RecoveryChapter 3: April free porn video

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By the beginning of April Greg's life was busy. He bounced between Bonner and Aspen. It was no secret. He brought Evan, Tyler and Alden along one time or another. Alden made some friends but Evan and Tyler simply tolerated it for Greg's sake. The cousins seemed to tag-team him throughout the rest of the week. They rarely phoned him. Usually he would find one or the other at his door with an invitation to spend a few hours hanging out. It was flattering in its way, but it left Greg slightly confused.

He chatted with Zoë about it. He did not want to make a mistake with either of them. Zoë was always the cautious one. She reminded Greg that Bonner was not St. George and the people he was meeting did not have any history with him. She thought Greg complicated his relationships too easily and he needed to keep things simple while he was alone. Greg was tired of being alone. He had ignored his reservations and he had begun making out with some of the girls.

Later at the trailer he would be angry with himself. What was he doing here? Nothing really added up to the chance of a permanent relationship with anyone in Bonner. The girls were so young and he could never really be himself with the boys at the school. He reminded himself that he was so out of here in July. Greg realized he would not have minded bumping into some of the people if he met them later, Seth for example, but he had no desire to sit out another year in Bonner or Aspen so it seemed underhanded to lead anyone on. He went to the parties with good intentions but in the end the temptations at the parties were too strong. The best he could do was sending the message tot he girls that he wasn't serious and avoid making an ugly mistake with anyone else.

There was some relief. Greg had connected with Alex, the drummer from Aspen, and they had found an afternoon to play together. Alex had a brother about Seth's age who sat watching them. He sat near his guitar hoping the older boys would let him join. Greg tolerated his presence since his host seemed content to let his brother hang out. He had tried something different and the kid touched his guitar like he knew it. Greg nodded at him and he eagerly picked up the guitar and joined him. It made Greg think of Seth. He realized the only time he played now was when Seth came over for his lessons. The session in Aspen was the first time since Hal died that he played just for himself. He hadn't thought playing with someone else was that important to his music. Sitting with Alex's brother, Greg had suddenly missed Seth's presence. He sat on the edge of the chair and slid a foot out searching for the now comforting presence of the younger boy.

Seth's mother was still coming over and Greg was still avoiding letting the boy hang out with him. His father and Mrs. Patterson seemed to just enjoy being with each other once a week. Greg suspected they spent time together at the school too.

He saw Seth wandering around after school more often. Seth would walk by the trailer and look in before moving on. There were a few boys about his age in town and Greg supposed he hung out with them. Greg wondered what Seth did with the other boys and he occasionally imagined Seth alone in his room out on the farm as the cold wind gusts flipped the ghostly numbers on his old bedside clock. The gangly boy was frequently on his mind. Seth hadn't returned to any more of the parties. Aaron had started attending regularly. Evan dismissed Aaron's presence at the parties and Tyler would only indulge him for a few minutes. Aaron usually hovered around the larger cousin holding one-sided conversations until he was drawn away by one of the boys closer to his age or Tyler would indulge him in some private moment. The small seventh grader must have admired Tyler. Greg noticed he had a small ring in his ear just like Tyler's. Greg understood that. He had admired Hal and wanted to be like him. Seth had suddenly acquired a new coat exactly like Greg's and it warmed Greg for some reason.

By the beginning of April Seth's life was ... disintegrating. His mother's sudden interest in Mr. Cox kept him in a black mood. The new complication spoiled the continued pleasure of being with Greg. His teacher had intruded into the comfortable partnership his mother and he had established in the seclusion of the farm house. Seth was deeply suspicious of Mr. Cox at school. He dreaded each hint that the man was being nice to him in class. At times he wondered if he should like the man more. He was, after all, Greg's father. The situation was too difficult for him. His mother began lingering at school working in the staff room with Mr. Cox. Seth found himself wandering the streets in quiet desperation. He had nowhere to go. Everything revolved around the eleventh graders in Bonner: Tyler, Evan and now Greg. He wanted the year to end.

Seth thought about Greg a great deal. Without the older boy his solitude would have been unbearable. He had no one to confide in and he was feeling confused. At night, as he examined himself in the bathroom mirror, he liked to imagine that Greg was different. Seth knew he was too young for the cool city boy. Greg was funny about age. Seth did not understand why. Tyler had Deirdre and Evan had Justine; if Greg would let them Beth or Liz would have done anything for him. At the end of March on a Saturday Seth turned fourteen. His mother told him he could go out with his friends. She did not see how wide the gap between them was now. Seth wanted something more than the parties and the games around the school that neither the teachers nor the Coxes paid any attention to. Instead of spending his birthday with classmates he had sat in his dad's old car burning a tank of gasoline, listening to 8-tracks, anything to drive the misery away, and wishing -- oh so hard -- that he had found the guts to ask Greg to come out to the farm and be with him.

Schools are schools, Greg reflected as he slipped out of the classroom and headed to the dungeon next to the boiler room that served as the boy's washroom. Screaming boredom drove everyone out of the classroom for a leak whether they needed it or not. There was always heavy traffic in the morning. He had not thought about it that much until he walked in on Seth at lunch.

Seth was trying to punch his fist through the stall door. Greg asked him what was wrong. Seth was so upset he wouldn't talk to Greg. When Greg tried to put his arm around his shoulder he shrugged it off violently. "Take a walk with me Seth." Greg got him outside and they walked down the street toward the store. "What happened?" Seth didn't say anything. "You were pretty angry at the door."

"They are calling me a pussy because I don't go to the parties." Greg wondered if it was because his mother wouldn't let him go. "She said only once a month." Did he need a ride? "Evan and Tyler want me to come with them. But they think I should be fooling around." Would he come if Greg drove him? "Maybe; but you told me it was okay to fool around too."

Greg realized he had slipped back into being a big brother. A car pulled past and splashed slush at their feet. They shuffled over slightly and ended close to each other. Greg reminded himself that Seth was still young. He would have felt differently if this conversation had been with Susan, but Seth was a guy and his reluctance to get involved surprised him. Lunch was probably close to being over and they would need to turn around. Seth seemed to be settled so he stopped and paused before they started back. It was easy to treat the fourteen-year-old as a friend.

"But I also told you that it was okay not to do stuff if you were not ready." He put a hand on Seth's shoulder and Seth stepped back. He had forgotten Seth was shy about the touching. He put his hands in his pockets. It was too cold to be out without their jackets.

Seth was shivering. "It's hard to take the bullshit Greg. What do you say to them when they bug you?" He looked into Greg's eyes.

Greg looked away a little embarrassed to be into this with Seth.

"Well to tell you the truth Seth I guess I have been getting into it at the parties." Greg was embarrassed about the age of the girls; not doing it. He had been grabbing sex where he could for years. Still, there were no pictures of the girls being sent to St. George from Bonner as far as Greg was concerned.

"Brice and Nigel said you weren't. Who did you make out with?" Seth actually looked like Greg had betrayed him somehow. His eyes glistened slightly in the cold wind.

Greg admitted he had played around with Rebecca. It was harder to admit he had necked with Beth.

"Oh; I see what you mean." Seth sighed a little and he moved closer to Greg. "So they don't bug you about it?" Greg shook his head. The bell rang and they knew they would be late. They started walking back. "Your dad is coming out tonight."

"How do you feel about that?" Greg was still coming to terms with the growing relationship.

"Mom says she's lonely. She's happy I guess." Seth thought he might have insulted Greg. "Mr. Cox is okay."

Greg smiled to himself. "Yes, it is weird for me to. Do you think your mom would let you go out tonight?"

"Why?" Seth had been waiting for Greg to hang out with him again. His heart lightened and Tyler's seductive words in the bathroom faded.

"I know some guys in Aspen who might be free to jam with us tonight." Greg would have to phone and find out.

Seth leaped at the chance. He seemed happier when they reached the school. They paused in the entrance as the younger children bustled around them struggling with their wet boots.

Before they went their separate ways Greg risked a punch to Seth's shoulder. "If you are stuck in town some time you can come over to my place and hang out." Greg could see his words had made Seth happy.

Greg couldn't see why Seth was on the outside so much. He wasn't a geek. Greg noticed he landed in detention fairly often for cutting up in class. He studied Seth's figure as he moved slowly up the worn stairs. Greg thought Seth was handsome. He had the kind of looks people went for. Even now a pair of girls in Seth's class had jumped on him when he got to the stairway.

Greg sighed at the sight and thought about it as he settled down for his creative writing class. He was the lone student in Bonner. In the end his father hadn't been able to convince anyone to join. He saw Alex in the classroom and while they waited for the teacher to begin they set up a jam session for after school. His mind turned back to Seth. Seth even looked a year older than the other eight graders. He towered over them and his voice sounded lower. If anything, you would think he would be the one bugging the shrimps around him. He decided he couldn't keep ignoring him. Seth had been drawn into his orbit. Greg wondered if having a talk with Evan and Tyler would help. They seemed to have their thumb on most of the boys.

Greg mechanically started into the assignment. The teacher asked him to slide his work on the document viewer and he tried to listen to his suggestions. Seth stayed on his mind.

Seth looked over his things while Greg collected the electric guitars from the closet. "Do you miss your younger brother? I miss my dad."

Greg put the light amp down and came over to take the picture from Seth's hands.

"Hal was older than me. That's him and that's me." Greg hadn't really thought about it, but he was about Seth's age in the picture. His mom had grabbed a shot of one of the first times they had played together. It was really the only way he had been able to connect with his older brother back then. Standing next to Seth he understood Hal better now. He hadn't been feeling like he was on the same planet with the fourteen-year old. He stretched his memories back and connected a little with the boy he had been. He'd had more experience now. He realized Seth would be just as horny, just as worried about fitting in with his friends as Greg had been and still was. By extension he realized that his father probably had most of the same feelings. Shit, now, he had to think about that too. Greg realized that Seth had landed in his world some time ago and if he didn't need a guide, he at least needed Greg's sympathy and understanding.

"Wow, you look exactly like him." Seth studied the picture.

Greg looked at it a moment and put the picture down.

"I could point out the differences." But Seth and his father were right. He had grown very similar to his brother. He just hoped in a crunch he would be a better driver. They gathered the equipment and packed it into the Mustang.

Seth was still high on the way back. Greg realized he may have made a mistake letting the kid get stoned.

Seth and Mat had taken a while to warm up to each other. Greg thought it was the small town rivalry but it was really just two guys feeling shy. By the time the beer had taken effect the young boys were relaxed and into the music.

Greg sat near Alex while the drummer played a light accompaniment and his brother showed Seth what he knew. Seth was still the novice and mostly listened until Mat got tired of playing by himself. Greg suggested some cords Seth could play and the older boys listened to them play together. The boys stopped playing when Greg produced a joint. The four boys headed outside and huddled together in the cold as they passed it. Seth was last in line and tried to follow the lead of the other boys. The smoke was harsh, but he had smoked cigarettes with his friends so he was spared an embarrassing coughing fit. He'd heard them wisely predict that he wouldn't feel stoned the first time. They were wrong; it hit him like a hammer and he was enveloped by the soft glow. When they went back in Greg picked up his brother Hal's guitar and the music began in earnest. They stopped at nine when Alex's parents came down to suggest they had had enough.

Once they had packed everything in the car Greg had realized they had not eaten. The lights at the cafe were still on so Greg pulled over. The grandmother was not impressed with Greg but he charmed her into admitting there was some food still around. After he checked his wallet he had her bring whatever was there.

Sitting across from Greg on the worn out diner Seth felt overwhelmed. The dope gave the jam session a depth and significance out of proportion to the garage-band reality of their play. It had been way cooler than the drunk out at Evan's farm. An affectionate glow surrounded his memories of Mat and Alex. Seth looked across the wasteland of half eaten dishes and felt a strong connection to Greg. He thought about the contest at the school. It had taken until that moment in the street to understand that Greg didn't know what was going on. Understanding it left Seth uncertain about what to do. Their legs touched beneath the cracked table top and Seth chanced a slight pressure against Greg's calf. What would he think if he knew? "This is awesome." Greg stopped gnawing on a dried rib for a moment. "Do you do this a lot?" Will you take me again next time?

Greg wiped his hands off. "Not that much. They have other stuff going on."

Greg had friends in St. George he had jammed with before the accident. These sessions with Alex were just him resurfacing. The older boy looked back at the younger and smiled. Greg felt some of the connection Seth felt. He was conscious of Seth's leg pressing against his and pulled away. He had driven north prepared to keep it straight. It was pointless to complicate things when he was surrounded by strangers. Setting that side of himself aside had seemed easy enough at the start.

Greg cocked his head as he listened to Seth gush with enthusiasm about the evening. The kid was two or three years younger than him and Greg was feeling confused. It bothered him that Seth could sink deeper into him than the Bonner boy's his own age. Maybe it was just simpler dealing with Seth because there was only one of him. The Peterson's were like some comedy team. Greg had a mental image of them bumping shoulders as they tried to walk through a door together and then pausing to flap futiley at each other. Like they had to get somewhere before the other and neither would give way; they whip-sawed him in class or at the parties trying to hold his attention. Anyway, it was turning out to be hard work hanging out with them. It was all surface stuff with Tyler. Tyler skated over everything like he was afraid to say something to offend Greg. Evan on the other hand kept trying to send him a message he couldn't decode. It was like they both wanted him to do something but they wouldn't be direct about it. Greg studied Seth's lips as he gnawed on the last of the dry ribs and noticed renewed pressure against his leg. He pressed back slightly to see if Seth would move his leg.

"This is better than the parties." Seth added.

Greg realized what he was doing and shifted his gaze to Seth's red eyes. The guilt he always felt when he toked came back. Control is important. If your head is clear mistakes happened. Mistakes could not be undone. He had an impulse to throw the last of the canister away. Greg let his eyes slide away from Seth's face and he focused on the old woman pretending to doze at the counter.

"Yeh, but there are chicks at the parties dude."

For you maybe, Seth thought. The older boys had things pretty well locked up.

"You look so bummed out about it Seth."

"You know any fags?"

Greg treaded carefully into this territory conscious of his recent thoughts. He glanced again at the old woman across the room waiting for them to leave so she could clean up.

"That's harsh Seth. Yes, I knew a few gay guys in St. George. Do me a favour and don't call them fags." It came way too close to home and it was the first time he had felt a reason to be pissed off at Seth. Seth had stumbled across a way to hurt him. The contact was broken under the table.

"Sorry. It's just I wondered if you had a problem with them."

Greg looked at Seth and cooled down. See, there it is, Seth would ask him something like that when Tyler would be holding out a brace of beers for him to chug. He stared at Seth wondering what was behind the question. The comment was exactly why he did not want to complicate his forced stay in Bonner. He had been too friendly maybe; Seth was picking up on his unconscious signals or something. Well he didn't need Seth or the rest of the posse if they had a problem with him.

"My brother Hal was gay. I don't have a problem with it." He got up and put his coat back on and went out into the night. He regretted his words immediately. It wasn't Seth's business and he didn't need him passing the information around. For one thing he didn't think his dad knew. It soured the evening.

"Greg stop." he turned back to look at Seth. "Don't be angry. It's just ... things around here ... you don't get it ... it's really hard."

Greg did not know what Seth was trying to say.

"What is it Seth? Do you think you're gay?" Or do you think I'm gay? he asked silently. Greg thought about the attraction that seemed to have developed between them. The connection he couldn't seem to ignore. Was that what was bothering Seth? It would be an awkward thing between them.

"They will beat the shit out of me if I tell you."

That made no sense to Greg and he was getting tired of the conversation. He turned and headed for the car.

"Just get in the car. I'm cold and we should get on the road." Greg started the car and waited for the heat to warm him up. Things can go south so quickly, he thought. Well, except for me apparently. I'm still stuck here in the north. The pun gave him a moment's relief and then the irritation returned. It sucked. You can never be yourself. You always had to play the game; pick the popular brand label; pick the safe path. Seth didn't get in the car. Greg looked in the mirror and saw that he was leaning against the trunk of the car. Greg whispered "shit" and climbed back out of the car. He leaned against the trunk and listened to Seth sobbing.

"What do you care? You'll be out of here in three months. But I'm stuck here. What the fuck am I supposed to do? I'll be all alone with no friends. Aaron couldn't do it and now he won't even hang out with me. What am I supposed to do Greg? Play toys with the grade six's till they get snapped up?" Greg heard the bitterness and isolation in Seth's voice. He remembered the sense of bleakness he had felt on the road to Bonner that first day.

"What are you trying to tell me Seth?" he tried to be patient with the boy. He was tired and he was feeling the cold.

"It's a bet, Greg, don't you get it? You go to the parties. You must see it. It's Studs or Rings. If Tyler gets either one of us he wins the bet."

"What bet?" Greg didn't understand. Seth was trembling in the cold so Greg grabbed a handful of his coat and pulled him close before wrapped his arms around him. It felt right. "What is this bet about? Where do Evan and Tyler fit into this?"

It took Greg a long time to work the answers out of Seth. He held the shivering boy the whole time. At first it did not make much sense. A contest between the cousins, something about blow jobs; if Tyler or Evan could get a boy in the school to give them a blow job they won a point. There was money riding on the bet now. "Jesus! What do the girls think about this?"

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My first time with April

I first met April when I was 16. We were in our high school’s marching band together, she was the same age as me, but she already had enormous tits. I swear they must have been at least DD’s. Just thinking about them was enough for me to be able to masturbate, which at that age I was doing a lot. We were good friends, but I never was able to build up the courage to ask her out. If I had the balls to I would have, not just because she had the best rack I’ve ever seen, and not because her ass was...

2 years ago
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My first time with April

After high school we went our separate ways, she was going to Northern Arizona University, and I opted for a local community college. I finished my associates degree at the community college then transferred to Arizona State’s West Campus. My first semester there I took an acting class, because I had always wanted to give that a try and never had a chance to until then. First day of class was one of the biggest surprises of my life; April was in that same class. We chatted catching up...

4 years ago
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Janeys April

Well, that's not exactly true, as you'll see in a minute. The thing is, I couldn't have written anything this month, anyhow, especially since I didn't do a thing that you'd be interested in. My daughter got sick. She's only eight years old, and all kinds of awful things have been going around in the Boston suburbs all this winter. We went on holiday, and as soon as we got back she got something. She had a bad sore throat, and she was allergic to the antibiotics. She had to go to the...

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This story examines another angle of the theme Smith laid out in two earlier tales: "The Abattoir" and "The Culling Lottery."Most anthropologists agree that many prehistoric human tribes practiced cannibalism; the premise here is that in a world ravaged by overpopulation and hunger, desperation has brought it back and profiteering has turned it into big business.With a high demand for young female flesh, huge breeding farms have sprung up to provide not only meat products, but other services...

3 years ago
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My Moms friend Ms April

It was a Friday night and I been home all day. Normally I’m alone on Friday nights unless a friend calls and wants to hang out. I mostly like to stay home on Fridays because that’s when I would have the house to myself. My mom goes out of town every Friday so I’m used to being alone most of the time. But tonight was different, something unexpected happened. So later when my mom left the house, I went to take a shower and most likely flop on the couch and watch some TV. I was sitting there...

4 years ago
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I’d been out all morning. I deposited a check into our bank account, then went out for breakfast, then got an overdue oil change, and then went shopping at a ladieswear place called Just Hers, which had opened about a month earlier. A friend of mine named Rita told me she shops there and raved about the place. I bought a few pairs of super-tiny see-through panties, a minidress, and a pair of very figure-hugging faux leather pants. I’d always wanted a pair of tight leather pants, but they were...

2 years ago
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Matts Adventures April01

Bill's Adventures - April01 by Bun2bch(mf, cons)### This work should only be read if it is legal for you to do so. This is a work of fiction, please do not read it if you may be offended. Comments are welcome at the above email address. Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated. This story is set in the UK where driving is legal at 17 and sex is legal at 16. ================================I sat at the kitchen...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 27

The bell rang while I was on my way back to Trig. I still had to go there to pick up my books. Jack carries his around in a backpack, like most other kids in high school. I've never liked that idea so I bought a wheeled carry-on bag like the airline flight crews use. It's got plenty of room for my books and the handle snaps open or closed in a second. It's a lot easier to wheel that thing around than struggle with a half ton of books on my back. Sometimes I wonder how Jack even gets his...

2 years ago
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Noir City

Noir City. It is a place of broken dream and shattered hearts. It places where the hot lead fly and even hotter women roamed the streets. There a lot of dangerous women in this city. Recently star detective both private and professional were getting killed by various means. Some were ripped in two. Sam Slade was tracking the killer down. He ran up the fire escape and followed the suspect, leaping off roof from roof. The cold was like a dagger to his heart and he had a sense of the dread. The...

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Caught ch2

I awoke the next morning feeling better than I had felt in a long time. Next to me lay Ella, no longer my grandmother but my lover, and I was so content to have her. I rolled closer to her and reached my hand over her to cup that warm beautiful breast in my hand. I remember cumming in her bra awhile ago. Did I even wash it out after I took care of my needs with it? What did Ella think when she went to look for it and found it nice and stiff? What could she think? Nope, now I remember I did not...

3 years ago
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First affair

I was out shopping on a beautiful summer day when I saw this man looking at me checking me out.I was dressed to be checked out.I was wearing a pair of tight shorts,a sleeveless top with a nice amount of cleavage showing and a pair of strap heels.I smiled at him and he came over to me and introduced himself.I'm guessing he was 30 something.He was very handsome and had a pretty good body.We talked for awhile and I was a bit nervous not only that someone may see us but how I was going to get him...

2 years ago
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Daughters Accident

When Chelsea was nine, her mother died of cancer, and I was left to raise her alone. This was not a problem, because Chelsea was smart, active, cute and all around, a “good” little girl. She was growing to be the spitting image of her mother, with bright red hair, brilliant blue eyes and a smile that would light up the room. When Chelsea was younger, up until about the age of six, I would bath her, periodically, but she was just a cute child, and not the object of any sexual attraction to...

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Heaven and Hell The seduction of a Church Lady

This is a true story that occurred six month ago. I live in the state of Montana with my wife. I am fortunate to be retired and my wife works three days a week. One morning, around 10am I was sitting in the living room, enjoying a cup of coffee and doing a little porn surfing. I heard a car drive up and a few moments later a knock at the door. Where we live we don't get a lot of traffic and at the time I was only wearing a t-shirt and underwear. I quickly went to the bedroom and slipped on my...

1 year ago
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My EXs Large Labia Were Beautiful

My story began when I was at Junior Secondary and my g/f at the time didn't just have large labia, hers were absolutely MASSIVE.I discovered this when I told her to take her knickers off on our first date together and from that moment on I stopped her from ever putting her knickers on again and I also banned her from wearing ANY UNDERWEAR, ANY WHERE at ANY TIME and to ensure that she complied with my ban I told her to pack ALL her undies in a bag and bring them to school next day so that we...

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Defense Attorney Turnabout Parody

01-31-20XX Defendant Lobby No. 3 5:30 PM "Oh god... Oh god oh god oh god, I can't believe I'm finally doing this." I'm hyperventilating. I'm actually hyperventi- I never hyperventilate! If the court sees me like this, they'll all know that I'm not ready for this! Okay... Okay, calm down Eliza. Calm calm calm calm calm- You can do this. It may be your first case, but you can do this! You've trained for this! You studied for this! YOU EARNED THIS! YOU. WILL. NOT. FAIL. My name is Eliza Hope. I'm...

2 years ago
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My wife needs a hung black man

For those annual vacation, Ana told me she wanted to go somewhere in the Caribbean; just because she wanted to be well fucked by a huge endowed black man.I asked about Jamal, her brand new Black Master; but Anita said she wanted some guy even bigger than him.On the second day at a very comfortable nice resort in Barbados, I spotted a truly well hung black man walking across the nude beach area. I turned to Ana, asking if he was the sort of guy she wanted. Anita looked at him and answered with...

2 years ago
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Life is a Roller Coaster Ride

I believe every now and then life brings you full of surprises. Your relations with old buddies Vanish in a moment , You develop new relations and your relations with old friends with whom you are proud off go so bitter that you don’t feel like calling them and on the other side you get in touch with new friends and they become integral part of your life.This story is all about such relations which turned into some serious involvements and I am from Indore working in a Reputed Company at a very...

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My History with Brandy Ch 3

Brandy sped out of town and began working her way up the rising terrain to the East of the city. As the road wound its way uphill, the spacing between houses got larger, until homes were no longer visible, as they were hidden from view by large gates and treed lots. Rocketing around a hidden curve, I caught a glimpse of a line of several cyclists peddling their way back down the hill, their bright jerseys flashing by my peripheral vision outside her window."Who-Hoo!" Brandy exclaimed as she...

Oral Sex
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A broken horse

tired and worn out after working the doors again in south east jolly old i wanna go home to my good woman.. and there she is stood in the most sexiest laced red and black silk line lingerie iv'e ever seen her wear in the hall way. My eyes scanning her up and down and i feel something move in my pantsShe looks at me and says "your not going to sleep yet!". so i was intrigued as to what little plan she had come up with she turned the lights down and slid between my legs and starts kissing them...

Straight Sex
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First time in anal

Pinky lay face down in the bed, her delicious derrière exposed as was her curved hips beneath them would be her well-fucked pussy, the hair about it matted with our juices and her lips soft and inviting. Idly I touched my cock as I watched her admiring her alabaster back and buttocks, tracing with my eyes each curve and line of her body and sighed with content. As I thought of what we had done I smiled and slowly began to pull myself off thinking of her body as I had opened her pussy lips and...

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Chennai Gigolo Sex 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers, I am Pramod from Chennai. I am a professional gigolo in Chennai. Any woman wants to have wild sex with 100% full satisfaction or want to have just fun can contact me on All communication is highly secure and safe. Even though I had sex with many unmarried girls, but I am personally fond of married unsatisfied woman. Today I am going to narrate you a true incident which happened last month in Chennai. I am writing this experience with my client’s permission and willing. After...

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Black Bones and White Sugar

I did not report it to the police and can't tell anyone. It is too difficult to talk about and almost unbelievable. Perhaps if I reveal the details of that horrific experience I will gain some semblance of... what... I'm not sure. Hopefully this will remind other young women to constantly be on the alert for those who would take them against their will. The college I attend is a branch of a large university which is two hundred miles from my home. During the football season I attend two or...

1 year ago
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His wife sharing

My wife is 36 years of age and I am 40, I have a dear and close friend. We have no secrets and whenever we get together to talk some how the talk drifts to women and how we would like to fuck a lady other than our wives. One day while the talk shifted to fucking outside marriage, I asked Vinod, how about letting me fuck his wife Meena. He was game and jokingly said if Meena has no objection you can, I became serious and told him I would do the same for him and that if possible he can fuck Priya...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Rick part 2

Hi Sorry for waiting so long to get to the next day of our camping trip for those of you anxiously waiting. The following morning we got up and Rick and I pretended nothing ever happened. Marc and I went for a short walk and I told him what happened he stopped looked at me and gave me a big kiss. I hoipe you didn't scare him but I think he won't mind me sharing you with him he said. Well we can find out when we get back. We arrived back at the trailer and Rick had just washed up and had his...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Mary Kalisy Hardcore Fuck At Work

Mary Kaisy is the shining star in today’s Hands on Hardcore masterpiece by DDF Network. The stunning blondie with small natural tits and absolutely beautiful green eyes receives a neck massage by Franco Roccaforte during a work break on the balcony. She gets a bit horny and wants to suck his dick in the outdoors. The black German stud returns the favor with some intense pussy licking and soon crams her trimmed pink with his big black monster cock! The athletic Russian cutie’s tight...

1 year ago
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The AuditionChapter 2

Once again, in what was becoming a regular occurrence for me, I trekked up the stairs to Rodney’s loft after Kirsten was safely asleep. The TV was muted when I got there. I think he was waiting for me. “Rodney,” I said, plopping down on the couch beside him. “This spying shit has really gotten out of hand.” He laughed, a quick little snort. “Mom,” he said, “I wasn’t spying. I was basically just walkin’ to my room.” “What you saw...” I said, “nothing bad was happening. I just wanted...

3 years ago
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Cum Bucket Bitch

It was your 30th birthday, I’d been planning this for a few weeks, sourcing the people, making sure everyone was fully tested and clean. You hadn’t got a clue, you thought I was just taking you out for a meal, it was the perfect surprise. I’d hired a special chair for 24 hours. I very much doubted you’d be getting much sleep. As soon as you arrived home from work that evening I explained I hadn’t been able to book our favourite restaurant as planned and how sorry I was, you just kissed me and...

1 year ago
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Fucking A Queen 8211 Part I

Hi Folks, this is sid writing my first story on ISS. Honestly never believed for a day i would be writing here. I am a fan of countless stories here read regularly, but unlike many of them, my story is 100% real and you must be patient to handle its realness while reading. To basically describe myself , am an introvert. I speak very little, have very few friends. i was one of the more silent and studious types in college. I was a decent looking guy. 5’7, 70 kgs, fair in complexion, not very...

2 years ago
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Xmas Pussy Party

Attended a friends Xmas party and boy did it turn into strip poker. Party lasted until 4am. 8 females and 10 guys. Everybody got fucked, pussy ate and dicks sucked. I mean dicks were getting sucked left and right. I saw one girl with dick up her assz that dick was huge. It was good clean fun. I got my pussy ate and ass hole licked. Then some much needed dick from my date. He was so excited. He had never been to such a party were one minute you was dancing and partying then next getting some...

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Farm Boy

He tossed to pitchfork aside and unbolted the door. With the click of his tongue, the young farmhand led Maple back to her cleaned stall. Hunter gave the horse a pat on the rump before bolting her inside. He leaned on the door and smirked, “Your mama must loves you lots to set you up with that fine straw.” Looked softer than his mattress up in the loft, that was for sure. “My daughter takes care of the things she loves.” Hunter turned at the deep voice and was surprised to see his boss...

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and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The Subway Ride FFFF by Marie LeClare Copyright © 2004 It had been ages since I had been to New York City and friends had told me how bad the transit system was but I just had to see for myself. I mean we have a transit system in Dallas but it's just trains and doesn't have the atmosphere of New...

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Cynthia MartinChapter 38

The next morning, when Cindy regained consciousness after her morning lovemaking with Dan, she found herself, as usual, with her head against his shoulder. Reaching up, she pulled her tangled hair back from her face with her fingers and turned her head to give Dan a kiss. Making a small face she asked, "Dan, should I be worried, do you suppose? I think I've been unconscious at least twice a day every day for weeks. I wonder if it does any lasting damage?" While Dan was thinking of an...

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Bad Boy

You open the door, come into the room, and set your papers down on the table. There is a dim light on, so you can see me sitting there waiting. You look at me and you can tell, you are in trouble. You’ve made me wait for hours and I don’t want any excuses. You know what you have to do. You sigh and start to take your clothes off, I study your body as you do. There is not a mark on you, yet. You know I’m not happy after waiting for hours without a single phone call. You know better than to make...

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The English Teacher Ch 2

The old saying about not looking a gift horse in the mouth and it definitely applied here and I was not going to.  Mrs. Jennings was asking me, almost pleading with me, to kiss her before she changed her mind and I was more than eager to oblige her.  As my older teacher's hands were under my tee-shirt and caressing up and down my chest I leaned my head down as she brought hers up and our lips met.  Our lips touched and then she parted her mouth and I did the same with mine and soon we were...

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Shes Leaving Home

Copyright© It was Sunday afternoon and I was doing yard work while I waited for my wife, Margie, to return from her work seminar in Denver. She had ridden to the airport with a coworker and was due back any time. Margie was a chemist. She worked for a large pharmaceutical company. She very seldom traveled for her work, but this was one trip she couldn't avoid. The company has been working on a weight loss pill for years and Margie was deeply involved in the project. The company was flying...

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My partner Joan and I had lived happily together for seven years. She was an operating theatre Sister at the local district hospital and I worked as a teacher at the local High School. We had frequently discussed marriage, but had never quite got round to organizing the wedding. It was the middle of January when I first met Linda and my whole world began to come apart. I was walking back from the newsagent having just fetched the morning paper, when I saw the furniture van unloading into the...

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