Eiffel - épisode 3 free porn video

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Eiffel – Chapitre 3

Je passe les jours suivants sous antidouleur. Tous les jours, je vérifie l’état de mes blessures car je ne pourrai pas inventer un autre mensonge pour différer mon retour à la maison. Je n’ai qu’une crainte : que mon épouse voit les traces évidentes de mes déviances. Déviances que je me repasse en boucle sur la télé, me délectant en me branlant de me voir livré aux trois hommes comme la dernière des putes. Je suis fasciné par mon visage tantôt extatique, tantôt déformé par la souffrance. Ndallo a parfaitement compris ce à quoi j’inspirais sans même le savoir moi-même. Je suis fait pour souffrir et subir. Être son esclave.

Je passe un week-end idéal, me comportant comme un bon mari attentionné. Je baise Isabelle avec fougue, imaginant que je suis à sa place, soumis aux énormes bites noires. Le samedi soir durant un dîner aussi guindé que superficiel avec nos « amis », j’explique l’histoire des vendeurs à la sauvette africains de la Tour Eiffel, les décrivant comme une horde barbare qui importune les gentils touristes et j’en rajoute dans les postures réactionnaire comme le bon petit bourge provincial que je suis censé être. Lorsque je reprends le train dimanche soir, je mets la main dans mon manteau et je tombe sur le papier avec le numéro de Ndallo griffonné dessus. Les chiffres dansent dans ma tête et c’est comme si je quittais un déguisement pour enfin redevenir ce que je suis vraiment : une lope. Je tremble quand je compose le numéro.
- Bonsoir le pédé, ricane l’africain après deux sonneries. Tu appelais pas alors que j’avais dit de faire. J’étais en colère.
- Pardon Maître Ndallo.
- Non pas pardon. Tu vas avoir mal pour ça. Tu es où ?
- Dans le train. Pour Paris.
- Après tu vas ou ?
- Dans mon hôtel.
- Tu donnes l’adresse. Je viens te voir. Je veux te traiter maintenant, pédé.

Fébrilement, je donne l’adresse et l’heure à laquelle je pense arriver. Lorsque je suis devant mon hôtel, il est là. Je vois qu’il a fait un effort vestimentaire mais il reste bien loin des standards de l’établissement haut de gamme. Il s’en rend compte lui aussi et je vois que ça l’agace. Il me suit et je prends soin de discuter avec lui ostensiblement comme nous traversons le hall afin de lui donner la légitimité qui lui fait défaut. Vers les ascenseurs, un de loufiats s’avance et je l’arrête d’un « monsieur est avec moi » qui le surprend mais l’homme – bien que suspicieux – n’insiste pas. Une fois la porte de ma chambre passée et la porte refermée, Ndallo me fait payer son humiliation en repositionnant les statuts de chacun :
- A quatre pattes, chien de pédé !
- Oui Maître Ndallo…

Il traverse le vestibule, déambule dans la vaste chambre luxueuse puis reviens vers moi et me dit de me déshabiller. Pendant que j’obéis, il ouvre le bar, prend un soda et s’installe dans un des fauteuils en me regardant avec mépris. Il claque des doigts. J’avance à quatre pattes sur la moquette et une fois devant lui, je me mets à genoux et lui tends mon portable. Il part d’un rire grinçant puis allume l’appareil et me filme avant de lancer avec son fort accent :
- Voilà mon, pédé ! Mon pédé marié que je traite. Sa femme sait pas qu’il est la salope des africains. Qu’il aime le vi0l dans le cul. Et boire la pisse. Que c’est une grosse pute, hein pédé ?
- Oui Maître Ndallo.

Il enlève son pantalon de sport. Il ne porte pas de slip et sa grosse bite encore molle apparait. Il bouge mon portable lentement pour me filmer de mon visage à mon bas-ventre.
- Il bande déjà, le pédé. Il bande en pensant à ce que je vais lui faire mais même dure sa bite est petite. Une petite bite de pédé. Branle ta petite bite, pédé ! Oui plus fort. Stop. Prends tes boules dans la main et serre. Et frappe ta bite. Plus fort. Encore plus fort. Tu dois pleurer, pédé alors fais très fort. Non là tu fais pas assez fort. Tu triches alors moi je vais te faire…

Et il me le fait. A coups de poing jusqu’à ce que je sois à terre gémissant de douleur ce qui a pour résultat de l’exciter et de transformer son membre en un énorme pal d’ébène. Il souffle fort. Il me positionne à nouveau à quatre pattes, s’agenouille derrière moi, appuie son mon dos pour que je me prosterne et sois cambré au maximum puis me donne le portable.
- Maintenant je vais te vi0ler, pédé. Filme ton visage quand tu es vi0lé.

J’ai beau avoir pris la précaution de m’enduire l’anus avec la « pommade magique » après son appel dans le train, je réprime un hurlement, les dents serrées, quand il tente d’enfoncer son membre dans mon anus de force d’une seule poussée hargneuse. Il s’acharne jusqu’à ce que mon trou cède et que son ventre bute sur mes fesses puis sans marquer d’arrêt, il me défonce. Je laisse échapper le portable sous la douleur et il m’insulte dans sa langue, s’arrêtant le temps que je me filme à nouveau. Infatigable, il m’éclate le cul pendant plus de dix minutes, ne s’arrêtant que pour sortir entièrement sa verge et la replanter toujours plus vi0lemment. Je jouis du trou en râlant comme une femelle. Comme il coulisse trop facilement dans mon orifice complètement dilaté, il l’écartèle en glissant deux doigts de chaque main le long de sa verge ce qui m’arrache de nouveaux gémissements de souffrance. J’ai l’impression qu’il vient de me déchirer. Il m’attr@pe alors soudain par les cheveux et me décolle littéralement du sol pour me juter en pleine figure. Les giclées de sperme s’écrasent sur mon visage puis à mesure que le flot se tarit, il force mes lèvres et termine de se vider dans ma bouche. Quand il me lâche je retombe comme un sac sur la moquette. Il ramasse le portable que j’avais encore lâché pendant la saillie et prend plusieurs photos puis, satisfait, le jette sur le fauteuil et va dans la salle de bain. Pendant qu’il prend sa douche, je reprends mes esprits. Lorsqu’il ressort engoncé dans le peignoir de l’hôtel, je suis à nouveau à genoux devant le fauteuil. Il est amusé. Apaisé aussi. Il s’assoit et me regarde un moment en silence puis dit :
- Je vais dormir ici.
- Oui Maître Ndallo.
- Et toi tu dors par terre. Attaché comme un chien.
- Merci Maître Ndallo.
- Bien… cette semaine je vais revenir pour te traiter tous les jours. Toi, tu vas me donner de l’argent. Je veux aller en Angleterre. Tu vas m’aider pour ça.
- Combien d’argent ?
- Trois milles euros.

Comme je ne réagis pas, il croit bon de devoir argumenter :
- Je sais c’est beaucoup mais tu les donnes. Parce que je t’ai donné ce que tu veux et que je vais refaire toute la semaine. Et moi dimanche après je pars avec l’argent. Et avant, je te dis le téléphone d’un autre homme qui aime aussi traiter. Tu seras son esclave. Il te donnera ce que tu veux. Même mieux que moi parce que lui il aime les pédés comme toi.
- D’accord…

Durant le reste de la semaine, Ndallo me rejoint tous les soirs dans ma chambre d’hôtel pour me « traiter ». Afin de pouvoir continuer à filmer mon calvaire au mieux sans être encombré par mon portable, il m’a fait acheter un petit trépied sur lequel il pose l’appareil avant les séances. Après, le rituel est le même : il commence par me frapper de toutes les manières possibles et quand je suis à terre abruti par les coups, il m’achève en me fouettant au ceinturon jusqu’à me marquer cruellement. A ce stade, il est au comble de l’excitation et il me vi0le, toujours sans aucune préparation. Une fois « purgé » dans ma bouche, il prend son temps en commençant par m’attacher sur le fauteuil cuisses écartées et me bâillonne. Il torture alors méticuleusement mon sexe, mes tétons et mes testicules et termine en me dilatant longuement l’anus jusqu’à ce que je sois au bord de l’évanouissement, l’écartelant tous les jours un peu plus.

Afin de profiter pleinement des sept jours qu’il m’a accordés- mais aussi pour éviter d’avoir à justifier les multiples traces de flagellation qui zèbrent mon corps des pieds à la tête - j’avais une nouvelle fois utilisé le prétexte de la charrette avec Isabelle et posé à la volée une semaine de congés. J’ai bien senti au ton de ma femme qu’elle n’avait pas apprécié et il en a été de même avec mon employeur. Je gérerai ça plus tard.

Le dimanche arrive. Ndallo me demande l’argent, m’indiquant une « surprise » pour ce dernier jour puis il exige que je me rase le sexe et l’anus. Je refuse catégoriquement, lui expliquant que je ne pourrai jamais justifier ça auprès de ma femme. Il se fend de son habituel sourire méprisant et me dit :
- Tu peux raser parce que tu vas envoyer des photos à ta femme sur ce que tu fais. Je vais te dire lesquelles.
- Non Maître Ndallo, tu ne peux pas me demander de faire ça.
- Si je peux. Et je veux. Peut-être qu’elle va aimer. Peut-être pas. Mais après, tu es libéré car elle sait que tu es un pédé et ce que tu veux qu’on te fasse. C’est la condition si tu veux que je donne le téléphone du nouveau Maître. Et c’est ta dernière punition avant la surprise de ce soir. Et regarde… tu as peur mais ton petit sexe est dur. Qu’elle sache que tu es un pédé te rend dur. Donne le téléphone, je te montre les photos que tu envoies.

Il sélectionne d’abord parmi les premières photos celle où on me voit allongé par terre avec Soussa et Nanga qui me pissent dessus et une autre pendant qu’ils m’enculent et me font sucer. Il ajoute ensuite deux clichés parmi les plus récents quand je suis attaché sur le fauteuil les cuisses écartées et qu’il me supplicie. Sur la première, il distend et broie mes testicules. Sur la seconde, il écarte mon anus béant en tirant sur les bords à deux mains. Sur tous les visuels, mon visage parfaitement reconnaissable est un écœurant mélange d’extase et de douleur.
- Voilà. Toi tu choisis les mots avec mais avant d’envoyer, tu me montres.

Je tremble en écrivant « Voilà ce que je suis. Pardon. ». Ndallo lit, sourit et me dit « Bien. » Je joins les quatre photos au message et j’envoie le tout à Isabelle, une insupportable boule de trouille dans le ventre. Ndallo me regarde presque sans mépris pour la première fois puis il griffonne sur le bloc à côté du téléphone de la chambre et me tend le papier :
- C’est le numéro de ton Maître quand je suis parti. Lui il va aussi te traiter comme tu aimes. Mais maintenant on rase le cul et on prépare pour la surprise de ce soir.

Il ne me rase pas que le cul mais le corps tout entier. En fin de journée, nous partons en taxi pour la péniche. Il m’explique qu’il fête son départ et que je vais avoir « pleins de grosses bites noires ».

De la musique traditionnelle s’entend du quai et une demi-douzaine d’africains fume des cigarettes à l’extérieur. Ils saluent tous Ndallo avec enthousiasme, surtout quand il me désigne, me fait tourner face à eux et prends mes fesses à deux mains en leur lançant une diatribe qui les fait rire. Nous passons la porte et plusieurs autres types saluent la star du jour. La pièce qui servait de stockage a été dégagée et remplacée par une table avec boissons et victuailles. Nous passons dans la pièce arrière ou avait eu lieu la séance avec Soussa et Nanga. Un grand matelas a été posé au centre de la pièce devant le canapé.

Je comprends que c’est là que je vais passer la soirée.

Ndallo retourne dans la pièce principale et revient avec un grand sac en papier. Il en sort une gandoura aux couleurs criardes, une perruque blonde et des babouches assorties avec la gandoura en disant « Ta tenue pour la fête. Mets-la. » Pendant que je m’exécute, il installe mon portable sur son petit trépied « pour le souvenir ». La sensation d’être nue sous cette sorte de grande chemise est étrange mais agréable. Ndallo ajuste la perruque, visiblement satisfait, puis dit :
- Toi tu restes ici sauf si j’appelle pour que tu viens à côté. Si les hommes viennent ici, tu fais comme ils veulent. Ils savent que tu es un pédé même si tu es avec les vêtements de femme, d’accord ?
- Oui Maître Ndallo.
- C’est bien. Tu as mis la crème sur le trou ?
- Oui, c’est fait.
- Bien. Parce que ce soir tu vas beaucoup être enculé, pédé.

Il ressort et moins de deux minutes plus tard, j’ai mon premier visiteur. J’ignore combien d’hommes je suce ce soir-là. Encore moins combien me sodomisent. A mesure que la soirée avance, ils sont de plus en plus vi0lents et vicieux, désinhibés par l’alcool et l’herbe qu’ils fument en masse. Après que j’ai été saillie à la chaîne dans la pièce du canapé, on finit par me faire venir dans la salle principale. Je me retrouve alors à genoux, encerclé par une dizaine de membres plus ou moins durs que je suce alternativement devant tout le monde pendant que Ndallo, fidèle à lui-même, filme en commentant. Ma gandoura n’est plus qu’un torchon déchiré imprégné de sperme et de pisse et ma perruque a disparu. Ils me font boire et fumer. Je ne suis plus qu’une poupée cassée qu’ils se repassent en riant. On force toute sorte d’objets dans mon cul qui reste béant à force de sollicitation. Je sors de ma léthargie passive quand on me tient à terre, cuisses ouvertes, et qu’un noir que je reconnais malgré ma conscience approximative comme étant Soussa écrase sa cigarette sur ma verge en riant. Ndallo l’encourage à recommencer sur mes testicules et mes tétons mais l’arrête quand il souhaite s’en prendre à mon cul. Puis ma « tournante » reprend de plus belle et je perds totalement la notion du temps.

Quand je me réveille, je suis sur le canapé avachi sur un grand noir qui ronfle comme un sonneur et mon corps n’est plus que souffrance. Il fait encore nuit mais je sens que cette fois, même mon visage n’a pas été épargné Ma paupière droite est gonflée à force de gifles et mon arcade gauche saigne légèrement. Bien entendu, mon anus est défoncé comme il ne l’a encore jamais été. Les brulures de cigarettes sont superficielles mais extrêmement douloureuses surtout quand je me mets à bander contre toutes attentes. Le jour commence à poindre et je distingue des formes endormies un peu partout. Le plus silencieusement possible, je récupère mes affaires et me rhabille. Ndallo a mis mon portable et le trépied dans la poche de mon pantalon. L’écran est fendu mais l’appareil s’allume. Je prends sur moi pour ne pas regarder la vidéo de la soirée de suite. Je sors de la péniche avec précaution, enjambant d’autres corps abrutis par les excès dans la pièce principale et je rejoins la route qui surplombe les quais.

Deux minutes plus tard, je suis dans un taxi qui me ramène à l’hôtel. Je dois vraiment avoir une tête à faire peur car le portier me propose d’appeler un médecin. Une fois dans ma chambre, je constate que les ecchymoses sur mon visage sont plus impressionnantes que graves. Après ma semaine de congés improvisés, je sais que je ne peux pas me permettre de ne pas aller travailler malgré mon état. Je prends une longue douche et une fois que j’ai ingéré des antidouleurs, je me sens mieux même si je suis éreinté. Je m’habille et débarque au bureau avant 8 heures.
Mon chef de mission est déjà là et il pousse un cri de stupeur quand il me voit. J’invente à la volée une histoire d’agression qui le terrifie et il m’ordonne de rentrer chez moi après avoir été voir un docteur. Je retourne à l’hôtel, n’appelle personne mais dors toute la journée.

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BLACKMAILING JULIE Part I I knocked on the apartment door. There was a slight pause, and then it swungopen a few inches. I saw Julie's face, encircled in a blonde bob, appear inthe crack; as soon as she recognized me, her expression drooped. "It's me," I said, in an phony singsong voice, "time for aquickie. I have to be somewhere." There was a short delay, then the door slowly opened. I stepped inside, pushedthe door shut behind me, and immediately began unbuttoning my belt. "Hurryup,...

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Martha Space MadamPrologue

Martha Templeton and her computer did not stop discussing the program she was developing when her the manager, Alan Harris, came and looked at the screen over her shoulder. Nor did they stop when he slid one hand inside the front of her tunic and fondled the smooth bare skin of her left breast. After finishing the immediate program topic, she told the computer to do something else for a few minutes while she had a private conversation. "Mr. Harris, since I know you already have a wife and a...

4 years ago
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Eden on the RailsChapter 9

"The Landerships going down in tandem were carrying lengths of cable for the wires between the fence poles, and delivering mechanoids to weld them to the fence posts. The cables are heavy, so only a few can be delivered on any trip. We found that the practical delivery is the cable links between two posts, so this is going to be a long job, with thousands of deliveries to be made. We have had to collect additional fuel for the task, so other Base ships have been detailed to have their...

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Life in My Little Hometown

Gina had brought John a car rather as a going back home present. I was not very happy about it however; I kept it to myself. The corvette she had brought him was in my name and most of the time I did do the driving when John and I went out. Mainly because he just drove too crazy in it. I rather grew jealous of Gina as summer went on, as she seemed like she was taking up a lot of John’s time. Everyone around me told me it was just because she would be returning home soon. The only person I...

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Asking for a spanking

My Aunt Liz was not really my Aunt, but an old family friend, who had taken me in when I was 10. My parents had gone off travelling, and she had decided that I should stay with her, much to my annoyance at the time. But now, 11 years later, she was actually more of a maternal figure than my real Mum. Aunt Liz sat cross-legged on the kitchen chair, showing off her long legs, balancing one of her black high-heeled shoes on a toe. “ I am sorry, Mike, I just never know what to get you for your...

3 years ago
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The CircleChapter 24 A special incentive program for the house crew

Monica was laughing as she came into the kitchen to fix herself breakfast. Zoey gave her a questioning look. Monica said, “Well, I guess you could hear; they started the house addition this morning. I gave the guy on the backhoe a real thrill a couple of minutes ago.” “What’d you do?” I heard all this noise so I went to the glass door to the bedroom porch in Kyle’s room. I was nude, of course. Anyway, I found myself eyeball-to-eyeball with the cute guy running the backhoe machine. I watched...

4 years ago
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My best mate and my wife fantasy

The RealityI have known my best mate for over 35 years and I have shown him naked photos of some of my exes. He has been married for 24 years but his wife has been cheating on him for the last 5. He has accepted this only to the point that when his oldest daughter reaches 18 he will ask for a divorce. He has to go away for work and knows that if his daughter is away staying at a friend’s house at the same time his wife will have her lover over. I have suggested that he sets up cameras to record...

2 years ago
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The Circle of Life a Harry Potter ImaginingChapter 5 Tradition

It is an ancient custom at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the new intake of pupils, upon arrival at the school, to first line up in front of the Sorting Hat to begin the process that in some ways will determine their experiences for the rest of their school days, and perhaps their lives. Professor McGonagall tapped a spoon upon a glass. Although faint, the clink of the glass, like the ringing of a bell, could clearly be heard, commanding instant silence. "First of all, let...

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PurgatoryX Annabel Redd Trim And A Shave Episode 1

Annabel (Annabel Redd), a super cute and horny 20 something with gigantic tits, works the late shift at a men’s hair salon. She makes sure to always wear short shorts with a super sexy top. One evening, a handsome young man (Donnie Rock) arrives for a trim and a shave just before closing. Annabel sits Donnie in the chair and covers him in a barber’s cape, making sure to press her tits against his cheek. She reclines his chair and wraps a hot towel around his face. All the while she’s thinking...

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My Crazy Life 1 Michelle

I have written a lot of stories, and I believe I have a creative imagination. Because most of the stories are my fantasies, my main male characters tend to resemble me. This might quickly lead an astute reader to confusion, because in the various stories, my wife is either a nymphomaniac, or she's dead, or she left me for either a younger or an older man. My only answer is that to some extent all of those descriptions of her are true.Actually, we have been married more than thirty years. A lot...

3 years ago
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Maine Apni Girlfriend Ko Desi Pornstar Ki Tarah Fuck Kia

Hii everyone my name is jazz.Studying in class 12th at kota.Coming to the story.Ye baat 11th class ki ha,pure school ma muje sab jante the as I was one among the topper.Aur jaisa ki ap jante ha ki agar padhai ma aache ho toh ladkio ki line apne ap lag jati ha.Isi trah mere lie bhi line thi.Ek bar mere school ki sabse beautiful ladki jiska name ha urvi,vo aai mujhse maths k doubts puchne.As maine usse pehle kabhi baat nahi ki aur vo sabse sexy aur beautiful ladki thi mere school ki toh ma thoda...

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Tales of Cera Lords and Cats

A/N: Here is something I’ve tried to write for a while now, and finally succeeded. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. Also, English is not my main language, so if there are typos or mistakes, I apologize. Tales of Cera will be a series of stories that happen in the same world, but each story will focus on different people and even different periods of time. Some stories will refer to others and one or two may be crossovers, but no need to be worried. I will give an A/N if that...

2 years ago
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My First Affair Chapter 2

As the week went on Mike could see that Sally and Jacki were becoming best friends. He worried Jacki would let it slip about their discussion to date but could not worry too much so Sally did not see his concern.He decided to keep them together as much as he could so he made sure the two women did a lot of things together. He suggested they go shopping and they agreed. He had basketball workouts, so he stayed back on campus.“Jacki, has Mike said anything to you about anything that I should know...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Rachele Richey 06102018

Rachele Richey is one hot piece of ass, and there’s a big reason why: Hubby! He’s 65 years old, filthy rich, and gives Rachele anything — and I mean anything — she wants. He’s also turned a skinny, flat-chested petite girl into a busty, busty slut with dick-suckin’ lips and a chiseled nose! Only the best, most-expensive plastic surgery in order to turn Rachele into the very best black cock slut he can create! Which is the other thing Rachele gives Hubby: the...

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AllGirlMassage Adria Rae Morgan Rain Practicing On Sis

Morgan Rain and Adria Rae, two step-sisters, are busy trying to figure out what to get their mom for her birthday. They throw some ideas out between them but quickly realize that they don’t have a lot of money to spare for the gift. Then Morgan suggests that they give their mom a massage for her birthday to go with the new health kick she’s been on! It’ll be perfect since they can give the massage themselves, which means they won’t have to dig into their pockets!...

3 years ago
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Sierras First Timerape

Sierra, bored out of her mind, texted her best friend: 'Hey, what r u doin?' A second later, Gia responded back. 'Bored. Babysitting. Want 2 come over?' Sierra, excited, texted back: 'Thank god, yes! Dad has some new slut over.' After her mother died of childbirth (in which the baby, who she decided was a boy and named Cole, died too) it was just her and her dad. And a different woman almost every night. Right now, he had a new one- Jade- saddling him in his bedroom. 'I'll walk...

4 years ago
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What a vacation Part 2

Several hours had passed when Shannon and Mike finally awoke on the floor, still naked from the previous session. Mike learned towards Shannon and kissed her forehead. He looked down at her body, her big breasts rising and falling with each breath. It didn’t take long for Mike’s cock to start twitching again. Shannon always had that effect on him. Shannon noticed that Mike was getting turned on again, and said, ‘Time for round 2?’ That was all the invitation Mike needed, he leaned forward and...

2 years ago
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My First Boyfriend Part Three

Steve and I had spent our first night together as a realcouple and in a real bed and it was wonderful. I had intended to wake him up with a blow job but he was already gone when I woke up so I had the whole day to wait for him to return from work. I spent the day just like a housewife would. I wore a house coat and some fuzzy slippers and after cleaning up the place sat down and watched women’s shows all day. I was nervous all day about going out dressed like a girl for the first time and tried...

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My Obsession 2 How I Spent My Summer Vacation

My Obsession, Part 2 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation By Ricky This is a sequel to "My Obsession". You might want to read it first. Monday, July 8 I could hear the water singing in the pipes as Mary Ann took her shower. I had just gotten out of the shower myself. My body was dry but my crew cut was still a little bit damp. I stood in my bathrobe, eyes still glazed with sleep, a bra dangling from my hand. MY bra. A bra like I have worn every day for the past couple of...

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Gone FishinChapter 20

I'd not only finished the Upfield, I'd read the report — though boring, there was quite some information in it — and I'd finished the book on phylloxera. I'd drafted a note to the Dean, thanking him for his time and suggesting a talk on "Invasive Insects of South Western Australia." Shirl had reworded it and sent it off. When I got into the office after my adventure in Monkey Mia, I found that as I'd left the date open, he'd suggested Friday, April 1st. I thought that April Fool's...

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Jack and JillChapter 18

I don't think I've ever had a worse night's sleep. It was probably 10:00 when I gave up on Jill and went to bed. I continued to think about what was going on. The fact that she didn't answer her phone or return my call didn't help. I tried reading but after staring at the same page for a half hour with nothing registering, I put down the book. I don't know if I was thinking or dreaming. I'd jerk all of a sudden and look at my alarm clock to see that 20 or 30 minutes had passed. The...

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Gagged With Panties In Public

Hey, everyone, this story happened in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. I had an affair with a woman, who was mostly interested in sex.she was a working lady and used to live with her few roommates from the company.I also was living with the roommates so whenever we had the place to ourselves, which was mostly on weekends and if her roommates were on night shift.from the start, I was interested in BDSM but was afraid to talk about it with her. After few months we went to watch badlapur at Inox, adalaj...

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Innocence Lost Ch 22

In Which Innocence is found in work and in work is found revived passion. Innocence had achieved her independence: she had at last found a bedsit and a job that paid well enough for her to afford the rent. Honore had loaned her the money necessary to pay the deposit on her new home, but she hoped that with overtime she’d be able to repay her eventually. It was a very small bedsit – much smaller than what she’d been accustomed to in Labia or Wonderground – but at least when she shut the front...

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Unwanted Attention Part 3 The Game

Unwanted Attention - Part 3: The Game By MindlessPath Rajan sat down beside me, he was rubbing his hands excitedly. I looked his way and noticed that he was staring at my breasts. I gave him an angry glare and he stopped staring. Earl and Danny were seated across from us and Fred was seated on the side. We started to play the role-playing game. Apparently the others had already made their characters. They had a rule about making characters, though. You could not make your own...

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The TShirt Said No

It was a Wednesday night and the local night club was hosting a dance competition and her older brother, a photographer, was paid to get pictures of the event. She had begged him to allow her to go and was excited to see inside a club for the first time. She came down the stairs looking delicious in a tight black denim mini skirt, black T-shirt with a white logo in large capitals "NO!", and a black bolero jacket which, ending at her waist, allowed a full view of her bulbous butt. Quite what...

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The Meeting Of Captain Hook Part 1

(This story is linked to the video “Passionate Foreplay.” So much took place before meeting, this story will be broken down into parts. This part of the story is what happened before the meet, or the video.)This isn’t the Captain Hook from c***dren’s stories. This tale is about a bull that received the nickname Captain Hook from Solitaire. It was a meeting that almost didn’t happen. Dark Kent was going through messages on his and Solitaire’s swinger profile. Though they had met a few couples...

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Saga of Sam JonesChapter 4

Buddy was on his feet. "I'll start. Remember I hadn't been married very long and I had a beautiful wife I was leaving behind. There were two young kids who were just getting used to me being a father to them and we were getting along great. But some of the family was worried about Samson and Son of Grey Goose, who have never been very far from home. Judy was among those who had concerns. I promised Judy that if I went, I would never leave her side again. Bear witness what I'm saying and...

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Fever Time Making With Meena

Hi, this is Anuraag from Karnataka once again with a new story. Ladies of any age can contact me through skype: manu.sharma197 . This is the story about me and women older than me. Her name is Meena, age may be between 30-35. She lives next to my room, where she works as a cook. She is married and has a daughter studying in 10th standard. The house owner has a shop in the city so the owner and his wife are away from the house in daytime. She always wears nighty like most of the women these...

1 year ago
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The end of our fist weekend

After waking in the morning I looked over at Charles sexy black body half cover with a sheet, I knew I wanted more. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to pee. Sitting on the toilet I checked my hole that was surprisingly not sore but still well lubed and loose. I crawled back into bed after grabbing the tube of lube off the night stand and applied some to his cock. Charles cock already in a semi hard I started to stroke it. He let out of a soft moan and chuckled. You like this cock...

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The Business TripChapter 4

Friday Morning I wake up when it is still dark. My first thoughts are about last night. The pleasure I received from you and the pleasure I gave you are incomprehensible. Reality is not supposed to be better than fantasy ... that's why they call it fantasy. But last night was different. I look at the clock and shut off the alarm. It was scheduled to go off in ten minutes. We have time, but not a lot of time. My last remembrance of last night was cumming inside you and looking at the tears...

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The Agency of the Sexual Anomalies

"The Agency of Sexual Anomalies is involved in the containment of the paranormal sexual anomalies that lurk in our world. Some are benevolent magical milfs, while some are alien impregnators, and some are just outright unexplainable, but it is your job to ensure the humanity stays safe and unaware of these bizarre erotic aberrations." Your grandfather concludes his monologue peering out the living room window blinds as you stare at him with eyes agape in bewilderment. "WHAT?!?!" you exclaimed,...

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Castaway ExplorerChapter 16

Nonie Cina had a suggestive smile on her face that was hard to turn away from, but I did, leaving her naked in my bed. The muscles of Nonie's shoulders were well defined on her petite frame. She had the day off, but I had to work in engineering. Merritt saw me to the cabin door; her smile had a mischievous glint to it that sent a shiver down my spine. She had the day off too, and she didn't look in a hurry to get dressed. Merritt waved goodbye to me with slow, sensual movements of her brown...

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About me

Hi Guys Im Wonder-Mom I am a Hot German MILF Babe for what i am told almost every day. I am into all kinds of hot sex with very well hung men, I love Oral and can’t get enough Hot Thick Creamy Cum splattered all over my face and in my mouth. I love to ride a good hard stiff hard 10" pluss cock and my favorite position is Reverse Cowgirl becouse i love it real deep inside me. I enjoy dressing up in skin tight dresses and love to do the school girl thing in knickers from time to time. Im always...

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Asian Massage Stores

It might not seem as such, but my readers are stressed. I understand if the general populous doesn’t understand why. My readers don’t have jobs, bills, a family, or goals and aspirations to worry about, but that doesn’t mean everything’s cherry blossoms and Snickers bars.Even a simple life can get hairy at times. For example, sometimes mom doesn’t vacuum your basement bedroom often enough, or the local 7-11 doesn’t have your favorite brand of the frozen burrito. It’s times like these that a...

Erotic Massage Sites
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Marla Naked at WorkChapter 3

As I hit the button on the elevator and waited for the door to open I have to say that I was a little uncomfortable about driving home like this. Once the elevator opened, I noticed that it was packed and I had to squeeze my naked body in there somehow. On the way down I could not help but notice that I had several hands on my breast, pussy and butt. I just figured that it would not make any difference if I said anything, so I just kept looking at the door while I was getting groped. The...

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How she got the part

I'm the casting agent for a big Hollywood studio, stars are made when I cast a lead in a movie. But with so many options for to pick from, how do I know who I should pick. Well, when it comes to actress's they prove themselves worthy. I hear a knock on the door as I search the net for my next conquest's history. "Your next appointment is her," my assistant said after barging in. "Wait for permission next time please" my tone annoyed yet playful. A cup of coffee in her hand. As she moves to the...

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