It Was A Friday Nite free porn video

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It was a Friday Nite By Ms. Jenny Ann The following story is based on a dinner date that really happened, some of the things that I report may be real or what I wish had happened. This story was written by me and may not be sold. It maybe downloaded or shared for free sites only. It was a Friday night, Jane and I were going out to dinner. When we got to the restaurant and were seated, the waitress came over and asked, "Would you ladies like something to drink?" I said, "I would like some sweet tea." Jane replied that she would like some too. She then turned to me and said, "Why did you not correct the waitress when she said you ladies?" I told her that I know that sometimes because my hair is if a woman's and that I am small for a man I am often called a lady, miss or even madam. I am referred to as a woman so much that it is just easier to let people believe whatever they want and respond to them as they have decided. She then went into a rage saying that I shaved my face so that the waitress would think I was a woman. I told her that I was not trying to make myself more feminine I just felt like shaving. After diner on the way to drop off Jane she was still upset, she went into another rage saying that she never heard me tell the waitress that I was really a man she went on to say that by not telling the waitress, I was really trying to pass myself off as a woman. She was still upset when I pulled into the driveway a t her house. I tried to speak but I could not find the words. I started let the hair on my face grow out. I thought that by doing this Jane would not be so mad. It seems to work as she did not appear to be as upset. I however was beginning to get very uncomfortable when I thought about her opinion concerning my shaving of my face. I started to think what if I was to really try to make myself more feminine. After all Jane believed that just by shaving I was trying to pass myself off as a woman. A list of what I would need to do to really make myself more feminine is what is called for. 1. Removal of all hair on face as well as body, shaving is one way, but waxing would be better. 2. Clothing, shoes, a purse and fake tits. 3. A trip to beauty pallor to have ears pierced, brow arch and nails. 4. Make-up and help to apply. I know what I need to do. I started to get what I would need over the next two weeks. I started on #2 on my list. I went to the shoe store, I knew that I would need high heels. I asked the clerk if she could help me. She came over and said, "I would be glad to help you, what would you like?" I said, "I am looking for a pair of open-toed, ankle strap platform high heels." She said, "Yes, we have what you want, what color and size?" I replied black and I have no idea what size I wear. She replied we will just have to size your feet. She got her foot sizer and told me that I wear a size 7 lady's shoe. She said, "I'll be right back with what you need." When she returned she had two pair of heels for me to look over. The first pair was a 4-inch-thick heel with only 1-inch platform, the second pair had a 5.5-inch slender heel and a platform of 1.5 inch. I said, "I liked the higher pair of high heels better than the lower pair of high heels." She helped me put on the heels, then asked me if have ever tried to walk in high heels. I replied no, I don't even know if I can stand in these heels. She told me she would help me stand and to walk over to the mirror. I almost fell, but she kept me from falling and helped me over to the mirror. I said, "Wow, I really like these, I feel taller." She said, "You should you're almost 6 inches taller." I turned the get a better look at the side view and almost fell again, I asked her, "Does it get easier to stand and walk in high heels?" She replied, "The only way to get better is to wear the heels as much as you can, practice is the only way to get better at wearing heels. Wear them around the house, put them on when you get home and wear them till you go to bed. Do this every day and you will get better at standing, walking and sitting. If you going to wear slacks you can wear knee-high hose or panty-hose, but you should wear panty-hose with a dress or skirt." I thanked her for her help and paid $25 for the heels, $2.50 for a pack of 3 knee-highs and $2.95 for a pair of panty-hose. As I was driving home I realized that it would take time and money to finish my list. Well, I really could use the time to practice walking in my new high heels. I like the sound of that my new high heels! Usually, on Monday night I would go over to Jane's house but not tonight. I called Jane and told her that I felt tired from work and just wanted to spend the night at home resting. Now, I could not wait to get home and put my heels on and spend the night learning to walk. When I got home I put my new shoes in my room and went to the kitchen to say hi to Scott. Scott is my best friend from high school, we shared the top floor of a house, each having a bedroom to ourselves. I started to grow my hair out when I was 16 and in the tenth grade. At the end of the school year my hair was just to the collar of a tee-shirt. However, by the end of summer, my hair was down to the middle of my back. Scott made a comment about how long my hair had grown over the summer and that it WAS longer than most of the girls at school. He asked me if having long hair made some people think I was a girl? I replied that towards the end of summer more people have started to say that to me, at first, I would get mad, then I realized that they were right and if I did not like the truth I would have to cut my hair short to look more like a boy. So, I accept that to some people my long hair makes them think that I am a girl. Scott said, "Why not cut your hair?" I said, "I do not want to cut my hair, if by having my hair as long as a girl means that I look like a girl, I would rather look like a girl with long hair then cut it!" Looking back at how this really started, I am amazed that it took this long for my hair to be a major issue with Jane, that's what it really comes down to, my willingness to look like a woman with long hair, rather than cut it short and look more like a man. Four years later, I am now 20 years old and I am about to put on my new high heel shoes, try to walk to the kitchen and tell Scott that I am going to do what Jane has accused me of, trying to be more feminine with my appearance to pass myself off as a woman. It went better than I thought it would, Scott laughed and replied just if you don't try anything with me. I told him not to worry, all I want to do is show Jane how much more I would have to do to be feminine enough to pass for a woman. Scott asked me how feminine would I be willing to be? I told him head to toe. It could have gone a lot worse, but in the end my best friend was still my best friend. I spent the rest of the night trying to get better at walking, sitting and standing in my heels. On my last trip from the kitchen down the hallway to my bedroom and I did not have to keep myself from falling and made it to the bed. Ok, it was 12 trips over 3 hours and it was the first time I did not have an issue with balance, but still I am making improvement, this was after all my first time in high heels. Monday night, 3 days until payday I know money will be tight. I looked down at my feet inside my high heels and thought that they looked good, but I knew that they would look great if I were to paint my toe nails with a nice red color of nail polish I could not wait for payday. I would be willing to do without lunch to buy some nail polish, I planned to stop at the store on the way home from work Tuesday. I went to bed eager to have the next day at work go by very fast, stop at the store to buy the nail polish and paint my toe nails. The next day at work seems to be longer, but I knew that the wait would be worth it. At last it's quitting time, I got into my car with my next stop the 5&10 store. After arriving at the store, I made my way to the cosmetic area. I started to look at the nail polish, there were a lot of reds, I finally decided to by a ruby red. I selected that color because it was on sale with matching lipstick, I got lucky on that deal. I thought that I would go to the lady's department and look at what they had to offer. I remembered that when Jane would drag me to shops with her, she would look at a lot of stuff and then not buy anything. If she could do that, then so could I. I could look and get the prices of anything that I liked and come back on payday. As I was browsing through the dresses I heard the saleslady say, "may I help you, miss?" As I turned to look at her, she said, "When I saw you from your back, I thought you were a woman your hair is very long, sorry." I said, "I get that a lot, and I know that from my backside I do look like I could be a woman, so it's ok." She asked do you see anything you like. I replied yes there are a couple of dresses that I like but I really don't know the right size to get. Think fast I thought to myself, then said, "My girlfriend and I, we are about the same height, we can wear each other's jeans and I heard her say her bra size 34-b. Does that help?" She thought for a moment then said, "I think that if I take your waist and hip size, and then combine those two with her bra size, we should be able to arrive at a close dress size." I said, "Wow, you are good let's do it." My hips were 36 inches and my waist were 28 inches, with Jane's bra size, she said, "I believe that a size 5-6 dress would fit, I have another idea and we could be more accurate about the size if you are interested." I asked, "What would that be?" She said, "If I measure your chest, and you are the same as your girlfriend, you could wear a bra with foam breasts then you could try on the dresses, and really see if they would fit. That is if your size is a match, do you want to try?" I thought what a great idea, if my size is the same as Jane's size, then I get to try on dresses. If not, I would find out what size bra I would need to buy. So, I said, "That sounds fine to me." I found out that my bra size would be the same. We looked at the two dresses that I liked and found out that one of them was too big. The other one was the right size, so the saleslady grabbed it and a 34-b bra with a package foam breasts. We went to the changing room, where she helped me into the bra, then inserted the foam breasts and after I stepped into the dress she zipped me up. As I looked at myself in the mirror I could not help but think that I would look good when I finished my list. The saleslady said, "That dress looks good on you, it fits you well, so it should look fine on your girlfriend and fit her as well." As I looked at the dress in the mirror it was a very purple floral print with three-quarter sleeve and came down to four inches above the knee, I really did not want to take it off, but I knew I would have to and hope that it would still be here on payday. I told her that I was worried that when I got paid on Thursday this dress would be gone. She replied that the store had layaway and for $3 she could hold it for me. I told her that would be great. I took the dress off and handed it to her with $3 to put it on layaway. I gave her my name and told her to be sure that it did not get lost. As I was about to take the bra off she said, "I forgot that I was not supposed to open the foam breast and I can't put them back opened, could you pay for them?" She told me they cost $5. I replied that I could not pay for them and put the dress on layaway. She thought and then came up with suggestion I was not quite ready for, leave the bra and foam breast on under my shirt and I pay for them when I returned to pick up the dress. I put my shirt on and she told me wait in the changing room for her. I put my jeans on tied my boots and look at the breasts on my chest and thought how I can I leave this room, I looked like a woman with too much facial hair. When she came back she had a disposal razor and a wash cloth she told me that she was sorry to make me leave wearing the bra and foam breasts, but she would get in trouble for the open package, but if you shave your face you should have no problem. I thanked her for the razor and shaved my face. I grabbed the bag with my nail polish and lipstick, turned to leave and thanked her for all her help. She said, ?No problem, I make you leave looking more like a woman than when you came in, so thank you for keeping me out of trouble. If you need any more help just ask.? I said, ?There is something you could help me with. If I were to wear make-up, let?s say to look better as a woman, for example, if I wanted to out to dinner in the dress I picked out and look sexy, what would I need. I have ruby red lipstick and nail polish that I bought, I was going to give it to Jane, but now I think I need it more.? She said, ?Cosmetics department here we go.? When we got to the cosmetics she said, ?I would recommend honey beige base, medium power compact, light rose blush, black brow liner, black mascara, violet trio eye shadow and jet-black liquid eye liner.? I said, ?Thank you, $35-40 is quite a lot of money.? She explained that most buy women buy make-up a little at a time, but all the time. You would have to acquire your make-up, at once. In the future you would be able to buy what you need a little at a time. She then asked me if the dress was really for me. After all the help she gave me I did not want to lie to her, so I told her that the dress was for me. She wanted to know why I decided that I would buy a dress. I told her about how Jane accused me of something I really did not do, I told her all about it and then told her about my list. She asked when I planned to complete my list. I told her in almost two weeks on a Saturday. She said, ?If you need help with your make-up I would be glad to help you.? I said, ?I know I will need help with putting on make-up, I want to look my best but if I were to do it by myself I would more than likely end up looking like a clown!? She gave me her name, Gina Thompson and phone number, and then said, ?I can give you that sexy look you want.? I said, ?I will call you to arrange the time and place.? I went home to do my toe nails with ruby red nail polish and more practice in my heels. After parking the car, I grabbed the little shopping bag and went upstairs to the apartment that I shared with Scott. Scott was home and meet me as I got to the top of the stairs. I was about to say hi, when Scott said, ?You really plan on turning yourself into a woman.? ?What made you say that?" I asked. He said, ?Look down at your chest, I mean your breasts.? I looked down and said, ?I forgot that I was wearing them, all I was thinking about was that I could not wait to do my toe nails. I told him about my experience at the store and why I was wearing them.? He said, ?Okay, I understand why you felt like you had no choice and had to wear them out of the store. But, that you forgot that you were wearing them is amazing.? I said, ?I stopped to buy a pack of smokes, did not think twice when the man at the store called me miss when he handed me my change, I just thought that he judged me by my long hair. I guess that?s when I forgot, I mean I am so used to being thought of as a woman. Well, having tits like a woman, even if they are fake is something that I thought I would not forget. However, I must have thought that having tits was normal. I am going to my room and do my toe nails.? Scott said, ?Have fun.? I went to my bedroom, looked at the mirror and saw my tits sticking out and I knew that I could grow to like having them, I did not want to take them off, so I did not. I took my boots and socks off, was about to start applying ruby red nail polish to my toe nails and thought it would be better if I took my jeans off first as not to smudge the nail color before it was dry. It would be better to slow down and think, instead of rushing and still having to wait for the polish to dry wearing dirty work jeans. I took my jeans off and looked at my legs and thought that there are 10 days until I plan on waxing my body hair off, but I could shave my legs and enough hair would grow back. I wanted to see my legs hairless in panty-hose with ruby red toe nails in my high heels. I put my bath robe on over my tee-shirt enlarged by my tits and went to the bath room to shave my legs. I took me awhile to shave my legs, having never done it before, slowly and very careful as not to cut myself. I was, however, quite pleased with the result. I went back to my bed room and painted my toe nails it took awhile for the polish to dry enough for me to put on the panty-hose. That was a lot of fun, one would not think that they would stretch so much, but they did. I wished that I had a dress or skirt to wear, because I did not want to cover my legs with pants. I remembered that I had an old pair of jeans that had the knees almost ripped off, so I turned them into hot pants, very short to show off as much leg as I could. I put on my heels and looked at my handy work in the mirror. I really liked the changes I have made. I was about to start my heel walking practice, when I remembered that both my ears are pierced. The summer I turned 18 I got a job racking balls, at a pool hall at the nearby beach town of Carolina Beach, I found an ear ring at a friend?s place and asked did you lose an ear ring? She said, ?The ear ring you found is the mate to the one I lost, do want it?? I said, ?I?ll take it. I have wanted to pierce an ear, do you have any rubbing alcohol?? She said, ?Yes, I?ll go get it.? I cleaned the ear ring with the alcohol and the front and back of my left ear lobe. I placed the wire hook to the front of my ear lobe and shoved it through with a fair amount of pain, I heard a pop as it went through the front it was followed by a pop as it passed through the back of the ear lobe hooking the wire to itself I saw a nice little silver cross hanging from my ear. After the hole healed, I found out that the ear I had done earlier, was a clue for gay guys to let them know that you are also gay. I took the ear ring out and shoved it through the other ear. That is how I ended up with both of my ears pierced. Jane never liked it when I would wear a pair of ear rings saying that it was too feminine, and I would remove them to make her happy. I don?t care about her happiness right now, my happiness is all that matters. I put the most feminine ear rings that I had into both ears looked at my new self in the mirror and thought not bad if I do say so myself. The more I feminine I become, the more feminine I want to be, I knew I would not really be happy until I have done everything on my list. Not much else I can do but wait, I could paint my finger nails and put on lipstick. I did my finger nails and applied lipstick to my lips, I lit a smoke and was quite pleased to see the red lip prints on the filter. I walked to the kitchen and got a soda from the fridge. Sitting down on a chair at the table, I realized that I had crossed my legs at the knees just as a woman would and it was the most natural thing I have ever done. I finished my smoke and soda, returning to heel practice I went down the hall back to my bedroom. 2 round trips latter, I stopped in the bedroom long enough to light a smoke, I looked down at the red lipstick on the filter as I held I it between my ruby red finger nails and thought that is the way it should be, when I realized that I did not have any nail polish remover. I knew that I could not wear the polish at work. I could stop on the way to work in the morning and get some, but what if they did not have any at my normal stop. It would mean showing up at work with ruby red nails I was not ready for that to happen or I could drive out of the way to find some and be late not good either. 2 of the 3 outcomes were not good, I finished my smoke, sat on the bed thinking of what could go wrong in the morning, looked to see what time it was 8:30 pm, still early. There is a store not more than 2 blocks away and they don?t close until 11:00pm, I could walk there and back in less than 10 minutes. I grabbed a $5 bill out of my billfold, stuck it into my pocket, I turned to the mirror, touched up my lipstick and left the bedroom. I crossed the hallway went to the top of the stairs, put my smoke in my left hand grabbed hold of the handrail with my right hand and went down the stairs for the first time, when I reached the bottom, I was glad that there was a handrail if not I would have fallen down the stairs. Going down the stairs was a lot harder than walking the hallway, but I did make it. I went out the door and started to make my way to the store, I did not have to wait at the corner of my street, as it is a side street, however, when I got to sixteenth street I had to wait at the corner for the traffic to clear. While I was waiting the driver of one of the cars that went past me honked his horn and another whistled at me. I crossed the street and made my way to the store. When I got there a man held the door open for me, I found the nail polish remover and got a soda from the cooler and went to pay for them I asked the store clerk, ?How much for this and a pack of eve menthol 120s?? He said, ?$5.29 tax included.? I said, ?I?m a quarter short, so I guess I?ll have to get my smokes on the way to work in the morning.? He was about to put them back when a voice said, ?don?t worry about it, I?ve got you covered.? It was from the man that held the door open for me. I thanked him for his help. I asked the clerk for some matches and he informed me that he was out of free matches. I turned to leave, and my nice man came to my aid again and gave me a new lighter. I thanked him again and went towards the door and he opened it for me. I stopped and was opening the pack of smokes, just as I put a smoke to my lips my nice man had his lighter in his hand and said, ?May I offer you a lite.? I said, ?Yes, thank you.? He told me his name was Tom and inquired if I needed a ride and asked me my name. I told him that I did not need a ride, I paused I guess he was waiting for me to give him my name, little did he know at that moment I did not have a woman?s name to give him, I heard the name I would be known as, while he heard it I said, ?My name is Jenny.? He told me that he often comes to this store and perhaps we would see each other again. I told him that we more than likely would as I lived nearby. With that we exchanged good-byes and I walked back home. I made it home and very carefully went up the stairs upon reaching the top landing I saw Scott and he said, ?I thought I heard you leave, but I did not hear your car start up.? I said, ?I went to the store, I decided I could use the practice in my heels, if you want to talk. I?ll be in the kitchen in a couple of minutes.? I went to the bathroom got some tissue and headed towards the kitchen. Scott was waiting when I got there. As I was trying to take the nail polish off my finger nails and having a hard time with process Scott said, ?My girlfriend uses cotton balls to do that job.? I said, ?Thank you for that useful bit of info, I?ll have to pick some up, in the meantime, could you bring me the whole roll of tissue.? Scott returned with the roll and I ended up using more than I thought I would need. We talked for a while, I told him about my walk to the store, meeting Tom and how nice he was and that I decided that my name while I was dressed as a woman would be Jenny. Scott said, ?Jenny is a nice name, by the way Tom was flirting with you.? I said, ?Wow, I wasn?t trying that hard to be a woman, I just wanted to make sure I did not act like a man.? Scott said, ?You need to be careful, it seems that it doesn?t take much for you to come across as a woman, now that I think about it you never have been a real macho type.? I said, ?I know what you mean, at least I think I do, I never have felt that macho I guess I have always known that I had to cover for my lack of masculinity I hid behind the image of an easy going, laid-back long- haired hippie. Remove that persona and I have to admit I am much more like a woman then I ever thought I could be or that I would admit to being.? Scott said, ?You?re right, take away that hippie persona and what?s left is an impression of that girl with long hair, she has grown-up into a woman and you are that woman and her name is Jenny.? I said, ?Still my friend, even if the concept for my list is so that I can give myself a reason to be the woman I now know myself to be.? Scott said, ?Don?t understand, but I don?t have to understand. I will be your friend always but just your friend.? I asked Scott, ?Do you see a light bulb on over my head, you know like in the cartoons when an idea pops into their head?? Scott replied, ?No, I do not see a light bulb, life?s not a cartoon. However, I can tell that there is a real difference in the way that you see yourself.? Time for me to go to bed I got up from the table turned to Scott told him thanks for the talk and went to my room. As I sat on the bed removing my heels, took the ear rings out of my ears looked down at the fake tits on my chest and had to admit that I liked wearing them. I finished undressing being careful not to let my tits fall to the floor and put them with my bra in the top drawer. I went to bed with mixed feelings, it took a long time to fall asleep, I kept coming back to the same thought have I been trying to hide from myself. Morning came, and I felt that I had just fallen to sleep. I went to the bathroom, I thought about shaving my face and decided not to shave. It would be better to have some hair on my face the next time that I go out with Jane. I looked down at my legs and I realized that I could not take my pants off in front of Jane without her knowing that I had shaved my legs, I had some time to think of something I hope it?s good. I went back to my bedroom and got dressed for work. I got to work checked my rubber-tire roller out, water, oil and fuel levels are alright. I saw the foreman and asked him where I needed to go and roll. He said, ?Take the right side of the road, you will see Edward when you get there. Lisa is waiting for you down there also, you were on time but try to get here at 10 till 7 a.m., you know you have to check-out your roller.? I said, ?Sorry, I did not look at the gas indicator in my car until this morning and I needed to stop and get some or I would have run out. I guess I will need to check it on the way home from now on or leave the house earlier.? Bob laughed then said, ?You better check it on the way home, I don?t see you getting up earlier.? I agreed and went to find Edward and Lisa. The road project was 7.5 miles long with 3 inter-changes, in total 6 on ramps and 6 off ramps. I found them 4 miles down the road. Edward was busy in his motor-grader, so I said, ?Good-morning Lisa, how much roadway today?? Lisa replied, ?If you been here on time you would know, we are to do .5 mile today.? I said, ?I know, Bob told me 10 till 7 a.m. is starting time.? I went on to explain why I was later than normal and that Bob had laughed at my reason. Lisa said, ?I think I know why Bob laughed at your reason.? She laughed herself. I could not stand it I had to ask, ?Why or what made my reason so funny that you both laughed at it?? She said, ?Not checking the gas gauge is something that is normally done by a woman. You do recall, 2 weeks ago, you ran out of gas on your way home, with that in mind it seems that you are as normal as a woman when it comes down to checking the gas gauge in her car. Now do you see why Bob laughed?? At first, I could not believe it, I am as normal as a woman when it comes to checking the gas gauge in my car. I cannot let the truth upset me after all it is my truth. So, I said, ?I guess that is funny, I am as normal as any woman went it comes to the gas in my car.? Few minutes later Edward was finished, Lisa and I started our rolling. I would start by making 3 passes on the road, going over from left to the right. Then Lisa would use her roller which had one big metal wheel in the front with two big rubber wheels in the rear where the engine was located, the front wheel vibrated to help compact the dirt. 9 passes to cover the roadway and we had to make 3 complete trips from the left to the right. That means 2.5 miles forward and 2 miles in reverse at the top speed for this job of 5 miles an hour. Halfway thru the first trip Edward would check to see if the road drying as it should, if it was then 5 miles per hour would be fine, if not then down to 3 miles per hour. We were lucky today speed would be 5 miles per hour, we should be done by lunch and have the state inspector check it out after lunch, if it went well we would move on to the next section, if not it would need to be ripped-up, bladed-over and rerolled. We stopped for lunch I rode with Bob, I found out early that if you rode with Bob. Lunch was over when he felt like going back, on most days you could have a few extra minutes. I sat with Lisa, I always sit with her it was like being with an older sister, it felt right, I was more at ease with her then with the guys. Judy our waitress came over to our table and said, ?know what you want today.? I said, ?I?ll have a grilled cheese and a glass of sweet tea.? Lisa said, ?That sounds good, I?ll have the same.? Then she laughed. Judy asked, ?What?s so funny?? Lisa smiled and said, ?If you have a few minutes I?ll tell you.? Judy said, ?I?ll be back, as soon as I turn your orders in.? Judy returned in less than 1 minute sat down and said, ?What is so funny?? Lisa proceeded to tell her about my conversation with Bob this morning after she had heard she laughed, they both did. Judy then turned to me and was about to say something, when the bell from the kitchen rang out, Judy got up and returned with our orders. After she gave us our sandwiches, she sat down turned to me and said, ?There is nothing wrong with your normal, for the other guys at the table over there it might be a problem, but for you it just seems right. It just never came up before, you chose to sit with Lisa, the only other woman on the job site.? I thanked her, not knowing what else to say I ate my lunch. Judy got up and went back to work. After we finished our lunch, Judy came back to clear our plates and asked us if we would like our tea to go. We said, ?Yes, thank you.? She came back with our tea. Lisa said, ?Watch my tea while I go to the ladies.? I said, ?I will be glad to watch it for you.? Judy sat down as Lisa got up and said, ?If you need to talk, I stay at the motel next door room 6. It?s not every day that you find out that the you have been trying so hard to be is a mask, a cover for the you that others seem to see through, if they know what they are looking for.? I said, ?It would be nice to talk to someone, could I come by after work today?? Judy said, ?That would be okay, I?ll see you after work.? Lisa came back to the table and Bob was ready to go. We went back to work and I kept hearing the words that Judy had said, ?The only other woman on the job site.? At the time she said them I looked at Lisa and she smiled with a look that seem to say that she knew more about me then I knew myself. I could not wait to get back to work and ask her about a few things thing that I had to know. When we got back to the section it had been approved, Edward was working on the next section. Lisa and I were going to have about 45 minutes of down time, now would be a good time for some questions. I said, ?Lisa, there are a few things I need to know. Do you mind if I ask you about them?? She said, ?Go ahead, I?ll try my best to help.? I gathered my thoughts and said, ?first, when Judy told me I was the other woman on the job site you smiled at me like you already knew that, second, would you be surprised to know that from the time I was 17 I wanted people to think I was a girl with long hair rather than cutting it short and have them know I was a boy.? Lisa smiled and said, ?A woman knows a woman when she sees one, I?m not talking about male and female that is really about reproduction. Boys normally grow up wanting to be like other boys and they become men, you wanted to be like a girl. You tried to look more like a girl by growing your hair long like a girl. I know both your ears are pierced and at times your finger nails are long as a woman would grow them. There are signs if you know what to look for and no I would not be surprised.? I said, ?Thank-you very much for being so honest, Edward is coming over I am not ready to put up a billboard so could you keep that just between us.? Lisa said, ?I have enjoyed you being the other woman on the job site even if you did not know that you were, what the men don?t know won?t hurt them.? I told her thanks just as Edward told us the next section was ready to roll. We rolled that section of road the rest of the day. After we were done for the day I went to my car and there was a note left by Bob, it read: check your gas gauge on the way home, Bob. I left work and went to the Leland motor inn, next to the caf? and parked my car in front of room #6. I knocked on the door, I heard footsteps the door opened, and Judy said, ?I?m glad you came by to see me.? She stood aside, and I entered the room, I looked around, just right for one. To the right along the back wall was a rack to hang clothes from with a shelf above it, in front of it and in between the front window was a small round table and 2 chairs, next to the window a small fridge, beside that a dresser across from it the bed the head board was at the rear wall with a nightstand in the other corner from the clothes rack the 8? by 6? room with the door closed must be the bathroom, made sense wouldn?t want the first thing someone to see be your bathroom. I said, ?This is a nice little room.? Judy replied, ?Yes, it is small but big enough for one. So, have had time to think about what I said to you at lunch.? I told her about my talk with Lisa, her observations of, I guess you could say my inner woman. Judy asked, ?Does it bother you if people think you are a woman?? I said, ?No, I know that to some people I look more like a woman than a man, it?s a truth I have come to accept. Long hair like a woman, I?m short and my body size is more like a woman, the longer my hair got the more times people would think I was a woman.? Judy said, ?If you knew that you would start to look more like a girl, why grow your hair long like a girl?? I said, ?My father lost the bet.? She said, ?He lost what bet?? I went on to explain about the bet. My father retired from the army in 1970, we came back to the states from Germany and move to Wilmington, Nc. My father and I often fought over the length of my hair, we had a real fight coming to blows outside the post barber shop, I gave up when I realized: my hair would grow back. My father?s army buddies told him how stick the hair rules for boys at schools in Nc. We got to Nc around the first of June and through the summer I kept seeing some boys with longer hair, I thought they must have new hair rules. The high school where I would start the 10th grade was 4.5 miles away, we did not have a car. While we were walking I came up with the bet, if I had to cut my hair for school not only would I cut it, but also, I would join the Jr. ROTC. I could see my father he was thinking, what if you don?t have to cut it? I told him if I did not have to cut it, I would be the boss of my hair, he could ask me to cut it, but I would have the right to say no. He just knew from his friends that he was going to win the bet, he agreed to the bet. When we got to the high school and we were going through the enrollment, he was about to sign me up for Jr ROTC when I said, ?just one minute, dad I need to ask about the school?s hair rules.? You should have seen the look on by father?s face when he learned that he had just lost the bet and that I would be the boss of my hair. I turned to my father looked him in the eyes and said, ?You lose, I win.? On the way home, my father was upset that he lost the bet, but to his credit he was a man of his word, he always told me that your word was the only thing that no one could take from me, I could only give it and when you give it you keep it.? He kept his word, he kept asking me to cut it, but when I told him no he would drop it. He never gave up asking, gone were the days when over my hair he would say, ?You will do as I say, or you will move out, my house my rules.? Judy said, ?A bet, your life changed when you won that bet. Knowing what you now know, would you make the same bet?? I said, ?I believe I would, I know that I have an important choice to make soon, and I am almost ready to make it.? Judy said, ?I can see that you seem to be happier, now that we have had a chance to talk. Do you have a plan?? I told her about Jane and the list. I went on to tell her that I had started on the list. She went to the little fridge and brought me a coke and said, ?Tell me more, I really would like to know you better.? I said, ?Okay, I really feel good to talking to you, you don?t put me down for not being a real man.? I told her about the shoe, the 5&10 stores about the bra and foam breasts, how I got ready for my heel training, my first attempt at passing as woman when I went to the store and meeting Tom. She went over to the clothes rack and got a skirt handed it to me and said, ?Take your shoes and socks off and put the skirt on, you can use the bathroom to change, I want to see you in that skirt.? I went to the bathroom with the skirt I my hand, I did as she requested and returned to the main room wearing the skirt with my socks in my boots and jeans folded. She said, ?I like what I see, you will look great when you finish your list. I love that color of polish on your toe nails it suits you. Only one thing I don?t like, the stubble on your legs and face. When do you plan on waxing yourself?? I said, ?I plan to wax the Friday, after next Friday. Why do you want to know?? Judy said, ?At the rate your hair grows you only need 3 days of growth, I will give you a razor to use, shave your face and legs.? I told her how upset Jane gets when she sees me with my face shaved. She said, ?You don?t really think that she will admit she was wrong, do you.? I said, ?No, she will more than likely says that she was right.? Judy said, ?Why be worried about how she feels about your shaving of your face, it is after all your face.? I said, ?You are right, I know that Jane and I will likely break-up, I just wanted her to see me as a complete woman, head to toe and know that she helped me to be all the woman I could be and not end it on her terms.? Judy said, ?I?ll make you a deal, you shave for me now and I will help you with your upcoming wax job. You will have 3 days? worth of stubble on your face, so, Jane should have no reason to be mad.? I said, ?You?ve got a deal.? I went to the bathroom and shaved. When I was done I returned to the main room. Judy said, ?Now that?s more like it! You can have the skirt, it?s too small for me. I would like you to wear it when you leave.? I said, ?I know I very new to the world of women?s fashions, but I don?t think it goes well with my boots.? Judy said, ?You are right, your feet are much smaller than mine, none of my shoes would fit. I do have something that would be better than your boots.? She got a small pair of flip-flops, these will show off your toe nails. She was right, they looked great. I sat at the table and crossed my legs just like a woman. I lit a smoke and finished the coke, I thanked Judy for guiding me on this new path directing me towards my determined goal. I grabbed my boots and jeans, went to the car and drove home. I got home, went up the stairs and into my room, I was not thinking to clearly, I forgot my boots, socks and jeans in the car. I went to the mirror and took a good look at myself, the bright ruby red polish on my toe nails and the skirt that Judy gave me, I knew that I was becoming more comfortable with being dressed as a woman out in public. After all I did stop on the way home, to buy some cotton balls for easy removal of the ruby red nail polish I was going to apply to my finger nails. I traded the flip-flops for panty-hose and high heels, took off my tee- shirt and put on my bra filling it with the foam breasts covering them with a clean tee-shirt, I put on my ear rings and did my finger nails with ruby red polish finishing with matching lipstick. Back to the mirror, I really like myself more as a woman, only partway with my list and I feel like I have been waiting all my life certain that the reflection in the mirror is the appearance that I want to see, not only for myself, but for everybody that notices me: perceives a woman. I grabbed the pack of eve menthol 120?s from the dresser drawer, put one of the smokes to my lips and lit it. It doesn?t make any sense to buy one brand of smokes for work and around Jane and buy another brand for the rest of the time. The benefit from one brand would be less expenditure of cash, it would be worth considering. I thought about going down to the car and getting my work boots, but they would still be there in the morning. I decided to leave them in the car, I would wear my heels to work and change into my work boots when I got to work. I would be beneficial to extend my heel training to driving my car, besides I could pick my dress up from the 5&10 store wearing my heels, I?m sure that Tina would like to see me in them. Tina was right about high heels, the more you wear them the better you get in them, I now have no problem wearing high heels around the house, the stairs are still a challenge, tonight will be spent going down the stairs and back up them. At least 3 trips, down and up then a break will be in order. After the third trip I went to the kitchen to take a break. Scott was there and said, ?Here?s something I thought I would never hear myself say to you. That skirt looks nice on you. Want some soup?? I said, ?Thank-you, and I will have some soup.? I sat down at the table to have some soup. I told Scott about my day and the insight that both Lisa and Judy shared about my inner woman. Scott said, ?The other woman on the job site, wow, all this time and they just now tell you. Maybe, they thought that you knew and did not want to make it an issue.? I said, ?That could be it or they were waiting for me to as people say: wake-up and smell the coffee.? We both laughed at that. After we finished our soup, I got up to return to my stair training. Scott asked, ?If you would like to get a little break in between your down and up, I was going for a walk around the block, you could join me.? I said, ?That?s a great idea, you don?t mind being seen with me, you know out in public.? He replied, ?You look enough like a woman, so I don?t see a problem. It?s okay for you to let that inner woman out in public, soon your outer and inner woman will be one, when that happens will be able to split one back in two. Think about that, ready to go for our walk, Jenny.? I said, ?You remembered my name, let?s go on our walk.? We made our way down the stairs out the door and started to make our way around the block. We talked mostly about nothing, not all conversations are deep and profound. Making our way back to the house, up the stairs, I went to my room to get the nail polish remover and cotton balls and went to the kitchen. I had already cleaned the nails on my left hand when Scott entered the kitchen. He said, ?I see you have gotten wise and got cotton balls.? I said, ?It is much quicker and easier with the cotton balls, so, thank- you for the tip.? He said, ?Glad to be of some help to you, I don?t think I have any more tips though. Have you thought about our earlier conversation?? I replied, ?Yes, I have to admit that I am not sure I could make the split. My preference would be to be Jenny for the rest of my life, however, I can?t rush into a new life as a woman without planning for it thoroughly.? He said, ?Think it through and do what you feel will be best for yourself. The choice you make should make you happy.? I said, ?Make a choice based on happiness, wouldn?t want to go thru life with a bad case of the what ifs. I?m going to bed, see you Tomorrow.? I made my way to my bedroom and got ready for bed. Tomorrow was going to be a big day for me, at least after work would be a huge change in my outlook on life. Thursday morning here at last, the last 2 days seems to have taken a week. I started to get my clothes for the day ready jeans, underwear, a blue tee-shirt, socks and my work boots. Where are my boots? I put on my bathrobe and started to look around for them, in the wardrobe, under the bed, around the bed and in the kitchen-no, no, and no. I started the coffee maker, it seems that I beat Scott to the kitchen this morning. It was on my way to the bathroom when I realized where my boots are, I left them in the car. On my way back to my bedroom I stopped in the kitchen, made myself a cup of coffee and took it with me. I lit a smoke and a couple of sips of coffee, I remembered my plan from last night, all of it. I decided to add to the plan, I would also be taking my nail polish with matching lipstick, bra and foam breasts, ear rings and the blue jean skirt. No need for the socks or the underwear I would be wearing panty-hose instead under my jeans. I got dressed in my work clothes, put my high heels on, lit a smoke and went to the kitchen to get a coffee refill. I sat down at the table to finish my smoke and drink my coffee. I heard Scott before I saw him he said, ?I don?t think you should be wearing high heels to work.? I laughed then said, ?Good morning to you too. By the way, my boots are in the car. Could you grab me a bag from the third down on the right side of the sink, I need it for my change of clothes for after work.? As Scott handed me the bag, he said, ?Here you go one bag, high heels and a change of clothes for after work. Wait, I?ve got it you pick up your dress today.? I thanked him for the bag finished my smoke and coffee and headed to my room. I carefully packed my change of clothes with extras. I drove to work, it was different driving with high heels on, not as difficult as the stairs but challenging in its own manner. I was glad I would be able to practice my driving with heels on. I made it to work earlier than normal, the best spots went fast, I would have to park with my car in the sun on most days, but not today. My car would be in the shade all day, I was worried that the heat from the sun would melt my lipstick. I traded my heels for work boots and went to do the morning check of my rubber-tire roller. It was one-half quart of oil low, the water was fine, and it could use some fuel. I took stock of my smokes for the day, I always seem to run low, close to out on Thursdays. Only 3 left from the pack that everybody has seen me smoke, I did bring 12 in the open pack of eve menthol 120?s and a full pack of eves. I had left the eve?s in the car, so, I needed to get the open pack for sure I grabbed them and made my way back to my machine. The service truck was there when I got back, I told him what it needed, he checked it out himself, he did that all the time to me. Everybody started to arrive, and the place was soon roaring with the sound of the large road equipment. I saw Lisa and went over to say good morning to her. We were chitchatting when Bob said, ?enough morning gossip, both of you need to come over here, I want to say this only once. ?Lisa and I looked at each other speculating to ourselves, did we do something wrong or does he want us to do something. When we got close Bob continued, ?first great job on the sub-soil, I ordered the road stone which they must mix to order, based on your work. Now for the bad news, there will be a 3-hour delay in the stone arriving today, you know that the stone must be work within 48 hours of delivery, half the stone will be here today and the other half Tomorrow. There will not be time to finish unless we work till dark today or if you could work a half day on Saturday.? I said, ?Lisa and I will be deliberating over by our rollers, give us a couple of minutes, please.? Bob said, ?I?ll be over in 5 minutes.? Lisa and I walked over to our rollers, I turned to her and said, ?Please, if there is any way that we could work Saturday morning, I really need to pick up my dress after work today, I told Tina I would be by to get it, please!? Lisa looked at me and smiled saying, ?On one condition, I get to come with you.? When Bob came over I said, ?Lisa and I will work Saturday morning, we have made plans for after work and it is too late to change them.? Bob said, ?Okay, starting time will be 0600, don?t be late. Edward will be in charge on Saturday. He knows what your section will be until the stone arrives today, he is at the far end of the job, go see him.? 7 miles at 15mph, we will be there in about 35 minutes, I turned to Lisa and said, ?Thank-you for agreeing to work on Saturday.? We left the equipment yard and started to go down the road to meet up with Edward. He was on the other side of the roadway, working on the on-ramp, he waved to us to go over to him. When we got over to him, he said, ?Go over these 7 runs per trip, do 5 trips then go over to the other side and I should have it ready for you.? We nodded affirmation and I asked him, ?Do you have any water?? He said, ?No, but I will have some brought here. Start your runs we need to finish these 2 ramps by the time the stone gets here.? He left to go to the other side of the roadway and Lisa and I began our job. Around 30 minutes later George showed up with the water, I was glad to see him as it can get hot, very quickly in Nc, near the end of May. George told me to keep up with the water cooler and to tell Edward if we would need any more water. I waved Lisa over to take a water break. I said, ?At lunch, I need to ask Judy if it would be alright with her, to use her room after work. I have brought a change of clothes with me and I would like to pick my dress up, as a woman.? Lisa said, ?She should not be bothered, after all, we both feel like big sisters to you, so if we can help our little sister, we will. Edward is looking at us, we better get back to work.? We did not stop again, until we were done with the ramp and moved over to the other side. We took a quick break for water and went right back to work. The stone arrived at 1100 and we had 2 runs left, to finish this ramp. Edward came over and said, ?not bad, finish this up then drive your rollers to the equipment lot and go to lunch.? 10 minutes later we were on our way to lunch. I drove us to lunch, Lisa noticed my heels on the floor board of the back seat but did not say anything at the time. We sat down in Judy?s section, she took our orders and returned with them. I asked her, ?Would it be alright if I came over, after work to change my clothes, before I pick my item up, at the 5&10 store. Lisa will be joining me, is that okay?? Judy said, ?No problem, however, I will be joining the both of you.? Then she smiled and winked at me. Lisa smiled as she softly said, ?What fun it will be your first girl?s night out!? I thought to myself, how lucky am I to have women that want to be my big sisters. We finished lunch and returned to work. When we work stone, Lisa starts first then I follow. A lot of other things go on to get to that point, I?ll tell you later about that. Lisa and I, both could hardly wait for quitting time to get here. At last it was quitting time Lisa told tony, he was the man that gave her a ride to and from work, that I would be giving her a ride home today as we have something we had planned to do. I drove us to Judy?s room and Lisa said, ?I?ll take your heels and bag in for you, I was going to tell you at lunch that think these heels are hot!? I thanked her and knocked on the door. Judy opened the door and said, ?Come on in, I?ve been looking forward to this, since you asked to come by at lunch.? Lisa smiled and said, ?First ladies night out, should be fun for our little sister. Look at these.? She held up my heels for Judy to see. Judy said, ?I like those heels, you do have good taste in high heels, and what do you need to do?? I said, ?I would like to use your bathroom and shave and change into what I have to wear. Do you have a blouse I could lend me, one that would go with that jean skirt you gave me.?? Judy said, ?Yes and yes I do have a blouse that would go very well with that skirt and I hate to admit it, but it doesn?t fit me to well any more, I like to think that it has shrank, well I may have gained a little weight.? Judy handed me a nice multi-colored blouse, I thanked her and went to the bathroom with my bag and heels. When I came out, they both agreed that I looked much better than when I got here. I walked over to the table, crossed my legs and thanked them for the compliment. Lisa asked, ?If I had anything else with me to use.? I put my ruby red nail polish and lipstick on the table and said, ?just this. ?Lisa grabbed the nail polish saying, ?I want to do your nails,? and started to shake the bottle. Judy must have felt left out and went to the bathroom returned and sat down at the table. After Lisa had finished my nails, Judy said, ?I?m going to shape your eye brows, not thin them that I will do later.? I said, ?Okay, I trust you.? When she was done I looked at what she had done, they were much better than before. I put my lipstick on, lit a smoke and walked over to the full-length mirror, I liked what I saw. I walked back to the table and thanked both. I grabbed my boots, jeans and tee-shirt and put them in the bag, I picked up my nail polish and lipstick and said, ?My name is Jenny and I am so thankful for big sisters like you two, I really need a purse.? Lisa and Judy both said, ?No doubt, Jenny is definitely a woman and she wants a purse.? Judy said, ?Let?s go and get that dress, you do realize that you will have to model it for us.? I said, ?It will be my pleasure.? I grabbed my bag and we got into my car, the next stop would be the 5&10 store. When we got there, I was lucky to find a parking space near the front door. We made our way to the lady?s department, I saw Tina, I waited for her to be done with the customer she was helping. When she was done she came up to us and said, ?How may I help you ladies?? I looked at her and said, ?I here to pick up a dress that I put on layaway, it was Monday when you helped me.? She looked lost for a moment the said, ?Girl, you had me fooled, I could not place you, you were by yourself and all I saw at first was 3 women in the lady?s department, I thought I would remember you. You were going to come by today. I?ll go get your dress.? Lisa looked at Judy then me and said, ?Did you see what just happened, do you need any more proof. Your confirmation is Tina thought that you were just another woman. Do the math as they say: 1 woman + 2 women = 3 women.? I said, ?I know you?re right, look here comes Tina with my dress, I promise we will go into greater detailed comprehensive total look at where I am at and where I am going, but for now I just want to put on my dress.? Judy said, ?Lisa, give Jenny a little more time, I am sure she will arrive at the same place that we are total womanhood.? Tina said, ?You 2 ladies wait over here, I?ll help Jenny into this dress and send her out to model it for you.? Tina said, ?come over here Jenny, we?ll use changing room 1.? I went to the room that she had said to go to. She complimented me on my outfit, I told her that I got it from Judy. I got out of my outfit and into my dress, I said to Tina, ?Somehow, it seems to look better today.? She replied, ?You?re what makes it look better, you?re more woman than you were Monday, now go show your friends.? I went out of the changing room to where Lisa and Judy were waiting. I walked to them and I hoped that they thought that it looked as good as I thought. They agreed that both the dress and I looked great! I introduced Lisa as a co-worker and Judy as the waitress from the caf? and that they both were like my big sisters. Tina said, ?Glad to meet you both, it seems that Jenny has more confidence in herself as a woman, you both are doing a great job as big sister.? I told Tina to cut the tag off the dress as I would wear it when I left. I said, ?I did not want to take it off Monday, tonight, I don?t have to.? We all laughed at that. I told Tina not to forget to add the charge for the bra and foam breasts, she winked at me. Tina said, ?The dress, minus layaway and the other two items, the total will be $37.50, anything else I can do for you today.? I said, ?A purse or make-up, I don?t think I can afford both right now, I am trying to make up my mind.? Judy said, ?I can help you with that choice, I have a purse that would look great with that dress and your heels, so now let?s look at the make-up.? I said, ?Thank-you, Judy I would be lost without you and Lisa.? I started to reach to my back pocket when Lisa handed me my wallet, I thanked her and paid Tina. Cosmetic area would be the next stop. When we arrived at the cosmetic area I tried real hard to think of what Tina had told me about make-up on Monday. Lisa said, ?Okay, Jenny picks out what you think you need.? I went around putting what I could remember, base, compact, blush, mascara, eye brow pencil, eye shadow and eye liner, I hope I got the right shades. ?I?m impressed, only one thing that you don?t have, lip liner for that hot and sexy look, this one will be fine, it will go with color and shades that you picked out, said Lisa as she placed it in the make-up basket. I paid $38.79 for the make-up and we went back to Judy?s room. When we got there, Judy said, ?Bring in your make-up, Lisa and I will give you a quick tutorial. Simple and quick, just your basic face, you know everyday type of face.? I grabbed my last pack of eve menthol 120?s and my make-up, I love the sound of that my make-up and went into Judy?s room. I went to the table and sat down, opened my pack of smokes and lit one. Judy said, ?Jenny, that?s a good choice, but it is a brand that mostly women smoke. Let me see the make-up.? Judy did my base and compact powder and Lisa did my mascara and blush. I looked at my face and I was quite pleased with what they called an everyday face, something still looked a little off, I wasn?t quite to the there is a woman in the mirror. Lisa picked up on my distress and knew what to say, ?It?s your eye brows, once they are thinner and arched, you will have a face any woman would be proud of having.? Judy got the purse from the dresser and I started to put some of the make-up in one part of the purse, when I got to the compact I opened it and did a touch-up to my lips with my lipstick. Lisa said, ?You do that like it?s what you have done for years, more natural, instinctive. It?s time for me to go and you?re my ride.? I said, ?Okay, let me get my stuff and I?ll meet you at the car.? Lisa left to meet me at the car I started to gather up my stuff and Judy stopped me. I?m coming with you, so, you will be back here you can get it then. I did put my smokes in my slightly used purse and we went to the car. The ride to Lisa?s place only took a few minutes, I didn?t know that she lived so close by. I told Lisa I was very grateful that we would work on Saturday, I really like this dress. She said, ?I see why you did not want to take a chance that it would be put back, it?s a very nice dress. See you in the morning.? I started to drive back to Judy?s room, I was about to turn into the parking lot she said, ?keep going, let?s go get something to eat, we can go through the drive-thru at Hardee?s it?s just a left at the stop light and 3 blocks on the right. We ordered 2 burgers, 2 fries and 2 cokes and were on our way. In no time we were back at her room. We went inside sat at the table to eat and to talk. I told her about Scott?s theory of my inner woman and the outer woman I was turning myself into, when the two merge into one, when that happens would I be able to split back into what I was or would I choose to remain as one woman, if my choice was to live as a woman it would mean that I would no longer be James, he would be my past and Jenny would be my future. Judy said, ?Your friend seems to be able to get right down to hard truth that I did not know how to tell your predilection is beyond question you are mentally a woman, you could try to hide it from others or a unification of the mind and the body. Not the same words but true to the facts.? I said, ?I?ve not been very good at hiding my mental identification from you and Lisa, hold on I think I know how to try to ease my mind. I am terrified that when I decide, who I am I kidding, I already know.? Judy said, ?So Jenny you have made your choice. What is it?? I said, ?I am a woman, a woman in a man?s body. I have tried all my life to hide from that truth. I can?t fake being a man much longer. I have a plan on how to start my life as Jenny without the fear of termination from work, but I will need your help and I will also need help from Lisa. How does this sound, the only man at work that needs to really see me for the woman I am inside is the one that could fire me. If you bring up some of the things that I do that are more in line with being a woman, maybe if you tell him if he sees me as an easy-going, long haired hippie, take that persona away and what are you left with, that I mind, tell him to ask Lisa, as she has spent more time around Jamie, you could say James just doesn?t fit with what you see. Try to plant the seed of doubt: my lack of macho. Tell him if he can see any of what you or Lisa see, then to tell Jamie that Judy the waitress wants to see him. What do you think could it work, one way or another in 10 days I will be Jenny, living as a woman with this job or looking for one.? Judy said, ?That could work, if you start to become more feminine with your behavior, it will be easier for Bob to pick up the demeanor. I?ll show you how to be feminine with your hand gestures and don?t uncross your legs at the knee when you see the guys come into the caf?, you want them to perceive your feminine traits.? I said ?you?re right, I need to let myself be freely feminine at all times, even when I am not at work. That means I should start to buy only one brand of cigarettes, such as eve menthol 120?s.? ?Appropriate choice for a woman?, Judy said, ?By doing that you will be saying that you prefer to smoke the same brand of cigarettes that woman would choose to buy and smoke.? I said, ?It?s time I went home, thanks for having dinner with me and I will see you in the morning.? I got my stuff together and went to my car. I drove home with a stop at the gas station, gas for the car and a carton of eve menthol 120?s for me. I got home and went upstairs with my stuff, putting my stuff in my room I went to the kitchen. Scott said, ?You look great, that must be the dress you were talking about and you are right it is a nice dress.? I said, ?Thank-you, you?re not saying that just to be nice.? He replied, ?No, you really do look good and if you did not I would tell you.? ?I have something to tell you and would like to hear what you think, let me get the nail polish remover,? I said as

Same as It was a Friday Nite Videos

2 years ago
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A valentines day romantic nite

Hi send your feedbacks or any ladies aunties for any relation contact I was sitting at my room with my lap. She came with wet hair and closed door. She looks sexy in that outfit. Get a hard on seeing her. I put my lap on table. She was searching something in shelf. I just hugged her from behind. W: Hey what you doing. Just sit ya Me: Darling it’s a romantic day Heavy rain outside cool breeze coming inside room and good climate for a perfect nite I just hugged her tightly. Dress in her...

1 year ago
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A Wet Nite

My name is Rob and I just turned eighteen and I was at my uncle's house. "Hey come join me will ya?" my uncle said yelling from the hot tub. "I'm coming" I shouted back. I hopped in the hot tub and the water was just right the jets caressing my back and my stomach it felt great. "So your 18 now buddy, you can go clubbing, and by your mom cigarettes legally." I laughed he was right though, when I was young my mom always told me once I'm 18 I'll be making cigarette runs for her so as long as I...

3 years ago
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A good nite

with a sly wistful smile. I had bought a bottle of wine and eight dozen roses. Taking one red rose out from the rest, I placed it on the table in the suite. Then I tore the petals gently off the remaining roses and scattered them from the door to the table; another trail to the other room where a hot tub awaited. I then made another trail to the bed where I scattered the remaining petals. I next arranged candles throughout the two rooms and around the hot tub. I then went...

2 years ago
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My Life Stories Gym Nite

I just wrapped a towel around my waist and took one step towards the gym showers when someone asked, ‘hey, do you know if they have soap and shampoo in the showers or do I need to bring my own?’ Turning around to see who was talking to me, I was greeted by a middle aged man who, aside from the towel around his neck, was totally naked. ‘Hi, I’m Sam, I just joined this gym tonight and wasn’t sure.’ I reached out to shake his hand and I felt his eyes ripping my towel off me. Before looking at my...

4 years ago
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Thick wifes rough nite

One night my wife of 10 years, Dee and I went out for drinks. She is a 30 year old mexican women with a great big latina ass. She is 5’9 and about 190lbs with most of it in her fat ass. She has olive skin and average size breasts, about a C but with huge brown areolas and big nipples. But by far her best asset is her huge butt. She has long thick legs and a nice fat wide ass.She is by no means a model, but she more than makes up for it with 2 things. 1. That big ole ass and 2. She is a fucking...

5 years ago
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A long nite

I'de met a man online. I watched his cam, saw his need and his wonderful cock.We'de had a difficult time actually meeting so I told him I was going to Lowes, he should meet me there.We described what each other was wearing, I arrived there early.Frank was tall at 6'4", older and had a goatee.In the tool section (of all places) I saw a man meeting his description.He smiled. I smiled at went down a deserted aisle.Gathering my shorts I pulled them tight on my ass and bent over to look at something...

4 years ago
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sotf bondage nite

I come home from work and ur no where to be seen I call for u and got no answer, I shouted up stairs for u and heard a moan coming form the room and walked in there you were on the bed, I asked you were u ok and u told me that you were horny and needed too get off, I asked was dinner made and you told me we were having a takeaway for dinner,i said ok then since we were havening dinner you forgot something and you asked what, what was it remember we are having visitors tonite and you said oh...

4 years ago
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bar nite

I was bored last night so i went to the bar down the road from my house. i was not looking for much just needed to get out of the house.i had only been there for about 15 min when i was approached by a younger guy. he sat down and ask if he could bye me a drink. i told him yes and he sat down. we bull shited for a bit and had a couple of drinks each when he ask if i was interested in going back to his place. i acted like i was not interested and told him maybe another time. i think he could...

3 years ago
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Our clothes found A resting place on the floor. Piece by piece, This is the night I will release my sexual desire to you , Naked with your hands and mouth all over me. Wanting to touch you has never been this much. I am in ectasy from what I feel and see. The Fire is red, AND IT'S Flame BURNS , THE fire of your kiss is what burning MY heart of desire, Touch me, baby, just kiss me LADY, Feeling our naked bodIES rubbing against each OTHER , Making love to you, maKES my heartS contend , Release...

4 years ago
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fun nite

i was at a party the other night when i met this girl, granted she a little meaty but i wasnt complaining it was a sort of turn on anyway. we got chating and continued to drink, as it got later she looked deeply into my eyes and a was hucked so we when up stairs we found a spare room we when in and i locked the door no sooner had i done that i turn to look at her and find she is already naked and walking over to me she pressed her body against me so i.kissin her soft lips and ran my fingers...

3 years ago
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Trashed Basil Hell Nite

TRASHED BASIL TRASHED BASIL As Lindy moved her crotch around, trying to get her young lover, Hugh to stick his dick in her harder, she noticed a little face peeking in the door. ?Oh, you bad boy, Basil?are you being nosy?? Lindy smiled at the chubby husband of hers, wearing blue eye shadow and an apron. Basil sighed. It had been quite an evening. Basil and Lucinda had had a big fight earlier in the week, because he was weary of her bringing lovers home in front of him. So Lindy had cut...

2 years ago
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Gym Nite

The weather outside was frightful to say the least, blowing and snowing to beat the band. But Myron had closed two sales and gotten a hot lead on a third. Walking into the locker room and around the partition he felt like he stubbed his toe when he found some Black k** stuffing clothes into "his" lucky locker. 'Better hurry up fellas, if the weather continues as is, we may close early, said one of the attendants.' Myron frowned and took two lockers away from the k**. For a moment he wondered if...

4 years ago
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Thought it would be a quiet Sunday Nite

"Cut Haitian"He texted me in the earlier part of the afternoon to see if I would be free later on so he can "put in some work on my ass". as he put it, before he go in to work.He showed up smelling fresh and we went straight for the bedroom. All I had on was some pink boy shorts and a tank top with my hair wrapped. I sat on the bed and we chatted about nothing as he took off his clothes. He then stood in front of me with his extra hard thick dick and lay on top of me, toungue kissing me and...

3 years ago
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A Busy Thursday Nite

The Married Grad School Dude.I was filled from my busy weekend last weekend so I wasn't checking my freaky email as much, but on Thursday I decided to log on and see who and what can get inside me. The first email was from a 26yo in grad school whom I chatted with a couple of times in the past but our schedules was always in conflict; But tonight he was free to pass and ready to drive the 25 minutes to hook up.So when this 6'0" 185lbs dark skin brother from a southern state walked through my...

3 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 10

Now they were going to have to move their operations away from North and South America, and the question was: where to, next? The obvious place was Europe, but was that the best choice? They could take a hint from World War II and use the UK as a staging area. They now knew that the Wasps were relatively easy for them to defeat when they had plenty of poison, so they were highly confident of victory no matter which way they went first. The combination of Europe and Asia would take a while to...

2 years ago
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Dark Nites

DarkNites IThe slap reverberated around the room. Jason gritted his teeth tryingdesperately to keep hold of his temper. Daphne started towards the door butJason caught hold of her wrist, his eyes steely."You're not going anywhere until we've got this settled. Daphneglanced coolly at his hand and then back to his face. Then she brought herfoot down on his. Hard.Jason gave a furious growl and exploded into action. Grabbing her,he swept her off her her feet and headed toward the bedroom....

3 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 9

The brains back at Auburn had finally doped out how to make an antigravity belt, and they built a couple of prototypes to test their theories. It turned out that the secret of the system was not all that exotic, after all. Given a few more years and Earth scientists would have come up with the principals, so they had little trouble modifying the design to fit human tastes and idiosyncrasies. All of the fighter-jockey types wanted a single-seater fighter where they could strut their stuff....

4 years ago
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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 6

The Oolsans were welcomed into the new interstellar family that was forming. They did not have much more to contribute beyond the sample of Inklus' piss, since their body shape did not lend itself well to fitting into a spacetub. Nevertheless, they were given equal rights along with everybody else and were provided with replicators so that they could move into a more comfortable living standard. The invading Wasps had been easily eliminated, since they had just arrived and had not had time...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 6

A reconnaissance flyover toward Tallahassee produced a startling result. There was what appeared to be a new pyramidal spaceship under construction! Judging from its appearance in the recon photos, it was only about 10% complete. The wasps could be seen working on it oblivious to the presence of human soldiers less than 100 miles away. The question was immediately raised: should they try to stop construction on the pyramid or should they allow construction to continue in hope of capturing it...

4 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 7

Capturing a Wasps' pyramid undamaged was too good an opportunity to miss, so Ann put all of her resources into the task. She left a holding force to occupy the territory already occupied, but moved all of her other forces into place near the Georgia pyramid. This took two days of nail-biting tension, because they didn't know what would happen if the troops were spotted by the Wasps. Very tight air cover was flown by tubs to keep any Wasp well away from the troop concentrations. The Wasps...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 7

A fleet of 2,000 space tubs could cover a width of 2,000 miles when they were lined up side by side. Their FLIR had no trouble covering a width of half a mile on either side, so they were able to sweep for hidden nests very effectively and very efficiently. Hadron IV was a small planet with very few mountains, so it was swept in only three days. A few nests were found, but they were easily destroyed and the question was now raised: "Now what?" Very little destruction was vented on the...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 3

One of the rescued men was a licensed radio engineer who worked part time at the University radio station. He suggested that they use the radio station to broadcast for anybody who wanted to join them to show up at the dining hall. The station was still operable because he could hear the carrier. He said that they could make a tape which would loop back on itself and send a repeating message up to about one minute long. Bill agreed to make such a tape and he and the engineer left for the...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 8

The Xytal must have supplied most of the technology used by the Wasps. The humans reached that conclusion because the almost "magical" power supply was used to power so many of the marvels used by the Wasps. Nobody could see the Wasps having the intelligence to adapt that power supply to other gadgets. The only significant item for which the humans had not found a service manual was the pyramid, itself. And it wasn't for the lack of trying. Every one of the thousands of books in the...

4 years ago
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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 8

The attack on Loki II started off the same as the attack on Loki IV, except that there were few SAM sites to deal with. Instead, they had spotted where the Wasp fighters had launched, and those places faced the full fury of the spacetubs' attack. Again, the destruction wrought by the kinetic warheads was awesome to behold! Massive craters were left whenever more than one of the rockets hit in the same place. The first rocket penetrated the ground, and that absorbed a significant portion of...

4 years ago
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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 9

There was no question in anybody's mind that Freya must continue scouring the galaxy for Wasps. Until they found otherwise, they had to assume that they were the only beings capable of halting the Wasp menace and cleaning up after them. That was the thought when the first of the unmanned spacetubs (very logically called USTs) was delivered to Freya. The USTs had the same capabilities as the regular spacetubs, except that they were flown by pilots who were located on Earth and were...

2 years ago
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Vishwas And Akila 8211 Part I

Hello folks, after reading some stories in the, I felt like coming up with something as a contribution. I am no regular reader of the site, but certain content made me re-read them. I am no good story writer, but still, trying to come up with something. So here is imaginary story that revolves around two people Vishwas and Akila. Please forgive me if there are (certainly, they exist) any mistakes in this long story. Everything in this story is imaginary and is a work of...

3 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 4

Coolie said that she would be more comfortable riding in the same van as Sue, so she joined that group for the rest of the trip. Coolie remembered Bill from her course work at Auburn, he was her favorite professor. Likewise, Bill had always been impressed by Coolie's work, so he was delighted that she would be joining him in the lab. Bill was already plotting how he could make her the prime chemist on the poison production job. They were doing well on the trip until they had almost reached...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 4

As soon as the first uninfected slugs were found, an effort was made to contact them. No matter what was tried, the slugs seemed to be totally nonreactive. Finally, somebody had a brilliant idea: the sensors that the AI had used were brought into play. There was definite activity with their brains in the range the AI considered to represent sentience, but no sensible contact could be made. Then there was another brilliant idea: maybe the cognitive rate for the slugs was too slow for humans or...

4 years ago
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Rhw Secret of Pink Kryptonite

THE SECRET OF PINK KRYPTONITE Pink Kryptonite has appeared exactly once to my knowledge--in a cartoon short of Justice League Action. Metallo had incapacitated Superman, so Firestorm attempted to transmute his Green Kryptonite power source to lead, with little success at first. He actually changed it to various forms of Kryptonite of different colors, with various effects, one of which was Pink. There is also a rumor that Superman was exposed to a chunk of Red Kryptonite that...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 5

Now that John had worked out how the humans could use the antigravity belts and they had enough tubs and belts on hand, Bill wanted John to teach others how to pilot the ridiculous looking, but effective, craft. John reluctantly agreed to take time out from hunting Wasps to teach some new pilots, but he was in a hurry to get back to hunting down the enemy. Two men and one woman volunteered to be the first class of pilots, so John spent three days introducing each one to the controls and how...

3 years ago
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Girl Fridays

Girl Friday By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Casual day Lemon or baby blue? Perhaps pink? We all know what they say about girls who wear black panties, don't we? [Giggle] Fridays can be such a challenge. I mean, I had been wearing panties every day since my boss, Mr. Everhard's, "Girl Fridays" decree six weeks ago. But on Fridays, besides panties, I wore the miniskirt, stockings, garter belt and big heels to work too. On Monday through Thursday, when I'm wearing icky boys'...

2 years ago
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Girl Fridays

Girl Fridays Belladonna The car came to a stop as Vern Lowry pressed down the brake and put the vehicle in park. He pulled off his black sandals and slipped his black, opaque tights covered feet into the pair of 3? inch high heeled pumps he had placed into his pocketbook that morning. Vern smiled at the shoes as he buckled their thin ankle straps. Once he finished buckling the shoes, Vern lifted his wife's black aviator sunglasses off his nose and checked his appearance one...

4 years ago
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Special Fridays Chapter 3

SPECIAL FRIDAYS - 03 By Libnos After that wild evening, when she'd dressed me as a woman for the first time, I awoke the next morning without any misgivings or concerns. I trusted her and we and felt comfortable that would continue our relationship in the same direction but with mutual love and respect. Looking at the pictures she'd taken and printed off for me I immediately got a hard-on. I wasn't sure it was because it was because I knew it...

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Girl Friday

Girl Friday by Vickie Tern Even before I met her, Sharon's Friday evenings were her own. Hers. Not mine or ours, hers and her girlfriends'. Every Friday they'd meet and do whatever it is girls do. I never knew exactly what -- play cards I supposed, or swap recipes, trade shopping experiences, dish dirt about absent friends, whatever women do when there are no men around to inhibit or distract them. She explained to me early on that it's been that way...

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Darkroom Friday

Dieter was at the gym at 7:00 a.m. on Friday working out hard. The week had been a hard one. He wasn't a spectator type and it had been frustrating to sit on the sidelines. The weights he was lifting hurt, but he enjoyed the feeling of the strength in his muscles, the competence of his body when faced with the simple physical challenge.Friday watched him from a stationary bike across the gym. He was truly well built- he had a sense of how to build his body to pleasing proportions. He'd been...

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Foot Fetish Fridays

I was so excited! Who would have ever thought that only one month after graduating from college, I would land such a great job? Even though my starting position was to be one of the receptionists at a growing internet fashion company, it was still such a lucky break for a twenty-two-year-old to get her foot in the door. After a week of training, I was ready to report and when I entered the large building, it was so modern and revolutionary. Huge flat screen computers filled the tables and very...

3 years ago
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Boarding School Encounter 09 Henrietta Molested by the Nanites

Chapter Nine: Henrietta Molested by the Nanites By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My heart beat in fear as Peony, one of my new friends, had a metallic tentacle jutting from beneath her gray skirt of her school uniform. It was similar to the purple tentacles undulating from my pussy, except it was made of segmented metal, the end bulbous and smooth. It lunged for me while Merita, the alien possessing me, screamed a warning in my mouth. “Connect,” all the women who had invaded the...

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Daniel Defoes Girl Friday

Girl Friday Adapted from "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe By Maryanne Peters Chapter XIV He was a comely, handsome fellow, perfectly well made, with straight, strong limbs, not too large; tall, and well-shaped; and, as I reckon, about twenty-six years of age. He had a very good countenance, not a fierce and surly aspect, but seemed to have something very womanly in his face. He had all the sweetness and softness of a European in his countenance, too, especially when he...

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Every Friday

Every Friday By Vickie Tern "So, gorgeous, where does your husband think you are when you're actually here with me?" Craig asked. He'd just gotten me off yet again and was trying to cool down a little, hold back, so he wouldn't cum again too quickly himself. He wasn't inside me for the moment -- instead he'd just been sucking my tits, which seemed always to get incredibly sensitive as his lips enclosed their nipples. This lovely massive man -- average...

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Thank God Its Friday

Eric's Note: This is 99% by my friend. Gambler's Note: Basically I got this story idea from Waldo's recent story. And since Waldo's name is mentioned in the story, I would like to thank him for the great stories he wrote so far, and hope he would soon able to completely recovers from his year old auto accident injuries to his hands and return to writing those wonderful tales that one wishes to be true at all cost. Thanks Waldo for all you've done! Thank God It's Friday! By Eric...

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I love Fridays

I love Fridays. Fridays I start drinking in the late afternoon. I’m not an alcoholic, it’s just that I need to unwind once a week after chasing my two kids and husband, and doing all the housework. We make a point to get the kids out of the house on Fridays. My husband usually drops my daughter at my parents’ and we give enough money to Jason, my son who is a high-schooler, for going to the movies or whatever.Then my husband comes home and we have drunk, wild sex.This Friday was different...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 11 Kryptonite

Harvey’s Hamburgers, Strathroy, Ontario 1:13pm, Saturday, November 17, 1979 When Zupena and I walked into Harvey’s, we saw a good number of our friends had already ordered and were at their seats. Zupi and I had ridden in the other limo that took a smaller number to Tim Horton’s, and then we walked the three-hundred yards back to Harvey’s. Over along the windows, I saw Tempe, Brick and Sammy giggling and peering up at both Zupena and me. ‘That is not a good sign,’ I laughingly thought as I...

3 years ago
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February Fantasy Fridays 1

"I don't know, Kat," William whined to his girlfriend that Friday afternoon in late January. "I never did anything like that for work. This is my first year at 'Firefly.' Maybe I should just sit it out this year and see what everyone else does." "Oh, come on, Billy, don't be such a stuffed shirt," Kateri said, more than a little irritated with William's reticence. "The whole point of 'February Fantasy Fridays' is team building. In the summer we have 'Friday Field-Trips' to keep our...

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Boarding School EncounterChapter 9 Henrietta Molested by the Nanites

My heart beat in fear as Peony, one of my new friends, had a metallic tentacle jutting from beneath her gray skirt of her school uniform. It was similar to the purple tentacles undulating from my pussy, except it was made of segmented metal, the end bulbous and smooth. It lunged for me while Merita, the alien possessing me, screamed a warning in my mouth. “Connect,” all the women who had invaded the classroom said in unison, their feminine voices curiously flat, reminding me of the voice in...

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Topless Friday Night Swims

Topless Friday Night Swims It all started when I bought a local fitness center with lots of equipment, a swimming pool, sauna, and a hot tub. The pool was a pretty good size, the sauna held a dozen people, and the hot tub was made to hold twenty people. I employed six women to help my wife and I run the place. They were in their twenties and thirties while my wife and I were in our fifties…late fifties at that. One Monday one of the girls complained that she never gets to use any...

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Friday Night Rites

Part one:  Ryan's storyI broke up with my long-time girlfriend about four months ago. Things just weren’t working for us anymore. It’s a good thing we realized it before we got married.Lately I’ve been warming up to a new girl where I work. I’m just going to take it easy and let her get to know me better, and when I think the time is right I’ll ask here out, maybe for a casual date. I know she likes baseball, so maybe I’ll suggest we take in a game together, or something like thatBut that’s not...

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Friday Night FunTime

     Friday Night FunTime!A Femdom Family-Slave Story!        TJ Ryder        Buxom Ballbusters Illustrated StoriesGestapo Mistress, Dommy mommies, femdom cuckolding!     Illustrated Fetish Stories for Adults Only!**************************************   "Hi Billy!"  The 38 year old said to the teenager who he had met thefirst time he came here to the newcomers group.   'Hey Tim, everything okay?"   "Well, its been an experience,(smile)!"   "What's...

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Dr Jordans Amazing Nanites

They were too late, but just barely. Security guards burst into Dr. Jordan's lab just as the chrononites he had injected into his blood stream activated. Now he had all the time in the world. The nanites were able to interact with subatomic particles that existed outside of time and, by manipulating those particles, they took themselves and Dr. Jordan outside of time as well. The scientific implications were astounding, as were the implication for Dr. Jordan's future. They had said it...

3 years ago
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Friday or Girls Night Out

based on characters and a sketch by stev2244 Friday. Bleccch. I hated the day of the week that everyone else seemed to live for. By mid-afternoon, no one was doing any work. That was okay; we were always far enough ahead that it didn’t matter. The problem was that everyone was chattering away about where they were going that night, who they were going with, and what they were going to do to him or her afterward. I put my earbuds in, turned them up loud, and concentrated on the code review...

2 years ago
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The Friday Night Card Club

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

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The Friday Night Card Club

The Friday Night Card Club has been a staple of life at the Westhill Country Club for over seventy years. The criteria for membership are simple. You have to be a member of the country club. You have to be invited to join. You have to be a woman. And, most importantly, you have to be willing to abide by all of the rules of the Card Club.The first rule of Card Club is: NOBODY talks about Card Club.The Friday Night Card Club meets at the old clubhouse located at what is now the back of the golf...

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Im the Friday night entertainment

Friday Night Entertainment. Since the holiday in my story Holiday Park Slut, Chas and me have enjoyed quite an active sex life, With me carrying on my liking for gangbangs. I have had several sessions in car parks, local parkland, and at home. The last one being with a group of workmen who were sorting out the electricity at the end of the close. Chas came home one lunchtime to find four men giving his naked wife a good shagging from each end. They had been having their tea and crumpet for...

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Tim And Abbie 63 The Next Friday At The Sports Bar

So much has happened since last Friday night and Mark’s outburst.  For all who had been there on different levels. Monday afternoon, about the same time Tim, Matt and Peter finish their meeting at Microga; Mark arrives for his appointment with James at Pathways.  He does not see Abbie today.  Mark feels bad as he wants to apologize to her in person for his bad behavior on Friday.Mark’s time with James, relating how he and Brian are reconciled, is for Mark filled with soul-searching.  Relating...

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Friday Night Entertainment

Friday Night Entertainment by The Archer. Christine and me enjoy quite an active sex life, carrying on her liking for gangbangs. She has had several sessions in car parks, local parkland, and at home. The last one being with a group of workmen who were sorting out the electricity at the end of the close. I came home one lunchtime to find four men giving my naked wife a good shagging from each end. Apparently they had been cumming and having their fill for morning and dinner breaks for the...

2 years ago
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Friday afternoon

Subject: MOM/SON Stories: 5. Friday Afternoon 1-12 - [1/1]From: [email protected] (Sookan)Date: 1997/04/****t------------------------------------- Friday Afternoon Part 1Bobby sat on the commode in the plush upstairs bathroom with athin, well-worn magazine of grainy photographs of nude women inhis left hand and his K-Y jelly-lubricated erection in his right.As he stared at a waist-to-head picture of a particularly sexybrunette with...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates Friday

Some of you will notice that this story is very much like several others I've written. That's because I like to mess with families, and I like Freaky Friday type stories. Both to read and to write. So, here's another one. Altered Fates: Friday By Morpheus Eric stormed up to his room, still annoyed at his Mom. He wasn't really angry her since he knew that she wasn't trying to be mean or anything, but he was still very annoyed that she didn't understand him and made no...

3 years ago
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Friday the 13th Curse

The Curse of the Friday the 13th By Jennifer Allison As most of you know, February has a Friday the 13th during a leap year only every twenty-eight years. It all started for sixteen year-old Dean on the night of the 12th of February, 2004. When his parents came into his room and told him about the curse. Dean knew from the start something was up. The very first thing his father did upon walking into the room was that he took Dean's cell phone and made it so that Dean could not...

3 years ago
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Girl Friday

Girl Friday One The fax clattered out a single piece of paper. It was the Hollywood producer again. Had Joanna any suggestions about who might play the leading role in the movie of her book. He couldn't find an actor who could play both male and female lead roles. Had she any suggestions? That was his job. Could she rewrite the script so there were two characters rather than one? Out of the question! She ran her fingers through her shoulder length auburn hair and looked at the pile...

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