D?terminisme Naturel-5 free porn video

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Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectrique qui s'?tait empar? d'Amandine pour son plus grand plaisir? Il se sentait combl? d'avoir satisfait celle qu''il aimait, non ador?, apr?s tant d'ann?es ? l'?voquer dans ses r?ves les plus fous. Le point noir ?tait que lui n'avait pas ?t? soulag?, et qu'il ?tait plus que jamais mis au supplice par le chatouillement impossible de son gland gonfl? et humide. Il se d?p?cha de faire le caf? d'Amandine, les mains f?briles d'excitation, pour pouvoir ensuite se r?fugier aux toilettes et enfin laisser ?clater son sexe dans un ?clair de plaisir. Amandine le remercia avec un grand sourire quand il lui apporta son caf?, puis se replongea aussit?t dans l'?tude de son ?cran d'ordinateur. Marc, aussit?t sa mission ex?cut?e, se h?ta de sortir du bureau de sa patronne pour rejoindre les wc mais il croisa Cl?lia qui elle allait voir Amandine. La jeune femme fron?a les sourcils et se passa rapidement un doigt sur les l?vres en dessinant un sourire. Marc se souvint qu'il devait afficher un sourire en toute circonstance, et il fit de son mieux pour en forcer un sur son visage. Il d?plut ? Cl?lia qui exigea quelque chose de mieux: -?Il est trop crisp?. Cindy, ton sourire doit ?tre large et naturel. On doit comprendre que tu es d'humeur joyeuse et l?g?re, m?me si ce n'est pas le cas!? Marc s'aga?a int?rieurement que Cl?lia lui fit perdre son temps avec sa le?on. Il n'?tait pas l'une de ses caissi?res du temps qu'elle travaillait dans la grande distribution! Mais Marc avait tant envie de soulager son envie insoutenable qu'il ?tait pr?t ? s'ex?cuter de son mieux pour contenter Cl?lia. Il s'effor?a alors de lui offrir le sourire le plus naturel et le plus radieux possible, en priant int?rieurement que cela suffise. -?C'est mieux Cindy. Tu peux disposer.? Marc n'oublia pas de garder son sourire pour ne pas commettre de nouvel impair en se dirigeant vers les toilettes. Il entendit malheureusement la voix d'Aur?lie le h?ler alors qu'il ?tait sur le point d'ouvrir la porte. -?Cindy, tu vas te retenir un peu ma fille. J'ai besoin que tu m'imprimes les dossiers que je t'ai envoy? sur ta boite mail et que tu les mettes sous enveloppe, pr?ts ? ?tre exp?di?s.? -?Mais Aur?lie, ?a peut attendre deux minutes je fais pipi et je te fais ?a...? -?Tssss tsssss le courrier va passer dans moins d'une demi-heure et il faut que tout soit pr?t d'ici l?. Alors tu te retiens comme une grande fille et tu me fais ?a s'il te plait.? Marc s'avoua vaincu. Il savait qu'Aur?lie ne renoncerait pas, et il connaissait ses propres limites. Il ?tait incapable de tenir t?te ? quelqu'un si celui-ci se montrait ne serait-ce qu'un peu insistant. Il se rendit alors ? son bureau pour pr?parer au plus vite les dossiers demand?s par Aur?lie. C'?tait une vraie torture car sa libido persistait ? le tourmenter cruellement. Il avait un furieux besoin de se masturber, et il ne pensait qu'? ?a. Si seulement il ?tait un vrai homme il aurait pu s'imposer aupr?s d'Amandine et lui demander qu'? son tour elle s'occupe de ses besoins ? lui. Mais il ne se faisait pas d'illusion, un tel sc?nario ?tait au-del? de toutes ses capacit?s. Pas besoin de se mentir, selon sa nature, il attendrait patiemment qu'Amandine ait elle-m?me l'initiative d'une telle chose. Malgr? sa d?licieuse souffrance Marc parvint ? faire les dossiers juste avant que le coursier arrive pour ramasser le courrier. C'?tait un grand jeune homme brun bien fait de sa personne, au teint mate et au sourire franc qui plaisait beaucoup aux filles du bureau. Comme ? son habitude il flirta un peu, provoquant quelques rires amus?s chez M?lanie et Aur?lie qui avaient le b?guin pour lui. Marc fit mine de se diriger vers les toilettes mais M?lanie le rattrapa par le bras. -?Mais attends Cindy, c'est impoli de partir comme ?a alors que Hugo a pos? une question et que tu es la seule ? ne pas avoir r?pondu!? le taquina la p?tillante rouquine.? Marc se mit ? rougir comme une pivoine. Le coursier avait interrog? les filles sur leur type d'homme, et Marc n'avait pas song? une seule seconde participer ? un tel d?bat. Il maugr?a int?rieurement, n'allait-on pas le laisser tranquille une seule minute? Tous les yeux ?tant tourn?s vers lui il comprit qu'il ne pourrait pas s'?clipser avant d'avoir donn? un semblant de r?ponse. Marc bredouilla quelques mots, rougissant encore plus si possible. -?Je n'ai pas de type d'homme, ?a ne m'int?resse pas ces choses-l?, d?sol?...?. Les filles rirent devant autant de maladresse. Le jeune livreur avait apparemment d?cid? de le taquiner un peu et n'en resta pas l?. -?Bah, m?me s'il a fait des progr?s le jeune gar?on n'est pas encore une jeune fille. Il a autant de poitrine que ma petite s?ur de 10 ans. Une fois qu'il ressemblera plus ? une vraie fille avec de belles formes alors il courra aussi les gar?ons comme vous mes ch?ries.? Toutes les filles ?clat?rent de rire alors que Marc ?tait mortifi? de honte. Dans un ?clair de lucidit? il comprit qu'il ?tait connu des gens travaillant dans l'immeuble, et comment cela aurait-il pu en ?tre autrement? D?s son premier jour il avait crois? des personnes ?voluant dans les bureaux d'autres soci?t?s, et m?me s'il ?tait tr?s eff?min? on n'avait pas pu le prendre pour une vraie fille. Quelqu'un comme lui devait immanquablement ?tre un sujet de conversation pris?, et il devait faire l'objet de diverses sp?culations. Sa f?minisation rapide avait sans aucun doute ?t? interpr?t? comme le clair d?sir de sa part de passer pour une vraie fille. Sonn?, Marc tourna le dos ? Hugo, se retrouvant nez ? nez avec M?lanie qui riait de bon c?ur. Il y avait bien de la moquerie dans les yeux de la jeune fille, mais aussi une certaine empathie pleine de douceur. Finalement, Marc se dit que ses coll?gues n'?taient pas anim?es par une quelconque malveillance, mais qu'elles s'amusaient simplement de la situation. Soudainement Marc sentit une grande main se coller contre ses petites fesses bomb?es pour les lui presser avec force comme on tripote vulgairement les fesses d'une fille. Compl?tement surpris Marc ne put s'emp?cher de lever ses deux mains et de pousser un petit ?Ouuu? de surprise, ses l?vres formant un parfait ?O?, dans une mimique tellement f?minine qu'elle en ?tait caricaturale. Du coin de l'?il il saisit son reflet dans un petit miroir: il ressemblait ? une pauvre fille ?cervel?e qui s'est prise une claque sur le cul... M?lanie se mit la main devant la bouche pour ?clater de rire devant son expression, des larmes commen?ant ? couler au bord des yeux. -?Mon dieu Cindy, tu es une vraie dinde! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire de toi?? Les rires peu discrets finirent par attirer Cl?lia affichant une mine contrari?e, les sourcils fronc?s. Le coursier se carapata rapidement tandis que les filles se remettaient au travail, comprenant que la r?cr?ation ?tait finie. L'assistante d'Amandine avait peu go?t? tant d'agitation. -?C'est toi Cindy qui nous met un tel bazar?? Marc baissa la t?te et murmura, tel un petit enfant grond?. -?Je suis d?sol? madame.? Le visage de Cl?lia ne montrait aucune indulgence. -?? ton bureau. Je ne veux pas entendre le moindre rire de b?tasse de tout ce matin! En fait, je ne veux entendre que le bruit de ton clavier, aucun bavardage ni gloussement d'oie!? Marc releva timidement la t?te. Malgr? toutes ces humiliations son sexe ne le laissait pas tranquille, palpitant du besoin d'?tre soulag?. Marc essaya de plaider timidement son envie d'aller aux toilettes. -?Mais madame je voulais...? -?On ne discute plus! On n'est pas au lyc?e ici, ou plut?t au coll?ge vu votre chahut! ? votre bureau mademoiselle, il me semble que le courrier ne va pas se taper tout seul!? Une nouvelle fois vaincu, tortur? par son p?nis qui r?clamait d'?clater dans un orgasme devenu vital, Marc se mit ? son bureau et commen?a ? s'activer sur son ordinateur malgr? l'obs?dante envie qui le tenaillait. XXXXXXX L'esprit embrum? par l'insupportable d?sir sexuel Marc se montrait gauche ? ex?cuter ses t?ches. Aussi, il ?tait frustr? par tant d'injustice. La vie semblait vouloir le provoquer sans fin pour ensuite mieux le frustrer. Il d?sesp?rait de trouver un jour son ?panouissement, que ce soit sur le plan personnel, professionnel et sexuel. Pourquoi ?tait-il n? avec un physique si peu viril et un caract?re si peu masculin? Les deux ?taient sans doute li?s, et s'alimentaient l'un l'autre. Peut-?tre que s'il avait ?t? homosexuel les choses auraient ?t? plus simples pour lui, mais voil? il ne d?sirait que le beau sexe. Il n'avait pas choisi sa nature ambigu? pas plus que son orientation sexuelle, et n'avait d'autre choix que de les subir sto?quement malgr? toutes les d?convenues. Aur?lie avait d? se rendre compte de son ?tat morose car elle engagea une conversation priv?e avec lui sur le serveur skype de l'entreprise. Moumoune: Je suis d?sol?e ma belle, Cl?lia a ?t? une vraie peau de vache pour le coup. On ne faisait que rire un peu. ?a va tu n'es pas trop en col?re? Pepette: Non non, ?a va. Je suis frustr? oui, mais bon, j'imagine ne pas ?tre le premier ? subir l'humeur de sa chef. Moumoune: Non mais c'est important la bonne ambiance dans une ?quipe. Et ?a fait du bien de se d?tendre toutes ensemble en plaisantant, c'est pas m?chant. Les filles pensent comme moi, Cl?lia a abus?. Pepette: Les filles??? Moumoune: Oui, Emilie et M?lanie, elles sont d'accord avec moi pour dire que c'est d?gueulasse de te traiter comme une gamine pour rien du tout. Attends, je les associe ? la conversation. MagicGirl: Comme te l'a dit Aur?lie on est de tout c?ur avec toi. C'est compl?tement naze de la part de Cl?lia de t'avoir parl? comme ?a! MissPink: Carr?ment, elle est trop nulle parfois ? jouer les petites chefs! Cindy, sois pas tristounette, on est solidaires avec toi. T'es g?niale et on aime bien rigoler avec toi. Pepette: Merci les filles, ?a fait du bien de vous lire. J'?tais un peu triste en effet M?lanie, mais gr?ce ? vous ?a va mieux. Ne vous inqui?tez pas, Cl?lia ne se montrera pas tous les jours aussi dure. En tout cas merci vous ?tes chouette les filles:) MissPink: H? on n'est pas les "filles" mais les "copines" ;) MagicGirl: Yes, on est toutes des copines! C'est une putain de chance de s'entendre aussi bien toutes ensemble. Et Cindy tu es quelqu'un de bien, pour ?a on t'a adopt? tout de suite ma puce. Tu peux compter sur nous pour pas te l?cher!!! Moumoune: Oui on est les girls de M?dia-Sky et on d?chire tout toutes ensemble! MissPink: Et Cindy et M?lanie sont les deux meilleures secr?taires de la mort qui tuent!!! || Moumoune: Bon Cindy a encore des progr?s ? faire c?t? secr?tariat, mais j'avoue le caf? tu ma?trises ma ch?rie. C'est quoi ton secret??? MagicGirl: Cindy a fait un Master Cafeti?re hihihi || MissPink: lollllll Pepette: Non mais vous ?tes b?tes! || Mais ?a fait trop du bien vos b?tises, je me sens bien mieux gr?ce ? vous. Je sens que je vais ?tre particuli?rement productif gr?ce ? vous les "copines":D Moumoune: Par contre Cindy, arr?te de parler de toi au masculin. D?j? c'est vraiment ridicule, et en plus ?a fait trop bizarre, ?a colle pas avec toi ;) MissPink: Carr?ment chelou oui! Parles comme une nana vu que tu r?ussis bien ? assumer ta nature de nana ma belle! MagicGirl: En plus une cafeti?re c'est de genre f?minin:p Moumoune: mdrrrr MissPink: Tu m'as tu? Emilie:xxxxx ptdrrrrr Au fur et ? mesure de la conversation Marc prit peu ? peu confiance en lui. Il avait toujours ?t? quelqu'un de plus ou moins solitaire, rejet? par les autres ? cause de son identit? sexuelle trouble, et avait terriblement souffert de ?a. Il ne s'attendait pas ? que ses coll?gues de travail le trouvent sympathique, et leur gentillesse ? son ?gard, chose totalement nouvelle pour lui, le toucha ?norm?ment. La chaleur de leurs mots lui r?chauffait le c?ur et contribua ? calmer peu ? peu son envie sexuelle. Il se sentait ? l'aise et en s?curit? avec la solidarit? des filles, et il savourait ces ?motions avec grand plaisir. Et pour ce qui est de son r?le de fille, autant le jouer ? fond, ce n'?tait qu'un r?le apr?s tout! Et si celui-ci lui permettait d'avoir des aventures sexuelles aussi torrides que celle de ce matin avec sa patronne, et lui apporter de vraies amies, autant l'embrasser pleinement. Il valait mieux ?tre un gar?on qui jouait ? la fille et ?tre heureux que rester un gar?on qui n'arrivait pas ? convaincre les autres de sa virilit? et rester malheureux! Pepette: D?sol?e les copines, c'est pas encore automatique pour moi. Promis, je ferais des efforts pour ne plus me tromper, et ?tre la meilleure copine possible ;) Moumoune: On l'esp?re bien Cindy! Et de toute fa?on tu peux compter sur nous pour rectifier le tir quand tu te trompes! MissPink: Et puis les gar?ons c'est b?te, ?a comprend rien ? nous les filles, et nous on se comprend toutes Cindy:) MagicGirl: Et si on sortait ce soir toutes ensembles pour f?ter Cindy comme nouvelle coupine ? nous??? Pepette: Aie les filles je suis d?sol?e, mais ce soir une amie ? ma logeuse vient pour faire quelque chose avec mes cheveux, donc je ne suis pas disponible:s Moumoune: Tu plaisantes tu n'as pas ? t'excuser! Au contraire, c'est g?nial! Tu vas enfin avoir une vraie coupe de cheveux! L? c'est n'importe quoi on dirait un Dartagnan qui se fait une queue de cheval:p MissPink: Non mais voil?, Cindy se faire belle c'est une priorit?! J'ai trop h?te de voir quelle coiffure tu vas te choisir, tu as d?j? une id?e? Pepette: Non pas vraiment M?lanie, j'imagine que l'inspiration viendra ce soir... MagicGirl: Non mais arr?tez de la harceler lol Moi je serais contente d'avoir la surprise, et je suis certaine qu'elle sera tr?s mignonne! Moumoune: C'est clair! Mais ?a nous emp?chera pas de sortir entre coupines!!! Voil? chacune mange chez soi, comme ?a on perd pas de temps, et une fois que la miss s'est faite belle elle nous le dit et on se retrouve en ville pour prendre un verre, ?a marche les girls? MissPink: Oui oui oui j'ach?teeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! MagicGirl: On se calme mademoiselle G?n?reux lol Voil?, on fait comme ?a! J'ai h?te d'?tre ? ce soir et de boire ? la sant? de Cindy:p:p:p Pepette: Ok ok ?a marche les filles, on fait comme ?a || XXXXXX Le reste de la journ?e se passa particuli?rement bien. Marc profitait de la bonne humeur des filles, de leurs taquineries et de leurs b?tises. Et les fois o? il se rendait dans le bureau d'Amandine pour lui apporter un caf? ou accomplir une petite t?che la rayonnante blonde se distrayait de son travail pour lui offrir un petit sourire ou quelques mots charmeurs. Marc se pliait ? sa discipline du sourire mais cela devenait de plus en plus facile et naturel, surtout avec tant de choses agr?ables qui ?gayaient sa journ?e. En fait, faire du sourire un r?flexe contribuait ? am?liorer en profondeur son humeur et de le rendre plus ouvert, lui qui s'?tait toujours enferm? dans une timidit? renfrogn?e. Marc se sentait de plus en plus ? l'aise ? ?voluer dans son travail, comme il avait appris ? appr?cier peu ? peu le confort de ses v?tements f?minins. Pourtant, tout en souriant, il n'oubliait pas qu'il jouait un r?le, donner le change ? sa patronne et ses coll?gues, et qu'au fond de lui il ?tait un gar?on. Certes, il avait une ?motivit?, une sensibilit? et des gouts f?minins, de m?me qu'il n'avait pas ? se faire beaucoup violence pour laisser ses gestes mani?r?s s'?panouir avec plus de f?minit?, mais il se r?p?tait qu'il ne fallait pas enfermer les genres dans des clich?s ?cul?s. On pouvait tr?s bien ?tre un vrai gar?on ?a n'emp?chait pas de vibrer pour un tube de Katy Perry, marcher en faisant de petits pas, une main pendante au bout d'un bras un peu tendu, ou encore ne pouvoir se retenir de pouffer b?tement. Et un jour, se disait- il, il montrerait ? tous que bien qu'acceptant ses c?t?s f?minins il ?tait un homme comme les autres. Le retour dans le m?tro fut assez p?nible ? cause d'un incident. Pour la seconde fois de la journ?e il se fit peloter les fesses. La rame ?tait bond?e, les gens se serraient, et ? l'occasion d'une station un nouvel afflux de voyageurs empira la chose. Alors que Marc se retrouvait coinc? de mani?re plus qu'inconfortable il sentir une grande main lui palper ses petites fesses rondes sans aucune retenue. Mortifi?, Marc se sentir rougir de surprise, de honte et de frustration. Pendant de longues secondes la man se balada sur ses fesses et se permit m?me de les pincer, et Marc restait interdit, n'osant rien dire, ne pouvant pas bouger d'un centim?tre. Il dut subir ce traitement pendant 3 longues stations, et enfin l'inconnu lui pressa l'index contre sa petite rondelle comme pour lui dire adieu. Rouge comme une ?crevisse Marc rentra et retrouva Solange avec son amie coiffeuse qui ?tait d?j? l?, ? prendre le th?. Le rappel de sa coiffure chassa un peu le souvenir de la mauvaise exp?rience et il envoya un texto ? Aur?lie pour lui dire qu'il la biperait une fois qu'il serait coiff?. L'amie de Solange, Paulette, se montra charmante et ne cessa de le complimenter sur ses magnifiques cheveux ch?tains, clairs, soyeux et d'un si beau volume. Encore une fois, ce fut plus fort que lui, Marc savoura ces compliments et rougit de plaisir. Depuis toujours il aimait ?tre flatt? mais depuis qu'il d?veloppait une apparence de plus en plus f?minine il avait tendance ? ?tre encore plus r?ceptif au moindre mot gentil sur sa ?beaut??. Quand Marc annon?a qu'il sortait avec ses coll?gues de bureau pour un verre de l'int?gration les deux retrait?es s'activ?rent en disant qu'il n'y avait pas de temps ? perdre. Paulette assura qu'elle ferait de son mieux pour lui faire quelque chose de tr?s joli, en expliquant ? Marc que toutefois elle ne pourrait pas obtenir le r?sultat d'un salon de coiffure. Il ne tiendrait qu'? lui de s'offrir un vrai passage en salon le jour o? il serait d'humeur. Devant son incapacit? ? choisir un type de coiffure Paulette et Solange s'agac?rent. Ce n'?tait pas la faute ? Marc, il n'avait tout simplement pas d'inspiration, et manquait d'imagination. Solange trancha en disant ? Paulette d'?couter sa muse et de faire ce qu'elle pensait ?tre le mieux, et Marc dut se taire quand Solange le morig?nera: ?Ma petite ch?rie quand on a une t?te vide on fait confiance et laisse faire celles qui savent!? Apr?s un rapide shampooing Paulette joua des ciseaux. Evidemment, pour parer ? d'?ventuelles protestations de Marc, Solange avait mis une serviette pour cacher le miroir, ainsi le jeune homme ne pouvait pas voir l'?volution de sa coiffure. Na?vement, voyant des m?ches de cheveux tomber peu ? peu par terre, il se rassura en se disant que plus de cheveux ?taient coup?s et moins sa coiffure serait f?minine. Il savait qu'il ne pouvait pas ?chapper ? une coupe de femme bien s?r, mais esp?rait quelque chose de pas trop outrageusement f?minin. C'est apr?s presqu'une heure que Paulette, visiblement heureuse d'elle, annon?a qu'elle avait fini. Solange admirait Marc en lui disant que la coiffeuse avait fait un travail d'artiste. La serviette ?t?e Marc pu enfin se contempler dans le miroir. Comme ? son habitude, lorsqu'il ?tait particuli?rement surpris, Marc resta bouche b?e, l'air un peu stupide. Il avait ce qu'on appelait, il lui semblait, un magnifique et long carr? plongeant avec une belle frange. Jamais il n'aurait pu penser avoir une coiffure si fille. Ses cheveux lisses suivaient avec un joli effet ses mouvements de t?te. Le carr?, particuli?rement bien coup?, lui arrivait presque ? hauteur du bas du cou et mettait en valeur toute la gracilit? de ses ?paules et de son port de t?te, ainsi que toute la douceur f?minine de son visage aux traits fins et r?guliers. Surtout, avec cette coiffure il savait avoir franchi un cap: il ?tait ?vident que spontan?ment la tr?s grande majorit? des gens ne verraient en lui qu'une fille comme une autre, particuli?rement mignonne en plus. Il n'eut pas le temps de plus tergiverser que ?a, Aur?lie le harcelait par un flot de textos. Il eut ? peine le temps de remercier Paulette et de la payer qu'il s'?chappa dans sa chambre pour se changer. Pas de doute pour lui, les filles ne comprendraient pas de le retrouver habiller avec ses v?tements de la journ?e. Sa fiert? virile, bless?e par sa toute nouvelle coiffure, se rebellait en lui. Il crut faire preuve d'un bel ?lan d'orgueil masculin en d?cidant de ne porter, pour ce soir, que des affaires de fille qui faisaient unisexes. Pourtant, il avait une jolie moue boudeuse tr?s f?minine en cherchant ce qui le ferait paraitre le moins fille possible. Il opta pour un jean d'un bleu d?lav? qu'il jugeait tr?s sobre malgr? les petites broderies aux poches un entre-jambe tr?s serr?. Il se choisit un t-shirt kaki strecht qui ne faisait que souligner son corps tr?s menu, et par-dessus une chemise ? carreaux rouge et noire. Si une chemise de ce type chez les hommes pouvait faire viril, sa petite chemise femme faisait sur lui un effet tr?s ?mignon?. S'il avait pris la peine de se regarder plus en d?tail il aurait compris qu'il avait le look d'une ?tudiante d?contract?e mais coquette. Se sentant d'humeur belliqueuse contre sa f?minit? il se choisit son petit blouson en faux cuir, bleu ?lectrique, cintr?, qui l? encore ajoutait ? son aspect de jeune femme moderne qui a envie de s'habiller ? l'aise pour sortir boire un verre avec ses copines, mais qui n'en restait pas moins ?l?gante. Assez ind?cis il finit par se choisir sa paire de converses bleu clair et pris ? la vol?e une l?g?re ?charpe beige, bouffante et faiblement paillet?e. En fait, la seule chose qui ne faisait pas ?fille? dans son apparence, ?tait l'absence de poitrine. Mais avec l'?paisseur de ses v?tements on pouvait simplement imaginer qu'il ?tait une fille qui avait la malchance d'?tre plate. Il ne put r?sister longtemps ? Solange qui lui passa ? l'?paule un de ses sacs ? main noir o? il fut oblig? de fourrer son porte-monnaie, ses papiers, son portable et ses clefs. Se d?p?chant pour ne pas ?tre trop en retard Marc trottinait vers la station de m?tro du plus vite que lui permettaient ses petits pas. Deux jeunes hommes qu'il croisa se retourn?rent sur lui quand il passa, ses grandes joues rougies un peu par l'effort. L'un d'eux dit ? son ami: ?Tu vois, une fille simple et fraiche comme elle, un petit gabarit tout mimi, c'est quand m?me le top.? ?Ouai, c'est tout ? fait mon genre aussi, une jolie petite nana, surtout avec un beau visage comme elle a, je dis oui tout de suite!?

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Cassie babbled on the drive to the beach where the party was being held. It was the nude beach which was technically closed for the evening but the authorities looked the other way as long as things didn’t get out of hand. “Ooooo, my pussy is tingling with anticipation!” said my date in an excited voice. “I’m so glad we ran across each other last week. This may be like that spring break between a few years ago when I was dating your buddy and you went with us to Florida. You two guys screwed...

3 years ago
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Doing Judy Threesome Au Naturel

Judy and I had been sexually invovled since that summer I'd been her escort at her coming out and Debutante Ball. She was a physically sexy and maturing young woman at that time, but she was still somewhat immature and I didn't mind taking advantage of her and letting her seduce me whenever we had the chance to be together. In fact, you can read all about my affair with Judy in the 5-part series on "Doing the Debutante". And, for that one reader a couple of years ago who said it could never...

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Little Esme in Nasty Natureland

Esme tried to understand the world. It was so complicated. She tried to understand herself and she seemed even more twisted and weird.Today she was wandering through the woodlands near her family home feeling lonely and confused. She was barefooted, her sandals dangling from a finger, as she walked the well-kept trails. They lived on the edge of a protected nature area open to the public. Her home was where she and her grandparents had lived all of her life. Actually, their homestead was really...

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how to be the only woman your man wants

Real men want to be touched, grabbed, kissed with lust, stroked, teased and more. We want it all. They want their pants taken off for them, kisses down their chest, kisses to their little king (your Love Toy) and then, without any thought about it, a real life attempt at being fully engulfed during your gagging effort of deep-throating him until he pulses his way out. Stand up, offer him your lips, a few more kisses, then raise your top up and offer him your sweet breasts. Take one of his...

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Lena my little fucktoy

The bar was full of happy people. It was Friday night, still winter but with the first traces of spring in the parks. In Stockholm that was always a special time of the year. The restaurants and bars around Stureplan had their chairs out al fresco – no one from outside Sweden would ever understand why people would sit outside when it´s just above freezing point…but the tables were full on this friday evening.I had finished my speech at the conference I was invited to, and was heading for a...

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1st Sex Experience

Hi, Friends, I am Alvish from Durg Chhattisgarh 21 year old: Maine jab paheli baar apne dost se ISS k bare me suna to muje vishwas nahi huwa. Magar jab maine is site me log on karke jo story padha to muje aisa laga ki my bi meri ek kahani aap logo se share karlo. Maine iske phale bhi aapse bahoot sari story share ki hai mujhe khushi hai ki aap logon ne story ko bahoot pasand aayi aur mujhe bahoot se msg bhi mile. Ab mai apni story mai aata hoon. An incident 2 saal pahle huva tha jab my 20 saal...

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Helping Moms Friend Out

My name is xhiva this is my first story so enjoy!She was beautiful, I had never seen a women with such an aura, with such a sexy look. Problem was, she happens to be my mother's best friend.They had been friends since they both started working at the same company, on the same day. And ever since, Mrs. Thompsen and my mother have spent most of their social time together.Mrs. Thompsen's first name was Pamela, she let my teenage self call her Pam, and I was more then will to do as she asked. Who...

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Double Identity Ch 01

Beep…beep…beep…beep…beep… As I began to awake the only thing I was cognizant of, at first, was a constant beeping noise. It sounded far off at first but then began to get louder, or closer. The next thing I felt was something in my throat and that made me panic. I felt like I was choking. I tried to move my arms to get to get to my mouth but they wouldn’t move, and pain, more pain then I have ever felt, shot through my body like fire. I tried to scream, but my throat was clogged. My heart...

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My Wifersquos New Friend Mike

We are together with my wife. She tells you I’m not ready to please her sexually. My wife then asked you to show me how a genuine man should fuck her. Your say you will be delighted to show me the best way to fuck my wife. You eliminate your clothes and inform us to undress.Your come to me and bounced my tough cock up and down along with your fingers. You inform my wife the issue is my compact dick isn’t huge sufficient for her. You then say, tonight she will really feel the meat of a real man...

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An Anonymous Meeting

I was in a different state on business and I was without transportation. The company only rented three cars for seven people. However, I had passed the test we were sent there to take and I wanted to celebrate by doing something in the nearest decent sized city about 30 miles away. No one else wanted to go out that night so I borrowed one of the cars. Before heading out, I posted an ad on CL. My ad said what I wanted. I wanted to be fucked and cummed in. Simple. I posted a picture of my bent...

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My Little Sister Sophie Part 3

Ending from part 2: 'So c'mon' she said. 'More pics' The next few pictures were more variations on the nipple picture that Sophie had commented on. Next were some full body shots with the model 'wearing' a plain white bed sheet to hide her modesty. Then came the full body nude shots. The first was of Amy lying on her back, with the camera shooting from her side over her belly. I used a very wide angle lens to get Amy's full body in from close up and her smooth, hairless body...

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Ella Hughes 1500 615000

Ella Hughes was born on June 13th, 1995, in Southampton, England, to a family with English and Irish roots. There must be some serious internal conflict happening inside this bitches soul.From Practicing Law to Lathering BallsAfter graduating high school, Ella continued her studies at Southampton Solent University, majoring in law. I wonder what she was hoping to do with that degree? Defend sex workers? Read sketchy contracts shady porn production companies try to get young performers to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Two for TangoChapter 2

Mrs Margo Richmond was relaxing in her bath-tub after a trying day at the university office. With her head rested back and her eyes closed she softly sponged her breasts as her thoughts swam around her head. Her day had started well enough, having carefully dressed in a prim grey formal suit that subtlety showed off her sensual lithesome figure. She’d had an important staff meeting with her underlings and at 39 she still enjoyed the lecherous admiration from male colleagues, for there was...

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Playing Bagpipes By A Lady In Bus

Hello readers. This is Sarfaraz Khan back with another exciting and unique story about playing bagpipes. I think most of you know about me from my previous stories. I’m a 23 year male from a South Indian city. Those who haven’t read my are requested to read and enjoy cumming hard. All my stories are unique in their own ways, and I try hard to avoid repeating similar stories. So this story is like that and I leave to upto you to decide if it is real or imaginary. So it happened that I was...

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Kitten and TeddybearChapter 13 Riding the Bear

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: "One thing Mom has always been clear about was a desire for, well, me. When Dad proposed, the idea of eloping at the courthouse evidently had some charm. There were a lot of reasons in favor, but both my parents can be pretty traditional. Dad evidently suggested a small wedding on the grounds, with a reception in the ball room. It was a small wedding that made the New York Times Sunday Magazine. Best laid plans, and all that. "Anyway, Mom and Dad...

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Undercover RoseChapter 81

On the drive home I tried to sort it out, and maybe make sense of it all. I hadn't taken the time in the morning, since Billy Joe was gone when I awoke. I didn't want to think at that moment. I just wanted to get the hell away from there before the police came to charge me with Statutory rape or some such thing. Hell Billy was no more than sixteen at best. More likely he was even less, but I didn't know for sure. What I did know is that he was a minor. I had known that when I allowed him...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 18

It was July 26th and Jared Winslow's Press Release announcing the practice schedule was ready for release on August 1st for the Sunday papers and sports sections throughout Vermont and New England. It was being prepared to mail to all invited team members and recruits as well as any walk-ons who had made themselves known. It would otherwise be posted at the Coaches Hall. As he had "promised" on his visits with players a few weeks earlier, it would be grueling and would prove just how much...

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The Bet Chapter 45

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 45 (Monday - week 7) He wore the same blue dress, the same shoes, the same everything. But in his dream, he was alone with Derek. The two of them were simply walking side by side together, and he felt totally comfortable, totally secure with him. They didn't hold hands. Instead, Derek's arm was across his shoulders, holding him close to his side as they walked. For some reason, they stopped and Derek turned toward him. Derek cupped his...

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Revenge On Bullies Is Finally Complete

Hello and welcome back! I hope you are enjoying my stories. This is the part where the revenge on my bullies comes full circle. Sit and back and enjoy reading this sex story. Note: Do follow all my stories in order to comprehend this sex story better. Damn, that was one kinky sex with my mom and sister (my wives). Kitty and Lola made me the horny wolf. That day, we had more threesome sex and I slept with both of my wives in our marriage bed with both cuddled up with me inside the white blanket....

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Blackmailed WifeChapter 6

We got into the room and as Brenda closed the door, she said, "You look lovely, dear. I love that dress; you look just like a Sunday school teacher." I honestly did not know what to say. I guessed I should give her some sort of compliment in return, so I said, "You look nice and sexy in that. Those stockings seem to set off the leather skirt." Brenda was wearing white stockings, with a garter belt. I could see that because her leather skirt was so short they stuck out from under the hem...

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Interstellar Defense LeagueChapter 9

The shuttle latched onto one of the docking ports of the Enterprise directly, other shuttles attaching themselves to other docking ports or to the shipyard. Ben and Emily were lost in the confusion as they exited the craft, at least two hundred people filling a hangar meant for maybe fifty. The entirety of Dragon squadron followed them as well, nobody having any idea of where they were supposed to go. They all stumbled through the bay, tripping over people, and occasionally being shoved out...

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The Cameras Caught It All part 3

I walked out of the room with Lisa standing there. It seemed she didn’t know how to respond to my demands to fuck Alice, her best friend and co-worker. I went downstairs and lay back on the bed to get a few hours of sleep but couldn’t quite turn my mind off and relax.I somehow managed to get some rest, but nothing like a deep REM sleep I needed, more like an alpha rest. Then I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at my watch. It was 5:30. Alice was early. I waited to hear voices and for Lisa to...

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my fantasy7

we are out shopping in the malljust looking around a men's clothing store& u suddenly whisper hotly in my ear" u said anytime anyplace & any way !! so i wanna see u suck my cock right now !!! " & u walk in2 one of the dressing roomswith an armful of clothes 2 try on...i quickly grab the first thing that i seeas i quietly follow u in2 the dressing room& then quickly lock the door behind me...u are already naked when u turn 2 face mewith a smug & satisfied look on your...

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With Coach in Her Motel Room

“We shouldn’t be doing this…” my soccer coach said with that strong, maternal, authority that made me want to fuck her even more. I felt safe with her, even though sex with her was forbidden and could get us both in trouble. I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anyone.“But, we both want to, Michelle. So much…” I touched her neck, letting my fingers trace the edge of her collared, coaches golf shirt, emblazoned with our team logo. Down between her breasts my fingers found their way until I...

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crossdressers first time

i first started to wear tights when i was 18,i was shocked when i first realised i loved tight panties and sheer tights. i was staying with my friends mother who was 65 at the time,she wore the sexiest lingerie i had ever seen,especially on a woman that age,but i felt drawn to the sheer stockings. the next day i was taking a bath when i noticed them on the wash basket,i had an urge to wear them,i was very shocked by this desire but had to!i slipped them on taking care not to rip them,they were...

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sister gets to know her brother better

I spent the hottest day of the summer sitting by my pool with my friend Stacey. We spent the afternoon working on our tans and talking about nothing in particular. At some point, I had noticed the curtains in one of the windows was pulled back slightly.“Don’t look now Stace, but I think my brother is watching you.”She raised her eyebrows slightly and peered up at the window.“Oh my God! What’s with him? Not only is he weird, but he’s a total perv!”“Hey that’s my brother! He’s not a perv, and...

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My Best Friends Fiance

I never wanted to hurt Thomas, my boss and friend since c***dhood, in any way, so i never told him our secret. I knew who his 4 k**s father really happened to be. 2 boys, 2 girls, all beautiful and all my k**s.Melissa was one of the sexiest white chicks i had ever seen, she always told Thomas that on their wedding night he was gonna be her first. She went looking for bridesmaid dresses but because the maids were all at work, she had them give her their measurements and called for Thomas's limo...

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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 10

DON (Friday 11/25) Jeez, I never expected it! Sure, Bob had fit some of the profile, but that had been over 2,000 miles away. Ana stood up, walked over in front of Bob and motioned him up. He stood hesitantly and Natalie stood up shakily beside him. Ana put her arms around his neck, kissed his cheek and hugged him for a long minute. She finally let go, stepped back and looked at him. She said quietly, "Thank you for my life." He took her hand and said, "Ana, I honestly didn't know it...

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Todds Tinder Emi

Todd slammed down the cell phone onto the desk, and dove into his bed. Wanting to scream into the pillow, but failing to find any noise in his throat. He didn’t remain immobile for long before getting off of the bed and grabbing his phone and falling back onto the bed, unlocking his phone and opening up the messenger app and scrolling up in his most recent conversation. He quickly closed out of the app and switched to the app store. With almost no hesitation he downloaded and opened up the...

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STUPID by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas It was my big mouth that had gotten me into trouble, as usual. I had been in a singles bar, and I was hitting on two attractive chicks, bragging about what a good lover I am. We had a few drinks as I kept running my mouth off, and the blonde, Debbie, turned to the redhead, Pat, and said, "I think this guy is full of shit; do you want to give him a chance to put his pecker where his mouth is?" "Why not," Pat responded, "he is pretty good-looking, for an...

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On My OwnChapter 16

I woke somehow almost under the lady sleeping with me. She was more than halfway on top of me. As soon as I moved, her eyes came open with fear in them at first, then they became loving as we looked at each other. Caroline said, "I had a bad dream. I was trying to protect you, but you kept getting in front of me. I see I acted out the part in my dream." Giving her a hug, I said, "How about a walk and some breakfast. Today has to be a better day than yesterday. I can finish Mrs. Kelly's...

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Cam Girl Ch4

Right at seven pm exactly he heard her come through the front door.  He clicked on the ‘stream’ button and reluctantly, record, as he settled back down onto her bed, with a recently worn thong in his hand, sniffing the triangle where it had recently contained his daughter’s young sex. Ashley walked in the room, appearing to be nervous.  She was wearing sweatpants, and a tight v-neck t-shirt that didn’t hide her erect nipples on her softball sized boobs.He had turned the volume on the computer...

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Womanly charms

You wake up in a wet sweat, the dream of last night still vivid in your memory. The white light that spoke to you "Champion! You are needed! Please help us!" Which wold needs helping?

4 years ago
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Bhabhi Ka Pyaar

Ye un dino ki baat h jb mein apne college ki chuttiya manane hamesha ki tarah apne gaon aaya tha apni mosi k yaha meri mosi bahut ki gusse wali h bt mujhe bahut pyaar karti thi kyunki mein unhe or unki family mein bahut ghul mil gya tha or isliye gaon mein sbse jyada apni mosi k ghar rahata tha. Meri mosi k ek ladka tha or uski shaadi ho gai thi wo Chandigarh mein hi kaam karta tha jb mein gaon gya tha to mere bhaiya waha nahi the meri ek bahut achhi bhabhi thi jinke saath mein kaafi majaak...

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Sometimes Life Is Not a Bowl of CherriesChapter 12

We went into the kitchen and my mother poured herself a strong drink. I got a glass of juice. She offered me a drink but I smiled and said, "No thanks. I fuck every boy in my class. But I don't drink." She shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, baby." I went over and took her in my arms. We hugged each other tight. I hated what we had to do today. But I realized that I felt better now that she knew. I wouldn't wish on her what was going to happen to her now. But I felt such a weight...

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Bikini Beach A New Experience

Bikini Beach: A New Experience By Roy Del Frink It was another boring old day at the water park. Anya sighed. Nothing unusual, or even notable, about today's customers. Sure, seventeen men had come along with nearly two hundred women, but they'd just gotten one-day passes. Not a single customer purchased a pass lasting longer than a week, and all buyers were female. And the lifeguard and security may as well have stayed home today; their presence had proved unnecessary. Even her lunch...

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A Log Truck Driver In Outer SpaceChapter 8

After their arms were strapped behind them we had them stand up and head over to join the others detainees. Of course the racket the dogs made had all of them awake and they laughed at our new bunch as the dogs herded them. "Well, well. If it ain't the rescue squad. Did you geniuses come to get us out of this fix?" the short asshole asked. "Naw, they thought your bunch was being too hard on our women so they came to get in on the fun. Wonder how much fun it'll be for them when the...

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121. SARAH AND THE SILVER MASTER 1This story promises to be a long saga, and it should be read in order. I should explain I do consultation work giving assistance with sexual mental problems of a serious nature mostly to women who have hang-ups about guilt. Some I find require actual chastisement, some just consultations. This case all began with this letter plopping onto my mat one morning (I have withheld her address for professional and security reasons) ...

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Dog Theft Averted Husband Theft Commenced Part 2

John sprinted home.Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! he thought to himself as he ran. How did I let things go that far?Now safely back at home, John put his head in his hands and thought about what had just happened. Kate had been shocked when he'd told her to stop. He had thought about leading her deeper into the woods and finding a secluded spot to continue their tryst. In fact, that's exactly what he had wanted to do! But as soon as Kate's small hand released his cock, a voice in his head screamed at him to...

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The Awakening Part Two Resurrection

The Awakening By Michele Nylons Part Two - Resurrection Up in the attic I turn on the standard lamp, unlock the Chubb lock and open the trunk. Nadine is out for a few hours so I can take my time and fully investigate the contents of the trunk. There are layers of skirts; blouses and lingerie all neatly folded. I take one of blouses out of the trunk and try it on. I'm not really surprised to find it is a perfect fit. I fumble with the buttons because they are on the opposite...

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Love Making In Ooty

Firstly a big hi to ISS readers, sex lovers, singles, couples, unsatisfied housewives, IT people, and everyone. I’m Sonu 25 years old. I’m going to share my experience with you guys which happened a few months back. This experience is between me and a girl of my age. Her name is Coco. Her stats are 34C-30-35. I met Coco in an institute when I was learning a new technology. After joining the course, I use to attend classes regularly. But I hadn’t made any friends in the batch. But all of a...

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The Five Forms of KimberChapter 2 Earth Stone

Kimber crept quietly through the nighttime forest, looking for a decent clearing to start a fire in order to cook the rabbit she'd caught and killed earlier. Instead, she noticed the glow of an existing fire up ahead of her. She approached with caution, but found that it was tended to by a lone figure, a young man wearing light armor. His pack of gear and provisions, including a bow and quiver of arrows, rested on the ground near him. She touched the medallion and transformed back to her...

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Impaled in the Bowels of the Earth A Tale of Sibling Differences

Impaled in the Bowels of the Earth - A Tale of Sibling DifferencesDai had always envied his elder brother, Huw.  He had envied Huw’s luck in getting a well paid job with Evans, Evans and Davies. He had envied Huw’s huge house up in the Brecon Beacons, so different from the terraced miner’s cottage in Glynneath where Dai livedi, alone for the last five years since their father had died with pneumoconiosis and their grief stricken mother had hung herself in a disused and boarded up chapel.  Most...

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Wilson Classes

A brief history of "The Convergence" What we now call "The Convergence" began in 2015, with Pilgrim Pharmaceuticals announcement of a vaccine to prevent against most forms of cancer. They had been quietly testing it on 1,000 people for over 2 years and had been running a 10,000 person clinical trial for another year. Not one of these people, which included a significant number of "high risk" patients was diagnosed with any form of cancer. The US FDA, and counterparts across the globe,...

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The Legendary SlutWhore777

This is a story of how I encountered the Legendary SlutWhore777. It was a normal sunny day, the sky was blue and clear, the sun was sunshining. I was in the park, taking a nice walk by the pond, when I overheard two men talking about their encounter with SlutWhore777.SlutWhore777 was the filthiest sluttiest pig slut whore cunt around, rumours where that every single man in the area had been with her but no one knew what she looked like has she always wore her famous slutty mask. I decided one...

2 years ago
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Scoreland Winter Rae Bikini Stripper Fantasy Fuck

Stacked, trim & slim Winter loves calling her husband “Daddy.” Role playing and acting out her fantasies is fuel that makes Winter’s pussy soaking wet. Winter Rae shows her “Daddy” how her new thong bikini looks on her fantasy fuck-doll body. Winter said she’s never danced in a strip club. Here she’s a bad girl stripper eager to please and get cock-punished… Her hubby is eager to bone Winter while she jiggles, bounces and shakes out of her...

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Shifter The Sex Demoness

"If you see this girl, use extreme caution- contact law enforcment in the area as soon as possible." A lovely blonde news lady is talking on screen. To her side is an image of the "criminal" she is speaking of. A silk skinned beauty with long, jet black hair. She's not human, her skin is dark, but a beautiful shad of crimson. Her eyes are black, lips full and soft- probably hiding sharp fangs and a snake-like tongue within. Large bat-like wings extending from her back. A demon- they were...

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A Quiet Weekend Alone

An Erotic fantasy * Written for the love of my life, without whom I am incomplete… my lover and my best friend, my wife. ************************* 1 – CHAPTER ONE – Friday ************************* The drive was interminable. They hadn’t realized how long of a drive it was to the Berkshires. Ok…it wasn’t so much that it was a long trip, but they had been waiting for a long time for this weekend. Scott and Heather needed to get away. It had been nearly ten months since they had taken a...

1 year ago
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Restaurant Meet

Older lady comes on to me at Chili's.... TITLE: Restaurant Meet Went to eat at Chili's, Sat at the end of the bar, an older lady came and sat beside me. I said Hi I'm Patrick, she responded I'm Gloria..... We chatted a bit, just filler, She asked what I did, I told her and then said I'm on the road this week. She said so am I, funny we would meet like this, I said it sure is, hay let me ask you something, when you are on the road like we are do you ever think, who would know? She said I have...

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Kaci at the Beach

Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance. As I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the easy up sun shade and approaching me remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her with a smile as I continued to move down past where they were to set up. I quickly set up my umbrella, a beach chair, and I laid out a towel for my dog. As I sat there soaking in the sun and the waves. It was hard to not...

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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 11

Qamaar narrates this part * * * * * * * * * * “So what happened next? I mean, what happened after you went home? I am sure you had to go abroad before you had to come across this porn thing. Did you come across any other sexual advancements before that, in here?” I asked her as I was prepared to write it down. She, now dressed in one of the dresses my mom used to dressed, narrated this. “After I went home, my parents welcomed me as usual. They said to me that I look a little sick. I said I...

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Anne Thereses Sisterly Swap

Anne and Therese Marchais, twins from Montreal, Quebec, love to swap with each other, tricking their boyfriends into sleeping with the "wrong" sister. They really love to share their boyfriends in general, but they have found that some men are too gutless to swing or cheat, so they have found this sexy loophole. Their latest choices are: Orion Tsatskis, a Manhattan businessman, and Harry Llewellyn, a lawyer from Wales. Their plan succeeded last night, as Anne led Orion, Therese's guy, into her...

Group Sex
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Busted Nikkie Silk“Happy is what happens when all your dreams come true," Stephen SchwartzSandy came into the bedroom where I was still dozing, holding a pair of tights in her hand.‘Babe, I wouldn’t ask, but I’m so pushed for time and I’ve just laddered my last pair of clean tights. I desperately need some before I go to this client meeting.’She held them up as if to prove what she was saying.‘OK,’ I said, still half asleep, ‘what can I do about it?’‘Can I borrow a pair of yours, pretty...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 297

This one is compliments of Pat This may be a repeat but worth a second read... "Curtain Rods" aka "Best Divorce Story Ever" She spent the first day packing her belongings into boxes, crates and suitcases. On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things. On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their beautiful dining room table by candle-light, put on some soft background music, and feasted on a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of...

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Dominance to Submission

His heated body had goose bumps rise as the chill of shock froze up his muscles. He never believed he would give up his dominance for a woman he barely knew. She was something else though, her body so mesmerizing none could stop from staring, and yet her mystique never lost its edge. She had begged him to give up his control for her and he had foolishly agreed; he just couldn't say no to her pouting face.So here he was, bound by warm, rough leather with a cold cylinder gag clamped tightly in...


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