That Weekend free porn video

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That Weekend by Vickie Tern i. My negotiations in Baltimore went faster than I'd expected, no need to stay the weekend and finish up on Monday or Tuesday, so early Friday morning I booked a flight back and a few hours later when I arrived home I picked up a small bottle of my wife's favorite perfume before heading out to my car. A peace offering, we'd quarreled about something trivial just before I left, why I hadn't cut the grass or cleared the table, or something. Nothing. But there'd been a lot of those lately, arguments about nothing. Something bigger was bothering her that she wouldn't talk about. This weekend I meant to ask her what it was. Then when I got home something didn't feel quite right. A chair or two out of place -- Joan is meticulous about such things. I headed for a beer while musing about it and found half a bottle of wine uncovered in the fridge, and wine glasses unpropped in the dishwasher as if hastily put there. From the night before, she'd had a friend over? And the back door was ajar. Someone had just left? "Joan?" I called out up the stairs. Then "Joan?" out the rear door, figuring she'd gone into the back garden. No answer. She wasn't home? Her car was here. Puzzled, I carried my suitcase upstairs and into our bedroom. The first thing I saw was a badly mussed bed. Even more puzzling. And clothes were strewn everywhere. "Joan?" I called out again. This time she answered. Her voice was not welcoming. It was furious! "Who is she?!" rang from our adjoining bathroom. "You two-timing shit, who is she?" The bathroom door opened I saw her standing there still in her nightgown, disheveled, livid, hair all awry and eyes glaring like some vengeful vampire woman. "Who is she, Jerry?" she practically screamed! Her face was wet, as if she'd been crying. Or as if I'd interrupted her as she rinsed off her tears -- there was still gray eye shadow smeared across an eyelid. She'd worn eye-shadow today? Friday, her work-at-home day? Left over from yesterday? But she always creams it off, every night. And she hasn't dressed yet. Such are the dumb thoughts you get unbidden even in the middle of a ferocious crisis. And this was a crisis, plainly. A catastrophe maybe -- Joanie was obviously outraged, out of her mind! Baffled, I looked at her, then all around the room, then again at the bed. And then I understood. I'd been found out. The clothes strewn all over were mine! She'd found my stash. My beloved women's clothes. Both valises full and a box as well, all stuffed way back in my closet! They were now all over the bed and the floor. I hadn't dressed for months, not that I didn't want to, but there'd been no time. My new business had recently reached a make-or-break phase and needed my full attention. And no opportunity either -- Joan had taken to working from home when she could instead of her company's office, and her schedule had become unpredictable. I missed dressing up, the sacred ritual of remaking myself to resemble a beloved object of desire I could admire in the mirror to my heart's content. And in fact if I do say so I'd gotten skilled enough at it to make myself look quite pretty. I thought so, anyway. But of course I could never take the slightest chance, the faintest risk that she'd ever discover me. She'd be disgusted by me, outraged by my deception and demeaned to find herself married to a man who wanted to look and feel like a woman now and then. A transvestite. A pervert. She was a straight arrow and a straight woman as well as a tough lady, decisive in everything. She'd stare at me and decide flat out to leave me, I knew it! And if she did decide to leave me, she would! I'd missed those few hours stolen from workday mornings or afternoons when I could make myself attractive to myself and in that way renew acquaintance with my own feminine feelings. It was exciting -- I always felt I was trespassing in disguise in some dangerous, forbidden place. It was also sexually exciting -- when I'd had enough of primping and admiring myself I'd make slow, gentle love to the lady in the mirror. I'd lie back languorously and rub my elongated clit until it felt exquisite sensations, and work my lubricated finger in and out of my chaste anal vagina until I came to a glorious orgasm. It was wonderful, those hours spent exploring my feminine self. But none of that mattered now. I looked around. Dresses and bras and slips were scattered on the floor. My skirts and blouses were tumbled in their valise. My make-up case was open on the bed. A rumpled bed, partly unmade. That figured. I pieced the clues together. She'd found my stuff and her first impulse had been to run away, and she'd actually gotten as far as the back door. Then she'd rushed back and flung herself on the bed, and she'd been lying there crying. I felt devastated, as much for her as for me, but most of all for our marriage. My life as I'd known it was over. My heart went out to her. "You've been crying," I said softly, as sorry for her as for myself. "I've been what?" For a moment she stared at me, baffled. Then glanced at the bed and understood. Then returned her attention to me, her eyes narrowing again. Now her voice was acid. "So whose are these, Jerry? Who's the tramp? What woman have you been harboring here? Who do you fuck when I'm not here? Who lives here when I'm away on business?" It was obvious. My only salvation, or my marriage's only salvation, was to tell all. Full disclosure, Endure the worst to avoid worse still, maybe. "These clothes," I said, gesturing at the scattered piles on the bed and the floor. "They're all mine." I paused. She stared at me, incredulous. "I'm the tramp," I added. "I'm the woman." It sounded odd to say it. Then lamely, I added, "I live here." "You!" she said, almost numb from this revelation. As I already was. "I wear these things," I said as if that explained everything. "I like it. I guess I'm what they call a transvestite." I almost added 'I'm sorry!' but I didn't. I wasn't. And this was truth time. "These are your things? Not leftovers from some floosie you bedded down in my bed? They're yours?" As I'd most feared would happen when she found out, if she ever did, her lip curled in contempt. She just stared at me. I looked back at her. No, it wasn't contempt. Not yet. It was disbelief! She simply didn't believe me. "They're your dresses? Your pantyhose? Your ... bras, even?" She looked at my chest as if anyone could see there the obvious evidence that I was telling an outrageous lie. Or the lack of evidence. I was getting confused. "Mine," I continued in a small voice, my confidence wilting even as I spoke. "All mine." Then hopefully, desperately, I added, "It's true, Joanie! It's true!" Tears started in my eyes. "Think, why would some floosie leave all these clothes here? They're all in my size! They all fit me!" I started to add with a certain pride, 'and they aren't floosie clothes, they're in good taste,' but I cut myself off. I was fearful I'd convey the wrong thing. "Oh?" she said, her voice rich with skepticism. "These are all your clothes? You're a transvestite?" "Yes," I said. "Why should I believe you?" she asked scornfully. She studied me. Then looked at the litter in the two suitcases and on the bed. And the floor. Then back at me. Then suddenly she spat out, "Prove it!" "What!?" "Prove it! Show me! I'm going downstairs! I'll wait for you downstairs. Take your time, get dressed in them! Put on a show! This oughta be good, MISS Jerry!! You'd better be telling me the truth!" "Joan!" I tried to say in a desperate, exasperated, conciliatory, reassuring voice, though all that came out was a plaintive whine. I felt for words like 'be reasonable,' and 'be patient, let's talk about this like adults,' and 'I'm not lying, Joan, I've never lied to you, just not told you everything' But she'd taken her salmon silk robe and put it on and swept to the door. Then turned. "Make it good, Jerry baby!" she said with warning in her voice. Or was it menace? "This is your one big chance!" And she was gone from the room. Barefoot, I suddenly realized. Still wearing her nightgown. A rather pretty one I'd gotten her for our anniversary, from the same place I'd gotten one for myself, though I'd had few opportunities to wear mine, only when she was out of town on business. She'd found my things first thing this morning, I supposed, and had rushed around the house and then finally flung herself down on the bed to weep her way through the evidence of my infidelity. I wondered if I'd have done the same thing. It seemed a desecration of sorts, my women's clothes all over the bed and the floor. I was never careful with my men's clothes -- they lay where they fell usually. But my women's clothes always seemed to me a lot more precious. More fragile. Being a woman was in part a matter of being careful about your appearance. I decided to get to my own appearance. Begin with a shower and a thorough depillation, no need to hide hairlessness any longer with half-way measures. Then close-shave, three times, until all of my facial hairs ended well below my skin's surfaces. Then a lilac-scented skin cream. Then body powder scented the same way -- she hadn't found that, it was still in a box far back in my closet. Then a volumizing gel for my hair, and then I put it up on the rollers also still hidden in the back of my closet. Today I'd wear my own hair, in a page-boy flip, not one of my wigs. I had to be absolutely persuasive. This was my one big chance -- she'd called it that herself. If I couldn't persuade her that these were my clothes and I knew how to wear them appropriately, that I was indeed a transvestite, that I hadn't betrayed my vows of fidelity to her, my marriage was over. Not that it wasn't anyhow, once she saw with her own eyes the truth about me. But this was the only avenue she'd left me. I had to out-do myself. There was no time to do my nails -- but fortunately, they were already neatly tipped, the cuticles pushed back, and protected by a three layers of clear matte finish. The lady at the Nail Factory had assured me the style was unisexual, good grooming for men or women, though few men ever wore them that long or polished. I took fifteen minutes to do my face, pink blush brushed over an ivory foundation, and liquid eye liner this time, to save my marriage I told myself, fortunately it came out looking perfect. And dark brown eye-shadow. And a pale, creamy lipstick that seemed to glow -- I'd loved the shade the moment I first saw it in a Vogue magazine at the salon where my nails were done weekly and I had my hair trimmed to look sexually ambiguous. When I was near the closet I could hear Joan speaking to someone on the phone from downstairs. To a lawyer? I couldn't be sure. When I picked up our bedside phone, all I heard was a 'click.' Then a few minutes later the same thing. Who knows who she was calling? I had to hope that if she was asking for advice, it was from friends favorable to my side of things. It almost didn't matter to me that everyone would now know that I like to wear women's clothes. My marriage was at stake! They were indeed my clothes! But I had to prove it! It was late afternoon, so I decided on one of my cocktail dresses, "ready to whirl into the evening and into the night in his arms," the tag on it had boasted, and it was indeed a very pretty full-skirted tissue faille in various muted earth tones, with a low belt line and a narrow, figure-hugging bodice. It fit my figure marvelously -- that would certainly help persuade her! I thanked whatever gods look after people like me that I hadn't stopped for lunch that day, not even for a snack at an airport food court not so many hours ago. My stomach was flat. And when I'd fastened my bra and inserted my breast forms, and slipped into my dress, my chest looked gorgeous, two hemispheres extending way forward. I was a woman again! I put on my shoes, matching sandals with three-inch heels, not too extreme, and I was almost ready. I then took the curlers out of my hair and blow-dried and brushed out a bouncing page-boy. Then I checked myself in the mirror again -- perfect. I had to smile with satisfaction. Then I went down to the kitchen to show myself to Joan and find out my fate. She was sitting there with a drink in her hand. Scotch on rocks, her usual afternoon cocktail. I'd taken some time, she'd had several? She looked at me carefully, critically. Then her voice softened. "You aren't bad looking at all, honey," she said. I found hope in that 'honey.' "You're really cute. Very feminine. Your make-up is perfect. You really have done this before, haven't you?" I nodded, my anxiety melting. I'm sure I looked poignant and relieved all at once. There were tears in my eyes. "That dress is lovely. The style's quite flattering. In the future, you shouldn't hide your figure the way you do." Was she being ironic? She sounded sincere enough! My heart leaped. "Thank you," I replied in the soft, flute-pitched voice I'd practiced so often but no one else had ever heard until this moment. "I do wish I'd known earlier about this ... interest of yours. I could have helped. We could have made girl talk. I could have asked your advice about my own hairdos, and salons, and we could have gossiped together about which of our friends were cheating with which others. Whether we have the same taste in men. You know." Now she was being ironic. "I wish I'd told you earlier," I said in all earnestness, in the same feminine voice. It seemed suitable enough. "I hated your not knowing. It always seemed to separate us somehow. But I was always afraid how you'd take it." She nodded understandingly. But what did she understand? "So tell me about this, Jerry," she said. "Are you like those tranny women on Oprah? You wanted to be a girl from a very young age, and then you started dressing like one when you hit adolescence and found that you loved it? That it felt sexy?" "I never wanted to be a girl, exactly," I replied. "Just to look like one, maybe feel like one. Not to have to be a boy all the time." I was ready to confess everything! This wasn't a disaster! Maybe it was the reverse! I had to ask her, just to be sure. "So now you're convinced? You do know now that these clothes really are mine? That I haven't been unfaithful to you?" She seemed to find this question amusing. "Oh Jerry! Unfaithful? Look at you! To be unfaithful to a woman you have to seem to be a man, at least to some woman somewhere. You aren't a man! You're very good at this, you know? Obviously you've spent all your spare time doing this, with no time left over for other women! And what kind of man would do that? You don't look at all like a man. You don't sound like a man. I can't imagine you ever were a man when I see you dressed like this." I waited now for what I knew would be her zinger, and it came, in a quiet but steely tone. "Tell me, Miss Jerry, can you honestly call yourself a man?" This was catty, cruel. She'd probably had a few before I came in. I just stood there. Honesty, honesty! "Not now, no, I can't. Not when I'm dressed like this. I like to think I'm a woman when I'm dressed like this." This was a little unsettling. "You know something?" she said. "I'm thinking the same thing. I can't call you a man either. Nor think of you as a man." She may have meant that as an insult, but I resolved to think of it as a compliment. She looked me up and down carefully, as if imprinting my image in her memory. I instinctively lifted my chin and put one hand on my hip, and turned my torso a little to one side, in a relaxed pose like a model's. And smiled, maybe a little anxiously. Be proud, I told myself. You have nothing to be ashamed of. "I really don't know," she continued. "You actually like looking like this? Going through all the froufrou rituals women go through to look decent each day? You prefer looking like this to looking like a man?" There was no point in hiding anything from her now. No more lies. No more deception. "I like it, yes. I do enjoy all the froufrou rituals as you call them." She waited, saying nothing. "Now and then." She still waited, looking at me with those wide, wide eyes, listening, expressing nothing. I saw she'd cleaned away her smudged eye shadow, and her small, lovely face looked luminous, expectant. I couldn't read her thoughts at all. Finally I added. "I need to do it now and then, Joan. It's kind of a compulsion I suppose. I love it!" She remained unperturbed. "Yes, I've heard that about men who want to be women, though I never imagined I'd ever find myself married to one." She sighed. "You just might find it a little less enjoyable if you had to do our things daily instead of just 'now and then.' Have you thought of doing yourself up daily? Living like a woman all the time? Or becoming a woman in fact, going all the way? Getting a nookie of your own installed between your legs?" "No, never!" "Afraid?" "No. I just don't want to." "How about breasts? Those you're wearing are lovely, and nicely proportioned to your figure, you do have good taste, but haven't you ever wanted to get the kind that are part of you? The kind that feel wonderful when a man caresses them? You've imagined what that must be like, haven't you?" I couldn't deny it. About the breasts, I mean, not about the man. But I said nothing. She nodded, as if my silence confirmed something. And nodded again, as if settling something in her own mind. "If you had breasts, I'd never have to worry about you with other women, would I?" she said half-aloud, half to herself. I got the impression she'd said it that way for my benefit, and I began to feel uneasy again. "Well, why don't you get yourself a drink and sit down, and we'll talk." Since I didn't dare let myself get addled at this crucial juncture, I poured myself a mineral water on ice and decided to sip it as if it were something stronger. And sat down opposite her. I noticed I was holding the glass as women do, as if exhibiting the delicacy of my hands. Playing the part without thinking. "Well, dear, since we can't either of us call you a man, I guess I'll have to think of you as a woman. How womanly are you?" She paused and again I braced myself to flinch. "Do you have a boyfriend, sweetie? You can tell me." Again, terms of endearment. As if I were her husband after all? Or her new girlfriend? Did she seem worried? No, she was being edgy. Sarcastic. So I got defensive. "No, Joan, no girlfriend, you know that now, and no boyfriend either. I'm not gay, and I don't want either. Only you. You've always been the only person in my life, of either sex. And I've never been out of the house dressed this way. I've been satisfied to pretend in private. I've been afraid to risk going further. No one knows about this but you. No one has ever seen me like this but me, and now you." My vehemence softened her voice. "I appreciate that, Jerry. And everything you've just said. But what you've also told me is that you really don't know yet how far this goes, this compulsion of yours to be a woman." I began to protest, so she corrected herself quickly. "This compulsion to pretend to be a woman, so you can feel like one, is that any better?" I nodded. "Supposedly feel like one, as if dressing like a woman in private was the only thing a woman ever feels like doing." Had her tart tone returned? "Joan, I haven't done this for months. If it offends you that much, I'll never do it again!" Not true, and she knew it! "I mean, I'll try never to do it again!" I was near tears. "I'll really try!" I meant it, though I knew that of course I'd fail. And if she knew as much about transvestites as she seemed to know, she knew it too. Now she seemed quite serious, even concerned. "Jerry, listen. I can't possibly ask that of you. You'd try and you'd fail, and you'd hate yourself, and hide it from me again, and who knows how that would end up? And the fact is, I now know all about you. We have a new relationship, one of absolute honesty between us, unlike our old relationship, where in my innocence I thought I was married to a man and you in your guilt hid your ... womanly desires from me. What will happen with this new relationship remains to be seen. But what I see right now is that I'm married to a sort of a woman. And that there should be no further secrets between us. We both need to accept that! I felt injured. "You're still married to a man!" I insisted. "I'm still a man." "Not now. Not when you're dressed like this. You just said so yourself." She was right. I had nothing to say. "But otherwise," I muttered weakly. "Otherwise isn't at issue here. What you are is at issue. We need to see just see how much of a woman you are when you're dressed like this. What kind of woman. How far this impulse or compulsion you speak of wants to carry you. We don't know what we're dealing with here, do we? I'll go up and change, I'll only be a moment. Finish your drink and go get your purse, if you have one. We're going out." "Joan! No!" I practically shouted. In terror! She stood up and looked down at me, and spoke in a firm, level voice. "Honey, you want to look like a woman? How can I respect you unless you're willing to act like one? You need to pretend you're what every woman is, in all sorts of ways. You need a social identity. You need to be seen, to know you're being seen, to be known to be a woman, to be proud of what you are and how you look. To be with other women. And like it or not, with men. So we're going out!" She headed out of the kitchen without waiting for a reply, then paused and turned and smiled. "Don't worry, you're quite passable. Quite convincing. Look how you've convinced me, after all! You're doing very well, girlfriend! You're on a roll!" And she was gone. 'Girlfriend,' she'd called me. My fondest dream had been that she'd sometimes think of me that way, call me that. But now I wasn't so sure. She reappeared. Fetching in a summer dress with a wide skirt like mine, but with a deep neckline exposing her cleft, and carrying a shawl. It was warm now, but the nights were cool. She expected us to be out after dark? "Ready?" she asked me with an expectant grin, eyes sparkling. "I think this'll be fun! Found your purse yet?" "I don't have a purse," I replied timorously, my stomach where my heart should be, my heart in my mouth. I had to pay this price to maintain her respect, I told myself. "I've never needed one." "Then we'll have to get you one, won't we," she replied instantly. "But I thought so, so meanwhile here, use this one." And she produced a clutch bag in the same earth-tone as my skirt. "A perfect match, don't you think? Run upstairs and fill it with everything girls need when they goes out. Wallet, keys, your current shade of lipstick and mascara, hanky, a few tampons, a few condoms. You know I'm sure, you've played this game. We may not be back till late." "Joanie, I don't think ...." "Jerry, don't think! We're going out. Either together or separately. If separately, then one of us spends the night in a motel tonight and then talks to a lawyer first thing in the morning, I don't much care which one of us. Because you playing secret games with yourself, pretending to be someone you're not, or not yet, is unworthy of anyone I care to live with and insulting to me and unacceptable. That's how it is." I went up and filled the purse exactly as specified. She was twisting the knife by specifying those last two items I knew, tampons and condoms, but I didn't want to take any chances. I knew where she kept her tampons, and the condoms I found in one of my back drawers, dating from far back before Joanie went on the pill. It was just as well. When I got downstairs again she said simply, "Show me!" so I opened my purse and showed her. She smiled, a satisfied smile that cheered me up. This might not be too tense an excursion after all! "Good, honey! I love it! Those condoms are a little old, I suspect, but you're not likely to get pregnant tonight anyhow. I forgot to ask, you aren't on the pill by any chance, are you?" "No," I said. "Many transvestites are, I hear. It helps them feel more womanly, and it gives their bodies certain womanly traits, so they look more womanly. That's what you want, isn't it? To look and feel more womanly?" "Joanie, I ...." She grinned sociably. "Oh, c'mon, girlfriend. Maybe I'm teasing you." She paused. "Maybe." "Joanie, I don't know what you're doing. I don't know where you're going with this. You found some of my clothes and now you're pushing me way further than I want to go with this under threat of divorce. I don't know what's teasing and what isn't!" "No, you don't, do you?" Her voice was level again as she turned toward the door. "But you're finding it exciting, aren't you? A whole new dimension has been added to our marriage, hasn't it?" I couldn't deny it. "Yes," I said. "Scary but exciting." "Trust me, Jerry. I knew the moment you came down and I saw you that this is how it has to be. I'll drive, I know where we're going even if you don't. By the way, I can't keep calling you Jerry, can I? Have you thought about that?" "Yes," I said glumly. Another secret of my fantasy life now to be revealed. "You can call me 'Jerry' if you spell it 'Jeri" in your head. That's what I do." "No, too similar. You aren't at all the Jerry I married, remember, my pet. Let's not confuse the two. And the Jeri you like to think you are is about to be left behind, here in this house. You're too chic and soignee to stay hidden, mon cher. Mon cher, you like that? How about 'Cherie'? That's what all those French maid transvestites are supposed to wish they were called, isn't it? No, I can see you don't care for that. How about 'Sherry'? Close enough but different enough? "Yes," I said. I was beginning to wonder whether she really was improvising on the spot. She was always quick and decisive, true, but this almost seemed to be something thought out in advance. Maybe while I was dressing and she was sitting downstairs alone with that bottle of Scotch. Maybe during those phone calls? Was I being set up? For what? Why? ii. We settled into the car and she started the engine. I reached over and turned it off again. She looked at me. "Joanie, before I go anywhere further with you, where are we going?" She looked back at me. "Fair question. Just remember, you don't have a choice as I see it, but I guess you're entitled to know. First, Kara's place. Kara's my closest friend, and any close friend of mine has to be a close friend of yours too if we're to be girlfriends. I sort of like the idea of us as three girls together, all good friends. Calling each other up, chatting. It'll be good for your feminine image of yourself. You'd like that, wouldn't you? So Kara will help us get it started." She was right. That had always been one of my fantasies, being a girl among other girls, accepted by them as one of them. "I guess. But ... Joanie, I'm still afraid. Of seeming ridiculous. Does she have to know it's me? Can't I be my sister or something? Does she have to know? About me, I mean?" Joan looked hard at me, and then started the engine again and backed out of the driveway. Then looking straight ahead, she said. "That's the man in you speaking, afraid he'll seem ridiculous. As well he might, he is! Face it, any man who tries to be womanly is ridiculous. He's a freak. So forget him! Be all the woman you can be, the one you'd like to feel you are, and you'll be just fine. Be proud of who you are!" She was right. I had to suppress those fears. I am what I am, I told myself. And almost persuaded myself. Then an unexpected revelation. "Besides, Kara already knows. I phoned and told her all about this while you were dressing. What you'd claimed. Don't be shocked. She offered to help out, and I've taken her up on it. She's a physician, and a plastic surgeon at that, how could I not tell her? She knows all about transvestites and transsexuals and men who want to be women. Who want to look like women. Here's a secret. I believed you when you first said those clothes were yours. Because no real woman would ever leave lovely dresses like those packed away in suitcases, getting all wrinkled. They're for wearing, for being seen! And you're so transparent, so utterly without guile, my darling, that's why you've always been such a lovely man. I can always tell when you're telling the truth and when you're shading the truth a little." "I'm a lovely man? After all?" "I didn't say that." She paused, still looking straight ahead. "You were, that's for certain." Then glanced at me and grinned a pixie grin. Still teasing me? "So you weren't surprised to find that I was speaking the truth? Why did you make me get dressed up at all then? Why all this?" Her face became impassive. "Because we can't go back, Sherry. I know, and you know I know. So we have to go ahead. You're like a new puppy born with huge feet, in a way. You know how a puppy has to grow into his feet until they're normal for his size? That's you with these womanly urges. The rest of your womanliness needs a chance to grow to match your desire to look womanly. I want you to enjoy everything you are, and looking like a woman so you can feel like one is what you yourself want too, isn't it? Well, you need to grow into yourself if you can. If you can't, at least you'll know it, and we'll both be better able to accept you as you are. And meanwhile you'll want to share all of your new feelings with me, so I'll know all about them too, won't you?" She threw me a sharp glance. "Which is not the way things were before today, were they?" No, they weren't. She had me. I should have told her years ago. A pang of guilt intruded on my general nervous anxiety, and I said no more until she pulled into Kara's driveway. "Does Hal know too?" I suddenly asked anxiously. Hal was Kara's husband. Joanie turned toward me as she opened her door. "That's the man in you asking again, isn't it? Men do feel so competitive with each other, don't they? They're so fearful of seeming unmanly. Well, maybe the woman in you should be hoping he does know. Maybe she should be glad that she's no longer jockeying for position with him in the male pecking order. Maybe she should be looking forward to flirting with him? Hal flirts with every woman he sees, you know that, women and girls of every age and disposition. That's his charm. Women love it. And some of the fun of being a woman is flirting back, you should know that too. Harmlessly of course. Mostly harmlessly. So aren't you looking forward to teasing Hal, maybe arousing him just a little?" I swallowed hard. She wanted me to play the role, so I'd play it. I owed her. I had no choice anyhow. "Yes, I guess so." "Oh, what a shame, Hal's out of town this week. We'll just have to find you some other guy to get girlish with." And she smiled a dazzling smile at me, expecting me to share in appreciation of the joke she'd just pulled. I managed to grin back at her. Sort of. "Remember to take your purse," she said, and got out of the car. I had to get it out into the open now, before we went any further. "You keep emphasizing the sexual part of being a woman, Joan," I told her as we walked toward Kara's front door and Joan rang the bell, and we waited. "What with all this talk of my wanting to attract boys, or men, and flirting, and so on. Why? I'm not attracted to men. I like women. What if it turns out that the woman in me is a lesbian? What then?" "Why, then we'd just have to find you another lesbian to play with, wouldn't we? It'd be easier if you preferred men, but we can't always choose, and anyhow, you don't really know for sure, do you? Not yet." She hesitated, then she added, "I have a problem too, honey, though I don't really know for sure either. I'm not a lesbian. At least, not that I know. I don't sleep with women." She flashed a smile at me. Apologetic? Regretful? Dismissive? She seemed to be pulling me closer as her newfound girlfriend, and she seemed to want me closer, yet she also seemed to be pushing me away as her sexual partner. The more womanly I became, the less attractive to her? This would take some thinking through. She paused, then turned quite serious for a moment. "Men play very big roles in the ways women feel, honey. Very! Maybe bigger roles than women usually play in men's lives. In your case, a love of the womanly seems to be inborn, it seems to have penetrated you to the core, but that's not true for most men. I wouldn't want to deprive you of anything women love to feel. And her attractiveness to a man is an important part of any woman's pride in herself. When you know you're attractive, there's a special pleasure women take simply in being women." I was silent. Not at all happy. "Anyhow, cheer up Sherry, maybe you're bi-sexual. If you're bi-gendered, as it seems, maybe you're bi-sexual too but don't yet know it? And maybe we'll luck out and I'll turn out to be bi-sexual too?" Another dazzling grin. Her jestings and evasions were beginning to get annoying. If that's what they were. I forgot altogether that I was standing on the front steps of her closest friend, my hair in a suave page boy, wearing full makeup and a wide skirt with clingy top rising from a dropped waistline, looking every inch a woman and a pretty one at that, if I could believe my wife wasn't just flattering me. "Joan," I said in my man's voice. No pretending now. "Didn't all this start with whether or not we've been true to each other? Over a small matter of marital fidelity? About your questioning whether I've been faithful to you? So what's all this about me with other men? Or other women?" She looked at me. Directly into my eyes. Hers were a clear blue. "Yes, it did start that way. It certainly did. Because we're married, so we owe each other certain obligations. To understand and be open with each other and to try to forgive each other when we're not able to understand, and to help each other, that's one obligation. Or maybe all of them rolled into one. But that takes time. I'm trying to understand and help you. Patience sweetie, we're working on it." And the door opened, and there was Kara, grinning broadly. "Come in, come in, I've been expecting you two," she said. I did. Now I'd been outside dressed, briefly, and in a car, and now I was in someone else's home. As if I were an ordinary woman. Kara and Joan kissed each other briefly on the cheek. "And this is?" she asked Joan. "Sherry," Joan said. "Sherry, this is Kara. Kara's my best friend. Then to Kara, "Sherry's been my other best friend for years and years. Her circumstances have changed recently, but I hope she still is, and that you'll get along." "Oh I'm sure we will," Kara said, taking my hand and beaming at me. "Friendships go on and on through all sorts of changed circumstances. Isn't that so?" She was speaking to me. "I suppose it is," I said in what was now my Sherry voice. "I do hope you'll be my friend too," she said. She still hadn't let go of my hand. "I hope so too," I said. No harm in saying so. "Shall we, then?" she asked Joan, rather cryptically. "The sooner the better, Kara," Joan replied. "Relax your arm, then, Sherry, would you?" she said to me, pulling my hand close to her and then grasping my wrist gently, as if to examine my bracelet and manicure. She then produced a syringe out of nowhere, swiped a patch of my forearm, tipped the needle just under the skin, and pressed the plunger. I looked down at what she'd just done, then up into her eyes, silent, shocked. "You'll love this, Sherry, never fear," she said, looking back into my eyes and watching my reaction closely. "It's just a tranquilizer, honey. Nothing to worry about. So you'll feel sort of comfy while we do the rest. None of this commits you to anything, but Joanie thinks it'll be best if I help you over every woman's first few hurdles, so you can decide for yourself whether you want to go further or just let it all lapse and go back to what you were. It'll all be your decision. But an informed decision, honey. This will make it easier." I heard that much, and felt a little reassured somehow. Then I began to feel woozy. "What have you...?" I started to say. I then entered into a strange mood. Relaxed, mellow. Unconcerned. No more talking, it didn't seem worth the bother. I could still hear Kara maintain a steady patter, I suppose to maintain what little consciousness remained to me, my awareness of an outer world, maybe to keep me awake. I sort of understood her, without really listening. I could still walk. Or sit. If I was told to, or reminded. "Certainly, Joanie, go right ahead," Kara was saying. "Tend to your other things. She'll be fine. In maybe an hour? Better two, I'm sure that by then she'll feel like a very different girl, and then you can take her to dinner." I felt her arm around my shoulder, urging me to walk. So I did. Through her house into a kind of annex. " examination room, Sherry, I hold a Saturday clinic here for local teenagers, girls with acne who need light hormonal adjustments, things like that, nothing really serious of course. Yes, on that table. To the waist, you won't need that bra any more, I'll give you one with the kind of support you'll need for the next few days. This one's very pretty though -- we'll be sure you remember to take it with you." I was lying there on the table, relaxed, and there was someone else in the room. A nurse? I felt pinpricks in my chest all the while Kara was talking to her. "Yes, it's quite new, conjugated estrogenic collagen is what they call it. Liz Forter loved what happened when I injected her! She told her friends about it and then my phone never stopped ringing, not for two weeks. Pull the skin back here. And here too, please, we want her breasts to feel full as well as look full. That's it. I must have done a dozen patients that first week it came out. Why not? Even well-endowed women know that a protruding areola and a fat nipple turns men into mush, the right kind of men anyhow. And then there's this incredible increase in erogenous sensitivity too, so the woman can enjoy her gentleman's attentions as never before. That's done, now the other one. Yes, there. And now here. Perfect." The other woman said something amusing, I guess, because Kara laughed. "Oh, maybe one cup size for about every ten milligrams, and that's something else men never complain about. Sherry here is getting thirty milligrams in each breast because she's beginning flat and her own body's estrogen can't help. She'll take slightly longer to replace these implants with her own tissue, maybe even a full month. Yes, she really was once a man, can you believe it? My best friend's husband. She still is a man down below, see for yourself if you like. But first let's get this prosthetic bra placed properly on her. There! Now she has the best of both worlds, breasts held well-shaped till they heal and new nipples fully exposed for play." "Can you sit up, dear? Good! Now we're going back to the main part of the house, there's someone there waiting to meet you." Once erect, I felt a stiff binding tight on my torso, all around, and a weight on my chest that tugged my shoulders. Kara gave a playful flick to a nipple as I stood up, and I nearly died from the sudden suffusing pleasure! Oh, God what joy! "Marvelous!" she said. "Plenty of feeling. That was a lovely shriek, Sherry. It all went very well, everything is obviously as it should be! Just remember not to remove your bra for a couple of days, you'll need the support until the gel sets. Now I want to give you one more injection, a memory drug this time, so you won't be especially aware of anything that happens during the next hour until Joan does the honors and reminds you of it in her own way. Then you'll recall it, whatever she wants you to recall of it. There." I remember being guided back into Kara's living room. Things happened then sort of kaleidescopically. I felt involved yet inattentive, though it all felt good. I didn't know what, exactly, but it was nice. I kept at it until this woman returned and told me to stand up and tell Kara thank you and goodbye, which I did. Then the world began to come together again. Kara told her I was still a little zonked but I'd be out of it and altogether myself in another half-hour or so, so she should use the time to bring back my memory selectively. Joan led me back to the car and we sat there. It was dusk now, evening settling in. I looked at the darkening trees on Kara's quiet suburban street. Something had changed. It felt exciting. My chest felt so very marvelous! "Do you remember who I am, honey?" "You're Joanie," I smiled at her. "My wife Joanie." To my surprise she leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. She was almost never that demonstrative. "Your dearest girlfriend Joanie," she said. "We do love each other." "Yes," I replied, because it was true. "And what's your name, sweetheart?" "Sherry," I replied. Then I felt confused. "No, Jerry," I said. "Same thing, baby. "It's Sherry until we make some more permanent decisions. Until you know what you really and truly want it. All right?" "All right." "Do you remember what day this is?" I strained, and remembered. "Friday?" I'd gotten back from my trip early Friday afternoon. It was still Friday? "Yes. You got back from your trip early, and we've had a busy time ever since. You especially. Now we're going to dinner. The Bamboo Club. Don't worry, you're dressed just fine for it, though you'll need to refresh your make-up when we get there." She smiled. There was a pause. Then, "Kara's been helping you become a woman. You've come a long way in just a couple of hours. She's fixed your figure so it looks authentic because it is. And it feels good too I bet." "Yes," I said, remembering how it had felt when Kara touched my new nipple. Then also while I'd been kneeling down with my face in someone's lap and his hands were on my nipples. Oh, God, what ecstasy! What was that? "Do you remember anything afterward? After she fixed your figure?" I looked at her. "Was there a man?" It was blurred, but yes, there was! He was sitting there, and I was kneeling and looking up at his face. My face was in his lap, looking up. "Yes," I said. "There was!" It seemed miraculous. Of course! How could I have forgotten? "Yes, Tim. Quite a man, too. You like him?" Another memory returned. A feeling! "I had him in my mouth!" I said, amazed. "Yes, you did, and you loved it. What's your best memory of it?" "Big. Thick. And slippery on my lips. So velvety smooth." "Yes," she said gently. "Men's cocks are like that. That's why they're so nice." "Slick and salty when he squirted." "Yes, they do taste that way. Now stop and think, take your time. What did you do while he was in your mouth? What do we call what you did?" I was stymied. For a moment. But the fog in my mind was blowing away more rapidly now, and I could see things more clearly. I remembered what I'd done. "Sucking. Cocksucking. I sucked his cock! That's what I did!" I said triumphantly. Then heard what I'd just said, and realized what it meant! "Yes, honey, you did. You're now a cocksucker. Men who suck cocks are not always well-respected, but women suck cocks all the time and are always appreciated. You were appreciated. So that's what you must be. A woman." "Yes." That was a comforting thought. So I wasn't gay after all! I'd just known it! I remembered telling Joanie that earlier this afternoon! I'd been a woman when I'd sucked that cock! That was why I did it. "And you have breasts now too. Just like all other women. Did he touch them?" I remembered. Rapture! "Yes. He did something with them. It felt wonderful. I came in my panties." "Yes, when I came in you were kneeling astride his lap with his cock deep in your ass and holding his head and mouth gently to your breasts while he caressed them and sucked on your nipples. And your bottom was bobbing up and down on his cock ever so gently, slowly, swallowing it and releasing it. You looked so beautiful! So blissful! So perfectly, happily feminine. Do you remember now?" "Yes," I said, because suddenly I did. It all came back now. I'd sucked a man's cock, and then he'd anchored me onto his lap by pushing it deep into my rear, and then he'd sucked my exposed nipples as they'd poked out of the opening in each cup of that stiff bra I had to wear for support. It had felt heavenly underneath, and unspeakably, utterly glorious above! I'd felt so tender toward him!" "Kara enhanced your breasts for you. So you'd feel like more of a woman. She injected a new hormonal collagen to swell them up and bring the nipples forward, to give a man's mouth something to hold, so you can suckle a man as only a woman can. Yes, that was our plan. You'd suck him and then he'd suck you. Wasn't it divine? You were embracing Tim's head so passionately just before he brought you off! You should have seen yourself, your head thrown way back, eyes shut, moaning out loud in the deepest ecstasy, living in another world altogether, one far better than this one. Do you remember any of it now?" I remembered all of it now, and said so. "Then I have to congratulate you, honey. Now you know something of what you've been missing while you've been dressing up in secret and pretending to be a woman, hiding all alone inside the house, afraid to go out and actually be a woman. Now you've taken several giant steps toward knowing what it is you really want to be. I mean knowing, not just playing at it, too timid ever to really find out. Now you know a few things about feminine joy. You're more like one of us. As Kara said, you can always go ahead or you can go back, your choice. But now at least it's a real choice. It isn't just clinging to what you know because you're afraid of what you don't know. She was right. I had to think about this. This morning I was a man and an occasional crossdresser. Now there was no getting around it, I was a kind of probationary woman, a cocksucker with incredible tits and a woman's name and a wife who was urging me to be honest with myself about what I truly wanted. And I actually felt good about it! "Was I fucked?" I asked her timidly. "He had his cock in me. Did he fuck me?" "If you feel you've been fucked, then you were," she answered cryptically. "If not, that's something else to look forward to." Then she added, "If you mean, did he cum in you, the answer is no, not yet. In that sense you're still a virgin." We pulled into the Bamboo Club drive, and the valet parking attendant held open Joan's door, then mine. "First stop the ladies' room," Joan said. "You need to fix your lipstick, girl! It all rubbed off on Tim's prick, did you know that? So there's another lesson to remember. Every time you give head, no exceptions, re-do your lips. Swallow, lick the cum off, then re-do them. Because you want to keep them attractive. What if you should meet someone you know? You wouldn't want to disgrace yourself!" It felt so strange, hearing Joan address me as '"girl". Rather marvelous. I loved it. And it was a thrill, walking into the restaurant confident that no one would think me a man, waiting for the hostess to seat me and then sitting down delicately, skirt tight, rump precise, just as I'd so-often practiced at home. And ordering in a breathy voice. And taking small bites. And actually chatting away with Joan as if I really were her girlfriend or her sister. I decided that I loved it! By now the effects of that tranquilizer Kara had given me had worn off altogether, and my mind was perfectly clear. I did love it! I felt so very much like a woman! I wanted to do this with Joanie much more often! Then as we loitered over coffee came an altogether new surprise. A rather handsome, tastefully-dressed man came to our table and leaned over and kissed me affectionately on the cheek. "Lovely to see you again, Sherry," he murmured. "I never had a chance to thank you. So, thank you, sweet Sherry, from the very bottom of my heart. And from other places too." He smiled charmingly at me. Did I know him? I was astonished! Then he turned to Joan and as she half-rose he kissed her firmly on the lips. And she kissed him back. Put her arm around his neck and drew him down and kissed him even closer. With deep affection! I was amazed! "I can only stay a moment, Joanie," he told her. "I've left the car in the restaurant pick-up zone. Are you about ready? Have you told Sherry the rest of whatever she needs to know? "Not yet, Tim," she said gently to him. Lovingly? "I'll do that now. You go on ahead, I'll only be a few more minutes." He kissed her again, smiled fondly at me, and disappeared. Joanie turned toward me. "That was Tim," she said. "Didn't you recognize him?" "No," I said. "You mean the man I was ... who ... earlier today? At Kara's?" "You were rather intimate with him earlier today. One would have thought ...." "Joanie, don't joke. I was zonked out of my mind earlier today. And the only parts I saw of that man were the back of his head and the pole between his legs." "Well, that was the man. Tim. Doesn't he seem nice?" "Yes, very," I said. And waited. There were things she had to tell me. And she did. "Sherry," Joan began. "This is a day for confessions. You've revealed your bi-gendered desires to me, and told me you're a transvestite, at least a transvestite, and now we both wonder if you're something a little more than that too, don't we?" Fair enough. I nodded. "Well, I have a confession to make too. I didn't just find your women's clothes only today. I found them weeks ago. Maybe a couple of months ago. It was then that the discovery devastated me, not today. It was then that I decided you were having an affair with some woman I didn't know, that you were inviting her to our house in my absence, into our bed! That you'd shamelessly betrayed me and our marriage vows! I was desperate!" "Weeks ago?" I repeated, stunned, trying to work through the implications and unable to think at all. "Maybe months?" "Yes. I didn't know what to do about it. Who could I talk to? Kara warned me not to leap to conclusions, they could be anyone's clothes, even yours. But I told her that was impossible, that you'd have told me if you had any tendencies in that direction, any little kinks in your sexuality that needed ironing out. I was sure of it. Because we had no secrets from each other." And Joan stared at me meaningfully. And I stared back at her mournfully, guilt rising, aware of her implicit rebuke. "The more I thought about it, the more furious I got. I couldn't stay civil with you. We argued over everything, the most trivial things, remember?" I nodded. I remembered. "I decided finally that the only way I could even things out between us, get over my sense of injury, was to take a no fault divorce from my obligation to be faithful to you. To even the score. To start an affair of my own. That wasn't difficult. There was this very attractive man in my office, Tim, a confirmed bachelor, by reputation and preference bisexual, a sexual athlete with women or men alike. Tim will take on anyone. You already know that. So he seemed safe enough, and not likely to threaten my marriage to you by getting serious. You've just met him again, now for the second time." She paused to let all that sink in. Then she proceeded. "Sherry, my husband Jerry would never understand this, but you're a woman, you will. Tim and I have been seeing each other for weeks now. Often. Three, four, five times a week. Fucking each other silly! I don't love him, I still love the man I married. But Tim is marvelous, between your legs, humping your backside, anywhere! Incredible! I can't get enough of him." She nodded to me to underline the seriousness of what she was saying. I nodded back that I understood, though I now felt twisted by jealousy. I'd felt that passionate about her when we were first married. I tried to recall anything at all about what made Tim so attractive. He was a decent enough man I supposed. His cock was long and smooth and thick. His mouth had felt glorious while wrapped around my protruding nipple and he was sucking and tonguing me. Thinking about these things, I could understand. She was fucking Tim and it felt nice, nothing personal. She went on. "It was all going to come to a head when you got back from your trip next week. Monday or Tuesday you were due back, remember? Then I'd tell you I knew all about your ... woman, your whore, I'd tell you that I'd had enough, that I was thinking of leaving you, that I'd just gone away to a resort hotel with Tim for the weekend to get some of my own back, and we'd just had a marvelous time. I'd tell you that you could live with that idea or not as you chose." I nodded, appalled. "Because that's what Tim and I are planning to do. That's what I was preparing when you got home earlier today. I'd spread all your women's clothes around so if you got home when I was still away with Tim, or when I was at the office on Monday, or whenever, you couldn't deny what they were and what they meant and that I knew. I'd spread them around, and I was crying about the end of our marriage. And that's when you arrived home unexpectedly." She paused again, and swallowed. I felt terrible. Then she said in a regretful, plaintive tone. "Who knew that you were the whore? Who'd have suspected? You never told me!" No, I was mistaken. Her tone wasn't regretful but accusing. Resentful. So I'd more or less forced her into an adulterous affair by my failure to confess to her my odd, shameful, compulsive desire to cross-dress. Retribution. In effect, she'd been sleeping with Tim because I'd been unfaithful to her, somehow. As she understood it. So I had to forgive her. Divorce under these circumstances would have been absurd. I could forgive her, I realized. I had to. iii. "Joan," I said. "You talk as if you were still going away with him. But you know now I've been faithful to you all along! So shouldn't you cancel that plan? It's all been a terrible misunderstanding, but please, can't we pick up and resume with what we have now that we both know the truth?" There came a very long pause. The waiter came by to offer more coffee. I remembered that Tim was waiting uneasily for her outside in the parking area, and that she knew it. So I felt vastly relieved when she signalled that she'd like to have her cup refilled. She intended to stay, at least for a little while longer. That's why her next words were all the more shocking. "I could stay with you now, Sherry. And I do intend to pick up and resume with you after this weekend. That's why I'm so terribly sorry to have to tell you this. Sherry, I don't want to stay with you this weekend. Or any other weekend when there's some buff guy asking me to spend it with him. We won't ever have the same relationship again, you and I. Not since you finally confessed to me what you are and what you do." She then actually leaned across the table and took my hands in hers! Both of them! "Understand me, sweet girl, I love you and I want to bear your children and all, when we decide to do it, and you're a marvelous companion, the one person I chose to live with for life and I mean to live with for life. But look at you now! You aren't the man I married. Maybe you never were. You're more a woman than a man. There IS another woman in your life, your alternative self, and I don't think she should be suppressed any longer. I think she should be sustained, encouraged, made a regular part of your life. And I want to make sure she is. I want to help her in every way I can. I've been helping, you can't begin to guess how many ways. But I also need a man in my life who's all man, not one or the other depending. I realized that when I called Tim this afternoon, after you confessed yourself to me, and he offered to help you feel like a woman, he agreed to be there when you came down from Kara's examination room with your proud new tits blazoned across your chest, ready to suck your very first cock and suckle your very first lover. And he was there for you. For us. I told him he should meet us here so I could see the two of you together, so I could be quite sure of myself when I went off with him. As I am. Honey, I'm going with Tim in a few more minutes and I won't be home until late Sunday night. Please try to understand and be accepting, just as I am of you. I'm leaving you our car. Your keys are in your purse, along with your tampons and condoms. Use them all as you will, and when you get home, please, do feel free to look through my closet and see which of my dresses you'd like to share. There's nothing like a new dress to cheer a girl up when she's feeling alone or left out. All of mine are all yours now if you want them. Isn't that the offer you've always dreamed of? Oh, we're going to have such fun, now that I know all about you, and you know so much more about yourself! You'll see! You'll love it, honey!" And she stood up, ready to leave me and join Tim. "Joanie!" I cried out. I was despairing. Something in my voice reached her, and she sat down again and again took my hands in hers. "Sweetheart! Sweetheart! You aren't losing me, that won't ever happen, I just told you that! Tim isn't your rival! He's our lover! He has been for some time! Remember that night a few weeks ago when you were kissing me down below and found I was sopping wet, not just moist as usual? And you told me I tasted delicious? That wasn't me, it was Tim! Tim! The same man you sucked off a few hours ago, remember? Didn't the flavor seem familiar? He isn't mine, baby, he's ours!" I gripped her hands, trying to suppress sobs. She was right, but something seemed terribly wrong, somehow. "Please, understand this!" Joan went on. "Imagine how shocked I was this afternoon to find you haven't been unfaithful, that all those clothes in our closet were yours! That I've been the unfaithful partner in our marriage, not you! Well, I had to make it up to you! And I think I have. I told Tim, and he agreed to help me help you discover what you really are, and now you're well on your way to fulfilling that whole range of desires, to feeling like a woman, all with my complete permission. Isn't that what you didn't dare ask for previously?" She paused. I nodded. She was right. I had wanted it, and now I had it. But at what a cost! "And remember, you've been unfaithful to me with Tim too, now. You've pleasured him, and let him pleasure you. He's our lover, not just mine but yours too. Even more, he thinks you're cute, and he loved the way you sucked his cock, and he wants to help you complete your womanhood by using your rear as a pussy. He really does want to be the first man to cum inside you there. Sherry, I can assure you, he'll feel marvelous when he's inside you, gentle yet firm and ... well you'll see. He promises it will be a ravishing evening you'll never forget." I didn't know why, but I had mixed feelings about that. I wanted it yet I didn't. Joan explained it on her next sentence. She seemed to know more about me than I did. "You said you weren't gay, and I believe you, but that was the man in you talking. The woman in you isn't gay either, I bet. I bet she wants a man. Sherry, when Tim and I get back I'll have him call you, and before you know it there'll be a lovely, long, thick, meaty prick moving in and out of you, maybe in the throes of passion slamming in and out of you with your buttocks cushioning the blows. As a girl's rear should." She stood up. "Honey, Tim's waiting. You go home, and I'll join you when I can. Meanwhile, do try on whatever I have in my closet that might fit you. Enjoy them. You're welcome to any or all. Be sure especially to try on my gray suit, it was made for a figure like yours. It impresses all of my clients -- why not yours too?" And she was gone. I sat there a moment. When I hailed the waiter to pay the bill, I found that Tim had already covered it. Payment to me for the use of my wife? The use of my mouth and tits? Despite Joan's reassurances, I began to feel bitter. This morning I'd been merely a married man and a se

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Aspen weekend

Sherry was already at the table, looking at the menu, when Beth showed up. They gave each other a hug, and Beth sat down. They quickly ordered so Beth would have time to eat and get back to the office. “Thanks for meeting me here, Sherry.” “No problem. What is it you wanted to talk about?” “I’m leaving town for three days, and I need someone to take care of Blake. It’s not his Dad’s turn to take him, and I don’t want to ask him if I don’t have to. Can he stay with you over President’s Day...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Wifes birthday weekend

Wife’s Birthday Weekend Well it all started months before my wife’s birthday when the discussion came up as to what she wanted for her birthday. She told me that all she wanted was to get away with me for an intimate sex filled weekend somewhere since I had been working out of town so much. She wanted some place that we could just stay in and stay naked for the entire weekend and just enjoy each other and relax. I looked at my current schedule and picked the only weekend I had available and...

2 years ago
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The Long Weekend

When Mike's wife, Sue, wins a weekend break for one in Scotland, it suited both of them that Mike should go instead. The problem was that the organisers wouldn't let her change the name on the ticket. Fortunately, Sue had a ready solution: Mike could simply pretend to be her. Things may have been less eventful if Sue hadn't purchased such a large pair of false breasts for him. As it was, the new Mrs Susan Martin found she had a number of admirers, to whom she had great difficulty in...

2 years ago
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The Babymaker A Cuckolds Weekend

My wife was dressed waaay too hot for just a road trip. Her shelf bra thrust her very large nipples forward underneath a black sheer sparkly blouse. Only a sweater covering her arms and shoulders, and pulled in around her waist, hid things from the kids who were riding in the back seat, watching videos and occasionally giggling to each other.Normally, she was self-conscious about the size of her nipples and didn’t want me to see them. Today, she seemed fascinated at how her outfit gathered her...

2 years ago
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Nude Weekend

About five years ago just before our oldest daughter Audrey was about to go through puberty my wife asked me if I wanted to watch it happen. Of course I wanted to watch it happen, as my three daughters’ bodies developed into women, what man in his right mind wouldn’t want to see that? So the first weekend of every month became devoted to just that. At that time Audrey was nine years old, Chloe was eight years old, and Sarah was seven years old. My wife started with ‘Panty Weekend’ where...

2 years ago
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Away From The Home Weekend

Sharon had been in contact with Harry and told him all about Pete, Harry was a little disappointed that he wouldn’t be seeing Sharon anymore but was happy she had found someone she really seemed to like. So things went well for a month or two for Sharon and Pete, she kept in contact with Harry at the Home, calling him and he her, she’d tell him about how things were, especially the time that that Pete had, had her in bed 6 times in one day, both a had a bit of a joke about it. Its was...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates The Weekend

AF: The Weekend By Bashful John and Mary Marsh had been married for more than 5 years when John felt the trouble began. John and his partner Ken Lincoln owned a Computer software business. It wasn't Microsoft but it was growing. They both were involved in the development of their products. John handled marketing and sales and Ken was the bean counter. It was a struggle. John should have hired a sales team long ago but he had a problem trusting others with something as...

3 years ago
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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 19 The First Official Orgy Weekend

Ginger, Stacy, and I went into Work Mode for an hour after our short discussion about the night before. We compared calendars and talking about the various client jobs we had underway, as well as how we could best use Stacy and also help her gain some valuable consulting skills. Of course, the relationships we were building with some of the men and women at our client sites also came up. Stacy made a small chart of what was going on, adding in who our lovers were at each site, just to tease...

2 years ago
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The Weekend

Isn’t it strange how a disaster can change one’s life?At the age of forty, my life changed remarkably. My parents were killed in a motorcar accident and naturally, being their only child, I was their sole heir. The heartache that this loss caused was overwhelming. Having come from a wealthy family, however, the consequences of this tragedy ironically resulted in a positive life-changing experience for me.Up to this point, I had been a journalist who always wanted to write good literature. I...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...

2 years ago
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Wendy8217s FuckWeekend

From top to bottom, Wendy was sexuality. Her long brown hair, deep brown eyes, luscious red lips, pert breasts, slim waist, tight ass, and long legs all added up to a body that was to die for. And she knew how to use it. Simply walking across a room was all that was usually needed for Wendy to excite the baser desires of every man in it (and, truth be known, not a few women as well). Since the age of fifteen, her unofficial motto had been “A day without an orgasm is a day...

4 years ago
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The Golf Weekend

The Golf Weekend: A few years ago, I would head north with three or sometimes 7 other guys for a golfing weekend. We'd play 18 holes on the way up and 36 on Saturday and Sunday. If we got off to a late start, rather than play 18 holes, we'd stop at a "topless bar" and a few of the guys would enjoy themselves for an hour or so. As most golfers know, if anyone didn't get their drive past the womens tee's they would half to lower their pants. Although, no one ever lowered their pants,...

4 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 3 Missys Weekend

One day while watching T.V, my mother had come in and told me Missy’s services had been requested for the entire weekend and we needed to go shopping. I smiled as we got into the car and went to the store to buy lots more sexy clothing for me to play in.After we had bought all the clothes and makeup needed for the weekend, my mother and I went home so that she could give me the details of what was to happen. She told me that I was to live with a couple this weekend and do everything they say....

2 years ago
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Palm Springs Weekend

It had been a long, tough month at work; but the deal was finally closed and the contract signed. I needed some R&R, so to celebrate my success; I'd gotten away on an early Friday flight for a long weekend in Palm Springs. It was in the low 90's when I arrived. Just what I needed. I picked up the Lincoln I'd reserved and drove to the Motel. I registered and dumped my bags in the suite I'd booked and then headed for Indian Wells. There was plenty of time to get in 9 holes of golf after which...

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Fan Weekend

Tony Brooks headed out of NorthStar Oral Health where he worked as a dental hygienist. He started up his 2014 midnight garnet Nissan Maxima. He drove straight home which took about 25 minutes because of traffic. He pulled the vehicle into the garage of the two-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath townhome. He let opened the baby gate that kept his Yorkshire Terrier confined to the kitchen. The diminutive dog barked happily as Tony walked to the door to let the canine into the small fenced backyard....

1 year ago
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Dads Big Weekend

"You want me to do what?" Carl said with shock into the phone and he couldn't believe what his son Adam had just asked him to do. "Come on Dad. You need to get back into things and start living again." Adam said, hoping his Dad would come through. "And, I couldn't think of a better way to do it," he added as he crossed his fingers, praying he would. "You'll get me sent to jail, boy and then I'll have to kill your ass!" Adam just laughed and he knew dear, ol' Dad was really out...

2 years ago
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Race Weekend

* * * * * * * * * * The college I went to was in a small, backward town. There were six churches and one bar. Almost every night, that bar was packed with college kids, most of whom were too young to be there. It helped that the bar owner was the town sheriff's brother. We were at our usual table – me and my drinking buddies, Tom and Jack. We were talking about what we would do over the summer after our sophomore year of college. “C'mon, guys, it'll be great,” I said. “We...

1 year ago
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That Magical Weekend

Note : This story is completely fictional! My “first” experience was not really the first time I had been with a man, in fact, I had been with 4 during the 3 years since I turned 18. However, this experience was the first time I truly knew what it was like to have my brains fucked out. I was in my sophomore year at college and worked part time as a waitress at a restaurant near the campus. I spent most of my time either studying or working, no real time to go out and have fun, so I stayed away...

2 years ago
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The Long Weekend

Note: No sex, just a story. I think I caught her totally by surprise. I’m almost sure that she expected me to say ‘Yes dear’ and then do what she wanted. After all, hadn’t that always been the way of it? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I met Betty Ann during my second year in college. We were both Business Management majors and we were taking a class in Production Management and we were both put on the same class project. I liked Betty Ann’s looks, personality, and sense of...

1 year ago
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A Special Weekend

A SPECIAL WEEKENDby VelvetgloveGet ready for a special weekend !!! xxx GToni stared at her cell phone, absorbing the text message. Oh boy. Special ! What did that mean ? George never used words lightly. Did it mean ? Could it mean ? Deep down, she knew it couldn’t, but it never hurt to dream, right ? Suddenly Davina was standing unexpectedly at her desk. Toni blushed scarlet. Here comes trouble. ?Hi ? er ? yes ?? The pretty blonde, newly promoted designer suggestively placed a folder on Toni’s...

4 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 22 Labor Day Weekend

It was another long miserable wait in the airport followed by a short miserable flight. On the flight out I was sandwiched between an overweight and sweaty businessman and a grandmother who spent the entire time showing me pictures of her grandchildren and telling me about them. The flight home was similar, only I was next to a Spanish-speaking grandmother and an overweight and sweaty businesswoman. At least this time I was spared the crying baby behind me. I called Mom from the terminal, and...

2 years ago
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My wifes new Master uses her all weekend

I think we had plans for the weekend but the thought of watching her get used all weekend and fucked with a monster cock got me excited and so I figured I would cancel our plans and told Jake that we would be there. He then told me that there would be some straight friends there when we first arrive so he would not have Tamara totally naked, but he would want her to show up and wear what he tells her too. He also wanted us to pack, an over-night bag and we are to stay in one of his guest...

1 year ago
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Princess for a Weekend

As Friday came, Jennifer had a very long and stressful week. So I decided to plan a weekend of relaxation and pampering for her, so as we we leaving for work I told her I would take the kids to her mom and drop them off. So as Jennifer left for work, I gathered the kids and their things together to take to her mom’s house. When I arrived at her mom’s, I told her mom I had a favor to ask of her. I explained to her that Jennifer had a very tough week and ask if she would keep the kids this...

1 year ago
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Lost Weekend

Emshon's Authors Note--This is an older story of mine that was posted on Crystal's Story Site (R.I.P.) I'm going to consolidate everything here on Fictionmania. I hope you enjoy this oldie-but-a-goodie. The Lost Weekend. I woke up on Monday and could barely get out of bed. It was as if every muscle in my body had seized up on me. My arms, shoulders, legs, even my jaw muscles ached. Even worse were my nipples, which were swollen and felt like they were on fire. Ominously, even my...

3 years ago
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Dad8217s Quiet Weekend

I’m sitting on my couch, watching some TV, and thinking of the nice weekend I am about to have with no-one to bother me. The wife has left for the weekend to take care of some matters in another state. It is very cold winter time, so no one is about on the road. All the other houses are shuttered for the season, so things should be quiet for a couple of days. I have the fridge stocked with juices, fruit, a new box of cereal, plenty of coffee, near beer, white wine in the fridge, red in...

1 year ago
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Music festival weekend

So it is Wednesday night and I was sitting in my back yard. I actually had not to much on the agenda for the rest of the week so I was just kicking back. There was a bit of noise coming from the neighbours and sometimes they get a little carried away with there parties but I had no issue with it. I was just enjoying a beer when Donna looked over the fence and said hi. I nodded back and she asked if she could come over. I waved her over and in a few minutes she was sitting next to me. Now the...

2 years ago
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The Weekend

The Weekend DreamThe Rendezvous “These corner bars are all the same.” You say to yourself. The smell of over powering scent of cigarettes is about to make you gag. The latest rendition of Achy Breaky Heart has been sung at the Karaoke stand. The DJ’s sign off for the night and begin packing up. You sit at the bar after talking to your girlfriend. She is over at a table with a young man she “thinks has a nice ass”. You sit sipping on your dreamsicle mixed drink. You have promised to be the...

1 year ago
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The Weekend

The Weekend We had meet the couple at a party. We had gotten on so well with them that we had invited them to our house the next weekend. She was tall, blonde, and very sexy. Red swollen lips that pouted as she spoke. Her long blonde hair, cascaded down to her shoulders. Her full ripe breasts, pushed out as the tried to escape the confines of her dress. Her tiny waist, hour glass shape figure, curved in and out at her hips. And her long sleek legs gleamed as they provocatively flashed...

1 year ago
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The Weekend

The Weekend We had meet the couple at a party. We had gotten on so well with them that we had invited them to our house the next weekend. She was tall, blonde, and very sexy. Red swollen lips that pouted as she spoke. Her long blonde hair, cascaded down to her shoulders. Her full ripe breasts, pushed out as the tried to escape the confines of her dress. Her tiny waist, hour glass shape figure, curved in and out at her hips. And her long sleek legs gleamed as they provocatively flashed...

1 year ago
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The Tangled Web Chapter 4 Something for the Weekend

February 1999 – Something for the Weekend?The Tangled Web is a story spanning several years and is based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories. It was a cold Friday evening in February. Sara stood waiting outside the main railway station swaddled in a long dark winter coat and bright woollen scarf. She felt the cold light wind on her legs. Trousers, she thought....

3 years ago
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Upcoming Weekend

It is going to be a long week for you.  I inform you that there will be a surprise, come the weekend, but up until that time, you are not permitted to cum, regardless of what I do to you.  My intention is to keep you on edge for the entire week leading up to the weekend, continuously fingering you, grinding on your big fat clit, pulling on your nipples, and even sliding my cock inside of you.  I also plan to have you suck my cock during that entire time, but you won't be allowed to cum, and nor...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 114 Wet Weekend

Mom came in to tell me that if I didn’t quit playing on the computer and leave soon I would be late arriving to Lenny’s house. Well there isn’t anything planned at three, that is just when Paula told me to head over today. Dad decided that even though Lenny’s house wasn’t all that far away, he was going to drive me over. “David you are just going to have to roll with the punches next week at school. It is a complete crock of shit. Everyone knows it. Marlin and his cronies are going to be...

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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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My Shy Wife Exposed for a Weekend

It was a dream weekend with Julie. My sexy but self conscious wife reluctantly agreed to let me "dress" her for three days while we attended concerts out of town together. It all began when I noticed that several music acts we both enjoyed were performing on three consecutive days in venues quite close to each other, but none of them near where we lived. Julie really loves live music so this was shaping up as an ideal situation. I had already been saving up small favors that she owed me, so I...

2 years ago
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Working the Weekend

The sun was just beginning to rise over the apartment blocks as Dan left his home for an other average day at work. Dan was in his late twenties, had dark brown hair, was in good physical shape and was pretty proud of the way he looked. Today was Friday which meant the much needed weekend was finally here. He opened his car, a silver BMW, tossed his briefcase onto the passenger seat and took off. It was the same routine ...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Weekend

Fantasy Weekend By Salon Selective God knows I had bugged my wife long enough about it. I was a very part-time cross dresser. At least I guess that's what you would call it. Make-up and nails were my real turn on, and I had shared this with her. She reluctantly agreed to do some kinky things with me sometimes... a little bondage here, making my face up there, painting my toenails --- stuff like that. I wanted something more than that though, but didn't know how to tell...

1 year ago
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The Wild Golf Weekend

Upon my return from San Diego, things changed between Bryan and me. That Wednesday at work, Bryan sent me a message that he would be stopping by that evening. I was instructed to be naked when he arrived. That evening when Bryan came into my apartment I was nude as told. Bryan and I made love. We had a wonderful evening. We had great fun and great sex. He held power over me that I could not resist. He had me tell him all the things Joe had done with me in San Diego. The details seemed to excite...

1 year ago
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Kaylees Wild Weekend

Message from the author: This story is quite long and has long build-up before the sex begins. So…if you’re looking for a quick, dirty read, you might want to skip down to the middle of the story.  Thanks.   Kaylee’s Wild Weekend “This is going to be the best weekend ever!” Kaylee exclaimed as she reached over to turn the radio up, raising the volume to an uncomfortably loud level. “Okaaaay,” Heather said dismissively, pushing her friend’s hand away and turning the volume back down. ...

2 years ago
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my long and best weekend

Dear Friends and fans of this site. My name is Aaryan (aka Sunny) name change. I am 26 years old, leaving in Gujarat. I am accountant in mnc company. I live alone as I came here on for studies. I started working as an accounting work for this company when I was doing my Bachelors. After my exam, they hired me and I became full time employee. My parents live in Mumbai. I visit them every other six month or year for two weeks. I call to my parents every weekend just so I can keep in touch with...

3 years ago
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The Long Weekend

I think I caught her totally by surprise. I'm almost sure that she expected me to say "Yes dear" and then do what she wanted. After all, hadn't that always been the way of it? I met Betty Ann during my second year in college. We were both Business Management majors and we were taking a class in Production Management and we were both put on the same class project. I liked Betty Ann's looks, personality, and sense of humor so I asked her to go out with me, she said yes, and our...

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A long Weekend

For some reason I have now started ten stories which I've not been happy with so haven't finished. This is number eleven and I hope you find that this one comes together. A LONG WEEKEND "Do you know what I heard about Kath and Peter?" Lucy asked her husband James. "What bit of tattle have you picked up about our friends?" He tried to sound as if she shouldn't listen to gossip, but had a smile on his face. Peter had been his school friend and they had kept in contact, making...

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Fantasy Weekend

It’s Sunday evening and I just got back from Houston and visiting with Master for the weekend.  What a weekend, but I should have known something was up.  I had to miss our last visit, so I knew punishment would be worse this time.  I had several ?incidents? that I had to pay for missing the gym, arguing with my husband, not playing with the anal toys and playing with myself when I should not be. Master had been in Austin the weekend before visiting some friends.  I found him and David...

3 years ago
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The Long Weekend

The Long Weekend  (Nightgirl edits)The pub was crowded, which was only to be expected since Alice was pretty popular, and the music was way too loud for me. Oh, I guess I should introduce myself.I'm Caroline. I?m 23 years old and blonde with a nice figure, by which I mean it is the right shape, just not toned. My breasts are a reasonable 36B and my height about 5'7".I work for an accounting firm in the city. It?s a big firm and I work in the secretarial pool. That's where I met Alice and...

2 years ago
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One A Day Serial Rapists Long Weekend

SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND ONE A DAY (SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND) He had planned for this weekend for a few weeks. As always, he stalked his victims for days at a time while planning his attacks. The serial rapists? m.o. had always been the same. He would pick out potential targets, and then he would find out everything about their daily habits before planning and executing his assault. His assaults were usually brief, rarely longer than 1 hour, and most lasting only about 30-45...

1 year ago
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Fishing Weekend

I couldn't wait to get out of work. It was Thursday afternoon and I had a terrific weekend planned. Working the 9/80 schedule is a huge benefit. I work 80 hours in nine days instead of the usual 10, leaving me a three-day weekend every other weekend. It felt like a mini-vacation. Generally, I used that time to relax and just be by myself for a while. Sometimes, though, I took advantage of the longer weekend to get out and away from the world. This weekend, I was going fishing. I've loved...

2 years ago
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Lonely Weekend

I had just finished a very long and tiring week of sales calls, traveling through three of the five western states my company had assigned to me. I was spending practically all my time traveling from one client to another, making a frantic effort to head off the catastrophe that was looming if I couldn't improve on my sales numbers. It felt good to get back home to my little one bedroom apartment, but I still had a suitcase full of dirty laundry, a week's worth of unread mail and a whole...

1 year ago
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Destiny Weekend

Destiny Weekend by captv8td [email protected] 1?Okay, pups, listen up.  Let me go over the rules for the weekend.?  Samantha stood in front of the pledges as note pads were being distributed.  ?We’re going to be playing differently this year.  We’re going back to the old rules.??Ha!? exclaimed Sarah.  ?Old rules.  New rules.  We won’t know the difference.  This is our first time.??Hehe,? snickered Sam.  ?That’s true.  So I won’t bore you with the changes.  I’ll just tell you the...

2 years ago
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The Long Weekend

THE LONG WEEKENDPart I:  FridayMy relationship with Mistress Kayla and Master John had fallen into a bit of a routine after six months.  By that time, I wasn’t starting to get to the point where I couldn’t remember when I hadn’t been with them.  I shouldn’t say so much them, as Mistress Kayla.  A month after she’d taken ownership of me, Master John had taken ownership of his own submissive, Gail.  Both continued to use me, just as they both used Gail whenever it suited them.  While most of the...

2 years ago
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My First Encounter With My Cousin The Weekend

Friday 10th – Saturday 11th One Friday morning, I woke up to the sound of my mother yelling for me to come down for breakfast, I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 8:09. I got up from my bed and noticed a raging hard on poking through my underwear. I couldn’t understand how I’ve been waking up for the past few days with a boner. Lately I’ve been feeling hornier than usual and today I didn’t have time to relieve myself so I just put on a shirt and some shorts and went down. I went...

1 year ago
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A Bank Holiday Weekend

Lucy and her boyfriend, Stevie, were going away for the weekend to a rented house with two friends that she hadn’t met before. Just a few days solace from the rigours of city life. It was to be at an old farmhouse in a picturesque village in the countryside. Stevie had bought Lucy loads of outfits to wear. Basques, stockings, heels, dresses, some big loud jewellery and some new makeup.Basically, he was arranging a weekend of sexy fun for Lucy, using the subterfuge of a Bank Holiday break. He...

Group Sex
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The Weekend

I had been talking to a friend on a website that we had met on. We did not know each other's names, but we always had very hot and sexy chatting. We had known each other for about six months. We used to have cyber-sex months back. But we're now just friends and don't do that anymore.My friend lives in California and is married. He told me that he was taking his wife away for a weekend at a lovely hotel. He had bought tickets to a show called “Venus in Fur.” He also told me that he'd bought many...

2 years ago
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The Weekend

A story inspired by the very sweet and sexy samantha satine and my beautiful wifePart 1 - The preparationsamantha packed her suitcase with her usual attention to detail, makeup, lingerie, wigs, but no dresses. Her head was confused by this, Master D had given her instructions to pack several changes of silky underwear and plenty of heels and boots but not to worry about dresses or outerwear. "You wont be needing them" he said. samantha's head raced with excitement and a bit of trepidation with...

2 years ago
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A Wonderful Weekend

He said he was going to take her away for the weekend. He was going to pamper her and give her a taste of being cared for. Everything at home was so stressful... the k**s, the job, the divorce and a monster of an ex always hounding her...Jika had taken her to lunch a few times, but they were never more than 10-minute stops at the office food coach. Tochi worked hard. She had to support her k**s by herself now. Even though her husband had loads of cash, he had managed to hide just about all of...

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