Chapter 20 Chrissie hears wedding bells
- 4 years ago
- 34
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Were it quieter, one could have heard the soft pitter-patter of the rain off the metal roof.
But it wasn't.
There was scheduled to be 16 hours of this loud din, the hard vibrations, the shaking, the sudden lurching, and the bumping. CLACKITY CLACK CLACKITY CLACK! WHOOOOONK WHOOOONK!
I was laying on my bed. I was happy. I wasn't sleeping, but boy was I happy. I was on the top bunk. I normally wouldn't sleep on the top bunk, but the light of my life, she had the tendency to fall out of bed at home. While there was a safety net here, I didn't want to take the chance that she'd fall out of this bed during one of the sudden lurches as we went along the decrepit track of the Chessie-Seaboard eXpanded line that runs from Miami, Florida, to Baltimore.
How I wanted to be in her bed, holding her close, like the past few nights had been. Oh, no sex had happened. But I didn't care. That didn't matter. I was ecstatic just being able to, at first, be next to her in bed, and then be able to, as she got used to my physical presence, hold her close to me in my arms. The beds here, though, were too narrow for it to be comfortable, she'd almost have to be on top to be comfortable here.
The past few days had been magic, and not just because were in the place that magic comes alive, either. After so long of talking to her and being so happy about it, I could stare into her eyes, look over her face, and her cute, compact, somewhat immature body. I could look at her almost comically defined features, her huge dimples and laughter lines that made her look even older than her 18 years. I could see her greenish eyes sparkle with a humour that made me love her even more.
Sure, Florida is too hot for my polar-bear tendencies. And holding the warmth of a body close doesn't help. But it was her body. The body of my lover. I could snuggle up to her, feel the warmth of her on my bare chest through her pajama top. From someone alive who had chosen to live their life for me, at great cost, at hard decisions, with many risks, from far away. From someone whom I lived my life for, and for them alone.
I guess I should have felt unhappy, perhaps a tad barren and alone, that she was in the bed below me but I wasn't. She was there. We were heading home. To my home. No, not to mine, to our home. She met me in person but a week before, and she was leaving her life of the past 18 years behind to be with me. She loved me that much.
I heard some rustling below. I hadn't realized I had fallen into a half sleeping daze but I had. I heard her moving about. I figured she had to go to the bathroom or something, down the hall from our compartment. Amtrak's AutoTrain. I used to take the train to Florida when I used to go on vacations with my family. That was before I grew too old combined with the whipsaw of my mom getting a lower income job. Vacations no longer involved the kids.
I hadn't wanted to take the train, I thought it was a silly extravagance, an expense not needed. It cost a lot less to drive and sleep in the rest-stops along I-95. My dad had put his foot down. His son, his precious little boy, was NOT driving 1250 miles by himself, and another 1250 miles with a girl who didn't know how to drive. Fine dad, if you want to pay for it, Ok then, but I sure ain't. He balked at first, but frankly I wanted to drive anyway, so I held out. Eventually he agreed to pay for the train ride with a compartment.
I ain't complaining, though. This cuts 700 miles off the trip, making it 6 hours of driving rather than 14, and less than 3 each day. Who am I to complain about my life being made easier at no expense to me? I guess you could say it was coming out of my inheritance, but frankly I intended for my parents estate to be a drop in my bucket, as it had for my parents, and their parents before them.
Then I realized she hadn't left. I heard her grunting. I saw her head appear above the side of my bunk. Then her chest, in the dim shadows. She pulled back my blanket. She whispered that she couldn't sleep without me beside her. I was glad. I knew our hearts were close and always would be, but I didn't know if the physical attraction was going to be as strong.
It had been a hard and hectic week. I had left my parents house in a fight with them. They didn't like the way this was going. They thought my plan sucked. They had me know that they were not in support of my "hasty" actions. They told me my plans for the future were not well thought out. Mom let it be known that she felt that my lover was not high class enough for a well-brought up, well raised, "good jewish boy" of a "good family" to be going with. I should be going with one of those "good jewish girls" from around where we lived, she told me.
I smiled remembering my thoughts, "good jewish girl?" You mean a bitch like you? All the "good jewish girls" I have ever met in my life have been stuck-up, hypocritical, spoiled bitches. Mom walked the path of status and position in the community that we lived in. Personally, I don't give a damn. My girlfriend is, after all, half-jewish, and on her mothers side, so jewish in the eyes of those who are stuck up enough to nit pick.
And she was the kind of girl I've always dreamed about. I am something of a dominant personality, when I let myself be seen. She is more flexible, a bit more submissive. She isn't a spineless bag of phlegm, but her personality would not clash with mine into a war zone of wills. She was smart beyond compare, she has a good sense of humour, a carefree joy in life, and a sense of the world compatible with mine.
So I was off to meet her, after years of close online friendship and eventually e-dating- a year of being in love. We met, and while she was nervous to the point of shaking, I'd say we clicked pretty damned well. She seemed to like being near me, and we enjoyed each others company. I didn't exactly gotten along with her parents ... but who could blame them? This had been dropped on them like a ton of bricks out of nowhere.
I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her. Then I was surprised by how warm she was...
She was naked.
My baby girl, my little prude who hated showering because she'd be naked, even though it was private. She was in bed, naked, with me, her lover dressed in nothing but a pair of tighty-whities. And she was clinging to me with all her might.
There had been signs that the physical connection had came with it. They hadn't really gotten much past first base over the course of the time they had in Florida. I french kissed her a few times, and she had been uncomfortable, not really knowing how to respond. Her parents had never really hugged her, kissed her good night, or shown any other real affection. They weren't bad parents, really, although they were selfish and didn't know how to express their feelings.
There had been hugging, and cuddling. Laying in bed at night with my arms around her warm, compact body, after the first few nights. In the beginning, she had been a little standoffish and slept on the other side of the bed. Letting her lay on top of me while I scratched her back and kissed, nibbled and nuzzled her. But nothing had really happened that was particularly sexual.
Her clothes had stayed on at all times. The one time I tried to reach my hand under her shirt to scratch her back, she had reacted poorly. She didn't tell me to stop, and she didn't pull away. I could tell from some of her reaction to it that she did like the feeling of my hands on her. But other reactions and her facial expression had indicated her all-encompassing fear of it. She'd never ask me to stop, but I felt, as hard as it was, that I should, and let this come in due time.
I was happily surprised that she had taken the brave step of climbing up here to be with me. A bit more than surprised. It wasn't like her to take the initiative. It was an indicator of how strong the feelings were. But she was naked. That shocked me practically out of my skin. I've always been very good with putting things to words, and it takes a lot to make me speechless. This did.
"I ... you ... you're naked." Gee, thanks Captain Obvious.
She smiled, moved down me, and pulled my underwear off. "So're you."
I remembered at that point the movie Silver Streak, starring Gene Wilder, Jill Clayburg, and Richard Pryor. One of the characters, a fat and obnoxious man claiming to be a vitamin salesman, called himself Bob Sweet. Bob Sweet had said "Something about the motion of a train makes a girl horny."
I guess that was the case here.
I swallowed. I tried to think of something to say. I swallowed again. Then I propped myself up a bit and looked at her. She looked scared. Very scared.
"Honey ... I want you more than anything." I stammered, "I want you in every way possible. Don't doubt that-"
"I can see that," she smirked.
"Yeah, I guess you can." I replied, "But you don't have to do this. I don't want you to do this unless you are 110% pure positive that this is what you want. I can see your eyes, I don't think you are ready."
"My love, I know how badly you-" she started.
"No," I cut her off, "You don't. The human mind, mine included, is incapable of knowing how much I want you, it is beyond us. But I also want you to be happy. I want your first time to know only love and pleasure. Don't worry about my desire, yet. Just do what makes you comfortable."
She lay down on top of me, and kissed me. I kissed her back, then softly licked her nose with my tongue. A gentle motion, my tongue lapping out of my mouth and moving once over her nose. Then I kissed her nose, then on the second kiss let my teeth clamp down on it softly. A gentle bite, a show of affection.
I trailed my recently clipped nails over her back softly, letting them scratch her, relieving the strain pent up in her back. I was happy, I had never felt so good. She was naked, laying on top of me, also naked. I could feel the warmth of her skin on mine, the gentle sensations as she breathed, her body rising and falling. I could feel sweat on my arms from her armpits. She was nervous.
I'd had sex before. I was no virgin. I'd been with many women. I was something of a wild run-around in my younger years. Sex with random women felt good. Better than masturbating, for sure. I mean, I'd come in a woman many times, and a few even accused me of parenting- thank god for DNA tests.
But what we had done so far felt better than any sex I had ever had. Sex was a physical sensation, and most women in the category I had been with put no love into it. I mean don't get me wrong. It did feel pretty good. I orgasmed, she orgasmed, sometimes more than once. We were having sex, sure.
Were it quieter, one could have heard the soft pitter-patter of the rain off the metal roof.
But it wasn't.
There was scheduled to be 16 hours of this loud din, the hard vibrations, the shaking, the sudden lurching, and the bumping. CLACKITY CLACK CLACKITY CLACK! WHOOOOONK WHOOOONK!
I was laying on my bed. I was happy. I wasn't sleeping, but boy was I happy. I was on the top bunk. I normally wouldn't sleep on the top bunk, but the light of my life, she had the tendency to fall out of bed at home. While there was a safety net here, I didn't want to take the chance that she'd fall out of this bed during one of the sudden lurches as we went along the decrepit track of the Chessie-Seaboard eXpanded line that runs from Miami, Florida, to Baltimore.
How I wanted to be in her bed, holding her close, like the past few nights had been. Oh, no sex had happened. But I didn't care. That didn't matter. I was ecstatic just being able to, at first, be next to her in bed, and then be able to, as she got used to my physical presence, hold her close to me in my arms. The beds here, though, were too narrow for it to be comfortable, she'd almost have to be on top to be comfortable here.
The past few days had been magic, and not just because were in the place that magic comes alive, either. After so long of talking to her and being so happy about it, I could stare into her eyes, look over her face, and her cute, compact, somewhat immature body. I could look at her almost comically defined features, her huge dimples and laughter lines that made her look even older than her 18 years. I could see her greenish eyes sparkle with a humour that made me love her even more.
Sure, Florida is too hot for my polar-bear tendencies. And holding the warmth of a body close doesn't help. But it was her body. The body of my lover. I could snuggle up to her, feel the warmth of her on my bare chest through her pajama top. From someone alive who had chosen to live their life for me, at great cost, at hard decisions, with many risks, from far away. From someone whom I lived my life for, and for them alone.
I guess I should have felt unhappy, perhaps a tad barren and alone, that she was in the bed below me but I wasn't. She was there. We were heading home. To my home. No, not to mine, to our home. She met me in person but a week before, and she was leaving her life of the past 18 years behind to be with me. She loved me that much.
I heard some rustling below. I hadn't realized I had fallen into a half sleeping daze but I had. I heard her moving about. I figured she had to go to the bathroom or something, down the hall from our compartment. Amtrak's AutoTrain. I used to take the train to Florida when I used to go on vacations with my family. That was before I grew too old combined with the whipsaw of my mom getting a lower income job. Vacations no longer involved the kids.
I hadn't wanted to take the train, I thought it was a silly extravagance, an expense not needed. It cost a lot less to drive and sleep in the rest-stops along I-95. My dad had put his foot down. His son, his precious little boy, was NOT driving 1250 miles by himself, and another 1250 miles with a girl who didn't know how to drive. Fine dad, if you want to pay for it, Ok then, but I sure ain't. He balked at first, but frankly I wanted to drive anyway, so I held out. Eventually he agreed to pay for the train ride with a compartment.
I ain't complaining, though. This cuts 700 miles off the trip, making it 6 hours of driving rather than 14, and less than 3 each day. Who am I to complain about my life being made easier at no expense to me? I guess you could say it was coming out of my inheritance, but frankly I intended for my parents estate to be a drop in my bucket, as it had for my parents, and their parents before them.
Then I realized she hadn't left. I heard her grunting. I saw her head appear above the side of my bunk. Then her chest, in the dim shadows. She pulled back my blanket. She whispered that she couldn't sleep without me beside her. I was glad. I knew our hearts were close and always would be, but I didn't know if the physical attraction was going to be as strong.
It had been a hard and hectic week. I had left my parents house in a fight with them. They didn't like the way this was going. They thought my plan sucked. They had me know that they were not in support of my "hasty" actions. They told me my plans for the future were not well thought out. Mom let it be known that she felt that my lover was not high class enough for a well-brought up, well raised, "good jewish boy" of a "good family" to be going with. I should be going with one of those "good jewish girls" from around where we lived, she told me.
I smiled remembering my thoughts, "good jewish girl?" You mean a bitch like you? All the "good jewish girls" I have ever met in my life have been stuck-up, hypocritical, spoiled bitches. Mom walked the path of status and position in the community that we lived in. Personally, I don't give a damn. My girlfriend is, after all, half-jewish, and on her mothers side, so jewish in the eyes of those who are stuck up enough to nit pick.
And she was the kind of girl I've always dreamed about. I am something of a dominant personality, when I let myself be seen. She is more flexible, a bit more submissive. She isn't a spineless bag of phlegm, but her personality would not clash with mine into a war zone of wills. She was smart beyond compare, she has a good sense of humour, a carefree joy in life, and a sense of the world compatible with mine.
So I was off to meet her, after years of close online friendship and eventually e-dating- a year of being in love. We met, and while she was nervous to the point of shaking, I'd say we clicked pretty damned well. She seemed to like being near me, and we enjoyed each others company. I didn't exactly gotten along with her parents ... but who could blame them? This had been dropped on them like a ton of bricks out of nowhere.
I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her. Then I was surprised by how warm she was...
She was naked.
My baby girl, my little prude who hated showering because she'd be naked, even though it was private. She was in bed, naked, with me, her lover dressed in nothing but a pair of tighty-whities. And she was clinging to me with all her might.
There had been signs that the physical connection had came with it. They hadn't really gotten much past first base over the course of the time they had in Florida. I french kissed her a few times, and she had been uncomfortable, not really knowing how to respond. Her parents had never really hugged her, kissed her good night, or shown any other real affection. They weren't bad parents, really, although they were selfish and didn't know how to express their feelings.
There had been hugging, and cuddling. Laying in bed at night with my arms around her warm, compact body, after the first few nights. In the beginning, she had been a little standoffish and slept on the other side of the bed. Letting her lay on top of me while I scratched her back and kissed, nibbled and nuzzled her. But nothing had really happened that was particularly sexual.
Her clothes had stayed on at all times. The one time I tried to reach my hand under her shirt to scratch her back, she had reacted poorly. She didn't tell me to stop, and she didn't pull away. I could tell from some of her reaction to it that she did like the feeling of my hands on her. But other reactions and her facial expression had indicated her all-encompassing fear of it. She'd never ask me to stop, but I felt, as hard as it was, that I should, and let this come in due time.
I was happily surprised that she had taken the brave step of climbing up here to be with me. A bit more than surprised. It wasn't like her to take the initiative. It was an indicator of how strong the feelings were. But she was naked. That shocked me practically out of my skin. I've always been very good with putting things to words, and it takes a lot to make me speechless. This did.
"I ... you ... you're naked." Gee, thanks Captain Obvious.
She smiled, moved down me, and pulled my underwear off. "So're you."
I remembered at that point the movie Silver Streak, starring Gene Wilder, Jill Clayburg, and Richard Pryor. One of the characters, a fat and obnoxious man claiming to be a vitamin salesman, called himself Bob Sweet. Bob Sweet had said "Something about the motion of a train makes a girl horny."
I guess that was the case here.
I swallowed. I tried to think of something to say. I swallowed again. Then I propped myself up a bit and looked at her. She looked scared. Very scared.
"Honey ... I want you more than anything." I stammered, "I want you in every way possible. Don't doubt that-"
"I can see that," she smirked.
"Yeah, I guess you can." I replied, "But you don't have to do this. I don't want you to do this unless you are 110% pure positive that this is what you want. I can see your eyes, I don't think you are ready."
"My love, I know how badly you-" she started.
"No," I cut her off, "You don't. The human mind, mine included, is incapable of knowing how much I want you, it is beyond us. But I also want you to be happy. I want your first time to know only love and pleasure. Don't worry about my desire, yet. Just do what makes you comfortable."
She lay down on top of me, and kissed me. I kissed her back, then softly licked her nose with my tongue. A gentle motion, my tongue lapping out of my mouth and moving once over her nose. Then I kissed her nose, then on the second kiss let my teeth clamp down on it softly. A gentle bite, a show of affection.
I trailed my recently clipped nails over her back softly, letting them scratch her, relieving the strain pent up in her back. I was happy, I had never felt so good. She was naked, laying on top of me, also naked. I could feel the warmth of her skin on mine, the gentle sensations as she breathed, her body rising and falling. I could feel sweat on my arms from her armpits. She was nervous.
I'd had sex before. I was no virgin. I'd been with many women. I was something of a wild run-around in my younger years. Sex with random women felt good. Better than masturbating, for sure. I mean, I'd come in a woman many times, and a few even accused me of parenting- thank god for DNA tests.
But what we had done so far felt better than any sex I had ever had. Sex was a physical sensation, and most women in the category I had been with put no love into it. I mean don't get me wrong. It did feel pretty good. I orgasmed, she orgasmed, sometimes more than once. We were having sex, sure.
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Dress Rehearsal By Sue-Lyn Burton Copyright 2000 For six weeks now Jack had been working for the local theatre company, rewiring the building. He did it as a favour to his neighbour, Jenny, who flashed her pretty blue eyes and Jack agreed to give his labour free of charge to get the building safe enough to meet the local fire codes. Over the weeks Jack worked for a local builder during the day and in the evening he went to the theatre and worked till about 11.30pm. He was...
Please read Sororal Twins, Parts 1 and 2 before reading this part. Sororal Twins, Part 3: Dress Rehearsal by Miss Michelle Jenny said that she didn't want to pressure me into anything, so she told me to go home and think about our deal. If I still was willing to be her bride at the Halloween party, I should return the next day around two. She sent me home wearing a pair of her pink satin panties. I showed up a little before two. Jenny was waiting for me and we went back into...
Accidents Will Happen, The RehearsalBy Maximillian Excaliber""What are you doing?" I asked Jenny, who was now moving her body back and forth against my naked body as I knelt behind her, with my hands holding onto her hips. "Rehearsing Tom, just rehearsing!" she replied.PreludeEarlier that day Jenny, my best friend, and I had been on the set of a movie we were to act in, for one of those cable premium subscription channels. It was one of those "NA" rated movies that they show only at night. In...
Straight SexOn my trip recently through Europe and, especially, Scandinavia, I have met several people. Usually stories and information is exchanged during sauna visits and, of course, in the company and enjoyment of the necessary booze, mostly beer that is. O how I love the sauna. Not the kind of Sauna they pretend to have in other countries where you, if you forgot to keep an eye on the hourglass, would pass out if you overstayed the 15 minute limit because of the high heat, no air circulation and all...
Let me give you some background information first. My name is Kim I'm 53 5-11, 175lbs with 44dd boobs. This happened at my sisters home. I was staying there for her sons wedding helping her with some last minute details. She was hosting the rehearsal dinner in her back yard. My sister and I were working on some things for the dinner when her son the groom to be walked in with one of his buddies. That morning when I got ready for the day I just put on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and no bra....
Hello everyone this is my first story in ISS, that has happened 2 years back which is a real one,that will make you cum surely, well you can send your feed back to my mail ,any young ladies who need to fulfill sexual desires can also contact me. Well. coming to the sex story,I am taruna from bangalore, physically well built 6 feet tall with a dick size of 6 inches . I work as a team head in one of the private companies in bangalore, when completed my studies and joined this company for work my...
“Look, Henry, all I am saying is, we are playing two characters who are deeply in love and they have a very hot sex scene in the second act, so we need to be convincing lovers for the audience.” “I know all that, Audrey,” Henry said, “I’ve read the manuscript, twice, and my part through twice more since we were selected for the roles.” “It’s a big part for you, Henry.” “I know, it’s the biggest role I’ve ever played, I just hope I can deliver.” “You’ll be fine, you and I are in it pretty...
ANUSHKA was an extremely beautiful seventeen year-old girl. She was very fair and her skin was smooth and vibrant. Yes, her face was extremely beautiful with rosy cheeks and full luscious lips. She also had an exceptionally well developed body. She was 5' 5" tall, had a narrow waist and curvy hips. Her legs and thighs were full and shapely. Her most delightful asset was her chest. Her massive 40-inch breasts were round, firm and full. They thrust forward boldly, without any sag in spite of...
And I'm bringing you a love that's true. So get ready, so get ready. I'm gonna try to make you love me too. So get ready, so get ready 'cause here I come. --Get Ready (The Temptations) Kristen and I decided to spend the weekend with my parents for a change. This ate into the time I hoped that I'd have to finish doing music arrangements, especially now that I was planning the entertainment for Kristen's party. Fortunately for me, Merry was delighted to have Kristen around, the big...
From this point on your choices is going to be made to but one end; to get in the pants of the hottest women in ‘Tinsel Town’. So be careful, think carefully and you may reach your goal. To make things interesting it may be best to re-start when so prompted... Ok let’s go. INYOTEF ;...
I'll refresh your memory. My name is Kim I'm 53 5-11 175lbs I have 44dd boobs. I've been having an affair with a college buddie of my nephew. He has come to visit me while my husband is away on business. On Tuesday morning hubby left for the airport and I was getting ready for work. I couldn't wait till the day was over so Greg and I could spend the night together. At noon time I called Greg and asked if he wanted to meet me for lunch. Greg said to just come to his hotel room. When I arrived I...
For the next couple of weeks I settled down to my regular life I hadn't thought about Greg for a while. Hubby was always away on business so that left me to my trusty toys when I was horny. I thought about possibly hitting a bar or nightclub but I was afraid of running into somebody that I knew. One day my cell phone rang and I didn't recognize the number so I let it go to voice mail. When I retrieved the message it was Greg. I called him back and asked him what was up. He laughed and said...
The next day was my nephews wedding everyone was getting ready. Hubby had just arrived so did my nephew and Greg. I was in the basement ironing my outfit for the day when Greg came down. I was nervous as hell as I had my husband and a guy who fucked the shit out of me just last night all of us in the same house. Greg kept trying to grab me and play with my tits. He finally got hold of me and pulled my shirt up and my shorts down. I said we might get caught Greg said he didn't care as he...
This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. Adventures Of Sarah. This is the second instalment of a 10 part series where I will be describing the Journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. These parts will be...
I was very excited to meet Billie. She wanted me to fly out to her home in California where we would rehearse her song 'No Time to Die' for a performance on a big US chat show later that week. So, here we are, in her bedroom. "It's so good to get to work with you, Billie, especially on this song.", I said, trying to act 'cool'. She's 10 years younger than me and I'm not even 30 yet, it seems odd trying to impress her!"It's good to collaborate with people other than my brother", she replied. "It...
"Nothing you haven't done before, quite often, to judge from your records," came the reply, "You simply walk up and down to show your body off to its best effect. That way you get a higher price and your new owner will probably treat you better because you cost him, or her, so much." "Walk up and down as though you are displaying clothes at a high-class dress show," she continued, "Then stop and face the audience with your feet apart and your hands on your head. Then turn round...
I was feeling a little anxious as well as excited because, despite what Colin had said, I always had the idea that rugby players were inclined to be homophobic. So I knew I had to make the act seem like good fun as well as being sexy. What made it more tricky was that by now I was getting very excited about what I hoped might happen if things got out of control. So I showered thoroughly making sure I was clean in all the intimate areas I liked to think they would want to see and even touch. I...
GayI didn't get to know him as Derek until it got to the stage of; 'Hey I don't even know your name yet' This is one of those stories where events somehow took over! Doing market research is not something I ever really wanted to do but it was a job and this entailed staying several days in a particular area and doing questionnaire interviews. Because you are meeting people all day you don't get a chance to feel lonely. It's only when you get back to the quiet of your Bed & Breakfast room that you...
GayMy landlady from the B&B was a bit surprised that I was checking out earlier than previously arranged. I made an excuse about having met a friend. As she had followed my answer with an immediate question about how I had got on down at the pub, I remembered how someone once told me that the locals always know more than you think! I had rung Derek on my mobile earlier and arranged to spend the next few nights with him. "Oh thank heavens!" he had said. "I thought I might never see you again. I'm...
Gay"Do you remember when I said--we love you and those with the inclination are in love with you?" Brian asked me. He was holding up a dime that had been reduced by four half-moon bullet cutouts. I raised an eyebrow at him. The Bus Terminal was only a couple of blocks from the town's indoor shooting range. Considering the zombies habit of attacking anything they heard, practicing in the range made more sense than on the roof of the warehouse. "I'm in love with you," he said. John-John...
Author’s note: I did not expect I was going to post my short stories on this site. They tend to be tragic, and Hear, see, speak is no exception. It’s strange, I want my short stories to be powerful enough to punch someone in the gut. They probably aren’t, not yet, but I’m quite sure that there’s a glimmer of profoundness in each one of them. At least that what I tell myself. I want to make you think when you read this. Write your thoughts in the comments. Gift your insights and perhaps even...
There was more activity on the stair well of the apartment building then there should have been at four o’clock in the morning even for a Saturday. Most of the residents were already in from their night out, and they tended to use the elevator that was finally operating, and this was the reason the isolated alcove was chosen for a new group activity. The three people in the stairwell were, ZiZi's the zaftig resident manager, Yumiko a young coed and resident and Richie the building's resident...
BDSMEveryone Please Stand All Those Having Business Before the Circuit Court of Maryland in Anne Arundel County, Please Come Fourth and be Heard, the Honorable Doris Jenkins PresidingThe bailiff says your Honor this is the case number 2367 of Baker vs Baker and hands her a file. Then you may all be seated. The Judge says Ms. Dennis why are we here, and not in counseling, the defendant says she wants to reconcile, on top of this there has been no attempt of a property settlement. As I understand the...
Randi had a gift that he misunderstood for an affliction at first because of the headaches. If not for the internet, Randi would have blabbed his discovery to the first person he saw and he never would have experienced the wonders that his "gift" enabled him to partake! Let's back up. Randi was born with a congenital defect in his head: it usually makes children deaf but Randi's defect was altered by an auto accident while his mother carried him to term. He had an extra bone in his inner...
This is the first part of a trilogy set in a world that is slightly different from the one we know today. Where will it all end? Cecile lives each day hoping that times will change. Until then... 'Life is what you make it' even if each day is a little crazier than the day before. Hear the Drip By Annie Firewire (c)2002 I could hear the drip, drip, drip of the drainpipe next to my window as the morning rain sent its comforting echoes into my room. I'd become so used to hearing...
The news of Eric Olafson being on trial had reached Nilfeheim. First noticed by Lars Igvarhein the owner and operator of Nilfeheim Radio. That Eric had become Erica was not widely known, but his legend had grown. Isegrim, Siegfrieda, Exa, and Elenna had traveled to Hogun’s Tavern. The place was packed to standing room only. Hogun had his GalNet terminal active on GalNet One and the system displayed the proceedings on the largest field screen setting possible. Aunt Freydis was assisted by...
On Tuesday I had to work later at my office. I had told my sweet Ana I would be home at least three hours later than usual…Before I finished with the paperwork, the office’s phone rang. It was Ana. Sounding out of breath, she whispered: "How are you doing? Are you... going to be....home late as you promised?"" Are you okay, babe? You sound kind of winded. How was your day?"She still sounded like she was running a marathon. "Good...good. I am doing great. Uh, uh...I went out to the mall and made...
Rinko Kimachi was at that age where she had just started taking an interest in boys and was incredibly horny all the time. Despite the fact she was rapidly developing into a very attractive Japanese woman, as soon as boys realized Rinko was deaf, their interest in her dwindled. Rinko lost her hearing as a c***d when she and her mother were involved in a car accident. Rinko’s mother sadly died from her injuries and if it wasn’t for her car seat, Rinko’s injuries would have been more severe,...
She raised her hands over her head and stretched lazily like a cat that had been lying in the sun for hours. Opening her eyes, she was greeted with a smile. “Morning, sleepy head,” he said softly, as he reached out and brushed back the hair from her cheek. “Mmmmmmm, morning to you too,” she said, stretching again and trying to wake up. “How long have you been up?” She touched his cleanly shaven cheek with her fingertips, tracing an invisible line down...
I was moving towards her.. I wore jeans and a button-up shirt. The sound proof test room was large, cold and clinical. It had all the necessary items with a chair in the middle of the room. Then... the lights went out and she heard the door shut. She dropped the items in her hand and ran to the door, She was locked in. " Haha, very funny. You got me; now let me out." She tried to sound brave and sarcastic but her voice was too small and shaky. Her heart was beating in her ears and a rush of...
My Boss informed he would send me to a conference round in a far city and he gave me the choice to pick up my own female companionship.I used to travel with Angela, a very efficient but boring lady. She was older than me; a very good looking woman, longtime married. But she was hetero and had never accepted my sexual insinuations…This time Angela was ill; so my new choice was Sheila, a skinny redhead in her early thirties, married and social. She was also a real workaholic…While on the plane to...
My alarm went off at 7 AM. I reached up to hit the snooze button and felt her warmth beside me. Connie’s sleepy eyes opened and she half grinned, I wrapped my arm around her soft shoulder and pulled her tighter to me. Connie sighed and just snuggled in closer. Neither of us wanted to get up, both of us wanted the warm comfortable feeling of waking up in your lover’s arms to last forever. A new day had dawned, and with it a new feeling was growing in my heart. Connie had opened her heart to me...
We married very very young. She was 19 and I had just turned 20. A chance meeting of two people "just passing through" led to a whirlwind 6 month romance and now 38 years of marriage. On her first visit to my Dallas apartment, our third "date," at bedtime she dropped to her knees at the side of the bed and proceeded to suck my dick and lick my balls until I came in her mouth. She swallowed every drop. It was fucking amazing! I had had a couple of blow jobs before but Kat was awesome. She would...
The courtroom was packed. You would have thought that the trial of the century was taking place, a serial mass-murderer or something. Certainly anything other than a couple of college aged kids who had enjoyed a good time. Well, maybe I should say a really, really good time. The faces in the audience were all grim and serious. That is all except for a jovial young man wearing the blue "I LOVE VEGAS" baseball cap who was sitting a few rows behind us in the gallery. He smiled as I briefly...
When we were back in our room, getting ready for our respective dinners, Evan asked me about Caleb. I didn't see any reason to lie. "I've known him for a while now. We met online, playing a video game. Eventually, we became friends. I was going to be in his part of the country on business, so I asked him if he'd like to go to dinner and he said yes." "We dated for a few months, did the long distance thing, but neither one of us was happy. I was downright miserable, in fact. Turns out...
“This was fun, I haven’t had sex like this. My husband only like to have sex in the missionary position, and I don’t know why, he only wants to have sex with a condom on”, said Eva as she took off what remain of her shirt. She started to wipe her pussy with the ragged shirt, Eva continued talking, ”He says he doesn’t want to have any more kids at his age, he is 56 yrs. old and has 3 kids with his ex-wife. So, he always insists on wearing a condom even though I’m on the pill”. As Eva was...