Jingbang In Goa 8211 Part II The Butterfly Effect
- 4 years ago
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+ ka lamp bad nga khlem khang hook ruh ia ka jingkhang, namar ba ngim ju ia mlien ban ia bo na shapoh.
Tharai kumba shikynta ei ei ba nga la iohthiah nga kyndit ramia kumno re bad nga phohsiew ia uwei u briew uba leh samla ia nga, ha kata ka jingphohsniew nga shong bus ryngkat bad uta u briew ban ia leit sha shnong. Hadien ba la purkhana ia kane katai; nga thiah noh ha ka seat bad sa shiphang nga iohsngew ba uta u briew u tynruh ia ka shadem jong nga da ka tymbuit kadiang jong u. U Shong ha jan jingkhang iit bad ma nga pat hapdeng bad kham harud iwei i Kong ba la iaw rta, ita ruh i iohthiah. Shiphang nga leh kum bym bna hynrei kham hadien u thum ia ka pla snieh jong u bad najrong kata ka pla snieh u tyrsuh ia ki shympriah kti jong u ha ka jymbuin kamon jong nga. Nga lah sngewbitar haduh wow ia kata ka jingkhlem akor jong u’ nga la pyrkhat ban pyrta briew, hynrei nga sngew eh bad lehrain, kumta nga iada noh da ka ksangti lajong. Uta u biew u sngap noh, hynrei kham hadien u syrpud biang jai ia ka ksah kamon jong nga kaba kah ia ka jymbuin, bad kata ka jingsyrpud jong u kaba smiej bad sngewtynnat ruh ha kajuh ka por. Nga sngap la ka sngap bad nga khap ia la ki khmat.
Khyndiat minit hadien nga sngewtynnat ia kata ka jingsyrpud jong u, bad nga pynjem jai ia la ka kti: hadien katto katne por pat, uta u briew u ioh mynsiem imat da kata ka jingsngap jong nga, bad u pyrshang ban nion shapoh ia ka ksangti jong nga: nga ruh ba la tlot nga kohnguh ia ka jingleh jong u. Ka tymbuit jong nga mynta ka tyngkhuh ia ka met jong u, bad ma u pat u la ioh ia ka lad bad tba laitluid ia ka jymbuin jong nga. Suki suki bad ha ka rukom kaba pynhun u syrpud ia ka jymbuin jong nga nalor ka tshirt rong lieh ba nga phong, swetar ruh nga la law namar ba shit hapoh bus. Ka jingsyrpud kaba ktah ia ka long kynthei jong nga baroh shirynieng, bad khlem bakla ki soh buin jong nga baroh ar tylli ki la eh kum u nar. Suki suki, ki shympriah kti ba pnah ki poi ha ka soh buin kamon jong nga, bad da ki ar tylli ki shympriah u khniot ia i sohbuin. Anii… nga sngew kwah ud kwah kyang hynrei ngam nud namar nga don hapoh bus; nga pyneh doh iap ialade ha ka jinghun ba ngam pat ju mad…
Nangta suki uta u briew namar uiohi ba nga sngap jar bad khap khmat jai, u ioh mynsiem shuh shuh bad mynta u sdang ban khem ia ka jymbuin kamon jong nga baroh kawei kaba la wandur bha ha ka kti kamon jong u; kata ka jingleh jong u ka pynkyndit ia nga da ka jingsmiej bad kyndit ruh ha kajuh ka por; nga khih ban bat ia ka kti jong u da ka jingthmu badn pynsuki ia u; phewse ha kata ka jingkhih bad bat ia ka kti nga kyndit thret. Ka jingkyndit ba klhraw ka long ba nga don ym hapoh bus, hynrei ha jingthiah; tangba nga ioh bat shisha ia ka kti kaba khem ia ka jymbuin jong nga, ym ka jong uta u briew hynrei ka jong u Bahbah uba dem mynta ha ka jingthiah jong nga khlem poi pyrkhat imat ba ngan kyndit kumta.
Aniiiii ….. nga lait ban pynhiar mynsiem. “Bahbah phi leh aiu ia nga nga kren kynhied”. “Sngap” u ong da kaba pynidak da ka kti bad u ong “Map” lada phi dom bad phim sngewtynnat. Ngam nang kren ei ei shuh. U Bahbah u dem kumta ha jingthiah bad u iam da ka jingtieng ioh nga iathuh briew ia kata ka jingjia. Ynda nga peit ia u nga sngewsynei sa ba khleh lang ka jingsngewhun, nga syrpud ia ka khlieh jong u da ka kti kamon jong nga bad nga tan ia u bahbah sha lade. Ynda u la poi hajan khlieh jong nga nga ong ia u ” Jia aiu bahbah” u shu jubab lyngkut “ngam tip Thei, nga i skuin palat ia phi nga kwah ban doh bad kjup ia phi baroh shirynieng”. Ka jubab jong u ka pynkhih met ia nga.
“Em Bahbah, nga dei i Thei jong phi ka bym lah long” nga jubab. “Nga tip Thei, tangba to seh tang mynta nga kwah palat” u kren ha ka sur khroh kaba ngam lah kyrngah. “Ani ban da tip i Mei bad Meideng te ngam tip shuh” nga jubab.”Kumno kin tip?’ u kylli “Lada phim iathuh yn nym don batip”
“Ka Dei” nga ong hapoh lade tangba nga kun sak ha la mynsiem.
Ba ngam jubab ei ei,u Bahbah u kiew kynsan joit ha jingthiah bad nga, donbok ba ka jingthiah ba nga thiah ka dei kaba heh 4phut la hynriew phut hynrei te la klumar. Ki kjat jong u ki la eh kum u nar namar ba khriat bad u phrung jluk hapok ka nep ba nga kup. Ka don ka jingsngew wit bad sngewtynnat ruh ha kajuh ka por namar ym pat ju don ba thiah lang bad nga. Ha kata ka por nga kynmaw ia ka jingkhang, bad nga peit, tip ma u bahbah u lah dep khang hook lypa naduh mynne ban nym don ba wan rung.
Ynda u la rung hapoh nep, u tan ia nga shalade, bad suki suki u syrpud syrpai biang ia ka shadem jong nga nalor ki jain ba nga phong, nga kwah eh ha ka jingshisha ban ialeh pyrshah hynrei ka doh jong nga kam lah ban khang namar ba ka don ka jingkwah kaba ngam pat ju mad ha ka jing long kynthei jong nga. Nga shu lait tangban ong “Ahhhhhhh……………. Bah … bah….. bah bah…… ani….” ka jingsmiej ka ba ngam lah shisha ban batai. U Bahbah wat la u dang rit ia nga pynban u triem bha ha ka ne ka lain nga imat, suki suki u law ia ka swetar ba nga phong namar ba khriat, nangta da ka jingtbit u law sa ia ki budam jong ka blouse ba nga phong bad mynta da ki kti ba jem jong u, u khem ia ki jymbuin jong nga baroh ar tylli, tangba nalor jong ka sop jymbuin rong pink kaba nga phong. Ka jingsmiej te ka bym lah shisha ban batai. “Thei nga itynnat bad skuin palatia phi” U bah bah u pynhiar mynsiem, “nga kwah ban doh ia ki rymmiang shyntur ba jem jong phi mo?”
Katba ngan da jubab, tangba ngam lait ang; u thylliej jong u u la poi ha ka shyntur jong nga bad da ka jingtyllun ba jem u phrung lut ha poh shyntur ba khluit jong nga, suki u sei bad dait ieit sa ia ki rymmiang shyntur; ani ka jingmad ba ngam lah shisha ban iathuh. Katba u dang doh dang dait kumta ia nga, ki kti jong u pat ha ki bynta ba shadien ka met jong nga; ohh u wad ban law ia ki budam ka jingsop jymbuin (bra) jong nga; suki jai ki jingteh ki lait bad ki jymbuin ki laitluid war ha ki kti jong u. Ynda lah lait ka bra, u bahbah u iehnoh ia ka shyntur jong nga bad mynta u hiar ha ka ryndang—- ani ka jingsmiej. “Thei” u khot. “Oi” mynta nga lait ban jubab, “nga kwah ban kjup ia ki jymbuin ba syaid bad ba jem jong phi ho” u ong ha ka sur kaba pynbrai shisha ia nga. “To” nga jubab da ka met kaba khih bad kyiuh that that. Ban da dei ka jingthiah tor te ka la khein nga tharai ha ka jingkhynniuh ka met jong nga. Ka jingkhynniuh ba ngam pat ju mad.
Jai jai nga iohsngew ia ka jingtyllun u thylliej na u ryndang ha ka shadem ba jem jong nga bad suki u thylliej u shad lyngwiar ia ka sohbuin kadiang jong nga, ani ni ni, ngam sngew don pyrthei ka jingsmiej jinghun ym lah ong, bad suki jai ka soh buin baroh kawei hapoh shyntur ba khluitu bahbah. Ani ba u tan u kjup kum u khunlung shisha. Katba u nangtan katta nga nang smiej nang hun. Da baroh ar tylli ki kti nga kdup ia ka met bad nga syrpai ia u shniuh ba kdor itynnat u bahbah. San minit hadien u pyllait ia ka sohbuin kadiang bad u pyntyllun pat jai sha u soh pet jong nga, nangta pat u kiew biang artet bad u tawiar ia ka buin kamon jong nga, nangto biang u kjup ia ka soh jumbuin kamon jong nga. Ka jingbang ba nga mad te ka bym lah ong, tang ki longkmie hi kiba sngewthuh haduh katno ka mut ban shongkurim.
Suki u pyllait, bad da baroh ar ki kti u khniot pynbrai ia baroh ar ki jymbuin jong nga. “Thei” u ong, “nga kwah ban mad ia ka umpohliew ba kyrsoi na ka ‘liew jingieid (nyllong) jong phi”. Tip nga jubab. Ha ka jingshisha naduh hynne ka patlunpoh jong nga ka la ktieh hor da ka um kaba kyrsoi kum ka kshaid na ka nyllong jong nga. “Thei u ong bad ki kti jong u ki poi jha ki jain jong nga. Ngan law ho?” “Ahhhh… ani… bah bah….” da ki kti nga khiot ia ka khlieh jong u sha ka longkynthei jong nga. Nga kwah ban mad ia kaba kham khliut shuh shuh.
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Hi Friends, I’m back again after a long time with a story of a lady and . Thanks for the responses to my previous stories. Those who haven’t can go thru it here and let me know your comments. I love to write stories on behalf of ladies. If anyone has a different experience and wants me to write it for you, I can do so. Let’s get back to this story. This story was told to me by a chat friend. (For safety reasons, names are changed). I’m Divya, and my hubby is Madhan. We got married in 2017 and...
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CheatingTo those that like this story, sorry for having taken so long in getting this chapter out. All comments are welcome and wanted, though the more constructive are more so!! Though if you won’t comment at least vote that way I get SOME response. PLEASE?? ************ ‘So you’re Marcus Fisher. I hope you’re brains worth all this trouble.’ Said the young woman getting unsteadily to her feet. ‘And WHAT do you mean by that?’ Snapped Margaret, Marcus’s sister. ‘What I mean is that we have put a lot...
The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Nine - Recovery and the Domme Returns Linda's recovery went well. As promised, Dr. Carter returned the first night to do another examination and to answer any questions. She found Linda sitting up in bed with her gag loosely hanging from her neck. Beth was sitting in a chair while her slave was hogtied on the floor and being used as a footstool. "Welcome back Charlene," said Beth as Charlene entered the room. The doctor looked as...
Author’s note: There are other stories with the main characters of this story and precede this one chronologically and give some additional background. The titles all begin with “Sushil’s Wife”. Nisha very much appreciated her husband’s support as she had explored her sexuality, even taking it to the commercial level. She had been looking for a way to balance the books when she was contacted by her sister Mohana. Three years younger, she was still in India with a husband who worked way too...
"Yes, Bill. In a long line of bad ideas, winning the lottery using your watch is probably the worst idea you've ever had." Mina frowned, "it puts all the other watches ... and their users ... in jeopardy." "How so?" "Most of the watch users were / are looking for a little comfort and a few bucks to invest, pay taxes on and live under the radar. Wendy the first, and her David, used the newspapers to research stolen or illegal funds, recover part of them and bought stocks they knew...
This story came from: https://xhamster.com/users/puyallupmanIt's All About The CumI am often asked why I enjoy sex with men so much being that I am a happily married man with a great sex life with my wife. And it all boils down to one thing. Cum.For years when I was only curious about men and watching gay porn I would totally love watching guys eating cum for each other. That desire only intensified when I started eating my own cum. 4-5 times a week I would eat my own juice and I started to...
Betty is tired of anonymous sex, so one night after she’s all ready to go out, she gets drunk instead. Her four sons come home and find her skirt up to her hips, and extremely drunk. They help her to bed, making sure to undress her nice clothes and lingerie before doing so. As I do maybe a couple times a year when my boys are out for the evening, I dressed in sexy clothes and prepared to go out, pick up a man, and get laid. Sometimes I just get so horny that I need to have a cock inside...
After making plans with a group of male friends to attend a concert in a city a few hours from where I lived, I was distraught to find out that said friends had booked hotel reservations without talking to me. By the time the concert rolled around a week later, I was struggling to find a place to stay. Lucking out on finding a fairly decent Holiday Inn no more than 20 minutes from where the concert was, I tried to forget the trouble and enjoy the concert. The band we were going to see, Blink...
But after several classes I realized that despite the fact that I nearly worshipped his beautiful cock, Jack was still concerned that his penis was freakish because of an unusually large glans, or cock head. My solution to this, which I proposed to his father Robert, was for Jack to keep his pants unzipped and his cock and balls on display any time he was in the house. Robert had an all female staff and I felt that Jack exposing his penis in front of these women would give him more...
It was another boring Saturday for Betty. No matter the day, it was the same scene. There was her husband sitting on the couch watching one sport or another, while she kept herself busy with common household chores. Unfortunately for her, this is what life was like after marrying young and so many years had passed.Today's exciting chore was laundry.As she opened up the drying machine and hastily removed the warm clothes into the laundry basket in her hand, she could hear the game announcers...
My nineteen-year-old sister, Cindy, and I are in the same rock band. She sings and I play lead guitar. When we were k**s, one of our favorite pastimes was singing along with the stereo and imagining we were onstage in front of fifty thousand screaming fans somewhere. We always said that one day we would have our own band, and while the other k**s were playing Little League or going to Girl Scout meetings, Cindy and I would lip sync to albums in the basement while dreaming of stardom. I began...
The last time the water bandits had hit Frank Kabrosky and Jose Ferrera's claim, they were unprepared. Five anonymous figures with shiny faceplates, three wicked looking clubs with sharp spikes on the ends, and they had to flee in awkward hopping bounds, to preserve suit integrity, leaving the bandits to transfer six-thousand gallons of water they had toiled the past four months to refine from the unforgiving hard rock extraction mine. There are no guns on the moon. Just five months earlier,...
Chapter 12 We Gotta Get Out Of This Place We chatted for a bit and she watched me while I worked. "So, Joan, what's your mother doing today?" I was half-stunned. I had no idea what my mother was doing today. Should I simply say so? "You should have invited her over." I had no idea how to respond to that, so I simply told her that I thought my mother had gone with my Aunt to visit her daughter. I really didn't feel like talking to mom at the moment. She sensed my need for space...
Bou Choda Shoshur-04 “Baaabaaaaaaa…….! Please! Emon katha bolben na. Ami apnar moner katha bujhee, kintu ami apnar cheler bou. Ami apnar meyer soman.” Mala hath diye shoshurer boro boro beechee duto te hath bolate bolate bollo. ”Se sab theek ache. Tumi amar bou maa hochhoo, amar meyer soman hochhoo. Aar tai janno amar dhormo je ami tomake khushee rakhee. Tumi jocdi anno kono barir bou hote to amar kono chinta chilo na. Kintu amar barir baou maa eto koshto sojjho korbe, eta ami sojjho korte...
Snake was pissed and kept slamming his cock deeper in my asshole, “Snake, I mean it man, this bitch was telling the truth. He father is some big wig with some crime syndicate. Spencer called, he says this guy controls most of the drugs coming into Texas.” Snake was too close to coming to stop, he kept fucking me until I felt him shudder then unleash his load in my ass. He jerked his cock from my ass, “Are you telling me we snatched this bitch for he husband and her father is connected and we...
Reddit Snapleaks, aka r/Snapleaks! Is there anything fucking hotter than looking at leaked Snapchats of hot sluts? I’ll make a goddamn executive decision and give a resounding, ‘hell no!’ These bitches seem to think that their Snap is going to be for one person’s eyes only, so they’re less reserved and show their truly slutty side. When it’s leaked, you get to see them for what they are – and if you love amateur content as I do, you’ll know it’s some of the sexiest, rawest shit you’ll see. Snap...
Reddit NSFW ListHaving not completely recuperated from recently having one of the best ‘no sex’ dreams of my life, I was busy working on the massive web site upgrade I had been contracted to do. Things in that respect were going well – it was my personal life that was in major turmoil, all because of that dream. Sam called me to his office and asked if I would go to the airport to meet his grand daughter, who was scheduled to arrive soon. She was flying in for a big meeting that Sam was setting up, but nobody...
Pretty in Pink Part 6: The next morning Mum and Aunt Edwina were waiting in the kitchen when we awoke. Mum was wearing a white neglig?e and sheer robe with pink fur edges and Aunt Edwina was wearing her sheer robe and pink neglig?e.. "Morning ladies," said Aunt Edwina, "That was quite a night last night wasn't it?" Philippa smiled at Aunt Edwina and said, "Great, but do you think I should do a pregnancy test, Aunt Edwina?" Aunt Edwina smiled and said, "Well you said he was wearing a...
One Halloween they dared me to go into Miller’s cornfield and up to the house. The Miller house was supposed to be haunted even the fields. Everyone was scared to go there. But my ‘friends’ told me if I’d go all the way up to the house through the cornfield and come back with something I’d be ‘in’. We waited till dark, then I took a flashlight and dressed in a t-shirt jeans and sneakers I went into the corn. It wasn’t so bad at first, I grew up around corn. But after about ten minute I...
A few years ago , when I was still experimenting with my Bi side , I went to Spain for a few days , walking round early one evening I chanced on a sex shop , .I went in and it was huge , I saw things that I hadn't anywhere else , I was in heaven.Going further in there was a sign for theater so going through a door I found myself in the room with cubicles and little video players , I was pretty nervous but went and sat in one and started watching the films, again the content was so sexy and new...
It was all she could do not to watch the clock. She paced back and forth through the house, a not-so-easy feat due to the black leather heels he had told her to wear. They went well with the lace lingerie he provided but they were foreign to her. Not anything like she was used to. Allyson was more of a casual girl and it was Max’s laid-back spirit that attracted her to him. He was easy to talk to and kept her laughing. Everything about them was easy and natural which is what had Allyson so...
BDSMThe two women debated whether to bring rape charges against Jamal and Kamon, but decided against it. After all, both had had sex willingly with the men on numerous other occasions, making it hard to convince a jury that this time it had been non consentual. They also had no witnesses as the two teens did not enter until after Jamal and Kamon had abused them and it would be highly doubtful the two girls could have been persuaded to testify anyway. So, both women called in to the set, claiming...