- 3 years ago
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The urgent need for gratification had decreased to the intensity of a throbbing ache inside her greedy cunt as she tossed the vibrator down.
Slowly, her breathing returned to some semblance of normalcy. But even now, she was still tenderly fondling her hyper-sensitive clitoris. God, I am deranged, she thought. She had just climaxed and now only seconds later, she was fondling herself again. But it felt so good.
Turning her head, she stared at the pantyhose that had precipitated the near disaster.
Suddenly, she had an idea. With an evil glint in her eyes, she grabbed up the hose and slipped out the bed. Grinning lewdly, she hurried into her sewing room...
It was strained at the dinner table that night. David sensed that his parents weren't on the best of terms. They rarely spoke anymore and when they did, he could feel the undercut of hostility in their voices. But, that was their problem. He had to deal with his own problems.
His mother's recent indiscretion and his blunderous faux pas this afternoon had energized the tension between them to a volatile level. The interaction between them was so charged, he couldn't help blushing every time their eyes met.
All of this combined to throw a blanket of silence over the meal. No one tried to initiate conversation and as soon as he could, David pushed away from the table and rushed upstairs to his room...
Thursday, David got home from school at his regular time and found the house empty as usual. Making himself another sandwich to rival the monster he had consumed the previous day, he gulped it down before heading up the stairs to his room. Tossing his books on the floor, he started to sit down at his computer when he saw a pair of hose lying on his bed. Sitting atop the hose was a scrap of paper with writing on it. It was his mother's flowing handwriting.
The note read, "Try these."
Why was she teasing him like this? Was she trying to mortify him. She was being a real witch about the whole thing. So he had made a fool out of himself, she didn't have to rub it in.
Then he picked the hose up and they slowly unraveled in his hand.
A rush of adrenaline shot through his body when he saw that the crotch had been cut out of them.
What in the hell, he thought. Was his mother trying to tease him?
Examining them closer, he saw that the opening had been reinforced by several stitches from a sewing machine.
Another trickle of excitement ran through his cock.
She hadn't just cut a hole in them, she had gone to the extra effort to make sure that it would stand up to the additional stress of having a cock thrust through the opening.
Why had she gone to such trouble? In fact, why had she done it all? Curious thing for a mother to do, he thought. Then as he recalled their confrontation in her room, her reaction could have hardly been considered typical. She had seemed to accept his behavior as a matter of routine. Not the reaction he had expected.
And now this. Was she trying to humiliate him or was there something else?
Something deeper and more sinister.
He stopped trying to guess the intent behind her creation. Just the fact that she had ruined a pair of her pantyhose to create what could be described as an erotic costume for him sent a shiver up his spine.
Whatever her reason, it elicited a very sexual response in him. Was that queer or maybe she thought he was gay? Why did he get such a charge out of his mother's underwear? Was he a freak? Did other boys get the same thrill from touching and playing with their mother's undies?
If he was deranged, then what about his mother? How many mother's would purposely mutilate a pair of their hose just so their son could wear them?
With all these unanswered questions twirling about his head, he frantically stripped his clothes off.
Shivering with excitement and anticipation, he sat down on the edge of his bed. Holding the panty hose up, he felt a tiny pinch of regret. With the crotch gone, he wouldn't be able to bury his nose into it and drink in the rich, erotic aroma of her musky scent.
Quickly wadding the hose into a ball in his fists, he arched his foot and slowly slipped his toes into the silky sheath. Then he casually extended his leg and leisurely pulled the slippery pink nylon up his foot, around the curve of his heel, up over the swell of his calf, knee and then finally up the thickness of his muscular thigh stopping with the twisted roll of material bunched just below swollen cock. Stopping for a moment, he smoothed the cool, clinging smoothness of the material down his leg. Then he moved to repeat the process on his other leg. The soft, coolness of the nylon on his skin felt exhilarating as he ran his hands down his leg, smoothing the glossy pinkness of the silky material.
With the pink hose gathered into a tight band just below his big, hairy balls and the cheeks of his ass, he stood up. Running his thumbs down his thighs, he slipped them under the band of springy material Then slowly, he eased the sheer pinkness up over his ass and cock. As he did, his big, dangling balls slithered out the opening as the thin, gauzy pinkness held his thick, swollen cock pinned against his stomach. Tugging the hose up his hips as far as they would go, he dug his hand down inside them and forced his bloated prick down through the hole his mother had created. Finally, his rigid eight inch boner sprang through the opening, jutting out ripe and hard.
Standing in front of the mirror looking down at himself, he felt a narcissistic pride in his big, inflated prick.
Then the parallel struck him. His cock was sticking out through a hole in his mother's panty hose. Did the hole, put there by his mother have symbolic significance? Had she meant for it to have a metaphorical meaning.
Could she have meant that...
A shudder went through his body and his cock began to jerk and spurt thick, heavy streams of gummy cum out onto the mirror.
"AwwwFucckkkkk," he growled as his hips pistoned back and forth, fucking the imagery filling his brain. Gob after gob of his thick, virulent semen flew from his cock through the air and splashed onto the mirror. Again and again, it bucked and spurted until he was emptied. Gasping for breath, he fell back on the bed and lay there for several minutes.
Finally, he was able to sit up. Seeing the mess he had made on his mirror, he shamefully slipped the panty hose off and used them to try and clean the splattered mirror. But he only smeared the gooey cream all over the place.
Giving up, he tossed the pantyhose on top of his dresser and got a towel to clean up the mess. Then he hurried in and took a quick shower. He had just gotten dressed again when his mother and father arrived home...
"How did school go today, dear?" His mother asked innocently as he sat down to supper.
"Uh, fine," he muttered, blushing again.
"Oh, did you find the pants I fixed for you?"
What was she doing? Was she trying to embarrass him to death right in front of his father?
Tossing a quick look at his father, David saw that he oblivious to the electricity arcing between David and his mother. He just sat there reading his paper.
"Uh, yeah, uh, sure," he mumbled, his face afire with humiliation.
"Oh, did you notice that I put a few extra stitches in them for you?" She smiled guilelessly, "I hope that they worked."
"Uh, yeah, uh, I noticed. Uh, thanks."
Thankfully his mother didn't bring the subject up again during the meal, and immediately after David finished eating, he rushed back up to his room...
Friday morning, Gloria woke after David and Donald had gone. She could sleep in since she didn't have to be at work until nine while both of them usually left around seven.
Lying in bed, she languorously stretched and yawned. Grimacing, she felt the sting of the burning pain between her legs. It was still there. She couldn't remember the last time it hadn't been there. It was her constant companion. And it was growing in intensity with each passing day. Would Saturday never get here, she grumbled. Then, she suddenly sat up, sending her big breasts into convulsions of motion. Throwing her feet off the bed, she jumped up and slipped into her night robe. Naked underneath it, she quickly padded down to David's room.
"David, are you in there?" She asked loudly, hearing her voice reverberate through the empty house.
Hearing no answer, she slowly eased his door open and peeked inside. His room was in its usual state of disarray, but that was no surprise to her.
It was always a mess. Stepping inside, she searched the room with her eyes, looking for the panty hose she had left for him yesterday. Then she saw them, wadded into a ball and lying on top of his dresser. Threading her way through the litter on the floor, she stepped over to the dresser and picked them up. As they unraveled, saw that they were covered with a coating of dried, flaky, white residue.
"Oh, My goodness," she gushed, realizing it was dried semen.
Why, he must have masturbated with her panty hose, she thought.
A perverse chill ran through her as she recalled the image of him stroking himself yesterday.
Blushing uncontrollably, she wadded her hose back up and fled back to her bedroom.
What had she done, she asked herself. It was her son she was toying with, not some guy she had the hots for. How could she have done such a thing?
Then the sight of him standing in front of her mirror with her hose on flashed across her mind again.
She felt another flush of excitement wash over her as the poison of lechery coursed through her bloodstream.
As wicked and wrong as it was, she couldn't stop herself.
Her malignant appetite for sex knew no bounds. Even if it drove her to taunt and tease her own son with it.
Throwing open her lingerie drawer, she ran her fingers over the rows of frilly undergarments. Finally, she plucked out a pair of hose. Then she jerked out a matching set of panties and garter belt. Unfolding the panties, she smiled wickedly, wondering what David would think when he saw that they were crotchless.
God what a Jezebel she had become. How could she justify leading her son on like this? Teasing him with brief flashes of her true sexuality. Taunting him with her most suggestive lingerie.
Catering to his unusual sexual tastes. Why was she leading him on this way? She couldn't answer her own question, but deep inside she knew it was fueled by her incurable addiction to sex. She needed sex so badly, she couldn't think straight. Her every thought was tainted by its insidious hold on her. And it was slowly driving her crazy.
Someday, she knew she would have to pay what she was doing, even with that threat hanging over her head, she didn't stop. The demon in her brain urged her own, pushing her down the hallway to David's bedroom.
Sweeping a clear spot on his bed, she laid the panties and garters down first and then covered them with the hose. Then, as she started to leave his room, she stopped. Walking over to his desk, she picked up a piece of paper and pencil. Writing out a short note, she tossed the pencil down and gently laid the note on top of her gift to her son.
That ought to get a rise out of him, she laughed to herself, traipsing back to her room...
That afternoon, David didn't make his customary stop at the kitchen. He rushed straight up to his room wondering if his mother had left him another surprise. Throwing open the door, he saw that she had and it lying in the middle of his bed.
He could see that she had left a pair of royal blue hose with a piece of paper lying on top of them. Hurrying across the room, he grabbed up the piece of paper. It was another note from his mother.
This one read "I saw how much you enjoyed my last surprise. So I brought you some more. I hope you enjoy these as much as you did my last gift."
This time she signed the note "Love, Mom."
A jolt of perverse excitement sparked through his prick. Why was she doing this?
Dropping the note, he picked up the hose. They were the old fashioned kind of hose. The kind with the reinforced tops and seams running down the back.
They were the kind women wore back in World War II. The kind all of the early pinups wore. Except they were royal blue instead of brown.
Then he saw the panties and garter belt. They were so skimpy and blue like the hose, he almost overlooked them in his excitement. Picking them up, a stronger shiver of excitement shot through his throbbing cock when he saw the black lace edging running down the split in the center of the panties.
Jeez, they were crotchless.
His mother actually wore crotchless panties? He had thought that only nymphomaniacs or women like that wore crotchless panties. His opinion of his mother's virtue continued in its rapid and deleterious nosedive.
Then he asked himself why was he surprised that she wore crotchless panties when she hadn't worn any to the party.
It was just too much to sort out in his present frenzied state of sexual excitement.
Dropping the lingerie to the bed, it only took David seconds to strip his clothes off clothes.
Looking over at the mirror, he admired the way his big, heavy cock lolled about indolently every time he moved.
Turning back to the bed, he shivered with eager anticipation. What should he put on first, he wondered.
Then he picked one of the hose. Making it ready to slip on, he found it easier to roll into his fist than the panty hose because he only had one leg to deal with. Then he quickly slipped it over his foot and slowly pulled it up his leg. The soft, slick material easily slid over his skin caressing it with its clinging tightness. Pulling on the other hose, he smiled as he noticed that his cock was already rising to the occasion Then with the shimmering blue hose on, he ran his hands down his legs, reveling in the silky smoothness of the nylons. Reaching down, picked up the mesh panties. Looking at them, he saw that the waistband was black while the material of panties themselves was a sheer blue mush trimmed with black lace. Shaking them out, he hurriedly pulled them up his hairy legs and around his hips. As he pulled the waistband up over his cock, it caught momentarily. Then inching the panties higher, he watched his cock flop out of the lacy black opening dissecting the front of the panties. The flowery frills bordering the centerline slit in the panties now formed two borders, running down each side of his heavy, hardening cock. Another shiver of excitement ran through his cock and it slowly struggled to lift it big purple head.
Then he grabbed the matching garter belt and wrapped it around his firm, hard belly. Quickly fastening it around his waist, he pulled the long, black straps down to the top of the hose and hooked them on one by one until all four of the thongs were attached.
Looking into the mirror, he laughed when he saw the seams running down the back of his hose were crooked. Imagine what his friends at school would think if they could see him now. The school's star running back, running around in women's panties and hose.
I bet they would crap in their pants, he roared. Then watching in the mirror, he reached down and straightened the backseam of the hose as well as he could.
Staring at his reflection in mirror, he felt another flutter of excitement.
Not bad, he thought. Sexy, if he had to say so himself. The blue color of the hose matched the blue of his eyes. And it almost hid the hairs on his legs and the frilly blue panties and garters served as an erotic back-drop for his jutting prick, sticking out and bobbing up and down with each movement he made. Grinning at himself, he turned first one way then the other, admiring his reflection in the mirror.
Then he had a brainstorm. His mother had a Polaroid camera in her room.
Why not take a couple of pictures of himself. Hardly able to contain his eagerness, he bounded down to her room. He was so excited, his prick jutted straight up in the air as he searched through her drawers for the camera.
Then he found it.
Examining it, he saw that it had four unexposed pictures left.
Looking around for a place to set it, he saw the top of her dresser was the perfect height. Quickly adjusting the distance and brightness, he set the camera down and flicked the timer switch. Quickly stepping back away from the camera, he posed until the camera flashed. Then another pose and another flash. He repeated the act until all four of the pictures lay on her dresser top. Smiling to himself, he spread them out. Front view with his cock pointing directly at the camera, side view with his cock sticking out and up, other side view showing the same thing and then rear view showing his firm, hard butt bisected by the frilly blue straps of her garter. Then as he watched them process, he had another inspiration.
Why not leave them for his mother? After all, she had picked out his ensemble. Wouldn't she want to know what he looked like in it?
But wait a minute, he paused. It was his mother.
She wasn't some teeny bopper he was trying to impress. Or some hooker he was showing off in front of. How could he take a picture of himself with a hard on and show it to his mother? She was his mother!
But, she had put the lingerie in his room, hadn't she?. What the heck, he would just be showing her what he looked like in the clothes she had left for him. What would be wrong with that? Wouldn't she want to see what he looked like in what she had picked for him? Why, she had said he looked nice in her pantyhose. Maybe she derived some bizarre sense of excitement in seeing men dressed up in women's clothes. Or, seeing her son dressed in her underwear.
He had finally convinced himself. Waiting for another couple of minutes to make sure the pictures were dry, he opened her drawer and solemnly laid them on top of a pile of her panties. He slowly closed the drawer and put the camera away. Walking toward the door, he stopped. Then, with a perverse grin, he walked over to the writing table where his mother kept her stationery. Leafing through the several different types, he found one with little hearts across the top. Picking up her pen, he scribbled out a quick note.
Still smiling, he folded the note, opened her drawer and put on top of the pictures. Easing the drawer shut, he turned and then hurried out of her room. He didn't want to get caught in her room a second time, although getting caught by her had had some strange and exciting consequences. He wished he could be there to see her reaction when she found the in her lingerie drawer. But, what more appropriate place for them...
Friday for Gloria crawled by at the speed of a dead snail. She was totally useless. She couldn't think about anything but SEX. Would Saturday never get here, she thought as she opened the door to her office and looked out.
"Amy, I'm going to leave my door open," told her secretary. "My office is stuffy."
"Do you want me to call maintenance?"
"No, I'll be fine."
Strolling back to her desk, she sat down and pretended to be working. Then looking up, she watched Reggie Phipps, the head lawyer of their firm, walk over to one of the secretary's desks.
What kind of dick would he have, she found herself wondering. It would probably be big and thick. Probably six or seven inches long, and so big around it would barely fit inside her aching cunt. Then as she absent-mindedly stared at him, she saw him looking at her. Suddenly, she realized she had been staring at his crotch.
God, she thought to herself as she blushed and looked back down at the brief she was working. I'm going crazy. If I don't have sex soon, I'm going to have to rape some poor man.
Just then, Don Morris came walking down the hallway toward her office. Her eyes dipped to his crotch and followed it as he came closer and closer. Was that an obvious bulge in his pants or was her overactive imagination creating one? His penis would be long and thin, she surmised. Eight or nine inches long, but skinny, just like him. What would it feel like to get fucked with a pencil dick, she wondered. But at the moment, I'll settle for any kind of dick, she complained to herself. Then he turned and continued down the hallway away from her office.
Then Brad stopped by her office. Stopping at her door, he leaned against it.
"Still on for handball tomorrow," he asked her innocently.
Her eyes immediately dropped to his crotch and saw that there was a distinct bulge there. She didn't have to guess what his cock was like, because she had already had her hands on it. And soon, she would feel it inside her, she thought as a shiver of expectation ran through her.
"Huh?" she asked him, shaking her head and trying to clear the image of his stiff, hard cock from her brain.
"Are you okay?"
"What? Oh, sure," she laughed drunkenly, "just tired."
"Not too tired to play hand ball tomorrow, I hope," he reiterated.
"Oh, No, never," she laughed neurotically, "Wild horses couldn't keep me away."
"Okay," he laughed back at her, "I'll be waiting for your call."
He turned and walked away.
Under her desk, she spread her legs and let her hand wander up her thigh and onto her panties. Running her fingers down the front of her panties, she could feel the wetness of her excitement seeping through them. God, she thought, I'll be dribbling on the floor if I don't stop fantasizing about cocks. Pulling her hand back up on the desk, she slapped her legs back together just as Phipps walked into her office.
"Uh, Gloria," he said softly, leaning down so that Amy couldn't hear him. "I was wondering if you would like to come in and help me with the Clayton deposition tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow?" She smiled up at him.
"Why, yes," he smiled back at her, "there won't be anyone else here and we wouldn't be interrupted."
"Why, Reggie, "she blinked, smiling demurely, "just the two of us? All alone in the office? All by ourselves?"
"Uh, yes, " he said as his confident smile broadened.
"Well," she said, pausing for effect, "I would have to check with Donald."
"Oh, yes, yes, of course," he huffed, stepping back, the certainty gone from his smile.
"But," she smiled up at him innocently as she secretly ran her fingers up the side of his leg, "I will let you know. Sometimes, he has to go out of town for the weekend."
"Oh, my, why, yes, yes, you do that," he laughed, hope returning to his voice, "you do that."
"I will," she laughed as he turned to walk away, "I will."
"In fact," he smiled and winked, "why don't you take off now and see if you can find a way to convince him to let you come in tomorrow."
"I think I'll do that," she smiled tiredly. "I think I'll do just that."
Too bad, Reggie, she thought to herself, as she closed the brief on her desk. You're just not my type. I like them young and hard. Not old and shriveled like yours probably is. But, maybe I'll just play you along to see how much I can get out of you, before I break the bad news to you.
Grinning at her little joke, she got up and told Amy she was calling it a day. Leaving the office, she made a bee line to their neighborhood bar where she had a couple of drinks to quieten the clamoring voices inside of her head that were pleading for sex Then, feeling a little tipsy and bolder, she carefully drove home...
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"Uh, Yeah, I guess, uh, a, uh, little," he lied, stammering.
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The man had an idea of who at least one of the children was. That of General Baron. He glared silently at the thought. This was good. He had been going up to the lodge, and had left the road forty minutes ago, trying to remain unseen. He didn't really have a plan, but wanted to look over the home of the man who had had his brother killed. Silently, he moved closer until he could also hear what the children were saying. He was not unaffected by the beauty of the two nude teen girls. He...
Gary had run, tumbled, and fallen his way down to where he had left his motor bike. He had then made as much speed as possible through the forest on the deer trail. He knew he had limited time. So he made the most of the time he had. If the bastards had satellite coverage as of the time he had attempted to kidnap the Generals daughter, then it wouldn't matter. He was gambling that the resources were being used elsewhere though. He figured he might have as long as 30 minutes to an hour before...
Things were settling down. Greg and Steve once again had their house to themselves with the exception of Mrs. Graso, Jessica, and Rachael and Tracy. The bunk house and cabin were sufficient for the amount of men that were on the property as guards. Steve was sitting on the porch, taking in the evening air when Mrs. Graso came out and informed him that his brother wanted him in the study. Steve got up and went in to see what his brother wanted. "So you see, now that we have completed the...
Steve was holding in his assigned LEO (Low Earth Orbit). He had watched the battle play out at sea via satellite. One U.S. destroyer had sunk. The entire Chinese armada had been obliterated. As stated by the Chinese, they retaliated, or tried to with a nuclear launch. None of the missiles the Chinese launched got through. In addition, the US launched and destroyed several of the Chinese missile sites. That message had to have gotten through to them. The initial attack by the Chinese had...
Greg Baron was feeling much better. So good in fact, that he was chopping his way through a cord of wood. While his wound still bothered him, he was not a person to lie around when things had to be done. Adam was still worse off than he was. The poor kid had developed a severe infection and that had set his recovery back for weeks. For the next fifteen minutes, Greg chopped away at the pile. After all, it was a huge fire place that had a voracious appetite. That was a good line for a novel....
"Sir, rider approaching on horseback." Sgt. Langford said. "Well well. On a horse you say? This should be good. How soon until the plane is completely unloaded, Sgt?" Greg asked. "About another 10 minutes sir." Was the response. "Well, keep an eye on our rider. I don't think he is dangerous, but double check with security." Greg stated and went over to where one of the two vehicles that had been unloaded already sat. Greg sat on the hood of his Humv and watched as the rider got...
Greg was seated on a campstool. He was drinking coffee, and waiting for the UH-1H (Huey) to show up. He and his men had arrived at this location the night before. He had decided it was perfect for a perimeter defense if one was needed, and had a good clear space for a helicopter to land. According to the last radio contact with the freighter he was supposed to meet and their GPS position locator, they were close enough now for the helicopter to fly in and return to the ship, with fuel to...
"Captain's Report to the Admiralty, Regarding Certain Actions off the Southern Coast of 'New Island'. "After receiving intel from the Admiralty, regarding the possibility of Enemy submarine activity within my sphere of activity, I ordered Helicopter Squadron 112 (one helicopter), to deploy 50 sono-bouys in a calculated pattern, 15 miles SSW if the 'New Island'. I calculated that this was the most likely area of submarine penetration, due to the subsurface topography. "I ordered that...
John Wallace was very well off, and had been well connected before the disaster. He and his fraternal twin sister had inherited a small fortune, when their parents had been killed in an accident. The result was that the two were taken into the home of a relative, and educated by their trust fund. The relative drew a huge salary as director for the trust, and as provider for the children's well being. When they had graduated from school at the age of twenty-three, both were given the remains...
Ralph Barrows looked down at the grave he had just filled. He and his dad had made it through some bad times together. This time, though, his dad had succumbed to some sort of sickness that he couldn't shake. There had been no way to get help. Most of the roads and bridges were out, and the remaining stock and chickens had to be to taken care of. Besides, there had been people out there that had taken shots at him for no reason, the last time he left the protection of the farm. He had been...
For two years, Tom Spathsky had been traveling the country, stopping only to work and to move on. He started out touring the US on his twenty-fifth birthday. He had bought a small RV and was self sufficient, for the most part. He ran out of money two months into the trip and decided to work his way across the country. He had the occasional breakdown he had to pay to get fixed when he couldn't do it, himself. Sometimes, those took a lot of money. Still, over all he was having a good time....
Yutarou: I... could be a student here? Kaoru: How about it? It's up to you, but... Kenshin: Hmm... that is a good idea. Yahiko: I object! That rude little punk, your second pupil!! What are you thinking?! He's Raijuuta's student!! Yutarou: Hey, you. Yahiko: What? Yutarou (grinning): You're afraid I'll be better than you, aren't you. Yahiko: Idiot! You'll never be good! Yutarou: What! You shrimp! (As they bicker, Kenshin hears footsteps outside the room.) Kenshin: Everyone...
Danny and Peter’s Summer Break started off on a pretty even keel. Graduation had come and gone and they were now into the third week of their twelve week summer vacation. To Danny’s mind Peter seemed to have cheered up somewhat so he decided to leave delving into this BSC thing on the shelf. Maybe it was nothing after all and so together they set about planning some fun things to do over the ensuing weeks. Danny became happier to just let things lie. Danny was also sensitive to the fact that...
On Wednesday last it was a lovely morning so I had an idea to go up to the downs for a walk, I stopped by the tea hut to get a nice cuppa, sat on the bench to drink it, spoke to a few dog walkers as they went on theyre way across the race course. Which is where I had planned to go also. after finnishing my cuppa. Well I thought I had better go for a pee before heading out for my walk. I headed down to the public toilets about 200 yards away from the tea hut, when I went in, there were 2 guys...
After my divorce, a couple of months ago, I took to meditation and yoga. All I wanted during that time was peace and meditation helped me a lot. Getting divorced at the age of 33 is never easy. Especially if you are married to the love of your life just a year ago. We had our share of differences and felt it would be best if parted ways. I was really thankful that we never had the time for kids or else I couldn’t imagine how I would manage being a single parent. But finally I got out of it and...
Wow. I closed my email program and looked down at my swollen, throbbing cock. I very much wanted to masturbate, but I felt even more committed to my imaginary solidarity with Denise and Lissa, as I put them through these tasks, even though they appeared so wrapped up in their own excitement and experiences it had been quite some time since either of them had shown any interest in my own erotic situation -- as Finn, not as Jason, obviously. I really suspected both they preferred it that way,...
While Joe spent his Sunday normally, jogging a couple miles, showering, working on law, Mary and Roger spent it getting to know each other intimately. After her roommate and his brother left, Mary finished the bloody Mary which proved a curative. Roger showered and Mary had one after. They cleaned themselves thoroughly, Roger removing the growing stubble on his face and detritus between his teeth. Swiping her hand across his towel covered groin as she passed him in the hallway, Mary said,...
Reddit Outercourse, aka r/Outercourse! Everyone loves having sex. I don’t think there’s a single person out there that doesn’t like a good shag. Even asexual dudes probably get a rush of dopamine when they get inside a chick. Here’s the thing, though, since we're all about penetration, penetration, penetration, is there any other way in which we can get satisfied? Well, I think we’re on to something here and we should give it a close inspection. More specifically, we should talk about the...
Reddit NSFW List"Hey, Daniel! Guess what?!" I looked at my roommate, Louise. She was waving her phone wildly with a massive grin on her face. "Come look!" I set my snack down and got up. I walked over to the counter where she was bent over, butt raised high in the air. I could've sworn she wiggled it a bit, but that might've just been my imagination. I walked up alongside her and she turned her phone towards me. "Hold it," I started, "you want me to help you with another one of those-" "Before you jump to...
FetishLife is a funny thing. One moment you are on top of the world, but the very next moment you are groveling on your knees looking to a higher power you may or may not even believe in. It has been known to have its ups and downs, but when is enough finally enough? That moment when you finally give in and decide I won't take anyone's shit anymore? Our leading lady, Ivanna Pilar Costa will be finding her limit sooner rather than later. For you see, today is a very, very special day for many...
FantasyA guy who takes a course for girls is made to wear a girl's school uniform, which leads onto exciting events for all concerned. Girl's Course By Andyella I enrolled on the course because I wanted to stay at home where I could get to my sisters clothes, other courses would involving being away from home. On enrolment day the five girls Claire, Sarah, Kimberly, Tammy and Emma also enrolling to do the course gave me a few odd glances but as we all knew each other at they...
Recently I had been fantasizing a lot about jerking off outside. A few years ago I had made somewhat of a weekly ritual of driving up the canyon near my house at night, parking my car off the side of the road and wandering a few yards into the woods to strip down and jerk one out. The thrill of being completely nude outside used to make me so hard and I remember shooting huge loads. I no longer live close to the canyon, so I had been pondering as to where I could go to fullfil my fantasy and...
MasturbationHey everyone,yeh mera pehle sexual intercourse tha…Aur anchal ka bhi..Yeh story meri aur meri friend anchal ki hai.. Anchal aur main 6-7 years se friends hai maine kuch saal pehle usse indirect propose kia tha pr usne kuch saaf answer nhi kia… Pr tab bhi hum acha friends rahe..Woh mere ghar aati rehti thi books lene dene.. Jab bhi woh aati…Uff..Bahut mast bankar aati thi. Mujhe lagta tha ki woh bhi chahti thi mujhe. Hamesha sochta tha ki agar ghar pr kabhi koi na ho aur woh aaye toh maza hi aa...
Pre-Dinner DrinksMarcus Taylor could tell she wasn’t enjoying herself. He’d seen enough genuine smiles at these corporate Christmas events that he could spot a fake one a mile off. It was a shame, he was sure if someone could pull a real smile to her lips she would be the most gorgeous woman in the room. Perhaps he’d have to give her a reason to smile. Thoughts of him slamming his cock into her high-class cunt filled his mind, increasing his pulse rate. He poured the expensive bottle of...
Quickie SexI have to admit, that as a Liberal Arts undeclared student, I was without focus my first semester in college. I was trying everything from sculpture to botany, with a required English composition and History of Western Civilizations tossed in, with my one elective being something called Social Psychology. None of my pledge sisters were in my classes, so more often than not I was the only naked student in the classroom, except for the sculpture class,. At P-FIT it was not unusual for a student...
The Course The CourseIAs the day wore on Flora wondered whether her punishment was over. She had strayed from the property the day before and had been punished overnight in the cellar. She had been suspended by her wrists from the ceiling and kept that way the whole night, after her Master and his assistant took turns tormenting her with a water jet. She was cleaner than she had been in days but she barely slept after they left and her arms and shoulders ached. Now it was mid-afternoon...
"Shit!" Roy swore at the screen, "I was anticipating a quiet, peaceful journey and now some yakking woman wants to come with me." He read the message again.
Aaaaaahhh! Dear God, I’ve never had a three-iron used like this before! My knees buckle and I almost collapse, as you relentlessly push its long shaft even further into me, and its ribbed plastic grip rasps along the walls of my vagina. This was so unexpected: I’m bewildered, and don’t know what to do – but now my body is taking over, responding to your mouth and hands and (aaahh, fuck!) what you are doing between my legs, and my hips are bucking in time with your urgent forceful...
It wasn't the first time we'd met, it was a coaching certification course two years ago. Now it was a specialization in mentoring. As in 2017 Adriana was the instructor, the Master, who during the week would pass all the methodology on the subject tô professionals like me who want tô deepen the use of these new techniques.Things of the modern world. Debatable, but there's your efficiency.White, medium height, dark brown hair, round face, light green eyes and a sweet smile, although sad, since...
Dave awoke at 6:30 to the buzzing alarm clock. He quickly jumped out of bed and turned it off. He looked back at a smiling Beth. This had been the last night they would spend together spooned in his bed. He sat on the bed giving her a soft loving kiss. He whispered, "Last night, our time on the course, was wonderful. You are going to make some lucky guy a faithful friend and considerate lover." Beth whispered back, "I wish the guy were you. I will miss your soft touch. If Ann doesn't...
The Wife-Slut Course, hereafter referred to as the course or the program, is a well researched and planned training program designed to allow the candidate to discover who she is sexually and what her sexual limits are in the context of a loving and caring marital relationship, and to furthermore allow her the freedom to stretch those limits to whatever extent possible within the confines of the relationship. The requirements for admission to the program are as follows: The candidate must...
BDSMIt had been a while since the wife and I had some "alone" time. So when the offer came up to watch our k**s for a few hours so we could go golfing together, we gladly accepted. It was not exactly how I would have liked to spend 4-5 hours alone with my wife, but I figured I would take would I could get. We arrived at the course to find it was pretty empty that day. We had played 3 holes and not bumped into another golfer at all. We had brought a cooler full of drinks with us, and after a few...
Change of Course By Julie O. Chapter One The Notification It was 0630 and the office was almost empty. That suited LT. Ben Carlson just fine. He liked the quiet time before the masses arrived and he usually accomplished most of his morning administrative duties before most of the command even arrived. Ben was a Naval Officer starting his second year at the training command. His previous duty station had been on a cruiser and due to world events he had spent most of that...
Pre-Dinner Drinks Marcus Taylor could tell she wasn’t enjoying herself. He’d seen enough genuine smiles at these corporate Christmas events that he could spot a fake one a mile off. It was a shame, he was sure if someone could pull a real smile to her lips she would be the most gorgeous woman in the room. Perhaps he’d have to give her a reason to smile. Thoughts of him slamming his cock into her high-class cunt filled his mind, increasing his pulse rate. He poured the expensive bottle of...
Another interesting story I was sent, but written by a person whose English wasn’t their first language. I think it needed publishing in the right place and hope it reads well The 23 year old Norwegian Ingrid Steerstorme cheered along with the crowd as the horses crossed the two mile finishing line. Fenella had invited her new stable manager and Gofer, to watch her and Trencher race. While Trencher had not won, the thrill of the competition had Ingrid all charged up. She clapped and cheered as...
PART I ‘You what?’ Kay exclaims as she drops her purse onto the counter. She has just put in another twelve hour day working to provide much needed therapy to abused and neglected children in the Tampa Bay area. She spent all day hearing children talk about being touched inappropriately or hit for not picking up their toys and her boyfriend of two years continues to act like I jerk. ‘Kay. I just thought that before you start making me dinner that we could go upstairs and mess around for a...
Hey everyone thanks for your comments and love on my previous writings. Thanks to ladies/gentlemen for your approach. Hope you are having fun. Keep dropping your views @ I am writing this on behalf of one of my reader and a very good friend ‘ Munira ‘. Hope you like it too baby. Little long but sexy and with lots of emotions. Time to get back to story It was end of November and I turned 24. Marriage plans were on cards but not specific with time. I got a proposal with all qualities I...