The Priceof Power
- 3 years ago
- 35
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This is purely a work of fiction….*wink* Or is it?
As the fury of the storm built, she looked again at the deceptively simplecard gracing her palm.
Do you have any idea how crazy this is?"
"Do you think I have any choice? This will make me a major league playerat twenty-six. There is no way in heaven or hell I will pass it up. In theworld in which I grew up, dirt poor would have been a step up in life and Iwill never go back to that. Not now… not ever. This is the guaranteed,paid-in-full deed to the life I want. No fuck that… to the life I deserves."
Midnight eyes looked over a slim shoulder to capture the uncomprehendinggaze of her petit blond friend eyes. Then as understanding bloomed there wasonly one emotion alive in those frozen eyes: shock.
Panthea, voice became even deeper, stronger with eye's blazing as she lether true self be seen fully….
"A chance like this only comes once in a life time… no in a thousand life
times…this is mine…nothing in this world or any other is going
to take it away from me. Just let them try"
Just as she spoke the words the building shook with the furry of the storm…
Outside the storm that had been building broke loose, Lightning filled theskies. Bolt after bold striking lightning rods throughout the city. Thunderfilled the night sky bouncing off the walls of glass, chrome and concrete.Then a bolt struck the weather vain atop the Athens Apartment building. Thevoice of the storm, raised in laughter, shook the world to its core… asthe winds whispered "done…."
Whispers in dark conference rooms were all she had heard. The wealthiestprivately owed company in the world. No one knew exactly when it had startedor where. What was known was its influence reached into every corner of theworld. Invitations from Presidents, Kings and Emperors had all been turnedaway. What was also known was that the top echelon of the company was almostexclusively woman.
For that reason some thought the owner had to be a woman for other's it wasproof it was a man. For Panthea it was opportunity knocking. Sitting in thedark cook interior of the limo her head rested against the buttery softnessof the leather seat, unblinking eyes looking neither left or right as the worldpassed by. Slowly she let her eyes close as the memories flooded her mind….Inher hand the business card, with the deceptively simple logo of the bulls horns,nothing else printed on the card but across the logo a hand written note. Thisis a one time offer, if you choose to act upon it there is no turning back.Be at the Airport at two p.m. Monday. ~ A.M.
She'd had no clue where she was going, had in fact expected a short shuttleflight to maybe D.C. The private flight had touched down eleven hours laterin Athens Greece. She had been escorted through customs by a military detachment.They had greeted her with respect, not asked for an ID let alone her passportwhich was good since she didn't even have one, then onto a smaller jet whichtook off with little fanfare landing a short time later on the island of Crete.The limo and driver had been waiting.
The car slowed to a stop at the gates, high walls kept all prying eyes at bay.Silently the gate slid smoothly open and the car moved forward.
She stood outside the doors where her escort had brought her. The rude oldwoman gave out a small cackle…
"Through those doors you stupid cow. He was given notice of your arrival and
is waiting."
The far wall was floor to ceiling windows all covered by heavy drapes thatlet little of the morning light in. She wanted to go over and open them allthe way. The room itself was totally masculine, deep dark rich mahogany, softblack leathers. At first she thought she was totally alone, then she felt it,eyes from the deepest shadows. His voice was low and deep.
"Panthea, do you accept the challenge?"
Her answer clear and precise, "Yes"
"Good… very good….Welcome Panthea, I'm glad you decided to accept
my humble invitation. May I introduce myself? I am The Minotaur, Owner and CEO
of Minotaur Industries…"
Nothing could have prepared her for the site of him as he stepped out of theworld of shadows. He was at least seven foot tall long powerful, heavily muscledlegs and arms. His chest a muscled wall rippling with each movement. Naked,his body is covered in a thick black fur. His head is that of a bull sportinglong sharp horns. His eyes as red as fire. His balls heavy, full, his cockhard and unsheathed…
"Welcome to my Labyrinth." His laugher became a part of the echoing laughter
that filled her world as a single voice called out. 'The betting is now closed… Let
the games begin" It was the last thing she heard as she felt the world fall out
from beneath her feet…falling… falling… falling… then
she felt nothing at all…
"Miss..Miss… " opening her eyes, Panthea realized she had fallen asleep
during the short trip. Her sleep plagued with the strangest dreams…
Stepping from the limo the sight that greeted her eyes was one which spokeof money and Old World elegance. Even the stables off in the distance toldthe story. Following the driver she enters the main hall of the home to begreeted by one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen.
She stood outside the doors where her escort had brought her. The gorgeouswoman gave out just a small merry laugh…
"Through those doors my dear.. He was given notice of your arrival and is waiting."
The far wall was floor to ceiling windows all covered by heavy drapes thatlet little of the morning light in. She wanted to go over and open them allthe way. The room itself was totally masculine, deep dark rich mahogany, softblack leathers. At first she thought she was totally alone, then she felt it,eyes from the deepest shadows. His voice was low and deep as the uncomfortablefeeling of déjà vu filled her world
"Panthea, do you accept the challenge?"
Her answer was clear and precise, "Yes"
"Good… very good….Welcome Panthea, I'm glad you decided to accept
my humble invitation. May I introduce myself? I am Adrian Minotaur, Owner and
CEO of Minotaur Industries…"
Nothing could have prepared her for the site of him as he stepped out of theworld of shadows. He was at least six foot tall long powerful, heavily muscledlegs and arms. His chest a muscled wall rippling with each movement. He worenothing but a pair of shorts. His olive skin covered in a film of perspiration.His dark dangerous looks could easily have been a throw back to the Greek Gods.
"Forgive my appearance, I was just finishing up with a game when I was informed
of your arrival Welcome to my home". White teeth shown in the smile he gave as
he laughingly said, "My Labyrinth."
Her every need was met even before she had the need to voice it to his staff.It was a lifestyle she could easily become accustom to. During the followingweek, she spent hours in his company. They talked of everything from worldpolitics to New York Times Best Seller list. Her quick whit and keen intelligencewas apparent with every word she spoke. Throughout the days and nights shenever lost sight that each spoken word was being weighed and measured. He wasjudging her worth to his company even though not once had mention of MinotaurIndustries been mentioned.
Tonight was going to be different though. She had felt it all day. He had cometo some kind of decision. She had seen that much in his eyes. Unfortunately,beyond that she didn't have a clue what it was. He had asked her to join himin his private dinning room on the second floor tonight.
Adrian look out to the sea as he stood on the marbled balcony. As the verylast rays of the sun slipped beyond the horizon, his arms spread wide palmsopen facing the night sky.
As she came into the dimly lit room, she could see him standing out on thebalcony . His body and the tree beyond silhouetted by the last dying rays ofthe hot Mediterranean sun. The illusion it created was eerily familiar. Heappeared taller… stronger… She couldn't help the small laughas the though accorded to her that he appeared to have horns…
With the last words of his evening prayer finding flight, Adrian turned andre-entered the room. Walking on silent feet he passes her with out a glanceand walks to the bar, opens a bottle pours a deep amber drink into a glassand goes back to stand before the window where he sips his drink lost in thought.
Panthea is slightly annoyed at his lack of manners but knows better than toshow it.
"Why do you suppose people think that just because they stop believing, we stop
existing, changing, playing, fighting, lusting, living, dying…evolving.
Why is it they think they know the truths behind the myths?"
She could tell by the inflection of the words that his question was mererhetoric but she could hear something in his voice, a subtle deepening.
"For the last week I have watched and sat in judgment upon you. You are gifted.
You have a quick mind and inner strength but you are blinded by your greed. It
feeds your strength with the will power to move mountains but in the end it will
cost you everything."
He turned to look at her. The glass in his hand shattered into a shower ofshards. His hand bled freely on the ancient carpet beneath his feet.
"You have been given the chance to turn your back on this three times. The rules
of our game say that you must enter into this with total and complete free will….so
this is the last time I will ask and the last chance you will ever be given the
chance to walk away. Do you accept the challenge of the Minotaur?"
Panthea stood rooted to the floor. This was it. The offer to step into theworld of Minotaur Industries not as a pawn but as a Queen. She had for daysfelt the power radiate off Adrian Minotaur. It bathed Him in an aura that wasso thick with the feel of barely leashed power that it effected everyone thatcame in contact with it down to the lowliest servant . Her eyes met his.
"Everything in my life has been preparing me for this moment. You say my greed
will be my doom. Wrong. My greed will pull me through when nothing else will.
Will I accept your challenge? I will not only accept your challenge I will surpass
all your expectations. Is that clear enough?"
In the blink of an eye the world changed…
Incapable of movement, she watched as modern walls fell away. Ancient wallsbuild to withstand even the cries of the Gods, arose from the earth completelysurrounding her. Reclining with delicate wine glasses, the pantheon was reveled.Her eyes wide with fear roamed the faces. Then she heard it… the voiceof the storm….
"Release the Minotaur…."
His roar was her answer…her body released. There was nothing subtlein his shifting… his legs lengthened… arms too. His chest filledout as his featured change. He became the embodiment of the Monster from herdreams….He was The Minotaur…Turning she began to run blindly.There were four earthen doors. She ran into the one to her right. Down intothe earth, anything to escape that thing only to find herself deep in the bowelsof the earth, in the heart of the ancient labyrinth.
He stood on hove legs. He rolled his head on his massive neck. Loosening musclesand tendons for the games. He could feel the brush of his tail against hislegs. He looked down at the powerful hands. Then he looked to the mighty Zeus.
"Something's never change at all do they?"
There was a twinkle in the Ancient Gods' eye…
"Would we really wan them to?"
The Minotaur's body shook with laughter as he took his first steps towardsthe entrance to the maze…His herders began to gather around him….
"Find her and prepare her for me…" At his words they moved as one…
She heard the tramping of feet on the cold hard earth coming from somewherebehind her. She had been moving for hours and was completely lost. Her onlyhope was to find the center then maybe she could find her way out. It neveroccurred to her that she was being driven to the center of the maze until shefound herself rounding a corner into an open garden. There in the very centersat a throne
Her once classy suit now more rag than anything else hung limply on her exhaustedbody. With a wild cry she flung herself to the ground in defeat as the loungingMinotaur turned his red eyes gaze in her direction. His voice deeper than she'dever heard it, rasped along previously unknown nerve ending….
"Welcome to my inner sanctum This is where you wanted to be. Where you asked
to be. You don't seem so happy."
Her voice rose to a scream as her fists beat the ground…
"You can't do this to me… let me go…."
He moved with a speed that caught her totally unprepared. Reaching down hegrabbed her by the hair and lifted her face to his. The wide nostrils of hisbulls face taking in the entire smell of her fear.
"Try again cunt"
Her eyes widened in terror as the red pupils of his eyes danced with fire…
"Please…" her voice broke on a sob, "please anything… I'll do anything
if you'll just …."
His fist tightened in her hair, hurting her scalp…
"Yes cunt… you will do anything I ask of you…. Anything"
Turning quickly his tail catches her unaware, slashing her across the faceas she falls from his hands…
"Oooooooowwwww" her hand cradles her face…
Climbing the black marble stairs to the throne, he ascends to the comfort ofhis place. As he climbs the stairs his hand brushes the ones which await him.Around him stand thirteen individuals, seven men and six women.. Each one nakedand jeweled. Each sported a gold bell around their necks. Each one had a goldring through their nose. Nipples had been pierced and were decorated with ringssporting glorious gems. The tips of each cock had been pierced and a weightattached to the ring. Each cunt gleamed with a series of rings that closedthem tight.
What struck her wasn't what they were wearing or not wearing. It was whatthey looked like…
They ranged in age from a healthy glow of youthful adults in their prime toancient lined faces and bodies. Each one stood there with a grace and dignitythat belied their obvious servitude to this monster Each one a study in classicalbeauty that defied age and description.
He settled his long hard body into the padded throne, the others loweringthemselves into comfortable positions upon the marble steps.
"What makes you think you are worthy to be counted among my herd?"
She looked again at the people. Then it struck her. She had seen at least twoof these people before. They had been at the reception for signing of the tradeagreement between the Middle Eastern Cartel and Europe. They had been consultants.One for the European Nations… the other the Middle Eastern ones. Shehad watched as a President and a King had introduced them to one another.
He watched as understanding dawned in her eyes.
"Strip her"
Two of the men moved forward. There was nothing gentle in their actions. Theclothing was literally ripped from her body.
"On your knees"
She dropped to her knees before him.
"Spread your legs"
Her knees spread slightly… His roar of anger shook the very earth
"Are you that stupid cunt? I said spread them. Do it… Do it now"
Her legs spread wide open …God how could she do this? How could shedemean herself like this? She could feel the air brushing her open thighs.Wisps of air gently caressing the flesh of her mons… the lips of hersex.
She had been so lost in her own thoughts she didn't even hear him move. Hewas suddenly just there. Her eyes followed the line of his body up, comingto rest upon the unsheathed massive cock.
Laughter filled the night air bringing her mind out of its fog…
"With time you will learn to crave it almost as much as you crave me."
His words set her body free. She was up and on the run in a flash, There wasno way she was going to be that things toy. Her feet carried her towards theentrance into the maze. She would get lost in there but so would he. Just asher foot touched the path she found herself on the ground. The bola tight aroundher calves. Deep hurting pain where the balls had struck her. Even that didn'tstop her flight as she dragged herself across the grass…
Her fingers clutched the earth as she felt herself being dragged backwardstowards where he…it waited.
"I don't remember releasing you to do my bidding out in the world. You are in
for an attitude adjustment bitch."
His voice was lower than she could imagine any voice being.
"Put her in the Daedalus cage."
She felt hands on her body releasing her legs from the bola as shefought with all her strength to get away. There were to many of them holdingher in place. Then she felt the weigh of something around her neck beinglocked in place. Looking down she realized she was wearing a bell like theothers. She had thought they meant to cage her up. They thought this wouldstop her? For the first time in days laughter spilled from her lips alongwith the contemptuously worded, "Fool's"
Never letting her eyes leave them she started backing towards the entrance.None of them did anything to stop her. In fact they all turned their backson her and started returning to their places. Beyond them the Minotaur stoodtaking in the sight of her.
The order was given in a voice that brooked no disobedience. Eventhat didn't stop her retreat. What did was the feel of something crawlingon her. Looking down at the chain around her neck she was horrified to seetentacles of gold chain erupting from the small bell dome. The chain waslike a living entity. With each inch that came out it moved and grew. Thelinks joined to become a fine mesh encasing her chest, arms, legs , feetand upwards around her throat, face and head. She had never felt anythinglike it. The chain was so thin it resembles a spiders web. Hands incasedin the fine mesh reached up and tried to break free only to find that nomatter how hard she tried. She couldn't break free. It was like she was incasedin a second skin of the finest metal.
This time his voice was the merest whisper…
The soft fine metal suddenly tightened around her. Biting into the soft fleshof her entire body. The beautiful soft mesh became a hard unforgiving exoskeletonunder his control. The harder she fought, the tighter the cage became. Herstruggles did nothing to stop her legs from propelling her forward until shewas standing in his shadow.
"Look at me…"
The mesh lifted her chin high so that her eyes met his…
"On your knees bitch"
The mesh bent her legs….
"Legs open…."
"Arms back….
"Chest forward…"
With each order the mesh reacts instantly. .
"Do we understand one another?"
The mesh goes totally limp. Her voice was lost in the realizationof the cage she now lived in, but at least if she was in it she was safefrom him.
"I'll take that as a 'No.'"
The mesh went ridged at the sound of his voice. The words that had been trappedtried to break free. The cage instantly changed parting and rearranges itselfaround her lip. Brushing past resisting lips it opens her mouth to an almostunbearable width.
"Yes I think I like that look on you."
His hand reaches forward outlining the lips with the gentlest of touches. Withjust a finger under her chin he lifts her from the ground until she is standing.Her legs still parted obscenely. His hand reaches down and touches her sex..The realization is shocking. At his will the metal had parted, opening forhis hand..
Sound exploded from her throat as she realized how completely shewas under his control. His eyes flared brightly red as he read the knowledgein her eyes.
"Which is it to be? Pleasure or pain?"
His fingers brushing the very tip of her clit. Her eyes igniting with needeven as her mind screamed its denial. His fingers parting her warm moist lips.
"Maybe both or neither. Maybe you should beg me for your down fall my little
fuck toy."
With each word his fingers tantalized her a little more. Each word bringingthe need a little closer to the surface of her mind. With just a glance ather breast the mesh began to tighten around the enticing globes of flesh… thenrelease…. Her nipples became diamond points of pleasure as the livingcage milked her. Her nipples grew and lengthened. His fingers reached out evenas the mesh parted and he grabbed the flesh in an unforgiving grip. His eyesnever left hers as she was suddenly struck with a pain through her chest thatdefied belief. Looking down she sees a bloodied rod has been shoved throughher breast. Her nipple pierced. Nothing had been given to relieve the painas she almost passed out. Luck was against her in that moment. As she watchedhis hand came forward again to the other breast. The mesh wouldn't allow herto look away as once again her flesh was pierced. Her body was totally immobileas the pain crashed through her. She watched as he threaded a loop througheach one. On the loops rested a single pink diamond of the rarest quality andsize. The pull was painful and she knew it was a weight she would never loosesight of. Even as she thought the worse was over his hands raised to her face.The mesh parting around her nostrils. Her eyes meeting his as he pierced thecartilage of her nose and threaded the loop through it. Oh God… thereality struck her. Next he would pierce the lips of her sex….
Even as the thought entered her mind his words reached out to her.
"Bend over cunt and hold your ankles tight."
She found herself looking at the ground. Her hands tight around herankles. Her legs spread so that he could see everything she had tried tohide from his eyes. With shame she felt the spittle drop from her open mouth.The mesh parted and it suddenly felt as if there were a million fingers pullingthe lips of her sex open and wide for him. The mesh tightening alone herass, pulling her crack open to his eyes.
The pain of her lips being pierced was incredible. Her screams tore throughthe quiet of the night as his finger pulled the lips taut and the tip of hishorn ripped through the thin woman's flesh. Each hole soon sported a deceptivelydelicate ring of the strongest metal.
If she had been able she would have jumped through the ceiling at the nextsensation. His horns were caressing the length of her slit. Caressing her clit.Making her live on the knifes edge of his power. Even through the pain herbody betrayed her mind as she began to moan deep in her throat at the feelhe was provoking. His horn shifted until it lightly touched the rose hole ofher anus even as his long rough tongue lapped at the exposed dripping sex andhard unprotected clit. His breath hot against her as his words reached deep.
"Yes My little sluty cow…for you I think both pleasure and pain"
Standing up behind her he walked around until she was at her head.
"Up cunt… pay homage to Your Master…"
With that her body shifted. His hand clasped the ring through hernose. Her head raised until her mouth was level with his cock. Her gappingmouth opened even wider to accommodate his immense girth. He was fuckingher face. His movements powerful as his cock passed lips and tongue and foundrefuge in her throat. It didn't matter in the least to him that she was unableto breath. What mattered was the feel of her throat as she choked. The tighteningof muscles around the head of his cock. He would pull back when the feelinglessened to allow air into starved lungs so she could withstand another roundof monstrous thrusts. Minutes in his world felt like an eternity in hers.She was going to die with his bull size cock down her throat was her thoughtas she began to pass out. . With a roar he pulled from her.
"Nice cunt but I think I want to play in other places… turn around an
present me with some choices…"
She found herself being spun around and bent over. Her feet taking a wide stanceas her still opened and exposed ass and pussy await his pleasure. His fingerworked its way into her tight ass even as his words met her ears…
"Bitch this is going to hurt you more than it is me but with time I think you
are going to learn to like this kind of pain….a lot "
His cock replaced his fingers. It was still wet from her mouth as he restedagainst the tight ring.
"Cunt this is not going to kill you… " his laugh washed over her even
as he surged forward. His hard hot cock passing the tight muscles of her anus.
Stretching her… ripping her…."It's just going to make you wish
you were dead"
Fire burned her as his cock surged and retreated. Friction building along nerves.His cock stretched her beyond anything she thought she could withstand. Painlike nothing she had ever imagined burned through her gut. On and on it went.Then something inside her shifted. The pain remained but she was moving beyondit into a new plane of existence. She could feel other things… the painof his cock and the whip of his balls on her exposed clit. Over and over itwas struck. She began to whimper with need. Just as she reached the pinnacleand would have cum something happened. His cock kept up the thrusting… buther clit felt nothing… the pounding of his balls was gone replaced bysomething she couldn't recognize.
"Cunt do you really think you've earn the right to cum?" his words softly spoken
in her ear. "Behold " with the word the cage moved forcing her head to look down
the length of her body to where his tail rested against the begging knot of flesh.
Cushioning it against the feel of his balls torturing her. His rhythm slowed
until he was almost motionless inside her. Buried deep making just tiny earth
shattering surges against her.
"Okay slut, I am going to ask you again… do we understand each other?"
The mesh around her body went totally limp at his words.. The hermouth now free…
"Yes…." The words were a croak in her abused throat…
"Yes…. who?"
"yes Master…"
"Very good cunt… there's hope for you yet…"
With that he withdrew from her ass
He bent to his task… she had seen the piercing of the other… sheknew what was coming even as she felt his hands pull the hood of her clit backand felt the cold of the needle again her. She didn't move to avoid the pain.She bit her lip causing blood to flow down her chin…
"Very good cow… Do you have something to ask Me?"
His cock now rested again her open sex
"Please fuck me…"
"Very well My sluty little heifer…What use was their in your power unless
it was completely under my control…."
His laughter was a caress…
Welcome to My Herd"
Thank you for taking the time to read my efforts. Any and all reviews are mostwelcome…
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Author’s Note: This series is a continuation of my last story series, ‘Ghosts of the Past.’ It is taking place 18 years plus into the future and involves the children of the group of friends surrounding Charles and Diana Richards and Tom and Lynda Seldon… who are just about to learn the ‘Price of Past Miracles…’ ********** ‘Mama… I love him and he loves me!’ Megan Richards exclaimed as she clung to her lifelong friend and soul mate, Brad Seldon. ‘Aunt Dee… I know you probably think we’re...
The Price of Success by Ginny Wolf "You have got to be kidding me!" That is exactly what I said to my oldest friend Isabel Becker. I have known Isabel since we were freshmen in high school. At that time her name, or rather, his name was Dante Moretti. "I certainly am not kidding, Quentin Donne, not about something so serious. Remember, 'The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand and....'" "'... and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have...
My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...
TabooMy name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am just like any other guy of my age I think except for the fact that I am a principal of a private school and I am most privileged as it is an extremely well-known school. Everyone as in everyone dreams to be in my school and being expelled is something unthinkable. Thus, I am privileged since many are willing to do nearly anything to be a part of Saint Catherine Girl School. We even have students from abroad and what a joy to have girls from...
TabooChapter 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joey's Background +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ January 8, 1980 Joey wanted nothing more in this world then to be a rock star, but the odds were against him. He did not know how to play any instrument, nor was his singing ability anything special. It hurt him even more that he did not know anyone within the industry. Still, he wanted to be a rock star. Unfortunately for Joey, he was also lazy and undisciplined. He was just a few...
Part 1: The Kindness of Strangers Nathan had learned that Charity could be a troublesome thing. As a person, she had slept with him for a month before running off with his savings, his TV, and his luxury cherry-red convertible. The Charity of his auto insurance only covered the book price of the car, which turned out to be a fraction of the price he'd gone into debt to buy it for. Without a car and with an empty bank account, he had no way to get to that high-paying job he held across...
Hi, I’m Jennifer, and I appreciate your taking time to read about my life. Up until the time I turned fifteen, it was a pretty ordinary life, from the standpoint of sex, anyway. I dated a lot of boys, had my share of romantic entanglements, and had more than my share of sex. I loved sex, and really couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t out of control or anything — far from it: I was always in control. Always. And I liked being the one in control. I loved it, in fact, right from the time I became...
The feed was in black and white and showed a woman in a kitchen. A gently striped cat sat on one of the kitchen chairs watching her as she picked up a plate from the floor and rinsed it under the tap. She got out a new plate and ripped open a packet of cat food. Swiftly she replenished both dry and wet food, and changed the water. The cat merely observed, waiting until the woman had moved away before hopping down from the chair to feast.The woman looked around. Job done, she had no reason to...
ToysForeword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post The Price of Beauty, which is, in its own way, a love story. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PRICE OF BEAUTY by: TOXIS Miranda...
My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...
Taboo(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Little Sis Pays the Price By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Clint Elliston I had my queen and my concubine perched on my naked thighs, both girls nude, their pussies hot and juicy on my flesh as they squirmed, their arms around my neck, and their breasts thrust right into my face. Both of their nipples were hard and beading with that creamy treat—breast milk. They were the first mothers of my...
Three For The Price Of One I was only fourteen when I attended my first underage drinking party. My sister had been invited to them just as soon as she got her tits, that was four years ago. Ann Marie was now fifteen. I was told not to tell her and then wait a half-hour before following her to the clearing out in the woods where the kids always met. There was drinking, there was music, and there was a big bonfire. I paid the girl five dollars for my plastic cup. That bought me...
A man travels on business to San Francisco and through the inadvertent misuse of a male enhancement cream is transformed into a woman.Okay, I shouldn’t need to say this, but this is a TOTAL fabrication and it is not my fantasy. I was asked by a reader of my stories to write a story where a man is transformed into a woman in a “magical way”. The reader was not specific on the method but insisted that the transformation must be unexpected as it occurs to a guy that had no advance desire for the...
THE PRICE OF HEELS Judy Davenport was only twenty seven, but a rich lady who enjoyed her wealth with friends who, whilst they certainly weren't poor, weren't quite as well off. It gave her a chance to shine the brightest in any of her gatherings. She'd been happily married for three years to her husband James, the same age as her, and was honest when she claimed that he did everything he could to please her. He continued to work when he didn't need to from the financial point of...
Excerpt from ‘ The price of Rebellion’A Crucim story in progress. By [email protected] sleek Roman war galley drops anchor and a short time later the captain speaks to General ‘Crassus.’? We couldn’t catch the pirates sir. The slaves are lazy and didn’t put in all their effort even with a liberal taste of the whip.The captain is nervous, he knows that the final blame will lay with him. He takes the generals silence as liberty to...
Paying the PriceInhalt Paying the Price........1 1. Bad news........1 3. Testing the merchandise........4 4. The deep end........6 5. A special kind of pampering........9 6. Getting naked........11 7. Finishing........13 8. Learning the ropes........16 9. Light entertainment........19 10. The morning after the night before........23 11. Beauty treatment........24 12. The slut chair........27 13. Pet bitch........30 14. The movie........32 15. A pleasurable task........34 16. The slut chair –...
Thank you for accessing this story. The content within is my work. You maykeep a copy for private use, however any other use must receive express permissionfrom me. The events that follow include things that are at best unethical andat worst illegal, well, face it…both. Please don't take this story asanything other than entertainment. Keep this activity on paper only. Enjoy.Let me know what you think. Christine's Price to be Paid By Silence Christine was taking her time packing her bag after...
The following morning a waiter entering the other room of my suite with breakfast awakened Aileen and me. Shortly after that there was a knock at the bedroom and, after asking if we were decent, Stella's head appeared around it. She announced that we had less than two hours to get sorted before we were due at the function that she and I were supposed to attend. Aileen and I showered together, with Stella calling out the time at regular intervals. "Lay off, Stella, we'll make it on...
Do you have Little Caprice Dreams? Well, then you and I have something in common. We certainly ain’t alone in that respect, though, as the little babe is arguably one of the most popular pornstars to arrive on the scene in the last decade. She’s got a huge stack of XBIZ and AVN Awards to her name, has shot with some of the biggest studios in the business, and I’m guessing she’s a regular in your daytime fap fantasies and wet dreams. I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts making even more...
Top Premium Porn Sites2nd Battalion Combat Team, 2nd BCT Major Kai (Ghost) Espiritu Commanding The young major inserted his 5.56 mm ammunition cartridge into the last of his 50 round magazines. The Boxer Command APC smoothly rolled through the marsh filled landscape of central Ar’Raq, six men plus the three crews occupied the wheeled combat vehicle. Unlike the other battalion commanders of the Rim-Cats, Major Kai Espiritu known as ‘Ghost’ to others is an infantry and commando operations expert. His very own six...
Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Thirteen: The Goddess's Price By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Thirty-Seven: Goddess of Inspiration Princess Ava – Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch “You need to... keep them alive,” I panted to Greta, my face flushed. I lowered Sven's shoulders to the ground, holding his right side, my bedmaid the left. Her youthful face glanced up at me. “What? Are you... going somewhere?” I...
New Year’s Eve 1956 in Washington, D.C. was the night Tom and Lynda Seldon made the ultimate sacrifice for their best friends, Charles and Diana Richards. They had made the most gut-wrenching decision of their lives… and they’d had second and third and fourth thoughts about what they did. But at Charles’ insistence, Tom had finally relented to that one-time attempt to help them create a miracle… ********** ‘Kiss me, Lynda. I’m going to lose it because I don’t think I can do this!’ Tom...
The necklace was beautiful. It hung outside the cave, its white stones glittering in the sunlight. Freya felt herself getting wet as she looked at it. As she examined its glittering facets, she began to stroke a hand against her skirt. She could feel her nipples pressing against the fabric of her dress. With her other hand, she reached for the necklace. "You like it?" a voice said. Freya brushed, pulling her hand away from her pussy. Out of the cave had come a dwarf, twisted and ugly. He leered...
FantasyJessica, or Jess as she preferred to be called, was a nineteen-year old college girl who had taken a gap year after high school before going to a large and well respected university in her state. From a working class family, Jess had a tough time affording college. In her gap year, Jess modeled for a good amount of pay because her good looks got her noticed. As a tanned blonde standing at five-foot-eight with the build of a Victoria's Secret model, Jess was catcalled a lot. The blonde had a...
College SexEvery Girl Has Her Price"Do you want fries with that?" "No thanks," Kyle answered looking at the girl's name tag. "Okay, your order comes to five dollars and twelve cents." Kyle watched the girl behind the counter get his food. She was physically attractive, but there was also something else about her. Something else that made him think that she would go along with his plans. "Here's your order, sir. Thank you, and have a nice day." "Excuse me, there isn't anybody in line. Could I ask you...
"Watch out!" It was close to noon and the sun had been up seven hours at least. The field should have been safe enough: no visible shade for miles. Hearing Jex's shout, the woman stopped digging, turned to see the lumbering beast approaching and ran. At the sound of the call, the abomination turned and began shuffling in Jex's direction. He had his shotgun pointed at it just in case but there was no point in risking a shot when the sun was doing the work for him. Wisps of smoke were...
SupernaturalAndersonville 3 - The Price of Revenge by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the survivors of child abuse, both physical and emotional. May you find the support and strength to deal with it like I did. Fade in... Linda Anderson - the do anything wonder woman. That's what the job title should have read. Not that I was good at everything I did; I was just expected to do everything around the office. That included making coffee, filing folders,...
At the Fictionmania Convention II: The Price of War by shalimar Let me explain some things. I met Monica at a weekly meeting of my local transgender group which just outside Atlanta, GA. She is a thirty-year- old male to female transsexual that is what we also call a little girl. In her mind she is really four. Although we have our differences we became close and I eventually became her "mother." Being both Fictionmania fans and hearing about the convention we made arrangements...
The Price to Pay - Chapters 4-6 By Alys Chapter 4 I switched to a lower gear as I approached the climb up to Cwmdu. I had been cycling for an hour and it was still only 8am. The rhythm of my body movement and breathing, the wind on my face, the sights, sounds and smells had created an inner feeling of well being. There was nothing like an endorphin high. About another 15 minutes and I would be meeting up with...
A Price to be paid (A story of Sam's life by Dee Beth) Sam Elloit was an un descript male it seemed, having a life that was if anything, nothing special. That is until late in his life when his hidden desires finally caught up to him, and changed his life forever. But let's start at the beginning to understand how this could happen. As a youngster growing up in the early 70's, he was not athletic, did not do especially well in his class study, and from very early age, felt he was...
The Price of Power 3-Melissa's New Life Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...
The Price of Power 5 - The Flying Fox Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...
TEASERS WITH WHIPS! Chapter 3 The Price to Please TJ Ryder ************ John twisted and writhed in the whipping cross after his buxomclassmate and assistant Disciplinary monitor reluctantly laid down her genital whip! Pamela's full lips frowned as she realized shethere was no more space left on the now limp penis and...
Pay Any PriceStephen Underwood knew something was amiss, when his step-daughter Morgan, didn’t respond to his call that he was home. Morgan was perhaps the most responsible 16 (and a ?) year-old he’d ever known. Hell, she was more responsible than most of the adults he knew. Normally when he’d arrive home from work, he’d find the statuesque young beauty already hard at work in the kitchen, fixing the evening meal. Stephen had told her repeatedly that she...
The following chapters have been edited by Woodsman's game and Curtis. Ithank them both for their time, effort, and kindness. Chapter One – Elise Layla's Leatherwear - it stocked nothing but leather – clothing, boots,chaps, whips and more. If you wanted it, and it was made of hide, Layla's wasthe place to go. Although expensive, the store always did good business. Elise loved to go there. She loved the smell of the leather, the feel ofit, and even the sound it made when it slapped against her...
[ Cindy continues to be absolutely enthralled by her first-ever experiences with BIG, and black, cock! ]It was, of course, bound to happen eventually, and probably sooner rather than later; but Cindy realized that her daughter had guessed that her mother's 'I'm going out with some friends' explanation, meant something a lot more than that! So one evening, after Willis had let her out of his car, she saw her daughter staring out the window at her---and she knew, right then and there, that she'd...
It happened, as I have already mentioned, last year when I was almost a senior in high school. It was not easy for me to study, and exams were hanging over me like a terrible storm cloud, capable of striking with lightning all those who by their stupidity could not learn the material of the school program. But despite all my fears about bad grades, my person led an extremely hedonistic lifestyle. Daily meetings with girlfriends, hangouts, and other activities, but highly unproductive...
New Year's Eve 1956 in Washington, D.C. was the night Tom and Lynda Seldon made the ultimate sacrifice for their best friends, Charles and Diana Richards. They had made the most gut-wrenching decision of their lives ... and they'd had second and third and fourth thoughts about what they did. But at Charles' insistence, Tom had finally relented to that one-time attempt to help them create a miracle... "Kiss me, Lynda. I'm going to lose it because I don't think I can do this!" Tom...
Maureen grabbed her towel as she stepped out of the shower; she rubbed herself dry and then stood in front of the full length mirror and admired herself. 'I'm forty', she said to herself. 'I think for that age I'm quite good. Sure my tits sag a bit, but they are fully developed, nipples are erect, been like that since I was fucked by my girl friends husband'. She giggled at that memory for she had visited her friend who was a keen gardener and while she was out gathering a number of...
Marty woke to find Mary sitting beside him, crying softly. He felt both weak and exhilarated at the same. He lay there looking at her as he felt a trickle of power from the earth beneath him restore his own energies. He rolled onto his back and placed his hands on the ground. He dug his fingers into the mud, so his hands were covered by it. With better contact, he felt the energy flood into his system. He sighed as his tight muscles relaxed as the new energy in his system pushed the lactose...
Reluctantly they tidied up and went down to dinner. They both took their books with them. Before they left Anne spelled the books so if anyone took an interest in them, they looked like cheap novels. Marty laughed when his cover depicted a brunette woman in a revealing red dress being held by a hunky bloke and was titled, ‘Love at a Price’. Anne’s picture was similar, except her characters were rangers, and the woman was dressed in blue. Her title was, ‘My Prince Charming’. After they had...
"Do we know what cabin?" "No, not yet. We thought you'd be interested to know though, so John's trying to discover that now. You have an idea as to who she is?" "To be honest with you, Helen, there's only one person that I can think of that it could be. But her name isn't Christabelle and when I knew her, she wasn't a dancer. She left me to become a model." "Left you?" "Yeah, it's all a bit complicated really." "Life's complicated, Duncan, whether we like it or not. But...
Introduction: My evening with Chloe continues I followed behind Chloe as she lead me to her bedroom, my feet shuffling since my pants and boxers were still around my ankles. She didnt turn on the light in the bedroom, but the light from the living room was sufficient to give the bedroom a nice ambiance. Chloe had switched on her sleep sounding machine, and the room was filled with the sounds of a thunderstorm on a beach. Chloe grabbed both of my hands and pulled me to her and wrapped my...
THE PRICE OF POWER 8-RANGER TO WAC Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental,...
Mawile and Sableye loved to have sex but loved when it was kinky and unusual sex. Tonight Mawile was tying up Sableye in soft velvet rope. As he tied her up he would stroke her body and pinch at her nipples. She squealed at the little shocks of pleasure he caused, smiling Mawile finished the bondage. "Oooo~ Mawile you tease me so much" Sableye said. "Haha I know and you love it!" he said pinching both of her nipples hard. She cried out as he started play with her breasts that...