Visit To Mexico Pt V free porn video

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Terry woke up this morning and, just as she has done so often these past
few weeks, got up and made her way quietly down the hall to Carmen's room.
After a quiet knock she entered the room where Carmen was already awake and
waiting for her. Terry thought little about her new routine, but instead
was lost again in her lust as she nursed from Carmen's full breasts until
both women were satiated. Afterwards Terry went back to her own room where
she fully intended to relieve herself of the built-up sexual tension, but
Rosa knocked on her door before she had any chance to get started.

"Terry?" called Rosa through the closed bathroom door. "Are you awake?"

"Yes, I'm up," answered Terry stopping in her tracks as she barely entered
her room.

Rosa opened the door and walked into the room dressed in only an over-sized
t-shirt that barely reached the tops of her thighs. She was not wearing a
bra and her large tits bounced enticingly under the flimsy material as she
walked and her hardened nipples protruded lewdly through the thin fabric.
"Do you have any plans for today?" asked Rosa as she stopped and stood
directly in front of Terry.

"No, not really," replied Terry as she fought to keep her eyes off of the
young girls plump breasts.

"Would you like to go shopping with me?" asked Rosa sweetly.

"Sure, that sounds fun," answered Terry.

"Great!" bubbled Rosa with excitement as she threw her arms around Terry
and pulled their bodies into a tight embrace. She could feel Terry's body
go rigid and then she felt the older woman's nipples quickly stiffen as
they pressed into her own chest. Rosa then released her hug and pulled
back to look Terry in the eye and continued, "I'm going to take a quick
shower and we can go right after breakfast." Then, without any hesitation,
Rosa leaned in quickly and lightly kissed Terry squarely on the mouth. It
lasted only a second, but the effect it had on Terry was paralyzing.

Terry stood there dumbfounded as Rosa quickly turned and walked across the
room. Terry's eyes were transfixed on Rosa as she watched her pull off the
t-shirt just before she reached the door exposing herself to Terry. Rosa
was naked under the shirt and her firm bottom swayed seductively for the
few short steps before she disappeared behind the door. Terry's mouth fell
open at the sight of Rosa's supple body and surely would've gasped had she
not been momentarily numbed by the kiss.

Terry spent the next few moments trying to clear the image of Rosa's smooth
body out of her head as she imagined what it looked like under the warm
spray of the shower lathered up with soap as the young girl rubbed herself
all over. She couldn't understand her feelings for Rosa, and although she
was experiencing similar sensations whenever she was around Carmen, she did
not consider them the same. The emotions she felt for Carmen were more of
a mother-daughter type relationship where she felt subservient to her
desires and wanted to do whatever was necessary to please the older woman.
With Rosa, however, she felt a very strong sexual arousal that fueled her
desires. On one hand Carmen was a loving, caring authority figure that
Terry felt compelled to please. While on the other hand the emotions she
felt for Rosa involved a raw lust that seemed to be building within her and
was fueling fantasies of what she wanted the young girl to do to her.
Terry's mind was such a mess she could not see the correlation between the
feelings she was experiencing for the two women and thus she was falling
victim to both desires as if she was two separate people.

Later that morning, while at breakfast, Carmen informed both Rosa and Terry
that her eldest daughter, Theresa, was coming over for a short visit. She
told them that Theresa was returning from a modeling assignment and she was
going to pick her up at the airport. They would be back later that
afternoon and Carmen was planning a big dinner for all of them and
introduce Theresa to Terry. Rosa informed her mother of their plans to go
shopping and that they would be back in time for dinner. After finishing
breakfast Rosa and Terry helped Carmen clean up and then left for town.

Rosa took Terry to several boutiques where they looked at all kinds of
things. They stopped in a small salon that catered specifically to makeup
and body lotions. There they each took turns sampling different shades of
lipstick and nail polish among other things. They were particularly
enamored with the new selection of flavored lipsticks that were on display
and sampled many of them. Rosa, however, went to great lengths to continue
to tease Terry and would insist on sampling the flavor she was trying by
licking Terry's lips for a taste instead of actually putting it on her own
lips. She would also give Terry a taste of whatever flavor she had on by
kissing Terry instead of just handing her the lipstick. She even got Terry
to lick her lips one time and took the opportunity to pull the tip of
Terry's tongue between her lips and sucked on it for a split second before
releasing it back to the shocked woman. Needless to say the eroticism of
the brazen act got Terry's mind and pussy heated by the time they left the

The next stop was a clothing boutique that catered to more risqué clothes
and lingerie. There were just as many leather outfits as there were
softer, more feminine choices. The shop was empty, other than the woman
standing behind the front counter, as the two women browsed through the
various racks for a while before the each selected a few items to try on.
They met near the rear of the shop and found that there was only one
changing area. Terry looked it over and noticed that it was rather large
for a changing room, and it looked like there was plenty of room for two
people as it appeared to double as an area where alterations could be made.
Rosa stepped inside and motioned for Terry to follow her when she noticed
some hesitation.

"Come on in Terry," motioned Rosa. "There's plenty of room in here for the
two of us. Besides, I'd like to get your opinion on the fit."

Terry hesitated for a moment before she caved in to Rosa's request and
stepped inside closing the door behind her. Rosa had chosen several
leather items including some pants and a vest. Terry had silk blouse, a
knee-length skirt. Both women commented on the other's choices and then
Rosa took the first step and proceeded to pull off her short skirt and
t-shirt leaving her standing there in only her bra and panties.

Terry tried not to stare as she watched Rosa bend over and slip first one
and then the other foot into the leather pants. It became obvious that the
pants were going to be a tight fit as she struggled to pull the material up
her thighs and over her hips. They were the low-rise style and barely
reached the top curve of Rosa's hips leaving the top swell of her firm
bottom just out of view. Terry took notice of Rosa's thong that was just
peeking out above the waistline of the tight fitting pants. She watched
Rosa smooth her hands over the material as she turned around and checked on
the fit of the impossibly tight pants. They were like a second skin and
molded perfectly to Rosa's body accentuating her curves and form encased in
the shiny, black leather. Rosa then turned her back to Terry as she looked
over her reflection in the large mirror.

"What do you think?" asked Rosa as she continued to look herself over.

"They, uh, look awfully tight," replied Terry as her eyes were riveted to
Rosa's round ass. "Are you sure, that uh, they are the right size?"

"They seem okay I guess," said Rosa. "Feel for yourself." Rosa then
reached out and grabbed one of Terry's hands and pulled it towards her
until it rested on the curve of her hip. "Tell me what you think,"
continued Rosa as she let go of Terry's hand. A smile formed on her lips
as she saw the shocked look on Terry's face when she put her hand on her
hip. She was very pleased when Terry made no motion to move her hand after
she removed her own.

Terry was frozen stiff with fear as she just stared at her hand as it
rested on Rosa's leather-clad hip. She didn't know what to do next, move
her hand and risk copping a quick feel of Rosa's firm bottom or run away
and hide under some rock at the embarrassment she felt for touching the
young girl.

"Go ahead, tell me what you think," implored Rosa sweetly.

Rosa's words seemed to make up Terry's mind for her as she took another
step closer and reached out with her other hand and placed it on Rosa's
other hip. Terry's hands seemed to be acting as if they were somehow
removed from the rest of her body as they slowly began to trace the
waistline of the pants. Terry's mind was screaming 'No, stop! What are
you doing?!', but her hands continued to caress Rosa's hips up and down and
then around to the swell of her ass.

"That's it," cooed Rosa softly. "Get a good feel."

Terry then moved her hands down until they were cupping each of Rosa's firm
ass cheeks and squeezed softly. Terry just stood there motionless as her
hands continued to explore every inch and curve of Rosa's firm cheeks. The
sensations her fingers were experiencing as they traversed the smooth
leather was glorious as they created sparks that traveled up her
goose-pimpled arms and spread throughout her highly sensitized body. She
watched, powerless to stop herself, as her hands continued their assault on
Rosa's incredible ass. They moved up and down the firm buns from her hips
to the tops of her taught thighs. Terry's hands became bolder as they took
firmer grips of the leathery flesh and squeezed each cheek brazenly.

Rosa could feel Terry's arousal building as her hands gripped her flesh
harder and firmer with every pass. She could also see in the reflection
how Terry's eyes were riveted to her backside and never wavered. "Do you
think my movements would be restricted at all?" asked Rosa almost under her
breath. Without waiting for a response from Terry, Rosa slowly bent over
at the waist and put her hands out on the bench seat in front of her for
support as she thrust her ass further into Terry's grasp.

Terry stopped moving her hands momentarily as she watched, transfixed as
Rosa bent over in front of her. The leather stretched obscenely as it
pulled tighter across Rosa's ass and spread both cheeks apart lewdly.
Rosa's thighs also parted slightly as she moved her feet apart several
inches at the same time. The already low-riding waistband of the pants was
pulled even further down as the very tip of Rosa's ass cleavage was
revealed exposing even more of her stretched thong as well. Terry's hands
soon began to explore the taught flesh again as they glided over Rosa's
spread ass cheeks through the soft leather.

"I just love how leather feels against my skin. Don't you?" asked Rosa

"Mmmm, yes, wonderful," whispered Terry almost to herself.

Terry could not stop her hands from wandering all over the incredible flesh
displayed in front of her. It was only when Rosa stood up and turned
around to face her that Terry's hands reluctantly returned to her side. It
was a moment later that her eyes finally looked up to return Rosa's gaze.

"I think I'll get them," said Rosa matter-of-factly.

Terry could say nothing, but nodded her head in agreement as she struggled
to maintain eye contact with Rosa's piercing gaze. She finally relaxed
slightly when Rosa turned around again and reached for the leather vest she
brought in with the pants.

"I wonder how this would look?" questioned Rosa almost as if she was
talking to herself. "I don't think I could wear a bra with this though,"
she continued as she turned it around to reveal that the back of the vest
dipped very low and would most likely reveal the back of any bra. Without
any hesitation Rosa unsnapped her bra and tossed it onto the bench where
her dress was laying and held the vest up for examination.

Terry looked on helplessly as her mind remained powerless to move her body
to leave the room. She quickly noticed that the large nipples on Rosa's
ample breasts were sticking out lewdly like two hard points. They swayed
to and fro as the large mounds of flesh jiggled slightly as Rosa maneuvered
the vest onto her torso. The vest appeared to be as form fitting as the
pants as she watched Rosa squeeze the lapels together and tie each of the
three leather straps that held the garment closed. The vest was tapered
slightly at the waist accentuating the sensuous curve of Rosa's narrow
waistline. The top tie strap was staining terribly to contain Rosa's
swelling breasts as they spilled out from the top of the low-cut neckline
that barely covered the tops of her wide areola.

Rosa turned her back to Terry once more as she looked at her reflection and
admired the fit of the vest on her voluptuous figure. "Well? What do you
think about this?" asked Rosa. "Do you think I could wear this just like
this, without a bra?"

Terry looked at Rosa's half-exposed back and then looked over her shoulder
at Rosa's reflection where her eyes stopped on the swell of her incredible
chest. The vest was so tight and shaped so perfectly that the cleavage it
created with Rosa's breasts was breathless. The two firm mounds were
thrust up and out raising them at several inches higher on Rosa's chest
than they would naturally sit.

"Well, Terry?" implored Rosa. "Do you think this will support my chest
sufficiently or should I find a bra that I can wear with it?"

"I, uh, don't know," stammered Terry nervously as she eyed the tantalizing
cleavage. "It looks, uh, like it will."

"You better check it to make sure," prodded Rosa as she grabbed Terry's
limp left hand and pulled it around to her front and placed it on her
abdomen just under the bottom swell of her left breast. Before she
released Terry's hand she reached back and pulled her right hand into the
same position under her right breast. Rosa then looked up into the mirror
and made eye contact with Terry's half-glazed eyes before releasing both
hands and dropping her arms to her sides innocently. Just as before,
Terry's hands remained just where she placed them.

After only a few moments of hesitation, Terry watched in amazement as her
hands began to slowly move on their own again without any conscious thought
on her part. Her long, slender fingers spread out as they smoothed over
the waist of the vest and pulled up slightly until they were pushing up
against the firm bottom of Rosa's breasts as they jutted out from her
chest. Terry's hands slid higher until the were cupping the firm mounds
and cradled them gently by lifting them ever so slightly until their full
weight was in her hands. They were beautiful thought Terry as she hefted
the supple flesh. Although they were smaller than Carmen's, not by much
mind you, they were perfectly shaped and felt incredible in her hands.
Terry squeezed them as she tightened her grip and thought that they were
made specifically for her hands as they molded to her touch. The soft feel
of the leather was exquisite as she continued to brazenly grope the
incredible breasts. Terry could even feel the hard point of Rosa's nipples
as they pushed into the leather like nails.

"Well?" asked Rosa innocently after several glorious minutes of Terry's

"What?" replied Terry as she attempted to focus her thoughts on speech.

"Do I need a bra or not?" continued Rosa as her eyes pierced Terry's in the
reflection of the mirror.

"Oh, uh, no, no I don't think that will be necessary," managed Terry as she
gained control over her hands and pulled them away from Rosa's chest.

"Good," said Rosa without moving her eyes from Terry's. "I like the way
this feels just the way it is."

Terry's face flushed even redder than it already was as she lowered her
eyes to the floor unable to maintain eye contact with Rosa.

"Well, let's see what you've got there," said Rosa calmly as she turned
around to face Terry.

Terry quickly shook the cobwebs from her head and attempted to regain her
composure as she nervously turned around and retrieved the items she
selected. She hesitated momentarily as she began to unbutton her blouse,
but continued when she considered how innocent the situation was and that
it was only her sick thoughts clouding her perception. Terry managed to
remove her blouse and quickly put on the silk blouse she chose without
exposing herself too much to Rosa's view. Although she realized that both
women had seen each other in various stages of undress lately Terry was
still very self-conscious of being naked and exposed in front of other
people. She was fastening the last button when she finally turned around
to face Rosa.

Rosa chuckled to herself as she watched Terry attempt to maintain her
dignity, but she knew it was a losing battle and it wouldn't be long before
Terry would forget all of her pent-up insecurities and allow herself to
relax. Rosa played the game a little longer, however, as she praised Terry
on how well the blouse looked and fit without being overtly aggressive.
She suppressed a grin as she noticed Terry shiver slightly when she gently
caressed her upper arms and shoulders. Rosa knew that her light touch
would be magnified through the silk material and could see the goose bumps
appear on the exposed skin of Terry's neck.

Satisfied with the fit Terry removed the blouse, but before she was able to
put her own blouse back on Rosa told her to try on the skirt. Terry
complied almost without thinking and began to remove her shorts. She was
so flustered at this point that she was barely conscious of what was
happening as she bent over and picked up the skirt.

Rosa was thoroughly enjoying watching the older woman nervously strip down
until she was standing in front of her in only her bra and panties. She
just could not get over how beautiful Terry was and how sexy she looked
standing there just a few feet away. It was mind boggling to her as to how
unaware Terry was of her own femininity and sexuality. Rosa's eyes
devoured Terry's exposed flesh and drank in every subtle curve of the sexy
woman's body like a predator would do to their prey.

Terry finally stepped into the skirt and pulled it up over her hips and
fastened the waistband. It wasn't until she turned around to face Rosa and
the mirror that she realized that her upper body was still exposed. She
nervously adjusted the skirt as she felt Rosa's eyes travel all over her
body. Rosa expressed her approval of the fit and Terry quickly agreed as
she immediately turned away to remove the skirt and get all of her clothes
back on as quickly as possible.

Rosa, however, had other plans. As soon as Terry had the skirt off Rosa
said, "Terry why don't you try this on while we're here?"

Terry put down the skirt and turned her head back to see Rosa holding up a
slinky black mini-dress that appeared to be very small. Terry stood
motionless as Rosa stepped forward and held the dress in front of Terry so
that it was d****d over her exposed body. Terry took hold of the thin
straps and looked down the length of the garment and noticed that although
the hem appeared to be just long enough to reach down to her mid-thigh the
overall width did not seem to be sufficient for her to fit into.

"It, uh, appears to be a little small for me," said Terry with a little

"Oh, no it will fit I'm sure," replied Rosa confidently as she grasped the
dress with both hands and stretched it wider. "You see? This material is
very elastic and should stretch to fit you just fine."

Terry was not thoroughly convinced that she could squeeze into the thin
dress, but reluctantly held the dress open so that she could step into it.
Rosa was correct, she thought to herself, as the material easily stretched
and expanded as Terry pulled it up her legs and over her hips. The
material was very soft and brushed along her smooth skin creating a very
pleasurable sensation. Terry slipped her arms through the thin spaghetti
straps and was amazed at how well the material molded to her form. The
bust was tapered slightly and allowed her firm breasts to be perfectly
displayed as the material clung tightly to every curve. Terry turned and
looked at her reflection in the mirror and was amazed at how well the
material clung to her body. It was like wearing a second skin it looked so
tight and yet it felt very exhilarating and not constricting at all. She
did notice, however, that even the thin lace of her bra was clearly shown
through the sheer material. It became obvious to her that Rosa noticed it
too as she checked the dress for a proper fit.

"Hmmm, everything looks fine except..." murmured Rosa as she examined the
dress. "Could you try taking off your bra?"

"I don't think I could dare wear this without a brassier," stammered Terry
nervously as she pondered the thought of what her naked chest might look
like under the thin material.

"Why not?" asked Rosa matter-of-factly. "The material seems firm enough to
support you."

"I, uh, no, I just couldn't," stuttered Terry. "I just wouldn't feel
comfortable without any kind of, uh, support there."

"Hmmm, well let me see if I can find something that will work," said Rosa
as she exited the dressing room.

Terry stepped closer to the mirror and looked at herself closely after Rosa
left the room. She was both shocked and pleased with what she saw in the
reflection. The sheer material left almost nothing to the imagination as
it hugged her body so perfectly. She was pleased with how well her form
filled out the dress and felt a small rush of confidence as she turned
around and continued to appraise herself in the mirror.

Suddenly the door opened and Rosa re-entered the room holding up two
strange looking objects in her hands announcing, "These should do the

Terry looked at the two objects closely and noticed that they appeared to
be some kind of tubes shaped liked horseshoes. Rosa handed one to her and
as she looked it over asked, "What is this?"

"These are under-wire supports for your breasts," replied Rosa happily.

"What?" asked Terry as she eyed the strange looking thing nervously.

"They are used to help support your breasts whenever you are wearing
clothes that do not allow you to wear a conventional bra," explained Rosa.
"All of the top models use them whenever they do a show. Then they don't
have to worry about changing bras with every different outfit they have to

"But, how..." stammered Terry as she tried to imagine how the thing worked.

"They are pliable and you can bend them to fit under and around the base of
your breast. See?" continued Rosa as she bent the wire into several
different shapes. "And the soft foam lining sticks to your skin to help
keep them in place."

"Models use these things, really?" asked Terry still unsure of the device.

"Oh, yes, for sure," assured Rosa confidently. "Just ask the sales woman
out front."

"I, uh, I just don't know," replied Terry nervously.

"Well, let's give them a try first and if they don't work then we don't
have to get the dress," said Rosa firmly.

"Uh, okay," managed Terry meekly as Rosa reached out and pulled both straps
off of her shoulders and pulled the dress down to fully expose her bra
covered chest. Terry just stood there frozen as she watched Rosa's hands
reach out and grasp the front clasp of her bra and pull it apart easily.
Rosa then proceeded to pull the sheer cups aside until Terry's breasts
sprung forward slightly as they rested against her chest. She then deftly
reached up and pulled both straps off of Terry's shoulders and down her
arms until it was completely removed.

Rosa tossed the bra onto the bench and then held up one of the under-wires
to Terry's exposed tit and pondered how to proceed before announcing, "You
know, we should probably firm up your breasts a little before we put these
things on."

"What?" blurted Terry nervously. "What do you mean by 'firm up'?"

"You know, firm them up. Get the blood flowing into them so they swell up
a little," explained Rosa as she turned Terry so that she was facing the
mirror. "Not that your breasts aren't firm or anything, but it would help
to keep these things in place better." Rosa then reached around Terry's
chest and gently cupped each of her tits and lifted them slightly to
demonstrate her point.

Terry's first instinct was to push away Rosa's hands and run out of the
store, but some how the impulses never reached her arms or legs. They were
apparently paralyzed again by the gentle touch of Rosa's hands as they held
her breasts. She was numb in almost every other part of her body except
her chest and vagina that also appeared to come to life when Rosa touched

"What, how..." choked Terry as she stared at Rosa's hands.

"A simple massage should do the trick," explained Rosa as her grip
increased slightly and her hands began to slowly envelope Terry's tits.

Terry was powerless under Rosa's control and could only stand there and
watch as the young girl slowly began to massage her breasts. She watched
as her supple flesh was squeezed and manipulated by Rosa's strong fingers.
They circled each breast simultaneously and lovingly massaged the firm
mounds sending shivers throughout her stimulated body. Terry looked at her
breasts as though they didn't belong to her, like she had somehow stumbled
onto this scene and was watching two other women from a distance. When her
eyes locked onto the hardened nipples she was stunned to see just how
pointed they were becoming. They stuck out from her areola almost an inch
as the skin around them puckered slightly as they continued to stiffen.

Rosa was amazed at how easily Terry had allowed herself to be put into such
a vulnerable position and was becoming so passive to her suggestions. She
could tell by her labored breathing and the painfully erect state of her
nipples that Terry was enjoying the massage. Rosa had specifically avoided
the pointed nipples until the moment was right and when she saw Terry half
close her eyes she knew she was ready. Rosa changed her massaging
technique slightly and firmly grasped each tit at their base and encircled
them with her long fingers as best she could before squeezing them and
forcing them up along the smooth flesh. Her hands molded Terry's tits into
cone shapes as she moved up along the supple flesh until she reached the
straining nipples. Rosa then allowed her fingers to close around the hard
nubs until she had them firmly wedged between her thumb and forefingers.
She then proceeded to pull her hands further out until she was stretching
both tits and supporting their full weight by the tenuous grip she had on
the elongated nipples.

Terry's mouth opened slightly and a gasp escaped her lips as she looked on
at how Rosa was pulling on her breasts. Although it looked as though her
nipples should be sending acute pain signals to her brain all that was
received were intense signals of pleasure as they were stretched obscenely
off of her heaving chest. She did not have a chance to process the image
fully before Rosa released her tight grip and allowed her breasts to spring
back and fall onto her chest. She watched the flesh jiggle slightly before
coming to a complete rest. Rosa's hands swiftly moved back into place as
they again took hold of her breasts and began the slow process of milking
them again. With each full cycle her breasts became hotter and more
sensitive and her vagina began to boil with her building desire. Terry had
never experienced such incredible sensations from anyone touching her
breasts including herself when she masturbated. She rarely paid them any
real attention before and now she was becoming overwhelmed by the
indescribable pleasure that Rosa's fingers were producing in them.

Rosa continued her assault on Terry's beautiful tits as she milked the
incredible flesh over and over. Each time she held the heavy flesh,
suspended by only the turgid nipple, she could see the nubs stretch just a
little more until they had stretched another half inch. The stiff nipples
were turning a deep shade of red as they began to swell even further and
burn with desire. Rosa knew Terry was hers when she felt the older woman
relax and fall against her so she was fully supporting her weight. After
several more minutes of the exquisite massage Rosa was rewarded with the
vision of Terry's tits filling with blood to capacity swelling up
noticeably. The mounds were so swollen and taught that they barely jiggled
at all when she released them to fall back onto Terry's heaving chest.

Terry was lost in her lust as the incredible sensations emanating from her
abused breasts engulfed her nervous system and overloaded her psyche with
previously unknown pleasures. She could barely keep her eyes focused on
what Rosa's incredible fingers were doing to her breasts, but she could see
how much her nipples were being stretched and pulled. She was breathing
heavily now and was stunned momentarily when she realized that the moans
she was hearing were actually coming from her own throat. She could feel
an orgasm building deep within her womb as the erotic massage continued.
Terry's vision cleared slightly and a long, low moan escaped her lips as
she watched her breasts swell noticeably as they filled with blood and her
desire. She watched as they swelled to almost another cup size and her
elongated nipples stretched out more than twice their normal size.

Rosa was more than pleased with her work, but knew she needed to stop the
massage if she was going to keep Terry on the edge for her next little
game. She then released her grip completely on Terry's swollen tits and
looked over the flushed skin with pride and said, "There, you see? They
seem a little firmer don't they?"

Terry heard the question and strained to open her eyes fully and focus on
the vision of her burning chest. "Yes," was all she could manage as she
watched the swollen mounds rise and fall with her heavy breathing.

"Now let's get these things in place and see what they do," replied Rosa as
she calmly turned her attention to the under wire devices. She took one
and molded it into a wide u-shape with the open ends slightly narrower than
the base. She then took the wire and placed it under the base of Terry's
left tit and slid it around the firm flesh until it was securely in place.
The wire gripped the mound tightly, but not too uncomfortably, and added
just enough support to hold the breast in place. Rosa then quickly applied
the other device to Terry's right tit until they were both firmly secured.

Terry could not quite comprehend the sensations that her squeezed breasts
were experiencing, but she did notice how they appeared to remain firm and
sat higher up on her chest than they did before. She just stood motionless
as Rosa pulled the dress up and over her chest and slid the straps onto her
shoulders. Terry looked at her reflection and nearly fainted at the sight
before her. The dress clung to her body like a second skin and was cut to
accentuate her bust so that the shape of her breasts were clearly outlined
as they jutted off of her chest. The neckline was not particularly
low-cut, but what little cleavage that was revealed was presented in a most
favorable light. Although the fabric was thin it covered her bare skin
completely and the weave was tight enough that it did not allow the
faintest hint of light to show through. It even appeared that a slip would
not be necessary. The one detail that did not get overlooked by either
woman, however, was how the hardened points of Terry's stiff nipples poked
into the thin material perfectly outlining them and the swollen areola they
sat upon. They stuck out so lewdly that it literally looked as though
someone had simply painted Terry's breasts with black paint.

"Oh my..." gasped Terry as her eyes focused on her erect nipples.

"...God," exclaimed Rosa as she completed Terry's thought. "I think we'll
buy this one for sure!"

"Oh, no, no, I don't know," stammered Terry as her eyes darted back and
forth across the incredible sight in the reflection. "I couldn't, I
shouldn't, I, I..."

"I like it!" pronounced Rosa defiantly. "I can't wait for you to show
mother and see her reaction. In fact, I think you should just wear it the
rest of the afternoon so everybody can see how hot you look!" Rosa then
swept up all of Terry's clothes, including her discarded bra, and put them
in her shoulder bag.

"No! Rosa I can't..." cried Terry as she was suddenly gripped with fear at
the mere notion that anyone else would see her in the dress.

"I don't want to hear another word," commanded Rosa as she took Terry by
her hand and led her out of the dressing room. "This will be my gift to
you." Rosa dragged Terry through the store and up to the front counter
where the sales lady was waiting. Rosa beamed with pride when she saw the
wide-eyed look of lust on the face of the older sales woman.

The sales woman had been watching the two women as they shopped earlier and
was drawn towards the closed dressing room door when she thought that they
were taking more time than she thought might be necessary. She was
shocked, but also very excited, when she heard the distinct moans and heavy
breathing coming from inside the room. She had managed the boutique for
years and had run into more than her fair share of beautiful women
customers during that time. She was a lesbian herself and always found it
stimulating to lend her personal assistance to shoppers when they asked for
it. She only took a casual notice of the two women when they first came in
because their non-descript appearance did not draw her attention. Seeing
them now was another matter altogether she thought to herself. The younger
girl appeared to have quite a figure on her now that it was properly
encased in the tight leather, but her friend was absolutely stunning in the
tight-fitting black mini-dress. She was older, about her age she guessed,
and her body was absolutely incredible and, considering how tight the dress
fit, she got a very good look. She could barely keep from staring at the
incredibly long nipples that were so prominently displayed as they pierced
the thin material.

"We'll take these outfits," said Rosa after she allowed the sales lady a
long enough look.

"Very nice choices," panted the sales lady as her eyes remained riveted to
Terry's chest. "Would you, uh, like me to box them up for you?"

Terry just stood there nervously as she felt the sales lady's eyes wander
all over her body and linger especially long at her lewdly displayed chest.
She just knew that the woman had noticed her stiff nipples as they so
wantonly tented the front of the dress. She was so embarrassed that she
kept staring at the floor hoping that it would open up and swallow her
before anyone else could walk in and see her.

"No, we'll be wearing them out," replied Rosa with a grin on her face.

"By all means," answered the sales lady as she finally made eye contact
with Rosa and began to ring up the purchases. She handed Rosa the credit
card receipt and added, "I hope that next time you two decide to come by
you consult me for a little more personalized attention. I'd love to help
you pick out some special outfits and custom tailor them for you right

Rosa and Terry both looked up at the woman, but with different expressions.
Terry just smiled politely and missed the whole double meaning behind her
offer. Rosa, on the other hand, understood her offer completely and took a
moment to size her up. She was in her early 30's, she guessed, and
appeared to be a very attractive woman. She had shiny, platinum blonde
hair, obviously dyed, and jet black eye brows that framed a set of
perfectly mesmerizing green eyes. Her skin color was not quite as dark as
Rosa's, which along with her accent made her believe that the woman may be
from South America, Argentina perhaps. She was tall, probably 5' 10", with
medium-sized tits. Her most prominent feature was her perfectly shaped ass
that capped off two of the longest legs she could remember.

"I will keep that in mind next time we're in the area," answered Rosa as
she flirted with the sales lady.

"Excellent!" replied the sales lady as she handed Rosa a business card.
"My name is Esmerelda. Here's my card."

"Pleased to meet you," replied Rosa as she took the card from Esmerelda's
manicured fingers. She took immediate notice of how long and beautiful her
fingernails were. It must take her forever to paint her nails like that
she thought. "We must be going now. We love your shop!" gushed Rosa as
she took hold of Terry's hand and pulled her out into the street.

"Hmmm, the possibilities are endless," whispered Esmerelda to herself as
she watched the two sexy women leave.

Rosa continued to hold onto Terry's hand as they casually walked down the
sidewalk stopping every so often to window shop. Rosa could tell that
Terry was uncomfortable because she was constantly squeezing her hand
tighter every time they passed someone that appeared to be paying them a
little more attention than normal. She would watch Terry's nervous facial
expressions, in the reflection of the storefront windows, as they stopped
to browse. Rosa had to suppress many giggles as she caught many men, and
more than a few women, stop in their tracks to check them out. She could
tell, however, that most of the appreciative glances were aimed at Terry
and her lewdly displayed tits and nipples that seemed to be begging for
their attention.

Terry could not calm down and was constantly trying to shield herself from
the lustful stares of everyone they passed as they continued along the
sidewalk. Every time they'd stop she would look down at her chest and see
her impossibly hard nipples so brazenly displayed through the tight
material. No matter what she did they would not go down. She thought
about anything dull and far removed from sexual innuendo in order to will
the pointed nubs into submission, but they would not relax or revert to a
normal state. It didn't help that every time she took a step, in the
3-inch heels she was wearing, her breasts would undulate just enough that
her nipples would rub against the sheer fabric and stimulate them further.
The wonderful fabric was massaging every inch of her breasts as they
bounced gently with every step. Her entire chest felt like it was burning
inside and the flames were pushing to get out through her throbbing
nipples. She still could not get over how swollen her breasts had become
and how high they were sitting on her chest. The strange under wire
supports were really working she thought much to her shame.

Unbeknownst to Terry, however, it was those strange under wire devices that
were causing her the constant embarrassment. Rosa found them in the
boutique while she was shopping and had seen and heard about them before,
but their design was two-fold. They were supposed to add support to a
woman's breast, yes, but the design also lent them to keep the breast
highly stimulated while they were worn. The wire, when worn properly,
would close down around the base of the breast and cut into the blood
circulation to the area. It would only take a few minutes for the blood
flow to slow to the point where the breast would become swollen and taught
to capacity. This in turn would also affect the nipples that would also
harden and swell beyond normal size. The desired effect that this would
have on the wearer would be highly sensitized tits and nipples that would
invariably keep them in a very sexually aroused state for the duration that
they were attached. Terry would most assuredly confirm this information if
only she were to be asked about their effectiveness.

Rosa was beside herself with enthusiasm as she continued to spy Terry in
her constant state of discomfort. She could tell that it was reaching a
fevered pitch when she noticed a small band of perspiration appear on her
forehead as she fought with her building arousal. She laughed to herself
as she gave thanks to the dressmaker for choosing a material that was
sturdy enough to withstand the constant pressure that Terry's steel-hard
nipples were inflicting upon it. She figured that after 20 minutes of
walking that Terry would be in a very agreeable frame of mind for her next

"My feet are getting tired and I'd like to sit down someplace quiet,"
suggested Rosa convincingly. "How about you?"

"Uh, oh, yes, I'd like to, um, stop for a while too," answered Terry with a
bit of relief in her voice.

"Hey, I know what would be nice," continued Rosa cleverly. "Why don't we
go in here for a while?"

Terry looked up and noticed that they were standing in front of a small
movie theater and Rosa was suggesting that they go inside. "A movie
theater?" asked Terry with a bit of apprehension. "I'm not, uh, sure that,
um, I want to go see a movie. Besides I, uh, don't know Spanish and I
wouldn't even know, you know, what was going on." Terry knew what she
wanted to say, but with her mind was so preoccupied with all of the stimuli
assaulting it she could barely formulate a sentence.

"Oh, I don't care about the movie," explained Rosa. "In fact, it already
started 20 minutes ago. I'm just interested in sitting in the nice, dark
theater with the cool air conditioning."

All kinds of bells and whistles started going off in Terry's tortured mind
when she heard the words 'dark' and 'cool'. "Oh, yes, YES!" exclaimed
Terry in her excitement. "That sounds WONDERFUL!"

"Good," beamed Rosa as she tried to suppress her excitement that Terry was
taking the bait. "It won't even cost much because it's a matinee and we'll
be able to relax in here for as long as we want." Rosa took Terry's
shaking hand and led her over to the cashier's window.

"Could I have two tickets?" asked Rosa.

The young man sitting behind the glass sat up abruptly when he noticed the
two women and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. The poor boy
couldn't have been more than 15 and he was looking at two of the sexiest
women he had ever laid eyes on. He was so enthralled with their incredible
bodies that he didn't even realize that one of them was talking.

"Por favor? Dos tickets?" repeated Rosa with a smile as she realized his
attention was elsewhere.

Terry could not make out the rest of the conversation because they were
talking in Spanish, but was eagerly awaiting the refuge of the dark theater
inside as Rosa was finally issued two tickets and they proceeded inside.

The cashier watched both of his next wet dream participants as they opened
the door and disappeared inside the lobby of the theater. He was unsure
why they wanted to go inside when the movie had already started, but he
just figured that because it was such a long movie anyway it wouldn't make
that much of a difference. He didn't even think it odd that the younger
woman asked him about the availability of the balcony that everyone around
from the local area knew had been closed since before he could even
remember. The only thing that did register clearly in his mind was the
incredible tits on the older woman. Her nipples had to be hard as rocks
and it was over 85 degrees outside!

Rosa and Terry entered the cool lobby and were immediately affected by the
cool air conditioning as it hit their over-heated bodies. Rosa was hot
mainly due to the high temperature affecting the way her new black leather
outfit was attracting the heat and there was a thin film of perspiration
forming all over her warm flesh. Terry, on the other hand, was completely
oblivious to the actual temperature outside, but was of course over-heating
from within due to the constricting effects the under wire devices were
causing in her tortured breasts. They both stopped briefly and took in the
wonderful, cool air before they continued into the theater.

Rosa had been to this theater many times over the years and she was fully
aware of the closed balcony that the old building had upstairs. She and
her friends would always sneak into the closed off section and watch movies
away from the crowd because it gave them the freedom to talk and joke
around with one another if they ever got bored with the movie and they
wouldn't bother anyone. Rosa was pleased to see that although she hadn't
been to the theater for a few years that they still did not employ a large
staff during the early shows and they could probably sneak up into the
balcony undetected. She knew that other than the cashier and concession
stand attendant that the only other person there would be the owner who
also doubled as the projectionist. He would be busy working with the film
and considering the light crowd there would be no cause for anyone to
patrol the balcony for trespassers.

Sure enough she found the door to the balcony unlocked, the lock had been
damaged years ago and nobody thought twice about replacing it, and she
quickly pushed it open. She pulled Terry into the small stairwell and
swiftly closed the door behind them. She didn't want anyone to see them go
inside and just as importantly before Terry could notice the 'Balcony
Closed' sign hanging on the door. Rosa led Terry up the narrow staircase
until they reached the second floor where it opened up to the balcony
seats. The seating area was not too large and accommodated fewer than 100
seats. Rosa selected some seats in the middle of the third row back and
motioned for Terry to sit next to her. She took notice that the theater
below only had a dozen or so people watching the movie and she knew, from
past experience, that their presence upstairs would remain a secret. The
theater was old and the acoustics were somewhat poor, and with the addition
of larger speakers mounted in the back of the theater just below the
balcony apron, it would be difficult to hear any activity coming from their

It was pretty much just the way she remembered it from so many years ago.
Although it had been closed for so long, the seats were still in
exceptional condition mostly due to the fact that it had been closed
shortly after they had been reupholstered. They were fairly large and
really quite comfortable she thought to herself as she settled into her
chair. The other really convenient detail regarding the seats was the fact
that the armrests were retractable. That detail would come in very handy
with what Rosa had planned for Terry and herself.

Both women got comfortable and began to relax and watch the movie. Rosa
didn't recognize it, but it did look like an older, art film so she hoped
that it would last long at the least. She slowly became comfortable as her
body cooled under the 72-degree air conditioning being pumped into the
room. When she looked over at Terry she could see that the cool air, and
the lack of friction against her chest, now that she was sitting down, was
also having a calming effect albeit a somewhat less effective one.

Terry was just beginning to enjoy the cool air on her skin and was ecstatic
to be off of her feet. The lack of movement had somewhat stabilized the
overwhelming stimuli that was assaulting her chest, but her body was still
highly sensitized with her arousal. She just hoped that with a few more
minutes of calm that perhaps her whole body could relax and get back to a
more normal state. She looked down at her throbbing nipples once more and
saw that they were every bit erect as they had been for the last half hour
or more since they left the boutique. She vowed to stay in the theater all
afternoon if that's what it took for her nipples to relax and revert back
to their normal size. She looked up and began to watch the movie, but
noticed immediately that it was in Spanish and it did not have any
sub-titles for her to read. She thought about it for a moment and then
figured that if she concentrated on trying to figure out what was going on
in the movie hard enough that maybe her tortured thoughts would disappear
as well.

Rosa sat quietly for the next few minutes watching the movie and
periodically stealing glances over at Terry to see if she was relaxing at
all. Every time she looked over she could see the intense concentration in
her eyes as she attempted to focus her thoughts on the movie, but she could
also see her steel-hard nipples still standing at attention so she knew her
body was fighting her every step.

After a few more minutes a romantic scene started that involved a man and a
woman. They were very much in love and the scene revolved around how much
they loved each other and would miss one another because the man was
leaving for a long time.

"Terry?" whispered Rosa softly. "Are you watching the movie?"

"Uh, well, kind of. I can't really figure out what is going on because I
don't know what they're saying," whispered Terry.

"I'm bored. I've seen this movie before," lied Rosa.

"I'm sorry, but I'd really like to stay here for a while longer," pleaded
Terry. "I'm still quite warm and tired. Could we just please stay a
little longer?"

"Okay if that's what you want," replied Rosa.

Shortly after the two women returned their attention to the movie the young
lovers were crying as the reality of their long separation set in. They
soon began a tight embrace and then a long, passionate kiss followed.

Terry frowned slightly as she averted her eyes from the screen in order to
avoid the scene playing out on the screen. That's all I need now, she
thought to herself, is to watch a love scene. Just when I was getting my
mind cleared. Now what am I supposed to do?

Rosa looked over and noticed Terry's discomfort as she shielded her eyes
from the screen. She smiled knowingly that Terry's condition was at such a
desperate point that she couldn't even bear to watch the two lovers as they
kissed in the movie. Now was her chance to take advantage of the poor

"Terry? Is the movie upsetting you?" asked Rosa in a concerned whisper.

"Oh, no, I don't know," muttered Terry under her breath. "I just need to
relax or something."

"Would you like me to help you relax?" asked Rosa softly.

"Yes, that would be nice, anything please," stammered Terry.

Rosa then lifted up the armrest separating their two seats and scooted over
until she had her left arm around Terry's shoulders and they were huddled
together closely. Rosa pulled Terry's head down and rested it on her
shoulder as she softly caressed her hair.

"There, there now, just relax," cooed Rosa softly in Terry's ear. "I'll
make you feel all better."

Terry just sighed softly as she welcomed Rosa's soothing touch. Rosa
lightly began to trace all around Terry's face with her fingertips and the
tips of her long fingernails. She alternated her touching from Terry's
temples to her warm cheeks and her jaw line. She could see Terry gradually
relaxing in her arms as the older woman succumbed to her touch. She
allowed her free arm to gently caress Terry's left shoulder and upper arm
in the same soothing manner. It only took a few moments for Terry to
completely forget her troubles and fall completely under Rosa's
irresistible power. Rosa looked down at Terry's chest and could clearly
see every detail of her bulging tits and the painfully erect nipples as
they throbbed against the tight bodice.

"How does that feel, better?" whispered Rosa into Terry's ear as she blew
softly into it.

"Oh, won...der...ful, so nice," sighed Terry.

"Do you like the way this feels Terry?" cooed Rosa softly.

"Uh huh," replied Terry breathlessly.

"Can I do something else that I think you'll like?" asked Rosa sweetly as
she lightly ran her finger across and around Terry's pouting lips.

"Uh huh," replied Terry powerless to refuse anything Rosa wanted.

Rosa tilted Terry's head back slightly and then slowly lowered her face
until their lips were millimeters apart. She held her position for just a
second before she allowed their lips to touch in a very soft, gentle kiss
that lasted for about 15 seconds. Rosa could feel no resistance from Terry
what so ever so she lowered her mouth again and engaged in another, longer
sensuous kiss.

Terry's mind no longer seemed capable of processing all of the various
stimuli that was bombarding it - her swollen breasts, throbbing nipples,
bubbling vagina, the foreign movie, Rosa's touch, Rosa's voice, Rosa's lips
- until finally all she could concentrate on was Rosa. Her voice and her
gentle touch had somehow moved everything else to the background and she
focused entirely on whatever Rosa did or said as though it was the only
choice she had.

"Did you like that Terry?" whispered Rosa as she lightly licked Terry's ear
with just the tip of her tongue.

"Uh huh," replied Terry like an automaton.

"I would like to kiss you like they kiss in the movie. Would you like that
Terry?" prodded Rosa as she continued to lightly tease Terry's ear with her

"Uh huh," replied Terry not even knowing what she was agreeing to any more.

Rosa smiled knowing that she had won and that Terry was hers for the
taking. She then slowly lowered her mouth over Terry's parted lips and
pressed their mouths together with slightly more force than the previous
two kisses. Rosa cradled Terry's face gently as she maneuvered her lips
all around Terry's mouth and pressed their lips together making an even
tighter seal. After maintaining the sensuous kiss for more than a minute
Rosa could hear Terry take a sharp intake of air through her flared
nostrils as the kiss lasted longer than any kiss before. Rosa kept sucking
on Terry's mouth until she too began to breath heavily through her own nose
and was forced to disengage their mouths. Their lips stuck together, from
the exquisite pressure, and stretched slightly as Rosa pulled away until
they finally released their grip on one another. Rosa looked down at the
peaceful expression on Terry's face as she continued to lay there
motionless in her arms.

"Oh," was all that Terry could whimper as she suddenly felt cold when Rosa
ended the kiss.

"Did you like that Terry?" asked Rosa softly.

"Uh huh," replied Terry with a slight crack in her voice.

"Good. I want to do it again," said Rosa emphatically.

Terry responded with an audible whimper as Rosa slowly lowered her face
again for another kiss. This time she pressed their lips together with
even more pressure as she aggressively kissed the older woman. After a
moment Rosa then opened her jaw slightly and inserted her tongue partially
into Terry's half open mouth. Her tongue was met with no resistance as she
gently explored Terry's front teeth and then the roof of her now gaping

Terry's whole world revolved around nothing other than Rosa's mouth and the
incredible kiss that was consuming her very being. She was totally
succumbing to Rosa's influence and relegated all other thoughts to the back
of her mind. One final thought about how wrong this was to be enjoying
such a kiss from this sweet, young girl made one last valiant attempt to
bring itself to Terry's consciousness, but it too finally lost out and fell
back to the recesses of her clouded mind.

Rosa's tongue was now fully extending itself into Terry's mouth as it
finally made contact with her hesitant tongue resting at the back of her
mouth. Rosa first licked it gently with the tip of her tongue and then
finally coaxed it out further until they were lapping at each other like
familiar lovers. Rosa's more experienced tongue would tease and poke at
Terry's more submissive appendage until she unleashed her overwhelming
power and licked all around the older woman's mouth relentlessly.

One kiss ended briefly before the next more powerful, more sensuous, more
passionate kiss took over where the last one ended. Rosa was caressing
Terry's face and neck all the while she was force feeding her tongue into
the pliant woman's mouth. The thrill of the victory was overwhelming Rosa
with lust as the kissing continued. The sound of Terry's meager whimpers
were music to her ears and spurred her on further. Rosa let her hand
slowly wander down Terry's neck and across the exposed swell of her heaving
breasts. She lightly traced a path across the heated flesh until they
reached the fabric of her dress. They continued further along the sheer
material making slow, circles around the swollen mass of Terry's left tit
until they painstakingly closed in on the pulsating nerve center that was
threatening to tear a hole in the stretched material.

Terry could sense that something more was happening as she allowed herself
to thoroughly enjoy the delicious kisses that Rosa was treating her to.
The tingling in her chest was increasing dramatically and she could sense
that something was touching her down there by the strange pins and
needles-like sparks that were flowing around her left breast. The
sensations were amplifying at an impossible rate as the touching neared her
inflamed nipple. She wanted, no needed, the incredible touching sensations
to continue until her inflamed nipple was consumed and the relentless fire

Rosa could feel more and more urgency in Terry's mouth and tongue as her
light caressing closed in around the older woman's straining nipple. Rosa
wasn't sure how Terry would react when she finally made contact with the
swollen nub, but she was going to make sure she kept their mouths sealed
tightly to smother Terry's voice. Then just as the urgency increased in
both women simultaneously Rosa's fingertips grazed across the impossibly
hard tip of Terry's engorged nipple causing her entire body to stiffen
suddenly and her tongue retreated into the rear of her gaping mouth.

Terry's nipple sent the most intense bolt of pleasurable electricity
directly to her moistening vagina producing a small gush of blood to her
pussy as it involuntarily spasmed from the sensation. Again. Another bolt
shot through her as Rosa flicked the nipple a second time producing another
spasm from her heated vagina. Again. Again. Again. More bolts, more
spasms, more blood rushing to her excited vagina engorging her labia.

Rosa continued to flick and tweak the turgid point and pulled back slightly
so she could watch the lust-filled expression on Terry's face as it
contorted with each tweak. After teasing the poor nipple a few more times
Rosa took a firm grip on the elongated tip and pulled and twisted the
tender flesh until Terry's eyes popped open and her mouth opened in silent
cry. After only a brief moment she released the nipple and let it fall
back into place.

"Is there anything wrong Terry?" whispered Rosa as she slowly began to
trace circles around Terry's swollen tit again.

"I, my, it hurts," squeaked Terry as she fought back the tears.

"What hurts sweetie?" continued Rosa innocently.

"My, my, breast, my nipple," Terry whispered ashamedly.

"Would you like me to make it feel better?" implored Rosa relentlessly in
Terry's ear.

"What? How?" pleaded Terry.

"Let me show you. Why don't you just lean back and let me see what the
problem is," insisted Rosa as she gently pushed Terry back into her seat.
She then lightly grasped each of the shoulder straps of her dress and
pulled them off of Terry's shoulders until they dangled uselessly down her
limp arms. Rosa then took hold of the elastic neckline and slowly pulled
it down over Terry's incredibly swollen tits, dragging the material across
the steel hard nipples, until it was bunched up around her waist fully
exposing the beautiful mounds to Rosa's hungry eyes. The sight before Rosa
was unforgettable. Terry's tits had swollen so much that they didn't
jiggle at all when they were touched because the skin was so taught. From
their appearance Rosa guessed that they had grown at least one full cup
size from their normal state. All of the veins were clearly visible as
they strained to pump blood through the massive mounds. The nipples were
nothing short of miraculous. They were so engorged that they had swollen
to more than twice their normal size when aroused. They stood out like
little fingers reaching out into space on top of puffed out areola that
rose up from the rest of Terry's breast another inch or so. The areolas
were fairly large to begin with, about an inch and a quarter in diameter,
but now they were enormous as they pulsed with every heartbeat.

Rosa looked on in amazement at how prominent and swollen Terry's tits had
become from being under the spell of the restrictive under wire devices for
the last hour. The under wires could be clearly seen now due to the fact
that Terry's tits had swollen to the point where they were painfully
jutting out from her chest without any sagging whatsoever. She wished she
had a camera so she could capture the incredible sight for everyone to
marvel at their beauty. Alas, she would have to burn the image into her
memory at least until the next time she can convince Terry to wear the

Rosa then took both tits in her hands and began to trace slow, methodical
circles around the

Same as visit to mexico pt V Videos

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Mystery in Mexico

Our ideal vacation was about to begin and we were off to explore ruins in Mexico. Little did we realize the powers that lay beneath the ground. One day we were plain old Sarah and Ben, the next day, our lives were changed only to wind up still together but very different........... Mystery in Mexico By: Rachael Free My wife and I were off on our two week vacation and eager to see all the sights. We had planned this vacation for over a year and were very excited to participate in...

3 years ago
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Seeing Sisters 5 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexyPt 1 2 3 4 showered together, unable to keep their hands to themselves. Chuck was fascinated and attracted to her luscious curves. He grabbed her from behind, wrapping his arms around her. Robin in...

1 year ago
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Last Morning in Mexico

Last Morning in MexicoThe group of guys I went to school with takes a fun trip together each year. Skiing, golf, gambling, sunny beaches, etc. We leave the girlfriends and wives behind. Don goes each year and we have been roommates on several trips.Don is six feet tall and very athletic. He’s got a great body. Hairy chest and treasure trail, and slim. I’m just about the same size and description. I’ve seen Don naked in the showers at school and on some of these trips. Don has a large penis – no...

Gay Male
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Maid in Mexico

I have done business all along Mexico's northern border and found more good and friendly, easy to get along with people than you would ever expect to come across. Usually people look on the border towns as being places for dangerous sex, sneering merchants who will rip you off in a yanqui second and cheap goods of dubious quality. If that is all you're you are looking for, you'll find it because whatever there is a market for, there is someone to supply the demand, no matter how sleazy. On...

4 years ago
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Paradise in Mexico

Spell check and grammar check by Grammarly She cheated, I ran I am sitting on my veranda sipping an iced tea. The veranda is in Tepeji del Rio, Hidalgo, Mexico. I am here because my ex-wife was/is a slut. I am Gary Wilson, 49, 5’ 11” and weigh about 190 lbs. I have blue to gray eyes and am starting to lose my hair. I was the owner of a small but profitable company. The company made things that every car in the world needed. The products were also in every appliance you have ever used or...

3 years ago
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MexicoBefore Ms. Erotica knows it, she and MK are in Mexico, a small town south of Ensenada. Off season and off the beaten path, it feels like they have the humble resort to themselves. Their room opens to a balcony overlooking the ocean and a long sandy beach where they’ve just returned from a leisurely walk; just them, the waves and a plethora of shells that she delights in picking up and showing him.“This is amazing MK, I’m learning to not doubt you when you come up with suggestions that at...

3 years ago
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Do it in Mexico

I live by the border to Mexico. I am a very low key cross-dresser . I moved out of my parents house at the age of 20 . Since I was financially O.k.. , like had a great job and was very independent. I was able to buy myself everything I wanted for cross dressing. When  I turned 23 years old ,I decided that I wanted to go to Mexico and rent a house or apartment out there as a retreat or a getaway place if you will. This would be a great idea and an experience for me to dress up in public ,...

1 year ago
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Chapter 6 Swinging in Mexico

Chapter Sex- I mean Six, A Venture into SwingingAs I traveled down the road of life, so many events happened with each making its unique impact on my life. My contract with our common relative, Uncle Sam, had run its course and I was no longer obligated to serve as an active duty officer. I did join the army reserve and did some contract with part of the government because I offered some special talents to them.Lt. Col North was up to his ears brokering deals here and there and I got involved...

2 years ago
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Down in Mexico

It was the last day of what had been an incredible vacation with my wife Lindy at a clothing optional resort in Mexico. This was our first visit to a lifestyle club of any kind and it had been an erotic and sensual week of fun and sun. We met many nice people during the week. It was amazing how well you could get to know someone when everyone had their clothes off. Some people at the club were nudists and others were in the swinging lifestyle. Everyone was into watching and being watched, as...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Sexual Revolution Mexico

This is my story of when my Chinese girlfriend Leanne, my good friend Juanita who is of Mexican heritage and myself had a threesome. I'm of mixed heritage Cuban, Mexican, Russian, Italian, etc; My families racial background is very complex. Race has never played a big part in my dating life. I can always find something attractive about a woman regardless of race or skin color. I met Leanne through friends at college and when we first met we instantly feel in love. She was my first girlfriend...

2 years ago
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Spring Break in Mexico

In the Spring of 2004, I had the unbelievable gift of going to Mazatlan , Mexico with my stepdaughter. As most, if not all stories on Lush are fantasies or at best, some one’s dreams, this is a true story in every detail. Hope you enjoy it. We had parked my car on the Arizona side of the border. My stepdaughter and I were on our way to Mazaltan. She had won a bikini-contest the spring break before, and having no current boyfriend, asked me to go with her. I was somewhat...

3 years ago
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Drugged for Dogs and HorsesChapter 7 Onwards to Mexico

I don't recall anything from shortly after my brother was taken to his room, and woke up naked and massively stretched in my room the next morning. Blacky had put me to bed about 6AM when the shire finally finished, exhausted after a marathon 10 hours fucking and pumping session. He had pumped gallons of sperm into my insensible but ecstatic body as I lay doped and happy, in an attempt to get me with foal. I very unsteadily left my room to see my brother being led from the bedroom. His dick...

2 years ago
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RetributionChapter 11 Mexico

“I have great news, Linda,” “What’s that, Fred?” She asked as she moved her scrambled eggs around on her plate. Linda was trying to decide the best way to tell Fred they needed to move to San Diego. Just tell him for God’s sake, whispered Mouse. “You’re getting noticed. I’ve been contacted by several major sponsors wanting information about you.” Tell him about the autographs, Ret whispered. Mouse giggled, That one fan with the short blonde hair was really hot. Mouse, you perv. I’ve...

1 year ago
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Escape to Mexico

Peggy Wendel was a rich spoiled brat. She was only fourteen and had already joined a gang. Not a gang that robbed people - but a sex gang that smoked dope and seduced girls. The leader was eighteen years old and Peggy loved him. He broke her cherry. His name was Larry Tate. Larry would pass her around to the other boys to fuck, but Peggy knew she was his favorite. The other gang girls were jealous of Peggy and called her american sex laws were so stupid. You could fuck any girl you wanted in...

2 years ago
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visit to mexico

Terry woke up the next morning and felt alive and invigorated from a goodnight's sleep. She had felt exhausted from the plane flight and all theexcitement she had experienced during her first trip away from home. Shepulled back the covers and got out of bed, but froze when she noticed herreflection in the floor length mirror. Terry almost didn't recognizeherself in the mirror as she stood standing there in the white, silk thongand lace bra that Rosa had picked out for her the previous...

1 year ago
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Beach Vacation in Mexico

Next thing I know, I’m walking the beaches of a beautiful, warm, and exotic beach resort. And fortunately, there are plenty of college girls around here, too. I was recently single at the time, and open to just meeting new people and having fun. I’m not bad looking, a tall and thin swimmer. I feel comfortable walking around the hot girls on the beach. And yeah, I’m discreetly taking peeks at the girls in their small bikinis. I could tell it was going to be a fun trip. I met a few people my...

4 years ago
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A Vacation in Mexico

“All characters in this story are of the age of eighteen or of a higher age and are consenting adults. Please fell free to vote and leave your comments on this story.”(I would like to thank Nikki James for her help with editing this story and input) As I parked at the ruins of Palenque on the second morning of my trip to Mexico, I noticed a busload of people unloading at the entrance gates to a Mayan temple just ahead of me. The group of people had gathered at the gate, where a guide...

3 years ago
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Down in Mexico

It was the last day of what had been an incredible vacation with my wife Lindy at a clothing optional resort in Mexico. This was our first visit to a lifestyle club of any kind and it had been an erotic and sensual week of fun and sun. We met many nice people during the week. It was amazing how well you could get to know someone when everyone had their clothes off. Some people at the club were nudists and others were in the swinging lifestyle. Everyone was into watching and being watched, as...

2 years ago
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My First Day in Mexico

Hi, this is my first upload. I’m a little nervous, but confident. First of all let me introduce myself…   My name is Ziomara, 21 years old, 5’5, 120 lbs, long silky black hair, large brown eyes, succulent lips, nice perky tits, and an ass that won’t quit. I’m a full blooded Mexican, and damn proud! Straight from the beautiful state of Sinaloa, where the ladies are not only beautiful… They are dangerous hahaha…   I’ve always been labeled the “black sheep” of the family, mainly because I’m a...

1 year ago
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Last Morning in Mexico

Last Morning in Mexico The group of guys I went to school with takes a fun trip together each year. Skiing, golf, gambling, sunny beaches, etc. We leave the girlfriends and wives behind. Don goes each year and we have been roommates on several trips. Don is six feet tall and very athletic. He’s got a great body. Hairy chest and treasure trail, and slim. I’m just about the same size and description. I’ve seen Don naked in the showers at school and on some of these trips. Don has a large penis –...

2 years ago
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Bailey Visits From Mexico

Bailey was the younger seventeen year old sister of my fiancé’s best friend and future maid of honor. She came to stay with my fiancé, Rolalinda, and myself. Bailey was from Mexico and was a beautiful teenage lady. I had seen photos of Bailey on social media, and while she was an attractive young lady, I didn't really have any designs on Bailey, since I had a live-in girlfriend.  Rosalinda and I picked Bailey up at the airport, and I was surprised that Bailey spoke very good English. Rosalinda...

1 year ago
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Fucked in Mexico

I'm a 43 year old mother of 3, I'm 5.10, 220lbs. could be described as chunky with large tits and very wide hips. My husband and I were on holidays in Mexico at an all inclusive resort. My husband loves golf and played almost every day while we were there. On Wednesday morning we got up had breakfast then Chuck left for his tee time. I was wearing my blue Bikini, that didn't cover much but hey what the Hell I'm on holidays and I'll never see these people again. I sat by the pool for a couple...

1 year ago
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First trip to Mexico

Sandy and I are twins and we grew up fairly close. We both had dark hair and long legs. I’m about 6’2” and she is about 5’8”. We spent summers at the country club playing tennis and swimming; we both have lean bodies.After graduation from high school our family took a vacation to the ruins (Tulum) in Mexico. The first night we got to Cancun late. Sandy and I headed to the beach in the late afternoon sun. I have never seen so many beautiful bodies in my life. I had trouble controlling my dick. ...

3 years ago
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Travesti Hidrocalida Sexo en Aguascalientes Mexico

Lo que les voy a relatar es 100% real y me ocurrio hace algunos años. Lo conocí en el Messenger de MSN, ya que él me agregó a sus contactos por un anuncio que puse aquí mismo, en Club Erótico. Fue el miércoles 11 de abril cuando coincidimos en línea y el lunes anterior, me había escrito por correo electrónico para ver a qué hora podíamos conectarnos para conocernos. Total que el miércoles coincidimos como a eso de la 9 p. m. y empezamos a platicar sobre nuestros gustos en la intimidad, así que...

2 years ago
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My first time on a trip to Mexico

I was recently lucky enough to travel to Mexico for study, where I had the greatest experience of my life! Basically everything about that country is amazing, the girls, the food and the culture! Anyways one day I went alone to a small taco bar for lunch, Mexican food is the best! I decided to order literally almost everything on the menu, there was an old dried up little woman sitting behind the counter she shouted "Anita" and then this gorgeous beautifully tanned Mexican waitress came out...

4 years ago
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My First Day in Mexico

Hi, this is my first upload. I’m a little nervous, but confident. First of all let me introduce myself…   My name is Ziomara; 21 years old, 5’5, 120 lbs, long silky black hair, large brown eyes, succulent lips, nice perky tits, and an ass that won’t quit. I’m a full blooded Mexican, and damn proud! Straight from the beautiful state of Sinaloa, where the ladies are not only beautiful… They are dangerous hahaha…   I’ve always been labeled the “black...

3 years ago
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Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal Pt17 Day 2 in Mexico

I had the best wake up call that every man dreams about getting first thing in morning is a BLOWJOB. Maria was moving her mouth over my cock as I was trying to get my eyes adjusted to the sunlight from the slider door. I pulled the sheet off of me to see Maria looking up at me with my cock in her mouth. Good morning babe! I hope I didn’t wake you up to early it’s 8:15AM and I like waking you up this way. I do too….As she moved back on my cock as I laid my head back into the pillow. O Maria…you...

2 years ago
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When in Mexico

Authors Note: OK so I did get this idea from our host at the place we are currently at now. The rest of it is my imagination! I am thinking that I may continue this story as well. I rolled my eyes as she started talking and she stopped. “What the fuck? Why are you rolling your eyes at me?” she demanded angrily. “So what is it that I did this time?” “Whatever, I don’t care, just go and get another massage now” I replied. “I don’t see what the big deal is. We’re here to relax, and they are...

3 years ago
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In Mexico

Karla was jealous of Claudia, Claudia was taut, dark, long black hair to the small of her back and the tribal design tattoo over her ass, Karla must’ve heard about it from her, one or her friends, because Karla knew who I was and how to find me the day Claudia wanted to ‘break up’ with me.  Karla needed a ride to her friend’s place and didn’t have cab fare, of course, I could help out a lady in a miniskirt, however pale, with long-legs, full booty and distress out.  So we went to Olivia’s and...

4 years ago
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Seeing Sisters 4 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexyPt 1 2 3 out of Cancun airport, the heat hit them like a wall. An odd foursome, two lithe, blonde hotties, a dashing guy, an unexpectedly sexy big girl, drew looks of lust from all directions. Laurie and Anna lead, Robin was right behind: big rock-star...

3 years ago
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In Mexico

Karla was jealous of Claudia, Claudia was taut, dark, long black hair to the small of her back and the tribal design tattoo over her ass; Karla must've heard about it from her, one or her friends, because Karla knew who I was and how to find me the day Claudia wanted to "break up" with me.  Karla needed a ride to her friend's place and didn't have cab fare, of course, I could help out a lady in a miniskirt, however pale, with long-legs, full booty and distress out.  So we went to...

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More Mexico

Tropical breezes bringing salty air to their naked bodies announce morning to the sleeping lovers. They lie spooned in each other’s arms. Every inch of his body is touching every inch of hers. Memories of last night project against his mind’s movie screen. His dick, firmly ensconced between her butt cheeks, stirs in response. His hips move ever so slightly against her ass which stirs ever so slightly in response. Her chest rises and falls in rhythm with the ocean waves breaking in the...

1 year ago
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Wife in Mexico

I have been married for 16 years. I have a hot wife, 5’5”, great body, beautiful face. She is conservative, but a vixen in bed. She has pierced clit and nipples. We went to our normal resort in Porta Vallarta. Two weeks our usual, and we do the normal beach, not too much drinking but relax themed. One evening in the jazz bar, we were dressed up nice and she was enjoying wine, while I was enjoying my Coronas. I was in dress shorts and nice shirt, and she had a colorful short sun dress showing...

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My name is Jenna Jansen; those of you who are a little older probably remember me. I was the top model in the fashion world just a few short years ago. Of course the kids these days don't remember anyone for longer than 15 minutes but that's really a good thing. Now a days I find myself working as fashion consultant slash cashier at my neighborhood seven eleven. I don't do much fashion consulting, it's mostly the cashiering part; not that those bratty girls today need much consulting. They...

2 years ago
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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapters 7 Back at the mission in Mexico

7:07 AM on a day that was going to be hot. “JESUS!” rang out as Tony saw young Mr. Bautista, the head of the Scouts for Poncho’s army, “What are you doing here? You’re a day early.” Tony laughed as the two friends hugged. “Three riders we find, told us all go north to mission. We come here, see why?” Jesus said in his broken English. “Peter, Jesus is here with his Scouts from Poncho’s Army.” Tony laughed. “Jesus, good to see you again.” Peter gave Jesus a hug and a high five! “Heard you...

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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 23 New Mexico

Ellen and I made love constantly when we weren't on the motorcycle. A couple of times, we even pulled off the road at some scenic spot and made love. If we hadn't cared much about each other when we started, we sure did by the time we reached Albuquerque. For two nights, we kept Crystal amused by texting her snapshots of the two of us in various stages of undress and pictures that hinted of our sexual activity. Crystal wasn't shy about sending pictures of herself in what can best be...

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Visitings the Dun Bare Bar

"The Dun Bare Bar, is slavery supported. Sexual slavery of cource, but most of the girls who serve there are unwilling. So. You won't talk to them, and you won't feel pity for them." He picked up a short black mini and a see through white shirt for her to wear and went about untieing her. "But Master, how do they keep the girls there unwillingly?" She asked as she began to get dressed. Underwear wasn't allowed and the skirt showed a bit of her pussy, and a bit more of her ass....

2 years ago
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Visite chez le meacutedecin

Tu es arrivée dans ma salle pour des examens de routine, surprise de me voir ici tu commences a entamer une conversation, après quelque minute pour expliquer le pourquoi du comment j’ai fini ici je te dis d’aller enlever ton pull et te mettre sur la table.Tu es assises dos contre moi, je commence à te faire les premiers examens, je viens poser ma main gauche sur tes épaules je te sens te crisper par le froid du stéthoscope, je te dis en souriant que tu peux te détendre. Je passe ensuite a tes...

3 years ago
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As I settled into bed in the guest room, I heard the faint rhythmic creaking coming through the wall from the master bedroom. My imagination and my cock both came to attention. The lovely wife of my friend had been very attentive to me all evening and the snug fitting clothing she wore showed off her attractive figure. Some of her comments had possibly been double-entendres, but I dared not presume anything. Of course I lusted after Celeste. I hadn’t been with a woman for months. My envy was...

1 year ago
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I arrived in Newcastle, at about five o'clock in the evening, and had decided that I would look for a bed and breakfast accommodation for the two nights I intended to spend there. My appointment was for 9.30 following morning but I had not planned on going out that evening. I drove down the row of terraced houses. The houses were fairly large, probably three-bedroom, and then I saw the sign I was looking for. In a window was small card saying, B & B. I parked the car and walked to the...

3 years ago
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Visitng mother in law

Nearly a month ago my wife and I drove to New England to visit her mother and b*****r and his f****y. She lived in an assisted-living facility that had a small number of guest suites for out-of-town visitors. We were booked for four nights. I wasn’t at all crazy about seeing my mother-in-law, she loved to talk and talk and talk and, well you get the idea. Plus, even though my wife and I are both in our early 50’s and have grown c***dren and successful careers, she treated us and her son who was...

4 years ago
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iVisit the Brilliance Bar

iVisit the Brilliance Bar (Takes place after "iHire an Idiot". Carly visits the Pear Store to see if there is more between Ashley and Freddie than him helping her with a sociology paper. But it seems that Ashley isn't interested in Freddie. Her interest is in someone else in the iCarly crew.)(Notes: The episode "iPearStore" where Freddie goes to work at the Pear Store takes place in season 6, two seasons after "iHire an Idiot" but I'm assuming that he worked there before then and that's where...

3 years ago
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Visitng mother in law

Nearly a month ago my wife and I drove to New England to visit her mother and brother and his family. She lived in an assisted-living facility that had a small number of guest suites for out-of-town visitors. We were booked for four nights. I wasn't at all crazy about seeing my mother-in-law; she loved to talk and talk and talk and, well you get the idea. Plus, even though my wife and I are both in our early 50's and have grown c***dren and successful careers, she treated us and her son who was...

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Visit From Her Dad

Introduction: My wifes dad makes his visit with a purpose When Nicoles dad, Frank, arrived at the airport, I was in charge of the kids, luggage, and being the driver. Nicole was dressed in a sundress without a bra or panties under it. The morning he was flying in, she took a shower and shaved herself smooth for him. Her stomach was a flutter with anxiety. She was more excited about seeing her father than our four-year old, which is hard to do. The kiss given to her father when she saw him was...

2 years ago
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Visit From Her Dad

The kiss given to her father when she saw him was deeper than I thought a kiss would be between a father and daughter. Frank took an arm and wrapped it around her waist while his lips locked onto my wife’s. He looked at me with a bit of a knowing smirk. Apparently, she had told him that I knew what happened when she was back there. I was carrying our newborn and rolling his luggage in front of Nicole who was holding her father’s hand. Frank was holding our oldest child. If you were an...

2 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Helena

Visit to Aunt Helena,A short story written by Mrs. Wanda NylonChapter 1It was in the days after my graduation that my mother came to me that she and my dad had come to the idea that it was better for my upbringing that I learned a bit more of the world, and that there was more then the 2 square miles of our farmhouse. My father worked for the local government and we had lived there for as long as I could remember.Well two days after my twentieth birthday my parents brought me to the train...

3 years ago
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Visit to the Gynecologist Part One

Christina was nineteen, and had only lain with one other person before, and that had been a mistake. However, now she was in a committed relationship with a handsome guy named Carl, but they hadn't done it yet. They both wanted to take it to the next stage, but Christina was worried it would be as awful as the first time. Since then, she had tried several times with her fingers, but without being able to climax. She had read it could be like that, but insecure about her body, she thought it...

1 year ago
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Visit With Grandma

Over the summer time I would occasionally visit my grandmother for weekends, sometimes a week at a time. I love my grandma, and she loves me. She was about 58, and still very great looking. She always did light workouts to keep in shape, and she has a nice body. Her tits are very large for her age - not saggy, but firm. She was a very attractive lady for her age.It was late June. I talked to mom and she said I should visit. My grandmother was a very lonely woman, because her husband passed away...

3 years ago
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Visit to a Gloryhole with my Fuck Buddy part 2

After our first visit to the gloryhole in Miami my fuck buddy, V, and I discussed it over the following days. V said it had turned her on but was not sure that she had the nerve to go back. Well, a few nights later we were out drinking at a local bar and it was amazing the change that came over her after a few drinks. She became quite flirtatious and suggested that she needed some fun. On Washington Avenue is an erotic museum, containing many images and art work depicting sex through the ages....

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