Reversals Ch09 free porn video

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CHAPTER NINE Freefall Given the hour, the drive home had been fairly quick for Julia. She gathered her things, left the car, and began ambling down the walk to their building. She was curious to discover how good a job Eric had done cleaning her panties. It was another step down for him, something to reinforce his submission to her and to further acclimate him to the job as their homemaker. Besides, there was just something delicious about forcing a man to hand wash her panties. She would have to prepare an extra nasty pair for him to wash sometime. She smiled to herself as she entered the building and began walking up the stairs. The consultation had run through her mind over and over again on the way home. There was no question that Dr. Joyce and Pamala left her with a queasy feeling. There was something disquieting about them but what they were offering was too rich to pass up. It was the answer to all her problems and Eric had earned what was happening to him now. Besides, feminizing Eric would be improving him, evolving him, she told herself. It was something to celebrate, not feel guilt over. The nagging whispers of doubt in the back of her mind simply needed to be ignored, quieted in favor of more enlightened thinking. Like Samantha had said, it was a new age. It was a time for womyn to lead. Everything she was doing to Eric was right and proper. If anything, he needed more structure, more demands, more discipline and control from her not less. As she reached the door to their apartment she was looking forward to doing an inspection. If anything was out of place she planned on being harsh with him tonight. He needed to be taken down another notch or two. Pushed further into submission. The only question was, what to do to him next? Julia keyed the door and pushed on it only to have it immediately stopped. "What the...." The door was blocked by something in the entryway, inside the apartment, behind the door. She furrowed her brow in confusion then pushed, putting her back into it, teetering on her heels, forcing it open. Slowly, whatever was there gave way, sliding back as she struggled. Eventually, the door was open enough and she squeeze through into the apartment. Finally inside, she angrily smoothed out her outfit and hair then dug her nails into her palms at the sight of the problem - Eric's suitcase and travel bag were on the floor behind the door, packed to the point of bulging. It could only mean one thing - Eric was crazy enough to think he could leave her. It was outrageous! Julia's eyes narrowed as she imagined her weak husband deciding to defy her authority over him. She had no intention of allowing that to happen. Julia's face twisted with anger as she quietly closed the door and moved forward into the apartment, walking gingerly in her heels, inching forward, toe-to-heel, quietly. She hoped to confront Eric without warning, wanted to see the reaction when he suddenly saw her standing there, wanted to hear him fumble around for some delusional explanation. The apartment was a mess. She grit her teeth at the sight of it. The kitchen table had the remains of a meal and multiple snacks disgracefully scattered about. A dirty plate sat there with smears of tomato paste and disgusting bits of greasy looking cheese covering it, practically ready to fall to the floor. Next to it, a couple of twisted, empty wrappers from frozen deserts were abandoned. A mostly-full bag of microwave popcorn was there too, half burnt, stinking up the area. In the middle of the table was an open bag of potato chips, partially spilled and scattered about. The scene was offensive and filthy! Eric knew better! It wasn't allowed! Clear and obvious evidence of defiance, even contempt. It was a disgusting, vermin inviting mess that he must have intended to leave for her to clean up! Even worse than all of that though were the two empty beer bottles on the counter, sitting next to the kitchen sink. Alcohol. He'd been drinking again. There was another empty on the dinning room table and, as she looked further, still more that could be seen abandoned on the patio. Julia's fingers curled into fists. Her nails bit down hard leaving indentations behind in both palms and the beginnings of numerous small bruises. The pain made her all the more furious. Then, a noise came from the back of the apartment, from the computer room. She took a few more steps towards the sound then noticed, shockingly, right at the doorframe of the bedroom, a pair of her panties laying on the floor. She couldn't fathom what they were doing there and was fairly certain they weren't even among the ones Eric was told to wash. What had he been up to? One foot in front of the other, quietly, Julia moved further down the hall. As she closed on the computer room and bedroom, both doors opposite each other in the back of the apartment, she peered into the bedroom and discovered, shockingly, that her bras and panties were strewn all over the floor! She could hardly believe what she was seeing! It wasn't a single pair of panties. It was everything she owned! Bras, panties, nighties, everything! It had to be some absurd act of rebellion on Eric's part! Julia seethed at the contemptible attack on her, it was nothing short of that. She intended to make him pay dearly for this outrage, maybe make his boobs so huge he'd never disrespect a bra ever again! Just a few more steps forward and she stood at the doorway to the computer room. There he was, with his back to the door. Julia grinned widely with grim satisfaction. Her fingers flexed. She felt like a cat that had cornered a plump mouse. He stood next to the computer desk with a plastic crate on it filled with comic books. He was leafing through a comic, quickly flipping the pages. A small stack of them sat off to the side. It looked like he was picking out favorites to take with him, likely the ones with the most buxom heroines, Julia thought. Perhaps soon he'd have something in common with those oversexed, male fantasies. Why bother looking at comic book cleavage when you could play with your own boobs after all? She took a couple more quiet steps forward. She was in the room now, getting closer to her prey, glaring at him with an intense and enveloping rage, waiting for him to realize she was behind him. He flipped a few more pages, his back still to the door, oblivious, then something changed. He looked at his watch nervously, checked it, then checked it again. He put his hand to the back of his neck, like maybe he sensed he was being watched, shrugged his shoulders a few times then suddenly twisted all the way around. His eyes went wide with shock as he took in Julia, his jaw went slack, and some vague noise came out of his throat, like a thought was trying to emerge but he said nothing. "What's the matter, Eric?" she said with a patronizing tone, with her rage writhing just below the surface. "Cat got your tongue?" Standing there, practically frozen, his blood pressure spiked before his stern wife. A curious, pained expression overtook Eric's face. There was no way she could have missed his luggage, he realized, or the mess he intended to leave her. All at once he felt riddled with shame and embarrassment, like a child that had been caught by his mother in some terrible and stupid lie. He began to stammer unintelligibly but was abruptly cutoff. "What exactly do you think you're doing, Eric?!" Julia asked acidly, any pretense of calm now gone. He began to stammer gibberish again, stumbling for words then just stopped. Lies weren't going to help. Julia wasn't stupid. He swallowed hard and stared at her, wishing he was anywhere else at that moment. This wasn't what he had planned at all. It was supposed to be independence day, escape. He was supposed to be gone before she got home. He glanced at his watch again, it finally clicked in. She had come home early from work! He should have left hours ago! Why had he waited so long? "Well? Answer me, Eric!" Julia pushed. "Your fragile male ego too weak to deal with a strong woman? Planning to walk away from your marriage like a coward? Is that it? Trashing our home to hurt me?" Her eyes burned into him as deeply as her words. Eric felt diminished next to her. She exuded a fearless confidence in her rage yet she was still crushingly beautiful, maybe even more so for some warped reason. He didn't know what to do, the indecision was paralyzing him. "I expect an answer, Eric!" "I... don't know...," he started, then opened his mouth again but said nothing, his face consumed by a vague, confounded expression like he'd somehow lost the power of speech. "Then let's get more specific," Julia spat out. "We're you planning on walking out on our marriage? Were you? Walk out on me?! Betray me?!" Eric swallowed hard, afraid to tell her the truth and even more afraid to lie to her. He let his eyes fall down to her smooth, perfect legs, her trim ankles, then finally to her feet and the sexy pumps gracing them. It felt safer to stare at her feet than look into the eyes of his fiery wife. "Well?!" she demanded. He couldn't say the words, instead, he simply nodded, feebly confirming the truth. "How dare you!" she spat. Julia's expression soured further with disgust and rage. Lies had to be dancing through his weak mind, she decided, silly notions of male privilege and pride. Eric simply accepted the rebuke, eyes down, nodding again. Her mood continued to darken the more she looked at him. She was getting too damn angry to think straight anymore. "Get Out," Julia said with searing contempt in her voice, the words emboldening her now that they were out. How dare he trash their home and even consider walking out on her! She glared at him, seething with more fury than she could ever remember and the more she thought about it the angrier she got. "Get out, Eric! Consider yourself cut off! Permanently! From everything! You can live out of your car for all I care! Until they repossess it, because you can be damn sure I'm not going to be making your car payment anymore!" Julia quickly closed the distance between them and slammed both hands into his chest to underscore the point. "You'll probably end up homeless, begging for beer money from strangers! That's your future without me! You want to leave? I'm done with you!" Eric looked up with confusion and fear spreading across his face. A marked difference from the resolve and certainty in Julia's. He wasn't prepared for this. No Julia? That's not... No! That's not what he wanted! None of it! Somehow, in the back of his mind, he imagined that leaving would make her regret losing him, that she'd want him back, that maybe the old Julia would even return. But that wasn't happening at all. He was about to lose her, really lose her. He'd be empty, lost without her! "Well, go already!" Julia screamed, her otherwise beautiful face contorted with an ugly rage, the words striking Eric's ears like sledgehammers, making him flinch. "Take your bags and get out!" She grabbed the crate of comic books and swiftly hurled it towards the hallway. The crate flew through the open door, flipped over and struck the far wall sending comics flying in every direction. An instant later, her hands seized the small pile of comics he'd picked out and flung the entire stack over his head. Eric's treasured comics were on the floor, everywhere, a few landing as far as their bedroom to mix with Julia's bras and panties. "You can pick up your titty comics and take them with you if you care about them so much!" she hissed. Julia moved even closer, standing mere inches from Eric, close enough for him to smell the exotic scent of perfume mixing with her heat and sweat. He withered in her presence, as if he was standing too close to a roaring fire, the heat and flames threatening to burn him. He tried retreating but the computer table pressed into his back leaving him feeling hemmed in, with Julia standing firmly between him and the door. He stood there quaking inside, unable to evade her, unable to avoid her. He didn't dare so much as touch her either, couldn't push past her, it would be the end of them as a couple, he just knew it would. "Well? What are you waiting for?!" Julia yelled, bringing him to look into her eyes, making him cringe. "I..." Eric wavered, trying to put his thoughts and feelings together. He had weakened considerably inside, his resolve to leave melting away like ice cubes thrown into a furnace. A shutter ran up his body. There was a war brewing inside between what he knew he should do and the deep, compelling desire to be caught up in all the fury and fire and drama and beauty that was Julia. He felt transfixed by her suddenly, caught up in her aura, enthralled by her and every curve of that magnificent body. It was like she'd cast a spell on him. Julia stood there reveling in the power flowing through her. She could see timidity creeping into Eric more and more, his posture and face betraying his doubts and fears. He was practically trembling before her. It was a pivotal moment between them, another point in time that would define them and their marriage. As the decision enveloped them, the room grew strangely quiet, almost like time itself had stopped. Neither of them moved, the tension became nearly unbearable. Another shutter ran up Eric's spine, enough to make him twitch. It seemed to break the oddness surrounding them. He closed his eyes trying to minimize the eviscerating stare from his wife. His legs felt rubbery suddenly. "Can't I...," he began, stopping as deeply turbulent emotions sweep through him. "Can't I stay?" he asked, with a small, weak voice. Julia shook her head in disbelief. "Stay?!" she asked, astonishment evident in her voice. "After all this?! After you trashed the apartment and packed your bags?! After the deliberate disrespect to me?! The betrayal?!" Julia paused, staring at him with utter contempt, knowing she had the upper hand and that Eric had just surrendered and doomed himself. He started to say something but stopped. Inside, part of him was screaming to push past her, grab the bags at the door, and simply leave but he couldn't. In his heart he knew it was wrong to stay but he just couldn't gather the resolve to leave her. "I asked you a question, Eric!" Julia yelled, demanding an answer. "After all of this, do you really want to stay? Because, there's going to be a serious price to pay if you do!" Julia poked the long nail of her index finger into his chest underscoring the point. Eric stared at her for a moment, then swallowed hard and nodded, his head bobbing with puny little dips. "Yes. I'd... Please. I do want to stay with you," he said, almost in a whisper. Julia's expression shifted, a deep satisfying smirk replacing the rage fueled scowl, the corners of her pretty lips turning up in marked satisfaction. She was still filled with bitterness and outrage but she had him right where she wanted him and he was going to pay dearly. "If I do allow you to stay, Eric," Julia said imperiously, "things are going to have to seriously change. And I mean - seriously!" Eric nodded with uncertainty, afraid of what was coming, waiting for his fate to be announced. "You're going to have to fully embrace the fact that this," she pointed her finger like a dagger, back and forth between them a couple times," is a female lead marriage from now on and forever." Julia leaned forward, getting directly in his face. "And you're obviously not the female." Eric shook his head timidly, acknowledging the truth of it - he was only the male, something less than her. "I lead. You follow," she said firmly, "In everything. Understand?" Eric decided to play it safe and meekly nodded before her, tacitly accepting her terms, at least for now. Until he could find a way out of the mess he'd gotten himself into it seemed the only way to keep Julia. She looked at him suspiciously, his tepid response anything but convincing. "Say it, Eric," she demanded. "Tell me that you fully accept my authority over you. I want to hear the words from your mouth." Eric's eyes went wide. Julia was breaking his heart. Where was this going to lead? He opened his mouth but the words stuck in his throat. "This is very simple, Eric. If you can't do this I'll toss your bags over the balcony and kick you out myself! Now, tell me that you accept my authority over you!" He dropped his eyes back to her feet as his face was gripped in a mask of sorrow. He took a deep breath and raised his eyes. "I... do," Eric said struggling to get the words out, part of him dying inside as they left his mouth. Julia's eyes were hard. He looked away. "Not enough!" Julia said firmly. "I don't want any misunderstandings. Consider it your new vow for our marriage. You need to accept what you've become. I want to hear it out of your own mouth. You need to make it real. Now, say the words! Tell me that you accept my authority over you!" she demanded. The tension in the room was intense, palpable. Eric's lip quivered. "I... I fully... accept," he began with a quavering voice, "your authority... over... me." "Again, Eric! The whole thing, with conviction this time." His face still filled with sorrow, he took a deep, troubled breath, then submitted to her demand. "I fully accept your authority over me," he said in a loud whisper. "Again! Louder!" "I fully accept your authority over me, Julia!" He said it decisively staring at her stilettos the entire time, his face twisting into self- loathing and disgust at being so weak. The room went quiet. Julia smiled, forcing Eric to look her in the eyes by pushing his forehead back with the nail of her index finger. He shuttered with utter shame but also with a perverse sense of thrill at his dominant, sexually powerful wife. "Strip, Eric!" she shouted suddenly, breaking the silence. The word struck like a resounding clap of thunder, snapping his head up. Julia's eyes were locked on him with nothing but a chilling, uncompromising resolve. He began to unbutton his shirt, slowly at first, then quickening the pace as she continued to glare at him. "Hurry up, Eric. Pants too, get them off." He worked one button after another, top to bottom, yanking at them, the last one being torn off in haste, tumbling to the floor. The shirt unceremoniously followed as a wadded up ball tossed to the side. He knew it was wrong to obey so blindly but didn't know how to stop. Julia's eyes tightened all the more, waiting for him to finish. His heart was pounding, temples throbbing, her glare urging him on. He undid his belt with a few quick motions then, with nervous fingers, undid the closure on his pants and pulled the zipper down. In a quick motion, he pushed the pants down, dropping them to pool at his feet. He stood there in only socks and underwear, at attention, panic settling in while his engorged cock forcefully tented out his underwear. "Now your socks!" Eric quickly complied, feeling all the more vulnerable, standing there in only his absurdly tented, cotton briefs, trembling before the woman he had been foolish enough to think he could walk away from. She stood there facing him, hands on lovely, rounded hips, proud, powerful, standing tall in her stilettos, with a fierce expression. A couple of quick kicks sent his pants and socks flying to join Eric's shirt off to the side. "Get on your knees! Submit to me!" she yelled, her dagger like index finger pointing to the ground in front of her. Eric wasn't sure how much more degradation and shame he could take. He looked down to where she pointed and agonized inside; yet, at the same time, his cock hardened all the more, aching to touch her glorious body or be touched by her. How could he be so twisted inside, he wondered painfully. The very idea of kneeling at his wife's gorgeous feet and pointy stilettos was somehow tremendously exciting. But, what kind of weak, fool of a man was he? A man was not supposed to want this! He should refuse and get angry and- "NOW!" Julia yelled, striking her stiletto on the floor. The command startled Eric, silencing his thoughts and something inside just gave way, broke. His knees bent ever so slightly, then slowly, his will to object diminishing, inch by inch, he lowered himself to the floor before Julia. The shame of the submission washed over him at the realization of what he had just done but it was too late. There was no taking it back. Hunching over, defeated, he glued his eyes to her feet, unable to look up to the dominant woman above, his cock sticking out obscenely as he knelt. "Closer! Stay on your knees!" Julia demanded as she pointed straight down towards her feet. Cringing before her, Eric began sliding forward, one knee before the other, each movement feeling more humiliating than the last until she unexpectedly grabbed him by the hair, jerking at it to halt him, patting him on the scalp afterwards like one might do to an obedient pet. Eric was on the verge of tears at the conflict inside, fighting soul weeping despair while, at the same time, struggling against the gnawing arousal and betrayal of his own body, his erection getting so stiff it was becoming painful. Julia was pulling him apart inside, changing him into something he had never considered possible. Only one thing was clear anymore - he wasn't the man he had imagined himself to be. Kneeling before his wife, he wasn't sure what he was anymore. A self-satisfying smile consumed Julia's face as she looked down at Eric. She had done it! Made him kneel and submit to her! That intoxicating feeling of power washed over her again, stronger than ever before. There was no turning back for her now. He was firmly on her hook and he was going to stay there. Once she tore away his masculine identity and feminized him there'd be no place for him to go anyway. What woman would have him after that? "I think you need to fully appreciate your new place in our marriage, Eric," Julia cooed as she ran her fingers through his hair with indifference. She leaned over to his ear, her lips brushing against it. "You've been living a lie for far too long thinking of yourself as my equal," she whispered. "Be honest with yourself, Eric. You're not. You need to accept that and you need to learn your place," she whispered tightening her grip on his hair. "It's at my feet." She stood straight up after that and looked him over, taking delight in his submission. "If you really want to stay, expect to be spending a lot of time on your knees from now on," she said derisively. His head dipped down even more, tears ever closer as he struggled to find himself, wishing for all the world that Julia would walk away, give him a chance to make sense of what had just happened to him but she had no intention of being so easy with him. Julia pulled back on his hair instead, forcing him to look up, brushing his nose against her skirt. She brought both hands back to her hips then started gliding them provocatively downward until they were near the hem of her skirt. She pinched both sides of it between her fingers. Slowly, she pulled upwards, the skirt inching it's way up lovely, soft thighs as Eric's cock ached to see more. He couldn't help but watch as the hem moved higher and higher, revealing more and more of what the skirt once hid. Her legs seemed almost impossibly long and slim, the skirt almost impossibly high as it continued it's glacially slow journey upwards. The sight of her panties almost made him gasp when they finally came into view, just inches away, at eye level, on his knees, was the lovely curve of her pussy cradled in thin, black satin, her glorious cleft clearly evident as it moistened the fabric clinging to it. Julia tugged her panties taut and moaned softly, reveling in her sexuality. A shiver ran through Eric, some perverse thrill at being forced on his knees before his wife's beautiful pussy, the very cradle of feminine power. He wanted so desperately to touch her there, to explore her, to fuck her. After everything he'd been through that day, he just stared, hungry for whatever Julia would allow, desperate for some form of release from the temptress he was married to. At that moment, her pussy seemed like the center of the universe. "Sniff her, Eric!" Julia demanded. "Don't you dare touch her though, not unless I tell you!" Eric inched forward then hesitated, suddenly afraid of where Julia was taking them, fearful of what she was turning him into. "Juls..." he began to plea. "Don't call me that! Never again!" Julia snapped. "That name was for a different time, when we were both different people. Who the hell told you to talk anyway?! Now, do what I told you to do! Sniff my pussy, bitch!" With that, Julia parted her thighs a bit further. Tears began to well up in Eric's eyes from the utter disgrace and weakness he felt. With a jerky hesitance, he extended his nose and tentatively began to sniff. Immediately, he wanted to recoil from the pungent, undeniable female reek. "Closer, bitch! I want your nose right next to my pussy and I want to hear you sniffing her in! You need to learn what power smells like!" Eric did as he was told, fighting back tears the entire time, consumed with both self-contempt and deep arousal. If only he had the balls to resist Julia. But how? To be near her was to want her. "Julia..." he whispered softly, inhaling deeply through his nose, trembling with excitement and need, staring at her womanhood, getting as close as possible. Julia's pussy looked magnificent, the brief panties covering it more like a second skin than a garment, the crotch dark and moist from the ever growing flow leaking from her. He brought his nose as close as he dared and sniffed again, deeply, loudly, so Julia could hear. Her lips drew into a cruel smile, enjoying every moment of Eric's debasement, her pussy beginning to ache with desire and need. Julia spread her thighs even more, rolling her hips forward, sliding her hand into her panties, opening her pussy to make sure Eric could smell her ever deepening excitement. "Get in there and sniff her!" Eric inhaled deeply through his nose repeatedly, loudly, sucking in the pungent, needful, odor flowing from her sex. "That's it, more!" Julia said. "I want you to remember it! I want to make sure you burn my scent into your memory forever!" She slid her other hand into her panties and began rubbing her clit, taking deep breaths, moaning softly as the tiny bud engorged. "My pussy owns you, Eric," she hissed. "I own you! I want you to know my pussy better than you know your own puny cock! Keep sniffing! Deeply!" He inhaled long and deeply, then again and again, each inhalation fixing her odor ever more firmly in his mind, burning a memory as she said, a powerful memory of submission. It would linger in his mind forever -- the day she first put him on his knees and made him submit to her juicy, smelly pussy and panties one disastrous afternoon. Several more minutes went by as Julia continued toying with Eric, making him further fix her scent in his memory, manipulating herself, making sure her secretions flowed, soaking her panties, anything and everything to make sure he'd smell all of her and never be able to forget. "Enough!" Julia commanded, pushing Eric in the forehead, rocking him back. Eric looked dazed, his eyes practically glazed over. "Any chance you'll ever forget what a woman smells like?" she asked, her fingers glistening, saturated with her own nectar. She had never been so wet before. Having forced Eric to his knees, becoming a purely dominant female over her lame, pathetic husband was a powerful aphrodisiac. "Well, Eric? Do you know what a woman smells like?!" she demanded, glaring at him. He nodded miserably, quickly averting his eyes, looking to the floor, ashamed at what he had become, at how he looked, at how he smelled. Julia was disgusted with him. How could she respect such a man? With a cruel, contemptuous expression she reached down into her panties again, inched a long manicured nail gently into herself, and began to carefully swirl it around, collecting the wetness there, bitting her lower lip from the sensation and the thrill at what was about to happen. She pulled it out carefully with a smile. Without a word, she grabbed a fistful of Eric's hair with her other hand and pulled his head back. Then, carefully but decisively, she took the nail she had prepared and dipped the underside, the hollow, inside his nostril. Her expression twisted with glee as she pulled it back out, depositing the scoop of her secretions inside. Quick darting motions followed as she began wiping her wet fingers all across his nose and lips and cheeks, repeatedly, using his face like a towel. By the time she was done, his face reeked from the smell of her and his expression tightened into a spasm from all the abuse. Julia openly giggled and laughed at him. Eric continued to grimace, unable to smell anything other than Julia's reek. His face was hot with shame as her laughter and ridicule further underscored his new position in their marriage. He had never felt so low before. It was all twisting into something intolerable. He felt hot, dizzy, sick. He had to get the smell off, the need quickly preoccupied him, becoming more urgent by the moment. He shifted a leg out, preparing to get up and run to the bathroom to wash. "Stop! What are you doing?" she yelled, as he began lifting off the floor. Anger having replaced humor, Julia pushed him back down firmly by the shoulders. "I didn't give you permission to leave," she snapped. "I... need to... Aren't we finished?" he asked with a quaver, his anxiety still spiking. Julia shook her head slowly, ominously. "No. We're not finished until I say so. Don't you dare be so presumptuous. I'll tell you when you can leave." Eric went back to kneeling and winced, swallowing his panic as best he could, lamenting his new station in life. Julia was in charge here, it really was that simple he told himself. His nostrils flared open at the thought as he drank in more of her scent, a small shutter running up his spine at the now familiar odor. "I'm sorry, Julia," he said meekly, making sure to use her proper name, "I was just hoping to... clean up a little." Her eyes were hard as she stared at him. "I'm not through with you yet, Eric. In fact, we've just started," she said with a mocking, playful tone. "I told you I wanted to burn my scent into your memory forever and I meant it. You're going to learn to worship my pussy. You're going to make me cum all over your face while you stay where you belong, on your knees," she said with firm determination. "What's more, I forbid you to wash tonight! I want you sleeping all night long with my scent on you, maybe all of tomorrow too!" Eric didn't have the will to object, he watched her instead, teeth chattering nervously, waiting for her to decide what would happen to him next. Julia quickly ran her hands under her skirt and tugged down on her sodden panties until they pooled around her ankles. She stepped out of them, first one stiletto covered foot followed by the other, then retrieved them from the floor. She held them out towards Eric's face, dangling them off her nails and shoved them at his nose. "Sniff, Eric!" she commanded. He did as he was told, wriggling his nose at the fresh, pungent smell while the soaked crotch of the panties passed over his nose. Julia seemed to delight at his revulsion. Using both hands, she positioned the wet crotch right at his nose and, with sadistic glee, shoved it into his face, smearing it around before shoving it into his mouth. "Suck on them!" Eric began to moan in distress at the mistreatment, the panties hanging out of his mouth, as he sucked out her bitter secretions. It was simply mortifying, on his knees, being forced to suck on his wife's dirty panties while his face stank like some lascivious whore. His stomach lurched as he fought back an urge to heave and still his cock continued its betrayal, throbbing painfully at Julia's games. It was satisfaction that Julia felt as she looked down at her pathetic husband, not guilt, that was for her old self, the one lost in some patriarchal fantasy. Thanks to Samantha, she was evolving past all that. Eric deserved to be at her feet, suffering as he was, suffering for his betrayal and contemptuous disrespect of her. He was only beginning to pay the price for his transgressions. She needed to take this to the next level, push him even further into submission. Reaching behind herself, Julia deftly unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the ground, leaving her naked from the waist down with the exception of the tall black stilettos adorning her feet. Eric let his gaze wander from her feet, past her perfect legs, and finally to the naked, hairless cleft of her sex, still moist from her ministrations. He swallowed hard, mesmerized by the feminine treasure mere inches from his face. It seemed so unfair that women had so much of the true sexual power, Eric thought, as his wife stood over him. Still, there was at least some advantages to being on one's knees before a vixen like Julia - the view was nothing short of magnificent, even sublime. His cock began aching again just at the sight of her, the smoothness of her lithe form, the loveliness at the apex of her thighs, the sheer elegance formed at the lips of her sex, even the curve of her ass peeking through from behind. She was glorious. "Time for you to pleasure me, Eric," she said casually, seductively, as she slid forward on pointy stilettos. "Stay on your knees and start licking." Eric trembled at the command. He parted his lips hesitantly, burning with regrets and shame yet excited by his demanding, beautiful wife at the same time. Julia opened her legs wider, her fingers grabbing at either side of her sex, gently parting it, opening it like the petals of a beautiful rose as she positioned next to Eric's mouth. "Accept what you are, Eric!" she insisted. "You belong at my feet! On your knees, at my feet! Just like you are now." He began to carefully extend his tongue, slowly, the deep, pungent scent of her excitement burning his already abused nose. "That's it, give yourself up to my pussy like the little spineless bitch you really are, Eric. Service me, on your knees!" His trembling increased. He was crossing a line, he knew it, becoming something he didn't want to be, sealing his fate. This was worse than the sniffing. Julia would never respect him again. How could she? He really would be her submissive. He simply couldn't do it! He wouldn't! Then he did. Impulsively, still trembling, fearful of upsetting her, Eric thrust out his tongue to meet the velvet softness between her thighs and drove into her, hoping to get lost in the sweetness of her body and his own lust. He began darting in and out with abandon, probing as deeply as possible, taking in copious amounts of feminine nectar as she held herself open, enough to almost gag him but he continued probing and licking, doing as he was told. "That's it, Eric," Julia said through fitful breaths, the pleasure beginning to build from his efforts. She suddenly grasped him by the hair, yanking and pulling on him, taking her pleasure by riding his face. "There's no going back for you now. Accept what you've become. Keep licking your queen. Make me cum!" she commanded. Eric struggled to please her, staying on his knees, serving her, his own needs ignored. Was she right? What if she was right? He licked all the more. "Lighter now," she commanded, almost whispering, "On my little bud, just that. The tip of your tongue." He did, gently, each flick causing a tiny jerk of pleasure in response. "More forceful now!" she said later and he answered the call again, pressing lips and nose and face into action, her nectar coating his nose and mouth and chin. Julia continued, keeping him there for another dozen minutes or more, making certain he stayed on his knees, instructing him, using him, taking her pleasure, humbling him, until finally, while grinding on his face, she began to cum, bucking wildly as her orgasm overtook her, crashing in waves of rippling pleasure, one after another, enough to half suffocate the poor submissive between her legs. They stared at each other afterwards, Julia standing proudly, looking down at Eric on his knees. They looked upon each other as an unspoken truth became clear to both of them - they had come too far, there really was no going back anymore to what they had before. Julia smiled triumphantly while Eric looked away, lamenting a future on his knees, vanquished, unsure if he was even a man anymore. Yet, even in all his misery and debasement, his cock was still rock hard, painfully so. It stood straight out, straining obscenely against his underwear, the front dampened from the excitement of Julia's demands. "I guess we need to do something about that," Julia said with a hint of disdain. "Please?" Eric pleaded hopefully. Julia shifted her weight, spreading her thighs open again, the cleft and folds of her womanhood beckoning to him, making his cock strain forward, aching for his wife's enchanting body. She nodded with an encouraging smile, shifting her pelvis forward slightly while rolling her knees outward, the movement brazenly opening her for appraisal, locking Eric's eyes there like a starving man with a rich meal mere inches away. He bit his lip in anticipation, his cock desperate to touch her, the need for her body searing his brain. "When I came home tonight I was thinking about letting you have me like the old days," she said softly, her voice soft and silky, filled with sultry passion. "I was even considering letting you on top," she added, shrugging with indifference. "Yes, Julia, please," he begged hoarsely. She pouted, almost childlike, patronizingly, then slowly shook her head. "Sorry, you lost that privilege today. You know why right?" Eric stared at her with a bewildered look. "Because of your utterly, completely, inexcusable behavior!" she said, the words dripping with contempt. "Because of your disrespect towards me! Dumping my things on the ground! Leaving the house filthy! All of that and you think I'm going to allow you to put that little... worm in me?! NO! NOT HAPPENING!" she yelled, her eyes hard as steel. "What? I... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Julia", Eric said with earnestly. "Sorry?!" she spat out, her eyes continuing their harsh, steely stare. "Oh, you will be, Eric. By the time I'm done with you..." Her lip curled, sending a shutter through him, making him twitch, wishing the very floor could swallow him up. "You have a lot of work to do tonight, Eric. First, you're going to pick up everything of mine that you threw on the floor and put it back where it belongs. Then, you're going to clean up the rest of the apartment starting with the kitchen which is a disaster right now. I want everything clean and back where it belongs. And after you've done all that, you're going to report back to me for inspection. Once I'm happy with the apartment. After everything is back to how it should have been when I walked in tonight then I'm going to punish you for what you did today. Oh yeah, trust me, you're gonna be sorry all right." Eric's eyes betrayed the apprehension, even fear, he felt at Julia's words. "But, before we start any of that, we need to get rid of that," Julia said pointing at Eric's straining cock. In response, his member jerked, as if her finger had actually poked it. "Take them off, Eric." "What?" "Take off your underwear, Eric! I want you naked!" Sheepishly, worried about what Julia was planning, he stood up, then slowly pulled his underwear down. Julia watched in fascination as his cock popped out of his briefs, slid down his legs, and fell to the floor. Stripping himself naked at her command had to be another milestone in his downfall, she realized. He looked all the more vulnerable standing there, stripped, his cock sticking straight out bobbing about awkwardly, his little eggs huddling tightly underneath looking like they wanted to hide. "Back on your knees where you belong," Julia sniped, kicking his underwear to the wall to be rid of them. He bit his lower lip in response, having hit a new low, looking miserable, like he might start crying, he eased back down to his knees. Sneering broadly, Julia stepped over to her panties and retrieved them from the floor, letting them dangle off her nails as she walked back over to Eric, her naked, bald pussy directly in front of his eyes. She dropped the panties into his lap. "Beat yourself off while I watch," she said. "What?" he asked astonished. "You heard me. I'm not going to have you running around the apartment with that thing pointing at me half the night. With my panties, beat it off," she said with disdain. Eric picked up Julia's panties, his hand trembling from humiliation and excitement, his emotions so twisted up at this point he felt disoriented and lost." "That's the closest your cock might ever get to my pussy again -- my soiled panties. And you should consider that a privilege." Eric winced at her cruel words. He wanted to fall on his side and roll into a ball but his cock was aching for relief, feeling like it might burst through the skin if he didn't cum. "Do it, Eric. Masturbate, on your knees, while your wife stands over you and watches you humiliate yourself." Eric wanted to refuse her but he wasn't thinking straight anymore. He closed his eyes and began to rub himself with the panties. "That's it. Now, look up at my pussy too. I want you to see what you can't have anymore. Look at how soft and beautiful she is," Julia said gently tracing her cleft with her nails. He did as he was told and opened his eyes, a tear rolled down which he quickly wiped away. "I think from now on you're only going to be allowed to service me with your mouth. Maybe on your knees, maybe your back. Whatever strikes my mood at the time." Eric accelerated his pace as Julia ridiculed him, desperate to be done with it. "Don't you ever forget, it's the woman that sets the rules for sex. I have the pussy so I make the rules," she said. "Now, hurry up! Beat that thing off so I don't have to look at it anymore and don't you dare spill any of your disgusting spunk on the carpet or I'll make you lick it up." Emotions continued tearing Eric apart. He focused on Julia, got lost in her, was fully engrossed in her intoxicating pussy while she stroked those long beautiful nails slowly, up and back, along her sex, at times pressing slightly inward, parting the lips to accept a light caress. His pace quickened as he watched her, getting lost in sensation and feminine beauty, her presence and power overwhelming him as she dipped a finger deeper, making it disappear... And then he came, and came, harder and stronger than he ever remembered, filling the panties with his seed, moaning, almost screaming until he was spent. There was a moment of stillness where the world seemed to slow, a point where sexual need and satisfaction balanced, where sweet release made everything alright. But it only lasted for that moment. It passed all too quickly for Eric. Recovering, sweating, panting, the image of Julia's delicious body still filled every corner of his mind, dominated every thought. Julia... She was changing him. He hated her for it and loved that it was happening. Julia looked at the defeated man at her feet with contempt. He looked glassy eyed, kneeling naked before her with cum filled panties still wrapped around his softening cock. She slipped her skirt on while Eric still lingered in post orgasmic bliss, a few moments of pleasure before she decided to lower the boom. She placed her hand on Eric's head and tousled his hair. It felt almost affectionate, even playful, but quickly changed. She tightened her grip, pulling at the hair and scalp, then yanked his head back to force him to look her in the eyes. "Get use to it, Eric. Beating your little worm off with a pair of my panties is the best you can hope for now. Got it?!" He nodded, maintaining eye contact with her, half terrified to upset her further. "Now clean up your mess," she hissed. "All of it. Everything you did today. And, it better be perfect. There better not be so much as a piece of lint on any of my lingerie. If anything is, in the least bit dirty, you better wash it. One hour. You have one hour to make this place look like it should have looked when I walked in the door." Eric's eyes went wide as saucers. Her bras, panties, and nightgowns were strewn all over their bedroom. Between what he did to her stuff and all of his packing the bedroom was a disaster. The kitchen was a total mess too and half the apartment was in disarray! "While you're working I'm going to consider what punishment you deserve for your... hideous acts today," she said with determination. "It needs to be something serious. You need to understand there's consequences for your actions, Eric. This isn't a game. Rebelling against me is a serious matter." Eric nodded pitifully. If only he hadn't been so brash, he realized. Wanting to leave was one thing, but being spiteful was another. Maybe she was right- His mouth fell open. The thought seized him up. Julia, right?! Really?! The idea was numbing and profound. How could he even think that? Was he already beginning to accept his life as her submissive?! "Well, go! Get to work!" she commanded. Eric stood up feeling disoriented. His shoulders slumped as he walked over to his cloths to get dressed. It was going to be a difficult and humbling evening. "What are you doing?" Julia asked, stopping him in his tracks. Eric turned partially around to address her and pointed towards his cloths. "Getting dressed so I can start cleaning," he said quietly. "No," Julia said with finality. "You threw my lingerie all over the bedroom. That type of disrespect doesn't go unanswered. You stay naked until every single piece of my clothing is back where it belongs!" "But-" "No!" The word was resounding, definitive. "And you better keep your cock under control while your fingering my bras and panties too or... You don't want to know what I'll do to you. And if you don't finish on time I'll be adding to your punishment. Now get busy!" It was another degradation, another notch down. He felt truly naked, in a way he had never known before. She was the boss. He couldn't even cover himself if she didn't permit it! Julia arched her eyebrows towards him impatiently. He turned quickly and scampered off towards the bedroom, desperate to hide behind a wall if nothing else, his dangling male parts slapping against his inner thighs as he fled the room. Entering the bedroom, looking at the utter mess, made him groan inside. The room looked like a bomb had gone off in her lingerie drawer, propelling the drawer and all her things everywhere. He started with the drawer itself, picking it up and putting it back into the dresser where it belonged. Then began the grand pickup. It was going to take awhile. The sound of the dresser drawer being slid back into the vanity brought a brief, twisted smile to Julia's lips. Disgraced and naked, he was following her orders. It made her smile. She might not be able to order him to submit to the AGen protocols yet but he was well on the way to that type of submission. Julia turned her mind to punishment. She sat down on the couch, crossing her legs in one smooth, feminine motion and began twisting tendrils of her hair as she contemplated his fate. Given his crime, his punishment needed to be something severe, something he'd never be able to forget. She delighted in each idea as it emerged, every one a bit more devious and harsher than the last. It took over forty minutes before the bedroom was finally put back together to where Eric was confident Julia would be satisfied. Everything was back in the lingerie drawer, placed and folded how she would expect them, the rest of the room straightened out and cleaned up. Finally, he dusted and vacuumed the room to make sure everything would be perfect. By the time he got to the kitchen, Julia was sitting at their dinning room table with her laptop, browsing the Internet, clicking away, reading, smiling, thoroughly engrossed. She leered at Eric's naked body, her eyes bright and hungry with mischief. It made the hair on the back of his neck tingle in an unnerving way, like he was in her sights for some new indignity. Stripped of clothing by a dominant woman and being forced to clean was bad enough, speculating further didn't seem helpful so he did his best to put it out of his mind. Still, something didn't feel right and he couldn't help but wonder if her glee had something to do with the punishment she would soon impose. "You're running out of time, Eric," Julia said casually. She locked her eyes on him as he scurried about the kitchen trying to make the deadline. "I don't think you're going to like your punishment. Don't make it worse by finishing late." Eric's cock twitched at the announcement, the anticipation of his wife punishing him was exciting and perverse. He moaned inside at how weak and feckless he was becoming, how quickly he was succumbing to being dominated. He hurried to finish on time, speedily cleaning, his testicles swinging like a clapper in a bell from all the rushing about. At least he was getting better at cleaning thanks to Julia's schooling and inspections. "Less than three minutes left," Julia announced. Eric spun about the room again, quickly checking everything and gave the kitchen faucet a final wipe down to make it sparkle, to make sure it was up to the level Julia demanded. After all, maybe she'd be more forgiving with the punishment if he did a good job, he reasoned. "Time's up!" Julia declared as she stood and walked over to the kitchen. Eric stood there awkwardly, his hands gently grasping each other while loosely holding a cleaning cloth in front of his manhood for however small a measure of modesty it provided. Julia smirked at him as she passed on her way to the sink and yanked the cloth from him. "Hands to your sides, Eric. When I tell you I want you naked, I mean naked. You don't deserve cloths right now and I expect to see your silly little worm at all times," she said derisively. He dropped his hands revealing a mostly shriveled cock. Julia walked all through the kitchen, checking every surface, paying special attention to the kitchen table which had been in utter disarray earlier. "Disgusting," she said with distain having found something, the single word making Eric's heart skip a beat. She lowered herself closer to the kitchen table then scratched a fingernail across the surface, using it like a small sexy shovel and, with a little careful effort, maneuvered a tiny potato chip fragment onto the underside of the nail. She stared at it for a moment while it rested on her long polished extension, her lips twisting up in anger. She walked over to face Eric while holding her nail out with the captured fragment, sticking it under his nose as she reached him. "You missed something from the filthy mess you intended to leave for me," she said. "I'm sorry, Julia. There was a lot to do but I really thought I had everything," he said, hoping the miss wouldn't cost him too much. "Tongue out," Julia ordered. "Wha-" "TONGUE OUT!" Julia repeated loudly. Eric complied, his tongue inching slowly out until it was fully extended. Julia smiled then positioned her nail directly over his tongue and flipped it over, tapping her finger up and down to dump the small fragment out. Checking, satisfied that it was on his tongue, she gave him another order. "Now eat it, Eric! I gave you a chance! Maybe you'll do a better job next time! Go ahead, eat the filth you left for me!" Eric did as he was told, swallowing hard to get rid if the fragment. His stomach began churning almost immediately, not from the tiny fragment but instead from the shame of what he was becoming and allowing to happen. Finishing the kitchen, Julia quickly sped off towards the bedroom to begin the inspection there. He followed behind her, head down, hoping in desperation that nothing was out of order, afraid of what further humiliation Julia might heap on her pathetic beta-male if something did. Eric watched her for a few minutes while she moved through the room, seemingly satisfied with his work. Everything seemed fine until she popped her dress drawer open. The noise caused him to jerk. Julia stood there, hands on hips, in front of the drawer, scanning the interior. Each passing second increased his fear that she would discover something wrong inside the drawer. "Where are they, Eric?!" "Where's wha...," he started, then suddenly realized what she was looking for. In a panic, he turned, sped over to the entryway like the wind and tore into his travel bag, pulling out her red, silk panties. He lingered there for a few seconds, fingering the rose-pattern brocade between his fingers, remembering what they looked like on Julia. "Eric?! Get your naked ass over here this moment," she yelled. Head down, he walked swiftly back to Julia and promptly returned the panties to her. "You're pathetic, you know that?" she asked rhetorically. "On top of everything else you stole a pair of my panties?! Why?" He stared at the panties as he answered, afraid to look her in the eyes. "I... wanted something to remember you by." Julia snorted in response. "Aren't you just a precious thing," she said sarcastically. "Maybe I'll add a second punishment today, just for the panty theft," she mused, considering it. "I'm sorry," Eric managed sincerely. Julia shrugged. "Get dressed," she commanded firmly. "The apartment is satisfactory." "Okay," he said relieved. "It's time for your punishment," Julia declared. Eric froze, the words impacting like sledgehammers, instilling fear and excitement in their wake. "And since you love my panties so much, you can wear them tonight," Julia said, twisting her lips into a contemptuous, half-smile, then throwing them at him. "But-" "Put them on and get dressed!" she instructed, cutting off any whining he might offer. "And, other than my beautiful panties, pick something casual to wear. You might want something a little loose fitting too." she sneered, chuckling lightly to herself. Eric looked at her in disbelief. Wear her panties?! She had to be kidding! He couldn't, just couldn't! What if friends found out?! He'd be outed as some pathetic sissy, girly boy! "Now!" she demanded "I want to see how cute your ass looks in my panties. His face twisted up into a mask of humiliated torment as he held them up, preparing to put them on, turning them around until he had the front correct, the utterly feminine garment mocking what masculinity he still possessed. He lifted a foot and stepped into the garment, the other followed. The panties rested around his ankles, waiting to be drawn up, waiting to be actually worn. Julia groaned with impatience. "You do not want me any angrier with you than I already am! If I have to wait... even a minute longer I'm going to kick your sorry ass out of here! Now, Eric!" she yelled. "O...Okay...," Eric stammered. He pulled the panties up his legs, repulsed by the idea of wearing something so clearly female and wrong, worried that Julia was about to make him into something worse than he already was - a sissy, a wimp, a chastised, wife dominated pansy. He paused halfway but a single look from Julia and he pulled them the rest of the way up. "Turn around a couple times. I want to see how you look in them," Julia said, making a cute swirling motion with her finger. Head down, sheepishly, Eric put himself on display, turning about for Julia's amusement. He felt foolish and tawdry wearing the panties and wished he had the strength to resist her. She suppressed a chuckle at how ridiculous they looked on him, enough to almost make her feel sorry for how pathetic he'd become. Almost. Regardless, it was a justly earned punishment. But even more than that, it helped with the larger goal. He needed conditioning and subjugation for what was coming. Panties, as devastating as they might be to his ego, could simply be taken off. He wouldn't have that luxury once his breasts started to develop. They'd be permanent. Getting to where he would be willing to accept that would take a little work. "Get dressed," she said, flatly. "We have an appointment to keep." "An appointment?" Eric asked timidly. "For your punishment," she said with a smile. "Casual, something comfortable, except the panties, keep them on," she added. Eric stood there like he was frozen in place. "Go!" she said, shooing him away. With his mind whirling away, deeply concerned about what his punishment might entail, Eric walked away to get dressed. The drive through the city darkened Eric's mood even more. The city streets passed by in a blur. Cloudy emotions shrouded in loss and worry consumed him while Julia drove on and on to his appointment, his punishment. He wasn't even sure what feelings were real anymore. His old self seemed to be slowly disappearing as Julia's dominance grew. There was a terrifying sense of loss but also, though he hated to admit it, excitement at what she was doing. He had no idea how exhilarating Julia could be as a dominant. She was more beautiful and seductive than ever. Even the idea of being punished by her was strangely stimulating and provocative in ways he didn't understand. Trying to figure out what type of appointment she had scheduled for him though was nerve-wracking. She refused to tell him where they were going. It gnawed its way into his mind street after street, block after block as she drove through unfamiliar areas of the city. Then, without warning, she turned into the parking lot of a small, squat, unfamiliar building. Eric's eyes went wide looking at the window of the place which was covered in bold and bright art work, colorful flowing water and dragons with a sundry of other things. A garish neon sign burning in the center of all the artwork radiated brightly into the street - "Tattoo & Piercing Studio". Eric's jaw dropped open as an oddly determined yet serene smile formed on Julia's lips in response. He shook his head in denial then quickly turned to face Julia, looking for some glimmer to suggest they were in the wrong place. "This... can't be right. Julia?" Her smile broadened and she got out of the car, closing the door. Walking to the front of the car, she deftly curled a finger towards him a few times to summon him out. A disapproving stare quickly followed, the expression serious enough to cause him to exit the car and join her. "I don't understand," Eric said nervously. "Why? What are we doing here?" He asked with concern. Julia peered into him for a moment, her expression shifting to something more serious. "Do you remember when you pierced my ears? When you added the extra holes so I could wear more earrings for you? Remember?" He shrugged slightly, shaking his head subtly with a confused look. "A couple years ago? You wanted me to. You asked me!" Julia shook her head. "No, Eric. I didn't want more holes in my ears. I remember telling you that but you didn't want to hear it" she said. "You talked me into it, more like manipulated me. I was a lot more compliant then. Weak. Needy. You took advantage of that. You were insistent, kept making little comments, little jabs. You kept at it for days until I finally gave in. You practically forced me into it!" "I don't remember it that way!" Eric said, shaking his head. "Doesn't surprise me. You were so full of yourself back then," she said seething. "Once you got what you wanted you probably just forgot about it. It wasn't important to you anymore. But I was there, Eric. I remember the arm twisting, the little comments, the disapproving glances. You kept it up day after day until I let you do it. I even convinced myself later that I was okay with it, but I never really was. I felt used. I still remember all of it." Eric shook his head nervously. "I don't... remember it like that and I certainly didn't force you." "I can't force you either. I wouldn't if I could." she said. "You always have a choice. You're free to leave me anytime you want, Eric." Eric winced. There it was again, the clear threat of losing her. Julia held it over him like a sword. "Julia, please, I don't want my ears pierced. I know some men have that done now but-" "Who said anything about your ears?" Eric shrugged again, confused. Julia stared at him for a bit, enjoying the moment, smiling mischievously at his obvious discomfort. "I'm having your cock pierced." "What!!? You're not serious!" "Totally serious. They're going to pierce the head of your cock and put a big ring through it." Eric was staggered. He began feeling lightheaded. "I'm thinking maybe a Prince Albert piercing," she said. "Maybe I can attach a leash to it afterwards." "Julia, please. No. Let's just go. Please," he begged. She ignored the pleas and began walking towards the door of the shop. Eric stood there desperately nervous as Julia's heals click-clacked away over the parking lot. Impulsively, he took a few steps towards her to follow. He felt compelled to close the distance between them. As she reached the door and entered he surprised himself by quickly following her inside. Once there, a single look around was enough to practically paralyze him. Tattoo flash and posters of bold, colorful artwork filled the walls in every direction. Among the artwork was a half-dozen posters of people, tattooed and pierced to varying degrees, some of them heavily so, a few modified in ways that made Eric blanch. Near the door was a counter filled with body jewelry, rings and bars and other things in countless sizes and designs. The very idea that something in that counter would soon be thrust through his manhood terrified him. The shop was clean, brightly lit and professional looking but it was doing little to calm Eric's increasing sense of panic over Julia's plans for him. There were four tattooing stations in the shop, two to either side of a reception desk set in the middle of the room. The two in the back were busy, setting Eric's teeth on edge from the near constant droning buzz of tattoo machines pushing ink into skin. Shockingly, the nearest of the two patrons, was a young woman who was getting the top of her hand tattooed! Eric could hardly believe it. The tattoo artist was another woman who was filled with dozens of garish, other worldly images, which covered both her arms. The whole scene seemed unimaginably, bizarre, certainly nothing Eric was familiar with. A tasteful tattoo or two on a woman was one thing but this? When did women start doing such bold, dramatic, in-your-face things? What had modern women evolved into? Julia walked over to the girl standing behind the reception desk with Eric in tow, nervously hiding behind her. The receptionist set him on edge too, a mixture of normal and extreme, looking like a girl next door type in a simple pink dress yet she was heavily tattooed too with both arms completely covered and had so many piercings he couldn't even count them all. "Can I help you?" the receptionist asked, the tone as lovely as a debutante fresh from finishing school. "We have an appointment. My husband...," she started, gesturing towards Eric, "is here to have his penis pierced. I'm thinking I want a Prince Albert for him and I'd like to talk to the piercer about the size. I want as large a gauge as the piercer thinks is reasonable." Eric could hardly believe his ears! She had said it like she owned him. He locked eyes with the receptionist who flashed him a knowingly, quirky smile. He felt a wave of horrific embarrassment and was certain he was blushing a deep shade of red. "Certainly," the receptionist answered. "Our piercer can discuss options w

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CHAPTER TEN Property Eric stared at his tattoo, alone in the bathroom, in a state of utter disbelief. He'd fled to the safety of the small room in a near panic from the moment they arrived home. His shirt was on the floor along side the plastic wrap that had been covering his new body modification, both hastily removed, tossed there moments after he'd slammed the door to try to escape Julia. He held a hand mirror up to see his back reflected in the mirror over the sink, to see the...

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CHAPTER ELEVEN Wife and Homemaker Several days passed as Julia continued reordering her marriage, furthering the domination and control over her submissive, his old life fading into the past as she shaped and redefined him to her liking. For Julia, it had become surprisingly easy and natural to treat him with increasing disdain and cruelty with everything she did to him. Eric glanced at the kitchen clock, worried, each minute bringing him closer to what he knew would be a...

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CHAPTER TWELVE Samantha Comes to Dinner Eric's eyes went wide with dread as he stared towards the front door and froze. The very idea that somebody other than Julia would see him wearing nail polish was completely paralyzing. "Well, what are you waiting for? Open the door for our guest," Julia said firmly. He started walking to the door, the panic making his hands tremble as his heart began racing. Julia really wanted to humiliate him in front of one of her co-workers! Why?!...

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN Broken Morning came sooner than Eric cared for as he rolled around awkwardly in the makeshift bed on the floor of the bedroom. Above, sprawled across the queen sized bed, slept Julia, comfortable and peaceful without him. It was still early, the sun was slowly brightening against the closed window shades leaving the room cloaked in dim light and shadows as another day began. Eric woke disoriented at first, foggy, crawling out of some bizarre nightmare, trying to...

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN The Appointment "This is the place," Julia said enthusiastically as she turned off the highway. They passed onto a private road and headed towards a large corporate estate with a tall, looming brick wall surrounding it. Erica didn't want to be there. He felt lightheaded and nauseous, desperately worried about where Julia was taking him. She, on the other hand, looked serene, smiling as they passed through the large iron wrought gate guarding the estate. When the...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alterations Bright lights and a murmur of women's voices poured into the hall as Pamala opened the beautifully carved door to the treatment room. Julia smiled broadly in anticipation as they entered. It was going to happen here, in this room. She could hardly wait to see it, to watch him get injected, and to see the look in his eyes afterwards. Julia could see a number of women going about their routines as they made their way further in. Indeed, the world had...

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Reversal Rings Weird Wednesday

Reversal Rings: Weird Wednesday A Spells R Us story by Morpheus ([email protected]) 20 Jan 98 Warning, this story contains adult content. If you are under 18 or offended by this, don't read any further. This is the first of a short Spells R Us sub-universe series that I'm working on called the Reversal Rings. I'm still working on the other stories in the Reversal Rings series. I've always been fond of Freaky Friday type stories, so wrote this one of my own. This is my...

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Reversal Rings One Night

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Once again, Morpheus created the Reversal Rings universe and I appreciate any opportunity to expand upon it. This is a sequel to my story "Reversal Rings: One Hour." If you have not read the original, you may feel lost a time or two. Again, I make no claims at being a world-class author. This was just for fun. I wanted to take the concept of casual swapping to the next level. This will be the last story involving these characters for a while. I know I...

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Reversed Polarity 02

REVERSED POLARITY - 02 By Libnos Returning to the city Sunday afternoon, after our weekend at the cabin, nothing was said as we drove; we were both quiet with our thoughts. I was still wearing the panties under my regular clothes since I decided that they felt so erotic and suggested a vulnerability and submissiveness that I needed to explore. Our weekend's lovemaking had been with our normal male-female roles reversed and...

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Reversal Rings Im Sorry

This is a possible continuation of "Reversal Rings II: Jamie's Story." I thought Jamie's fate was a little harsh so I decided to try and continue his part of the story. I felt Jamie was basically a pretty good kid who acted impulsively, not stopping to realize that what he was doing was wrong. I'd like to thank Morpheus for his okay to do this story. While it isn't necessary to read the whole Reversal Rings story line before reading this, to understand this story, you should at least...

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Reversal Rings One Hour

Author's Note: Morpheus created the Reversal Rings universe and I'm just trying my simple hand at expanding it. This is basically a story about nothing. I've wanted to see a bodyswap story where nothing really happens, just a casual switch. Oh, and this is my first story. I make no claims at being a great author, I just wrote this for the fun of it. Enjoy! Reversal Rings: One Hour By Ipkiss I remember when I got the phone call. It was just past midnight and I almost broke my...

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Reversing Practice

REVERSING PRACTICE I am a professional driving instructor and in the course of my work, meet many young and attractive women. The Driving Standards Agency, which governs my profession, lay down very strict rules regarding inappropriate behaviour and I have to be careful not to do or say anything that could be misconstrued and cost me my licence to give instruction. In September last year I met a new pupil; a divorcee in her early thirties. A mature woman, not a teenage girl like most of my...

Straight Sex
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Reversal Rings IV Family Life

Many people have been asking me about the next installment of Reverse Rings, so here it is. I had another part 4, but got rid of it due to its poor quality and wrote a new story. This one doesn't have the return of Kevin and Susan, but the next one does, so don't lose hope. It's coming soon. If anyone wishes to archive this, please contact me first. SRU: Reverse Rings IV: Family Life By Morpheus ([email protected]) The Old Man sat in a well decorated back room, upon an old...

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Reversal of Fortune

It was about 10 pm and the streets were empty. I was walking to the bus stand to take the 10.15 bus back to my room when a car came by and stopped to ask about directions. The lady passenger in the back seat asked me if I can show the place and that she would ask the driver to drop me at my house. I agreed and sat next the driver. After the car started moving, I felt a strange smell and before I could turn my head, a cloth with a pungent smell was placed covering my nose and I...

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Reversal of Fortune

     ???????????????????? REVERSAL OF FORTUNE ???????????????????????????? by ??????????????????????? C. Lakewood   ??? The smartly dressed young woman strode nonchalantly through the outer office and into Dean Malcolm Heywood's inner sanctum without a by-your-leave or even a perceptible hesitation.? As she passed, the dean's secretary, looked up, startled, and opened her mouth to object, then closed it again and shrugged.? Dr. Barbara Lang was slated to take over as dean in a few...

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Reversal Rings II Jamies Story

Reverse Rings II: Jamie's Story A Spells R Us story by Morpheus 22 Jan 98 This is the second of my Spells R Us mini series that I call Reverse Rings. It carries on the tale from the first one, with more of the characters and rings from the first story. It probably shouldn't be read without reading Weird Wednesday first. There isn't any appearance of the Old Man or the store in this story, though he started the mess in the last one. Any comments can be sent to...

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Reversal Rings III Lost and Found

This story goes off in a bit more from the original storyline, and I was a little rushed towards the end and may redo it later. I have a fourth episode already done, but am seriously unhappy with it, having been in a hurry when I did it. I will probably do another episode to replace it, bringing the storyline back to Kevin and Susan a bit more. Reverse Rings III: Lost and Found A Spells R Us story By Morpheus 23 Jan 98 WARNING: This story contains some adult material, so if...

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Reversal Rings V Finale

I know that some of you have been waiting for the return of Kevin and Susan from the first story. Well, here it is. This will probably be the last Reverse Rings story, so I hope you enjoy. This story has adult content in it. If you are under 18 or dislike such material, please go no further. If anyone who wishes to archive, please contact me first. SRU: Reverse Rings V: Finale By Morpheus Kevin stared into the mirror at the reflection of a beautiful woman looking back. The...

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Reverse Groping On A Metro Journey

So we’ve all heard stories of women being groped by men, women liking groping or hating it and etc. etc. Now this is a story of the Reverse happening to me (real story no BS). One particular day I took the subway to reach my usual stop at Park Street, around 15 mins away. The train was not particularly crowded but as there were no seats I had to stand. At the next stop 3 married women got in. They were all middle aged and in sarees, must have been between 30-35 I guess. Since there was nothing...

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Reversed Polarity 01

REVERSED POLARITY - 01 By Libnos I was only a few thrusts away from cumming in my wife's pussy. She was moaning and groaning under me when she gasped into my ear. "Oh honey, it feels so good. I love your cock inside me filling me up. It really turns me on submitting to you and trying to pleasure you." Then she clamped her legs around me holding me immobile inside her. I tried to get my cock moving in her pussy again but...

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Reverse Universe

Reverse Universe By Ender Eric had never been one of the popular boys in school. While he was not a nerd or a bully target, he had never been a well noticed boy. Some of that was by his own doing, while the rest was because of his place in the school social order. He always dreamed of dating and having sex with some of the beautiful girls in his class. In many of his classes there was one girl, Mary, who was absolutely hot. She had started budding early and by sixteen, she was...

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Reverse Number Lookup

* * * * * The number on my caller ID wasn't in my contacts. I didn't owe anyone money, so I answered. “Hello?” “Is Jenny there? I have to talk to her,” a woman whispered. “There's no one here but me. I can barely hear you. Who is this?” “Oh my God, he's coming!” she hissed. “Please, I don't know what to do! I'm afraid he'll....” There was a loud crash, like a door being kicked in, and then a man's voice yelling, “You fuckin' whore! You worthless cunt! Who the...

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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

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Reversing Practice

REVERSING PRACTICE I am a professional driving instructor and in the course of my work, meet many young and attractive women. The Driving Standards Agency, which governs my profession, lay down very strict rules regarding inappropriate behaviour and I have to be careful not to do or say anything that could be misconstrued and cost me my licence to give instruction. In September last year I met a new pupil, a divorcee in her early thirties. A mature woman, not a teenage girl like most of my...

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Reverse Cuckold Surprise Part 2 and 3

Reverse Cuckold Surprise (Part 2 and 3)Note: The following story is a work of fiction. All events depicted are just fantasies.Part 2-The next morning I woke up before my wife did. I went to pee and started remembering the night before. My wife had gone out on a "date" with another man. Then, she told me about sucking the guy off. The oral sex part wasn't true, but it was a wild cuckold fantasy of mine, and it turned into great sex. After the sex, just before we went to sleep, she said she...

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Reverse Cuckold Surprise Part 1 The SetUp

Reverse Cuckold Surprise (Part 1, The Set-Up)Note: The following story is a work of fiction. All events depicted are just fantasies.If you read my profile, you'll know a bit about my sex life. I'm married to a beautiful BBW with great big breasts, a nice round, white ass, and a large pussy (that I keep trimmed/shaved almost bare). One of my fantasies is see my wife have sex with other men. Now, we've tip-toed around talking about cuckolding, but my wife knows it turns me on. For example,...

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Reversing the process

Reversing the process.“So are you sure you want to do this Bill?” Kim asked with a glint in her eye.“I have said so haven’t i?” Bill replied.“Don’t you mean , yes mistress?” she giggled.They checked into the hotel as usual and went to the room. Bill with his Mary Poppins bag and Kim with her lap top case. The picture of respectability.Once in the room Kim sat in the only chair and waited while Bill fiddled about with some items in his bag.“Ready or stalling?” she asked. She couldn’t help but...

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Reverse Pickup

REVERSE PICK UP K. Moore We were sitting alone in the apartment of the beautiful, but mysterious lady who had picked me up in the bar. I had just drunk a strange drink that she laughingly said was the best potion she knew how to make. As she came back from the kitchen, she seductively opened up the top of her low-necked blouse. I immediately rose to the occasion (so to speak), and moved forward on the couch, preparing to reach for her. It was then that I knew something was...

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Reversal Rings The Finishing School

The Finishing school ( a Spell R US story, Reversed rings story) by Eric Buffy was pissed, really PISSED! Life is so unfair! Her father didn't understand her.! He took the side of the bitch Claire, the step mom from hell! Buffy paused in front of the mirror - usually the sight of her blond beauty and mature figure gave her pleasure, but not today. Tomorrow she was going to be sent away from her home and her friends to some fuckin finishing school - where without a doubt she would...

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Reversed Rings Dreams of Kevin and Susan

Reversed Rings: Dreams of Kevin and Susan by Eric (Note: This is just a possible continuation of Kevin and Susan's story by Morpheus. It came to me in a dream. The story is now complete. Thanks to Morpheus for his OK on the use of his characters. Note: This is set in the SRU Universe but the Wizard makes only a brief appearance I want to thank Steve Z for editing the story!) Chapter 1 (the more things change, the more they remain the same) Brandy looked at her cute boyfriend...

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Reverse Gangbang With 4 Horny Babes

Hi ladies this Ajit back from Mumbai with yet another real story for full. I was approached by a reader by mail that she and her friends want to have fun with me to which I replied positively and our meeting was fixed on Friday at one of the ladies house. When I reached there I was introduced with everyone ( name changed to maintain privacy ). The ladies were madhu who mailed me she was of around 48 years with a bit heavy body. Babita aged around 42 with nice sexy figure and long blonde hairs....

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Reversal Rings The Wedding

As Best Man, Jim had a good view of the satin wedding dress draped over Ayesha's obvious pregnancy bulge. During the vows, she glanced over. Jim slipped one of the Reversal Rings onto his pasty white finger and nodded quickly. She smiled, her teeth gleaming under the veil, highlighted against her ebony skin. Jim handed the other ring to Rob, the groom. As Rob took Ayesha's hand, she smiled at Jim, grateful for the chance to escape her mistakes. As Jim smiled back, bursting with...

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Reverse Gangbang Fantasy As Gift On Birthday

Hi I am Abhay. You might have read my previous stories on how I nailed my neighbor and also one when I lost virginity to my cousin sis…. But this incident is one of the best sexual experience of my life….. But before beginning Guys…. Please don’t mail me asking number or pics of my sexual mates… As I cannot provide it…. Secondly anyone can mail me at for hot chat and a golden chance for girls and bhabhi’s upto 30’s we can have a secret affair…… ;) Anyways lets begin the event when I felt like...

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Reversed Polarity 03

REVERSED POLARITY - 03 By Libnos Our weekend continued through more 'reversed polarity' sex and I consciously worked to assume a more feminine role. I think Moira was pleased with my progress and complimented me on how much I was turning her on. I basked in her praise. A couple of times she mentioned going out in public but she knew I was very nervous about it so she didn't push me too hard. I knew eventually I might consider...

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Reversed Polarity 04

REVERSED POLARITY - 04 by Libnos While I was cleaning up after dinner the next evening, Moira told me she was going upstairs to see Stan and John. I waited her return with apprehension but couldn't help but feel excited. When she came back an hour later, she was all smiles and took me by the hand into the bedroom before she said anything. "It's all set, baby. They'll both be down Friday evening after dinner. They...

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Reversed Polarity 05

REVERSED POLARITY - 05 by Libnos In the weeks that followed our night at the 'girl's' lounge we took other opportunities to go back there including weekends at the cabin. At these times I gained more and more confidence in my role as a woman and by watching the mannerisms Moira and other women I became more adept at being one. My fascination with men's cocks continued to grow and I took every opportunity to enjoy sucking...

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Reversal By Annie James Prologue Charlotte and Charleen are identical twins. Moreover, as so often occurs with such a pair, they early became best friends and companions. They were quick to learn to take advantage of the inability of others to distinguish between them, and exploited their similarity in all manner of childish adventures and pranks. About the age of ten they invented a new type of prank altogether by creating an alternate identity. A 'brother Charles' appeared on...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 5 Conclusion

Part 5 Facial and Sex Reassignment surgery That evening, Kavitha called us and asked Jeevan when she can schedule my operation and that if he wanted any facial job done to me. He said, "I leave the choice entirely to her" and looked at me. I said, "I can have the operation as soon as you people can organize. I would like to reshape my nose and lips to make it more feminine." She nodded and noted something in her diary. We went back to our apartment and continued our usual sexual...

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Reverse world

Mom was in the kitchen in a very revealing suit - a mini skirt that opened up a great view of her cute slender legs and a short blouse with an extensive cleavage. "Hi, mom!" "Hey, son!" I came up behind her and gave her a little hug. She immediately responded to my caresses, rising on tiptoe and leaning her hands on the sturdy kitchen table. With impatient hands, I reached under her skirt, found a funny little pair of panties, and pulled them down. Mom slowly moved her hips, letting her...

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Reverse Summoning Part 2

After breaking all the bonds her, no, his house had to her, Wyrm summoned Alice to him in the master bedroom. It was quite filthy, with her clothes and spellbooks thrown haphazardly around and a thick layer of dust covering the tops of the cabinets and dressers. All of the servants had quit after her parents had died, and Alice wasn’t all that interested in cleaning the manor when she could be working on magic. Alice walked to him and dropped to her hands and knees and bowed her head. Without...

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Reverse Summoning

Immediately, a kneeling form began to coalesce in the circle, eventually developing into a large, red-skinned man. His horns grew out of the sides of his head, which was covered in short dark hair. The demon was completely naked, and Alice could discern the fine scales that covered his entire body, each of them as shiny as a finely cut ruby. “I am your master now, dragon-demon.” Alice said, her voice commanding and strong. As she said this, a black collar appeared on the demon’s neck. “I...

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Reversed Rape

I was innocently perving my way around my favourite chat site when I chanced upon her ad. 'Lady, 30, would like to be raped.' Oh yea? Still, I zinged off a reply: 'Seriously?' She must have sent the same response to hundreds of people. 'Thank you for answering my ad. I want to be stalked, spied on, attacked and raped. You can hurt me but not injure me. I do not want to know anything about you or meet you beforehand, but there must be some way of identifying you: figure this...

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Reversed Rape

Introduction: hey guys! just another quickie ,) email me if ya want! [email protected] She started it. She asked for it. It was all her fault. I was innocently perving my way around my favourite chat site when I chanced upon her ad. Lady, 30, would like to be raped. Oh yea? Still, I zinged off a reply: Seriously? She must have sent the same response to hundreds of people. Thank you for answering my ad. I want to be stalked, spied on, attacked and raped. You can hurt me but not injure me. I...

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Reverse Cowboy On A Six Foot Nine Black Guys 11 Incher

I just turned 20 – a cute white twink with a baby face, a slim twinkish body, and an 8 inch dick. He’s around 30. Gorgeous black man, a beautiful behemoth standing six foot nine, totally proportioned everywhere. Including between his legs where he’s got an 11 inch black monster dick. I’m a total black cock slut and I’m also a hopeless size queen. So when we get to his place and I get on my knees and he pulls out his dick, I almost pass out from the sexual thrill that literally shakes my...

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Reverse Cuckold Part 2

I was on my hands and knees when Jim grabbed my thighs and spread my legs wide. He put two pillows under my pelvis and lifted my hips. Lynn was still bouncing on her vibrator when she heard me moan from Jim’s cock entering me. She looked up at me, her eyes focused on mine. She lifted her left tit and started sucking it. She had a slutty look in her eyes while looked and me and licked.The ball vibrator, also known as a ‘Magic Wand’ was on the seat on her wheel chair. She was straddling it and...

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Reverse Cuckold Part 1

Hello all. I have been contemplating about writing this story for about two months. I spoke to the man it involved recently, he’s a good customer at our massage parlor. He said that it was okay to write it. I am going to change his name, and his wife’s name to mainly protect their identities. This past summer, I had mentioned to one of my customers that I was working as an escort. His name was Jim, he’s a very attractive man in his early thirties. He has been a VIP customer of ours for years,...

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Reversed Gender Norms

In another world, in another universe, there lived a modern day earth that lived it's life with the opposite norms known to us. A world where men and women behave exactly like us, speak just like us, and interact with each other just like us. Except one minor difference... Men and Women have switched roles in this reality. Stereotypes has switched between the two, with women being known as the stronger sex and the men being the more sensitive side of mankind. Women are known commonly for their...

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Reverse world

In a reveresed sexually dimorphic world where women are the big and strong gender and men are the small and cute ones, this is standard But becsuse the world is like this that also means that everyone is well endowed now befor we begin what gender are you

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Reverse Gang Bang

You needed some cash one day so you decided to make some quick cash. You went to a lab to be a test subject. You were pretty desperate to make some money at this time. That shot you with a syrenge that had a liquid in it. They told you it was a new kind of viagra. It made your cock the hardest it ever been. It now stood 16 inches "This a new drug that should make you stay hard nearly forever and give you an almost unlimited supply of cum" The doctor said "Really" "Yes but we got to test it...

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Reversal of Fortune

[ In the spirit of changing times; in the spirit of a long over due redress of well earned grievances of the so-called 'Third World', or the 'Developing Nations' (generally non-white), here's some encouragement to both whites who are more aware of their ancestor's exploitation and suppression of these nations and their people, as well as to they, themselves, who thirst for justice. And, in this particular scenario, we will see what may turn out to be the only truly significant form of redress,...

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Reverse Cuckold Part 2

I was on my hands and knees when Jim grabbed my thighs and spread my legs wide. He put two pillows under my pelvis and lifted my hips. Lynn was still bouncing on her vibrator when she heard me moan from Jim's cock entering me. She looked up at me, her eyes focused on mine. She lifted her left tit and started sucking it. She had a slutty look in her eyes while looked and me and licked.The ball vibrator, also known as a "Magic Wand" was on the seat on her wheel chair. She was straddling it and...

Straight Sex
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Reverse Cuckold Part 1

Hello all. I have been contemplating about writing this story for about two months. I spoke to the man it involved recently, he's a good customer at our massage parlor. He said that it was okay to write it. I am going to change his name, and his wife's name to mainly protect their identities.This past summer, I had mentioned to one of my customers that I was working as an escort. His name was Jim, he's a very attractive man in his early thirties. He has been a VIP customer of ours for years,...

Straight Sex
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Reverse Gangbang With Granny And Friends

My name is Raghu, I am 22 years old and apparently, I am a doctor based in Hyderabad. This story happened when I was 19 years old. I am based in Hyderabad, this happened when I went to my grandmother’s place in Bengaluru for holidays, my granny’s name is Laxmi, she is apparently 68 years old with huge boobs and a perfect BBW( big beautiful women).my grandfather expired long ago, she has 4 children and my mom was eldest. I never even had a bad thought about her, she was my mother’s mother and I...


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