Birthday Weekender
- 2 years ago
- 50
- 0
by Velvetglove
Get ready for a special weekend !!! xxx G
Toni stared at her cell phone, absorbing the text message.
Oh boy. Special ! What did that mean ? George never used words lightly. Did it mean ? Could it mean ? Deep down, she knew it couldn’t, but it never hurt to dream, right ?
Suddenly Davina was standing unexpectedly at her desk.
Toni blushed scarlet.
Here comes trouble.
?Hi ? er ? yes ??
The pretty blonde, newly promoted designer suggestively placed a folder on Toni’s desk.
?I’ve done what I could.? She said.
Toni composed herself and reached out to pick it up. Davina kept her red fingernails poised on the folder, holding it closed. Her blue eyes glinted.
?It’s not finished.?
Toni shrugged, as nonchalantly as she could manage.
?Oh. Okay then. I’ll look at it tonight.?
Davina removed her hand, then studied her varnished nails carefully.
?Not look.? She curled her talons into a claw. ?You’ll finish it.?
Toni eyed the young girl fifteen years her junior and nodded.
?Yes ??
?Yes ? Miss.?
It had been three weeks since the Sunday of Davina’s accidental discovery of Toni’s private life. The following day Toni had broken every rule in the corporate book and promoted Davina. Promoted her based on George’s demand and Davina’s unspoken threat. Certainly not based on her having sufficient experience or talent. And she’d got away with it because it was the one and only time in her life Toni had done anything remotely unprofessional. Eyebrows had been raised but that was all.
Her super-slim cell rang.
?You get my text ??
?Yes.? She murmured.
?Yes ??
?Yes ? Sir. Just now.?
He chuckled and she heard voices in the background. A guitar riff.
?Shut up.? She heard him bawl out at somebody. A woman laughed.
?What you doing ?? he asked.
?Just stuff. I finished some sketches and I have a fabric meeting planned.?
?Go online and book a hotel for this weekend. Somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.?
Her heart leapt.
?Really ??
?Yeah.? He replied, chuckling kindly at her excited tone. ?Get us a suite. Put it on your card. I’ll leave you sufficient in your account to pay it off next month. Okay ??
?You got it.?
Her own money. She was pathetically excited about being allowed to spend her own money.
?And how’s your wardrobe ??
She glanced through her open office door embarrassed.
?Er ? well, I haven’t bought anything in a while. You took all my budget. And Jess and Davina both helped themselves to this Season’s new stuff.?
She heard his throaty chuckle again.
?Alright then.? He sighed magnanimously. ?Buy something nice. And get yourself some new lingerie too. Not black ? red. Sexy.?
By which he meant sluttish.
?Sure. Thanks.?
There was another guitar riff and the clash of a cymbal. Another female giggle in the background and a male shout of ‘Come on George’.
?Gotta go.? He said. ?Catch you later.?
?Thanks ? Sir.? She replied.
But the line was already dead.
*** *** ***
She made it home with 8 minutes to spare.
Her midweek curfew started at seven thirty.
As usual the house was empty.
She did half an hour of chores, made him some supper, then settled down and opened Davina’s file.
It was empty. Just blank leaves of sketching paper. Except the top sheet had writing on it.
Thanks boss.
I expect an A+
!!! xxx
Wearily she laid out the paper, fetched her crayons and started to draw.
Worst of all, was not knowing how things stood. For 72 hours, after the infamous weekend, George and Davina had blatantly had sex together and humiliated her. But then, on the Wednesday evening, Toni had put her foot down. She had repeated herself.
?No ! You both don’t understand. You can’t mix business and ? this !?
George turned his mouth down at her with a nonchalant shrug. ?Why not ??
Davina looked at her with a smirk. ?Yeah. Tell us why ??
But after that, things had changed. Davina turned up at work on time most days and George seemed to have moved on. In fact, the past two weekends he’d devoted most of his time to his two great passions;
And Toni.
She’d worked so hard to please him. She did everything he asked, domestic, sensual, sexual. She had ignored every taboo. She had let him know – in that undeclared non-verbal way that lovers communicate with each other – that if he wanted her, she would happily serve as his sugar mommy, domestic drudge, whore and cuckqueen, for as long as they both shall live.
His response ?
A big, undeclared non-verbal ? maybe.
Until today’s text.
A noise of the doorstep. At last. The bell rang. She quickly rose and opened it.
He brushed past her, unaccompanied.
?Fuck I’m famished.?
She served him a glass of wine and heated his supper.
?What you doing ??
?I’m doing some designing. For Davina.?
He pouted disinterestedly, snapping his toothpick on his front teeth.
?Forget about that bitch. I’ve got a new one.?
What other woman would be thrilled to hear her boyfriend had found a new lover ? But she felt a surge of delight and relief buzz through her. Davina was history. And that would make things easier at work too.
She served his meal.
?Blow me while I eat.?
She knelt by his chair and unzipped him carefully. He raised his bottom momentarily so she could ease his jeans and briefs down. His semi hard erection unfurled against her mouth. She took the helmet between her lips.
?Yeah.? He exhaled. ?You should see this chick who’s turned up at our jam sessions. Beautiful. Hot with a capital H. Damn my load’s been brewing all day just gawping at her. Mmm.?
She listened to him eating in silence for a while. As ever, sucking him made her excited. She felt her nipples hard against her top and her thighs moistening. It had been eleven days since she’d climaxed.
But he wasn’t remotely interested in her.
She heard the glass gurgle as he poured himself more wine. His other hand pushed her hair away from her face and she saw him looking down into her eyes.
?That’s good. But don’t make me come yet. Not till I’ve finished my meal.? He slid back in the chair, adjusting his hips. ?Lick my ass.?
Those three simple words always zapped her.
She slid her tongue down the side of his hairy thighs and nuzzled his pendulous balls out of the way with her nose. The tip of her tongue penetrated his rim. She felt his thighs opening wider.
?It’s funny.? He continued, chomping on a mouthful of food. ?You look at a chick like the one I’ve been ogling today and wonder if she’s ever licked butt. I mean, I doubt it, right ? Her lips are way too succulent and her teeth are way too white to be a cornhole muncher.?
She shivered but didn’t respond.
?So I reckon a guy like me needs two women to be really happy. The pretty one, the one he shows off in public, the one he loves. And the filthy one, the one he keeps locked away, the one he uses for all those dirty games he needs once in a while. In short, the one you take out for a date on the town, and the one you come home to for a kitchen blowjob.?
She whimpered. It was true. She was really just his filthy slut, locked away and fished out for dirty games. Even if he chose to spend his life with her, this would be her life. Blowing him on the kitchen floor.
?Finish me off.?
Her mouth raced to his pulsating erection, sucking him in as far as she could, pumping her lips up and down like a piston.
?Oh yeah, babe. Time to eat your supper.?
She felt his hot flesh throb and jerk, and then a splash of warmth soaked her palate, then more, invading her throat. It always took a second or two before the cloying texture and salty taste became evident.
And still he erupted. A secret tingle pleased her. She could tell when he had betrayed her and his balls were running on empty. And she could tell when he was full and his tank had been saved for her. She preferred the latter, even though his semen would never be her chosen dish.
He pulled out and squeezed the final blobs onto her nose.
?Not bad. I guess you’d better get back and finish Davina’s designs.?
She listened at her bedroom door. Sorry, his bedroom.
There was a gentle rumble of snoring. She sighed and tiptoed along to the guest room. Somehow she resisted her urgent need to masturbate. She brushed her teeth and wiped off the remains of her make up.
She fell asleep with a smile on her face thinking of Davina.
*** *** ***
The next morning Toni handed Davina her file back.
?Well done. We thought there’s some good stuff in here.?
Trish, Toni’s deputy smiled. ?You must have worked hard on those Davina.?
The blonde gave a little shake of her head, flicking a flyaway hair from her eyes. She smiled confidently.
?I did work hard. But I enjoyed it too.?
?Good. That’s the key to this job. Love what you do.? Trish said, walking out of Toni’s office with a roll of fabric. ?See you in twenty minutes at the textiles session.?
?You have a nerve.? Toni murmured under her breath.
Davina frowned. ?You insolent cow.?
Toni recoiled and clutched her cheek, shocked more by the loud crack than the hot pain of the slap. She glanced out into the corridor in alarm.
?I’m s ? sorry.? She gasped.
Davina examined her hand, rubbing her thumb into the palm.
?Please.? Toni continued. ?I spoke out of turn. Forgive me.?
?Disabled toilet.? Davina said, glancing at her watch. ?Five minutes.?
There were restrooms in the basement and up on the third floor.
However, off the lobby, there were guest toilets, including a larger sized one with disabled access.
Toni knocked cautiously.
She entered. Davina was sat on the plastic seat cover.
?Lock it.?
She slid the catch round then turned back.
?Look,? she whispered, ?we can’t be caught in here.?
Davina shrugged. ?Correction. You can’t be caught in here.?
It was true. The worst that could happen to Davina was she would be out of a job and back to where she was a few weeks ago. But Toni would be saying goodbye to 18 years of study and career. Her reputation.
?No ? look, please ??
?Strip !? Davina said, much louder.
?Shhhh ! Please.? She hissed.
Then, hesitantly, she started to undress; top, skirt, heels, stockings, bra and thong. Finally she stood naked in front of her junior colleague. She felt her cheeks burning and watery tears filling her eyes.
Davina smiled and produced a knife. A sharp, serrated steel blade.
?Noooo. ?? Toni whispered and shook her head.
Next Davina pulled a piece of silver foil from her pocket. Slowly, she unwrapped what looked at first to Toni like a piece of hashish. But it wasn’t.
It was ginger.
A large fist of gnarled ginger root.
?Bend over.?
Knowing it would be pointless to fight, Toni turned and lowered her body, presenting her buttocks.
She listened to the knife cutting and felt Davina’s excited, hot breath.
?Reach back and pull your bum open.?
Grimacing with shame, Toni used her fingers to expose her sphincter. She felt horribly open, as her most private part was exposed to the air.
?Look at me.?
Instinctively she shut her eyes. Blood rushed to her face, partly from gravity and partly from embarrassment.
?Look at me !?
She forced her eyes open. Framed between her thighs, she saw Davina twirling a brown plug in her fingers. Even upside-down, her leer appeared one of total, amused self confidence, white teeth, and cute dimple in her chin.
Davina raised her arm and suddenly the ginger root was nudging at Toni’s opening and then teasingly it penetrated her ring. Davina had cut a long cork. It seemed to take an age, sliding up inside her anus, at least as far as a middle finger.
And then the sharp knife point was stuck threateningly into the flesh of her buttock.
?Don’t move.?
For a moment it felt cool, almost soothing, but slowly, surely, the pain began to build.
?I said don’t move.?
Sss. Noo. Toni couldn’t stay still, she wriggled uncontrollably. The heat. She clenched and unclenched her cheeks to try and disperse the pain.
Davina laughed quietly and passed Toni her stockings.
?Put these back on.?
Crouching at the waist, Toni obeyed, one stocking at a time, hopping frantically from one foot to the other.
Davina handed her the skirt. It wasn’t mini but it stopped above her knees. Finally, she held out the top.
?I’ll keep these.? Davina said, scooping up the bra and thong.
Toni had begun to cry silent tears. The fire was raging in her loins.
?Please ??
?Shut it ! You were insolent. This’ll teach you a lesson.?
And how.
?But ??
?But what ? You think just because George and I aren’t a couple you can just treat me as you like ? You’re mine, boss.?
Toni’s mouth hung open. It was true. She winced.
?Okay. I’m sorry.?
?Put your shoes on and get out of here.? Davina checked her watch. ?We have a textiles session starting in ?. er, one minute.?
Six faces stared at her when she walked into the room.
?There you are.? Trish said. ?I thought you’d forgotten. Where were you ??
Toni felt her cheeks reddening again. ?I nipped out for some air.?
?Have you seen Dav ?? asked another designer.
?Er ? no.?
?Here she is.?
Davina strode confidently into the room. ?Sorry guys. Call of nature.?
The first twenty minutes of the meeting were agony. She could feel her bare flesh on the slats of the chair. She had to try and concentrate on the meeting whilst feeling as if her buttocks were being seared on a grill. Her braless state made her nipples protrude into her top. All eyes were focused on her. Especially Davina’s.
?You feeling okay ?? Trish asked at one point.
?Yeah. Just a little hot.?
Eventually, at last, the flame diminished and she felt comfortable.
Well, as comfortable as you could with a digit up your butthole.
*** *** ***
She took an extra hour at lunch on the Friday to go shopping. She had already booked a fabulous hotel for the weekend. A suite, no less ! Now she had been to three of her favourite shops and bought herself the most gorgeous black cocktail dress, a linen floral shirt, a sexy short skirt, a new swimsuit and as rude a set of matching red underwear as she could bear to purchase.
She preferred thongs but she had chosen an ‘ouvert’. It was a French style of knickers that had a slit in the front, based on those worn by courtesans two centuries ago to allow them to have sex without removing their clothes.
She preferred comfortable bras but she had chosen another upthrust, quarter cup style that presented her boobs like fruit, similar to the black ones he liked her to wear for maid duties around the house.
As usual, she had to work late on Friday evenings. She had her suitcase with her and the plan was that he would pick her up from her office in the car at 6.30 p.m. All being well, they’d still get to the hotel in good time for supper at about 8.30 p.m.
But, at five thirty, her cell buzzed.
Something’s come up
Take the train
Meet you at the hotel ASAP
Sorry – truly !
Biting back her disappointment, she checked online. There was a train at 19.00 exactly. She’d get in at 20.40 and the hotel was only a ten minute cab ride. She’d still be there by nine at the latest !
Unfortunately, the train was full and she had to stand the whole journey, it was delayed by works on the tracks, then there was a line for taxis, and her cabbie drove like a snail. It was almost ten by the time she arrived.
?Ah,? the receptionist said, ?your friend said to go straight into dinner. I’ll have your bag taken up to your suite.?
A bellboy showed her down the plush corridor to the dining room. At first, she couldn’t see George anywhere. Then she spotted him.
He was sat in the corner facing the entrance. He waved.
Her exhaustion and frustration faded.
Then she saw he was not alone. A woman sat opposite him. Blonde.
Davina !
The Maitre d’ escorted her to the table. At least it was laid for three.
George pushed his chair back and stood up.
?Hi doll. Tough journey ??
She stared at him coldly. This was a test too far.
Davina looked up and grinned.
?Hi boss.?
The Maitre d’ held out the spare chair for Toni. She sat down.
?We ordered for you.?
George nodded confidently at the waiter.
?Look ?? Toni started, when they were alone.
?Quiet.? He replied sharply. ?You have two choices. Leave now and never speak to me again ??
She closed her eyes, trying to compose herself.
?Or stick around and see what this weekend holds ??
He made them sound like questions. But there was only one answer.
She sat in the chair, trying to stop the floodgates opening.
?I’m not Jess.? Davina’s voice said. ?I’m not trying to get rid of you.?
Toni opened her eyes, unable to prevent a sob escaping.
?I ? can’t handle this much. Please ? be gentler with me.?
George smiled, pouring still water into her glass.
?Good girl. We’re gonna have ourselves some fun.?
She picked up her glass. Fun ? Is that what you call it ?
Davina raised her own glass. It was half full of champagne.
?Here’s to ? a special weekend.?
George raised his glass and smiled, echoing Davina’s words.
Then the waiter arrived with a plate of plain asparagus.?
?Aha !? George said. ?Your supper’s here. We said you wouldn’t want any warm butter or hollandaise because you’re on a diet. Tuck in, doll.?
*** *** ***
At least the suite was magnificent. There was a bay window overlooking the lake, a four-poster, huge flat screen plasma, marble bathroom, and a sitting room with sofas, chairs and a fold up bed.
?We told them that Davina’s your sister. Mind you,? he laughed, ?we should have said your daughter. They were fine so long as we pay them a supplement for third person occupancy.?
Davina stood by George and kissed him.
?Undress.? She said serenely to Toni.
Unable to resist, she slowly removed each item in front of them. Finally she stood in only her brand new matching set of sluttish red underwear.
?My oh my !? Davina exclaimed sarcastically. ?Nice.? She twanged Toni’s nipples that peeked out of the top of the low-cup bra and fingered open the slit in the ouvert knickers. ?You need the bathroom ??
Toni nodded, ashamed. She did. Front and back. Well, possibly she could hold off on the ‘back’ part.
Davina accompanied her into the huge ensuite. There were ‘his’ and ‘her’ basins, a shower, a generous bathtub, a bidet, and a WC. George poured himself a brandy then followed them into the bathroom.
Davina pointed to the bidet.
?Use that !?
Toni swallowed. You gotta be kidding.
It was a low, white porcelain basin with a water jet, invented by the French for women to perform their toilette without taking a full bath.
?Pl ??
?Use that ? boss !? Davina hissed sarcastically. ?Or you can spend the whole night needing to go. I don’t give a shit either way.?
She smiled at her own accidental double-entendre.
Toni resignedly removed her knickers and squatted awkwardly over the bidet.
Davina fetched Toni’s suitcase and opened it. She rummaged and pulled out a baggy white T-shirt that Toni had brought along to use in the gym. With a flourish she chucked it in the bidet under Toni’s thighs.
?Piss on that.?
Cringing with shame, Toni relaxed her full bladder and started to cry as her spray hissed and cascaded down onto the white cotton T, turning it green-tinged gold. The rotten stink of asparagus had infused her urine.
Then, without a care in the world, George unzipped himself, stood feet apart facing her, and started urinating between her thighs. Slowly, smirking, he lifted his dick and aimed higher, until he was hosing her pubis, then her stomach.
?Stick out your hooters.? He said.
In for a penny ?
She arched her spine.
His hot urine splashed off her cleavage, soaking her bra and causing a mist of ammonia-tinged spray to wet the marble floor. His flow reeked even more strongly with the tang of second hand asparagus.
Once he’d finished, Davina carefully picked up the soaked T between the tips of her fingers and dropped it to the floor like a mop.
?Okay ? ??
There was a long pause. Toni looked up at her.
Davina’s eyes glinted cruelly.
?Oh ? I see ? you need to go poo poo as well ??
The two of them looked down at her intently. Her knees and thighs ached already from holding the squat position. Her tummy was turning somersaults.
?Please.? She whispered. Why had she accepted coffee after the meal ?
Davina arched an eyebrow. ?Wait? she ordered again.
She returned carrying a digital camera.
?You missed your chance for privacy.?
This bitch made Jess seem like a sweet dream.
Toni scowled as a knife stabbed her guts and she lost control. A humiliating expulsion of air trumpeted around the bathroom.
The camera flashed twice.
?Fuck !? exclaimed George, pinching his nostrils but laughing.
Then Davina knelt, holding the camera lower than Toni’s hips, at an angle that ripped away any last vestige of modesty she had.
It was a big, dry stool. She was forced to bear down and strain with grunts and grimaces as it, ever so slowly, emerged from her anus.
The camera kept clicking and flashing.
?Oooh ? nice face ?? Davina giggled. ?There’s an internet site that specialises in photos like this. They’re gonna love you, boss !?
The stink in the room was terrible. Not that George or Davina seemed to notice. Toni heaved a sigh of relief as it finally snapped off.
?Just the one ?? Davina asked.
Toni nodded, unable to speak.
?Okay. Now let’s get a shot of you wiping yourself then picking it all up and putting it down the toilet pan, shall we ??
*** *** ***
Guess where she spent the whole damned night.
Oh yeah, you’re thinking on the pull up bed, right ?
Worse ? How about the four poster while they fucked above her face then ?
Worse ? Maybe on the floor by the bed, listening to their gentle snoring ?
Hah ! Try chained to the toilet soil pipe, sitting on the cold floor, arms hugging the lavatory like a lover, head over the uncovered seat.
After she had cleaned up her own mess, and both Davina and George had used the toilet too, she was fastened with chain cuffs and Velcro ties into position, embracing the unflushed pan.
They washed their hands, brushed their teeth, switched off the light but left the bathroom door wide open.
Their loud lovemaking lasted over an hour. She was pretty certain that Davina had three orgasms and George two.
Eventually, the light came on and she heard Davina’s footsteps. With a coltish twirl, the girl vaulted Toni’s head and sat down on the smelly toilet.
Toni was now face to face with Davina’s very puffy, very red, very creamy gash. She felt fingernails dig into her earlobes.
?Look at me.?
Toni lifted her gaze.
?I mean it. I don’t want him, you know. Not long term.?
The voice was hushed, almost a whisper, like she was imparting some great secret truth. A trickle of piss squirted while Davina continued speaking.
?But I’m going to be around a while. Until I’ve helped him train you. And until you’ve educated me in fashion and helped my career. You see, it will be a totally reciprocal relationship.?
Was that true ? Really ? Toni couldn’t think straight.
Her eyes were watering. Through the blur she realised how toned Davina’s flat stomach was, all tiny ripples like elastic bands stretched around her torso. How flawless her breasts were, round and high and yet full.
?Kiss me goodnight.?
The comment was accompanied by a slide forward of the hips.
Obediently, Toni leaned and put her lips to Davina’s pouting labia. In spite of a few golden drops and a slick stream of cum, there was something magnetic about her pussy. It was young, perfect and rapacious.
Like some tropical plant it seemed to suck Toni into it.
Above all, it was where her boyfriend had been a few minutes earlier.
She licked, up and down, cleaning the bitter drops and the fishy slime. Davina gave her no more than about thirty seconds then pushed up off Toni’s head and climbed off the seat. She didn’t flush the stinking pan.
She didn’t say anything, just switched off the light.
And left Toni there for the whole damned night.
*** *** ***
?Open the door.?
Toni was dressed in only her red ouvert knickers. Her bra was still drying from the soaking it had taken the night before. She was topless and virtually naked. Please !
The bell sounded again.
?Open it !? Davina said, impatiently.
Toni reluctantly slid the chain across and opened the door ajar. A waiter was standing on the threshold holding a breakfast tray.
?Your breakfast order Ma’am.?
Toni nodded. ?Please ? come in.?
She opened the door and the young waiter’s eyes widened. He couldn’t have been more than 21 or 22, still scarlet with acne, and ginger hair.
George and Davina were lying in the four poster with the blankets pulled up to their necks, smiling.
?Thanks. Could you put the tray on that table.? George said. ?Give the guy a hand will you, doll.?
Blushing with shame, Toni cleared the coffee table. The lad had blushed crimson too and the tray was quivering. He waited until she’d made space and then put the tray down.
?Make sure that we have everything will you.? Davina called out.
The waiter lifted the heating lids and ran through the order; coffee, juices, cereal, milk, egg and bacon for George, toast, pastries, salad, preserves.
?Thanks.? Toni said as calmly as she could. ?That’s all.?
The waiter fished out a clip pad.
?Sign it, doll.?
Unable to hide her breasts, she signed the check.
?Now give him a tip.?
Davina giggled. Toni glanced furiously at her and then at the waiter.
?My wallet’s in my pocket.? George chuckled.
Toni rushed over to the chair and grabbed his jacket.
?Unless our waiter would prefer a non-financial tip ?? Davina said, voice dripping with innuendo.
?Yes ?? George said, ?er ? maybe you’d prefer something else, instead of a fiver ??
?I ? er ? um ? I have to get back to the kitchen, I’m a ? afraid.?
Toni thrust out a five pound note which he grabbed.
?Well,? Davina replied, ?we’re going to be having a lot of room service. So you tell the boys in the kitchen that if they want to earn themselves a special weekend tip, they need to get allocated the deliveries to our suite. Who knows, maybe if we put in a big enough order it will need two waiters to bring it up here, eh ??
The lad nodded and rushed out of the room.
Davina and George burst into laughter and kissed each other.
?Okay, boss. You can serve us breakfast in bed.?
Half an hour later, Toni stood in the still damp T-shirt. It gave off a distinctive odour.
?Now put these on.? Davina said, passing over a tiny bundle.
It was a bubble-gum pink set of tight lycra sprinting pants. Barely more than a thong. Her buttocks were left half uncovered.
?Now the socks and trainers.?
When she was dressed, Davina pointed out the bay window, at the hotel’s manicured lawn and the lake beyond.
?Go run laps round the lake. And no slacking. I can watch you from here. I want to see you sweat and grunt, and those tits and bits bouncing. Or ? would you rather I post this on our company website ??
It was a photo of Toni defecating into a bidet. Unmistakeable.
She shut her eyes and shook her head, unable to speak.
She sobbed as she ran. Not only could she see Davina and George looking at her occasionally from the suite’s main window, but other hotel guests were noticing, pointing, some even smiling. It was hot and humid. Sure, some people used the gym and pool, others probably even ran, but surely nobody else had ever jogged in an outfit like this, bang in front of the hotel. Worse, the kitchens were down one side of the building and they too had a view of the lake. Word had quickly got around the staff. Mostly young waiters and cooks, both male and female, had come to check her out.
Eventually, after about forty five minutes, she spotted Davina beckoning.
It was excruciating, making her way through the Reception, past the staring eyes, up to the room. She knew she must look awful, sweating and without makeup, gasping for breath, stinking to high heaven.
?Take off your clothes.?
She undressed just inside the room. George and Davina were fully clothed now, showered, shaved, refreshed, looking dazzling. She realised that Davina was wearing the new linen shirt and short skirt that Toni had bought for herself the day before.
?Suits me, huh ?? she smiled, with a twirl.
?Go bend over the end of the bed.? George ordered, brusquely.
Toni obeyed, laying her face down on the sheet. She felt them both tying her down carefully, with cord and string, until she couldn’t move. Her ankles were stretched out sideways to the legs of the bed, her arms tied tight to the headboard, her naked bum in the air.
Then Davina wedged the sweaty lycra pants into Toni’s mouth and taped over her lips.
?You are a lazy cow. When you do that run again tomorrow morning, I want you to do each lap at least five seconds faster. Got that ??
Toni nodded, moaning ‘mmm’ into her gag.
?And here’s something else to think about while we’re gone.?
Gone ? Where ?
A searing slap smacked across Toni’s defenceless buttocks.
Another five followed.
George held up the room’s DO NOT DISTURB sign.
?Come on Dav.? He wasn’t even interested in Toni’s plight. ?Let’s go.?
It must have been mid afternoon when there was the sound of a key in the lock. At the same time she heard knocking. But people had already knocked once, half an hour before.
She heaved a sigh of relief. At last.
Then she heard a male voice.
She moaned frantically, shaking her gagged head, trying to tell them.
?Oh shit.? A different voice said.
?Miss. Is everything alright ??
She turned her head awkwardly. There were two men standing by the bed. In hotel uniform. One younger, one middle aged. One white, one black.
She mewled into the gag. Get the fuck out of here !
?Miss. I have to ask. Please nod if everything’s okay. Your door has had the Do Not Disturb sign hanging outside for a long time.?
She nodded frantically.
?So you’re alright ? You ? er ? like this stuff ?? It was the older black guy who was doing all the talking.
She winced and shut her eyes. Then slowly nodded.
?You do ??
She dipped her head again.
The white guy laughed. ?Shit !?
?Lock the door.? The senior man said.
Nooo ! She tugged at her bonds.
She heard a click and then the younger one returned. Fingers prodded her bottom.
?You like running round the lake with your titties bouncing up and down like nodding pups, don’t you ? ? And you ? er ? like ? this ? too ??
She burst into floods of tears. Rage. Fear. Humiliation. And yet ?
The same fingers insinuated themselves under her, opening up her labia.
Surely this had to be a set up ? George and Davina playing another bloody game ?
?She’s wet.?
It had been so long.
The fingers were thick, firm, knowing. They instantly found her clit.
Ignored for soooo long.
She parted her thighs just a bit more. Not enough so they’d notice.
She felt such a tramp. Treated like dirt, abused and humiliated by her boyfriend and his lover, left tied to a hotel bed. Served her right. Served them all right.
?This part of your fantasy too, lady ? A couple of security guys ??
She didn’t respond.
Four fingers were inside her now, pushing deeper.
?You don’t want to admit it do you ? That would spoil it.?
Again, she ignored the question, burying her face into the mattress.
Now the fingers slid back out and stroked her anus instead. She stiffened, suddenly realising something. She heard the distinctive sound of a zip.
?Only one hole available lady, I’m afraid.?
She thrashed her head again and pushed up her hips as far as she could.
?Look. She wants to make her cunt easier for us. You got your rubbers with you ??
The fingers were focussed entirely on her back passage now. Once more, her damned aching pussy was being ignored.
?Don’t want to leave any evidence.?
She could sense the man sliding a condom over his penis. It hurt as fingers crudely dragged her cheeks apart. She felt a lukewarm glob of what she assumed was saliva being rubbed into her rim. And then the humiliation as a nameless, middle aged security guy calmly wedged his shaft, inch by inch, into her disloyal anus.
Being ass fucked was a completely different experience to normal sex. She found it much more of a ‘whole body’ experience. Whereas vaginal and oral sex felt ‘normal’ and local, anal was intense and overwhelming. Until George, she’d never even tried it. But then he’d loaned her to Hassan and now this stranger was her third man back there in a month.
She was somehow desperate for contact with her clit, both to alleviate the discomfort of the pounding in her bottom and to ease her frustration. But the guy clearly wasn’t going to touch her there.
Rub me, please, you fucker ! Pleeeeaaasse.
She suddenly became aware of the younger, white one on the bed by her head. He turned her face by pulling on her hair. His dick was erect and he was jacking himself off slowly.
?Hold your face still.? He murmured.
He began rubbing its slippery, plum-coloured crown against her gagged cheeks, over her chin, into her eye sockets. She froze with the humiliation and just lay there.
They both came within seconds of each other. The one in her bottom filled up the condom and collapsed over her back. The one in her face groaned, half-giggling, and shot his bolt all over her hair and even into her ear.
The black guy fingered her a bit more while they dressed, skilfully manipulating her dampness back to near climax. The white one fetched a piece of toilet tissue from the bathroom and used it to wipe the excess of his semen from her face. Fingers pushed her bottom closed, stroking her ass briefly, like raking over their footprints.
?I hope you enjoyed your special fantasy.?
Within thirty seconds, they were gone.
About twenty minutes later, she heard the key in the lock again.
?Hi ! Cooeey !?
Davina’s voice.
She heard them both walking in, bags rustling. The bedroom door slammed shut. Footsteps.
?Phew ! It’s a bit smelly in here.?
?Well she did run ten laps of the lake.? George replied.
She loved it when he defended her or, at least, put her viewpoint.
Davina’s hand smacked her butt playfully.
?How’s your ass ? Want another six slaps ??
Very funny, ha-ha.
?Damn. I’m knackered.? Davina threw herself down on the bed. ?We must have walked miles. But the town’s got some great shops.?
George lay down alongside her, his feet off the side of the bed.
?What d’you say we let doll here take a shower ??
?Good idea.?
They were obviously not going to mention it. How they’d set her up to be assaulted by two strangers. Well, she could play at that game too.
The truly clever thing about George was that he knew just how hard to push. He always went places she never knew existed. Pushed her real hard. But never too far.
Or quite far enough ?
She sat in a fluffy white hotel towel after a hot shower had washed away any last traces of evidence. She would have to live with the thought that two men had used her against her will and got away with it. Maybe she’d be the subject of some crude story down the local pub tonight ?
Maybe it hadn’t really been against her will after all ?
?Penny for your thoughts ??
She looked at Davina’s dancing blue eyes.
?Just thinking.? Toni answered.
Davina held out a hand. ?Come lie on the bed.?
Toni followed her. Davina had stripped off to her bra, thong and a hotel bathrobe. They both lay down on the four-poster.
She pushed the towel back off Toni’s shoulders.
?Let me see how your play with yourself.?
Uncertainly, Toni licked her fingertips and spread her knees. Davina smiled encouragingly and sat up so she could peer into the v of Toni’s thighs.
?Go for it boss, but don’t you dare cum yet.?
She moved her fingers in concentric circles, steadily building her excitement. Her clitoris felt like a dish that had already been well cooked and allowed to cool. It only required a little re-heating. She didn’t want to look at Davina but both women ended up with eyes locked on each other’s.
Mmm ? she gasped, rubbing frantically. Pleassss ?
?Move your fingers to your butt now.?
With a little scowl of annoyance, Toni reluctantly shifted her finger and nudged her rim. It was a little tender, not painful, but she bit her lip.
?That hurt ?? Davina asked, in a surprised tone. ?Really ??
Oh yeah ? Like you don’t know ? Sure.
?Move your hand.?
Toni lifted her arm and Davina leaned forward. Like a cat with a mouse, she extended a red nail and pushed it into Toni’s anus.
Ouch. Toni steeled herself.
?Aagh.? She muttered, jerking away.
Davina smiled. At that moment George emerged from the bathroom in a robe, drying his hair.
?Our friend has a sore botty. You didn’t bugger her while my back was turned did you ??
George shrugged, looking at them both. ?If I did, it wasn’t memorable.?
Davina probed deeper. Toni cringed and let out another gasp.
?Her butt is definitely a bit loose. Look ! A saggy rim. It’s red too.?
George peered between Toni’s legs.
?Looks normal to me. She’s no spring chicken you know.?
Davina looked deep into Toni’s eyes inquiringly.
?You sure you have nothing to tell us ??
The truth ? Oh you’d love that wouldn’t you ? Ha ha ha.
Toni shook her head. Nothing to say.
?Come on. Hurry up.? George said, ?Let’s go enjoy a drink in the bar.?
There was a silence as they walked in. It was like one of those scenes from a cowboy movie when the whole bar hushes as the villain enters.
In this case, the villain was Toni.
She recognised a few faces as those who’d seen her running round the lake in her T-shirt. Now, here she was, dressed in the most inappropriate outfit, personally bought, selected and packed for her by Davina. Most of the guests were dressed in ‘smart casual’: the men in jackets and cotton shirts, some wearing ties, one or two even in lounge suits or blazers; the women in silk shirts and chic skirts, some wearing dresses, one or two in jackets. Meanwhile Davina was showing off the gorgeous black cocktail dress that Toni had purchased lunchtime the day before, finished off by sheer stockings, sophisticated heels and a necklace George had bought for her that afternoon.
However, Toni was in what her fashion world friends might term ?trailer trash meets street ho?; a too-tight top in a shiny fabric, showing her midriff, a too short skirt with zips up the front and back, pink fishnet stockings, and fuck me heels in bright plastic. Her hair was backcombed into a hooker’s wave and her heavy makeup had been done by Davina to complete the tart’s look.
Best of all, though, was the cheap kid’s scent – like the sickly tang of sugary sweets with cherry notes – that had been sprayed for thirty seconds all over her body until everybody within thirty feet could smell her approach.
George carried it off superbly, apparently totally unaware of the stares and disapproving looks. He didn’t hear the tuts and harrumphs of the thirty or so people in the bar enjoying a pre-dinner aperitif. Meanwhile, Davina exuded the radiant glow of a sexy young woman who knew several men in the bar were checking her out.
Toni tried to brazen it out, as if she too was proud of her own look.
She failed miserably.
She desperately needed a shot of vodka to boost her courage but George ordered her a Babycham. This produced another round of stares and titters. Launched in 1953, Babycham was a light, mildly alcoholic pear juice, that after initial success, had been just about the uncoolest drink in the country for three decades.
After a dreadful half hour in the bar, they went through to dinner.
Davina and George continued with champagne but he ordered a bottle of sauvignon blanc wine, and another of mineral water.
?Drink up.? Davina instructed.
Toni emptied her large glass of water and was immediately poured another.
?Drink up.?
After the waiter had taken their orders for dinner, Toni shifted in her seat. It wasn’t painful yet, but she knew within ten minutes she’d need to visit the ladies restroom.
?May ? ??
?No, boss.? Davina smiled. ?You may not. You sit here and eat your meal.?
George rose from the table. ?I won’t be a moment. Just need a piss.?
?You enjoying your weekend so far ?? Davina asked, after he’d gone.
More than you think. Fuck I’m sick.
?It’s ? been pretty ? hard.?
Davina smiled at her. A genuine grin. For just a second, both women let their masks down. It was, after all, a game. A sporting contest. But like in any game, people could get hurt, injured, crushed.
A moment later, Davina’s icy demeanour froze over again. She reached over and undid the top button of Toni’s shiny fabric top.
?Let’s show the waiters a bit more cleavage, eh ??
Toni didn’t resist or look down, even though she could feel how exposed her boobs were, almost to the nipples.
?I want you to choose two waiters by the end of this meal. They have name tags. And I warn you that if you can’t see any you like, I’ll choose for you.?
Oh right ! Like I’d leave that to you.
?Please ?? she whispered, ?I get off on most of this stuff. But I don’t enjoy being ? you know ? loaned out.?
Davina made a face. ?And who asked your opinion ??
?Nobody. But I just thought you should know.?
?You are free to quit, aren’t you ? I don’t see any handcuffs or ropes.?
She looked down at her placemat.
It was true.
?I ? worry that George won’t want me ? er ? if I’m ?? her voice tailed off.
Davina’s lips smacked in a ‘tch’ sound. ?Really ? You think he wants you for your virginity ? Sweet, young, unsoiled Toni ? Don’t make me laugh. You are a slut and you’re best used regularly as one.?
?Is that ? what he thinks ??
?Ask him yourself.?
George arrived back at the table. There was something under his jacket.
He smiled, realising he’d interrupted something.
?Yes ??
?She has a question for you.? Davina said, patting George’s hand.
?It’s okay.? Toni mumbled.
?Give me your wine glass.?
She passed over her empty glass and watched as, with a sneaky glance around the room, George quickly unloaded the contents of a plastic tube into her glass.
?Mmm ?? Davina enthused, sniffing the glass as she handed it back. ?The distinctive grassy notes of a sauvignon blanc !?
A minute later a waiter arrived with their starters. He looked slightly baffled as he poured a small amount from the full bottle of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc into George’s glass for him to taste.
?My friend couldn’t wait.? George said, with a disingenuous, explanatory smile at the waiter, nodding at Toni’s glass. ?Right everybody, bon appetit !?
Twenty minutes later, she couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t eat, could barely keep still. Her bladder was full to painful bursting.
?I ? have to g ? go.? She interrupted George and Davina.
?Don’t be silly.? Davina snapped. ?Wait until we’ve finished eating then ask nicely.?
She sat there another two minutes, literally frozen, unable to move.
Finally, both of them turned and smiled at her.
?Now, what did you want ?? Davina asked.
?I ??
She could feel the tears coming.
?Alright. Hurry up and go ? if you have to.?
With a wail, Toni rose from her seat and got a few steps across the dining room. Then it happened.
Her bladder burst like a dam. In the centre of the dining room !
She was wearing a tiny thong under the short skirt and her urine cascaded down between her legs all over the tiled floor. Around her, diners and waiters stared in horror as they realised what was happening.
She stood in a puddle and started to sob.
*** *** ***
She felt better, back in their room, after a warm shower and a hot chocolate drink. George had managed to calm the hotel management down.
?Come join us in bed.? Davina said, patting the sheet.
Dropping the towel, she climbed up on the four-poster. George smiled and pushed back the sheet, revealing his genitals.
?Here, doll. Come suck my dick for me.?
You stupid, pathetic bitch.
Annoyed with herself for the pitiable flash of passion and pride she felt in spite of everything, she moved her head into his lap.
?Oh yeah !? he groaned. ?Kiss me.? She heard him say.
They spent several minutes in an erotic triangle; George tongue-kissing Davina in a passionate embrace while Toni suckled his penis up to engorged erection. He didn’t even steer her head.
?Now suck Davina’s clit.?
She switched her lips to nuzzle against her nemesis’s perfect young labia, teasing her swollen nub.
He slowly took up position above them, like a preying mantis.
?Feed me into her.?
She took his shaft and placed it at the entrance to Davina’s vagina. Then she watched him sink incredibly slowly into her.
?Damn that’s good.? He groaned slowly. ?You have the best pussy in the world, my love.?
Davina laughed above her, giving George a big smacking smooch on the mouth.
?I bet you say that to all the girls.?
Toni spent the night sleeping on the floor at the foot of the four poster, under a blanket they found in the wardrobe. She’d licked out Davina’s creamed pussy and still not been allowed to climax herself.
‘Wait till morning’, they said.
?Open the door.?
It was 9 a.m. She was naked under the blanket.
The bell sounded again.
?Open it !? Davina said, impatiently, just as she had the previous morning. ?And drop the blanket.?
Toni reluctantly shucked the protection off her shoulders and slid the chain across and opened the door ajar. This time two waiters were standing on the threshold holding a breakfast tray.
?Your ? breakfast order Ma’am.?
Their voices were assured, subtly suggestive.
Toni nodded. ?Please ? come in.?
She opened the door. They were both kids, early 20s max. But they eyed her with the expressions that two hungry lions might show an impala.
?Go to the bathroom.? Davina said.
She waited, sat naked on the toilet seat, listening to their murmured conversation and occasional guffaws of laughter.
Eventually, Davina appeared, followed by one of the waiters. He was the shorter of the two, with an ordinary face, but ravaged by old acne scars and a still a few, current pus-filled spots.
?This is Kevin. Do exactly as he says.?
Davina left and shut the door behind her.
Kevin shrugged, kind of apologetically. He walked over to her and stood in front of the toilet, his groin level with her face.
?Blow me.?
She thought of objecting but immediately dismissed the idea. That would only make it more humiliating when she gave in. She reached and unzipped his fly.
?My girlfriend won’t swallow.?
She extracted his hardening flesh and looked up at him. ?I will.?
?I know.? He replied, dismissing her gesture. ?Make it quick.?
She did it as functionally and unemotionally as she could. His penis was short, stubby, circumsized. Fortunately he smelt of cheap soap and he was ready; it took just a couple of minutes to get him ready.
?Oh yeah ? mmm ? drink it bitch.?
It was a line, not aimed particularly at her. She knew he was just saying bitch ‘cos that’s what a kid often said to a strange woman who swallowed.
It tasted lumpy, sharp, like heavily salted porridge. She choked it down.
He watched her. Checking. Then gave her an embarrassed grin and shrugged.
She made a face. Fuck off kid.
He fished into his pocket and pulled out a coin. A 10 pence piece.
?They said I had to give you this.?
Thirty seconds after he left, the second one appeared. He was tall, maybe 6’ 3?, rough looking, with a broken front tooth.
?I’m Wayne.?
She nodded.
He pulled out a condom packet and waved it.
?They said you can cum if I fuck you.?
She nodded again, with a little sigh.
?Get off the seat.?
She stood up, making way for him. He undid his own pants and briefs hurriedly, revealing his hard, thin stomach and flaccid penis. It looked a big one, nestled in a bubble of wiry hair.
?Suck it then put this on it.?
She mechanically put her lips round his shaft and licked it. Soon enough it hardened and lengthened into an oversized dick as big as George’s. It had an ugly, prominent vein that felt strange on her tongue.
She unwrapped the pack and rolled the rubber condom over it.
He sat down on the lavatory seat.
?Ride me.?
Wordlessly, she climbed onto him and impaled her oozing vagina on his length. Truth was she realised, you’re wet as a melting ice cream.
She bounced up and down on him in silence, hearing more murmured conversation and bouts of laughter from the bedroom.
?You wanna cum ?? he enquired, like asking if she wanted a drink.
She nodded.
He smiled proudly. ?Hurry then. I’m nearly there.?
Suddenly, she concentrated, thinking of the moment, and not the complicated tale of how she got here, or what was to come.
What was to ‘cum’ was more important.
She knew she had seconds left. His breathing was speeding and suddenly he let out a visceral groan.
No, please don’t stop, damn you ?
She squealed loudly, bouncing like a yoyo.
Yet more guffaws from the bedroom.
?You having a good time in there ?? Davina’s voice called through the door.
Wayne clutched her. He was clearly finished and ready to quit.
?Please ?? she hissed.
He smirked. ?Sorry slapper, you had your chance.?
She kissed him on the mouth. Anything to try to stall him.
Just three, two, one more ?
aannggh ? yessssss ?. mmnngghh ?
A hot streak of pleasure-pain bolted up from her ankles to her brain, melting her limbs and torso. She couldn’t move. Her toes, ankles, knees, thighs had all seized. Little pink and white lights sparked in her eyes even though she had screwed them shut tight. She felt the tension and frustration of the past days leaving through the top of her head like an exorcism.
She collapsed against him like a wet rag.
?Fuck !? The waiter exhaled in awe, easing her gently off him.
She let herself slide onto the tiled bathroom floor and felt him place something cold on her upturned hip. Another 10 penny coin.
It hit her in that split second. This was life with George. His rules. Not hers. His limits. Not hers. She realised now how she had got here. To this point. In a bathroom in some hotel. With two waiters paying her for sex.
To paraphrase one of Churchill’s great quotes, she was on a journey to her destiny;
‘this was not the end, it was not even the beginning of the end.
But it was the end of the beginning.’
*** THE END ***
By the same Author:
?A Special Relationship? – A story set in present day London of an Anglo-American relationship, involving a submissive British woman whose boundaries are pushed to their very limit by her younger dominant boyfriend during one turbulent weekend (a consensual story involving unconventional cuckqueening, female chastity and humiliation).
?Five Words? – (in progress) – Just Five Words. The five words that changed his life. The handful of words that turned him from a husband, father and successful businessman into something else entirely.
?Short n Sweet? – (in progress) - A tale of two couples; one dom, one sub, and their year long spiral into ...
?Best Enjoyed Cold? – A medium length (35,000 words) rape and revenge thriller (non-consensual and emotionally cruel).
?After the Pestilence? – a long (80,000 words) novel set in the near future, involving numerous characters and containing, as one reviewer said, ‘something for everyone’ (most of it is non-consensual and the humiliation is extreme, although the actual violence is mainly moderate).
?The Ballad of Lara and Gemma? – a spin-off tale from ‘After the Pestilence’. It is set in the near future and describes the infatuation of a lesbian/bi Domme and her unwilling female slave (all non-consensual scenes and extreme humiliation, including scat).
?Son-of-a-Gun? – A story set in the mid-nineteenth century and also the present day recounting the fate of two young ladies at the mercy of a desperate ship’s crew stranded on a remote island (part non-consensual and part consensual involving moderate bdsm and humiliation).
?Amuse-Bouches? –written in English, not French ! Amuse-Bouches are appetisers that fancy restaurants serve to ‘amuse the mouth’ before the main meal. A selection of three dominant-POV short stories, rising in severity from consensual to mind control to non-consensual (the first two contain moderate bdsm, whilst the third is quite heavy and may not be to everybody’s taste).
?Hors d’Oeuvres? – also in English. A selection of three consensual, male-submissive short stories, or rather ‘opening chapters’ of novels I never finished (mild).
?Supper’s Ready? – Five short poems with a bdsm flavour (these were written to amuse and stimulate minds, not genitals).
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CrossdressingIt had been a long, tough month at work; but the deal was finally closed and the contract signed. I needed some R&R, so to celebrate my success; I'd gotten away on an early Friday flight for a long weekend in Palm Springs. It was in the low 90's when I arrived. Just what I needed. I picked up the Lincoln I'd reserved and drove to the Motel. I registered and dumped my bags in the suite I'd booked and then headed for Indian Wells. There was plenty of time to get in 9 holes of golf after which...
Tony Brooks headed out of NorthStar Oral Health where he worked as a dental hygienist. He started up his 2014 midnight garnet Nissan Maxima. He drove straight home which took about 25 minutes because of traffic. He pulled the vehicle into the garage of the two-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath townhome. He let opened the baby gate that kept his Yorkshire Terrier confined to the kitchen. The diminutive dog barked happily as Tony walked to the door to let the canine into the small fenced backyard....
"You want me to do what?" Carl said with shock into the phone and he couldn't believe what his son Adam had just asked him to do. "Come on Dad. You need to get back into things and start living again." Adam said, hoping his Dad would come through. "And, I couldn't think of a better way to do it," he added as he crossed his fingers, praying he would. "You'll get me sent to jail, boy and then I'll have to kill your ass!" Adam just laughed and he knew dear, ol' Dad was really out...
* * * * * * * * * * The college I went to was in a small, backward town. There were six churches and one bar. Almost every night, that bar was packed with college kids, most of whom were too young to be there. It helped that the bar owner was the town sheriff's brother. We were at our usual table – me and my drinking buddies, Tom and Jack. We were talking about what we would do over the summer after our sophomore year of college. “C'mon, guys, it'll be great,” I said. “We...
Note: No sex, just a story. I think I caught her totally by surprise. I’m almost sure that she expected me to say ‘Yes dear’ and then do what she wanted. After all, hadn’t that always been the way of it? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I met Betty Ann during my second year in college. We were both Business Management majors and we were taking a class in Production Management and we were both put on the same class project. I liked Betty Ann’s looks, personality, and sense of...
It was another long miserable wait in the airport followed by a short miserable flight. On the flight out I was sandwiched between an overweight and sweaty businessman and a grandmother who spent the entire time showing me pictures of her grandchildren and telling me about them. The flight home was similar, only I was next to a Spanish-speaking grandmother and an overweight and sweaty businesswoman. At least this time I was spared the crying baby behind me. I called Mom from the terminal, and...
I think we had plans for the weekend but the thought of watching her get used all weekend and fucked with a monster cock got me excited and so I figured I would cancel our plans and told Jake that we would be there. He then told me that there would be some straight friends there when we first arrive so he would not have Tamara totally naked, but he would want her to show up and wear what he tells her too. He also wanted us to pack, an over-night bag and we are to stay in one of his guest...
As Friday came, Jennifer had a very long and stressful week. So I decided to plan a weekend of relaxation and pampering for her, so as we we leaving for work I told her I would take the kids to her mom and drop them off. So as Jennifer left for work, I gathered the kids and their things together to take to her mom’s house. When I arrived at her mom’s, I told her mom I had a favor to ask of her. I explained to her that Jennifer had a very tough week and ask if she would keep the kids this...
Emshon's Authors Note--This is an older story of mine that was posted on Crystal's Story Site (R.I.P.) I'm going to consolidate everything here on Fictionmania. I hope you enjoy this oldie-but-a-goodie. The Lost Weekend. I woke up on Monday and could barely get out of bed. It was as if every muscle in my body had seized up on me. My arms, shoulders, legs, even my jaw muscles ached. Even worse were my nipples, which were swollen and felt like they were on fire. Ominously, even my...
I’m sitting on my couch, watching some TV, and thinking of the nice weekend I am about to have with no-one to bother me. The wife has left for the weekend to take care of some matters in another state. It is very cold winter time, so no one is about on the road. All the other houses are shuttered for the season, so things should be quiet for a couple of days. I have the fridge stocked with juices, fruit, a new box of cereal, plenty of coffee, near beer, white wine in the fridge, red in...
So it is Wednesday night and I was sitting in my back yard. I actually had not to much on the agenda for the rest of the week so I was just kicking back. There was a bit of noise coming from the neighbours and sometimes they get a little carried away with there parties but I had no issue with it. I was just enjoying a beer when Donna looked over the fence and said hi. I nodded back and she asked if she could come over. I waved her over and in a few minutes she was sitting next to me. Now the...
The Weekend DreamThe Rendezvous “These corner bars are all the same.” You say to yourself. The smell of over powering scent of cigarettes is about to make you gag. The latest rendition of Achy Breaky Heart has been sung at the Karaoke stand. The DJ’s sign off for the night and begin packing up. You sit at the bar after talking to your girlfriend. She is over at a table with a young man she “thinks has a nice ass”. You sit sipping on your dreamsicle mixed drink. You have promised to be the...
The Weekend We had meet the couple at a party. We had gotten on so well with them that we had invited them to our house the next weekend. She was tall, blonde, and very sexy. Red swollen lips that pouted as she spoke. Her long blonde hair, cascaded down to her shoulders. Her full ripe breasts, pushed out as the tried to escape the confines of her dress. Her tiny waist, hour glass shape figure, curved in and out at her hips. And her long sleek legs gleamed as they provocatively flashed...
The Weekend We had meet the couple at a party. We had gotten on so well with them that we had invited them to our house the next weekend. She was tall, blonde, and very sexy. Red swollen lips that pouted as she spoke. Her long blonde hair, cascaded down to her shoulders. Her full ripe breasts, pushed out as the tried to escape the confines of her dress. Her tiny waist, hour glass shape figure, curved in and out at her hips. And her long sleek legs gleamed as they provocatively flashed...
February 1999 – Something for the Weekend?The Tangled Web is a story spanning several years and is based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories. It was a cold Friday evening in February. Sara stood waiting outside the main railway station swaddled in a long dark winter coat and bright woollen scarf. She felt the cold light wind on her legs. Trousers, she thought....
IncestIt is going to be a long week for you. I inform you that there will be a surprise, come the weekend, but up until that time, you are not permitted to cum, regardless of what I do to you. My intention is to keep you on edge for the entire week leading up to the weekend, continuously fingering you, grinding on your big fat clit, pulling on your nipples, and even sliding my cock inside of you. I also plan to have you suck my cock during that entire time, but you won't be allowed to cum, and nor...
CuckoldMom came in to tell me that if I didn’t quit playing on the computer and leave soon I would be late arriving to Lenny’s house. Well there isn’t anything planned at three, that is just when Paula told me to head over today. Dad decided that even though Lenny’s house wasn’t all that far away, he was going to drive me over. “David you are just going to have to roll with the punches next week at school. It is a complete crock of shit. Everyone knows it. Marlin and his cronies are going to be...
HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...
Wife LoversIt was a dream weekend with Julie. My sexy but self conscious wife reluctantly agreed to let me "dress" her for three days while we attended concerts out of town together. It all began when I noticed that several music acts we both enjoyed were performing on three consecutive days in venues quite close to each other, but none of them near where we lived. Julie really loves live music so this was shaping up as an ideal situation. I had already been saving up small favors that she owed me, so I...
The sun was just beginning to rise over the apartment blocks as Dan left his home for an other average day at work. Dan was in his late twenties, had dark brown hair, was in good physical shape and was pretty proud of the way he looked. Today was Friday which meant the much needed weekend was finally here. He opened his car, a silver BMW, tossed his briefcase onto the passenger seat and took off. It was the same routine ...
Fantasy Weekend By Salon Selective God knows I had bugged my wife long enough about it. I was a very part-time cross dresser. At least I guess that's what you would call it. Make-up and nails were my real turn on, and I had shared this with her. She reluctantly agreed to do some kinky things with me sometimes... a little bondage here, making my face up there, painting my toenails --- stuff like that. I wanted something more than that though, but didn't know how to tell...
Upon my return from San Diego, things changed between Bryan and me. That Wednesday at work, Bryan sent me a message that he would be stopping by that evening. I was instructed to be naked when he arrived. That evening when Bryan came into my apartment I was nude as told. Bryan and I made love. We had a wonderful evening. We had great fun and great sex. He held power over me that I could not resist. He had me tell him all the things Joe had done with me in San Diego. The details seemed to excite...
TrueMessage from the author: This story is quite long and has long build-up before the sex begins. So…if you’re looking for a quick, dirty read, you might want to skip down to the middle of the story. Thanks. Kaylee’s Wild Weekend “This is going to be the best weekend ever!” Kaylee exclaimed as she reached over to turn the radio up, raising the volume to an uncomfortably loud level. “Okaaaay,” Heather said dismissively, pushing her friend’s hand away and turning the volume back down. ...
Dear Friends and fans of this site. My name is Aaryan (aka Sunny) name change. I am 26 years old, leaving in Gujarat. I am accountant in mnc company. I live alone as I came here on for studies. I started working as an accounting work for this company when I was doing my Bachelors. After my exam, they hired me and I became full time employee. My parents live in Mumbai. I visit them every other six month or year for two weeks. I call to my parents every weekend just so I can keep in touch with...
IncestI think I caught her totally by surprise. I'm almost sure that she expected me to say "Yes dear" and then do what she wanted. After all, hadn't that always been the way of it? I met Betty Ann during my second year in college. We were both Business Management majors and we were taking a class in Production Management and we were both put on the same class project. I liked Betty Ann's looks, personality, and sense of humor so I asked her to go out with me, she said yes, and our...
That Weekend by Vickie Tern i. My negotiations in Baltimore went faster than I'd expected, no need to stay the weekend and finish up on Monday or Tuesday, so early Friday morning I booked a flight back and a few hours later when I arrived home I picked up a small bottle of my wife's favorite perfume before heading out to my car. A peace offering, we'd quarreled about something trivial...
For some reason I have now started ten stories which I've not been happy with so haven't finished. This is number eleven and I hope you find that this one comes together. A LONG WEEKEND "Do you know what I heard about Kath and Peter?" Lucy asked her husband James. "What bit of tattle have you picked up about our friends?" He tried to sound as if she shouldn't listen to gossip, but had a smile on his face. Peter had been his school friend and they had kept in contact, making...
It’s Sunday evening and I just got back from Houston and visiting with Master for the weekend. What a weekend, but I should have known something was up. I had to miss our last visit, so I knew punishment would be worse this time. I had several ?incidents? that I had to pay for missing the gym, arguing with my husband, not playing with the anal toys and playing with myself when I should not be. Master had been in Austin the weekend before visiting some friends. I found him and David...
The Long Weekend (Nightgirl edits)The pub was crowded, which was only to be expected since Alice was pretty popular, and the music was way too loud for me. Oh, I guess I should introduce myself.I'm Caroline. I?m 23 years old and blonde with a nice figure, by which I mean it is the right shape, just not toned. My breasts are a reasonable 36B and my height about 5'7".I work for an accounting firm in the city. It?s a big firm and I work in the secretarial pool. That's where I met Alice and...
SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND ONE A DAY (SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND) He had planned for this weekend for a few weeks. As always, he stalked his victims for days at a time while planning his attacks. The serial rapists? m.o. had always been the same. He would pick out potential targets, and then he would find out everything about their daily habits before planning and executing his assault. His assaults were usually brief, rarely longer than 1 hour, and most lasting only about 30-45...
I couldn't wait to get out of work. It was Thursday afternoon and I had a terrific weekend planned. Working the 9/80 schedule is a huge benefit. I work 80 hours in nine days instead of the usual 10, leaving me a three-day weekend every other weekend. It felt like a mini-vacation. Generally, I used that time to relax and just be by myself for a while. Sometimes, though, I took advantage of the longer weekend to get out and away from the world. This weekend, I was going fishing. I've loved...
I had just finished a very long and tiring week of sales calls, traveling through three of the five western states my company had assigned to me. I was spending practically all my time traveling from one client to another, making a frantic effort to head off the catastrophe that was looming if I couldn't improve on my sales numbers. It felt good to get back home to my little one bedroom apartment, but I still had a suitcase full of dirty laundry, a week's worth of unread mail and a whole...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My “first” experience was not really the first time I had been with a man, in fact, I had been with 4 during the 3 years since I turned 18. However, this experience was the first time I truly knew what it was like to have my brains fucked out. I was in my sophomore year at college and worked part time as a waitress at a restaurant near the campus. I spent most of my time either studying or working, no real time to go out and have fun, so I stayed away...
EroticDestiny Weekend by captv8td [email protected] 1?Okay, pups, listen up. Let me go over the rules for the weekend.? Samantha stood in front of the pledges as note pads were being distributed. ?We’re going to be playing differently this year. We’re going back to the old rules.??Ha!? exclaimed Sarah. ?Old rules. New rules. We won’t know the difference. This is our first time.??Hehe,? snickered Sam. ?That’s true. So I won’t bore you with the changes. I’ll just tell you the...
THE LONG WEEKENDPart I: FridayMy relationship with Mistress Kayla and Master John had fallen into a bit of a routine after six months. By that time, I wasn’t starting to get to the point where I couldn’t remember when I hadn’t been with them. I shouldn’t say so much them, as Mistress Kayla. A month after she’d taken ownership of me, Master John had taken ownership of his own submissive, Gail. Both continued to use me, just as they both used Gail whenever it suited them. While most of the...
Friday 10th – Saturday 11th One Friday morning, I woke up to the sound of my mother yelling for me to come down for breakfast, I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 8:09. I got up from my bed and noticed a raging hard on poking through my underwear. I couldn’t understand how I’ve been waking up for the past few days with a boner. Lately I’ve been feeling hornier than usual and today I didn’t have time to relieve myself so I just put on a shirt and some shorts and went down. I went...
Lucy and her boyfriend, Stevie, were going away for the weekend to a rented house with two friends that she hadn’t met before. Just a few days solace from the rigours of city life. It was to be at an old farmhouse in a picturesque village in the countryside. Stevie had bought Lucy loads of outfits to wear. Basques, stockings, heels, dresses, some big loud jewellery and some new makeup.Basically, he was arranging a weekend of sexy fun for Lucy, using the subterfuge of a Bank Holiday break. He...
Group SexI had been talking to a friend on a website that we had met on. We did not know each other's names, but we always had very hot and sexy chatting. We had known each other for about six months. We used to have cyber-sex months back. But we're now just friends and don't do that anymore.My friend lives in California and is married. He told me that he was taking his wife away for a weekend at a lovely hotel. He had bought tickets to a show called “Venus in Fur.” He also told me that he'd bought many...
ThreesomesA story inspired by the very sweet and sexy samantha satine and my beautiful wifePart 1 - The preparationsamantha packed her suitcase with her usual attention to detail, makeup, lingerie, wigs, but no dresses. Her head was confused by this, Master D had given her instructions to pack several changes of silky underwear and plenty of heels and boots but not to worry about dresses or outerwear. "You wont be needing them" he said. samantha's head raced with excitement and a bit of trepidation with...
He said he was going to take her away for the weekend. He was going to pamper her and give her a taste of being cared for. Everything at home was so stressful... the k**s, the job, the divorce and a monster of an ex always hounding her...Jika had taken her to lunch a few times, but they were never more than 10-minute stops at the office food coach. Tochi worked hard. She had to support her k**s by herself now. Even though her husband had loads of cash, he had managed to hide just about all of...