KimberlyChapter 10 free porn video

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Early Saturday morning, the young couple got into Kim’s car for the drive down to the Christians. Because the directions to reach their place were very complex, once they exited the freeway Kim gave Brad the job of navigating. By this time, Brad realized they were about 30 miles southeast of LA, but in the valley, not on the coast. Although it was supposed to be farming country, the land looked parched.

Then Brad remembered something he had read awhile back. There had been water problems affecting the area: The supply of irrigation water had been sharply curtailed and many farms had had to be abandoned.

Leaving the paved farm road, they made a right turn onto a gravel road and followed it for more than a mile. At that point, the road made a sharp right turn around a large outcropping of rock. Kim had been driving slowly on the gravel track, and suddenly stopped the car. They both gasped at what they saw before them.

There, nestled in a very shallow valley, was an oasis of green. There was a very large home built in Spanish hacienda style at the center of a large emerald-green lawn. There were a number of young trees growing — and apparently thriving — in the green expanse. Eventually they would shade the house. In addition, there was a tennis court, a very large swimming pool, and a number of outbuildings.

“My God!” Kim squeaked. “What is this?”

“It looks like Carol and Bill have a little bit of Heaven of their very own, sweetie.”

Kimberly put the M-6 in gear again and they drove on down, coming to a wide circular drive that took them to the front door. Before they could even open the car doors, the front door of the house swung open and Bill and Carol Christian came running out to greet them.

Raising an eyebrow, Kim looked at Carol and exclaimed, “What have you two done? I thought this was a do-it-yourself effort. But we never expected to find a palace out here.”

Carol just cutely giggled while Bill invited the couple in.

What they saw was utterly amazing. The home was furnished in true Spanish Colonial fashion with relatively sparse furniture but with a very high degree of comfort. The house was delightfully cool. In just the very brief time they had spent between their car and the house, they realized how hot it was outdoors. The temperature outside was easily in the high 90s, while the house was about 70 degrees.

Carol led the way to the kitchen where the four sat around the kitchen table while Carol proceeded to serve coffee. From the table they had a view out the back of the house to the swimming pool and the tennis court.

“So what’s the story?” Brad asked.

Bill chuckled and said, “We stole it.”

“You what?” Kim squawked.

“We stole it,” Bill repeated.

“And what, exactly, does that mean?”

He shrugged and with an completely bland expression on his face repeated, “It means we stole it.”

“William Christian!” Kim exclaimed as she began to drum her fingers on the table, “you’re trying our patience!”

“Did you ever hear about the water problem we had out here a few years ago?” Carol asked.

Brad and Kim both nodded their heads.

“Well, we have about 500 acres here. It used to be a farm. However, the supply of irrigation water to the area was cut sharply, and the former owners were low men on the totem pole. They took the biggest hit.”

“But there’s obviously plenty of water,” Brad protested. “My gosh, you’ve got a little oasis here, and it sure doesn’t look parched!”

“Yes, but we’re only using about 10 acres,” Bill responded, “not 500. Furthermore, most of the farms around here — most particularly including this one — grow crops that require a great deal of water. Our allotment was cut by 90%. But that’s still about twice as much water per acre as they used to use,” he concluded with a grin.

At this point Carol began to giggle.

“What’s so damned funny?” Kim demanded.

“It’s part of our theft,” Carol replied. “Do you know how irrigation water is priced?”

“Not a clue,” Kim replied.

“It’s by the acre/foot. That’s one foot of water over an acre of ground, or 44,000 cubic feet. Do you know how much we pay for it?”

Kim just shook her head.

“Let me put it this way,” Carol said with another lovely little giggle, “in the East with municipal or private water suppliers they pay about as much for one cubic foot as we pay for an acre/foot — 44,000 times as much water. We steal it,” she concluded with a shrug.

Finishing their coffee they were taken on a tour of the property. First of all, Kim and Brad were impressed by the gorgeous finish carpentry they saw. They learned that it was all Carol’s work.

“I thought you just did the strong-back, weak-mind stuff around here?” Kim commented.

“So I can use a hammer and a saw. Big fucking deal,” Carol responded dismissively.

Brad had been very thoughtful as they toured. Finally he said, “Water’s obviously cheap as hell, but your electric power consumption must be outrageous.”

“I guess we use a fair amount,” Bill conceded.

“But the cost... ?”

“Next to nothing,” Bill chuckled.

“And what’s that mean?”

“It means I tied up with a smart john is what it means,” Carol said.

Kim just raised an eyebrow.

“Come on. I’ll show you,” Carol said.

The foursome were walking toward the largest of the outbuildings. As they drew closer, Kim became aware of a low humming sound that became more noticeable the closer they came. Taking out a key, Bill opened a steel door that seemed quite heavy. The instant the door was opened, the noise was much louder.

Leading the way inside, he just stood aside without saying a word.

“Good grief!” Kim exclaimed. “You have not one but two gas turbines. They’re both generators, aren’t they? And they’re big!”

Now both Carol and Bill were laughing. “Yes, they are big,” Carol conceded. “Either one can provide about double our total power requirements. We have two so one can be shut down for maintenance and all that good stuff.”

“But the fuel... ?” Kim asked.

“That’s my smart john,” Carol responded. “But he uses it to cheat me. Instead of paying me for my sexual services in cash, he pays with fuel for the generators.”

“And the fuel?” Kim persisted.

“Natural gas,” Carol answered. “What else would you fire a gas turbine with?”

“From where?”

“Down there,” Carol said, pointing downward. Then she giggled and added, “You both certainly know about all the oil that’s been pumped out from this area over the years?”

Kim and Brad both nodded.

“Well, surprise, surprise! Wherever there’s oil, there’s natural gas. Bill just put down an itty-bitty well and we have natural gas.” She paused for a moment and then continued, “Not very much, of course. Hell, we could exhaust this supply in as few as 500 years. Of course, that estimate assumes an increase in usage of about 10 percent per year over that period...”

Brad had been listening thoughtfully. Slowly shaking his head he finally said, “So you have essentially unlimited electric power, free.”

“Not so!” Carol exclaimed. “Why, hell ... I’ll bet we must use at least $30 worth of lubricating oil every year keeping these generators humming, don’t we, sweetie?”

“That’s about right, hon,” Bill replied.

“William Christian!” Carol exclaimed as she glared at him and started tapping her foot on the floor.

Bill thought back to what he had said that might have set off his wife. Then he grinned and said, “That’s about right, slut.”

“That’s better,” she conceded, somewhat mollified. “Just remember, William Christian, I am not your honey and I sure as hell am not your wife. Right?”

“You’re absolutely right, whore.”

Brad and Kim just slowly shook their heads in amusement.

After completing the tour of the Christians’ magnificent house, the two couples decided to play tennis before it became even hotter. After changing into their tennis things with Brad and Kimmie being given an unused bedroom and bath for their use, they met again at the court.

After softly whistling, Kim remarked, “You two certainly don’t skimp, do you? This court is Hartru, isn’t it?”

“Oh, yeah, I guess it is,” Carol replied nonchalantly. “It’s a nice playing surface, even when playing barefoot. It doesn’t fry your feet the way a hard surface will.”

“Can we?” Kim asked.

“We could, I suppose,” Carol replied, “but it’s an awful pain in the ass getting the footprints out of it afterwards.” She paused and added, “The damned thing takes enough of our time as it is. Hell, there’s scarcely any time left to play after maintaining the dumb thing!”

Their match started off as a replay of the one at the company picnic. The two couples were very evenly matched. After completing the first set, which the Christians won after an exhausting tie-breaker, all four were soaking wet with sweat. At that point Carol grinned and took off her top baring her luscious full tits. Turning to Bill she said, “This should speed up the next set, sweetie. Now Brad will have something to watch bouncing beside the tennis ball.”

“That’s no fair!” Kim exclaimed. “I don’t have any boobs, let alone boobs that bounce.” She thought for a moment, then stripped off both the shirt and shorts, taking down her bikini with them, leaving her naked except for her shoes and socks.

“That’s an unfair escalation!” Carol declared. “All I did was take off my top.”

“That’s true,” Kim countered, “but my shorts were sopping, too.” With her nose in the air she sniffed, “With my dainty pussy, I don’t want it to be all raw and chafed.” She paused for a moment and added, “It’s not like your high-mileage hooker’s cunt.”

Carol was about to roar with laughter but managed to control it. Then she sniffed, looked at Bill and complained, “That’s another thing, Bill Christian, and it’s all your fault: Because we’re stuck way out here on the far side of nowhere, I don’t have nearly as many miles on it as I should. I mean ... Good grief! I’m running a serious risk of being drummed out of the union if I can’t develop more customers.”

Bill just grinned and shook his head.

For her part, Carol slid off her shorts and bikini, too, revealing a pussy that was as bare as Kim’s with just a tuft of sun-bleached pubic hair shaped to a V pointing down at her slit.

The four resumed their game. The two men were both heavily muscled and very athletic. Their concession to the increasing temperature had been to shed their shirts revealing the prominent muscles on their chests, arms and shoulders. The two women were both very muscular, too, but their muscles only became prominent as they played; at rest, both women appeared soft and smooth. In tennis skills the two women were about equal, but Kim was both faster and quicker than Carol. Kim and Brad edged the Christians in a tie-breaker in the second set, and finally pulled away to win the third set 6-4. By that time, all four were approaching exhaustion.

“I think it’s time for something to eat,” Carol said. “We were planning a barbecue.”

“In this heat?” Kim said skeptically. “We’ll melt out here! And cooking... !”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Carol retorted. “Let’s go inside.”

“But the barbecue... ?” Kim asked, utterly baffled.

Carol didn’t reply but just led the way back inside, entering using a sliding door into the kitchen. “We’ll just do it in here where it’s nice and cool.”

Only then did Brad and Kim notice a built-in gas grill. In just moments it was going and Bill began grilling hot dogs and hamburgers while Carol took salads already made from the refrigerator.

In just a few minutes the now-famished foursome were eating.

Kim looked around and finally shook her head. “Nope,” she said softly as if she were talking to herself, “it’s not a real picnic.”

“What’s wrong? Why not?” Carol asked, feeling hurt. She thought the whole thing was delightful. And Bill had done his usual fine job cooking, while the salads, she thought, were lovely.

“Where are the flies? The ants? All the other creepy-crawly things... ? Nope. It’s not a real picnic,” Kim announced.

Finally realizing that Kim had been jerking her chain, Carol just sadly shook her head and stuck out her tongue.

After lunch they went out to the pool. The girls were still nude, so their preparations consisted of taking off their tennis shoes and socks. In moments the men had stripped and all four were pounding up and down the length of the pool. To an onlooker — there wasn’t one — the two men were pounding up and down while the two women were smoothly gliding. After a number of laps in the 50-meter pool, one after another they got out and just stretched out on mats beside the pool, soaking up the sun.

Lying beside Carol, Kim said, “You two really have it all out here, don’t you? You have a bit of Heaven here on earth.”

“Mmm,” Carol replied. Her eyes were closed and she was already more than half asleep.

At four o’clock, the foursome went back into the house to shower and change. Following Carol’s instructions, the men dressed in jackets and ties while the women just wore casual clothing. While the reason for the difference in attire was not clear to any of them, those were the instructions Carol had received from Kathy Carlson.

Leaving the house, Bill Christian stopped suddenly. “Uh, oh...”

“What’s the trouble?” Carol asked.

“Transportation is the trouble. Driving up to LA with four of us in a two-door BMW sport coupe is not my idea of great fun.”

“Oh, that’s okay,” she responded blithely. “We’ll just use my car.”

“Say you’re kidding, slut. Please say you’re just kidding,” Bill complained. “We can’t all fit in my pickup, but—”

“Mine has four doors,” Carol interrupted. “We’ll fit.”

“But that’s not a car, it’s an earthmover, for heaven’s sake!”

Meantime, Carol had gone toward the garage door and activated its electric opener while Bill was still sputtering. The door opened smoothly revealing her new BMW.

Same as Kimberly
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Busty desi wife with big boobs milk tankers pics

As you all know, a pair of big boobs catches the attention of your eyes as well as your dick at a lightning speed! There will be almost zero guys who won’t be distracted by the sight of huge melons. And today, I invite your attention to these sexually thunderous nude photos of a busty desi wife with big milk tanker boobs which will make your heads look very small! This chubby Indian wife rarely sees men look into her eyes during conversation. (well, no surprise!) Her...

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Art Class by loyalsock

Mona Herron entered the studio and was glad to see that all six of her students were present and ready to begin class. During the day she taught advanced painting at the local college, but what she really enjoyed most, were these adult evening classes here at the high school. As with most of the evening sessions, this one only had six sign ups, so it was easy to give each student a lot of individual attention. Mona walked to the front of the room and addressed her students, "This is our seventh...

2 years ago
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Triple Bitch Dare

The Thriller B's Triple Bitch Dare ( a sort of triple-dog dare ) Elizabeth Owen, Bette to her friends, had been the youngest of three Triple Dog Dare Daredevils at her high school. She was 15 years old when the trio started pulling dares and pranks. The other two, Beverley Evers and Barbara Lane, were a year or so older. Barb lived in the house just behind Bette's and Bev lived just a few blocks away. Ever since tenth grade, the three girls had become best buds and for years they giggled at...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 9 Justice is Blind

July 5th, 2002. Chelmsford Crown Court. Next morning the court opened at 9am, and the courtroom was packed. Adultery, drug dealing, and underage sex. What other revelations would be forthcoming? V-P called me into the witness box and took me through the story of me coming home and finding Miriam and Hodge at it in the bedroom. I described my attempt to hit Hodge — a baited hook which V-P hoped Blackburn would swallow — my action of putting the house up for sale and starting divorce...

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An outdoor anal experience true story

On a night out with friends in Ipswich I decided to go home with a girl had met and shared a couple of dances and passionate kisses with in Liquid that night. We were pretty dr*nk and the sexual tension was immense, it all got too much and we agreed to go back to her friend's flat where she was staying. We looked for her friend and couldn't find her, so we assumed she'd gone back herself.We left the club together and called a taxi to go back to the flat, we were kissing and playing with...

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Zandra Rides A week at home with Cindyhellip Part 1

We’d only met through a common friend just a week before and Cindy and I were getting on like a house on fire. Since the Orgy at the beach house we’d be itching to spend some time together and today she had spent the day with me by the pool. Troy, Cin’s long term lover was at a film shot which meant he would be out of town for the rest of the week. After a short discussion it was decided she would stay at mine until ‘ Tory - The Destroyer ‘ returned. Cin after speaking with her well paid and...

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Beginnings Part Two

I woke up feeling a little hungover. I had a slight headache from the drinks and my ass was understandably a little irritated and sore from the pounding I took from Mark. I took a long hot shower, got dressed, and headed out to meet a colleague for coffee before the trade show opened.The show was super-busy, so the day went by fast. I met a supplier for a quick drink afterward and ended up going straight to my dinner meeting with Mark. I saw him in the lobby talking to the hostess. As I...

Gay Male
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Godricks Story

Colonel Redding sat at the security desk, laying back in the chair, eyes darting from t.v to t.v trying to see how on earth Project X escaped. He'd been doing this for over an hour now, ever since at 0100 hours he escaped. At 0300 hours they stopped searching and had resorted to using their satellites, tracking devices and anything else that would aid them in their search for him. He had been furious at the guard for letting him escape and was now hellbent on finding some clue as to to how he...

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The Haunted House

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

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Fucked Landlords DaughterInLaw On Diwali

My landlord is a retired colonel and has after his retirement he has built a huge home that anyone would rather call an apartment. More because of his two sons out of whom none was living in India. The younger was already working there but the elder had recently moved abroad. So as his wife could not get Visa and also the winters were approaching so her movement was postponed until a good time might come. Meanwhile she used to teach music and dance to young girls while living in Pune and she...

1 year ago
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My husband and I were married just over a year when he suggested we do a threesome with another man and I was really taken aback with this coming from him. My husband was not a ball of fire in the bedroom and lately he had not even lasted long enough to almost make me cum, so I thought real hard about his idea. We were laying in bed, I had started to play with him and he came so fast, it splashed al over my face before I could even to react to his cumming so fast. I told him that maybe a...

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my first time

I met John on a gay dating website that I had started visiting. I'm bisexual married to a woman but had been with guys before and started having that "urge again." After getting online a few times I noticed John's profile. He was good looking and about 5 years younger than me. I messaged him and he messaged back and we talked like this off and on for a week or two. Then luckily for me, my wife had to travel out of town for business. The first night she was gone I jumped online eager to see if...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 8

The attack on Loki II started off the same as the attack on Loki IV, except that there were few SAM sites to deal with. Instead, they had spotted where the Wasp fighters had launched, and those places faced the full fury of the spacetubs' attack. Again, the destruction wrought by the kinetic warheads was awesome to behold! Massive craters were left whenever more than one of the rockets hit in the same place. The first rocket penetrated the ground, and that absorbed a significant portion of...

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A Apartment On Lease

Write me back with your comments at People need to get over themselves and stop being so shallow. If a BBW or whatever you want to call those ladies wants to date a good-looking guy- and if such men want to date them – what’s the problem? Just because plus-size ladies don’t live up to the standards of being a size 2 model type doesn’t automatically mean they shouldn’t be dating or enjoying their lives just as they are. To be honest, Mr. or Ms. Right comes in all sizes, shapes, and colors. Why...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 4

"What?" Adam asked tired and still bleary-eyed. "I am merely asking," Sarah said in a sanctimonious voice oozing with fake sincerity, "what the purpose of that bag of peanuts was last night? After we went upstairs, you were here playing on the willy substitute and shooting fuck knows what with ya takeaway and ya had peanuts. Why?" Adam groaned, and scratched his testicles through the blue dressing gown. "Err ... to go with the beer." "You mean the beer that was in the beer can...

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Pink HairChapter 5 Bill

It was gloomy, with black clouds looming. I didn't doubt a thunderstorm was threatening; we'd had a hot weekend. ' Three fine days and a thunderstorm' – typical English summer weather. Perhaps I should say 'stereotypical'. Lexie stood clinging to my hand like a drowning man to a life-raft and we half watched the ducks ignoring the bread thrown to them by enthusiastic children. Her harshly indrawn breath alerted me to their approach and we both got to our feet and walked round the pond...

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BackroomCastingCouch Lilyana 01012018

18 year old college scholar Lilyana is studying to become a marine biologist some day, so presumably she can become an Octonaut and safe all the little sea creatures. Since college in this country costs as much as a nice house, her student loan debt is piling up faster than she can say “midnight zone”, and our young hippie hopes that the occasional high paying porn job can help her get a handle on that. By the way she expertly sucks Vince’s dick we have to doubt her claims of...

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Garfield and Jennifer Kline

We met in a bar. Where else? The Castellano serves real Spanish cuisine and very good whiskey. That Jennifer Randolph was cruising the boulevard and looking for something or someone was obvious: her glance was everywhere. I was dateless, into my second round, and I decided to gamble and offer my services. "Miss, would I be out of line to offer to buy you a drink?" I said. She looked me up and down. And, apparently, decided that I wasn't a total loser. She took another look around, turned...

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WillowChapter 7

Page was taught that good habits were important. She set about engraining good habit in Willow from the beginning of her training. Page had given Willow detailed instructions about how her morning was to proceed. She was sleeping on the floor next to Page's bed. Willow's alarm went off at 5:45am and it had to be turned off within the first 10 seconds. She then had 15 minutes to complete her assigned tasks before Page woke at 6:00. She put her blanket and thin pad away, folded neatly, in...

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Impregnating Lauren

The leaves were beginning to fall last year, and the rush was already on at work to increase productivity for year-end reviews. It was the additional stress that "broke" the proverbial "camel's back". Lauren and I had just moved to the Boston area from ourhometown in the Midwest. The cost of living in Boston was much higher than we had expected and money was tight, especially with the school loans coming due.Lauren and I had been married for a couple years, and we were trying to start a family....

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Her Little Friend

I was all set to meet my friend Grace for an afternoon romp when I got an unexpected call from her."I have something I need to ask you," she said solemnly. "I have a friend over and I'm wondering if it's okay if she stays. I'd like her to be there when we play."I had been expecting a cancellation or worse. The addition of another woman for our rendezvous didn't sound too bad at all.When I arrived, I was introduced to April; a diminutive lass with a voluptuous figure. She seemed slightly shy...

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DirtyWivesClub Lena Paul 23653

What do you get for the wife who has everything? Simple: a big dick. Not everyone may think of this at first, but once she receives such large package, her eyes will light up like you’ve never seen before. Witness Lena Paul: she’s alone at her home while her husband is out of town, but on the phone, he tells her he’s got a speedy and large, hotwifing delivery on the way, just for her. The moment she discovers it’s a fat, large cock that’s going to be stuffed in her mouth and squeezed inside her...

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The Secrets of KingsChapter 13

"Take your pants off," said a voice. Jake looked up, dazed and lightheaded. He smiled at Gayle, "You're very pretty, but I've really got enough woman problems now without..." Gayle wasn't listening. She was undoing Jake's belt and shucking his pants, "You're losing a lot of blood and I think you're going into shock. I need to get you bandaged up so I can move you somewhere that I can take care of the shock." Jake nodded lazily and smiled. Gayle seemed awfully perturbed, but it...

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Tomorrow Never Knows

Copyright© "What are we going to do now, Chuck?" asked a teary-eyed Janice. "I really should divorce him, if I had any pride left. It's just that I think I still have feelings for him. I'm just not sure if it's enough." "I know exactly what you mean, Janice. Logically speaking, we should shoot them both and make it look like a murder-suicide," I suggested. "We both know neither of us would ever do that, even with all the provocation they've given us." "They probably know we...

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Whores in Space

"...some nine million beings gathered for the funeral of Whoremonger Vip Galbracht. One of the most beloved figures in the Galacto-League, Whoremonger Vip was a true visionary who revolutionized the galactic sex industry seven Galacto-Units ago when he introduced the celebrated Earth Whores, confirming the long-standing rumors that the primitive backwater planet Earth produced the most beautiful and sexually skilled females in the universe. Whoremonger Vip was survived by..." "Off," Jessy...

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Swinging From the Family TreeChapter 8

Babs and I woke Saturday morning to sounds of others starting to move. Ben was no longer in the room. Babs and I went to the bathroom and cleaned up. We went downstairs and found coffee. My parents were sitting at the kitchen table talking to Ben quietly. They looked disturbed and Ben looked upset. We came over and sat down on either side of Ben just to offer support. He nodded to acknowledge our presence. Mom said, "I know it's difficult, Ben. Perhaps finding out that what she wants and...

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Change of TasteChapter 10

I don't remember anything until I felt my dick engulfed in something warm and wet. The previous night after a confrontation with the newly made female, Sherry, I had left her house to walk off the confusion over her wanting to go fuck around with all her previous gay boyfriends. Mary had come after me then opted to take me to her best friend Julie's condo to talk. We ended up staying there in Julie's big bed with me sampling Julie's body or is that Julie sampling my body. We had fallen...

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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 09

What I got myself into was a long night of fucking and sucking. By the time we finished the pizza and beers, the sun had started to set. It was becoming a little too chilly to be sitting around naked so Mike suggested that we move into the house. Once we were in the house Marcus produced a deck of cards. ‘Let the games begin,’ Marcus said with a laugh. ‘What games?’ I asked. ‘You’ll find out,’ Mike said with a laugh. The guys each drew a card and laid it on the kitchen table. Jim drew a...

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