelique is based on a real-life woman with the...
First thing Aric noticed was that he heard a soft crackling fire as he tried to open his eyes. The pain was extremely intense behind his eyes and it felt like someone was trying to beat their way out from inside his head for a few moments. Taking a couple deep breathes he tried to move again, and even though the pain was just as intense, he found he could start to sit up. The thick blanket that was over him fell away and he realized that it felt as if he was on top of a couple more blankets...
Goth Girl Model: How had I got myself in this situation? Here I stood with my favourite black wig on my head trying to look commanding. My eyebrows had been plucked and new eyebrows penciled in. I was wearing my mascara and false lashes and my "fuck me" crimson lipstick. There was a thin line of eyeliner just next to the lashes on each eyelid. Vampire fangs had been stuck on to my teeth. My arms were encased in my black PVC opera gloves down to just below my elbows but my...
Hi Iss readers, I am back. This is Akash from Delhi…This is not a story but a true incident happened with me last week. There is a family live next door and they have been leaving there for almost like2 years. In the family both husband and wife they work. Husband is like 45 years and the lady my Aunty (her name is Rekha) she must be 38 or 39.But she is very sexy she is 38 30 36 with beautiful sexy body and very sexy smile I just go crazy the moment I look at her and had so many fantasies about...
IncestLisa was driving so she couldn’t see what was happening Belinda giggled a few times then said “Susan we created a monster, look at Amy”. Amy had me naked in the back and was riding me on the way back to the house. Her soft moans permeated my ears. The coot had no suspension so on the dirt road it rode very rough. A feeling Amy seemed to enjoy; a car raced by headed in the opposite direction. “Do you think they seen what I am doing”, Amy asked? “Not likely, you were seen but...
After I sent Jerrod off to deal with the pretty boys, I plugged in to get ready for a long night. My only concern was how to deal with the office door and vault doors. Bullrider had assured me that neither would be a problem. He had checked the specifications. He also swore that both had the same heavy duty security locking system. According to his information, they were each equipped with an electronic, heavy duty, vault bar type locking systems. Each had a secondary mechanical backup to...
Hello.. once again here. this time i want to explain a story how i so heaven of my life with help of my own mom and sister.. let me explain my self i am B.E and working in MNC. my sister is married and she is settled in Australia and my mom is housewife. Before my sister marriage always i was finding chance to have sex with my sister, but unfortunately it not happened. We used to sleep together But i squeezed her boobs while sleeping and rubbed her pussy from outside. some time she push me and...
IncestThe door was securely locked and the surrounding was quite calm. It was a Sunday afternoon. The climate was hot and humid. The wind blew occasionally with a warm breeze that hit my face through the open window. I was laying on top of my younger sister Anjali and she was below me with her eyes closed tightly. “Anna…Ethu thappu illaya?” she asked me as I kept silent looking at her neck as a drop of sweat rolled down and landed on her cleavage. “Thapputhan but unaku pidichu irukulla Anjali,” I...
IncestMy sister Abby had just moved into her new house about a week ago, it was a 2 bedroom'd house, there was a bedroom at the top of the stairs, a bathroom at one end of the hall, and another bedroom at the other end of the hall. I had moved into her house for a while, why i get my self on my feet. I was lay on my bed on my phone, while Abby got ready for a shower. She was never shameful, she could walk round naked, she would go to the bath and leave the door open. Things like that. She was down...
It was the morning after Mr. Drake’s funeral. It was really sad. I couldn’t stop crying all night after we all went to bed. I loved Charles so much. He had always been so loving to me. He always gave me everything I wanted. I loved the way he treated me. He was so good. My name is Frida. I have blond, curly hair, and I am slight, with small tits that Charles always called perky as hell. I’m nineteen years old and I’m a maid along with my friend Geena. Our cook Hanna went to school to learn to...