An Addiction We Share free porn video

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Your cock: I want it. I can’t help but think of it far too much. I think I may have an addiction to you... And your cock. Can you blame me, though? You know the things you do to me. The way you look at me, giving me the look of lust and need. The way you growl at me, making me weak in the knees, my breath always hitches. The way your voice is low, but demanding, controlling. Full of desired needs.

God yes, the things you do to me. I’m naked before you, my milky white skin aglow against the soft light on in the far corner of the room. The light barely reaches me, but what parts do enhance my curves wonderfully. You stand before me, towering over me it seems, a cheeky smile on your face. You know what you’re about to do to me.

My long, flowing hair hangs over the bed, my head just enough to see things upside down. You've moved me in such a way to suck your cock this way. Please yes, I want you. I think to myself, begging you silently for it. You know I want it, which is why you make me wait for it. You even begin to stroke yourself to tease me further. You wicked man! I let out a soft whimper, and you chuckle. How dare you!

I groan, you step forward and the tip of your cock taps against my chin. I can see a full view of you upside down like this. Your cock, that you find ever so average, suddenly looks huge from this angle and it makes me squirm. You tell me to hold still, I fight to do so, wanting to obey. I know what will happen if I don’t.

Waiting is always the hardest part, but it’s always so worth it. It is with you anyway, you always given in and please me so. You let the head of your cock move from my chin, towards my lips, which I open so willingly. I suckle you into my mouth, knowing this is what you want. You let out a soft sigh of approval. Mmm, yes that’s it, I think to myself, loving how you moan for me. I love your cock in my mouth, you taste so good.

Light suckling noises are all that is heard, with the occasional moan or sigh from you. You start to move your hips, rocking back and forth in my mouth. Leaning forward, you brush your palms across my puckered nipples. It causes me to moan out, vibrating your cock just so. Mm, you like that don’t you, Sir? I know you do, because you move your hips a little faster because of it.

You've caused my pink soft nipples to turn into quivering hard tips. They tingle under your touch, bloody hell! The things you do to me! I move my head the best I can, as it’s hanging over the edge of the bed, wanting you to take me deeper. You do, you thrust a little faster, taking more control now. You pinch, twist, pull and taunt my nipples into such a submission. I beg out, through moans for more.

I can feel, between my creamy white thighs, how wet I’m getting. I have a feeling there might be buckets worth by the time we’re done! I roll my hips, wanting more touch down there; you slap against my breasts and tell me to be still. I moan out and pout, but do as I’m told. I lie as still as I can, fighting the urge as you really begin to fuck my throat. You lean over me, thrusting deeper. You fill my throat, gagging me with each deepening thrust. God, yes! That’s it, please Sir. I scream out again in my head, the moans I offer are the best I can give out loud. You know what I want.

Once again, I feel my hips roll and you growl at me, making it worse. Please hell, just touch me! I want to demand, but this would just give me a blistering red arse, and no more touching. I stop moving them, and I take your cock like a good girl. I suck and moan for you, as you fuck my throat so. “Mmm, such a good girl,” you groan out, praising me, knowing it makes me weak in the knees. It sends bolts of electricity up inside me, racing through every last nerve ending in me.

Your hands move down from my breasts, towards my awaiting pussy. You’re going to touch me more, please yes! I tremble, not wanting to disobey and lose this chance to be touched. In a fine, subtle circling movement you roll your middle finger over my clit. It causes me to moan out so loud you sink deeper in my throat. You groan out, fucking me a little faster. If I could see your face, I know it would be filled with ecstasy.

Unable to stand it at this point, I think you want me as much as I need you. You slide your cock out of my mouth; I suck hard on it letting it pop from my lips. You tremble and groan as I do. You lean down, a mere inch from my ear and growl perfectly. I let out a whimper that makes my whole body convulse slightly. You do it again. Oh God, fuck please! I scream it again in my head.

Slowly you move from one ear to the other, you whisper ever so softly. “Beg for it, my good little bitch.” I shudder; I let out a soft moan. I look up at you, my eyes full of lust, need and want for you. You know what I want; I want your cock inside me. You make me beg still. My voice is low; a soft put on voice changes my tone. “Please, Sir. I want you; I need you to fuck me so. You have your bitch dripping with need and lust.”

The cheekiest smile adorns your face; you help me up onto my knees. I kneel on the bed in front of you, you stand before me. You grip my chin, my lips so full from sucking on you so hard. I love the way your cock tastes in my mouth. You lean forward, kissing my lips so lightly, like a feather touch. Leaning forward, I want another, more please, Sir. You give in, comply with this, you love my lips on yours. Your hands now circle around me, squeezing my arse tight.

You let our kiss go, looking at me with a grin. “You want my cock, do you bitch?” You breathe against my lips, which tremble still wanting you to kiss them. “I do, please Sir. I love your cock inside me,” I whisper back, blushing hard, knowing you know this, but make me say it anyway. You turn me around, I lean down offering myself to you. I’m like a treasure chest, and you plan to bury yourself inside me. You slap my arse hard, sending my body rocking forward and back, as you place your cock just perfectly at my entrance.

“Yes, yes, please fuck yes, Sir,” I beg quietly, just enough for you to hear me. My face pressed against the pillows now. I wait for you. My breathing shallow pants, knowing you’ll take me soon enough. It’s a final act of making me wait, before giving in to our needs. You tease me so! You lean forward, your chest against my back, your hands run up my sides, and towards my breasts. You cup them, squeezing them lightly, your breath on my neck, you growl again, in that way you do. Fuck! I feel you begin to push in, so slow, and filling. Oh bloody hell, don’t stop! I cry out in my head, I feel as though I said it out loud, but I know I haven’t. You push past the brink, you’re just barely in and with one final thrust you take me all. Every last breathtaking, perfect inch of you is finally inside me.

Grinding, you take me deeper, each grind hurts so perfectly. You growl in my ear again, it makes me whine out. “My Bitch.” I hear your growl, and I answer back, “Yes, Sir.” We both know it’s true, and you fuck me so. Each thrust is as powerful as the last, so full of need, the throb of your cock inside me takes me one step closer to my impending orgasm. With each thrust, you fuck me into submission, I give in so easily, and you know you own me. I cry out with each movement, your name escapes my lips, it makes you growl in my ear each time.

Unsure if I can hold back, I begin to beg as I do for a release. “Please, fuck oh please, Sir, may I come?” I tremble, ache almost screams for the release. I can feel it so close, you keep thrusting. You lean in as close as you can and whisper in my ear, “not just yet, my sweet girl.” I whine out, and fight with all I have. I don’t think I can hold it back; you slow down, making it a little easier, before you begin to thrust again, bringing it back just as fast.

“Oh fuck!” I cry out, “Please Sir!” I lean back into you, feeling you slam against me with each thrust. Slow down again, bringing the orgasm to an ease again, you’re playing mind games with me. You’re edging me on purpose, wanting to feel the tightness grow each time I get close, but making me hold out. I feel lightheaded, as though I’m drunk, I almost feel out of this world. You have me so owned.

The animal in each of us is released; we bring it out of each other like some form of magical spell. Your hands still on my breasts, cupped perfectly you squeeze them, pinching my nipples between your fingers. They are hard, sore and aching for more of your pain you inflict on them. It’s then you slow, I whimper, a “no, please no,” leaves my lips begging you not to. I don’t know what you have planned.

You turn me over, your cock still deep inside me. You never pull out; you twist me perfectly until I’m flat on my back. God, your cock, I love it! You take my legs, throw them over your shoulders, and lean down towards me. You pin me in place, I’m trapped, you have me at your will. You lean into me more, making every inch of me tight and pinned; you kiss my lips as you roll your hips inside me.

With each roll it hits my sweetest spot, and I gasp even with your lips on mine. You make me crazed with passion, needing you. You roll a little faster, as you let go of our kiss and growl against my lips. Mmm, I sigh out as you do. I let out a soft growl back, and you smile down at me. Your eyes locked on mine, as mine focus only on you. It’s then, you start to thrust once more. It’s not fast, but each thrust is hard. It’s perfect after the way you rolled yourself inside me.

I’m so full of you, I love the way you fit inside me. We fit so well, it’s perfect... As though it’s meant to be. Oh, how I love your cock inside me. My throbbing pussy pulses hard for you, sucking you in deeper, you push harder with each thrust. I’m trapped within you grip, right where I want to be. You take what is yours, giving me the pleasure I desire, giving you the want you crave from me. I feel another jarring, pulsing climax linger oh so near. You feel it too, don’t you? Oh, yes you do. You smile down at me, I whimper out, looking up at you. I mouth softly, “Please, Sir.” You lick your lips; you lean in again, and growl against my lips.

It takes all I can not to lose myself at this point, but in a flat second you whisper to me, “Come for, my good girl, let go.” I whimper out, between the climax that is about to erupt, the tension of having to hold back so much before and the permission to finally let go, I can’t help but sob. I tilt my head back just enough, but keep eye contact. A profound shudder shakes through me as you continue to fuck me, I reach my pinnacle point letting go. I orgasm hard, and I cry out your name just like you like me to do.

You growl again, forcing what is already an intense orgasm to become tenfold, I come harder. I grab at what I can, digging my nails into your arse. You growl again, loving the pain of my nails sinking into your flesh, but also to drive me on still. Your thrusts never slow; you want those buckets you cause me every damn time. You wicked man! The look on your face is so cheeky, but full of lust and need all combined. I can’t look away, God the things you do to me!

My legs feel stiff, as though I need to stretch them, I feel you loosen them and I thank you. I move them down on either side of you, your thrusts are slow now. It’s in no rush, we simply enjoy the touch of each other, having you deep inside me. With each thrust brought us closer together, our eyes locked on one another. I run my fingers along your face, tracing along your jaw line, teasing your chin. You never look away from me; I can’t help but bite my lip, blushing. I love the way you look at me, and you grin wide as you see me blush. The light cascading over us both, a soft silhouette of us reflects off the far wall.

Playfully I tug on your chin, bringing you down for a kiss, and you come so willingly. Mmm my Sir, I love your lips on mine. My sweet warmth of slippery softness pulses hard against you, throbbing, urging you on inside me. We’re in no rush right now, we just need this moment. It’s perfect, your cock buried deep inside my treasure chest. Though we’re moving slow, our breathing is shallow, every so often you growl for me. It causes my pussy to tighten and pull you in deeper, you love the effect you have on me, and as much as I love the effect you have on me.

Our need starts to grow again, needing a little bit more of each other. I wrap my legs around your middle; you grind down inside me and start to thrust a bit harder now. You so easily find my sweet spot, and work against it. It makes me moan out, your name slipping from my lips repeatedly. Each time you hit it, you growl for me, making it ten times as extreme for me. Your cock, your voice, your touch, your growls, your moans, just you everything about you, fuck! The things you do to me. I don’t want this to stop, and I know you feel the same.

Driving on, taking me, filling me with every inch of your cock you fuck me. I’m at your will, and you know it’s true, I want it all. You take my left leg and place it back up on your shoulder, and fuck me deep. I’m wrapped around you fully, clinging to you with all I have. My fingers in your hair, and I moan out singing the song of moans as you fuck me hard. The pulsing in your cock hits just right and I can feel you grow thicker, you're close, you’re going to fill me with your seed.

“I want you to come with me, my sweetest Bitch,” you growl at me, knowing I’d do anything to please you. “Mmm, yes Sir,” I moan out, feeling you move quicker, rolling and thrusting - a perfect combination inside me. “Fuck, please Sir,” I growl out, just like you want me to, nearing my own final moment of ecstasy. You growl again, it’s thicker, which lets me know you’re at the brink.

We ride the wild and wonderful waves of sheer ecstasy, I feel you burst inside me. You shudder and convulse inside, blowing your hot seed inside me with such a perfect fucking growl, I arch my hips upwards towards you, I quickly peak over the edge, the intolerable pleasure exploding around you. You grunt, moan and growl all together, driving us both on. I roll my hips now, milking your seed from you. I want to drain you deep inside me, wanting and needing it.

Drained and empty you tell me not to move, you slide out of me, leaving me weak with spent desires. You’re down between my legs before I can even comprehend what is happening, your tongue lashes at my pussy, moving between my pink folds. You lap, lick, drink me in. I moan out, I feel so abused and used, but you want more of me. You keep my legs wide open for you, your mouth moving wickedly, taking all you can. I feel the tip of your tongue from the lowest parts of me, slide up towards my clit. You suck me easily into your mouth, and move your jaw side to side. “Fuck, please Sir, you’ll make me come again.”

Even with my pleading you don’t give in, it must be what you want, or you’re testing me. You have my clit catch between your teeth, your tongue darting at the tip of me, dancing with such a perfect touch. You’re breaking me down; I feel my need growing again. You let go of my clit and suckle on my lips, working down and violently fucking my pussy with your tongue. You do it with such a skill, I buck upwards and you let me, knowing it’ll end with what you want. Coming back up again, sucking on my clit you growl and it’s all I need. “Oh fuck, fuck-fuck please, Sir, oh please may I come?”

You growl again, giving me permission, wanting me to explode hard for you. I do, I climax hard. My hips lifting again, finding you lavishing taking me, drinking me in as I come. I call out your name, growling it almost, and you growl back. I can feel the pull of the intensity of my orgasm as I do, as I slowly come down, you lick gently. You bring me down slow, my chest heaving with desire. My breathing is ragged, and I try to control it. You come up to me, you kiss my lips. I taste us, I like us, I love us, I like it.

You lie beside me, I scoot down I take you in my mouth. I begin to clean you, like a good bitch; your bitch. You growl, and groan, feeling your cock, which has slowly softened, harden just a wee bit. You shudder as I clean you, working my tongue to make sure I've not missed anything. You watch me; you love how my mouth works your cock.

When I know you’re good and clean I come back to you, slide myself into the crook of your arm, and rest my head. My fingers dance over your chest, occasionally playing with your beard, I can’t help but giggle. You growl, teasing me again, I whimper, you chuckle.

“I love you, Sir,” I blush, looking up at you, biting at my lip, feeling sedated.

“I love you, too, my sweetest Bitch,” a cheeky grin on your lips.

You kiss my biting lip; I release it to kiss you back properly. Once more, you growl for me.

Yes, I do love your cock, and well of course the rest of you. You are my Sir.

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! 

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Addiction “So Doc, ahh crazy question - is it possible to be um, like, addicted to a person?” It was a crazy question and Tom was somewhat embarrassed by even asking it, but it was a question that he had been wondering about for days now. The doctor, actually a psychologist, was a bespectacled balding man in his fifties, who had heard a whole lot of crazier things in his twenty odd years of practice. He was aware that Tom was serious and he needed more information before he could give...

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It all started with a sleep over at one of my friend’s house. I lay there as her boyfriend crawled in through the window. I pretended I was asleep and they started doing it right there in front of me. Although I couldn’t see anything I heard them and it made me feel wet and wild. I even wanted to go join them but knew I wasn’t ready for that. I started tickling my clit for a while and as they got louder I started penetrating myself deeper. One finger after another went inside of me...

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Grannys Timeshare

For the past 5 years my friend Sam and his grandmother Barbara have been taking a trip to Vegas for 2 weeks to just hang out and enjoy life. Barbara has had the Timeshare for about 10 years and used to go with her husband Sam's grandfather Fred before he passed away. This year Sam invited me and my grandmother Alice to join them. I thought it would be a great time to get granny out the house and since the Time Share is already paid for that makes it even better.My granny Alice is 72 and Barbara...

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Trouble at the Timeshare

Matt had no reason to feel particularly proud of his 'accomplishment.' All he had done was put an extension on the browser of a public library computer that collects passwords and forwards them to his email, but it still felt rather thrilling to suddenly have such intimate access to other people's lives. He wasn't sure what would come of it, or if he would even do anything with the information. One particularly boring night, he decides to pop into one of the dozens of accounts he had managed to...

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Usually, I hate the host and share sites with a passion, but this site is a bit different. The reason why I give a pass is simply because they do not offer some shitty low-quality videos that you are only able to watch on the original site, here you will be offered pornographic content from sites that require a payment; aka, premium porn sites. Of course, do not expect to see full movies here, because that would be fucking stupid.On the front page, you will be offered some sites and...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Anon Sharer, aka, aka NewChan, aka AnonPosted! Make up your damn mind, goddamnit! You’ve seen all of the newest, hottest pornstars hundreds of times and it’s just the same shit over and over again, right? Just some overproduced, probably fake scene of some chick who is just sucking dick for the money. It’s not real. You want real sluts exposing themselves. No, not that fake “amateur” stuff either. Nudes, videos, and gifs of real women baring it all. Pics you were probably never meant...

Porn Chan Sites
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I have a real love/hate relationship with social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. On the one hand, I enjoy perusing these sites with one hand as I enthusiastically appreciate the hot attention whores posting bikini shots and slutty selfies. On the other hand, I’m always getting banned for posting pictures of my giant dick. That’s why I’m so interested in what they’re doing over at, which bills itself as The First Free Adult Social Network, was founded in 2018....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Ola Share To Bed Share

This is my new story in indian sex stories dot net. You can share your feedback I started using Ola share regularly for my office commute. I met many people in the journey. But one girl got close and infact too close. This ola journey led us to thrilling sex journey and enjoyable affair. I’m Manu.. I used to live in Koramangala.. On regular Monday I chose Ola share for office which is in Whitefield. After two streets there was one more pickup. Here enters the my heroine. She was so beautiful...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Share

Chelsea and Tami were best friends and had been for as long as they could remember. They even lived next door to each other, which facilitated their various conspiracies against their fathers. After all, a girl who is being raised by a single father has to use various ruses to get her way. Dads just don't understand like a mom would, or so the girls convinced each other when they were planning to get something or do something their fathers might not approve of. So Chelsea and Tami were...

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Sph story share

Hello, welcome to my new story. In this one I decided to try and get everyone involved and share their own story’s. So in this story anyone is welcome to add their own story of when they were humiliated for their penis being on the small side. Your story has to be true and follow the Chyoa guidelines. Other than those two things everyone is welcome to share how their story goes on here. If you want to add a new type of series of any type of experiences you have, feel free to message me and tell...

4 years ago
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Learning To Share

Over the next few weeks I started to know the beautifully complex girl that I had met that December night. She was not just the perverted sex fiend I had found at an orgy one night, although she certainly was that. But her life outside the parties was much like everyone else's. Stacie Oberwise was a captain in the Air Force, a pilot stationed about an hour from New Orleans. She had spent a few years overseas in Europe and the Middle East and had traveled extensively while there. She grew up...

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Lana Wants to Share

"Ladies, is this some kind of sick joke? Oh shit." Jake had woken up to find himself tied spread-eagled on his bed in his dorm room. It was Spring Break, his roommate was gone, campus was empty…which might be a very good thing or a very BAD thing. He licked his lips as his girlfriend Lana and his girlfriend's best friend, Jessica, loomed over him. "Why am I naked? Lana?" He looked up at his girlfriend. She was gorgeous, a tall, pale-skinned brunette with impressively-sized breasts....

4 years ago
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Size Queens Share

“SQS” read the message on Lana’s phone. The blonde looked up at Sandra Kong with a smile. The techno music at the club was too loud for conversation so the women texted each other instead.“What does that stand for?” typed Lana.“Size queens share,” replied Sandra an instant later.Lana’s phone vibrated again.  A photograph lit up the LCD screen. The man possessed a truly awesome appearance. Nature blessed him with a luxurious mane of jet-black hair that almost reached his waist. Though he wore it...

1 year ago
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Lets Share

Twenty-eight-year-old Josh was a Sergeant with the Cincinnati police force, who worked overnight.  He’d just left work early on a rainy Friday morning, and from that point, all he could think about was Chris, his partner of ten years.“Hey, babe,” he texted Chris.  “I’m on my way home, but I’m stopping at the Wal Mart for a jug of milk and a few things.  Need anything else?”Chris, a supervisor at a coffee plant not too far from their home, was usually up around 5 a.m., the time Josh texted him,...

Gay Male
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The Teachers Learn How to Share

Leslie cuts off her friend – the one she has just caught fucking me in the back of the school bus- before she can finish her sentence. “Yes, you could lose your marriage and your job,” she says to her, “but don’t worry Becky, you’re not going to lose either. However, today you are going to learn something!” As she reaches for my shiny, pussy juice coated cock, she stares at it and licks her lips. It’s growing long and hard in her hand. “Today is the day,” she says as she looks up and over to...

3 years ago
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A New House Share

New York. The Big Apple. A place for dreams to come true, etc. etc. My name is Tom, I'm a 25 year old American from a small town in PA. After getting a job in the city in finance, I needed to move, so I found a house share for a few months. Nothing fancy, nothing too expensive. I talked to the landlord over the phone - four women already in the property and I'd be the only man. Not a problem for me, I said, my last share was with guys and it was filthy. It'd be nice to have a woman's touch. How...

Group Sex
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Sisters Share

Some of my friends were talking about their most embarrassing sexual moments. Of being caught by parents, interrupted by cops, getting seen by others while making love, things like that. I didn't tell them this story, but I wanted to. Part of it was embarrassing while it was happening, but it would be more embarrassing to tell it to my friends. So I am going to tell everybody, because it's too good not to share. When I was in my freshman year in high school, my older sister Kathy came home...

1 year ago
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Postcards From the PacificChapter 4 Time Share

Depart: 9:15 a.m. Thu., May 31 Kwajalein, Marshall Islands (KWA) Arrive: 5:50 p.m. Wed., May 30, -1 day Honolulu, HI (HNL) Flight Time: 6 hr 35 mn Travel Time: 6 hr 35 mn 1 Stop. Time on the ground is 52 minutes. Distance: 2,446 miles Flight: UA1655 Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Fare Class: United Economy (Q) Meal: Dinner No Special Meal Offered. Sheila: There is an old joke. A student answers a professor by saying, "I have a deficient education. My high school did not offer mind...

3 years ago
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Cookie Shares

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. oooooooCookie: He’s upstairs in the study. I’m chatting to MonstaMunch.Jellybean: Are you sure? Last chance.Cookie: Go for it, sweetie. Make him happy, please.Finally, the night was here. Lashing rain, howling wind, and the slime of the wet leaves on the path made the walk up to the front door mysterious and exciting.________________Months of chatting online to Cookie had broadened Jellybean’s...

2 years ago
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Junior YearChapter 5 Dont You Want To Share

Today marked the first day in which the guys and I started to get serious about the recruiting process. Our first step was to go to the Stanford – Northwestern game. We were interested in both Stanford and Northwestern for similar reasons. Academics were high on my list, and both schools had a lot to offer in that regard. I also felt that I wanted to play in one of the power conferences, because it would put me in position to play for a National Championship. Last year the ACC, Big 10, Pac-12...

1 year ago
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McKenzie Shares

The boys got on each other’s nerves a lot and argued daily about something to do with the room. Austin was also very fond of laying on his bed at night and stroking his young hard dick when he had a room to himself. This fact also led to many sleepless nights for them both as he lay trying to wait until Ryan was asleep to go to bed and his moving around kept his brother awake. It was obvious that the two of them could not share a room without Ryan’s already poor grades falling even more....

2 years ago
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Best Friends Share

             Lisa and Patrice are best friends, have been for years. They have shared there lives, family, friends, desires and feelings for quite some time now. But, Lisa was about to see how far Patrice was willing to go.                        Lisa sat nervously as she waited for Patrice to arrive. You see Lisa has kept an sexual relationship from her and to day she was going to tell her all about it. In fact she was going to ask her to join in, at...

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Hermione Teaches Ginny and Harry how to Share

Hermione Teaches Ginny and Harry how to ShareRough flight to the BurrowThe butterbeers were helping to take the edge off, but tensions were still running high at the Burrow. Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters had struck the moment they took off from Harry’s c***dhood home, and the battle took a terrible toll. Mrs. Weasley had just stopped crying. Fleur was still pacing about. The rest were silent, still processing the loss of Moody. Mrs. Weasley hopped up from her armchair. “That’s enough....

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Two Daddies to share

Uncle Jon took me camping. I guess I was dumb or something because Ididn't question the fact that my cousin, his son, didn't go with us."It's a chance for you and Jon to get closer acquainted" Dad told me.He and his brother were very close. I liked to see them horsing aroundlike two teenagers and all four of us played football, tennis andother sports all the time.Jon and Brad, my cousin, lived across town. Dad and I lived alone too.Our Dads had lots in common including both were divorced. My...

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10. PAM SHARE. Pam lay beside her husband Jim of 5 years; of late their sex-lives had been on a gentle downhill slope of same old same old. Since the k**s, Peter, four, Milly, three and her forced hysterectomy at Millie`s birth they had slid into the pattern of duty rather than spontaneity they had once enjoyed. No doubt 90% 0f us have experienced in lesser or greater degrees at some time or other. He sensed her less than enthusiastic approach to his usual advances, asking if something was...

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Addicted to Womanhood

Author's Note: A friend who helps me review my stories before I send them out pointed out that I tend to write longer stories, because I like to do some character development, and add some depth. In order to keep out of a rut however, it is important to try different writing techniques. Therefore, this is my attempt at a 'short story'. I hope that those who find me to be a bit 'wordy' like this one, since it's for you... Addicted to Womanhood By Jennifer White A new drug called...

1 year ago
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Cookie Shares

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. ooooooo Cookie: He’s upstairs in the study. I’m chatting to MonstaMunch. Jellybean: Are you sure? Last chance. Cookie: Go for it, sweetie. Make him happy, please. Finally, the night was here. Lashing rain, howling wind, and the slime of the wet leaves on the path made the walk up to the front door mysterious and exciting. __________________ Months of chatting online to Cookie had broadened...

4 years ago
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Addicted to CockSucking Gay

I love cock.I love everything about it.The variety of shapes. The upward curve that often makes me gag even on a smaller cock. The downward curve that slides into my mouth so smoothly.The variety of lengths. Most cocks are five inches, give or take. Yet some are smaller... a four-inch cock is easy to suck without effort. A ten-inch snake is a massive task.The variety of thicknesses. Some are almost pencil thin and feel like sucking a blood-warm milkshake through a straw, while others are so...

3 years ago
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The Nanny Share

"Hello? Anyone home?" I called out, hearing no signs of the children, nor Mr. M. In the distance I could hear Mrs. M click-clacking in her heels in the dining room. I found her fixing a martini from the bar. "Oh hi, Mrs. M. Are the kids on a playdate? I didn't have anything in my calendar." "No, Mr. M took them to the museum today so that you and I could have an important discussion." "Oh," I stammered, "of... of course. What is it?" "As you know, Mr. M and I put a great deal of trust in you,...

4 years ago
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Show and share

SHOW AND SHARE The drinks and snacks were neatly laid out in the kitchen, and Melody glanced at the clock to make sure that she had left herself enough time to get ready. She knew she would be in very hot water if she was late. Half past five, that gave her just an hour to prepare before the men got back from town. This was the first time that their games would involve another person and her heart skipped a beat every time she thought of it. She had agreed to the additional person...

1 year ago
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Show and share

Volume 1Chapter 1SHOW AND SHARE Another Melody Mitchell storyThe drinks and snacks were neatly laid out in the kitchen, and Melody glanced at the clock to make sure that she had left herself enough time to get ready. She knew she would be in very hot water if she was late. Half past five, that gave her just an hour to prepare before the men got back from town. This was the first time that their games would involve another person and her heart skipped a beat every time she thought of it. She had...

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