Eiffel - épisode 1 free porn video

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Eiffel – Chapitre 1

Cette histoire qui a changé ma vie se déroule à un moment où j’enchaîne des missions d’audit pour un grand éditeur de logiciel dans le coin du champ de Mars. Provincial et pas forcément très liant avec les employés de l’éditeur du fait de mon travail, j’ai pris l’habitude le midi de déjeuner en flânant vers la tour Eiffel et le Trocadéro.
J’y observe avec amusement le jeu du chat et de la souris entre les policiers et les nombreux vendeurs à la sauvette africains qui tentent de fourguer aux touristes leur camelote. Ma présence régulière et le fait que je sois toujours poli lorsque je décline leurs gadgets font que plusieurs d’entre-eux me reconnaissent et que nous nous saluons.
Un jour où je suis assis vers les bassins en mangeant mon panini, Abou – un quadra toujours souriant plutôt ventripotent – me demande s’il peut s’assoir à côté de moi pour faire une pause. Une fois ses kilos de camelote posée devant lui, il allume une cigarette et me demande avec son français approximatif marqué d’un fort accent africain :

- Toi tu viens souvent ici. On te voit avec les autres vendeurs.
- Oui j’aime bien venir me détendre le midi.
- Tu sais que moi Abou et toi c’est quoi ton nom ?
- François.
- Tu as la bague. Tu es marié ? Avec des enfants ? Moi oui mais au pays.
- Oui je suis marié. Et je suis à Paris pour un travail mais ma famille est en province.

Il acquiesce de la tête, pensif, en soufflant sa fumée puis me regarde sans se départir de son éternel sourire et dit :

- C’est loin. Je comprends. Si tu veux, tu viens avec moi et je te le fais. Je le fais bien. J’ai un endroit pas loin.

Je dois faire une drôle de tête car il croit bon d’ajouter en se touchant l’entre-jambe :
- J’ai une grosse. Tu vas aimer, oui.

Je ne sais pas trop comment réagir. Je sens que je suis pivoine quand je réponds :
- Je suis flatté mais je ne suis pas homosexuel.
- D’accord, pas de problème, tu es pas homosexuel. Je te dis, je comprends. Moi avec la famille qui est loin, je le fais avec d’autres, tu vois. J’aime niquer. Je nique beaucoup. Les femmes et aussi les hommes. Les hommes, juste je leur nique le cul. Alors comme je fais beaucoup, je sens ceux qui veulent. Toi tu veux.
- Mais non. Je n’ai jamais fait ça et je ne veux pas.

J’ai dit ça trop fort et les touristes qui passent devant nous se retournent. Le sourire d’Abou s’accentue car en répondant, mon regard s’est porté sur son bas ventre qu’il continue de frotter. Il fait en sorte que son sexe soit bien visible à travers le tissu et il a clairement un membre énorme. Sa voix se fait plus rauque quand il reprend :

- Tu vois, tu regardes la grosse bite d’homme. Surement parce que tu as une petite. Souvent les français c’est ça. Je sais, je nique souvent les français. Aussi avec leur femme des fois et après ils sucent la bite devant elle.

Des images se forment dans ma tête et je sens que je bande. Je sais que je devrais partir sur le champ mais je suis comme une souris devant un serpent. Abou se penche un peu plus vers moi et pose sans main sur ma cuisse tout en me disant à l’oreille cette fois :
- Tu viens maintenant avec moi, je vais te le faire. D’abord je lèche le cul. La langue dans le trou. Et je te mets une crème de chez moi sur le trou qui ouvre après en grand. Après je t’enfonce. Mais doucement au début pour bien écarter ton trou. Après je te le fais fort si tu demandes. Souvent c’est comme ça que veulent les pédés: fort dans le cul !
- Je ne suis pas un pédé.
- Alors on fera pas fort, pas de problème.

Il ramasse ses babioles et se lève ce qui fait que je me retrouve avec sa queue au niveau du visage. Toujours souriant, il mime un mouvement de bassin et dit d’un ton clairement autoritaire pour la première fois :
- Allez on y va là, François. Oui tu viens, tu me suis !

Je me lève, les yeux baissés, écœuré par ma propre docilité mais l’épisode n’a pas échappé à deux des nombreux policiers qui arpentent l’endroit et qui interpellent l’africain, pensant qu’il m’importune. Aussitôt, Abou s’éloigne, immédiatement imité par tous les autres revendeurs à la sauvette. Les policiers leur emboitent le pas et je me retrouve seul sans trop savoir si je suis déçu ou soulagé.

Durant le reste de la semaine, je ne remets pas les pieds sur le Champ de Mars mais l’épisode avec Abou continue de me perturber et ça n’échappe pas à mon épouse Isabelle lorsque je suis de retour à Lyon pour le week-end. Elle met ça se le compte de ma mission mais je suis très embarrassé quand je me réveille le dimanche matin le ventre englué de sperme. Je me garde bien de lui dire que c’est après avoir rêvé que l’africain est ses amis me sodomisaient en me tenant plaqué à même le sol dans une cave sordide. Le dimanche, je rends visite à mes enfants chez mon ex-femme. S’il n’y a plus d’amour entre nous, elle me connait cependant suffisamment après presque 20 ans de vie commune pour voir que quelque chose cloche mais elle met aussi ça sur le compte du stress de ma mission.
De retour dans mon hôtel parisien, je passe un long moment à m’observer nu dans le miroir plein pied de la chambre. J’écarte mes fesses et ausculte mon anus. Je finis par me branler frénétiquement en me doigtant avec une rage malsaine jusqu’à ce que j’éjacule.

Lundi midi, je suis de retour au Trocadéro.

J’ai l’impression que tous les vendeurs à la sauvette me reconnaissent, savent ce qui s’est passé et se gaussent, ce qui n’est probablement que le fruit de mon imagination. Sans trop savoir ce à quoi j’aspire – en tout cas sans l’admettre – je reviens m’assoir là où Abou et moi avons eu notre dernier échange. Après quelques minutes, un des vendeurs s’approche. Ça n’est pas Abou, il est jeune et athlétique. Il s’arrête sur le côté et demande sans me regarder :
- Toi tu es François, oui ?
- Oui.
- Abou il est au pilier droit à la Tour Eiffel. Il a dit que quand tu reviens, on te le dit si on te voit.

L’homme repart. J’hésite un court moment et je me lève puis descends l’esplanade, traverse le pont et me retrouve devant la tour Eiffel. J’imagine que le pilier droit est le pilier Est donc je m’y rends mais en dehors de jeunes roumaines occupées à harceler les pauvres touristes avec leurs pétitions frauduleuses, aucune trace d’Abou. Je n’ose pas poser la question aux vendeurs noirs présents et je me dirige vers le pilier Sud. Il est là, occupé à tenter de fourguer des porte-clefs à des touristes Russes amusées. Il me voit et me salue de la tête avant de me rejoindre.
- Hééé bonjour François. C’est les autres qui t’ont dit que j’étais là ? Je leur avais dit pour s’ils te voyaient. Tu venais plus ? Tu avais peur ?
- Oui un peu.
- Mais là tu viens. Tu as envie que je te le fasse, hein ?

Il se délecte de ma gêne et de ma honte. Son sourire est toujours aussi large mais ses yeux sont ceux d’un prédateur ravi de voir sa proie acculée et soumise.
- Alors François, tu dis rien ? Tu veux dans le cul comme je te disais, oui ?
- Oui.
- Alors dis à Abou. Allez, dis comment tu veux ?
- Je veux dans le cul comme tu disais, Abou.
- Oui François. Dans le cul. C’est bien, François. Alors on y va. Tu vas aimer, oui !

Il hèle un de ses collègues à qui il donne son stock de babioles. Il lui parle vite en me regardant et l’autre sourit puis me fait un clin d’œil salace en se touchant le sexe. Je baisse les yeux. Abou revient vers moi et je lui emboite le pas.
- Viens c’est pas loin, François, dit-il tout en marchant. Bientôt tu vas jouir dans le cul, oui.

Nous traversons une partie du parc et nous éloignons de la tour Eiffel. Une fois devant un bâtiment en rénovation, Abou vérifie que personne ne le regarde et il fait pivoter une planche large qui permet de passer derrière la haute barricade qui sécurise le chantier. Il me fait passer puis entre à son tour et referme derrière nous. Nous sommes sous les échafaudages de façade. Abou longe le bâtiment puis descend un escalier qui s’enfonce sous terre, passe une porte métallique ouverte et traverse une petite salle faiblement éclairée par deux petits soupiraux dans laquelle s’entasse un tas de fatras. Je reconnais les babioles encore emballées que ses compagnons et lui vendent : tours Eiffel miniatures, perches pour portable… Je comprends qu’il s’agit de l’endroit où ils stockent leur matériel. Des matelas gonflables et des sacs de couchage sont entassés pêle-mêle à même le sol en terre. Nous traversons la salle en silence puis traversons un long couloir avant de passer une porte en bois qu’Abou referme derrière nous. Nous sommes dans une seconde salle. Un bureau en métal bancale occupe le mur de droite, le sol est recouvert de tapis élimés et un grand matelas épais parsemé de larges tâches suspectes occupe le centre. A l’instar de la pièce précédente, l’endroit est éclairé par deux soupiraux et baigne dans une odeur lourde de sueur et de musc.
Abou s’allonge sur le matelas et me lance :
- Enlève tes vêtements, ma chérie. Tu poses sur le bureau.

Pendant que j’obéis, il baisse son pantalon de jogging informe à mi-cuisse et prend sa verge en main. Il ne bande qu’à moitié mais sa queue est épaisse et longue, déformée par des veines saillantes avec un gland est de la taille d’un abricot. Tout le temps que je mets à me déshabiller, il se branle lentement sans cesser de sourire.
- C’est bien, tu as envie ! se moque-t-il quand je baisse mon boxer en désignant ma verge bandée à mort mais très modeste et encore plus ridicule en comparaison de la sienne.

Je m’agenouille au pied du matelas et enlève ses chaussures puis son pantalon. Il passe son pull et son t-shirt par-dessus sa tête. Il est musclé mais très gras, adipeux, et ça m’excite d’autant plus. Il m’attire sur lui, positionnant mes genoux le long de son bassin et se met à me peloter les fesses en les écartant. Il approche sa bouche de la mienne et j’ai un mouvement de recul. Je vais me faire sodomiser par un homme mais l’idée de l’embrasser me dégoutte. Il s’en rend compte et s’en amuse mais sans insister et il me lèche le visage puis l’oreille en enfonçant sa langue dans le conduit. J’ai les yeux fermés et je me laisse faire comme la lope que je suis en train de devenir. J’ai envie de sucer sa bite énorme et je commence à descendre le long de sa poitrine mais il me retient et me fait pivoter jusqu’à ce que soyons tête-bêche et dit :
- Vas-y maintenant tu peux sucer la bite de l’homme et moi je suce ton trou, ma chérie.

Je m’exécute. Je tête sa queue en le branlant, tremblant d’excitation. Abou écarte mes fesses en grand à deux mains et lape mon anus sur toute la longueur en appuyant. C’est la première fois qu’on me fait ça et je laisse échapper de longs râles d’extase. Il pilonne l’orifice avec sa langue et je pousse pour faciliter le passage. Les vagues de plaisir sont telles que je ne me rends même pas compte que j’éjacule. Après plusieurs minutes, Abou me remet face à lui. Il farfouille dans un des tiroirs du bureau et en ressort un pot en verre qu’il dévisse puis il plonge ses doigts à l’intérieur. Il s’agit probablement de la « crème de chez lui ». L’odeur est poivrée, piquante. Il repose ses mains sur mes fesses et se met à masser mon anus déjà dilaté avec. J’ai l’impression que mon trou s’anesthésie et gonfle. La sensation est étrange mais pas désagréable.

Il enfonce un doigt en moi et le fait coulisser. Une onde de chaleur éclate dans mes reins et je me mets à gémir. Son autre main passe entre mes cuisses et il badigeonne mon sexe et mes testicules de pommade. Le simple contact suffit à me faire éjaculer à nouveau. Loin de s’en offusquer, il me « trait » la queue pendant que je jouis en poussant des couinements pitoyables, haletant, et il en profite pour enfoncer sans difficulté un second doigt entre mes fesses. La main qui vient de me vider quitte ma bite toujours tendue malgré mon éjaculation et rejoint mes fesses. Abou amorce alors un lent travail de dilatation, deux doigts de chaque main profondément enfoncés en moi qu’il tire sur l’extérieur pour distendre mon orifice. Malgré la pommade, j’ai la sensation qu’il m’ouvre en deux et va me déchirer irrémédiablement mais je souffle un long « oui » sur un ton trop haut, presque féminin.
L’africain me fait rouler sur le dos et vient face à moi. De moi-même, je relève mes jambes et pose mes pieds sur ses épaules. Il guide sa verge entre mes fesses et souffle :
- Tu veux, ma chérie ?
- Oui Abou...
- Je sens ton trou ouvert sous ma bite. Tu as envie de ma bite, hein ?
- Oh oui… en entier…

Il enfonce alors son membre énorme en moi d’un coup de rein progressif et mesuré qui me coupe le souffle. Il s’immobilise, complètement à l’intérieur, son bide gras sur mes fesses.
- Ça va, ma chérie ? Tu n’as pas mal ?
- Non c’est bon…
- Tu veux que Abou te nique ?
- Oui Abou, oui : nique moi !

Il entame de longs vas et vient, m’arrachant un gémissement à chaque fois que ses lourdes couilles frappent mon cul. Je perds la notion du temps, jouissant de l’anus. Je ne suis plus préoccupé que par ça : être rempli, qu’il coulisse toujours plus loin. Dents serrées, je souffle d’une voix rauque pleine de tension :
- Vas-y plus fort…
- Attention ma chérie, tu es pas habitué pour enculer. Même avec la crème faut faire attention dans le cul.
- Je veux que tu le fasses plus fort.
- Tu veux la défonce, c’est ça, oui ?
- Oui Abou, je veux la défonce.
- Tu vois, je t’avais dit que tu étais un pédé, ma chérie…
- Oui je suis un pédé, Abou. Défonce mon cul de pédé…
- Bon alors oui pédé, je vais défoncer le cul, oui !

Je le vois sourire au-dessus de moi. Il sait qu’il a la maîtrise et que je suis sa chienne. Il accélère le rythme, me pilonnant. Il me retourne comme une poupée cassée. D’une main, il appuie sur mes reins et me cambre puis retombe sur moi de tout son poids, m’enculant vi0lemment d’un coup. J’ai le visage sur le matelas, la bouche ouverte et les yeux révulsés. Abou, les mains accrochées à mes hanches, me défonce frénétiquement. Je sens que je jute à nouveau mais la chaleur dans mon cul et les vagues de sensations qui m’irradient les reins sont si intenses que je ne m’en rends pas compte. Après plusieurs minutes sans ralentir, l’africain s’agite derrière moi. Il extirpe son membre brutalement et éjacule un flot de sperme sur mon dos en grognant puis retombe sur le côté en soufflant comme une forge. Je reste dans la même position. J’ai l’impression d’un grand vide entre mes fesses, comme si mon anus était béant. Je passe une main dessus et m’aperçois que c’est le cas. Abou s’en rend compte et souffle, encore sous le coup de son éjaculation:
- Le trou ouvert, c’est la crème. Ca l’écarte beaucoup mais ça part après. Je vais te donner une serviette comme pour les femmes, ma chérie. Tu mettras dans le slip. Après le trou redevient normal, oui. Je te donne aussi encore de la crème : ton trou va faire mal car on a fait très fort et t’as pas encore l’habitude.

Ce faisant, il sort un pot du tiroir et le pose devant moi puis il fouille mes affaires et sort mon portefeuille dont il retire la soixantaine d’euros qui s’y trouvent. Je ne réagis pas alors il vide aussi mon porte-monnaie intégralement en disant sans me regarder « pour la crème… ». Je lui suis gréé de ne pas dire que c’est pour m’avoir baisé comme une putain même si je trouve que je le mériterais.

Maintenant que c’est terminé, l’odeur de foutre et de sueur me dégoutte. Abou aussi me dégoutte. Et moi encore plus avec mon cul explosé, ma petite queue molle gluante de jus et le comportement de lope offerte que je viens d’avoir. L’africain le sait et il limite nos échanges au strict minimum. L’anus protégé par une serviette hygiénique qu’il m’a donné, je remets mon boxer puis me rhabille. Abou essuie à la vas vite les coulées de sperme encore humides dans mon dos et je fais de même pour mon entrecuisse et mon ventre. Une fois complètement habillé, je fais illusion mais je pue le foutre et le stupre. Il me raccompagne jusqu’à la rue et je fuis plus que je ne pars sans un mot.

Dans la rue, j’appelle le bureau pour dire que je ne me sens pas bien et regagne immédiatement mon hôtel ou je prends une douche bouillante et interminable avant de me mettre au lit. J’ai l’impression d’avoir une grippe. Je m’endors de suite, assommé. En fin de journée, je suis réveillé par une douleur sourde et lancinante. Mon anus s’est un peu refermé mais il saille entre mes fesses, énorme et boursoufflé. Je pleure de douleur en appliquant la pommade de l’africain et l’effet d’apaisement est presque immédiat. Je me rendors jusqu’au matin. Quand je me réveille, la douleur est toujours présente mais très diffuse et supportable et l’œdème s’est résorbé.

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Although it's the middle of the summer, Greeley's at almost 4700 feet above sea level and it's always cooler in the evening. Jeff and Jonnah suggested we take a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park, about an hour northwest of us and said to bring our snow gear. Jeff said that it was unlikely to snow this late into the summer, but it was possible. Susan and I told mom where we were going and all she said was, "Look out for your sister, honey!" "I will Mom, don't worry about...

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Teras Horse Ride

Let me explain. On a school trip to the zoo when I was around 12 and just entering puberty I stopped to look at the zebras and there was one with his cock hanging, almost touching the ground. All the girls were giggling and pointing as it would jerk and then suddenly stiffen and rise to stand straight out under his belly. I noticed some older ladies sitting around on benches avidly staring with their legs crossed and thighs pumping quickly. As we watched, the zebra walked to...

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The First Time a Second Time

After I left for college in the fall of 1987. Jeff, Steve and I stayed in touch as best we could. But as is the case, especially when you're of different ages, it can get tough to do so sometimes.The following summer of 1988, I was working a lot to save money for school and also started to date my future wife. Because of these two situations, my social circle narrowed a bit and Steve and Jeff were part of that.  Two years later my girlfriend became my wife after becoming pregnant. So I had to...

First Time
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RedtailChapter 11 Aftershocks

I understand what aftershocks are now. You know when there’s an earthquake and then later you get knocked on your butt because the earth hasn’t really stopped shaking. I kept waiting for it. I kept expecting some Federal prosecutor to issue a warrant for my arrest for manipulating the market, or for murdering Joe Teini. Phil sent us a security team and we led them to Kyle’s treasure cache. Either Mary Beth or Ashley or I and sometimes all three were at the cave inventorying exactly what was...

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Sex on a Britanny beach

For many years my wife and I were were friends with a married couple, Stan and May. I became a widower but continued my friendship with them. One day we decided to go to a guest house in Brittany and, when there, went to a nearby beach to swim. Stan could not swim and only paddled, fully dressed except for socks and shoes. May and I changed into bathers, she in a two-piece costume and me into swimming trunks. I dived into a wave and I felt my bathers slide off me but was lucky enough to catch...

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BackroomCastingCouch Laiken 01222018

Cutie alert! 18 year old Laiken is a borderline virgin – she had sex a grand total of 10 times, and it was all with 1 guy – her current boyfriend. In fact, she has never given a blowjob before (probably true, just watch her casting) Never swallowed, never played with girls. Today, money troubles tempt our teen to turn from Homecoming queen, cheerleader, and straight-A student to dick sucking, fucking, cum swallowing pornstar hopeful. We love how Laiken looks like she shouldn’t...

3 years ago
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Made My MOM a Slut

We had a dog max which was a black lab about 5 yrs. old, He was a great dog and always very friendly. My mom is 5' 7"/about 140lbs/short black hair with big brn eyes/with a model type face with big eyes, nose and mouth, lips etc, if you know the type? She is 38d-26-38, with extremely long thick nipples! Pink nipps that were almost impossable to hide even with a bra. My mother had been div. for some years, going thru a number of boyfriends. We were living in a 2 bedroom apt, in a huge...

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Karens Birthday Treat for David

It was my birthday and I returned home to find my girlfriend of two years Karen waiting for me in the living room. She was standing beside a large box wrapped in metallic paper. I flung my tie and jacket down on the floor and stared at the present, wondering what was inside. Karen knew about my past life that I had been with more men and for longer than I’d been with any . However, she was getting close to breaking the longevity record. I had no idea what surprise she was about to unleash on me...

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Lost EmpireChapter 45

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Derrick hi-tailed it out of there as fast as he could. Ok took care of that according to Tempro almost all of the future or his time was back to where it should be. Feeling the disc in his pack, he cursed he...

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Jessicas Problem

Chapter 1 Darla turn the tv off and shut off the lights. It was 9pm and although it was Friday, she was getting pretty tired. She was a mother in her forties. Not the most attractive women in the world since she didn't lose all the weight from her pregnancy, but she was a full figured women. Her ex-husband still left her though and she was forced to raise her now 13 year old teenager girl all by herself. She went upstairs to go to her room. She passed by her daughter's room and heard...

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Hard Medicine

She flipped through the papers pinned to the clipboard in her hand. It was more for something to do than anything else, she had already memorized everything there. Her first patient of the day was someone Dr. Olsen had been looking forward to meeting ever since the appointment was scheduled. She had met the man’s wife at the local BDSM club a few months ago. They had hit it off and had been slowly getting to know each other better ever since. They were still casual acquaintances, really. She...

2 years ago
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The Bachelorette Party Video

This is a story of a bachelorette party my wife attended that ended up on the internet at a XXX site. My wife and her friends didn't know that the entire party was being recorded. (M+F+, Cheat, Anal, Oral, Intrr, Inc, d**g)My wife Sandra's best friend Sabrina was getting married in a couple of weeks. Since my wife was the maid of honor it was her responsibility to have a bachelorette party for Sabrina. Sandra had been to a few of them but she never had to organize one. She called around to four...

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Santas Special DeliveryChapter 6

She wasn't kidding about being eager to open her present, either. When we had eaten, she took my hand and pulled me to her bedroom. But it wasn't like anything I'd ever been through before. Take, for instance, the fact that she arranged me on the bed, sitting Indian style, and she sat across from me the same way. "I want you to know this has nothing to do with what Timothy asked for, for Christmas," she said. "I just want to do this because you make me feel like doing it." Then she...

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Donnas Sons Pt2

She knew she ought to spare herself any more frustration and just quit looking, but somehow, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the naughty scene in the pool. It had been so long since she'd even looked at a cock. Donna couldn't resist the sight. Obviously, Terry had practiced this routine. He was floating around effortlessly, his hot horny eyes focused on the sky as he furiously pumped his rock-hard teenage cock. Matt was almost as good as his brother, but once in a while, he had to...

3 years ago
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I Love You Daddy

Hi to all you hard dicks and thirsty pussies I’m Jaya a horny bitch, who can do anything for dark big hard cock. I don’t know how many times I have been fucked in my cunt and my ass and but still I want more and different cocks. Let me tell you that in my family my dad is 40 at present and my mom is 35. We are three sisters and no brother. I am youngest one and my elder sisters are Maya (26) and Lata (24) so Maya was 21 at that time and just finished her B.Com.I was to get admisn in college and...

4 years ago
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Huge Mexican Tits

Huge Mexican Tits Camille was without a doubt the biggest girl in my class. At fifteen she was a head taller than most of the boys and her tits were probably bigger than any ten girls put together. I had admired Camille since the start of school when she transferred in. She spoke good English and even better Spanish. She was a big girl but she was also pretty. She had a big belly, a big butt, and even bigger boobs. She reminded me of a younger and prettier version of my own...

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My wifes fantasy comes true

My wife and I have been married for 12 years. In that time we have had so much fun with her being my submissive and I can say that sometimes it is hard to constantly come up with new and inventive way to surprise my beautiful little pet. She is 5ft 2in of dynamite with big beautiful breasts and a tight perfect bubble butt that can take amazing amounts of punishment. She has a perfect shaved pussy that tops off a set of killer legs. After we were married for about four years and after a...

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Bangalore Guy Sex With Colleague

Hello friends’, I am harry from Bangalore. I am here to narrate an incident that just happened few months ago. After which I am now having pleasure in abundance and money equally too. This happened with a colleague of mine and after which SHE has introduced me to a lot of her friends and their friend’s friends and so on. It has now become more like a chain of network. you can contact me for anything and send me your comments to I am from Bangalore, 27 Years of age. This chain of incidents have...

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The fruit stand

Driving to Reno to visit family I decided to stop off at my favorite produce stand just outside Dixon. As I was perusing the fruit to see what looks good to take to the family a big bear of a guy, who I had tried to be discreet while checking him out is suddenly standing next to me inspecting the plums and says to me: "Ever since I turned 50 my balls have really dropped, I bet yours look like 2 ripe plums hanging between your legs." I’m stunned by what I just heard and start to back away when...

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More than a LodgerPart 1

More than a Lodger…Part 1 I had been looking for a place to stay for about a week, but there was few places on the market for rent, and I knew I could not afford a place of my own. So I found myself trawling through the adverts in the local newspapers. One advert caught my eye and made me smile. It was a rare occurrence. It read: “Lodger required, male or female, rent £500pcm could be reduced for the right person! Tel:07254362534 to make an arrangement and speak to Laura or Jerry.” The...

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Pregnant Sister To Save Her

Raju at 28 was tall and strong. He had not married yet for the simple reason that marriage meant only one woman to fuck but single meant free to fuck around anyone he wanted. He was easy going and had been free with his fucking around. His good looks and strong body helped him get any woman he wanted no matter what her status may be. In fact it was the married women who loved to give themselves to him. He was good in bed and damn understanding. He understood what women loved in bed and gave...

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A day of dreams Part 3

The cocktail party...or is that a "tail of cocks at a party!"“You'll be find darling. Just breathe, relax and enjoy it. Cocktail parties belong to us...to women. Me control the mood, the events. The men are just pawns in the game. Sure they think it's all about them, but it's not. It's about us. You'll see. As a woman you control and manipulate the men. They follow your every mood and direction.”Michelle was giving me reassuring directions. Me? I was nervous as hell. I didn't enjoy cocktail...

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Three months removed now from family and friends, I often contemplate what I gave up to move 3,000 miles from home all in the name of a career opportunity. Among other things, I miss playing tennis twice/week, with the same guys. I looked into a couple clubs out here, but none of them offered anything remotely close to what I was used to. None of my coworkers played, and I never saw anybody on any courts near my house. A coworker suggested craigslist. I typed the word 'tennis' into the search...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Alina Lopez Step Brothers Dying Wish

Alina Lopez delivers some mail to her stepbrother Tony. After reading it, he goes to confide in Alina that he has a terminal illness. She offers to be there for him, and he confesses that he likes her a lot and that he wants to be with her. Alina thinks about it and decides to give him his dying wish. She starts by letting Tony enjoy the feel of her all natural breasts and big hard nipples. Rising to her feet, Alina peels off her shorts and sheer panties so her stepbrother can experience her...

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Jack and the Rollercoaster Ch 03

I wasn’t too tired to go anywhere the next morning, although I wouldn’t have minded a few more hours in bed with Becky. When you see a beautiful woman walk naked into your bedroom, pull back the duvet and slip in beside you, it makes you think you have conquered the world. The first time with a new woman is totally exciting and totally frightening at the same time. You have to discover what she likes, what turns her on, and how she wants you to love her, either soft and gentle, which is my...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Ten

It was late, after classes, at a point when both of us were home. I waited about an hour or so – I don’t know what for, it just felt like waiting was somehow tasteful. When I decided it was the right time, I marched up to her room and knocked tenderly on the door. I heard some shuffling and then heard Molly clear her throat. “Come in.” she called out articulately. I opened the door and walked in. At her desk sat Molly, head slightly lowered, looking off towards the floor. “Hey.” I started...

1 year ago
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Voyeuring my wife

My wife had a weekend job working for a female friend of ours who owns a tavern in town. Janet would work the late shift on Friday and Saturday nights. The place closed at one a.m., and it would be around three a.m., usually, before she got home, because they had to clean the place up afterwards.After about a month, she started getting home about a half hour later than usual. I always waited up for her, and when I asked her "Why so late?" she said the bar had been busier lately and some...

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First bi

first about me 44 northeast of england now happly married this happened about 15 years ago when i lived alonethe internet wasnt so advanced as it is now so after hours in chat rooms being approached by guys i thought why not give it a try i chatted to a guy after phone sex so he gave me his number nervously i dialled him up, to my surprise he sounded quiet normal we chatted about how long we,d been in chat why we were looking for aguy, then i asked what he was doing, wanking and asked if i was...

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LittleAsians Diamond Banks Elle Voneva Chalk

Asian schoolgirl Ella Voneva loves sneaking into her neighbor’s backyard to blow bubbles and draw chalk doodles on their concrete floors. But her neighbors aren’t too happy about it, and when Diamond Banks gets a hold of the little Asian girl, she realizes the only way to get through to her is to discipline her sexually. She spanks the sexy teen’s and then uses a strap-on to penetrate her tight pussy. All while her man dips his thick cock into her juicy Asian cunt and covers her in a splash of...

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A New BeginingChapter 7

During the two weeks that followed the Roshaa cruised leisurely toward her next destination. Construction work continued throughout the interior and the exterior surface of the cube. One notable thing accomplished was the construction of a large swimming pool in one of the interior compartments. Such a luxury was impossible for a warship such as the Antares and even civilian passenger liners were limited to only a small swimming facility. But on the Roshaa there was no such limitation and so...

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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 10 Friday Night Lights Out

"What do you want?! I just saw you a few hours ago!" snapped Suzanne Rowan, over her phone. "I'm sorry. Are you busy?" asked Brett Nilsen "It's fucking Friday night, of course I'm busy!" "I hate to bug you, but I guess I was kind of lonely." "Talk to your brother." "I can't. He's with Carrie." "No doubt trying to take advantage of the poor girl," she said, her tone dripping with venom. Brett Nilsen was normally not as shy as his brother, but he had one weakness in...

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New Jock TalesFreshman YearPt 9Sweet 16 Pt 1

It was the most anticipated day of my life. More than anything football. More than Christmas. More than the day I finally popped out numbers 7 and 8 abs. More than the day I discovered hair up in the crack of my ass. Even more than the day just a few weeks ago when I finally measured up 9”. Lotta of fuck meat for a Freshman. Today, was my birthday—drivers license ! I met it with a bit of melancholy though. The original plan was to be at the car lot, and grab that jeep I had my eye on for a...

3 years ago
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Pat meets Peter part 1

Since our visit to Sam's, Pat has become more relaxed when it comes to not wearing a bra. At home, she almost never wears one, taking it off as soon as she walks through the door. Even in public, she is more relaxed without one.As for me, I'm enjoying the attention she is receiving from men's eyes. Knowing that they are admiring my wife's breasts, and more often than not her erect nipples.It excites me, as much as it does Pat.Dave, her lover, hasn't seen her since we got back from Sam's. Pat...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ki Love Story 8211 Part 1

Hi dear friends, mera naam he varun aaj bahot himmat juta kar story likh raha hu aasha karta hu meri pehli story aapko pasand aayegi.Mera parivaar kaafi chota he mummy papa aur me. Mummy ka naam varsha ek pativrata aurat jo sirf apne pati se pyaar krti thi.Mummy ki age uss waqt 41 years ki thi unka sharir kaafi sundar tha.34 ke gore gore uroj jo kisiko bhi pagal kar de.Sabse kaatilana thi unki kamar gora pet usme ek gehri si naabhi pet par agar koi haath rakhde to haath fisal jaaye itni komal...

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Cybersonic Hell

Cybersonic HellIf grown men couldn’t push Big Bill from the seediest Texas bars, there was no way Dominika was going to do it. Big Bill filled the doorway with his broad shoulders and a barrel chest, dwarfing my former girlfriend, who tipped the scale at 115 pounds.Dominika pushed but Big Bill didn’t budge. Her face flushed with frustration as she tried to reach the door. Bill – that hulking leader of a South Texas motorcycle gang – just stood there with crossed arms. The rest of us, including...

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Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 10

It would be hard to say who was the most excited on Friday. Lucy and Andrew were excited because they were going to Ipswich and they'd see Emily Jane and meet Tom (not to mention the others on board and probably Jenni and Annie too). Amy was excited because she would be seeing Tom to invite him to live with them and she hoped he would want to. She was also aware that she was quite looking forward to seeing John Shepherd again. John Shepherd was excited and he was definitely not thinking...

1 year ago
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Encounter on a Bus

Jason woke to the hiss of the air brakes and a lurch as the interstate bus slowed and exited the expressway. He sighed and stretched his muscular` body. He was thankful the rear bench seat was vacant. At 6’ 2”, 240 pounds he needed as much room as he could get. One of the downsides of riding an interstate bus was that it stopped at every wide spot in the road to pick up passengers. This one was no different. The bus traveled a short distance down a poorly maintained blacktop. It pulled across...

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A New Domination Ch 03

I awoke one morning with what must be the most superb, the most lascivious sensation any guy can ever experience. My mother was working her tongue around my cock, bathing it with her moist lips and stroking my morning woody close to explosion. She knew from experience the signs of my impending climax, and used her well developed oral skills to keep me on the edge for what seemed ages. I howled in desperation while she laughed, a low sensuous sound, knowing that, for a short time, she was in...

3 years ago
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College Reunion

“Give him a blowjob Penny. Guys love a girl giving them head more than anything in the world.” It confused everybody in her family that this liberal, red headed, Jewish girl from New York City chose to attend a small Christian university in Kentucky of all places. She told Penny and anybody else that asked at school that she was attending Bettencourt to spite her parents. Penny Hargreaves grew up in a conservative Christian family in Kentucky. When the housing office told her that her...

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