G.S.P. Chapter 9/13 An Avalance Of Power free porn video

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Chapter 9 An Avalanche of Power

* * *

Eagle stood in the office of Agent Anderson with clenched fists and a face contorted in anger.

"This isn't fair, I was recruited to be the field leader of the team," he complained loudly. It was not the first time.

The elderly agent on the other side of the desk sighed deeply.

"It is indeed true you were chosen as leader when G.S.P. started, but things have changed," Anderson responded. "For instance you are now as first priority loyal to the brotherhood after they messed with your mind, right?"

"I am loyal to my master and mistress," Eagle acknowledged, but then he shook his head and continued, "Commanding the G.S.P. team was the first proper recognition I ever got during my superhero career, don't take from me!"

"The change of leadership has already been communicated to the press and Washington support it so you have to deal with it. Besides Blade is your mistress and she wants to be the leader so you should be happy to step down, shouldn't you?" Anderson asked.

"Her joy is my purpose in life," Eagle responded by reflex, but his body still trembled with badly contained frustration.

The door opened to let Jennifer inside. When she saw Eagle she groaned in irritation.

"Eagle, I told you there is no use. I command the team now," Jennifer ordered.

"...but...but mistress, I was given the command," Eagle responded with a voice barely carrying due strong emotion.

"You were given command, and then I took command. It is simple as that: I command and you obey, right?" Jennifer commanded.

"You command," Eagle admitted, but still too caught by his emotions to calm down.

"I command you to accept both as your mistress of the brotherhood and as field leader of the G.S.P." Jennifer stated. Her words took effect as they somehow hooked into the conditioning controlling his mind and he relaxed.

"I live to serve mistress," he acknowledged.

"Good," Jennifer said. "Leave us and find yourself something to eat. The repairs on the kitchen should be done now so it is open again."

Eagle left the room and Jennifer sighed in relief. Agent Anderson had studied the exchange, and he did not look happy.

"That mental conditioning left by the brotherhood is disaster waiting to happen," he said. "He is not bound enough by it to stay in line, but also not free enough to be relied on."

"I agree," Jennifer said. "He is far too much dominant to fit in this situation. It is so much easier with Firefly that totally dig being enslaved to me and Mindeye. So, any news about finding a psionic that can clear the conditioning from their minds now when Mindeye lack the power?"

"No news I am afraid. Actually the board has not decided whether to make the request or not." Anderson responded. "If the G.S.P. ask for such assistance even discretely then it will sooner or later become common knowledge that Mindeye has lost his powers since else he could have done it himself. This might attract the attention of some of the many psionics out there who out of fear of Mindeye has kept themselves within the bounds of the law. For years he has been acting as the bogeyman of the psionic community."

"I understand, but we really need to do something about them. When we have sex I can tap into Mindeye's remaining powers and scan their minds to learn what they have been doing. Still if we send them away on any kind of mission we risk that there are Brotherhood members left that will use them to our disadvantage before I get the chance to discover their manipulation," Jennifer said.

"We will keep the problem in mind, but actually I summoned you here to discuss something else," Anderson said. "We have managed to convince the press and the general public that the G.S.P. headquarters was raided as part of the federal investigation about why we failed to respond when the city were attacked by Professor Enigma's robots. This has worked very well and allowed us to hide the fact that your team executed close to one hundred humans psionics without any court authorization."

"I hear a big but coming," Jennifer acknowledged.

"Can you explain to me why we have a dozen of religious people standing outside the base accusing you of being sinner, having sex outside of marriage and being a major danger to the moral values of America. Are you familiar with these?" he wondered and flipped on a computer monitor to show them.

Outside the G.S.P. headquarters a small group of people stood armed with pamphlets, signs and name lists. Even on distance it was easy to recognize that all the signs was aimed at Blade. Few people passing by paid them any attention, but the groups frantic work to attract attention made some people stay and listen for a while.

"Never seen them in my life. Perhaps I encountered them before my memory loss," Jennifer responded.

"Maybe, but from what my agents found you lived a pretty ordinary life before the memory loss. There was no hints of you sleeping around or doing anything that would trigger the attention of fanatical Christians," Anderson said. "Have you had sex with anyone in public that could have talked to these people?"

"Their accusations...could they perhaps have learned about our demonic nature in some supernatural way?" Jennifer wondered.

"The demons seems to hate our very existence and take every chance to take us out. This could be a part of it, but it is quite different from their usual mad charge to kill us. Could it perhaps be that the opposite side so say also in opposition to us? It is not like the likes of demons would object to us having sex," the demon reasoned.

"A lot of our behavior would be viewed as mortal sin by religious people, but would they really send out people with signs? Is this how they forces of heaven operate?" Jennifer wondered.

"To be honest I don't really know. In ancient times some kind of truce between heaven and hell was negotiated and both sides removed their troops from the world of humans. All the wars I fought as long as I can remember has been between demons or when I was sent out to aid some powerful summoner. Thus I have no first knowledge of what the forces of heaven are up to or how they work," the demon responded.

"Yet there are demon's here now, why don't heaven send angels to stop the demons if they have broken the truce?" Jennifer asked.

"I don't know. Maybe the rules of the truce are not violated by small scale attacks like done in this city. Maybe the demons are summoned by mortals so their presence doesn't count. Maybe heaven does not have the capability to fight the demons. Perhaps the angels have their own personal reasons for not wanting to interfere," the demon answered.

"You seem in very deep thought, remembering any sex partner that might have learned about you sleeping around outside marriage?" agent Anderson asked.

"Maybe we better direct Anderson to think this might be caused by the Brotherhood so that he does not start asking uncomfortable questions," the demon thought.

"I dunno, someone might have understood I had sex with that doctor on the hospital. Besides that I basically kept it inside the team. Doesn't it seem more plausible that they learned how I recharge my power due to the Brotherhood accessing our files when they had taken control of agent Peterson and Sandra," Jennifer responded.

"This suggest that some of the Brotherhood survived the battle with G.S.P. and is directing this campaign against you. How did they escape the base without notice?" Anderson wondered.

"No, I am sure no Brotherhood members entering the base escaped, some of them could of course be around if they never joined the attack. Still my thought was more like I thought they might have planted this leak of information to hurt me before they made the decision to attack our base and take over the team," Jennifer responded. "Speaking of something different, did you make any progress with matching your records of the enemy with my de***********ions of demons?"

"Actually we have something of a breakthrough," Anderson responded. "It turns out that the government did lots of research in occult during the second war with Germany since it was believed that Hitler would try to unleash demons. This never happened, but those records very well match what you told us. Combined with that they also match what we have found out about the current enemy has raised lots of attention. There are still many skeptics, but a number of the directing officers in the Pentagon has admitted to me that we probably are battling demons like you told," Anderson said.

"Good that I could be of help," Jennifer said.

"Another matter of notice," Anderson said. "At my instructions all calls to Eagle and Firefly are denied by the front desk to lessen the risk that some Brotherhood associate who also knows the keywords used by the Brotherhood uses them to command them."

"Seems wise," Jennifer responded. "The intended use of the keywords is exactly to direct the slave over the phone when they are too far away to being in mental contact with a Brotherhood member. What about it?"

"I check the access list occasionally, yesterday the front desk got another phone call from Linda Stevens directed at Eagle. Why would your sister be calling Eagle and not you?" Anderson asked.

"Oh your sweet sister that squirmed so incredible when we licked her," the demon thought happily.

"Be quiet! She is my sister and definitely not dating material," Jennifer responded.

"Still, she did found it so erotic when we forced her to have sex with us, didn't she?" the demon mocked.

"I did not know it was her when we had sex in Central Park. Who knows what she thinks now when she is not caught by the moment? That she is trying to contact Eagle and not me makes me nervous as hell," Jennifer thought.

"You better share your fears with the elderly agent then," the demon taunted.

Jennifer refused to answer that. The demon seemed unable to comprehend how badly people would accept a story about her raping her own sister by mistake.

"I have no clue at all," Jennifer responded. "I am not sure if she really knows I am Blade. The only time I have been without my mask was after the mall battle, but then I was very covered in blood. Perhaps she only suspect that I am Blade, but don't really know and thus want to talk to Eagle since she still thinks he is leader of the team."

"Yes, that might explain it, she might be looking for confirmation of you being Blade," Anderson said. "Still I worry that your sister Linda might say or do something that weakens your position as field leader of the team. There are people in Washington that did find your talk about demons very unsettling. Religious people outside our base might not set them off on its own, but if your sister stepped forward and started to talk about you having a changed personality they might be more inclined to take action."

"You have no idea how well founded your fear are. If Linda talks about us having sex with me, we would really be in a mess," Jennifer thought. For once the demon did not disturb her with the usual chattering.

"I agree, in fact I have taken some steps to look into it," Jennifer told. "You remember Carol Winthers that we saved from the Brotherhood? She was interested in Linda's school and since they are the same age I asked her to apply to Linda's school and see if she can learn anything from Linda."

"You confide in a former Brotherhood victim. What if the Brotherhood approach her again? What if they have already done so?" Anderson asked with alarm in his voice.

"Oh, you never heard," Jennifer responded. "There is some details that never made it into the report of the case. Mindeye found out that the Brotherhood idiot trying to brainwash her had erased a large part of Carol's mind."

"I am not following, Mindeye managed to erase the conditioning. He wrote in the report that every trace of the Brotherhood conditioning was gone," Anderson said.

"You missed an important point that he never said explicitly. The issue was not brainwashing commands that did not work, but that Carol's mind had been overwritten and largely erased. Carol was in coma because her mind had been wiped. With the threat of G.S.P. being shut down we decided to ignore the law regulations about what Mindeye is allowed to do with his powers without court authorization and he used my mind as template when he replaced the missing parts of Carol's mind."

"Oh, that put things in a different light. How much of the girl is herself and how much is you?" Anderson asked.

"This is no hard science, two minds meshed together," Jennifer said. "She has vague memories of her own, but her mental presence is definitely an exact copy of mine. She has every skill of mine, including the martial arts and a massive increase of resistance to mental manipulation. In practice she is acting as Carol to protect me since we broke the law to cure her, but it is an open question if she is Carol enough to really fool someone that knows her."

"There is a very real possibility that Linda will recognize Carol as you," Anderson commented.

"I agree, but there is also a possibility that Carol can befriend Linda easily since she will find her manner familiar," Jennifer replied. Anderson nodded in response.

* * *

Carol Winthers stepped into the office of principal Bowyer at the Beacon School. Bowyer seemed welcoming enough, but something about how he did not make proper eye contact with her made Carol cringe. She really needed to get into the school to secure her own future and be able to come close to Linda Stevens.

Bowyer was in his middle ages, a bit bald, but all in all giving the impression of someone who exercised and took care of himself.

"It is a pleasure to have you here Carol, your father Marc Winthers has spoken so much about you," Bowyer said.

"Father did not attend this school, has he been trying to pressure the principal about my application?" Carol wondered.

"I hope my father has not been disturbing your work too much," Carol said. "He is very concerned about my future and might sometimes get a bit frantic about it."

Bowyer laughed as he nodded, "Yes you can say that he has disrupted my work to some degree. He been calling me every day this last week."

"I hope you have not been offended. I understood that it would take time to review the portfolio that I submitted. I had no idea he was calling you," Carol said.

"No problem really," Bowyer said. "Let me begin by saying that the fund support that Congressman Marc Winthers promised the school if we accepted you midterm is exceptional. This is not a matter of monetary matters, if he raise the amount even further will not matter to the decision."

"I reckon that you see some kind of problem with me being accepted, was my portfolio not good enough?" Carol asked, her voice steady but inside her she felt a storm of despair.

"It is complicated for me to say this," Bowyer responded. "We have a very strict policy against accepting students midterm. At the start of term students need to have at least 85 in score in all grades, they need to present a strong portfolio and make a good impression during the oral interview. You, with your record, does not cut it, you don't even have a grade in some subjects and was thrown out from your last school for bad behavior."

Carol stared back at him filled with despair, finally she forced herself to talk. "What about the portfolio, I put a lot of effort into it and hoped that it would make up for the problems with the grades?"

"That brings us to the next problem. I understand you come from a rich background and are used to use money to solve problems. I can sympathize with a student taking a shortcut to get accepted into a school, but of course you must realize I can not accept such," Bowyer replied.

"What are you saying?" Carol asked.

"The portfolio was made too perfect. For instance Williams the math teacher commented that your paper on mathematics would have looked reasonable if a person applied here for a teaching position. Looking at your background it is obvious you can not have made the papers," Bowyer said.

"Oh...all old papers of Carol was crap so I wrote replacements for my application. Tried my very best at them, but my best is really what Jennifer with her years of University studies can perform and not what a girl of my apparent age could do," Carol realized with dread.

"No, I did not hire anyone to write those papers!" Carol exclaimed. "I did rewrite them myself for the application. Put my life into making them better and better, but I very much wrote them myself."

"I would like to believe you, but honestly I don't. You should have much better grades if you really had such skills. Besides we have this hard policy against accepting people midterm. I gave in to your father to let you submit your portfolio despite this, but I would really putting my position at risk if I folded from pressure from a congressman," principal Bowyer said.

"I need to figure something out. There must be something that I can say to make him reconsider. Is perhaps the real rub that he got offended from the pressure from father. That he kept phoning him, but could not take the effort to come here in person?" Carol wondered.

"Please, listen to me," Carol pleaded. "My father might have offended you by trying to pressure you into accepting me, but please think about from my perspective. If you look back at my school history you will find a girl very troubled by the death of her mother. For years I could not focus on school and I have done so many assignments below my true capacity. This can painfully clear be seen in my grades."

"This only puts more question in how you could make those papers in your portfolio," Bowyer objected.

"The thing is that I am well now. I might literally have old cuts on my arms, but don't feel the burden of my mother’s death or my father’s absence in the same way anymore," Carol explained. "Father arranged private tutoring for me to catch up, and with my new desire to learn I started to read everything I could find. You will be hard pressed to find a major University level book that I have not read. Still all this knowledge helps me little unless I can get the grades that prove my skills."

"Remarkable story," Bowyer said and continued with asking her about the books she had read. Carol continued talking and talking, mentioning what books she thought was good and what she found questionable. Luckily the memories of what books Jennifer had read was not locked behind the amnesia so she could go on and on and talk about the books Jennifer had read during her studies for her degree.

Finally Bowyer relaxed back in his chair with a frown on his face. Carol opened her mouth to continue making up stories about herself studies, but he motioned her to be silent.

"You have me convinced," Bowyer admitted. "You know subtle details in books, that no previous student at Beacon ever thought about reading. It totally beats me how you could learn this at home studies, but you really seem to have the knowledge needed to match your portfolio."

"Then, can you accept me into the school?" Carol asked. "This pretty much fills the job of the required interview, right?"

"It does qualify for an interview, but it is not so easy to accept you," Bowyer objected.

"Please, why can't you accept me. I will be ahead of most of the other students, I just need proof of my skills," Carol pleaded.

"I suspect you are ahead of every student, but the matter is more what I say to the staff. They urged me to turn you down because of reasons we already covered. If I accept you despite this they will think that I have been bribed by your father," Bowyer said.

"Can't I explain my reading list to them also, like I did to you?" Carol wondered.

"The teachers we can deal with in an interview, but the board of the school also took part of the decision and they will not have the knowledge to understand the importance of your reading list," Bowyer explained.

"Looks like I almost have him. What can I say to convince him? More money from dad? No he seemed offended to be pressured. A proper bribe would not do," Carol thought.

"Still you do have the knowledge to convince the board, right?" Carol asked. "You can make them see reason with your knowledge about the subjects and our talk here."

"Perhaps," Bowyer admitted. "Yet, there is also the matter of the school not accepting students midterm. The board might with good reason suggest that you are to apply next year. You will be one year older than the other students, but is that such a big deal really?"

"If I have to wait until next year I miss the opportunity to get close to Linda. Why not gamble high and try a different kind of a bribe? It is not like it would matter to me if Bowyer got so upset with me that he never accept me into the school. I can take a different school if this won't have me, and there is always the possibility that I can pursue him to change his mind," Carol thought.

"I see, it would really require lots of effort from you to get me into the school, right?" Carol asked.

"Indeed, it would require massive effort, close to a miracle," Bowyer agreed.

"What if I make it up to you?" Carol asked.

"It is not about money!" Bowyer exclaimed angered.

Carol ignored him and pulled her dress off. He just sat there frozen as he looked at her nearly naked in white panties and bra.

"Right, it is not about money. I would never do such exchange, but for being accepted into Beacon this week I would gladly go all the way," Carol said and let her finger trace the inside of her panties.

He stared back at her finger, moving uncomfortably as his costume strained over his groin. Carol smiled, he had not balked at her suggestion. He might not have said yes already, but if she seduced him he would feel pressure to honor his part of the deal.

He watched her transfixed as she moved around the desk to stand by him. She started a movement that could be interpreted as she would pull down her panties, but she was only teasing him. Instead she bent down in front of him and placed her hand at his groin. She found his member rock hard below the confining clothes.

Using her free hand she undid the clasp of her bra, it loosened enough to allow him a peek at her youthful perk breasts. Moments later she felt his fingers touching her breasts, still in a hesitant shy way. She moved forward to increase the contact.

"If it ever got out that I had sex with a student I would be toast," he mumbled.

"Who will suspect anything?" Carol wondered. "I am expected to be here from time to time as new student, right? Of course in the future we could also do it at some other location."

She tugged at his costume, and as in trance he aided her in exposing his tights briefs.

"Future occasions?" he asked.

Instead of answering Carol bent down. Without missing a beat, she pulled his briefs down and took his member into her mouth. He tensed as she felt her eager sucking. After a few moments she paused, she could literally here his groan of disappointment.

"Your cock is sexy," Carol breathed. "Of course there will be future occasions if you like. We could not expect one single fuck session be enough to compensate you with the trouble of getting me into the school, could we?"

She took him inside her mouth again and used every part of her skill as she let her tongue whirl around the tip of his cock.

"Ahh...that...feels so perfect. You compensating me," he mumbled as he trembled below her tender attention.

"I have a girlfriend also, a red head, ten years older than me. If you want I can invite her to a threesome," Carol said while she took a pause to breath. She could feel his hand probing her sex through her panties.

"You are bisexual?" he asked as his fingers wiggled its way past her panties and touched her moist folds.

"I am, but she is not," Carol said. "Yet if it is to save my future I am sure she can be convinced to let you watch us or perhaps even fuck her. If the lover is good enough the sex of lover does not matter. You are a good lover, aren't you?"

"I want to fuck you hard," principal Bowyer whispered as his fingers probed into her hole. Carol groaned in pleasure as she let her groin move in a suggestive fashion.

"You want to fuck a student of your school? You want to fuck me?" Carol asked.

"Hell yes!" he exclaimed. "I want to fuck you so very hard. I will enroll you today, the others be damned."

"That's more like it, but first I want you to drill my hole deeply with that sexy cock you have there," Carol responded.

In response he stood up and pushed her towards the desk. Carol followed the motion and leaned back, she felt a number of objects on the desk cutting into her back.

"Your desk is so full with stuff," she complained. "I want to be full with you instead."

In a swift motion Bowyer took hold of her panties and the contents of the desk. Both came down quickly and Carol wondered if the sound could be heard outside his office. She got no chance to think more about this before he pressed himself close.

His hard member probed her opening, but not finding its way directly inside. With a giggle Carol used her hand to direct him inside her. He groaned in sexual bliss as he felt her wetness surrounding him.

"Not the first time you do this?" he asked.

Carol was on the way to agree until she realized that her memories of fucking men was from Jennifer's memories. As far as she knew this might be the first occasion ever that she let a male fuck her. Additionally she was not on the pill and thus had no protection against pregnancy.

She got no more time to think about this as he started to slam into her hole. All pretense of being a shy principal of a school was gone, he was a male conquering a woman. Carol didn't mind playing along as she felt him inside her.

"So...ahhh... good...take me," Carol moaned. She tried to respond to his thrusts, but lost pace as he increased the speed of his thrusts.

He still carried the upper part of his suit, Carol liked to watch the ripples passing down his tie as he with full strength slammed into her.

They continued for a number of hectic moments until he trembled as he emptied his load inside her. Carol only lay back smiling, it felt so good doing this. He was a much better fuck than she had expected. It was probably true that experience added up.

Afterwards he collapsed back in his chair and Carol lay exposed in front of him as his cum started to leak out of her pussy.

"Hot minx," he groaned. "You had this planned, hadn't you."

"It was better than I ever could expect," she responded.

"You are a marvel, how I will love to see their faces when you surprise them with your knowledge. Yet the skills you proved at my desk is a matter between us alone, right?" he said.

"I will not sleep around at school," Carol promised. "After all I have a girlfriend that might not be very keen on me doing stuff that might be trouble for her at work so I have every reason to keep it in a tight circle."

"You girlfriend is old enough to have a job?" he wondered.

"Like I said she ten years older. Imagine a redhead working at the police. You will like her," Carol promised. The grin on his lips told that he very much looked forward to the experience.

* * *

Linda Stevens groaned as she reached the classroom. The intense headache that plagued her since the morning had just grown utter worse. At the far side of the room she saw the creepy Patric, for once he did not stare at her with half hidden malice in his eye. Today he seemed worried about something.

One of the free seats was next to a new girl named Carol and Linda decided to take it. She sat down and waited for the lesson to start.

"How are you doing?" Carol asked. "You don't look very well."

"It is just a headache," Linda responded, a smile passing over her lips.

"Just let me know if I can be of assistance," Carol said.

"I appreciate the gesture," Linda answered. "I really liked how you put the math teacher Williams in place at your first lesson. I often grow irritated when it feels like she is holding me back."

"Let's hope I must not regret it," Carol said, shrugging her shoulders. "She was one of the teachers checking my portfolio when I applied, and I think she felt threatened from the quality there."

"You mean like her not liking a student that does not need her for support," Linda responded. "I think you are dead on there, she really don't like students who have own opinions on what to learn."

She closed her eyes as the headache was growing more intense, it felt like a constant buzz of voices at the fringe of her mind. Suddenly she thought she heard Patric's voice filled with malice. "Looks like the bitch Linda feels bad, has it taken effect so early?"

Surprised Linda turned towards Patric. He stared back at her with equal surprise. Actually not totally similar, somehow she could tell he was more surprised that she turned when he thought about her. Linda froze as she realized the implications, he had in fact not been speaking but thinking about her.

Suddenly Jennifer's eraser flew from her desk and hit Patric in the face. The impact was powerful enough for him to topple over, perhaps more from surprise than actual injury. He hit the floor with large groan as his chair tripped.

"What just happened?" Linda wondered. Carol was staring at her alarm on her face.

"Did she just think of us as sister?" Linda wondered, the buzz in her head had started to grow even more mind numbing.

"Did you move the eraser?" Carol whispered. Linda stared back at her in utter surprise. At the far side of the room Patric was up again, the eraser had hit him in the eye but he seemed mostly unhurt. Linda gripped her table to steady herself, she felt a massive amount of vertigo. Her gripping the table did little to help.

"In case you just moved the eraser I am also wondering if you are making the books in the bookcase vibrate?" Carol said.

Linda looked and it did indeed look the bookcase suffered from a very local quake. A number of students close by was staring as the teacher in the front of the class room was trying to get the attention of the students.

"I don't know, I don't know what happens," Linda mumbled, she really felt horrible. The headache was hammering inside her head.

Patric had stood up, but somehow got entangled in the straps of his backpack and fell down hard. This time his groan of pain indicated he had hurt himself worse. The people around him quickly assembled to see if he had suffered some serious damage.

"Out," Carol whispered, "We need to get you out from here."

Linda had no strength in herself to object and when Carol took hold of her and pulled her outside, she just stumbled along. Outside in the empty corridor Carol lost hold of Linda that collapsed down on her knees.

"What is happening?" Linda wondered.

"I think you were on the edge of filling the classroom with flying books that would try to bash that guy that you previously hit with the eraser," Carol said. Linda had problem following what she said since the storm of voices in her head deafened all sound.

"I don't get it, how would I make books start to fly?" Linda wondered as she clutched her head.

"I don't know, maybe you have some kind of telekinesis gift," Carol responded.

"I think Patric did something foul with me, he is planning something sinister," Linda said. "When he saw my discomfort his only reaction was surprise of it being soon."

"You read his mind?" Carol asked.

"I don't know, I can't stand the noise. All the voices are driving me crazy!" Linda exclaimed, banging her hands at the floor in frustration.

"I think you need to talk to Mindeye, perhaps he can help you if this is psionic related," Carol said as she picked her phone.

"Help from the bloody G.S.P? They won't answer any phone calls!" Linda screamed. Carol had been on the way of extended her phone towards Linda, but she just suddenly collapsed unconscious.

Linda stared at her in confusion, and then reached over to check Carol's life signs. To her relief she found her alive even though she was in some kind of coma.

"Crap, did I do something to her?" Linda wondered. There was no response from the ever growing storm of words that intruded on her attempts to reason. "Maybe the idea to call the G.S.P. is not so bad, seems like she had prepared a number that is not the official G.S.P. contact number. Could she somehow have a direct number to them?" Linda thought.

She picked up the phone and pressed the dial button. Agonizing moments later she heard someone on the other side pick up the phone.

"Speaking," the voice said.

"Is this Mindeye?" Linda asked.

"Yes, who are you?" Mindeye responded.

"My name is Linda Stevens and I need help badly. I have this horrible headache and keep hearing what I think are peoples thoughts," Linda said.

"Oh, you called the right person. It is quite common for new psionics to gets headaches in the beginning when they can not filter out what they hear mentally. The ability itself yearn to be used and will connect to the closest persons until you learn to control it," Mindeye explained.

"Sounds great, but I can't stand the noise, it is too much, like torture. Help me make them silent, please," Linda complained.

"You are hearing many voices?" Mindeye asked perplexed.

"More than I can count!" Linda exclaimed.

"Oh," Mindeye responded, his voice filled with a hint of surprise. "There are some shielding exercises that might help you make your power not go wild. Imagine that your mind is surrounded by a great brick wall that keep all the noise and clamor outside."

Linda tried to follow the instruction, but she could not focus. Even when she did her best to imagine a brick wall she could hear the voices through the cracks between the brick stones. She tried to imagine the cracks being filled with mortar, but it was not enough.

"It is not working!" Linda complained.

"Weird, imagine that you are in the middle of a ball of mirror. Every voice thrown at you is just reflected away and you are safe and sound in the silence of the ball," Mindeye suggested. Linda tried this image also, but no matter how much she tried she could still hear the buzz from the voices through the sphere.

"Not working, it is growing worse. Help me now," she begged.

"Okay," Mindeye said. "Imagine that you instead are a diamond. Incredibly hard and impervious to all damage, every voice thrown at you just passes through you and you can listen or ignore it depending on mood."

Linda tried and this time it did actually work, slowly the effect of the voices faded until they were something in distance that did not really trouble her unless she extended to them.

"It is working!" Linda exclaimed as tears of relief ran down her cheeks.

"Good," Mindeye said. "We need to meet soon. If you really are hearing so many voices as you claim your psionic gift is very rare and very dangerous. You can easily damage people if you use it in the wrong way."

"I understand," Linda said. "I will gladly learn. There is a girl that I knocked unconscious, I think that I hurt her when I became angry. She is totally unconscious now."

"No worries," Mindeye said. "We will make sure she is safe and I will explain how you can control your ability better."

Linda looked at the unconscious Carol, wondering what had happened to her. Suddenly she thought that she sensed some kind of conscious inside her.

"I think I can sense her conscious," Linda said. "I think I can sense Carol Winther's mind."

"What?" Mindeye exclaimed. "Did you say Carol Winthers? Don't try to fix her mind yourself! I repeat, don't try to mess with her mind, it is too dangerous!"

Linda tried to pull back, but there was no use. Instead she felt like she was falling towards Carol. One moment she was there and suddenly she were in a different place. She sat at a bed in an unfamiliar bed. Looking around she saw her arms. It was not her own arms, but instead Carol's. She could recognize some of the scars.

"Crap!" Linda thought and tried to free herself from Carol. There was no use and she could just passively watch Carol's memory.

Carol got up from the bed and moved over the closet. It was a large walk-in closet with a mirror door. She halted in front of the mirror and stood their watching her image with a skeptical look on her face.

Linda wondered what Carol was thinking, but somehow she could not use her ability while being inside Carol's memory. Perhaps her power was locked into tapping into Carol's memory.

From Linda's point of view Carol had little to complain about. She was indeed gorgeous, the only thing ruining the image being the scars on her arms.

Carol shrugged and opened the wardrobe to fetch a satin robe, it did little to hide her sexy curves. Linda liked what she saw, Carol was sexy.

Carol walked through the house until she reached another bedroom. A man laid there sleeping, the blanket pulled down so most of sexy torso was in view. Linda liked what she saw, he was a real hunch.

Carol walked towards the bed with determined steps, dropping the satin robe on the way. She slipped into the bed silently and carefully pulled the blanket down without disturbing the sleeping man. His maleness came into view and Carol halted momentarily to view it. It was still relaxed, but it seemed given that would change soon.

Linda reflected on that she did share every part of the memory including sensations. It seemed like she would experience a session of sex no matter if she liked it or not.

Carol took the cock into her mouth and started to suck tenderly on it. It was a new experience for Linda, she had in fact never touched a cock that was not rock hard. Of course it was a temporary condition, Carol's tongue played with it and it started growing more tick.

It was a weird experience, at first the cock was small enough that it fit inside the mouth, then suddenly it had turned rock hard and they choked on it. Carol seemed experienced in the situation and moved back enough so that she could get some air.

Carol glanced at the man that lay there relaxing, by now he was awake. He lay there smiling as he saw Carol sucking his member. Carol took more of him inside her mouth and Linda felt panic, surely he was too large. Of course Linda had no say in it and just had to experience the sensations as Carol took more and more of him into her mouth.

Bending her head upwards Carol allowed herself to accept even more of it inside. At last she was deep throating him, having his complete cock inside her mouth. It felt awkward, but there was no mistake of the lust the act induced in him.

They continued for a short while until the man became impatient, he pulled out of Carol's mouth with a wide grin on his face. Tilting his neck he gave her a stare. Carol follow the prompt immediately and rolled over to lay on her back exposing her shaved snatch for him.

"This will be good, baby," he promised and moved over her. His cock did not penetrate her directly, instead it was his fingers that found their way to her pussy and probed it. Carol moaned as she pushed her pelvis at his fingers and Linda felt like her head would explode.

The sensations could not compare with her hot sex with Eagle, but it was still good beyond belief. The fact that Linda had no say at all about what would happened added heavily to the experience. With anticipation she felt his cock brush over her sex, no actually Carol's sex. It was becoming hard to tell herself apart from Carol. Every sensation felt so very real. Momentarily Linda worried that there might be some danger if she continued, but what could she do. Her ability still seemed locked into allowing her to tap into this memory.

"Time for a reward," the man said and the moment afterward he was pushing himself into Carol's waiting sex.

Carol/Linda moaned highly as their sex was penetrated. The size could not compare to Eagle's width, but the man sure knew how to use it. Linda felt her sex stretch around his maleness. Within moments he was banging into her with no holding back.

He caught hold of her legs and pulled them upwards, giving him even better angle to enter her sex. Linda rolled with the emotion of laying there passively as he fucked her hard and eager. Actually it felt like there might be a climax approaching, it felt so very good. Thus it was with a large regret she felt him pull out of her.

"On your knees!" he ordered. Carol did not hesitate to follow the instructions. Sitting on her knees she twisted her head to look at him as he placed himself between her legs.

Linda felt anticipation filling her, when she suddenly realized that his cock was not aiming for hehr pussy, but instead probing her ass. She felt unease fill her, not that she was totally against testing ass-fucking but not being allowed to make the choice about to do it felt awkward.

"Further down," Carol objected. Linda felt relief that Carol had felt the same, she would very much prefer not to have her first such experience forced on her.

"No, I am going to take your ass-virginity my dear," the man said and took hold of Carol's hip to allow him to direct his cock forward.

Linda felt his cock pressing at her hole. His cock felt so very dry, no lubricant at all. Desperately she tried to distance herself from Carol's memory. There was no use, she was locked in the experience of feeling the cock trying to force itself into her ass.

Suddenly Carol wrested free from his grip and quickly distanced herself from him. Ending in the corner. Linda could feel tears flowing.

"No, not this. It will hurt too much," Carol begged. "I did not promise this."

The man approached her with rage in his eyes. Linda felt fear assault her, he could not hit her in the middle of sex, could he?

In fact he could and Carol doubled over as he hit her stomach with full strength. Linda felt every part of the pain.

"You fucking ungrateful bitch!" the man screamed. "Here I try to be nice to you and you repay me like this?"

Repeatedly he hit Carol again and again in the belly, Carol did not make any attempts to protect herself.

"Please, I am sorry," Carol pleaded.

"Sorry does not cover it. Sonja would never say no to me," the man spat as he continued the beating.

"Mom is gone, I can't be her," Carol squealed as she desperately started to try to dodge the strikes.

Linda felt dread assault her. The creep that beat Carol must be Carol's father. Linda would never have guessed since he seemed so young.

"Don't give me that fucking crap. I have told you I can't hit you in the face where it can be seen!" Carol's father shouted.

He hit her again and this time the impact made Carol lose her breath. She collapsed on the bed coughing and Linda could feel conscious slipping from Carol. Everything went dark except the lingering pain of the continued beating.

* * *

Linda opened her eyes and started to cry. The physical injury was gone, but she could still sense the trauma. Through her tears she vaguely registered that she lay resting on top of a bed.

She briefly wondered if she was alone and directly she felt her newly discovered power activate. Carol and the school nurse were present in the room. Afraid Linda tried to contain her power and luckily it obeyed her. She felt mortal fear when she thought about getting dragged into Carol's mind again.

"Careful dear," the school nurse said. "Don't sit up, we found you both unconscious."

Linda ignored her and sat up, with the mind trick of mimicking a diamond the thoughts of others did not hurt her anymore so the continuing pain was gone. If only she could forget the memories of the beating.

"I feel well now," Linda lied.

"Good, can you please explain what happened?" the school nurse asked.

"I was feeling weird and Carol assisted me walking here, unfortunately we toppled over in the corridor and I think that she might have hit her head," Linda replied.

"Good that I called for an ambulance," the school nurse said.

Linda felt nervousness assault her, what would the hospital crew say when they examined Carol. Could they somehow detect what had happened? For that matter what would Carol say when she woke up?

"I think she just needs to rest here for a while," Linda suggested.

"Hopefully, but head injuries are serious things. We can't chance on her just needing to sleep, she might be in need of emergency medical care. In fact I think you better follow to the hospital also," the nurse said.

Linda's nervousness turned into dread, she had a strong hunch that body contact amplified the likelihood to make mental contact. What would her power unrestrained powers do if the doctors insisted on touching her when they examined her? She really must avoid body contact until she learned to control her powers.

"No, I need to return to class," Linda said.

"Your lesson can wait, from the corridor talk you are one of the most ambitious students ever so you will catch up later even if you miss some lessons," the nurse responded.

"No, I don't need to visit any hospital," Linda insisted. Suddenly she felt a sense of vertigo as her power came to life. The nurse opened her eyes wide and stared back at Linda.

"Damn it, what did I just do to her?" Linda wondered. Just forming her question was enough for her power to respond. In a moment she could sense that she had just enforced her will on the nurse and made certain the nurse would not insist she be taken to the hospital.

It was fascinating to watch what she had done by accident. She had never dreamed it would be so simple to brainwash someone. It did not seem like she had subjected the nurse to any permanent harm, could she perhaps add a similar command about Carol to avoid her being taken to the hospital?

When she was not upset her powers did not come by itself, but it was there the moment when she wanted it. The nurse collapsed like a rag doll and Linda yelped in surprise and fear. Fortunately her power told her she had not really hurt her, just overwhelmed her by using too much power. Her power was indeed tricky to yield safely.

The nurse sat up and phoned the hospital to call off the ambulance as Linda left the room. She wanted to call Mindeye again to discuss her power, but she had not memorized the phone number. As for Carol's phone, Linda could sense the nurse had not seen any phone. Had someone taken it when they lay unconscious?

With the hope that Carol would wake up and join the lesson again Linda returned to the class room. Being in a crowded room left her nervous, but if she left the school she would have little chance of hooking up with Carol again. She really needed to explain things to her, she could not have Carol talking about how Linda had done something to her.

Briefly she considered the idea to return to try to affect Carol's mind like she had commanded the school nurse but it seemed like a bad idea. What if she was dragged inside her mind again and had to experience the rape again? Linda shuddered as she thought about Carol's memories. Did she actually recall them herself or had she suppressed that particular memory?

Few paid her attention as she returned alone to the lesson, was this pure luck or had her powers affected those around? Linda tried to ignored the question and started to follow the lesson.

A while later Linda suddenly felt something unknown hitting her mind. At least she thought she would have hurt her mind if her diamond shaped shield had not resisted the attack. She could sense the attack as a thread coming from behind, she followed the thread backwards.

Suddenly she saw memory fragments, she had accidentally entered the mind of the attacker. At least she was not pulled deeper in the mind this time, was that perhaps a peculiarity of Carol's mind? The mind she invaded now was protected by a brick wall, but Linda's mental probe had been so narrow that it had slipped past the cracks.

From the memories of the attacker she determined that the attacker must be a girl named Lynn. Apparently she had understood Linda was the source of the telekinesis attacks earlier and was curious if Linda also had mental defenses.

Lynn was not anyone Linda really knew. They had shared class for some years, but Lynn would never bother her pretty head with studies but instead toyed with all the boys. Until this day Linda would have said they had little or nothing in common, but apparently they both had psionic powers.

Suddenly Linda noted that Lynn was focusing her thoughts on the fact that her attack at Linda failed. She worried that Linda would retaliate, unaware that Linda had already breached into her surface memories.

If no attack came she would probably start to look around if she had missed anything. Could Linda perhaps make a secondary fake attack to trick Lynn into thinking that she had protected her mind?

Linda tried to do this, but found it incredibly troublesome. Somehow the power resisted her when it was already committed to entering Lynn's mind. She managed to create a secondary channel that she could use to attack Lynn with, but it was so thin that Linda could barely perceive it.

Lynn felt triumph as she brushed Linda's fake attack away. It had taken her little or no effort to do it. Strong telekinesis, very strong defense and weak offense. Lynn estimated Linda to be what she called a level 3 psionic.

Linda wondered if she should pull free from Lynn surface thoughts, trouble was just that she had no idea how to do this without alerting Lynn of the intrusion. She was on the way to make an attempt anyway when she suddenly recognized that Lynn had opened a mental channel to Patric.

Linda had never known that Lynn and Patric had contact. She could not directly watch Patric's mind, but could guess his answers from the thoughts they raised in Lynn. Lynn informed Patric of what she believed of Linda's abilities. In response Patric instructed Lynn to learn more.

When Lynn broke the contact with Patric, Linda took the chance to do the same with Lynn. Nothing happened so Linda hoped Lynn had been too busy to notice Linda departing from her memory.

A short while later the lesson was over and Linda left the room, outside she found Lynn waiting for her.

"Sorry if I scared you, I thought you were just a telekinesis user and just wanted to check if you had control," Lynn said. "Hope you have no hard feelings, we both turned out too strong in defense to affect each other so no harm done, right?"

Liar, Linda thought, but she responded with a smile.

"No problem," Linda said. "I was a bit scared since I am pretty new to this. Can we really talk freely about this."

"I make sure nobody really hear us. Who do you train for?" Lynn wondered.

"Talked to a guy, but have not received much of lessons so far," Linda responded.

"I see,” Lynn said. “Myself I get training from my father. Not a perfect match since he like you is a telekinetic and my ability is pure psionic based, but it is better than those cults and orders that try to recruit psionics," Lynn said. "I could give you some pointers if you like."

"I would love to," Linda responded. In truth she had a growing suspicion that Lynn and Patric were plotting against her, but getting Lynn to talk seemed like a good idea. Perhaps she would reveal something.

"I suggest you try to keep your telekinesis power hidden, many telekinetic talented have been enslaved to other psionics and it is bitch to defend if you can't counter attack with an offensive probe. Your offense is not powerful enough to really scare an attacker," Lynn said.

"Probe?" Linda wondered.

"A probe is like a channel of mental power," Lynn responded. "A level 3 psionic can split his attention into 3 channels. Each probe connect to at most one mind. If the channel is used to read thoughts, send mental commands or use telekinesis can be changed over time, but you can't create a new channel when committed since your powers will be divided over those you already have."

"What happens if you do?" Linda wondered. When she had been inside Lynn's surface memories she had indeed created a new channel without dropping her first one.

"It can't be done, if you have two channels open then your potential power in each channel is divided by two. Opening a third will do you no good since there is no power to commit to the channel," Lynn responded.

"I did very much succeed today, is that because some special ability of mine or am I so powerful that the little power that is left is still enough for a weak attack?" Linda wondered. She decided that it was not wise to ask. Better keep Lynn ignorant about her real mental strength.

"So how do I practice?" Linda wondered.

"Simple, open channels to other people and make them do simple stuff," Lynn said.

"Isn't it risky?" Linda wondered. "I got into trouble with that new girl Carol earlier today."

"Oh, normally it is not dangerous, but I get very weird vibes from that Carol. I think she has suffered a psionic takeover and that her mind is protected by a logical maze. It is a kind trap a psionic can put there to prevent other psionics from reading the memories.

If you try to enter such a mind with a probe it has to find its way through the maze and depending on the complexity you can walk her memories for a hours or even days unless you are strong enough to break free," Lynn told.

"It fits, I was stuck inside her mind until I woke up at the school nurse’s office," Linda replied.

"Luckily for you as a newbie that the maze was shallow, psionics have died from malnutrition when the maze was too much for them. Still even if you did escape I suggest to stay clear of her mind until you know who the psionic is. Actually it is a good idea to stay clear of all people who have been taken by a psionic, you never know when they will appear and be more powerful. My dad learned that lesson the hard way and was enslaved for a couple of years," Lynn told.

"Okay, so what do I do?" Linda wondered.

"See if you can make George drop his pants while he walks," Lynn suggested.

Linda decided to go along, but she made sure to split her power so she had an attack channel ready if Lynn tried to back stab her. She extended her probe and was soon overwhelmed by the number of memories inside George's head.

"Too many memories," Linda complained.

"No, you are using a thought probe. You need to use a command channel," Lynn explained.

Linda loosened her probe and tried again but taking effort to not spend too much energy on it. On the third try she succeeded. It was really like the command she earlier had given to the school nurse. George followed the instruction and unzipped his jeans and tripped as his jeans slipped down. He had been totally unaware what his fingers had been doing.

"Marvelous, you are a true talent," Lynn said. "When you get experienced you can send out commands that make people perceive different things than what they really see, but you better save that for another day. I am still beginning to learn such. It is very difficult to get it right."

"Cool," Linda said. "Is it possible to learn skills from a person. I mean like stealing the math teachers math skill so you don't have to study?"

"Yes it is possible," Lynn said. "Takes lots of effort though. I just settle with checking their surface memories of what the answers are at the test, he will have most of them in mind. Not perfect since he is also thinking about common mistakes so you have to be careful with what you take."

"I think learning the skill would be more useful, then you can tell what answer that is correct," Linda said. "Can you teach me?"

"Maybe you can watch me as I do it," Lynn said. "I already planned to learn Elenore's dancing skills."

They found Elenore by her locker, and Linda watched as Lynn connected a special kind of mental probe to the girl's mind. It did not look particularly difficult when you knew how to do it. Elenore trembled as the probe connected and leaned towards her locker.

"Now it is just to wait and hope that I manage to learn the skill before I grow too weary from using my power," Lynn told.

Linda was on the way to answer when she saw Carol approaching them. Linda felt a tightness in her stomach leave her when she saw that Carol was okay. She had not been aware of this worry until she saw Carol.

"Hello friend, how are you doing?" Carol asked and beamed at Linda.

"Can't really talk now, busy," Lynn mumbled, sweat beads appearing at her temple.

"Talk to you later, better give you some privacy," Linda said. Lynn nodded in response. Soon Linda and Carol had walked outside so they could get some privacy.

"How are you doing?" Carol wondered.

"I am fine, Mindeye instructed me over the phone and allowed me to control my newly discovered psionic powers better," Linda responded.

"Great that I could be of help," Carol said. "I don't recall what happened, could you tell me what happened to my mobile phone?"

"Not really," Linda responded. "I also fainted there when I failed to control my power, and when I woke up it was gone."

"Great loosing my phone on the first day at school. Dad will probably assume I ran away again when I don't answer his phone calls. Hope he don't hire a private detective that drags me home," Carol complained.

Linda felt a sense of bile in her throat when she heard Carol talk about her father, she really doubted Carol would be complaining about her father in this fashion if really remembered the abuse. Her earlier suspicion about the memories of rape being suppressed memories seemed to be proven right. Carol had no clue she had been raped and beaten by her father.

"I need to talk to Mindeye more, do you know the phone number?" Linda wondered.

"I do, but we have no phone to use. I heard other students joke about you lacking the money to purchase a mobile," Carol responded.

"More lack of interest than lack of money," Linda said. "Still you have a point about me needing privacy. I can't use a public phone for this kind of call."

"Simple enough," Carol said. "Help me find my phone and you can borrow it."

"How am I supposed to do that?" Linda wondered.

"Perhaps using your newly discovered powers, you could listen on people’s mind until you find the thief," Carol suggested.

"How come that you are so at ease with me having this power after what happened earlier in the corridor?" Linda wondered. "It is not that I don't like you, but we barely know each other and you like go all friendly on me despite that I knocked you unconscious."

She saw Carol hesitating, thinking deeply about something. It was very tempting to try to eavesdrop on her mind, but she did not dare to come close to her mind again.

"Okay, I admit that I had a strong hunch you would have psionic powers," Carol said. "The G.S.P. warned me of such when they asked me to keep an eye on you."

"How could the G.S.P. know I had this power before I did? Mindeye seemed surprised when I talked to him. The only team members I have encountered are Eagle and perhaps Blade if she really is Jennifer," Linda thought.

When she thought about Eagle she recalled their hot sex after he had flown her home from Central Park. She blushed at the memory, it had been so unexpected that her dream would come true and he would make love with her.

"Wait a second. Him suddenly jumping into bed with me, doesn't that resemble how I now by accident compel people into doing stuff? Could my power been going on and off for a couple of weeks?" Linda wondered.

There was little doubt about it when she thought about it. It would explain why he suddenly wanted to have sex with her after at first not showing any interest in her. The answer to why he afterwards refused to answer her calls when she phoned him to try to arrange a follow up meeting also seemed given. The effect of her accidental compulsion to have sex had lessened.

It was a bitter revelation to uncover, deep down she had still been dreaming that the reason he did not return her calls was because he was busy and not because he did not love her.

"Are you working with the G.S.P?" Linda forced herself to ask to turn her thoughts on other things.

"Not working exactly," Carol responded. "They helped me when I was kidnapped by a psionic and I kept in contact with Blade afterwards. Applying to this school to keep an eye on you seemed like the least I could do to repay her."

"Blade, her real name is Jennifer Stevens, right?" Linda asked. Carol gave her a long stare.

"Yes, she is your sister, but she has no memories of her life before she suffered a car accident," Carol responded.

"That means she did not know I was her sister when Patric forced us to have sex in the park," Linda thought with a deep blush.

The memory was so shameful, how she had brazenly enjoyed herself even when she had sex with her sister. A strange way to learn that you were bisexual. It was not something she would like to repeat, but a memory of good sex despite all this. She put the thought aside, she currently had the matter of Patric possibly plotting against her.

"Explains much, but we need to turn to more urgent matters," Linda said. "Patric in our class earlier tried to enslave my sister. I think he and a girl named Lynn are plotting something, possibly it is directed at me. I happened to eavesdrop on them when they seemed to communicate about me."

"Lynn, that girl you were hanging out with when I came? Seems like you can use some assistance," Carol said. "I will use my

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Barry and Jill Thomas lived in a small town in Northern Tasmania having a population of around 5,000 and they had known each other since primary school, in fact both attending that and the area's High School together right through. Barry was a well built 180 centimetre tall tractor driver working for a ploughing contractor, and Jill was a curvy girl of average height and nice appearance, who, due to the size of her breasts had sometimes had her described as "dairy fed." She was pretty but...

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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 5 A Taste of Power

Joe Hamel was happy to drive Wayne down to Indy after the holiday. It gave him an opportunity to relax with his son and not be interfered with by the women. He loved his wife and daughter, but they could really dominate a conversation. He’d finished the valve job on the ‘56 Golden Hawk over Christmas and they felt the Packard 352 engine rumble as they sailed down US 31. They rode nearly fifty miles before either of them said anything. “You never said how the young woman liked her Christmas...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 42 Demonstrations of Power

February 5, 1993, Chicago, Illinois Jamie called on Friday morning to let me know that the CPD had obtained a search warrant for Hart-Lincoln as we’d discussed with the FBI, and intended to serve it as soon as Greg was available. I told him I’d call Greg, then call him back with a time. Three hours later, Jamie, Greg, Zeke, and I were in a conference room at the Federal Building with Agents O’Toole and Stone, Detectives Boltz and Monroe, as well as three other FBI Agents, an Assistant US...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 325 Money and Power

Geez! I was going to do it anyway! “Agent Summers,” I told her. “I’m glad you had an enjoyable conference with Mr. Smith, but right now, you do not look anything like a professional, high-ranking Treasury Agent. Unless you decide otherwise, we are going up to my bedroom where I will help you shower, dry off, do your hair, and then redress you in professional attire. I know you already know a lot about me, or you wouldn’t have allowed me to restrain the lead Treasury Agent. We both know that...

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Tale of Darth TremarChapter 1 Awakening of Power

Coruscant Jedi Temple 250 years after the Capture and Imprisonment of Tralin, also known as Darth Tremar Iliyana stood naked in her small room in the Temple. Her wardrobe was open so she could admire her body in the full length mirror mounted inside the door. She let her eyes slid down the mirror, over her slightly more than a handful breasts, flat stomach and shaved pussy, her hands following just behind her eyes. She cupped her breasts and squeezed them lightly, toying with her nipples as...

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Change of Power

CHANGE OF POWER IN A PLACE NOT QUITE IN THIS REALITY... She glided through the realm, no one who watched being quite sure whether she was walking with her feet or just moving through effort of will. Either was possible. She was one of the major Incarna, a pure force of nature, the living essence of pure feminine power. She was second only to the major trinity whose interplay kept the universe moving, who were in turn second only to the one who created all. All who were in her...

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HorseplayChapter 17 Wednesday Willpower

In his dream someone was sucking him, slowly using her lips and tongue on his dick, drawing him in expertly and tenderly. His willpower was nonexistant, he couldn't tell who it was, couldn't tell her to stop, couldn't back away, and barely had the mental clarity to ask himself how it was possible for her to be so fantastic at it. There was a pause, a shift in the dream where she was gone and a voice murmured to him. Warmth enclosed his cock again, softer, firmer, sliding and he was inside...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 90 Sex Politics and Power

July 20, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Seriously?” Claire protested, when I spoke with her before the Sunday Rap Session. “I’m not asking you to stop coming,” I replied. “I’d like to, with you,” she smirked. “Well, start that is!” “I walked right into that one!” “Sorry. So what are you saying?” “You can come as often as you want, just keep it under the covers!” Claire laughed, “Nice. What’s Bob’s concern?” “That you’re ‘staff’ and I’m ‘management’ and you could feel unduly pressured to...

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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 19 Rise in Power

I was awakened at 5:00 by Kristy; she told me that we could go outside now. I had her open the doors and I went up for a shower, a long one felt good. I then got dressed and went for a run. I was half way through my first lap when I realized Buddy was following me. I continued and completed 4 laps then made my way back to the house. Kristy was waiting for me. "You realize extensive modifications will need to be done to the runway and structures at the new airport, correct?" she...

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IntemperanceChapter 17A Balance of Power

The back of the stretch limousine was filled with a thick, pungent could of marijuana smoke, a cloud so dense the passengers could barely see from one end to the other. All five members of Intemperance were back there as well as Janice Boxer, their publicity manager, and Steve Crow, the man identified as the producer of The Thrill Of Doing Business album and all the songs featured on it. There were two fat joints going around, the band members smoking them with enthusiasm, the two management...

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IntemperanceChapter 17B Balance of Power

The twenty-seventh annual Grammy awards took place on February 26, 1985. Intemperance once again hot-boxed the limousine with marijuana smoke as they made the trip and were stoned out of their minds as they walked up the red carpet and entered the building. In all there were three nominations associated with Intemperance. The band itself and Crow, the producer, were both nominated for Record Of The Year for Crossing The Line. Jake was nominated for Song Of The Year for writing Crossing The...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 34 Taking Back My Power

Soon after the conversation in which the Masterson psychologist, Paul Gregory had suggested to me a career in advocacy, I interviewed with Bud Williamson at the Williamson agency. "Miss Glenn, I have heard much about your innate abilities and your empathy for those who are indentured or enslaved. And you did very well on the battery of tests we gave you this morning. I just need to satisfy myself on a few points, OK?" "Go ahead sir." "Stephanie, if I may call you that, do you believe...

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Super Powers

The Karitons, Ascikeans and Verxik where three distinct species who had mastered many exceptional technologies. They created an organization called the Ascension Collective. All three where like minded in their curiosity as well as there boredom. The Karitons seemed like the most responsible, they came from the distant future. Right before the end of the universe they traveled back in time to discover the first highly advanced species. The Ascikeans the most mischievous, they come...

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He was fabulously wealthy and had a beautiful young wife. He also had hidden powers I could never have dreamed of, powers that would change my life completely. POWERS by BobH (c) 2018 - 1 - It was Plato's 'Republic' that did it. As usual I was working the six-'til-midnight shift at the gas station on Highway 5, a dozen or so miles outside the town of...

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Panty Power

Hi there. My name is Vi and I'm 35 years old. I work in advertising and promotions and have made it fairly high up the corporate ladder. I wouldn't say I'm terribly smart but suffice to say I'm smart enough to get where I am with my limited skills. I had lost my virginity at 18. I don't even remember the guy that took it away. All I remember was that I got a little drunk at a party and went to rest in one of the rooms. I remember being half awake as some guy started feeling me up. I was too...

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The SaviorsChapter 5 The new powers

The next day mid-morning sun blazed down on them before any of the three stirred. Soon they awoke fully to the tempting smells of cooking Tricer steaks. "Good morning sleepy heads," said Kurt. Kathy groaned as she stood up, "My cookie is so sore I don't think I can hike to our next destination today." Getting to her feet Suzie added, "I'm sore too and I reek of sex so I vote we go to that pond and water fall to bathe. That is, if I can walk that far!" Kathy looked at Troy and...

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The Priceof Power

THE PRICE OF POWER Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental, others could...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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A Demonstration of Power

A DEMONSTRATION OF POWERBy VelvetgloveIntroductionFor reasons explained in my true story ‘Stranger than Fiction’, I have not been posting for a while. However, during August 2009 I began writing fiction again, including the first few chapters of ‘A Demonstration of Power’. I intend to continue posting both these stories concurrently reflecting the two sides of my persona: the velvet glove and the iron fist.This story is, of course, fiction and it is dedicated to all those brave protestors...

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Loves MastersChapter 6 Workshop of Empowerment

That Friday, right after the football camp let out at noon, I left for the Marlfield mansion and spent the night there. Saturday morning, I flew out to Knox with the twins and my parents. The girls attending the workshop wouldn’t arrive until Sunday afternoon, but there were a lot of people involved in preparing for the workshop. This wasn’t just an opportunity for my dad to have sex with them or adjust their programming. The workshop was designed to test their ability to think on their...

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Heaven and Hell II The Ways of Power

Heaven and Hell II: The Ways of Power By Maggie Finson CHAPTER 1 The damned Hellhound was laughing at me again. Slowly picking myself up off my rump after yet another failed attempt to gain some control over the wild magic I had gained access to a short time ago, I took time to rub the offended part of my anatomy and soothe my smarting tail. Then I glared at the Hound with my hands planted firmly on my wide, softly curving hips. "Am I entertaining you, Helga?" "Oh,...

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Super Powers

Super Powers By Celeste Ann Taylor Intro Jezerek and Tolqid looked down on Earth as they selected a suitable candidate to become the inheritor of vast super powers. They needed to create a successor to the recently defeated Space Minx, who had been beaten in battle by the Time Harlot herself. The two focused in on the females of earth, noting their most athletic women, the most determined sportswomen and their toughest policewomen. They found the perfect candidate Melissa...

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Madam Fatal Power

There was a male comics character in the 1940s who fought crime by cross-dressing and calling himself Madam Fatal. Here's my take on the character, the second in what will be at least a trilogy of tales. MADAM FATAL: POWER by BobH (c) 2020 Characters are the property of DC Comics. (Note: This story is a sequel to MADAM FATAL: PROWL. Images in the SWI version show what the character looks like.) - 1 - According to my informant, one of my...

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He'd done it to her again. She should have known better. The parking lot had emptied quickly once the party was over. Now, the last few people were filtering out to head home. Erika didn't know anyone, it seemed, but that was hardly surprising, under the circumstances. She felt something cold and wet strike her on the shoulder and looked up. Sure enough, she saw the bright light of the nearby streetlamp reflected from a thousand tiny, glittering drops. As if things needed to get worse. She...

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I Got The Power

She’ll do. The fair-haired one in the middle of the giggling, school-bagged, plaid-skirted trio walking home along the footpath. They are probably discussing their boyfriends in the ribald terms that girls only reveal when talking among themselves. She looks tasty. Medium height, slim, small high breasts, plump rounded bum. Too bad they make girls her age wear white ankle socks just like the juniors at the school. First thing she’ll do when she gets home is take those silly socks off. But she...

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Diablo and the 12 Swords of Power

Based on the Swords books by Fred Saberhagen mixed in with the Marvel comic book universe (616). The Gods forged the 12 swords to use in their games, planning to distribute them amongst the foolish humans and watch them lie, steal, and murder their way to power with them. The problem was their toys worked too well and even the Gods were vulnerable to them. Each sword, once drawn, has its own power and vulnerability. Coinspinner, the Sword of Chance has the power to make impossibly lucky things...

Mind Control
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A Swapped Life Chapters 1224

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 22 - 24 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Footrints In The Sea Chapters 3 and 4

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 3 & 4 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Desert and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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Anatomical Power

I feel the power. It practically consumes me. He sits, fully nude, in his favorite recliner. He leans back, his eyes closed, his lips slightly parted. All is dark, save for the moonlight passing through the thin curtains and illuminating his face. I kneel before him, between his knees, where I feel so comfortable. I am just as naked as he – unless one counts the four earrings in each ear – but I am not graced by the moonlight. My fingers gently stroke and caress and squeeze his rigid...

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A Black Womans Power

My name is Christine Lassiter Anderson. Life has a way of knocking you down when you think you’re invincible. Three years ago, I had it all. I was married to a multi-millionaire philanthropist and investment banker, and I lived in a townhouse in Boston’s Back Bay. I drove a Mercedes and I went to A-list parties. I knew actors, supermodels and top businessmen. And last but not least, I had the privilege of being a pretty-faced, blonde-haired white woman in the United States of America. Then the...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 1921

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 19 - 21 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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My cock has a superpower

I am Jake, i am a tall hunky 22 year old. I have a great muscle body and a nice 10 inch cock. There is something about my cock whoever sees it cant help themselves but get horny for me. I realized this when i went to my aunts place. I went to visit my aunt, i had recently came back from London. I decided to meet all of my family. I went to visit my aunt, Len and her son, Joshua. Len was 33, she was a total milf. She had a nice rack and a curvy body. She got pregnant when she was 16. Joshua...

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Wishes and Power

Disclaimer: The following story was written for entertainment purposes only. It contains sex; however, it is described artfully as plot a device. If this might offend you, please read no further. Furthermore, this story is dedicated to other writers in this genre who have given me so much pleasure over the years. Wishes and Power By Romances Key Long ago, there was a legend... a legend of an ancient being of power trapped in a ring. It was a story of a man who had everything -...

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Three Square MealsChapter 24 John and the girls grow closer as they discuss his powers

John stood aside to let Jade enter the room first and she smiled at him in appreciation of his gentlemanly manners, as she sashayed into the room. John followed in her wake, enjoying the view of her spectacular dark green body as her hips swayed in front of him. He smiled to himself when he saw the hand print on the perfect round curve of her bottom, the evidence of their shared lust where she had encouraged him to spank her beautiful asscheek. He stopped leering after the Nymph to look up...

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Within My Power

Within My Power A story by Rugburn This story is something of a stream of consciousness narrative. I set out to write it just wanting to see a few fun transformations and thus don’t have a strong narrative or ending in mind. If memory serves it took about an hour to write.??®Originally posted to Deviant ...

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I heard her come in and slam the door. It must have been another frustrating day at work. My wife, Michelle had taken a new job about six months ago and it had been a complete change from her previous job. The work itself was exactly what she wanted, in line with her advanced degree, with lots of theoretical problems to solve, as well as the practical ones where she adapted the research results to everyday uses. But the other employees were so hard to adjust to. They were...

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Sweet Smell of Lust Struggle For Power

Part 3 of Sweet Smell of Lust Copyright© 1995-2003 There was a young man from Lynn Whose cock was the size of a pin. Said his girl with a laugh As she felt his staff, "This won't be much of a sin." SSoL 3: I Tony held back the retort to David's latest command. It was ridicules, Virginia already held too much power, he had always thought. Instead of commenting, he simply brought up the glass of wine and took a long slow slip. He realized he more frequently had to bite his tongue...

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The girl needed help. She knew that, now. Which is why she was here. The waiting room. All so normal, exactly what she expected for a mental health counselor’s office. Ecru walls, long blue sofas and firm orange armchairs, ferns and philodendrons and rhododendrons. Drowsy clove scent in the air. The short-haired middle-aged white slightly dumpy (don’t fat-shame her don’t age-shame her) receptionist who had welcomed her in with professional courtesy but certainly hiding suspicions. Right?...

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Synopsis: To understand the true significance of her traumatic experience, college-student Laurie must undergo a radical and empowering cognitive therapy.Author: Adam Lily ([email protected])***********Dear Reader:This story delves into themes of power and race. It might be someone's stroke fiction, and that's great—let me know—but it likely won't appeal to many.So if you do like this story, please let me know. If you hate it, let me know that, too. But if want lighter fare, go elsewhere....

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Amys Power

My Name’s Amy Webber, I’m 19 Years Old and Studying Musical Theatre at University, I’m a little petite at 5’’4 My Boobs are 34 DD’s, I Have Blonde Hair Down To my shoulders and I Keep Myself Neat and shaved, and I’m Bisexual I was in secondary school when I first realised I had This special power, I Was Young And infatuated With This Popular Guy Called Dave, every girl fancied Dave and one night at this party he chose me, I Was dancing and he came up behind me and danced with me, rubbing...

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Power Power Whos Got the Power

POWER, POWER! WHO'S GOT THE POWER! By Bea I took my eyes off the road for a second. Charles sat, eyes fixed downwards, his knitting needles flashing, the ball of pink angora wool on his lap making tiny little jerks. He was becoming quite an accomplished knitter I thought. I did feel a little flash of jealousy at the sight of his small, well formed, soft hands. I mean, it's not that mine are huge or anything but it seems eminently unfair that even though he's just a little smaller...

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Emerald Princess Chapters 15 v2

Foreword: In 2016 I began posting this story, Emerald Princess, set in the Whateley Universe. Real life happened, along with a major case of writer's block, and I stalled out in the middle of Chapter 21. Several people have tried to get me to return to this since I stopped, but I just could never get my head back into the story. Finally a new friend, Chloe, badgered me enough I decided to take another look at it. As a result I have managed to finish the full novel, which is...

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 22 Firepower

Alice, Pam, Donna, Robyn, Clarisse, Gail, and Wendy trooped into the living room of Mrs. Dominic Colossi. Her mouth was hanging open at the group invasion, but the women were insistent. Alice laid out the situation regarding Amanda’s disappearance and the high likelihood that her husband was involved in a significant way. She described the scene at the brothel in Englewood to her as Dave had relayed it to her, including the chair with the ropes and what was known about her husband’s...

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Apprentice to a Power

Apprentice to a Power I'd been standing there for five minutes; a nervous staring match with the door had ensued. I finally tapped at it and stood back, expectation and fear struggling for expression. Marianne opened the door immediately and smiled. Her features were powerful; intelligent, dark blue eyes examined me from beneath perfect eyebrows. What I could see of her body beneath a sparkling, navy robe was simply beautiful. Breasts, held firmly by the powerful brassieres...

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