Eiffel - épisode 4 free porn video

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Eiffel – Chapitre 4

Quand je me réveille, j’ai l’impression qu’on m’a passé tous les os du corps à la batte de baseball. Je constate aussi que j’ai un peu de sang entre les fesses mais après une vérification minutieuse, cela s’avère sans gravité même si mon trou est toujours aussi monstrueux. Je branche le portable sur la télé de la chambre et redécouvre la soirée en spectateur.

Il y a presque trois heures de courtes vidéos.
Trois heures durant lesquelles je subis tous les excès et toutes les vi0lences. Je ne m’en souviens pas mais je découvre qu’on m’a même sodomisé en double à plusieurs reprises. Ces passages sont terribles et rien d’étonnant à ce que soit donc ceux qui me font le plus bander. On me voit suppliant et je n’ai même plus la force de réagir, encore moins de me rebeller. Je me contente de gémir, de râler comme un a****l pendant que mes bourreaux forcent deux sexes énormes entre mes fesses maintenues ouvertes par ceux qui attendent leur tour.

Je copie l’ensemble des contenus de mon portable sur mon drive externe et les efface puis la vie reprend son cours.

Je n’ai aucune nouvelle d’Isabelle et je m’abrutis dans le travail. Je sens bien que mes pulsions sont tapies en moi, n’attendant qu’un signe pour s’exprimer, mais elles me laissent en paix durant toute la semaine. A l’approche du week-end, je me reprends à penser à ce que j’ai envoyé à ma femme. Ce que j’ai fait est définitif. Les conséquences seront terribles si Isabelle en parle à mon ex-épouse Clotilde. Le risque est faible – elles se détestent – mais une femme blessée est capable de tout.

Comme je viens de brûler mes vaisseaux, je sais que si je reste dans ma chambre, je vais tourner en rond sans pouvoir dormir alors je décide d’appeler le numéro que m’a donné Ndallo. J’essaie deux fois sans succès. Je n’ose pas laisser de message.

Déçu, même si je ne sais pas trop ce que j’attendais de ces appels, je me connecte sur Internet et je tape « bar rencontre gay ». Je suis surpris par toutes les réponses. Il y a un établissement à une quinzaine de minutes à pied de l’hôtel. Je prends une douche et me récure à fond. Physiquement, j’ai récupéré et j’ai à nouveau envie de renouer avec mes démons. En dehors de quelques larges bleus sur mes fesses et mes cuisses, il ne reste plus de visible que les marques de cigarette et elles sont diffuses.

Pour ce qui est de mon anus, il affiche clairement mon statut d’enculé et j’ai bien l’intention que cela continue. Je le masse bien en profondeur avec le peu qui reste de la pommade d’Abou et l’effet de « chauffe » agit. Je m’habille en costume stricte, chemise en soie et cravate puis je me mets en route.

Une fois devant l’adresse du bar, j’hésite. La façade vitrée entièrement opaque ne permet pas de voir à l’intérieur et l’entrée se fait par une lourde porte sécurisée. Je presse la sonnette. Une minute plus tard, un judas coulisse et des yeux me scrutent puis une voix de stentor me demande :
- Vous êtes membre ?
- Non.
- C’est un club privé.
- Ca n’était pas mentionné sur Internet.
- Vous avez cherché quoi sur Internet pour vous retrouver ici ?
- Je… J’ai cherché « bar rencontre gay ».
- Ok, mec.

J’entends les verrous qu’on tire et la porte s’ouvre sur un quadra baraqué en polo.
- Pardon mais on fait gaffe. Y a eu des agressions anti-gay dans le coin récemment et t’as pas vraiment la tête de l’emploi.
- C’est quoi la tête de l’emploi ?
- Pas ta tête.

Il s’efface pour me laisser entrer et je découvre un bar tamisé cerclé d’alcôves privatives. Il doit y avoir une douzaine de personnes – des couples d’hommes uniquement. Le type passe devant moi et me fait signe de le suivre. Il repasse derrière le bar et je m’assois devant lui.
- Tu veux boire quoi ?
- Vous conseillez quoi ?
- Je ne conseille pas, je sers, dit-il en me faisant un clin d’œil.
- Bon et bien servez moi ce que vous auriez bu à ma place.

Le gars se marre et dépose une Bud devant moi.
- C’est calme ce soir si tu venais pour un plan. Tu venais pour un plan ?
- Oui éventuellement. Mais boire une bière c’est un début.

Il me montre sa main en désignant son annulaire – vide dans son cas.
- Marié ?
- Oui.
- Elle sait ?
- Depuis peu, oui.
- Ah… tu risques de pas garder cet anneau longtemps alors.
- C’est un risque, oui.
- Garde le quand même pour draguer : les gays raffolent des mecs mariés…

Et il me quitte sur un autre clin d’œil pour aller servir une table. Je me retourne pour regarder la salle. Je suis le seul « célibataire » du bar, ça risque de rendre mon idée de plan compliqué. Ce serait probablement le cas dans un bar de rencontre hétéro mais j’apprends rapidement que les règles différent chez les gays lorsque le barman revient se planter devant moi :
- On t’invite là-bas si ça te branche.

Je regarde « la bas ». Un type chauve et un barbu me font un signe de tête.
- Ce sont des gars que vous connaissez ?
- Oui ce sont des habitués. Ils sont en couple mais ils aiment bien ajouter de la fantaisie. Flippe pas, ils restent dans le classique.
- Pas trop quand même j’espère…
- Pourquoi ? Tu cherches de l’exotique ?
- Ce soir non, du classique fera l’affaire. Mais à l’occasion…
- Dans ce cas on en reparlera à l’occasion si tu veux.

Je le remercie, prends ma bière et m’approche de la table des deux mecs. Le barbu se lève quand j’arrive et va s’assoir du côté du chauve de l’autre côté de la table. Ils ont la cinquantaine avancée. Le chauve est sec et le barbu bedonnant mais ils ont dans le regard la même concupiscence vicieuse.
- Tu cherches de la compagnie ? demande le chauve.
- Oui.

Il fait la même pantomime que le barman avec sa main en montrant son annulaire :
- Marié ?
- Oui.
- On aime bien les mecs mariés, hein Max.
- Ouais, chéri, réponds le barbu. Souvent, c’est des bonnes têteuses. Tu es une bonne têteuse toi ?
- Je me fais surtout sodomiser.
- Encore mieux ça ! se marre le chauve. Et là c’est ce que t’es venu chercher ?
- Oui.
- En plan direct ?
- C’est-à-dire ?
- Simple : tu nous suis dans les chiottes maintenant…
- Sinon, ajoute le barbu, on te ramène chez nous. Ce sera mieux fait et plus long vu que quand on joue à la maison, on prend notre temps. Mais voilà, faut que tu ais le temps.
- J’ai le temps.

Nous finissons nos verres rapidement et nous sortons. Durant le trajet, ils me questionnent sur mon expérience et les pratiques que j’aime. Je leur raconte tout et ils sont impressionnés que je sois allé aussi loin en si peu de temps. Le chauve s’appelle Maxence. Il précise qu’ils ne font pas dans le SM hard et les trucs déviants en insistant bien. Le barbu – qui s’appelle Denis - reste silencieux pendant que son compagnon parle mais il me lance un regard qui renvoie un message inverse en souriant.

Ils habitent dans un loft luxueux dans le haut de Neuilly.
Une fois entrés, on ne se perd pas en préliminaires. Nous allons directement dans leur chambre et nous retrouvons rapidement tous les trois à poils sur le grand lit carré qui occupe le centre de la pièce. Ils portent tous les deux un cockring en métal qui étrangle la base de leurs bites – fine et assez longue pour Maxence le chauve, très épaisse pour Denis le barbu. Les marques sur mon corps les excitent beaucoup et leur donne envie d’aller un peu plus loin qu’à leur habitude. Ils me dominent donc mais très sagement. Je sens que le chauve force sa nature pour me fesser le cul.

A l’inverse, Denis se contrôle car il a clairement tout le potentiel d’une brute sadique. Le plan qui suit est donc plutôt standard : on se suce et branle, ils me sodomisent à tour de rôle et me godent, le tout émaillé de pratiques SM légères style pinces à sein. S’ils assument tous les deux des rôles actifs, il est cependant évident qu’habituellement c’est Maxence qui est à ma place. Seule touche originale de la soirée : ils m’ont demandé dès le début s’ils pouvaient retransmettre nos ébats en streaming sur un site de Cam en ligne.

J’ai accepté si mon anonymat était garanti et je me suis retrouvé avec une cagoule en cuir sur le visage. Nous voir en train de baiser sur l’écran géant de la chambre avec en incrustation les cams de tous les voyeurs qui se branlent et commentent m’a beaucoup excité. Les concernant, je comprends que l’exhibition est tout en haut de leurs critères. Au bout d’une heure, nous avons tous bien joui et ils coupent la cam. Le Chauve quitte la chambre pour le « premier tour » de douche et le barbu peut enfin avoir la conversation privée qu’il souhaite depuis le début de notre rencontre :
- Je t’ai mis ma carte dans ta poche de veste. J’aimerai qu’on se revoie.
- Mais sans Maxence, c’est ça ?
- Oui c’est ça. Le deal normalement c’est qu’on fait tout ensemble mais Max est… tu as vu. Il est assez routinier. Pour faire des plans à trois, ça déjà été compliqué mais il sait que j’ai certains besoins donc il s’y est fait. Pour la Cam, j’ai dû vraiment insister même si maintenant il aime bien. Mais pour des trucs vraiment plus hard, il n’adhère pas.
- Et tu voudrais quoi de plus hard ?
- Vu ce que tu as raconté, je te dis juste que ça devrait te plaire. On se fait un dèj en tête à tête et je te raconte ça ?
- Ok ça me va. Je t’appelle dans la semaine ?
- Super !

C’est Maxence qui me ramène en voiture. Je savais qu’il ne prendrait pas le risque de me laisser seul avec son homme. Il est enthousiaste sur la soirée mais je sens que c’est forcé et qu’il est soulagé de me laisser devant mon hôtel. D’ailleurs il ne me propose pas une autre rencontre quand nous nous quittons.

Le mercredi, j’appelle Denis.
On se retrouve sur la Défense dans un restau du CNIT. Il m’explique qu’il a été marié presque 30 ans avant d’assumer ce qu’il est et qu’avant de se mettre en couple avec Maxence il y a 3 ans, il s’est livré à tout un tas d’excès. Excès avec lesquels il aimerait renouer vu mon masochisme évident et mes dispositions pour la défonce anale. Il me parle de dogging, de sling, de cruising, de fisting et de tout un autre tas de pratiques en « ing » dont je n’avais jamais entendu parler mais qui me mettent dans tous mes états. Il tempère mon intérêt évident en m’alertant sur la réalité de certains dangers inhérents aux milieux underground où Snuff movies, tortures et mutilations n’ont rien de légendes urbaines, à fortiori dans le milieu gay. Quand je lui demande des précisions, il se referme comme une huitre sur une dernière mise en garde et je comprends qu’il a vraiment frayé avec ce milieu et n’en est pas ressorti indemne.

Je lui demande ce qu’il a en tête nous concernant et il me propose que nous allions ensemble dans un club privé qu’il connait durant un plan « cuir ». Il souhaite m’y travailler en backroom, m’assurant qu’au vu de ce que je lui ai raconté, je suis certain d’adorer ça. Il me donne plusieurs liens internet de vidéos, photos ou articles concernant ce qu’il souhaite me faire subir et me demande de lui indiquer ce que j’accepterai – et n’accepterai pas… - afin qu’il puisse préparer en amont la séance et revenir vers moi avec une date de rendez-vous.

Je passe ensuite ma soirée à me branler devant la télé en découvrant le contenu proposé. Coté SM spécifiquement, on y voit des anus défoncés comme je n’aurais jamais pensé cela possible, des verges torturées au méat distendu par des sondes métalliques, des testicules plus gros que des melons ou qui tombent aux genoux, distendus par des poids monstrueux. Sur le plan baise, ce sont des gangbangs hallucinants ou plusieurs dizaines de mecs montés comme des ânes ramonent des éphèbes gémissants ou des barbus bodybuildés.
Tatouages barbares, piercings et branding marquent et transforment les corps offerts. Sperme, pisse, merde, sueur, crachat… tous les fluides sont de la partie dans une débauche sans fin. Je termine mes visionnages assommé par cette surcharge d’excès, les couilles vides et fripées à force d’éjaculer.

Denis souhaite que je lui dise clairement les choses que je ne souhaite pas subir mais il n’y en a aucune. Je veux tout ça. Même plus. Même si je ne sais pas encore ce que cela pourrait signifier tellement ce que j’ai découvert est déjà terrible. C’est donc la réponse que je lui fais et en retour, il me propose de nous retrouver samedi après-midi.

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Classmate While Studying MS In USA

Hello ISS readers, This is Bobby again, from USA. Hope you guys enjoyed a story I’ve submitted a few months ago “Divorced Indian Roommate In USA”. To tell again about myself I’ve been living in USA for over 6 years did Masters degree here, and now work in IT industry. I am a very good looking guy, very fair skin, good height (an inch shorter than Mahesh Babu), and I try to maintain my personality well. So, talking with girls was fairly easier for me. Just to let you guys know, the stories that...

3 years ago
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Demon Queened Chapter 8

Demon Queened Chapter 8 Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. I stared at the horned wolf girl in my bed, hardly able to believe what I was seeing. My mind was reeling with the implications - had the wolves I fought actually been...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Reader In Hyderabad

Myself Basha Muslim guy from middle class living in Hyderabad with my parents.Any interested aunties or housewives or girls mail me at only for living in Hyderabad. Coming to the story I got a mail from a lady to give feedback to my previous story.I too gave replay.Our chatting continued for some days.One fine day she mailed me that her husband was going to a business trip to Bombay for a week.And she also informed me that she wanted to meet me at her place. She then gave me her number and...

4 years ago
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Morning Play

Morning Play Morning Play   ? I awakened to the wonderfully pleasant sensation of my lover's warm hand around my cock--stroking, pulling, squeezing.? Eyes still closed, I slowly came to consciousness, luxuriating in her massage, feeling the blood rush to my genitals and my cock engorge.? I spread my legs wide, let my jaw go slack and undulated my hips in time with her ministrations. ?? "Good morning, Darling," she said, her voice a soft, throaty whisper. ?? I opened my eyes and looked...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 10Chapter 20

We landed headed north to south on the only runway. We came in over the beaches and flew in low and slow to attract attention. We thought we saw people. We landed and the Humvee made its usual ride. Upon locating fuel, we refueled and taxied over to the terminal for the night. The beaches were calling me but we had spent plenty of time there previously. George wasn't hurrying us to return to Sydney. I don't think Trina ever hurried or became upset. She wasn't quiet or shy and retiring but...

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If i love her why do i use her

My mother and step father had a child, my step sister Faith, less than 9 months later, as an adult I realized now that my mother was pregnant before she got married. We grew up pretty normal, not rich but upper middle class. The only thing was my mother was extremely controlling, didn’t allow me to do much, but I did play football starting when I was in 7th grade, I had a lot of friends and Faith became my little buddy. She adored me, and I liked having a little sister, I looked out for her,...

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TECHNOSEXUAL By Dorothy StrangeloveHe was more than an ordinary man. He was far, far more than an ordinary man. One thought about the soft warmth of his skin and what lie beneath it made my heart beat faster and every nerve in my body tingle. I was sure as I was briefed on my latest patient my pupils had started to dilate but this was a busy place and no one would have bothered to check me for outward signs of arousal the way I was checking me. "He's a 20-51." My supervisor told me, "I thought...

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me and my mother bbc sluts

strangely enough i split from my boyfriend and my mother her second husband in the same week my mum beth is 52 im jean and 28 so we decided to drown our sorrows and have a night out we went for a meal then on to a hotel bar afterwards my mum is big breasted big arse but in shape was wearing knee length skirt white blouse that showed her ample breasts off nicely black heels and either stockings or pantyhose ,i was dressed in black pencil skirt black sheer pantyhose white blouse and black heels...

1 year ago
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FirstClassPOV Freya Parker A Horny Cumslut In Red Lingerie

All-natural blonde with perky tits, Freya Parker, is looking hot as hell in red lingerie paired with red stockings and high heels. The gorgeous babe can’t help but feel wet and horny while talking with Alex Jett. She shows off her bushy pussy to Alex before getting down on her knees to give him a sloppy blowjob. The beautiful blonde then bends over on the couch and lets the lucky stud bang her doggystyle. Freya can’t help but moan as Alex pounds her pussy in missionary. Her small...

4 years ago
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Ten Months for Olga Turlovna

Ten Months for Olga Turlovna PART 1 - Purgatory Prologue What does it actually mean to be man or woman, male or female? Am I a female because I have breasts, ovaries, and a pussy, even if it feels like the soul of a man is looking out from behind my eyes? If a doctor examined me and discovered I possessed those physical attributes I've just described, they would certainly record my sex as female, but would my gender be the same? Gender depends more on...

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My 3 sluts

My name is anand; i am 34 years old, and endowed with what my 2 neighbours, subhadra and durga, call a “monster”. I run a personal investment office for my nri cousins and close friends from my house, and thanks to e-banking and de-materialisation of shares, i work with the main door closed – there are no visitors. Subhadra was an ex-colleague, aged 27 years on whom i had been having an eye for long. She came to my old flat about 2 years back – we got talking, she was so frustrated with her...

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I was a popular guy at my High School, mostly among the girls. Before I hit puberty I was a nobody, then my body changed and even more so my penis started to grow in size and soon it was well known around school that I was hung like a horse.The first once that suddenly showed interest in me, was the "slutty and easy" girls. None of them were very attractive, they all liked attention and got it from the guys by sleeping with them. At first it was fun to get their attention, but some of my more...

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The Weaver And The WindChapter 5 Long and Winding Road

I had a plan, and I decided it would be safer to run it by Cor first, rather than just trying to spring it on the entire Caldwell family. I called her up as soon as I got back to the apartment. "Good morning my little flower." I said to the sleepy voice that answered her cell. "Andy?" She grumbled. "Are you being a sleepyhead today? It's almost nine!" "Nine! Oh Great, I've got a class in an hour! Oh damn! Its probably a good thing you called!" "Probably good I called?" I...

2 years ago
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Mates mum part 1

When I was younger one of my mates mums tried it on with me. Since I was young I didn't know what she was trying to do. Ever since then I've always had a thing for older women especially 3 of my mates mums. When I was 15 or 16. My mate James, his mum just given both to her youngest daughter and her daughter was seriously ill in hospital. When they use to go to the pub I use to tag along. This one time Sam (James's mum) was at the bar and we started to talk and we started to kiss each other on...

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Small WorldChapter 3

The following day Jan had decided to take a break after a couple of hours at the word processor, an old obsolete computer and program that often froze and lost material, when she heard a power lawn mower. Looking out the window, she saw Michael mowing his lawn. She found herself gazing at his shirtless muscular frame, the denim cutoffs he wore revealing strong legs and calves and a waistline giving no hint of anything other then rippling abs. He was handsome, she thought, and... what? Sexy?...

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Fritz Heiders Attribution Theory and How It Relates to Sex

Chapter 1 Not every father can be a famous sports figure or movie star, so I had long gotten used to having a father who taught educational psychology in a medium-sized college in Illinois. Educational psychology. Yes, you heard me right. Maybe you're familiar with the field. God help you. Any way, five weeks into the eighth grade, I knew I was going to get a failure warning in English. When the parents got the letter, we had the family meeting where the law gets laid down. As I said, I...

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Debby and her first vibrator

It was Friday which was her day off. After the boys had left the house to go to school Debby quickly took the dog out for a walk. Underneath her jeans she was wearing lacy top hold ups and a thong. The thong felt tight against the crack of her bottom and she liked the rough feel of the material of her jeans rubbing against the cheeks of her backside as she walked along. She also liked how the tops of the hold ups felt against her thighs. Normally she would only wear ordinary knickers when she...

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A Camping Trip to Remember Part 1

I was so excited for the week to come. My boyfriend Chris had asked me to go camping with him. A whole week alone in the wilderness, with the man I love. How could life get any better?Let me tell you more about us. We met online and had been together for over two years. I (Angie) was now 18 and Chris was 19. He had a wonderful thick 6-inch dick, and I had a beautiful set of round 36C tits. Our sex life was sensual and erotic. We often stayed at each other's houses and planned to move in...

Straight Sex
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The Secret to Cumming in Secret

The other night my girlfriend asked me not to cum in her because she didn't want to "get all sticky." She does that sometimes, and I did what I always do. I shoot the first few pumps of cum in her pussy, then pull out and shoot the rest on her stomach, pubes, tits, or whatever. This time, I shot the rest of my cum on her ass and the small of her back, because I'd been fucking her doggy style. I like fucking her from behind when she doesn't want my cum in her because I can get a shot or two...

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When I Am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Nothing

Maggie dried herself after the shower. She looked for her robe but had forgotten it somewhere. As she exited the bathroom she saw herself in the full length mirror. “Not bad for 55 and 2 kids,” she thought. Realizing that it was warm and no one else was home, she decided to be adventurous and forget about covering her body. Just yesterday she had read the poem “When I Am An Old Woman, I Shall Wear Purple”. Catching up on reading was her main activity for the first month after retiring from a...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Kali Roses BBC Birthday Surprise

It’s my young wife Kali’s birthday and I get her try on the new lingerie I bought her. Her body looks incredible in it, her squishy little ass looks so edible. I make her put on a blindfold as she has another birthday surprise coming her way. She’s on her knees when my bud Lil D comes in and takes out his big black cock for her suck – as soon as it’s in her mouth she knows its not me. She takes off the blindfold and is excited to see a thick black dick for her to...

2 years ago
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Tit Wank And Blow Job For Her Journalism Instructor

During spring break of my wife’s junior year in college, she went on a field trip with her journalism class. They visited two universities that offered master's degrees in journalism. The class instructor, Mr. Newman, had made arrangements for the group to attend several graduate seminars at each school and meet with the heads of the journalism departments to discuss admissions requirements. He also made motel reservations for the group.Each of the graduate schools was several hundred miles...

College Sex
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The Society of Atreus

The Society of Atreus by C. A. Smith ©2005 Part 1 It all began with certain drawings. She had come across them on the internet one night almost two years ago whenshe felt a little lonely, a little horny. She was just bopping around, lookingfor something that would stir up a bit of a tingle in that bodily zone thatwas her chief source of solace, bliss and ecstasy. Looking for something alittle naughty. Something a little outrageous. She'd found it all right! Firstthe drawings, then stories to...

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Bens Abusive Guardian

Ben's Abusive GuardianPart OneJessica Johnson smiled as she sat in her living room in her robe, munching on her breakfast of toast. It had been about 2 weeks since she had become the legal guardian of Ben. Ben was the 13 year old son of her new next door neighbour who had been killed in a car crash a short while ago. Being new to the country it was decided by her lawyers that she should take care of Ben until his father in the UK could be located. Jessica was quiet comfortable with that...

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Accident leads to helping Hand

One of my wife’s work friends was in a car accident. Her name is V, she is a tiny Romanian woman in her mid forty’s, fairly good looking; I’d say about 5ft 1in 90 pounds. Any way she broke her right arm, and her left wrist, as well as 2 fingers when the air bag went off. She lives on her own and doesn’t have many close relatives or friends near by.We went to visit her the next day. She was expected to leave the hospital on this day, she was crying saying she doesn’t know what to do, and she...

3 years ago
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QuadrupletsChapter 14 Hawaiian resorts

We were all having a good laugh as we pulled up to the hotel. When Samara stepped out of the limo she looked up and asked “are we really staying here? I’ve never stayed anywhere this nice before.” I looked at Ethan and smiled, then back at Samara and said, “If you are going to be working for us, you need to get used to it. If you work for us you are family, but if you are a part of management, you are close family members.” She actually blushed and as she turned bright red, she covered...

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Latest Porn Video

For people who watch porn every day, there’s nothing better than having access to a website with entirely free videos presented in full length and high quality. When you combine those aspects, you get an amazing website full of possibilities anyone can take advantage of. Well, such a platform is LatestPornVideo, a porn website that’s all about the latest and best porn videos that feel and look like top-tier material. Now, I don’t know about you, but whenever there’s the possibility of watching...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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The Basement part II Chapter 13

The first part of the plan was some specific definitions. Since I was the lead designer, I said that MY basement was going to be for human sexual pleasure sans pain. It was going to be for women to fuck men. Yes, I wanted men to learn and   enjoy the same pleasures I was enjoying. I wanted men to know the pleasure of their sphincter and their Prostate. I wanted men to understand what they were missing. Each station would be set for men’s pleasure. Each station would have all the straps and ties...

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Not Yet

Not yet...A husky whisper flees from your lips as I watch, close enough to touch. I watch your palms glide along bare thighs, parting with such agonizingly slow precision.The air between us is tense, already perfumed by the glistening trail that coats your exposed lips. The tension makes it seem as if we're both animals. Our haunches coiled, bodies ready to snap forth and mercilessly devour.We know each other more than anyone ever could, have shared our beings with an intense intimacy I once...

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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 6 Ramifications

I took my usual place at the table, as Pyx lit a set of candles. "I saw Vonda run to the guestroom," said Pyx. "She looked upset. Is she okay?" "It may be awhile until she joins us. You might want to make her a plate, and save it for later." Pyx nodded. "What happened?" I recounted the incidents that occurred after she left. As I was doing so, Pyx brought out the food: her wonderful meatloaf, baked macaroni and cheese, made from scratch wheat dinner rolls, steamed fresh spinach,...

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Strange Happening 2

It’s been several days since Mike “broke” in and watched me masturbate from my closet. Mike is my 18 neighbors son. His mom, Erica, has a key I gave her to check on things when I’m gone. Mike apparently stole it and came into my apartment looking for porn, as he said, when I suddenly came home from work. He is an 18-year-old horny boy. Anyway, I happened to be off the following weekend. I had told Mike to never break into my home again. He could knock and be invited in, but that’s it. His mom,...

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