AddictionChapter 9 free porn video

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Big Daddy had promised her the next month would be a living hell for her and he was true to his word. That same night after the card game, he raped her again not once but twice before letting Maria collapse into an exhausted sleep. The next day he had her clothes picked up from Jimmy's and dealt her the most severe blow of all.

"For the next month you're gonna be my personal whore. You'll fuck who I say, when I say and make 'em like it understood?... I said understood?" he repeated in a threatening voice.

"... I... yes... I understand," she answered almost inaudibly.

"Every time a friend of mine comes over, you're gonna ask him... or her..." he said smiling at the possibilities, "if they want to fuck you. You're gonna make sure they do want to fuck you and when they do, they better tell me it was the best piece they ever had because if they don't you've just earned another month of being my whore."

"But... but the bet was only for one month."

"Hey, cunt. You forgetting? You're mine now. I make the rules. Besides, where you gonna go? You don't really think Jimmy is gonna want you back, do you?" So if you want out of the bet at the end of the month, you'd better put out for my friends and you'd better be fantastic."

Maria bit her lip. She felt trapped. Could she run away? Possibly but where would she go? Donnally was right. Jimmy obviously didn't want her any more and she wasn't sure she could face him anyway, not after what Donnally and the others had done to her right in front of the young man she had loved.

"And if you think you can run, just remember: I know this city, you don't. There's nowhere you can hide. I'll find you and when I do, I'll make you wish you'd never ever thought about it. Clear?... I said clear?"

"... Yes."

"All right, now fix me some breakfast, then get yourself dolled up. I got a game on this evening and you're coming with me!"

If was a neighborhood game at a friend's apartment, just some of Donnally's friends, with low stakes and an unspoken betting limit. Maria, dressed in a skimpy halter, tight leather mini skirt and stiletto heels again garnered the attention of the others as they entered. The only difference now was that she was on the arm of Big Daddy instead of the man she had loved.

Maria knew she was indeed dressed like a slut, however, whereas before she had regarded it simply as dressing to please her man, now she felt as if the moniker of whore or slut not only applied to the outfit, but to the woman who wore it. Her spirit and self respect had been totally broken last night. She was Donnally's now, his to do with as he pleased. She was his whore, her body no longer her own.

To comply with Big Daddy's wishes, she smiled at the other players and, as he had directed her, she leaned over once or twice to give them a good look at both her breasts and her rear which was still very sore from its punishment last night and asked, "Want to fuck me?"

She grimaced when one of the players, a young, not very attractive man, grabbed her rear as she walked by the table. But instantly the look of pain was replaced by a smile for she knew Donnally was watching her every move.

"What say we play for something special tonight?" asked the man who now owned her. "The winner of the evening gets a tumble with Maria."

"Hey, man, that's no bet at all," replied one of the men. "You always win. Some of us aren't big fancy gamblers like some people we know."

They all grinned.

"Okay, how about the guy with the second biggest winnings?"

"Now you're talking," laughed another of the group. They all looked to Maria.

"Show 'em what ya got," came Big Daddy's growl.

Maria complied by pulling down the halter to the "oooohs" and "ahhhhs" of the wide eyed men around the table whose appreciation was enhanced even further when, at Donnally's bidding, Maria pulled up the skirt and wiggled her behind at them, the thong, little more than a string, hiding virtually nothing.

Even though the other players now had quite an incentive, the atmosphere around the table was light and jovial with lots of kidding and lascivious jokes, several of them directed at Maria. As was the case last night, Big Daddy was the overall winner, but the young man who had earlier groped her, wound up winning second place by only a few dollars.

He nonetheless claimed his prize, leading Maria into the bedroom where he had her strip and then proceeded to ravish her for over an hour, the periodic hoots and hollers from the other room driving him on. Twice Maria screamed when he took her anally to the delight of the men in the other room who shouted encouragement. To begin with, she had offered him oral satisfaction, hoping that would be enough. But although he did indeed orgasm in her mouth, he wanted more and so her nest and anus were abused vigorously, each receiving more than one copious load of semen from the virile young man.

There were laughs and lewd remarks when, at last, the two emerged from the bedroom, Maria's hair tousled and semen dripping from her mouth and running down her leg.

"How was she?" asked Donnally.

"Not bad for an older piece," responded the young man grinning. "Her ass wasn't as tight as I thought it would be, but she squeals real nice."

"Her ass isn't very tight because Big Daddy had her last night," wise cracked one of the others eliciting laughs from everyone except the object of their merriment.

"Hey, how about sharing the wealth?" smiled one of the men at the table.

"There's always next week," replied Big Daddy, surprising Maria that he was not going to give her to the rest of the men as well.

"Well, give her a rest, Bid Daddy, otherwise she'll be stretched so wide none of us will be able to enjoy her."

Again there was crude laughter.

Maria was hopeful that Donnally would indeed give her a rest tonight, but when they arrived back at his apartment, he virtually ripped her clothes off and ravished her for several hours, his lust seemingly insatiable. What Maria did not realize was that hearing her grunts, groans and screams from the bedroom, Big Daddy's lust had become aroused so that when she and the young man emerged from the bedroom, Donnally's erection was full and anxious to impale her again.

Again totally exhausted, every inch of her her body aching and sore, Maria fell into a troubled sleep. Even that was to be largely denied however as twice during the night, she awakened to find him either on top of her or with his phallus embedded in her rectum and she was forced to satisfy him before drifting off once again.

The next morning, after servicing Big Daddy yet again, Maria dragged herself from bed and fixed his breakfast. Thankfully, he had some business downtown and was gone most of the day, giving her tired aching body a chance to rest while she slept until mid afternoon. He had told her he was having some friends over that evening to watch a football game on his large screen TV and for her to make sure she was especially sexy that evening because he had a surprise in store for her. As she cleaned the apartment, then bathed and dressed, she wondered what it might be, but of one thing she was certain, the sardonic smile on his face had told her it would not be pleasant.

They began arriving about an hour before game time, in twos and threes. Although Big Daddy had told her simply to order pizzas and drinks, she still wondered if there would even be enough places for them all to sit. Dressed in a sequined purple, skin tight mini, sheer lavender blouse through which her bare breasts were clearly visible and the stiletto heels and black stockings which Donnally favored, she greeted the men and ushered them into the TV room. There were the usual stares, low whistles and suggestive remarks, even a couple of gropes from two of the younger men.

At last the guests were all assembled, twelve men and Donnally. He shook hands and there were pats on the back as well as the men good naturedly made some bets on the outcome of the game. There were also a number of jibes about the "bitch" and what a good looking cunt Big Daddy was fucking this month.

Maria tried to ignore the remarks, but could not and felt each disparaging remark pierce her heart even further. They all knew why she was here. It was only a matter of time.

As the game began, Maria began serving the men beer or in some cases, harder liquor. The first quarter stayed fairly close, but in the second quarter the Packers began to break the game open with three quick TDs and a field goal. There were the usual groans from the Redskin fans in the room as, by half-time, the game seemed a blowout.

The pizzas arrived on schedule and Maria began serving the men who were becoming louder and more vociferous as the alcohol began to do its work. They were arrayed on sofa, chairs, a couple of beanbag chairs and on cushions on the floor.

"Benny," laughed Donnally, "when are you ever gonna learn."

"I know," smiled a middle aged, rather emaciated looking man, just finishing off another piece of pizza. "You'd think after all these years I'd know better than to bet on those damn Redskins."

"Tell you what," smirked Donnally, as Maria walked across the room bringing another beer to one of the men, "what you need is something to take your mind off the game. Maria, why don't you help Benny forget his troubles."

Maria looked from Donnally to the man and back again. Inwardly her heart wa s breaking but she knew what Donnally wanted and so, smiling, she walked over, took the man by the hand and started leading him to the bedroom.

"Wait, bitch," the second half's starting," he noted. "Just drop your panties and bend over the sofa."

Not only had she become a whore, she was now a whore who couldn't even divert a man's attention from a football game. So, obliging him, she dropped her panties and bent over the back of the sofa while Benny unzipped his pants and was into her immediately, humping Donnally's "cunt" while his eyes remained glued to the TV.

"Nice and tight bitch, you're... Hey, did you see that? That was pass interference if I ever saw it!"

The others either agreed or disagreed, but the game went on and so did Benny's humping of the "bitch." At last he orgasmed, Maria feeling his hot seed inside her, closed her eyes for a moment to try, unsuccessfully, to will away the psychological trauma of the awareness of what she had become. He withdrew and she pulled up her panties and straightened.

One of the men, a large burly, unshaven man, who had been rooting for the Packers and was now confident of the outcome even though the second half had just begun, motioned to her.

"Come here sugar, and let's see what kind of head you give."

A single glance from Maria to Donnally and he nodded, reaffirming that she was to provide whatever his friends wanted.

"Let's see those tits!" grinned one of the men, so Maria unbuttoned the blouse and slipped it off seductively as she walked to the man who had requested the blowjob, her breasts bouncing sensuously as she walked, drawing smiles and whistles.

Sitting in an easy chair, the man simply smiled and pointed to his crotch as Maria stood obediently before him. Dropping to her knees, she steeled herself, unzipped his pants and took the semi-erect penis in her mouth. He grabbed her by the hair and began pulling her back and forth to get the stimulation he wanted, all the while watching the game. The man had briefly scanned Maria's face and body when he had entered the apartment, but aside from noting her luscious breasts and shapely legs and hips, he had hardly noticed her. She was a whore, just like all the rest of Big Daddy's women, there to give the men pleasure and inflate Big Daddy's pride by his offering such a carnal treat to his friends. Someone may have mentioned her name but it didn't matter. To the men she was simply "cunt" or "bitch". She just didn't matter. She was three holes and nothing more. He had to admit she did give a pretty decent blowjob. Jimmy had taught Maria well and she knew better than to hold anything back, lest she incur Donnally's wrath. So she used her tongue and mouth quite effectively and the man's erection was full within seconds.

As she sensed him near climax, Maria felt her panties being pulled down from behind and before she could react she was filled with a raging erection. Knowing she must, she wiggled her hips and thrusted to take the lance deep within her, then began a rhythmic back and forth motion, giving pleasure to both the man in her mouth and in her nest.

Moments later she was swallowing the hot sticky sperm while her nest felt the gush of a second male orgasm. She had no more than gotten to her feet than she was told to strip for the audience whose interest was waning in the lopsided game. She had danced only a few steps, discarding her heels and stockings, when she was grabbed and again found herself thrown over the back of the sofa. Maria bit her lip as her panties were torn from her and one of the larger men entered her and began pounding the now completely naked woman with his lance.

"How about it honey, you likin' what you're gettin'?" he asked as the others began drifting back to form a line, awaiting their turn.

She hated herself at that moment, but knew that if she disappointed Big Daddy in any way...

""It's... great," she managed to say with mock enthusiasm. "I love it. I just can't get enough!"

"Well, you're about to get your wish," he grinned, climaxing in her and stepping aside so the next phallus could be inserted.

Maria, lying face down across the back of the sofa, simply closed her eyes, as her nest and rear were alternately filled with semen for the next hour, the men taking turns, as one climaxed, he would step aside for the next. The sofa was positioned so they could still watch the game as they partook of Maria's treasures.

As the last man in line, a short, chubby man in his late twenties grunted heavily and filled her nest with semen, Maria thought her ordeal might be drawing to a close, especially since the game had just ended with a Packer blowout. But instead, the channel was simply switched to a west coast game and while the men sat around as before, Maria was sent to serve drinks. Handing out the last beer, she hoped she would be allowed to retire, but instead she was pulled into the arms, and astride of, one of the sitting men and forced to French kiss him while she rode his phallus, her body bouncing up and down to give him the stimulation he wanted. When he climaxed, he simply pushed her off and resumed watching the game as another set of hands pulled her body into position to be violated. In this manner she was passed around, pleasuring each man a second time with either her mouth, vagina or anus, her body sprawled first one way then another to give access to her tormentors.

Although none were quite the size of Bid Daddy, several were close and the continual abuse of a dozen men, taking her repeatedly brought tears to her eyes, the pain excruciating, her nest and rear afire.

"Hey, see if she likes it standing up," suggested one of the men.

So Maria was brought to her feet facing a broad shouldered, muscular, ruggedly handsome black man. He pulled her to him, forced his tongue into her mouth and drank heavily from her before lifting her off the floor. Maria, her body crying out for relief, knew what he wanted, so she swung her legs around the man's waist, giving him clear access to what had once been an intimate treasure, but was now just another hole to be filled and ridden to the man's ultimate pleasure. His strong arms around her, he entered her, Maria gasping, for he was quite sizable and the pain intense. With her legs around him he began humping her and she, almost mindlessly now, responded with grunts and groans which she hoped would be taken for pleasure.

"Hey, Justin," sneered one of the others, also a man of large stature, "how about we give her a twin treat?"

The black just grinned and withdrew, Maria's feet finding the floor only briefly. The other man approached from behind and both he and the black, entered her simultaneously, one in her nest, the other in her rear. Both were stretching her already burning orifices as they thrusted together and were soon over halfway within her ravaged body. As both men began humping powerfully, Maria could simply take no more. Her grunts and groans were obviously now from pain, yet the men continued.

Donnally, who had been watching from the beginning, walked over to the three joined bodies.

"Like it cunt?" he asked.

"I... I... yes," she managed, near exhaustion and mindless with pain, yet afraid to disappoint him.

"Then fuck the hell out of her," he urged the two men.

Maria gasped for air as both men sandwiched her even tighter between them and in massive jerks, buried themselves completely within her, her feet being lifted off the floor by the power of their penetrations.

Maria, losing all control, screamed and fainted dead away, the men hardly noticing as they continued to pound away at her, her head lolling on the black man's chest, her feet dangling as they held her suspended between them while they impaled her again and again.

At last, both orgasmed and they withdrew, allowing her unconscious body to slump to the floor in front of the TV, now unnoticed as the Forty-Niners scored on a long pass play.

Maria moaned as gradually she regained consciousness. She had no idea how long she had passed out, but the room was empty and quiet. Empty beer bottles were strewn everywhere, along with plates and uneaten pizza. She still lay naked in front of the TV, now turned off. Her body was still in intense pain but at last, shivering, not from cold but from trauma, she was able to roll over on her side and curl into a fetal position. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she replayed in her mind the events of that evening.

"About time you woke up," Donnally observed entering from the kitchen with a beer and slice of pizza. "The place is a mess. Get your ass in gear and clean it up."

Slowly, painfully, Maria staggered to her feet and began cleaning up as Big Daddy sat down on the sofa and clicked on the TV. The porno cable channel was showing a movie of bondage and discipline. A young blonde was bound and being tortured by a vicious redhead who forced the younger woman to perform cunnilingus on her.

"How good are you at fucking other women?" he asked, looking up.

"I... I don't know... I've never..."

"Well, I think we're gonna find out, say tomorrow night."

"Please... I don't think I can..."

"What did you say cunt?" he asked, the threat menacing.

"I... whatever you want," she replied, all trace of hope and self respect gone.

True to his word the following evening, Donnally again invited several male friends to the apartment to sample his "fuck doll" as he was now referring to Maria. And also true to his word, he invited two women, one of whom was transsexual to put on a little show. The two slowly stripped Maria in front of the cheering men. She was then told to strip each of the women and engage in foreplay including French kissing and fondling, after which the two then took turns reaming Maria with a strap-on or penis while the "fuck doll" performed cunnilingus on the other.

When the men were sufficiently aroused, Maria was grabbed away from the two women and, like last night, her body was reamed repeatedly by every man there. It might have been worse if not for the fact that the other two women were also pressed into service pleasuring the aroused males. The orgy lasted into the early morning hours, Maria falling asleep from exhaustion when the guests were finally sated.

And so Maria's life for the next month became an endless series of gang bangs. Some nights Donnally would invite only a friend or two, other nights there might be two dozen horny men for her to satisfy. Sometimes she would be required to perform a strip tease before offering herself, but perhaps most degrading were the nights when Donnally made her answer the door completely naked and ask the man or men entering, "Want to fuck me?" a question to which the answer was always a resounding yes.

Maria's days were spent cooking, cleaning, washing, shopping for food and other necessities. At night she transformed from maid to whore and spread her legs for each and every one of Big Daddy's horny friends.

The days seemed to crawl by, Maria's only hope, that the month would finally end and she might... what? Sadly she realized that when her servitude to Donnally was at an end she would be back on the streets, penniless. She thought of Jimmy and wondered if there was any possibility... She dismissed the idea several times, but always the notion would return that somehow she and JImmy could be reunited, that she could once again become his woman. It was all the hope she had, so the idea became more important, more plausible in her mind with each passing day.

With only three days until the month was over, Big Daddy entered the apartment, a very young blonde on his arm. She was pretty with a bright smile and blue eyes that sparkled, much as Maria's had done until the night of the fateful poker game.

"Who's she?" asked the girl of Donnally, motioning to Maria.

"She ain't important. Just a whore. She's nobody," he replied. "Make yourself scarce," he ordered Maria.

Donnally liked her to wear negligee around the apartment so Maria went into the bedroom to dress.

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We head down to our secret place, where the two of us can be alone. Usually it takes a while before one of us makes the move but it’s been too long. I grab you and hold you close with our lips meshing and our tongues wrestling. Our hands are roaming each other’s bodies squeezing, feeling.This lasts for maybe five minutes when you tell me to lie down. I comply and lie down and watch you slip off your pants to show me your glorious panties. You then slide those of to show your lovely mound and...

Quickie Sex
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Wife gets Her First Tattoo Lesbian

"Chinngg-Chinnngg", came the sound of the bell as Pam walked through the door. Her eyes went instantly to the tattoo samples on the wall of the shop. Pam hadn't even noticed the store before, mostly because it still had the name of the hardware store that had closed six years ago over the top of the building. Jane, a friend from the tennis club had told Pam about the good deal she had got on the teddy-bear tattoo on her breast. She was in awe of the tattoos detail as she and Jane showered at...

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Leap of FaithChapter 4

Nicole wandered down the promenade, lost in her thoughts. She had an afternoon off and she'd decided to go for a walk to try and clear her head. Idly she licked a chocolate ice cream cone and stared out pensively across the bay. It was a heavily overcast day; thick banks of ominous clouds rolled towards her, interspersed with the occasional flash of azure sky and bright sunlight. The tide was creeping in with huge waves crashing on to the pebbly beach in flurries of white foam. It was...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 12

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Twelve Mother's Little Test By Suzie Q Haff I woke up briefly and tried to change positions several times during the night only to have Mother regain her Anaconda like hug on me snuggling me against her silky, soft, warm body. Mother relinquished her hold to go to the john resuming her loving hold on me when she returned. Jana softly: "My turn!" she got up and went to the bathroom. "Next." Mother was kissing my ear when she returned and let go so I could...

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Death By Fucking Ch 20

Chapter 20: Empathic Feedback The Year Eight Dee Dee’s Story We’ve only been together nine years, but it seems like forever. My life falls neatly into two distinct eras: Before Andrew and the Andrew Years. The eras are so different that I feel like a totally different person. When I was thirty-four, I was doing what I wanted, working at my chosen career and performing well. I was important to some people, mostly customers who I was assigned to help. But aside from Donnie, I had no friends,...

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Fucking at Istanbul

This is my real experience when i visited istanbul in december in 2006. I arrived in morning and went to my hotel and checked in. It was very cold and the temperature must be about 3 degree cecius. I was on my business trip for some technical discussion for new technology developed. The mr.jim the manager called me in the morning and then we left for office. It was very cold and i told him it is difficult for me to move as i can not withstand cold....

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Indore Mein Teele Par Chudayi Ki

Hello guys I am Harsh Singha and I am currently in Indore. Aaj main aaplogo ko bataunga ki kaise maine apni ek classmate ke sath college ke open mein sex kiya. Ye kahani hai jab main MBA1st year mein tha. Main Medicaps se MBA kar raha hu and now I am in 2nd year. Main Bhopal se hu to main yaha pe hostel mein rehta hu. Mujhe iska hi bohot fayda milta hai yaha pe. Main thoda sa accha dikhta hu to meri lagbhag har ladki se baat hoti hai. Aur hostel ka hu to mujhe lunchbreak mein sabka lunch bhi...

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Sex Day part1

Me and my boyfriend dan often have days dedicated to sex were anything goes sort of thing, no rules we can invite friends and no matter what we are doing throughout the day if the other wants it we have to do it.Recently we had one of these days my friend jessica was over the night before but as we arange these before rules still apply. she didnt know what we got up to in our sex life but dan changed that, she was still asleep and me and dan were downstairs he told me he wanted sex so i bent...

2 years ago
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The CameraChapter 6

Margaret and Bobby sat with Merilyn between them. Brent sat next to Korian as they all talked and finally encouraged Brent to talk about himself. He was very likable and kept looking at Korian’s large breasts which were, without a doubt, just as unencumbered by a bra as were Merilyn’s and Margaret’s. “Mom, I think we have another tit man in Brent. He likes to look at all of our titties.” Korian teased Brent. “Well, I sure like looking and I see three very nice pairs here.” Brent...

3 years ago
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Warmer By The Lake Chapter 3

“About time. I’ve been knocking for five minutes.”Sarah pushed her way inside my apartment, shooting me a stern look before plopping on the couch.She looked around at the bare walls of my tiny one-bedroom. I felt vaguely ashamed. It was all I could afford after being nearly wiped out when the guy I assaulted sued.She said, “Pretty Spartan in here. Needs a woman’s touch. Still, no piles of pizza boxes, no underwear hanging from lampshades. Nice to see a guy who’s housebroken for a...

Group Sex
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Die berraschung

Das gibt es doch nicht! Ich sollte die Chill-Strand-Bar verlassen. Nur weil ich, angeblich, Fotos gemacht habe! Ja gut, hab ich. Aber gleich wieder gelöscht. Ich konnte einfach nicht durch die Scheibe ins Innere der Bar knipsen! Und DA beugten sich diese beiden geilen Kellnerinnen am laufenden Band so tief, das ich durch ihren Ausschnitt bis zu ihren Strings gucken konnte! Fast. Und nun stand die hübsche vor mir und schmiss mich raus. Sie ist doch selbst schuld, was wackelt sie denn auch so mit...

3 years ago
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My Cousins Ch 1

My twin cousins Matthew and Nick started college at the same time that I did and we were all going to the same university. Our parents got together and decided that the best thing would be for the three of us to share an apartment. It would be cheaper than dorm fees, Matthew and Nick would supposedly be good protection for a young college girl and I would make dinner each night to make sure that my cousins got fed (for a fee of course). I had mixed feelings about living with my cousins. They...

1 year ago
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Trapped To Be A Slut

Hello everyone once again! I am here with another experience after the one in Library which you can read in story “Molested in Library”! So as I said in that story’s end I got the job and found there the biggest surprise of my whole life. I took a bus to the school where I was appointed as new biology teacher. The bus was on time with a crowd in it and I pushed myself into the crowd somehow. It’s really frustrating to get jammed in a bus coach full of crowd. I took a glimpse on my miserable...

3 years ago
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My not sister and me

I was 18yo and just out of boot camp. One of my 25yo not sisters, Barb, came to visit me for a weekend. We shared a room at a nice resort motel. The day started off innocent enough with sight seeing and spending the end of the day at the resort hotel pool. I had a few beers and Barb had several cocktails. She was wearing a revealing provocative bikini and asked me to apply suntan lotion to her back. As I applied the lotion, I massaged her shoulders and back. She moaned with pleasure which...

2 years ago
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The Bridesmaid

I was standing in the trees watching this society wedding when I saw one of the bridesmaids drift towards the back of the church, just as the bride was stepping towards the honeymoon car. I saw the girl’s red hair bob and her hips sway as she stepped around the side of the church. She was a beauty alright and despite the risks I wanted to mate with her. I watched where she was going then I understood. The bitch was going to take a leak. I glided through the trees like an African warrior...

1 year ago
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Kate Winslet In the Throes of Titanic

Kate Winslet -- one of the most beautiful and most currently famous British actresses. What a gorgeous woman, wife, and mother of two. But, back in the days of the filming of "Titanic", Kate Winslet was footloose and fancy-free. She was single, never been married at that point, and she was working on what would turn out to be the biggest film of her entire acting career possibly. Kate had given her all in trying to get the role as Rose DeWitt Bukater in "Titanic" and her gambit had paid...

3 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 66

The following afternoon. Time: Saturday, March 9, 2019 4 PM Diego was silently thankful he did not miss his required rendezvous time in Jacob’s Bar and Grill. For almost the past week now, he had dutifully been at the entrance store three times a day at eight-hour intervals, and the door to the surface had remained locked. But this afternoon as he stood by the door, it opened and Ricardo waved for him to follow. The two men were sitting together in the Black Mall library a few minutes...

1 year ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 3

“Randal,” Beth’s father said when I picked up the phone. If I’d looked at the Caller ID, I’d probably have let it ring. “Colonel,” I said coolly. “To what do I owe the unexpected honor?” “I wanted to clear the air about what’s going on with you and Beth,” he said gruffly. “There’s nothing going on between Beth and me,” I told him. “Everything between the two of us is done. Surely, she told you that when she arrived there yesterday?” “She did,” he confirmed. “Are you calling me to...

1 year ago
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Sissysub just a slut

Once I am in your motel and I have shown you several different outfits you ask me to don the little girls purple dress which starts to send my clitty into a tingling fit. I am now realizing I am fulfilling a lifelong dream to have my boi pussy taken by a real man and I am in such a state that I have become almost hypnotized by your every command. You don't even tell me but I drop to me knees and crawl over to your larger than usual cock and anxiously cover it with my lipstick covered mouth. I...

2 years ago
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The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 7

“How big is it anyway?” asked Christina, moving her fingers to it, “it looks more than eight and a bit or whatever you said.” “We ought to know really,” Angie agreed, “have you got a tape? Or a ruler?” I hadn’t, but they immediately found ruler apps for their phones, so not much later I was slouched in the middle of the sofa, trying to keep still while they played with my cock and had fun measuring it with two mobile phones. “Eight point eight,” pronounced Christina in the end, “that’s...

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Manya Forbidden Lust

The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya’s body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure child, his breath carrying the odor of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...

2 years ago
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The Sunday before my husbands overseas business tr

It was the Sunday before my husband was going to fly overseas for his anual  business trip and meetings. His flight was on Monday morning at 10h30 which meant he would have to be at the air port by 7h00 to be safe. Unfortunately I was on my period that weekend and waking up Sunday morning early my husband was too awake and while I laid cuddling him my hand moved over his handsome body. My hand eventually made its way onto his cock, and he had a morning glory. What's this I asked my man.It's a...

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The New World Harem

The world ended ever so suddenly. At first, people were talking about getting the cure to cancer. Then the world ended. How did we get to where we are right now? Men started dying, and it wasn't normal too. They started to lose their muscle mass and strength. Very soon they were dried up husks and they just withered away. The scientific community and the religious community had deferring theories. While the religious community claims that it is the will of God, the scientific had other...

2 years ago
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The Rodeo

Chapter 1: The beginning and the end. Before he even opened the door Ray knew what he would find once he walked into the house. Her car was gone out of the driveway, that was a sure sign something was wrong. She was always there to meet him when he came in off the road. The last time they talked on the phone, she had told him it was either her or the rodeo. He told her he couldn’t quit, not yet. He was to close to finally getting the brass ring. She had slammed the phone down on his ear and he...

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Serenas InheritanceChapter 2

“You were gone a long time, honey. Is everything okay?” Auntie met me at the front porch, a look of concern on her face. “I was a little upset but everything’s fine now,” I said, surprising myself that I was able to smile what I thought to be a very sincere-looking smile. “That’s good. We were a little worried.” “No need. Thurston and I just had a great time getting to know each other again.” He was leaning against my leg as I spoke, nearly pushing me over one more time. “He’s always so...

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Remote countryside fantasy

Having parked my van in a secluded wooded carpark, I start the walk to a remote rural woodland under a full moon and clear sky. There I can get wasted, dress in sexy exotic lingerie and fantasize about being fucked by a dream man while riding the big dildo in my bag and touching my freshly waxed body. Reaching the bridleway that leads to the woodland, do I turn down the bridleway?

2 years ago
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My Sex Life Episode 3 The girl who wouldnt let me cum

My ex best friend also known as my ex sex buddy Amy ended up moving schools to another town i will always miss what we use to do with each other I’m glad we still managed to get back to speaking terms after what happened with me dating her best friend and me getting cheated on by her best friend with another woman but i don’t think me and Amy could get back to our sexual ways and i had doubts to find anyone else to play with. I was coming towards the end of year 9 and my life seemed less...

4 years ago
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Tonight Is the Night

Tonight I decided it was going to be the night. I was going to have myself some fun, adult fun. The man I’ve got my sights on is “Vinny” and he won’t know what’s hit him. Vinny is out for the day so I’ve plenty of time to plan the evening. First things first though, I go shopping, I’m going all out. I only need to go to the one shop and that’s the “sex shop”. As I arrive I spend the first ten minutes just looking and getting wet with all the lingerie and toys at my disposal. My first purchase...

4 years ago
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Strange Way To Arrange A Spanking Part II

“So how is your bottom after Friday?”This was the first question Sophie asked when we sat down for coffee on Monday.“After been beaten by my merciless Mistress, do you mean?” I replied.“Well, something like that.”“After receiving three times more strokes than we had agreed it is OK, thank you for asking.”“I seem to remember you agreeing to the extra punishment so you could see me stripping in front of you.” Sophie was smiling in her reply.“It was worth the extra pain, certainly. It was one of...

2 years ago
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Julz my first experience with her

Having spent the last two weeks alone, I definitely needed a bit of company and having seen only two ladies for the year, I needed the touch of a woman.I had thought about looking a local site and spent about an hour suffering through hood speak and saw a couple that were too good to be true and just didn't feel right.I got back onto another site and looked for whomever posted last and saw that Julz had been on just a few minutes before and having met her socially, I thought 'what the heck.'I...

3 years ago
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SpaceChapter 16

Information about the drugs in transit was sent to the attorney general along with a list of people not to trust. There was no proof given but the drugs would certainly be found. Stolen cars were exported to countries ready to buy them. There were none now in the system. People were though. Some of them paid Caputo to gain entry to Canada then to the United States. There were many of these and lists were sent to the authorities. Some young girls had hoped to find high paying jobs as nannies,...

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RubyChapter 19 And Baby Makes Three

Greta had already delivered her baby son right on time. She became a constant visitor to the Haggard household. "You know, Ruby, this little wooly booger looks just like his daddy," she told her friend and laughed. "He's got this mop of black hair, he's wrinkled all over and he's ugly as sin." Ruby laughed, "I bet Stanley is a real proud daddy, isn't he?" "I'll say. Man, when we go to temple that ugly little Jew is so proud he almost has the rabbi convinced you Christians made a...

1 year ago
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My Girly Femme Life Pt 4 Overtime Orgasm

My Girly Femme Life Part 4 - OVERTIME ORGASMS - by: Andrea OVERTIME ORGASMS Sometimes an increasing workload means staying late at the office in order to catch up on accounts and to keep the files updated. Usually I allocate one day per month to stay behind late and although this can mean getting home after everyone has left the building it is nice to have a clear desk for the morning. Last Wednesday I chose to work after closing and was delighted to notice that two other...

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Never knew Id enjoy that

I was hanging out at a friend's house the other day, drinking, playing on the Xbox, generally having a good time. His wife and I were flirting a little bit, like we always do, but nothing over the top or anything. My wife was out of town, so I'd already planned on spending the night there on the couch, something I've done a number of times.While we were playing, he got a phone call and had to go to work, headed out of town overnight. After he left, she and I kept playing and drinking, since...

2 years ago
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The Azayal Book 5Chapter 8

The Future is Bleak “Welcome all of you. I have asked you here so you may contribute your thoughts about the future of the Azayal,” said Queen Mergal Ravengus warmly. Jason looked at her carefully. She was an exceptionally beautiful woman dressed in a black leather outfit. The collar rose to the level of her ears and then abruptly folded outwards. She had intense catlike blue eyes and a calm measured manner that put people at ease. She had a black collar that was knotted at the front with a...

1 year ago
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Three nights in London Night 3 Irene rocks

I woke up looking into the smiling face of a pretty redhead. Sunlight was streaming through the curtains of her bedroom. "Good morning, Irene," she said, and she kissed me on my nose. I smiled back and slowly remembered my adventures of yesterday. When I moved my legs it dawned on me that I was still fully dressed. I even had my high heeled boots on. My skimpy black dress was pulled up and revealed the tops of nude holdup stockings. The front zipper of Gabrielle's leather dress was...

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Mei Ling One Year Later part 3

Mei Ling - One Year Later - part 3 by B. Pink The plane journey, including a stop over took what seemed days but was probably about 24 hours. The only time that I saw light during that time was when Suzi used the toilet. She sat on the bowl with me draped around her ankles in the tiny airplane cubicle, looking down at the sweaty white rubber that was me. ?Enjoying the flight? she asked me, enjoying her dominance, looking forward to the future, relishing the fun that she...

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Spizoo Riley Reyes Blonde Wife Fucks My Friend

My blonde slut wife Riley Reyes is so horny and wants to have the experience of being fucked by a friend while husband watches, so she is ready to have hardcore sex straight open. She shows up wearing sensual blue lingerie and is open to doing everything, Riley starts with a deep throat blowjob licking his balls and then she is penetrated by this lucky guy while posing in doggy style position to receive his hard rock dick in her hot and wet pussy. After having sex in all positions she receives...


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