Eiffel - épisode 1 free porn video

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Eiffel – Chapitre 1

Cette histoire qui a changé ma vie se déroule à un moment où j’enchaîne des missions d’audit pour un grand éditeur de logiciel dans le coin du champ de Mars. Provincial et pas forcément très liant avec les employés de l’éditeur du fait de mon travail, j’ai pris l’habitude le midi de déjeuner en flânant vers la tour Eiffel et le Trocadéro.
J’y observe avec amusement le jeu du chat et de la souris entre les policiers et les nombreux vendeurs à la sauvette africains qui tentent de fourguer aux touristes leur camelote. Ma présence régulière et le fait que je sois toujours poli lorsque je décline leurs gadgets font que plusieurs d’entre-eux me reconnaissent et que nous nous saluons.
Un jour où je suis assis vers les bassins en mangeant mon panini, Abou – un quadra toujours souriant plutôt ventripotent – me demande s’il peut s’assoir à côté de moi pour faire une pause. Une fois ses kilos de camelote posée devant lui, il allume une cigarette et me demande avec son français approximatif marqué d’un fort accent africain :

- Toi tu viens souvent ici. On te voit avec les autres vendeurs.
- Oui j’aime bien venir me détendre le midi.
- Tu sais que moi Abou et toi c’est quoi ton nom ?
- François.
- Tu as la bague. Tu es marié ? Avec des enfants ? Moi oui mais au pays.
- Oui je suis marié. Et je suis à Paris pour un travail mais ma famille est en province.

Il acquiesce de la tête, pensif, en soufflant sa fumée puis me regarde sans se départir de son éternel sourire et dit :

- C’est loin. Je comprends. Si tu veux, tu viens avec moi et je te le fais. Je le fais bien. J’ai un endroit pas loin.

Je dois faire une drôle de tête car il croit bon d’ajouter en se touchant l’entre-jambe :
- J’ai une grosse. Tu vas aimer, oui.

Je ne sais pas trop comment réagir. Je sens que je suis pivoine quand je réponds :
- Je suis flatté mais je ne suis pas homosexuel.
- D’accord, pas de problème, tu es pas homosexuel. Je te dis, je comprends. Moi avec la famille qui est loin, je le fais avec d’autres, tu vois. J’aime niquer. Je nique beaucoup. Les femmes et aussi les hommes. Les hommes, juste je leur nique le cul. Alors comme je fais beaucoup, je sens ceux qui veulent. Toi tu veux.
- Mais non. Je n’ai jamais fait ça et je ne veux pas.

J’ai dit ça trop fort et les touristes qui passent devant nous se retournent. Le sourire d’Abou s’accentue car en répondant, mon regard s’est porté sur son bas ventre qu’il continue de frotter. Il fait en sorte que son sexe soit bien visible à travers le tissu et il a clairement un membre énorme. Sa voix se fait plus rauque quand il reprend :

- Tu vois, tu regardes la grosse bite d’homme. Surement parce que tu as une petite. Souvent les français c’est ça. Je sais, je nique souvent les français. Aussi avec leur femme des fois et après ils sucent la bite devant elle.

Des images se forment dans ma tête et je sens que je bande. Je sais que je devrais partir sur le champ mais je suis comme une souris devant un serpent. Abou se penche un peu plus vers moi et pose sans main sur ma cuisse tout en me disant à l’oreille cette fois :
- Tu viens maintenant avec moi, je vais te le faire. D’abord je lèche le cul. La langue dans le trou. Et je te mets une crème de chez moi sur le trou qui ouvre après en grand. Après je t’enfonce. Mais doucement au début pour bien écarter ton trou. Après je te le fais fort si tu demandes. Souvent c’est comme ça que veulent les pédés: fort dans le cul !
- Je ne suis pas un pédé.
- Alors on fera pas fort, pas de problème.

Il ramasse ses babioles et se lève ce qui fait que je me retrouve avec sa queue au niveau du visage. Toujours souriant, il mime un mouvement de bassin et dit d’un ton clairement autoritaire pour la première fois :
- Allez on y va là, François. Oui tu viens, tu me suis !

Je me lève, les yeux baissés, écœuré par ma propre docilité mais l’épisode n’a pas échappé à deux des nombreux policiers qui arpentent l’endroit et qui interpellent l’africain, pensant qu’il m’importune. Aussitôt, Abou s’éloigne, immédiatement imité par tous les autres revendeurs à la sauvette. Les policiers leur emboitent le pas et je me retrouve seul sans trop savoir si je suis déçu ou soulagé.

Durant le reste de la semaine, je ne remets pas les pieds sur le Champ de Mars mais l’épisode avec Abou continue de me perturber et ça n’échappe pas à mon épouse Isabelle lorsque je suis de retour à Lyon pour le week-end. Elle met ça se le compte de ma mission mais je suis très embarrassé quand je me réveille le dimanche matin le ventre englué de sperme. Je me garde bien de lui dire que c’est après avoir rêvé que l’africain est ses amis me sodomisaient en me tenant plaqué à même le sol dans une cave sordide. Le dimanche, je rends visite à mes enfants chez mon ex-femme. S’il n’y a plus d’amour entre nous, elle me connait cependant suffisamment après presque 20 ans de vie commune pour voir que quelque chose cloche mais elle met aussi ça sur le compte du stress de ma mission.
De retour dans mon hôtel parisien, je passe un long moment à m’observer nu dans le miroir plein pied de la chambre. J’écarte mes fesses et ausculte mon anus. Je finis par me branler frénétiquement en me doigtant avec une rage malsaine jusqu’à ce que j’éjacule.

Lundi midi, je suis de retour au Trocadéro.

J’ai l’impression que tous les vendeurs à la sauvette me reconnaissent, savent ce qui s’est passé et se gaussent, ce qui n’est probablement que le fruit de mon imagination. Sans trop savoir ce à quoi j’aspire – en tout cas sans l’admettre – je reviens m’assoir là où Abou et moi avons eu notre dernier échange. Après quelques minutes, un des vendeurs s’approche. Ça n’est pas Abou, il est jeune et athlétique. Il s’arrête sur le côté et demande sans me regarder :
- Toi tu es François, oui ?
- Oui.
- Abou il est au pilier droit à la Tour Eiffel. Il a dit que quand tu reviens, on te le dit si on te voit.

L’homme repart. J’hésite un court moment et je me lève puis descends l’esplanade, traverse le pont et me retrouve devant la tour Eiffel. J’imagine que le pilier droit est le pilier Est donc je m’y rends mais en dehors de jeunes roumaines occupées à harceler les pauvres touristes avec leurs pétitions frauduleuses, aucune trace d’Abou. Je n’ose pas poser la question aux vendeurs noirs présents et je me dirige vers le pilier Sud. Il est là, occupé à tenter de fourguer des porte-clefs à des touristes Russes amusées. Il me voit et me salue de la tête avant de me rejoindre.
- Hééé bonjour François. C’est les autres qui t’ont dit que j’étais là ? Je leur avais dit pour s’ils te voyaient. Tu venais plus ? Tu avais peur ?
- Oui un peu.
- Mais là tu viens. Tu as envie que je te le fasse, hein ?

Il se délecte de ma gêne et de ma honte. Son sourire est toujours aussi large mais ses yeux sont ceux d’un prédateur ravi de voir sa proie acculée et soumise.
- Alors François, tu dis rien ? Tu veux dans le cul comme je te disais, oui ?
- Oui.
- Alors dis à Abou. Allez, dis comment tu veux ?
- Je veux dans le cul comme tu disais, Abou.
- Oui François. Dans le cul. C’est bien, François. Alors on y va. Tu vas aimer, oui !

Il hèle un de ses collègues à qui il donne son stock de babioles. Il lui parle vite en me regardant et l’autre sourit puis me fait un clin d’œil salace en se touchant le sexe. Je baisse les yeux. Abou revient vers moi et je lui emboite le pas.
- Viens c’est pas loin, François, dit-il tout en marchant. Bientôt tu vas jouir dans le cul, oui.

Nous traversons une partie du parc et nous éloignons de la tour Eiffel. Une fois devant un bâtiment en rénovation, Abou vérifie que personne ne le regarde et il fait pivoter une planche large qui permet de passer derrière la haute barricade qui sécurise le chantier. Il me fait passer puis entre à son tour et referme derrière nous. Nous sommes sous les échafaudages de façade. Abou longe le bâtiment puis descend un escalier qui s’enfonce sous terre, passe une porte métallique ouverte et traverse une petite salle faiblement éclairée par deux petits soupiraux dans laquelle s’entasse un tas de fatras. Je reconnais les babioles encore emballées que ses compagnons et lui vendent : tours Eiffel miniatures, perches pour portable… Je comprends qu’il s’agit de l’endroit où ils stockent leur matériel. Des matelas gonflables et des sacs de couchage sont entassés pêle-mêle à même le sol en terre. Nous traversons la salle en silence puis traversons un long couloir avant de passer une porte en bois qu’Abou referme derrière nous. Nous sommes dans une seconde salle. Un bureau en métal bancale occupe le mur de droite, le sol est recouvert de tapis élimés et un grand matelas épais parsemé de larges tâches suspectes occupe le centre. A l’instar de la pièce précédente, l’endroit est éclairé par deux soupiraux et baigne dans une odeur lourde de sueur et de musc.
Abou s’allonge sur le matelas et me lance :
- Enlève tes vêtements, ma chérie. Tu poses sur le bureau.

Pendant que j’obéis, il baisse son pantalon de jogging informe à mi-cuisse et prend sa verge en main. Il ne bande qu’à moitié mais sa queue est épaisse et longue, déformée par des veines saillantes avec un gland est de la taille d’un abricot. Tout le temps que je mets à me déshabiller, il se branle lentement sans cesser de sourire.
- C’est bien, tu as envie ! se moque-t-il quand je baisse mon boxer en désignant ma verge bandée à mort mais très modeste et encore plus ridicule en comparaison de la sienne.

Je m’agenouille au pied du matelas et enlève ses chaussures puis son pantalon. Il passe son pull et son t-shirt par-dessus sa tête. Il est musclé mais très gras, adipeux, et ça m’excite d’autant plus. Il m’attire sur lui, positionnant mes genoux le long de son bassin et se met à me peloter les fesses en les écartant. Il approche sa bouche de la mienne et j’ai un mouvement de recul. Je vais me faire sodomiser par un homme mais l’idée de l’embrasser me dégoutte. Il s’en rend compte et s’en amuse mais sans insister et il me lèche le visage puis l’oreille en enfonçant sa langue dans le conduit. J’ai les yeux fermés et je me laisse faire comme la lope que je suis en train de devenir. J’ai envie de sucer sa bite énorme et je commence à descendre le long de sa poitrine mais il me retient et me fait pivoter jusqu’à ce que soyons tête-bêche et dit :
- Vas-y maintenant tu peux sucer la bite de l’homme et moi je suce ton trou, ma chérie.

Je m’exécute. Je tête sa queue en le branlant, tremblant d’excitation. Abou écarte mes fesses en grand à deux mains et lape mon anus sur toute la longueur en appuyant. C’est la première fois qu’on me fait ça et je laisse échapper de longs râles d’extase. Il pilonne l’orifice avec sa langue et je pousse pour faciliter le passage. Les vagues de plaisir sont telles que je ne me rends même pas compte que j’éjacule. Après plusieurs minutes, Abou me remet face à lui. Il farfouille dans un des tiroirs du bureau et en ressort un pot en verre qu’il dévisse puis il plonge ses doigts à l’intérieur. Il s’agit probablement de la « crème de chez lui ». L’odeur est poivrée, piquante. Il repose ses mains sur mes fesses et se met à masser mon anus déjà dilaté avec. J’ai l’impression que mon trou s’anesthésie et gonfle. La sensation est étrange mais pas désagréable.

Il enfonce un doigt en moi et le fait coulisser. Une onde de chaleur éclate dans mes reins et je me mets à gémir. Son autre main passe entre mes cuisses et il badigeonne mon sexe et mes testicules de pommade. Le simple contact suffit à me faire éjaculer à nouveau. Loin de s’en offusquer, il me « trait » la queue pendant que je jouis en poussant des couinements pitoyables, haletant, et il en profite pour enfoncer sans difficulté un second doigt entre mes fesses. La main qui vient de me vider quitte ma bite toujours tendue malgré mon éjaculation et rejoint mes fesses. Abou amorce alors un lent travail de dilatation, deux doigts de chaque main profondément enfoncés en moi qu’il tire sur l’extérieur pour distendre mon orifice. Malgré la pommade, j’ai la sensation qu’il m’ouvre en deux et va me déchirer irrémédiablement mais je souffle un long « oui » sur un ton trop haut, presque féminin.
L’africain me fait rouler sur le dos et vient face à moi. De moi-même, je relève mes jambes et pose mes pieds sur ses épaules. Il guide sa verge entre mes fesses et souffle :
- Tu veux, ma chérie ?
- Oui Abou...
- Je sens ton trou ouvert sous ma bite. Tu as envie de ma bite, hein ?
- Oh oui… en entier…

Il enfonce alors son membre énorme en moi d’un coup de rein progressif et mesuré qui me coupe le souffle. Il s’immobilise, complètement à l’intérieur, son bide gras sur mes fesses.
- Ça va, ma chérie ? Tu n’as pas mal ?
- Non c’est bon…
- Tu veux que Abou te nique ?
- Oui Abou, oui : nique moi !

Il entame de longs vas et vient, m’arrachant un gémissement à chaque fois que ses lourdes couilles frappent mon cul. Je perds la notion du temps, jouissant de l’anus. Je ne suis plus préoccupé que par ça : être rempli, qu’il coulisse toujours plus loin. Dents serrées, je souffle d’une voix rauque pleine de tension :
- Vas-y plus fort…
- Attention ma chérie, tu es pas habitué pour enculer. Même avec la crème faut faire attention dans le cul.
- Je veux que tu le fasses plus fort.
- Tu veux la défonce, c’est ça, oui ?
- Oui Abou, je veux la défonce.
- Tu vois, je t’avais dit que tu étais un pédé, ma chérie…
- Oui je suis un pédé, Abou. Défonce mon cul de pédé…
- Bon alors oui pédé, je vais défoncer le cul, oui !

Je le vois sourire au-dessus de moi. Il sait qu’il a la maîtrise et que je suis sa chienne. Il accélère le rythme, me pilonnant. Il me retourne comme une poupée cassée. D’une main, il appuie sur mes reins et me cambre puis retombe sur moi de tout son poids, m’enculant vi0lemment d’un coup. J’ai le visage sur le matelas, la bouche ouverte et les yeux révulsés. Abou, les mains accrochées à mes hanches, me défonce frénétiquement. Je sens que je jute à nouveau mais la chaleur dans mon cul et les vagues de sensations qui m’irradient les reins sont si intenses que je ne m’en rends pas compte. Après plusieurs minutes sans ralentir, l’africain s’agite derrière moi. Il extirpe son membre brutalement et éjacule un flot de sperme sur mon dos en grognant puis retombe sur le côté en soufflant comme une forge. Je reste dans la même position. J’ai l’impression d’un grand vide entre mes fesses, comme si mon anus était béant. Je passe une main dessus et m’aperçois que c’est le cas. Abou s’en rend compte et souffle, encore sous le coup de son éjaculation:
- Le trou ouvert, c’est la crème. Ca l’écarte beaucoup mais ça part après. Je vais te donner une serviette comme pour les femmes, ma chérie. Tu mettras dans le slip. Après le trou redevient normal, oui. Je te donne aussi encore de la crème : ton trou va faire mal car on a fait très fort et t’as pas encore l’habitude.

Ce faisant, il sort un pot du tiroir et le pose devant moi puis il fouille mes affaires et sort mon portefeuille dont il retire la soixantaine d’euros qui s’y trouvent. Je ne réagis pas alors il vide aussi mon porte-monnaie intégralement en disant sans me regarder « pour la crème… ». Je lui suis gréé de ne pas dire que c’est pour m’avoir baisé comme une putain même si je trouve que je le mériterais.

Maintenant que c’est terminé, l’odeur de foutre et de sueur me dégoutte. Abou aussi me dégoutte. Et moi encore plus avec mon cul explosé, ma petite queue molle gluante de jus et le comportement de lope offerte que je viens d’avoir. L’africain le sait et il limite nos échanges au strict minimum. L’anus protégé par une serviette hygiénique qu’il m’a donné, je remets mon boxer puis me rhabille. Abou essuie à la vas vite les coulées de sperme encore humides dans mon dos et je fais de même pour mon entrecuisse et mon ventre. Une fois complètement habillé, je fais illusion mais je pue le foutre et le stupre. Il me raccompagne jusqu’à la rue et je fuis plus que je ne pars sans un mot.

Dans la rue, j’appelle le bureau pour dire que je ne me sens pas bien et regagne immédiatement mon hôtel ou je prends une douche bouillante et interminable avant de me mettre au lit. J’ai l’impression d’avoir une grippe. Je m’endors de suite, assommé. En fin de journée, je suis réveillé par une douleur sourde et lancinante. Mon anus s’est un peu refermé mais il saille entre mes fesses, énorme et boursoufflé. Je pleure de douleur en appliquant la pommade de l’africain et l’effet d’apaisement est presque immédiat. Je me rendors jusqu’au matin. Quand je me réveille, la douleur est toujours présente mais très diffuse et supportable et l’œdème s’est résorbé.

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My Best Encounter 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am Mrinalini Singh. Old User of ISS. but decided to submit my story for first time. My age is 29 and i am experienced as I am married for 4.5 years. This story is about my best encounter with my uncle. It happened just before my engagement when i was 24. At that age my figure was 32-28-32. I was like sex starving at that time because i haven’t taste any cock in last 4 months. It was my cousin brother marriage. As we have to take Barat from Bangalore to Hyderabad. I was the second eldest...

2 years ago
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Irresponsible BastardChapter 5

Maude looked up as Sarah limped into the kitchen. Maude smiled and said, "Were you run over by a large cart? I missed you yesterday." "I was ill and had to spend the day at my parents place. Sorry for causing you extra work." "It's OK. The Misses was indisposed yesterday as well, so it wasn't too much trouble." Sarah breathed a sigh of relief. If the cook got down on her, she could end up fired by the Misses. Especially now, she didn't want to lose her job. That little son of a...

2 years ago
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Cousins Apartment

My cousin's apartment is on the fifth floor. So carrying up my desk is no easy task per say. See, I am going to be staying with her for a couple weeks before I go to the college that I am transferring too. I'm 22, went to community college for a couple years but am now going to a university. Though I can't move into my place there for about sixteen more days and where I was living, the lease is up and I needed somewhere to go. No way would I go back to living with either my mom or my dad at...

3 years ago
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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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A Little Nylon Tease

Roger has an intense fetish for nylons. It's been with him since he was a little boy and seemed to start when he was given the opportunity to play with his mother's fully fashioned nylon stockings that were still in their striking, colorful boxes. They was something so alluring, almost hypnotic about their unusual appearance. They were like clothing you could see through and he wondered why that was so. Instead of being like a pair of socks that he wore, he could see through their film like...

2 years ago
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I love being a babysitter Part 2

I was really nervous and couldn't believe this was happening. I've always thought about having sex at a young age, but not with a 10 year old. And not with a boy! Steven: Will mine get that big dude? Me: probably. lets go play video games But he continued to touch my penis. Steven: feel mine dude its hard I couldn't believe what was happening. 10 year olds know about all of this stuff now? What has happened? But since we got this far, I thought "why not?" So I reached over...

4 years ago
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Wife Trains My Ass Pegged PT3

I could not remember the last time I had slept this hard. My nights are usually filled with vivid dreams, but I had no dreams this entire weekend. As I woke up from my most recent blackout induced sleep by my wife's life-like strap on, I made a more conscious effort to pay attention to my immediate surroundings. The last few times she had been busy while I slept. I blinked open my eyes and noticed immediately that she had again blindfolded me. As I began to stir further, I started to hear soft...

3 years ago
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Cuckolded at the Breeding Party

Marta had asked me over to her house for the afternoon. Her voice was light and happy as she called me up."Hi K, want to come over about three?""Sure Marta, whats up?" I agreed readily. Marta's invitations were always fun."Just be here K, be ready to rut won't you.""For you Marta, how could I be anything else." I chuckled, hefting my balls in anticipation."Not for me K, but you'll have some competition too, I should tell you."Indeed I did have as I arrived. A young woman I knew slightly as...

3 years ago
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A Teacher and Her Student a Forbidden LoveChapter 11 Ben and Marlene

The next day they woke up early, since there was no pond or brook close-by that they could bath in, they just had to skip doing so today. They did, however, wash themselves with a washing cloth that Alice wet with water from a bottle. She insisted on proper hygiene and John had reluctantly agreed with her. He didn't mind going without a bath for a few days, but when Alice suggested that they'd clean each other's bodies with the washing cloth, he had quickly become a willing participant....

2 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book Part 3 Chapter 2

Saturday 25th August 2018, Breakfast time“Refill?”It was a month after since I’d last met him in person, the day after Malcolm, Jill, Veronica, and I had all shared a bed for the first time. My head nodding a yes to his question, the smiling black face topped me up, the aroma of steaming Colombian blend reminding me why this was my favorite time of the day. The aroma complementing the early morning quiet, disturbed only by the chorus of birds singing to each other, their purpose unclear but...

Wife Lovers
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to a soldier

She was having a long day, a long month even. Nothing was going the right way ever since she walked in on her boyfriend fucking one of her subordinates in her office. Now she was sitting in her office and dying of heat - the bloody air conditioner wasn't working again. She moved in her chair and inched her skirt up a little higher opening another button on her shirt. It was lunch time and there was no one in the office except for her- she was in the office because she had to deal with another...

Straight Sex
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first time sexxxx

I was 16 at the time and had only really been interested in sports. Rachel was the same age and good at math, so that evening when my parents were away at a concert, she came round to my house to help with the homework. Sitting on the bed, she spotted a soft porn mag of my father's that I had rescued from the bin. "Do you enjoy wanking?" she asked. I was shy but had to admit that I did, whereupon she asked if she could watch me do it. Surprising myself, I got my cock out, laid on the bed, and...

4 years ago
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Helped Watchman8217s Wife With InCum During Lockdown

Hello everyone, I hope you all are safe and healthy! I am Preetham as you all know and if you have read my previous stories, you would know about my experiences. But if you’re reading my stories for the first time, I am from Bangalore with a 7-inch penis to satisfy the desire and give pleasure to a pussy. The incident which I am narrating now is my experience with my security guard’s wife that took place 2 months ago (in April’20). Boys start shaking your hard tool and girls put your hand...

2 years ago
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Picture Perfect Swinging Wife

Our sex life was newlywed and good! We played and fucked a lot, and shared fantasies. When we lived together and were soon to be engaged, he first brought him some video porn and we both loved it. Soon we began drinking wine and watching porn movies on many Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. we had fun trying out the new ideas from them too! He traveled some with his work, and gave me a vibrator as a gift before he had to be gone for two weeks once. I loved it, and gladly accepted other...

2 years ago
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MyPervyFamily Janna Hicks Happy 18th Birthday Time to be the Man of the House

It’s officially my 18th birthday and mom has a special surprise for me… My mom looked so hot in her black lacey lingerie, there’s no way I could resist her luscious body! Watch as my horny mother goes down on me, covering my dick in her warm spit.. She strokes me off then slides me into her tight pussy! Mom’s huge tits bounce in my face as I pound her “Your father could never fuck me like this!!” she moans to me before cumming all over my cock! I fill...

4 years ago
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Raging Storm

Damien was driving home from another uneventful day at the office. It was a very snowy December evening and he knew it was going to be a night on the couch with a beer, alone, again. Maybe he’d catch a game, find a movie, then go on the computer for a bit. Tomorrow would probably be the same, especially with the harsh snowstorm expected to arrive soon… It was days like this that he almost wished he wasn’t divorced. Not that he really missed his ex-wife, that cold-hearted woman… but at...

3 years ago
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Peggy my wifes sister

So after Thanksgiving dinner we were all just hanging out watching tv. My wifes sister Peggy was down for the holiday, and she was staying with us. Me and Peggy have had some good times, see other stories. This time Peggy and wifey were taking up the whole couch, so i got stuck on the floor. As usual Peggy falls asleep and is snoring. Now you can imagine what happens when you have giant titties and fall asleep in a tank top....So now one of Peggys hoots is hanging out of her shirt, right above...

1 year ago
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Miss Piggy Gets A Lapdance

Miss Piggy gets a lap dance by a female stripper after Elizabeth Banks kiss, left her wanting more much more. December 12, 2021 Los Angeles. 9:00 PM The Pussycat Stripclub Miss… Miss Piggy gets a lap dance by a female stripper after Elizabeth Banks kiss, left her wanting more much more. December 12, 2021 Los Angeles. 9:00 PM The Pussycat Stripclub Miss Piggy arrived in her limo at the Stripclub's entrance. Although she had called earlier she had to steady herself as she exited the vehicle...

4 years ago
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TurbulenceChapter 11

While riding in the underground the darkness and the flickering of the shadowy light matched the click-clack of the wheels on the track between the glaring lights of station stops along the way. Sioban dwelt on two things that happened on Saturday at Bourne on the Water, Colette’s kiss on their walk to the pub and her invitation to tea when she had said, “There is something I want to discuss with you that could be of great consequence. But I can’t in good conscience consider it seriously...

4 years ago
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Mai Maa Aur Bhen

Hi frnz. . This my first story on iss. . If u like it please mail me at yeh story meri maa ( nellam) 42 years,mre bhen (neha)18 years, aur mre bare mai hai. . Mera naam nikita hai. . Mai 20 saal ki hoon. .Mera birth england mai hua tha. . Mre father england mai he job kar rahe hai 4 saal se. . Mai , maa aur neha hum kota rajasthan mai rehte hai. . Hum india mai hai, kyoki mre bhen ko iit karni hai. Mai b.cm kar rahe hoon kota se he. . Ab kahani chalu hoti hai. Hum ek p.g mai rehte hai aur...

2 years ago
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Kinky Kay Abroad in Asia 1 Lez Love

Kinky Kay is a fine female friend, who was away for a while. As she told us recently: "Abroad in Asia" ... 'A broad in Asia', who finally finds sexual satisfaction in seducing some sexy sweet students, as tiny titted as she is.Kinky Kay is a fine friend and source of some intimate information on her love life as a sexy student. She is as nerdy as naughty. We wrote several series of short stories on her amorous adventures of hot habits, like erotic exhibitionism or listening in to her nice...

4 years ago
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Sex With Younger Cousin 8211 Part I

Hello ISS readers, I am reading these stories from last 4-5 years but this is first time I have dared to write my own experience. I have a deep intimate sexual relationship with my cousin and fortunately had sex for dozen of times in last few years. I want to narrate all the interesting encounters but I should start with the beginning. I had posted this particular story long back. I am reposting it because it will help you guys to understand my next post currently I stay in Bangalore. I...

2 years ago
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cindy learns not to nag

We had been out shopping for a new bike for Mike and been to 3 dealers so far. When Mike headed to a dealer a friend told him about in Maysville KY. it was a good hour from the last place. I had been nagging him the whole time there about getting some food till he said (look I will stop at the first place I come to that has food.) So just as we got to Maysville there was a sign on side of the road about home made food. As we pulled in to the place there was only 4 cars in the lot. But it was 3...

4 years ago
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Kathys Dog ActChapter 9

"Nervous honey?" Joe asked as he traced his fingers lazily across Kathy's slackening cunt-lips. "Oh, God, yes," she said closing her eyes and trying to fight the fluttering feeling of panic that was making her stomach churn and rumble. Tonight was opening night. And even Joe's frenzied fucking a few seconds earlier hadn't been able to take the edge off. "Well, I'll be out in the audience rooting for you," he said, kissing her lightly on the cheek before rolling off the bed and...

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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 22 Riki is taken in full view

Inviting Riki in, Alex took her by her mane of blonde hair using it to guide her wanting mouth, onto his hard cock while his sisters looked on. Izzy was frigging herself like mad as she watched. Abby was rolling her hips against Gwen’s mouth but she was glued to the erotic sight and even Gwen who was eating her younger sister out, was taking breaks to peer over at her very cock hungry mother. Riki, in turn, was giving quite a show as she devoured Alex’s dick like she was in heat. A dam had...

4 years ago
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Ages of FlightChapter 3

It was late afternoon when Jo stopped the car in my driveway. When I moved back home, I simply took over one of my vacant, small rental houses as my own residence. I paid rent to my own company, and I was my own landlord. Being single, my needs were simple, and I let Jo into the house ahead of me. “Oh, my,” Jo said with a laugh as she took in my battered chair and its matching side table. “At least it’s clean,” she said as she took in my spartan living arrangements. “So I’m not an interior...

3 years ago
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Storms Never LastChapter 8

Acey My name is Acey Rose Jones. Mom hadn't filled out my name for the hospital, which was supposed to have been Millie Rose Jones. Unfortunately when dad gave them my name it was after a couple hours of boozy celebrating. Millie just went out of his head and Acey flew in. She was a girl dad knew well in his rodeo days—she was popular at the time. My friends and everyone at school called me Ace. My dad called me Acey. My mom, never having forgiven dad and making sure he knew it, always...

3 years ago
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My Sensual Teacher And Her Daughter

I took a train and visited with Frau (Mrs.) Rach, the woman who introduced me to the life of sexuality until she moved out of our house last year. Now I was eighteen and still in high school.Meeting her at the train station, here she was: a big woman, tall and beautiful with a skirt shorter than women of her age were wearing in those years, tight around this enormous butt that I remembered so intensely. High heels made her strong curvaceous legs look very sexy, a loose white blouse left her...

Oral Sex
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EvilAngel Venera Maxima Anal And A2M Blowjob

Busty Venera Maxima visits Vince Karter’s opulent mansion for an edgy photo shoot. She shows off her long legs in red lingerie and sticks her tongue out to give Vince a drooling blowjob. He shoves his cock in her pussy and makes her beg for more. He gives her a tasty rim job, and she masturbates. Bearded Vince stuffs his meat up Venera’s hungry asshole and pounds her rectum. She sucks his big cock ass-to-mouth. The hard anal reaming session climaxes with Venera enjoying a mouthful...

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Emma is punished

Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child. She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the...

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Daddys Girl

Daddy’s GirlA work of fantasy and fiction. Ever since my wife took off it has been just me and Kathy at home. She was 16 when her mom left us. I still call her my little girl but she has blossomed into a beautiful young woman now at 24. She still likes to call me daddy. She has shoulder length red hair and he body has filled out in all the right places. Daddy or not, I would have to be blind not to notice how sexy she looks. We have always been close and she still comes up and gives me hugs...

1 year ago
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Story of Aishas InLaws Secret Sex Life Part 3

Hi ISS readers, this is Syed again. This is how we had a wild experience with Aisha’s in-laws. So after having a wild experience with her in-laws, Aisha suggested I join their group. I said ok, and we started planning when and where we could do it. After 3 months, Aisha had a baby girl. So after 1 month, she would go back with the baby to her in-laws. So aunt Zaheera, Aisha and I went to her in-laws with the baby and planned to stay the night over there. All of us had dinner and had normal...

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Deviants in Chaste

The monk was shivering. It was a bright summer's day outside the small council room with the heat of mid-July scorching through its wide balcony. Beams of hash light lit all corners of the room yet still the novice appeared pale and near sickly blue. He spoke in such soft whispers that though Grandmaester Law demanded he speak up, he could only manage a quavering high pitch. "It was during Laud- during our usual morning service that the church bells tolled thrice. In the mainland, the bells...

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MetamorphoseChapter 2

Janet and Casey work endlessly, day and night, every day for nearly eight months before they get a breakthrough and learn how to integrate the fish’s DNA with other DNA. They start off small with other fish, then mice, then rabbits and apes before they are finally ready for the human trials. Each time they integrated the fish to other animals, the animals have transitioned and stayed stable without any side effects. When it came to using chimpanzees, the same thing happened and it was a...

3 years ago
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Kavyani Office Lo Start Chesi Bed Room Lo Dhengina Pooku Chirige Varaku

Hi ISS readers,na peru Prashant from Vizag height 6. 1 feets rendu hands tho pattukogalege modda nadhi hard and thicker (Big banana size,inka hot iron rod la hard ga untundhi,guddhanu kuda dhengela) . Nenu ippatiki chala pookula taste chesanu group sex kuda chesanu,Ippudu meeku oka latest sex experience share chesukuntanu. Nenu oka private company lo team leader ga job chesthunnanu,ma company loki 3 months back oka ammayi join ayindhi,thanu job ki kotha. Chala andhanga untundhi height 5. 4 fair...

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Waiting for a ride

Grace and Rick pulled into his parking spot, gathered their things and made their way to his office. It was just before 7 a.m. and the lot was empty. Grace had ridden with Rick so she could meet a coworker who she would be joining for a work thing most of the day. Grace sat her things down just inside the door and made her way to the bathroom. After a few minutes of primping she exited the bathroom and was greeted by her husband standing in the hallway with his dick sticking out of his pants....

2 years ago
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Here Kitty Kitty

I came home from a long day to find my kittykat curled up on the couch waiting for me to come Here Kitty Kitty ? SFCityDom ? 2006 Coming home from a long day, I find my kitty-cat curled up on the couch waiting for me. As I walk to the couch, she raises up.? I stroke her on the head and scratch under her chin and she grinds her head into the palm of my hand. I kneel down in front of the couch and she moves closer to me and I give my kitty a kiss on the nose. She is a very spoiled...

4 years ago
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ChaiLittle Lady Lots of Pussy

Introduction: Chai may not be very big, but she can handle as much cock as a man can provide. This story was written by my equally perverted brother, Leo. Whip it out and enjoy She says she is four feet, eleven inches tall. I think shes at least an inch shorter than that, but hey, shes my wife. Im not gonna accuse her of lying about her height. Her weight varies from around eighty-five to ninety pounds. Shes forty years old and looks eleven or twelve when shes naked and clean shaven. Truly a...

3 years ago
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Fun With Swathi 8211 Telugu Sex Story

Hi ISS lover’s. Hers is Pradeep Reddy (Deepu Reddy ) age 26, height 5’9″, good looking guy from Hyderabad. Edi na sex experience, this is happened 2 months back. Ikkada natho sex chesina girl change chesanu due to privacy and naku sukam ichhina girl ni and thana details ela expose cheyyadam istam ledu. Naku oka friend unnadu vadi peru Uday, nenu vadu chala close ga untamu, eppudina free ga untey valla intiki velthanu, Uday ki oka sister (akka) undi, tana peru Swathi ( name change chesanu), tanu...

2 years ago
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NowChapter 5

SIMPLY, SUBMISSION "Soon" is a pliable word. If asked when you are going to breathe again, "soon" is seconds away. If it's your turn to take out the trash, "soon' is hours away. Washing a car "soon" is eight months out. For a hard cock, "soon" is the straightest line between A and B. And that was David's "soon." No time for much romancing ... that had happened on a Saturday evening at the cottage almost twenty years ago. Even though David wouldn't ignore the niceties he...

3 years ago
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Making Secrets pt2

I removed my sleeping mask and sat up in bed. I was still nude from having sex before going to bed, so I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt and looked out the window door that led to the backyard/pool. It was beautiful outside, and the weather forecasts it will be all week. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I have to admit... I looked hot, lol. Hair a little messed up, nipples poking hard against my t-shirt, baggy shorts... not necessarily conventionally sexy, but sexy never the less. I...

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