Wesley Takes Over Part 2 free porn video

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was after him or if he was just paranoid. Would his mother really be able to
tell anyone that her own son had raped her. As Wesley turned the events over
in his mind he felt shame. He couldn't believe what he had done. Then he felt
something in his pants and couldn't believe that he wanted to do it again. He
reached into his pocket and pulled out the hyposprays he had snatched on his
way out from sickbay. If he could just find somewhere quiet to re-mix these.
His eyes darted around the doorways until he saw a name he recognised.

Counselor Deanna Troi lay on her bed, her legs apart, dress pulled up over
her waist. She had slipped off her underwear and was slowly fingering
herself. She moved her finger slowly, gently, barely touching her smooth
skin. She worked it slowly up her pussy allowing herself to nudge her
clitoris for a tantalizing split second before working her way back down
again. As she breathed deeply she felt all the tension of the day slip
away. It had been weeks since she had had a chance in her busy schedule
to set aside some personal time - but it was worth the wait. She hadn't
had a man in months. It was so hard aboard a starship when you weren't
in a relationship. One bad decision and your reputation would be ruined
forever. Still, this was not the time to worry about that. She focused on
her breathing and the steady up and down motion of her wrist. It was true
that she had put on a little weight in the last year or so. Maybe it was
easier to turn an officer's head with a tiny waistline. She stopped. The
thought had disturbed her. Was she no longer attractive?

"Computer. Lights." The lights came up to full and Deanna lifted herself off
the bed and walked to the mirror. Shrugging her dress off she stood and
looked at herself completely naked and contemplated her figure. It was
depressing. There were no two ways about it. Her legs and her butt were
chubby. She could even see a little pot belly starting to form at her waist.
She sighed. The diet starts tomorrow. Still, as mother always said "God never
closes a door without opening a window."

The extra pounds had certainly done no harm to her bust. Troi had always had
nice breasts but of late they had become obscene. She had had to reprogram
her replicator just to make a bra that would fit her. She faced the mirror
and focused on her boobs. They were HUGE. Enormous, pendulous breasts. They
almost reached her navel. Yet without a hint of sagging. They were full and
firm. Almost looked like they were about to explode. As for her nipples: they
stuck out proudly like large bullets, her aeriola were stretched and swollen.
Four inches across and a deep red.

Just for the sake of curiosity she reached up and squeezed a nipple between
her thumb and forefinger. She bit her lip and inhaled sharply. So sensitive.
She did it again. This time she cried out as she saw a droplet of milk come
out. A curious betazoid trait. Until menopause she would continually lactate.
It was a little disconcerting at first for her human lovers. But in time they
had come to enjoy it and so had she.

She cupped both breasts now in her hands and squeezed as hard as she dared,
digging her long nails into the supple flesh. A squirt of milk shot out all
over the mirror and Troi was wracked by the strongest orgasm she had felt in
a long time. Dizzy, she lurched back and found herself flat on the bed. When
the momentary panic had subsided, she giggled and let both hands wander down
to her box. She massaged her groin, enjoying the feel of her large bush under
her fingers. When she reached her pussy her hands came away wet and sticky.

"Urgh!" The fun was over. She headed for the bathroom to get cleaned up. As
she washed her hands she thought she heard the door chime. She switched off
the water and listened more closely. Yep, there it was again. "Shit." She ran
back to the bedroom to retrieve her dress only to find a large cum stain on
the front. "Shit." The chime again, accompanied by a knock. Who was this?
Stall for time.

"Who is it?" she called out as she dashed to the wardrobe.

"Counselor? Its me. I need to talk to you."

"Wesley? Is that you?" She rarely spoke to Wesley off of the bridge. What
could he possibly want? She pulled the first thing to hand out of the closet.
A low cut, grey jumpsuit that she wore so often. With no time for the zipper,
she jammed her legs down the neck and started working it up her body. "Could
you maybe come back later? I'm a little busy."

"No Counselor. I need to speak to you right now. Its urgent!"

He sounded upset. As she struggled to get the jumpsuit up over her big ass
she reached out with her mind and touched his thoughts. She pulled back
instantly. My God. Such turmoil, such chaos. Something was really wrong.
"Just a second Wesley." As she hopped to the door she pulled the suit to her
neck with much difficulty and grunting. She could barely get the shoulders
up. What was wrong with the... Oh no! It was her old suit. The one she had
to pour herself into when she was twenty pounds lighter. Shit. Well no time
to change now. She sucked in as much as she could and gave a really hard
pull, forcing her bowling ball sized tits into the suit. She opened the door.
Wesley was leaning against the frame. He was sweating and breathing hard.
His hands shook. "Wesley, what's wrong?" She led him into the room and he
fell on the bed.

"Please lock the door."

"Why would I...?"

"Just lock it!" He sounded so stressed, without thinking she reached behind
herself and locked the door. Pulling a chair up next to the bed, she sat
close to Wesley, leaned forward and placed a hand on his knee. As she leaned
in, the left shoulder of her suit slipped down her arm , showing a criminal
amount of cleavage. Trying to ignore her own embarrassment, Troi nonchalantly
pulled the shoulder back up and looked Wesley in the face.

"What's wrong Wesley?" He looked like he was about to cry. He looked her in
the eyes for a split second but quickly broke the connection and looked down.
"Wesley look at me." But he wouldn't. He wouldn't look or move. She started
to feel a slight pressure against the inside of her palm that was on his leg.
She looked down to see her own hand on Wesley's erection. Unable to look
away, as she had her eyes fixed on his pants, Wesley jammed a hypo down on
her exposed neck. She heard a hiss and then felt a warm sensation in her arm
and neck. She tried to straighten up and fell off the chair. Her whole body
was limp. She lay faced down on the floor and laughed despite herself. Her
head was spinning and she was no longer sure where she was. But she had a
tingling sensation all over that felt kind of nice.

Wesley picked her up by the waist and with some difficulty dragged her to the
bed. "Fuck you're heavy!"

"Heavy," she repeated and giggled.

"In case you're wondering what's happened, I've injected you with a compound
of my own invention. Its part alcohol, part hallucinogenic, and part
rohypnol. Don't worry, you'll be able to move in a minute. That's a temporary
side effect, and your no good to me just laying there like a beached whale."

As Deanna's vision came back into focus, she could see that Wesley had
removed his pants to reveal an enormous cock. Maybe she was already
hallucinating but that thing looked sixteen inches long and four wide. His
balls were purple and the size of tennis balls. It all seemed to be moving
towards her now, jumping out at her like a 3D movie. At least the room had
stopped spinning. Wesley was now grappling with her dress at the shoulders
and trying to pull it down. She didn't quite know why, but she started to

"Fuck, were you sewn into this thing or what?" Try as he might he couldn't
even pull it down over her breasts. "What have you got, like two bowling
balls in here?" He tried to get a better grip on her suit and as he pushed
down on her chest, her top began to stain with large pools of milk coming
from each nipple. "I take it back. You're not a whale, you're a fucking cow!
Remind me to milk you later. He he."

Finally frustrated, he dug his fingers in with all his might and just ripped
the suit right off her. Troi cried out as the seams split around her waist
and legs. Wesley took a step back to admire his prize. He eyes scanned up and
down hungrily, always returning to her huge tits. "You know what? I'll take

Wesley leapt at her like an animal pouncing on its prey. Troi cried out as he
landed on top of her, knocking the wind out of her and stabbing her hard in
the thigh with his dick. Before she had recovered her breath he was laying on
top of her and had his tongue down her throat. Far from a passionate kiss,
Troi felt like she was having a dental exam. His fat tongue jammed up and
down her throat as he sucked and slobbered all over her. From her perspective
it was all hazy and kind of nice. She could feel his dick rubbing against her
pussy as he moved up and down.

Now focusing on her tits, he held one of them tight in both hands (as much as
he could hold these monsters) and squeezed. Milk shot out and hit him in the
face. Squeezing again, he put his mouth around her nipple and sucked. His
mouth filled with warm, sweet milk and he gulped it greedily. At some point
the sucking became biting and he clamped his teeth down as hard as he could.
Troi screamed in pain and pleasure at once as another orgasm overtook her,
soaking her own thigh and Wesley's dick.

"Oh, you like that huh?" Wesley sat up on her and slapped her tits hard,
watching them bounce up and down as the flesh turned bright red. Troi
squealed and wiggled with delight as he bashed and whipped her boobs as
hard as was humanly possible.

Unable to contain his lust any longer, Wesley slipped his cock into her
cleavage and began pounding her tits for all they were worth. Well lubricated
by her own milk, they continued to spurt like Old Faithful each and every
time he shafted his cock up into her tender flesh. Troi found herself now
able to move her arms and she cupped her boobs and pushed them together to
give Wesley as tight a fit as possible.

He pounded her flesh mercilessly, sending shockwaves through her whole body
as her fat tits rocked up and down in time. Pushing her hands away, he
grabbed Troi's breasts, one in each hand, and clawed his fingers into her
soft flesh until he had a fistful of nipple in each hand. His grip clamped
down hard on her and as he bucked, he stretched and pulled Troi's nipples
towards him until the skin had lifted and stretched inches from where it
normally sat. Her flesh now resembled two large tents that ended at points
in Wesley's grasp. It should have been agonising and it was - but when Troi
screamed it was only for more. Milk leaked from Wesley's fists and ran down
his arms as Deanna's tits continued to express. He could feel her huge
nipples throbbing in his grip every bit as much as she could feel his dick
throbbing. Even so, her freakishly large tits didn't hold his attention for
long and soon enough Wesley found himself longing for other pleasures.

"Sit up." He ordered her and she found herself responding without knowing
why. He stood on the bed so that his huge dick was level with her face. She
could see it pulsing and throbbing of its own accord. And pointing at it with
both hands Wesley simply said, "Do stuff to this."

Deanna leaned forward slowly, trying to bring his member into focus while
still concentrating on not falling down. As she felt herself slip, she lunged
forward and grabbed his dick to steady herself. It was like steel. Without a
thought for what she was doing, she leaned in and took one of his balls into
her mouth. She licked and sucked at his sack while working both her hands up
and down his shaft. He moaned softly as she worked. But it seemed to be more
frustration than pleasure.

"Harder!" he demanded.

Without thinking, Troi took as much of his sack as she could into her mouth
and bit down hard. Far from complaining, Wesley encouraged her on. She pulled
at his balls like a dog with a rag in its mouth, until he was screaming with
pleasure. But she could tell by the look on his face that he wanted more.
Desperate to please him, and with no idea why, Troi aimed his huge dick
squarely between her lips and began to suck on his enormous cock head.

She sucked for all she was worth as her full, sensual lips moved up and down
over his member. Slowly relaxing her jaw, she took in more and more until she
felt it touch the back of her throat. A tickling sensation came and went and
Troi found her mouth filled with her own saliva. This was exactly the
lubrication she needed. She took a breath, closed her eyes and with a muffled
scream she thrust her face towards Wesley's groin until she felt his pole
slide painfully down her tiny throat.

Choking and slobbering she pulled back momentarily, just to take a breath and
then impaled herself again. She estimated that she had fully ten inches of
cock down her throat - no mean feat considering its girth. Satisfied with her
performance, Troi began to bob up and down, Wesley's member pistoning in and
out of her mouth. She smiled as she felt a waterfall of warm saliva pour down
her chin and neck onto her red and throbbing, swollen tits.

Wesley was grunting now. Unable to stand back and let Troi do all the work,
he took her by the back of her head and slammed his cock into her. Troi
grunted and her throat spasmed as slowly, one thrust at a time he worked the
entire sixteen inches down her mouth. When it was as far as it would go and
Troi's forehead was touching Wesley's stomach, he stopped thrusting and just
held her there.

After a few seconds of not being able to breathe, Troi began to struggle
involuntarily. Her throat contracted again and again and each of her screams
sent delicious vibrations shooting up Wesley's pole. With a scream, he
released her from his grip and as she fell back on the bed he shot white hot
cum over her face and chest. With relief, Troi passed out.

She awoke with no idea of how much time had passed. She had a slight headache
and a sore throat but her equilibrium had returned and she was thinking
straight again. She was horrified then to come to her senses spread-eagled
across her bed, butt naked with Wesley Crusher looming over her. She couldn't
cry out for the shock of it. His gaze was piercing and cold. He appeared to
be looming over her crotch and probing her pussy with an outstretched finger.
Not sure what to do, Deanna just lay there, trying to work out what was going

Wesley ran his hands over her bush. He was surprised and delighted by her
natural and hairy it was. In contrast to his mother's, this was a veritable
forest of thick, bushy pubes. He turned his attention to the cunt itself.
Troi had big, pouty lips which were pulled open to reveal a large, wet
vagina. Wesley smirked as he realised that it would with some persuasion
be able to accommodate his ever expanding member. He fingered Troi in
anticipation of the fucking to come. Troi began to moan unconsciously,
before checking herself. She snapped out of her daze and snapped her legs
shut on wesley's hand. They closed like a vice and trapped his fist between
her big thighs.

"Hey!" he cried in disappointment.

"Wesley, I don't know what the hell you're doing here, or what's going on but
you had better get off me right now!"

Wesley laughed. "Or what?"

Troi fell silent.

"That's right. Nothing. Now open back up, you fuckin' whore!"

Troi was shocked at his language, but considering where his hand was, it was
remarkable that she found herself able to be shocked by anything. She wasn't
sure what to do. But she was not opening her legs and inviting him in. To
emphasize the point, she clenched her thighs tighter around his hand.

Wesley was angry at first, but then he relaxed. He could force her legs
apart with his bare hands and give her the fucking she deserved willingly
or unwillingly or.

"You know what I think, Counselor? I think you will open your legs for me.
All you need is the right incentive."

Troi shook her head resolutely. Wes pulled at his hand experimentally. It
wasn't coming out easily. But another direction had occurred to him. With
one finger already in Troi's pussy, he pushed and slowly added another.
Troi cried out. And then another.

"Wes. Stop!"

Wesley had his entire hand buried in her tight pussy. She cried out. "Please.



Wesley shrugged and cleched his hand into a fist. As Troi made tiny noises
of protest, he slowly applied pressure until his fist was up to the wrist
in cunt. "Open?"


He slowly pulled out about an inch and then unexpectedly punched with all his
might. His fist slid unrentingly up her stretching passage and came to rest
half way between his wrist and his elbow in her pussy. Troi screamed herself
hoarse. Her legs were still locked together, but now they were clenched in

"This is just like stuffing a turkey. Just when you think you can't go any

Troi felt Wesley's fist move ever so slightly inside her. Her legs sprang
open wider than Wesley would have believed possible. He smiled. "Now that's
more like it. Would you like me to take my hand out of your tortured pussy?"
He twisted it slightly in the hopes of eliciting the correct response.

"Yes," said Troi with an air of defeat in her voice. He had already broken
her spirit. Now she was his for the taking.

"Tell me," asked Wesley in the sweetest tone he could muster. "What would you
like up there instead?"

Troi hesitated. Wes shot her a deranged smile. "Your...um, ...penis."

"My what?"

"Your dick."

"My dick? Ask me like you really want it."

Troi shuddered and held back tears. "Please...stick your dick in me."
Wesley's silence encouraged more. "Please... I want it. I want you to stick
your huge fat cock in me."


With a sickening slurping sound, Wes's fist slowly wriggled its way out of
Troi's abused cunt. She was relieved and terrified at the same time. She knew
she had a big pussy. Riker had done nothing but complain about it. And Wes's
hand had no doubt made it bigger still. But his dick was like an Altarian
donkey! It didn't look much smaller than his arm. Would she survive this
experience. Would she be able to walk again. She was about to find out.

Wes put his hands around her lips and forced them apart. His free hand,
barely able to manage the size of his own cock, was directing the massive
head towards her box. She bit her lip in anticipation as she felt the sides
of her cunt forced wide and then he entered her.


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The Clover Coffee Club

This story is a little creepy. Fair warning. The Clover Coffee Club By Joe Six-Pack The desire to create is insatiable in some people. They want nothing more out of life than to dream, to design and to build. No force known to man can stop a man when his mind his focused on the goal of making something. The need to leave something behind that shows you were here, that shows that you meant something, that demonstrates an existence validated by the object one brings into...

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Overwatch Mei and Soldier 76

Overwatch: Breeding Future Heroes-p1 Mei and Soldier 76 Story By Maria (Fan of Overwatch)Soldier 76 had just returned to Arctic base from an intense training exercise out in the freezing weather. He quickly ran through the base entrance in order to get somewhere warm. "What the hell am I doing in this damn wasteland," he thought to himself in a frustrated manner. "I should have been sent to the Bahamas." He pulled off his winter mask, loathing his research/training assignment he was sent on....

2 years ago
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The New Governess

The New Governess On reflection I was quite a naughty child. I would go running in the muddy fields and walk the mud into our house and even bring grass, frogs, spiders and other unsuspecting creatures home - for closer examination and to amuse our cats. And pranks, well I was a great prankster, bags of flour over doors, trip wires connected to vases or the coal scuttle and my personal favourite, fish or sometimes a frog in the toilet or bath. The unsuspecting victim would lift the lid...

2 years ago
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Demon Overlord Lucifer Part IV

Sorry for the ever-so-long wait everyone. Ive been dealing with some shit that makes it hard to get inspiration for writing. However, Im making it up to you guys by making this part longer than usual, with more Erotic content, so Enjoy! Chapter 4: Im the Master Now. I looked over Hildegards naked and unconscious body. Looking at her breasts, waist, hips, and crotch. She probably had about an E-cup or thereabouts, Ive never seen anything past DD. I skimmed my finger from her crotch, up her...

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The Overlord

After years of struggle, pain, and blood, you are within arm's reach of the Overlord, your mortal enemy. You stand in the Overlord's private chambers, prepared to finish the chase that has consumed you for as long as you can remember. You tighten your grip on Endbringer, the enchanted sword you recovered from the Tombs of Oblivion. The Overlord takes a step back and raises Starstroke, the only spear in the Nine Worlds capable of piercing the hide of a Scourge Leviathan. Then the Overlord...

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A Day in the Life at Thomas Grover Elementary

A Day in the Life at Thomas Grover Elementary By Aardvark I wrote this a few years ago after the idea for this story wouldn't let me sleep. :) The usual disclaimer about offensive topics and so forth, although this one is pretty innocuous. The subject matter may, in fact, be very familiar. If you want to put this story on another site, contact me for permission first. *** It was my first day at school at Thomas Grover Elementary and I was uncertain where my new friends would...

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Rediscovery and Recovery

I’m going to tell you a true story, or at least as true as I can remember it. Let’s be honest here and concede that when we’re in the middle of something, we don’t stop to write down the exact detail, we don’t have a voice recorder to capture every aspect of who said what and when. So even in stories like this, we use writing skills and some imagination. As a writer, I’ve always thought that imagination is borne of experience, sometimes it’s our experience, sometimes it’s that of others. This...

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Pushover A Whateley (fanfic) story. By Shrike This story is in (US) English, but it mostly is situated in the Netherlands. Several times the conversation is written in Dutch (my second native language), with the translation directly trailing it between straight brackets. I have done this because many readers will not understand the Dutch language, but I feel that the conversation in a country should be original as spoken in that country. Cursing I walked with my trashed bicycle...

1 year ago
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The Futanari Overlords

The Futanari Overlords, an empire of incredibly powerful and especially massive futanari that have risen to power. Whether through diplomacy, war, or business they have laid claim to hundreds if not THOUSANDS of worlds. They're technology is incredibly advanced as well, flying vehicles, futuristic buildings, completely mastered space travel, it's said that some scientists in the empire even have been working on a way to open a door to other universe's. Members of the Overlords original race...

2 years ago
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A man is brought into a select fetish club of cumlovers and discovers his own limits and desires

I have always been bisexual and have involved my wife in my quest for cum, but the more I am with men, the more I want to be exclusively with men. I’ve been married for 15 years to a great girl who loves cum as much as I do. When she discovered my taste for the sweet cream, she allowed me to indulge in every wild or weird quest. I have sucked off many men in front of her with her full approval and had men shoot their cream all over my body and in every hole, again, with her full...

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I Want DoOvers

I WANT DO-OVERS By Persephone The older of the two women, Jamie Leigh, stood on the playground of her old grade school. Next to her was her daughter Jennifer Lynn, a younger version of herself. Both were very attractive women. "It looks really good, Mom. Does it look like it did when you went to school here?" Jenny said. "Yes, it looks exactly the same. It brings back many, many memories." Jamie Leigh answered. "I don't think I'll ever understand why this project was so...

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The Undercovered Undercover

What I'm about to tell you, as we say in the spy business, is something I should not be telling you. So please, please, please don't tell anyone what you read here. And if you're a spy or terrorist, please stop reading now, because there's some top secret, sensitive information you're not supposed to know about.Okay, now that it's safe to talk, I guess I should let you know a little about me. For obvious reasons, I can't tell you my name. Well, maybe my first name. It's Bob. And maybe a hint of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Demon Overlord Lucifer

Foreword: An Idea I have been tossing around for awhile. The sexual development might be slow in this story, and it might be more story than sex, so if you want erotic content quick, this may not be the story for you. Nonetheless, If you feel like sticking around, feel free to. Tell me what you think of the premise and the story in general. If it feels cliche or if there is something that doesnt make sense, feel free to let me know. Demon Overlord Lucifer, Chapter 1: Im the What?! My eyes...

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About a year into my tenure with the airline, I was paired up with Tracy, who was a year older than me, and had already been a flight attendant for several years when we met. Shortly after our first shift together, I happened to walk into the cockpit while she was serving the pilot and co-pilot coffee just before take-off. I couldn’t help but notice that our pilot – Paul – was reaching under her skirt from behind and slipping two fingers past her panties and into her pussy as she bent over...

2 years ago
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Salvation Ch 2 The Governors

Alice sat at her desk looking through the replies and was delighted that all four had agreed to attend. Her pleasure was made all more enjoyable because she knew that none of them would have replied had she not made it clear that she knew something about them that they wouldn’t want to be made public. Alice smiled to herself as she heard a commotion outside and got up to look out of the parlour window that overlooked the walled garden. Children were being drilled naked, by their teacher...

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Overwatch Rise Fall Ch02

She bit her lip and knew she shouldn’t look over the rubble, defenceless as she was while her Accelerator went through its recharge cycle, but she was unable to help it. Poking her head up only for a second, she saw Winston, arms outstretched, using his armoured hulk of a body to shield a wounded Soldier 76 who lay clutching a bloodied arm that was being seen to by Mercy, who was looking over him with a worried quickness. A burst of gunfire from elsewhere drew her attention and with a yelp...

2 years ago
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The sleepover part1

One night my girlfriend and I stayed at my gayfriend's house. We had a great dinner and a couple of drinks, that made us tipsy. My girlfriend let me know that the drinks had made her horny, so we said goodnight to my friend and went upstairs. Not even I had closed the door of the room or my girlfriend rips my jeans open and starts to suck my hard cock. While doing so, I start to undress her and touch her breasts and nipples. The nipple pinching makes my girlfriend even hornier, she pushes me on...

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The Takeover

THE TAKEOVER James Lock was on a knife edge. He had worked for the Sunlight Group as first as accountant then a Financial Director before he was thirty. His promotion was one of the last acts performed by the Group owner before he died. It was designed as a wedding present for his daughter Sue, when she married James, but he didn't know that it would shortly be her that had to take over the reigns of running the businesses when he was suddenly taken ill. A mere six weeks later he...

1 year ago
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The sleepover part2

My girlfriend, by now soaking wet, stops sucking my dick and asks my friend 'Are you really going to fuck him?' 'Oh yes', he says. 'I'll prepare You then', she says and start sucking his dick hard. Her long black curls move up and down. My friend keeps on fingering my ass. 'I think he's ready', my friend says and my girl takes his dick out of her mouth, spits on it once more and puts his big knob against my virgin asshole. Slowly he pushes his dick in my ass. 'Oh, that hurts a little.' I moan,...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 153 Sleepover Popover

The other sleepovers that week were more sedate. Samantha and Liz just pushed my buttons in all the right ways. I couldn't stop myself when I was with them. Sora, Denise, Sugar, Geoff, Lionel, and Josh all came for dinner, but none of them stayed over. We had a good time and made a lot of plans for the fall. We were going to have a hot JV team, though it was likely that a couple of the guys would move to varsity as sophomores. We all speculated about Josh, Carl, Doug, and Derek. We were all...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Governors Girlfriend

Susie Brock was a prodigy, at least somewhat, having skipped a grade in junior high, and therefore was a senior in a high school class that had some 18 year olds. She was quite pretty, with light brown hair, which was nearly blonde, long legs, and a fine figure. She was also unattached at the moment, despite being well developed for her age. Her last boyfriend had a double standard, and he dumped her as a "slut" for putting out too soon. He was such a jerk, she realized, and she realized like...

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The Great Airship Race A Night at Dover Field

As the Cannon went off, Henry Ford opened the throttle half way on the Model C flyer he was using in this long race. As he rapidly accelerated through the air, he kept a close eye on the Britainian. He had raced that devious man before and had a grudge that was worlds of revenge after their last encounter. Riggers had not been able to build enough speed to get around Ford and had resorted to a very un-gentleman like tactic in order to win. He had used a simple sling shot to hit Fords Gas bag...

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Overtime and Overfucked

Even though my wife only danced part time at Lorraine’s Lounge, that dancing led to lots of other local experiences in the Lafayette, IN area during the early nineteen seventies. Lorraine’s was a dive bar, and literally down in the Wabash river valley, and also literally on the wrong side of the railroad track. It was the kind of place that would cause even the Blues Brothers to go into protective mode.The bar prided itself in serving booze within an environment that had live bands and trim...

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The Treatment for Blue Pill Overdose

The Treatment for Blue Pill Overdose A doctor has to explain to a woman the side-effects of treating an overdose of ED medication. [email protected] ********************************************************************** The Treatment for Blue Pill Overdose "Doctor, how is he?" The woman seemed nervous, even embarrassed. "Were you able to ... you know." The doctor frowned. "Your husband evidently had an overdose." The woman nodded sheepishly. "Um, yeah....

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Uncle Timmy takes controlPart3

It was a big old rolled back,horsehair stuffed sofa and manys the time when I was a bit younger I'd straddled the back playing at horsies.I wasn't straddling the back now...I was laid over it with my arse in the air and Uncle Timmy pulling down my wet pants.I'm thinking I'm gonna get what I always wanted now,but I still feared a baby and what that would do to mammy and daddy.They would disown me for sure and I would be shamed forever.Surely uncle must have a rubber on him....surely he...

3 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers 3

Aimee's Makeovers Part Three By Jena Corso As we arrived at the spa, we were greeted by the flamboyant host, Claude. "Aimee, it's been too long, girlfriend." Claude smiled and looked at his appointment book. "I'm so glad you are back, and I see you are going to spend a nice day with us." "Thank you, Claude," said Aimee, kissing him on the cheek. "I know it's been too long. I've been so busy and trust me, I really could use a little pampering." "Of course dear, you deserve...

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The Security Guard Takes Charge Part2

“I told you Hailey that I would be back soon” I said as I reached down and pinched a nipple “did you miss me?” Hailey pouted at me and said “You were mean leaving me alone like that. But I forgive you.” “Well I have to do my job, after all that’s why I met you in the first place. But don’t worry, I plan on making it up to you.” I said. I undressed , just leaving on my socks. I reached between Hailey’s thighs and ran my fingertips along Hailey’s lips. They were still wet, even though I...

1 year ago
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My wife and I went to a party at some friends of ours house .Which was a treat as we have children so time alone is a cherished thing. We were having a blast drinking and laughing at all that was going on as everyone there was pretty lit.Well after a few hours of this we decided we'd better get home because it was almost an hour and a half drive. We had stopped on the way to the party at the package store and got a couple of bottles of wine on the way there. Just in case our friends didn't have...

2 years ago
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Layover Love

Tim looked out the window of the airplane as it descended into Detroit’s Metro Airport and noticed the dark thunderheads moving in from the southwest. “That does not look promising”, he said to himself as the plane got ready to touch down. After a bumpy landing and driving for what seemed like forever to the gate, the plane was parked for the short layover before continuing its trip to sunny southern Florida. As most of the passengers gathered their belongings and exited to finish their...

1 year ago
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Layover Love

Tim looked out the window of the airplane as it descended into Detroit’s Metro Airport and noticed the dark thunderheads moving in from the southwest. “That does not look promising”, he said to himself as the plane got ready to touch down. After a bumpy landing and driving for what seemed like forever to the gate, the plane was parked for the short layover before continuing its trip to sunny southern Florida. As most of the passengers gathered their belongings and exited to finish their...

Wife Lovers
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A Governess for RichardChapter 12

"I think Wendy has taken far too long in answering my bell. Perhaps this will give you an opportunity to have a look at the girl in more detail." Lady Rawlings turned her head toward the door. "Come in." Both Wendy and Annette appeared through the door pushing a tea trolley. They wheeled it into the room adjacent to Lady Rawlings and her young guest. "I took the liberty Madam of bringing both tea and coffee. There are some cakes as well Ma'am." Lady Rawlings laughed. "You have been...

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Tigerlover takes me in the butt quid pro quo

Writers are not only writers, but often also readers. I read a lot of porn stories by fellow writers. Because I am curious as to what they write and how they write, and of course because their stories often excite me. Some time ago I came across the deliciously horny stories written by Tigerlover. My heart beat went up because of them. By their contents and by her staccato writing style. It was as if she whispered the stories into my ears, intimately and panting. As if some sphlnx like woman...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 03

I lost touch with Em very early on after leaving for university, we bumped into each other once or twice in the holidays perhaps, but always when we were in the middle of shopping or something else, and with no time. These were the days before Facebook or even mobile technology, so it’s not just that we had no particular reason to keep in touch – we didn’t really have the means to do so either. Beyond the age of writing letters, but not yet the age of the text message – we were quite a sad...

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