- 3 years ago
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Mom came in to tell me that if I didn’t quit playing on the computer and leave soon I would be late arriving to Lenny’s house.
Well there isn’t anything planned at three, that is just when Paula told me to head over today.
Dad decided that even though Lenny’s house wasn’t all that far away, he was going to drive me over.
“David you are just going to have to roll with the punches next week at school. It is a complete crock of shit. Everyone knows it. Marlin and his cronies are going to be on notice even if he will be a real smug bastard about it all. With cameras covering every inch of the hallways, and classrooms between classes, there won’t be any way he can pull this shit on you again and get away with it. You do need to watch what you do when confronted by these mindless morons. We both know that you had more to do with where he hit and how hard. Just watch it in the future,” dad told me. “Now when I talked with Joe they said they had done a lot of blood work. He said that all of your growth hormones and those specific to puberty were spiking. I didn’t want mom to freak out. That is why I am driving you. From what I remember when I was at about the same spot during puberty, you are going to grow three to four inches in the next week or two. A few days after that, your penis will literally grow overnight. Mine went from three inches to seven in two days. It still took a year before it finally got noticeably thicker. Starting next week you are going to be heading to the gym every day after school or working out at with Crystal or Annie at their dojos. Our lawyer made it completely clear that you wouldn’t be relying on another lucky dodge to keep you from getting seriously injured. Homework will be done as soon as you get home and be finished before you go to bed. That is up to you to manage.”
I might as well tell him about my having a shield that wouldn’t let me get hurt.
I turned towards him and said, “Dad I have to tell you something. Joe knows other people who survived what happened to me last spring. They have taught me some things.”
“I know,” dad told me. “I know that you are different and there are things we just have to accept when they happen. It is how I knew you did something that made that Neanderthal break his hand. As much you think you need to confide in me about what you have learned, Joe made it clear that is safer for all of us that your mom and I don’t know. Neither of us would be able to keep from telling any people who question us about everything we know about what the accident has allowed you to do. I hate that we can’t be there for you to talk things over in this case.”
I tried.
As I got out of the car he told me that he and mom talked to Lenny’s parents at length about this weekend. They made sure that all of Lenny’s sister’s Girl Scout friends thirteen or older were unavailable to sleep over this weekend. Today she was going to have around a dozen of her friends here this afternoon, but only three were staying the weekend. I would have to fend for myself as Lenny’s parents had other plans for the weekend. Lenny would be with Paula most of the time. I thanked him for the info and told him I would call if I needed to escape.
I had a small backpack with me as I headed to the door. A woman that had to be Lenny’s mom came to the door wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
“Hi,” she greeted me warmly. “Lenny hasn’t had any male friends over to stay the weekend in a long time. We have talked to your parents and they said they were fine with the way we do things around here. In case Lenny didn’t tell you, we are nudists. You don’t have to be nude to stay over. If you do want to be nude, you can cover up if you are uncomfortable at any time. Well that or you are covering up to keep from being molested by the girls. None will be developed enough yet for intercourse, no matter what my daughter may think on that subject. That doesn’t mean they aren’t going to do everything they can to try to get you interested in them. If you just ignore them they will get the hint, eventually.”
Well, if you would turn around, you would see that I don’t have a problem going naked.
I was stripping as soon as she turned around to take me to the back of the house while she told me how they were nudists. We had made it into a guest bedroom when she finally turned around.
“Is it cool if I put my stuff in here? I didn’t know if I was crashing in Lenny’s room or what,” I told her.
She smiled at me, pulled off her shirt and dropped her shorts as she said, “I see that you aren’t shy nor have any tan lines. You passed this test too. Few boys fail to not get erect when a women strips in front of them and bends over to let them have a good look. Grab your dark swim goggles and I will show you out to the pool. If Lenny and Paula are done catching up they will be out by the pool too. I will warn you first. Trina, my daughter, has a lot of sexually curious girls from her Girl Scout troop over. As much as the girls would like to give him a try, Lenny is way too large for nearly all of the girls at high school. Your endowment is close to what her more developed friends would be able to enjoy if they had been available this weekend. Trina has been told that all of her girlfriends older than thirteen weren’t allowed over since we are going to be away. I can’t promise the same after this weekend. You have been warned. Now go have fun.”
I got my swim goggles out and as well as another pair of special dark sunglasses. I went ahead to put on my swim goggles and carried my super dark sunglasses. When we were in the den she pointed to Trina out by the pool where she laying on a lounger on her back. The rest of the girls were tanning naked by the pool or swimming.
“Well it is good to see that none of them turn you on. That is a relief. They may get the normal urges girls get, but they are still too young to know what those strange feelings are or what could be done about it,” she told me. “If they pull anything just go throw on your trunks.”
Why would I be horny? At most a few of the girls look to have bumps on their chests that will someday be boobs. A few have so much baby fat right now that they have chubby chests, not boobs.
As I was running out to get height for a big splash toward Trina I started seeing lines over top of the swimming pool. The best I could tell they were showing me where to hit to get the biggest splash wave I could. When I jumped I felt like I was six feet in the air before heading toward the spot I needed. Not even sure why I did it, but I turned around so my back was facing her as I pulled up one knee. As my straight leg went into the water my body started to arc. I could feel the water pushing up against my back just before my head went under water. When I came up I had a very wet girl looking daggers at my head as I surfaced.”
“Lenny you are such a dick some...” Trina said angrily, stopping when she realized I wasn’t her brother.
I pointed at the sliding glass door where her mom was laughing and said, “Hi I’m David. Don’t get all pissed at me. Your mom told me to go cool you off any way I could. I mean it is her house and I’m a guest. I didn’t want to get sent home for not listening to your parents. I can’t believe I managed to pull it off. I never could get that to work before.”
I was lucky I saw the “get even” look starting to show on her face before she pounced.
She was one step from jumping into the air when I ducked under water and pushed off the bottom to get toward the other end of the pool. I was already out of the pool before she realized I wasn’t where I had been seconds before. The other girls had started to work toward me much like how wolves hunt as a pack. “Whoa there girls,” I told them. “I’m all up for playing around, but my goggles are completely off limits. My eyes are supper light sensitive after an accident last year that put me into a coma. If I don’t have them on the light will hurt my eyes so badly that it makes me pass out from the pain. Definitely not cool to have that happen when swimming. I put dark sunglasses over on the table that also block out most of the light if something happens to my swim goggles.”
That at least stopped them long enough to think about what I said and let me get a look at them.
Yep. All around twelve and showing the same development I remembered from all of the times girls at school showed me their bodies in one of my hiding places.
Nothing to see there. Move along.
The only one that actually had enough chest to show that she was a girl also had some dark pubic hair. When she saw where I was looking she blushed, but didn’t stop moving toward me along with the rest of her mob. I dodged to the side and got a good couple bounds away before jumping way up in the air, turning and doing another can opener that soaked the two girls face down on their lounge chairs with the cool water from the pool.
Now they are all going to cool off in the pool. Maybe we can have fun like kids, even if we are naked. I really want to just be a kid and not some a boy with a dick for them to think it is their toy for the day. Curiosity is cool, but more than that is more than I signed on for this weekend.
I was really happy when we just horsed around in the pool for the next few hours. As we played around I tried hard to not grab any of the girls anywhere on their chests or between their legs. They tried to do the same as well, but didn’t seem to be trying all that hard. For most of the first hour the girls were taking a good look underwater. There was plenty of time they would “accidentally” brush up against me as we fought for the beach ball. Some were bold enough to stand in front of me so closely that if I went for the beach ball I would have to push limp my dick against them. Once they finally realized that I wasn’t going to feel them up, even when they did all they could to bump my hands against their chests and vulvas, they finally relaxed and we got to having a good time just being kids hanging out in the pool. Now that isn’t to say that they didn’t try everything they could, short of touching my dick, to make me hard. I’m just not interested in flat-chested, still baby bald, undeveloped girls. By the time that Lenny and Paula made an appearance, all of the girls seemed completely comfortable locking their legs around my waist facing me. None of the tried to get my dick pushed against them and when they happened to slide down and make contact, the let go of me and moved away.
It is good that all of the girls already seem to know that my dick won’t get inside them so they aren’t trying to do things to get me to get it on with them.
Paula was my savior, again, when she suggested that some of the girls go inside to make us all a snack. Of course being Trina’s house meant that she had to go inside as well. The few girls still outside led me over to some deck chairs where we were going to rest while waiting on the snacks. Taking the opportunity, I changed out my swim goggles for my dark sunglasses since they were a lot more comfortable.
“Why aren’t you trying to feel us up or try to get us to get it on with you? Trina said you weren’t as big as Lenny so it should work with you,” one of the girls asked.
I replied, “This time last year I’m sure I would be interested in getting it on with you. Now that puberty has caught up with me I’m now too big for any of you no matter what we try. Plus you are all still in middle school. Paula is the only girl here old enough for me to want to get it on with and she is dating Lenny.”
“But I want to play with a boy. You’re a boy and were both hanging out naked by the pool,” she whined
Don’t laugh David. Don’t do it.
Trying to be cool I told her, “Well there are a lot of girls here today and I would love to check each of you out to find the various differences, but I really don’t want to go to jail. Even if there is less than two years between our ages I still don’t want to have kids at high school giving me a hard time about messing around with sixth and seventh graders.”
I headed over to where Lenny and Paula to hang out.
“Man you really are super freaking cool with them,” Lenny said sounding half backed. “I saw you about ready to bust out laughing a bunch of times, but you so kept it in. You could have so been a total dick to the girl that wants to play doctor with you.”
Paula came over behind me and whispered, “Hey they are really toning it down for you. I was expecting them to be groping and trying to see if they find out if you would be able to have sex with them. Not sure how you managed to not get wood. They go out of their way to make Lenny hard. Just watch out. Trina is going to realize it sooner or later that you having gotten erect at all today. Expect them to gang up on you at some point. Take it in stride like Lenny does and act like nothing is different. If they start copping feels, tell them to cool it or get out of the pool.”
I got back to my lounge chair right as Trina came busting outside with a rolling cart filled with sandwiches, cookies and other snacks. The other girls were carrying out ice, cups, and bottles of soda.
Nothing like seeing their friends trying hard to figure out how to get an older boy interested.
Paula really snapped them out of it when she said, “What is the matter girls? Haven’t seen girls trying to show off their charms to give a boy a boner? Trina hasn’t done that in front you all yet? Good grief! That is too funny. She and the older Girl Scouts do that to Lenny all of the time.”
The girls with the snacks were really shocked when I got up to make it look like I was checking each of the girls out for a few seconds as I headed over to get some food.
Snack time! At least that kept the other girls from noticing my still limp dick as I wrestled a cup, ice and a bottle of soda from the still stunned girls. I guess they have to start trying to figure it out at some point. They are safe here.
By the time I had a few sandwiches my some of the other girls were doing anything they could to get me to look at what they were trying to show me. Some went so far that they were going to scream when they peed later. I’m pretty sure tanning oil isn’t supposed to be used there.
So what if I started to get wood. A bunch of naked girls rubbing tanning lotion over their bodies, as erotically as they know how, is going to give any guy wood. How else could Lenny have gotten hard when Paula said he was going to be limp for at least an hour? I’m not about to let any of them live out any of their fantasies with me that they have in their beds before falling asleep.
When I turned to eat my food I noticed that Paula was sliding down on Lenny’s hard dick. The girls with the food were so entranced watching their friends showing off that they didn’t even notice Paula and Lenny. There were two girls in front of me with their deck chairs facing Lenny and Paula. Both had one arm moving in sync with Paula riding Lenny.
I bet I can guess what they are doing, but I’m not about to find out.
As I ate my food I watched closer to the see which of the girls were showing they were very interested in Paula and Lenny having sex. The best I could tell only one girl and Trina had all of the signs, from what I learned in sex education, of being turned on. I had watched the two fucking for long enough now that my boner was gone.
Seeing Lenny’s huge dick plugging Paula is definitely not doing it for me.
Each time I went to get something else to eat I would take the long way around so I didn’t see, or disturb, any of the girls that had moved to be only a few feet away from Paula and Lenny. Trina wasn’t even noticing that she was squeezing her legs together really hard.
One of the girls came over to where I had put my plate down, to fix a hotdog, grabbed my hair and pulled me in for a kiss.
Damn I should have gotten my hair cut. She wouldn’t have been able to pull me down for kiss. Damn where did she learn how to kiss anyway? She definitely practiced a lot with someone.
“David I want to do everything with you except having you put it in the front. I tried all the stuff the other girls said to make myself feel good and nothing worked. My sisters and brothers do sex all the time. They say it is great,” she exclaimed loudly.
That finally broke the trance on most of the girls, except those that were only focused on one thing.
I told the girl, “As much as I’m sure I would really love what you have in mind for me, it isn’t going to happen today. I think we better keep it at the one kiss for now. You aren’t thinking straight because of what you have been watching.”
Trina is really trying hard to make something happen. Too bad for her that her body isn’t making orgasm energy fast enough for her to cum. This is going to be fun.
From over where I was eating I pushed lot of orgasm energy into her and waited until Lenny and Paula were getting to the point of no return. I let all of the orgasm energy loose inside her body. She started shaking before dropping down into the chair near her with a glazed look in her eyes.
Paula and Lenny both walked over to be right in front of Trina. Paula made no effort to hide that she had been freshly fucked or that Lenny’s cum was running down the inside of her thighs. Lenny’s limp dick was hanging down about seven inches where it was obviously covered with cum and Paula’s juices. When I went over to check I saw that Trina was out like a light.
“Should I go put her on her own lounge chair, couch, or up in bed,” I asked Lenny.
He laughed before he said, “She really went to the moon, man. Up to you David. If it were me I would toss her skinny ass into the pool to cool her off and wash off that funk she has going on.”
He and Paula left for parts unknown.
With no other entertainment to grab their interest the girls around us finally found they were starving and went off to demolish the food over on the cart. A few minutes later the girl who kissed me brought me over a soda. Soon some of the girls moved to sit around Trina and I while others went inside to “pee”.
For the next half an hour or so, the girls asked me lots of questions about sex, in general, and if I know what happened to Trina that caused her to jerk around before passing out.
“Uh, I’m don’t have any more experience than you do about sex. The closest I have gotten is beating off to Internet porn,” I told them. “I didn’t see Trina touching herself, but she was really into watching Paula and Lenny do it. Her face had a look like Paula’s had so I can only guess that she somehow got a big-O from watching Paula and brother. Whatever it was she is sleeping like a baby over there.”
Trina sort of came to without really being completely aware of what was going on around her. When she came over to get in my lap I knew what she had in mind. Before she knew what happened I had a towel over my lap. She only stayed awake long enough to push herself up to my chest and let her legs hang off either side of the chair.”
“Spoil sport,” one of the girls off to my side said with a pout.
Turning to her, with my best serious face on, I said, “Look. We both know that having Trina sleeping in my lap like this is more than enough for the police to haul my ass to jail. Since Lenny and Paula saw it, but did nothing, they could get arrested too. Even their mother might get arrested because she knew I would be here with all of you girls and we were all going to be naked. You know what? I’m just as curious about girls as you are about me. Still, you’re too young for us to be playing around. If someone complained I might even get in a lot of trouble just for knowing you were watching Paula and Lenny. You aren’t the only ones bummed out that some of your friends closer to my age couldn’t come today. I thought maybe I would get to do it with a girl this weekend. I was really curious if to see if I liked having someone watching me when I do it the first time or not.”
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I slept most of the flight; there was little turbulence and good sleeping. The gear touched the runway at 0730. There was already a crowd at Morton. I wondered why? I sent the Secret Service and Abra to go find out while I waited in the plane. My mates and the two little boys came out. They were waiting on the news conference the CIA was going to give. ‘‘Mommy, is this BJ’s new plane?’’ JJ asked. ‘‘I think it might be one of them,’’ Jenny answered. ‘‘When can we go fly on it?” RJ...
“Change happens very slow and very sudden.” —Dorothy Bryant, The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You 15 AUGUST 2020 It seemed so incredibly normal to just go out on a date last night with Rachel and Livy. Desi’s dad picked her up right after school to head back to Kentucky for the fair. I don’t know if she’ll make any of the rest of them except when we all go down for Labor Day weekend. That’s when the show closes. Something just seems wrong about being in school for three and a half...
I was awakened by the sun shining on my face. I took a deep breath through my nose for the first time in days. I smelled the smell of Jill. I felt the feel of her, too; the warmth of her body, her breasts up against my back and her mound pushing into my butt. Her left arm was draped over my side, her fingers barely touching the mattress in front of me. I took her hand in mine and pulled it into my chest. She moved a bit, settled into my butt a little closer and moaned contentedly. I felt...
Tuesday, January 12, 1993 Newt popped into my office Monday morning unannounced. I was doing some paperwork, but you’re always polite to the Whip. The title is because the Whip is supposed to be the guy who whips his side into order. They have a lot of power over staffing and committee assignments and office administration and can make your life miserable if you defy them. When Mindy announced him, I put my paperwork aside and stood, to greet him and wave him towards a seat. “That was quite...
"Bounty hunter scum..." Someone suddenly murmured darkly across the room, bringing Nagi's wandering mind firmly back to the present. "Yudai!" Came the immediate if somewhat louder reaction, just as she was refocusing upon the Two Tanzuru seated there. "You boys got something to say?" Nagi challenged cavalierly between bites, smiling at the two knights. "Don't be shy now!" she added, now actually looking. Nagi instantly recognized both, as two of the queen's personal guard. Not...
Much to my chagrin, Ryan and Jill were prepared to depart San Diego – and Liz’s assessment of the airplane was entirely correct. It was almost two in the morning by the time we got back to Nashville. A storm in the flyover states forced us to divert northward until we wound up on almost the exact path we would have taken if we had been stopping in Cleveland for our parents. My Friday morning began way too early for my tastes. We had scheduled a therapy session when we thought we’d be...
Flashback – Masha – The mission As we were driving to the bar, the neighborhood changed to what I can only imagined would be called a ghetto. I could not believe that Louise went to this bar in this neighborhood. We arrived at the bar where the driver asked again, “Miss, are you sure you want to stop here?” I knew that I had to stop the animal so I replied, “Yes I do. How much do I owe you?” The driver said, “Twenty dollars.” I was slightly shocked at the cost, but this was America and...
“There’s a group of soldiers at the south perimeter, your Majesty,” the scout reported. “They aren’t ours! At least, they weren’t fighting in the battle. They’ve just come from the Wilds, they said. They say ... they say they’re from Highever.” With that announcement, the change that came over Aedan was patently obvious. He stiffened like he’d been shot, and then spun to make eye contact with me, a huge grin splitting his face. I don’t think he believed me that Fergus survived; at least,...
At the same time that the steamer disappeared behind Cape Morgion, a man travelling post on the road from Florence to Rome had just passed the little town of Aquapendente. He was travelling fast enough to cover a great deal of ground without exciting suspicion. This man was dressed in a greatcoat, or rather a surtout, a little worse for the journey, but which exhibited the ribbon of the Legion of Honor still fresh and brilliant, a decoration which also ornamented the under coat. He might be...
Hi friends aadi here kese ho sabhi ? Meri pichli story pe bahot sare response mile jo logg pehli bar padh rahe he unhe baata du aadi here 22 fair, handsum guy with 7.5inch long dick and 3width mera land kisiki chuth aur gand ki khujli aram se mita sakta he ab me apni chudai ki daastan pe aa jata hu muje mail aya ahmedabad se aaya 2din takk chatt kia confirmation ke baad numbers exchange huve aur baat huie sweet voice thi uski sweta ( name changed ) aged 39 usne muje bataya ki meri husband muje...
Hello friends….First of all me ye bata du ki ye ek fantasy story hai….Meri umar 24 saal…height 6 ft…athletic body…name prashant aur meri biwi sweta. Sweta sex bomb hai…fig 34-32-36…Lambe baal…gori chitti…vasna se bhari hui ankhe….Mast chikne lips. Sweta ki skin ek dam soft…chikni..Bacche jaisi hai….Hum dono baat karne me ek dam free the. Kabhi kabhi ek dusre ko gali bhi de dete the. Me aur sweta ek dam chuddakad hai…hum logo ne ghar ke har kone me sex kiya hai…hum dono role play ke bhi shokeen...
Mera naam rakshit hai. Me 24 saal ka hoon. Meri dost ki bahin ka naam Sweta hai wo 22 saal ki hai. Aur uski figure to aisi thi ki pucho mat. Wo bahut hi sundar hai, ekdam gori chitti lumbe lumbe kale bal, height Kareeb 5’5″ aur figure 36-25-38 hai. Uska figure mast hai. Hum dono Ghar se bahar agra mein ek hi room mein rah kar padhte the.maine room Mein padane ke liye kuch gandi kitabein rakhi hui thi. Jo ek din sweta Ke hath lag gayi. Isliye main apne lund aur wo apni choot ki pyas nahi Rok...
Hai, This is V.Kumar again, I am going to tell you about my second memorable encounter with my Sis-in-law,I am working with a Private bank and posted at Simla, my wife’s cousin was also working in the same city with some telecom MNC, I have rented a room which was at 10 Min walking distance from her, as she is also married and having her family at Panchkula,she has to be in simla for three days in a week and rest of the days at her home town, My family is in Haryana and I visit them after one...
IncestHi, freinds. I am prem here (name changed), a regular reader of ISS. First, let me introduce myself. I am a 23 years boy from Hyderabad Telangana. This is my first story if there are any mistakes then please excuse me and dont forget to send reply to This story happened when I was in b.Tech 2nd yr & how I was success to have sex with Swetha I’ll write this story in Telugu E story nenu b.Tech 2nd year lo unapudu jarigindhi na frnd sai lover swetha (name changed) tho, nenu hyderabad lo oka...
I and Swetha had been co-workers for several years now in an software company.. Swetha was head of accounting, while I was head of operations. We were friends who had lunch occasionally and could joke around with each other. On more than one occasion we had been know to play practical jokes on each other just to keep their spirits up. Thus was our relationship, comfortable but still very formal at the office.I was stuck. The report he had been working on all week was due by 5 and I just...
IncestHello iss readers, this is Prem again. Thank you for your valuable comments & compliments to my first story. For those who don’t know me. I am Prem, 23 years guy & from Hyderabad. Please send your valuable suggestions to my id Iam going to the story now. So ala first session ipoyaka memu fresh iyamu & nenu lunch thiskochi thinnam edharam. Nenu Swetha ni malli continue chedama ani adiga, thanu ok anatu Chinna smile echindi. Inka nenu ventane thana midaki velli malli kiss cheyadam start chesa....
Hi, I am Madhan here. First, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback on my last story about Genuine Couples looking for fun like Swap/Group/Orgy/Cuckold/Lesbian can approach me. I am a Bengalurean of 28 years of age, 6″ tall. Horny unsatisfied housewives and sexy young baby dolls can reach me on my hangout/mail and Telegram @msarsstr. Total anonymity and secrecy are guaranteed. Coming to the story the heroine of this story is Swetha. Swetha came in...
By : Patrick19 Hi guys I am Patrick (I changed my name to maintain my privacy) doing my 3rd year engineering in Chennai. I am a big fan of iss and after reading uncountable number of erotic stories i have decided to share with you my first ever experience. First let me tell you guys about me. I am around 6 feet height. I am not attractive mainly because i am fat and i am dark in my skin tone. So from my early teens onwards i had a huge complex and never even imagined having a girlfriend. So...
Me,Swetha and manasa By: ram Hello friend’s hope you all are having a nice sexy times. I and my cousin Swetha are good friends. We use to go out and enjoy. We use to play games and I use to press her boobs as and when I get chance. This continued, one day Swetha told me that she is going to her friend’s house in Mumbai. And told me to joined her. I said I can’t come, because it was at the time of New Year I enjoyed my Christmas with nice party with my friends and don’t want to celebrate my New...
Dear ISS readers, there are many stories here I got inspired to share my story as well. This is a true story happen to me 5 years back. I fucked my maid’s daughter. I was 22 working for a software company in Hyderabad. I used to stay in one bedroom flat instead of staying with friends because I always wanted my privacy. I have a housemaid from nearby slums for house chores she used to come in the morning at 7 and clean the house and cooking food for me and wash my clothes. One year passed I...
Hello doston mera naan raju hei aur meine pehle bhi is series ki do story aapko likhi hei so I am not a stranger for you all readers. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni ek aur story suna reha(padha) hun. To sabse pehle mein story ke characters ka introduction aapse karwata hun. Iss story mein bhi mein yani raju (27year old, slim built, medium height, Fair and weight about 55 kgs.) Chodoo ke kirdar mein hun. Mere sath do chudakkad lady hein ek hei meri landlady Shweta about 30-31 years ki medium...
A crowd of mischievous people were pelting stones at a woman, whose language was unknown for the local people. Her body and clothes were messy dirty, one can’t judge her skin or cloth colours, her hair were uncombed dirty and s**ttered. She was shouting something at the crowd and shouting something at others, which was not understood by anybody. Even elders were there, but no one cared to save her. Instead they were laughing at her and making fun of her.Prakash was passing through the same...
I am really indebted to readers of my stories. I am receiving lot of emails from readers praising stories. Readers are from both the sexes and from all the age groups. I once again thank all the readers who have written me about different stories. All are welcome to comment on my work. Your support and guidance can improve my work. Keep writing. Here is a new story. After reading this story I am sure you will evaluate it and write comments to your Prakash Patel. A crowd of mischievous people...
Hello doston mera naan raju hei aur mein 26 saal ka hun, mein ek bacholar hun and living single. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni aur meri landlady Shweta ki chudai ki stofy suna reha hun. Shweta about 30 years ki med build short height (about 5’) ki average lady hei. Her colour is fair and she has two kids namely reema 12 years and vijay 6 years. I am fair, thin and avg height (about 5′ 7″) ka normal indian guy hun. Mein aur mere landlady ka room aaju baju mein hei. Mera landlord country se bahar...
Hello everyone, thanks for your compliments about my first story series. Those who don’t know me, please click on my profile to read my previous series which mentions how did I had sex with my two brothers and mom. So moving to the new recent experience, it was a summertime and we had my uncle visiting our home for a few weeks. He was coming with his family to spend some time in India and get some relaxation from his busy schedule. So for a few weeks, we would be having four more members in our...
LesbianHello doston mera naan raju hei aur meine pehle bhi is series ki do story aapko likhi hei so I am not a stranger for you guys/dolls. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni aur meri landlady Shweta ki chudai ki ek aur real stofy suna reha hun. Shweta about 30 years ki med build short height (about 5’) ki, colour is fair and she has two kids horney lady hei. Mein aur mere landlady ka room aaju baju mein hei and landlord country se bahar Dubai mein service karta hei. Wah saal mein ek ya do baar thode time ke...
Hi, iss antarvasna sex kahani main apko apne MAA ke saath hue kisse ke baare mein bataunga. Humlog 4 jan ki family hai – mummy, papa, mein aur meri choti behn, jo mujhse 2 saal choti hai. Yeh baat tab ki hai jab meri maa 36 saal ki thi aur mein 18 saal ka. Main maa se bahut pyaar karta tha. Wo mera bahut khayal rakhti thi. Maine kabhi maa ko buri nazar se nai dekha tha. Haa lekin kai baar jab wo kapde badal rahi hoti thi to galtise unke room mein jaake unko bra-panty mein dekha hai. Jab bhi...
Hi, I am Sam and this is my second story I am writing on this blog. So, please excuse me for my grammar mistakes.This incident happened 1 month back when I am in 3rd year of my graduation. I stay with my family in Hyderabad. This story is all about when I had sex with my neighbor girl Swetha. She is a very sexy girl, and her structure looks like 34-28-36. I was very close with her and clearing the doubts of her, because she was my junior but from different college. Our parents also know about...
Hi All. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta couple of years ago in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really love to fuck her. In June 2008 one day I went to her home when there was no one at her home in...
Hi All again. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta in 2006 in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really love to fuck her. Also my email id is Forget to state in part 1. Contact for any type of sex, threesome,...
Na first story chadavani valu pyna vunna link lo open chesi chaduvukoni.Dantlo swetha gurinchi ala 5 rounds aye sari morning 4 ayindi time swetha and nenu baga alisipoyindi but swetha vala ayana ekada nidra lesthada ani oka tenshion naku so 4 ki pyki vella vala ayana postion ela vundo chudtaniki vadu baga nidrapotunadu bcz full ga tagesadu kabati. Nenu na mobile kindaki techukoni pent house lock chesi malli kindaki vachanu dani chudagane malli mood vachindi but apatike 5 rounds ayay kabati nenu...
Hi ISS readers . I am mathew age 26 from pune. I am a regular reader of ISS and I this is the first time I am narrating my experience here. Well coming to the story, this is gonna be a long story , please have patience friends, as this is real life story… I am an average physique guy of 5,9″ with brown in complexion. This story is about swetha Aunty my house owner’s wife . Swetha is 33 years of age, 5,7″ and her size might be 34-28-32, I am not sure though. 3 years back I had to come to pune on...