Eiffel - épisode 3 free porn video

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Eiffel – Chapitre 3

Je passe les jours suivants sous antidouleur. Tous les jours, je vérifie l’état de mes blessures car je ne pourrai pas inventer un autre mensonge pour différer mon retour à la maison. Je n’ai qu’une crainte : que mon épouse voit les traces évidentes de mes déviances. Déviances que je me repasse en boucle sur la télé, me délectant en me branlant de me voir livré aux trois hommes comme la dernière des putes. Je suis fasciné par mon visage tantôt extatique, tantôt déformé par la souffrance. Ndallo a parfaitement compris ce à quoi j’inspirais sans même le savoir moi-même. Je suis fait pour souffrir et subir. Être son esclave.

Je passe un week-end idéal, me comportant comme un bon mari attentionné. Je baise Isabelle avec fougue, imaginant que je suis à sa place, soumis aux énormes bites noires. Le samedi soir durant un dîner aussi guindé que superficiel avec nos « amis », j’explique l’histoire des vendeurs à la sauvette africains de la Tour Eiffel, les décrivant comme une horde barbare qui importune les gentils touristes et j’en rajoute dans les postures réactionnaire comme le bon petit bourge provincial que je suis censé être. Lorsque je reprends le train dimanche soir, je mets la main dans mon manteau et je tombe sur le papier avec le numéro de Ndallo griffonné dessus. Les chiffres dansent dans ma tête et c’est comme si je quittais un déguisement pour enfin redevenir ce que je suis vraiment : une lope. Je tremble quand je compose le numéro.
- Bonsoir le pédé, ricane l’africain après deux sonneries. Tu appelais pas alors que j’avais dit de faire. J’étais en colère.
- Pardon Maître Ndallo.
- Non pas pardon. Tu vas avoir mal pour ça. Tu es où ?
- Dans le train. Pour Paris.
- Après tu vas ou ?
- Dans mon hôtel.
- Tu donnes l’adresse. Je viens te voir. Je veux te traiter maintenant, pédé.

Fébrilement, je donne l’adresse et l’heure à laquelle je pense arriver. Lorsque je suis devant mon hôtel, il est là. Je vois qu’il a fait un effort vestimentaire mais il reste bien loin des standards de l’établissement haut de gamme. Il s’en rend compte lui aussi et je vois que ça l’agace. Il me suit et je prends soin de discuter avec lui ostensiblement comme nous traversons le hall afin de lui donner la légitimité qui lui fait défaut. Vers les ascenseurs, un de loufiats s’avance et je l’arrête d’un « monsieur est avec moi » qui le surprend mais l’homme – bien que suspicieux – n’insiste pas. Une fois la porte de ma chambre passée et la porte refermée, Ndallo me fait payer son humiliation en repositionnant les statuts de chacun :
- A quatre pattes, chien de pédé !
- Oui Maître Ndallo…

Il traverse le vestibule, déambule dans la vaste chambre luxueuse puis reviens vers moi et me dit de me déshabiller. Pendant que j’obéis, il ouvre le bar, prend un soda et s’installe dans un des fauteuils en me regardant avec mépris. Il claque des doigts. J’avance à quatre pattes sur la moquette et une fois devant lui, je me mets à genoux et lui tends mon portable. Il part d’un rire grinçant puis allume l’appareil et me filme avant de lancer avec son fort accent :
- Voilà mon, pédé ! Mon pédé marié que je traite. Sa femme sait pas qu’il est la salope des africains. Qu’il aime le vi0l dans le cul. Et boire la pisse. Que c’est une grosse pute, hein pédé ?
- Oui Maître Ndallo.

Il enlève son pantalon de sport. Il ne porte pas de slip et sa grosse bite encore molle apparait. Il bouge mon portable lentement pour me filmer de mon visage à mon bas-ventre.
- Il bande déjà, le pédé. Il bande en pensant à ce que je vais lui faire mais même dure sa bite est petite. Une petite bite de pédé. Branle ta petite bite, pédé ! Oui plus fort. Stop. Prends tes boules dans la main et serre. Et frappe ta bite. Plus fort. Encore plus fort. Tu dois pleurer, pédé alors fais très fort. Non là tu fais pas assez fort. Tu triches alors moi je vais te faire…

Et il me le fait. A coups de poing jusqu’à ce que je sois à terre gémissant de douleur ce qui a pour résultat de l’exciter et de transformer son membre en un énorme pal d’ébène. Il souffle fort. Il me positionne à nouveau à quatre pattes, s’agenouille derrière moi, appuie son mon dos pour que je me prosterne et sois cambré au maximum puis me donne le portable.
- Maintenant je vais te vi0ler, pédé. Filme ton visage quand tu es vi0lé.

J’ai beau avoir pris la précaution de m’enduire l’anus avec la « pommade magique » après son appel dans le train, je réprime un hurlement, les dents serrées, quand il tente d’enfoncer son membre dans mon anus de force d’une seule poussée hargneuse. Il s’acharne jusqu’à ce que mon trou cède et que son ventre bute sur mes fesses puis sans marquer d’arrêt, il me défonce. Je laisse échapper le portable sous la douleur et il m’insulte dans sa langue, s’arrêtant le temps que je me filme à nouveau. Infatigable, il m’éclate le cul pendant plus de dix minutes, ne s’arrêtant que pour sortir entièrement sa verge et la replanter toujours plus vi0lemment. Je jouis du trou en râlant comme une femelle. Comme il coulisse trop facilement dans mon orifice complètement dilaté, il l’écartèle en glissant deux doigts de chaque main le long de sa verge ce qui m’arrache de nouveaux gémissements de souffrance. J’ai l’impression qu’il vient de me déchirer. Il m’attr@pe alors soudain par les cheveux et me décolle littéralement du sol pour me juter en pleine figure. Les giclées de sperme s’écrasent sur mon visage puis à mesure que le flot se tarit, il force mes lèvres et termine de se vider dans ma bouche. Quand il me lâche je retombe comme un sac sur la moquette. Il ramasse le portable que j’avais encore lâché pendant la saillie et prend plusieurs photos puis, satisfait, le jette sur le fauteuil et va dans la salle de bain. Pendant qu’il prend sa douche, je reprends mes esprits. Lorsqu’il ressort engoncé dans le peignoir de l’hôtel, je suis à nouveau à genoux devant le fauteuil. Il est amusé. Apaisé aussi. Il s’assoit et me regarde un moment en silence puis dit :
- Je vais dormir ici.
- Oui Maître Ndallo.
- Et toi tu dors par terre. Attaché comme un chien.
- Merci Maître Ndallo.
- Bien… cette semaine je vais revenir pour te traiter tous les jours. Toi, tu vas me donner de l’argent. Je veux aller en Angleterre. Tu vas m’aider pour ça.
- Combien d’argent ?
- Trois milles euros.

Comme je ne réagis pas, il croit bon de devoir argumenter :
- Je sais c’est beaucoup mais tu les donnes. Parce que je t’ai donné ce que tu veux et que je vais refaire toute la semaine. Et moi dimanche après je pars avec l’argent. Et avant, je te dis le téléphone d’un autre homme qui aime aussi traiter. Tu seras son esclave. Il te donnera ce que tu veux. Même mieux que moi parce que lui il aime les pédés comme toi.
- D’accord…

Durant le reste de la semaine, Ndallo me rejoint tous les soirs dans ma chambre d’hôtel pour me « traiter ». Afin de pouvoir continuer à filmer mon calvaire au mieux sans être encombré par mon portable, il m’a fait acheter un petit trépied sur lequel il pose l’appareil avant les séances. Après, le rituel est le même : il commence par me frapper de toutes les manières possibles et quand je suis à terre abruti par les coups, il m’achève en me fouettant au ceinturon jusqu’à me marquer cruellement. A ce stade, il est au comble de l’excitation et il me vi0le, toujours sans aucune préparation. Une fois « purgé » dans ma bouche, il prend son temps en commençant par m’attacher sur le fauteuil cuisses écartées et me bâillonne. Il torture alors méticuleusement mon sexe, mes tétons et mes testicules et termine en me dilatant longuement l’anus jusqu’à ce que je sois au bord de l’évanouissement, l’écartelant tous les jours un peu plus.

Afin de profiter pleinement des sept jours qu’il m’a accordés- mais aussi pour éviter d’avoir à justifier les multiples traces de flagellation qui zèbrent mon corps des pieds à la tête - j’avais une nouvelle fois utilisé le prétexte de la charrette avec Isabelle et posé à la volée une semaine de congés. J’ai bien senti au ton de ma femme qu’elle n’avait pas apprécié et il en a été de même avec mon employeur. Je gérerai ça plus tard.

Le dimanche arrive. Ndallo me demande l’argent, m’indiquant une « surprise » pour ce dernier jour puis il exige que je me rase le sexe et l’anus. Je refuse catégoriquement, lui expliquant que je ne pourrai jamais justifier ça auprès de ma femme. Il se fend de son habituel sourire méprisant et me dit :
- Tu peux raser parce que tu vas envoyer des photos à ta femme sur ce que tu fais. Je vais te dire lesquelles.
- Non Maître Ndallo, tu ne peux pas me demander de faire ça.
- Si je peux. Et je veux. Peut-être qu’elle va aimer. Peut-être pas. Mais après, tu es libéré car elle sait que tu es un pédé et ce que tu veux qu’on te fasse. C’est la condition si tu veux que je donne le téléphone du nouveau Maître. Et c’est ta dernière punition avant la surprise de ce soir. Et regarde… tu as peur mais ton petit sexe est dur. Qu’elle sache que tu es un pédé te rend dur. Donne le téléphone, je te montre les photos que tu envoies.

Il sélectionne d’abord parmi les premières photos celle où on me voit allongé par terre avec Soussa et Nanga qui me pissent dessus et une autre pendant qu’ils m’enculent et me font sucer. Il ajoute ensuite deux clichés parmi les plus récents quand je suis attaché sur le fauteuil les cuisses écartées et qu’il me supplicie. Sur la première, il distend et broie mes testicules. Sur la seconde, il écarte mon anus béant en tirant sur les bords à deux mains. Sur tous les visuels, mon visage parfaitement reconnaissable est un écœurant mélange d’extase et de douleur.
- Voilà. Toi tu choisis les mots avec mais avant d’envoyer, tu me montres.

Je tremble en écrivant « Voilà ce que je suis. Pardon. ». Ndallo lit, sourit et me dit « Bien. » Je joins les quatre photos au message et j’envoie le tout à Isabelle, une insupportable boule de trouille dans le ventre. Ndallo me regarde presque sans mépris pour la première fois puis il griffonne sur le bloc à côté du téléphone de la chambre et me tend le papier :
- C’est le numéro de ton Maître quand je suis parti. Lui il va aussi te traiter comme tu aimes. Mais maintenant on rase le cul et on prépare pour la surprise de ce soir.

Il ne me rase pas que le cul mais le corps tout entier. En fin de journée, nous partons en taxi pour la péniche. Il m’explique qu’il fête son départ et que je vais avoir « pleins de grosses bites noires ».

De la musique traditionnelle s’entend du quai et une demi-douzaine d’africains fume des cigarettes à l’extérieur. Ils saluent tous Ndallo avec enthousiasme, surtout quand il me désigne, me fait tourner face à eux et prends mes fesses à deux mains en leur lançant une diatribe qui les fait rire. Nous passons la porte et plusieurs autres types saluent la star du jour. La pièce qui servait de stockage a été dégagée et remplacée par une table avec boissons et victuailles. Nous passons dans la pièce arrière ou avait eu lieu la séance avec Soussa et Nanga. Un grand matelas a été posé au centre de la pièce devant le canapé.

Je comprends que c’est là que je vais passer la soirée.

Ndallo retourne dans la pièce principale et revient avec un grand sac en papier. Il en sort une gandoura aux couleurs criardes, une perruque blonde et des babouches assorties avec la gandoura en disant « Ta tenue pour la fête. Mets-la. » Pendant que je m’exécute, il installe mon portable sur son petit trépied « pour le souvenir ». La sensation d’être nue sous cette sorte de grande chemise est étrange mais agréable. Ndallo ajuste la perruque, visiblement satisfait, puis dit :
- Toi tu restes ici sauf si j’appelle pour que tu viens à côté. Si les hommes viennent ici, tu fais comme ils veulent. Ils savent que tu es un pédé même si tu es avec les vêtements de femme, d’accord ?
- Oui Maître Ndallo.
- C’est bien. Tu as mis la crème sur le trou ?
- Oui, c’est fait.
- Bien. Parce que ce soir tu vas beaucoup être enculé, pédé.

Il ressort et moins de deux minutes plus tard, j’ai mon premier visiteur. J’ignore combien d’hommes je suce ce soir-là. Encore moins combien me sodomisent. A mesure que la soirée avance, ils sont de plus en plus vi0lents et vicieux, désinhibés par l’alcool et l’herbe qu’ils fument en masse. Après que j’ai été saillie à la chaîne dans la pièce du canapé, on finit par me faire venir dans la salle principale. Je me retrouve alors à genoux, encerclé par une dizaine de membres plus ou moins durs que je suce alternativement devant tout le monde pendant que Ndallo, fidèle à lui-même, filme en commentant. Ma gandoura n’est plus qu’un torchon déchiré imprégné de sperme et de pisse et ma perruque a disparu. Ils me font boire et fumer. Je ne suis plus qu’une poupée cassée qu’ils se repassent en riant. On force toute sorte d’objets dans mon cul qui reste béant à force de sollicitation. Je sors de ma léthargie passive quand on me tient à terre, cuisses ouvertes, et qu’un noir que je reconnais malgré ma conscience approximative comme étant Soussa écrase sa cigarette sur ma verge en riant. Ndallo l’encourage à recommencer sur mes testicules et mes tétons mais l’arrête quand il souhaite s’en prendre à mon cul. Puis ma « tournante » reprend de plus belle et je perds totalement la notion du temps.

Quand je me réveille, je suis sur le canapé avachi sur un grand noir qui ronfle comme un sonneur et mon corps n’est plus que souffrance. Il fait encore nuit mais je sens que cette fois, même mon visage n’a pas été épargné Ma paupière droite est gonflée à force de gifles et mon arcade gauche saigne légèrement. Bien entendu, mon anus est défoncé comme il ne l’a encore jamais été. Les brulures de cigarettes sont superficielles mais extrêmement douloureuses surtout quand je me mets à bander contre toutes attentes. Le jour commence à poindre et je distingue des formes endormies un peu partout. Le plus silencieusement possible, je récupère mes affaires et me rhabille. Ndallo a mis mon portable et le trépied dans la poche de mon pantalon. L’écran est fendu mais l’appareil s’allume. Je prends sur moi pour ne pas regarder la vidéo de la soirée de suite. Je sors de la péniche avec précaution, enjambant d’autres corps abrutis par les excès dans la pièce principale et je rejoins la route qui surplombe les quais.

Deux minutes plus tard, je suis dans un taxi qui me ramène à l’hôtel. Je dois vraiment avoir une tête à faire peur car le portier me propose d’appeler un médecin. Une fois dans ma chambre, je constate que les ecchymoses sur mon visage sont plus impressionnantes que graves. Après ma semaine de congés improvisés, je sais que je ne peux pas me permettre de ne pas aller travailler malgré mon état. Je prends une longue douche et une fois que j’ai ingéré des antidouleurs, je me sens mieux même si je suis éreinté. Je m’habille et débarque au bureau avant 8 heures.
Mon chef de mission est déjà là et il pousse un cri de stupeur quand il me voit. J’invente à la volée une histoire d’agression qui le terrifie et il m’ordonne de rentrer chez moi après avoir été voir un docteur. Je retourne à l’hôtel, n’appelle personne mais dors toute la journée.

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Ship’s Training Mission for the Miadax Crew The Hunter, Impulse Engines Down, Snuggled to An Asteroid in the Oort Cloud Some 7000 AUs Outside the Ticichi System. ... The lights went out, and the red emergency lighting activated throughout the ship. The First Officer had already instructed the AI to maintain power to the frigate’s weaponry and the Bridge’s sensors. He wasn’t worried about sounds in space — there were none — but he was worried that the onboard electronics and sensors would...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 15 Rat Hunt

The next three days were very hard on both of us. Joey was back to his "normal" self, and that ended up meaning he was almost as depressed as I was. For him it was the concept of how completely futile our rescuing his sister appeared. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see a way to convince the Eta's to let him join. We both believed that our age was the reason for the hormone levels not being within their acceptable range, and that was one thing we couldn't alter about...

2 years ago
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Paula Nick and Eddie

Paula and I have been married for fifteen years now and it's been a good marriage. We have two great kids and we have a great family life. We are active in the community and the church and are fairly well known in our town. Paula is a beautiful woman who looks more like a twenty-year-old model than the thirty-six year old housewife that she is. She turns male heads wherever she goes and I long ago got used to it. For the last ten years our sex life has been good, if somewhat routine and...

4 years ago
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Found my wifes video

My wife doesn't allow me to watch her with her male friends in person but sometimes she will record their activities. On rare occasions she and I will enjoy an evening of watching her having her eggs scrambled by one of her lovers. She always picks the video and I'm always locked in a chastity device so I can't become erect. On the Friday before Christmas I came in from work to find a note on the fridge. It said she had gone with Jeff to help him finish up his shopping and she would be late....

3 years ago
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Boomerag Serena and Norton Part 4

The special delivery package had only a padded envelope containing a DVD. It had no label but the protective case was marked, "For the Personal and Private Collection of Brad T." Three shots of Canadian whiskey had not calmed his nerves and the tension of a day of grueling meetings had not subsided as Brad sat nervously in front of his big screen, contemplating. Brad could not even remember what transpired in those meetings. He was lost or unfocused most of the time.Brad picked up the remote...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 17

Things are becoming intense for Alan as the days progress. He feels that he has been doing some good, helping out Marian next door with her troubles. She came over to thank him and offer herself as a means of a thank you. Of course he fucked her, he’s not stupid. Sandy has been trying to get closer. She seems to have made it a point to watch Alan fuck the women he brings home. She has been there to help him masturbate by licking his prick or balls. She has even ensured that he is cleaned up...

4 years ago
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The Vassal GroupChapter 6

Dominique has traveled for the last five hours to get to training farm number one. Before departing the main office, she has called and told the Control officer at the farm to have Devon waiting for her when she arrives. A driver is sent with her, to insure she gets to her destination, and to insure she doesn't try and disappear with the secrets of the Vassal Group. "We have a problem Devon." Dominique said upon entering control "Hello Dominique, nice to see you, pleasant surprise and...

2 years ago
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Silent VigilChapter 3 Jumping at Shadows

West greeted Ethan at the door as he made his way into the lobby of the Abbott and Schutzman with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder, walking beside him as he headed for the elevator at the back of the room. Their footsteps echoed in the great, empty space, the amber glow of the lighting strips in the red marble pillars reflecting off the polished floor. “You don’t look very well rested,” the towering security guard commented. Ethan very nearly did a double-take. It was the first time that...

4 years ago
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A Tale Of Two Jerrys Ch 03

‘Are you going to that seminar today?’ Alicia asked. ‘Unfortunately I am scheduled for it. I really think that they are barking up the wrong tree with this. I have a feeling that this is going to have the exact opposite effect on what they want’, Jerry said as they continued their walk to the opening shift meeting at the front of the store. ‘I completely agree. I’m not scheduled for the seminar until Friday though. You will have to let me know how it goes’, she grinned. ‘I will. I came...

1 year ago
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First Day

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life." Jack tried to interrupt Darius before he finished his usual morning greeting, but he wasn't fast enough. "Nope, I've decided that today is the last day of the first part of my life." Darius looked at Jack as if he didn't understand, "Huh?" Jack sat down in the booth across from his friend, looked at Darius, and shook his head. Although he would not tell his friend what his immediate thoughts were, he had begun to think of Darius as...

2 years ago
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Roomies Summer BreezeChapter 3

"Uh. Uh. Uh. Uhhh." Pam Maguire panted. Closing her mouth, she strove to breathe through her nose. That lasted only a few moments before she began to gasp for breathe again. She redoubled her efforts. Sand flew from under her feet. Her eyes were fixed on a striped pole ahead of her that indicated tide levels. She had broken into her sprint when she had judged she was about a hundred yards away from that marker. She held her arms at chest level, swinging them in time with the pumping of her...

3 years ago
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My life pt 7

I woke up. Then went in to the shower. I Just stood there, letting the water run over me. I cleaned myself. as i was finishing. Kelly walked in. she got into the shower. But as she tried to touch me i got out and dried myself. "whats wrong" she said "i don't want to" i said I did but i was not going to let her decied when i did it like last night. I went into the living room. Sara was sitting on the couch. "what you watching" i said "just some tv nothing special"...

3 years ago
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Coming Out

COMING OUT Sleazy Blonde, 2021 I stared in the mirror. This is going to be so embarrassing. The blond wig was a Walmart special. I had tried my best but the makeup looked like the result of Grade 3 girls gone wild. The bridal dress too was a Walmart special. The word flattering would never be used in relation to that dress on me. The clip on earrings hanged like cheap Christmas ornaments from my ears. Looking back, I probably should have gotten different pantyhose or gone with...

3 years ago
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The After Time Pt 02

Chapter 6 Janice I seen some pheasant in the apple trees I am going to get some for supper. You taking Mona you know she won’t let you go alone. Ok but I am taking Cindy I grabbed the food bag and the cross bow went out gathered the girls to head back to the house and told Cindy we were going after supper. Mona was following quietly behind we got to the apple tree and four pheasants were in the tree I took aim with a practice head and I dropped the first and second the other two took flight I...

3 years ago
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life of elevator

Typically, my existence is not at all interesting. My doors open, one or more people step in, my doors close. I go up or I go down. My doors open, one or more people step out, one or more people step in, my doors close. I go up or I go down. Repeat ad nauseam.The Humans who ride me are almost always adults. I have noticed that the females generally have partially-bare legs, and their feet are often set at an unusual angle because of a short stick underneath the back of each foot.There are...

3 years ago
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Young Christian Slut

¨Dad's old college friend Martin and his family are coming over for dinner tonight, you have to stay home until at least 10:30¨ my mom told me on a Saturday morning. A +-40 year old very religious couple, the man was an old college friend of my father. And they had some k**s too, a boy/girl twin and a girl. I didn't remember much about them, because they live far away and I hadn't seen them for 5 years. I sure as hell was pissed off though, because I was planning to go out in Amsterdam. I study...

3 years ago
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Incest GamesChapter 5

Lorena had been busy playing bartender all night, and had watched her brother keep a conversational ball rolling as he stayed between their mother and father, a buffer so that their fight wouldn't really get started. They had been surprised at so much attention from their kids, Lorena saw, and before the evening was over, everybody was more or less enjoying themselves. There had been only a few sly cuts, and even those lessened as the night wore on, helped considerably by the double...

3 years ago
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An unplanned overnight stay

An overnight stayChapter 1“I just don’t believe it,” said Lorraine as she looked in the mini-bar of the hotel room.“Not a thing to drink, this certainly is a cut-price doss house.”“We’ve had such a fab time so far, it seems a shame to spoil it now,” I commented.“So what do you want to do then,” asked Carl. “We could always go and get something to drink, if you want us to,” added Andy as he stood by the door of what was laughingly called the en-suite bathroom.I checked my watch, only 10:30pm,...

3 years ago
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Serious RelationshipsChapter 10

The next morning, Megan prepared us a hearty breakfast and waved us goodbye from the front porch as I drove of with her daughter and best friend. We would be gone most of the day, but she insisted on staying behind. "It'll give me a chance to catch up on my reading," she said. Thirty minutes after we had left, she began thinking over what she had seen the day before. About Karen sucking that massive horse cock. But most especially, her mind kept bringing her back to my giant black poodle...

2 years ago
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Supergirls Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

XXXXXXXXXXX I enjoy seeing what ideas other people come up with based on this, anyone is welcome to add chapters. I'm going to be focusing my writing on continuing the chapters that get the most likes, as a minimum chapters with 5+ likes get a sequel, chapters with 10+ likes get two and so on. Chapters with the most likes get updated first! XXXXXXXXXXX "30 girls in the last two months Alex, that we know of!" Kara can't help but look at her sister again, hoping for a different answer. Turning...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 110

Heather didn't make it back to her apartment Friday night. Nor Christmas Eve. Nor Christmas Day, or the day after that, or the day after that, or the day after that. She did manage to get dressed on Sunday, but only because both she and John didn't feel that it was right to eat their Christmas dinner in bathrobes. It wasn't turkey, but John managed to find a couple of steaks in the freezer. It was quite the nicest Christmas she could remember; certainly the best she'd had in many...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend 10 Sneaking Over Conclusion

I quickly jump off Amanda and start looking around to find a place to hide. I watch as Amanda fumbles and tries to get the sheets around her. I watch shadows form under the door frame. Crap. I was still standing nearly in the middle of the room while Amanda was already under her covers in her bed. I looked around deciding my options. I could hide in Amanda’s closest but I decided against it. I could try to hide in Amanda’s huge pile of stuffed animals that she still had…that could work. I...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Reportee 8211 Part 4

In continuation to part 3 – When Huma, wore the Hot Red Mini Club Dress with Side Ruffles and Shoulder Zipers, without bra and panties, she was looking drop dead gorgeous. The fact that she is a MILF with sexy figures only tantamount’s the imagination of people what would it be to fuck this horny bitch like MILF? And only I have been lucky so far.We met the clients at the airport and exchanged pleasantries. The lead of the client group, was drooling over Huma. I asked Huma, if she was ok with...

1 year ago
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White Tigers Summer of FunChapter 4 A Boating Day

So Tuesday I just spent relaxing with my parents, we spent most of the day down by the pool. In the evening we had a nice meal in the hotel restaurant. The clientele was a little classier than I was used to, but I didn’t think that we looked out of place, so all was good. Wednesday was going to be different, instead of doing something with my parents. I was up really early and in a car with a bag of changes of clothes on a way to a marina with Scarlett. Scarlett had managed to get...

2 years ago
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Dees Big Boobed Mom the prelude

One Friday night Dee and I partied with her sister Paula and her boyfriend, Tom. We played strip poker and Dee took Tom into her bedroom and Paula and I stayed in the living room. 4 hours later Tom and Dee came back in the living room, Paula and I had smiles on our faces, and we were all totally satisfied. Tom had to leave early the next day, Dee and Paula went shopping, and I hung around for a while before heading back to my place. I was ready to jump in the shower when I heard a knock at the...

1 year ago
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Gina Makes Her Debut

Gina Makes Her Debut By Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 It was right after the end of Gene and Julie's junior year at college that my little brother's (sister's) fianc?e approached me with a unique request. It seems that every year, the club where her parents are members sponsors a gala ball where the daughters of the members and other sponsored guests make their formal debut to society. The original intent of this presentation was to signify that these young ladies were now actively ...

2 years ago
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My Initiation

This was the party that changed my life, well at least my outlook on the marriage I had convinced myself was almost perfect and as I came to realize, the marriage that I had let become my life. First a little about me. I’m a 36 year old natural blond. 5’9” with an athletic build that looks like it belongs to a beach volleyball player or swimmer which happened to be the way I’d made a name for myself in Northern California (yes, beach volleyball in NORTHERN CA) before heading off to college in...

3 years ago
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Higher Education Ch 02

If you haven’t already, I recommend reading Chapter One before reading this. Thank you ZB for editing this story. Alexis arrived at the nearly empty park and made her way to the swing sets, their old meeting spot. She sat on a swing waiting, lost in distant memories. After some time she became aware of her surroundings again and looked around, but there was no sign of Rob. She pulled out her cell phone to check the time. It was already 9:20 and Rob was never late. Maybe he’d led her on and...

4 years ago
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Wannabe Sissy Part Two Who the F is Violet

Charles is my lover. I am his gurl. I will do anything to please him sexually and he does the same for me (although to be honest, nothing turns me on more than pleasing him). We have been together almost ten months now and I have very strong feelings for him - I hesitate to use the "L" word, especially since I have begun to suspect he does not share that level of feelings for me. Whenever I broach the subject he gets defensive and it ends in an argument. And it really is mostly...

2 years ago
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Making the RevolutionChapter 2

Jos was really shocked when the old man said: “Josiah the Wirrimanu, I call upon you! Will you renew our people?” Zeke elbowed him and Jos stood. “I am honoured. I am no one. I was taken from my mother. I am from no where. I hear the nungungi, but I know not what I can do. I agree our people must be renewed. King Josiah restored Judah to the Temple. I am no king. We have no temple.” He remained standing. “Being unassuming is a virtue. Only the strong can declare what he cannot do. Here, we...

1 year ago
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Tall Fences Make Good Neighbors

His name was Jason, and he’d moved into the neighborhood in March, having just relocated from New York City. It had taken very little time to decide that he liked Southern California much more then his hometown. The weather, the relaxed atmosphere, and the girls, starting with his next door neighbor. Her name was Megan, and she shared the house next door with her parents. She was 20, a liberal arts student at the local university, and cute as a button. Deep auburn hair, eyes of emerald, and a...

2 years ago
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Lost and Found 2 Danielles Weird World

Lost and Found 2: Danielle's Weird World By The Guyer Danielle, a beautiful blonde college student sits down heavily on the couch at her mom's house, Oddly enough she had been thinking that since that one fateful morning on the way to work her life had changed... Drastically, as she flips on the tube she grins. -When do I Get My Contract? or My shoe Deal? She relished the sound of the young boy on the commercial, -Hershey's Change is Bad, unchanged since -- The sound of...

4 years ago
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Stacys Nature Rape

It was a pleasant hot day. I was always one for taking nice long walks through the country. I just loved all the little trails and pathways that cut through the trees and so forth, it made me feel like a child again, not the 22 year old I am now, when I used to go on picnics with my family. I loved all the wildlife; I had in my hand some nuts I had picked up only moments ago for any squirrels that might appear. Perhaps what I loved most was all the sounds. The sounds of the birds chirping,...

2 years ago
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Model MotherChapter 6

It sounds simple, but it wasn’t. It was, in fact, quite complicated. She let me inseminate her, but she also calculated the odds. I think she felt pretty sure nothing would happen because of it. Her periods were pretty regular and she knew her cycle well. That might be part of why she still insisted that only on Friday nights would we engage in fully incestuous behavior. The thing about menstrual cycles, though, is that even if they’re regular, they don’t all operate on a 28 day time frame,...

4 years ago
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Life and LoveChapter 3 Davids Tale

My parent's went abroad when I was about eleven and my sister Charlotte was ten, you are probably well aware that there is only ten months between mine and Charlotte's birthdays. This meant that as we grew up we were very close, friends and confidants as well as brother and sister. Anyway as I said when I was eleven our parent's went away, they were gone about three years. In that time we were looked after by a very strict and rather aged Nanny, up until the time of my parents' departure...

2 years ago
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My so called girlfriend

Dear ISS readers I am reading stories on this site some ages ago… And almost all the stories posted here are mugged up by me. I never use to believe that these stories can be true until this happened in my life. I am a 23 yr old guy with an average personality I am a junior Doctor by my profession and the story I am narrating here is about a girl whom I met during my coaching for PMT. Her Name is Pankhuri she is of My age and she is damn beautiful with a very fair complexion 5’6″ and 36-28-36...

1 year ago
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making a deal with a demon part 1

I had been trying for weeks to summon the demon. I guess I was doing something wrong. I opened my spell book to make sure I was saying the right words. That’s when thing started to get weird. My spell book was blank! “What in the hell happened to my spells!?” The whole book was empty. I had almost 100 spell in it they couldn’t just vanish off the paper. As I turned back to the first page I saw a word in large demonic hand writing. Stop! Stop what I thought to my self. But the book responded...

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