From Noble To Female Sex Slave Part 2 free porn video

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Davon awoke slowly feeling quite groggy. At first he, no she now was confused but then she remembered everything that had happened. She blushed and squirmed a bit, her hand going to the collar around her neck. She bit her lip nervously wondering what Killian would do next, though at the same time she felt heat from her pussy at some of the thoughts of what Killian might do. She was incredibly confused by her conflicted thoughts. She blinked and suddenly Killian was right there she stared at the other woman and licked her lips. Killian bent down kissing her roughly and forcefully. She found her lips parting as Killian slid her tongue into her mouth. She let out a low moan of pleasure and leaned upwards into the kiss. Killian was quite happy with her new lover's response and she deepened the kiss more holding the girl's head gently. She really had turned out absolutely irresistible. The dark brown curly hair framed that cute innocent seeming face perfectly. She wanted to hold the girl, fuck her brains out, then cuddle her and keep her safe. She broke the kiss and moved her mouth to nibble on her ear. "Hmm all mine" She said almost growling as she slid onto the bed with her. She pinched the girl's nipples and ran her hands along her body. She looked so delicate and small. "Hmm you're so lovely." She said kissing down the girls cheek to her neck and then further. Davon gasped as she bit her ear then licked her. She arched her back and moaned the sensations from her body were so intense and strange. As a man she'd had sex a couple times, but it seemed like as a woman her body was just way more sensitive, either that, or Killian was just an amazing lover, or both. She still didn't quite understand everything, and being totally at the other woman's mercy was worrying, but as Killian's hands slid over her making her moan none of that seemed to matter as much or at all really. She panted and whimpered staring at the other woman with lust. She spread her legs almost unconsciously. Killian smiled down at the girl beneath her. She stroked the inside of her thigh and slid herself lower. She licked the girl's belly button and watched her writhe and shiver in pleasure. She smiled up at her slave as she licked down to that warm inviting wet slit. She teased the girl licking the outside of it and around the clit. Davon groaned and panted gripping the sheets tightly, as her sex was licked for the first time it was an unusual but intense feeling. "What o god that" She said between pants. She moved her hips trying to feel it even more, but she couldn't move her legs very far. She saw Killian holding her down as she was licked and teased feeling herself getting wetter. She squirmed as much as she could with Killian holding her legs. "Mistress" she said panting and moaning her lust building but not enough to get off. She whimpered begged and pleaded. Killian smirked at the girl and all the noises she was making. Her body was delicious. She loved how she could make the girl writhe with just a few flicks of her tongue. She buried her face into her lover's pussy lapping at it as she held the girls legs with her hands. She could feel her becoming warmer and wetter. She looked up at her pet as she licked the girl's pussy and clit. Right before she'd orgasm she stopped. "Beg for me to fuck you" She said stroking her gently. Davon moaned and groaned. She couldn't help but pant and whimper looking down at her lover. "Please, please mistress fuck me" She said her whole body shivering with need. In that moment nothing else matter but getting fucked. She could feel how close she was to an orgasm. She looked at the other woman pleading with her eyes. Her body almost felt like it was on fire with need. Killian grinned as she climbed atop her lover. She held the girl's legs spread wide apart. She guided her cock into her lover's tight pussy. She rammed her hard and fast. She shivered as she fucked her lover hard. It felt so good to be fucking her little pet. She pinched the girl's nipples as she fucked her hard. There was nothing gentle as she slammed into the girl again and again. She could feel herself on the edge of cuming. Davon felt like her entire body was vibrating. It didn't take long before she was screaming out loud she couldn't hold back even If she wanted to. Her back arched and she screamed as she came and came hard. She couldn't help it but even orgasming didn't help her body's lusts not with how hard Killian was fucking her it was an incredible sensation. She could feel her body building to another orgasm, and it was happening quickly. She kept moaning and screaming. She couldn't even talk all she could do was moan and scream in lust. She kept writhing and moaning as she was getting fucked. She couldn't think much at all. Killian grinned as she fucked her little slave. "Hmm that's it cum for me cum again and again my little fuck toy." She said pressing her breasts against her slaves as she fucked her hard; shoving her cock all the way into her pet's pussy. "This is your purpose in life, nothing but my little cunt and cum dumpster." She said as she came into her pussy hard. "God I love using you my little fuck toy." She said before pulling out. As soon as Killian came in her she couldn't help but cum again with another shout. She looked up at her lover biting her lip. She didn't really like being called a cunt, but it did seem to make her body hotter and wetter. She couldn't help her bodies' reactions to her owner. "I, I know I'm your slave Mistress" She said panting a bit. "I, I know I'm just your sex slave" she said laying down trying to relax a bit. Killian was going to say something more to her pet but she was interrupted by her com. "Well my little toy it seems I need to go up to the bridge. "You stay here get showered, and get some food, do not try to leave this room" She told her toy in a stern tone. "I'll also have to come up with a new name for you, but right now I have to get going." She stroked her pet's cheek. "On second thought shower and then I'll have you escorted to the bridge as well I want my new toy near me at all times." She said kissing her pets full lips. She took a quick shower to clean off then dressed herself in her red skin tight battle armor. She made her way out of the room and up to the command deck. "What do we have?" She demanded of the crew man on watch. He was a pure human no modifications. He put his hand over his heart. "Captain we have a small Yamani vessel, the sort they use to carry supplies to and from the front they have against New Francez" He said to her. She looked over the plot. "And we have a letter of Marque from the Franchazians. How far are they from the warp gate?" She asked him her manner quite crisp. "Umm looks like they have an hour, we can hit them in fifteen minutes, they are fast but we're faster captain." He said to her looking at the long range scanners. "Set the intercept course." She said striding to the command chair and taking her seat. "All hands prepare for battle stations." She said her mechanical eyes shining with anticipation of what was to come. Davon groaned as she got up out of the bed rubbing her head. She bit her lip and showered shuddering as the warm water hit her sensitive flesh. She found a very floral scented soap and used it. She moaned a bit as she washed herself. Her body felt incredibly sensitive. She couldn't help her body's reactions to what was going on with it. As soon as she finished she stepped out showering. She bit her lip nervously as two very large people a man and woman eyed her. "Wow the captain did a number on you." The voice was a low but still feminine voice both of them stood over seven feet tall. Both of them were well muscled the woman's breasts were bigger than her own by a lot, but she knew both of them were stronger than she was. "Hello" She said nervously feeling shy about being naked with them. "Don't worry we know you're the captain's property we're escorting you to the bridge." The man said his voice was incredibly deep. "She also said not to worry about clothing because you're not getting any ever." He said chuckling. "So either you follow us up to the bridge or we'll put you on a leash." He said looking her up and down. Davon blushed as she was checked out by the two. She felt so frail and weak, and vulnerable. "I I'll follow you" She said looking down and biting her lip. The two of them lead her out of the room, down a hallway and up to a lift. Once the lift opened she found herself standing outside a chrome door. The door opened, and she was on a bridge. Killian sat in the captain's chair, like a queen upon her thrown. All the watch stations were set up so that Killian could see every single one of them from her chair. Every single set of eyes stared at her for just a second. She saw Killian motion her over. "Just get on your knees here pet" She said pointing down next to her. Killian grinned at her pet, especially as she got on her knees next to her chair. "Hmm you look delicious my pet." She said with a purr. "Is there any change in the target's path?" She said her tone crisp clear and commanding. The electronic watch officer turned his head. "No captain their scanners have not seen us as of yet we are almost within hailing distance." He said turning back to his station. Killian reached down with her hand and stroked her pet's hair gently. She found the feeling of just running her hand through the girl's hair to be very relaxing. She watched the plot. It wasn't long before they were in comm range of the vessel. "Yammani Vessel this is Captain Killian Qatar of the Bloody Talon you are within range of our weapons heave to and prepare to be boarded." She said her tone authoritative. She sent the message along with full video. The person on the other end would see a tall woman in blood red skin tight combat armor sitting in a high backed chrome command chair a collared naked slave girl kneeling at her feet. "You have less than five minutes to kill your engines before we fire upon you." She said as she sent the message. She waited for the reply. Even in the same solar system, communications could have quite a delay. But it wasn't long before a brown skinned man of average height with silver eyes showed up on the screen. "The Yammani principalities do not surrender to scum and pirates, even those that belong to the Shivali. We will not heed your illegal order if you impede our mission the retribution of the Principalities will be on your head" He said then the message cleared. Davon couldn't help but stare at the screen. She shivered and blushed knowing the other captain had just seen her naked, and being treated like a pet. She felt embarrassed and humiliated, but at the same time the hand running through her hair felt incredibly good. She stared up at Killian then around the bridge and the other six people there. She thought the captain of the other ship was an idiot. Even she could tell from looking at Killian's display that it was a transport ship, and even though it was a military transport ship it didn't mount any serious weapons. Killian laughed at the other captain's audacity. She didn't even give him another chance. "Fire control do we have a good lock?" She said her tone almost conversational. The man at that station Higgins nodded. "Yes mam we have a good solid lock." He said grinning at her. "I assume you want us to light them up with the ion cannons, and EMP missiles." He said his finger almost itching to shoot. "Just the ion cannons aim straight for their engines. If that doesn't work then we'll use the missiles no use in wasting missiles if we don't have to." Killian said in response without any hesitation what so ever. She intently watched the plot as the ion cannons powered up. They were within range, but barley. She felt the ship's speed slow down as the first pulsed shots from the six gun battery went out. Two of the shots missed the engine the other four hit the reactor drive. She watched as the ship slowed down dramatically the ion cannons had effectively shut down the ship's power supply her target was now just drifting. "Triz, are the boarding craft readied?" The question wasn't as important because it was a mere formality. Her crew knew what they were doing, and the minute battle stations had been called he'd probably been at the boats with his personnel. "Captain our scanners are showing a large number of people on board, they might be carrying prisoners." That came from the person manning the station monitoring the sensor array. Killian frowned as she considered. She trusted Triz, but felt she should be in on the boarding if that was the case. "Triz hold the shuttles I'm coming" She said getting up out of the chair. Jorma get up here to man the bridge, pet get back to my quarters for the moment." She said as she swept back out the doors her stride quick and purposeful. She walked quickly to the lift. The hallway between the lift and the bridge was short as the bridge took up almost that entire section of deck. She took the lift down to the first bay. Inside sat four assault craft all of them painted a blood red. Each of them had 4 missile tubes, as well as enough space to carry up to forty crew members all armored and well-armed. The lead soldier a short stocky man gave her a quick nod. "All craft are ready Mam, just give the word." He said as she grabbed an energy rifle off the rack. "Let's go." She said as all four shuttles left the bay the bay doors opening as they powered up. The Bloody Talon had four such bays each one with an equal number of assault craft. The Bloody Talon targeted the ship with its ion cannons one more time blinding all its sensors as the crafts approached. Half of them went to the other ships boat bays aiming straight for those points the others picked other places, blowing holes in the ship with missiles. Once the ship had holes in it the assault craft used powerful magnets to attach the hull of the vessel. The crew of the bloody talon poured into the ship weapons at ready. The crew of the Yammani vessel was quickly overwhelmed their fast reaction force only constituted ten personnel the entire ship only had a total crew of fifty, twenty of which died rather than surrender. None of Killian's pirates were dead. The ship's captain finally surrendered at gun point. Killian felt a supreme satisfaction at how well her people had performed but she was enraged at the other captain. "You should have surrendered earlier people under your command died for nothing you piece of shit" She told him her words cold and hard. "I hope your government values you and your crew enough to pay what we are going to ask, otherwise I will sell you as slaves." She glared at him as her com beeped. "Yes?" She said speaking into it. "Captain their cargo is Franchezian prisoners nearly a hundred of them captain." Killian grinned at that "Set them free and put them in the crew quarters here, they might be a little cramped at the same time I want our prisoners put in those holding cells. She turned to one of her officers a wiry woman only a little shorter than her with green eyes and long black hair. "Tammy I want you and half your people to man this ship, we'll make for Shiva's Star" Tammy was one of her officers a reliable herm who was human with some gene mods for size and strength she'd be more than capable of keeping the prisoners in line and the ship on course, especially with Triz acting as her second. She said plotting the course in her mind; it was the closest of the stations manned by the pirate organizations, not only that but it was a fairly large station. "From there we'll send a message to the Franchazians and the Yammani about our prisoners and the freed Franchazians, as well as the seized ship." She said grinning. She knew the Franchazians would give them a reward for returning their people it was part of her letter of Marque from them. The Yammani would be more problematic but if they didn't want their people back then they'd be sold as slaves, though she might keep a couple for the ship. Some of her officers deserved their own slaves as well. The senior of the Franchazians a short squat bald man was lead to her. "Thank you captain for freeing us, no matter what happens to us it's better than what was intended." He said wiping sweat off his brow. "They were going to completely mind wipe us then use us as shock troops against our own people" He said his voice getting higher as he shuddered. Killian stared at him in horror that was a violation of almost every interstellar treaty, the Yammani had gone beyond the pale, and she'd enjoy selling the crew of their ship into slavery. "Don't worry Sir we'll do our best to get you back to your homes. We're not monsters, and I honor all my contracts." She said squeezing his shoulder gently. "We'll take good care of you and your people, though quarters maybe a bit cramped, but the trip to Shiva's star won't take long." She said grinning. The location of the station was not secret though the Shivali had some stations that were very secret indeed. Shiva's star was one of the stations the pirate organization used as a trading point. She looked over at Tammi "You and your people can handle things from here the rest of us will be heading back to the main ship." She said striding back to where her craft had attached to the hull. The holes in the captured vessel were relatively small, and with the freed prisoners and her own people Tammi would have it fixed in no time. Once aboard the assault shuttle the trip back too little time at all, though the power cells on all the assault craft would have to be recharged before they would be combat ready again, as well as the missiles replaced. Luckily they'd had a month of relative inactivity and were well stocked. Once aboard she found herself walking up to the bridge to ensure the ship would set the course she wanted set. "All right Jayme set the course for Shiva's star. It's what just 4 jump points?" She said doing the calculations inside her artificial brain very quickly. Jayme was another of her senior officers a human with only the most basic of gene modifications for speed and agility. His body was lean and mostly muscle with little to no fat, his eyes were a hard cold blue and his skin was rather pale from spending so much time on ships in space. "Yes Mam that's correct. Your new plaything was escorted to your room." He said only the slightest hint of jealousy in his voice. The crew had never kept slaves before the noble they'd always sold them. She chuckled at him. "Well Jayme if the Yammani don't play ball and pay a very high fee to get their people back you Tammi, and Triz will all get one of your own, we can easily afford that out of the thirty prisoners." She said chuckling a bit. "Though if you do keep one you'll have to keep them in your quarters and you'll be responsible for him, her or it." She said chuckling a bit. "Trip will take what 8 hours total?" She said her mind processing all the mathematical calculations very quickly being an android had its advantages. Jayme just nodded in response. He wasn't sure if keeping slaves on board was a good idea or not but the captain was not the sort you argued with, if she had been she'd never would have been able to stay captain. He did as ordered though and set the course for the station; at the same time even if he didn't think it was a good idea to have slaves on board he thought of what he might do to, or with one. "Oh your slave was taken to your quarters as ordered she didn't quite want to go though wanted to make sure she was somewhere where she could know what was going on." He said smirking, "Though she did seem really nervous still." He said with a grin. There was something almost endearing about the new slave girl. Killian grinned at him. "Well then I should go reassure her, after all we have eight hours before arrival, and I'm sure she's hungry too." She said realizing that her slave hadn't eaten in a while. She felt bad about that she should have thought about that sooner. "Well I'm out if anything comes up don't hesitate to comm me." She said as she left the bridge. From the bridge it was a short trip to her chambers. Once she opened the door she smiled wide as her slave ran up to her. Davon had been bored worried nervous and hungry after she'd been sent from the bridge. She had a computer with some games and apps that she had access to but not much else. She'd been given some bottles of flavored water by her guards, but that had been it as far as nutrition. She was happy and confused when she saw Killian she was confused because well why should she be happy to see the woman who'd turned her into a girl and a slave, at the same time Killian hadn't treated her badly at all and the sex had been great. "I'm glad you are alright." She said softly not sure what else to say or do. She bit her lip nervously as she stared up at Killian, her owner. "What, what are you going to wind up doing with me?" She said softly. Killian grinned and stroked the girl. "You are going to be my companion and lover. Once I know I can trust you we'll see about getting you a job to do on the ship, cause I know your probably bored but I don't know how much I can trust you yet dear I want to be able to do so. You were really brave standing up for the people working for your family you know." She said stroking the girl gently. "Now why don't we get you some food I have a synthesizing unit and can make you almost anything you'd want" She said grinning as she kissed the girl's forehead. Davon blushed at her words and looked up at her shyly. She'd never been in a relationship before not really as a guy she'd just had a couple of lovers, but none of them had been like Killian. She'd been attracted from the moment she'd seen her but she was scared of her situation as well. "Umm okay that sounds good." She said softly. "I did enjoy the sex but everything is just so overwhelming I just I'm really confused." She said blushing. Killian smiled at the woman. "Well I'm sure you are and I know you enjoy it, just give it time, and give me a chance alright. I won't treat you badly I promise, well unless you give me a reason to." She said leading the girl into the other room attached to the sleeping chamber there was a small table with various star charts on it, a small food synthesizer sat on a counter by itself, there was a large view screen along one wall, and a couch in front of it. "Well this is my planning room, also doubles as a place to just relax. My maker and I would spend a lot of time here; the synthesizer was hers I just never took it out." She said with a shrug. She may have been an android but she did have emotions. She still missed her old captain a lot, and even some of the crew she'd had over the years. Though her current crew was good, and she did have hopes for her relationship with Davon. "You know we are going to need a new name for you." She said smiling at her. Davon smiled sadly at her. She could tell that Killian still missed the woman who'd had her built. She walked up and hugged the other woman. She didn't know why she did it but it just felt like the right thing to do. "I can't be her, but umm I do like you I think, but everything's so confusing right now." She said honestly looking up at the android. "But umm I'm not going to try to run away." She said softly. It felt good to hold the other woman, and the way Killian looked at her sent pleasant shivers through her body. She didn't like being a slave, and being made into a girl was a huge shock, but Killian hadn't mistreated her, and she could tell that the other woman was lonely. "Just umm give me time to get used to everything, but I don?t like going naked all the time.? She said as she leaned into the other woman. Just being near the other woman was causing her libido and hormones to go into over drive. ?Umm can that thing make mushroom bisque soup?? She asked her voice very soft as she looked up at Killian. It was one of her favorite soups. She blinked at the having to be renamed. She had no idea what name she?d like as a girl. ?Umm I guess so.? She said softly her arms still wrapped tightly around the other woman, her head resting against Killian?s back. Killian grinned, and turned stroking her girl?s hair. ?I know sweetie you have to be incredibly overwhelmed by what?s happened, but well I?m glad you?re handling it as well as you are.? She said grinning and kissing the top of her head. ?I know you?re not her, but I?m also glad you are here with me.? She said stroking the girl?s thick brown hair. ?I know I?ll name you precious.? She said grinning. She patted the other woman gently. She wanted to take her on the table but she knew the girl needed to eat something, and well it would be nice to just sit with her for a bit. ?Yes it can make soup sure you don?t want anything fancier?? She said chuckling making fun of the fact that her pet had been a noble. In her experience most nobles tended to be a very pretentious lot. She set the synthesizer for the soup. ?This is a pretty basic model living on a station I?m sure you?ve used one before so any time you are hungry feel free to just come in here and fix something up, later I?ll take you to the actual mess hall, but well I just want you to myself for a little.? She said with a wide smile. In a matter of seconds the bowl of soup was ready. Davon?s stomach rumbled at the smell of the soup. She bit her lip at the new name, and the fact that Killian hadn?t said anything about the naked situation. ?Umm I just always liked soup. When my mom was alive any time I was hurt or scared she?d cook me a bowl of homemade soup.? She said softly eyes down cast a little. ?And what about me being kept naked mistress I?d really like clothes,? She said her voice a bit nervous as she looked up. Once she had the bowl in her hands she looked for a place to sit, other than the table which was laden with maps there was the couch. She looked up at Killian, not sure which to use. ?I also don?t really think precious is a good name,? She said blushing a bit. Killian looked at nervous slave girl and laughed a bit. She flicked her nose lightly. ?But I like you naked. You look adorable naked, besides with you naked I can do this? She said stroking the girl?s breasts and clit gently and softly. ?Now let?s sit down you can eat and we can watch something from the ship?s library. And you are too cute to be named anything other than precious.? She said guiding the girl to the couch. It was quite comfortable for both of them. There was a small folding table on the side of it for her slave to put her soup on. Once again her body reacted to even that light a touch. She moaned and shuddered quite a bit just from Killian stroking her breast. ?But umm with other people I feel really exposed.? She said blushing badly. ?Can I just have clothes to wear around other people, and umm when it?s just us stay naked?? She said holding the soup in her hand as she sat down. She looked up at Killian hopefully; as she took her first spoonful of the soup it wasn?t bad. With everything that had happened she was starving. She looked over again at Killian who sat down next to her, the remote for the view screen in hand. Her mistress put on some mindless action vid. She just ate her food and leaned into the other woman a little. She was so confused but Killian at least seemed decent, and well it felt good to just lean against her. Killian glanced at the slave girl as she ate. As an android, even a bio one she didn?t really need to eat she did eat occasionally, but not very often. She grinned as her slave leaned into her. ?You know whatever clothing I let you wear, might be even more revealing than being naked.? She said purring, just thinking of her slave in some very short skirts with high heels, or clothing made of very shiny plastic. ?We?ll also have to get you some piercings.? She said petting the girl settling in to just enjoy her presence as the movie played. ?But don?t worry about anything right now I?ll take care of you I promise.? She said stroking the girl?s cheek softly. She wanted to just bend the girl over and fuck her hard, but cuddling with her was good as well, and well the girl needed some time to adjust. Davon blushed knowing some of what she was thinking for clothing. There was clothing especially for slaves that were worse than wearing nothing but she just leaned into Killian?s touch as she set the bowl aside. She was still sleepy and just overwhelmed in general. She didn?t even bother paying attention to the movie and soon she was dozing. She didn?t wake up not even when Killian gently lifted her and put her on the bed. She covered her slave with a couple of sheets stroking her hair. Being an android she needed very little down time so she decided to work on some paperwork, checking supplies the ship would need once they hit port. She also had some various other paperwork issues to do, checking maintenance logs and reports from her other officers. Eventually she did have to rest, not nearly as long as a human would. She set her internal alarm for three hours that would give her some time before actually docking to be up and on bridge. She stroked her slave?s hair, the girl still sound asleep on the bed. The minute she laid down beside her Davon curled around her. Killian smiled and leaned in before powering down. It was some time later and Davon woke up slowly. She blinked and found Killian next to her, with her own arms around the woman. She hadn?t even remembered falling asleep, or being set on the bed. She woke up feeling well rested, even if she was still incredibly confused by everything. Part of her really enjoyed being around Killian, but being treated like a slave and pet wasn?t supposed to be good was it? She couldn?t quite shake the feeling of warmth she had for the other woman though, nor could she figure out just what it was. She bit her lip nervously. Then all thoughts were driven out of her head by Killian waking up and stroking her gently. She shivered lightly and leaned into the touch breathing deeply, and even snuggled in closer. Killian grinned and smiled at the girl ?Well you seem to be in a good mood? She said lightly smiling as she nuzzled her girl. She was really glad that she was taking it so well, besides the girl was just absolutely adorable. She stroked the girl a little more. ?Come on get up we need to get you a little more food, and cleaned up, we should be an hour out from the station.? She said as she sort of nudged the other woman out of the bed. As she did so she reached for her comm. ?Bridge status?? She said her voice clipped and business like. ?Captain we are in system and about to hail the station.? The voice on the other end was Jayme?s. ?I?ll be up soon, since this is one of our stations rotating leave schedules as per the standard. Is the prize ship in system with us?? She said wanting to make sure that Tris had kept up with them. If she hadn?t then someone would have commed her and alerted her. But she wanted to be certain. ?Yes captain they just made their translation they are a little behind us.? Jayme said his voice cool and crisp. Davon groaned as she got up she up she?d have rather stayed cuddling with her mistress, but it was time to get up. She stretched and went to the sitting room and grabbed some oatmeal from the synthesizer. She ate quickly amazed at how hungry she still was, she grabbed a second bowl as well. She still hated being naked. She didn?t mind Killian seeing her naked, but she really didn?t want other people seeing her naked, but she didn?t have a choice in the matter at all. She walked back into the main bedroom after eating. The site of Killian just getting into her red skin tight fiber mesh armor, and well she had to lick her lips. Her mistress made quite a sight getting into the outfit. She walked over and rubbed herself against her Mistress once she was dressed. She moaned when Killian rubbed and pinched her nipple. ?See if you wore clothing I wouldn?t be able to do that, but enough for now we have quite a bit of business to see to on the station including getting you some clothing.? She said grinning as she rubbed her slave?s ear gently and teased her. She then finished dressing. Once dressed she strode up to the bridge, precious in tow behind her. Once on the bridge the viewing monitors clearly showed the station coming into view. It took an hour for the ship to dock. In that time Killian had snapped orders, given the crew their rotation schedules for leave. She?d also coordinated with Triz and Tammy aboard the captured vessel. The two ships docked nearly side by side. Davon just stared about at everyone and everything in the dock. The pirate station was incredibly busy way busier than most of the ports he?d seen in his, well now her short life. She grimaced it was still taking her time to adjust to thinking of herself as a woman. The sheer amount of ships and people was intimidating. Right before exiting the ship Killian had given her a pair of slippers to wear and she was grateful for that, but she was still incredibly self-conscious about being naked around so many people, but she wasn?t the only slave that was clad so she saw quite a few other slaves in various states of undress some seemed to be happy others looked beaten and half starved. She found herself huddling close to Killian. A short woman with spikey blond hair exited the ship they?d taken. She took one look at her and grinned. ?Wow boss lady she turned out real nice, was Jayme shitting when he said me him and this over grown monstrosity might get slaves of our own?? She said making a hand motion towards the taller raven haired woman that exited the ship right behind her. The woman stood almost seven feet tall and wore full body armor her muscles were larger than those of most men. Killian looked at the two and grinned. ?IF the Yammani don?t pay up then yup, precious this is Tammi? She said introducing Davon with her new name to her two close friends if they?d been in a real navy Tammi would have been her executive officer. ?And the tall one behind her is Triz. If both of them are really nice they might not just get their own slaves but I might just share you with them too.? She said mostly joking as her hand stroked her slave?s hair. She could feel how nervous her new slave girl was and really she couldn?t fault the girl for that. Triz just smirked a little ?Both options could be fun if I got a slave we could have a nice bit of fun with both of em, but I won?t be nearly as nice to one of those Yammani bastards as Killian seems to be with you.? She said winking at both Killian and Davon. Her voice was deep almost as deep as a man?s voice. Killian just shook her head. ?Well let?s go to the guild office and lodge an official communication with the Yammani and the Franchezians.? She said walking away from the hangar. Already some supplies were being loaded onto the ship, and crew were leaving both ships to stretch their legs do some shopping, and just get away from the ship for a bit. The four of them wound their way through the crowded station. The pathways were wide enough that it wasn?t too difficult to navigate through. The place they came to took up quite a bit of room the lights flashing on the outside of it told everyone that it was the guild representative for the station. As such the outside of it was well apportioned with very nice curtains and an expensive rug. The doors slid open and the inside was tastefully decorated but everyone was reminded of the power the guild had by the two guards standing just inside with the most modern of weapons, it was a pirate station after all. Davon was made even more nervous by the two guards who stared at her and shrunk in against Killian. Killian smiled and stroked her but then turned her attention to business. ?Killian Qatar I have a message I need the guild to deliver, well two messages.? She said standing mostly relaxed the others stood behind and to the side of her. Davon was practically clinging to her. They were passed on into the reception room. The reception room had several nice chairs, a food synthesizer sat atop a clean chrome counter top. Killian smiled a bit and motioned for the others to sit she chose a comfortable looking chrome chair with a red padded seat. Davon, well precious now looked around trying to decide what to do. Killian smirked at her pet and with a wave of her hand indicated for her to kneel at her feet. ?Come precious?, she said with a silken purr in her voice. Blushing she did so kneeling next to the chair, and let her mistress stroke her hair. ?So any problems with the prisoners? Killian asked Tammi. ?Nope none at all, at least none that I couldn?t deal with,? the tall amazonian woman said with a smirk. ?Those assholes will hopefully get what?s coming to them.? She said not liking their attitude at all. ?Take it they didn?t respect you?? Killian said well knowing the misogynistic tendencies of the Yammani. ?They learned to shut their traps about their religious bullshit after the first hour. If I do get one I want their cleric.? She said eyes hard. ?Umm I actually want him I have an idea of what to do to him that would be fun? this came from the much shorter Tammi said. She had one of her brown locks twirling in her hand and a playful smile on her face. ?You can have that prick of an exec.? She said eyes rolling. The Yammani had not endeared themselves to their captors. Davon said nothing just leaned into Killian?s touch. She didn?t feel like she could say much. Her family had never dealt much with the Yammani, but she?d heard plenty about them. ?Umm Mistress maybe in addition to giving the Franchazians their people back we could also offer to sell them the ship we captured? If they are at war with the Yammani maybe they could make use of it?? She said softly cringing a little she didn?t know if her idea would be a good one. Killian grinned and stroked her pet some more. ?That?s not a bad idea we?ll bring it up with them once the meeting is set, maybe I?ll even let you pitch their rep the idea. You did say you had been trained as a diplomat.? She said knowing her pet would want more responsibility than just being a fuck toy. The other two in the room eyed Killian then eyed Davon, but didn?t say much. Neither one was sure if they trusted the new girl after all she was a slave, but she seemed genuine and didn?t seem intent on escape at all. At that moment the door opened and in walked a very well dressed pure human. He was wearing blue and silver the official colors of the trade guild. His hair was a bright blond he stood just under six feet tall. ?Captain Qatar good to see you again, I hear you?ve you?ve taken some prisoners as well as some former prisoners. The guild would be happy to aid you in sending a message to the perspective nations.? His tone of voice was somewhat haughty and arrogant but the welcome in his eyes was genuine. Killian smiled at him. ?Yes we have a standing arrangement with the New Franchezians so I don?t forsee any difficulty but the guild can get a courier there faster than my ship could get there. Then the prisoners we took are Yammani bout forty in all. I?m aware that the Yammani don?t typically pay repirations to get their people back, but to maintain the legality of it we have to at least offer the chance. I don?t expect them to accept, but? She said with a shrug of her shoulders. The guild representative nodded his head. ?Yes of course those people are unpleasant to deal with. Even though we represenatives of the galactic guild are barred from owning slaves I would happily like to see them on the block? He said giving the women a nice big smile. Davon frowned a bit she could sense there was something personal behind that sentiment but she wasn?t in a position to ask him about it. Killian didn?t bother asking either. ?Well I plan on rewarding these two plus my main navigator who have all been with me awhile with slaves of their own but that still will leave thirty seven to be sold on the block.? She said with a laugh. ?Now I have the messages already crafted and set to go, and I assume standard rates apply?? She asked leaning back in the chair. She had a lot of things to do, shopping for her pet, people to see supplies to get and she had to check on her ship. The representative took her data sticks with the messages and nodded to her. ?That will more than suffice We?ll bill your ship?s account with the guild will that suite captain?? He said standing up. She nodded back ?Yes that more than suites.? She said grinning taking his hand and squeezing it. ?Always a pleasure dealing with the guild? She said with a smile. The others followed in behind her, Davon was beside her clinging to her as the man?s eyes roamed her naked body as she got up. She wasn?t used to being stared at so openly and she really didn?t like it. ?Come precious let?s get you some clothing. Tammi, Triz I?ll meet up with you two later to discuss any issues we need to deal with. We?ll handle the supply situation and maintance probably sometime tomorrow. I want to pull the main drive and have it over hauled since we?ll be in port awhile I figure it will take at least a week for the Franchezians to get in touch with us might as well take advantage of that time. The leave, and watch schedules are already done up.? She said trying to think of anything else that really needed to be taken care of right away and couldn?t come up with anything. ?Got it boss? Triz said chewing on a piece of gum as she and her good friend left their captain and her slave to her own devices. Davon just stared at Killian ?I?m really getting some clothes?? She said grateful to be getting something to cover her nakedness. Killian just chuckled ?Well yes but they are going to be very revealing very sexy outfits now come? She said leading her pet into the various shops. The shopping took them several hours. At the end of it precious was dressed in a slip of a dress that was just about see through under it she wore a bronze colored new silk bra and panty set she felt almost as exposed in the outfit as she had while naked. On her feet she wore bronze colored high heeled sandals she teetered in them feeling somewhat off balance. ?You?ll get used to them precious.? Killian told her eyeing her property lustily. ?Now lets get you some food.? She said smiling. They made their way to a large open area with all kinds of different food vendors. ?Fresh food,? Davon said in a soft voice the food didn?t smell like it had come from a synthesizer. ?Not quite fresh but frozen then shipped here sythesizers are good but sometimes you need more than that, and the food from each place is quite good.? She said with a chuckle. She spied two figures together a large very tall cow morph sitting at a table a cow morph beside her that looked more animal than human. ?Oh wow come on precious I want to introduce you to someone.? She said leading her pet over to the table. On closer inspection the woman at the table had long red hair, and reddish fur. She had four breasts all incredibly large and filled with milk. Her only clothing was a double bandolier with various places for grenades and other weapons. Her hands had three thick fingers each and her wide cow like face broke into a grin as she looked at Killian. ?Well hello there skinny whose this? She said eyeing Davon with lust. Davon shrank back a bit her eyes were a bright blue but there was something disconcerting in her gaze he could tell she wasn?t really very sane. ?This is my new pet and slave precious. Precious I?d like you to meet a friend and fellow captain Kara Battle Cow? She said grinning. Davon?s eyes went wide she?d heard about the infamous pirate who turned all captives into cow morphs those she didn?t like were little more than beasts, as evidenced by the one behind her who was just panting and mooing her four big human breasts touching the ground milk leaking from them she also had an udder the breasts and blond hair were about the only human things on the creature. ?Hello? She said softly trying not to be scared. Kara Battle Cow snorted and leered at the woman. She stepped closer stroking the girls cheek. ?She needs bigger breasts, how can you milk her if she doesn?t have bigger breasts? You being you going to assume you want her to keep her mind, but I?ve got a diluted potion that could give her larger titts that will produce some very sweet milk.? She said as she squeezed Davons ass lightly. Killian eyed Kara and her slave and grinned a little. ?Some sweet milk could be a good idea what do you think pet?? She said grinning at Davon. ?My my breasts are already quite large mistress but umm I?m your property I know that.? Davon said shaking with fear. Kara leaned in whispering into the slave girls ear. ?IT will also make you a lot hornier.? She said grinning as she dug into one of the pouches on her bandolier. A robot came by with menus to the various food places. Killian quietly ordered for both her and her pet. She settled into the chair. ?We?ll give it to her when the food comes.? She said again patting the place next to her. Davon found herself once again kneeling at her mistresses feet but the spot seemed almost natural. She loved the feeling of Killian?s fingers running through her hair. Kara stroked her own pet a little. Soon a bowl of noodles with shrimp was in front of Killian a bowl of soup was set on the floor for Davon he looked up at his mistress and blushed ?You you want me to eat it on the floor?? She said gulping. Killian just smiled and stroked the girl?s cheek ?Yes I do I want to see you on your hands and knees as your breasts expand. Kara will that one give her some cute horns and maybe a cow nose?? She asked and Kara grinned adding a small amount from another vial and putting the two into the soup. ?It will now.? She said grinning. Davon felt entirely humiliated as she started to lap up the soup she felt a warm feeling in her belly her skin getting that familiar flushed feeling. She found herself lapping it up quickly. She moaned and panted a little as she could feel her nipples getting larger. ?Take off that nice outfit we don?t want your bra ripping.? Killian said with a chuckle. Davon complied standing up for a second to take off the see through dress. She had a hard time undoing the bra as her breasts were already straining against it. She panted and groaned as she felt a headache coming on. Soon two small cow horns peaked out of her head. Her back arched and she screamed as she felt a cow tail growing from her back side she sank down to her hands and knees and kept lapping at the bowl of soup. Her body felt like it was on fire with lust as her breasts grew larger becoming EE in size. Her hips widened considerably to help with her balance. In a matter of moments she?d gone from lean with some slight curves and c cup breasts to a full figured cow girl her pussy was incredibly wet with how horny the changes had made her. ?Mistress? She said panting staring up at Killian needing release. Killian just laughed and stroked her pets hair. ?Hmm wow you look so hot not that you didn?t before but now wow. Come on lets go back to the ship and fuck like rabbits before getting some work done.? She said grinning at her slave as she lead her off taking the new clothing with her. Kara Battle cow just smiled happily she?d catch up more with her friend later.

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Best sex slave ever 4

Marcie actually had become used to being a sex-slave. Although she technically belonged to Hans, she was used by Hilda, his second cousin, as well. The very well endowed blonde had become equally adept at sucking Her pussy as well as His cock She knew the drill. Every morning before he took his shower, the tall handsome man-of-the-house would enter the bedroom, with her still bound hand and foot to the large poster bed, and mount her so that his stiff manhood pointed directly at her soft lips....

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Female Slave Market Auction Part 2

So dakota & the 3 of us returned to our room, on entering our room I had diana & alice strip immediately & take up the Nadu position, I then asked dakota if she wanted to stay or leave, she asked if she could stay for a while. I told her yes that was not a problem, but told her she would need to strip & join my slaves on the floor in the Nadu position.She has never had any formal training in being a slave or a submissive, so I told her my 2 slaves would teach her the Gorean...

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Time Manipulation Mind ControlChapter 12 Sex Slaversquos Naughty Plan

Aurora Pritchard “I wonder where Krystal is off to in such a hurry,” I said to my fellow sex slaves—Rebecca, Petra, Tracy and I were sitting at a table in our high school’s cafeteria—as Krystal, our Master’s little sister, and her girlfriend, the Korean Ji-Yun, rushed out of the cafeteria. “Maybe they’re going to go fuck,” Petra said. She was one of my best friends. I was so happy that she’d accepted her new role as Justin’s sex slave. Now only our other friend, Paris, needed to surrender...

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Model Sex SlaveChapter 8

The three days, with her master and Lee while the mistress was away, flew by. Don wanted sex at least five times a day. Sometimes with her, sometimes with Lee but most times with both of them He taught her numerous positions and how to satisfy a man in any one of them. Like the mistress, he enjoyed watching them have sex but he would nearly always butt in and they would end up satisfying him. He also worked with Diana on her exercise program, which he'd set up for her. This was in addition...

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Introduction: Erika spends the rent money her mom left her and becomes a sex slave =================================== ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE, CHAPTER ONE =================================== KEYWORDS: M/f, teen female, sex slave, rough, blowjob, BJ, anal, humiliation, humil Comments? E-mail: [email protected] Erika was a bombshell. She was the type of girl that when walking down the street turned heads. And, she knew it. She had an amazing body, full pouty lips, great set of tits for her age,...

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GSP Chapter 613 Serving as a Sex Slave

G.S.P. Chapter 6 Serving as a Sex Slave "Have you forgotten who I am!" the person on the computer screen shouted. The assembled G.S.P members around the table found it best to remain silent and try to leave the talking to their superiors. "Of course not Congressman Winthers," agent Anderson replied. "Then how come that you have not located my missing daughter Carol?" Winthers inquired. "I was just on the way to ask Eagle to give you an update," Anderson responded weakly. Eagle...

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The Short Sexual History of Coora a Slave

Olga’s note: Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight novels, wrote a short story retold from the viewpoint of a minor character, someone who walks into the scene of one of her novels and is almost immediately killed. In my stories, at least the ones so far, the first-person viewpoints of characters in my Aghara-Penthay shave all been women on special missions, or women captured to order, which means they’ve been missing out on the experience of a more regular slave – someone unlucky caught...

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Complete Sex Slave To My Master Pt 4 Master8217s Birthday Party

Hello readers, I live in Pune and am back in the continuation of my previous story ‘Complete Slave To My Master’. To give a brief background of the story, I and my girlfriend used to live in a live-in relationship. After a regular and boring sex life, we thought to spice it up by trying new sort of relationship (Master-Slave). The first 3 stories contain details on how I seduced Vibha to agree for this relationship and how we continued and enjoyed this new world of domination. This small...

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My New Life As A Sex Slave to black Masters Chapter Three

My Erotic Breakfast. Chapter Three Diana The next morning I woke in Becka's bed, and was quite refreshed from a most wonderful and well needed sleep, I could still smell and feel the comfortable warmth of her, and our previous nights sex! Sitting on the bed still naked, was trying to wake up and get my thoughts together. There was a steaming hot cup of Cappuccino on the night stand, and a love note that said Diana take a long shower and be ready for a wonderful breakfast, as we have...

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Barnes Noble Girl Part I

Let me know what you think and if you want me to continue. I'm also open to suggestions to what the next stories would be about. Thank you. Barnes & Noble GirlThe harsh sound of alarm clock was the first thing she heard before she woke up. It was 8 am and she had thirty minutes to be at work and open up the store at 9 am. She had finally become a manager and though it didn’t pay much more than when she was a regular employee it did come with much more responsibilities. She quickly washed...

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ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE, CHAPTER ONE =================================== KEYWORDS: M/f, teen female, sex slave, rough, blowjob, BJ, anal, humiliation, humil Comments? E-mail: [email protected] Erika was a bombshell. She was the type of girl that when walking down the street turned heads. And, she knew it. She had an amazing body, full pouty lips, great set of tits for her age, nice slender hips and a belly-dancer stomach (which had a nice dangling belly-button ring). ...

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My Medieval Submission and the Sex Slave

I was trying to build up the nerve to blow off Glade, my lover, but you ruined it for me! Okay, that’s only half true. I was bolstering my resolve to distance myself from my very beneficial friend and I ruined it for myself by blabbering on and on to my friends here about him. I’d take any flimsy or poor excuse to gush over him; all under the guise of hating it. The truth of the matter is that he’s been the only thing on my mind since I tried my first anal plug last week. Yes, that was him that...

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Best sex slave ever 7

“It’s really great having you back,” he said leisurely as his breathing slowly returned to normal. “Thank you Sir, it’s really great to be back,” Marcie replied gleefully as the buxom blonde looked up at her handsome master from her knees while she licked the remains of his manly juices from her lips. “Mistress Samantha raved about your performance last week,” the Germanic gentleman said with glowing eyes as he reached down and lovingly caressed the side of her face. “I’m really glad that I...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 3 The Slavers Career

Here I will lay out how I, William Steelforth, progressed from the unqualified slavery enthusiast I was in high school to the qualified slavery advocate I had become as managing partner of the agency which bore my name. After high school, the next opportunity to have an animated exchange about my ideas with a teacher came in a discussion with Professor Petersen, my philosophy teacher, in my sophomore year of college. Unlike my high school civics teacher, he was actually a proponent of...

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sorority and franternit have a bdsm and slave party

Sorority and fraternity bondage and sex partyI was very excited when my girlfriend Karen invited me to a special sex party arranged by her sorority and my fraternity. I got even more excited when she explained what happened at the party.There would be at least 10 to 15 girls and an equal number of boys. The idea was that you would converse with one person of the opposite sex or if you wish dance with that person or simply sit and have a chat. From time to time the organizer Amanda would grab a...

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The Devils Pact Slave ChroniclesChapter 9 Starla The Sexretary

Note: When Mary offered to give her sister Shannon and her fiancee George a sex slave, Shannon chose George's secretary Starla who had been trying to seduce George for months. Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, September 23rd, 2013 – Starla Botwright – Redmund, WA "Starla, come into my office," George ordered when I picked up the phone. "Right away, Master," I answered, my cunt moistening beneath my miniskirt. I stood up from my desk, my large tits jiggling in my low-cut...

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Jilnar Jardaly the Hot SexSlave

[The raunchy and highly anticipated sequel to Jilnar's last erotic escapade: “Jilnar Jardaly and the Pirates!]The tires screeched loudly as the plain white van sped around the corner. It was a bumpy, windy, unsealed road which caused its precious cargo to jostle and bounce about against the walls. Twelve beautiful and exotic young women, of every race and color, six sitting on a hard bench on either side of the van. A beautiful bevy of exotic young women to suit all tastes, white, black, Asian...

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My sex slave sister Emily Continued

Note : This story is completely fictional! Yesterday afternoon I went to my sister Emily's house to keep her company since her husband is out of town on business for the week. We decided to have dinner around eight o'clock. After dinner Emily said she was going to take a shower and for me to pick out a movie for us to watch when she finished. So while she was in the shower I went into her bedroom and put on a hardcore porn movie that I had brought with me then called my friends and told them to...

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Justice Against the Nobles

Night falls on the Isle of Lions, some twenty miles off the shores of lake Cashmere in the Republic of Tylina. Like most Thursday nights, the entire population of the island, minus a small set of security and maintenance crews, is partying on the island's Grand Manor. It is the opportunity for the women stationed here to unwind after almost a week's worth of actual work, which would normally be a rarity for the noble-born women. The Isle of Lions is special. It is the home base and training...

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Brief sex 009 A slave to the phone

Brief sex 009A slave to the phone.I have often said I was a hard user of Minitel in the big time, I paid bills outlandish elsewhere. I do not regret my money, I have made so many meetings. My wife herself is met is initially for a roll in the air that has lasted 25 years. But I had other good luck and sometimes it was not easy because we contacted the rascals who lived far away unfortunately.Sometimes it happened that make love on the phone. Oh I know it's been a lot of people smile. Yes make...

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Sex Slave Story

I arrived at the stables and gave my horse to the boy waiting and quickly went to my hiding place as I heard the jeep arriving. I heard Manfred directing my slave to a place just in front of where I was hiding with the instruction to stay there until I came for her. She moved to the rail surrounding the serving ring and looked around with a bored expression. I could here the Groom making preparations and leading the mare into the ring below. My horny little slave leaned forward suddenly aware...

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A mother gets blackmailed into being a sex slave for her son and his friends

Well to be honest it has been at least ten years since I talked with anyone directly involved with it all, and now it has been more than forty years since it all happened. Yet there are some defining moments in your life that you never forget. True, details become blurred with time and perhaps some details that still exist may have come from second hand accounts or perhaps even from an over active imagination; the realities of the moments are still there. It all started the summer of 1952 in...

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Time Manipulation Mind ControlChapter 17 Sex Slaversquos Wild Passion

Krystal Sampson I placed my hand on the small of Paris’s back. She knelt in the middle of the gray van used by the NSA agents. They came to our high school to find the person affected by their Project KRONOS machine. That person was my brother, Justin. And, maybe, myself. We were the first to use the powers. We were the only ones who did it yesterday. We also were the only two on the same frequency. When one of us stopped time, the other one was also pulled into the frozen reality, too....

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Madame Rekha made me her slave part2

This is the second part of story…. getting confirmation from me about becoming her slave, she perked up again and stood up. "chal mere saath bathroom mein chal, badi jor sey pishab lagi hai." On hearing this, my limp penis started hardening fast as I could not imagine a lustier scenario than being allowed to accompany her while she pissed. As it turned out, she had even dirtier things on mind. I followed her like a lamb while she walked to the bathroom, her gait a little stiff with the...

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Mothers Sex Slave

Mother’s Sex SlaveSon discovers the pleasure of being a sex slave to his mother This is a personal account of my life’s experiences. All the characters and incidents are real. I dedicate this article to my beautiful sexy loving insatiable mother, Bharathi Devi from whose cunt I was born and have been trying relentlessly to go back into her cunt.My name is Shiva. My mother, Bharathi Devi is sex goddess, kamarani, kamarupini, Kama swarupini, Kamuki, Kamadasi, kamadevatha, Kamakshi, Kama...

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my sex slavesister emily continued

I spent the next hour fucking emily in the mouth and ejaculating all over her face and body then untied her and we slept together in bed doing nasty,degrading,hardcore sucking and fucking all night. We fell asleep for about two hours then as Emily slept I tied her hands behind her back and tied each of her legs in half so her knees were bent and her thighs were spread. Then I violently awoke my sister by slapping her in the face and spitting on her while calling her a trampy cunt and a piece...

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