Demonstration of Submission
- 4 years ago
- 30
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By Velvetglove
For reasons explained in my true story ‘Stranger than Fiction’, I have not been posting for a while. However, during August 2009 I began writing fiction again, including the first few chapters of ‘A Demonstration of Power’. I intend to continue posting both these stories concurrently reflecting the two sides of my persona: the velvet glove and the iron fist.
This story is, of course, fiction and it is dedicated to all those brave protestors around the world who demonstrate against the power of an authoritarian state. My thanks to SMCyber for his input.
‘A Demonstration of Power’ is an original work of fiction and fantasy. Neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. Please do not read further if imaginary scenes of non-consensual sex, humiliation and cruelty offend you.
Copyright & Codes
This account is ? Velvetglove and no commercial use whatsoever is authorised without prior permission.
Please note codes: F/m, MF/mf, M+/f+, F+/m+, F/mf, non-consensual, heavy, serious, rape, torture, BDSM, SM, slavery, bondage, humiliation, blackmail, forced, modification, pregnant, fisting, tit torture, water sports, enema, cbt, chastity belt.
You are distractedly watching the monitors when you sit bolt upright.
That face ! You hit the rewind button excitedly, view the footage again in slow motion.
Sure enough, it really is her.
You twiddle the replay dial another time, studying each single frame, hitting the printer icon several times, making hard copies.
You smile inwardly, already feeling heat between your thighs.
You are sat alone in your small office. It’s barely more than a booth really, windowless and dark. But it is your own, private space. You have your desk, your chair, an identical guest chair, a couch by the wall and a filing cabinet in the corner.
On your desk there are four viewing monitors. They are imported, 20 inch flat screens controlled by a single keyboard. Aside from the phone and intercom, an angle-poise lamp, and a neat stack of buff files, there is nothing else.
You do not like clutter.
You study the demonstration now with renewed interest. There are several thousand of them on the streets; chanting, marching, waving their stupid, futile banners.
The faces are mostly middle class, professional; the urban elite who desire political change. Attractive faces mostly, good looking, 20s and 30s, pretty women and handsome men. Only a few have been sensible enough to wear headbands, even the occasional facemask with eyeholes. Most are bareheaded and they will be easily identified by VRS: Visual Recognition Software.
Their banners and placards say it all really; ‘Democracy’, Justice’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Individual Rights’, ‘Womens Rights’.
Above all, ‘Power to the People’.
You rock back on your wooden chair and hitch up your leather skirt. The pungent scent of unwashed sex assaults your nostrils. Musky, strong, fishy.
Your fingers descend to your greedy, already wet slit.
The only reminder of home is a framed photo standing on the filing cabinet. Your two children smile out at you. Innocent cherubs. Observing. You smile back at them as they watch their mother, your lips widening into an ‘o’ of eager anticipation.
You are only 24 years old; but you have already served 6 years in the State Police. You were recently promoted to Shift Supervisor in the Surveillance Division. It is a position in which you have demonstrated a particular aptitude.
You are dedicated, diligent, observant, motivated.
You love your authority.
To demonstrate your power.
In the streets, Topaz felt so proud. The people really were rising as one. Even the Authorities would have to take notice this time. She chanted in unison with her colleagues, marching towards Central Square.
‘Power to the People. Power to the People’.
Topaz was a student journalist, in her final year before graduation. She was wedged amongst her favourite people in the world; her fianc? Jorjo, her best friends Silky and Danno. But they were surrounded by others, to their left and right, ahead and behind, a huge throng demonstrating, peaceful but united, orderly yet determined.
She smiled. To her these were not just slogans. She really believed the world could be made a better place. If power was shared with the people, if individuals truly were allowed to be individuals ?
These were the best days of her life. Thrilling and intense. Everything was slotting into place; academically, romantically and nationally. She would have a career, a husband, and their children would grow up in a better country.
Jorjo steadied her as she stumbled.
She looked up at him gratefully. He was so strong, so protective. She always felt totally safe with him. He was 2 years older than her, 6’ 4? and strapping. She looked into his chocolate eyes, admiring his firm, stubbled jaw, his even features.
They had only been engaged for two weeks and she had obviously not made love to him. But the previous evening they had kissed and embraced for the first time, and she had felt his hardness, pressing against her body, her own nipples responding. Soon they would be married and she would finally discover what it was like.
She glanced across at Silky.
Silky was not only Topaz’s best friend, she was the nicest person you could ever meet and undoubtedly one of the most beautiful women in the entire country. Her profile was just so perfect; chin, nose, cheekbones, forehead, all in classical alignment, the archer’s bow of her two lips, yellow blonde hair rustling like silk thread as she walked and chanted.
And Danno, Silky’s husband, Jorjo’s best mate. What a neat square. Two female best friends married to two male best mates. Danno was shorter than Jorjo and less swarthy, less manly in her view, although she couldn’t deny that her friend’s husband was pretty good looking too.
Topaz was envious of her married friends. At 24, she was one of the last of her circle to stay single. Still a virgin.
For too long now she had relied on her fingers for release. Masturbation was a shameful, unspoken sin, and she felt terrible guilt every time she had succumbed to her juvenile appetites.
But at last she was about to taste the fruits of womanhood. Her pangs of impatience were nearly over. All her friends had waited too. Like Silky for example, who’d married Danno six months earlier, and was still sparkle-eyed about it, hinting lasciviously to Topaz about the carnal duties that awaited her.
Only one girl she had ever known had disobeyed the cardinal rule.
Only one girl from their school had gone with boys before marriage.
A girl named Elka.
You steady yourself before entering Interrogation Room 13.
You hear your mother’s stern voice in your ear as you always do:
‘An entrance, Elka, a woman should always make an entrance.’
You adjust your jacket: draw a deep breath. Today, you’re wearing your black State Police uniform; buttoned up leather jacket, white cotton shirt, tight black pants, leather boots. Your breasts are prominent and your waist is cinched tight. But underneath you wear no underwear; no bra, no panties.
No need.
Prisoner 13902 stares wide-eyed as you gently close the heavy door.
Immediate recognition ? Oh yes. Delightful.
She cannot speak. Her eyes move, clocking you. A pitiful moan escapes her distorted lips. Your two assistants have left her stretched, inert on the workbench. A steel spider gag holds her jaws wide apart. She is rendered immobile by shiny red leather straps round her forehead, neck, waist, wrists and ankles.
Her head cannot move. Her limbs cannot move.
But you pretend not to recognise her. You feign disinterest.
What’s she to you ? Just one more number to be processed.
You walk over to the table and pick up her file. There are two mug shots; straight-on facial and side-on profile, with 13902 superimposed in the bottom right corner. And there is one full length photo, naked but for her underwear.
It is the start of what will become a large photographic collection.
The form contains basic details you mostly know; her name, date and place of birth, height, vital stats, identity card number, parentage, relatives, education, a few other titbits.
There is a water cooler. Your pour yourself a paper cup, sip it, relishing the cold liquid as it calms you, still avoiding her pleading gaze.
Finally you turn in one smooth movement and survey her nakedness, making sure she can see the slight curl of your lip, the amusement in your feral grin. You want her to know, to feel it.
Yes - you recognise her.
No - you will not help.
She is not quite naked. Yet. Your assistants have left her simple white bra and functional cotton panties on. She clearly wasn’t planning to entertain today. Her nut-brown eyes gaze up at you, her chest rising and falling with ragged breaths.
Her tits are splendid. Her figure has all the contours of a delicate vase; jutting hip bones either side of deep valleys that flare up to a plump mons, evident under her skimpy cotton panties. Her tummy is concave, untouched by childbirth.
You smirk. Her slim waist is one of those that makes you wonder quite where a big dick is going to fit !
Her prim cotton bra still manages to present her cleavage like a fruit stall; oversized, inviting breasts that rise up like volcanoes from the flatlands of her taut ribcage.
The kind of body that only the luckiest, most undeserving girls seem to get. Her skin is a subtle shade of olive, neither dark nor pale.
Its colour contrasts beautifully with the glossy scarlet leather of the rack. The leather is perfect, oiled, ready. Her face is framed by a matching scarlet leather U block that holds her head completely still.
You stand close to the rack, inhaling her thrilling fear.
Demons dance impatiently within your talons.
You place your hands on the leather either side of her waist and lower your head to just above her bra. Then you, ever so slowly, sweep your face down her body, sniffing, studying every inch and curve, every mole and hair, the goose bumps and the olive perfection. You inhale her belly button, panties, knees, feet, toes, then travel back up her legs, hips, armpits, neck and finally her gag-stretched, petrified face.
Terror really does have its very own scent.
?Oh dear.? You eventually murmur, ever so sadly. You tut-tut your teeth. ?Topaz, isn’t it ??
Her eyes blink, nostrils open. Such a pretty, helpless face.
You smile and nod into her eyes.
?I’ll answer for you, shall I ??
But she so wants to speak, gnashing her pretty teeth against the cold steel of the gag.
?Shh ! Topaz. You’ll hurt your mouth. These gags aren’t just kinky toys. Keep still and listen.?
Oh but this is even better than you imagined. You want to go slowly, to savour this, but it’s so hard to control yourself. It’s like those stories you read online, on illicit Western websites. You have to stop your eyes scanning the text, leaping impatiently to the rude words, the crude action.
You reach out and brush her skin, just below the neck. Something like a bolt of electricity rushes along your arm, into your body, under your ribs, to the lava bubbling inside you.
She moves frantically. Less than a millimetre !
Despite desperately trying to resist, flee, jerk her head away in anger, her forehead and neck remain static.
Only her eyes can move, flicking this way and that like a tennis spectator. Her nostrils flare and her tongue flaps inside her gaping jaws. A tiny blue vein throbs in her temple with effort, disappearing under the edge of the tight strap buckled over her forehead.
You stand up and stretch. Take a deep breath. Such a simple thing. Something people do every minute of every day. Stand, stretch, inhale.
You put your hands on your hips, adopting a more businesslike pose.
It’s difficult to tell in her stressed state, but she seems prettier than you remember. Her face has matured, cheekbones refined, all hints of puppy fat gone. Above her neckline, her skin has tanned slightly darker. From marching, demonstrating, face exposed to the sun, a gentle golden glow, highlighting the white of her eyes and teeth.
?You have been arrested. For interrogation. For immediate sentence.?
You pat your jacket pocket and her eyes follow your hand.
?In here is a piece of paper already signed by the Ministry of Justice. Your punishment and its duration have been left blank.?
You give her your best gloat.
?It’s simply up to me to fill them in !?
You wallow and revel in your absolute power. You want her to see your enjoyment. It’s hard to tell with her face distorted by the gag, speechless, immobile. But you can see the jolt of stunned disbelief in her eyes, the dawning realisation that you’re not joking. Her eyes moisten.
Tears ! Already.
Of Hurt. Of Sadness. Of Shock. Of Frustration ?
Probably all of those things, and more.
But you feel no pity. Only rage. Anger with her, for sure.
And, yes. A little resentment that you are like this. Anger with yourself too. Why were you born like this ? What nature or nurture turned you into this ?
Regret ? Perhaps a little.
But guilt ? No.
You didn’t ask to be like you are, any more than a stupid person wants to be stupid, or an ugly person chooses ugliness.
Even now, deep down, you would prefer to be normal.
Nice and normal.
Nice and vanilla, preferring candlelit romance, satisfied with the love of one good man and weekly missionary sex in gentle darkness.
You remove your knife. A long handled, razor sharp switchblade.
The demon’s talon.
?Don’t worry, my dear. I’m not going to cut you. Well ? not yet.?
It is time for a change of pace.
Like the second movement of a Concerto; tempo accelerando.
?Right, let’s get started. Dim, dum, camel, dung !?
You whistle the rhyme from your childhood, dabbing the point of your knife in time to each word before selecting which side to start with.
Dim – dum – camel – dung.
You lean over and gently slice the spaghetti straps of her bra, then carve the centre where the cups are joined. You ease the cups away to reveal her magnificent tits. Even with her bra destroyed, they stand proud, so untouched, so delicious. Her nipples are soft, squashed, frightened. The label on her bra cup is a western 36D.
?Mhm.? You murmur appreciatively.
You chuckle straight into her panicky, damp eyes. You transfer your knife to your left and use your right hand to weigh her left tit. She pleads with you through her tears.
Please, even now, it’s not too late. Stop this. Pleeeease.
You squeeze it, like a melon at a market stall. Plump, firm but juicy. This variety will put up with plenty of manhandling. You knead it to and fro roughly, doing your best to let her read your evil mind.
These breasts will make a man very happy.
Columns of men, in fact.
But now not a single one of them will be her handsome fianc? !
Topaz sobbed in pain, misery, distress and futility as the uniformed woman molested her, mauling her breast.
It was Elka.
She and the other children at school had nicknamed Elka behind her back as ‘Petals’; Elka was considered to be like one of those finished roses, overblown, wet from the rain, burst petals lying on the ground.
It was a snide, local nickname used for girls who went with boys.
?Don’t worry, my dear. I’m not going to cut you. Well ? not yet.?
The words terrified her.
Now Elka had moved and was standing between her thighs, smiling down. The mechanical table Topaz was strapped onto was modern, made of sturdy steel and red leather, with dreadful buckles, knobs, motors. Her perspiring skin felt damp against the oiled leather. The lower half of the table whirred, parting like some birthing stool. She resisted but it easily pulled her bound ankles wide apart.
Elka brandished the glistening blade again and sliced. Topaz felt fabric being tugged away and then humid air on her bare pubic mound.
?Look at me.?
Topaz blinked back salty tears. Her jaws were in agony now, drool running into the back of her throat, choking her. Elka was watching her with one eye, her other examining the sliced innards of white cotton, smirking at a slight mark she’d found.
?You’ve been such a silly girl all this time.?
Then the cold tip of the knife pricked Topaz. Down there. She felt the blade nuzzling between her private lips, sliding between them. She winced but could barely move, helpless against this invasion, this further indignity.
?I mean, saving this for one man. When you could have been using it to have a good time with lots of boys at school and university.?
Topaz moaned a strangled gasp as the steel tip skated over her flesh, lower, even more humiliating, probing in between her buttocks.
?But now ??
You have handpicked them.
The State Police keeps several duty rape squads on the premises 24/7. But for this job there was only one team. The elite.
The Dragons.
Your favourites from the entire roster. It won’t take long.
Six men troop into the Interrogation Room; a cross section of the worst of male humanity. Even the most raddled, impoverished, has-been hooker would baulk at any of these guys, certainly charge double or treble.
To a virgin their physical appeal is naturally unimaginable.
You watch and, as always, admire their technique. Professionals at work. Their victims never forget but, just in case, cameras and microphones project live recordings on monitors. The grunts, slaps, swearwords and jeers are preserved forever. Sadly the stench of body odour and visceral sex will go unrecorded but it would be equally memorable.
You love the sights, smells and sounds of fucking. Watching another woman, listening to her, choosing her partners for her.
Above all, rape. Even the word thrills you. In your own language, of course, but also in English and other languages: viol, raub, violacion, violenza, panc. Like other kids learn to count to ten in foreign tongues, you learn the words for sexual violence.
Gang rape. A feast for the senses. One is not enough. The floodgates must open, the city must be properly ransacked. It is like watching a movie; the pitiful screams, open mouths as the helpless villagers try to run from the marauding invaders, trapped down blind alleys, their fates inevitable.
Each dragon has his own USP:
There is Giant, over 7 ft tall. He won the toss and takes her cherry: some rough foreplay, pleading female sobs, a brutal thrust, an agonised wail, a chorus of pitiless laughter, the job is done. The fire-breathing dragon tattooed on his enormous back rears up and dives in time with his fucking.
Next there is Dwarf, his swollen head and genitals out of all proportion to the rest of his wizened body.
Then comes the one they know as Whale, monstrously overweight, so amply girthed and unfit that he can only perform on the most beautiful victims and on a double dose of Viagra. The violent red and green sea monster drawings on his body are half buried amongst his folds of his blubbery flesh.
And Surfer; a super-fit marathon runner at 77. His full head of silver hair, slim wrinkled body and proud erection make him appear no more than 65 when he’s atop a pretty young woman.
There is T-Bird; an ebony skinned immigrant. He is like a smooth, sleek, glistening black car, chosen because of the immense size of his steering column. Even going fifth, a lady notices him reaching new parts of her garage.
And last, but by no means least, your absolute favourite. Komodo himself. He is simply the ugliest man you’ve ever seen. Every facial disfigurement, every skin blemish, every wart and pustule imaginable, every belch and stink, casts him as a sexual leper. He is always last in line simply because no other member of his squad will knowingly follow him.
Half an hour later, you are left alone with Topaz again.
An average of five minutes per man is all it took to break her in nicely.
You stand between her thighs and enjoy the river of gelatinous semen flowing out of her yawning beaver. Hers will never look quite the same again. Yes, all cunts are remarkably resilient and they recover from immense stretching and mistreatment, but a gang raped virgin pussy loses just that little je ne sais quoi forever.
The ravaged pink folds sag open and her lush untrimmed pubic hairs are sodden. Her hips are red and bruised, her big tits mottled and scratched, with a livid bite mark round one nipple.
What a spectacular way to lose your treasured virginity.
You have subjected several women to gang rape before now, but this was your masterpiece. Only the second movement in a whole concerto, but a tour de force nonetheless, full of frantic violins, rumbling bass, crashing cymbals and the percussive thud of the timpani drums.
Her eyes are shut but they fly open as you nuzzle a finger through the stream oozing steadily down into the cleft of her buttocks.
?What an enjoyable performance, my dear. Thank you. Memorable. And digitally preserved forever, for editing and enjoyment. Very few women have the chance to relive their first time. And I expect your darling Jorjo and dear friend Silky will both want to see how you finally became a woman ?!?
You burrow your index finger suggestively into her virgin anus.
?Don’t worry, my dear.? You chortle. ?We haven’t forgotten this hole either. Or that mouth. We’ll bring them all into play soon enough.?
Perhaps you should remove her gag soon ? You don’t want to bust her chops permanently.
?I expect you’re thirsty after that little workout ??
You walk over to the cabinet and remove the special funnel and a glass decanter you prepared yesterday. While the arrest warrant was being signed and the magicians were briefed, you did a little planning of your own.
The contents are dark-gold, cloudy, unctuous, like a sweet Sauternes wine. But it is anything but sweet.
You screw the funnel into the steel gag. It has a one-way valve that ensures whatever goes in, stays in. You hold the decanter close to her face so she can appreciate the sloshing nectar.
The State’s ‘magicians’ make people disappear.
Troublesome people like Topaz.
People who then reappear, naked and thirsty, on red leather worktops.
?I want you to know what you’re drinking.? You tell her. ?Just open your throat and let it trickle down the hatch. You can’t stop it so don’t try. It’s piss.?
Her eyes bug as her fears are confirmed. You love that look of total disgust.
?Mostly mine.? You chuckle. ?A taste I promise that you’ll get to know well.?
You swirl the contents, releasing the ammoniac vapours. Time to pour.
?Bottoms up.? You giggle. ?Oops. Maybe that later.?
You can smell its sharp odour as you ever-so-slowly tip the decanter.
Mmm. Drinking piss will seem likes child’s play to her soon enough, but for now it produces the reaction you want. Her almond eyes burst like garden sprinklers with bitter tears running down her temples and into her dark hair.
You smile, allowing her a little time to recover, letting her glimpse your delight. You linger, holding back while she gasps and swallows, then tip some more.
Bit by bit by bitter drop.
No rush.
There will be so much more like this. Long days of fun. Trying new ideas. New torments and humiliations, stretching beyond the horizon like an endless scorched desert.
The best part is that there are no comebacks. Topaz is yours.
You have the full protection of the State. Above all, the Chief of Police, and his half-brother the Justice Minister.
You can do just as you like. No limits. For as long as you like.
And within a few weeks Topaz will realise that. Know that. In her soul. But she will never accept it.
And that knowledge will drive her stark-staring mad.
Topaz belched a plume of acidic air up through her gag as a trickle of recycled vomit burned back down her throat, making her choke yet again.
Every time she retched the bile erupted out of her and splashed against the regulator in the funnel. Nothing escaped and gravity drove the bitter fluid into her mouth again. Each time she swallowed a little more.
She wanted to shout, to scream, to throw her body about, to keen with grief, shame, and a million other scrambled emotions.
But all she could see was Elka’s grin.
The curl of her lip, the whiteness of her teeth, that confident, bullying snarl. Elka had been pretty at school. In an overt, Western-actress way. But now she looked like a cinema poster of Lady Dracula outside the local fleapit.
Exhausted, she watched out of the corner of her eye, totally shattered, as Elka carefully put the funnel and empty decanter away, humming a tune, then returned and stood in the gap between her legs, hands on hips, grinning.
Topaz felt fingers exploring her disgusting, soiled vagina, a fingernail pinching her labia, tugging the flap open.
Then she heard her mocking voice again.
?Now, how about another six ??
Round Two is more leisurely.
A second rape team, much younger and more high-spirited than the first.
In this country it is hard for unmarried lads in their late teens and early twenties, lustful but single, to sow a few wild oats. Only very scarce ‘petals’ like you, and a few rancid overpriced hookers authorised by the State, are prepared to put out without attaining the exalted status of ‘wife’.
These boys have no shame or embarrassment. They are excited and proud of their hard, oiled bodies when they walk into the room, shoulders back, six-pack abdomens, veined erections jutting and bobbing like batons.
They pose first for a pre-match team photo. Topaz will be admired and masturbated over second and third hand by their friends, posted furtively on networking sites, her image lost into the ether.
?Okay guys, shoot !?
They aren’t fussy about the state she’s in, even though fucking her cunt is increasingly like stirring porridge.
Her tits gyrate on her chest as the lads hammer away, but like spinning tops they always seem to bounce up and right themselves with the firmness of youth.
You mechanically adjust the rack, lowering her shoulders and head, raising her hips, parting and elevating her legs as far as humanly possible, so they can deeply penetrate her. There is a puddle on the concrete floor beneath her now; glutinous sperm and streaks of blood mingle with the final traces of her lost innocence.
Then you switch on the responsiveness program. The rack bucks violently once each second, bouncing her hips up and down, driving her cunt to answer their equally savage thrusts in a brutal rhythm. It’s remarkable, really. All those years of inactive virginity and all of a sudden a cunt just starts working.
A healthy young woman can take a lot of physical sex. Provided men support most of their own weight, the female body is designed to provide hours of fun. You know that it’s really only the mental part of sex they have a problem with. Give them one partner in the first flush of a relationship and they will happily fuck him for an hour.
But give them a dozen strangers for five minutes each and they won’t be happy about that same hour at all.
Silly, when you think about it. Illogical.
Her eyes are red, open but unseeing, and her face is flecked with foam. She is simply a bouncing cum receptacle. The sixth boy is finishing, his frantic thrustings and urgent grunts signalling the end of the second round.
You adjust the rack so her right leg is stretched high in the air, the left lowered, so he can shoot his wad at a new angle. Another lad leans in to film his mate’s cock pounding her close up, recording the twitching of his balls as he unloads into her cesspit.
They all pose for a similar ‘after-photo’ holding their rejuvenating glasses of fruit juice, wearing big sheepish grins and absolutely nothing else.
?Bye, Topaz. Nice meeting ya.?
?I’m going to jack myself off for weeks thinking about you darling.?
?I’ll keep an eye out for Jorjo and tell him how great his fianc? is.?
?I hope we can do that again some time.?
?Of course you can.? You reassure them with a laugh, seeing them out.
After they’ve left, you stand behind her head, where she can’t see you, and finger yourself through your opened zip. Her destruction has turned you on to the point you can no longer wait. Your climax explodes within a few, gasping seconds.
In a couple of days time, you’ll ride her face of course, her nose your pommel and her tongue your saddle, but for now a hurried, silent, dextrous release is all you require.
You peer down over the top of the red U block framing her red, glistening face.
?Good news. I think that’s about it for your first day.?
You unlock, unclip and slowly remove her steel gag. Her jaws stay fixed, wide open, seemingly dislocated. There is blood on her teeth and gums. Very slowly she starts moving her chin fractionally, grimacing in pain.
?Don’t try to talk yet.? You tell her, planting your finger over her mouth.
?Just listen to me. I’m going to leave you alone for a while. To rest.?
You remove your hand slowly.
?And to think. You see, you have just experienced the best afternoon of the rest of your life.?
You smile down, waiting for her to absorb your words. Your face is upside down to her. She blinks, stares, eyes trying to focus. You look for recognition, comprehension.
The best afternoon of the rest of her life.
You want her to understand that it’s downhill from here ! A dozen men and a bellyful of piss are just a barrel of laughs.
A mere demonstration of demonic possibilities.
You make sure she hears your generous tone.
?But ??
This is your killer offer. The least of evils.
? ? you can ??
You linger on the word, suggesting hope.
?? save yourself the worst.?
Her eyes widen, her cracked lower lip trembles as if trying to speak.
?Ssh. Later will be fine. I want you to think of ten names. Ten of your best friends and family who plot and agitate alongside you. And I would like your confession that you, and they, are all guilty.?
She looks transfixed, head still motionless, but her eyes dart about. You know she has understood. It is a delicious moment.
?Tch ? b ?? she utters a few sounds.
?Don’t worry.? You smile kindly. ?We know who they all are anyway. But ?,? you shrug, ?? after all, you know, a bit of extra evidence never goes amiss.?
Another few tears somehow appear in her mad, red-rimmed eyes.
You smile, raising your head, leaving her, giving one final bit of advice.
?If I don’t have ten names tomorrow morning, then I will happily demonstrate to you just how terrible your future will be.?
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A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Twin Sister Seduced into Incestuous Power By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke trembled as she knelt before her son, offering herself up as a sacrifice to buy time to allow more people of the Institute to evacuate. She hoped they wouldn't get ensnared by her son's mind-control powers. Already, the poor twins, Mindy and Cindy, knelt before him, the two eighteen-year-old...
The Karitons, Ascikeans and Verxik where three distinct species who had mastered many exceptional technologies. They created an organization called the Ascension Collective. All three where like minded in their curiosity as well as there boredom. The Karitons seemed like the most responsible, they came from the distant future. Right before the end of the universe they traveled back in time to discover the first highly advanced species. The Ascikeans the most mischievous, they come...
He was fabulously wealthy and had a beautiful young wife. He also had hidden powers I could never have dreamed of, powers that would change my life completely. POWERS by BobH (c) 2018 - 1 - It was Plato's 'Republic' that did it. As usual I was working the six-'til-midnight shift at the gas station on Highway 5, a dozen or so miles outside the town of...
Andy was smiling down at me as I struggled to awaken. She handed me a cup of coffee and fluffed the pillows behind my back, gently touching my arm in loving tenderness as I sat up. Mary entered, giving me a quick look to determine if she dared risking talking to me. Seeing no negative feelings in my face, she quickly told me everything was in order, including clothes packed for me and in the Suburban. “I want a shower. And, I need to care for Cathy before we leave,” I said. “I will get her...
Hi there. My name is Vi and I'm 35 years old. I work in advertising and promotions and have made it fairly high up the corporate ladder. I wouldn't say I'm terribly smart but suffice to say I'm smart enough to get where I am with my limited skills. I had lost my virginity at 18. I don't even remember the guy that took it away. All I remember was that I got a little drunk at a party and went to rest in one of the rooms. I remember being half awake as some guy started feeling me up. I was too...
THE PRICE OF POWER Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental, others could...
Deidre Icke trembled as she knelt before her son, offering herself up as a sacrifice to buy time to allow more people of the Institute to evacuate. She hoped they wouldn’t get ensnared by her son’s mind-control powers. Already, the poor twins, Mindy and Cindy, knelt before him, the two sixteen-year-old girls staring up at him. Deidre squeezed her tits, fingers kneading her large tits. She was naked, a collar about her throat, a leash dangling behind her. “Watch and understand the truth,...
Now to show that I can be a god! When Eve, the weather witch, could stop laughing, she was sitting where I told her. I had distracted her to the point that she stopped pushing more energy into the hurricane she sent toward the island. “Thank you, Eve,” I told her. “Relax. You are done for today. If you piss me off, you will be done forever, destined to look your age as you wait for eternity, unless someone kills you first.” “You arrogant little bastard, David, do you think you are a god or...
Heaven and Hell II: The Ways of Power By Maggie Finson CHAPTER 1 The damned Hellhound was laughing at me again. Slowly picking myself up off my rump after yet another failed attempt to gain some control over the wild magic I had gained access to a short time ago, I took time to rub the offended part of my anatomy and soothe my smarting tail. Then I glared at the Hound with my hands planted firmly on my wide, softly curving hips. "Am I entertaining you, Helga?" "Oh,...
Super Powers By Celeste Ann Taylor Intro Jezerek and Tolqid looked down on Earth as they selected a suitable candidate to become the inheritor of vast super powers. They needed to create a successor to the recently defeated Space Minx, who had been beaten in battle by the Time Harlot herself. The two focused in on the females of earth, noting their most athletic women, the most determined sportswomen and their toughest policewomen. They found the perfect candidate Melissa...
There was a male comics character in the 1940s who fought crime by cross-dressing and calling himself Madam Fatal. Here's my take on the character, the second in what will be at least a trilogy of tales. MADAM FATAL: POWER by BobH (c) 2020 Characters are the property of DC Comics. (Note: This story is a sequel to MADAM FATAL: PROWL. Images in the SWI version show what the character looks like.) - 1 - According to my informant, one of my...
He'd done it to her again. She should have known better. The parking lot had emptied quickly once the party was over. Now, the last few people were filtering out to head home. Erika didn't know anyone, it seemed, but that was hardly surprising, under the circumstances. She felt something cold and wet strike her on the shoulder and looked up. Sure enough, she saw the bright light of the nearby streetlamp reflected from a thousand tiny, glittering drops. As if things needed to get worse. She...
EroticShe’ll do. The fair-haired one in the middle of the giggling, school-bagged, plaid-skirted trio walking home along the footpath. They are probably discussing their boyfriends in the ribald terms that girls only reveal when talking among themselves. She looks tasty. Medium height, slim, small high breasts, plump rounded bum. Too bad they make girls her age wear white ankle socks just like the juniors at the school. First thing she’ll do when she gets home is take those silly socks off. But she...
Based on the Swords books by Fred Saberhagen mixed in with the Marvel comic book universe (616). The Gods forged the 12 swords to use in their games, planning to distribute them amongst the foolish humans and watch them lie, steal, and murder their way to power with them. The problem was their toys worked too well and even the Gods were vulnerable to them. Each sword, once drawn, has its own power and vulnerability. Coinspinner, the Sword of Chance has the power to make impossibly lucky things...
Mind ControlI feel the power. It practically consumes me. He sits, fully nude, in his favorite recliner. He leans back, his eyes closed, his lips slightly parted. All is dark, save for the moonlight passing through the thin curtains and illuminating his face. I kneel before him, between his knees, where I feel so comfortable. I am just as naked as he – unless one counts the four earrings in each ear – but I am not graced by the moonlight. My fingers gently stroke and caress and squeeze his rigid...
That afternoon, once I was safely back in the office, it all hit me. I was overcome by fear, guilt and an awful case of anxiety, an anxiety that I have since discovered never really leaves you once you find yourself in a position of true blackmail. The facts are simple. Blackmail will make you cry. You’ll be frightened out of your wits. It’s just not like the fantasies I was imagining before I initiated my meeting with Tay. These days I jump every time my phone rings and my heart skips a beat...
My name is Christine Lassiter Anderson. Life has a way of knocking you down when you think you’re invincible. Three years ago, I had it all. I was married to a multi-millionaire philanthropist and investment banker, and I lived in a townhouse in Boston’s Back Bay. I drove a Mercedes and I went to A-list parties. I knew actors, supermodels and top businessmen. And last but not least, I had the privilege of being a pretty-faced, blonde-haired white woman in the United States of America. Then the...
I am Jake, i am a tall hunky 22 year old. I have a great muscle body and a nice 10 inch cock. There is something about my cock whoever sees it cant help themselves but get horny for me. I realized this when i went to my aunts place. I went to visit my aunt, i had recently came back from London. I decided to meet all of my family. I went to visit my aunt, Len and her son, Joshua. Len was 33, she was a total milf. She had a nice rack and a curvy body. She got pregnant when she was 16. Joshua...
Disclaimer: The following story was written for entertainment purposes only. It contains sex; however, it is described artfully as plot a device. If this might offend you, please read no further. Furthermore, this story is dedicated to other writers in this genre who have given me so much pleasure over the years. Wishes and Power By Romances Key Long ago, there was a legend... a legend of an ancient being of power trapped in a ring. It was a story of a man who had everything -...
Within My Power A story by Rugburn This story is something of a stream of consciousness narrative. I set out to write it just wanting to see a few fun transformations and thus don’t have a strong narrative or ending in mind. If memory serves it took about an hour to write.??®Originally posted to Deviant ...
I heard her come in and slam the door. It must have been another frustrating day at work. My wife, Michelle had taken a new job about six months ago and it had been a complete change from her previous job. The work itself was exactly what she wanted, in line with her advanced degree, with lots of theoretical problems to solve, as well as the practical ones where she adapted the research results to everyday uses. But the other employees were so hard to adjust to. They were...
Part 3 of Sweet Smell of Lust Copyright© 1995-2003 There was a young man from Lynn Whose cock was the size of a pin. Said his girl with a laugh As she felt his staff, "This won't be much of a sin." SSoL 3: I Tony held back the retort to David's latest command. It was ridicules, Virginia already held too much power, he had always thought. Instead of commenting, he simply brought up the glass of wine and took a long slow slip. He realized he more frequently had to bite his tongue...
The girl needed help. She knew that, now. Which is why she was here. The waiting room. All so normal, exactly what she expected for a mental health counselor’s office. Ecru walls, long blue sofas and firm orange armchairs, ferns and philodendrons and rhododendrons. Drowsy clove scent in the air. The short-haired middle-aged white slightly dumpy (don’t fat-shame her don’t age-shame her) receptionist who had welcomed her in with professional courtesy but certainly hiding suspicions. Right?...
Synopsis: To understand the true significance of her traumatic experience, college-student Laurie must undergo a radical and empowering cognitive therapy.Author: Adam Lily ([email protected])***********Dear Reader:This story delves into themes of power and race. It might be someone's stroke fiction, and that's great—let me know—but it likely won't appeal to many.So if you do like this story, please let me know. If you hate it, let me know that, too. But if want lighter fare, go elsewhere....
My Name’s Amy Webber, I’m 19 Years Old and Studying Musical Theatre at University, I’m a little petite at 5’’4 My Boobs are 34 DD’s, I Have Blonde Hair Down To my shoulders and I Keep Myself Neat and shaved, and I’m Bisexual I was in secondary school when I first realised I had This special power, I Was Young And infatuated With This Popular Guy Called Dave, every girl fancied Dave and one night at this party he chose me, I Was dancing and he came up behind me and danced with me, rubbing...
POWER, POWER! WHO'S GOT THE POWER! By Bea I took my eyes off the road for a second. Charles sat, eyes fixed downwards, his knitting needles flashing, the ball of pink angora wool on his lap making tiny little jerks. He was becoming quite an accomplished knitter I thought. I did feel a little flash of jealousy at the sight of his small, well formed, soft hands. I mean, it's not that mine are huge or anything but it seems eminently unfair that even though he's just a little smaller...
Apprentice to a Power I'd been standing there for five minutes; a nervous staring match with the door had ensued. I finally tapped at it and stood back, expectation and fear struggling for expression. Marianne opened the door immediately and smiled. Her features were powerful; intelligent, dark blue eyes examined me from beneath perfect eyebrows. What I could see of her body beneath a sparkling, navy robe was simply beautiful. Breasts, held firmly by the powerful brassieres...
This is purely a work of fiction….*wink* Or is it?```````````````````````````````As the fury of the storm built, she looked again at the deceptively simplecard gracing her palm.Do you have any idea how crazy this is?""Do you think I have any choice? This will make me a major league playerat twenty-six. There is no way in heaven or hell I will pass it up. In theworld in which I grew up, dirt poor would have been a step up in life and Iwill never go back to that. Not now… not ever. This is the...
Prelude In a downtown tenement of San Francisco, Lena, a 16 year old girl sat on her bed, head in hands with her long straight brown hair hanging down like a curtain, obscuring her face and the tears on her cheeks. The events of the past two days had turned her world upside- down. The blazing row with her parents in the mall had started it when she had flung her arms out in anger and frustration. The catastrophic results of this action had demolished a shop on one side and had taken out the...
"There it is, at long last!" I exclaim, as my eyes set sight on a lone statue in the centre of the chamber. It was surprisingly well lit by the rays of light seeping in from cracks in the ceiling. I scan the area for any obvious traps, and after considering the month long journey it took to get here from the capital it seems like dying at the foot of success would be an ironic way to go. Cautiously, I walk down the path, passing the marble pillars that held high above. My reflection painted...
TranssexualThis is an original work of TG Fiction intended for adult audiences. If you are under 18 years, go away and come back when you are. Any resemblance to real persons is entirely purposeful for which the author accepts all responsibility. Many thanks to Femur for a very generous and thorough review and edit that helped improve the final work and prevented much grammatical embarrassment. *---*---*---*---* Altered Fates - POWER ...
You are Louis, a male at the age of 24. Your whole life weird things have been happening to you. Until a couple years ago you couldn't quite understand how or why. All your life you would get into unusual sexual situations. When you were in high school you were really popular among girls and you never found it hard to get someone. You only realized in college that you have powers unlike anyone else. You can influence people, stop time, become invisible, and have whatever you are doing seem...
FantasyWelcome! In this story, you will follow one or more characters who wake up one morning to find that they have superpowers! The branches will be generally quite grounded, so don’t come into this expecting people to start hurling black holes at each other but what you can expect will be outlined at the beginning of every branch. Whether it is gritty or more light hearted will depend on the branch in question. The powers come from an unknown source and can be explained by an author if they so...
The Skate Park---Transfer of PowerMornings at the sk8t park were always the best. Still lots of tree shade, but in the summer, still hot as fuck by noon. I was surprised at how many of the guys showed up---it was kinda short notice. Dustin and Kelso were sk8tin around the short track. I was just hangin on the table, waiting for the rest of the guys.Finally they were all there---I gave out a loud and hard whistle---lots of dudes were so jealous cause I could do that. We all were assembled now....
Testing Mom’s Will PowerBy ReebThe summer of 2011 started out as the hottest ever of my seventeen years of life so far. We live in a rural Pennsylvania community so the summers can be very hot and humid but I am referring to the intense sexual heat created by my raging teenage hormones. At this age, all I can think about is having sex and in my case lately, with the most beautiful woman in my world, my mom.I cannot help myself as I feel the strong need to masturbate numerous times a day, at...
Incest“I hate snow!” I muttered to myself as I walked up the steps to my apartment building, placing the key in the door lock and letting myself in.As I walked up the three flights of stairs, the lights began to flicker. “Great, this is all I fuckin need,” I yelled, not caring who heard. I placed my briefcase on the floor in front of my door, and unlocked the door and deadbolt. I walked in, tossed my bag and briefcase on the couch, and headed for the kitchen.I picked up the evening paper off of the...
ReluctanceI was bent over a spanking bench with my arms tied behind my back. In front of me was Naksh, seated in a chair and naked. His huge monster cock was 10 inches down my throat. I was sucking and slurping so passionately. I love Naksh’s big cock. Garima had spanked my butt for 300 swats with a large wooden paddle. My poor butt was sore. Nuzla had shoved a vibrating dildo so deep in my ass that she could not get it back out. She tried to grab it and wanted me to push, but I was too ass-full to push....
Gay Male"You little fool! You thought you could defeat the most powerful being on earth!" Jafar shouted as he strangled Aladdin. "Without the genie, boy, you're nothing!" "The genie has more power than you'll ever have!" Aladdin struggled to get out. "What!!" "He gave you your power, he can take it away!" "Al, what are you doing? Why are you bringing me into this?" The Genie asked. "Face it, Jafar, you're still just second best!" Aladdin continued. "You're right! His power does exceed my own! But not...
Mind ControlYou are Terra, a woman in her mid-twenties. You have shoulder length red hair and freckles to match, though mostly faded due to taking care of your skin. You're fairly attractive, though single, and you have a B cup bust and a fit bubble butt. No one would ever really say you've got big assets but it's not like you're exactly a stick. You are kind of a nerd, or at least you were but now you don't have as much time to indulge in nerdy things. Except maybe once a week or two. "Nat 20! It's a...
FantasyThroughout history men and woman have done whatever necessary to gain as much power and influence as possible in their lifetime. From the all powerful one percent, using their unstoppable influence to use the world as their personal playground to those with much less power but use what little they have to wreck havoc on others. Now its your turn to create or follow the adventures of those who use their power to use and claim those weaker or gullible then them. Choose the path you wish to take...
What a time to find out you have powers. Forty years old. Don't ask me how it happened, why or what, because I don't know. My parents don't have any powers that I know of, nor anyone else in my family. Me, some months after my fortieth birthday I woke up after a poor night's sleep to discover that I was covered in fur! I panicked and desperately wished it would go away, and it did. I lay back, relaxed, and put it down to a lucid dream. But I was curious. I tried experimenting. ...
She told me she had super powers. I did not believe her. I laughed. ‘You are a woman. You are weak. I am a man. I am strong.’ I looked at her 5’4′, 115 pound frame. ‘Do you want to see super powers from a super man?’ I raised my arm and flexed my bicep. Proud of the strength of my body and the muscles that I possessed, if anyone was super powerful, it was me, not her. Unrelenting and confident in her abilities, she stood her ground, smiled, and felt the hardness of my muscle. ‘Yes, you are...
Ava had been in the waiting room for only twenty minutes before she started fidgeting. She picked at the invisible lint on her skirt, and every couple seconds she would straighten it. Her eyes kept glancing around the room, and she grew more and more embarrassed as the time ticked on. She couldn’t figure out why she was the one sitting in the waiting room of a sex therapist office. Will was the one that had been having the affairs. ‘Surely, he should be here discussing his issues with...
CuckoldTHE MONK'S POWER How I got there The Monastery Janan Marish's story The Tour Jakeed What Next Marish's Gift Dalark The Omni My memory returns The Master's Death The Monk's Power How I got there As I slowly woke up, several realizations occurred to me at the same time. I was freezing although I was covered with heavy coverings and didn't even have my face exposed to the frigid mountain air. I also hurt all over and knew that my body had been badly...
July 10, 1992, Chicago and Glencoe, Illinois “Be very careful, Tiger,” Jessica said on Friday afternoon. “I will,” I said. “I just want answers to my questions.” “Will you be able to trust those answers?” “That’s a good question,” I said. “All I can do is see what she has to say, if anything.” “You said that her dad thought she’d talk to you.” “But he wasn’t completely sure. She didn’t tell him ‘no’ outright. It’s as we discussed - she’s an emotionally immature seventeen-year-old. Jesse...
It was night at my house and I was yet again with a book in my hands. I have always been smart loving math, physics and stuff but I never stopped to actually study anything. In my free time I usually was reading something science fiction fantasy and such. I’m 18 and in school anything that interested me was always easy to understand. In the start or at most middle of the explanation I already had the rest figured out. When everyone was doing the second exercise I had finished. But even then I...
After a long and arduous day of training and learning at the hand of the Sorcerer Supreme, Wanda wandered the countless lines of dusty, three metre high bookshelves in the Sanctum’s library. She wasn’t hardly ever looking for anything in particular, Wanda just took whatever old text happened to catch her eye. Today her wandering gaze finally landed on a thin, hardback book in a deep shade of red. Removing it carefully from the shelf, she read its title. Seitekina Chikara. Two words Wand managed...
There are evil things in this world. Things both dark and foul that man was not meant to know. Magics forbidden to all but the most crazed or foolish, for they deal in things most civilized men find distasteful... corrupt, or entirely evil. Despite this, there are many who seek these arts, convinced that mastering the spells and rituals of the forbidden arts will make them more powerful than their peers. This is a tale of one of them. Her name is Asharra Valaar... though that name is one of her...
Phillip went into the kitchen, looking for a snack and a drink before he had to meet Ann Marie in the Danger Room for a training session. He had just finished a different kind of training session with the Professor. The Professor had scanned Phillip mentally again and when they were done the Professor said that he put some blockers in Phillip's mind so that he wouldn't feel so much pain upon manifestation of his powers. He told Phillip that he expected him to do the hard work required to...
Frank got out of bed just like he did any other day. The sun was already shining through his cheap, half-broken blinds through his window, bathing the room in soft light. He rubbed his eyes, yawned and staggered towards the small kitchenette that was on the other side of his drab, studio apartment. After starting up his coffee machine and throwing some instant oatmeal in the microwave he noticed a strange envelope on his kitchen counter. Printed neatly on the envelope was his full name and...
Mind ControlSome examples of the Items that might appear in the reality of your choice: Ring of 3: A golden ring with three emeralds. When worn you can change a person through the use of a three word phrase. A person can only be changed three times before they are immune to further uses of the ring, however any transformations are then permanent. Reality Remote: Alter reality through the use of a remote control. Tainted Cube: The power within a Cosmic Cube allows whoever wields it to literally reshape...
Mind ControlA Quest for Power AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story will consist of multiple chapters, its length will depend on howmuch reader feedback I get (i.e. how many people are enjoying the story) andhow many ideas I have (although readers feel free to send me ideas, I quiteoften use them in plot lines). Since the codes for the story have to be predetermined before the story isposted (and I can't change them with each new chapter) I guessed at what codesI will be incorporating. I apologize if the code you...
In the ancient and dangerous realm of Hythoria many races of sentient and mindless creatures dwelled together in a turbulent coexistence. In the massive continent there were several petty kingdoms that had been carved out in the sprawling expanse, but the largest three were divided between the kingdom of Vitrainia, which was ruled by the race of Men and their warmonger King, the kingdom of Exonia, ruled by the cold and indifferent Elves and their Queen, and the large swath of Wastelands that...
FantasyIt’s been a long day and you are tired. So tired that after dinner you go to bed early, hoping for a nice, long, relaxing sleep and maybe a pleasant dream as well. Within minutes you are sound asleep… You blink a couple of times, wondering what sort of weird dream you’re having. You are surrounded by darkness in every direction, with no light visible, yet you are able to see your own body. “Well, it is a dream…” You tell yourself as you stand there, completely naked. Then a woman emerges from...
FantasyIf I had known how things might turn out from my position now beneath Tay, I would have pushed her foot away that was still pressing painfully on the side of my cheek grinding my face further into the dirt. Pushed her foot away, stood up, and marched straight back to my education department with a full report on how she had assaulted me. I would have recommended her immediate expulsion and had her file re-opened, the same file that the Board had examined when it recommended her re-instatement...