D?terminisme Naturel-1 free porn video

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D?terminisme naturel Marc fron?ait les sourcils devant son exercice d'?conomie, mortifi? de ne rien y comprendre.Alarm? parce que tout le monde dans la salle ?crivait rapidement, il ?tait apparemment le seul qui s?chait, encore une fois le seul... Il sentait la prochaine banane venir, enterrant ses derniers espoirs d'obtenir sa ma?trise d'AES. Apr?s avoir redoubl? sa premi?re ann?e, puis sa seconde ann?e, et puis naturellement sa licence pour faire le grand chelem de l'?chec, c'?tait sans aucun doute logique que la marche de la quatri?me ann?e soit r?solument hors de port?e de ses capacit?s. Marc souffla l?g?rement pour d?gager la m?che ch?tain sombre qui lui tombait devant les yeux, n'ayant aucune conscience du caract?re terriblement f?minin du geste qu'il venait de faire, suivi par un autre encore plus f?minin: se recoiffer gracieusement en passant une m?che derri?re son oreille. Il avait toujours eu l'habitude de porter les cheveux un peu longs, mais les ann?es de fac ?taient des ann?es de vache maigre. Aller chez le coiffeur ?tait un luxe qu'il ne pouvait se permettre chaque mois, et ses cheveux semblaient avoir une vigueur pour pousser rapidement qui lui manquait dans tout le reste de son corps. "Mais je n'y comprends vraiment rien, et encore ces maudites fonctions" maugr?a int?rieurement Marc. Il n'?tait pas idiot, mais il ?tait indiscutablement peu dou? intellectuellement. Son esprit lent ne comprenait les probl?mes les plus basiques qu'apr?s les avoir ressass?s plusieurs fois, et ses m?diocres capacit?s d'abstraction intellectuelle ne lui permettaient pas d'appr?hender les notions plus d?licates. Il se sentait de moins en moins ? sa place ? l'universit?. La sensation d'avoir p?niblement obtenu ses ann?es pr?c?dentes sur des malentendus le taraudait. Cependant il lui fallait bien quelque chose pour pr?parer son avenir professionnel, car son corps d'avorton mettait hors de port?e tout travail un tant soit peu physique. Menu et mince, Marc ?tait de constitution fragile et d?licate. Il n'avait jamais connu un seul muscle, ses bras fins et ses longues jambes fusel?es ne laissaient aucun doute quant ? sa faiblesse. Son cou gracile et sa nuque juv?nile accentuait l'ambigu?t? sexuelle de dos. De face ses traits doux et d?licatement dessin?s, ses grands yeux bleus d'un bleu vif, ses longs cils et ses joues poupines l'emp?chaient de pr?tendre ? une quelconque virilit?. Depuis tout petit il ?tait si habitu? qu'on le confonde avec une fille qu'il n'en ?tait nullement surpris quand c'?tait le cas, et cela arrivait tr?s souvent. La n?gation de sa masculinit? le frustrait, mais sage et docile il ne se rebellait jamais. Si Marc faisait des efforts pour ?viter tout v?tement qui aurait pu accentuer sa morphologie si peu "m?le", le fait qu'il ne mesura qu'1m57, ses ?paules fr?les, sa taille de 36 et ses tout petits pieds repr?sentaient un d?fi insurmontable pour passer pour un jeune homme comme les autres. Le peu d'orgueil qu'il avait lui faisait dire qu'il mesurait 1m60, et quant il essayait de prendre des postures qu'il croyait viriles et confiantes c'?tait peine perdue. Depuis toujours il ?tait une vraie fille manqu?e, qui jouait ? la poup?e et ? la d?nette avant de comprendre que les gar?ons ne jouaient pas ? ?a. Ses tentatives pour s'affirmer en tant qu'homme ?chouaient lamentablement, et malgr? la surveillance qu'il tentait de s'imposer il ?tait terriblement mani?r?, adoptant spontan?ment et une gestuelle f?minine tr?s naturelle qu'aucun gar?on n'aurait pu imiter sans para?tre grotesque. Sa nature de fille manqu?e l'avait amen? ? ne fr?quenter que des filles et ? ?tre m?pris? ou ignor? des gar?ons. Malheureusement pour lui Marc ?tait un c?ur d'artichaut et il tombait facilement amoureux des jolies filles qu'il fr?quentait et c?toyait. Les choses auraient ?taient bien plus simples pour lui s'il avait ?tait homosexuel mais voil?, le destin lui avait jou? le tour d'?tre purement h?t?rosexuel. Marc ne comptait pas le nombre de ses frustrations amoureuses qui se succ?daient ann?e apr?s ann?e. Les filles ne pouvaient voir en un gar?on si eff?min?, physiquement et psychologiquement, un petit ami potentiel. Par contre elles le trouvaient g?nial et pr?cieux comme copine, et sans se tracasser c'est comme copine que les filles le traitaient, que ce soit conscient ou inconscient. Parfois Marc maudissait ses go?ts f?minins, de pleurer ? chaque fois devant "Titanic" ou d'?prouver une excitation d'adolescente devant "Dirty dancing", il n'avait cependant pas la volont? de se refuser ce qu'il consid?rait comme ses seuls plaisirs. La vie lui r?servait si peu de satisfactions et de plaisirs qu'il ne trouvait pas la force de se priver d'un seul ?pisode de "Plus belle la vie"! Marc commen?a enfin ? ?crire quelque chose, surtout histoire de remplir sa feuille. Au bout de quelques minutes il releva la t?te, repoussa d'un d?licat geste les m?ches qui lui tombaient ? nouveau sur les yeux, et se perdit dans la contemplation de la charg?e de TD qui surveillait l'examen, la sublime Amandine. Amandine, ? la liminuse chevelure blonde de princesse, repr?sentait le fantasme ultime de Marc. Elle ?tait d'une beaut? envo?tante et en effet il ?tait comme ensorcel? par sa personne. Sa beaut? f?erique captivait et troublait hommes et femmes. Une ?me faible comme celle de Marc se retrouvait, elle, totalement sous le son joug. Amandine n'?tait pas une vulgaire bimbo blonde; c'?tait une jeune femme au charme ravageur qui compl?tait un physique parfait. Nulle d'imperfection en effet. Ses longs cheveux lisses de couleur miel, ses yeux bleus saphir, sa peau au grain d?licat hal?e avec bienveillance par le moindre rayon de soleil, son m?tre 75 de mannequin, son sourire ? fondre la banquise, sa gr?ce et son ?l?gance naturelles, tout faisait d'elle une d?esse venue d'un ?ge d'or r?volu. Amandine d?bordait de bonne humeur et d'?nergie, et son corps, tout en ?tant la quintessence de la f?minit?, ?tait ?galement fait pour le sport et le d?passement de soi. Amandine incarnait autant l'id?al f?minin que Marc ?tait ?loign? de l'id?al masculin. Et pour parachever ce contraste si Marc ?tait d'une intelligence m?diocre, lente et laborieuse Amandine ?tait particuli?rement vive d'esprit, dou?e dans tous les domaines, et terminait juste avec les f?licitations du corps universitaire un cursus qui se soldait par une double th?se ?conomie et droit. Marc avait eu l'occasion de c?toyer plusieurs fois Amandine. Lors de sa seconde deuxi?me ann?e il avait ?t? mis sous tutorat de brillante jeune fille, qui elle attaquait tout juste deux masters. Le pauvre gar?on, tellement intimid? et ?mu par l'objet de tous ses d?sirs, ne retira pas grand chose de ce tutorat, si ce n'est que chaque parole et sourire d'Amandine alimentait ses r?ves les plus fous. Il ne pouvait s'emp?cher d'imaginer l'impossible, Amandine tombant follement amoureuse de lui, tous les deux partageant des nuits sensuelles et orgasmiques, d?lirant sur leur mariage et sur la belle famille qu'ils fonderaient ensemble... Et ce n'est pas de voir Amandine flirtait avec de bels Apollons, beaux, riches et ayant d?j? de belles situations, qui lui auraient fait renoncer et ses r?ves les plus fous. La gentillesse que lui montrait Amandine, le moindre compliment et taquinerie, et Marc sentait le feu enflammait ses joues, et il perdait tous ses moyens, bafouillant et gauche, d?contenanc? comme une gamine qui rencontrerait son idole. Amandine se plaisait ? lui faire des remarques sur son absence de virilit? et sur sa f?minit? si peu contenue, toujours avec de petits rires adorables, et Marc peu ? peu avait associ? ses petites humiliations innocentes au plaisir d'?tre en compagnie avec la fille de tous ses r?ves. Marc avait pu r?ver autant qu'il le souhaitait ? Amandine, ? une histoire d'amour entre eux digne d'une des s?ries t?l? dont il raffolait, ? une famille fond?e et des enfants qui respiraient le bonheur, il savait pertinemment qu'elle ?tait encore plus inaccessible pour lui qu'aucune autre femme. Et en effet, au sortir de cet insupportable examen, les jours qui suivirent finirent par enterrer ses pr?tentions de master, et ses r?ves si chers d'amour avec Amandine avec. Marc quitta la fac avec amertume, se sentant plus jamais nul, et pleurnichant ? l'id?e de ne plus pouvoir apercevoir, ne serait ce au loin, l'?tre cher si aim?, ador?, convoit?. Aigri mais avec trop peu de caract?re pour qu'il en tire une force, son peu de virilit? amoindrie par ces derni?res ann?es d'amoureux secret, l'?nergie et l'envie manquaient cruellement ? Marc pour attaquer une vie de jeune adulte. De nos jours beaucoup d'?tudiants n'embrassent leur vie d'adulte qu'une fois la fac achev?e. C'?tait bien ?videmment le cas de Marc, qui d?barquait dans la jungle du vrai monde totalement d?sarm? et perdu. Il fut ?videmment incapable de se trouver un emploi par lui-m?me, et la conseill?re de p?le emploi ne savait que proposer devant un tel candidat si effac? et tellement attentiste. S'il n'avait ?t? aussi dipl?m? elle lui aurait volontiers propos? un boulot au mac do ou au supermarch? du coin. Marc se cru revenir en enfance, terriblement vuln?rable et d?sarm? pour affronter les dures r?alit?s de la vie adulte. A cela s'ajoutait une s?rie d'?v?nements qui finirent par l'isoler et le d?courager. Sa m?re, une fois tous ses enfants adultes, en eu assez de supporter son p?re, brutal et trop port? sur la boisson. Elle obtint rapidement un divorce et partit en Espagne refaire sa vie avec un amant rencontr? sur un site de rencontre. Son p?re avait fait du divorce une excuse suppl?mentaire pour boire encore plus et passer sa vie dans des bars minables. Il se retrouva oblig? de se trouver dans l'urgence un logement, et dans la pr?cipitation il ne trouva rien de mieux qu'une chambre chez une retrait?e. Solange avait d'abord h?sit? au t?l?phone ? lui proposer une visite, mais finalement une fois que Marc se retrouva devant elle Marc eu la surprise de la voir rapidement en confiance, presque soulag?, et de lui dire qu'il ?tait le bienvenu. L'appartement ?tait un vrai appartement de personne ?g?e, rempli de bibelots vieillots, de napperons et de broderies, d'odeurs de parfums ?c?urants et de produits de m?nage. Sa chambre, bien que sobre, ?tait indiscutablement d?cor?e aux go?ts d'une vielle fille. Malgr? le loyer tr?s modeste Marc du accepter de participer aux t?ches m?nag?res pour en payer une partie, de se voir attribuer tout le repassage (m?me celui de chemisiers et de robes aux plis compliqu?s), et d'adopter des horaires de vielle dame. Si on rajoute ? cela les repas tr?s frugaux et les programmes de t?l? pr?f?r?s de la retrait?e Marc eu l'impression d'?tre pass? directement de la case universit? ? celle de maison de retraite. Pourtant il n'avait pas assez de temp?rament pour se remuer et pendant les six premiers mois il prit l'habitude de papoter et jacasser avec Solange. Il se trouvait que la vielle dame ?tait comme lui une fan de "Plus belle la vie", et ce fut la graine ? partir de laquelle se d?veloppa leur complicit?. N?anmoins comme Marc n'avait pas une personnalit? forte c'est Solange qui s'affirmait, et bien malgr? lui il subit, lentement mais surement, l'influence de Solange en profondeur. Il n'avait d?j? pas la r?bellion, l'aventure et le dynamisme dans le sang, la vie avec la vielle dame laissa donc peu ? peu sur son identit? une empreinte ind?l?bile. Il avait d?j? du mal ? pr?tendre ? une quelconque virilit?, le fait de vivre comme une femme ?g?e repoussait sa masculinit? encore plus loin hors du domaine du possible. C'est au d?tour d'une rue que sa vie prit enfin un nouveau tournant, si ce n'est son vrai commencement. Revenant de l'?picerie o? il avait fait les courses pour Solange, Marc tomba nez ? nez avec Amandine, l'?tre qui occupait encore tous ses fantasmes, ses d?lires, ses pens?es et ses ambitions les plus folles. Pendant un battement de c?ur il h?sita, doutant si c'?tait bien elle ou pas. Amandine avait r?solument chang? de style. Elle avait abandonn? son look d'?tudiante ais?e pour devenir une vraie jeune femme BCBG, une adulte s?re d'elle et qui rayonnait de d?termination malgr? son jeune ?ge. Le changement le plus radical ?tait ses cheveux, coup?s et coiff?s en un long carr? lisse et blond terriblement s?duisant et ?l?gant. Elle portait un co?teux tailleur pantalon blanc, un haut bleu roi satin?, des escarpins blancs vernis du meilleur go?t, de discr?tes perles aux oreilles, une fine montre dor?e et un sac ? main de luxe; tout cela faisait d'elle la plus cr?dible et sexy business woman du monde. Marc restait sans voix devant la fille de ses r?ves devenue la plus magnifique jeune femme qu'il n'ait jamais vu. M?me son l?ger maquillage signifiait tout son talent inn? pour le moindre d?tail. Le c?ur de Marc battait la chamade et lorsque Amandine lui adressa la parole il se sentit rougir comme toujours, plus que jamais vuln?rable face ? sa dulcin?e. -"Marc! Mais quelle surprise! Tu n'as pas chang?!" Marc se sentit cruellement humili?, ridicule dans son sweat trop large et son jean informe. Il pris conscience que lui n'avait pas ?volu? depuis la fac, restant avec son apparence d'adolescent attard? habill? n'importe comment. -"Tu as perdu ta langue? On t'a pas appris a ?tre poli et ? dire bonjour ? une ancienne amie" le taquina Amandine avec un petit rire ravageur. -"Excuse moi Amandine... Bon..bonjour Amandine..." Devant ce petit gar?on grond? Amandine rit de bon c?ur -"C'est mieux, alors qu'est ce que tu deviens? Moi je viens de fonder ma propre boite dans la pub. Je voulais pas ?tre une fille ? papa et je me suis lanc?e dans le grand bain sans l'aide de personne". Marc rougit encore plus, se sentant minable et ridicule. -"Je... je n'ai rien trouv? moi... La dame de P?le Emploi a dit qu'elle m'appellerait mais voil? je n'ai aucun appel. Je vis chez une retrait?e, je paye pas cher et en ?change d'une partie du loyer je lui fais du m?nage." Evidemment Marc savait que ce qu'il racontait ?tait tr?s loin de le mettre en valeur, bien au contraire, mais il ne savait mentir et avait ce d?faut de se sentir oblig? de dire en permanence la v?rit?, sans rien cacher ou att?nuer. Ses yeux se mouill?rent d'impuissance et de d?pit. Amandine parut touch?e et fit une petite moue attendrie "Mais ma puce faut pas se mettre dans de tels ?tats. Viens je t'offre un caf?, et on va discuter, j'ai une id?e qui pourrait te plaire." Amandine lui prit le bras, et bras dessus bras dessous ils se trouv?rent une terrasse pour commander. Marc se sentit tout de suite r?confort?, et il appr?cia ?tre chouchout? par Amandine, m?me s'il se dit qu'il aurait du agir en homme et en adulte. Amandine lui expliqua alors ses projets, et en quoi il pouvait en faire partie. "Voil? comme je t'ai expliqu? j'ai mont? ma boite, et j'ai refus? l'aide de mes parents. J'ai utilis? mes ?conomies et pris un cr?dit pour me lancer. Je veux ?tre totalement ind?pendante, n'avoir de compte ? rendre ? personne tu vois? Donc l? je viens de signer pour les bureaux, et je cherche une petite ?quipe de 4-5 personnes de confiance pour organiser tout ?a et commencer ? travailler. On se partagera les t?ches et le travail en fonction de ce que chacun peut apporter et aime faire. Alors si tu es d'accord pour cette aventure, et que ?a ne te d?range pas de gagner de petits salaires les premiers mois, le temps que ?a se mette en place, ?a te dit que je t'embauche?" Marc ?tait comme hypnotis? par Amandine, totalement sous l'emprise de sa personne et de ses mots. Il pensait qu'il n'?tait pas Dieu possible qu'autant de beaut? et de charisme soit r?unie en une seule personne. Les grands sourires de la jeune femme suffisaient ? eux seuls ? comprendre que sa proposition ne pouvait qu'?tre accept?e par Marc, et qu'elle savait d?j? qu'il ne lui refuserait rien. Et en effet elle n'attendit m?me pas la fin des b?gaiements timides de Marc pour lui donner les informations pratiques quant ? son tout nouvel emploi et aux bureaux de la toute jeune entreprise. Marc se sentait comme le plus heureux des hommes, et quand Amandine posa sa main sur la sienne dans un geste de domination, son petit p?nis dur battait avec tr?pidation au rythme de son c?ur.

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Dreaming and Waking Ch 01

She slept and was dreaming … ***************************************** In her dream jane had been alone all day. As wench to the band of black knights she worked hard when they were away and knew well that she would be expected to play hard when they returned. The small feast they demanded after a day hunting and patrolling the borders of their land was being prepared by two cooks in the kitchen and the smell of roast hog was seeping into the hall where she had laid the low table with basic...

4 years ago
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Aftermath and a new beginning

The storm clouds were clearing rapidly now;the sun slanting across the valley, a low sharp diagonal of golden light. Steam rose from the tops of the trees, small wraiths of vapour twisting and evaporating as he watched, fascinated. The thunder had died away long since; at least so far as the weather was concerned. The thunder of his heart and head was slowing too, becoming manageable again. He sat on a low stone wall, his back to the gable end of the farmhouse. Solid, reassuring. It had been...

3 years ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 3 Elder Gau

Abnormal! If James were asked to describe his present experience travelling under the arm of a middle-aged man skip-jumping through the sky, he would start with that word. Closely followed by uncomfortable, not solely because of the lack of any safety restrictions to prevent his death from falling and not even so much because bugs kept hitting him in the face and the wind burned his cheeks, but mostly because this powerful but amiable-seeming middle-aged man was constantly rubbing his nipples...

4 years ago
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Monster in the Mirror

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I was somewhat surprised that I could still see it. I was even more surprised that my face was essentially unchanged. I had expected some sort of dramatic transformation, something that would mirror the radical changes that I now knew had happened within me. My skin seemed smoother, lacking all the little blemishes and imperfections I used to spend hours obsessing over. It also looked like it was a few shades paler, though, that could have simply been a...

2 years ago
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She Never Learns

Another lonely night.. Jeremiah is on what seems like a life long fishing trip and it’s been a rare treat if he has a signal. So Juliana spends her nights trying to keep her mind off sex and watching too many episodes of Game of Thrones. Well, at least she’s been a good girl for him. Restless, but knowing she needs to sleep, she turns off her iPad, but not before looking one more time to see if he has checked in… Nope, nothing… Grrrr. She’ll never win any awards for patience and if he doesnt...

1 year ago
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Private Campground

My wife, Julie in her early thirties with long brown hair, brown eyes and the type of body and looks that makes eyes turns when she enters a room. She behaves very conservatively around our friends but when we are alone, usually anything goes. Sometimes our lovemaking will involve fantasies with her being taken by 3 or more “strangers”. I have become very adept at manipulating dildoes while I am also fucking her and she really gets off when I talk to her like a slut being ravaged mercilessly....

4 years ago
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Two Married Men Find a New Hobby

The sexual tension was incredible! My best friend and I (50ish) were lounging on his deck at 2 AM over Labor Day weekend twelve years ago. Our wives were asleep a few yards away in the lake cottage. Four feet separated us, several gin and tonics in our bellies and we had just discussed our wives’ increasing lack of desire for sex and how we seemed to be getting hornier with age.We discussed what we each did with our wives in bed and what they enjoyed or didn’t enjoy. He started to tell me about...

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Naked in School the Cumming of a LegendChapter 10

Brian Crothers: Tiffany and I had a short meeting with Principal Morris and Miss Harrison in which we filled them in on the status of the party. I personally would have liked to speak with Miss Harrison beforehand, but logically it was best that we all discuss this together, without having to worry about being eavesdropped upon. From the look in her eyes, Miss Harrison surely thought we were crazy when she discovered what we had planned, but you could also tell that she was grateful to us...

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Erotic Movie Scene Leads To Sex With Cousin Sister

Hello ISS readers. I am Rehan (name changed for privacy) from New Delhi and I have just completed my 12th grade. A little bit about me. I am 19 years old, 172 cm tall with normal colour and athletic body (as I am a sportsperson). So this story is about how I had sex with my mami’s daughter. This happened two months ago, in April, when I went to my mami’s house for spending my vacation. My mami’s daughter’s name is Abhisarika (name changed) and she is 1 year younger to me. My cousin sister is...

2 years ago
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Sophie Ch2

Full of confidence, Sophie walked into work, an extra skip in her step and an extra jiggle in her cleavage. Boosted by the looks she'd got on her way to the office she strrutted right up to Sam's desk.Standing infront of him, she lent on the desk, her ample clevage right at eye level. A cheeky smile spread across her face as his eyes bulged when he looked up." So last night was just down to the beer was it?" she asked"NO! not at all, I I I just meant" he stuttered before Sophie interupted him...

4 years ago
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Wife at the cum party

Hi, I'm Jason and I would prefer to use this outlet to describe what has happened in my life, especially with my sex life with regards to my wife Beth. I wrote one previous story about what happened last year at my wife's college reunion (see "Her Bad College Days").Since that weekend, I have done my best to forget what I saw. It had been on a video tape that guys from a nearby fraternity had made of my wife not long after she appeared in a college girls edition of Playboy magazine. The photo...

4 years ago
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I fucked again

I am Aarti wife of Sunil we narrated our real incident which was happened in shimla in which I fucked by room boy in front of Sunil. Now this is my second incident which I written in Hindi. Shimla se aane ke baad mughe to jese sex ka khumar chad gayaa tha mugh lagta tha ke koi handsome larka ughe fuck kare mene sunil ko bhi batayato unhone kaha arti apni city me thoda risky hai phir bhi me try karunga. Sunil ek school me teacher hai uske pass bahut se boys tution ko aate hai usme ek larka imran...

3 years ago
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First Doctors check up

Afton groaned and rolled over trying to ignore the insistent buzzing of her snooze alarm. She glanced at the clock one more time, just to make sure that it really was seven o’clock, but the red glowing digits on the night stand indicated that now it was seven-o-two and counting! She stretched out, trying to get the circulation moving through her body, and felt her white cotton bikini panties pressing hard against her bulging vulva. The mere pressure from the thin material was enough to flood...

First Time
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Infinite Worlds

John awoke with a start, with bright light surrounding him. A voice spoke. "Hello Master. I am a Genie, and you have released me. You may have as many wishes as you want. So, what is your first wish? Or would you like to be taken back to earth and think it over?"

Mind Control
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Pauline The Slut Part 13 Gary and Ellie

Gary, my husband and Ellie were laughing as I lay there. "OK, time for food." Gary announced. "Come on slut." Ellie and I were sent to the kitchen to make some dinner while our husbands drank beer and watched what had been filmed. After dinner we returned to the bedroom. I was told to get on all fours. Gary and my husband rearranged the cameras. Ellie was behind me. I could hear her opening and closing a drawer. The cameras were switched on. Ellie walked around and stood in front of me....

4 years ago
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The Trials and Tribulations of Amy Sue MaxineChapter 8

After explaining the plan, Gertrude hands Amy Sue one of the tit torture style serving trays that most of the girls wear while serving food and drinks out in the club. She then tells Amy Sue that she's to hit Gertrude on the back of her head and make it appear that we actually overpowered her while escaping. That will minimize any whipping that Gertrude will receive after she explains how we got away. Gertrude then tells us that our car is parked outside with the keys in it. She also...

2 years ago
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Next Door

Our next door neighbor, Ted, is a gentleman in his mid-sixties. He is not a bad looking man for his age. He loves flirting with me and I love egging him on. I’m forty-five and keep myself in shape. I will intentionally wear short shorts to get the mail or a thin shirt to take the garbage out. Without fail, Ted will engage me in conversation, and I’m happy to say his eyes are never on mine while we are talking. Last spring Jason, his grandson, came to live with him. His grandson was...

4 years ago
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CleopatraChapter 5

Having been several days since Nick recited his tales, all of us seemed in a hurry to return to them, making a quick meal of the delicious food the hotel provided. Eva sat beside me, Lindy on her other side on the couch, with Helena on the floor between my legs and Miwa between Lindy's. Though their sexual heat had cooled, their friendship continued unabated. Lindy told me Angelique would have attended if The Double Q hadn't had another master class that evening at an arts high school...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 13

The Goddess Elaine stepped into the foyer where Cherrill and Victoria were waiting. She wore her customary white robe; two lengths of pure silk that were draped over each shoulder and fell down almost to her ankles. A white sash around her waist held her garment together in front and back, but left her legs and sides completely bare. Long blond hair cascaded down over her shoulders and, since she was the only blond goddess in New Eden, she was appropriately called the 'Golden...

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Ms Putnams School For Refined Ladies Chapter 1

"Miss Parker, what am I to do with you?"Beverly Parker just sat there at her desk with her arms crossed. This had become a regular interaction between Ms. Putnam, the Dean of the school, and Beverly. "Really, I am just about at my wits' end with you, young lady. I do not wish to expel you–your parents have paid good money to have you in our school and it would be a shame to waste all that tuition. "But this is a school for refined ladies... ladies of culture and breeding... ladies that...

Strap-On Sex
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Early morning fuck with Sarah oh my

I was sleeping, woken up with my cell going off. Not the alarm but a phone call. I thought it be my wife who was out of town, but saw it was sexy hot Sarah. I picked up and talked to her. Sarah needed a lift, she was in the bad section of town without a ride. Got dressed and on my way I was. When I pulled up, I see her hot sexy legs, and that she was wearing a short dress skirt. Sarah was a white blonde chic, her dress being black....kind of look that gets you in trouble in this part of town....

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Allys Club

Oh a missed call from my Doc's office. I wonder what that is about, my next appointment is not for 3 months. So I called them back."Yes Sir, we would like you to come in and get a lab sheet, then we will arrange an appointment to discuss the results.""Is this a follow up to my physical?""Yes you could say that.""OK I will pick up the sheet today. Is tomorrow earlier enough for the lab test?""Yes that would be good. Can we make the consult on the results for 4 pm next Thursday?""Yes that will...

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Frankly My Dear

When you've been pushed as far as you can go, anything can happen, and in all probability — will. Tom's Story: "Yes, I'm considering having an affair," I answered calmly. "How could you ... after all these years ... how could you betray me?" she asked incredulously. "I really don't think of it as betrayal. It was more like alternative comfort. Someone I could talk to, share a few peaceful hours. Someone who won't argue or complain or otherwise spoil a perfectly good evening. It's...

3 years ago
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Dominant or Subordinate

Dominant or subordinate.What a very important starting point to a relationship. I know people have differing views and tend to categorise themselves as one or the other, usually because the expectation is you are one or the other. I take the view that I am both, dependant on the situation.Let me explain. There are clearly sexual preferences to be taken account of. My view is fairly simplistic. Like everybody on this planet, I love sexual excitement. The best way to get sexual thrills, is...

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EyesChapter 21

Saturday morning, the morning after some erotic group fun, I woke up holding a large breast and could feel fuzzies tickling my butt with a hand around my tender morning wood. I was lying against June's back with Sunshine at my back. There was someone in front of June so I raised my head to see a sleeping Sonya. As I attempted to extricate myself, there were multiple groans including Susan who was hugging Sunshine's back and one of her breasts. As soon as I slid out of bed the gap between...

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I Lost My Virginity To My Girlfriend

Hi to all ISS readers,this is Rahul from andhra,this is my first story narrating here how we both loss our virginity,myself rahul btec completed 24 ,height 5.9 ,athletic body nd my penis size is 7.5 inches long,lets start story in desi lang.if u find any mistakes, please this is my first experience. ab story peata hu baat undino ki hai jab mai btec 3rd year padtha tha,jab mere friends ka girlfriends thay,wo sab sab kuch sunate thay sex aur romance kay baray may,mujhe koi bhi girl friend nahi...

4 years ago
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In the Darkness

A dark room lit only by candles of all kind. I'm bent over a low rack table. My arms are shackled to the opposite end and my ankles are shackled to the legs of the table spreading them just enough. I'm blind folded. I know the room is filled with loads of things...lots of pretty toys. I am left there to think...maybe minutes, maybe an hour. And then I feel the soft touch of him as he runs his hand from my ass, up my back, and grabs my hair and pulls my head to his mouth as he whispers his dark...

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Anna Anna and the Dildo

I gave my old strap-on dildo to Allan, my stepson. He was a bit startled, "What the hell is THIS for?""Well, I have damn all for a sex life these days, so I thought it might as well go to some use. I've never had any complaints from any of the ladies I used it on; it's not like these things wear out."Allan examined the vinyl dildo. It wasn't the largest on the market, only about 8 inches long and perhaps one and a half inches in diameter. But it had proven more than large enough to fill and...

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The fucking Cowboy Short Story

Sue Miller, 26, a vetenerrian student in a country town, is still searching for the right relationship. She is well built and she knows that. But she still can't accept the fact that her body does attract men more than her sharp intellect. That's why she plays hard-to-get and therefor gets it hard! And that reflects clearly out of her sexual fantasies as you see: I'm angry on my late way home. My new boyfriend kicked me out of his car after an argument. He said, that I was cold and selfish -...

4 years ago
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Bad Santa A Christmas Eve Part 2

Monika was so glad she came, in spite of cumming all over Nick’s beard. And the bed. She felt much more relaxed. She licked the hard cock still in her mouth almost lovingly, wondering why he didn’t cum yet. He slipped his cock out of her mouth, her tongue following it, her neck stretching to reach it.“Let me make you cum,” she begged him, the salty taste of his precum still in her mouth. She licked her lips. It wasn’t so bad, even when he choked that monster down her throat. She hated to admit...

3 years ago
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Bet Against Friend And His Wife

By : Subash123 I am a srilankan male.32 years of age this incedent happend in few months ago I decided to tell this story for protect you married life few months ago I heard my mobile phone rang. I answered it was my best friend in my school going age he was my roommate of our hostal but we didn’t meet eachothers after our school going age and this time he called me to informe his son’s  birthday he invited me to participate his son’s birth day party. I accepted his invitation and decided to...

5 years ago
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A Death Brings New Life MF cons rom inlaws

It was losing his mother that started the trouble for Joseph. They'd had a normal relationship, at least compared to other mothers and sons he had seen. She was affectionate, and he'd loved her, but he hadn't really had fantasies about her. At least, he convinced himself that he hadn't. But after she died, he grieved for her more than he expected to. Marla, his wife, displayed her usual selfish attitude, acting as if his pain was a personal attack. They're already strained relationship...

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Advanced Robotics Class

Fordham High School had an Advanced Robotics class with four whip-smart students. But the program was in jeopardy due to their teacher, Mr. Harris taking paternity leave. In his three-month absence no other teacher had stepped forward to supervise the students. Left to their own devices they departed from their normal projects to begin a sexier experiment that would have never been approved if they had been properly supervised.At Ken and Jaden’s suggestion, they started researching ways to...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi Gets Trained For The Job 8211 Free Comic Video

Savita Bhabhi’s friend, Shalini, gets her a job where she works. Savita has to take training under Shalini. Shalini is sucking Mishraji’s cock. Savita wonders what she will have to do. Watch their erotic training session with their boss, Mishraji.   You can watch more such Savita bhabhi hot sex videos. If you want to watch the full episode, join SavitaBhabhiVideos Telegram channel. You can join by clicking the button given below. You will get a FREE password there to stream every...

3 years ago
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Slave Traders CaptiveChapter 4

Nisli Bey was a dark-haired, dark-eyed man in his late thirties. He had been wealthy for most of his adult life, having made his money in all kinds of illegal endeavors, and he liked to live well. This showed in his elegant tailor-made clothes and in the slight paunch that was beginning to betray his liking for good food. One of his prime enjoyments in life was to find new innocent girls, preferably blondes from other countries, and to gradually lead them into a life of degradation and...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 16

Rebecca was slightly depressed because she had suffered some redness on her backside from the oversexed male scoutmasters who pestered her to drop her drawers for them because she was female and definitely not of jailbait age. Of course, her attitude and her appearance were misleading, and she reveled in the attention she received because she looked like one of the underage female scouts and not a scoutmaster in her own right. A couple of the good old boys got carried away by the sight of...

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After Hours Alternative ending

[Please read the original 'After Hours' first. The original story was inspired by a story I read with a more traditional power dynamic between a male boss and a female employee. After posting it, it occurred to me that some readers might enjoy a slightly different ending. - S.S.] The office clock ticks round to five o'clock, Friday afternoon again. The last of my colleagues heads towards the door, stopping for a quick comment before leaving. "Working late again? Just you and the...

4 years ago
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Band Geek DiaryChapter 15 Christmas Day

December 25 (Christmas Day) My parents and I agreed, back when I was nine, to celebrate Christmas in a quieter fashion since I was growing up. I thought they just wanted me to let them sleep in and objected at first but getting to sleep in is a good thing for me now that I’m a teenager. Mom taught me to make pancakes that year, so the tradition has become that I cook breakfast on Christmas morning. Today I started cooking around eight. I was halfway through the batter I’d made and the...

4 years ago
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The Cleaner Part 7

I had lost track of the time and thought I would take a quick shower before Susan arrived, I was happily rinsing the soap off when the doorbell rang, ‘Oh shit!’, I opened the bathroom window and stuck my head out and saw this young black girl standing at the door, I shouted down and she looked up with a beaming smile,“Hi, I’m Sue” she said and I nodded that I would be right down, I wrapped a towel around myself and went to the door,“So sorry Sue” I said as I opened the door inviting her in, she...

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