Eiffel - épisode 4 free porn video

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Eiffel – Chapitre 4

Quand je me réveille, j’ai l’impression qu’on m’a passé tous les os du corps à la batte de baseball. Je constate aussi que j’ai un peu de sang entre les fesses mais après une vérification minutieuse, cela s’avère sans gravité même si mon trou est toujours aussi monstrueux. Je branche le portable sur la télé de la chambre et redécouvre la soirée en spectateur.

Il y a presque trois heures de courtes vidéos.
Trois heures durant lesquelles je subis tous les excès et toutes les vi0lences. Je ne m’en souviens pas mais je découvre qu’on m’a même sodomisé en double à plusieurs reprises. Ces passages sont terribles et rien d’étonnant à ce que soit donc ceux qui me font le plus bander. On me voit suppliant et je n’ai même plus la force de réagir, encore moins de me rebeller. Je me contente de gémir, de râler comme un a****l pendant que mes bourreaux forcent deux sexes énormes entre mes fesses maintenues ouvertes par ceux qui attendent leur tour.

Je copie l’ensemble des contenus de mon portable sur mon drive externe et les efface puis la vie reprend son cours.

Je n’ai aucune nouvelle d’Isabelle et je m’abrutis dans le travail. Je sens bien que mes pulsions sont tapies en moi, n’attendant qu’un signe pour s’exprimer, mais elles me laissent en paix durant toute la semaine. A l’approche du week-end, je me reprends à penser à ce que j’ai envoyé à ma femme. Ce que j’ai fait est définitif. Les conséquences seront terribles si Isabelle en parle à mon ex-épouse Clotilde. Le risque est faible – elles se détestent – mais une femme blessée est capable de tout.

Comme je viens de brûler mes vaisseaux, je sais que si je reste dans ma chambre, je vais tourner en rond sans pouvoir dormir alors je décide d’appeler le numéro que m’a donné Ndallo. J’essaie deux fois sans succès. Je n’ose pas laisser de message.

Déçu, même si je ne sais pas trop ce que j’attendais de ces appels, je me connecte sur Internet et je tape « bar rencontre gay ». Je suis surpris par toutes les réponses. Il y a un établissement à une quinzaine de minutes à pied de l’hôtel. Je prends une douche et me récure à fond. Physiquement, j’ai récupéré et j’ai à nouveau envie de renouer avec mes démons. En dehors de quelques larges bleus sur mes fesses et mes cuisses, il ne reste plus de visible que les marques de cigarette et elles sont diffuses.

Pour ce qui est de mon anus, il affiche clairement mon statut d’enculé et j’ai bien l’intention que cela continue. Je le masse bien en profondeur avec le peu qui reste de la pommade d’Abou et l’effet de « chauffe » agit. Je m’habille en costume stricte, chemise en soie et cravate puis je me mets en route.

Une fois devant l’adresse du bar, j’hésite. La façade vitrée entièrement opaque ne permet pas de voir à l’intérieur et l’entrée se fait par une lourde porte sécurisée. Je presse la sonnette. Une minute plus tard, un judas coulisse et des yeux me scrutent puis une voix de stentor me demande :
- Vous êtes membre ?
- Non.
- C’est un club privé.
- Ca n’était pas mentionné sur Internet.
- Vous avez cherché quoi sur Internet pour vous retrouver ici ?
- Je… J’ai cherché « bar rencontre gay ».
- Ok, mec.

J’entends les verrous qu’on tire et la porte s’ouvre sur un quadra baraqué en polo.
- Pardon mais on fait gaffe. Y a eu des agressions anti-gay dans le coin récemment et t’as pas vraiment la tête de l’emploi.
- C’est quoi la tête de l’emploi ?
- Pas ta tête.

Il s’efface pour me laisser entrer et je découvre un bar tamisé cerclé d’alcôves privatives. Il doit y avoir une douzaine de personnes – des couples d’hommes uniquement. Le type passe devant moi et me fait signe de le suivre. Il repasse derrière le bar et je m’assois devant lui.
- Tu veux boire quoi ?
- Vous conseillez quoi ?
- Je ne conseille pas, je sers, dit-il en me faisant un clin d’œil.
- Bon et bien servez moi ce que vous auriez bu à ma place.

Le gars se marre et dépose une Bud devant moi.
- C’est calme ce soir si tu venais pour un plan. Tu venais pour un plan ?
- Oui éventuellement. Mais boire une bière c’est un début.

Il me montre sa main en désignant son annulaire – vide dans son cas.
- Marié ?
- Oui.
- Elle sait ?
- Depuis peu, oui.
- Ah… tu risques de pas garder cet anneau longtemps alors.
- C’est un risque, oui.
- Garde le quand même pour draguer : les gays raffolent des mecs mariés…

Et il me quitte sur un autre clin d’œil pour aller servir une table. Je me retourne pour regarder la salle. Je suis le seul « célibataire » du bar, ça risque de rendre mon idée de plan compliqué. Ce serait probablement le cas dans un bar de rencontre hétéro mais j’apprends rapidement que les règles différent chez les gays lorsque le barman revient se planter devant moi :
- On t’invite là-bas si ça te branche.

Je regarde « la bas ». Un type chauve et un barbu me font un signe de tête.
- Ce sont des gars que vous connaissez ?
- Oui ce sont des habitués. Ils sont en couple mais ils aiment bien ajouter de la fantaisie. Flippe pas, ils restent dans le classique.
- Pas trop quand même j’espère…
- Pourquoi ? Tu cherches de l’exotique ?
- Ce soir non, du classique fera l’affaire. Mais à l’occasion…
- Dans ce cas on en reparlera à l’occasion si tu veux.

Je le remercie, prends ma bière et m’approche de la table des deux mecs. Le barbu se lève quand j’arrive et va s’assoir du côté du chauve de l’autre côté de la table. Ils ont la cinquantaine avancée. Le chauve est sec et le barbu bedonnant mais ils ont dans le regard la même concupiscence vicieuse.
- Tu cherches de la compagnie ? demande le chauve.
- Oui.

Il fait la même pantomime que le barman avec sa main en montrant son annulaire :
- Marié ?
- Oui.
- On aime bien les mecs mariés, hein Max.
- Ouais, chéri, réponds le barbu. Souvent, c’est des bonnes têteuses. Tu es une bonne têteuse toi ?
- Je me fais surtout sodomiser.
- Encore mieux ça ! se marre le chauve. Et là c’est ce que t’es venu chercher ?
- Oui.
- En plan direct ?
- C’est-à-dire ?
- Simple : tu nous suis dans les chiottes maintenant…
- Sinon, ajoute le barbu, on te ramène chez nous. Ce sera mieux fait et plus long vu que quand on joue à la maison, on prend notre temps. Mais voilà, faut que tu ais le temps.
- J’ai le temps.

Nous finissons nos verres rapidement et nous sortons. Durant le trajet, ils me questionnent sur mon expérience et les pratiques que j’aime. Je leur raconte tout et ils sont impressionnés que je sois allé aussi loin en si peu de temps. Le chauve s’appelle Maxence. Il précise qu’ils ne font pas dans le SM hard et les trucs déviants en insistant bien. Le barbu – qui s’appelle Denis - reste silencieux pendant que son compagnon parle mais il me lance un regard qui renvoie un message inverse en souriant.

Ils habitent dans un loft luxueux dans le haut de Neuilly.
Une fois entrés, on ne se perd pas en préliminaires. Nous allons directement dans leur chambre et nous retrouvons rapidement tous les trois à poils sur le grand lit carré qui occupe le centre de la pièce. Ils portent tous les deux un cockring en métal qui étrangle la base de leurs bites – fine et assez longue pour Maxence le chauve, très épaisse pour Denis le barbu. Les marques sur mon corps les excitent beaucoup et leur donne envie d’aller un peu plus loin qu’à leur habitude. Ils me dominent donc mais très sagement. Je sens que le chauve force sa nature pour me fesser le cul.

A l’inverse, Denis se contrôle car il a clairement tout le potentiel d’une brute sadique. Le plan qui suit est donc plutôt standard : on se suce et branle, ils me sodomisent à tour de rôle et me godent, le tout émaillé de pratiques SM légères style pinces à sein. S’ils assument tous les deux des rôles actifs, il est cependant évident qu’habituellement c’est Maxence qui est à ma place. Seule touche originale de la soirée : ils m’ont demandé dès le début s’ils pouvaient retransmettre nos ébats en streaming sur un site de Cam en ligne.

J’ai accepté si mon anonymat était garanti et je me suis retrouvé avec une cagoule en cuir sur le visage. Nous voir en train de baiser sur l’écran géant de la chambre avec en incrustation les cams de tous les voyeurs qui se branlent et commentent m’a beaucoup excité. Les concernant, je comprends que l’exhibition est tout en haut de leurs critères. Au bout d’une heure, nous avons tous bien joui et ils coupent la cam. Le Chauve quitte la chambre pour le « premier tour » de douche et le barbu peut enfin avoir la conversation privée qu’il souhaite depuis le début de notre rencontre :
- Je t’ai mis ma carte dans ta poche de veste. J’aimerai qu’on se revoie.
- Mais sans Maxence, c’est ça ?
- Oui c’est ça. Le deal normalement c’est qu’on fait tout ensemble mais Max est… tu as vu. Il est assez routinier. Pour faire des plans à trois, ça déjà été compliqué mais il sait que j’ai certains besoins donc il s’y est fait. Pour la Cam, j’ai dû vraiment insister même si maintenant il aime bien. Mais pour des trucs vraiment plus hard, il n’adhère pas.
- Et tu voudrais quoi de plus hard ?
- Vu ce que tu as raconté, je te dis juste que ça devrait te plaire. On se fait un dèj en tête à tête et je te raconte ça ?
- Ok ça me va. Je t’appelle dans la semaine ?
- Super !

C’est Maxence qui me ramène en voiture. Je savais qu’il ne prendrait pas le risque de me laisser seul avec son homme. Il est enthousiaste sur la soirée mais je sens que c’est forcé et qu’il est soulagé de me laisser devant mon hôtel. D’ailleurs il ne me propose pas une autre rencontre quand nous nous quittons.

Le mercredi, j’appelle Denis.
On se retrouve sur la Défense dans un restau du CNIT. Il m’explique qu’il a été marié presque 30 ans avant d’assumer ce qu’il est et qu’avant de se mettre en couple avec Maxence il y a 3 ans, il s’est livré à tout un tas d’excès. Excès avec lesquels il aimerait renouer vu mon masochisme évident et mes dispositions pour la défonce anale. Il me parle de dogging, de sling, de cruising, de fisting et de tout un autre tas de pratiques en « ing » dont je n’avais jamais entendu parler mais qui me mettent dans tous mes états. Il tempère mon intérêt évident en m’alertant sur la réalité de certains dangers inhérents aux milieux underground où Snuff movies, tortures et mutilations n’ont rien de légendes urbaines, à fortiori dans le milieu gay. Quand je lui demande des précisions, il se referme comme une huitre sur une dernière mise en garde et je comprends qu’il a vraiment frayé avec ce milieu et n’en est pas ressorti indemne.

Je lui demande ce qu’il a en tête nous concernant et il me propose que nous allions ensemble dans un club privé qu’il connait durant un plan « cuir ». Il souhaite m’y travailler en backroom, m’assurant qu’au vu de ce que je lui ai raconté, je suis certain d’adorer ça. Il me donne plusieurs liens internet de vidéos, photos ou articles concernant ce qu’il souhaite me faire subir et me demande de lui indiquer ce que j’accepterai – et n’accepterai pas… - afin qu’il puisse préparer en amont la séance et revenir vers moi avec une date de rendez-vous.

Je passe ensuite ma soirée à me branler devant la télé en découvrant le contenu proposé. Coté SM spécifiquement, on y voit des anus défoncés comme je n’aurais jamais pensé cela possible, des verges torturées au méat distendu par des sondes métalliques, des testicules plus gros que des melons ou qui tombent aux genoux, distendus par des poids monstrueux. Sur le plan baise, ce sont des gangbangs hallucinants ou plusieurs dizaines de mecs montés comme des ânes ramonent des éphèbes gémissants ou des barbus bodybuildés.
Tatouages barbares, piercings et branding marquent et transforment les corps offerts. Sperme, pisse, merde, sueur, crachat… tous les fluides sont de la partie dans une débauche sans fin. Je termine mes visionnages assommé par cette surcharge d’excès, les couilles vides et fripées à force d’éjaculer.

Denis souhaite que je lui dise clairement les choses que je ne souhaite pas subir mais il n’y en a aucune. Je veux tout ça. Même plus. Même si je ne sais pas encore ce que cela pourrait signifier tellement ce que j’ai découvert est déjà terrible. C’est donc la réponse que je lui fais et en retour, il me propose de nous retrouver samedi après-midi.

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November 8, 1993, Chicago, Illinois A dark fog swirled before my eyes as I tried to take stock. My head hurt, badly. I felt something on my face and realized, dimly, it was an oxygen mask. My right hand was uncomfortable and I recognized the feeling of an IV and pulse-oximeter. My left arm ached fiercely. On my chest I felt the pads and wires of an EKG. I didn’t feel anything else wrong as I continued taking inventory. I tried to open my eyes, but the fog didn’t clear. I tried to speak, but...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Alexis Fawx Slutty Anal MILF

Buxom MILF Alexis Fawx masturbates, showing off her pussy’s landing strip. She rubs oil onto her tits and spreads her ass cheeks for stud Mark Wood’s thick cock. He stuffs a dildo up her ass, and she runs her tongue over his veiny cock. Alexis moans as Mark’s meat slowly penetrates and fills her butthole. Her sphincter gapes! She rubs her clit as Mark buttfucks her to multiple anal orgasms. Alexis gives a slobbery, ass to mouth blowjob. She takes a dripping load of cum on her...

4 years ago
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School for Male Slaves1

SCHOOL FOR MALE SLAVES By c.c. "I tell you, Pete," Jim enthused, be the biggest seller we've ever written!" "Sounds like hot stuff all right," I admitted. "Think of it! A training academy that turns husbands into slaves! And we're just the team to do an expose of it!" "Jeniifer heard about it at the signing party for our last book, HOUSEWIFE HOOKERS EXPOSED," Jim explained, "Since then, under my orders, she's been working her way into their confidence." "Our wives certainly...

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A walk in the forest bound for pleasure

Reading the erotic stories off the net has been a eye-opener for Sue, the realisation that others have similar desires was a comfort and an encouragement to her to be somewhat more daring. 'Jeeez' thinks Sue 'how come I'm doing this when we haven't even made love yet.'She's walking slightly ahead of Chris, they've walked for half a mile down the forestry track on this cloudless hot day. The walk would have been quite ordinary except for one thing! She's wearing trainers,a loose...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIX 6 Graduation day

The sun was shining in my eyes quite annoyingly as Higgs droned on and on about the future. I was sitting in a hot metal folding chair, sweating under my BLACK robe and BLACK cap at our graduation ceremony. Looking to my left and right, all I could see were my fellow male classmates all sweating like me but with one important difference... They all had shades. Sunglasses I mean. You know. Tinted or reflective lenses that protected your optical senses from the sun's bright luminous...

3 years ago
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The Unveiling

"Hi, Jack." A quiet feminine voice spoke from the side of his bed. Jack turned his head toward the voice and greeted his visitor, although he knew she was there. "Hey, Johanna, I didn't think I'd see you today." As she had walked across the room, every man on the ward greeted her. Seven other masculine voices, individually issued a quiet or boisterous, "Morning, Jo," and a quiet wolf whistle supplemented a few of those greetings. "Oh, well," she said hesitatingly. "It's Tuesday."...

1 year ago
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Late Bloomer

Her eyes gleamed at me as she sipped her chai latte. Her heart-shaped face seemed to radiate a feeling of utter contentment I was just glad to be in the company of a truly sexy, down-to-earth female, with whom I had, less than an hour ago, a mind-blowing sexual encounter. We decided to celebrate our concurrence by going to our favorite coffee shop. Seated at a corner table with no one near us, my feeling was that we could discuss any subject without worry of overactive ears. So when she said,...

4 years ago
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Wyoming Trucking 2

Wyoming Trucking, 2 By: Malissa Madison I dropped Red and Rose at school, then we pulled in at the clinic. Janet said she had forgotten about Dr Cambridge practicing here. It was obvious that Janet had grown up there, even the Dr's receptionist recognized her. "Missy, Darlene," he began as he stepped out into the waiting area. "Janet? I heard you were back. Then he looked at Raven studying her face intrigued momentarily. "Raven, how you've grown into such a...

2 years ago
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The Institute Prolog

“Jessica and Abby still coming over tonight?“ I asked. “In about 15 minutes.” came the quick reply from the bathroom. “How do I look?” Donna asked as she walked out. She looked amazing. A formal green dress, not to long, splendid legs, and she had made herself up like a classy movie star from the golden age. Very Marilyn Monroe, but with natural blond hair. “Ridiculously good.” I said, giving her a kiss. “Well, you got home late, so get cleaned up.” she chided, returning my kiss....

5 years ago
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Thursday night solo fun

I was busy poking around the site watch this and that. I looked at the clock and noticed I had been at it for over 2 hours sitting in my chair and playing with my cunt. I had not really cum yet just worked my pussy and clit staying on the edge. I have not spent this much time watching porn in a long time. Then to my surprise I came across this clip were girls were all squirting into one girls mouth over and over. Now I am a squirter myself but usually only when I am with someone, guess my...

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"We dance round in a ring and suppose, But the Secret sits in the middle and knows." ~ Robert Frost "What are you doing?" I sat down on the steps, the wide wooden stairs of our back porch. "Hey Kris. I'm just sitting," my brother replied with a shrug. The sun had turned red behind the not very old maple tree in our backyard. It wasn't much of a view, since we lived in the middle of suburbia. A thousand identical houses all lined up nice and neat. It was easy to get lost and if you...

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A Night in the Gynarch HotelChapter 2 Grandmas Present

"I wondered how your first year in New Opportunity has been, dear?" Liza didn't often get the chance to talk with Effie, her granddaughter these days. Like all young people she was forever busy; working hard at her studies, growing up, having fun. It was nice to have the chance to talk with her. She was growing up so quickly. It hardly seemed like any time to Liza since Effie had been starting school. Effie liked talking to her grandmother. Of course, she was ancient - 60 or more, Effie...

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Teasing in Miami pt 2

Chelsea said "It's not a sex beach, it's just a beach with some nude people... just ask Matt if he's ok with it, he might not mind as long as you keep the bathing suit on". Samantha shrugged and said "maybe if he doesn't mind, but I highly doubt that will be the case". "Let him see what your wearing", I said as I held up my phone to take her picture. Samantha hesitated slightly, and then struck a pose, saying "send me the pic and delete it, and I'll send it to him". I chuckled and...

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The Cabin Chapter II

I do not know how long I sat there gazing into the flames and sipping wine in complete peace. The wind outside was far away in my mind, but suddenly a huge bang broke the silence. The door flew open and slammed into the wall. Rain swept through the small cabin and sprayed me with icy cold droplets. I nearly fainted from shock, and the noise from my pounding heart overshadowed the howling of the wind. Two dripping wet, dark figures crouched in the doorway, collapsing on the floor in front of me....

2 years ago
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Walking With Melissa

I was in the Lindbergh Westfield Mall, minding my own business and shopping for a gift for my cousin Bobbi for her upcoming birthday. I wasn’t expecting any trouble out in the open, like the mall’s main concourse was, so it was quite unexpected when my front wheels wound up in a flowerbed and I almost tipped over. “Out the way, crackuh mutha fuckah.” “Sheeit. Gimpy muh fuckin’ road bump. Move out da way when we ‘round, hessay!” There were three of them, and I’m not going to disparage...

4 years ago
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Dead End Street IIChapter 5

Below us were five studs spreading beach towels and five lush beauties watching. I heard Fay say "O.K. you handsome bastards give us a show taking off those suits one by one." Each guy did a kind of strip dance while taking off his suit. Pam told them to lie down while she and her friends admired and touched those handsome cocks. One of the guys told her it was the girls time to strip now. The ladies one by one got nude for them. One guy was so horney he erupted before they all were...

2 years ago
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GangbangCreampie Indica Monroe G348

Indica Monroe looking perfectly disheveled from GREETING THE MEAT, sits on the pedestal waiting for her SECOND GANGBANG to begin. Her shirt is already off and you can see a faint glimmer of spit still on her face and chest from all those blowjobs she just gave. Solo, the winner of GUESS THE V, gives his win to Redd, who enters Indica’s nice little shaven pussy first. He’s followed by the rest of the cocksmen, who fuck her in mish as she takes turns sucking the dicks of the other cocksmen....

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Billys Sexlife begins

Introduction: A legendary life begins …. THE FIRST TIME Being born and raised in south Florida never seemed to have any disadvantages, until at the age of 13 when I went to live with my mother who just moved to Galax,VA. My parents divorced and my brother Paul and I lived with my dad while my sister Lee and baby brother Travis lived with my mother. This was ok with me because I never liked how my mother treated me and Paul and I were very close with my dad. During the summer my mother talked...

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Strange meeting lll

It felt like I just went to bed when the phone rang. Open your door, he said. Looking around it was still dark outside. Opening the door I asked, is everything okay. He grabbed me and hugged me tight. I had to feel you again, he whispered. Holding me by my arms he said, take off my shirt. As I unbuttoned it, I could feel the warmth of his skin. As I pushed it off his shoulders, he put his hand behind my neck and pushed my head down to his chest. Pressing my face against it I opened my mouth and...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 36

Dinner was pleasant and comfortable. The women remained nude, even Ellen and Sandy who weren't slaves. The men, perhaps worried what a soft, feminine body in their arms might erect, chose to wear shorts. Ari was kneeling by Sandy and being fed from her plate, while Kim was feeding herself, but from a plate on the ground without the use of her hands. Toward the end of dinner, Bill commented on how he'd love to set up a place like this with a computer to run it. That comment intrigued Ken and...

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Lexi chapter 02

-Lexi- chapter 02I was handcuffed and blindfolded with a ring gag in my mouth, dressed like a schoolgirl slut, trapped in a service building in the park near my house, sitting on this stool and sucking my first cock ever. It was barely past 10am, and my mystery blackmailer had the day to play with his new toy..."That's good, swirl your tongue around the head more. Mmm yes, you've gotten some good practive with your dildo, I've seen how much you like to slobber all over it. Not bad for your...

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NubileFilms Tiffany Tatum Verona Sky Feminine Passion

Tiffany Tatum and her girlfriend Verona Sky strut around in bras and thongs, admiring themselves in the mirror for a moment before sinking to their knees beside one another. Tiffany leans in for a kiss that Verona gladly returns. Soon the girls are lost in the softness of each other’s sweet lips and soft tongues. Relocating to the bed, the girls work together to shed their bras so they can dip their heads forward to sample one another’s delectable breasts. Laying Verona down on the...

1 year ago
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The Challenge

Type : Fm, mf, 1st time, voyuer The years had whizzed by for Valerie. She had just turned 16 and was a junior in high school. Her earlier years had not treated her kindly, but as she developed, she was being noticed more and more by the local boys in school. Valerie was not new to sex, that’s an entirely different story, but suffice it to say that she had some experience. Valerie was 5’4” tall, 104 lbs., 34B-25-35, longer blondish-brown hair, and trimmed her pubic hair, only because she was...

First Time
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After some years I left the military, and Judy graduated. The city got a little worn after a while, as did our daily sex life. We started to take longer weekend drives to visit other large cities to see what life was like there. We also started to rent porno, and we would either shop together, or one or the other would go in and make a choice to suit both. At first it was pretty standard stuff, then came some toy purchases, and as we explored each other and our fantasies, we came to the...

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Wife is going to try modelingCuckold Style

It's pronounced same as Sharon and Shar sounds just like it does in the full name. I know I need some help and some more work possibly on this story but it is set up to run for a while and future chapters. This is the 1st of what I hope are many. *****Meet Sharyn and let's start the story, shall we?We were so at peace when we first married, I was working in the mortgage industry making a 6 figure income when I met the love of my life, Sharyn. I was mesmerized by her from head to toe. She is...

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Just U girls 33

Just Us Girls 3 of 3 By Samantha White Well, we had dolled ourselves up, and were ready to hit the town, a restaurant that is, so off we jolly well went, I will say we were a little tipsy, but a very excited tipsy, especially me. We found a restaurant stroke bar, where we ordered fresh mackerel with salad and a bottle of wine, as we were eating Mary looked up and in a quiet voice said, "Those boys over there, have not taken there eyes of us since we have been here, maybe our...

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LovingChapter 21 Motel Where Is That Damn Motel

"As I got in the car Joe ran his hand under my skirt onto my bare ass. When I sat down he pulled that one away and the other one went under my skirt in front onto my cunt immediately. Sam drove away and I spread my legs as wide as I could for Joe's groping hand. I just smiled at him and said, "Hi Joe... I gather you consider playing with my pussy better than a formal introduction." Sam and Joe laughed at my joke and Joe said, "Hi Carol, nice to meet you. Sam told me about finger...

3 years ago
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Big black guy gives rise to a group sex session

This happened about twelve years ago. I had a "friends with benefits" kind of relationship with Cathy. She was a few years younger than I and like most women I really adore, she had a big round butt and long black hair. One night Cathy and I went to a night club with Cathys friend Irene. Irene was pretty blonde with a tight body. Cathy and Irene had met at a hobby basketball group and had become good friends.At some point in the evening, Irene went dancing with a really tall black guy. Where I...

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Intended Outcomes Donna

[One evening. 1986. Denver. Colorado. An evening that changed everything, just as I intended it would. This is not a stroke story. There is no explicit sex in the story. In real life there was lots of sex, I just don’t tell you about it here.] /’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/ When I knocked on the front door of Donna’s parent’s home her Dad opened the door so quickly I assumed he was standing just inside, holding onto the knob. He smiled and said, ‘Right on time. I like that about you.’ The...

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PokHer Parties pt1

Me and my best friend are very close. back when I had my own place and lived near by. I would invite him and a girl he had meet or was starting to hang out with and have small poker parties. A few interesting times happen over a 2 year span. the First time A had a party him and a lady friend came over. we play some poker and I made my famous soco shot along with a few more voka redbulls and we all where drunk as hell. I was ask to make some BJ shots with some whip cream. well I being prepared...

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Memorial Day Human and Heroic

Good morning, I'm Capt R, but I go by Puff. I would like to start by saying how honored I am to be able to speak to you today. When the Public Affairs shop said they were looking for volunteers to speak they were so overwhelmed that they had to turn people away so I feel lucky I got picked. The PA shop sent out a 5 page speech for us to use today but I found it overly formal and impersonal. They wanted me to emphasize the Air Force's role in current war-fighting which I don't find relevant...

2 years ago
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Sent To Miss Storeys Office At Lunchtime Miss Downeys Story Chapter Six

Eighteen-year-old sixth former, Nicole Rannigan fidgeted with her hands, then her hair and finally her black school shoes as she waited on the blue padded chairs which lined the wall facing the offices of the Head Mistress, Deputy Head Mistresses and Heads of Year at St. Katherine’s Girls’ School. Nicole was in serious trouble this time and she knew it. During her six and a half years at the school she had been in this position on many occasions but this time it was really serious.She thought...


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