Eiffel - épisode 3 free porn video

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Eiffel – Chapitre 3

Je passe les jours suivants sous antidouleur. Tous les jours, je vérifie l’état de mes blessures car je ne pourrai pas inventer un autre mensonge pour différer mon retour à la maison. Je n’ai qu’une crainte : que mon épouse voit les traces évidentes de mes déviances. Déviances que je me repasse en boucle sur la télé, me délectant en me branlant de me voir livré aux trois hommes comme la dernière des putes. Je suis fasciné par mon visage tantôt extatique, tantôt déformé par la souffrance. Ndallo a parfaitement compris ce à quoi j’inspirais sans même le savoir moi-même. Je suis fait pour souffrir et subir. Être son esclave.

Je passe un week-end idéal, me comportant comme un bon mari attentionné. Je baise Isabelle avec fougue, imaginant que je suis à sa place, soumis aux énormes bites noires. Le samedi soir durant un dîner aussi guindé que superficiel avec nos « amis », j’explique l’histoire des vendeurs à la sauvette africains de la Tour Eiffel, les décrivant comme une horde barbare qui importune les gentils touristes et j’en rajoute dans les postures réactionnaire comme le bon petit bourge provincial que je suis censé être. Lorsque je reprends le train dimanche soir, je mets la main dans mon manteau et je tombe sur le papier avec le numéro de Ndallo griffonné dessus. Les chiffres dansent dans ma tête et c’est comme si je quittais un déguisement pour enfin redevenir ce que je suis vraiment : une lope. Je tremble quand je compose le numéro.
- Bonsoir le pédé, ricane l’africain après deux sonneries. Tu appelais pas alors que j’avais dit de faire. J’étais en colère.
- Pardon Maître Ndallo.
- Non pas pardon. Tu vas avoir mal pour ça. Tu es où ?
- Dans le train. Pour Paris.
- Après tu vas ou ?
- Dans mon hôtel.
- Tu donnes l’adresse. Je viens te voir. Je veux te traiter maintenant, pédé.

Fébrilement, je donne l’adresse et l’heure à laquelle je pense arriver. Lorsque je suis devant mon hôtel, il est là. Je vois qu’il a fait un effort vestimentaire mais il reste bien loin des standards de l’établissement haut de gamme. Il s’en rend compte lui aussi et je vois que ça l’agace. Il me suit et je prends soin de discuter avec lui ostensiblement comme nous traversons le hall afin de lui donner la légitimité qui lui fait défaut. Vers les ascenseurs, un de loufiats s’avance et je l’arrête d’un « monsieur est avec moi » qui le surprend mais l’homme – bien que suspicieux – n’insiste pas. Une fois la porte de ma chambre passée et la porte refermée, Ndallo me fait payer son humiliation en repositionnant les statuts de chacun :
- A quatre pattes, chien de pédé !
- Oui Maître Ndallo…

Il traverse le vestibule, déambule dans la vaste chambre luxueuse puis reviens vers moi et me dit de me déshabiller. Pendant que j’obéis, il ouvre le bar, prend un soda et s’installe dans un des fauteuils en me regardant avec mépris. Il claque des doigts. J’avance à quatre pattes sur la moquette et une fois devant lui, je me mets à genoux et lui tends mon portable. Il part d’un rire grinçant puis allume l’appareil et me filme avant de lancer avec son fort accent :
- Voilà mon, pédé ! Mon pédé marié que je traite. Sa femme sait pas qu’il est la salope des africains. Qu’il aime le vi0l dans le cul. Et boire la pisse. Que c’est une grosse pute, hein pédé ?
- Oui Maître Ndallo.

Il enlève son pantalon de sport. Il ne porte pas de slip et sa grosse bite encore molle apparait. Il bouge mon portable lentement pour me filmer de mon visage à mon bas-ventre.
- Il bande déjà, le pédé. Il bande en pensant à ce que je vais lui faire mais même dure sa bite est petite. Une petite bite de pédé. Branle ta petite bite, pédé ! Oui plus fort. Stop. Prends tes boules dans la main et serre. Et frappe ta bite. Plus fort. Encore plus fort. Tu dois pleurer, pédé alors fais très fort. Non là tu fais pas assez fort. Tu triches alors moi je vais te faire…

Et il me le fait. A coups de poing jusqu’à ce que je sois à terre gémissant de douleur ce qui a pour résultat de l’exciter et de transformer son membre en un énorme pal d’ébène. Il souffle fort. Il me positionne à nouveau à quatre pattes, s’agenouille derrière moi, appuie son mon dos pour que je me prosterne et sois cambré au maximum puis me donne le portable.
- Maintenant je vais te vi0ler, pédé. Filme ton visage quand tu es vi0lé.

J’ai beau avoir pris la précaution de m’enduire l’anus avec la « pommade magique » après son appel dans le train, je réprime un hurlement, les dents serrées, quand il tente d’enfoncer son membre dans mon anus de force d’une seule poussée hargneuse. Il s’acharne jusqu’à ce que mon trou cède et que son ventre bute sur mes fesses puis sans marquer d’arrêt, il me défonce. Je laisse échapper le portable sous la douleur et il m’insulte dans sa langue, s’arrêtant le temps que je me filme à nouveau. Infatigable, il m’éclate le cul pendant plus de dix minutes, ne s’arrêtant que pour sortir entièrement sa verge et la replanter toujours plus vi0lemment. Je jouis du trou en râlant comme une femelle. Comme il coulisse trop facilement dans mon orifice complètement dilaté, il l’écartèle en glissant deux doigts de chaque main le long de sa verge ce qui m’arrache de nouveaux gémissements de souffrance. J’ai l’impression qu’il vient de me déchirer. Il m’attr@pe alors soudain par les cheveux et me décolle littéralement du sol pour me juter en pleine figure. Les giclées de sperme s’écrasent sur mon visage puis à mesure que le flot se tarit, il force mes lèvres et termine de se vider dans ma bouche. Quand il me lâche je retombe comme un sac sur la moquette. Il ramasse le portable que j’avais encore lâché pendant la saillie et prend plusieurs photos puis, satisfait, le jette sur le fauteuil et va dans la salle de bain. Pendant qu’il prend sa douche, je reprends mes esprits. Lorsqu’il ressort engoncé dans le peignoir de l’hôtel, je suis à nouveau à genoux devant le fauteuil. Il est amusé. Apaisé aussi. Il s’assoit et me regarde un moment en silence puis dit :
- Je vais dormir ici.
- Oui Maître Ndallo.
- Et toi tu dors par terre. Attaché comme un chien.
- Merci Maître Ndallo.
- Bien… cette semaine je vais revenir pour te traiter tous les jours. Toi, tu vas me donner de l’argent. Je veux aller en Angleterre. Tu vas m’aider pour ça.
- Combien d’argent ?
- Trois milles euros.

Comme je ne réagis pas, il croit bon de devoir argumenter :
- Je sais c’est beaucoup mais tu les donnes. Parce que je t’ai donné ce que tu veux et que je vais refaire toute la semaine. Et moi dimanche après je pars avec l’argent. Et avant, je te dis le téléphone d’un autre homme qui aime aussi traiter. Tu seras son esclave. Il te donnera ce que tu veux. Même mieux que moi parce que lui il aime les pédés comme toi.
- D’accord…

Durant le reste de la semaine, Ndallo me rejoint tous les soirs dans ma chambre d’hôtel pour me « traiter ». Afin de pouvoir continuer à filmer mon calvaire au mieux sans être encombré par mon portable, il m’a fait acheter un petit trépied sur lequel il pose l’appareil avant les séances. Après, le rituel est le même : il commence par me frapper de toutes les manières possibles et quand je suis à terre abruti par les coups, il m’achève en me fouettant au ceinturon jusqu’à me marquer cruellement. A ce stade, il est au comble de l’excitation et il me vi0le, toujours sans aucune préparation. Une fois « purgé » dans ma bouche, il prend son temps en commençant par m’attacher sur le fauteuil cuisses écartées et me bâillonne. Il torture alors méticuleusement mon sexe, mes tétons et mes testicules et termine en me dilatant longuement l’anus jusqu’à ce que je sois au bord de l’évanouissement, l’écartelant tous les jours un peu plus.

Afin de profiter pleinement des sept jours qu’il m’a accordés- mais aussi pour éviter d’avoir à justifier les multiples traces de flagellation qui zèbrent mon corps des pieds à la tête - j’avais une nouvelle fois utilisé le prétexte de la charrette avec Isabelle et posé à la volée une semaine de congés. J’ai bien senti au ton de ma femme qu’elle n’avait pas apprécié et il en a été de même avec mon employeur. Je gérerai ça plus tard.

Le dimanche arrive. Ndallo me demande l’argent, m’indiquant une « surprise » pour ce dernier jour puis il exige que je me rase le sexe et l’anus. Je refuse catégoriquement, lui expliquant que je ne pourrai jamais justifier ça auprès de ma femme. Il se fend de son habituel sourire méprisant et me dit :
- Tu peux raser parce que tu vas envoyer des photos à ta femme sur ce que tu fais. Je vais te dire lesquelles.
- Non Maître Ndallo, tu ne peux pas me demander de faire ça.
- Si je peux. Et je veux. Peut-être qu’elle va aimer. Peut-être pas. Mais après, tu es libéré car elle sait que tu es un pédé et ce que tu veux qu’on te fasse. C’est la condition si tu veux que je donne le téléphone du nouveau Maître. Et c’est ta dernière punition avant la surprise de ce soir. Et regarde… tu as peur mais ton petit sexe est dur. Qu’elle sache que tu es un pédé te rend dur. Donne le téléphone, je te montre les photos que tu envoies.

Il sélectionne d’abord parmi les premières photos celle où on me voit allongé par terre avec Soussa et Nanga qui me pissent dessus et une autre pendant qu’ils m’enculent et me font sucer. Il ajoute ensuite deux clichés parmi les plus récents quand je suis attaché sur le fauteuil les cuisses écartées et qu’il me supplicie. Sur la première, il distend et broie mes testicules. Sur la seconde, il écarte mon anus béant en tirant sur les bords à deux mains. Sur tous les visuels, mon visage parfaitement reconnaissable est un écœurant mélange d’extase et de douleur.
- Voilà. Toi tu choisis les mots avec mais avant d’envoyer, tu me montres.

Je tremble en écrivant « Voilà ce que je suis. Pardon. ». Ndallo lit, sourit et me dit « Bien. » Je joins les quatre photos au message et j’envoie le tout à Isabelle, une insupportable boule de trouille dans le ventre. Ndallo me regarde presque sans mépris pour la première fois puis il griffonne sur le bloc à côté du téléphone de la chambre et me tend le papier :
- C’est le numéro de ton Maître quand je suis parti. Lui il va aussi te traiter comme tu aimes. Mais maintenant on rase le cul et on prépare pour la surprise de ce soir.

Il ne me rase pas que le cul mais le corps tout entier. En fin de journée, nous partons en taxi pour la péniche. Il m’explique qu’il fête son départ et que je vais avoir « pleins de grosses bites noires ».

De la musique traditionnelle s’entend du quai et une demi-douzaine d’africains fume des cigarettes à l’extérieur. Ils saluent tous Ndallo avec enthousiasme, surtout quand il me désigne, me fait tourner face à eux et prends mes fesses à deux mains en leur lançant une diatribe qui les fait rire. Nous passons la porte et plusieurs autres types saluent la star du jour. La pièce qui servait de stockage a été dégagée et remplacée par une table avec boissons et victuailles. Nous passons dans la pièce arrière ou avait eu lieu la séance avec Soussa et Nanga. Un grand matelas a été posé au centre de la pièce devant le canapé.

Je comprends que c’est là que je vais passer la soirée.

Ndallo retourne dans la pièce principale et revient avec un grand sac en papier. Il en sort une gandoura aux couleurs criardes, une perruque blonde et des babouches assorties avec la gandoura en disant « Ta tenue pour la fête. Mets-la. » Pendant que je m’exécute, il installe mon portable sur son petit trépied « pour le souvenir ». La sensation d’être nue sous cette sorte de grande chemise est étrange mais agréable. Ndallo ajuste la perruque, visiblement satisfait, puis dit :
- Toi tu restes ici sauf si j’appelle pour que tu viens à côté. Si les hommes viennent ici, tu fais comme ils veulent. Ils savent que tu es un pédé même si tu es avec les vêtements de femme, d’accord ?
- Oui Maître Ndallo.
- C’est bien. Tu as mis la crème sur le trou ?
- Oui, c’est fait.
- Bien. Parce que ce soir tu vas beaucoup être enculé, pédé.

Il ressort et moins de deux minutes plus tard, j’ai mon premier visiteur. J’ignore combien d’hommes je suce ce soir-là. Encore moins combien me sodomisent. A mesure que la soirée avance, ils sont de plus en plus vi0lents et vicieux, désinhibés par l’alcool et l’herbe qu’ils fument en masse. Après que j’ai été saillie à la chaîne dans la pièce du canapé, on finit par me faire venir dans la salle principale. Je me retrouve alors à genoux, encerclé par une dizaine de membres plus ou moins durs que je suce alternativement devant tout le monde pendant que Ndallo, fidèle à lui-même, filme en commentant. Ma gandoura n’est plus qu’un torchon déchiré imprégné de sperme et de pisse et ma perruque a disparu. Ils me font boire et fumer. Je ne suis plus qu’une poupée cassée qu’ils se repassent en riant. On force toute sorte d’objets dans mon cul qui reste béant à force de sollicitation. Je sors de ma léthargie passive quand on me tient à terre, cuisses ouvertes, et qu’un noir que je reconnais malgré ma conscience approximative comme étant Soussa écrase sa cigarette sur ma verge en riant. Ndallo l’encourage à recommencer sur mes testicules et mes tétons mais l’arrête quand il souhaite s’en prendre à mon cul. Puis ma « tournante » reprend de plus belle et je perds totalement la notion du temps.

Quand je me réveille, je suis sur le canapé avachi sur un grand noir qui ronfle comme un sonneur et mon corps n’est plus que souffrance. Il fait encore nuit mais je sens que cette fois, même mon visage n’a pas été épargné Ma paupière droite est gonflée à force de gifles et mon arcade gauche saigne légèrement. Bien entendu, mon anus est défoncé comme il ne l’a encore jamais été. Les brulures de cigarettes sont superficielles mais extrêmement douloureuses surtout quand je me mets à bander contre toutes attentes. Le jour commence à poindre et je distingue des formes endormies un peu partout. Le plus silencieusement possible, je récupère mes affaires et me rhabille. Ndallo a mis mon portable et le trépied dans la poche de mon pantalon. L’écran est fendu mais l’appareil s’allume. Je prends sur moi pour ne pas regarder la vidéo de la soirée de suite. Je sors de la péniche avec précaution, enjambant d’autres corps abrutis par les excès dans la pièce principale et je rejoins la route qui surplombe les quais.

Deux minutes plus tard, je suis dans un taxi qui me ramène à l’hôtel. Je dois vraiment avoir une tête à faire peur car le portier me propose d’appeler un médecin. Une fois dans ma chambre, je constate que les ecchymoses sur mon visage sont plus impressionnantes que graves. Après ma semaine de congés improvisés, je sais que je ne peux pas me permettre de ne pas aller travailler malgré mon état. Je prends une longue douche et une fois que j’ai ingéré des antidouleurs, je me sens mieux même si je suis éreinté. Je m’habille et débarque au bureau avant 8 heures.
Mon chef de mission est déjà là et il pousse un cri de stupeur quand il me voit. J’invente à la volée une histoire d’agression qui le terrifie et il m’ordonne de rentrer chez moi après avoir été voir un docteur. Je retourne à l’hôtel, n’appelle personne mais dors toute la journée.

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CUM DIARIES First time fuck in her Bedroom

So she was a little on the young side. Normally speaking I wouldn’t be caught dead in someone else’s house. In the hall a collection of the large extended family in silver frames, some deceased. I kept telling myself to turn back. Wouldn’t she prefer to fuck in my car? I would have preferred going at it in the toilets where we met. But this piece of work had some things in store. The road of St.Lucia had an Audi parked but she assured me that the whole road was currently as some beach side...

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Big tits aunty rides cock

Hi, this is Ishaan here and I live in Ahmedabad city in Gujarat. I m 21 now and doing my graduation final year. I m fair standing 5”8 tall with the best look on this planet. Due to my good looks and nice personality, I often watch girls take keen interest in me. Besides this aunties from my society are also involved in this. We have a bungalow and the family next to me is a Bengali family, it is a small family though. Husband and wife and 1 child. Wife’s name is Moni, carrying 36size boobs and...

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Ruthie Throws an Orgy Ch 02

All of us completely naked, we headed for the queen-sized bed that awaited us. Pam slipped a pillow under her ass and lay on her back in the middle while Ruthie lay on the edge of the bed, close enough to watch what I was doing. As Ruthie said, this had been an educational day for her so far, and now, for the first time, she was going to see and hear another woman making love. When I got onto the bed next to Pam, I made a point of lying on the opposite side so Ruthie could have a clear view. ...

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The Voyeur Duke

His dreams of her would always start the same;she was tied,unable to move,completely naked,her body glistening and the candles in the dungeon causing flickers of light to dance on her naked skin;he too naked,his hard erect penis jiggling as he moved his body,raising his hand and allowing the whip to fall on her naked bottom,she would moan with pleasure,he would feel his penis throb and he would bring the whip down on her naked bottom again and again until she would finally beg him to take...

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Experi-Mental By Suzanne Fade In: The room stank of some sort of noxious paint odor. Nearby I could plainly see several large 55 gallon drums clearly labeled with the standard 'Haz-mat' stickers. If I had my glasses I could probably discern their contents based on the required codes. But since I was currently strapped to an oversized stainless steel gurney, that would prove difficult, and surely a waste of time anyway. I'm certain some explanation is necessary. However the...

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AbuseMe Freya Von Doom Dildo Chase

Freya Von Doom told her boyfriend Peter Green of a movie scene which really turned her on. When she was taking her next shower a dark figure sneaked into the bathroom, armed with a black dildo. It opened the shower curtain and attacked the girl. It kept stabbing the girl with the dildo until she fell to the ground. Then the dark figure was able to f***e the dildo into her pussy and jam it in and out. Freya was screaming in pleasure and pain. She managed to wrestle free and run to the living...

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My Stepsister Hailey P7

"Come on see!" cried my stepmother eagerly."See what?" I asked as I walked towards her stood by the backdoor."See what your father has brought me for my birthday!" she replied back grinning excitedly.So I stepped out of the backdoor with her, and there on our back deck was a large grey plastic bathtub."It's a jacuzzi!" exclaimed my stepmother excitedly "I've always wanted one! And now I have!""Great!" I replied less enthusiastic."Oh don't be like, you'll enjoy it when you get in!" my stepmother...

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The Great River 2 The Rose of Asenmar Part 1

Three months had passed since the incident at the Great River and Alya had seen very little of Talan in that time. The heat of summer was starting to fade and the cool nights of autumn were just over the horizon and Talrinen, the great capital of the kingdom, was already preparing for harvest time when merchants and pilgrims and peoples from all over the kingdom and beyond would come to the city for the great harvest festivals.  With summer’s aging, however, the two young nobles had found their...

Straight Sex
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DevilsFilm Harley King Sia Lust Cum Swap Cuties

Harley King and Sia Lust are close friends. As they relax in Sia’s beautiful hot tub, they recall the sexy fun they recently had with their neighbor, Charles Dera… It all started when they invited Charles to hang out with them in the hot tub, and he asked them about their friendship. Harley told him that she and Sia love to swap huge loads of cum. Naturally, Charles became curious, and asked them if they would be able to get a big load out of him. Harley asked if he’s sure he...

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Book Signing

The weather was nice as I drove up to New England. It had been a while since I had seen my stepsister and I had not seen her son since he was a toddler. Heck, I had never even seen her daughter, so this was to be a wonderful trip. My stepsister and I never really grew up together though we did spend a couple of years together after my father remarried. We did become fairly close and shared some time in our late teenage years. I dated a close friend of hers and we seemed to share a bond more...

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Last night

Last night I found my mark. The person who I was taking home with me and fucking all night long. I love a challenge and am most often successful. Luckily tonight, it's a woman. I've had too much dick this week and have been dying to taste some pussy. Standing at the end of the bar in a dress, I found out later that she made, was "D." She had several visible tattoes, long white legs, and the most plump bottom lip I almost instantly sucked. It didn't take long to get her into the bathroom. Needed...

3 years ago
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Walked in on my Uncles

About 10 years ago I was home alone with my twin uncles.  They are my uncles by marriage so we are about 3 years apart.  We have always watched porno’s together and have masturbated in the same room before, but that was the extent of any sexual behaviors we have ever had together.  One Monday morning I awoke to loud moaning coming from downstairs.  My room was positioned directly above the TV room so I heard everything that went on down there.  I figured my uncles were watching pornos without...

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Wifes Txts lubrication Part 1

Alan was always encouraging his wife Debbie to spend more time out enjoying herself with friends, so was pleased that she had finally taken him up on his suggestion, and was at a concert with one of her friends Cloe. Cloe was a popular party girl, so Alan knew Debbie would be enjoying herself, and having a good time at the concert, he had been to parties Cloe was at in the past, and she always looked to be having a great time, and was forward with all the guys, without being a total slut....

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Super Bowl Fuck

I went out with this guy on Super Bowl Sunday.We went to a movie and dinner at a nice restaurant,then back to my place.The Super Bowl was on TV but he didn't care he wanted me more.He was kissing and groping me after five minuets in my place.I don't mind it's fun, makes me feel alive and young. I was wearing a dress,knee length,not too tight,low cut top showing a little cleavage.We were standing in the kitchen, he was kissing my neck and down to my cleavage.We were in there to get a drink.That...

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Career Opportunities Part Two

Career Opportunities, Part Two By Valerie Hope The 'diversions' arrived an hour or so later, delivered by two orderlies accompanied by more of the musclemen, which Dr. Kelly seemed to have in such great supply. Two large boxes were delivered, full of books, magazines, games and other such stuff. The men clomped over in their ungainly boots and tore into the treasure trove excitedly. "What the hell?" Hollis exclaimed in shock as he began pulling items out of the boxes. "What...

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A Mommys Boy

Her name was Jessica, and she was a young single mother of her darling baby boy. She had him when she was just 16, so her figure had recovered quickly and even at 34 she still looked barely legal to drink. Jessica is a little taller than most woman, standing at a sexy 5'9" and weighing an athletic 152 lbs. She's a natural blonde, and keeps her hair long and and wild in its curly mane. She had 36 DDs and a flat stomach and a perfect heart shaped ass to die for. She had played Volleyball and...

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Babysitting Sucks Chapter 2

Matthew opened the front door. “Hey baby.” It was Lorraine, Matthews girlfriend. She was absolutely gorgeous, he knew he was hitting well out of his league with her. She had silky smooth, perfectly straight, mahogany hair. Her skin was flawlessly tanned, her eyes a mesmerizing, turquoise, and her smile could kill demons it was so heavenly. He knew that he should be thrilled to see her but after what had transpired a couple of days ago, he was less than pleased that she had turned up...

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FineprintChapter 2 Local Flavor

Dennis left the embassy, breathing in a lungful of hot, dry air. The white sun blazed above him, bleaching the sandstone buildings and casting dark shadows. He could tolerate the heat and the gravity, though he acted a lot more brazen than he really felt. “Stay close to me and do not leave my sight,” Xhe warned as he trotted along beside her, the alien outpacing him with her long strides. There weren’t any pedestrians in this part of the city. The Patriarch’s spire protruded above the...

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Unforgettable Sex With Married Neighbour

Hello everyone! This is my first time writing a story at ISS. I am writing it on my mobile please forgive me for any mistakes! Now to introduce myself, I am Santosh (from Nepal). I am currently 22 years old with a 7-inch hard dick. I have an average body. Now about the story, it is about my neighbour’s family. They were 2 old husband-wife with 4 children. The eldest daughter was 35 years old and had a daughter. The eldest son was 32 years old and had a boy. The youngest daughter Aambika (age...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Xeena Mae Pigtail Pussy Pop

Xeena Mae looks extra sexy in a see through swimsuit today. She gets into the pool and immediately is soaking wet. But the pool water is not the only thing that is getting her juicy. Xeena is horny for some hard cock, and her pussy is dripping. Luckily, our stud shows up just in time to satiate her cock hunger. He sticks it in from behind and fucks her for some rough doggystyle. He pulls her hair, and Xeena reacts orgasmically. Her pigtails bounce as he pounds her hard, and she cannot seem to...

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Arnolds Little Friend

Arnold Sebastian Stuart is a geeky nerd and has one little friend between his legs. He’s always been a big loser and has constantly been picked on. But now that he’s older than 18… things begin to escalate. So far Arnold has been able to keep his privates private… his one inch nub and all, but things are about to change… —— This story is humiliation focused. It’s not supposed to be wholesome. Although it can have wholesome moments. I’m experimenting with the idea of limited rules so as long as...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 6

The news came in first from Crystal that she was going to have a baby and then the news slipped in from Bethany that she and Roger were also going to be expecting a child sometime shortly after Crystal's was due to be born. Philip and Mary were both thrilled to hear of the expected new arrivals in their family. With his successful impregnation of both his daughters-in-law, Bethany and Crystal, Philip suddenly found himself confronted with the third part of the puzzle -- his own daughter,...

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What women want from men

1. When we talk 'listen', it shows us that you care about our feelings. 2. Men should be smart enough and understand that not all our bad moods are connected to PMS-ing. 3. Guys, developing an EQ (Emotional quotient) would help. That however, does not mean that they need to cry at the drop of a hat, it just means you need to be more sensitive towards us. 4. With women communication is the key, so try and talk to us often. 5. Here are some traits we wish men would display – chivalry, making an...

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3 evil sisters Part 9

Gene invited me in for dinner which I wasn’t looking forward to after those moments with Tiffany. The dinner was set and as usual what we had for dessert was another game of Monopoly which I still couldn’t get the grip of after busting out after 8 turns. “May I be excused?” I asked “Oh of course,” replied Tiffany with an almost cheeky smile. While in the toilet I still had a massive hard-on, could I really just get rid of it here or would it be wrong to masturbate in...

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Aunty Ki Ghanti

Hi dosto this is Girish From Mumbai came back with new story. Meri pehli story aap logonko bahot pasand ayi muze bahot sare mail mile hai lekin jitane logone story padhi utane logone muze mail nahi kiya ho sakta hai unko meri story pasand nahi ayi ho. Thik hai dosto mai aaj aapko meri anokhi story batane ja raha hu ho sakta hai ye bhi aapko utani hi pasand aye jitna ki pehli wali, agar aapko story achhi lage to mail jaroor kijiyega mera ID hai muze aapke mail ka intzar rahega. To kahani un...

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Sissy Therapy Case Study 2

Sissy Therapy - Case Study 2 Shelly's latest client is John who is obsessively addicted to smooth, shaved men's asses, ideally covered by skimpy women's panties. Shelly helps him to come to terms with his desires and learn a lot about himself as well. Oh, lots and lots of sex as usual... ;) Hi, I'm a sexual therapist. Sort of. No qualifications, my only experience is what I've gained on the job. This is my second 'case study' which took place a few months after I started. To recap...

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mrs watson warms katy up

katy is cleaning the kitchen floor in the nude mrs watson moves behind her and pushes her hand between katys legsshoving a finger into her cunt katy stops mopping'don't stop slut you are here to work so work 'mrs watson shoves 2 fingers up katys cunt and starts fucking herkaty tries to mop the floor but is having trouble concentrating 'whats the matter slut don't you want to work?''sorry mrs watson but its hard to work while you are fucking me''ok put the mop down and get on the table on your...

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How I Lost Virginity To My Neighbor Aunt

Hi friends my name is madhu. I am 22,5″9,72 kgs.My penis is 6″ in height n 2-3″ in girth. This is a true story but a little fantasy has been added to satisfy the readers of iss.This is my first story on iss please forgive me if there are any mistakes.This happened to me three years ago i.E.,when I was 19. The heroine of the story is my neighbor aunt(38-34-40) who is very close to our family.Once my parents have to go out of city in urgency then my parents informed the same to my neighbor aunt...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Jayden Cole Michele James Bolstering Our Business

Massage parlor co-owner Jayden Cole enters the room, informing her fellow co-owner Michele James about her findings at a rival’s massage parlor, which uses bolsters. Jayden tries to sell Michele on bolsters, but Michele isn’t yet convinced. Jayden begins describing how sensual her massage with the rival parlor was, highlighting how a bolster was used to pay special attention to the butt. Things get a little flirty now as Michele relaxes. Jayden offers to give Michele a massage,...

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KinkySpa Vanessa Vega Sexy Latina Vanessa Vega gets a deep dick massage from a huge BBC

Vanessa Vega is taking a call from her last tattoo client when she gets home from the studio, she gives the usual advice about tattoo care and as a thank you her client has booked her a massage! Vanessa accepts and goes down to the place called Kinky Spa. She’s never had a massage like the kind they give there. It starts off with the usual rubbing, but the handsome black masseur’s hands start to wander. Vanessa is nervous at first, but it feels soooo good she can’t help but...

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Space Saga Prologue

Since I was sold I was under the knife, not even a year old they started the operations getting the cerebral augmenting spinal column in me early. Basically they took out my entire spine, starting from the tip of the tail bone and put it directly into my skull like a real spinal column. This made me stronger, react to things faster, more receptive to learning, not to mention they could do just about anything with me and know exactly when to stop right before my breaking point. The directive...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 43

Jeff and Diana had taken the opportunity for a few minutes of cuddle time in one of the sitting rooms down the hall from the honeymoon suite. Diana sat in his lap as she did every chance she got. They kissed, then she laid her head on his shoulder. Jeff smiled down at her. "So Bill and Jill are going to use the honeymoon suite this time? Why not the suite they have been using? There's not a dime's worth of difference in them." Diana snuggled a little closer, if possible, "Yeah, I know,...

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NicoleChapter 3

Nicole caught her flight from Washington to Seattle on Friday. She then got onto a connecting flight from Sea-Tac to Anchorage. She was weary upon arriving and got a cab from the airport to a hotel. She recalled reading something somewhere that Anchorage had experienced the worst earthquake ever recorded in North America in the 1960’s. There was no sign whatsoever of that destructive event. She checked into a Ramada Inn for two nights to catch up on the time zone. Nicole dragged herself...

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Late For DinnerChapter 45 Whose Girlfriend Is She

Kathy skipped up the stairs to her room and slipped a pair of black stockings over her lanky legs. How good it felt to be decent again! She slid her nylon-covered feet into a pair of five-inch black heels and enjoyed the "click click click" they made as she hurried down the staircase to join in the festivities. "Hi, Sweetheart," Christi smiled as Kathy rounded the corner to the living room, "sorry we started without you." The pretty brunette was dangling by her wrists from one of the...

2 years ago
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I Love a Rainy Night

Sergeant Michael Gibson, Jr. paused for a moment with his hand on the button that would close the garage door and listened. There was just the faintest rumble of distant thunder, barely able to be discerned over the steadily falling rain. Good, the storm at least had passed and the rain was welcome, well it was now that he was inside and out of it. He pushed the button and the garage door slid down. Hopping up and down on first one foot and then the other he got his soggy shoes and socks off....

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The girl Book 1 Chapter 3 23

The trench was wide and made out of concrete. The walls were stained with grease and car oil. A grown man could easily stand in it. The floor was covered with waterproof raisin. In the middle of it, there was a drain, and whole of the floor was slightly angled for the water to gather in the middle and flow towards the drain. Hank led her in front of himself, naked, barefooted, towards the end of the ditch. At one end, there were some stairs, by which they came down. On the other end, there was...

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brothers 2 mothers story

Read Part 1 first partxhamster.com/user/hi1/posts/354987.htmlI only accept invites from those who leave thoughtful comments on my stories. Everybody else get absolutely no respone.=========================Amanda hesitated at the door. Should she knock? "For Christ's sake woman - he is your son and this is your room!" a voice inside her head chided her.But she still knew she couldn't enter like that. She turned toward the bathroom and quickly touched up her makeup, making her red lipstick a...

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