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+ ka lamp bad nga khlem khang hook ruh ia ka jingkhang, namar ba ngim ju ia mlien ban ia bo na shapoh.

Tharai kumba shikynta ei ei ba nga la iohthiah nga kyndit ramia kumno re bad nga phohsiew ia uwei u briew uba leh samla ia nga, ha kata ka jingphohsniew nga shong bus ryngkat bad uta u briew ban ia leit sha shnong. Hadien ba la purkhana ia kane katai; nga thiah noh ha ka seat bad sa shiphang nga iohsngew ba uta u briew u tynruh ia ka shadem jong nga da ka tymbuit kadiang jong u. U Shong ha jan jingkhang iit bad ma nga pat hapdeng bad kham harud iwei i Kong ba la iaw rta, ita ruh i iohthiah. Shiphang nga leh kum bym bna hynrei kham hadien u thum ia ka pla snieh jong u bad najrong kata ka pla snieh u tyrsuh ia ki shympriah kti jong u ha ka jymbuin kamon jong nga. Nga lah sngewbitar haduh wow ia kata ka jingkhlem akor jong u’ nga la pyrkhat ban pyrta briew, hynrei nga sngew eh bad lehrain, kumta nga iada noh da ka ksangti lajong. Uta u biew u sngap noh, hynrei kham hadien u syrpud biang jai ia ka ksah kamon jong nga kaba kah ia ka jymbuin, bad kata ka jingsyrpud jong u kaba smiej bad sngewtynnat ruh ha kajuh ka por. Nga sngap la ka sngap bad nga khap ia la ki khmat.

Khyndiat minit hadien nga sngewtynnat ia kata ka jingsyrpud jong u, bad nga pynjem jai ia la ka kti: hadien katto katne por pat, uta u briew u ioh mynsiem imat da kata ka jingsngap jong nga, bad u pyrshang ban nion shapoh ia ka ksangti jong nga: nga ruh ba la tlot nga kohnguh ia ka jingleh jong u. Ka tymbuit jong nga mynta ka tyngkhuh ia ka met jong u, bad ma u pat u la ioh ia ka lad bad tba laitluid ia ka jymbuin jong nga. Suki suki bad ha ka rukom kaba pynhun u syrpud ia ka jymbuin jong nga nalor ka tshirt rong lieh ba nga phong, swetar ruh nga la law namar ba shit hapoh bus. Ka jingsyrpud kaba ktah ia ka long kynthei jong nga baroh shirynieng, bad khlem bakla ki soh buin jong nga baroh ar tylli ki la eh kum u nar. Suki suki, ki shympriah kti ba pnah ki poi ha ka soh buin kamon jong nga, bad da ki ar tylli ki shympriah u khniot ia i sohbuin. Anii… nga sngew kwah ud kwah kyang hynrei ngam nud namar nga don hapoh bus; nga pyneh doh iap ialade ha ka jinghun ba ngam pat ju mad…

Nangta suki uta u briew namar uiohi ba nga sngap jar bad khap khmat jai, u ioh mynsiem shuh shuh bad mynta u sdang ban khem ia ka jymbuin kamon jong nga baroh kawei kaba la wandur bha ha ka kti kamon jong u; kata ka jingleh jong u ka pynkyndit ia nga da ka jingsmiej bad kyndit ruh ha kajuh ka por; nga khih ban bat ia ka kti jong u da ka jingthmu badn pynsuki ia u; phewse ha kata ka jingkhih bad bat ia ka kti nga kyndit thret. Ka jingkyndit ba klhraw ka long ba nga don ym hapoh bus, hynrei ha jingthiah; tangba nga ioh bat shisha ia ka kti kaba khem ia ka jymbuin jong nga, ym ka jong uta u briew hynrei ka jong u Bahbah uba dem mynta ha ka jingthiah jong nga khlem poi pyrkhat imat ba ngan kyndit kumta.

Aniiiii ….. nga lait ban pynhiar mynsiem. “Bahbah phi leh aiu ia nga nga kren kynhied”. “Sngap” u ong da kaba pynidak da ka kti bad u ong “Map” lada phi dom bad phim sngewtynnat. Ngam nang kren ei ei shuh. U Bahbah u dem kumta ha jingthiah bad u iam da ka jingtieng ioh nga iathuh briew ia kata ka jingjia. Ynda nga peit ia u nga sngewsynei sa ba khleh lang ka jingsngewhun, nga syrpud ia ka khlieh jong u da ka kti kamon jong nga bad nga tan ia u bahbah sha lade. Ynda u la poi hajan khlieh jong nga nga ong ia u ” Jia aiu bahbah” u shu jubab lyngkut “ngam tip Thei, nga i skuin palat ia phi nga kwah ban doh bad kjup ia phi baroh shirynieng”. Ka jubab jong u ka pynkhih met ia nga.

“Em Bahbah, nga dei i Thei jong phi ka bym lah long” nga jubab. “Nga tip Thei, tangba to seh tang mynta nga kwah palat” u kren ha ka sur khroh kaba ngam lah kyrngah. “Ani ban da tip i Mei bad Meideng te ngam tip shuh” nga jubab.”Kumno kin tip?’ u kylli “Lada phim iathuh yn nym don batip”

“Ka Dei” nga ong hapoh lade tangba nga kun sak ha la mynsiem.

Ba ngam jubab ei ei,u Bahbah u kiew kynsan joit ha jingthiah bad nga, donbok ba ka jingthiah ba nga thiah ka dei kaba heh 4phut la hynriew phut hynrei te la klumar. Ki kjat jong u ki la eh kum u nar namar ba khriat bad u phrung jluk hapok ka nep ba nga kup. Ka don ka jingsngew wit bad sngewtynnat ruh ha kajuh ka por namar ym pat ju don ba thiah lang bad nga. Ha kata ka por nga kynmaw ia ka jingkhang, bad nga peit, tip ma u bahbah u lah dep khang hook lypa naduh mynne ban nym don ba wan rung.

Ynda u la rung hapoh nep, u tan ia nga shalade, bad suki suki u syrpud syrpai biang ia ka shadem jong nga nalor ki jain ba nga phong, nga kwah eh ha ka jingshisha ban ialeh pyrshah hynrei ka doh jong nga kam lah ban khang namar ba ka don ka jingkwah kaba ngam pat ju mad ha ka jing long kynthei jong nga. Nga shu lait tangban ong “Ahhhhhhh……………. Bah … bah….. bah bah…… ani….” ka jingsmiej ka ba ngam lah shisha ban batai. U Bahbah wat la u dang rit ia nga pynban u triem bha ha ka ne ka lain nga imat, suki suki u law ia ka swetar ba nga phong namar ba khriat, nangta da ka jingtbit u law sa ia ki budam jong ka blouse ba nga phong bad mynta da ki kti ba jem jong u, u khem ia ki jymbuin jong nga baroh ar tylli, tangba nalor jong ka sop jymbuin rong pink kaba nga phong. Ka jingsmiej te ka bym lah shisha ban batai. “Thei nga itynnat bad skuin palatia phi” U bah bah u pynhiar mynsiem, “nga kwah ban doh ia ki rymmiang shyntur ba jem jong phi mo?”

Katba ngan da jubab, tangba ngam lait ang; u thylliej jong u u la poi ha ka shyntur jong nga bad da ka jingtyllun ba jem u phrung lut ha poh shyntur ba khluit jong nga, suki u sei bad dait ieit sa ia ki rymmiang shyntur; ani ka jingmad ba ngam lah shisha ban iathuh. Katba u dang doh dang dait kumta ia nga, ki kti jong u pat ha ki bynta ba shadien ka met jong nga; ohh u wad ban law ia ki budam ka jingsop jymbuin (bra) jong nga; suki jai ki jingteh ki lait bad ki jymbuin ki laitluid war ha ki kti jong u. Ynda lah lait ka bra, u bahbah u iehnoh ia ka shyntur jong nga bad mynta u hiar ha ka ryndang—- ani ka jingsmiej. “Thei” u khot. “Oi” mynta nga lait ban jubab, “nga kwah ban kjup ia ki jymbuin ba syaid bad ba jem jong phi ho” u ong ha ka sur kaba pynbrai shisha ia nga. “To” nga jubab da ka met kaba khih bad kyiuh that that. Ban da dei ka jingthiah tor te ka la khein nga tharai ha ka jingkhynniuh ka met jong nga. Ka jingkhynniuh ba ngam pat ju mad.

Jai jai nga iohsngew ia ka jingtyllun u thylliej na u ryndang ha ka shadem ba jem jong nga bad suki u thylliej u shad lyngwiar ia ka sohbuin kadiang jong nga, ani ni ni, ngam sngew don pyrthei ka jingsmiej jinghun ym lah ong, bad suki jai ka soh buin baroh kawei hapoh shyntur ba khluitu bahbah. Ani ba u tan u kjup kum u khunlung shisha. Katba u nangtan katta nga nang smiej nang hun. Da baroh ar tylli ki kti nga kdup ia ka met bad nga syrpai ia u shniuh ba kdor itynnat u bahbah. San minit hadien u pyllait ia ka sohbuin kadiang bad u pyntyllun pat jai sha u soh pet jong nga, nangta pat u kiew biang artet bad u tawiar ia ka buin kamon jong nga, nangto biang u kjup ia ka soh jumbuin kamon jong nga. Ka jingbang ba nga mad te ka bym lah ong, tang ki longkmie hi kiba sngewthuh haduh katno ka mut ban shongkurim.

Suki u pyllait, bad da baroh ar ki kti u khniot pynbrai ia baroh ar ki jymbuin jong nga. “Thei” u ong, “nga kwah ban mad ia ka umpohliew ba kyrsoi na ka ‘liew jingieid (nyllong) jong phi”. Tip nga jubab. Ha ka jingshisha naduh hynne ka patlunpoh jong nga ka la ktieh hor da ka um kaba kyrsoi kum ka kshaid na ka nyllong jong nga. “Thei u ong bad ki kti jong u ki poi jha ki jain jong nga. Ngan law ho?” “Ahhhh… ani… bah bah….” da ki kti nga khiot ia ka khlieh jong u sha ka longkynthei jong nga. Nga kwah ban mad ia kaba kham khliut shuh shuh.

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Sadan pulls his cock from Michele's anus with an audible plop. Semen mixed with lubricant run in a rivulet from Michele's anus down her thigh and soak into her tattered stockings. Sadan wipes his cock on the remains of her ripped panties and then pushes Michele facedown on the bed. "You have performed well my pretty putta; better even than this afternoon. I'm glad I waited to fuck your infidel arse," Sadan spanks Michele's buttocks and reaches for his robe. Michele lies there panting...

1 year ago
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The Ring AOChapter 15 Bills Demise

Bill was still standing by the car. Helena thanked Bill for his assistance and getting Ben on to the scene. “You are a good friend, Can you take us back home shortly?” “No problems, I’m quite today.” replied Bill Looking at the time seeing it was 11.30am, she walked into the house and saw the ladies chatting, Helena asked “Would you like to continue the chat over some lunch ladies, my shout? Lets go to the Hilton, shall we?” Suzanne replied “Yes please.” looking at her. Mrs Jones replied....

2 years ago
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Summer Rain

"Margaret Anne Wilder!" I sighed. Any time my full name was used, it was not a good sign. I looked up to find Hank standing in the kitchen doorway. "Yes, dear?" "Don't you 'yes, dear' me. You want to explain this?" He was waving a piece of paper. "If you'll tell me what 'this' is?" I used the hem of my apron to wipe the sweat from my forehead. "It's a three hundred and twenty-two dollar and forty cent phone bill, that's what it is. You want to mind telling me why you called...

3 years ago
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The Party

Expecting it to be just another company function that would boar me to near death, it was a challenge to force myself to go to the Christmas party the other night.Having selected a pair of dress slacks, long sleeve shirt, and a sport coat, I reluctantly headed outside to my truck. After cleaning off the accumulated snow, I was on my way, re-evaluating my decision with every yard traveled. Countless times I was ready to turn around and go home to enjoy a night of writing code for my web sites,...

Straight Sex
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A Change Of Plans

Tim Fields peered through the windshield as he guided the old Taurus down the freeway of the unfamiliar city. The highway was poorly lit and they were looking for the exit to the motel they were to stay in this weekend. Tim's wife Tami was in the passenger set and Helen Anderson occupied the rear seat. Helen was an older woman, a neighbor of the Fields that the couple had offered to drop off at a relative's house while on their weekend getaway. The plan was to check in and then drop Helen off...

3 years ago
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Summer Romance Never Forgotten 03

Please vote. Please give me the support of your vote. * We all have a lost love, a love that was never meant to be. Robert recalls his firs time with Emma. Emma took him by his hand and led him to her bedroom. Once there she pressed her naked breasts and her bikini bottom, clad pussy against him in a full body to body hug. Then she kissed him again. She French kissed him. This kiss was as good as the first kiss. Every kiss was as good as the first kiss. Kissing and kissing him, she...

2 years ago
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Lost control in Library and Fucked her brains out

now i had broken up with my bitch of a gf a month ago and have been to busy with school and work to really go out and find someone. this was actually the first chance i have had to watch porn if three days. once i made sure i was alone i opened my fly and took my dick out to stroke it. unfortunately the headphones prevented me from hearing her come into the isle. while pleasing myself i got the odd feeling someone was watching me. i look up to see this ebony beauty staring at my dick. she was...

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A big thank you to Emeraldmbuku for taking the time to edit this story. Life is a funny thing; sometimes full of love and laughter and other times solemn and insightful even despiteful. I'm Joe Henry and had been married for nearly six years to my wife Victoria until we became like two strangers living together. We didn't have any kids which I'll explain later. There are many stories I could tell that happened during our time together. I know most couples probably go through some of the...

2 years ago
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Caught up in the moment a wife enjoys the kiss and touch of another

Watching my wife dress never fails to send a tingle through my loins. And tonight I was getting a special treat. It was my 40th birthday and Stacey agreed to wear a slinky little dress bought just for the occasion. At the bathroom sink I was pretending to wash. Really I was watching. Watching my wife tenderly shave her legs. Her supple skin stretched firm as the razor glided over her calves, then leisurely up her thighs. I savored each pass of the cold steel against her supple skin. Stacey,...

2 years ago
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Journey Of Sex With My Beloved Sister 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone, this is Aakash from Mumbai, pursuing my BDS degree from a reputed college. I have been a regular reader of site and a big fan of incest category. I love to read brother-sister sex stories. My family consists of myself, my dad, mom and my cousin sister (heroine of this story). This story is 100% real except for names (changed for privacy). I am writing this story in simple English to keep it simple yet erotic. The story is bit lengthy as I have tried to cover all points as...

3 years ago
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Pati Ko Gori Chahiye Aur Mujhe Kala 8211 Part 2

Main uske boobs ko halke halke masalne laga..Use koi aapati nahi hui to main samajh gaya ki dard to aag lagane ka ek jariya tha.Ise to khud mera lund chahiye tha.Main dheere dheere apno haathon me majbuti lane laga aur masalna thoda jyada hone laga.Andhere me main uske chut ka darshan to nahi kar paya par.. Jab haathon ne uske mulayam se ghane se jhaanton ka sparsh paya , mera dil garden garden ho gaya..Par usi samay maa ne awaj lagai aur pura garden pani se bhar gaya,( mera matlab mehnat pe...

3 years ago
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Frost Chapter 1

I am awakened with a feeling of dread. I sit up quickly to find that the large chamber around me is still dark and Iduna is still sleeping beside me. I can’t shake the feeling that someone woke me up when I hear the shouts again. It’s then that I notice the sharp cold on my skin. I jump out of bed quickly and race out the door. My actions must wake Iduna because I hear her footsteps chasing behind me. “Angar, what’s wrong?!” She asks, alarmed. I don’t have to answer as it is immediately...

3 years ago
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Wild Family PartyChapter 5

"Teddy, how old do you have to be to fuck?" "I don't know, Kim, but Mom and Dad aren't so old, and we've seen them fuck before." "Yes, but we're still quite young. Do you think that we're old enough to fuck? Do you, Teddy?" "I don't know, maybe." "I hope so, because I feel like fucking someone tonight." Tucked in her bed in the room she shared with her brother, Kim lay listening to the howling wind and the beating rain outside her window. Every time lightning flashed or...

1 year ago
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Transformation experience UK

I’d like to take you back to the late eighties. I had been dressing off and one for several years by this time but had never had a professional make over. A business named Transformation had started such a service and they had a place near Euston Station. I had been in the shop to buy things before but never for a make over. I decided one Saturday I would pamper myself I take up their offer of a 4 hour make over dressing experience for £50. After telling the sales girl what I anted I...

3 years ago
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Controlled Like a Puppet Whos Pulling Jennys Strings

Jenny is a lovely young lady. At twenty years of age, she stands 5'7" and weighs 115 pounds. Her slender body accentuates her perky 34B breasts. Her breasts stand firmly and proudly out from her chest. She had happily watched as her breasts had finally swelled over the last few years. Her areolas had expanded to a little larger than a quarter with small pea sized nipples at their centers. A flat stomach completes her slender torso. Her tight round butt sways seductively as she walks. Her legs...

3 years ago
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The Colonels Daughter

When first stationed in Okinawa I loved pop music and on the base Naha or the larger one of Kadena there was an up to date English language radio station which I seem to remember as KSBK. On Saturday mornings they would play the top forty state side records in the charts at the time July, 1964. One day as Ilistened to the station they asked for volunteers to help plan programmes or possible even be an occasional dj though the regular record locks were professionals. I knew one of my colleagues...

1 year ago
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My first Woman

|At the age of 18 I had masturbated a lot, most young boys start masturbation before and enjoy the pleasures of masturbation for the rest of their lives. My very first fuck came about quite unexpectedly. We were living in a house in Norwood and my parents had gone off to work at about 8am. I had a job interview in the town centre at 1200 and so as I had little else to do and I got up quite late. At that time Elizabeth, our housemaid was cleaning the lounge and so on. I showered and went into my...

First Time
3 years ago
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Someones Watching

My name is Lisa. One summer, my boyfriend and I got a wild idea that for our summer vacation we would drive down to the coast of Florida near the Key’s and get jobs and play all summer. My boyfriend Todd landed a job at a local hotel as a night security guard and I worked as a waitress at one of the local beach bars. Todd was always telling me about the guest at the hotel and their sexual escapades when they think no one is watching. Todd loved to watch. Watching all these excursions turned him...

2 years ago
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Vicky Bound for Vacation Part 1

As I was rubbing my fingers over Vicky's nipples I was thinking about my upcoming business trip and thought she might like to go. “How would you like to go to San Francisco for a long weekend?” My new job had me traveling one or two nights a week and I was scheduled be in SFO the last few days October. Halloween fell on the last Saturday of the month. “MMM..." She was purring like a cat. "Sure. I'd love to go. I haven’t been there in a couple of years.” Vicky and I were lying nude on my couch....

4 years ago
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Older Male sex 2

After fucking him a few times he ended up wanting to expand our hot gay sex activities. The town he lived in had a nice big lake that he frequented and so he told me that he wanted me to fuck him there. At first I said no, but he kept asking me and so I figured i'd give it a try, being that I was horny thinking about fucking him again. We met up at his place, again, as we packed our things, and drove together to the lake. A short 15 minute drive. We got there and we took our things as we walked...

4 years ago
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Another escapade

It has been a while since I have had anything to write about... well the other day I met a wonderful woman... why she wanted to talk to me who knows... anyway we met in the ranges walking... well in the car park actually. we said a few pleasantries just to pass the time as we both got ready to walk really. As I got myself sorted out I wished her a safe walk (never to careful during the week, few people around and the weather has been a bit hairy!), she asked me which track I was going to take,...

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Dear Diary10

He knew he was really trespassing by reading her diary, but he couldn’t help it. He was astounded at what he found in there, written only this week, too. “Dear Diary, I got a carrot from the fridge and peeled it smooth this evening. I felt so naughty! I brought it upstairs tonight and tried to break my hated hymen with it, but when I got in my hand and started rubbing on myself down there, it was just too gross, and I had to stop. Then I was too embarrassed to bring it back...

2 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 58 Redemption

Monday, Kelly told me that she was going with me to the lawyer’s office, and the way she said it indicated I had better not argue. I still wasn’t sure what Brockport could do for me that Stillwell couldn’t. Everything I had heard from the guys the other day showed that no matter how I got out of this, the County Attorney and the County Council would still demand they get rid of a killer, and I was still probationary. “Grim, just listen to what he has to say. Daddy says the guy is a magician....

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One Night Stand Chapter One

In my old age, I  spend way too much time sadly reminiscing. I often remember the wonderful young ladies I only had the pleasure of fucking just one time.Being born in the early 1940s, I turned eighteen years of age just in time for the new birth control pills and the rapid onslaught of the sexual revolution. The worst part of my memories is that the vast majority of my one-night (or day) stands would have welcomed many more nights or days. It seems like I was just too busy with current...

3 years ago
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Little girl doing winter swimming and lot of sex1

This was thrilling experience to see brave young girl doing her outside nude activities in cold day, even it happened on 22 March, during school spring break, weather was like in winter, -10 (15 F) degrees and windy. My friend Paul, Head of the Ice Swimming Club invited me to witness young girl's exceptional durability to cold weather, but I saw much more than I expected. I was really frightened even to see girl's schedule for this windy day, which excluded much activities outside, but...

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