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Helena and I talked when we met on the patio during smoke breaks at work. Our conversations were both restrained and strangely direct, the way conversations tend to be when there's a bit of a language barrier; restrained because of cultural differences or uncertainties but direct because of limited vocabulary. We granted each other the immunity that those kinds of conversations require, where each party trusts completely in the goodwill of the other and exhibits a great willingness to forgive both cultural and linguistic gaffes. Despite Helena's unfamiliarity with English we were nonetheless able to discuss differences in customs worldwide, differences between languages, Jespersson's contention that Danish is the closest language to English, things to do weekends within a day's drive of Silicon Valley, and a Danish bicycle company that went bankrupt by misassessing the market in China.

Helena was Danish, a student doing a six-month internship in the United States as part of her work on a Master's Degree in International Business. She was a knockout, plain and simple. The only thing that prevented her from fulfilling Everyman's dream of the perfect Scandinavian beauty was a slight underbite, a flaw so picayune it's scarcely worth mentioning.

Her hair was cut in what I'd call a European bob, not being at all familiar with the names of women's hairstyles; a bob, but not symmetrical, slightly longer on one side than the other, and it was always clean and shining. She wore no makeup at all, not even lipstick--but, then, she hardly needed any. Although she had been quite pale when she first arrived, she seemed to be enjoying the California summer, because during the first few weeks of her stay, her face and her arms took on the golden color that only true blondes can achieve in the sun.

Helena's and my rapport may have been due in part to the fact that we both were, in a sense, strangers in a strange land. My tidy, and, I'd thought, secure, world had crumbled beneath me nine months earlier, and I was still lost and wandering, trying to relearn who I was, where I was, and what stability was.

A little more than a year ago, I'd decided to cast my lot with a start-up, still the Silicon Valley dream twenty years after the microcomputer revolution. Get in on the ground floor, get a large stock option package, help the company succeed wildly, and get rich. Within two weeks after I started working at that company I was aware of a massive amount of internal tension, the lack of team spirit and single-minded focus essential in a start-up, and the presence of too many wrong people in the wrong places. The board of directors did hire a new CEO, but far too late. Three months after I started, the new CEO cut the staff of forty-five in half, and, three months after that, the board of directors decided to throw in the towel.

At just about the same time, my wife and I decided to throw in the towel on a twenty-year marriage, and maybe far too late for that, too. Although our marital relationship had been strained for more years than I like to admit, there hadn't been any bad guy--nobody was screwing around with anybody else, nobody was abusing anybody, nobody was raiding the checkbook. My wife and I just discovered, one day, that our paths had diverged widely over time, and we were standing on opposite sides of a chasm that we were unable to bridge despite our best efforts. We were worn out; worn down. Though at that point it felt like we knew each other not at all, we knew each other well, and it was time to stop the hurt. Neither of us wanted to inflict any more pain on the other, neither of us wanted to take financial advantage of the other, and neither of us wanted lawyers to get the lion's share of our community property. We made the divorce as civilized and fault-free as we could.

The upshot was that I suddenly found myself without a job and without a home. A frantic search for employment showed that the job market was very tight right then, and I accepted literally the first offer that came along. The new position was two levels below where I'd been with the start-up, this company's product was way behind the times, and this company, too, had more than its share of internal troubles. I came to work in the morning, I did what I was supposed to do during the day, and I left in the evening. I had no burning desire to make my mark on the company or its product, or to move to a higher position. The place where I took my evening meals and slept was an alien and very empty duplex. Home was where I used to live.

My conversations with Helena were a bright spot in a dreary and plodding existence where a future had yet to take on shape and color. And, despite my belief that I fulfilled a paternal or avuncular role in Helena's life, I had to admit that our meetings on the company patio provided a measure of warmth to my emotional chill.

Although Helena and I spent a good deal of time talking, and although I sometimes had to speak to her very directly to explain English slang, nuances of words, or what her occasional misuse of idiom meant, I followed her guidance in subject matter, and we said little about ourselves or our feelings. Thus it was quite unexpected when, one morning, she said, "Please excuse me if I do not talk too much. Today I do not feel right."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said. "Are you sick?"

"No, I am not sick. I just do not feel right. It is lonely, or something," she said. "It is not just lonely, but empty, like something is not there."

"Have you ever been away from home before?" I asked. "For a long time?"

"No, not really," she said. "In Denmark, I went to summer camps when I was young, but only for two weeks. Sometimes holidays, but only with friends. I have never been so long in another country, where everything is different."

"It sounds to me like you're homesick," I said.

"Homesick?" she said.

"That's the English word for that feeling of being hollow inside, of feeling like something's missing. It happens when a person has been away from home for too long."

"Ah," she said, looking off into the distance. "hjemve. How foolish of me. I should have known. Now I understand. I always thought homesick was only for children."

We both glanced at our watches and saw that it was time to return to work. I was busy the remainder of that day, and didn't encounter Helena again until the following afternoon.

"Hello," I said. "How are you feeling today?" Are you still homesick?"

Helena sat, looking into the distance again, chewing on her lower lip, for so long that I thought maybe she hadn't heard me. Just as I was about to repeat the question, she turned and looked me directly in the eyes and said, "I want you to make love to me."

My hearing is not good, particularly in my left ear, thanks to the percussive effects of rifle and howitzer fire, and I have a particularly sharp drop at about the frequency of female voices. For a moment, I thought Helena had said "I want you to make love to me."

"I beg your pardon?" I said.

"I want you to make love to me," Helena said again. No doubt about it.

I suddenly experienced that otherworldly, light-headed, weak-kneed feeling that often accompanies the receipt of unexpectedly good news. My heart thudded and saliva rushed to my mouth. I was at a complete loss for words, and I feared that if I said the wrong thing, this delicious moment of invitation would be gone forever. How long I sat silent, I don't know.

Helena cocked her head a bit and squinted slightly, examining my expression closely. "Alan?" she said. "Alan, did you hear me? I said, 'I want you to make love to me.' Am I too blunt? Do I offend you?"

I snapped out of my trance. What I said next must have come from a protective reserve of Puritanism tucked away in a corner of my mind. The words tumbled from my mouth without forethought or planning. "Yes, I heard you. Are you too blunt? Have you offended me? Of course not. Helena, for Heaven's sake, I'm old enough to be your father. There are young men around all over the place, here."

Her expression changed so subtly that it would have been impossible to know which of her facial muscles contracted and which relaxed, and she was transformed from animated young woman to seeress, oracle, medicine woman, displaying in her eyes the collective wisdom of all woman of all time. "I have thought very hard about this. I know there are young men around all over the place," she said in a patient voice. "I know what I am and what I look like. I know that I am the blond woman from Denmark. I know that men in nearly every country of the world have fantasies about Scandinavian women. The young men spend stupid amounts of their time finding excuses to visit me. They are like young horses; they show me their muscles. They want sex so much they almost show me their penises. I can smell it on them. Not even all their horrid shaving lotion can hide what they are and what they want.

"While we have been talking during these weeks, you have not shown me your muscles. You have shown me inside you. I have been away from home for a long time, and I am lonely. No one has held me for a long time. I need to be held and comforted and made to feel safe and secure. Those young men could not comfort me or make me feel safe. They do not want to make love, they want only to fuck. I do not want only to fuck. I know that you will not be in a hurry, I know you can hold me, I know you can give me what I need, and that is why I want you to make love to me."

The length and completeness of Helena's speech made it clear that she had indeed thought very hard about it. To say that I was stunned by her directness and expression of confidence in my ability to satisfy her emotional needs would be gross understatement. And, even as I began to picture in my mind what might ensue from my response, I also had to give serious consideration to whether it might be better to continue to nurture my own fantasies than to attempt to experience the reality.

"Helena," I said, " it could turn out to be a big disappointment to both of us. I haven't been with a woman for a long time."

Beneath the joy of this moment, a wave of anger and bitterness swept through me. Before my wife and I were able to figure out what the problem was, we exchanged far too many hurtful words. I suppose that I could have dipped into the abundant pool of middle-aged divorcees who were ubiquitous in the workplace, but I was almost certain that, at least very soon after my wife and I had separated, any new relationship would be doomed to failure because I'd unconsciously attach some of my wife's attributes to a new partner and respond to her in ways she scarcely deserved. And I was fearful. I hadn't been a single man for almost two decades, and I didn't know how to be one any more. I was comfortably set in any number of ways, and I wasn't sure I wanted my precarious equilibrium to be seriously challenged. Although I suffered periods of aching loneliness and occasional bouts of acute sexual desire, I knew that I didn't want anything to do with the entanglements and entrapments of a long-term relationship. Nor was I comfortable with a series of one-night stands. My body wasn't what it had been once upon a time. In short, I didn't feel like I had much to bring to any kind of a relationship just then.

"Alan, you must trust me. I know that we will be just fine," Helena said.

I trusted Helena, there was no doubt about that. But I didn't know that we would be just fine. I was seriously worried that I'd bungle it, or not be able to perform at all.

Truth to tell, I knew from the moment I understood that Helena was serious about wanting to make love with me--or, more correctly, wanting me to make love to her--there was only one possible answer to her request. I was so hopelessly besmitten by Helena that I probably would have done all kinds of silly things just to get close to her.

"I trust you, Helena. My answer is yes. I may not have acted like a young horse, but did you know that I've been infatuated with you since the day we met, and that I've entertained all kinds of fantasies about being with you?"

"Of course," she laughed, with one of those little smiles that make men feel instantly foolish. "That was part of the inside you showed me."

"Well, okay," I said, ignoring the heat of a blush, "what do we do now?"

"Can you get off work this afternoon?" she asked.

This afternoon? Ye gods! I was thinking that maybe I'd have a little more time to get used to the idea, to get mentally prepared.

"Yes," I said, "I can do that."

Helena jotted the address of her apartment on a scrap of paper and handed it to me. We decided, for discretion's sake, to leave separately and rendezvous there. I went back to my office and made arrangements to be gone for the afternoon, pleading urgent personal business, which, as far as I was concerned, was the absolute truth. As it happened, we left the company at the same time, and I essentially followed Helena home, never more than a few carlengths behind. We arrived at her apartment at the same time.

We walked together from the street to the building and climbed a flight of stairs to her second-story unit. After the eight-mile drive to the hilly side of Sunnyvale in nearly 90-degree weather, the air conditioning felt crisp and welcome. Without saying a word, Helena walked straight to the bedroom. When she neither returned to the living room nor called out after a few moments, I went along to the bedroom, too.

When I entered the room, Helena was already out of her pants and had her arms over her head, tugging off her tight, short-sleeved jersey. Until that moment, all I had seen of Helena's skin was her face and neck, her arms and hands, her legs from her ankles downward, and her feet, in sandals. Then, suddenly, there she was, all of her, and I was stunned by her beauty.

Only blue sky was visible through the window behind her. Because of the sudden plunge from bright sun into subdued indoor light, my eyes were not yet adjusted, and I couldn't make out her features. Goosebumps were making all the fine hairs on her body stand out, and in the backlight from the window, she appeared to be glowing, surrounded by an aura of golden light. Nude, she stepped to the bed, turned down the covers, and lay on the white sheets. Only after she was in bed did I think to take off my clothes, too.

She was lying on her back with her arms at her sides. Once undressed, I lay down beside her, propped up on my elbows with my arms crossed against my chest. Teasing from the seam between her arm and her body was a small tuft of ash-blond hair. I brought my face down until my nose was resting lightly against her collarbone and inhaled her aroma: soap, the slightest hint of perfume, the earthy smell of fresh perspiration, skin, her own pheromones. The scent of Helena was more enticing and exciting than anything Chanel or Calvin Klein could put in a bottle. Wholesome. Healthy. Delicious. Meadows and clouds and trees. Life and freedom. I was hard before I had time to worry about it. Then Helena moved, and in an instant, I was on my back, she was astride me, and I was in her.

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Landfall Space Academy Twenty minutes before their alarms were set to go off, Diana nudged Selina. "Wake up and turn on your stomach, Sweetie. I need to run the ultrasound over your back and legs again." "It is not necessary," Selina started before wincing as she sat up. "I didn't get as much sleep as I needed, so my mood isn't the best. Now don't argue with me; just turn over." Selina managed a weak grin before flopping down onto her belly, then let out a long sigh as Diana...

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Red Pink and White

Red, Pink and White This is a fictional story of a boy that became a cross dresser at an early age. The influences and possible causes are looked at here. This is not an attempt to psychoanalyze or come up with an excuse for loving the feel of fine lingerie, just a self exam of past experiences that had an impact. I hope you enjoy it. Growing up in Miami Beach was almost a paradise back in the 60's. No one had a reason to ever go onto the mainland, MIAMI. We were an...

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Good Time With Nisha

By : Adimeh Hello readers, do mail me your comments on . This is the story about the incident which happened unknowingly to my life. I am 28 yrs old good looking male with athletic body and 5.11 heights. I am residing in Bangalore but basically am from Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The incident happened between me and my cousin’s wife when I visited their place when my wife was away in Gujarat. My cousin stays in Chennai and I went there for one week. Let me describe you my cousin’s wife (Nisha). She...

1 year ago
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New boy

"Well I think he's cute," Nancy said defensively, "just because he's not the captain of the football team doesn't mean he wouldn't be fun to go out with!!!" Becky rolled her eyes in exasperation and replied, "Good grief, Nan, he looks like a wimp, do wanna go out with a guy you could probably beat up with one arm tied behind your back!?!" "Hrrrumph," Nancy shot back, "I don't plan on wrestling with him, after all, we're going to a dance, not a professionally wrestling match!!!" "Just the same,"...

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Kaise Bana Main Callboy

Hi, I am Archie form Mumbai and I am 18 yrs old. And I am a regular ISS reader. Dis is ma 1st story so sory fr ny miskakes. Yeh story abi thode tym pehle ki hi hai. Mai college mai IT ka student hu so ek din college canteen mein baithe baithe mjhe call aaya, maine call recieve kiya toh woh ek wrong number tha, ek bahot hi sexy lladki ki awaz thi. Maine zyada kuch socha nai aur main class attend karne chala gya. Clas s nikalne k baad mjhe phr usi numbr s cal aaya maine call recieve kiye toh uss...

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Innocence Lost Ch 21

In Which Leon rediscovers Innocence, and Honore is introduced to virtues beyond the normal condition. Leon never enjoyed his visits to the city of Congress whenever they were necessary. He was very uncomfortable squeezing his enormous penis into the leg of his trousers – even though he always made a point of wearing them very baggy irrespective of how fashionable or not that might be at any one time. He particularly dreaded getting an erection as it pushed so obviously against the inside thigh...

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Naughty TeachersPart 2

Just like Tina promised, a week after the incident with Paul, the 13 year old boy she had seduced, she told me during dinner: "Pay special attention to Amanda and Suzy, both are 13 years old and to Lily and Rachel, both 14 year olds. I overheard them talking about 'doing it' with older men, and they all had you as the top candidate." "Well, after seeing you with Paul and the way it has turned both of us on — I think I'm ready to take the risk. I only hope it will be worth it and that...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Karla Kush Karla Squirts Over And Over

Karla Kush knows how to bring the heat into a show and this girl can not get enough of that hard cock! She wastes no time getting all sloppy on that dick but really wants to feel it deep inside her soaking wet pussy! Codey does not hold back fucking her harder and harder until she squirts all over him! She is not done yet though and stares right into the camera while Codey takes her from behind… and again she squirts all over her legs! Maybe we’ll get lucky and get one more before...

1 year ago
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Sex With ExCrush

Hello, sex story readers. When I was in 18 years old, I had this huge crush on a girl named Naina. She was this short cute girl in our school. I loved her sincerely but she, on the other hand, was in love with my best friend. They were in a relationship for over a year now. But still, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was from a conservative family too. Being a loyal friend, I backed away. But then she started sending him messages through me. And that’s how we got close to each other. We...

3 years ago
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Round and Round

They all tell us about it and we say we believe them, but we don’t truly understand. They call it being a zombie. And it may take a week or so, until it happens but then you do truly understand. When you get here you’re just too busy and too excited and then you get your first glimpse, that’s it, you’re frozen, hence ‘zombie’. And you do believe you could look at it forever, but you have work to do and within the week you begin to notice it less and less. Then sometimes, and it happened with...

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Moms Diaries

It had been nearly two years since I'd left, going straight into the service out of high school. It felt good to be home again, though it was still going to feel different even then. For one, dad had died the year I had graduated. That alone had made my leaving all the harder on mom, but she at least had a sister she was very close to, who had seen her through much of that difficult time. Though she lived an hour away from where we did, mom never failed to at least travel to see her once a...

2 years ago
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Ciarra the ColdChapter 14 To the Dungeon

14 “Nivra, you must diligently resist temptation, or you will lose your purity.” Lionel, our paladin, lectured me over our breakfast. I mostly ignored his ranting. I don’t follow his god, but that never stopped him from preaching before, and I don’t expect him to change now. My parents are wealthy merchants, trying to buy their way into nobility. When they found out that Lord Hamelon, a high ranking noble with a sinister reputation, was looking for a new human wife, they only saw an...

2 years ago
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OliviaFirst Time

One day, my neighbor Olivia stopped by my house to get a movie she wanted to borrow from my sister. My sister was at dance practice that day and my parents were at work so it was just me and Olivia. She was acting pretty strange that day. She asked if anyone else was home and I said ‘no’. She asked me if I wanted to watch the movie here with her and I said ‘sure’. We went downstairs to watch the movie. I put the disc into the DVD player and the movie started playing. Half way through the movie...

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Na Modati Kalayika

Dear friends, I am Suhasini, 31 years from Ongole, Andhra Pradesh. I am very new to this site but very exited and enjoying the stories. But I felt very disappointed looking at the contribution from A.P. so decided to write one story. Pls bare with me I am not a writer at all. I am trying to write one of my experiences. I am a working woman. I started working after my Post graduation. I am a beautiful gal. I am 5’ short but well built with all the well shaped parts. My +ve points are I have a...

4 years ago
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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 7 Picking up the Pieces

The birds disappeared into the trees, leaving three dead doves and scattered hawk feathers. Lian was down on one knee and Pappy was squatting beside her with one hand on her shoulder. She groaned as she panted. "Are you okay?" Pappy asked anxiously. She was his responsibility. Laoshin had given him that responsibility and he didn't want to disappoint her. In the back of his mind, he wondered about his concern for Laoshin's regard at a time like this. Lian shook her head and gingerly...

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TeacherFucksTeens Kagney Linn Karter Fucking Teacher

Kagney Linn Carter is waiting for her student Tony to join her for an after school study session, but she’s not expecting Tony to turn up the charm. Her younger student is quick to reach out and stroke Kagney’s tits, and when she responds positively he whips out his stiffie. Kagney is game to play, so she sheds her shirt and drops to her knees to wrap her puffy lips around Tony’s dick while stroking the lower part of his shaft. Peeling off her bra, Kagney enjoys getting her...

2 years ago
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What the Future May BringChapter 23

Jorge Guerrillero and Maria Velazquez were swept up in the exuberance and the exhilaration that overwhelmed the crowd. "The revolution has begun!" shouted a man who was standing nearby. The crowd responded, "Long live the Revolution! Down with the government! Down with corruption! Power to the Poor!" Jorge, who had organized the demonstration, found himself being hoisted upon the shoulders of several of his supporters. "Long live Jorge Guerrillero, our leader!" A loud roar...

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Sameer Adventures Virgin Northy Neighbor

Hey ISS readers. I’ve been a big fan of ISS for years. This is Sameer (You can call me Sam) from Chennai, here to pen down my first story (not fake). I’ve have had my fair share of sexual adventures, though this was not my first time I wanted make this as my first story and I’m sure you guys will get to know the reason as the story unfolds. I will most definitely share the other encounters based on the response. The names are changed for obvious reasons. Pls do ignore grammatical errors if any...

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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 23

Tom and Paul were glad that Jim and Nala had turned up as they were due to meet the next wagon train in the morning. They guessed that Trae had a lot to do with their timely arrival and they were relieved that the Cutters would not be alone. While Trae had made more crystals available, transporters were still expensive, wagons and lankys were still the norm for most of the population. They and their brothers had determined that the Rangers wouldn’t be out of jobs for some time to come. If...

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My buddies Mom

To start with, my name is Jay and my best buddy for most of my life has been Russell and this is about my 18th birthday. Well at least the celebration of it the weekend following my 18th birthday. As I was still in High School had to wait until the following weekend to whoop it up and that is just what Russell and I had planned. So early Friday evening I drove over to Russell’s house to pick him up with plans for both of us to head up to my parents cabin for the weekend that was close to a...

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Auld Langsyne

(Author’s note: This story is dedicated to singer/songwriter Dan Fogelberg, who passed away on December 16th, 2007, due to prostate cancer. He was 56. The song ‘Same Old Lang Syne’ has always been a favorite of mine, and it is upon this song that the following story is based. I hope you enjoy.) *** For the first time in my life, I was not looking forward to Christmas. Jaclyn and I had separated five months before, following almost a decade of marriage. We didn’t split because of infidelity,...

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Muscle encounters 1 Dawn Whtiman

Muscle encounters- Dawn WhitmanBy lilguyA happy fan meets Dawn Whitman, smut happens.I had met Dawn Whitman at a Muscle Expo. She had been my favorite bodybuilder. She was a great mixture of muscle and sexuality. She was strong letshe had sexy curves. Her biceps were huge and her legs look like they couldcrush a Buick.She had a punk girl look. Her hair was spiky blond. She had a nose ring andtattoos all over her arms and back. Her breast was huge and barely was held inby the outfit she wore...

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Anywhere Anytime

“Bye Alex!” John yelled as he hastily put on his shoes. All he could hear was a faint groan from his roommate's bedroom. "She's probably sucking some stranger's cock,” John chuckled to himself. He made his way down the stairs, stepped outside, and started walking towards the bus station. Glancing at his watch, John quickened his pace. Although the buses were rarely on time, John still got nervous that he'd miss it, on the off chance it was punctual. As he turned the corner, his bus had just...

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Kinky Kay Abroad in Asia 1 Lez Love

Kinky Kay is a fine female friend, who was away for a while. As she told us recently: "Abroad in Asia" ... 'A broad in Asia', who finally finds sexual satisfaction in seducing some sexy sweet students, as tiny titted as she is.Kinky Kay is a fine friend and source of some intimate information on her love life as a sexy student. She is as nerdy as naughty. We wrote several series of short stories on her amorous adventures of hot habits, like erotic exhibitionism or listening in to her nice...

2 years ago
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Terror at Umbelleaf Lake Part 1

She took out her small duffel bag from her closet and packed some clothes, lingeries and nightgowns to go with it, and a bit of bikinis to swim in the lakes. She also took a blanket to pack in her bag all set ready to go on her adventure, she made sure everything was set to go, she took her keys to her car aftee departing from her home to the airport where her lovely adventure begins. She found her charter plane waiting for the last passengers arriving, as she found her seat next to the...

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Bad HeatherChapter 7

Harold checked his watch as Heather walked in the door. He was surprised at how much he'd missed having her around all day. He'd allowed her to spend the day over at Lynn's house. He never would have guessed he'd actually want her around. "Heather, what time is it?" "I know Daddy, I'm late. I'm sorry. Lynn's Dad wanted us to clean up her room, and it took longer than I thought; I lost track of time." "And you didn't think of calling? You did have your cell phone, right?"...

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She wont but her mother will

Veronica Andrews felt the familiar pressure on her bladder the moment she awoke. She turned her head and saw the alarm clock on the bedside table showed 12:47, and she rolled out of bed gently not to wake her husband. In silent bare feet on carpet she quickly and quietly made her way in the dark to the bathroom.She did her business in dimmed light, and as she walked out the bathroom door a surge of curiosity got her attention. By the flickering on the walls, she could tell that the television...

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