Aladdin Absolute Power
- 4 years ago
- 58
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That afternoon, once I was safely back in the office, it all hit me. I was overcome by fear, guilt and an awful case of anxiety, an anxiety that I have since discovered never really leaves you once you find yourself in a position of true blackmail. The facts are simple. Blackmail will make you cry. You’ll be frightened out of your wits. It’s just not like the fantasies I was imagining before I initiated my meeting with Tay. These days I jump every time my phone rings and my heart skips a beat with the ‘ding’ of every text I receive. I’m so frightened of the tone of my phone now I constantly find myself changing the sounds it makes.
And when I pick it up to check my messages and see it’s just a friend texting, the relief is palpable. Then I might let my guard down for a moment when it texts again seconds later knowing it’s just my friend adding to her previous text ... Nup! It’s Tahlia. Or one of her friends. Her gang all have my number now. And I’m trapped. Forced to react at their whim all because I allowed my libido to take reign over my brain.
True abusers, true abusers like Flea and Denny and Tahlia, obviously don’t get this feeling of unease I did but the sexual assault I was forced to not only watch but was also complicit in, made me sick to the stomach. I will never forget the look on that Girl’s face at my betrayal and at the time I swore I would do everything I could to make it better. The moment following the most powerful orgasm of my life that I had on that poor unfortunate Girl’s face, the same Girl that Tahlia had tricked into believing I might help, I ran. I got my things, threw my skirt back on and ran as fast as I could to my car and sped straight back to my office.
I just couldn’t get the Girl out of my mind. Certainly I had most likely ruined her life. Aided and abetted by Tahlia and her two best friends Flea and Denny. I learned that Flea is the enforcer. I don’t know her real name but she is called Flea in that classical Aussie way of nicknaming people to their opposite. Flea, apparently, is only the same age as Tahlia, same as Denny, but she is an enormous Woman for her age. Not fat. Oh no, just tall and strong and tough. The poor Girl started begging Tahlia not to hurt her the moment she walked into the toilets that lunch break and saw Flea. Of course she tried to run as soon as she saw them. Why on Earth the young Girl would go into the toilets alone at a school where Tahlia’s reputation was so well known is something I am yet to discover.
She had nowhere to run though. I don’t think Denny is quite as fearsome as the other two. But she is athletic and fast and will stop you getting away. Apparently that’s her job. The Girl squealed as she turned and ran straight into Denny who by that time had blocked the door and any hope of escape for our victim and by the same token any semblance of assistance for her either. That was to be where I would come in. Hiding in a cubicle, hearing the commotion, making out like I am the responsible adult, then rushing out to come to her aid only to kneel at my new Bully’s feet like the subservient, cowardly, little Girl I had become.
That alone was enough to make me feel so sick that afternoon in my office. But that wasn’t all. Tahlia had started to spin her web well before then. There were the text messages sent to my daughter from my phone, not actually from me, but seeming as if they were. Instead they were sent by this schoolgirl Bully that had taken control of my phone while I was stored away in that locker for the hour Tahlia promised I would be. There were also text messages to my Husband from the same mean, horrible Bully who now had firm control of my life. Of course he would think they were from me as well.
And then the coup de grace.
The photos and videos Tahlia had sent just prior to me getting back into my office of the sexual assault. Denny was doing the taping and I was so hopelessly implicated in the assault that Tahlia would text me the words immediately after:
“Absolute Power.”
I knew what she meant. Earlier in the day when I had arrived at her school to counsel Tahlia on her career, as I had done with numerous other troublemakers in the past, she had spoken about the balance of power. And then I basically sat back and allowed her to take that balance from me and tip it entirely in her own favour. This video had sealed it. The power was now absolutely with Tahlia and I was now totally at her mercy. I knew it. She knew it. There was nothing else in that video to implicate Flea, Denny or Tahlia. Just me. Not to mention my DNA all over the Girl’s face and most likely in her hair as well as what was left at the scene. But Tay would send me another text immediately after:
“Don’t worry too much Robbie. The Girl won’t snitch. Flea has it under control. It’s not her you have to worry about, it’s me lol. I’m the one with the evidence.”
And in my office that first afternoon I knew it all too well. It had happened so quickly and I could have done something to stop it so many times but I had led myself to believe I wanted this and now it was too late. I would be Her’s from then on. And I still am.
Before this day I was just a vanilla Wife, leading a vanilla life with my Husband and Daughter. Despite the difference in our age, Tahlia was several levels above me when it came to things I know nothing about like power exchange. Well I know about these things in theory but the trouble comes in practice, when you get to this point where you eroticize everything. Like I did. My brain stopped functioning normally and my libido took over. Of course I knew what was happening, that the things I was submitting myself to were so terribly wrong, but Tay was always a step ahead. It started with me giving her access to my phone. Who could have thought such a little thing could shift the balance so drastically in her favour. Then it was my libido. She was not going to let me cum until she had what she wanted. And didn’t I give it to her. Exactly what she wanted. My life in her hands.
My adrenalin was racing standing trapped in that locker before she came back to retrieve me for our lunchtime rendezvous. I was aroused beyond all reason, at the mercy of a school Girl Bully just like in my fantasies. Her panties in my mouth, taped shut, unable to free my wrists, I couldn’t even touch myself like I so desperately wanted to. I’ve since discovered that the hardest part and also most arousing part about being so hopelessly submissive is the loss of control. I was genuinely fearful of what Tay was doing with my phone while I was trapped more or less as nothing more than her prisoner. But now a few weeks later as I recall these events, it was at those moments where Tahlia had taken all control from me that always get me to the edge when I masturbate.
I’m a big reader. I like to research. Which I guess makes sense given my job. I have an enquiring mind and a thirst to know. Since finding myself at Tay’s mercy I have read a lot about submission and domination and the fetish and what parts of our brain cause us to be one way or the other. I’ve done online tests about myself. I know exactly why when I am fingering myself (edging Tahlia calls it, I even need her permission to orgasm these days but I am still forced to masturbate (or get to an edge) four times a day) I know exactly why my mind goes back to that moment trapped in the locker.
For the type of submissive I am, it’s the loss of control that we crave. And it was at that moment, hands tied, gagged, locked in a storage cupboard, while Tahlia had my phone, my purse, my car keys, basically full access to all my most personal belongings, that I experienced the greatest loss of control since becoming an independent young adult.
There’s this thing called a blackmail fetish. I’ve discovered since that it’s pretty normal in the kink/bdsm community for my type of submissive to have it. And it’s all about the fantasy of handing over control of your life to someone else. Consensual blackmail. But really it’s a contradiction in terms. Once you are blackmailed you lose all rights to consent. Sure you might have a signed agreement or whatever but if your blackmailer really wants to push, that agreement isn’t worth much more than the paper it is written on. And that’s the rush in it. Apparently nearly everyone who enters into a blackmail agreement with their dominant backs out quickly, once they’ve had a chance to orgasm and fully understand the actual danger of a game like this. Yet we all crave the loss of control. To give someone our lives to play with. And while I’m trapped in that locker that’s exactly the position I find myself in.
Another thing I’ve learned while being a slave to Tahlia these past few weeks. Time goes slowly. I’m always waiting for her! But eventually back in the locker I would hear the jangling of keys. Tay had already called out to me to say it was her and not the janitor. That was a relief! Or so I thought at the time, though as things transpired I might have been better off if it were the janitor.
She opened the locker and spun me around to cut the tape from my hands so I could pull her panty gag out of my mouth. I think she could see my mind think of what to do with them when she instructed me to keep them. Put them in my pocket and take them home with me.
‘Consider it a gift from your schoolgirl bully Robbie’.
She laughed and I looked at her, there was a twinkle in her eye. She was mischievous but mostly she had this glint of happiness, a look of confidence. I guess she had a very nice morning, finding an adult to toy with, a willing victim, someone she could use for her own advantage and gain.
‘So we’re going to go and meet my friends Robbie. I told you about them earlier remember?’
I had remembered and I have to say my stomach was doing backflips I was so nervous.
At this point there was still no real reason for me to submit to her, other than my desire to do so. Sure she had some pictures of me beneath her feet and of a mark on the side of my cheek where she had stood and pressed my face into the dirt. Embarrassing but still could be easily explained as a ‘teaching technique’ I guessed. She had even handed me back my bag and all the personal belongings that she had taken while she had me trapped in that locker. Well, all except my phone I would notice.
But my chance to fix this would end in the next fifteen minutes as Tahlia led me by the hand into that toilet block on the far side of the school where the lives of not only myself but some poor defenceless girl were about to be altered forever. As we walked in on the left I noted there were four toilets all obviously partitioned off for privacy. At the front of the room where we had just walked in were the sinks and a long mirror, then there was a small rectangular area of unused space in front of the toilets up to the side wall on the right. I was to find this area would give the girls the space they needed to trap their victim with very little hope of escape.
As we entered there were two girls leaning up against the sink. Both dressed identically to Tay in the light blue criss-crossed school uniforms with white socks and the same type of sandals Tahlia was wearing unbuckled at the side. One was the enormous woman, who had to be at least six foot tall, while the other more athletic girl did not have the exotic beauty of Tahlia or the menacing figure of Flea but with her shock of curly brown hair, she did exude a beauty all of her own.
‘Hey bitches’ Tahlia would greet them both with a warm hug before turning back to me.
I looked up at Flea who smirked back, seemingly amused by something and then over to Denny who smiled at me and gave me a little wave. Tahlia addressed me;
‘Okay Robbie, these are my two best friends Flea and Denny. Their word is like mine, they both have your number now and if they tell you to do something or want anything you are to treat it the same as you would if I told you. They are the only other people outside of myself that I can trust and rely on, your secrets will be safe with them. Now, while I had you stored away sucking on my panties (this sent the other two Girls into a fit of laughter) Flea and Denny have been busy on an insurance plan. On your knees now Robbie, I don’t want you standing up, you should be bowed before us’.
I started to mount my defence. Why, as an adult, it was a bad idea for me to be at their high school and kneeling in the girls toilet before them. How anyone could walk in. I would have an awful lot of explaining to do if someone was to see me like that before them in this environment. Then I glanced up (yes up!) at Flea. You know I am a big reader of eyes right? Windows into your soul type of thing, yeah. Well Flea wasn’t anything like Tay. Tay’s eyes were mischievous and full of fun, she was a leader and could draw anyone in by just the way she looked at you. But Flea’s eyes were cold and dangerous. I could feel no warmth there at all and couldn’t hold her stare for more than a moment.
I glanced briefly down at the vinyl floor then back up at Denny this time. Her eyes were more like Tahlia’s. She didn’t have that same intense look though and I got the feeling to her this was all just a fun game. She had a playful spark about her. It was clear to see that she was different to the other two, different culturally. Tay has an aboriginal heritage and quite an exotic look about her. Flea’s parents had obviously migrated here from Africa somewhere. Her skin has that perfect African tone to it, so perfect, so dark, so beautiful. But Denny, well if you consider the quintessential tanned Aussie with those playful blue eyes and naturally curly brown hair cut to the shoulder. To me she looked like she would always be ready for a party. Or ready to head down to the beach. And when I looked at her, it was her words that bought me to my knees.
‘Come on puppy’ she said ‘down you go’ in her playful voice.
And at Denny’s command there I was on my knees before her and two of the most fearsome women I had ever met. That’s when Tahlia spoke again:
‘When you are on your knees before me Robbie you are to be prostrated not kneeling up like a begging puppy. When I want you to beg you can sit like that, but for now this is about you respecting your position beneath us. I want your forearms flat on the floor and your forehead touching the ground between them. Do not look up. You listen and only listen. Don’t speak. Butt high and proud in the air, head in the fucking dirt on the floor. Don’t think you’re special either. All my pets learn this position beneath me. Usually, of course, we have to force them like this. But you’re a bit different aren’t you Robbie?’
I didn’t know whether Tay was expecting an answer or not. I had done what she said, my forehead was now resting on the cold vinyl of the floor, butt high in the air and arms flat out beside my head.
‘Please hurry Tay’ I mumbled, still more worried about someone walking in and seeing me like this rather than the shocking predicament I was about to find myself trapped in.
‘Shut up Robbie, did I just tell you not to speak? You’ll learn pretty fucking quickly not to disobey.’
With my eyes focused on the ground beneath me while I knelt bowed before them, I could sense movement around and then cool air on my backside as my skirt was yanked up over my bottom exposing my underwear. Moments later my panties were roughly pulled down mid thigh leaving my arse and pussy totally exposed. I’m certain I heard photos being taken as well. My terror at being in this position in a public place sent my heartrate flying and adrenalin flowed through me all seemingly concentrated on my increased arousal at such humiliation. In not so many words, my pussy was leaking like a faucet.
Then there were fingers roughly pulling at my scalp as my medium length cut was draped over my head so it covered the floor surrounding my face. I could then feel someone actually stand on my hair that was left to lay on the floor so I was basically frozen in place with my forehead plastered to the toilet floor. If I tried to move my head at all it could only have resulted in a very painful yanking on my scalp.
‘Okay Robbie, from now on when I tell you to kneel before us this is our expectation of you. I want you to feel totally owned and humiliated when I talk to you. I want you to feel helpless, vulnerable and scared. We rarely have time to have our pets totally nude before us but I think having your pants pulled down is a helpful reminder of you in your place. And you’re going to grow your hair out further for me as well, I like this position standing above you, well standing above any pet of mine really, but to stand on your hair where you can really feel my presence practically with every breath. Usually when I put you into this position it will be with news that I think you might find challenging. News that might normally make you think about resisting me and my friends. But you’re opportunity to resist has now past.
You see Robbie in the past hour while I had you safely locked away, Flea and I have been making arrangements. Arrangements that will make your submission to me much less willing and much more permanent. I meant the things I said to you this morning. This is the last place in the World you should want to be. I know at the moment your cunt is gushing we can all see it, you’re excited, scared, nervous. Isn’t the rush of adrenalin you’re feeling right now just the best! (Yes, I could sense her sarcasm!) But let’s just put all that to one side for a moment and have a think about things, shall we...
I don’t think your beautiful daughter Carly has ever met Flea, has she?’
My heart skipped a beat at the mere mention of my daughter’s name. This was getting way out of hand. None of my fantasies involved anyone other than me submitting to my bully. My family, my life, they were totally separate to my fantasies of submission and bullying. I made an unconscious decision to move, maybe even get up, you know, to protect my daughter and my family but I was trapped in place by the pair of shoes currently standing on my hair either side of my face. I squealed a little at the sudden pain. Tahlia continued her rant:
‘Ooh, did I just hit a nerve there Robbie?’
I knew it wasn’t a question, more a statement.
‘You don’t want Flea to make friends with Carly? You see Flea isn’t a lesbian. She thinks pussy is disgusting. But she does like to make unwilling Girls eat her box. Can you imagine beautiful, perfect, darling Carly trapped beneath Flea unable to breathe until she sticks out her tongue and licks? I’ve seen it happen a lot. And not just kids either. Some teachers as well. It’s easy to arrange Robbie. Flea has the number of every contact in your phone and Carly is set as a favourite. She likes the white girls the best. Just ask Denny! (more laughter this time from both Flea and Tay, seemingly Denny is no longer here) Oh, and she also has your address in her phone too. Same as me. We can come and grab little Carly anytime we want. Take her in her own bedroom if Flea fancies that.
But Flea and I do have an arrangement. She won’t do it unless something happens to make her. Like you displease me in any way for example. I told you earlier Robbie that I would own you and your life. I would take what I want. I don’t make idle threats. To me this is just a business transaction. Just taking a little more power from you for me. Don’t get me wrong Robbie. I’m very pleased you chose to submit to me this morning. Even if you didn’t realise what you were actually getting yourself into! (laughter again from the two girls).
Now I am going to give you the opportunity to speak. You may lift your head from the ground and look up at me from the begging position. Listen to my words carefully Robbie. The Begging Position. And take the hint. The begging position is not a position of negotiation. It is what it is. Now get the fuck up and tell me what I want to hear!’
I could immediately feel the tension lift from my hair as Tay stepped away so I could kneel in front of her. I raised myself back up so I was just on my knees with my arms dangling uselessly at my side and looked at Tay who was leaning casually now against the sink. She smiled at me, it was so engaging, hard to believe that she could look at me like that, like we could still be friends, given the threats she had just made. She knew she had won the battle, well a battle I had set out to lose truthfully, but I never thought I would be annihilated like this. Not like how I was feeling at that time kneeling before my schoolgirl bullies begging and pleading them to leave my precious little girl alone. Of course Carly was not little, she was the same age as my Bullies, but I had sheltered her from Girls like these and situations like this all her life.
And then while I begged and blubbered and cried before them, Tahlia pulls my phone out of her pocket and starts texting someone. I hesitated when I saw it, assuming it was in my bag Tahlia had returned when she released me from the locker. I stopped begging, and I asked very nicely if I might be allowed to have my phone back please. Tay just ignored me and continued to text so I went back to pleading and begging them to leave Carly out of this. Once she finished with her text she walked over to me and ruffled my hair,
‘There’s a good girl. I like to hear you beg, it is a good reminder for us both of our relationship now and where the power truly sits. I like to hear the panic in your voice. It actually turns me on a bit. Which is good news for Carly isn’t it. If it arouses me to hear you beg me not to hurt her, then it’s less likely I will hurt her and more likely that I’ll make you beg me not to more often. Make sense little Robbie?’
I guessed she didn’t want an actual answer as I sadly nodded my head in agreement.
‘Okay, now I know you were panicked about someone coming in and seeing you like this but there was no need. While Flea is my enforcer, Denny is in charge of security detail. I just wanted to ramp up your tension levels a bit. (More laughter). She’s opened the door now though and it’s time for us to test your loyalty to me. This is very important. No one is forcing you to be here and I need to be assured your loyalty remains with me at all times. So you’re going to go and sit in that empty toilet over there with the door closed and when the first girl walks in here Flea is going to jump her.
Having you, and by extension your daughter, at her mercy has made Flea a little horny. Ever since I told her about you and showed her Carly’s profile she has been stalking Carly’s Facebook photos, she can hardly keep her hands off her cunt!’
The Girls laughed out loud. My stomach knotted a little further. What had I done? And the tears flowed freely as I tried to work a way I could get out of this situation.
‘Anyway, as I was saying, when the first girl walks in Flea is going to make her kneel down and force her to lick her pussy. It is likely you will hear some begging and pleading if things go the usual way, we don’t care if it’s a junior or a senior or a mid-year as soon as they walk in they’re our next victim. Now you are to listen carefully Robbie, listen for the signs, and as soon as you think it is necessary I want you to come bursting out of that toilet with all intention of saving the poor Girl. I can only imagine her eyes lighting up as she sees an adult ready to come to her rescue, it will be such a hit!’
Tay and Flea both laugh again like the potential rape of an innocent girl is just another day at the office.
‘But you work for me now Robbie. You’re my girl. And you won’t save her, you will follow my instructions. And do absolutely everything I say’.
Tay’s eyes had that hard look about them again now. Deadly serious, the life was gone, even if only momentarily, as she laid down my law.
‘Now I want you to tell me what happens if you don’t do everything I say Robbie, you know how serious I am by now in my threats don’t you?’
I nodded in response,
‘Yes Tay, I understand. I will do everything you say, I know you will get Carly involved if I fail you in any way. I want to serve you though, please let’s not hurt anyone else. What if the girl that happens to walk in that door reports what you do to her to the police, then what? Please let me just do whatever you and Flea want. Please?’
Tahlia clapped in delight.
‘Begging again Robbie! How wonderful, and from the begging position too. I love it!!’
She laughed as she ordered me to stand and pull my underwear up and to go and sit in the toilet and wait.
I guess you won’t often have someone confess that the greatest orgasm they ever had coincided with the worst fifteen minutes of their life. But that’s precisely what would happen to me. It must have only been minutes before Denny came running in to say that someone was coming. Apparently a mid-schooler, nice looking Girl and coming alone. I heard Flea clap in delight or maybe she just clapped hands with Tay. I was sitting quietly in my stall by now with the door shut struggling to keep my fingers from stroking my pussy and could only hear what was happening. Still didn’t stop me feeling sick enough that I thought I would spew up though.
As I said earlier the pleading I heard was immediate. From the moment she saw Flea she knew she was in a bad position. Everyone in the school knew of Tay, knew what she was capable of, and obviously by extension Flea and Denny too. The newspaper article that had drawn my attention to Tahlia in the first place had only enhanced that reputation around the school. All the other kids knew that she should have been expelled. That she was only here because the department overruled the Principal. And yet here was this Girl coming into a block of toilets isolated from the rest of the school alone? It didn’t make sense.
There were the footsteps and the scuffle as she tried to make her escape only to find Denny blocking the path out. I heard a squeal and a muffled cry for help, it was like someone was holding their hand over her mouth. I knew this was my time to come out from my hiding place, time to come out and save this poor victim from these Bullies. And I think as I opened the door that was actually my plan. I am a good citizen. I’ve never been in trouble and brought my daughter up the right way. I was genuinely going to stop this.
As I opened the door the four sets of eyes look at me. Denny and Tahlia both smiled as they saw me, while Flea continued to struggle as she held her victim from behind. Flea had snaked her arms inside the elbows of the girl who had been rendered pretty much helpless already. Flea was so tall that the smaller girl’s feet actually dangled uselessly just above the ground. But it was the girl’s eyes that told the story. Genuine terror. That’s all I could see at first until she realised that someone else was here. There was a flash of relief as I yelled at Flea to let her go. I used my best adult/Mother’s voice as I sternly set down the law,
‘Flea,’ I yelled panicked and nervous but I meant it quite genuinely, ‘you put that young lady down this instant. Let go of her right NOW!’
In an instant I understood the difficulties of teaching unruly teenage criminals these days and perhaps why Tahlia was able to get away with as much as she did. Flea just flashed a big smile at me and shook her head. Did she just tell me no?
‘I mean it Flea. You let go of her. If you don’t I’ll ring the police.’
I had genuinely meant what I said. I was willing to ring the police. The look of terror in the poor girl’s eyes had shaken me enough to think I could actually stop this. Tahlia laughed from behind me.
‘Come on Robbie’ she said waving my phone at me ‘how are you going to call the cops when I have your phone?’
Forgetting my place for a moment I immediately back chatted.
‘I don’t care Tay. I will run out of that door and call for help if I have to. I’m not letting either of you hurt that girl.’
Tahlia smiled, ‘Okay then Flea let her go. We’ll go and wait outside Carly’s school instead’.
And that was where it all ended for me and the Girl. I melted. It took Tay all of about thirty seconds to call my bluff.
‘That’s unless Robbie here has changed her mind. What do you think Robbie?’
I looked across briefly at Tahlia, that look of fury was back.
‘Begging position NOW’ she yelled at me.
And I just dropped to my knees at the feet of my bully. Dropped to kneel at my new Bully’s feet like the subservient, cowardly, little Girl I had become. Suddenly Tahlia had that playful look in her eye again,
‘Beg me to play with her instead of Carly then Robbie. And you better make it convincing my little pet, you know how badly Flea would like to meet that daughter of yours’...
Along with Tahlia, Denny also looked like she was having a great time. Her face was bright and mischievous while Flea continued to hold the struggling girl helplessly by the arms. It was hard to imagine between the girl and I and the three of them how different our Worlds were at that moment. Terror filled our half, while a teenage playfulness seemed to come from theirs. It just wasn’t fair.
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If I had known how things might turn out from my position now beneath Tay, I would have pushed her foot away that was still pressing painfully on the side of my cheek grinding my face further into the dirt. Pushed her foot away, stood up, and marched straight back to my education department with a full report on how she had assaulted me. I would have recommended her immediate expulsion and had her file re-opened, the same file that the Board had examined when it recommended her re-instatement...
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BDSMThe ruddy light in the cold stone room is dim, but it is enough to make out every detail of the cowering figure. He is nude save for a studded leather collar around his neck, slender and fragile, he is on his knees, enduring the wrath of his Mistress. Standing over him in a tight, black and blood-red corset, a tiny black skirt and high leather boots, her eyes snapping and crackling with barely-controlled savagery, her scarlet lips flickering between a sneer and a wicked smile, she resembles a...
Julian sighed. He had just gotten off the phone with his ex-wife, Stacey, who told him that she was taking the kids to the Gold Coast for the weekend, so he would not be seeing his kids on “his” weekend. Julian wondered why he even got his hopes up anymore. The last time he had seen his kids was almost 9 months ago on his daughter Abigail’s 8th birthday. Stacey had made the mistake of telling Abby that she could do “whatever she wanted” on her birthday this year. Abby said she had wanted to see...
Mind ControlBilly knew he was on the spectrum. It didn't bother him really. He much preferred things to people seeing as they didn't pay much attention to him anyway. His issue of course arose when he entered puberty and started gaining an attraction over them, Well...their naked bodies at least, which was why he was spending that Sunday morning on a trip with his mom to a therapist instead of on his computer looking at more naked people like he normally would. "Billy, please stop staring." "Sorry mother."...
Mind ControlThe Nguyen residence was entertained by a good bit of screaming wafting from the master suite the next morning before the smiling pair emerged for breakfast. Kim was the first to send a salvo in Tuan's direction, "My God, Pop! You need to cut us some slack. It was bad enough with you and Bea on Copernicus. You and Nancy had the whole planet shaking enough to throw me out of bed this morning." She jumped out of his reach and giggled when Tuan tried to swat her retreating butt. Tensions...
Balance By Sue Kidder I used to love my wife. Lately, however, my love has dissipated with every nagging and abusive word. If it were not for the fact that I am much larger than my wife I am sure that I would be physically mistreated too. But the verbal abuse, her financial recklessness, and her reluctance to uphold her side of the marital agreement (sex, cooking, housekeeping, etc.) has made me realize that our marriage is at an end. Alas, what to do? If I divorced her I...
Now looking back at myself still sitting there on the skirt that I used as a seat cover in my boss' office, I could remember how scared and nervous I was after the full impact of my decision hit me and she walked out of the office leaving me alone, naked and exposed. As I was walking to my office to grab my purse and stuff for the day, I did get some stares as and looks as past some of my co-workers. But, no one said anything to me about my lack of dress that night. I think the reason for...
I do feel that I should mention that, since that meeting a week ago, a large majority of my coworkers has either started coming to work everyday naked like me or are partially naked all of the time. Plus, on Monday that week, I don't remember seeing anyone at work that was wearing anything, including Ms. Jerkins, but on Tuesday, I remember seeing a few with clothes on. Now I have to say that I feel that my crazy idea about nudity has had a very positive affect on the amount of traffic the...
Once out in the hallway and walking toward the elevator, we decided to head up to our rooms and drop off our stuff and meet back up together in the lobby area in thirty minutes. I quickly went back up to my room to freshen up since I didn't really have anything with me to drop off. I did put my stuff back into my purse before heading out. I managed to make it down to the lobby first and sat down and started reading the paper. Maybe a minute or two later, the others were in the lobby and...
The case of Parham vs. Jerkins had not gone in favor of the Parham family. Sentenced to one hundred eighty days of enforced nudity and one hundred hours of public service for discriminatory acts against Absolutes, they were ordered to strip naked in the open courtroom. Gloria Parham had never been nude in front of anyone since she was out of diapers. As her parents stripped, reluctantly, she tried to bargain with the judge, telling him she had only been an obedient daughter to her father's...
Mawile and Sableye loved to have sex but loved when it was kinky and unusual sex. Tonight Mawile was tying up Sableye in soft velvet rope. As he tied her up he would stroke her body and pinch at her nipples. She squealed at the little shocks of pleasure he caused, smiling Mawile finished the bondage. "Oooo~ Mawile you tease me so much" Sableye said. "Haha I know and you love it!" he said pinching both of her nipples hard. She cried out as he started play with her breasts that...
Barry and Jill Thomas lived in a small town in Northern Tasmania having a population of around 5,000 and they had known each other since primary school, in fact both attending that and the area's High School together right through. Barry was a well built 180 centimetre tall tractor driver working for a ploughing contractor, and Jill was a curvy girl of average height and nice appearance, who, due to the size of her breasts had sometimes had her described as "dairy fed." She was pretty but...
Now it didn't take me long to get to his office, since the residence that I was at is so close to the business. I pulled my car into the parking lot and made my way to the lobby. Once there, I grabbed a seat and just waited for him to come down to get me so we could go out for lunch. The main lobby area of his business is very open and the visitor's seating area is very exposed. Especially if one of the individuals is butt naked like I was. I knew that I was basically on display to...
I have managed to spend close to every living minute naked for close to two weeks now, and no conference or anything else will convince me to wear any of those unconformable outfits that I used to wear, it's not going to happen. Then, as I was almost at my car, I heard someone running toward me. When I turned around to see who it was, I saw Rhonda coming toward me pulling her dress over her head and letting it fall to the pavement. Once she was at my car, she said, while she was catching...
A foolish man paid the price of his actions, then found himself after being shown the way by his beautiful blond wife and her black lovers. I was sat in my chair completely dumbstruck, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I had no idea where the DVD I was watching had been made. But in my heart of hearts I could guess why, she knew I had been unfaithful, the perfume, a brush of lipstick, it had all added up, and the interrogation by my wife had nailed me. But this, this was too much, this...
I sat up, pulled the covers off, and stood up. Being up this early really was a hassle; I could barely stand. Something had to be done. If I couldn’t go back to sleep, I had to find a way to wake up. Completely. I got a shower. Didn’t work. I got dressed and went into the living room to watch TV. I was still way too tired. I went into the kitchen to find coffee. We were out. I had one option: go out and get coffee. I didn’t have a car, so I had to walk, but luckily there was a Starbucks...
"As you know, you guys have chemistry test today, so please clear up your desk." Students in the class started to put working tools and cellphone in their desks or bag packs. Then teacher started handing out three papers stapled into one. Students skimmed through them once. Some had eyes of full of confident and some had eyes of doubts. When clock's long needle was pointing at six, telling there was only thirty minutes left, the teacher looked at one of the students and below him. And there,...
Mind ControlAt the airport there was some delay after the aircraft stopped before a Rolls-Royce arrived at the bottom of the steps. This delay caused very worried looks among the officials, but one of them said eventually that it was only because the chauffeur was avoiding any mistakes. The Emir's palace was visible from some considerable distance away as the Rolls-Royce sped towards it from the airport. It looked the sort of building a child might have made, if given a truly tremendous number of Lego...
The full state wedding of Selima and Ramzy El-Najjar was an experience which nearly wore David out, and he was only a spectator. His head spun when he tried to remember all the components of the very ornate ceremony. It spun even further when he contemplated the enormous banquet which followed with the women participating from behind a decorative wall which hid them from view. He now understood how exciting it could be to know that a strange woman was in the room, even though you could not...
On the way to the client's house, all I could think about was who will be at the door when I get there and what if my new prospective client isn't alone and has his family with him? Especially since this new property is a residential house that he is trying to sell through my reality agency. I did get some strange looks from passing cars as I was driving through his neighborhood. I know public nudity is getting more and more acceptable, but like any new changes, there is always that group...
Later that day, after my short drive home from my first real full day naked at work., I couldn't get it out of my head that I had actually turned down what could be my last chance to get out of that contract without it costing my job. I guess that I must have been so busy with my thoughts that I didn't see my neighbor, Brenda Watson, walking toward me as I was getting out of my car in the driveway. It wasn't until she was just about arm's reach from me that I noticed her. All I can say...
As I was looking through the bathroom and bedroom thinking about what I should bring with me, I laid out on the bed what I decided on. Then as I came out of the bathroom carrying my shampoo and conditioner, Jerry walked in carrying the suitcase I took on my last two or three day trip. It is big enough to hold the state of Texas and the small pile of mostly cosmetics and toiletries will only fill up a small carryon if that. Now looking into my very empty closet and back to that suitcase, I can...
G.S.P. Chapter 9 An Avalanche of Power * * * Eagle stood in the office of Agent Anderson with clenched fists and a face contorted in anger. "This isn't fair, I was recruited to be the field leader of the team," he complained loudly. It was not the first time. The elderly agent on the other side of the desk sighed deeply. "It is indeed true you were chosen as leader when G.S.P. started, but things have changed," Anderson responded. "For instance you are now as first priority loyal...
CHANGE OF POWER IN A PLACE NOT QUITE IN THIS REALITY... She glided through the realm, no one who watched being quite sure whether she was walking with her feet or just moving through effort of will. Either was possible. She was one of the major Incarna, a pure force of nature, the living essence of pure feminine power. She was second only to the major trinity whose interplay kept the universe moving, who were in turn second only to the one who created all. All who were in her...
So the day I was granted mind control powers was the day I took my first step toward my tragic fate. It seemed great at first, and I almost couldn't believe it. Over time I honed it, crafted it and fucked a lot of women. I should have seen that I was losing control that karma would bite me in the ass. I just should of seen where I'd end up, if only I'd paid more attention.
Mind ControlA few days later John and Jenny were coming into the apartment. They found two men wearing white shirts and ties in the apartment on the sixth floor, “Who are you and what are you doing here?” John asked. “We are with Homeland Security, and we have some serious questions to ask you.” The taller man stated as he flashed his badge. “How did you get in here?” John knew, but he wanted them to say it, “Do you have a warrant?” “We don’t need a warrant to haul in someone that is a suspected...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Twin Sister Seduced into Incestuous Power By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke trembled as she knelt before her son, offering herself up as a sacrifice to buy time to allow more people of the Institute to evacuate. She hoped they wouldn't get ensnared by her son's mind-control powers. Already, the poor twins, Mindy and Cindy, knelt before him, the two eighteen-year-old...
The Karitons, Ascikeans and Verxik where three distinct species who had mastered many exceptional technologies. They created an organization called the Ascension Collective. All three where like minded in their curiosity as well as there boredom. The Karitons seemed like the most responsible, they came from the distant future. Right before the end of the universe they traveled back in time to discover the first highly advanced species. The Ascikeans the most mischievous, they come...
He was fabulously wealthy and had a beautiful young wife. He also had hidden powers I could never have dreamed of, powers that would change my life completely. POWERS by BobH (c) 2018 - 1 - It was Plato's 'Republic' that did it. As usual I was working the six-'til-midnight shift at the gas station on Highway 5, a dozen or so miles outside the town of...
Andy was smiling down at me as I struggled to awaken. She handed me a cup of coffee and fluffed the pillows behind my back, gently touching my arm in loving tenderness as I sat up. Mary entered, giving me a quick look to determine if she dared risking talking to me. Seeing no negative feelings in my face, she quickly told me everything was in order, including clothes packed for me and in the Suburban. “I want a shower. And, I need to care for Cathy before we leave,” I said. “I will get her...
Hi there. My name is Vi and I'm 35 years old. I work in advertising and promotions and have made it fairly high up the corporate ladder. I wouldn't say I'm terribly smart but suffice to say I'm smart enough to get where I am with my limited skills. I had lost my virginity at 18. I don't even remember the guy that took it away. All I remember was that I got a little drunk at a party and went to rest in one of the rooms. I remember being half awake as some guy started feeling me up. I was too...
THE PRICE OF POWER Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental, others could...
Deidre Icke trembled as she knelt before her son, offering herself up as a sacrifice to buy time to allow more people of the Institute to evacuate. She hoped they wouldn’t get ensnared by her son’s mind-control powers. Already, the poor twins, Mindy and Cindy, knelt before him, the two sixteen-year-old girls staring up at him. Deidre squeezed her tits, fingers kneading her large tits. She was naked, a collar about her throat, a leash dangling behind her. “Watch and understand the truth,...
Now to show that I can be a god! When Eve, the weather witch, could stop laughing, she was sitting where I told her. I had distracted her to the point that she stopped pushing more energy into the hurricane she sent toward the island. “Thank you, Eve,” I told her. “Relax. You are done for today. If you piss me off, you will be done forever, destined to look your age as you wait for eternity, unless someone kills you first.” “You arrogant little bastard, David, do you think you are a god or...
A DEMONSTRATION OF POWERBy VelvetgloveIntroductionFor reasons explained in my true story ‘Stranger than Fiction’, I have not been posting for a while. However, during August 2009 I began writing fiction again, including the first few chapters of ‘A Demonstration of Power’. I intend to continue posting both these stories concurrently reflecting the two sides of my persona: the velvet glove and the iron fist.This story is, of course, fiction and it is dedicated to all those brave protestors...
Heaven and Hell II: The Ways of Power By Maggie Finson CHAPTER 1 The damned Hellhound was laughing at me again. Slowly picking myself up off my rump after yet another failed attempt to gain some control over the wild magic I had gained access to a short time ago, I took time to rub the offended part of my anatomy and soothe my smarting tail. Then I glared at the Hound with my hands planted firmly on my wide, softly curving hips. "Am I entertaining you, Helga?" "Oh,...
Super Powers By Celeste Ann Taylor Intro Jezerek and Tolqid looked down on Earth as they selected a suitable candidate to become the inheritor of vast super powers. They needed to create a successor to the recently defeated Space Minx, who had been beaten in battle by the Time Harlot herself. The two focused in on the females of earth, noting their most athletic women, the most determined sportswomen and their toughest policewomen. They found the perfect candidate Melissa...
There was a male comics character in the 1940s who fought crime by cross-dressing and calling himself Madam Fatal. Here's my take on the character, the second in what will be at least a trilogy of tales. MADAM FATAL: POWER by BobH (c) 2020 Characters are the property of DC Comics. (Note: This story is a sequel to MADAM FATAL: PROWL. Images in the SWI version show what the character looks like.) - 1 - According to my informant, one of my...
He'd done it to her again. She should have known better. The parking lot had emptied quickly once the party was over. Now, the last few people were filtering out to head home. Erika didn't know anyone, it seemed, but that was hardly surprising, under the circumstances. She felt something cold and wet strike her on the shoulder and looked up. Sure enough, she saw the bright light of the nearby streetlamp reflected from a thousand tiny, glittering drops. As if things needed to get worse. She...
EroticShe’ll do. The fair-haired one in the middle of the giggling, school-bagged, plaid-skirted trio walking home along the footpath. They are probably discussing their boyfriends in the ribald terms that girls only reveal when talking among themselves. She looks tasty. Medium height, slim, small high breasts, plump rounded bum. Too bad they make girls her age wear white ankle socks just like the juniors at the school. First thing she’ll do when she gets home is take those silly socks off. But she...
Based on the Swords books by Fred Saberhagen mixed in with the Marvel comic book universe (616). The Gods forged the 12 swords to use in their games, planning to distribute them amongst the foolish humans and watch them lie, steal, and murder their way to power with them. The problem was their toys worked too well and even the Gods were vulnerable to them. Each sword, once drawn, has its own power and vulnerability. Coinspinner, the Sword of Chance has the power to make impossibly lucky things...
Mind ControlI feel the power. It practically consumes me. He sits, fully nude, in his favorite recliner. He leans back, his eyes closed, his lips slightly parted. All is dark, save for the moonlight passing through the thin curtains and illuminating his face. I kneel before him, between his knees, where I feel so comfortable. I am just as naked as he – unless one counts the four earrings in each ear – but I am not graced by the moonlight. My fingers gently stroke and caress and squeeze his rigid...
My name is Christine Lassiter Anderson. Life has a way of knocking you down when you think you’re invincible. Three years ago, I had it all. I was married to a multi-millionaire philanthropist and investment banker, and I lived in a townhouse in Boston’s Back Bay. I drove a Mercedes and I went to A-list parties. I knew actors, supermodels and top businessmen. And last but not least, I had the privilege of being a pretty-faced, blonde-haired white woman in the United States of America. Then the...
I am Jake, i am a tall hunky 22 year old. I have a great muscle body and a nice 10 inch cock. There is something about my cock whoever sees it cant help themselves but get horny for me. I realized this when i went to my aunts place. I went to visit my aunt, i had recently came back from London. I decided to meet all of my family. I went to visit my aunt, Len and her son, Joshua. Len was 33, she was a total milf. She had a nice rack and a curvy body. She got pregnant when she was 16. Joshua...
Disclaimer: The following story was written for entertainment purposes only. It contains sex; however, it is described artfully as plot a device. If this might offend you, please read no further. Furthermore, this story is dedicated to other writers in this genre who have given me so much pleasure over the years. Wishes and Power By Romances Key Long ago, there was a legend... a legend of an ancient being of power trapped in a ring. It was a story of a man who had everything -...
Within My Power A story by Rugburn This story is something of a stream of consciousness narrative. I set out to write it just wanting to see a few fun transformations and thus don’t have a strong narrative or ending in mind. If memory serves it took about an hour to write.??®Originally posted to Deviant ...
I heard her come in and slam the door. It must have been another frustrating day at work. My wife, Michelle had taken a new job about six months ago and it had been a complete change from her previous job. The work itself was exactly what she wanted, in line with her advanced degree, with lots of theoretical problems to solve, as well as the practical ones where she adapted the research results to everyday uses. But the other employees were so hard to adjust to. They were...
Part 3 of Sweet Smell of Lust Copyright© 1995-2003 There was a young man from Lynn Whose cock was the size of a pin. Said his girl with a laugh As she felt his staff, "This won't be much of a sin." SSoL 3: I Tony held back the retort to David's latest command. It was ridicules, Virginia already held too much power, he had always thought. Instead of commenting, he simply brought up the glass of wine and took a long slow slip. He realized he more frequently had to bite his tongue...
The girl needed help. She knew that, now. Which is why she was here. The waiting room. All so normal, exactly what she expected for a mental health counselor’s office. Ecru walls, long blue sofas and firm orange armchairs, ferns and philodendrons and rhododendrons. Drowsy clove scent in the air. The short-haired middle-aged white slightly dumpy (don’t fat-shame her don’t age-shame her) receptionist who had welcomed her in with professional courtesy but certainly hiding suspicions. Right?...
Synopsis: To understand the true significance of her traumatic experience, college-student Laurie must undergo a radical and empowering cognitive therapy.Author: Adam Lily ([email protected])***********Dear Reader:This story delves into themes of power and race. It might be someone's stroke fiction, and that's great—let me know—but it likely won't appeal to many.So if you do like this story, please let me know. If you hate it, let me know that, too. But if want lighter fare, go elsewhere....
My Name’s Amy Webber, I’m 19 Years Old and Studying Musical Theatre at University, I’m a little petite at 5’’4 My Boobs are 34 DD’s, I Have Blonde Hair Down To my shoulders and I Keep Myself Neat and shaved, and I’m Bisexual I was in secondary school when I first realised I had This special power, I Was Young And infatuated With This Popular Guy Called Dave, every girl fancied Dave and one night at this party he chose me, I Was dancing and he came up behind me and danced with me, rubbing...
POWER, POWER! WHO'S GOT THE POWER! By Bea I took my eyes off the road for a second. Charles sat, eyes fixed downwards, his knitting needles flashing, the ball of pink angora wool on his lap making tiny little jerks. He was becoming quite an accomplished knitter I thought. I did feel a little flash of jealousy at the sight of his small, well formed, soft hands. I mean, it's not that mine are huge or anything but it seems eminently unfair that even though he's just a little smaller...
Apprentice to a Power I'd been standing there for five minutes; a nervous staring match with the door had ensued. I finally tapped at it and stood back, expectation and fear struggling for expression. Marianne opened the door immediately and smiled. Her features were powerful; intelligent, dark blue eyes examined me from beneath perfect eyebrows. What I could see of her body beneath a sparkling, navy robe was simply beautiful. Breasts, held firmly by the powerful brassieres...