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The single speck of light that shines through the surface from the outworld to yours, attracting you like a baby to its mother’s breast. You know you shouldn’t approach, you’ve been warned since childhood of the dangers of entering the warmer waters that lead to the outworld. Tales of evil creatures lurking above the surface abound, of the affect of the warmer waters on your breathing, and of the changes that can occur in your body if you ever break the surface. Yet there are as many romantic tales of wondrous things in the outworld, beautiful creatures that travel without tails and breathe without gills. Tales of the powers obtained by those who dare to venture beyond the cool currents of the Atlantean waters.

As you ascend toward the hypnotic light, you notice the weakening currents, the warming of the waters, the almost blinding brightness. Your nervousness diminishes as you go higher, a feeling of unfamiliar warmth and well being fills your senses. Higher and higher you go, ignoring the strange new sensations you’re feeling, the changes you’re encountering. All of them overshadowed by the complete and blissful relaxation that is taking over your body. So strong is the sensation, that you no longer feel the need or desire to swim, simply floating limply towards the surface.

Suddenly you realize that the terrible tales were true, as you feel your body begin to change. Your gills begin to close up, your scales floating away, your tail seeming to melt in the warm water. You struggle to turn back, try to swim away from the treacherous warm waters. You are unable to move now, your body is numb and you cannot fight against the changes occurring in your body. You no longer have gills, your tail replaced by legs, you black out as you feel your lungs begin to fill with water.

You begin to shake uncontrollably and hear a voice screaming at you.

‘Wake up! What’s wrong with you? You’re okay, I’m here with you!’

You slowly open your eyes, trying to focus on the figure above you, Namor, your prince.

‘Namor…? Oh no, it’s happened again, the same dream.’

‘Dream, what dream? What sort of dream causes you to scream in your sleep?’

‘Just a dream… just a bad dream, it’s ok.’

You look up at the handsome merman above you, Namor, Prince of Atlantis, son of Neptune, the reason for your dream. Namor, like no other merman, faster, stronger, different. Namor, the result of a union between Neptune and the outworlder woman Lena, now Queen Lena of Atlantis. Lena who fell from an outworlder vessel and would have drowned if not for the Atlantean guards of the outpost at the edge of the Atlantean waters.

They were unsure of the beautiful and strange creature they found sinking toward them. Not sure of what to do with such a strange creature, they placed it in a giant clam and took it to Neptune.

Neptune knew what the creature was, he had encountered them before. Neptune was the only Atalantean to have been to the outworld, allegedly the only one with the power to do so. For he is the only Atlantean who can carry the Mystical Trident of Royalty. Neptune was besotted by the beauty of Lena, a Princess of the outworld. He could not let such beauty die before him and made a decision. A single sweeping pass of the Mystical Trident over the body of Lena, and she became a mermaid, the new Queen of Atlantis.

Although now a mermaid, capable of living beneath the vast oceans and seas, Lena still maintains her outworlder form. A form that is alien, strange to all Atlanteans, all but Neptune that is.

Namor has told you the story of the union between Neptune and Lena, just as he was told by Neptune himself. You never tire of the story, asking Namor to tell you again, time after time. Many Atlanteans didn’t like or mistrusted the outworlder Queen. They were very wary of her, even scared of her. Lena was aware of this, and could understand the feelings of her new subjects, uncomfortable with a half outworlder (Humans Neptune called them), half mermaid Queen. She had asked Namor to transform her completely, make her wholly mermaid to appease their subjects. Neptune wouldn’t have it, he is the King, the wielder of the all powerful Mystical Royal Trident, his word is law. But Neptune had another reason for refusing her request.

Neptune has blood Royal, trustee of the Mystical Royal Trident, for now and as long as he lives, or until he chooses to pass it on to Namor. Neptune is also the only Atlantean with the power of transformation, the ability to transform his body to be compatible to Lena’s. Neptune knows that he is the only Atlantean capable of appreciating the soft curves and contours of Lena’s human form, the wonderful sensation of her inner warmth.

Namor tells you that Neptune has said, ‘Mating in the human form is a most pleasant and invigorating experience. It as an performed with the intent of intense and unimaginable pleasure.’

‘But isn’t mating simply the process used to ensure future generations, even for humans?’ you ask Namor.

‘Yes it is, but in the human form, it is accompanied by intense feelings of pleasure, culminating in an incredible sensation of release.’

‘So you’ve experienced this phenomenon Namor?’ you ask with the slightest hint of jealousy.

‘No, not yet, the opportunity hasn’t presented itself, and I’d like it to be with someone special, not just for an experience.’

You wish, you hope, you pray that you could be that someone special, but alas you know it could never be. Unless… unless the stories are true, the stories that nobody dares to explain. They say that if you can safely reach the surface of the outworld, you will transform into human form, possessing powers unimaginable. But they also say that it’s impossible to reach the surface, as you shall surely perish in the warm water before you reach the surface. Your dream is to reach the surface, to make the transformation to human form, to share with your handsome Prince Namor, to be the ‘special’ person to share the ‘special’ experience.

‘So are you feeling better now?’ you suddenly hear Namor say. ‘I need to go now, as long as you are okay.’ he continues.

‘Huh? What? Going? Where? Sorry Namor, I was daydreaming.’

‘If you are alright now, I have an outworld mission to execute now, so I have to go.’

‘An outworld mission? What…no, I’m fine now. Good luck and I’ll see you when you get back.’

‘Thank you, take care now.’

You watch him leave, then think quickly. ‘What should I take? He’ll check in with Neptune first, so I can follow him from the Palace. No, I’ll need nothing, I’ll just get into position.’

You swim to a good vantage point near the Palace and wait patiently for Namor to leave. Then you see him leave, fast, you remember racing as children, he always won. Fortunately you were a better tracker, so you were never far behind. Hopefully these skills will be of benefit now you think, as you take off as far behind him as you can without losing him.

You can tell he’s heading for the Gallery outpost, the furthermost outpost from Atlantis. You’ve never been this way or this far before, you hope you can catch him before he checks in there so you can sneak past as he talks to the guards.

You reach the outpost just moments before he finishes with the guards, enabling you to sneak past and hide before anyone notices you. He swims past you, within metres of your hiding spot, heads straight out and ascending towards the warm waters. You can’t ascend from your position, you’ll be seen in the open.

You stay low, thankful that the current is in your favour, enabling you to keep up with Namor. You remain deeper than Namor, yet still notice the water slowly becoming warmer, which reminds you of the stories and causes you to keep reaching for your gills. Gills are fine, tail is fine, everything is fine and you feel fine, you press on. Could the terrible tales just have been made up to stop people from venturing out
side of Atlantean waters? Well it’s looking that way now.

The water becomes brighter, clearer, warmer still, almost hot. You’ve never swum this shallow before and the land mass is getting higher. It’s so bright above the surface of the water and you see Namor who looks like he’s almost on top of the water.

You almost swim into some rocks, feeling a little disoriented, you instinctively feel for your gills. NO! OH NO! THEY’RE CLOSING UP, WHAT DO YOU DO??!!

‘Cough splutter, choke, reach, GAAAA UHNNNNNG, NAMOR!!’

‘Namor? Who the hell is Namor?’ You hear someone say.

‘He’s the SubMariner, Prince of Atlantis, see here, in my comic, here he is…’ a child’s voice.

‘Cough cough, spit, PTAWW! What, where am I? Where’s Namor? Who are you?’ You can’t see properly yet, everything is still blurry. Images becoming clearer, faces, lots of them, one right above you. You focus on the face until it becomes clearer, ‘Namor!!’ you yell in recognition, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately.

‘I made it Namor!! I made it!!’

‘If it’s my day you’re talking about lady,’ he says, ‘then you’re right, cos you’ve made my day.’

You reach for your neck, ‘My gills, they’ve gone, I’m, I’m human! It really works, come Namor, let us go somewhere to execute the human mating process!’ You sit up, reaching for the man. ‘Namo…’

You fall back, he catches you before you hit the ground, you hear everything, but you can see nothing.

‘Woohoo lifesaver man you’re in! Find out what she’s on, I need some of that!’ a young voice. ‘My name’s Garry, she’s delirious’ you hear him shout, ‘Now move, give me space, give her air to breath!’ You feel yourself being lifted, then you black out…’Ooooh my head…’

‘Miss, Miss, can you hear me Miss, what’s her name?’

‘Don’t know, no id, no nothing, not even any clothes, thanks Julie, I’ll take care of her now, you watch the beach for me please.’

You recognize the voice, it’s Garry, or is it Namor?? You try to remember what’s happened in the last few hours, but you’re actually a bit confused about who you are yourself, a mermaid? Atlantis? Name? You think back and see images of Atlantis, merpeople, Namor, Neptune, Lana, but never your name used… Before that the beach, the lifeguard, the rocks…

‘Miss? Miss? Can you hear me? Do you know your name?’ You hear the man’s voice calling quietly, your name?

‘Namor, Namor is that you?’ ‘My name is Garry Miss. I need your name, I dragged you out of the water, you had trouble in the rocks.’

‘The rocks! My God yes the rocks! I was swimming near the rock pools, I went there after…’

You start to remember. Your girlfriend had told you about this beach down south, the rock pools, the yummy lifeguard she’d ‘had’ there. You’d gone to the same beach, on the prowl, looking for the lifeguard you’d heard so much about.

‘After you’d finished teasing me you mean? Down at the beach?’ he says.

You can see him clearly now, looking down on you smiling. Bright blue eyes, sun bleached blonde hair and beautiful white teeth. His face is deeply tanned and you look down to his smooth chest and beyond. Mmmmm, a nice tan all over his hard body.

‘I didn’t like having to ask you to cover up or move along’ he says, ‘But you’re not allowed to go topless on this beach, so I had to I’m afraid. I would have much preferred it if you had put that little top back on really.’

‘I wasn’t teasing,’ you say, ‘I was trying to send you a message, I didn’t put my top back on because I was hoping you’d follow me to where I was taking the rest off.’

‘Well if it wasn’t for the fact that I had just started my watch and there was nobody else here to relieve me, then I would have followed.’

You sit up on the bench, allowing the sheet that covered your nakedness to drop to the floor. ‘Well, are you on watch now?’ you say.

‘Not now’ he says smiling, ‘Like to take a walk?’

‘I’d like to take more than a walk…’ you say as you reach for his hands and pull him to you.

He steps close, between your legs, your hands slide up his arms as he leans forward to kiss you. His hands softly glide along your thighs and up to your waist, reaching behind you and pulling you together. You kiss deeply, passionately, your pussy pushed against his hard stomach. His stomach is like steel, you feel your pussy moisten with anticipation, sliding on his abs. You hold his face, pushing your tongue as far into his mouth as you can, as his own pushes into yours. He kisses so well, and you’re no longer moist, you’re just plain wet! You run your fingers through his long hair and grip behind his head, he pulls away.

‘We’d better go for that walk now, it’s getting too hot in here and someone could come in.’ he says, looking very hot and flustered.

‘Mmmmm, I couldn’t care less’ you say ‘but okay, let’s go quick!’

‘Here’ he says ‘get some clothes from the lost property box. I have to go tell them I’m leaving.’

Most of the clothes are small, kids clothes, you find a top that just fits you, only just covering your breasts. Then a small sarong that comes just below your butt. ‘Not much cover’ you think, ‘but adequate for what I have in mind.’

‘You ready?’ he says poking his head through the open door. ‘WOAH!, um, couldn’t find anything smaller eh?’

‘Actually I could’ you say ‘but it wouldn’t fit me.’

‘Come on then, I have the rest of the day off’ he says as he smiles to show you those beautiful white teeth again.

‘Just kiss me again though’ you say with a cheeky inviting smile, ‘Just to keep me going until we get there.’

He enters the room and shuts the door behind him, locking it as he does. He effortlessly picks you up under the armpits and leans you against the wall. Your legs automatically wrap around his waist and you wrap your arms around his neck.

‘Oh my God!’ you think, ‘this guy could make me cum just by kissing me!’

He pushes hard against you, and you can feel his hardness pushing into your pussy through his bathers, so hot! You shift your hips, positioning your pussy over the hard lump. You’re so wet, and you feel your lips parting around his bulge, enabling you to rock up and down to stimulate your throbbing clit. He rocks with you and you can feel an orgasm building already. You start to tremble, ‘Oh God yes…’ you gasp as you hold his head in your hands again, pushing your fingers through his long hair. Suddenly he stops again, lowering you to the floor and pulling away. ‘Well I think that’ll keep you warm for our walk.’

You look at him quizzically, ‘Garry? I didn’t hurt you did I?’ You reach up to his neck to feel his head again, but he pulls away again saying,

‘No, I just don’t want to get caught or I could lose my job.’

‘Well each time I’ve touched the back of your neck and head, I’ve felt some scarring or something. Did I touch an old wound or something?’

‘No, um, yes, well there’s a sensitive area there that I’ve had since birth. I don’t like anything touching it.’

‘Oh, you should have just told me silly, I won’t touch it again then.’

He looks relieved, ‘Thanks, I appreciate that. Well come on then, let’s walk.’

‘Okay’ you say brightly, ‘Let’s go!’

‘Here, wrap this blanket around you & walk slowly. I’ve told them you’re still shaky and that I’m going to give you a lift to the hospital. My car’s up near the rock pools, so it’ll be okay to walk that way.’

He puts the blanket around your shoulders and you walk slowly to the beach and on to the rock pools. Seeing that you’re out of sight, you hand him the blanket and slip into the first pool.

‘Mmmmmm, it’s beautiful,’ you say, ‘It’s warm. Hey where are you going?’ you say as you watch him climb over some rocks.

‘Swim around here, you’ll see.’ Swimming around the rocks, you find him on a small beach between some large rocks and out of anybody’s sight.

‘You’re a clever m
an,’ you say, ‘you know this place well I see.’

‘Yes, I come here to relax.’ he says as he lays the blanket out on the sand. He lies back on the blanket, resting on his elbows and says, ‘Now what were we talking about before?’

‘Well I don’t recall much of what was said,’ you say, ‘but I do recall the way you were kissing me and hoping that you could fuck me half as well.’

He seems shocked, almost reeling back at your words. You like the reaction and watch the expression on his face change from shock to desire as you step out of the rock pool. The little sarong still covering you, but totally see through, so the outline of your neatly trimmed pussy is clearly visible and clinging. The little top has ridden up slightly to show your deep pink and hard nipples peeking below the hem. You’re pleased with the look.

‘Um, ah, you’re beautiful like that, so sexy too…, I hope I can live up to your expectations.’

You stand above him, one foot either side of his hips and looking down. You know he can see under the sarong that barely covers you and his eyes are stuck looking up at your pussy as the salt water drips from it. Slowly you lower yourself down to sit on his hard stomach, bending your knees to squat, you know that he can see your pussy opening up as you lower yourself to sit on him. You slowly slide up and down his washboard stomach, feeling the ripples of his abs as the combination of salt water, his sweat and your own wetness lubricate your track.

‘Mmmmm, I’m sure you will.’ you say as you slide further down his stomach until you rest on the hard bulge in his bathers, gently rocking back and forth. ‘But please kiss me like you did before.’ You lean forward and lie on him to kiss. Your pussy hard against his hard bulge, your nipples rubbing together as he kisses you once again like nothing you’ve known before.

Your kiss is even more intense than earlier, combined with your bodies pressed together, melding as one. You feel his hardness slide back and forth against your pussy, as his hips thrust up and down. It takes but a few moments before you feel yourself begin to tense, trembling as you break lip contact saying, ‘Oh yes, oh my, please don’t stop this time, please let me, oooooooh…’

A wave of pure pleasure sweeps through you, your body seems to ebb, vibrate with the euphoric sensations. ‘Oh baby,’ you growl in his ear, ‘I want you inside me so bad.’ you say as you reach down and try to push his bathers to one side. He reaches down as well, removing your hands and simply pulling the front of his bathes to one side. You can feel the heat emanating from his prick before it even touches you. You gasp as you feel the tip push between your wet lips, noticing immediately that he feels like no other. You push against him, marveling at the sensation of this mans prick that almost feels pointed, rather than bulbous at the end.

He kisses you once again as you feel his hips push up into you and his long hot prick slides inside you. You start to rock back onto him, but he holds you close to stop you and continues to kiss you with incredible passion. You are about to protest, but it seems like his kiss makes you feel faint and light headed, so you push down on him as hard as you can and relish in his kisses of pure pleasure.

All your senses seem to intensify dramatically, your whole body tingling as an incredible sensation develops. You can almost see it in your mind as you feel his prick grow more, the tip seeming to open, allowing it to grow further. Then it would retract, then extend, over and over, an incredible curve that seemed to move to every spot deep inside you. You break from his incredible kiss and sit up, causing him to be pushed deeper still.

The tip seems to have a mind of it’s own, moving up and down, all around, and you think you’re somehow hallucinating. You don’t even have to move, it’s doing all the work, moving, finding, finding, find… ‘OHHH YESSS!!!!’ you scream as your whole body begins to quiver, trembling, spasming, ‘OHH GOD!!’ your eyes are wide open in disbelief as this magical cock goes about its work inside you.

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The Gift Book IIChapter 14

"You, Sir, are a cad," Courtney told me, as she took a bite of her orange sherbet ice cream. I choked on the coffee I was drinking, then laughed. "Cad? I didn't think anyone still used that word," I replied musingly. "And why not? It is a perfectly good word. It describes to a T, your attitude to my request to explain your American football. How you people can call what you play, 'football', is beyond me," she replied, her dancing eyes. I thought a moment and decided that while...

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One Asshole Is Enough

One Asshole Is Enough She said, “I’m not letting you get in my panties, I’ve got one asshole in there already.” I laughed my ass off. That was Brandi my beautiful sister turning down an off from one of her teachers for a better grade on a test. Then she said, “I don’t need a better grade as long you are fair when you grade my test. If I think for one moment that you’re trying to fuck me that way, then I’ll have some words with your wife.” As Brandi turned to exit in a huff I...

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AnalMom Montse Swinger Hidden Surprise

Montse Swinger has an extremely unique way of getting guys to pay attention to her. She likes to hang around at the park, hike her dress up, and show off the hidden surprise she has lodged in her asshole. Once our stud sees the nasty MILF has a clear toy stuffed up her sphincter, he can’t resist. He brings her home and shoves his dick inside her sweet MILF pussy, fucking her hard while he slides the toy in and out of her butt. Then, he replaces the toy with his cock, fucking her anally while...

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Dark Tails Mick

It had been another long boring day in the office. He had only worked late because it beat being stuck in the rush hour traffic. He had to look on the bright side. He’d got most of his back load of paper work dealt with. Mick turned the setting up on the windscreen wipers. The rain was starting to fall heavily. The road turning treacherous. At least the roads were quiet. As he slowly drove along the street a solitary figure loomed out of the gloom. Hunched over as it ran, it tried to dodge the...

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The Classroom Pt2

I was totally amazed at what had just happened and what I was now seeing; Mrs. Witlock was licking my cum from Jane's face and kissing her deeply. Was this a dream or what? "Tie him p again Jane," Mrs. Witlock commanded. Jane did what she was told and then stood off to the side as Mrs. Witlock took off her blouse to reveal a perfect set of 45 yr old 36c tits. I swallowed hard as she pulled them out of her bra and pinched her pierced nipples. "Come and suck these," she commanded Jane and like a...

2 years ago
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Asia Traveling

by: francisdashwood1066I have been travelling in Asia, and we have managed to arrange to meet in Jakarta. It's been about a year now that we've exchanged emails and chatted. It's an odd situation--we feel that we know each other well, but we've never really met and each of us is a little nervous. After all, will reality be a disappointment after a year of imagination? We decide that it would be best to meet first for dinner in my hotel. That way, if things don't work out, each of us has the...

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Sex Theater

Sometimes I go to this one place in Vallejo on Sonoma Blvd, it's an adult bookstore/theater. I'd gone in there several times, and I always thought the place was a dud. Everytime I'd gone in there I was the only customer. The booths in the back had absolutely NO action whatsoever either. So based on that I hardly ever went there. But one night I had a long session with a black guy at Secrets, and we were both naked and I was sitting on his lap, his dick up my ass & we were kissing and taking...

4 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 27

Ah, Saturday. I was semi-conscious, thinking about sleeping in. Then the mind kicked in. Oh yeah, ground school for a pilot's license. I wonder how smart it was to commit to something like this. Oh well, I did commit, so I better be getting out there. I slid from bed and did the bathroom stuff, coming from the shower to meet my big beauty. She gave me a wonderful hug, telling me that the girls were going shopping out at the Quality Wear factory store today. She said Sue and another lady she...

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A Marvelous Experience

You were intended to end evil, and was thus aptly codenamed "The Apotheosis", but you are more often called Lucius. With near God-like abilities, you are the result of many years of collaboration between the X-men, Avengers, Fantastic Four and others. You have few memories of your training- it appears that they wiped your memory every time they found out that you were going to go rogue, but you recall a glimpse of your full potential. Hours of practicing against computer simulations have honed...

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KissyChapter 2

The rest of the day passed fairly uneventfully. I guess I was just in a movie-watching mood, because when my brother brought down a stack of other DVDs he’d burned, I joined him in watching them all. By the end of the last film (an old musical about actors in a Shakespeare play), my head was throbbing. I guess that’s the price you pay for spending a whole day staring at the TV. I got up and began to stagger to my room, but my brother stopped me. “No kiss?” he said, a pout on his...

1 year ago
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Old Flame to Porn Producer

My wife and I do not get out much and socialize, so I was wondering where to go. That is when my wife said she has already made reservations at this high-end restaurant named “Almost Paris.” We need to be there by 7:00 pm sharp! Then there is a Nightclub about a block away. I was like “Ok sounds like you have taken care of tonight.” Lisa said “I just don’t want to sit around and watch TV again tonight or some stupid movie that one or the other is not interested in." We need to start...

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RepentanceChapter 4

Zoe wanted Andy to come with her, and with trepidation he arrived at the prison ten miles outside Aylesbury. Zoe and Simon's youngest brother, John, was set to be released and Zoe wanted to meet him and take him to dinner. John Matheson, horrendously immature during his formative years, had run an elaborate fraud in his late-teens that netted him over £300,000 by falsely submitting invoices to his employer, the Council from a fictitious company and managing to fabricate their approval. It...

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Innocent Divyas Ordeals

Prologue:This is the story of Divya, a typical Indian woman whose life changed rapidly and in unimaginable ways within a couple of years. Let me start at the beginning.Divya was born in a small town in Madhya Pradesh in a conservative middle class household. From c***dhood, Divya was recognized as very good looking. She was fair-skinned, had thick straight hair, and had sharp features and big eyes. Her parents and grandparents, wary of how the society preys pretty women, became extra protective...

3 years ago
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The Wager part 11

Chapter Thirty Six Week forty three and thankfully Sam's morning sickness had stopped. Her horniness remained. It was fun, but it was exhausting. I was going to take Sam up on her suggestion that I go for becoming more feminine and wear skirts, dresses and sexier underwear. I was a bit puzzled on Monday morning. What do I choose? I chose a bra that allowed my girls to have their shape, rather than encasing them. My overactive nipples were likely to show everything that I was thinking....

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 8 A New Week of School

Chapter 8 - A New Week of School A new week had arrived, hopefully this one would not be as incident packed as the previous one. I would also have to go to some lessons where I had missed the first lesson due to the suspension. If they had been anything like the ones at the end of the previous week, they had only been giving out textbooks and syllabuses. So hopefully I hadn’t missed anything important. There was one lesson that I regretted missing, but was really looking forward to this...

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AMOST Kacy Molly

The third of a series of shorter tales featuring my mind-controlling protagonist. If you want to read about the protagonist and how his powers work, seek out my longer stories. This story was inspired by doorknob22, so thanks to him for his input. As always feedback is welcome. — All characters and events are fictional. Many are illegal, immoral and/or impossible. Never try this in real life. You do not have mental powers. ***** I’m an early riser, always have been. I seem to get by on...

3 years ago
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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 8b

"We do?" Jake asked. "What the fuck?" asked Matt. "Nobody told us nothing about no meeting." "What's it about?" Nerdly wanted to know. Pauline answered them one by one. "Yes we do, nobody told me anything either until an hour ago, and I don't know what it's about. They just said it was important and that all five of you and myself should be there." "Freak-boy is still in Birmingham, isn't he?" asked Matt, using his recently coined nickname for Charlie. "Yes," Pauline...

1 year ago
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Vampire LifeChapter 19

Aaron and Jill came over as quickly as they could. Jill wrapped Kayla up in a blanket and took her out on the patio while Aaron and I covered up the bodies. “Who would do this?” I asked. “Had to be another vampire.” Aaron said. “How do you know?” I asked. Aaron pointed to the spot on the floor that was underneath Rose’s body. “What?” I asked. “Look at this.” Aaron said, kneeling down. There was a hole in the floor, directly under Rose’s heart. “From the knife?” I asked,...

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Diary of a Nazi Rape Squad

My name is Barbara Luttice   My name is Marla Eton.? I?m a 43-year-old Briton, currently living what I consider to be my dream life with Julio, a considerate, handsome, late-thirty-something Italian university art history instructor and avid painter, here in sunny Italy.? Ever since my stressful divorce from a Fleet Street solicitor four years ago, I?ve lived here in the beautiful Tuscan countryside, an hour?s drive from Florence, were I now work part-time as a visiting professor of...

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KellyChapter 5

Todd and Laura were asleep, face-to-face, entwined with each other, when the sound of a ship's emergency klaxon went off. Todd rolled his head back and groaned. "Sorry," he said to Laura reaching over her, "I forgot to turn the alarm off last night." Laura, stirred by Todd's movement, turned to look at the alarm clock he was trying, without much success, to swat. "Hey," she said. "I recognize that. It's a 'Shuttle Pod' isn't it? From Star Trek?" Todd laughed. "No...

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Rabbits Foot Keychain

Rabbit's Foot Keychain By CCE Chapter 1 Taking his mail off the kitchen counter, Larry noticed a small package. "What the hell is this?" he thought as he walked up the stairs to his bedroom and sat down in front of his computer. The return address was from "Magic Rabbit's Foot Online". He tried to think if he'd ordered anything recently but the name wasn't ringing any bells. Inside he found a small business card labeled Magic Rabbit's Foot on line store... maybe he had...

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Floaty Fairy

We were walking downhill, towards the meadow. It was late spring, the air was filled with smells of nature awakening still, the sound of chirping birds and a warm feeling of comfort and energy. The trees’ leaves were green and if you looked through the thickness of them shielding us from the sun, the blue of the sky was shining through.He was leading me through the forest, I was on a leash. We almost never do that, showing our relationship that open. But here, in the forest, in nature,...

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Teaching Carol Ch1

As I massaged her shoulders I was telling her how much I liked touching her, and apologizing with humorous insincerity for my inability to keep my hands to myself. She accepted my apologies with laughing graciousness and did nothing to discourage me. Even though it was fairly dark, there were other people not too far off so I pointed at the silhouette of some trees near the shore and said I wanted to go over there. She agreed and laughed a little nervously when I picked her up in my arms...

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Blackmail In The Cabin Part 1

The cool mountain wind brushed over Lucia’s skin as she hiked back and forth up the switchback trail. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, keeping the back of her neck exposed to the gentle breeze. It really was a wonderful day out, the sun provided plenty of light, but the cloud cover kept the sun from being overbearing, and the breeze kept her from becoming drenched in sweat. It didn’t stop the occasional bead from trickling down her cheek, or down between the impressive...

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Daddies Rose 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Tanu's father unlocked the front door before getting out of the way of the two giggling 18 years old girls. Tanu and Trupti whispered quickly to each other, removing their backpacks while running upstairs to Tanu's bedroom. "I'm going to start dinner, honey," shouted Tanu's father towards the ceiling. "Okay, Daddy!" responded Tanu. Shaking his head, Tanu's father walked to the kitchen, reciting in his mind what he would need from the refrigerator. Tanu...

4 years ago
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I Fell ThroughChapter 13

August 7, 1847 We soon found the guide to be correct in his knowledge of the tribe. An Indian brought out a large amount of salmon and vegetables soon after we reached the valley floor. After spirited bargaining between him and the guide, we purchased the entire amount for three knives. Other Indians soon appeared and we had a lot of trading going on between the settlers and the Indians. I had the wagon captain post a guard around the wagon with the measles and the guide warned the Indians...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 298

The Prison Planet Morales stood to stretch, almost falling before he realized his right leg was numb from him sitting on a rock all night. He had no real idea how many times he had awakened to feed the fire – if stumbling over to put another couple of limbs on the fire was really awakening, or for that matter, if leaning against the cave wall while drifting in and out of consciousness was really sleeping. Now fully awake, but quite fatigued, the stench of urine hit him, having seemingly...

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No Strings Attached Chapter 7

It was late by the time we got back to the hotel from the beach. We collapsed into bed and fell asleep almost immediately. At 8:30am I wake to the sound of the water splashing in the bathroom. I am sitting on the edge of the bed when you come out of the shower and walk into the bedroom with one towel wrapped around your head and another around your body. As you come close to the bed, I stand up and tug at the lower towel. It falls away. You turn towards me and I can’t help but stare at your...

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Watching Porn With My Friend pt1

I was 18 at the time and my best friend had just turned 19. His name was Jeff and we had been friends since middle school. As for descriptions, I am a light-skinned Latino, with a medium build that’s slightly muscular. I have always had big legs and a big backside. Brown hair and brown eyes with a medium amount of body hair, mostly chest, legs and somewhat hairy ass. Joe was dark skinned African American male, hairless, thick build also with a short haircut and was pretty cute. Well, one day...

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All American BoyChapter 7

We all went to the shower room and took another fun shower. I wonder what we’ll do when we get home, no more gang showers with everyone laughing and touching and grabbing. This life was the life to live and I can only hope that I’ll be able to find a career that’ll let me live it. We all dried off and went to bed, we even went to sleep when we got there. The next day, we all signed up for sports, mom and Aunt Karen played volley Ball again, I played with their team, and we won. We had a...

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Another one of my stories

Well here we go again. Like I said 100 percent true a c***dhood friend of mine wanted me to post some of my stories. I'm no writer but your comments are welcome. Back to the department store I worked at for the cleaning company there was this merchandise coordinator. She was a third key in other words she could open and close the store. About 5-2 black hair 120 pounds she was cute as a button as they say. Well one Sat. morning she had to open up with me. We had to be there at eight but the...

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KinkySpa Mckenzie Lee Destiny Cruz Destiny8217s new boss Mckenzie Lee shows her the ropes at Kinky Spa

Destiny is going to work for her first day at the Kinky Spa. Her new boss Mckenzie sits her down and goes over the basics but lets her know that she will be giving Destiny a massage to get a feel for the job. During her massage Destiny quickly realizes why it’s called Kinky Spa when Mckenzie dives into her pussy mid massage. Destiny is eager to show what she can do as well – she lays Mckenzie down and gives her the “Massage” of her life. There’s nothing like a hot...

4 years ago
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A fine f amily pt7

After the shower with his mother, Kevin went to his room to relax. He plopped down on his bed naked, with no intention of getting dressed or closing his bedroom door. There was nothing left to hide, since it was just him and his mother Linda at home. Then again, there really wasn't anything to hide with his sister Kelly either, since the two of them were now messing around. Just thinking about his sister was giving him a boner, picturing her blowing him until they both fell asleep. Then of...

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The ultimate pleasure 3

The ultimate pleasure – Part 3We slept cuddling each other. Jane was so soft and was so easy to sleep with. The night was warm but with the aircon going at full speed the room was nice and cool.I felt something move between my legs. I opened my eyes and saw Jane sucking on my dick. I was half asleep, and it felt so good. I usually have a massive hard-on in the morning and her mouth felt so nice against my hardness. She was so good at giving blow jobs. With lot of spit and suction she had my...

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The Story Of Roger Part 5

The old man spent the next hour or so uploading some more of the pics that Sam had taken to his profile as well as updating his interests and he was quite pleased with what he had done, he received a text from Sam asking if Ollie could come round for a kick about as she had to help Ella with her cookery homework, he quickly text back that it was OK.Ollie soon came round with his football, Roger saw him coming down the path in just his little sports shorts which for some reason he seemed to live...

2 years ago
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The Chronicles of Krystal My First Time

Hey I'm Krystal. I am now 18 years old. Im 5 feet 6 inches, 40 D, black layered hair, and green eyes. I and going to tell you about my life. Let's start off with my first sexual experience.It was a few years ago. It was amazing if I do say so myself. I was at a frieds house and her brother was there and I had the biggest crush on him. I actually remember one time staying the night and he was asleep in the living room and I kissed him while he was asleep. It actually was a dare by my friends....

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Beauty Salon

I went in the beauty salon for my regular appointment. It was a Saturday morning and I had a standing appointment every six weeks.? I got there and went straight back to get my hair washed and conditioned.? When I was there, like always, I went up and sat down at the hairdresser's area for her to cut and style my hair.? She wasn't there when I sat down, so I waited a few minutes to get back.? It was no big deal, I figured she had gone on a quick break or run to the restroom really quick.? After...

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Complete At Last

Copyright 2007 by madengineer3 Although very happy now, my love life has been a bit on the complicated side. I’m not a ‘party animal’ and don’t have any severe ‘kinks’ to speak of. But……. My name is Thomas Moore. Things were pretty normal for me up until I was in grad school. I worked hard to get my master’s in electrical engineering. (My parents had wanted me to go into medicine since both of them were doctors. However, like my older brother, who is an attorney, I didn’t carry on the family...

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