D?terminisme Naturel-1 free porn video

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D?terminisme naturel Marc fron?ait les sourcils devant son exercice d'?conomie, mortifi? de ne rien y comprendre.Alarm? parce que tout le monde dans la salle ?crivait rapidement, il ?tait apparemment le seul qui s?chait, encore une fois le seul... Il sentait la prochaine banane venir, enterrant ses derniers espoirs d'obtenir sa ma?trise d'AES. Apr?s avoir redoubl? sa premi?re ann?e, puis sa seconde ann?e, et puis naturellement sa licence pour faire le grand chelem de l'?chec, c'?tait sans aucun doute logique que la marche de la quatri?me ann?e soit r?solument hors de port?e de ses capacit?s. Marc souffla l?g?rement pour d?gager la m?che ch?tain sombre qui lui tombait devant les yeux, n'ayant aucune conscience du caract?re terriblement f?minin du geste qu'il venait de faire, suivi par un autre encore plus f?minin: se recoiffer gracieusement en passant une m?che derri?re son oreille. Il avait toujours eu l'habitude de porter les cheveux un peu longs, mais les ann?es de fac ?taient des ann?es de vache maigre. Aller chez le coiffeur ?tait un luxe qu'il ne pouvait se permettre chaque mois, et ses cheveux semblaient avoir une vigueur pour pousser rapidement qui lui manquait dans tout le reste de son corps. "Mais je n'y comprends vraiment rien, et encore ces maudites fonctions" maugr?a int?rieurement Marc. Il n'?tait pas idiot, mais il ?tait indiscutablement peu dou? intellectuellement. Son esprit lent ne comprenait les probl?mes les plus basiques qu'apr?s les avoir ressass?s plusieurs fois, et ses m?diocres capacit?s d'abstraction intellectuelle ne lui permettaient pas d'appr?hender les notions plus d?licates. Il se sentait de moins en moins ? sa place ? l'universit?. La sensation d'avoir p?niblement obtenu ses ann?es pr?c?dentes sur des malentendus le taraudait. Cependant il lui fallait bien quelque chose pour pr?parer son avenir professionnel, car son corps d'avorton mettait hors de port?e tout travail un tant soit peu physique. Menu et mince, Marc ?tait de constitution fragile et d?licate. Il n'avait jamais connu un seul muscle, ses bras fins et ses longues jambes fusel?es ne laissaient aucun doute quant ? sa faiblesse. Son cou gracile et sa nuque juv?nile accentuait l'ambigu?t? sexuelle de dos. De face ses traits doux et d?licatement dessin?s, ses grands yeux bleus d'un bleu vif, ses longs cils et ses joues poupines l'emp?chaient de pr?tendre ? une quelconque virilit?. Depuis tout petit il ?tait si habitu? qu'on le confonde avec une fille qu'il n'en ?tait nullement surpris quand c'?tait le cas, et cela arrivait tr?s souvent. La n?gation de sa masculinit? le frustrait, mais sage et docile il ne se rebellait jamais. Si Marc faisait des efforts pour ?viter tout v?tement qui aurait pu accentuer sa morphologie si peu "m?le", le fait qu'il ne mesura qu'1m57, ses ?paules fr?les, sa taille de 36 et ses tout petits pieds repr?sentaient un d?fi insurmontable pour passer pour un jeune homme comme les autres. Le peu d'orgueil qu'il avait lui faisait dire qu'il mesurait 1m60, et quant il essayait de prendre des postures qu'il croyait viriles et confiantes c'?tait peine perdue. Depuis toujours il ?tait une vraie fille manqu?e, qui jouait ? la poup?e et ? la d?nette avant de comprendre que les gar?ons ne jouaient pas ? ?a. Ses tentatives pour s'affirmer en tant qu'homme ?chouaient lamentablement, et malgr? la surveillance qu'il tentait de s'imposer il ?tait terriblement mani?r?, adoptant spontan?ment et une gestuelle f?minine tr?s naturelle qu'aucun gar?on n'aurait pu imiter sans para?tre grotesque. Sa nature de fille manqu?e l'avait amen? ? ne fr?quenter que des filles et ? ?tre m?pris? ou ignor? des gar?ons. Malheureusement pour lui Marc ?tait un c?ur d'artichaut et il tombait facilement amoureux des jolies filles qu'il fr?quentait et c?toyait. Les choses auraient ?taient bien plus simples pour lui s'il avait ?tait homosexuel mais voil?, le destin lui avait jou? le tour d'?tre purement h?t?rosexuel. Marc ne comptait pas le nombre de ses frustrations amoureuses qui se succ?daient ann?e apr?s ann?e. Les filles ne pouvaient voir en un gar?on si eff?min?, physiquement et psychologiquement, un petit ami potentiel. Par contre elles le trouvaient g?nial et pr?cieux comme copine, et sans se tracasser c'est comme copine que les filles le traitaient, que ce soit conscient ou inconscient. Parfois Marc maudissait ses go?ts f?minins, de pleurer ? chaque fois devant "Titanic" ou d'?prouver une excitation d'adolescente devant "Dirty dancing", il n'avait cependant pas la volont? de se refuser ce qu'il consid?rait comme ses seuls plaisirs. La vie lui r?servait si peu de satisfactions et de plaisirs qu'il ne trouvait pas la force de se priver d'un seul ?pisode de "Plus belle la vie"! Marc commen?a enfin ? ?crire quelque chose, surtout histoire de remplir sa feuille. Au bout de quelques minutes il releva la t?te, repoussa d'un d?licat geste les m?ches qui lui tombaient ? nouveau sur les yeux, et se perdit dans la contemplation de la charg?e de TD qui surveillait l'examen, la sublime Amandine. Amandine, ? la liminuse chevelure blonde de princesse, repr?sentait le fantasme ultime de Marc. Elle ?tait d'une beaut? envo?tante et en effet il ?tait comme ensorcel? par sa personne. Sa beaut? f?erique captivait et troublait hommes et femmes. Une ?me faible comme celle de Marc se retrouvait, elle, totalement sous le son joug. Amandine n'?tait pas une vulgaire bimbo blonde; c'?tait une jeune femme au charme ravageur qui compl?tait un physique parfait. Nulle d'imperfection en effet. Ses longs cheveux lisses de couleur miel, ses yeux bleus saphir, sa peau au grain d?licat hal?e avec bienveillance par le moindre rayon de soleil, son m?tre 75 de mannequin, son sourire ? fondre la banquise, sa gr?ce et son ?l?gance naturelles, tout faisait d'elle une d?esse venue d'un ?ge d'or r?volu. Amandine d?bordait de bonne humeur et d'?nergie, et son corps, tout en ?tant la quintessence de la f?minit?, ?tait ?galement fait pour le sport et le d?passement de soi. Amandine incarnait autant l'id?al f?minin que Marc ?tait ?loign? de l'id?al masculin. Et pour parachever ce contraste si Marc ?tait d'une intelligence m?diocre, lente et laborieuse Amandine ?tait particuli?rement vive d'esprit, dou?e dans tous les domaines, et terminait juste avec les f?licitations du corps universitaire un cursus qui se soldait par une double th?se ?conomie et droit. Marc avait eu l'occasion de c?toyer plusieurs fois Amandine. Lors de sa seconde deuxi?me ann?e il avait ?t? mis sous tutorat de brillante jeune fille, qui elle attaquait tout juste deux masters. Le pauvre gar?on, tellement intimid? et ?mu par l'objet de tous ses d?sirs, ne retira pas grand chose de ce tutorat, si ce n'est que chaque parole et sourire d'Amandine alimentait ses r?ves les plus fous. Il ne pouvait s'emp?cher d'imaginer l'impossible, Amandine tombant follement amoureuse de lui, tous les deux partageant des nuits sensuelles et orgasmiques, d?lirant sur leur mariage et sur la belle famille qu'ils fonderaient ensemble... Et ce n'est pas de voir Amandine flirtait avec de bels Apollons, beaux, riches et ayant d?j? de belles situations, qui lui auraient fait renoncer et ses r?ves les plus fous. La gentillesse que lui montrait Amandine, le moindre compliment et taquinerie, et Marc sentait le feu enflammait ses joues, et il perdait tous ses moyens, bafouillant et gauche, d?contenanc? comme une gamine qui rencontrerait son idole. Amandine se plaisait ? lui faire des remarques sur son absence de virilit? et sur sa f?minit? si peu contenue, toujours avec de petits rires adorables, et Marc peu ? peu avait associ? ses petites humiliations innocentes au plaisir d'?tre en compagnie avec la fille de tous ses r?ves. Marc avait pu r?ver autant qu'il le souhaitait ? Amandine, ? une histoire d'amour entre eux digne d'une des s?ries t?l? dont il raffolait, ? une famille fond?e et des enfants qui respiraient le bonheur, il savait pertinemment qu'elle ?tait encore plus inaccessible pour lui qu'aucune autre femme. Et en effet, au sortir de cet insupportable examen, les jours qui suivirent finirent par enterrer ses pr?tentions de master, et ses r?ves si chers d'amour avec Amandine avec. Marc quitta la fac avec amertume, se sentant plus jamais nul, et pleurnichant ? l'id?e de ne plus pouvoir apercevoir, ne serait ce au loin, l'?tre cher si aim?, ador?, convoit?. Aigri mais avec trop peu de caract?re pour qu'il en tire une force, son peu de virilit? amoindrie par ces derni?res ann?es d'amoureux secret, l'?nergie et l'envie manquaient cruellement ? Marc pour attaquer une vie de jeune adulte. De nos jours beaucoup d'?tudiants n'embrassent leur vie d'adulte qu'une fois la fac achev?e. C'?tait bien ?videmment le cas de Marc, qui d?barquait dans la jungle du vrai monde totalement d?sarm? et perdu. Il fut ?videmment incapable de se trouver un emploi par lui-m?me, et la conseill?re de p?le emploi ne savait que proposer devant un tel candidat si effac? et tellement attentiste. S'il n'avait ?t? aussi dipl?m? elle lui aurait volontiers propos? un boulot au mac do ou au supermarch? du coin. Marc se cru revenir en enfance, terriblement vuln?rable et d?sarm? pour affronter les dures r?alit?s de la vie adulte. A cela s'ajoutait une s?rie d'?v?nements qui finirent par l'isoler et le d?courager. Sa m?re, une fois tous ses enfants adultes, en eu assez de supporter son p?re, brutal et trop port? sur la boisson. Elle obtint rapidement un divorce et partit en Espagne refaire sa vie avec un amant rencontr? sur un site de rencontre. Son p?re avait fait du divorce une excuse suppl?mentaire pour boire encore plus et passer sa vie dans des bars minables. Il se retrouva oblig? de se trouver dans l'urgence un logement, et dans la pr?cipitation il ne trouva rien de mieux qu'une chambre chez une retrait?e. Solange avait d'abord h?sit? au t?l?phone ? lui proposer une visite, mais finalement une fois que Marc se retrouva devant elle Marc eu la surprise de la voir rapidement en confiance, presque soulag?, et de lui dire qu'il ?tait le bienvenu. L'appartement ?tait un vrai appartement de personne ?g?e, rempli de bibelots vieillots, de napperons et de broderies, d'odeurs de parfums ?c?urants et de produits de m?nage. Sa chambre, bien que sobre, ?tait indiscutablement d?cor?e aux go?ts d'une vielle fille. Malgr? le loyer tr?s modeste Marc du accepter de participer aux t?ches m?nag?res pour en payer une partie, de se voir attribuer tout le repassage (m?me celui de chemisiers et de robes aux plis compliqu?s), et d'adopter des horaires de vielle dame. Si on rajoute ? cela les repas tr?s frugaux et les programmes de t?l? pr?f?r?s de la retrait?e Marc eu l'impression d'?tre pass? directement de la case universit? ? celle de maison de retraite. Pourtant il n'avait pas assez de temp?rament pour se remuer et pendant les six premiers mois il prit l'habitude de papoter et jacasser avec Solange. Il se trouvait que la vielle dame ?tait comme lui une fan de "Plus belle la vie", et ce fut la graine ? partir de laquelle se d?veloppa leur complicit?. N?anmoins comme Marc n'avait pas une personnalit? forte c'est Solange qui s'affirmait, et bien malgr? lui il subit, lentement mais surement, l'influence de Solange en profondeur. Il n'avait d?j? pas la r?bellion, l'aventure et le dynamisme dans le sang, la vie avec la vielle dame laissa donc peu ? peu sur son identit? une empreinte ind?l?bile. Il avait d?j? du mal ? pr?tendre ? une quelconque virilit?, le fait de vivre comme une femme ?g?e repoussait sa masculinit? encore plus loin hors du domaine du possible. C'est au d?tour d'une rue que sa vie prit enfin un nouveau tournant, si ce n'est son vrai commencement. Revenant de l'?picerie o? il avait fait les courses pour Solange, Marc tomba nez ? nez avec Amandine, l'?tre qui occupait encore tous ses fantasmes, ses d?lires, ses pens?es et ses ambitions les plus folles. Pendant un battement de c?ur il h?sita, doutant si c'?tait bien elle ou pas. Amandine avait r?solument chang? de style. Elle avait abandonn? son look d'?tudiante ais?e pour devenir une vraie jeune femme BCBG, une adulte s?re d'elle et qui rayonnait de d?termination malgr? son jeune ?ge. Le changement le plus radical ?tait ses cheveux, coup?s et coiff?s en un long carr? lisse et blond terriblement s?duisant et ?l?gant. Elle portait un co?teux tailleur pantalon blanc, un haut bleu roi satin?, des escarpins blancs vernis du meilleur go?t, de discr?tes perles aux oreilles, une fine montre dor?e et un sac ? main de luxe; tout cela faisait d'elle la plus cr?dible et sexy business woman du monde. Marc restait sans voix devant la fille de ses r?ves devenue la plus magnifique jeune femme qu'il n'ait jamais vu. M?me son l?ger maquillage signifiait tout son talent inn? pour le moindre d?tail. Le c?ur de Marc battait la chamade et lorsque Amandine lui adressa la parole il se sentit rougir comme toujours, plus que jamais vuln?rable face ? sa dulcin?e. -"Marc! Mais quelle surprise! Tu n'as pas chang?!" Marc se sentit cruellement humili?, ridicule dans son sweat trop large et son jean informe. Il pris conscience que lui n'avait pas ?volu? depuis la fac, restant avec son apparence d'adolescent attard? habill? n'importe comment. -"Tu as perdu ta langue? On t'a pas appris a ?tre poli et ? dire bonjour ? une ancienne amie" le taquina Amandine avec un petit rire ravageur. -"Excuse moi Amandine... Bon..bonjour Amandine..." Devant ce petit gar?on grond? Amandine rit de bon c?ur -"C'est mieux, alors qu'est ce que tu deviens? Moi je viens de fonder ma propre boite dans la pub. Je voulais pas ?tre une fille ? papa et je me suis lanc?e dans le grand bain sans l'aide de personne". Marc rougit encore plus, se sentant minable et ridicule. -"Je... je n'ai rien trouv? moi... La dame de P?le Emploi a dit qu'elle m'appellerait mais voil? je n'ai aucun appel. Je vis chez une retrait?e, je paye pas cher et en ?change d'une partie du loyer je lui fais du m?nage." Evidemment Marc savait que ce qu'il racontait ?tait tr?s loin de le mettre en valeur, bien au contraire, mais il ne savait mentir et avait ce d?faut de se sentir oblig? de dire en permanence la v?rit?, sans rien cacher ou att?nuer. Ses yeux se mouill?rent d'impuissance et de d?pit. Amandine parut touch?e et fit une petite moue attendrie "Mais ma puce faut pas se mettre dans de tels ?tats. Viens je t'offre un caf?, et on va discuter, j'ai une id?e qui pourrait te plaire." Amandine lui prit le bras, et bras dessus bras dessous ils se trouv?rent une terrasse pour commander. Marc se sentit tout de suite r?confort?, et il appr?cia ?tre chouchout? par Amandine, m?me s'il se dit qu'il aurait du agir en homme et en adulte. Amandine lui expliqua alors ses projets, et en quoi il pouvait en faire partie. "Voil? comme je t'ai expliqu? j'ai mont? ma boite, et j'ai refus? l'aide de mes parents. J'ai utilis? mes ?conomies et pris un cr?dit pour me lancer. Je veux ?tre totalement ind?pendante, n'avoir de compte ? rendre ? personne tu vois? Donc l? je viens de signer pour les bureaux, et je cherche une petite ?quipe de 4-5 personnes de confiance pour organiser tout ?a et commencer ? travailler. On se partagera les t?ches et le travail en fonction de ce que chacun peut apporter et aime faire. Alors si tu es d'accord pour cette aventure, et que ?a ne te d?range pas de gagner de petits salaires les premiers mois, le temps que ?a se mette en place, ?a te dit que je t'embauche?" Marc ?tait comme hypnotis? par Amandine, totalement sous l'emprise de sa personne et de ses mots. Il pensait qu'il n'?tait pas Dieu possible qu'autant de beaut? et de charisme soit r?unie en une seule personne. Les grands sourires de la jeune femme suffisaient ? eux seuls ? comprendre que sa proposition ne pouvait qu'?tre accept?e par Marc, et qu'elle savait d?j? qu'il ne lui refuserait rien. Et en effet elle n'attendit m?me pas la fin des b?gaiements timides de Marc pour lui donner les informations pratiques quant ? son tout nouvel emploi et aux bureaux de la toute jeune entreprise. Marc se sentait comme le plus heureux des hommes, et quand Amandine posa sa main sur la sienne dans un geste de domination, son petit p?nis dur battait avec tr?pidation au rythme de son c?ur.

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"What the hell were you dreaming about?!" she asked, i didnt know what she meant until i looked down and realized i had a major boner, it was as hard as a fucking tree and i had to improvise since i couldnt even remember. "I was thinking of you." i said and i looked down and saw her erect nipples. "How the fuck is that gonna make me happy you pervert." i was actually getting turned on by the fact that she was half naked, with a light shirt that would let you see her nipple color and it...

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“Here XXX” is a simple enough statement, one of those two-word phrases that can get the point across even if you’re trying to speak through a language barrier. You might be otherwise completely confused throughout the whole conversation, but when you get to that line, you know something good is going to happen: you’re about to get some free porn.Sometimes when I wake up in a Viagra fog and can barely remember where I am, I ask myself, “Where XXX?” Well, one place it can be found is HereXXX.com,...

Asian Porn Sites
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Watching My Sisters Rape

The main problem was the bullies. How pathetic is that? I mean, how many high school seniors do you know who still get bullied? Of course, it wasn’t just me. Most people in my grade went in silent apprehension of those kids. The ones who, for whatever reason, decided that their purpose at this stage of their lives is to hurt and torment others. Most people were not legitimately afraid, but rather went in constant care, always subconsciously aware that while they had nothing to worry about for...

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ShipwreckedChapter 7 The Forbidden Island

If anyone had asked Zack, he would have told them he couldn't recall ever being happier with his life. Life on the island was interesting and exciting, as well as relaxing. After their defeat of the pirates, the native men now viewed the two sailors as something between a deity and their chieftain of war. However, best of all was his relationship with Nani whom he found to be an excellent companion while his friendship with Destand continued to grow. Overall, life was treating the two...

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PornMegaLoad Kylie Rocket She8217s Pervy Too

This guy is hiding in a closet rubbing his dick while watching Kylie. Under most circumstances, he’d get slapped or told off. But Kylie likes that he’s a perv. She’s a perv, too. “I promise I won’t tell my brother as long as you put your dick in my mouth,” she tells the peeping Tom. Sounds like this guy is in a real hard spot. She works his pole with her mouth, sucking his head and balls and stuffing his shaft deep down her throat. Kylie gets on all fours and...

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Humiliating HollyChapter 34

I walked out into the snow barefoot and naked. Kim followed me and I could hear her giggling. I know she thought this was funny, but she wasn’t the one naked. She had all her clothes on and a heavy coat. I just walked to the shop to get what was needed. Once I was at the shop, the line was pretty big and I had to wait outside for a little while in order to get into the warm building. Everyone was looking at me and I saw them pointing and laughing at me. Kim stood behind me all the time. I...

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For Him

She was standing at the sink when he came home. He walked behind her and put his hand under her shirt and cupped her tits. He kissed her neck and rubbed her tits tweaking her nipples. He told her "I have been thinking about your tits and pussy all the way home. Bend over and spread your legs so I can stick my cock in that wet tight pussy and fuck your cunt hard." As she bent over and spread her legs wide he pulled her top over her head and then her shorts and panties till she was naked right...

2 years ago
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Secret of my Past

I am on my way home, back from work. It's been a long day. A long week away from home. Early days and late nights without much other time than to sleep and eat. I miss being in our home. Eat the dinner while talking with you about things that occupies our minds. Talking about old days. Stories from our past. Reliving them with you. This week has been a bit different though. I discovered by accident that you had some extra activities online. I saw the pictures you exchanged. The way you told him...

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Adam and Me

Adam is a 5'9 male with a nice , sexy body. His hair is sandy blonde, and has beautiful green eyes. He's the jock of the school, and is obviously straight. But that will all change. It was mid December, a week before school let out. I was behind Adam, using my eyes to fantasize what his body would look like. His beautiful eyes looking around, his hair all messy, and oh! His smooth voice that would turn me on! I was too busy day dreaming about Adam to hear the teacher and what she said....

4 years ago
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More of the Thert3

A week had passed snce my encounter with Liz. I was hard at work when our receptionist called the wareehouse saying. "You have a visitor in the office." I walked across the lot and into the back door of the office, and was shocked to see Liz standing at the counter. "Hello, Trev," she smiled, "I was in the area and wondered if you'd like to get lunch." Donna, our receptionist, shot me an ice-cold look which to me was dripping with female jealousy, so just to be a jerk, I said, "Sure Liz...I'd...

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Magic and Malice at the Movies Chapters 47

MAGIC AND MALICE AT THE MOVIES A GENDER SWAP TALE Rachel Rose Parker Are you still there? Are you ready for part 2 of the story?? The last chapter wrapped up with Steve not only finding himself trapped in a job in a cinema unable to control himself after trying to help his friend Joey, but things got a whole lot more messed up when he stopped being Steve and she became Stephanie. I'll be posting further parts of the story every few days, but if you want the full story ASAP, it is...

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Divorced and Unleashed

The odyssey that my sexual energies have zeroed in on has taken quite a few years to assemble me into the person I am today.That said, it's the journey of getting there that counts on making us who and what we are and it's been quite a ride. A "bad" boyfriend, a voyeur boyfriend, a power hungry dominant woman and my own desires. Well, maybe I should even back up before that to add in a three year failed marriage.The marriage was from the small town where I grew up. As I matured as a high school...

3 years ago
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Hard WinterChapter 8 Winter Hunters and Gatherers

We buried Phil and Tim at first light the next morning with the whole village gathered around. I said a few words and then left Michelle and Marie to fill in the graves. Michelle was crying and Marie was comforting her as I left, that was certainly a turnaround from the previous days attitude. I started getting ready for our trip to follow the attackers tracks. Graham had rounded up ten of us including Dan, Stella and Katie. Kelly gave me a big hug as we set off then watched with Harry and...

4 years ago
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Body Shifters Universe Nowomansland

I was awake. It would have to be now. I'd be thinking it, planning it, and I had to move. I couldn't let things stand. But it wasn't so easy: I couldn't just jump out of bed - not with all of them. So I began to slowly extricate myself from the tangle of womanly limbs. So sleek, so soft ... NO! NO!! I wouldn't think about how gorgeous they all were. That way would cause me to surrender, and continue to wallow in the soft, deceptive delight of their luscious flesh. I moved, and a platinum...

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El PasoChapter 22

I said goodbye to Melosa and headed back to Molly’s boarding house. Since it was Sunday, I was looking forward to spending the evening and night with my diminutive Irish sweetie. It made me sort of sad to know that I might not be spending many more nights with her, but I was resigned to doing right by Molly, regardless. She was too good a person for me to even think about doing otherwise, and I thought that like Anna, she had been cloistered up long enough being the grieving widow woman. It...

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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 9

You're making a mistake, Leah told herself. You should have called him to make your report. Seeing him alone will make the pain fresh and intense again, not dulled a little by time and distance like it is now. You had a choice; you made the wrong choice. No, be honest. You didn't truly have a choice. You had to see him again. Touch him. Feel his touch. Be with him again. When he'd told her with a thought that he still loved her, the choice went away. Loni, huh? Beautiful! She looked...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 77

Present – Ben and Jens and the rest – The next morning Of course Jens and I spent last night together in my room, much to the chagrin of Liz and Bernie in the next room. They kept banging on the wall all night long and complaining about the noise. Jens banged on the wall and complained right back, “Hey I had to put up with this from you two so just shut up and enjoy the show.” There reply was to run up the television which was fine with me. It was sure good as hell being back with my wife!...

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chance encounter changing room

I am walking along Oxford Street on a Tuesday afternoon and see a female face that I think I recognise. – You. I make sure that I walk into her path so that she can see me, and sure enough, she squeals with delight and gives me a huge hug and confirms that we used to work together some 5 years ago. And of course, it IS you. We stand there chatting while the crowds of people walk around us and you tell me that you are in London on a shopping trip and are a little pressed for time. You grab...

4 years ago
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Getting Back in the SaddleChapter 4

The next day Ed found himself periodically losing his concentration because of Dana and Kelly. His thoughts were flashbacks to what he saw and what he did with these two fine women. They were all a man would want in a sexual partner. He couldn't yet say if he preferred one of these ladies over the other. Maybe in time he would be able to say that he did but for now he was quite happy as to how things were going. He hoped he could maintain the relationships he had with these two women as he...

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What is Wrong in Having Sex A Twins Love Story

“It was late at night, and my parents weren’t home. Opportunities like these didn’t come very often. So we always tried to make the most out of them. Even now, if I close my eyes, I can feel every movement of our twins love. We were rough. We were energetic. We were hot and sweaty as our naked bodies rubbed against one another, satisfying the deep-seated lust in our loins. We didn’t utter a single word, and yet the room was filled with sounds… sounds of pleasure. “The only way to survive the...

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Sali Bhi Khul Gayi

Hiiiiiiiiiii doston mai hu aapka hero my id aap sabhi iss readers ko mere khade lund ka salam . mai is iss ka fan hu maine shayad hi koi story na padhi ho in story mai kuch ek fake bhi hain. Aacha chalo mai kuch apne bare mai batata hum era naa hero hai mai hissar Haryana ka rehne wala hu koi bhi gal ya bhabhi contact karma chahe to kar sakte hai meri height 5.9 hai rang thik hai machine gun 8” hai.aab mai aap logon ka time waste nahi karta sidhe story par aate hain. Ye mere ek frnd ki story...

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AIChapter 5

A big dinner helped, too. I did a scotch to start, single malt, but after that I went with the iced tea; it was a bad idea to put too much booze down. Before I'd eaten I'd paid a quick visit to a major department store at a mall nearby. I'd come away without anything by way of a change of clothes or toiletries, and that had to be fixed. I picked up the lot and paid with my trusty plastic; conserve the cash for now. I transferred it to my now-getting-pretty-full backpack in the men's...

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Belles Wedding

Belle's Wedding. Greetings good people. This is Bill Bonnie. I will tell you how I teamed up with Uncle Monty to help Belle and some of the people in her life. I was watching the news one night. My housemate Nicole was working a double shift at the 9 1 1 center. I knew she didnot need to work, but liked doing so. We had just started to think of two things. The first is to be married. The other was to find a place of our own. Larry's mother in law type apartment was OK, but Nicole and...

4 years ago
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Celebration sex part 1

My girlfriend, Sarah, and I have been together for a few yers, having started dating during school. We were one of those couples where everyone knew we liked each other before either of us realised, so there was no surprise when we got together. We were each others first, and have continued to enjoy every aspect of our relationship, in particular the adventures in the bedroom.For our three year anniversary, we went for a meal in the local city, and booked a nice hotel room to spend the night....

Straight Sex
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The Interrogation Game

I walk slowly, swaying my hips to the man tied up to the chair. My heels click with every step and echoes into the darkness. We were in his office with only a dim lamp on, casting shadows everywhere. I sit down and cross my legs, hiding my panty clad ass from his view. "You're very quiet," I say, hoping he would respond. Silence. "But I suppose that's why I'm here," I continue. "My employers want you to answer some questions but you aren't very cooperative,” I say, but the only response I get...

Straight Sex
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No Power

“I hate snow!” I muttered to myself as I walked up the steps to my apartment building, placing the key in the door lock and letting myself in. As I walked up the three flights of stairs, the lights began to flicker. “Great, this is all I fuckin need,” I yelled, not caring who heard. I placed my briefcase on the floor in front of my door, and unlocked the door and deadbolt. I walked in, tossed my bag and briefcase on the couch, and headed for the kitchen. I picked up the evening paper off of the...

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Lock Down And That Girl

Hi, this is Dhruv Kapoor.  I have a style of writing my stories and write them when it’s true. I have written 3 stories so far. Please have a look after reading this. This is a story during the lock down. It is meant to be a long one. I love to tell stories rather than just on the sex part. So please be patient and read till the end. We are all quarantined at home. But if any female in Mumbai or anywhere wants to connect via mail, we can.  Let me not bore you more and get to the story bit. I...

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Triple Bitch Dare

The Thriller B's Triple Bitch Dare ( a sort of triple-dog dare ) Elizabeth Owen, Bette to her friends, had been the youngest of three Triple Dog Dare Daredevils at her high school. She was 15 years old when the trio started pulling dares and pranks. The other two, Beverley Evers and Barbara Lane, were a year or so older. Barb lived in the house just behind Bette's and Bev lived just a few blocks away. Ever since tenth grade, the three girls had become best buds and for years they giggled at...

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A niece for life

Katherine was just 6 years old when she first came onto the scene. As a 13 year old boy, I used to babysit for my s****r, looking after Katherine who was a product of her husband’s first marriage. She was a cute, dark haired k** who used to follow me around and tell everyone that she was going to marry me when she grew up. Embarrassing for a teenage boy, as you can imagine. Anyway, things got bitter between my b*****r-in-law and his ex and Katherine disappeared from the scene. Nine years and...

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The Locker Room

We were about 16 years old at the time and it was Prize Giving Night at school. This was an annual event where pupils and staff at my school were rewarded, in front of parents and dignitaries, with trophies and certificates or acknowledged in some way for their efforts during the course of the year. these occasions were conducted on the school greens but on this particular day Mother Nature was unforgiving. The heavens opened up into a torrential downpour. As you would expect there were...

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Netflix and Chill

It’s a lazy Saturday afternoon, heading into evening. We spend most of the day adulting. We do all the regular household shopping, gathering our groceries and supplies for the next week, making sure to pick up all the commonplace cleaning supplies we need for the rest of the day. Jamming to music during the boring car ride, holding hands like a couple of love-struck teens.We chase each other with carts through the stores. Dropping random items in when we feel like it to keep the mundane from...

Love Stories
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Kiss Your Old Life Goodbye

I wanted to post this story quite awhile ago, but have had no luck finding an editor. Please forgive any grammatical errors. The only advantage of this was it gave me time to add more detail to the story. Especially the ending, by adding Rosco. Kiss Your Old Life Goodbye Tammy's story When I used to look in the mirror, I used to be so happy. Just before I started eighth grade my figure developed, into some shapely womanly curves. I had to borrow my Mom's top and bra for the...

1 year ago
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MylfXLadyFyre Lady Fyre Mothers Day Card

My stepmom, Lady Fyre, is beautiful in every way, and I want to make sure to let her know this Mother’s Day. She can get a little bit lonely sometimes, so I make her a card that lets her know just how special she is. But when I deliver it, I notice that she’s playing with a vibrator. I want my stepmom to have every ounce of pleasure in the world, so I pull the covers off and shove my big dick inside her pink MILF pussy. Then, I slip my cock between her tits and make her Mother’s Day fantasies...

4 years ago
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She is my new husband

Hi, ISS Readers, Revathi again, this is my Next Story. All u aware that I am a Teacher in Profession. This incident happens while we gone for an excursion with School Girls. Yamuna – Math Teacher, beautiful charming women, aged 38, good Looking, beautiful breast (36) and nice hip and loveable ass. Every man seeing her, we’d defiantly masturbate thinking of her. She is very beautiful than me. She got transferred to my school just 6 months back. While receiving order from her my hands trembled...

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Bobby to BobbieChapter 2

Ear pressed against a water glass held tight to the bedroom door, Wendy laughed when she heard Bobbie's little fib about never again! She stuck out her hand. "I told you! There isn't a guy on Earth who could resist going for a little 'test drive' if he ended up in Bobbie's shoes! Now pay up!" With a sigh, Alyssa handed her daughter a fifty dollar bill. "You win! I thought she would hold out because it was such a traumatic change for the poor dear!" She removed her own glass from the...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 8 Daddys Incestuous Dream

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Eight: Daddy's Incestuous Dream By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Vanessa Young – May 2056 I trembled as I came to my parents' bed. Grandma's pussy was leaking Daddy's cum. She was still a beautiful woman, her hair a wonderful shade of fiery red, her breasts round and plump. She had a toned body; Daddy made sure we were all in good shape and exercised. He was a retired PE coach. Daddy was beside her in...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 204 Consciousness of Crime and Punishment

Kaoru (echoing Saitou): Even before the fight, his spirit was stronger than his body... Then the only way to defeat Yukishiro Enishi... Saitou: So far they've just been trading blows, but that's what his opponent really is. It's only a matter of time before this fight becomes a deathmatch. The outcome will come down to life and death. The winner lives. The loser dies. Sanosuke: You idiot... if that would have settled it, Kenshin wouldn't have needed to fight him at all! Saitou: Then...

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