Dark Nites free porn video

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DarkNites I

The slap reverberated around the room. Jason gritted his teeth trying
desperately to keep hold of his temper. Daphne started towards the door but
Jason caught hold of her wrist, his eyes steely.

"You're not going anywhere until we've got this settled. Daphne
glanced coolly at his hand and then back to his face. Then she brought her
foot down on his. Hard.

Jason gave a furious growl and exploded into action. Grabbing her,
he swept her off her her feet and headed toward the bedroom. Daphne
gasped in anger.

"How dare you!", she bit out, starting to jerk and kick as violently as
possible. Daphne knew that she would probably hit the floor hard but she
didn't care. Luckily for her, they had reached the bed when she finally
came loose and landed on the bed.

He was on her in a second, his body pinning her to the bed, his mouth
finding hers. With a muffled cry of rage, she jerked her head away and got
her first good look at him. He loomed over her, the fury in his eyes telling
her more than words ever could that he was very, very serious about this.
She went cold.

"Damn you, Jason. This is ****!" Very deliberately, he shook his
head. "No, this won't be ****," he answered quietly, "Because, I'm going to
make you beg for me, over and over again."

Daphne gave an incredulous laugh. "Never." she replied s**thingly,
"You're crazy if you think you'll ever hear ME beg!"

"Before this night is over," he promised softly, "You will."

She threw all her strength at him, surprise on her side, heaving
him off her. He rolled off the bed but caught her arm and dragged her off
with him. They hit the floor hard, Daphne lying momentarily stunned, the
breath knocked out of her. It gave Jason enough time to flip her over, get
to her zip, and yank her gown to her waist.

She drew in a breath of outrage before fighting to free her arms,
trapped in the tangled sleeves. Jason took the moment to tear his shirt
off, a couple of buttons bouncing on the floor, and reached for his trousers.

Daphne finally managed to get her hands free and shoved her gown
the rest of the way. Now unhampered, she sat up and backhanded him,
knocking him off balance.

"You bastard!", she snarled as she sprang to her feet and took off.
She sprinted half-naked through the living room and had thrown open the
closet door to grab her coat when she was jerked back and thrown over his
shoulder in a fireman's lift.

"Goddamn you, Jason", she yelled, coat dangling from her fingers,
"You'll never get away with this." The next moment she was flying through
the air, landing on the bed with a thump. He advanced purposely towards
her but she was ready for him.

She kicked out with her strong legs, catching him in the stomach. He
doubled over with a loud whoosh while she scrambled for the other side of
the bed. Unfortunately for her, Jason flung himself across the bed,
grabbed hold of her ankle and hauled her ignominiously, inch by inch, back
into bed.

Truly desperately now, she sat up and tried to backhand him again
but her wrist was caught in an iron grip. Instinctively, she tried to pull
his hand off. A bad move. Effortlessly he caught her other hand, then
pulled them high over her head, forcing her down with his body.

Gasping, Daphne strained her muscles, desperately trying to raise
her arms as he leant over her to pick something off his bedside table. She
only glanced up in horror as something soft wrapped around her wrists and
tightened. Jason swiftly finished tying the ends of his silk tie to the
brass bedstead before drawing back, panting, to finger his bruised jaw.

It was only then that real, dark rage washed over her. Jason saw
it swirl into her eyes, the power of it exciting to behold. She was now a
truly dangerous woman.

"You will pay for this", she promised softly, dangerously. "If it takes
forever, you will pay for this." Jason's eyes swept slowly over her body,
sending blood rushing to the surface of her skin.

"Right at this moment, my dear", he answered derisively, " I don't
give a damn."

He backed away and started to finish undressing. Cheeks flaming,
Daphne closed her eyes and concentrated on keeping her face impassive.
She had never felt so defenseless as she lay there tied to the bed, clad
only in her underwear. But the one thing that had her cringing was that
she was already moist and ready for him. The fact that she had been so
physically aroused by their tussle humiliated her almost unbearably.

Jason was already regretting putting her through such humiliation,
but no matter how much he loved and understood her stubborn pride, Jason
knew that he would have to teach her a lesson now or she would forever be
treating him as a punching bag. And whether he liked it or not, he was
already too aroused to stop.

She felt it when he slid into bed beside her, warm and vibrant. She
stiffened, prepared for the assault. Then unexpectedly, she felt his hand
slide slowly but surely down her side. She cursed herself furiously. With
that simple gesture, he had successfully set her entire nervous system
tingling unmercifully.

Jason moved in closer and smiled. He loved strapless bras. They
seemed to epitomise feminity to him because they were held up by nothing
but a woman's natural curves. He rubbed his cheek lightly against the
fabric. Black lace. Very fine and very soft. Sensuously, he lifted a finger
and gently outlined the edge of the lace, traveling up the gentle slope and
then down into the perfumed valley between her breasts. Slowly, he
curled his finger under the flimsy lace. Then he ripped it off.

Her eyes flew open in shock as his mouth slashed down on hers.
Ruthlessly he plundered her mouth, trying to provoke her into a response.
she began to fight him; kiss for kiss, bite for bite.

Swiftly, he dragged his mouth from hers, trailing a line of hot kisses
down to her throat. Suddenly, he sensed the power flow back into her so
he was ready when her taut body shifted beneath him, then arc in a vain
attempt to throw him off. Jason put his weight on her, forcing her down,
then nipped her neck sharply, leaving a clear red bruise.

Daphne closed her eyes again in misery. There was pain here
aplenty, in her as shame and in him as regret. But the worst of it all was
that they were both too emotionally involved to stop now.

Her breath started coming in pants as his mouth began to move
over her collarbone, his hands holding her steady beneath him. He reached
one ivory breast and teasingly began to draw wet circles around her rosy
nipple with his tongue. Delicately, he taunted her as he danced nearer then
further from her sensitized peaks, making her fight to keep in control of

Then just as suddenly as he came, the teasing lover was gone as
Jason finally claimed her throbbing nipple. Daphne managed to swallow a
cry but lost control of her body as Jason drew on her peak harder and
harder. Gasping, she arched like a bow as Jason swirled his tongue around
her, sending hot lighting streaking down to her groin.

Then as if he understood, his knee pressed down between her legs, a
second before she could lock her ankles together. She knew she could
never resist an attack from that quarter, so she squeezed her thighs
together in a last, heroic attempt to thwart his questing hands. Easily, he
parted them once more, moving his leg up and letting his hand trail over
her stomach into the wetness between her legs.

The double stimulation was too much for her to tensed body to bear.
A stifled cry burst from her as she arched into his body, her hands
twisting and jerking futilely above her. Kissing her nipples and finding
the perfect rhythm with his fingers, Jason kept her senses at fever pitch,
reveling in the feel of her body moving beneath his.

Then suddenly, he slipped his fingers into her. Daphne froze, every
muscle in her body tensing up as she focused on that secret part of
herself. Jason raised his head from her breasts to better concentrate on
her and what he was about to do.

Slowly, ever so slowly, his fingers slid in and out of her, his thumb
carefully brushing against her clitoris. Gasping, she responded to the
rhythm, every movement an agony for her, as tense muscles strained to
move to the painfully slow motion of his skillful fingers.

Ruthlessly, he gave her a taste of heaven before pulling her back
again and again. Quiet now, Daphne lay exhausted beneath him; but not for
long. Suddenly, she felt the strength flow back into her. It was time to
fight back. Desperation giving her the edge she needed, Daphne used her
inner instincts, so long untouched, to tempt him, to break his control.
Sensuously, her body a supple rope, she pressed her groin to his manhood,
erotically widening her legs and clasping his hips in sweet invitation.

She felt him shudder and the sweet taste of victory filled her as he
withdrew his fingers, slick with her fluids and braced himself over her.
Then to her chagrin, his lips found her shoulder and made the descent over
her breasts and stomach, seeking out the source of her sexuality.

Swiftly, he found her throbbing clitoris with his tongue, holding her
taut body steady beneath him. In response, she tossed her head from
side to side, desperately biting her lip to keep from crying out at every
rasp of his tongue against her most sensitive spot. Over and over, never
letting up, he thrust and teased his tongue against her flesh, tasting
every single inch of her. Faster and wilder he went until she felt herself
begin to stiffen with the onslaught of her climax. Then he stopped.

With a frustrated cry, she opened her eyes to see him bending over
her, his eyes reflecting the same feverish glitter she felt within herself.

"I want an apology. Now.", he rasped, his voice hoarse. Daphne stared
at him uncomprehendingly before it hit her.
"Damn you Jason," she choked out. "We were making love, for God's
"You knew well enough what I wanted before we started this", he
replied angrily. "Now it's time to deliver".
"And I said never", she bit out. "I meant it!"

Jason stood up and picked up his trousers, swiftly pulling them on.
When he was done, he stood over her for a second before swinging around
and walking away. However, when he reached the doorway, he stopped and
braced one fist against the jamb, standing stiffly with his head bowed.
The dim lamplight cast shadows over him but showed his back muscles
working as he struggled with his own unfulfilled desire.

Daphne's voice shut down in shock as she watched him go. Pride
and dignity fought a valiant battle with physical needs but unfortunately,
she was too far gone to overcome her own arousal. Drawing in a shaky
breath, she found her voice and croaked his name. Jason turned but
stood motionless.

"I'm willing to apologize but if what you really want is to hear me
beg, then go!"
Jason walked back to the bed and stopped, looking down at her.
"Then say it".
Daphne took a deep breath and gathered the tattered remants of her
dignity about her.
"I'm sorry for saying the things I did. It was cruel of me and I should
have been above it." "Even if you did deserve it", she finished stoutly.

Jason stood motionless for a few seconds before his shoulders
started to shake in silent laughter.
"Only you", he said half to himself. "Only you could apologize
without really apologizing and get away with it."

The next minute, he was naked and in bed with her. His mouth
slashed down on hers as he took up where he left off. Swiftly, he
plundered her mouth, making her respond to him fully before moving atop
her and parting her legs.

Tantalizingly, he let her feel what she craved, rubbing her
intimately with his manhood. Too aroused to enjoy his teasing, Daphne
was rapidly losing her grip on her temper so she hardly realised it when
the bonds around her wrists loosened and came off. Free, her hands came
down to clasp him to her. Without warning, one slim hand curved and then
raked viciously down his back, drawing blood.

Jason jerked in pain but otherwise did not break contact as he began
to lift her until they were both kneeling in bed. Swiftly, his lips left hers
and roamed over her skin, seeking her most sensitive spots. Daphne
moaned, arching her head back as the most delicious sensations flowed
erotically through her. When she couldn't take any more, she broke away
and started on him.

Her lips found his shoulder and teased that ultra-sensitive hollow of
his until he was groaning at each little probe of her tongue. She trailed
lower to his nipples, half hidden in the hair on his chest. Already stiff,
she didn't have to do much to have him shuddering beside her as her hands
and lips showed him that she too, knew his body well.

Jason was exhilarated, strength flowing back into him at every
intimate stroke of her hands. She had never seemed so beautiful as she
did now, cheeks flushed, skin glowing in the lamplight and eyes....
eyes drowning him with sheer sensuality. She was Venus to him.

He let his hands drift over her, settling at her waist to hold her to
him. Then he bodily lifted her, sliding her down slowly his body, directly
onto his throbbing shaft. Daphne cried out at contact, her hands braced on
his shoulders to keep her balance, then threw her head back, gasping as
he filled her.

"Oh God, Jason", she groaned. "I can't take this slowly. Not now."
Thankfully, they fell back in bed. There would be other times to take it
slow. Now, neither of them had the stamina to tiltilate, to drive the
other slowly crazy with desire. This time was for speed and pure lust.

Jason withdrew and plunged into her again, her tightness enveloping
him with such sweet ecstasy. Daphne arched into him, reaching wantonly
for him. "Harder, deeper", she gasped into his ear, finally sending him over
the edge.

He felt the power surge within him, felt his blood go hot and wild.
His taut body was demanding satisfaction and nothing would be able to
stop the wildness in him now. When he next came to her, she cried out in
sheer pleasure, lifting her legs to allow him greater penetration. She bit
into his shoulder, goading him on as he thrust powerfully into her, her
body absorbing the shock of collision. Deeper and harder he thrust until
she could no longer hold back her cries of fulfilment. It had never been so
primitive before, just a man and a woman slaking an unendurable lust.

Jason had lost what grip he had left on his sanity. She had driven
him wild as surely as he had her earlier. He plunged into her, each stroke
more powerful than the last. He needed the heat, the essence of her. And
then ... he fell her muscles contract.

Daphne cried out his name as she peaked, her body shuddering with
the force of it. She arched up, head thrown back as her body seemed to
explode with the pressure. She had just come down when she was swept
up again to a fresh climax.

Jason could hold back no longer. The contractions within her had
been his undoing. All he could do was to bury his face in her shoulder and
go with the madness.

When it was all over, they still lay entwined, washed in the warm
afterglow of love. Jason made as if to withdraw but she held him back.
"Don't go. Stay with me awhile", she said, softly nibbling his ear.
"But won't I be too heavy for you?", asked Jason in mock innocence.
In answer, Daphne pulled him down to meet her lips.

Strangely enough, the thought of him within her was more
comforting than exciting. Buried here, in his warm embrace, she felt
loved, even after what he had done. Suddenly remembering what had
happened, made her resentment rise but she forced it down. There would
be time for revenge later.

She started to plant soft kisses on his neck and shoulders, running
her hands over his back into his hair. She transferred her attention to his
face, framing it in her hands. Studying it for a minute, she traced the
outline of his lips with her tongue. He captured her mouth, brushing lazy,
butterfly kisses across it.

Wickedly, Daphne concentrated on tightening her inner muscles,
shifting in invitation. She could sense him smile against her cheek but
more than that, she could feel him hardening within her. Fascinated, she
felt herself slowly stretch to accommodate him. Beside her, Jason sighed
and murmured ruefully into her ear. "I think it's time for round two."

DarkNites II

The writer dropped her pen like a hot coal, and stretched her aching
fingers. The pain in her hand was almost pleasurable when coupled with the
delicious tension in her body.. Her breath came in short, sharp pants.
Anne leant back in her armchair, her hands drifting slowly down over her body
to the point that screamed for relief. Her fingers slipped between her thighs.

Wet. Her juice had soaked right through her panties and her silk
nightshirt. She swung her chair around to face the gardens, leant back and
closed her eyes..

In her mind's eye, she was out in the garden, looking
through the windows at herself. She saw herself throw a leg over the arm
of the chair. She saw her fingers push aside the fabric at her crotch
and dive in. Anne gasped and pushed back against the chair, eyes squeezed
shut as her middle finger worked her clitoris in circles. The feeling of
wet flesh rubbing against her sensitized clit was indescribable..

Her other hand crept under the nightshirt, stroking upwards to find
her erect nipples. Not for the first time, she was surprised at smooth and
firm her breasts were..

Anne started to whimper as the urgency in her built up. Her fingers
picked up the speed, the pleasure was almost too much to bear. There...
almost there. YES! YES! NOW! She exploded. She wilted in the chair,

A soft sound came from behind her. Her eyes opened slowly. A soft
smile played around her lips. Strong, familiar hands stroked slowly down her
shoulders to cup her breasts. Anne looked up to see Jason in the flesh
leaning over her.

"Adam", his name slipped off her lips sensuously. He caught her
hands and pulled her to her feet, catching her as her unsteady legs gave way
under her. She pressed against his hard body, a wicked sparkle beginning to
form in her eyes..

Adam glanced over his shoulder at papers sprawled over her desk.
"Have I been immortalized in yet another of your books?" Anne gave him a
slow smile. "You'll have to wait till the book comes out before you find

Adam knew the look in her green eyes. The "I'm in control so get ready
for an unforgettable night" look. He ran his palm up her silk-clad back and
bent down for a slow, sensuous kiss. Just the way she liked it. She began
backing him toward her big armchair. One push and he was settled in it.
She backed away, one hand fingering her collar and a half-smile on her lips.

She leant against the desk, looking him over possessively. Inside
Adam's slacks, his penis sprang into action. He leant back, enjoying the
feel of rushing blood and the pressure in his cock. Slowly, Anne shaped
the outside of her thighs, pushing up the hem of her shirt to her hips.
Just as slowly, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her briefs and
drew them down. As she knew he would, his eyes followed the scrap of cloth
as it slipped down her slim, white legs to the floor. On a whim, she
hooked the briefs with her foot and stretched her leg out to hand it to him.

He accepted it with a half-smile, bringing it to his nose, his eyes
meeting hers over the cloth. Taking her own time, Anne perched herself on
the edge of the desk, arranging the folds of her shirt to conceal and
tiltilate. She pressed her legs together and brought them up perpendicular
to her body.

She leant back, supporting herself with her hands and then pulled
up her right leg, letting her bare foot stroke up her other leg. Adam sat
up straight in the chair, the anticipation was almost unbearable. Anne
straightened her leg, enjoying the effect of her teasing. Gracefully, she
swept her leg in a semi-circle, opening her legs wide to reveal to him her
wet, red lips, the scent of her arousal wafting towards him.

Adam gripped the arms of the chair tightly, every instinct in his
body screaming at him to leap up and thrust into the hot, wet hole she was
boldly offering him. Anne waited to see if he would break. He didn't.
Good, he knew the game.

She slid off the desk, and crooked her finger at him. Obediently,
he rose to his feet and came to her. He pressed his body against hers,
trapping her against the hard wood. Anne could feel his hard shaft through
his clothes. She closed her eyes, imagining it probing at her hole, in
her mouth, between her breasts, feeling the frenzy building inside her.
Control it, control it, she repeated to herself.

Swiftly she started work on his buttons. Adam took his chance and
used her distraction to reach for her breasts. Cupping and squeezing them,
flicking her nipples and feeling her body jerk in response. He leant over
her, forcing her to bend back over the desk, her breasts rising to offer
themselves to him. His mouth fastened on them. Anne whimpered as his
clever tongue worked her sensitive points through the thin silk, barely able
to keep her hands moving.

Anne finally got his shirt undone and went straight for the attack.
She pushed him off her and slid away from the table. They circled each
other, eyeing each other warily.

Anne was not pleased. The game had changed. He was not longer letting
her have control of the situation. Adam reached for his belt coolly, his
eyes carefully neutral. Slowly, he began to strip for her.

He was nude in front of her in moments. God, he was beautiful. He
loved swimming and it showed. He had the toned body of a long distance
swimmer, sleek and strong. Her breathing quickened as her libido went into

Adam got the shock of his life when she threw herself at him, her
weight knocking him into the long-suffering desk. He doubled over to
protect his groin from flying knees and other flailing body parts so he was
hardly prepared when she took his ear lobe his her mouth and clamped her teeth
on it. He froze, the threat in her action unmistakable.

Slowly, they straightened, Anne keeping her hold on his ear. His
hands moved to her shoulders, but the sting of teeth on one of his most
sensitive spots changed his mind about shoving her away. He felt her smug
smile against his cheek.

"Let go, Anne", he demanded in his best dangerous voice. Her only
response was to place her hands on his shoulders and draw her nails softly
down his chest. Adam shuddered against her body but didn't try to fight
her. Anne found his nipple with her fingers, teasing its tip in the way
she loved hers to be touched. Her grip on his ear lobe loosened as she
flicked her tongue across it. Encouraged by the fact that he hadn't
tackled her, she grew bolder.

Slowly, ever so slowly, she dragged her free hand down his body,
feeling him stiffen as he realised where she was headed. Stroking his
penis was just the start. When she took it in her hand, he groaned
involuntarily. Sure now, that she was once again in control, she released
his ear. A hand in the middle of his chest guided him backwards to her
desk. He slid up on it and lay back, waiting for her.

She knelt over him, giving him a fine view before seating herself
astride his thighs. His penis, engorged and throbbing in rhythm with his
heart, drew her gaze. How could she possibly describe how beautiful it was
to her..

Secretly, she had always thought she was weird, since she had
always loved giving blow jobs, watching the ecstasy on her lover's face as
she played his dick like a violin, feeling the power flow through her. She
had first suspected she was strange in college, when she admitted that she
loved swallowing a man's cum to her friends and watched them get totally
grossed out. Did she care? Hell no! Not when the most exciting thing in the
world was the sight of her lover's face when he climaxed. Right now though,
she needed to concentrate on the rest of him.

Adam lay beneath her, eyes shut feeling her touch him to his
heart's content. He had never been able to complain that she didn't touch
him enough. Indeed, no part of his body was sacred to her. Her lips
extracted pleasure from areas that he never knew were so sensitive... He
could feel her work his way down his body, impatience burning in his for
the touch of her lips on his cock.

AT LAST! Adam bit his lip as the faint whisper of her breath
brushed against the head of his cock. Nothing. He strained against her,
wanting desperately to reach up and force her lips to take him in. His
hands curled into fists at his side as he fought the urge.

He opened his eyes as he felt her slide up to lie beside him. She
propped herself up on an elbow smiling lazily at him, casually trailing a hand
up and down his chest. Damn! Adam took another deep breath and forced himself
to calm down. She was obviously in no hurry to finish this.

Deciding to test the waters himself, Adam raised a hand and stroked
a finger down her neck to the valley between her breasts. Anne didn't stop
him, so he grew bolder. He found her breast, taking its weight into the
palm of his hand, teasing her nipple with his thumb. He watched her eyes
glaze in that familiar way, felt her press herself into him.

Swiftly he came off the table and knelt over her. He had already
decided that he was going to do unto her as she had done unto him. He
started at her feet, stroking upwards on the outside of her legs, over her
stomach making a bee-line for her nipples.

Carefully, he brushed the tips of his fingers over the sensitive
tips of her breast, and heard her gasp softly in response. Lazily, he
traced circles around them, occasionally flicking one throbbing point.
Swiftly, he stretched out beside her and bent down to claim her breasts.
His tongue played a sweetly, maddening symphony with her body, until she
was clutching him, one leg wrapped tightly around him.

Pushing her down onto her back, he lowered himself between her legs,
making sure that his cock was probing directly at her vage (I think pussy
& cunt are downright degrading!). He heard her groan. Good, he knew perfectly
well how much this drove her crazy.

Anne reached for his butt, scratching him slightly as she tried to
pull him into her. Adam supported himself over her, looking very amused as
she squirmed under him, trying to draw him into her. Pretty soon, she lay
still, glaring up at him.

"Swine.", she growled. Adam ignored her, as he started to gyrate
against her, his cock stroking along her slit. Anne squeezed her eyes shut,
trying to block out the deeply rooted instinct that screamed at her to
take him in. She felt like her blood had come alive and was shooting
through her veins, forcing her to move her body to relive the tension.

Now! She pushed off the desk, twisting to throw him off. Adam,
too involved in what he was doing, was taken by surprise and nearly slid
off the desk. Anne swiftly settled herself astride his hips, glaring at
him.. His hands came up to grasp her hips.

Ever so slowly, she rose to her knees. She looked down at his cock
deliberately, knowing that his gaze would follow hers. She wrapped her
hand around his shaft, and heard his breathing quicken.. Slowly, she
lowered herself onto it.

The moment, his flesh touched her inner lips, the familiar urge hit
her. She needed to thrust down, to grind herself against his pubic bone.
Instead, she forced herself to take it slow, feeling that wonderful
stretching sensation that only comes with the first stroke..

Adam's mind was reeling as he watched her slide down his shaft,
watched more of himself disappear into her. The hot, wet tightness around
him excited him no more than the soft groan she let out as she threw her
head back as the pressure in her grew. All at once she thrust down,
burying him in her up to his balls.

Adam reflexively reached for her breasts, poised so tantalizingly
over him. She leaned forward, letting their weight rest in his hands.
Slowly, she began to rotate her hips over him, letting his shaft rub
against every single inch of her inner walls. Following her deepest
instincts, she began to grind herself against him, her clitoris rubbing
deeply against his pubic bone, giving her the stimulation she needed to

Adam almost forgot his own pleasure as he watched his wife go after
her own pleasure. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her entire body gyrating as
her rythmn grew more frantic, soft cries escaping her as the tension in
her body grew unbearable. Her eyes flew open just as she slighted her
climax. That was the only thing he asked of her. Keeping her eyes open as
she came so that he could see the pleasure reflected in her eyes.

Adam concentrated on not coming as Anne stiffened, her mouth in a
silent scream. It had taken him a long time to learn to stop his own orgasm
as the walls around him spasmed and squeezed him in a way he still found
wildly exciting.

As soon as she collapsed on him, Adam rolled over so she was lying
on her side, glued to him by their sweat. Watching her orgasm had left him
more aroused than ever, as the insistent throbbing of his cock deep inside
told her. She ignored her rubbery legs, and pulled away from him. His
cock slid out fully lubricated with her fluids.

Mesmerized again by its strange beauty, she reached down for it.
He groaned as her fingers wrapped around his thickness. Slowly, ever so
slowly she began the rythmn that he had taught her so long ago. Adam
squeezed his eyes shut, keeping in every bit of pleasure generated as his
outer skin slid over his shaft. Anne recovered quickly, her attention
focused on his reactions as she picked up the tempo.

Adam rolled back onto his back, letting her have full access to his
body. She leaned forward, flicking his nipples delicately with her tongue
as her hand milked his cock with absolutely no delicacy at all. She hit
full speed, switching hands when she got tired. The agonized grimace on
his face, his hands convulsively clutching the edges of the desk, filled
her with a pleasure entirely different from the previous one. Her eyes
drank in every gasp, every shudder as Adam's body started thrusting
furiously against her flying hands.

He managed to choke out the words. "I'm gonna come." Immediately,
she tapered off the tempo, letting his body have the time to adjust to the
changes. Adam relaxed as far as the ache in his balls would let him. He
was already exhausted, but he knew perfectly well that the best was yet to

Anne leant over him, the sensuous look was back in her eyes as she
made sure she had his complete attention. She drew down his body, her eyes
never leaving his as she bent down over his dick. Mesmerized, he drank in
the picture of her lips gently claiming his head.

Anne took her time. She let her tongue trace the sensitive ring
around his cock-head, flicking, teasing it unbearably until she suddenly
sank his entire shaft into her throat. Adam came off the table with a
strangled moan, as the heat and wetness engulfed him. She began bobbing
her head, her tongue swirling madly against the sensitive underside of his
dick, taking him in with the ease of a familiar lover...

Adam couldn't keep off his orgasm any longer, the dark storm of
pleasure carefully built up inside him, was demanding to be let out. He
let himself go.

Anne felt him go stiff under her, felt the tension humming in his
body. One last time, she took him in, her tongue feeling the throbbing of his
shaft against it. He could only hold on to his sanity as the pleasure
blasted through his body. Dimly, he was aware of her sucking every last
drop of cum from him. The incredible sensations ripping through him
precluded all else.

A minute later, he came off the table and pulled her into a tight
hug. The taste of his cum was salty on her lips and he kissed her as only
he could...

DarkNites III

C-x C-c

The writer slumped in exhaustion in her armchair. The monitor in
front of her glowed blue in the dim light. This had taken a lot out of her
but the insistant throbbing in her groin demanded relief.

Behind her, her lover waited in the shadows. He had the privilege
of being the first to read it before she posted it to alt.sex.stories. She
glanced over her shoulder at him, noting with a half smile the obvious
effect her work had on him..

He put down the printout, and fixed her with an intense look.. He
rose gracefully to his feet and walked to where she was. Swiftly he pulled
her to her feet, claiming her lips without any further ado. The familiar
tension of desire mounted in her as the combination of mental arousal and
hardness against her body took her over the edge into desperation.

She wanted a good, hard fuck and she wanted it now. She told him
so. He gripped the waistband of her tights and yanked them down. Her
panties came off with them. Free from the waist down, she hopped up onto
the table, parting her thighs for him.

Swiftly he undid his jeans with a skill she would never acquire.
He sat down to yank them off his feet and then rose to his feet. 6 feet of
sexy man in silk boxers. He reached up and dragged off his sweater, arm
muscles rippling.

He walked to her, cock straining against the silk of his
shorts. Taking them off was a pleasure reserved exclusively for her. The
silk whispered as her hands slid them over his hips and down to the floor.

He moved between her legs, his cock probing intimately at her
soaking wet vagina. Her legs rose to lock themselves around behind his
back and he thrust violently into her. A harsh cry escaped her as force of
his thrust carried him deep into her. The repressed tension in her

YES, YES, OH GOD, GOD! Her nails dug deep into his shoulders. She
clung to him, as he slammed into his body, her helpless cries of pleasure
ringing in the deserted lab. The combination of his force and her own
helplessness excited as nothing her as nothing else could. She soon found
herself at the boundary between pain and pleasure. Arching back her neck,
she screamed as one last thrust carried them both into ecstacy.

He collapsed on top of her. Worn out, but completely happy she
hugged him, a soft smile playing on her lips..

A little while later, he pulled away from her and typed news.
News>post darknites2.

Darknites II entered the curious world of Alt.Sex.Stories, where all
fantasies do come true.

DarkNites: Study-Break

Its 2 am. You plop down on your bed, totally fried from ECE 541.
You fling one arm across your eyes and heave a huge sigh. You feel your body
melt slowly into the mattress as tired muscles let go..

Something isn't right. You could have sworn that someone had just
touched you. Must be your imagination. A hand whispers across your chest
and then down one leg. You try to lift the arm across your eyes to take a
look but it suddenly seems to weight a ton.

You feel someone settle beside you. A warm breath of air blows
into your ear and that hand slides back up your thigh to rest on your
crotch. You begin to harden instinctively, but the hand refuses to help
you. It slides ever so slowly up to your neck and gets to work on your

Your eyes are still closed and you're wondering if this is all a
dream, but the soft grind of your buttons as they escape your shirt tells
you that no dream can be THIS vivid. Nails sc**** down your bare chest,
leaving goosebumps in their wake. Your zip slides down with a metallic
rattle. You hold your breath waiting for the touch...

YES! Soft strokes through the cotton of your briefs. Your body
starts to come alive, as you start wishing your clothes away. As if your
thoughts were read, two hands fasten on your jeans and yank down.
Somewhere you find the energy to lift your hips to let the denim slide down
to your knees. The briefs soon follow.

Warm hands fasten around your penis, beginning the familiar rhythm.
A wet tongue strokes along your bare thigh, moving lazily up to swirl
around the head of your cock. Another lazy lick as the hands stroke and
massage you. Suddenly you're engulfed in a warm, wet cavern. You gasp in
surprise and pleasure. Nails sc**** along the sides of your hips, reaching
and squeezing your butt.

A tongue swirls madly against you. A taste of your skin, your
sensitive head and then the wonderful feeling of heat and tightness. Again
and again it happens, just as slow and sure. Its driving you crazy. Your
nerves are stretched to the limit but you still don't have the energy to move,
to protest, to do anything!

The mouth withdraws leaving you wet and feeling the chill of the room.
One finger slowly strokes up the vein on the underside on your cock. Warm
breath brushes against the head of your cock, slowly moving lower. Then both
your balls are sucked into that clever mouth. You arch your back instinctively,
a small gasp escaping you as the vibration begins at your crotch and spreads
insidiously through your entire hips.

The pitch of the humming deepens and you suddenly feel the tension in
your groin double as the vibration intensifies. "Jesus", you groan, clutching
the sheets convulsively as the muscles in your stomach tighten and starts
contracting involuntarily. The shudders spread through your entire body as
you feel yourself come within an inch of climax. You start to fight it,
wanting this incredible sensation to go on forever.

The mouth shifts in position without a break in the humming and then
amazingly one hand is wrapped firmly around your cock. Slowly it starts to
pump. Heaven! Your body is now squirming uncontrollably as you try to keep
yourself from coming. But then, the humming drops another octave. The
violent simulation is too much for you to bear. Every muscle tenses as you

You're completely drained and you don't want to even try to move.
But you do anyway. You move your arm and open your eyes, blinking in the
bright light. There's no one in the room. There is only a sterling silver
ring on the bedside table by your clock.

DarkNites: For you..

The doorbell jangled. Jonathan made a last attempt to straighten
his bow-tie, grimacing as it stubbornly remained at a 15 degree to the
horizontal. He took a last look at himself in the mirror. Thank God that
he had always felt comfortable in formal clothes.

He grabbed his wallet and opened the front door. Katerina stood there
gazing at him, a calm smile on her lips. His eyes swept over her
appreciatively. She was in a short, strapless black dress with a black silk
scarf d****d over her upper arms. The expression in her eyes as she looked
him over told him that he wasn't looking too bad either..

"You look sexier than hell", he said pulling her into his arms. "How
am I going to keep my hands off you?" That got a wicked grin out of her.
"Don't know." She reached around to squeeze his butt. "I know I won't
try to..." He gave a soft growl and lifted her clear off her feet, molding her
body to his.
"AHA! You are my prisoner now. Don't even try to fight me. I intend
to have my wicked way with you!" A strange look flitted through her eyes as
her lips formed a mysterious smile.
"Come on, we're going to be late.", she said, wriggling in his arms.
He let her down with a sigh. "Aren't you going to tell me where we're going?",
he asked.

"Nope." Deftly, she slipped the scarf off her shoulders and twirled
it into a blindfold. "Its a surprise." He looked at her, standing there with
that strange light in her eyes and a little dread crept into him. He was a
strong man, always in control, never letting his guard down and perpetually
watching his back. Then he met Kat, and he found a woman who was strong
enough to stand up to him, and he fell madly in love. They had been through
so much but there was still a part of him that couldn't trust her. Now there
she was, standing there waiting for him to put himself in her power.

His heart began to pound in slow, hard strokes as he shut his eyes and
felt the silk wrap around his head. She took his hand and led him down his
driveway to her car..


Katerina turned the key in the ignition. The engine died. She glanced
beside her. Jonathan was completely tense, using his hearing to orientate
himself. She smiled to herself. Jon was a tough man but she could see clearly
that he hated being this way. She got out, walked over to his side and helped
him out.

"So, are we at my surprise yet?", he asked calmly. "She pursed her
lips, considering. "Not quite.. A little way more." He felt her hand in
his and let her lead him up a short driveway, stumbling a little over the
little stones in his path. He heard the jangle of keys and the sound of a
door opening. She pulled him forward. He stepped into warmth and stillness.

"Kat, where are we?" He felt her lips on his. Soft and comforting.
The air was scented lightly, smelling of.... sandalwood. Her favorite scent.
But this was not her apartment.

Katerina looked slowly around the room. Scented candles were
everywhere, shedding a warm glow over everything. She drew both of his hands
in hers and drew him slowly to the double bed in the middle on the room. She
stood back from him, then placed her hands on his shoulders and drew them
down his lapels to the single button holding the tuxedo together.

Jonathan felt his jacket part and then her hands pushing it off his
shoulders. Instinctively he raised a hand to take off the blindfold but
she caught it and pulled it back down to his side. Realization hit him then,
a pure thrill of excitement going through him. His senses sharpened instantly,
focusing on the touch of her hands through his dress shirt and the rush of
blood to his groin.

He reached for her as her hands started on the buttons of his shirt,
clasping her hips and pulling her against him. He shaped her bottom, sliding
his hands over them slowly, making a mental picture in his mind. His hands
swept gently up the velvet to find her breasts. She gasped as he took their
weight in his palms, squeezing them. Muscles in her buttocks spasmed as his
thumbs found her taut nipples through the fabric. And then she was done!

He felt her yank the shirt out of his pants and practically tear it
off him.. A little of her wildness crept into him as he shoved down the
top of her dress roughly, a metallic rattle in the background as her zip gave
way. Immediately she shoved him away, leaving him alone in the darkness,
sensing only her tense presence nearby.

She slipped out of her dress quickly, leaving her only in her panties.
Slowly she moved close enough for him to sense her. Not touching him at
all, she walked slowly around him taking in the sight of his naked chest
glowing golden in the candlelight. She stopped when she was back in front of
him. One hand on his chest guided him backwards until he felt the softness of
the bed against the back of his knees. A slight push and he was sitting on it.
He could feel the bed dip beside him and then she was pushing him back until
he was lying back on the bed.

Katerina knelt over him not letting any part of her body touch his,
save her hands. Beginning at his shoulders she stroked down his arms, stopping
at his wrists. She slowly wrapped her fingers around them and drew them up
over his head. She released one hand and reached for one of the silk scarves
attached to the bed.

As soon as Jonathan felt something soft slide over his hand and tighten
around his wrist, a sharp bolt of sheer panic shot through him. He shot off
the bed to his knees, his right arm still bound to the brass headboard. He
started to wrestle with the knot, just as he felt her hand slip over his and
still it.

"Trust me..." came a whisper floating to him on the still, warm air.
He loved her. Everything in him screamed at his loss of control. He had
to trust her. He was scared stiff. He stood still for a moment and then
wordlessly, he held out his free hand to her.

He sank back into the bed, and felt her finish binding him to the
bed. His entire body felt like a live wire, every inch of skin suddenly
incredibly sensitive to every brush of her body. His panic was subsiding
but he was still tense..

He felt fluttering fingers on the snap of this pants, heard the
zip slide down. Lifting his hips slightly, he let her pull it off. His
boxers soon followed. Katerina sat back on her heels, her eyes travelling
slowly down his naked body, his skin glowing a rich gold in the flickering
candlelight. He was still nervous but he was also incredibly aroused. His
shaft was throbbing and erect and she longed to wrap her hand around it and
feel its firmness. She banished such thoughts from her mind. This night
was for him.

She leant slightly towards him and placed one hand slightly above
his chest. He stiffened, sensing its presence. She moved it downward
slowly, watching his skin break out in goosebumps at this invisible caress.
Down she went until her hand was poised over his crotch. She watched him
lie there, straining his body towards her and then she wrapped her hand
around his cock. She heard a sigh of pleasure escape him as the warmth
came around him. Bending slightly, she flicked her tongue quickly across
the sensitive head of his penis and immediately felt the throbbing of the
vein that signalled the rush of more blood..

She bounded off the bed, and headed for the refrigerator. Behind her
Jonathan lifted his head sightlessly, listening for her. Then she was on the
bed again, stretching out beside him, still not letting her body touch his.

He felt it first at his belly button. Something chilly and rough,
moving up his chest and circling around his nipples. They stiffened even
more, his sensitized skin reacting to the rasp of the thing. Then it was
poised at his lips. He opened his mouth and took a bite. Sweetness
exploded in his mouth, the juice sliding down his throat and lingering on
his lips. Kat popped the rest of the strawberry in her mouth and bent
down to claim his lips. His tongue thrust fiercely into her mouth, clearly
tasting the tang of the fruit. It felt exotic and wildly erotic as her
hands ran over him, touching and stroking as only she knew how.

She pulled away from him. He lifted his head to keep contact with
her lips just a little longer but she was faster. Suddenly he felt a strong
chill at his hip moving around in growing circles. Ice! He knew it
immediately. Katerina smiled as she saw it in his quick smile. She drew it
swiftly down one leg and back up on the inside, watching him flinch as it
touched his sensitive inner thighs.

She popped the ice block her mouth and then threw it over her shoulder
as she bent down and pressed her cold lips to the crease where his leg meet
his body. Jonathan came off the bed with a cry, his mind suddenly reeling.
Her tongue flicked out and traced the crease, feeling his body jerk under her.
His heat warmed her up again as her tongue danced tantalizingly nearer and
then further from his cock, drawing teasing circles on his balls, in his pubic

Then her tongue was on him, the rough rasp sliding around his
sensitive head made his body jerk involuntarily. One hand wrapped around him
and began to stroke the sensitive skin. Then it tightened around him and
slowly began to pump. His breathing became shallow as she increased her
pace slowly, always keeping it slower that what he needed, making him

Then suddenly she went full speed ahead, her hand milking his
cock furiously. "Yes! Oh God, Yes!" The pleasure was sharp and perfect,
driving him swiftly but surely towards coming. But then suddenly he was
engulfed in heat and wetness. The rhythm broke and he was left pulsing,
heart pounding madly as frustrated desire flowed through his veins.

Katerina gave him a few seconds to recover and then she ground her
jaw sideways, her tongue and the walls of her mouth flowing around him in
an intensely elaborate caress. She kept it slow, letting her tongue
tease and flick his head, throughly enjoying the sight of his clenching
hands straining at her scarves. Then suddenly she drew her head back and
plunged down, taking his entire length into her throat. Jonathan groaned,
his hips arching up into her mouth. His most basic instincts screamed at him
to thrust into her, but she had his lower body pinned down and the rest of him
completely at her mercy..

Kat pulled back and plunged down again and again, her lips squeezing
with just the right amount of pressure. His hips found the rhythm, moving
with her towards his climax. His head pressed back into the pillows, a
grimace etched on his mouth as he felt the first shudders begin to start in
his groin. Katerina felt them too because she stopped.

"NO! DAMMIT KAT!", he exploded. She didn't answer him. Instead,
she came to her knees and slid off her panties. Then she knelt astride him
and lowered herself down carefully. Jonathan felt her wetness rub against his
shaft and his stomach. Slowly she started to rub herself against him,
spreading her fluids all over him. Deep inside him, a stronger instinct
came alive suppressing the throbbing ache in his balls. His hands clenched
and jerked at his bonds, trying to get loose. His imagination clearly
saw her pinned beneath him as he thrust into her, her legs coming up to
wrap around his waist letting him have full access to her.

Kat took his cock in her hand, guiding it to her clitoris, rubbing
it and her inner lips with just the right pressure. She began to shudder
as the pleasure spread through her groin. The pure mental arousal she had
gone through so far had brought her so close to the edge that she had to have
relief. Jon realised what she was after and began to thrust himself against
her. She let go off his shaft with a grateful sigh and laid her body down on
his. Her knees were spread so far apart on either side of him that every
thrust brought him in close contact with her throbbing clitoris.

Jonathan could feel her trembling on his chest, her hands gripping
his shoulders in rhythm with his thrusts. He could hear her soft whimpers,
could feel the familiar pleasure spread through his own body with every
touch of her wet flesh. He sped up his movements, hearing her whimpers
grow to loud gasps, feeling her press herself closer to his cock. Her
nails dug into his shoulders and then her body froze against his as her
orgasm broke over her.

Jon's own body had taken over, rubbing furiously still to gain its
own satisfaction. Kat came down from her climax to find that she was
heading for another. This time, she needed a more satisfying one. She pushed
herself off his chest and straightened up before plunging down directly on
his erect penis. Jon arched back with a wild cry as he felt himself buried
in a hot, wet haven.

Katerina braced her hands on Jon's chest as then began to pump her
hips, not enough for her to withdraw completely but just enough to see Jon
start writhing under her. Her scarves were stretched taut with the v******e
of his struggles but her knots were excellent and held true. Kat's dark hair
spilled over one shoulder and both their bodies gleamed wetly in the
candlelight as she ground her clitoris against his pubic bone with each

She sped up, squeezing her inner muscles to offer him an incredibly
tight sheath. The added stimulation was too much to bear. Jon went rigid,
an agonized grimace on his face as his shaft throbbed violently within her,
his long-delayed orgasm double its usual intensity. One last deep grind of
Kat's hips and she cried out, the squeezing of her muscles changing to
violent, uncontrolled spasms that joined his own.

She collapsed on top of his exhausted body. He still couldn't see
a thing but the dead weight on top of him told him that she had climaxed
with him. A slow smile spread over his face, widening into a cocky grin.
This being-tied-up stuff wasn't too bad...

"God, Kat. You're wonderful..." He felt her smile against his
chest. "But wait till I get my hands on you..", he finished deliciously.
A soft laugh reached his ears.

"That could be a while, lover. What makes you think that this
is over?"

DarkNites: One Night.

What the hell was she doing in front of his apartment? She was
leaving just to get away from him, so why the hell was she here.. Dammit!
She knew perfectly well why. She hesitated for a moment, then pulled herself
together and rang the doorbell. She wanted and she had waited long enough.
She squared her shoulders and waited. The door opened.

"Lia!" It sounded to her as if the very way he said her name was
steeped in promises. He stepped aside and allowed her to pass through. She
turned to face him and their eyes locked. They both knew why she was here.

Mesmerized, she gazed at him, intrigued by the clouding of his eyes.
He reached for her hand, lifted it to his lips and kissed her fingers
seductively all the while looking over at her through those sensational
violet eyes. She didn't say anything, she didn't have to say anything.

She stepped forward confidently into his arms to meet his kiss, the
romance of the moment changing in a flash into while-hot passion. How long
had they they waited for this? Forever. Now she thirsted for his kisses,
her hand slipping into his hair, stroking the silken strands she loved so
much. Hot sparks of pleasure shot through her body, straight to her inner
core, forming a sharp pain there which she instinctively knew only he could

No strings attached. That was the deal. It seemed so cold-blooded
but she desired him with an urgency that couldn't be ignored. His hand
slipped up from his waist to the underside of her breast. She gasped as it
came alive at his touch, little shivers of pleasure running through her. She
was spiraling down a whirlpool and in a few moment, she knew that she would
not be able to deny him anything. He suddenly stopped kissing her and gazed
into her face, his hand coming up to stroke her cheek.

"Do you want me?", he asked softly, knowing full well the answer but
needing to hear it anyway. Lia's lips bruised by his kisses whispered
wretchedly "Yes." He drew a sharp breath and then framed her face with his
hands and murmured so softly that she could barely hear him.

"I want you more than any woman I've ever known. I want to touch
you like a lover and not like a friend. Once this happens, there can't be
any going back." "I know", she whispered as she leant forward to capture his
lips. He swept her up, carrying her to the fireplace, setting her gently
down on the soft Angora rug. He gazed into her face intently.

Something was wrong. It was unspoken by very real. Intuitively,
Sam knew that she was holding part of herself back from him. Dammit!
He needed to touch her. Body, mind AND soul. He needed her to want him
as much as he wanted her. Nothing less would do, he promised himself.

He lifted a finger and very deliberately outlined the shape of her
lips, lovingly following its contours. She parted her lips slightly, inviting
his touch, her eyes seducing him. He slipped his hands into her hair, feeling
the heady silk of it slipping through his fingers.

Fascinated her watched as she unbuttoned his shirt overcoming her
fears as she pushed it off his shoulders. She let her eyes wander down him
as she had done once before. How she had longed to touch him then, never
knowing that she would find the courage to do it. She let her hands drift
from his shoulders into the silky pelt of dark curls on his chest, feeling
him shudder as she tugged the hairs gently.

He reached for her, kissing her hard on the mouth while he pulled her
zip down. He let his lips burn a fiery trail of kisses down her neck as she
threw back her head, letting him have full access to her. His hand pushed
the dress off her shoulders, kissing the exposed skin as he did so. The dress
slid off, leaving her in her bra and panties, the firelight casting golden
shadows on her skin.

"Sam", she whispered urgently through her bruised lips. "I know.",
he answered softly, pushing her down onto the rug. Her hands traced the hard
muscles of his back, memorizing the hard planes of his body, slipping
downwards to mould the curve of his buttocks. He traced the edge of her
bra with fiery kisses, before sinking his face in the perfumed valley of
her breasts.

Suddenly, the memory of her **** popped into her mind. The knife!
Her body stiffened slightly, making Sam raise his head to look at her.
Ruthlessly, she pushed the memories away, knowing that it would be different
this time. Her body was finally ready to accept another man..

"Sam, make love to me." With a groan, he claimed her lips once again,
a promise of what was to come.

His hand stroked upwards to cup her breast. She gave a little cry as
her nails dug into his back. His thumb gently flicked her nipple, making her
gasp uncontrollably as an electric shock ran through the body. Immediately,
the little bud hardened, pushing against the flimsy lace of her bra. Within
seconds, he had pulled it off her, revealing the delicate swell of her breasts.

"My God. You are exactly as I imagined!", he groaned before letting
his lips travel up the creamy slopes of her breasts. Her exquisite nipples
jutted forth inviting his touch while the fire cast dancing shadows on her
pale skin. His mouth claimed one hard bud, tantalizing it as he nibbled and
teased it with his lips, driving her wild with longing as he continued with
exquisite torture. The suddenly the teasing lover was gone. Instead he
whipped up a storm of sensations as he sucked on her straining peak harder
and harder. Gasping, she arched towards him as red-hot lightning bolts shot
straight to her groin where she felt the moistness start up.

She shut her eyes, letting herself feel the intense pleasure he was
giving her. But God!, she wanted more, so much more! She raked her nails
down his back, making him shudder and kiss her other straining nipple.
"Dear God!", she cried, her fingers weaving themselves in his hair, as
she drowned in the wonderful tang of expensive aftershave and the scent of his

He could feel her heart thudding beneath his hand, fluttering like
a trapped bird. He let his hands drift downwards, fastening on the remaining
piece of her underwear, drawing the soaked fabric down her legs. Hypnotized
by the sheer beauty he had unveiled, he drew back to remove the rest of her
clothes, his eyes never once leaving her.

She propped herself up on her elbows, drinking in the sight of his
intense masculine beauty. His body slim and tanned, perfectly formed with
not a spare inch anywhere. Her lover. Her man, she thought possessively
as she reached up to pull him down.

He covered her body with his, molding her to him. Flesh on flesh,
with no barriers. Touching, learning, discovering. No words were necessary,
only the magic that held them trapped existed. His hands slid between her
thighs, stroking the petal soft skin, insistently parting them to his questing
hands. When fingers finally slid between her moist lips, she gasped then
clutched him as he touched her at the most sensitive place of all. Her
heart sped up as she lost herself in the spell his skillful hands were
weaving around her.

His lips replaced his hands, his tongue probing her insistently,
driving her half crazy as he held her frantically straining body steady
under him. Again and again he brought her to the edge of climax, letting
her have a glimpse of ecstasy before suddenly stopping.

"Sam please...", she groaned as the emptiness within her grew.
He moved up to her before whispering "Not yet, my love." She plied her neck
and shoulders with hot kisses, while her hands roamed free, feeling the
whip-cord strength of his body, straining his self-control to its limit.

She nibbled his ear before thrusting her tongue into it. The result
was explosive. She locked him in her arms as he gave a sharp cry,
involuntarily thrusting his hips against her to the rhythm her sliding
tongue set. Seizing her advantage, she reached down and grasped him firmly
in her hand, glorying in the knowledge that she too could drive him crazy
with pleasure..

The shuddering in his body grew with every stroke of her tongue
and each thrust of his shaft. With an immense burst of will-power, he
prevented himself from taking her then and there. It was too soon. He
wanted to make sure that she would never forget this night.

Lia was transformed. A new confidence poured into her as years of
suppressed sexuality exploded in her. Like a woman possessed, she arched and
twisted, demanding, determined to break his control. They grew rougher,
scratching and bruising each other like a pair of tigers as they fought for

Sam's control was breaking, his nerves were shattered and he knew
he couldn't hold off much longer. She had completely invaded his mind and
seduced him with her passion and femininity. Possessing her was the only
thing he could think of, making this incredibly woman his. Dear God, he had
to have her but he wanted everything not just what she chose to give him.


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Darkroom Saturday

Steve's alarm went off at 7:00 on Saturday. It was unusual for him to get up earlier than 9:00 on the weekend, but he had signed up to teach English to immigrants at the library once a month and today was his first day. He rolled out of bed, checked his email. Nothing yet. A shower and breakfast and he was on the road. Thirty minutes later and he was helping a group of three elderly Indian ladies learn the days of the week in English. "Sunday," they repeated after him, "Monday, Tuesday,...

3 years ago
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Darkroom Monday

Steve came home from a sociology class to a general uproar Friday afternoon. "Have you heard about it?" Justin said as Steve put down his backpack. "What? Did someone run us out of milk again?" Steve joked. "Just read this," Anthony ordered. "Read it off my screen." The email had been sent anonymously, but specifically to the guys that shared the house- Steve, Anthony, Gabe, Justin, and Dieter. Steve read with mounting astonishment. ---- You guys have really gotten our attention. We're a...

4 years ago
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Darkening of Jim and Lisa

I have often wondered how Lisa, my wife, will react if a black man approaches her sexually when I'm not around. I know how aroused she gets and the intensity of the orgasms she has when we talk of her being with a huge dicked black man while she's in the throes of love-making. Just the sight of a thick long black cock is enough to cause her to become wet immediately. For some reason, I have never fully understood why, but just knowing how hot it makes her thinking of fucking a...

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Darkroom Wednesday

This is a continuing story that begins with ‘Darkroom – Monday.’ —- Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn’t told him what time to be there, and he didn’t feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...

2 years ago
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Darkroom Wednesday

This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...

1 year ago
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Introduction: SEXUALLY OPEN MARRIED COUPLE ARE SUPRISED TO FIND THE GUY THEY INVITED FOR NSA FUN IS AN OLD FRIEND Last Saturday nite we were bored as hell, sitting on the couch having a couple drinks when AJ put in a new bi porn that we had just bought the day before. After watching a few scenes both of us were getting hot. I looked at AJ and asked him So…should I post an ad tonight? AJ said Hell yeah, lets play with another dick I quickly brought up Craigslist on the computer and posted an...

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...I came in the room and saw thress asses...I was kind of horny this night. Me and the guys where having a game of poker and had called three local hookers to be the entertainment for the night.But before the guys came over , the girls wanted a an hour to prepare before the poker-nite started.- Where can we prepare , said Shanita as i showed them my bedroom.The shut the door and i did not hear from them after that....tick tick tick...An hour flew by. Suddenly all the other five guys had...

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DarkFyre Chapter Seventeen

DarkFyre Chapter Seventeen The bear pelt was heavy and warm. Strange, to think that the pelt and meat were keeping them alive and comfortable after the bear had nearly killed him. There was a sort of grim irony in that, he supposed, but it was lost in the relief of being alive, the exhaustion of his ordeal, and the wonder of the woman in his arms. Rael stared down at Silmaria. She slept for now, a deep, peaceful sleep with her face pressed to his solid chest, one small hand resting on his...

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The fight in Silithus was going badly for us. Two more mobs (monsters) had spawned while we were already fighting another two. DarkKitten was in ‘cat’ form (she was a Druid and could morph into different forms). Cat form was the best for dealing damage, and she was lashing out at the two mobs effectively, bringing their health bars down quite quickly. But the extra two mobs were a worry. I was MoonFlower, a priest (or priestess, if you like). My main role was as a healer, and to a somewhat...

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“Is my Beast resting, dreaming of dark desires for his prey? Are your dreams: taunting, teasing, mocking you?” Anna walks through the darkness, barefoot on soft earth. “I whisper your name ‘Allan’, from a distance. The faint smell of Anna’s heat drifts through the air. The scent stirs and hunger, that can’t be sated. “you feel me. My breath on your skin. You can’t find me. You know I’m here. You’re searching. Your body is cold, it aches” Alone in the darkness stands Allan the Beast....

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a slave I still feel like a queen. I sense your eyes on my naked breasts, especially those areas that seem to be painted in the darker chocolate hue that accentuates my areolas. You love to try and get your mouth around it all. From there your eyes travel down my voluptuous chocolate body, over my flat stomach with the butterfly tattoo, to the kinky blackness of my sex; and further on to my softly sculpted things and long legs. I have been waiting for hours. You woke me this morning by sticking...

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DarkFyre Chapter Twenty

Silmaria’s heart beat violently, thudding unpleasantly in her breast. As the men stepped into their small camp she swallowed and fought to ignore the rising tide of panic threatening to drown her entirely. There were half a dozen of them, all armed and stepping with the confident, easy swagger of men who were comfortably acquainted with a great many kinds of violence. Dark eyes roved over her. She saw a flare of desire here, a glint of lewd interest there. Mostly, they looked curious, and...

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DarkFyre Chapter One

Her eyes slowly opened, brilliant green wide eyes the color of emeralds or the green, green grass that grew in the gardens during the all too brief months of spring and summer. They were slitted. Like a cats, people would always say. Even after all this time, she couldn’t help roll her eyes when someone said that. It was so… cliché. Obvious. Obvious or not, it was still pretty accurate. Like a cats, Silmaria’s eyes were slitted, sure. They also saw incredibly well in the dark. The room was...

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DarkFyre Chapter Thirteen

The mild weather snuck away in the night, setting the stage for their departure, to be a much more bitterly cold and uncomfortable affair. After sundown the temperature dropped until snow fell in a scintillating curtain of white, crystal-soft flakes. They danced along the wind, dazzling and fleeting in the moonlight as they did somersaults and dizzying spiral dives before collecting in a graceless mass grave all along the docks, their frantic, joyful celebration of cold and movement and life...

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DarkFyre Chapter Five

Silmaria was on her hands and knees in the drawing room on the west side of the Manor, scrubbing at the wooden floor with a soapy rag. She was not particularly in the best of moods, some idiot had tracked dirt into the room, which was made all the worse by the fact that no one ought to really have been in here in the first place. Of course, given how downhill the upkeep of IronWing Manor was these days, it wasn’t even noticed or addressed until several days later, when she got to be the lucky...

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DarkFyre Chapter Three

Master Edwin IronWing’s study smelled of oak and wood polish, and leather and old vellum. It was a spacious, open room. A huge window took up the north-facing wall, staring out over the planting fields to the north. In the distance the DrakeSpine Mountains set a breathtaking backdrop, with the crags stretching higher and higher, huge and ancient and enduring. Sitting at the foot of the window was a large lacquered desk of solid oak. The surface was cleaned and lovingly polished until it...

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DarkFyre Chapter Four

Rael still wasn’t sure he was making the right choice. He was torn between feeling he was abandoning his duty and honor, and the certainty that remaining here at the war camp meant it was only a matter of time before another assassination attempt came. He was no coward, to run from death. Yet at the same time, neither was he a fool. The unusual methods taken against him left him certain that he was dealing with no ordinary assassins, and that his chances of surviving another attempt were grim...

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DarkFyre Chapter Two

‘If ye can spare a moment, Milord, I’m ready to report.’ Rael looked up from a map covering the huge pinewood table in his tent. A variety of similar maps and charts were arrayed on the table and rolled into tubes propped against the desk. There were writing supplies and a sheaf of fresh paper at the Knight Captain’s elbow. StoneFingers was standing at the flap of Rael’s tent. The Dwarf looked like many of his brothers, short and stout, built like an anvil and twice as hard, with a short,...

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DarkFyre Chapter Nine

A light knock sounded on his door the next morning. Setting aside the remnants of his breakfast, Rael wiped his mouth before rising and answering the knock, half expecting it to be Silmaria. Selm stood on the other side of the door instead. His Halfling advisor bowed low. “Apologies for disturbing your breakfast, Milord.” “It’s all right, Selm. No harm done. How can I help you?” “Milord, I believe we’ve found something that needs your attention.” Rael arched a curious brow. “What could need...

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DarkFyre Chapter Nineteen

Never had the sun shone so bright and warming north of The Teeth before spring had even come. The breeze was chilling and sharp as it rolled off the mountains and swirled along the rise and fall of the open hilly country, but next to a lifetime of winters in the North, the breeze here was but a refreshingly cool caress. The wind touched everything. It combed through the flat plains to the south, teasing patterns from the high, dense grasses. Ripples and waves, and the constant, minute...

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DarkFyre Chapter Sixteen

The darkness of the cave was broken only by the small, flickering flames of Rael’s makeshift torch. It had spun off into the corner during the struggle with the bear and there it sat, dying. The flame was weak and feeble, yet it would not go out fully. It swirled, sputtering and pitiful, but it clung stubbornly to the torch and sent a tracery of shadows to sprawl in shapes and flittering figures grand and small along the icy stone walls. The shadows were dramas and tales and romantic battles,...

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DarkFyre Chapter Twelve

The next morning was mild, if not as clear and sunny as the day before. Clouds hung in a haze over the sky, drab and dreary and promising cold and snow to come, but all in all it was a favorable day for the middle of a Dale winter. Rael was sitting against a wall in an alley mouth, studying the grand building across the street. He was on the opposite end of Trelling’s Rest, right in the heart of the Palace District, watching the Hall of Valor, home and seat of power for the Knight Brotherhood...

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DarkFyre Chapter Fourteen

The wilds of DarkFyre Dale were a raw, wretched place, and never more so than in the grip of winter. For the first few days they traveled mostly through the open, sweeping meadows and plains of the western highlands. During the all too brief summer months the highlands were an entirely different place characterized by tall, lush green grasses swaying in the cool wind, speckled with notes of color from wildflowers. They teamed with small, secret life. Bees buzzing, drone-like and purposeful,...

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DarkFyre Prologue

Rain fell in a sporadic icy deluge. No true storm, it was nonetheless a persistent enough spattering of ice and water to make the battleground a wet, slushy mess of melting ice, frigid wind, and watered down puddles of mud and fresh blood steaming in the dawning light. It was miserable conditions, even for the already miserable enterprise of war waging. But if the barbaric Haruke cared at all, they gave no sign. The warriors were far from the plains of their people, having journeyed east and...

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DarkFyre Chapter Ten

Wordless, Silmaria burst into motion, springing forward to dash down to her burning home. Or tried to, at least. Before she’d gone two strides, Lord Rael’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist in a grip like steel. He yanked her back toward him and growled softly into her ear, “Don’t be a fool. We don’t know what’s down there. Follow me and stay quiet! Keep low.” Though it galled her to be slow at all right then, Silmaria gave a reluctant nod and followed her Lord’s lead. Rael took...

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DarkFyre Chapter Eight

When Silmaria came back to herself she was lying on a soft, large, comfortable bed. A bed that size should have been draped in silks and finery, but instead was covered in simple, practical sheets of cotton and a heavy, warm wool comforter. The glow of a fire and a number of candles cast shifting shadows and orange light against the ceiling and walls. Silmaria fought not to panic, she had no idea where she was. The Gnari girl sat up to get a better view of the room. It was a simple and...

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DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen

DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen The next day, Rael was a busy man. Silmaria sat back and watched him with a sort of amused fascination. After a long night of rest, Rael was renewed and overflowing with energy and robust health. They’d discussed with disappointment how much of the bear meat was going to go to waste as its spoiling became eminent, but Rael gave a good effort at consuming as much of it as possible that morning. Silmaria was shocked and very nearly appalled, and couldn’t quite keep...

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DarkFyre Chapter Seven

The shop was claustrophobic. Despite the blustery cold outside, the room was oppressively hot. Four sooty wall sconces cast off a weak glow. The rest of the light came from two stone hearths in opposite corners of the room banked high with logs, radiating uncomfortable warmth. Several braziers were set around the room, adding to the heat. They threw off a heavy shroud of incense and scented smoke, cloyingly sweet. Behind the sweetness of the incense lingered a pervasive mustiness, the smell of...

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DarkFyre Chapter Six

Rael sat at the long, ornate dinner table in the main dining hall with his long legs stretched out before him, leaning back in his chair as he rolled a small apple around in his hand. Selm, his whiskers newly trimmed and looking determined, watched him quietly, waiting for the young Nobleman to speak. The Knight had fully expected to have some distractions when he arrived home. He hadn’t been to IronWing Manor in a long time, and so much was left undone from his father’s death. He’d even found...

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DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen

DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen The next day was lost to the blizzard. They spent the better part of it huddled together in their blankets, pressed in close, as near to their small fire as they dared. The stone cliff was a forbidding face of rock and ice, and even with the nearby fire, the ice held strong, glittering with stubborn beauty in the firelight. The blizzard outside was a wild, angry thing. The winds were a deep, soulful wail echoing through the canyons of the mountains. Very briefly, Rael...

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DarkFyre Chapter Eleven

In the late morning hours the sun shone bright and glorious on Trelling’s Rest. The overcast clouds of yesterday’s snowfall had fled in the face of a clear and temperate day, the sort of mild and cheerful day DarkFyre Dale rarely saw this deep into winter. The snow underfoot gleamed pristine white under the sunshine, a blanket of innocence and purity cast over the countryside, a beautiful thing to behold. The Bear’s Maw was Trelling’s Rest’s main gate and the site of the majority of traffic in...

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A dark savage fantasy world, where the world faces it's ruination at the hands of demons and old dark gods. A world where might makes right and the strong prey on the weak. The sun hangs large and blood red in a sickly yellow sky. The land slowly turns to dust, life and vegetation growing sickly and weak. Monsters prowl the wilds, twisted and deformed, attacking travelers and towns. At the center of this world sits the Hellmouth and the great city that surrounds it, keeping the wilder demons...

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Darkwood City Stories

Welcome to Darkwood, a nice city in the mountains, a hour north of Capital City. It was a nice place, surrounded by high peaks in a green valley. The local college was well known for its metallurgy department but also for their football team. But behind the facade of this this nice town not everything was as as it looked on the first look. So let us follow the stories of the people of Darkwood and their daily life. Characters: The Smith Family Andrew, 43-year old father of three, working as a...

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Darktail High

You look up at the looming structure of the Darktail Academy, the school in which you will be enrolled for the remainder of your demon adolescence. Your tail flickers in excitement, you've heard tales of Darktail from your friends and older sister before. It was the perfect place for a budding demon; deception, fighting skills, magic, and much more were taught here at the highest level, it was also the perfect place to get your cock wet. You grin, your days as an imp are over, years of torment...

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Darklands A Medieval Adventure

This story is loosely based on the PC game Darklands, released in 1992. It's Europe in the year 1400, and you're an adventurer, or a party of adventurers, out to fulfill a personal quest or simply seeking fame and fortune. You may choose to make a name for yourself in any number of ways, for good or for evil. 15th century Europe is fraught with dangers, God and His saints can intervene in the lives of mortals in dramatic ways, alchemy is real and heresy and witchcraft lurk around every corner....

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Darkstalkers Transforming The Multiverse

Morrigan smiled at Lilith, who was enjoying her new freedom, granted to her by the most unusual of events, which capped off a wonderful series of encounters with people that she'd not even known had existed, and now they thought about their future. "So, What are you thinking?" Morrigan asked, as she noticed Lilith going through a album of pictures taken during her journeys through the multiverses. "If I was able to do my own seducing then, I can see a good few souls that cry out for my...

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DarkFyre Chapter TwentyThree

Even as the evening crept on the heat was palpable, a smothering blanket of energy sapping misery, dry and acrid. The only reprieve from the heat was the caress of the wind sweeping down the crags and valleys and rock formations, swirling along the brief stretches of flatlands that reached out between the red stones, or whipping along jagged, flinty corners of standing stones, clustered cliffs, and miniature mountains. The wind whistled a plaintive lament through the land’s many cracks and...

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DarkFyre Chapter TwentyTwo

The inn’s stillness and quiet was unnerving, the blackness of the halls and common room below an ominous contrast to the noise and bustle and light that should have been coming from downstairs this early into the night, just a few bare hours after sundown. Even with the flickering light of the candles at their bedside, the dark outside their room was so complete it left even her sharp eyes momentarily unable to pierce the gloom. The smell told her the danger first. Silmaria took a deep breath,...

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DarkFyre Chapter Twenty One

DarkFyre Chapter Twenty-One Rael sank back into the large brass tub sitting in the middle of their room. The room’s furnishings were modest, but the bed was large enough for them both to settle into comfortably as long as Silmaria curled in tightly to him, and the room was clean and tidy. The bedding was simple cotton spun, with a thick wool cover and soft, fresh straw stuffed into the mattress. There was a small ash wood table and two small chairs set under a shuttered window. A patterned rug...

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DarkFyre Chapter Twenty

Silmaria’s heart beat violently, thudding unpleasantly in her breast. As the men stepped into their small camp she swallowed and fought to ignore the rising tide of panic threatening to drown her entirely. There were half a dozen of them, all armed and stepping with the confident, easy swagger of men who were comfortably acquainted with a great many kinds of violence. Dark eyes roved over her. She saw a flare of desire here, a glint of lewd interest there. Mostly, they looked curious, and...

4 years ago
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DarkFyre Chapter Seventeen

DarkFyre Chapter Seventeen The bear pelt was heavy and warm. Strange, to think that the pelt and meat were keeping them alive and comfortable after the bear had nearly killed him. There was a sort of grim irony in that, he supposed, but it was lost in the relief of being alive, the exhaustion of his ordeal, and the wonder of the woman in his arms. Rael stared down at Silmaria. She slept for now, a deep, peaceful sleep with her face pressed to his solid chest, one small hand resting on his...

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DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen

DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen The next day was lost to the blizzard. They spent the better part of it huddled together in their blankets, pressed in close, as near to their small fire as they dared. The stone cliff was a forbidding face of rock and ice, and even with the nearby fire, the ice held strong, glittering with stubborn beauty in the firelight. The blizzard outside was a wild, angry thing. The winds were a deep, soulful wail echoing through the canyons of the mountains. Very briefly, Rael...

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DarkFyre Chapter Thirteen

The mild weather snuck away in the night, setting the stage for their departure, to be a much more bitterly cold and uncomfortable affair. After sundown the temperature dropped until snow fell in a scintillating curtain of white, crystal-soft flakes. They danced along the wind, dazzling and fleeting in the moonlight as they did somersaults and dizzying spiral dives before collecting in a graceless mass grave all along the docks, their frantic, joyful celebration of cold and movement and life...

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DarkFyre Chapter Twelve

The next morning was mild, if not as clear and sunny as the day before. Clouds hung in a haze over the sky, drab and dreary and promising cold and snow to come, but all in all it was a favorable day for the middle of a Dale winter. Rael was sitting against a wall in an alley mouth, studying the grand building across the street. He was on the opposite end of Trelling’s Rest, right in the heart of the Palace District, watching the Hall of Valor, home and seat of power for the Knight Brotherhood...

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DarkswordsSRU Crossover The Fish That Got Away

Note: Sword is a recurring character in the Darkswords series. He is also a character in the game Time Stalkers, which is owned by SEGA and CLIMAX ENTERTAINMENT. In this case, Sword is from Darkswords. The SRU elements belong to Bill hart. Guess I got bored and decided to see what would happen if they crossed paths. Darkswords/SRU Crossover: The Fish That Got Away. Sword, your not-so-typical half elf, half vampire adventurer, always seemed to be in the right place at the right...

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       Andra screamed into her ballgag. She screamed as my whip hit her beautiful ass again. She'd been screaming herself hoarse since I started working my way down her back with the horsewhip. She screamed when I hauled her up by her bound tits, her wrists tied to them and they tied to a pulley fixed to the ceiling. Her ankles were tied together with cruel handcuffs, almost too tight for her. Her big toes were tied with wire to a D-ring in the floor and her head was covered in a gag and...

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Darkmeat Diet

              Dark Meat Diet!             Chapter 1  LoadSwapping Fun!                 TJ Ryder           http://www.bullsnboys.com/    Being a white boy of Dutch descent growing upin a 95% Zulu country, its difficult when I visit my grandfather'sfarm in the country because, well, for several reasons.    Like all white boys (and girls) who went to Mugabo publichigh school,  I'm part of the first generation of postapartheid teenagers who grew up and was raised in a countrydominated by black...

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Categories: MC, FF+, modification, reluctant.????????? ****????????? Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.Note_2: the story is based on Unseen_Unread picture story that can be found here.Note_3: Darkheart, shockwave and Lady Psy are used with the artist's permission.????????? ****????????? Chapter 1: fun and games.Michelle...

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DarkbitchChapter 2

"I'm not pretty, not a bit-- Thin and sallow-pale; When I trudge along the street I don't need a veil: Yet I have one fancy hit. Jess and Jill can trill and sing With a flute-like voice, Dance as light as bird on wing, Laugh for careless joys: Yet it's I who wear the ring." -Christina Rossetti, A Ring Posy With an awkward jolt, eyes wild, visage pained, the Darkbitch awakened and searched frantically among the tangle of bodies scattered around the huge, disarrayed, semiunduvetted...

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DarkbitchChapter 3

"Lo! Death has reared himself a throne In a strange city lying alone Far down within the dim West, Where the good and the bad and the worst and the best Have gone to their eternal rest. There shrines and palaces and towers (Time-eaten towers that tremble not!) Resemble nothing that is ours. Around, by lifting winds forgot, Resignedly beneath the sky The melancholy waters lie." -Edgar Allan Poe, The City in the Sea It was hard to see the faint reflection of her face in the window...

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DarkbitchChapter 4

"Justice with change of interest learns to bow, And what was merit once is murder now: Actions receive their tincture from the times, And as they change, are virtues made or crimes." -Daniel Defoe, A Hymn to the Pillory Each section of the patchwork school building that constituted Darkbitch Academy started classes at a different time. The area where Miss Rhea was rather roughly dragging her student Amy to the nurses' office would soon be filled with a bustle of happy, shapely,...

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DarkbitchChapter 5

"Full fathom five thy father lies, Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes; Nothing of him that doth fade But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange." -William Shakespeare, The Tempest As she recovered her balance from Miss Rhea's rude shove inside, Amy cast a slightly bewildered gaze around the Nurses' Office. During orientation, Lady Akiko had discussed it only in vague generalities. Among the students it was the subject of various...

2 years ago
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DarkbitchChapter 6

"It were a vain endeavour, Though I should gaze for ever On that green light that lingers in the west: I may not hope from outward forms to win The passion and the life, whose fountains are within." -Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Dejection: An Ode Crouched within a coppice next to the palace, a blue-haired girl tensely waited. Her deep cerulean eyes slowly and methodically scanned the scene before her, betraying absolutely no emotion. The scene reflected in them was static: the hulking...

4 years ago
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DarkbitchChapter 7

_"Wild roses from the plains, that made hearts tender, All the funny circus silks Of politics unfurled, Bartlett pears of romance that were honey at the cores, And torchlights down the street, to the end of the world." -Vachel Lindsay, _Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, Bryan_ Jade staggered backwards, slack-jawed, staring blankly, pushed into near catatonia by the sudden memory of her sin. She had been the cause of the Darkbitch's justified anger, and she had directed it onto an innocent boy...

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