On My OwnChapter 16 free porn video

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I woke somehow almost under the lady sleeping with me. She was more than halfway on top of me. As soon as I moved, her eyes came open with fear in them at first, then they became loving as we looked at each other. Caroline said, "I had a bad dream. I was trying to protect you, but you kept getting in front of me. I see I acted out the part in my dream."

Giving her a hug, I said, "How about a walk and some breakfast. Today has to be a better day than yesterday. I can finish Mrs. Kelly's car and go do what's necessary on Willy's. You ladies need to hunt up more folks that need help."

Caroline said, "Most of the older folks have enough to keep them and take care of things like car problems. We'll look around, but you've taken care of the ones we know of that need help. We'll also watch for some young folks that may be having problems, as there are a lot of layoffs happening. Not everyone living here works for S&S. I'll bet they wished they did, though."

We walked briskly for a half-hour and ended at the patio, getting some coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Sue sat with Caroline and me. She said, "We talked to that Howard guy, the CEO of the insurance company. Steve and I were not impressed. He kept trying to impress us that he lived in Avila and that he could invite us to his bigwig parties. I'm sure if we wanted to go to any of them, Uncle Ben, Dad, could get us invites. I turn down invitations all the time. Steve and I would rather be right here with our family."

After breakfast, we walked home. Caroline said, "If you will give me a key, I'll make sure your trailer is up to Betty's standards. I don't have anything special to do during the day, so I can snoop through your stuff. I really won't do that but I will make sure the place is spic and span. I think Betty and Prissy cleaned up in there yesterday. There couldn't have been much as you haven't been there"

I gave her my key and said, "Do me a favor. Look through all of my stuff to see if you find any answers. I think we're moving in a direction that we need to know as much about each other as we can. You have my permission to be as snoopy as you can be. You can even have the other ladies help you, but you all have to put everything back where you got it."

"You would let me do that, really?"

"Really, just look to your heart's content. I have absolutely nothing to hide. All my old records are in the boxes in the big closet. That will give you a snapshot of me."

I put on my last clean pair of coveralls and rode over to the warranty desk. There was one cart that needed a wheel bearing. A front wheel bearing shouldn't have failed, but it did. I took parts from the line and replaced the one that failed. I tagged it and put it in solvent to clean it off so I could figure out why it failed.

At nine, I called the parts store and they said the parts for Mrs. Kelly's car were in. I said, "Have your driver drop them off where he went yesterday at Mrs. Kelly's trailer. I don't have enough space in my cart to put the boxes of parts for that job."

It ended up taking me all the way to noon to finish replacing the shaft and housing. I told Mrs. Kelly, take this on a little ride all around the park. Don't go fast, as you still need an alignment. Just make sure it works the way you want. If you like it, go to the mall and have Sears do an alignment. Deposit the check and give Steve the difference between what you paid for the alignment and the amount of the check. Fair enough?"

Mrs. Kelly said, "I like it. That is very fair."

Just before I went into the patio for lunch, my cell phone rang. It was Sarah Perkins. She asked, "Have you heard from your ex lately?"

"No, Ma'am. You said no contact. I haven't even been checking e-mail."

"Come down to my office early Friday morning. Bring donuts. We'll have coffee, then meet your future ex, her attorney, and the judge. We'll have one last session and the judge will say stay or go. He'll say go in a way that you don't have to worry about life. Hopefully, what you asked for will be acceptable to Judy and her attorney. If it isn't, this judge has a reputation of really crucifying an attorney and client when they aren't being fair. I personally think you're being too fair. See you Friday morning, remember, bring donuts."

After lunch, Martin and I went to Willy's trailer to see if we could find the car keys. There wasn't any complaint on his car, it was just that he was seen sitting in it often while it was not running. After we found the keys, I started the car easily then put it into gear. The car drove perfectly and sounded good to go.

I checked at the warranty desk and found a cart that had a defective tire. I swapped tires from the line that were the same make and model, then checked with Kevin and Dennis to see if they needed help. Today was looking like a nap day. I went home and lay down on the bed with my coveralls and shoes off. I woke at four, hearing people in my kitchen.

After putting on some shorts, I went out to the kitchen where Sue, Mercy, and Caroline were sitting. Mercy said, "The doctor next door said you were supposed to come in to get your stitches removed. Would you run over there real quickly so we have you taken care of?"

I groaned, "Oh Mercy, can't I do it tomorrow?"

"You'll forget again. Go, get it done. No more arguing."

Staying in just my shorts and T-shirt, I rode the cart next door. The nurse put me in an exam room and left as the doc walked in. "You'll learn. Those ladies over there will hound you to death if you don't do what they want."

The doc turned to me and asked as if it were an afterthought, "Say, how is the Viagra working out?"

"I haven't taken any you've given me, but I did take a couple that my friend got from her doctor. We've had a good time, along with some good sex."

"That's what they are for. Just make sure you follow the directions and make sure you don't overdo it or take them more than you should. Now, take off your T-shirt and let's get this done."

The nurse came back into the room with a tray of implements. The two of them clipped and pulled until all of the stitches were gone. It tickles when they pull the thread from the skin. I didn't bleed which, was surprising, and there really wasn't any swelling. The nurse put some cream and a bandage on both areas.

The doc said, "If the areas gets red or swollen, come back and see us. Other than that, you are done. Keep your appointments at the VA for your regular checkups. Make sure you tell them again that your aneurysm has been corrected. They might want to take another look at that area in the next few months to make sure another has not developed."

When I went to sign out, the lady at the front desk handed me a prescription for Viagra and Cialis, with a handwritten note from the doctor. The note advised me to try a small quantity of Cialis intitially to see if was better or worse than Viagra. He noted again that I may only need half a pill instead of the maximum dosage.

I liked the fact that I could have sex and understood that I needed to be cautious and not get crazy with it.

Back at my trailer, Caroline was sitting in my big chair, reading a book. She looked up when I came in and said, "Let me see, do you look like Frankenstein now?"

"I have a bandage right now, but I can leave it off when it comes off in the shower."

Caroline said, "Sit, I want to discuss a few things."

"Want a beer? I think I'm ready."

"Sure," Caroline said, "that would taste good."

With each of us sitting with a beer to sip, Caroline said, "Shirley and I had a long conversation this morning. She said that she didn't want to get serious about anyone. She says that she never wants to go through losing someone she was so committed to. She told me that if I really wanted to be an integral part of your life, that she would step aside."

"I had to really think about that, Mark. I've really enjoyed being with you and having fun with you. The intimacy we've shared goes beyond using the pills. We have shared some special moments, especially out in Cheyenne. My past tells me to be wary, and you're probably more wary than I am. This is what I want to do. I want us to continue having fun together and with our friends. You might even share some intimate times with Shirley, but that would only be until we both decide to make us permanent. I would have to think about it after that. I'm fortunate enough to have enough to live on for the rest of my life and probably enough for the two of us. If we add in your Social Security, we would really be in pretty good financial condition."

Caroline took a drink of her beer and smiled, "I've done all the talking. Can you tell me how you feel about all of this?"

"It's funny, Caroline, I've been separated only a couple of weeks. This has really been a busy time, but I have met some great people and joined a group of people that are like a family. In the beginning, I was worried about having enough money for food, but now I somehow know I'll be taken care of. Of course, the crazy lady attorney I have is going to resolve some of that as she's going to help me get back at least half of the money from my business. That will be enough to live decently for a long time. Having a job is good. It gives me something to do and it's neat to help others. Hopefully, now that the bad cases are taken care, I can keep up with whoever has problems as time passes."

"You, Shirley, Betty, Don and Prissy, have become some very special friends. We're over here in a corner of the trailer park and seems to be a neighborhood within a neighborhood. You three ladies have offered me something else. You've offered to be close, to cuddle, to hold each other in our sleep. That has been something I've missed for years. I really like it."

"Then there is you, Shirley, and sex. Isn't it funny that the three of us are all over sixty-five and talking about sex? I thought that part of my life was gone, and all of a sudden, it's back. I love the way we have made love. It was so gentle, so smooth, and so natural. We did fit and I know I enjoyed making love with you very much. It felt like you were enjoying yourself as well."

I took a drink from my beer. "I'm a little mixed up about how to feel about playing with both you and Shirley at the same time. I think I felt a little guilty about it, but most of that was because I was having sex with someone other than my wife. If I consider the two of you together, our playtime was right, it was fun. If I think of how you and I enjoyed each other, I feel like it was really special."

"Do I want more? Damn right, I do. Do I want more with both of you? That's confusing. I've begun having some special feelings for you, Caroline, but I know it's too soon, too early to think about these things. I do want us to continue to be with each other. I want to hold you at night and feel you against me. I think we could do this with Shirley in the mix right now, but if we want an exclusive, then we need to talk about it and also talk to Shirley about it. I'm not divorced yet. That will probably happen Friday. When we're both totally free, we'll talk about it some more, but mostly let's just enjoy each other and our friends together."

Caroline put her beer down and came to sit on my lap. "That was the most I've ever heard a man discuss his life and his relationship with me. I'm with you, Mark. I want you, but I don't need you exclusively. I may want us in a permanent bond, but I still may not demand you stay exclusive. There are so many more older ladies than men, and you may need to take care of them too. I'm nuts about you, Mark, and am still young enough in body to have physical wants with that. Shirley does too, but Betty thinks her body is through with that part of life. I want us to enjoy each other, and I want us to make sure Shirley is as satisfied as we are. We'll let things develop, as they will. I'm with you, let's just enjoy life and let come what will."

The two of us kissed very softly, very slowly, enjoying a special closeness that had been developing. I was very happy to have our relationship the way it was.

We got up and were talking about whether she wanted to go to play pool with me tonight. Caroline said, "Let's invite Shirley. We'll tell all of your pool buddies that you're such a man it takes two of us." We both laughed at that one.

I said, "Let me clean up and we'll go in early so I can get some practice in. If you want to invite Shirley and Betty, go do it. We leave in thirty to forty-five minutes."

When I was showered, shaved again, and dressed, I put my cue case in the Escape and put my cart away. Shirley came out and said, "You won't be mad if I don't go, will you? I want to stay and play some cards with the ladies on the patio. They are getting into some games over there. Even Abe and Martin have joined in. I think Phil may play with us too."

"That's great, Shirley. Do you think you could get a couple plates of the meatloaf for Caroline and me? We should be home about eleven or twelve. I'm always hungry after pool so if we were to find a couple of plates of meatloaf in the fridge, I would be grateful."

Shirley said, "Betty and I will get you two some food. Have a good time."

We went to a different place to play eight ball tonight. This was our home bar called Strokers. It was a big place with more than thirty pool tables and they all were nine footers with good Simonis cloth.

I practiced for an hour before the rest of the team showed up to practice before league started. Two of my teammates on this team were on my Monday night team so they had already met Caroline. The rest of the team greeted her and were trying to get her to play with us. She declined and said she would get me to teach her so she could play too. There are always some extra people, male and female, who come to watch their mates or friends play.

We were ready to begin playing when some guy came up to me and just hit me. He hit me hard enough that I went down in a heap. I remember looking up at him, trying to figure out what was going on, when he kicked me and said, "You child porn pervert. Get the fuck out of here before I just kill you and do society a favor. Don't ever let me see you again."

My teammates and the opposing team were instantly on the man, holding him as he tried to fight them off. The captain of our team kept yelling at the guy, "He was found to be innocent of those charges; it was a set up by his wife's boyfriend. Hold still, quit trying to kick him."

The bar's bouncer came quickly and just about as quickly had the guy on the floor face down. My mouth was bloody and I could hardly breathe. Caroline was next to me, trying to see how bad I was hurt.

A waitress came with a glass of water and said, "We called the cops. A Sheriff's deputy should be here any second. I was sitting up on the floor, holding my side where the man had kicked me, when a Deputy Sheriff came up. The guy who hit me started yelling that he was doing everyone a favor as I was the pervert who had all those kiddie porn pictures and had probably raped lots of kids.

The policeman cuffed the man and said, "You're going to have to start reading the paper or watching the news more than once a week. This is the guy that took a bullet while protecting a judge and room full of people. This is the guy who was framed by his wife's boyfriend. You're under arrest for assault with intent to kill." The Deputy was big enough that he pulled the man to his feet and bent him over the table to search him. The man had a big buck pocket knife in his back pocket, and then the Deputy pulled out a plastic bag with about five joints rolled up in it, plus a bunch of pills.

"Well, well. I suppose the joints are for your personal use, but that many pills? I don't think so. I think you need to go jail real quick." The Deputy looked at me and said, "Want to take down his name and address. You might need some financial assistance to fix your teeth. Looks like you are hurt. Do you need an ambulance?"

The waitress said, "I called the paramedics, they should have been here by now. This guy has a pacemaker, plus you can see where he just had stitches removed from his stomach."

"That's where he was shot," the deputy looked around and said "The man's a hero, not a slime ball like this guy. Is anyone with Mr. Robins?"

Caroline was still with me and said, "I am. I'll stay with him."

Another waitress had brought some wet towels and Caroline and the waitress were trying to clean up my face. I felt my teeth with my tongue and didn't think I had lost or broken any. My side really hurt though. Hopefully the idiot didn't break a rib.

Kenny our team captain was down next to me and said, "Man, I'm sorry I didn't see that guy coming. He sucker punched you before you knew what was happening. Christ, we were all planning on partying with a hero tonight, not helping you off the floor."

The paramedics came and began checking me over. I had to tell them about the pacemaker and then rehash the shooting. After that, they felt around on me and said, "You need to have an x-ray to see about those ribs. Will you get one or should we transport you?"

Caroline said, "I'll take him somewhere. He goes to the VA, so I'm sure they will do it, or we can just go to one of the hospitals."

They helped me off the floor and I was able to stand up with out feeling too groggy. The cop had the idiot sitting in a chair waiting to be taken to jail. The deputy was waiting to see how I was. He said to me, "You'll have to watch out. There are a lot of people that form an opinion and never listen to anything that would change it. Take care of yourself. I've heard how you help people out where you live."

As Caroline began helping me out to the car, my teammates put my cue in its case and gave it to us. I waved and walked out as the entire pool hall watched. A few began clapping and then it became a cheer and chant. "Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark." That made me feel really weird, but good. As we walked to the Escape, Caroline commented, "You have a lot of friends in there. You're very well known and liked. No wonder you like to play pool with them."

Caroline said, "Should I take you out to the VA or one of the University Hospitals? Town and Country is close by but they don't have much of an emergency room. Let's go to Carolwood University Community. They might get you in quick. I know what; I'll call Dr. Collins office. He likes you and he'll get you right in."

Caroline looked in her purse for a card, then used my cell phone to call Dr. Collins' office. He was the doctor next to the trailer park. She left a message with his answering service and a couple of minutes later she answered the cell phone. After giving him the events of the evening, they agreed that I should go to Carolwood and he would meet us there.

The emergency room was large and it needed to be. The place was packed. Everything from a fishing hook in an eyelid to automobile accident victims. The reception nurse took our information and said Dr. Collins had called in and said he would be here any minute. Please have a seat. He will be with you shortly.

The good doctor walked in the door before we could find a seat. He ushered us past the curtained off areas into a more private area, where he had me take my shirt off. He did a physical thing with the stethoscope, checking me out, listening to my lungs, then he inspected my mouth. He said, "Doesn't look like any new broken teeth. Let me help you down to radiation to get you x-rayed. From there, I think you might want to call it a night. You're not going to be a happy camper in the morning. Your whole side is going to be purple for a few days. You might want to put an ice pack on it. That should help."

They did three x-rays, front, back, and side. The doc looked at them on a big computer monitor and came out. "You're lucky. It doesn't even look like you cracked any. You're still going to be sore for a few days. You might feel better if you wrap your chest, but it's not necessary. Just take it easy for a couple of days and if you have trouble breathing or you feel real bad, come next door, and if it's after hours, call me and go to the emergency room. Now, go home and relax." He smiled at Caroline and said, "Take care of him, okay?"

She was grinning when she said, "I will, thank you, Doctor."

He said, "I wondered who you were getting a present for. You made a good choice."

We got home about ten after all of the confusion and bureaucracy. I had to use the health insurance card from my wife's plan, but so what. She caused the problem in the first place. At the trailer, we discovered two plates of food, covered with Saran wrap, in the refrigerator. We heated the plates in the microwave and enjoyed the meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans as if it was six in the evening. We both had a beer with the meal, then Caroline said, "Let me put you to bed. You probably shouldn't have any bedmates tonight with your sore side. No sense in letting someone keep you awake."

I told her, "You know, I'm going to sleep on the side that isn't hurt or on my back. If you want to stay, I'd love the company. If you'd rather not, I understand."

Caroline hugged me gently and said, "That's the best offer I've had all day. Come on, let's go to bed."

While she was washing, I took my cholesterol pill and followed her into the bathroom to brush my teeth. We were soon lying in bed, her in one of my T-shirts, and me in boxers. We snuggled with her on my good side shoulder. There were some nice kisses, but the excitement had worn us out. We dropped off to sleep.

Caroline was sleeping peacefully on my shoulder when I awoke. I was surprised I woke up so alert. The clock said it was right before six, but we were retired folks. We didn't have to get up if we didn't want to. I wanted to. I eased from bed and used the bathroom. While I was making coffee, Caroline came in and hugged me, wanting some more cuddles. She said, "I know it's time to get up, but we were sleeping so good, especially after last night. How do you feel, Honey, how's your side?"

"It's sore, but I'm doing pretty good. I think we should take a little walk and see how I do."

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The week after the “Camp Out" Lynn invited me over to his house and to his room all alone just to prove he had the peter meter he was telling all of us about. Excited, and once in his room he shut the door and I sat on the bed as he rummaged thought the closet locating it. “A-Ha” he said as he turned around with the ruler in his hand. He handed it to me as I remember it having some sayings every inch up the ruler.He started rubbing his crotch and said, “Let’s measure them!! ”. At 15 Lynn was 4...

2 years ago
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One Rainy Afternoon

Hi all, I am Ashlee again. I know, I had taken a long break in writing my experiences. But I am sure, this wait will be fruitful to all my fans on this site. If you like it, please send your comments to First let me describe my self again. I am Ashlee, from Mumbai. 23 years of age. My Height is pretty much as compared to a normal Mumbai girl. I am about 5.8″ and My body stats are, forget it, I will not tell. But I am pretty slim with flesh on the right places. Something about my Boy Friend....

3 years ago
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My Virginity To The Lady

Hey, guys, I m from Mumbai and 20 years old with an average look but good at bed. This is my real sex story. Any aunties or bhabhis interested can contact me on my email and I would love to read your feedbacks. Your privacy will be a secret. Coming to the sex story, this is about my teacher whom I liked since my 8th grade and always fantasized about her. She was 5’4″ very fair in complexion and the best part was her boobs.She was 34 – 36 but looked like some 28-year-old woman. Her melons were...

1 year ago
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Devrani Ne Jethji Se Maza Loota 2

Hi friends, kaise hai aap Aap ne meri khani padi hoge nahi to aap pahele please bhag 1 pade too mai bata raha tha ki mai abhi neha ko bhej deta hoo to wo boli thik hai aur ek sexy smile de dee. Wo samaj chuki mai us par line maraha hoo.mai apko monica ka figaure batata hon height 5.8inch mammey chotte the lekin kadak aur gor gore bal lambe aur kamar patli. Part – 2 begins May bhi smile dekar wapas apne room ka darwja jhor jhor se khatkhatane laga aur neha ne darwaja kholkar pucha kiya hai mayne...

4 years ago
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Badi Maa Ke Saath Pyar Bhari Raat

Hi friends main Ayush Sharma apke liye mere saath ghati ek ghatna ki kahani aapko batane jaa raha hoon.meri pichli story aap logon ko bohot pasand aayi mujhe hazaron email aaye thank you kisi bhi aunty ko sex karna ho to please mujhe email karen par Ab main story pe aata hoon is story main maine apni badi maa ko choda hai ye baat may mahine ki hai meri badi maa mumbai me rehti hai uska naam shobha hai uski age 46 hai lekin dikhne mein woh 35 ki lagti hai.uska figure 42 32 34 hai uske dudh...

3 years ago
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Ozark LifeChapter 6

The two of us woke at six and were ready to get going for the day. I told Juliet that I didn’t do one bit of studying yesterday and would need to catch up to stay with my plan. She said that she had classes she needed to attend and was ready to get back to it. We both dressed in what we had and agreed to talk about her grandmother’s invitation to live there. It might be necessary if her father no longer had the income he was used to. He would instantly be in trouble with alimony for Juliet’s...

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The Office Whore Part 39

Chad Stephens was having a hell of a day. Meetings filled his morning and after lunch he was dealing with contracts and paperwork that practically made his eyes bleed. He was exhausted, but it would all be worth it. At the end of the day, he would have four days off and intended to use at least a portion of each of those days using the sex dungeon that was finally set up in his new house. Located on the third floor, it was very different from his previous dungeon in his old cabin. Part of that...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Me and my friend get together again

That night as I lay in bed I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I had the covers off and I was masturbating rigorously, thinking about having Stevens cute little toes wrapped around my cock while staring at my own sexy feet by the light of a street lamp coming in through the window. I remembered the sensation of his hot cum splashing onto my feet and with a twinge of regret I wished I had licked it off, despite always having reservations about tasting cum. Images of that moment and...

2 years ago
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The Fantasy Flat Episode 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers i am darwin victory people call me Darwin used to read almost all stories in ISS.So now it has given me enough confidence to me post my fantasies. This story took place nearly 3 years back in the flat i lived. Since there are lot of stories i dividing them into many parts hope you enjoy. I am a fairly built guy who does workout almost daily in the morning and will go on to office. Since i got transferred to a posh area i was unable to get a house as i am a bachelor but to my luck...

4 years ago
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Tamaras Rhythm of the Rain

Tamara and I had looked forward to our summer vacation at the North Carolina shore for months. We had both been under a lot of strain with my deadlines at work and her pressures with starting her home business. The weather cooperated with sunny, warm days and cool nights punctuated by the salty, refreshing breezes coming off the ocean. We spent long, lazy, romantic hours strolling along the beach barefoot, feeling the sun's lulling warmth on our shoulders, watching the long deep swells of the...

3 years ago
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Dont Miss He Said Ch 03

Here it is: the next exciting chapter of ”Don’t Miss,’ He Said.’ I highly recommend you read the first two chapters of this story before continuing. If you don’t, it’s like dividing by zero: either your head explodes into many little logical fallacies, or your eyes turn black. The following takes place about three days after Alphonse and Elena moved in together. So, here we go. Alphonse, they’re all yours. ************* ‘If life ain’t just a joke, than why am I laughing? If life ain’t just a...

3 years ago
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The FootlockerChapter 3

Elsa and I sat down in the living room one Saturday morning to discuss our upcoming trip to Switzerland. She had decided that it was time for me to learn more about the background of the financial empire I would be inheriting. According to Elsa, Hans was the key to my understanding how they started their financial empires. “By the time the war started in September of 1939, Hans was a Hauptsturmführer in the Waffen-SS, which was equivalent of a Captain in the German Army. Adolf Hitler tasked...

1 year ago
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The Glade

Disclaimer This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is unintentional. Transgender themes and other mature themes are included within. If you would be offended by these, please don't continue! I, the author, reserve the right repost this work As always, I am very aware of the wonderful group of proofers that take my rough-hewn idea and sand it smooth, turning it into a readable story, thank you! The Glade ...

1 year ago
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ThisVid Scat

This Vid Scat is all about the freedom to explore fetishes your nasty perverted mind takes you to, even if that means landing on some pretty weird, repulsive, and even immoral destinations. The scat section of the site is not a place for ‘normal’ folks, leave alone the faint-hearted. Now, if you’ve just had lunch, you will have to excuse me as I explain to you what scat porn is all about as you might suffer from an ill stomach. I can handle the dirtiest shit, and although I’d never touch scat...

Scat Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The CabanaChapter 7

Judy I knew Judy from school. Her father was a doctor and one summer he helped her secure a job as a candy striper at the local hospital. Her dad also bought her a car since she was working during the summer. Occasionally she would drop by the house after her shift was over. Since she usually worked late and her shit wasn't over until either 11 or midnight, it was necessary for me to sneak out of the house to make our trysts. When I was growing up, at our house it was bedtime at 9:30 PM as...

2 years ago
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Meri Chudakkad Didi

Hi dosto ye kahani meri ek story reader ki jisne muje request ki apni kahani iss par publish karne ke liye, aage ki kahani uski zubani. Mera naam sunita he, me 28yrs ki housewife hu, mere pati ki medical shop h or humara ek beta h 5year ka. Hum do behne h dusri behen mujse badi h 33year ki seema. Me unhe didi hi bolti hu. Ye bat karib ek saal pehle ki h jab me apni didi ke ghar rukne gayi thi. Jiju ka transport ka business h or wo jyadatar bahar hi rehte he. Unke kaam ka koi fixed time nahi...

3 years ago
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Perfect Revenge on my EX BF with his Mom

When people first see me, no one makes eye contact... guys or girls... young or old.The first thing they look at... usually unable to stop staring at is my tits... which come from a long line of big tits (my mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother all are skinny (I'm 126 pounds and 5'4") and huge breasted (I'm a 38DD))... part of my Latina heritage.Now although I have a great body with a small waist and a tight ass (I run every morning, and I tan every chance I get), I have a tough time...

2 years ago
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Foster HomeChapter 1

The true feeling of sex is that of a deep intimacy, but above all of a deep complicity. -- James Dickey "Mike, I really need your help," Deanne started as soon as Mike picked up the phone. "What is it this time," he said. He could hear the relief in her voice, "Mike, you guys are the best. I have a sixteen-year-old who lost her entire family in a car wreck." "Jesus," he said. "Is she hurt?" "No. She was at practice and the family was coming to pick her up. A driver dialing a...

3 years ago
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The Devil Takes A Wife

After three years of marriage, Kelly was not at all surprised when his wife began dropping the hints. It wasn't that he couldn't satisfy her sexually. Their sex life, he thought, was just fine if a little “normal” compared to what he knew was on the Internet porn. The last few months, he knew Cleo was watching the videos and GIFs, too. She'd even shared a few of her go-to favorites with Kelly, which he studiously watched and admitted aroused him, but it still wasn't satisfying enough for either...

2 years ago
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Study Buddy Ch 02

Lena: Lena shivered, her front was oddly cold, but her back was warm. Her sleepy brain tried to figure out why, but she couldn’t seem to fight off the dregs of sleep long enough to focus on it. There was something hard poking her in the ass. That was weird. She heard a soft snore that definitely didn’t come from her. Her eyes flew open as she remembered what had happened the night before. She started to panic as she realized that she was laying on her bed in her underwear with her bra pulled...

3 years ago
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Sabrina True Story

This happened at my office a couple of years back. I had just started working at this Law firm. I was contracted in so my office was right next to the recruiting department. When I arrived she was already at her desk when she looked up, her eyes were a hazel brown, her skin an soft tan, she had cute freckles on her nose. Her hair was a sandy bron long at the shoulders, her white blouse was crisp with just the right amount of cleavage highlighted by a pearl cut diamond resting gently between her...

4 years ago
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Lisa first time Chapter three he takes my virginity

Chapter 3: Lisa’s First Love – Don wants to take my virginity….I think I want that too. I awoke the next morning, thinking that the word eventful does no justice to the past twenty-four hours. Yesterday, I kissed Don for the first time, he felt my breasts, fingered me, driving me to a wonderful orgasm. He introduced me to his penis, and ejaculated all over my stomach as we humped together in my bedroom. I could not resist masturbating last night as I lay in bed, recalling the wonderful day...

First Time
1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Sofi Ryan VR 22837

You’ve been a bad, bad boy, and your woman Sofi Ryan is gonna punish you! You’re supposed to clean the house and complete all the tasks she asked you to while she was at work, but she gets home to find you haven’t moved from your chair drinking beer all damn day! Time for you to get fucked! Sofi puts on her fishnet and chain one-piece and busts out the flogger and paddle to make sure you learn a lesson, and a lesson you learn! Sofi slaps and sucks your cock into an oblivion before shredding...

3 years ago
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The GiftedChapter 22 Striking back

As Davy pulled out onto Virginia Street and headed for the 395 interchange. His mind was reeling from the images of the dead in New York and Oregon. Punching the steering wheel in anger, he waited for the traffic to thin out so they could pull onto highway 395 heading for Sparks. Checking the navigational computer, he saw they had to get off on highway 80 and head for Fernley. "Davy, why did you buy so much chicken?" Cindy asked as she slid into the passenger seat and handed him a napkin...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife Tina

Introduction: Tina [b]I first met Tina in 1980. She was a tiny little blonde with the wildest appetite for sex. We experimented with swinging and I was facinated with watching her suck guys off and fuck the shit out of them. We were married two years later and had a child. We had calmed down in the extramarital sex part of our lives but we still liked to play with toys and watch porn movies. The thing that got us back into swinging was the purchase of a surprise bag of sex toys. There was a...

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‘I wish that horrible man would leave,’ Philippa Harris thought to herself while typing on her computer. No, that wasn’t fair. Byron Reynolds was okay really, once you got to know him and his foibles. He just wasn’t a ‘people person’. The work Philippa was doing was near the bottom of her ‘get around to it’ list and in all probability nobody would mind if it never got done, but she needed an excuse to still be at work when her boss left. Despite the work’s inconsequential nature, Philippa...

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Connies new life

Connie sat in her car, nervous at meeting Donna for the first time.  They had been chatting for several months after meeting on a D/S personals site.  Connie was single, and was curious about this lifestyle.  Donna seemed like the nuturing type, giving Connie much needed advice, which turned into a mutual attraction.  Both being bi greased that wheel a bit, but Donna was a married 24/7 slave to her husband and while Jim knew of their on line relationship, he was unaware they were meeting...

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You and Me Again 2

It was the bachelor party of a lifetime....got a limo and everything including the dancers. Everything was good and set.Around midnight the dancers showed us a good time and frankly got me worked up, but the dancers found the other men more interesting due to the fact they had more money. So they stayed at the hotel and I had to ride the limo back alone, which sucked but then you would make this ride back a ride I would never forget.I was so horny sitting in the back alone...so I thought what...

4 years ago
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My cuckold journey III

All of my stories are true. Nearly three months had passed since Angies' last encounter with Brian. She hadn't mentioned wanting to meet him again, though we did talk about the nights she had with him, usually during sex. Then she landed a bombshell, she didn't fancy him, the sex was good but no real spark and this made her uneasy about continuing. I really thought that was that insofar as the extra-marital fun was concerned. I didn't want to push the Brian card but I couldn't figure out how...

2 years ago
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Short Story after the Sport

When he awoke the bedside next to him was rumpled but empty. Still sleeping, he wondered what day was today and where his wife could be. He quickly remembered, 1. Sunday and 2. Jogging. For some time, she had always something to suspend their figure and now meant to have to change something with regular exercise on this condition.He had a very different opinion. He found his wife just right after ten years of marriage and mid-forties as she was. Curves in the right places and in bed still...

1 year ago
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Clothing Optional

We packed our bags and headed for our favorite clothing optional resort in Palm Springs, CA. The drive was so wonderful on the way out. Without a cloud in the sky, the late May sun was bright and warm. We arrived just after 10 O'clock in the morning and checked into our favorite room; one with a private jacuzzi on the patio. We unpacked what little we had to bring and decided it was time to dress for the occasion, or rather undress. I could see my husband James watching me in the mirror as I...

1 year ago
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A special gathering Chapter 1

It was a sunny spring day. Quintin arrived first. He lived very close by and went by foot. The house was identical to everyone else's in the neighbourhood: Concrete houses with adorning walls of red bricks, and a roof of artificial black tiles. They all consisted of an unique ground floor and a garage, with a pebble alley and a small garden, which in this case was decorated with small rose bushes and a simple lawn. Quintin rang the bell and Nicolas opened the door. He was still barefoot in...

4 years ago
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Purgatorys ChildrenEpilogue

Benni fell back into the spongy bed completely naked. He reveled in the feel of the soft material on his back and buttocks as he wiggled in the cool freshness of clean sheets. He slowly waved his arms and legs like a swimmer in water, feeling the same coolness on his limbs. The luxury felt decadent and he wondered what other wonders were in store. After all, Zylis had apologized about the sparse quarters of a military ship when they came aboard. The passageways were nearly empty, they had...

3 years ago
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Why I Love Black American Women

Okay, here goes nothing. African-American guys like myself have a certain image in the eyes of the world. We’re thought of as tougher, meaner and more athletic than the average guy. Also, people seem to think we gravitate toward either athletic pursuits or criminal endeavors, and nothing in between. Neither is exactly true for most Black men living in the United States of America. Just to prove to you how untrue these stereotypes are, take me for example. My name is Arnold Thompson. And I’m a...

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Crushbyhammertime©Carol watched from the side as her husband Gene, and his eighteen year old brother, Ray, horsed around in the pool. She was glad to see that Ray seemed to be enjoying himself. It was the first time she had really seen him laugh since he had moved in with them back in the spring. His and Gene's parents were killed in and automobile accident and he had come to live with them as Gene was his only living relative. Back in his old school he was an outstanding athletic with a...

1 year ago
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Peters Memories Ch2

Peter's Memories Ch. 02       And then came Mom This is a continuation of Peter's Memories with his cousin Jane and her daughter Clarice. Peter went home to Brooklyn after the summer break and had to settle down to some serious studying for college. His Mom, Laura, only worked part time as a Secretary and was home most of the time and his Dad was C.E.O. of a major industrial company. Dad was due to go to Europe with the aim of selling one of the main proponents of a satellite which the company...

2 years ago
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Animal Urges3

I Awakening Upon awakening, my first sensation was of nausea. The difference, from the prior three occasions, only manifest in degree. Yet I did not have to open my eyes to know that, as before, I lay naked and covered in blood – hardly any my own – that was largely dried, especially around my face; eyes crusted shut, mouth tasting of blood, vomit, and I-dared-not-think what else. Not to mention the other vile bodily excretions in which I lay. Despite my being largely unconscious of how...

2 years ago
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Learning to Love Again

I was learning to love again.This was what Emily wanted for me before she walked out on our marriage. At the time, it had angered me that she felt she could make such a request. I wanted to tell her that she knew about love, yes, but hers was deranged.But, I didn’t say that. Instead, I asked her if her nineteen year old boyfriend could drive yet.“Sign the papers, John,” she said.Two years passed before I felt ready to follow Emily’s request.It wasn’t that I couldn’t get over her. I realized...

1 year ago
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Somebody sent me a link to Fim Fiction this morning, and I’ll be honest, I was pretty fucking confused at first. The headline at the very top of the page warned of The Expansive Dangers of Dodgy Potion Sellers, so for a second, I thought there’d been a recall of the sketchy boner pills I recently ordered from China. I scrolled down a bit and saw the posts weren’t limited to warnings about the village apothecary. There were stories of princess wrestling, dragon weight gain, as well as...

Sex Stories Sites
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Twister with a Twist

My name is Amanda and this is the story of the most exciting night of my life. I’m 18 and about to graduate high school, so four of my friends and I planned one last party before we all go off to college. We had the slumber party last night and it was nothing like what I expected. First I’ll tell you who was there: there was me, a 5 foot 6 inch blonde with hazel eyes and 32 C tits. I’m mostly a good girl, I get good grades and I’ve been on a few dates with boys from school, but I’ve never done...

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