AftermathChapter 15 free porn video

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Brett was finding that he was having a major time-management problem as the frantic, pre-battle preparations were being undertaken in and around the town. There were many things that required his attention and his attention alone and only twenty-four hours in each day to do them all. The bulk of his daytime hours were being spent behind the controls of the helicopter. In the three days since the deal had been struck with El Dorado Hills he had logged more than thirty flight hours. In a marathon two-day operation, all of the promised grain and canned food (except the chili, the peanut butter, and the baby food) had been delivered to El Dorado Hills either in water heaters or upon pallets. And El Dorado Hills, keeping with their end of the bargain, had supplied Garden Hill with more than eighteen thousand rounds of ammunition, six automatic weapons, and, as a gesture of good faith, four hundred pounds of dried fish. When not flying recovery missions for El Dorado Hills, Brett was flying them for his own town. Just this day he and his crew of four had recovered four hundred boxes of Tide laundry detergent and five hundred gallons of gasoline from the tanker car on the railroad tracks. Brett had special plans for these two substances.

The bulk of his early evening hours was being taken up by basic infantry tactic lectures that he gave to the entire town. He had had Chrissie and Michelle - both of whom were considerably more artistic than he - make a large, scale model map of the surrounding terrain. This map was very detailed, showing the location and name of every hill large enough to hide a squad of troops on. Brett would stand with a pointer and explain to his audience the best way to go about defending their town while hopefully keeping casualties to a bare minimum.

"We'll be fighting a purely defensive battle here," he would tell them, "and, once the enemy gets into our playing field, we're going to be using a fighting retreat tactic. These outer layers of hills to the north and the west, the ones out beyond our main guard positions, that is where we're going to meet them first. Now many of you know exactly what I'm talking about since you've been out all day digging foxholes in those hills. What we're going to do is move our forces to whatever hills are between the town and their avenue of advance. More than likely, they'll have more than one such avenue and they might have as many as three. You'll engage them with your weapons as soon as they come into range. We're not going to be doing any of that until-you-see-the-whites-of-their-eyes shit. Our goal is to keep these fuckers as far away from us as we can. We have plenty of ammo now so don't fret too much about wasting it. We're going to make them pay heavily for each advance they make and then we're going to pull back as soon as they start to get close. Remember that you'll be in well-protected positions while they will be forced to move across open ground. The advantage goes to the defender.

"Once they close with our first positions, we'll retreat to our next set of prepared defenses. Once again, we should have foxholes already dug there and the whole process will start over. We'll bloody them some more and then we'll retreat again when they start to get close. Layer by layer that's how we're going to fight them. Eventually, if necessary, we'll fall back inside the wall itself and make our final stand in the park outside of this community center. We're already in the process of setting up bunkers in the grass and we're working on setting up some minefields to channel them into killing boxes."

He went over this plan with everyone again and again, explaining it and pointing at the map every evening after dinner. He encouraged questions and there were many. He answered each one to the best of his abilities and with complete, sometimes brutal honesty. "Yes," he told those who asked about casualties, "we will more than likely have some of our people get wounded or even killed. I don't like it and I wish I could tell you that it won't happen, but this is a war and that is the nature of war. What I can promise you is that we will make every attempt to care for those who are wounded. Paul and Janet will serve as our battalion aid station and El Dorado Hills has agreed to take in our wounded and allow their doctor to treat them if we can get them there. Unless the fate of the entire town is resting upon using the chopper for something else at the moment, I will fly our wounded immediately there."

After the evening's lecture was wrapped up it would be time for the recon flight to check the vicinity of Auburn for the invasion force. So far, there was still no sign of them. Brett was grateful each night that he and Jason flew out there and saw nothing on the FLIR but empty woods and abandoned interstate. He was not so optimistic as to think that they might have called off the attack but he was grateful for each additional day of preparation that they were given.

After returning from the recon missions he would then typically spend an hour or two going over the status of the day's work with the people that had been placed in charge of each task. Chrissie was in charge of the digging crews while Matt was in charge of the weapons and ammunition crews. There were also several other special projects that were underway that Steve Kensington was working on.

If he got to bed before midnight, Brett considered himself lucky. In the morning, he would wake up to the blaring of his wind-up alarm clock at 4:30 AM so he could spend a few hours training the eight people that had been chosen for the task of harassing the advancing Auburnites. Chrissie and Michelle, his original guard force members, were his squad leaders for this force. They were each in charge of a four-person team who were going to be dropped in the woods very near the advancing enemy. Though everyone who was in this task force had been through either Brett or Chrissie's advanced training class, this type of warfare was something that he felt they needed additional instruction on. Most of the training consisted of lectures.

"There's no reason why any of you should get hit out there," he told them. "You actually have one of the safest jobs in this whole conflict if you do it right. You pick your ambush site carefully and you make damn sure you have good cover and a good path of retreat. When they come into view, you hit them fast and then you get the hell out of there before they have a chance to engage you. Chrissie and Michelle, you assign targets to your riflemen and make sure they know who they're going to be aiming at. If two people shoot the same person, it's a waste of ammo. Riflemen, you all fire at the same time at your assigned target and just like that, three enemies are dead or wounded. Once the riflemen fire, the squad leader opens up for a quick burst with the automatic weapon. And I mean a quick burst. Don't get greedy. That's how you get killed. As soon as they start to return fire, get the hell out and back to the helicopter."

As exhausted as he was all of the time, Brett was still quite pleased with the pace that the war preparations were moving forward. The townspeople had pulled together like they never had before. Previous enemies had managed to set aside their petty differences in the interest of efficiency. Most of the workforce marched out after breakfast each morning and dug trenches in the hills, filling their best pillowcases with the mud that they dug out of the ground to make sandbags. Others ripped the gas tanks out of cars so that Steve could use his welder to convert them into bomb casings. Others still helped load ammunition clips and clean weapons or assembled combat packs out of children's backpacks. And because all of this war-related labor did not allow for such routine tasks as wood gathering and drying, they were forced to go without their once-demanded luxury: hot baths in the evenings. They did not complain about this, not even the most vocal of them. They simply bathed in cold water or went without. Similarly the food that they were served was now usually served cold for the same reason. Although Stacy and Tina managed to put fresh bread on the table every night, they did this only with the wood that they gathered themselves and everything else was served directly out of the can. Again, no one complained, apparently realizing that survival took precedence over luxury. Brett sometimes found it hard to believe that these were the same yuppie women that had followed Jessica's teachings and tried to oust him from town.

He began to have hope that his crazy scheme just might work.

"Brett," said Steve Kensington on the morning of January 11, just as he was heading from his early training session with the harassment force to the cafeteria to pick up his ration of cold food. "You got a minute?"

"Sure," Brett said, stifling a yawn. "What's up?" He noted that Steve, who had been working like mad for the last three days, looked even more tired than he himself felt. There were dark circles under his bloodshot eyes and his skin had an unhealthy pallor to it.

"I think I managed to make an operational mine," he said. "Come outside and have a look."

"Yeah?" Brett asked, pleased. Part of his defensive plan called for some sort of landmine to help protect certain parts of their perimeter. Steve, as their resident mechanical genius, had been tasked to come up with a design if he could. "Let's go check it out."

"I got the idea from what those assholes that killed Mitsy and Dale did with the Raid cans," he said, leading Brett down a hall and out through one of the side doors. "They key to the whole thing are the mousetraps."

"Mousetraps?" Brett asked. "Where did you get mousetraps? There weren't any of them in the supply room."

"But there were in the grocery store," Steve said. "We never brought them over here because we didn't have a use for them. None of the stragglers that picked through the store in the early days had a use for them either. They were still sitting in the storage room yesterday, four boxes of fifty."

They walked through the rain to the maintenance shed, a room that had become Steve's workshop. He had a variety of tools and equipment stacked on the floor of the shed, including an air compressor, a welder, and various power tools, all of which he powered with the inverter on the fire engine. Several of his gas tank creations were sitting on a shelf, waiting their turn to be turned into bomb casings, and several completed ones were stacked outside. Brett saw that he had been using a power saw and a drill recently. The former was sitting on the edge of the bench, it's blade dusty with sawdust. The latter was sitting on the floor next to a vise. It was still plugged into the power cord that ran from the fire engine and it had a one-inch drill bit installed in it.

"It's very simple actually," Steve explained as he picked up a three-foot length of lumber that looked like it had been cut from a two by four. "All I need is scrap wood from the collapsed houses, a shotgun shell, a mousetrap, and some fishing line. Here," he handed it over, "check it out. This one is safe, it doesn't have the shotgun shell in it yet."

Brett took the offered piece of wood. He saw that three holes, one large and two small, had been drilled in the center of it. On either side of these holes was a seesaw type of assembly made out of 3/8-inch dowels and a twelve-inch wooden ruler. Fishing line had been tied to the ends of the rulers and run through the smaller holes where it was attached by means of a fishing hook to the spring of a mousetrap. "How does it work?" he asked.

"You put the shotgun shell in the big hole with the primer side facing the trap," Steve explained. "The hole is just the right size so the shell will fit snugly. If you look at the mousetrap you'll see that I cut a small hole in the base of it and cut the trap part in two and bent it upward. The bent-up piece will strike the primer of the shell when it's tripped. The wood will act like a small shotgun barrel and channel the blast upward."

"And these rulers set it off?" Brett asked, running his finger over them.

"Right," Steve said. "Go ahead and arm the trap."

Brett did so, forcing the powerful spring backwards and setting it.

"Now you see," Steve explained, "that fishing line is connected to the rulers on one end and the trip mechanism on the other. If anyone steps on this thing on either side, they'll push the far end of the ruler down which will force the near end up which will then pull on the string and spring the trap. Go ahead and try it."

Brett pushed on the ruler. Nothing happened at first except the ruler bent a little. Steve told him to push a little harder and he did. This time there was a snap and the trap slammed home.

"Boom," Steve said with a grin. "They step on that thing and the pellets will blast upward right into them. It'll either take them in the crotch if they happen to be straddling it or it'll take out the side of their leg if they're off to the side."

"Ouch," Brett said, wincing a little at the thought.

"It probably won't kill them," Steve said apologetically. "Especially if we use the birdshot shells that we have."

"It doesn't have to kill them," Brett assured him. "In fact, it demoralizes the other soldiers even more if it doesn't. Especially considering the lack of field hospitals and medical care. Trust me, you blow a guys balls off with that thing and leave him writhing in agony on the ground, it has a detrimental effect on morale."

"I guess it would at that," Steve said. "Anyway, that's the ground version of the mine. I've also come up with one that you can mount on a tree or in a bush or on any other solid surface."


Steve picked up a smaller piece of two by four, this one only about four inches square. It had the same hole for the shotgun shell drilled in the center of it but only one smaller hole to string fishing line through. The bottom of it was different as well. Small strips of plywood had been screwed into all four sides of it. These strips extended about four inches past the bottom of the thing so that there was a hollow area under it to give the trap room to swing shut.

"It fires with the same principal," Steve told him. "A fish hook connected to the trap mechanism. Only this time you put the thing on the tree or whatever, camouflage it with some branches or some mud, and then run a length of wire down to the ground. I figure that we put a small pulley on a stake and then string the wire about two inches or so off the ground. When someone trips over the wire, boom, that's their ass."

"Fucking brilliant," Brett said.

Steve gave an embarrassed shrug. "Just doing my part," he said.

"Well you just keep doing your part," Brett said. "How many of these things can you make us?"

"I can make two hundred of them," he said. "That's how many mousetraps I have. Can you use that many?"

"I can use them," Brett said. "Trust me on that. Make a hundred and fifty of the ground mines and fifty of the tree-mounts."

"I'll get right on it. I'm almost done with these gas tanks so I'll have the crew that's been stripping them out for me start working on these."

"Coming up on the mudfall," Jason, looking through the FLIR scope, reported that night at 9:30. They were on the nightly recon flight to the vicinity of Auburn and the mudfall in question was the first one east of the town - the same one that Anna and Jean had walked to in the darkness on their first night of freedom.

"Copy," Brett said. "Slowing up."

"You're about two miles and closing," Jason reported. As they got closer he continued to read off distances every fifteen seconds or so. "Okay," he finally said. "About a mile out. No sign of activity."

"Right," Brett told him, exhaling a breath of air. "Banking left to check the south." He turned to the left, keeping a careful eye on his compass and his altimeter. As often as he had done night flights over the past few weeks, he was still not comfortable with him, he couldn't afford to be comfortable with them, although he had learned to trust Jason, his navigator and remote eyes, implicitly.

"Still looking good," Jason reported as they neared the edge of the impassable zone. "And still no signs of soldiers. Go ahead and come around to 270 now, we're past the edge."

"Banking right," Brett said, watching the compass swing around to 270 degrees.

They flew in this direction for nearly five minutes and then banked right again, heading back to the north to pick up the interstate again. It was in this area that Brett figured they were most likely to find the soldiers they were looking for.

"Nothing," Jason reported as they ambled along at thirty knots. "Coming up on the interstate again. It's about two miles in front of you." Once again he started announcing the distance as they closed. Brett's goal was to stay about a mile away from the actual roadway - close enough to see if the troops were camping on it but too far away for them to hear the helicopter if they were there. "One mile," he announced when they reached that point. "And still nothing visible."

"Turning left to 270 again," Brett said.

They flew parallel to the roadway for another five miles, Jason constantly scanning back and forth, searching for the telltale glow of body heat. He saw nothing. Once inside that five-mile zone Brett turned back to the north, not going any closer to Auburn. They were only about four miles east of the eastern guard positions and they figured that the Auburn force, had it left that day, would already be well past this point no matter how slowly they'd marched. They crossed the freeway and made a check around the base of the large hill that had collapsed over the freeway, causing the mudfall. This check was just in case the Auburnites had elected to bypass to the north instead of the easier route to the south. They hadn't. This route was just as empty as the southern route.

"No armies out there tonight," Jason said gratefully once they'd come back to their original position.

"I guess Anna and Jean's escape really did throw their schedule off," Brett said, picking up his airspeed a little. "They're now three days behind."

"Maybe they won't come at all," Jason said with a shrug.

"They'll come," Brett said. "That's the thing about people like that. Once they decide to do something like that, they follow through."

"I can always hope, can't I?"

"That's true. You can always do that. Why don't we do a little more target practice on the way back?"

"You bet," Jason replied with a grin. He liked playing with his new toy that Steve had installed for him.

"Let me know when you find a target and we'll do some runs on it."

It took less than five minutes before Jason spotted an abandoned car on the side of the interstate below. "Okay," he said, "I've got a car about a mile ahead. Let's set up."

"You're the boss," Brett told him, pulling into a hover.

While they held in place, Jason opened up a compartment and pulled out a banana clip. Inside of this clip were thirty rounds of 5.56 millimeter bullets, every third one of which was a tracer. Between their two seats, sticking half in and half out of a hole that Steve had cut in the chassis of the helicopter, was an automatic M-16 rifle, mounted upside down on the telescope tripod mount so it could spin back and forth, up and down. Using the scant ambient light from the cockpit instruments, Jason put the magazine into the weapon and jacked the first round into the chamber. He flipped off the safety and made sure that the weapon was set on full automatic fire.

"Locked and loaded," he reported, swinging the weapon back and forth and then making a small adjustment to the mounting tension. He kept his finger well clear of the trigger for the time being.

"Okay," Brett said, taking another deep breath. "Bring me in."

What they were practicing was a very dangerous tactic but one they needed to perfect. Jason, as the gunner and as the eyes of the helicopter, was basically in charge of the machine. Brett's hands and feet controlled the motions but, since he was effectively blind, Jason's voice controlled Brett's hands and feet.

"Drop down," Jason said, "and we'll circle around to the left to get into position. There's a ridge just to the north of the target that rises about sixty feet over the roadway. Stay above 500 AGL and you'll be well clear of it and the higher ridge to the northwest of it."

"Copy," Brett said, reducing altitude much faster than he really felt comfortable with but doing it anyway. He watched the radar altimeter - which gave a readout of his altitude above the ground as opposed to above sea level - as he dropped. He pulled up and back into a hover when it reached 550 feet.

"Okay," Jason told him, watching his target with one eye and the ridgeline with the other. Using short, concise commands he guided Brett around in a large circle and back towards the highway until they were about half a mile away from the car and heading right at it.

"How we doing?" Brett asked after a long silence.

"Right on track," Jason said. "Target area is at twelve o'clock, half a mile away. We're ready to make the firing run. After the run, come off target ninety degrees to the left and you'll be clear of obstacles."

"Got it," Brett told him, putting on the speed.

Jason let his finger inch onto the trigger of the weapon as his eyes remained glued to the FLIR. He made a few adjustments to the rifle's attitude until he thought it was pointed approximately at the car, which was growing bigger and bigger on the display. "Looking good," he said almost absently. "Looking good. Almost in range. Slow up a bit."

"Slowing to twenty knots," Brett told him.

"In range," Jason said. "Opening fire." He squeezed the trigger and the gun began to buck as it sprayed a stream of bullets from the barrel. The sound of the gunshots were muted, both because of the headsets they wore and because the barrel was outside of the vehicle. On the display Jason saw the white streaks of the tracers arcing outward. They were impacting in front of and to the left of the car. Without releasing the trigger, he adjusted the angle of the rifle, turning the tracers to where he wanted them. He raked back and forth and was able to see the windows of the car explode, the tires flatten, and neat rows of holes appear in the body. "On target," he said excitedly. He continued to hold the trigger down until the last shell was ejected below them and the action locked open on an empty chamber.

"Banking hard left," Brett said once the last round was fired. He came off target and immediately began to climb and put on speed.

"I got it on target in less than a second that time," Jason said once they were back up to cruising altitude. "Probably didn't waste more than ten rounds or so."

"You're getting a lot better," Brett said. Although he would take a look at the videotape back in Garden Hill, he had no doubt that his young friend was telling the truth. Jason was not prone to exaggeration. "How many more clips do we have loaded?"

"Three more."

"Let's make another run," Brett suggested. "A simulated follow-up attack. We'll spin around to the south this time and hit the same target."

It took them another ten minutes to set up and get back around to a firing position from the south. This time Jason blasted apart the other side of the car without wasting more than six or seven rounds. That was a far cry from when they first started practicing and it would take him two entire magazines of ammunition before he could hit a target the size of a tractor-trailer rig.

"Those Auburn fucks are gonna hate your ass," Brett told him after hearing the results of the last run.

"Good," Jason told him.

Early the next morning, just after first light, the Placer County Militia of Auburn was once more assembled on the lawn of the football field. They were divided into three different companies of four platoons apiece, all of them loaded with heavy packs of food and extra ammunition, all of them with rifles on their backs. They stood at attention in neat, military rows, listening as Colonel Barnes, their commander, gave his traditional departure speech.

Barnes outdid himself with patriotic and militaristic fervor, ranting on for nearly fifteen minutes about God and conquest and unification and the need to secure air superiority for further conquest. He told his troops that he was proud of them - as proud as a father was of his sons. He told them that they would prevail on this most important mission and that the rewards would be great. He seemed almost near tears at several points as his voice went up and down with his emotional outpouring.

So wrapped up in his speech was he that he didn't notice several disturbing things that had never happened before. Instead of listening with rapt and even hypnotic attention as they usually did, a good many of his troops were making sour faces, or snickering, or whispering comments to each other just below the auditory level. A few made obscene gestures for the benefit of their friends. Sergeant Stinson actually went so far as to make a jerking off motion with his hand during the God and conquest sequence.

The cheer that went up at the end of the speech was unenthusiastic at best.

"Lieutenant Covington," Bracken barked to his newest platoon commander.

"Yes, sir," Covington said, straightening up and looking sharp.

"Your platoon has the point. Lead us out."

"Yes, sir," he replied. "Sergeant Markwell!"

"Yes, sir," Turbo, a newly promoted sergeant replied.

"Your squad is on point."

"Yes, sir," he said.

The attack force assembled smartly into marching formation and the order was given. As one, four hundred feet began to march, heading east. Within thirty minutes, they had all passed through the sandbag maze that Jean and Anna had once navigated through and were on their way.

Jessica did not see them go. She was in the middle of hanging a huge load of wet towels up on the improvised clothesline deep in the bowels of the high school. No more than ten minutes after their departure however, the word was brought to her by two of her closest associates.

Alice and Susan were two young women that had recently been added to the cleaning staff of the high school to replace the two escapees, Jean and Anna. In addition to the change in job assignment, they had also both changed husbands. Since Bracken had been left wifeless by the escape and murder of his previous harem, Barnes had pressured two of the lower-ranking militia members to each "donate" a wife to the field commander. Nor had Bracken and Barnes been satisfied with the simple donation in and of itself. Alice and Susan both had been the pick of the litter of each man's three women. In this case the resentment towards Barnes and his underling had gone in both directions. The two young corporals had both been angry at having their best bitches stolen from them and the two young women had been angry at this further proof that they were nothing but property. Jessica didn't give a damn what the two corporals thought or felt, but the insult to Alice and Susan had helped her recruit them into her inner circle of cohorts.

"They're on their way," Alice, a redhead who had once been a hair stylist in Auburn's most fashionable salon, told Jessica.

"Good," Jessica said, allowing a little smile to touch her face. "And did all four hundred march out?"

"We counted every last one," confirmed Susan, a longhaired brunette. She had once been a bureaucrat in the county administration building. "They made it easy to do that in those neat lines they were in."

"And the weapons?" Jessica asked.

"Just like they said," Alice told her. "Most of them had regular hunting rifles. We can't tell the difference in the assault rifles, but it looks like they really did leave all of the automatic weapons here."

"Just waiting for someone to take possession of them," Jessica said. "I've got close to two hundred women in on this now."

"Two hundred?" Susan asked, wondering if she was exaggerating.

She wasn't. The uprising that she was trying to ignite would not have been possible two weeks before. But since the group punishment of everyone and the murder of three women because of Jean and Anna's escape, resentment of the men in town that had been only simmering before had boiled over. The realization that anyone, no matter how loyal or obedient to her husband, could be killed or beaten independent of her own actions had had a powerful effect on the Auburn women. Suddenly much of the petty fighting for favoritism and special treatment seemed a joke. The women, instead of competing against each other, began to see themselves as a group, as an oppressed entity, as an us against a powerful them. Jessica had fanned these flames to the very best of her abilities by doing what she was absolutely best at: talking and gossiping. Whenever a group of women gathered somewhere, she was there, whispering things to them, riling them up. Whenever someone expressed doubt about what she was saying, she quickly turned the fury of the group against them, shaming them or even threatening them back into line. "Two hundred," she confirmed. "And that's not all. I've got at least one of my girls in the household of every man that is remaining behind. This will insure our success. Those bastards will never know what hit them. I only wish Stinson was one of the men staying here so I could have the pleasure of cutting his fucking throat myself."

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The phone in Brian’s dorm room rang three times before he picked it up the receiver and said, “Hello, who is it please!” “Oh, hi, Mitch, sure, okay, in fifteen minutes, good, meet you there!!!” After hanging up the phone, he said to himself, “Wow, I haven’t heard from Mitch in over two months, and now he wants to play tennis, now, if I can only find my racket, we’ll be all set!!!” It had to be in the closet, but it was so packed with junk it’d take a bulldozer to just to get to the bottom of...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Sister IV

“Now that is one hell of a way to wake up” She smiles and rests her head on his chest, hugging him close to her “We would probably have to get up and go make an appearance, or my parents might freak” Joe chuckles “So you mean they don’t know that their daughter is a little minx who can’t get enough of me and who I can’t get enough of either” She laughs softly and pokes his ribs “Yes, now get dressed, I want more of what we had earlier after supper” She slips out under the...

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AngelicaChapter 22 The Painful Truth

Mia nervously paced back and forth in the lobby of the Megaplex. Her grandma had believed her when she said that Carly would be meeting her. She felt a bit guilty for lying about it and she could hardly believe she was sneaking around and meeting a boy on the sly. It really wasn't like her. Riley was relieved when he arrived at the Megaplex and Mia was there staring at some movie posters. "Whatcha looking at?" He asked as he approached. She whirled around, "Hi!" She smiled with...

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Sex With Neighbor Aunty In Pune

Hi, I am Sam (name changed) from Pune. I am 25 years old, 5.7 inches in height, slim body, and 6 inches dick. I am more interested in aunties as compared to the girl and I was lucky to have sex with the chubby neighbour Marwadi aunty last year. Her name is Divya, she is 38 years old, 5.1 inches in height with 38, 36, 40 figure size, wheatish color skin tone. Any aunty, bhabhi or lady interested in discreet sex relationship content me at She has three kids and two boys and one girl of age, 15,...

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EvilAngel Angie Lynx The Spanish Stallion Undefeated Sc 1

Raw sexuality from the boxing world: Athletic blonde Angie Lynx wears a tank top, mini-skirt, stockings and pumps. The gorgeous blonde teases and strips, showing off her big tits and sexy ass for boxing coach Erik Everhard. Angie grabs his big cock and deepthroats. Rugged Vince makes it a threesome. He worships Angie’s ass, and the dick-sucking dame rides Erik while sucking on Vince. Vince fucks her twat doggie-style. Erik gives Angie an anal fuck while she rims Vince’s asshole!...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 44 A Memorable Welcome

“Are you ready?” whispered Jessie from under her sheet. “Yes, I am. But shhhhh! I think I can hear them coming” whispered back Bjorn from under his own sheet. Jessie suddenly heard the same sound Bjorn had just heard and couldn’t resist the temptation to pull back the top of her sheet and peek out. She had just heard that slow roll of car tyres over gravel and now she could see a car proceeding in under the entrance sign into the Camp Starkers car park. That car was soon followed by another...

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Let Me Tell You A Story

I look up when I hear the keys rattling in the cell door across from mine. Well seems I'm getting someone I could possible chat with. When the screws leave i call out "So what are you in for?" he tells me grand theft by doesn't tell me his name only that I could call him "Booster!" "What about you?" "I was sentenced to a few years in prison, I'm not going to tell you why, it's not important. Neither is my name, you can just call me the wordsworth, please to make your acquaintance Booster!"...

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Horseback Ride

Horseback Ride As soon as my sister walked in the door I told her that we had to talk. She said okay but that she really had to pee first. I paced the floor waiting for her to come back out to me. When Emma reappeared she looked great. My sister was something special. She had just come back from a night out with the girls and she was dressed to kill. Her short tight cotton skirt was black in color and just barely covered any panties that she might be wearing. Her little white half...

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Second ChanceChapter 13

Charles and Bobby Jo headed home on Monday just as the four of us took off for Niagara Falls. The trip was a bit of a haul and we didn't have a good attraction that appealed to Lou Ann in between. We made the two-hundred and fifteen mile drive take much of the day by stopping for food, and shopping, and things like stopping to examine some of the many historic markers along the route. Since it was a short day, the girls checked into the hotel in the early afternoon, got some rest, and we...

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RuneswardChapter 46 Proxies

“Are you okay, Gillen?” Tergin Givens asked his former apprentice as he slowly eased himself down beside her. The woman in question was seated on a fallen log, but her eyes were unfocused as they stared off into the distance. She’d wandered off after setting up camp and Tergin had grown worried. “Are you sure you should be wandering from the camp like this? There’s no telling how many more Red Guard there might be.” “A calculated risk,” Gillen responded, a sigh drawing out her words. “I...

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Lonely old neighbor

This is kind of a fantasy I've had for a week now since I recently moved to my new apartment. Every night for the past week I’ve been getting home late from work. The courtyard in front of my apartment is always frightfully quiet and serene. I can hear the sounds of crickets cooing and waves lapping on the nearby shore in the distance. The lights to my walkway are faded at best which makes it that much easier to notice who’s awake at this latish hour. As I get to my door, I can see the soft...

Straight Sex
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The Ordinary Model Part 2

To say that he was stunned, at the sight of the middle aged woman, apparently being sexually molested by the caretaker, was an understatement. His initial shock would have quickly transformed into protective action. He was about to leap to her defence and drag the old man from her, when something about her stance fixed him to the spot. She had assumed no defensive pose. Realisation swiftly dawned. He had not wandered into a struggle for her honour. She was not fighting the old man off. She was...

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I work all over the world on a security consultancy basis but choose to live on the south coast of England. Jules works locally and specializes in getting people into work. Not employment recruitment, but more holistic and motivational, but then she’s very, very different and unconventional in just about everything she does, from her ink to her previously strong bi-sexual relationships. Well, let’s be honest, lesbian relationships of a few years ago. Her biker chick side surfaces occasionally...

2 years ago
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Great Anticipations

My name is Charles Dickredy and I have lived in the Norfolk Broads, in the year of our lord of eighteen thirty eight, for all of my seventeen years. I know not why I relate this story of love and lust to you simply because of the hurt and trauma that it has caused me, except perhaps, so that others may avoid the pitfalls of kindness and of falling in love with beautiful rich women.  Not that one chooses who they fall in love with, of course.I come from a community of simple folk. My father was...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 32

“So,” Joe finally said. He’d literally fucked Maria into oblivion, with little if any conversation beforehand. It was time for pillow talk. “Bob’s being mysterious and not a little bit nervous,” Maria said. “He wants everyone to meet him at his new house tomorrow evening.” “Is he staying there?” “No. Weekends mostly. But he insisted we meet there after his classes and my work.” “If you’re worried don’t be.” “You know what he wants to talk about?” “I do, but he needs to talk to you about...

1 year ago
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She Loved Anal And Now Him Too

She Loved Anal And Now Him TooBy: Londebaaz Chohan Gloria and Hank were going steady for almost a year and slowly, she was getting used to visit him at his place. First she would come just for a few hours, then for one night and now she mostly came over for the whole weekend. It was Friday, late afternoon and she was here. Hank had cooked a nice meal and after the meals and the drinks they were ready to go to bed. Gloria was a gem in the bed because as compared to Hank, she was much more...

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The Tales of Jezebel Ch 2

The next morning, Jezebel woke up with her on her mind. “Her” being Fancy. She lay there in her bed for a while, thinking about all she has been through. Jezebel Jones was always an outgoing, sociable woman. That’s why she loved her job as a bartender.However, with those assets came shortcomings. Wherever she went with friends, she was the “hot chick” automatically. Eventually, throughout her life, she would learn the hard way that people can be treacherous and evil.It all started for her in...

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Jills JourneysChapter 13 Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations

“The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity—and the ways our differences combine to create meaning and beauty.” Mr. Spock Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations pendant worn by Dove Whether it was planned or not, the group was developing leaders. Lucy, of course, was clearly the matriarch. Without being explicit at first, she made me her deputy. Much to my surprise, although not among the first participants, Sandra was rapidly becoming the spiritual leader, not religiously,...

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Moth Ch 003

A physicist might have a hard time enjoying this story, seeing as the low surface tension of the water in this world might confuse him. Suffice to say, their world is not ours, their trees do not rely on capillary forces to drink. Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. In spring, three years after the seer had died, the moths and butterflies of Aribo forest –home of Lei...

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Nightmare After the Opera

You are about to move beyond reality. With a single step, you move from the world of the mundane banality of your day to day existence – to the wild and carnal fantastical happenings in the empire of Dark Desires. A voyage into an incredible world of unrestrained iniquity. Where a woman's savage rape can awaken long dead passions. Perhaps even the extinguished fire of love can be rekindled in the white hot heat of fierce ravishment. What would you do to end Twenty-five years of abstinence? Say...

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Making Popcorn With The Gordon SistersChapter 3

With the start of a new school year all the summer's friendships had to be integrated into our school friendships. The Gordon sisters and Clara were all going to the same school as Ray and I. Shannon and I were in the same grade, Trudie and Clara were one year behind us, and Ray was a year behind them. It was good to get back to school because it was a place where I did well. I had good grades and was on friendly terms with most of the other students. The kids from our project were...

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A bit of fun in the woods

Most of what follows is true. I've changed the names to protect the real 'Gary' and 'Jessica'. L.J. 11/08/2009?Hi Gaz, how’s tricks? Archie's voice boomed out as he approached across the saloon bar of the Rising Sun.?Not so bad. I got one in for you.? Gary indicated a pint of Boddingtons waiting on the table ready.?Good man. I'm surprised that new girlfriend of yours has let you out.? Archie sat down and took a long pull at his pint. ?You seem to be spending all your time with her, completely...

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The Messages

He had left her no choice, the stubborn prick had decided not to accept her invite. He had stopped answering her calls, and she didn’t want to have the conversation over text. “Aarrhh!” Her frustrations boiled to the surface. “Think woman. There’s got to be a way. I… I can’t let him win this battle.” She opened up the messenger app on her phone, and seeing Bradley’s smug smile on his profile picture only infuriated her further. She pressed record on the voice message option. “I know you...

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Sins of the Father Chapter 2

(C) Mojavejoe All Characters are eighteen 18 years of age or older Sunday Night “Honey?” my wife, Blaire, called out to me. “You coming to bed or staying downstairs?” “I’ll be up in a few minutes, hon. Gotta do the Oreo thing with Ash.” The last season of Game Of Thrones was in full swing, and the Oreo cookie company decided to issue a special batch of Oreos stamped with various factions, and they were served in a very cool package. Of course, we had to buy several packages. So after...

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The Captive 2 A Double Belt Neck Tie party

Prior: The School Girl Pinata Prior: The School Girl Pinata – STOP THIS CRAZINESS Prior: The School Girl Pinata – The Gangs All Here Prior: The Captive (School girl is taken for a gang member’s birthday party to be used for their entertainment.]. Her abuse continues and then she is held captive for the needs of the gang.) The door opened again and Hector walked in carrying a 12 pack. Jenna looked back to see who was coming. “What the Fuck You doing?” Screamed Miguel. He grabbed...

4 years ago
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The Great Shift Kylie Part 2

The Great Shift: Kylie - Part 2 Part 1 here: =134768335997310897 ** DAY 2 ** The toilet paper roll was finished. Kylie checked the cupboard under the bathroom sink, after all that's where mummy and daddy kept the spare rolls. Nothing. Either Stephen and Jess kept their spares elsewhere or there was no more toilet paper. "Darn" Kylie whispered. "Darn, sugar, doggy doo, stink, vomit..." She paused and then...

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Becoming Mistress slave 1 The prostate orga

I'll never forget the day I first spoke to Mistress as that day would be the start of the most excruciating, painful, humiliating and rewarding sexual experience of my life. I had recently moved into a new city for work and decided it was as good of a time as any to pursue my kinky side and see where it could lead me. At the time I was 20 year old, tall, built and somewhat chubby guy, not the type you might think would be into being a slave. And to be completely honest I'm still not that type...

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It was almost 7:00. I waited nervously in my room for Steveto arrive. Steve was my boyfriend. My very first, real, live, boyfriend. Having a real boyfriend ushered me into the echelons of girls in the school who mattered. Having a boyfriend meant you were somebody, you were linked into the social hierarchy of high school and got to look down on all the virgin wallflowers waiting for someone to pick them out. I could hardly believe that Steve had picked me out. I was almost a nobody, just a...

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Wolf Eve

Introduction: A werewolf for Christmas. Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. -Mark Twain, Following the Equator *** It was an old forest, with ancient trees and long shadows through which kobolds and goblins might creep, and with deep hollows and still ponds and hidden caves and secrets and hazard. Peter walked with his pack and his stick and when he came to the forest he went in. It seemed a good place to be alone. He was not a priest anymore. Excommunication, they called it....

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 26 Making Up and Making Out

Twenty minutes later we were still gathered together on the floor. We weren't piled together, but everyone was touching someone. None of it was sexual, but some of what we had shared required recovery for everyone. All of them glowed almost as if sex had occurred. I felt very much the same way. We talked about what had happened and I tried to touch on how. None of us could really explain. Erin had understood my apology, but in the end she wouldn't allow me to let her go. It had hurt her...

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Aunty Chudai Ki Pyassi Part 8211 2

Hi guys I’m sourabh thanks for reading my aunty’s last story & likes my story. Now I am gonna start next part, and new readers please read my previous part then you will understand this part. Ab deepak jane se pehle aunty ko jor se hug kar k kiss kar k chala gaya tab aunty ki chut se pani nikal k panty thoda wet ho gaya tha aur aunty door close kar k apne boobs ko bra k upar se masalte huye apne room me chale gaye. Aunty apne bedroom ka door lock kar diya aur main apne room se nikal k unke...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 21 Grounded

January 1, 1978 Becky wasn’t allowed to ride with us when her dad dove me home. I was permitted to hug her and she took the opportunity to kiss me, briefly, on the lips. We received disapproving looks from her parents, but no further comment. The ride home was silent. After Mr. van Hoek left my house, I was called into my dad’s office. Fortunately, it was just him. But I knew he’d tell my mom. And I didn’t think I’d get off the hook with her. “Steve, what were you thinking?” Dad...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hello everyone, I am Sahil and I am back with my new story. I know is waqt aap sabhi hilane mein ya ungli dalne me busy ho. To direct mudde ki baat pe aate hai. Sabse pehle hilana band kardo or ladkiya apne chut se hath hata do. Ab story pe aate hai. Ye story meri or meri ek cousin bhabi ki hai. Uska name Safiya hai. Hum Mumbai mein rehte hai meri email id hai Wo aksar hamare ghar pe mere mummy se milne aati hai mahine mein 2 se 4 baar hamari bus hi hello wali interaction hoti hai ek din mein...

1 year ago
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The Next Door Neighbor

I’m just dying to tell someone about what happened last weekend. Actually, I shouldn't say anything but if I don’t, I’ll just burst. For the first time in a very long time, life, except for an occasional guilty feeling, couldn't be better.It all started a couple of months ago when my boiler began making an awful racket. The hot water was defying the trades descriptions act and the central heating was there only in name. Luckily for me, Marilyn, my next door neighbor had just popped in for a...

Quickie Sex
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My Dream

Oh how I wish I could go back, ‘I’m very young again when nentendo was fun and I was just starting to appreciate a womans naked body. I was first turned on by some dirty dick sucking whore magazines I found at the ballfield bathrooms some old perv left for a young boy or girl to discover. I would flip through the filthy pages rubbing my young hard cock to the smell of piss and poop looking at total hardcore smut. I used to get off but was unable to shoot the boy batter at those times. On the...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 59

I was surprised to see Maria, the girl from History who had vowed not to let any man but her husband see her starting up the stairs. Jack and I were back in the garage after eating dinner, experimenting with the studio setup. Maria came in and told us she had no problems doing the interview there while we worked. Laurie was gone but she did have Bozo to keep her company. He might be reserved with Laurie and Posie, but with the older crowd, it was every man for himself. He stuck his nose in...

2 years ago
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A Sluts Diary The Party

My name’s Samantha and I’m a cockaholic. Actually, I like pussy too…really, I’m just a slut. I love sex, it’s like it’s all I think about, sometimes I just have to have it. I can be anywhere and get the urge and I have to find the closest available cock and go to town on it. I’m not the kind of girl who wants flowers and candles, I just want to fuck and suck as much as possible. I’ve never had trouble finding people to take care of me, I’m a blonde with large breasts, a tight body, and lips...

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LittleAsians Avery Black Red Dress Asian Seductress

When the mood strikes, purple haired Asian princess Avery Black loves throwing on a sexy red dress and gallivanting around a beautiful garden. But Avery is not looking for new flowers to add to her collection. She is on the hunt for a big tree trunk to stick inside her yummy Asian pussy! She spreads her legs and lets our stud lick her pearly clit, enjoying the warm sensational pleasure as it washes over her body. She gobbles his yard stick and then bounces on his dick while he holds her up in...

1 year ago
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Surprising Encounter With Mami

Let me first explain about the persons involved in this story. I : Rutwik, 19. Mami : Shipra, 36. Mama : Ritesh, 37. It was the month of May and I had my summer vacations. As usual I had went to my mama’s place to hang out. He has a small family, a wife and two kids. He worked in an automobile company and earned pretty well. The two kids were small and went to school and my Mami was a typical housewife taking caring of the house and also herself in every way. She had maintained herself very...

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SheWillCheat Alena Croft Cheating Cougar Creampie

Beautiful blonde hotwife has been ignored for too long by her useless husband who’s too afraid to fuck her now that his career is taking off and getting pregnant would take away too much time from his work. To get the attention this gorgeous cougar deserves, she joined a dating site online, posting live webcam streams and playing with herself for strangers to see. The thrill of it all makes her feel alive again, and her favorite chat partner Brad makes her feel like the sexual creature...

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From Boyscout Badges to Notches Pt2

I had found it difficult to fall asleep, given all that had transpired. It wasn't the average night, nor was it going to be an average day when I woke up. At some point, I had finally fallen asleep, and instead of having dreams of things that weren't real, I dreamt of her meeting me in the kitchen, and having her pull down and take off my briefs: of her soft, gentle hands running up and down me, and all those sensations that only a woman can give you. I relived the moment those luscious lips...

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On Line Lovers MeetChapter 2

Terry drifted off to sleep for a moment or two from the pure joy of the sex she had received from her internet man. He lay there next to her with his eyes close and he too looked like he was sleeping. He was on his back with his head resting on his hands and his arms and legs open. His cock, wet with her juices and his cum, was semi deflated. It was lying flat on his pelvis and measured about 3 inches long. It was not as thick as it was when it was inside her pussy. Still she smiled looking...

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Intimacy With Friends Ch 06

Week after week of the summer was going by. Clara gave Eric her work schedule so he would know which days she was not working. He would mow her yard and visit her during the day for sex. John would be at work while Clara and Eric could enjoy leisurely sex in private. Joan was still working five days each week. Eric was seeing her most every evening except Friday evenings when she was visited by her older man friend. Sometimes Eric stayed overnight with her. Eric always went over to Clara and...

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Fallout 4 A Brave New WorldChapter 2

The settlement’s problem had been a group of raiders in an old car factory. Even before he got to the settlement, he had to deal with some raiders camped in the woods, who immediately started shooting at him. That had been enough of a hint to realize that stealth was his best friend here ... just like the old days he realized. Dealing with the raider group at the small dish monitoring station had been more of a personal choice. He was developing a distinct loathing for raiders, and he had...

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Everything For Female Boss

Daniel knew that his gorgeous female boss sometimes locked her private office door and got herself off to watching wicked man-on-man porn on her computer, whenever there was a happy lull in the workday. And she knew that he knew. He was the only one she would have trusted with that dirty little secret.She held one of Daniel’s secrets as well - that he was an active bisexual, playing with both men and women at will, sometimes even in groups. That little detail, in this company, could have had...

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Not So Good Samaritans Part 2

When he learned that Sarah had a regular coffee shop she frequented he started going there. He was working on a freelance project for a few months so he was able to work where he liked. She often stopped into the café, sometimes spending an hour or two with her laptop, also working he presumed. It was a couple of weeks before the opportunity to speak to her again finally arose. It was a rainy day and the café was busier than usual. Mike sat alone at a 4 person table when Sarah passed by...

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The Patriarchy of America

Story inspired by Tales From The Odeipal Zone How it all began In twenty-first-century America, a group of the nation's most wealthy young men came together under a common belief that the best state of humanity's existence was under a patriarchal society. But not just any type of patriarchy, but thee Patriarchy. The Patriarchy was a social system that extended beyond the typical forms of past patriarchies. But to achieve such a state in society would require an unabundant amount of change that...

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My 2nd tranny date

My second transexual Encounter was years later my First, I was sixteen At the time. And I was driving home from my girlfriends. I was living at my parents, my curfew was 2 am. That nite I had taken my moms fleetwood with me. I left her at her house and I had a hard on. On the way back I passed by 8st in miami a famous st for hookers. I drove around the parking lot of MikeyD's and saw her standing at the side of the building.I pickd the lady up she looked in her late 30 and we parked on a side...

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Dear Master

Dear Master It is a long time since Cum Girl has watched a sunrise and she has never before watched one in her garden naked, gagged, tied to a drainpipe, stood over a pool of her own cum, her mouth drooling, her body covered in wax, her arse filled with ice and her thighs coated with her own juices.? She considers herself very fortunate to have such a caring and inventive Master who makes her every waking hour more pleasurable than she could ever have imagined.? She hopes that, as you...

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