Training Francesca Part One
- 3 years ago
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On landing at the airport, she had called the house and hadn’t been able to reach anyone. She then called the police and found that Bob had been taken to the hospital, but the dispatcher didn’t have any details concerning the events of that night. Calling the hospital, she had learned that Marguerite and Kelly were there as well, but not available to take her call. Convinced that everyone had been injured, she had been elated to learn that John was at the FBI office.
Ling stormed into the Federal Building looking for John. They had just lost Beth and now someone was trying to kill another member of the family while she had been away. When she entered the FBI offices, she told the receptionist, “Take me to John, right now.”
The receptionist knew that John was in a meeting with Ann and didn’t want to disturb them. She replied, “I’m afraid that I can’t disturb them. If you’ll wait, I’ll let him know that he has a visitor.”
Impatient, Ling raised her voice, “Take me to him now!”
Two agents, on their way to get some coffee, heard the commotion in the lobby and went in to see if they could help. The taller agent asked, “Is there a problem here?”
Irritated at Ling’s insistence, the receptionist answered, “She’s making a scene.”
The agent made the mistake by grabbing Ling by the arm. Ling had worked half the night to arrange a flight home, spent two hours on the plane, and worried the entire night about her family. She wasn’t in the mood to be jerked around. Over reacting, she threw the agent to the ground and put her foot on his crotch. The other agent moved in to subdue her and found himself bent over with his arm twisted behind his back. In a voice that was loud enough to carry down the hall, Ling shouted, “Take me to John right now or I’ll twist your arm right off.”
Within seconds, John raced into the room shouting, “Stop it, Ling. I’m okay.”
She let go of the agent and walked over to John. Hours of worry and frustration boiled over. She slapped him across his face, the sound reverberating through the office. Anger fueled by worry drove her as she asked, “How dare you not call us? We’ve been worried sick.”
John rubbed his face in shock. “Ah, I didn’t have a chance.”
She held up a cell phone and asked, “Don’t you have one of these?”
“No, I don’t.” They had tried to get him a cell phone earlier, but he could never keep it charged and never thought to use it.
“You had better get one, today! Ed and I were going crazy. No one was at home. We called the police office and they said that there had been an assassination attempt on you. The dispatcher didn’t know if you were okay. She only knew that an ambulance had been called to take one of the men to the hospital.”
“Ling, calm down.” He turned to the other agents and helped the one off the floor. The other one was standing sheepishly rubbing his shoulder. John said, “I have to apologize. She was worried about me.”
The agent that had been on the ground shook his hands in front of his body. He knew that he had grabbed her and triggered her reaction. “No problem. Let’s just not mention it to anyone. Please.”
Taking a deep breath, John said, “Okay. I’ll get her out of here as soon as possible.”
“Thanks, John. Your wife is a tiger.”
John laughed as he said, “You should see her when she gets mad.”
Ling snarled at John and then asked, “Are you done here?”
Ling and John left the Federal Building after a very brief conversation with Ann. On the drive to the house, John told Ling about the events of the previous night. Dave, the security person who had replaced Ling when she married into the family, had let the intruders into the house. The men had taken the women in the house one at a time and tied them to the chairs in the dining room as bait for him. When they went to take Bob, Bob had fought like a madman getting knocked unconscious during the fight.
Even though the house was quiet when they reached it, Ling was happy to see Cathy was at her post. It tore her apart to see Cathy that tired and she was pleased when John sent her to bed. It still bothered her that no one had answered the phone when she had tried to call the house.
Ling went through the security office identifying the sabotage that Dave had performed. He had set the telephone switchboard in the house to route all long distance calls to the security office. That explained why she hadn’t been able to get in contact with anyone in the house. Dave had removed all the security tapes before the attack so there wasn’t any record of what actually happened in the house.
Looking over at John sleeping in a chair in the security room, Ling realized that he had been awake all night. She shook him awake and sent him to bed. She went back to checking the security systems that she had installed.
Ed had paced the room from the moment when Ling had flown out until had she called. Once he had found out the details, he was furious with himself that he hadn’t taken just a few minutes to talk to Dave before leaving on this trip. One conversation and all of this could have been avoided. The villains, whoever they were, had taken advantage of Beth’s death to attack John when he didn’t have the full support of the family available. It was only after she let him know that everything was under control back at the house that he actually relaxed.
After talking to Ling, Ed hung up the phone and turned to look at Mrs. Hayes. She had sat on the couch waiting with him all night for news from the house. Although she was sitting ramrod straight in the chair looking very proper, she looked as tired as he felt. With a weak frown, he said, “Someone tried to assassinate John last night.”
Putting her hand in front of mouth in horror at the thought that someone would want to do that, she asked, “Oh, my! Is he all right?”
Nodding his head in the affirmative, Ed said, “John took care of them, but Bob, our handyman, was injured.”
“That’s terrible,” replied the elderly woman.
With a sigh of weariness, Ed answered, “Yes, it is. There’s a lot of evil in this world.”
Mrs. Hayes watched as Ed walked to the window and looked down at the city below. By his posture, she could tell that the sight bothered him. She asked, “What’s the matter?”
“I don’t like cities. The only improvement that I’ve seen in city life is air quality. Since John invented the fusion battery, the air is cleaner. The people are still miserable and there is no reason for it,” said Ed. With low-cost and highly portable power available, it was possible to live anywhere a person might want, yet people still clung to cities as though there was some benefit to being packed together like sardines in a can.
Mrs. Hayes answered, “You just don’t know what the city has to offer. There are all kinds of stores, restaurants, and things to do. Cities are vibrant and alive.”
Smiling at her assessment of the city, Ed replied, “I guess I like my little town. I know everyone and everyone knows me. When I walk down the street, people stop and talk to me. The stores may not be set up for hundreds of shoppers, but the owners take the time to know me. They even stock stuff they think I’ll like. Maybe the variety isn’t the same as in the city, but the quality is just as good.”
She laughed and said, “I guess there are differences in people that can never be resolved. I like watching the variety of people in the city.”
Several days later, leaning against the limousine as he waited for Ling’s arrival, Ed thought about the past ten days. The investigation had progressed nicely and the scope was now national in scale. The case was very ugly. Even listening to the details as the agents brought in the reports made Ed sick to his stomach. He couldn’t wait for the case to end. His plans for the day were simple, pick up Ling and start the arrests.
The case wasn’t the only thing on his mind. Ed was curious to hear about this mystery man that had moved into the house. No one had provided him with any details about how it had come to be that they had a full time guest. The only thing that anyone said was that he would like the guy when he met him.
When the plane landed, he watched as a very vibrant Ling climbed out and headed towards him. She ran to him and threw her arms around him. After a very passionate hello kiss, she cooed, “It’s so good to see you.”
He lifted her up and swung her around as he replied, “I’ve missed you so much. How’s John and Kelly?”
Ling giggled as she said, “Oh, John is still one of the two sexiest men in the world and no one can lick a woman like Kelly can.”
Laughing at the answer, Ed said, “And to think that I was stuck in this horrible city horny as hell.”
When they climbed into the limousine, Ling settled on his lap and promised, “I’ll take care of that little problem.”
“Little? I’m crushed!”
Giggling, Ling answered, “I said that the problem was small, not the parts involved.”
Laughing and relaxing for the first time since she had left, Ed asked, “So tell me about the visitor that’s moved into the house.”
Wiggling on his lap, Ling said, “John said you would be curious about Leroy.”
“Of course, when John calls and says he found someone that might make a good husband I have to pay attention,” replied Ed as he ran a finger over one of Ling’s shirt covered nipples. The lack of protest made his movements a little bolder, pinching it a little before returning to rub it. He asked, “So how did you find this guy?”
As her nipple stiffened under his touch, Ling said, “John, Kelly, and I were going into Phoenix for a charity event when a drunk driver passed us going at least one fifty. He would have clipped our car, but we drove off the road.”
“Wow, sounds like the jerk wanted to get himself killed,” replied Ed knowing that Ling was the one driving the car. She always drove when she was in a car.
“Yeah. He got his wish, too. After we got back on the road, we get a little further up the road and there’s a car with the whole side smashed in. We stop but there is nobody in it. About a hundred yards further down the road is a second car. Now that one was in really bad shape. It was one of the old gasoline powered cars and the smell of fuel was everywhere. When we get to it, there’s a guy with a broken arm trying to get the person out of the other car.”
Raising an eyebrow, Ed asked, “You could tell that his arm was broken?”
“Big time. The bone was sticking out through his shirt,” answered Ling.
Grimacing at the image that invoked, Ed said, “So what was he doing?”
“The door on the car was locked. Leroy was trying to kick the window out so that he could open the door to release the woman that was trapped inside.” She laughed for a second. “You should have seen him. He couldn’t use his arm and each time he kicked at the window he lost his balance. He wasn’t going to give up no matter what.”
Ed nodded impressed and asked, “So what did he do when you guys showed up?”
“He was very concerned about the woman in the car, particularly since she was bleeding. He wouldn’t let us treat him until she was pulled out,” answered Ling. She shook her head as she observed, “Since most cars use the Fusion Battery for power now, most people think that an old gasoline car blows up after a wreck.”
“Only in the movies,” said Ed. This guy sounded like a hero and he could understand why John took him into the house. He asked, “So everything ended up okay?”
“He’s so much like John, that you wouldn’t believe it. He was more concerned about the woman getting treated at the hospital than himself,” answered Ling.
“It sounds like you like him.”
Nodding, Ling replied, “Yes, I do. He’s a real nice guy. I mean, he’s polite to everyone, even the staff. He’s also kind.”
“Hmm. What does he do for a living?” asked Ed wanting to find out more about Leroy.
“He’s a college student working on his doctorate in animal physiology, or something like that. He explained it to me one evening over dinner. He wants to understand how individuals within the same species that live in cold and in hot environments differ based on the environment in which they live.”
With a mischievous grin, Ed tickled Ling as he said, “You have to watch out for those doctoral students, they are a tricky lot. I know, ‘cause I used to be one.”
Reacting to the tickles, Ling playfully slapped his hand and said, “You stop that. First you get me all worked up by playing with my nipple and then you abuse me by tickling me.”
Ed laughed and stopped tickling her. Putting his arms around her, he asked, “How does he accept the rules of the house?”
“He fit right in. I don’t think anyone has explicitly told him the rules to tell the truth,” answered Ling uncertain of her answer. She had never thought to ask if anyone had explained the rules. She said, “He didn’t have a problem with nudity in the house. He never said a word about it. He hasn’t hit on anyone or made any untoward advances.”
Impressed, Ed looked out the window for a moment. It sounded to him like the guy was pretty nice. Seeing where they were, Ed reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of mirrored sunglasses. Ling noticed and asked, “What’s with the sunglasses?”
Smiling at her, he answered, “I waited for you to get back to make the busts. We’re on our way there now.”
Torn between her happiness that he had waited for her and her disappointment that he wasn’t going to ravish her, she said, “You got me all wet down there to take me to a bust?”
“I’m sorry, you’re just so beautiful that I couldn’t keep my hands off you.”
Thrilled by the unexpected complement, Ling said, “I’ll forgive you ... this time.”
The limousine stopped by the side of the street. Spotting Mike, Norman, Vanessa, and Jimmy waiting for him by a building, Ed said, “We’re here. Let’s get this taken care of so that you can have a little fun.”
Ling glanced over at the people waiting for them and got quiet. Hesitating, she asked, “Is Jimmy Lee going to be here for a day or two?”
Smiling at her, he answered with a wink, “I promised Jimmy Lee that you would have a sparring match this evening. I imagine that it’s going to take all night for you two to decide who has the most stamina.”
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So let me give you my background. I’m going to call myself Beth, because multiple pen names are confusing. If you're not familiar with me, I’m in my mid-twenties with brown hair, brown eyes, flat stomach, a nice tight arse and 32E bust. I’m a secretary in a growing haulage company in Wales. A few months after I graduated my dad managed to get me this job. I have a thing for the idea of office sex, but what I didn’t fully realise was that I also really, really have a thing for office dress. I...
Office Sex(Mandy) I came to tied up with something over my head. "Ah the demon stirs," a voice said. The bag over my head was pulled off abruptly I blinked due to the sudden bright light. As my eyes adapted I saw I was sat in a clearing in what looked like a forest. A few vans and other vehicles surrounded the clearing with their headlights blazing, one of them was the phony ambulance that had grabbed me at the restaurant. I saw a group of people standing around, they were all dressed in strange...
After showing customer Chuck 69 different houses without making a sale, real estate agent Aubree Valentine is at her wit’s end. Chuck constantly finds new things to complain about, whether the place is too big, too small, too warm, or too cold, he is impossible! Exasperated, Aubree tells Chuck she will do anything to sell him a house, even suck his dick. This gets Chuck thinking – maybe if he can relieve some stress, he will be able to purchase. Aubree strips off her smart suit to...
xmoviesforyouHe knew in his heart of hearts that she was probably awake last night. That's what gave him even more strength to go ahead and turn the knob. If she indeed was awake last night and she let him do that, then she would be willing to do it again, right? He pushed the door open slightly inside. The curtains were drawn so it was still rather dark. But there was just enough light so he could see. She was lying on her belly on the left side of the bed. So again he could easily reach her. He quietly...
A collective sigh went around the place as Amanda arrived for work on Monday morning. Amanda Sinclair was nineteen years old and she was gorgeous, one of those girls who stopped men in their tracks, made them lose their train of thought. She was blessed in every department. At five foot six, she was slim but curved in all the right places. Spectacular legs, great tits and an arse to die for. Perfect skin of course, smooth and lightly tanned. Cascading brown hair, rich and wavy, framing a face...
It was a warm, summer evening in a hotel room in Tokyo. I was seventeen years old and on a family trip, but I had brought my best friend along. We shared a room of our own and we had just finished the day and were play fighting with each other about something made up. I had been curious about sexual things with others for a while and this friend of mine was one I trusted everything and anything with. “Nu-uh,” she said lying sprawled on the large bed in just her shirt and underwear. “Yes!” I...
First TimeA sudden crunching and snapping sound woke Tom up with a start. He looked quickly at his G-shock, water-proof watch and realized he had been asleep for well over an hour. He then looked over to see what it was that had woken him. Tom swallowed quickly when he saw what it was. Standing about twenty yards away from where Tom was laying was a young girl ... a very, very pretty young girl. The crunching and snapping sounds that had woken Tom were from the sticks and twigs under foot as the girl...
“You have totally corrupted my daughter!” Karen stated, but the corners of her mouth were turned up in a slight smile. “I thought you’d help solve the problem, not make the whole situation a hundred times worse.” Bridget sat beside Alice as they talked to Karen. “I am not inexperienced, mother. This isn’t even a problem. There’s nothing bad about any of this ... well, except for us being the living room when you came home.” “Oh, I’m ‘mother’ now? Lay it out for me.” Alice said, “Face...
I woke up to a lot of noise and looked out of a window, sorry, port hole and could see nothing but blue water and blue sky. Shaking Skye awake I said, “Some thing’s going on; I think that we’ve moved.” “What, this is the same bed that I went to sleep on.” “No silly, the boat has moved. I can’t see any other boats.” “Without washing or anything, we rushed up to the nearest deck.” “Bloody hell,” Skye exclaimed, “where are we?” “We’ve moved down the coast and have just anchored in a nice...
It was summer and I was 11. I spent most of my days in our pool. It was just me and my mom. My dad had been gone since I was a baby. Mom worked so I had all day to myself. I liked being alone because I could take off my swimsuit and swim naked. This always made me really horny. After swimming I would go into my mom’s room and lay naked on her bed. I would be smelling a pair of her used panties and would be rubbing my cock against the sheets. At this age all I ever wanted to do was masturbate,...
I lay in his arms Catching my breath. Leaning forward he kissed me again on the mouth. Out of reaction I returned the kiss. Putting his arm behind my head he held me in place. With his other hand he reached up and squeezed my cheeks till I opened my mouth. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and snaked around over my tongue. My head was spinning. Unable to think I copied what he did. Our tongues danced back and forth in our mouths. I felt a sharp sting as he pinched my nipple hard. After a few...
This is a slow story, and quite long, but I make no apology for that. Probably a little cheesy as well, perhaps, but again I make no apology. If you haven’t already been put off, read on and enjoy! I hope … * It was an impulse, pure and simple. Or at least as simple as any impulse can be when it comes to Man and Woman. I mean, she was hardly dressed to attract, and certainly not in summer clothes, despite the glorious weather. Dull plaid skirt, somewhere about mid-calf. Sensible, flat shoes....
Spicing up the act. Part two; The Bondage. We fell back on the bed, totally exhausted. It had been yet another marathon sex session, only this time, it was as Jason and Annie. We were celebrating our third wedding anniversary and after a celebratory meal at the local pub with friends and family we had retired to the family home where we ended up in the bedroom. We were exhausted, but not so exhausted that we couldn't manage it twice. We had also promised each other that if we...
Hey guys I am Sam, I am a 3rd year B.Tech student currently studying in delhi and a great fan of sex stories specially bhabhi’s and aunty one I don’t know about other sex stories but this one is real. Now talking about myself I am an average looking guy I am black and have a height around 5’7 and dark in colour and dick size of 7 inch and a lot of stamina. Now not wasting lot of time I would proceed with my story. Mai or meri gf pichle do sal se sath hai meri gf medical ki padhai kar rahi hai...
I want you to know that all of my stories are 100% true. So enjoy with me as I relive them.I manage a store in the town I live in. About 5 months ago I was helping an older man who was being guided by another man helping him understand the procedure I help folks with.I really didn't pay to much attention to the helper and was just about done with the transaction when I looked up and my heart skipped a beat and my mouth went dry. It was old "friend" I hadn't been in touch for a long...
Hello everybody I’m Kabeer. It happens when we were in the first year of college. We were in co-education and I have seven friends with me from my childhood and four of them were boys including me and four of girls.So we have a group of eight persons. Everyplace we use to admit together such as coaching, computer class, and English classes. We the boys and girls always together and doesn’t think any thing of each other but friend.We have experience about sex from the 8th greed of school and...
This is a true story about me. I had a good friend named Guy, from our high school days. We had fondled each other during sleep overs. Guy was slim and I was somewhat chubby; my breasts were large. One day he asked me over to his house to "have some fun." When I arrived, Guy was in his bedroom wearing a light blue shorty nightgown and panties that belonged to his mom. I undressed completely and climbed into the bed. We kissed getting more and more passionate. I had never even kissed a girl...
As a young woman at college in the late sixties, I soon became aware of the power I could exert over guys of my own age! Although this was supposed to be “the swingin' sixties”, anything of a sexual nature has passed my small village by. I was the sort of person who liked to study what was going on around me though, so when I got to college, as a virgin, I was intrigued to explore aspects of sex for the first time. I guess it was due to having an elder brother and hanging around with him and...
I was taking a risk with the undies because as I’m sure you’ll remember (strange how men seem to remember these things) my uniform called for me to be wearing plain cotton knickers in dark bottle green and although a plain bra was acceptable, what I was wearing was not what could readily be described as ‘plain’. The reason for this infringement of school rules? The usual of course! After school I had a hot date with a rendezvous on the back row of the cinema. I was looking forward to...
Hello, indian seex stories dot net friends, my name is Anurag Sharma (changed). I am a resident of Rajasthan. I am 22 years old. This is my first story. If there is any mistake then forgive me. I came to the city for further studies then I was 19 years old. I have seen 22 buses of my life but my 21 years old went out to read the sex story of others. I just read the story and after watching the porn, my hand was getting out of hand. I am doing my studies by taking a room here. Whatever happened...
Chapter 1 I had just come home after an extraordinarily hectic day at work. It was Friday, and this was the last day of school for the summer. I am a mechanic at a very busy shop. It seemed like everybody was going somewhere for the summer and they needed their cars fixed, yesterday. I was swamped all day. I didn't even get a lunch break, which I was really feeling because I had skipped breakfast that morning as well. I had just kicked off my shoes and was starting to get undressed for my...