Pyari Cousin Ko Tadpa Tadpa K Choda
- 3 years ago
- 24
- 0
Molly tapped loudly on the J3 compartment door before opening it. As Sarah’s Clan, Molly, Kathleen, Jackie and Mairia entered the room, the J3 people turned toward them. It was apparent from the expressions on everyone’s face that their arrival had interrupted a discussion.
Sarah said, “Oops, sorry, it looks like we interrupted something. We can come back later.”
Anming quickly replied, “Please stay. We were having a discussion that doesn’t seem to have any solid answers, which means we will have it again and again and again...” Several in the room chuckled on hearing her response.
“Thank you,” replied Molly. “We would like to introduce you to Sarah’s Clan, our senior Command Staff.” She then introduced each member of Sarah’s Clan, followed by introductions of the J3 group.
When the introductions were complete Jiao said, “There are several of us who haven’t seen the orientation videos yet but they are aware of our situation.”
“Okay. In that case let me give you a brief sketch of who we are and other related tidbits. We are on our way to a solar system we’ve name Celia. We are scheduled to arrive there in about 65 clock cycles. This ship is one of four freighters accompanying us. There are seven Dóchas class space ships. The Dóchas class ships are primarily warships with capabilities equivalent to the largest Iridien warship, but they also have exploration support capabilities. They are each led by a Command Staff. The operation of our freighters is overseen by a Dóchas class ship. Our lead ship, Dóchas, is commanded by Sarah’s Clan. Jackie and Mairia are members of Jackie’s Clan who are Fiontar’s Command Staff. Kathleen and I are members of Molly’s Clan and we are responsible for Marthanóir. Fiontar and Marthanóir are the two Dóchas class ships responsible for the operation of this freighter. Our orientation videos will provide you with an overview of us, our culture and history. We suspect it will answer many of the questions my brief comments have raised. If you do have any questions, please ask any of us. We may not have an immediate answer but you will receive an answer.”
“I think the videos are excellent,” responded Jiao. “I think every one of us was impressed with the level of detailed information contained in them. I am not sure I know as much about my people.”
Sarah’s Clan said, “Thank you Molly for the introduction. To our guests, welcome aboard. We hope you are comfortable with these temporary accommodations. Arrangements are being made so that we can offer you a place in one of our Dóchas class ships.”
Ahlam laughed before saying, “You all continue to amaze me. You find us destitute, in very poor health, and with no identification, yet you still welcome us with open arms.”
“It seems appropriate to us,” replied Terry with a smile.
“From the information in your videos, I think we all understand that. In spite of that, our experience has made our welcome here much more difficult to accept. Many of us find your hospitality fantastic but at the same time disconcerting and worrisome, again this is based on our past experiences.
“If you arrived in the Tigsu World the way we arrived here, the welcome you received would be very different. If you were extremely fortunate, you might have a little control over your future. More likely you would be declared state’s property, even before being released from hibernation and having a chance to make your case. If you were healthy, you would be taken to the auction preview area and put on display. Within a day you would be sold. From then on your future would be totally in the hands of your owner. If you were ill, you would be given a short time to recover otherwise you would be taken to recycling. Once a person was declared as property and sold, the chance of becoming a free person again was very small.”
Desheng added, “Undocumented arrivals were treated in a very similar manner in the Oreschre World. Your world is very different from ours in how you view and respect other peoples. Like Ahlam, I sometimes find your hospitality very unsettling.” Several other J3 people nodded their heads in agreement. “Sarah’s Clan, you probably know that Ahlam and I were in the first group released from hibernation. After a week, and a guided tour of this ship, we were told we could move around on our own. At times with nothing to do, I began to venture outside this compartment. Every time I did, it felt like I was being watched by everyone. Even so, everyone was always very friendly and readily answered all of my questions. I didn’t have problems striking up a conversation with anyone on any topic. The crew members liked to talk about what they were doing and many times would go into great detail about their work. To me, it seemed like I was getting mixed messages, as on the one hand they watched me at all times, and on the other they were very friendly.
“The two breeds on Oreschre would never have interacted this way. We were always suspicious of each other, even in mixed work environments.”
“That certainly isn’t the case here,” said Anming. “Ahlam and I are of two different breeds in the Tigsu World. There, the Sarque and Seranc breeds resided in totally separate geographical areas. Before arriving here we only knew those of our breed, and the Tigsuma who constitute a significant portion of the population. There are other breeds on Tigsu, but again, neither of us have had contact with them.”
“In the Oreschre World,” mused Desheng, “the most populous breed is the Orema, with the Coschenz breed making up about a fifth of the population. Many of the key advances in technology are based on discoveries made by a Coschenz.”
“Desheng, did you figure out why the crew were monitoring your activities?” asked Lenore.
“Yes.” He chuckled before continuing with, “When I did, I was embarrassed by my misinterpretation of their intent. It was because they felt responsible for my safety. Since I wasn’t linked to the ships systems I wouldn’t know when there was an emergency. They tried to keep tabs on my location so they could assist me if there was an emergency. Again, while at the time it was disconcerting I never felt any hostility.
“My understanding of their actions came a few days ago. I was wandering around when a woman tapped me on the shoulder, just before the alarm began blaring. Her touch caused me to jump. The shock was so great that I felt like I had jumped nearly the length of the corridor. With her hand on my shoulder she quickly guided me toward a small compartment, or maybe ‘pushed’ is a better description. As soon as we entered it the door closed and automatically sealed. It all happened much quicker than it is taking me to tell it. While we were in the compartment she told me that I responded very well to her prompting. I laughed and then asked why the alarm had sounded. She told me, then we chatted until we heard the compartment door automatically release. Seeing my expression, she told me that the drill was complete and that we survived. I thought it was kind of strange as she hadn’t spoken to anyone since we entered.”
“She told us of your shocked expression,” replied Kathy.
“If it had been a real emergency, didn’t she put herself at risk by coming to my aid?”
“Not in this case. There are times when it could have, but it really depends on circumstances. She was near you and already wearing an environmental suit when the drill started. This gave give her an edge when it came to getting you into the safety compartment before things went critical. Whether we wear an environmental suit or not depends on where we are working. This is why you seldom see us wearing one in here, but you usually do see those in the manufacturing area wear one, without a helmet. An environmental suit is like a sort of space suit. With it we can work in partial atmospheres, or in an emergency, it allows us to reach the safety of our special compartments.”
“We are amazed at how quickly all of you respond when those events occur. When I am out in the manufacturing area, it seems that often the workers know in advance what the other will do next.”
“They likely do know. You are seeing a benefit of our telepathic communication,” said Sarah. “You know that we communicate telepathically as well as vocally?”
“That was in your orientation videos, and we have heard of mind talk but ... There were people on Oreschre who claimed to be telepathic, or of having other mystical abilities. From my perspective, those with the boldest claims were usually well short of a full load. On the other hand, I knew a few who were so in touch with their surroundings that I listened to them carefully. Doing that benefited my group many times, as long as we didn’t read too much into what was said. Unfortunately, I didn’t fully understand, no make that heed, their comments about this great off world job opportunity.” Several laughed at his reference to how they came to be there.
“Seeing the future and telepathy are two of many psionic abilities. From our perspective there are several ways to easily demonstrate telepathic ability, but we realize that unless you have the ability there can still be some lingering doubt. The person you respected sounded like someone who could see or perceive the future. This is a valuable ability, but it also has some grave perils. One of those is reading too much into what is seen, as you noted. The future is a complex web of events that are continually altering their links or interactions due to recent events. Thus, one small change at any time can drastically alter an outcome. So we feel one needs to avoid looking too closely at the details.”
“I heard similar comments from them.”
“Say, it is nearly lunch time, so why don’t we join the crew in the dining area while we continue to get acquainted? After lunch, we can continue in one of the conference rooms.”
The group went over to the dining room and began inputting their food choices to the dispensers. Anming and Jiao assisted those just released from hibernation with selecting their food.
The two groups intermingled as they sat down at the tables. Once everyone was seated they began to eat. Zhaos took his first bite of post hibernation food and his face lite up in a smile. He said, “Wow. This is really good.”
“All the choices are good,” replied Gao. “Some are better than others.”
“Well I would never have believed food coming from a food dispenser would taste this good if I hadn’t seen and tasted it.”
“Sarah’s Clan,” said Anming, “how much do you know about where we come from?”
“Not as much as we would like to know,” replied Erin. “We swapped copies of our knowledge bases with the Iridiens when we were with them in Sol system. However, there isn’t much detail on either the Tigsu or Oreschre Worlds. This is also true for several other smaller members of Alliance of Worlds.”
“Actually, what we have is available to you on the learning center terminals,” added Molly.
“I’ll look at it. Can we add to it?” asked Anming
“Yes,” replied Erin. “New information and updates are tagged with a byline for the contributor.”
“Did I understand that you have computerized learning?” asked Zhaos.
“Yes, Zhaos,” replied Molly. “It is one of the bits you will learn when you see the orientation videos.”
“So we can use the learning centers?”
“Yes. Definitely.”
“Good. Sorry for questioning your comment.”
“Zhaos, we would prefer you to ask whenever you have any doubts about what is said.”
“Oh, I will. I am glad we can access the learning centers as my Standard fluency is not very good. This is mostly due to lack of practice. Standard does have some limitations in expression. Is there a language module for your language?”
“Yes. Well, sort of.” Zhaos frowned. “I really don’t have a simple answer. There is a language module for our core, or base language, which we call Connemare. This is very similar to Sol systems’ planet Earth’s Celtic language that many of us learned growing up. The reason I said core, is because in practice we tend to sprinkle in words from Earth’s English, Celtic and a few other languages. We usually do this when we think the word chosen is a better fit for the concept we are trying to express. This tends to occur more for technical terms. In part, we do this rather than deriving a technical word in our core language. It also occurs with words describing emotions or feelings.”
“That makes sense to me. On Tigsu, our native Sarque language was different from the official language, which was essentially the Tigsuma language. When I took advanced schooling in space ship design, one requirement was to become fluent in Standard. Before today there were only a few opportunities outside of school to practice it.”
“You are doing fine. If you want a refresher, there is a module for Standard. All the modules coach you in speaking by holding a conversation with you.”
“So you speak Sarque?” asked Anming.
“I haven’t used it in some time. When I was young we conversed in it at home. I still understand it. Well I think I do. My Standard skill is probably better.”
By the time they had all finished lunch they were the only ones left in the dining room. Jackie looked around before saying, “Let’s put our dishes away and clean up our area. Once we’re done, we can stay here, move to a conference room or return to your compartment. If we stay here we will have refreshments readily available. The conference room will be quieter. So let’s clean up and then decide.”
When Jackie looked around after cleaning up she noticed that most everyone had returned to their earlier seat. “It seems as though everyone would like to continue our chat here. Correct?” Nearly all the J3 people gave an affirmative nod of their head. “Good. Feel free to get more to eat or drink at any time. So who would like to be first?”
It was quiet for a few moments before Zhaos said, “Okay. I have only been up a short while, but it seems like there is only one person from each family who has been released from hibernation.”
“You’re correct,” said Anming. “The container now holding the hibernation chambers on this ship had berths for 2000, but only 1052 were filled when the Órarduine found it. Ninety-six chambers held corpses and another five died before the Órarduine could sort out the problem. Basically, the Durale were not feeding us correctly.”
“So of the several thousand we were told would be on the ship, there are only 951 left,” replied Zhaos with a horrified look on his face and tears in his eyes.
“Sorry to break it to you so bluntly.” Zhaos just nodded as tears rolled down his cheeks. Several others in the room had similar expressions. “Based on what we have learned from those activated, these hibernation containers are from several different departure locations. So the total number of people taken by the Durale seems to have been very large.”
Sally of Sarah’s Clan said, “Before we found you it was believed that the conflict between the Durale and the Dutsuz was strictly an intra world dispute. The Durale are a minority breed in the Dutsuz World who believe that they should be the rulers of that World. Through the use of guile and treachery, they are attempting to take over. They’ve used several techniques to seduce others into assisting them. Before we left the location where we found you, we advised the Iridiens that you had been found, and what we saw as the potential implications. At our next way point we expect to hear from them on how they, the Monque, or Alliance of Worlds are responding to the Durale. Regardless of the message, we anticipate that any action they take will, to some extent, have an effect on us. We will reach the J4 way point in about 26 clock cycles.”
“If the Durale went to so much trouble to obtain us, why did they leave our container behind?”
“Most likely, greed,” replied Molly. “When we arrived at the scene they were attempting to capture a Monque cruise ship. The Emprica carried some 3000 passengers, and some were key Monque public figures. They likely planned on recovering the container that you were in after they had captured the cruise ship. Having the container attached would have had some significant impact on their ships’ maneuverability. In tactical or combat situations, maneuverability can be the difference between success and failure.”
“That makes sense.”
“So do we know how long we were in hibernation?”
“We have estimated that the longest have been in hibernation for about 1150 clock cycles,” replied Cheng. “Each of us knows the date of our last memory. The difficulty is determining the current date at our departure location. We are currently basing our estimates on what we remember of the Iridien calendar compared to ours, but the error could be significant. So far we haven’t found the equation relating the Iridien calendar to either of our home worlds. We do know the relationship between the Órarduine calendar and the Iridiens’.”
“Makes sense,” replied Zhaos. “Perhaps we can ask the Iridiens for the conversion equation.”
“We will,” replied Jill.
“My name is Serarck, and like Zhaos today is my first active day out of hibernation. We may be able to work out the calendar relationship if we can remember the date we joined the Alliance of Worlds. I would think that there is an entry in the Iridien database indicating their date for the event.”
“We’ve looked at that,” replied Ahlam. “The difficulty is that the Iridien calendar links it to the Alliance of Worlds calendar.”
“Okay. Can you tell us where we are in the universe?”
“Sure,” replied Aoife. “We are in a galaxy we call the Milky Way, which is a spiral galaxy. We are on the Orion arm of the galaxy. An image would likely be better but I don’t think we have a projector in here.”
“Will I have access to the star maps in the learning center terminals?”
“Certainly. You can also see a map showing our route to A-Celia, along with current location and our starting position.”
“So you can read star maps?” asked Desheng.
“Yes. I graduated with a certification in space ship navigation a short time before signing up for this opportunity. I managed to do that in spite of being female, and in less time than it usually takes. Even though the off world opportunity didn’t feel quite right, my sister and I inquired and were quickly accepted. She is in one of the other hibernation containers.” She sighed and then continued, “Perhaps I should tell you a bit about us as it may be important to some. My father was a well-known official in our region on Tigsu. I suspect this was part of the reason that I was able to go to school and get my certification in space navigation. As you can tell by my features, I am Tigsuma. Except for my sister the rest of my family is dead. They died in an explosion shortly after my graduation. The explosion was officially declared an accident, which neither of us believed. Based on events afterward, we believe the perpetrators intended for us to die as well.”
“Serarck, how do you know your sister is in one of the other containers?”
“We’ve always known where the other was. When we were young we thought all siblings could do that, until we began to interact with others and learned otherwise. We decided it was something we should keep to ourselves. Even our parents weren’t fully aware of this.”
“A good choice,” said Sarah.
“I hope that my sister and I being Tigsuma doesn’t create any problems.”
“Not from my standpoint,” said Ahlam, “you’re in the same boat as the rest of us.”
All the J3 people said, “Here! Here!”
“Besides, I try to judge people by their actions rather than their appearance or kin,” added Anming as she and Jiao hugged Serarck.
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I was naked, watching a blue film on my computer and getting a slight hard-on. I started masturbating, intending to cum, but needed some newspaper on the floor to catch it, when it shot out of me. Putting the film on hold and still still stroking my cock, which was now fully hard, I went into my lounge to fetch an old newspaper. I had forgotten that when I left the lounge to go to bed the previous night I had left the curtains on the lounge windows, fully open. I had a terrible shock when I saw...
Straight Sex178 Spring service. It was a sunny summer Sunday afternoon, warm sultry with a threat of a storm, Spring lay on her bed looking at her favourite scene from her open window up here on the hill-side, below her was a scene she never tired of, the whole of the Romney marsh made famous by the infamous Dr Syn. She could see looking out over the marshland, the tiny but distant pair of lighthouses at Dungeness, near 20 miles away at the tip of the shingle spit, dwarfed now by the great solid block of...
After the cum feeling left I finally got up and took a shower. The whole time I was in the shower my cock was on hard. I started to stroke it thinking it would calm it down. For a minute it did but not long. It wasn't long before I just went into a trans and just started to stoke myself the soap was a great lube. It felt so good. Something stopped me though. I started to think about what if my dad knew what happened. Soon as the thought came up into my mind I just stopped, washed, and got out...
Sarah was my friend’s wife. She was in her early 30s, fair, buxom, full of fun. My friend was a boring man who viewed life very seriously and was regularly traveling. I have no idea how they were in bed together but watching her I think she would be the more active partner. My friend’s travels drew me closer to Sarah. There were weekends together and even a few weekdays. I could not put my finger on it but I thought she had the hots for me. Our friendship was platonic and we had many good...
Second Night - James I hear her say "Yes daddy" and then she gets up from the bed and seconds later she is in my arms hugging and kissing me. "I'm so happy you came," she whispers in that sexy voice of hers. My doubts vanish as I feel her sweet body under me as I run my hands down her side to her waist and then over her ass. "Mmmm, not even panties huh? Got naked for your old man did you?" I cup her ass and pull her up against me, pressing my hard cock into her belly. "Mmmm, god...
The single speck of light that shines through the surface from the outworld to yours, attracting you like a baby to its mother’s breast. You know you shouldn’t approach, you’ve been warned since childhood of the dangers of entering the warmer waters that lead to the outworld. Tales of evil creatures lurking above the surface abound, of the affect of the warmer waters on your breathing, and of the changes that can occur in your body if you ever break the surface. Yet there are as many romantic...
This is the first part of a three part story about a special couple of nights with my best friend. Rene is a very sexy 40 year old woman who works for the same company and on occasion we travel together to the same locations across the country. Because of some events in our mutual past, she earned a level of respect and admiration that only a few people have ever earned with me. As with any other best friends we could talk to each other about any subject and know we would not pay a price for...
Wife LoversSlutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sexSlutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sex 2Slutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sex 3Slutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sex 4Slutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sex 5I believe the most often asked question I get is to share about my riskiest place I have ever had sex. I have already shared in other posts about the museum, lots of beaches, public restrooms, pools, in elevators after pushing all the buttons to stop on every floor, lots of...
Introduction: Naturist kid falls in love with cute girl. Hero baseball coach: be my dad, he [b]33 LEERS, FEARS, JEERS, N TEARS The next afternoon Jeff stops at Seans house. Guess what! My mom likes the idea of a dinner date too. Great, now you need to talk to Marias parents. I talked to Sonya, her mom, when she picked her up after school. Shes keen on the idea. Friday night is good for them. What about Marias father? Hes out of the picture. But Sonyas boyfriend may come too. Jeff, I was...
A couple weeks ago, I found myself on a rather interesting business trip. The long and short of it is that I ended up walking in...accidentally, mind you...on one of my coworkers masturbating. But, a little background before I get to the good stuff. My name is Will, and my aforementioned coworker is Kelli. I'm 33, in the neighborhood of five foot nine, perfectly average looking, with my only distinguishing characteristics being particularly vivid blue eyes and a propensity for waistcoats....
Masturbationread Sororal Twins, Part 1 before reading this part. Note that the main character's sister is referred to as both "Michelle" and "Shelly". Shelly is Mikey's pet name for her (derived from the last half of her name) much as "Mikey" is her pet name for him. Sorry for any confusion this caused the first readers. Sororal Twins, Part 2 - Doing a favor By Miss Michelle I froze right where I was. Michelle had assured me that Jenny wouldn't be back for hours. I looked quickly for a...
Exposing Big Tits at Rock ShowMy girlfriend and I were at a rock show at our local hockey stadium. The band playing was Godsmack. There was 5000 plus people at the show. My girlfriend was dressed like a hot little slut. Tight jeans, black high heeled boots, a very low cut black top, a bright blue bra which was slightly visible because if the low cut top and a tight leather jacket zipped up only halfway showing a lot of cleavage. She had unzipped her jacket once we got to our seats.We sat for...
I could tell by the look in your eyes that you wanted me as much as I wanted you. We had been chatting online for months and my heart had grown to long more for you with each and every day that we were apart. I would awaken each morning and wonder what you were doing and if you were thinking about me too. Now that you stood in front of me, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. You were even more beautiful than I could ever imagine, and I knew that my love for you was not in my head at all. It...
Daniel an 18 year old London teenager was just about to leave his home address, when his mother Karen entered through the door. Dan was surprised to see his mum had a young asian guy with her. Karen was 49 years old and had an eldest daughter around 21 years old aswell as Dan. Karen was around 5 foot 4 curvy build and shirt blonde hair and had been married for over 20 years. Karen had introduced this unknown guy to Dan as Chris. Karen had stated that Chris was here to help her with computer as...
My eyes fluttered open. I was in a room that I didn’t recognize. It was dark and I remember feeling cold. There were three doors in front of me, each with a number on it. In front of the doors, it looked like a man, with a long scraggly body, long white hands with sharp nails and a red face with pointy teeth. He looked more like a demon or something straight out of Hell. I decided to go through one of the doors, the one labeled #1. Beyond the door was a beautiful room, full of flowers. And...
t began one October evening around 7:00 P.M.I held my beautiful 26 year old wife as I placed an order at a local pizzeria. I work out with weights three times a week in my bedroom and I usually order food before I start, because I like to have a good hearty meal when I'm done. My wife usually gets the door and makes sure the table is set and the meal is ready. This time, she decided to take a quick shower as I started my workout, because the person I spoke to on the phone said the delivery...
Nick and Megan went back to fine tuning the programme for Sir Edwin's visit. Megan did the donkey work with the secretaries and then Nick rang round all the chiefs and invited them to be present at each visit. All said that they would be pleased to do so. Even though the City Council jobs were finished Nick thought it expedient for the future for Sir Edwin to meet Charles Murdoch and Bob Ainscough. He managed to persuade Bernard Cashell and Craig Miller, Chief Executive and Chief Engineer...
At the time of this story, my wife, Lisa, and I were in our mid-20’s and had been married for about 4 years. Lisa stood about 5’8” tall with a fairly slender figure and great tits. She was a full 36C and I loved to play with those big soft mounds, massaging them, squeezing them, sucking them... They were big enough that I could straddle her and fuck them, holding them tight around my cock until I came, shooting my loads all over them. She loved having her tits worked over, too. On a...
It goes without saying that NSFW YouTube is my favorite YouTube. After all, I am a professional masturbator, a world-renown internet pornography expert, and a self-described pervert. I mean, sure, sometimes I’ve got to watch the same SFW tutorial videos as you when I’m figuring out how to upgrade the RAM on my laptop, but it’s only so I can watch higher-tech porn. (Those VR gadgets can be a real motherfucker, can’t they?) ThePornDude ain’t just a clever internet nickname, you...
Porn for Women SitesHairy Sleep wouldn’t come ... there was the little problem with anatomy, I was rock hard ... and bigger than life ... my last life. The girls noticed. “Oh ... he’s awake,” said the younger sister. “Of course, I’m awake,” I said. “Well, you’ve been ... reluctant. And mean about it,” said first wife. “We’ve been wondering...” said the younger. She was tentative in sliding lower. I liked the direction she was taking. Promising. “Spring? Look what I found,” she said to her sister. “Be...
Simone just looked at me, her eyes huge, and her chin in the vicinity of her knees. "Another fly trapper. You need to quit doing that." "You need to quit telling me my dad was a bad guy. I thought I'd found a father figure," she moaned. "You ... you ... you took advantage of me." She spun around, when she made it all the way around I caught her hand an inch away from my cheek ... then I had to block a crotch kick, a knee, another slap ... and tears. I do very well against violence...
Amy was an adventurous 20 year old girl and loved all kinds of sex with both men and women, so when her boyfriend Tony suggested a gangbang she was more than willing to take him up on the offer. The thought of having several men touching and fucking her at once was a real turn on. She agreed to meet Tony at his flat on a Friday evening. Before she made her way out she drank several shots of tequila to take the edge off. The tequila did its job and as she rang on his doorbell, she was a little...
I got dropped at my place around 10PM. It had to be after dinner but before Shawn passed out from exhaustion. There were always lots of complications with Wilma, but she was also my link to reality. All the rest of my life was living out a fantasy. After I made it to my condo, without being kissed I might add, I dressed for bed. I checked my mail and answered the ones that needed answering, before I fell into bed. I just turned off once I laid my head on that pillow. One minute it was...
I'm bent over with daddy licking my pussy and ass while I suck on Jack. Daddy stands up and puts his cock in my ass and begins to fuck me. I'm moaning and sucking harder on Jack. His dick is harder than before I think.Jack pulls from my moutha nd tells daddy that it's his turn for me to be fucked by him. Jack lays down, so I can slide my ass on his dick. Jack pulls me back, holds my tits and fucks my ass hard. Saddy is standing in front of me watching my pussy.I tell daddy to puts his cock...
My adventurous life is picking up once again. I’m always looking for new and different sexual experiences. One night, I was traveling in New York City and I was looking for a little fun. As you know, I’m a married man with a vanilla sex life and I’m also Bi-sexual. I’m very naughty when I travel. I love to do things that I normally would never do in my regular life. As you know, I’ve visited with she-males and have had masturbating dates with escorts. I was doing some research online and found...
BisexualI narrated the brief encounter with my mother Rani in the previous story. After that function at sashimi’s house, we came back to our village. My mother Rani was more open now and I could see the change in the way she dressed and carried herself out. Earlier she never let the dupatta slip from her mounds and she always covered her head. Now, I saw, that she let it loose and let it show the humongous boobs from over her suit where she let the bra go, at night. One fine day, a man from the...
IncestAfter mom returned from Adil’s flat, she looked quite happy. I decided to act unknown of the affair between mom and Adil. Whenever I met Adil, I would not discuss anything I saw. Mom and Adil would now meet more often in my absence. I realized now that my 45-year-old mom Chitra was sexually deprived. Hence had developed physical relations with my friend Adil, who was 21 years younger. They used to meet privately, so I could not see much of their action for the next few days. But I was curious...
I remember first getting involved with men. I remember this local toilet that used to be frequented by lots of different men who wanted more than just using the facilities. This particular incident that still lingers in my memory occurred some years back.I went to the toilet as usual to see if I could meet someone who might like to play. I went into a cubical that had glory holes in the panels and took my trousers and my favourite white Y fronts down and sat down. After some time and on the...
Lola's Retreat Some of this story is true and much is fantasy. I'm a heterosexual crossdresser and have never had a gay experience. But, "maybe the lady doth protest to much!" I'm dedicating this story to Regina who gave me the idea. A Cry For Help A rather large elderly man nervously approached my table where I was relaxing and enjoying a double Martini. "Miss Lola?" he asked. "Yes, I am! Can I help you?" He seemed really awe struck at my appearance. My black satin blouse...