- 2 years ago
- 24
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Introduction: Violent story of a violent man featuring violent sex with an older woman 1. Night is a silent partner
Benjamins mother died well before midnight. All the fuss with the doctors, the confirmation, the papers, the transport of the body lasted only a couple of hours. When everybody left, Benjamin still had a long night in front of him and no idea what to do with it. He smoked and watched the cockroaches race each other across the ceiling.
His mother was barely alive the final weeks of her illness. In a way this was a huge relief. Benjamin sucked on his cigarette listening to the sounds of the city outside. The wailing of sirens, the faraway car engines roaring with impatience, the screeching of tires, the argument in Spanish coming from across half the town it seemed. The night went on as scheduled.
There was nothing to eat in the fridge. Mother didnt eat the last several days and Benjamin didnt really eat at home lately. He didnt eat at all, lately.
The last few days&hellip, It all blurred into one big, slow, frustrating scene with the same routines repeated over and over, the minutes of sleep interrupted with hours of dumb sitting around. The smell of soiled diapers and wet bed linen. He was used to it but still aware.
His mother melted before his eyes, eaten from inside, her body preying upon itself in the desperate final attempt to extend time spent in this world.
The sun went up as the voices subsided and the sound of car engines became dominant in the aural landscape of the city. Benjamins head felt heavy, yet resting it on his chest and closing his eyes didnt bring the expected relief. No advancing tide of blissful sleep. On the contrary, closing his eyes only made him more aware of the sounds. They distracted him, made him painfully aware that there is no rest, no absolution from daily life. Just grind.
As the sun rose, the sounds changed. The singing of birds. The chatter of children. Music. Television. Their TV broke several days ago and Benjamin never had time to have it fixed. He was looking after his mother. And then she died. As everyone knew she would.
He did his best. Thats what he told himself. He did his best but his best was not good enough. He was never that good at taking care of people. Hell, come to think of it, he was really bad at taking care of himself either. Absentmindedly, he touched the scar that was splitting his left eyebrow in neat halves. People spend time in front of their mirrors with electric razors, carefully designing those stylish scars. Benjamin earned his the old fashioned way. He moved his finger further back up and felt another scar in his hair. It came as a free addition, no extra charge.
He was no caregiver. Never imagined hed be one. He was better at taking than giving, anyway and early in life he decided he should be caring only about himself. So there was a lot of irony and frustration going around the house these last months and weeks.
He sucked one final long smoke from the cigarette before throwing it out of the window. He didnt switch the light off so the room looked strange with sunlight and electric light fighting for supremacy. He inspected his forearms, the tattoos looking old and worn out. They needed to be redone ages ago but there was always something else to be done and, frankly there was never any spare money lying around. He looked at the shelf near the now empty bed. A collection of little printed cardboard boxes and small brown bottles. Useless medication. It didnt save lives and now it was even more useless as there was no one here to take it. Perhaps he could sell it. He got up and took one of the medication bottles, trying to read the small print on the sticker. The light was supposed to be good but the letters looked like angry ants engaged in a vicious battle. He threw the bottle into the wall. The glass shattered and the pink pills flew upwards and sidewise briefly before remembering the law of gravity and obediently falling to the floor.
He wiped all the remaining bottles and boxes off the shelf in one wide move. He ripped the shelf off and threw it into the wall. He stomped upon the bottles and boxes savagely, angrily until they were reduced to fine dust. It was supposed to make him feel better.
Benjamin reached for another cigarette but was surprised to realise the box was empty. He was out.
2. Out and down
Setting out to buy cigarettes, Benjamin became distracted very quickly. His neighbour from across the street gave him a strange, sharp look as soon as he got out of the house. Benjamin thought of walking up to him and punching him. The tall, shorthaired father of a family across the street never made much effort to conceal his scorn for Benjamin. He was a veteran of the first gulf war and more than once Benjamin would hear him talk about his seven confirmed kills and the disappointment he would feel seeing what kind of people they were fighting, bleeding and dying for. More than once Benjamin felt the urge to kick him between the legs and headbutt him in the face and piss all over him. To teach him how to really bleed, he thought. But he never did it.
He returned the look until the neighbour turned away to get back into the house and headed down the street. Skinny, smug piece of shit, thought Benjamin.
He was in his first bar when his phone made a noise. It was raining blood all over his pocket so it had to be Carla. He didnt feel like talking to her so he ignored the call. The people at other tables gave him the looks but he ignored them, sipping his drink. Not that Carla would give up. She knew him. She knew him better than he liked. The phone kept making excited sounds, all distorted guitars and martial drums. He picked it up on the third consecutive call.
Why arent you picking up the phone, asshole?
Benjamin didnt feel like talking to her. He told her that. The reaction he got was really bad. Carla was shouting insults at him. She was informing him of all the frustration hes caused her through his insensitive, careless treatment, of the way she felt, tired and disillusioned. She was also asking whether he knew what she was talking about and how long did he mean to keep it this way.
Benjamin couldnt think of anything to say. Making an effort to think, even to say Carlas name aloud looked like too much to ask at the moment. So he just hung up on her and went back to his drink.
The phone exploded with angry noise only a few seconds later. The looks of people around him started scanning him again. Nervously, ironically, inquiringly.
Benjamin lifted the phone off the table and then smashed it against its surface, fiercely. It stopped making noise right away but Benjamin smashed it against the table again. And again. Then he threw it on to the floor and used his boots to grind it to pieces.
The guy who was serving drinks wasnt too happy about this all taking place on his shift.
Hey, buddy, take that shit outside!! You hear me?
Benjamin just looked at him, not saying anything.
Fine, if thats how you want it, get ready to have your ass hauled out by cops.
The guy made his way back to the counter using straight, determined steps first. But then he started running, when he saw Benjamin coming after him. Some of the people at the bar started screaming when Benjamin threw the guy onto the floor and proceeded to punch him in the face. No one dared approach, though. No one dared speak to him when he got up, threw a five dollar bill into the guys bloody face and walked out.
That was his first bar. By his third drink in the second bar he was feeling seriously angry. He needed more drinks. He needed drugs. He needed to smash stuff and hurt people.
A skinny teenage girl made it obvious she is interested in him after he made obvious that he was carrying a wad of cash with him. She started bothering him to pay her a drink. Benjamin ignored her, drinking and blowing his smoke at the ceiling instead. She wouldnt go away though. She called him names that were supposed to make him feel attractive, she made clear what he could expect of her in exchange for some of that money he had on him. She touched his hair. He hasnt washed it in more than a week. She tried to sit in his lap.
That was when he caught both her wrists and squeezed them tight together.
Aaaa, motherfucker, dont!!! Youre hurting me!!!
The little stupid bitch didnt even seem to have any protection. Benjamin got up and pulled her out in to the street while she struggled and screamed to be let go. He pulled her into a little street next to the bar and forced her to her knees. The people across just walked faster.
You wanted to do it, bitch? You wanted to do it? Lets do it, then!!
She just kept screaming, trying to tear away from him, pulling away, trying to scratch him, to kick him, her thin legs fragile and weak. Benjamin slapped her hard, still holding on to her wrists. He slapped her again and again until her screaming sounded different. Better.
Youre gonna suck my cock now, bitch. Lets see if youre as good as you were bragging!!!
She did have protection after all. The skinny, dirty looking guy with a ridiculous moustache and an oversized coat came running from around the corner, a large baseball bat in his hands.
You motherfucker, he announced himself. You are so stupid I almost feel sorry for your empty skull!!!
He advanced a few steps before he froze in front of the barrel of Benjamins gun.
Drop that thing, cockhead.
The pimp wasnt expecting Benjamin pulling out on him. He was hesitating, trying to assess whether Benjamin was really as fucked up as he looked and whether itd make him pull the trigger.
Youll die, motherfucker, Benjamin said dryly.
OK, man, OK, its cool, OK, were cool. The pimp dropped the bat and raised his hands, trying to make things look more like business and less like insanity. Its cool, well work it out. Whatd the bitch do to you man? She ripped you off, man? Im gonna skin her for that man, trust me. You gonna be satisfied in the end, man, trust me.
Benjamin let the girl go and stepped up to the pimp, his arm extended in front of him, his gun acting like some kind of strange guiding force. He put the barrel on the mans chest and pushed him into the wall. The pimp was sweating, his moustache looking really bad from up close.
Its OK, man, its OK&hellip,
The girl got up and took off without a word. Just the sound of her bare feet on the sidewalk, her sandals left lying on the ground. Benjamin pinned the pimp against the wall like a butterfly collector adding his latest kill to the cushion.
man&hellip, whispered the pimp.
Did you imagine youd die today when you got up this morning?
The man trembled and pleaded.
Benjamin hit him across the face with the gun. The pimp fell down and rolled on the sidewalk, putting his hands over his face. Benjamin kicked him in the ribs, savagely and proceeded kicking him anywhere where he could see an opening, cursing in the process. The man was quiet most of the time, trying to roll with the kicks and minimize the damage.
3. Damage out of control
Benjamins mother named him after Ben Franklin. She wanted him to do great deeds, she had told him. His mother was so proud of him when he was little. Benjamin grew up to be a large human being but great deeds never happened. Benjamin had plans and, well, dreams, but he never did anything great in his life.
Smalltimer. Thats what Carlas been calling him when she wanted to hurt him. She knew him well. She would laugh that annoying laugh of hers as well. Benjamin would hit Carla sometimes. He never gave her any serious injuries, but it was not uncommon for their arguments to finish in her getting her due.
Benjamin was in and out of small deals, small jobs and small schemes all his life. Hes been dealing with small people with short vision and bad planning skills.
Benjamin has been in and out of several different bars over the course of the next several hours. He left a formidable trail of damage, anger and fear behind him. He kept smashing property and hurting people, screaming at them, pulling his gun on them.
A bartender in one of the bars had a glass smashed against his face. A girl in the street was thrown against her car then punched two times until she collapsed to the sidewalk while Benjamin kept kicking the side of her car, then smashing its windows with a piece of a pipe.
He kept drinking as well.
Too restless, moving too quickly from place to place, he somehow managed not to be apprehended by any law enforcement officers that surely someone had to have called. Miraculously, not even local gangs reacted quickly enough against someone who was obviously causing trouble for the sake of it and messing with their property.
He moved on, like a demented hurricane angel, bleeding pain and destruction left and right, never staying in one place long enough to cool off.
A bouncer in one of the bars managed to land a lucky punch on Benjamins face. Benjamin went blind in his right eye for several minutes. He knocked the mans front teeth out with his gun, then forced him to his knees and, standing behind him, the gun pointed at the back of his head, with a couple of girls screaming behind them, he kicked him into kidneys, hard. Then, when the man fell to the floor, convulsing from the pain and shock, trying to protect his back, Benjamin stepped on his arm and broke his hand under his boot.
Some people got beaten because they gave him funny looks. They didnt like his appearance, he messed them up. A nerdy looking college student was made to kneel in front of his girlfriend and beg for his life as Benjamin repeatedly hit him in the face with his gun. The girl kept screaming. He told her to shut up then when she didnt he punched her and broke her glasses with his fist. The blood came out of her nose as she backed off into the wall, trying to protect her face and still screaming.
It has been several hours. Benjamin was very drunk and most of his money was gone. His face was swollen and his sleeveless Slayer T-shirt stained. The black teenager in the back of the room looked like a pusher and Benjamin thought that he should score some drugs.
He waited until the kid looked his way and lifted his fist, clutching at his remaining dollar bills. The kid gave him a barely visible nod and made a businesslike walk towards the door. Benjamin left the money for his drink on the table (no tip) and followed.
The kid was waiting for him in the nearby building entrance. It was dark even in daylight and it stank of garbage and urine.
You a cop, man? the kid asked eyeing Benjamins drunken swaying.
He knew Benjamin was not a cop. Still, force of habit prevailed. Benjamin shrugged.
I look like a cop, retard? The kid stayed silent. Rules are rules, after all. Benjamin sighed. No. I am not a cop. OK?
What you looking for, man? Eh? What you looking for?
The dance has started and Benjamin knew all the steps.
What you got?
Man, I got everything. I got rocks, I got pills, I got speed, I got white, I got brown. Im here to make your dreams come true, baby, just name your price range.
Benjamin grinned. One of his teeth hurt, someones fist connected in the previous bar. Benjamin was pretty sure he broke the nose of the person in question, hitting them with his head.
The moneys no problem, dude, show me the best you got.
Show me the money first, baby, lets see you put some money where your mouth is.
The kid knew the dance too, OK.
You bullshitting me, nigga? You saying you dont trust me?
The kids face started looking like hed bitten into a rotten apple.
Man, you know it, show the brother some money so he sees youre a serious customer.
You got coke? Benjamin asked, changing the subject.
Man, I got coke that will make all your life so far look like a bad dream. You aint never tried something like this. But let the brother see some good will notes first.
Benjamin pulled the money out of his pocket, a mess of pieces paper barely enough to buy another drink or two in a cheap bar. He showed the money to the kid who started frowning.
That is when Benjamin pulled his gun out and pointed it to the boys face. He grinned to himself, because he was positioned so well that there was no way the kid could make a run past him, for the street or the staircase.
I think, nigga that youll find that money is more than enough, now out with that cocaine before I make your life and your dreams end here.
Man, fuck this shit, man!!! exclaimed the pusher, equally frustrated, angry and scared. This probably was not the first time for him to have to face gaping barrel of a gun, but something about Benjamin suggested that any bets he might be placing in his head were off from the word go.
Youre fucked, man, youre fucked. You have no fucking idea who I work for, man. If you knew youd be already running so quickly, your ass would be bleeding from all the kicking it got from your heels. The kid was trying to back off while shaking his head in disgust and fear. Benjamin stepped up.
If you think I prefer searching your corpse for the goods, well, then, I dont want to disappoint you.
Fuck it, man, fuck it, man the kid spoke nervously as Benjamins gun got nearer his face. OK, wait man, wait, you get the goods man, OK, its on the house man.
Slowly, he fished a small package out of the pocket of his jacket with two fingers of his left hand.
OK, man? OK? Here it is man, straight from Columbia man, here. He slowly handed the bag to Benjamin who was still grinning. Make your nose happy man, make it sing beautiful songs about love and harmony, man.
Benjamin took the package and then caught the boys hand, then twisted his arm viciously. The kid screamed and fell to his knees. Benjamin kept twisting his arm while still pointing the gun into his face.
You little shit&hellip, You&hellip, little&hellip, shit&hellip,
Aaaaa, man, nnooooo!! Man, let me go, you can have it all, man, noooooo!!!!
The kid probably thought Benjamin also wanted his money. But Benjamin didnt even remember to ask for money. Benjamin just kept twisting the kids arm because he enjoyed his screaming and the look of agony on his face. He kicked him in the face, hard and the kid fell over, his arm already broken. Benjamin spat on him and gave him another kick in the ribs before leaving. For the moment he felt better. For the moment, he felt successful, he felt as if he had a purpose he reached. He felt content and safe. When he was a kid this feeling could last for days. Now he had to be satisfied with mere moments.
4. Moments of beauty
The cocaine was very bad. Back home, Benjamin wished the kid was here so he could kick his face until it sprayed blood all over the floor. The cocaine was shit and the euphoria never really materialised. There was some pain in his head and some sense of confused elation but that could have been just the effects of alcohol, sleep deprivation and adrenaline overdose.
Benjamin found some pills in the pocket of the jacket hanging in his bedroom. He washed them down with the last drops of scotch in a bottle that reminded him of some better times.
Looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, inspecting his face for bruises and cuts (and there were new ones indeed) he noticed how dirty his hair was. He touched it with his fingers, then let the water run and splashed some of it on his head.
He fished the razor out and started removing the hair. It took him almost forty five minutes as his vision blurred and got back to focus, as his hands shook and as the razor kept splitting the skin with surrealistic ease, causing bleeding from half a dozen of small, shallow cuts.
Then he put the jacket on. First, he looked for a clean shirt but apparently there were none so he stayed in the one he was wearing all day. He did run into his handcuffs under the bed. There was that pair there, the one he purchased last year when he tried to persuade Carla into allowing him to tie her up during sex. He put them into his pocket. He burped. The bitch had it coming for a long while. The bitch had it coming for ages.
There was nothing better to do, really. He didnt eat anything for longer than he could remember. The day seemed to have no end. Benjamin didnt even know for sure what time of the day it was.
He left the house and slammed the door behind him. His neighbour was outside too and the noise made him turn his head Benjamins way. His face was not happy. It never was.
Hey, neighbour!! The man gestured at Benjamin to come closer. It was a rigid, impatient gesture that Benjamin associated with his late uncle. He looked the mans way but didnt stop.
I found a rat the size of a pony in my backyard this morning, neighbour.
Benjamin thought about this. The tone of the mans voice made it sound as if he should be interested.
Why should I give a fuck&hellip, neighbour? You need pest control? The phonebook is available online, you know.
The man spoke just the way Benjamins uncle used to. Calmly, rigidly. Discipline above all. Accusation being practically his second nature.
I think it came from your basement, neighbour. Ive been watching you pile junk in your yard and house for quite some time. Ive been telling your mother for a long while thats not the way you want to live.
Benjamin had no idea what to say. The man, however seemed to have remembered something.
By the way. He looked Benjamin in the eyes and extended his arm. The first time ever he made an attempt to get in physical contact. I have heard about your mother. I am sorry.
Benjamin looked at the mans hand, waiting for his. He could practically hear the mans thoughts. He was standing in front of an ex-soldier, father of two girls and a respected person across the board in this neighbourhood. He was standing with his head freshly shaved, his T-shirt covered with bloodstains, mostly from other people and his face all wild and bruised. He looked at the man silently offering to shake his hand.
The man almost broke in half when Benjamins boot hit his groin. It felt good.
He watched his neighbour collapse on the lawn and thought how one thing leads to another.
The sun was already setting. The day was, miraculously coming to a close. The neighbourhood felt somehow happy and euphoric.
Benjamin descended on the man and proceeded to punch him in the face. The man fought back the best he could which was not much. He even managed to get a swing at Benjamins face, but, in his current state Benjamin felt no pain. He punched the man several more times and then got his gun out.
The sound of metal hitting bone was good and loud. The blood followed obediently from the mans forehead.
Now, you pussy, now you and I will have a proper conversation. Benjamins grin was back on his face. The day hasnt finished yet.
Turn around!!! Turn the fuck around!!! He helped the man by kicking him into ribs, hard. Now get your fucking hands on your back!!!!
The man cursed but could barely get enough air into his lungs.
Im going to fucking kill you right here and now, you fucking cocksucker! Get your fucking hands on your back now!!!!
Benjamin put the barrel of his gun on the back of the mans head and pulled his arms behind his back.
Keep them there if you want to ever see sunrise again.
The cuffs clicked. That was a satisfying sound.
Get up!! Benjamin pulled the man up by his arms. The man stumbled, trying to rise. Get the fuck up you piece of shit!!!
He pulled him across the lawn, towards the house as the man tried to keep pace. He threw him into the door and proceeded to kick him on the floor.
You like that? You like that, motherfucker? Youve been calling me names and giving me shit since forever man, now its payback time!!!
The man tried to get up but Benjamin kicked him in the small of his back. Then he grabbed his collar and threw him face-first into the glass door to the living room.
The sound of shattering glass was another satisfying element.
Benjamin pushed the mans bloody head back to the wall. He put the gun in the mans mouth.
Now you and I have a little chat, fucko! Now I get to choose topics for conversation, instead of you always calling me trash and bastard.
He uncuffed the man, keeping the barrel of the gun in his mouth all the time, then cuffed him again, but this time making sure the cuffs were attached to the pipe in the wall.
You have no idea, you dick, you have no idea how long I wanted to do this.
Benjamin was kneeling near the man, talking to his face. His head was spinning slightly in this position but he loved being this close to his victim. He knew the man could smell his sweat.
So, he pulled the gun out of the mans mouth but kept it pointed into his face. I dont think weve ever been properly introduced. My names Ben. Whats yours?
The man managed to get some of his composure. But then he looked past Benjamin and his eyes went wide.
Benjamin turned his head and saw the mans wife standing in the door. Benjamin never talked to her before. She never addressed him and he could never even overhear her mentioning him in any of the conversations with the neighbours.
She was a little old for Benjamins taste. In her late forties or even early fifties she still had the good, strong figure, two births she had given rounding her up but not ruining her looks. She was tall, assertive and intelligent looking.
Seeing her husband beaten, bloody and restrained she stood frozen for a couple of seconds and then started backing off. Benjamin pointed the gun at her.
I think you want to join this little party, lady. Please, do us the honour.
The woman stood silent. Her options were limited. Perhaps she could outrun the bullet. But that was still leaving her husband at the mercy of a lunatic in their living room. Quietly, she raised her arms in a calming motion.
Its OK, Benjamin, its OK. I am not going anywhere. She slowly walked into the room, making sure not to startle him with any sudden gestures.
She knew Benjamins name. That was a surprise. He motioned to her to get on the sofa. Now he could talk to her husband and still keep an eye on her.
Sit down there, lady. She complied but she didnt show much fear. She sat down, neatly placing her long legs together. Who else is in the house?
The girls are both at their aunts.
Her reply was indirect. The information required him to think. He grinned. Then he turned his attention to the man on the floor again.
So, mister, where were we? Oh, right, right, I was just about to splatter your fucking brains all over the wallpaper there.
Benjamin!!! exclaimed the wife, as if to stand up.
Get down bitch!!! She complied. She stayed silent but her face WAS worried. That had value.
You know, you still havent told me your name, moron. Was that a difficult question for you?
The man looked up at Benjamin.
I dont know how you possibly can think youll get away with this. You&hellip,
Benjamins fist slammed into his face before he could finish.
Why not stay on topic here, man, eh? I asked you something!!!!
Jeremy!! Its Jeremy, for Gods sake!!!
The wife was the smart one after all.
Jeremy, eh? Like that song?
The man blinked. There was no recognition in that look.
Nevermind, fucko, your wifey seems to be a little more intelligent than you anyway.
Helen. My name is Helen, Benjamin, we were introduced to each other, dont you remember?
Benjamin looked at the woman, this time making an effort to focus his eyes. Sure, he knew Helen, he thought. He knew her face and her body. He knew the way she walks and the way she laughs when her daughters do something silly. For the life of him, though he couldnt remember he ever knew her name. Much less being introduced to her. He couldnt even imagine her talking to him.
No&hellip, I dont. He closed his eyes and then opened them remembering the helpless man in front of him.
So&hellip, Jeremy&hellip, mister war veteran, mister seven-confirmed-kills, its very nice to finally have the chance to meet you inside this cosy home and beat the living crap out of your ugly fucking face.
The man was still scared but at the same time it looked as if the rage was building up inside of him. After all, Benjamin WAS trash. With a gun, yes, but still trash.
Youll never get away with this. You fucking retarded basehead. Youll end up in prison fucked in the ass so hard youll be coughing blood for the rest of your life.
Jeremy!! Dont&hellip, Helen didnt move but her voice rose in fear.
Benjamin laughed. The first good laugh he had in days. It felt so&hellip, liberating. To be talking with people like this. To be able to hurt them whenever he wants.
Youre one dumb piece of shit, Jeremy. I have been in prison more times than youve taken dump, you stupidass motherfucker. You think you can scare me off with your stupid fairytales?
Benjamin placed the barrel of the gun on Jeremys forehead.
Tell me, mister war hero, if I pull the trigger now and paint this wall here all red and brown with your fucking blood and brains, will that go down as a confirmed kill?
Fuck you, uttered the man, his jaws tightly closed.
Come on, Jeremy, youre the expert here, I never did time for murder and you have seven confirmed ones in your stellar war record. That must be making you feel proud, eh?
What the fuck is this? Who the fuck are you to judge me, you piece of dirt? Jeremy breathed hard between sentences.
Helens face was serious. There was no fear on it as much as sadness.
Im not judging you, motherfucker. I dont fucking care, you idiot. I have my gun right where I want it, I have YOU right where I want you and I have my finger right where I need it. The shit couldnt be more perfect if God and Carmen Electra happened to drop by to give me a foot-massage and a free blowjob.
Benjamin leaned closer towards Jeremy.
You get it, motherfucker? There is no fucking agenda behind this. No fucking reason, no fucking room for negotiation. This is what I wanted to do for ages. I own your life now, it is one simple gesture away from being ended. Do you know how that feels?
He pressed the gun against Jeremys forehead, hard. He kept pressing as Jeremy tried to push back, all the way through the wall.
It feels GREAT, man, thats how it feels. But of course you know that, mister I-liberated-Iraq-for-you-bitches-and-you-dont-even-know-what-freedom-is-good-for. Of course you know that, you have not one but seven delicious confirmed kills, dont you? DONT YOU!!!!!
The last two words came out as a savage, animalistic shriek. Jeremy squirmed.
yes&hellip, he whispered, breathing hard. I&hellip, do.
Do you know any of their names, motherfucker? Do you? Can you tell me any of the names of the people you iced back in Desert Storm? Benjamins anger grew. It never went away, it just developed new muscles.
no&hellip, no&hellip,, Jeremy whispered.
I wonder if that makes me any better than you, asshole. Benjamin increased the pressure. The finger on the trigger itched. The moment could last forever for all he cared. Things like this are too good to be squandered just like that.
Then Helen stood up.
Benjamin&hellip, You dont have to do this.
He looked her way but didnt tell her to sit down.
Woman, you have no idea how badly I have to do this. Its like I was fucking born just so I could do this.
Helen shook her head, straightening her skirt.
No. I know what you really want to do.
Benjamin raised an eyebrow.
I know what you wanted to do for a long time. I know what you came here for.
There was something in what she was saying but Benjamin was too smashed up to really try to think.
Suppose you could tell me as well? I am intrigued now, you know.
Yes, I can tell you because youre holding my husband at gunpoint and threatening to kill him. Helens voice trembled slightly but she was in control. I can tell you that you came here because you want to fuck me.
Benjamin thought the blood in his brain had started to run backwards because his thoughts suddenly started behaving like characters from some underground comic whose author enjoyed working on acid.
I am not stupid, Benjamin. I have seen the way you look at me, whenever you see me. I know you wanted this for such a long time.
Lady, I just lost my mother, you think I even know what I am doing here?
Benjamin. She addressed him firmly. Not sarcastically or impatiently. Please. Please be reasonable. You dont want to kill my husband. Whatever he might have said to you, whatever you think he may be accusing you of, he is not a bad person. You didnt come here to kill him, Benjamin. You came here because of me. Please, Benjamin.
The confusion. It was never welcome. It always made him want to smash stuff. Break stuff. Bones and stuff. But right now, right now this confusion&hellip, It was different.
Benjamin, you came here because you have wanted to fuck me since forever, I know that. Please dont kill my husband.
Benjamin realised he needed the time to think. One thing he didnt have. Helen kept talking.
Please Benjamin. I&hellip, she hesitated. I&hellip, You can fuck me. You can take me here and now, use me any way you want. Please, fuck me, do anything you want to me. Just dont&hellip, dont kill my husband&hellip, Her voice trailed off into silence at the end of the sentence. She stood above Benjamin, her eyes filling with tears.
Benjamin was fucked up. He had years of aimless wandering through life concluding with weeks of futile efforts, culminating in hours of senseless violence. He was drunk and he took more drugs than he could name. Helens words made no sense. They came from a universe beyond any universe he could ever claim knowing. They did something strange to his body but he didnt even have a word for that.
Helen&hellip, whispered Jeremy in a weak voice.
Shut up Jeremy, please!!! Helens voice was on the verge of falling apart. Just shut up. I can almost pretend I can do this. Just shut up.
Helen, dont&hellip, Jeremy managed to raise his voice and automatically, Benjamin hit him with the gun.
Jeremy!!! screamed Helen. I said shut up!!! Dont you understand!!!! He will kill you!!! He will kill you and Ill be left alone forever Jeremy!!!!! Dont do this to me, Jeremy, dont do this to me if you love our children!!!!
Benjamin got up. He didnt need any more time to think. The effort would be wasted anyway.
Woman&hellip, he hesitated, trying to think what to say next. Youre a bigger slut than I ever imagined youd be. Yeah, that was as good as anything else. Benjamin shrugged. But if Jerry here doesnt mind, Im ready to give you a shot.
You piece of scum!!! Get away from my fucking wife!!!!!! Ill tear your throat out!!!!! Jeremy tried to kick Benjamin from his place on the floor but Benjamin kicked him into the groin instead and then once again in the face.
Helen placed her hand on Benjamins shoulder. She squeezed him really hard. He turned her way and saw tears coming out of her eyes.
Please&hellip, Please&hellip, just take me&hellip, leave him&hellip,
Was this love? Benjamin couldnt figure out. Not that he cared that much after all. This was all still very surprising and strange. He grinned.
Woman, I should probably tell you that I have taken every drug known to man in the last twelve hours. Right now I am not even sure I feel most of my body. Youre welcome to try and remind me which part goes where but as soon as I feel bored, the hubby gets it.
Helen didnt answer. Her hand was still squeezing his shoulder, hard. She motioned them towards the door, but Benjamin stopped her.
No. Here.
She shook her head.
Not here&hellip, Not here&hellip, I cant&hellip,
Hey, I dont give a fuck, this is my show. Youre just an extra here, right? You dont like it, get the fuck out so me and Jeremy can talk man to man. It felt good, it felt good.
Please&hellip, her voice broke but she managed to get it back almost instantly. Please, not here, not in front of my husband.
Lady, either you start giving my cock some attention right now or I blow a hole in your husband its as simple as that.
Benjamin motioned her to the sofa. He sat there and she placed herself next to him. Making himself comfortable Benjamin smiled. She was not going to be able to do anything. His body was almost checking out. The feel of the sofa was too good. He was not in the mood for love. He was floating between spaces.
Get my cock out.
Her hand on his combat trousers produced no reaction. She pulled the boxers down next and was holding his limp cock seconds after.
Come on, baby, lets see what and old broad like you can show to the new generation.
He wasnt supposed to feel anything. Yes, Helen was a sexy woman. Yes, he found her attractive. And, yes, he masturbated sometimes thinking of her. But he was so full of chemicals right now it wasnt even funny.
Still, when Helen brought her face down and sucked his soft dick into her mouth, there was a shadow that moved in the back of Benjamins mind. The look of it all was satisfying in the first place, her neat hair covering his lap, then there was that warm hand on his thigh. He realised her smell was good as well. There was a name for that perfume too, probably something sounding like some Japanese martial art&hellip,
She moved her head up and down, using her right hand to stroke his balls. Benjamin stayed soft and kept grinning. He closed his eyes just so he can open them again and witness this unbelievable thing happening to him all over again. He put the barrel of the gun at the side of her head.
Helen stopped sucking him and looked up.
Theres no need for that, Benjamin. Ill be good, I promise.
The voice was soft. Deep and rich and&hellip, submissive. He smiled, but this was somehow a different smile. His facial muscles felt different.
This is just&hellip, for me, you understand?
She nodded. She understood.
I understand, Ben. I understand. She stroked his cock slowly. Do you like this? Does this feel good?
Benjamin started laughing and then coughing. The absurdity of it all.
I dont know, woman. I dont know how that feels. I have no fucking idea how that feels.
She started sucking him again, even slower than before. Benjamin touched her with his gun, then traced the shape of her head, down her neck. Gently&hellip,
Helen, for the love of God, NO! screamed Jeremy from his corner. His voice was helpless, angry, frustrated, scared, all at the same time. Benjamin thought to himself: this DOES feel good. He grabbed Helens hair and started pushing her head onto his cock harder. He was still limp but that felt good.
Then he heard her. First it was just sucking noises her mouth made on his penis, but then came the soft moan. She didnt protest against his gun, she didnt protest against his rough treatment. Instead she moaned in a low, barely audible voice.
Then the miracle started happening. Benjamin felt. Benjamin felt good. Benjamin felt better and better. Benjamin felt becoming hard.
5. Hardcore
Jeremy was kicking and screaming, trying to rip the pipe from the wall and break free. His wife was swallowing what was now visibly a hard, large penis. Benjamin started breathing heavily.
Agh&hellip, woman&hellip, Unhhhhh&hellip, He was shocked himself. Normally, in the state he was, erection could be just a distant memory. You fucking slut&hellip,. Aghhh&hellip, swallow that cock, swallow it!!!
The woman continued her slow, sexy, methodical assault on his penis. As it grew bigger, she placed her fingers on its lower half. Now, every time her head went up, her fingers followed and the other way round.
Benjamin was getting harder and bigger. And progressively more and more confused. He didnt have any plans for the day. He didnt have any plans for the rest of his life. The things just happened. He just threw himself into anything that was standing in his way. Things broke. But this&hellip, This was beyond anything he could even imagine.
He let go of the gun. He needed both his hands. He placed them on the back of Helens head and started pushing down. At the same time, he started making short thrusts upwards with his hips.
Helen instinctively tried to back off when Benjamins swollen cockhead slid into her throat. But Benjamin wouldnt let her. He removed her hand from his cock. He kept her head firmly down and moved his hips. The efforts she made to get her head up made it feel even better to him. He was still strong enough to keep a woman down and it was a good feeling.
He proceeded to fuck Helens mouth, pushing his cock into her throat while simultaneously moving her head up and down with his hands. He was in complete control, Helen was now only trying to accommodate herself the best she could. She was now making loud noises. Her breathing was heavy and irregular. She gagged, loudly, as Benjamin pushed his entire penis inside, leaving only his balls unattended. He pulled her head up, his cock falling out of her open mouth, covered with her spit and his precum.
You love this, Helen, dont you? he asked jovially.
She didnt answer. She was struggling to get enough air before what she knew must follow. But Benjamin was feeling so good he wanted her to answer.
Tell me, please, I am very curious. Do you ever suck Jeremys cock with such enthusiasm?
Helen shook her head with a sad expression on her face, her eyes full of tears. Her voice was deep and soft.
Please, Ben, please, you dont have to do that&hellip,
Benjamin grinned. He didnt have to but he loved it.
Please, Ill do anything you want&hellip,
This made him feel even better. Shell do anything he wants!!
OK, woman. OK. Then let me see those tits.
You want to see my breasts? Alright, Ben, Ill grant you your wish.
Helen started unbuttoning her shirt but Benjamin caught her wrist.
No, no, no, no, I want you to do it slowly, with feel. You have to entertain me. Otherwise its back to hurting your hubby.
She looked at him but didnt say anything. Behind them, her husband screamed.
She continued unbuttoning her shirt but now her moves were slow, deliberate. Benjamin started stroking his penis, enjoying the show.
Thats it, woman, let me see those old tits.
Helen removed the shirt and Benjamin could see her large, motherly breasts trapped inside a rich, white, bra.
Thats an impressive rack you have there, Helen.
The woman looked at him. It was a strange look that he couldnt quite figure out. Then again, he did give her a compliment. That was strange as well.
Im going to fucking kill you, Im going to fucking kill you, motherfucker!!! screamed Jeremy from his place on the floor. Benjamin ignored him. The show in front of his eyes was occupying his attention.
Out with them, come on!! He demanded it in a cheerful voice, like a child on a Christmas morning impatient to see the gifts.
Helen started taking the bra off. But the way she did it made Benjamin almost gasp from excitement. She pulled the left strap down from her shoulder but then she pushed her hand into the bra cup and pulled her large, heavy tit out.
Holy shit, woman&hellip, He watched as she absentmindedly stroked her nipple between the tips of her index finger and her thumb. No doubt, she has been doing similar shows for others (husband?) before. And she took Benjamins request to be entertained seriously. Benjamin was entertained. Seduced even.
She fished her other tit out as well, then placed her hands on the sides of both tits and brought them together. She looked into Benjamins eyes.
Do you like them? Her voice was very low. Benjamin thought that she perhaps didnt want her husband to hear their conversation. But that was hardly possible, being that they were all in one room, not far from each other. However, his shouting was probably a safety blanket of sorts.
God, woman&hellip, I had no idea you were such a slut. Instead of replying to her question, he grabbed her breast and started massaging it. It felt good. It was softer than Carlas, but so&hellip, full. So rich. He squeezed her nipple between his fingers. Helen flinched. Benjamin squeezed harder.
God&hellip, her whisper was urgent. Hurt.
Does that hurt? Benjamin loved this. He loved it.
Helen nodded, biting her lip. He maintained the pressure. She squirmed.
Ben&hellip, youre hurting me&hellip,
You want me to stop? He asked this in an innocent, almost childish way.
&hellip,please&hellip, she exhaled loudly as he twisted the nipple, savagely. Please, stop&hellip,
Benjamin didnt feel like stopping. When Helen tried to move his hands away from her breasts, he slapped her.
It was not a hard slap, especially in comparison with the levels of violence Benjamin demonstrated himself capable of during the day. Still, it made her head snap violently to the right and it made her hair fall over her face. Benjamin thought this made her even sexier.
Im in charge here, woman&hellip, Is that clear enough?
Helen looked at him through her hair. There were tears coming out of her eyes, smearing her makeup a bit. She nodded.
&hellip,yes&hellip, its clear&hellip,
Benjamin smiled.
Good. So try not to forget that. Not only theres more where that one slap came from, but also, remember that I get bored easily. You stop making me happy and Im back to teaching your husband how to perform orally on a gun!
&hellip,God&hellip, you dont have to be like that&hellip, Ill do everything&hellip, I told you&hellip,
Helen!!! screamed Jeremy.
They both ignored him. Benjamin pulled Helen by the hair, so that she leaned his way. He placed his penis between her breasts and instructed her to bring them together so it was fitting tightly. Then he started moving it up and down.
Spit on it he ordered. He didnt want friction ruining his pleasure. It was a long time since he was this hard and he wanted every bit of fun he could get out of it.
Watching Helen spit on his cock, trapped firmly between her tits was certainly fun. She knew why he demanded it and made sure to spread the saliva along the length of his member with the palm of her hand. Then she pressed her breasts together and started moving in synch with his pelvis thrusts. Benjamins eyes went wide. This was much better than&hellip, well than anything he could remember about his life so far. Like a Christmas morning that really lived to expectations.
Suck on the head he said.
She obeyed without words. She made herself more comfortable in her kneeling position on the floor, got her head down and started licking and kissing his swollen cockhead. Then she made the additional effort, pushed her head down a bit more and opened her mouth. Now he would dip his cock into her mouth with every thrust.
Man, to think I thought you people were completely useless&hellip, Jeremy, I dont know if it was you teaching this slut how to give head but, man, SOMEBODY did a good job!!!
Jeremy was choking in anger.
You fuck&hellip, You fuck!!! Youre dead!!! Youre fucking dead!!!
Benjamin laughed and waved his both hands at Jeremy. Then he ceremoniously placed them on the back of Helens head and started pushing it down again.
The woman gagged on his penis, trying to back away, but Benjamin was not letting go. He enjoyed the sound of his victim fighting for breath and trying not to puke, the feel of his penis violating her throat, triggering the gag reflex, savaging her in the place where it was never meant to be.
Thats it, baby, thats it, Helen, take it all the way in&hellip, All the way down to those fucking balls&hellip, Thats it, be a good slut&hellip, I bet old Jeremy never had the courage to stick it all the way in, eh? Lucky you ran into me to finally make your fantasies come true, eh?
He pulled out, letting Helen have a few moments to catch her breath. He pulled her head up and enjoyed the look on her face. The total helplessness, the fear, pain and humiliation. As well as the wish to satisfy him in any way he might want. Against her will, against her instincts. Because she was protecting her mate, her partner.
God bless people who know their responsibilities to their families, thought Benjamin.
Then he tugged her head down again, violently.
Lick it, lick all of it, whore.
Helen complied. Her tongue danced around his testicles first, then went up, along the length of his penis. She spat on it again, then used her tongue to spread the spit everywhere. The sensation this gave to Benjamin made him moan aloud. He spread his thighs wider, pushing her down. He didnt even have to tell her what he wanted, Helen buried her head between his legs and toyed with his balls.
Aawww, fuuuuck&hellip, Aghhhh, fuck, yessss!!!!
She sucked on his balls. And made loud noises. And moved her head left and right, not letting his balls out of her mouth. She was good. Really good. Much better than Carla. Much better than anyone, anyone really&hellip, The way she jerked him off as her mouth and tongue were caressing his balls, the sounds she was making&hellip,
Benjamin pulled Helens head back once again. With surprise he realised that her mouth and her hand alone seemed to be quite capable of bringing him off. All the way. In the state he brought himself to this was no small achievement. And Benjamin wanted more.
Not so fast, woman, not so fast. Im not such a selfish fuck after all! He wouldnt let go of her hair. He pulled her head to the back again and ordered her to open her mouth. She obeyed, instantly even though it was not hard to guess what Benjamin would do next.
He spat in her mouth. Helen flinched but did nothing else. She didnt protest or try to break away from him. Benjamin smiled and spat into her face again, this time saliva falling onto her lips and cheek, then starting a slow descent towards her chin, neck and breasts.
You love being treated like a slut, dont you?
Helen didnt answer. Her eyes were full of tears, the fear and humiliation painting her face ill colours.
Tell me, Helen. Dont you?
He shook her head violently, reminding her of the script and the setup.
Helen looked straight into his eyes. Then she closed hers.
&hellip,yes&hellip, she whispered. The voice was so low, so heavy with shame and fear that her husband, drowning in his own fury couldnt have possibly heard her.
Benjamin could feel a slow electric charge going down his spine, into his guts, then outside towards his genitals. She was&hellip,
She was acting, right? She was just&hellip, staying in character for him. She was trying to save her husband from a gun-wielding maniac running on drugs and anger and burning with misplaced desire. And yet&hellip,
And yet, she made him even harder. He had to have her. He had to have her right now.
Helen&hellip, For a second he didnt know what to say. Then it came to him.
You almost made me cum there, Helen, you know that? I bet you would have loved it if I just lost it and sprayed those tits and face of yours with my baby-juice, eh? Would have made it easier on your old pussy down there too. Well, no such luck, Helen, Im afraid youre gonna have to earn my gratitude the old fashioned way.
6. Waysted
Jeremys screams resembled some wild animal. Some animal in pain or mortal fear or blind rage. He thrashed on the floor and if there were any words coming out of his mouth they were lost in the torrent of inhuman cries that were ripping his throat and lungs into pieces.
His wife was also loud, she was moaning and screaming and begging. But the difference was telling.
The difference, Benjamin told himself as he methodically pushed in and out, was that his screams were just amusing and hers&hellip, Well, hers were arousing. Incredibly arousing.
Ben&hellip, please&hellip, not so hard&hellip, oh my God&hellip, please, Ben&hellip,
It made it so much better for him that she was trying to resist. Not in a serious way, of course, after all he was still the man with the gun, wasnt he? But as he was taking her from behind, pushing her face into the sofa, as he was slamming into her with cheerful abandon, she was begging him to go easy on her, she was trying to push him away from her with the palm of her hand pressed firmly onto his lower belly.
It was better than anything he could remember. His head was swimming in a thick soup made of fog and feather most of the past day, hell, most of his life. But this, this made him feel good, it made him feel alive. Finally and irredeemably so. Benjamin fucked her, grabbing her hair between his fingers and pushing her head into the sofa, small fleshquakes rippling through her large buttocks with every thrust of his.
My God&hellip, no&hellip, please&hellip, no&hellip, not so hard&hellip, please, Ben&hellip, youre too big, please&hellip,
It&hellip, it almost made him lose control. Never. No one ever. No girl ever said something like this to him. No girl ever. Just this woman. Just this woman, wife and mother of two daughters. And if pushed hard to think about it he would know that someone must have been lying to him. It was either all his past girlfriends or this woman. And Benjamin was no Ben Franklin but he was not that stupid.
But he didnt care. This was it. This was the big one. The biggest show on Earth. This was their show. And Helen&hellip, Helen played it well, so well.
He slapped her asscheeks repeatedly, satisfied with the way her screams neatly followed. He pulled on her hair, lifting her from the sofa, bringing her close to himself.
I love it how you do this, Helen. He whispered into her ear. I love it how much of a slut you turned out to be. This is the best thing that ever happened to me.
And as he pushed her back to the sofa, it felt strange to experience the tremors in her body as he continued to fuck her. To rape her.
Yes, he thought to himself, this was actually it, one way or the other, he raped her. No matter that she volunteered for this after assessing the situation between her husband and the rascally neighbour. This was rape, no matter how it felt for him. Or her. No matter whether her pleas and screams and tears were all playact or reality. No matter whether she really needed some thick manmeat in her as he was telling her. This was rape.
And, closing his eyes, Benjamin wiped the sweat from his forehead. The body beneath him was so warm and rich. So inviting and beautiful. And what he did to it was shameful.
He stopped, mid-thrust.
Is this it? Is this what I worked myself towards?
Benjamin was thinking. He could hear the woman under him softly cry into the pillow. After all these years he had her on his cock. And&hellip, Its hard to imagine his mother would be proud of him after all.
So, yeah, this is it. A rapist. Thats what it is.
And Benjamin closed his eyes for a second again. The sun was down now, wasnt it? What time it was anyway? And what did it matter anyway.
So that was it.
Benjamin pulled out. Yes, there was, there was this silly and perhaps even nave thought at the back of his head about mending what he did, about stopping before its too late, before the damage was done to the fullest. He didnt come yet, not everything was over.
Helen screamed in very realistic pain when Benjamin started pushing his swollen cockhead into her asshole.
no no no no no noooo, please!!! NO! Not there, NO!
Benjamin had to hold her down with one hand, as she was thrashing under him, trying to get him off her. Not a hope in hell, he thought, not a hope in fucking hell, I am bigger than you Helen. You have no hope, Helen, sorry.
Please Benjamin, I cant, NOOOO!
It was painful for him too. It was painful pushing into her ass like this, with no preparation or lubrication. But it felt good. It felt right. He pushed, violently, brutally, mercilessly. And he broke her in and continued pushing and pulling out and pushing in again.
Helen was crying, loud sobs accompanying Benjamins grunts. It must have been easier for her too now that her sphincter surrendered to the brutal force of Benjamins assault. But it must have been much more humiliating than anything she ever experienced too. Raped in her ass, in front of her husband, helpless and fucked, like a ten dollar whore.
Benjamin was sweating like a pig, pushing as deep into her as it would go. This was it, this was a loud ending to a ghastly story so far. There was no place for doubt and regret here any more. He was fucking Helens ass, he was raping her the way no woman in his life would let him, he was on top of her, controlling her every move, humiliating her in front of her husband. He was in her so deep he was drowning.
And as he felt the orgasm build inside of him, he grabbed her breasts with one his hand and buried fingers of his other hand into her pussy. And screamed, loud, like an animal.
The impossible was happening and Benjamin was almost laughing from the absurdity of it all. And the elation he felt as his body was doing what it was built for, going through all the motions that make life have any sense. He shot his semen into Helens ass, bellowing like it was him being raped, not her. And he could feel her body spasm as well, just the way his body did. They were two animals, trapped inside a circle built by Gods at the dawn of time. This was rape, yes. But it felt so right.
7. Rights and wrongs
The police found Benjamin sleeping on the kitchen floor, the bottle of wine on the floor near him. He was planning to get back to the room. After all, there was something to be said about basking in the light of the humiliation he brought onto Jeremy. And he did want to talk to Helen. He didnt know what exactly he wanted to talk about, but when he got up from his knees and when she turned her head back towards him and looked into his eyes, he knew he needed to. But, he realised he didnt know what to say and tactical retreat to the kitchen to look for any alcohol the family might have had in the fridge looked like a good idea back then. He could think along the way.
But then the wine felt so good sliding down his throat (and chin and neck and chest) and his body was growing warm and soft and tired. And he sat on the floor. Just to get some rest. Helen was still on her knees, face-first on the sofa, making no noises. He just needed some rest.
The clubs and shoes rained down on Benjamin, hard. And there was shouting.
Dontfuckingmovemotherfucker moveonefuckingfingerandyourefuckingdead.!!!
The screams made little sense as the men were kneeling on Benjamins throat, spraying his face with pepper spray, turning him around and cuffing his hands. Benjamin was a big man, normally it would take at least two police officers to subdue him. But now he was weak, drunk, he was sleeping and totally helpless. And there were five of them, shouting like mad.
Heres the gun, heres the gun, said one policeman to the other, holding Benjamins piece by the barrel between two fingers.
Maam! said the other, pointing his gun at Benjamin all the time. Maam, please come here!
Is this the weapon?
Helen nodded. Benjamins vision was blurred but he could tell she was crying, her lips pressed together tight. Somewhere in the distant other room he could hear the sound of metal screaming. Someone was sawing through the cuffs hed put on Jeremy. That meant it was Helen who called the police.
Get up, motherfucker, get UP!!! the policeman said.
Benjamin was pulled onto his feet, dizzy, disoriented, confused, silent, his eyes, nose and mouth swollen from the pepper and the punches. He couldnt speak, he couldnt breathe without hurting. The police twisted his arms into unnatural, unpleasant positions as they were pushing him to the door.
He looked Helens way.
Step away maam, were bringing him out, said the cop in his business voice. Hes under control, he added reassuringly.
Helen didnt step away. She could probably see Benjamin was no threat to her or her family now. The police was here now to protect them. To protect her. She stayed in the room, watching in silence as Benjamin was half carried, half pushed out.
Benjamin was unable to think clearly or even at all. He only knew that the price was paid. The price was paid, no matter how high it was. He shook his head, trying to clear his vision. He wanted to get one last clear look at Helen. One of the cops punched him in the back of his head.
Keep walking, fuckhead, dont resist!!
I am not resisting, thought Benjamin. I just want to have one last look at her.
Helen was inches away from him as he made one shaky step after another, cops directing him. She could have been miles away now, no difference to him or her. He couldnt touch her now. Not any more. Not ever again. He could, to his surprise, still smell the perfume on her. Through the mucus coming down his nose like rain, he breathed in, deeply.
They took him out, passing Jeremy on the way, Jeremy being surprisingly silent and calm. They took him out and into a squad car with rotating lights.
The police officer took out a pen and started writing things down on his clipboard. He asked Helen whether she felt she could give him a statement right now, as they wait for the ambulance to arrive. Helen nodded and answered something in a low voice.
Sarge! Sarge! said the other policeman, still holding Benjamins gun in is hands and examining it.
What? said the policeman with the clipboard and glasses.
The gun is empty.
The sergeant raised his eyebrows.
This thing is empty, sarge said the cop pulling the magazine out to prove his point. The fucker didnt have a single bullet here.
The sergeant looked at Helen, then looked at the gun, then looked at Helen again.
You werent aware of this, maam, were you?
Helen was silent, allowing the absurdity of the question to coat and protect her from all the evils that the world might throw at her again. The night felt as if it would finally bring some calm.
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I remember being a little girl; my father would pick me up in his muscular arms. I’d giggle and hug him tight around his neck because he’d always try to swing me around or throw me up, but all I wanted was his arms around me. I was the biggest Daddy’s Girl you’d ever see. I was maybe 3 or 4 when I learned how to cry and get him to hold me. I first noticed it when I hit my little sister, her name is Natasha, and she is about a year younger than me. I was playing with my favorite doll; she had...
IncestA quick check along the street to see if anyone was around, then I turned the door handle to the shop and we stepped inside. I quickly locked it, then we walked through the gloom to the bottom of the stairs. As arranged, I went up and Anne stayed there. I had to tread carefully, as my eyes adjusted to the dark. Thankfully, the first floor room was partially lit by the street lamp outside. We didn't want to attract a patrolling cop by switching on the light. He was, just as I'd stipulated, sat...
Man, I don’t even know where to start charging for this job, handling glass was worth more way back when I helped Dad. Maybe I can ask someone at Moorelands ... maybe I’ll meet Kasey and she’ll help me on this. Yeah right asshole - she’ll help you right out the front door. I called the other number on the list Carol had given me last. “Hello, this is Billy Sherman. I called this number about a handy-man job. I got your number from Mooreland’s.” “Yes Billy, I was wondering if you built...
I am a woman in her mid-twenties and live with my partner, as lesbians, although we are both bisexual. One of our favourite pastimes is going to nudist beaches or other nudist venues.I had a day off work as a day in lieu of travelling time. It is a system that rewards early or late starts when I am required to leave or return home very early/ late to fly to my destination rather than be paid a penalty rate. I rather enjoy it as it allows me to have a day off during a working week.I had no need...
BisexualWe moved slowly through the rocky caverns that made up this dungeon. Cold water dripped from stalactites, each drop echoing in the dark. Facing away from my pets, I guarded our rear. Vixen and Wumtug each carried one of the long wooden poles I purchased in town. They checked the ground for traps and pitfalls by tapping the ground in front of them. Between [Tremorsense] and [Magesense], the world should have been an open book. Unlike it’s weaker single-target cousin [Magesight], my...
I stared at the stern of the boat. There, in gold lettering, in a very nice cursive script, were painted the words ‘Lady Calista’. “Dad,” I whispered, “I can’t buy that.” “Why not?” he asked. “The name,” I said pointing. He laughed. “Well, if you like the boat and buy it, you can just change the name,” he said. “I can?” I asked, “but what message would that send to Cal?” “What message do you want to send to Cal, son?” he asked. “I don’t really know,” I answered, “why does it have to...
I am reposting this story as I’ve found that an important piece of it was not included in the original posting. This story sort of falls into the ‘What If’ genre. I’m at a loss as to where or what genre I should list the story. It could fit in Romance, Non erotic, or Science Fiction. There is a romance involved and some Sci Fi but the crux of the story isn’t about either one, I chose Non erotic. According to the description of that category, this is a fictional story without a focus on sex. I...
Methamphestrogen by Bailey Thayer I could see my neighbor's clothesline clearly from my second-floor bathroom window. It was Saturday, laundry day, and my neighbor's live-in girl friend was just starting to hang up wet clothes to dry. There she stood, barefoot, wearing a set of daisy-dukes and a white cut-off tank top. I could see the outline of a purple bra under her shirt. A bra strap hung lazily off her left shoulder, and when she bent over to retrieve something from her laundry...
Jodi and Aunt Leah Chapter Two Leah took off my clothes, I undressed her and we got in bed for an afternoon ‘nap’ but neither of us got any sleep. As we kissed, I slid myself into her and we made love until I felt myself release deep into her. As we rested, I thought carefully about what I was going to say. “Aunt Leah, just like last night it’s only going to be a matter of time before we bump into someone else we know. If everyone finds out by accident I’m sure that they are going...
The tent flap opened and a naked Heather was pushed inside, where she stumbled to her knees by my side. "What that... ?" I looked at her in amazement. "The girls thought I wasn't being sexy enough," Heather rolled her eyes. "You know, after we had spent all day talking about geology and your thesis. Philistines!" she shouted outside the tent. We heard giggles from outside. "Intellectual discussions can be a form of foreplay, too!" "Less talk, more sex!" Zoe shouted from...
This material is not for persons under the age of 18. It contains scenes of a sexual explicit nature. If you do not want to read such material, then STOP NOW AND GO AWAY. Otherwise read and enjoy A Job With Uncle Bob by Dr. Kelp Part 1 Paul, the youngest son of poor farming parents, was not cut out for life in the country. His older brother was now taking over the farm from his aging father. Paul on the other hand, was slight of build, effeminate even, and in times gone...
She walked across the hotel room floor using her most seductive strut, teasing him more with her body. She was still fully dressed, figuring he would like to unwrap the present she was giving him. She couldn't have been more right. As she came up to him and got within his reach, he quickly pulled her to him, crushing his lips to hers and tasting her for the first time. His strong, powerful arms surrounded her and enveloped her, pressing her to him. He felt her hardened nipples poking him in the...
SeductionJust Pretend"Oh. What do you want?" Yes, Freddie was being rude. Considering the person in front of him, however, it was entirely justified. Sam walked right past him, not even saying anything until she got to his fridge. Clearing his throat didn't stop her from searching through it."What's up, don't you have any meat?" she asked, looking at him as if that was his fault. Freddie had eaten the last bacon that day at breakfast, so technically it was his fault, but for her to come into his house...
This is my first attempt, so please be gentle. All feedback appreciated.Part 1. At 23 years old Miss Caroline Parker had graduated with a 1st class honors degree in history and had completed her teacher training. Her preference was for a secondary school teaching position, but with history being a less popular subject than Math or English, there was nothing available. To he honest about it, she was not really trying that hard. With large debts to repay, Caroline knew she had to get a job, but...
SpankingThe following day after breakfast, I asked mom for her notes. She went upstairs to retrieve her yellow notepad and brought it downstairs, and handed it to me. Each page was neatly labeled by date, time, and activity. The first ten pages had answers written below the questions. It appeared that Bill had taken a lot of time explaining things to her. Some of the questions were rather naive and sometimes comical. I could see Bill had taken each question seriously and gave knowledgeable answers no...
Hi iss readers this is murali for the first time writing my own experience. Let me describe my sister structure first her name is Sirisha she is god dam sexy with 36 28 36 which i measured later let me come to the story my sister and me staying in chennai in day my sister went to the bath room to have bath there is a small hole to the bath from which i shoot her naked body in my phone.she came out i gathered my courage and asked her that akka i want to see your naked body by hearing...
IncestI decided to go to the local mosque for the first time to see what it was all about. I sat down and the Imam came up to me, laid his hands on my hand and said: “By the will of Allah and the prophet Mohammed - you will walk today. I told him I wasn’t paralysed, I only had a small bunion on my left foot. He came back and laid his hands on me again and looking skywards, earnestly repeated his mantra: “By the will of Allah and the prophet Mohammed - you will walk today. Once again, I told him...
I wake up horny as fuck in someone else’s bed I’m not wearing any clothes but I feel something in my asshole it feels good I put my hand towards my asshole I feel something I pull it out it’s a but plug I’m shocked I say to myself but I’m not gay why do I have this in my ass but then I hear a voice saying lick it
GayWhen I awoke the next morning I knew I'd slept like a baby. I'd even beaten the alarm, something I hadn't done in several months. The clock said it was 6:45, so I rolled over, turned it off, jumping out of bed. Normally I hit the snooze and fought for the precious ten extra minutes it allowed me. Today however, even though it was Saturday, I felt refreshed and more alive than I had felt since my divorce. And I owed a lot of that to Maggie. As I passed by my bedroom window I took a moment...
Ted had little to say until we reached the main building where the boilers were located. They were massive. The boiler room was spotless and the floor was painted a battleship gray. Much of the piping was copper and I could see it was kept polished in and around the gauges. The gauges themselves were of brass. It made a beautiful sight. Over on the far edge of the room there was a diesel engine that turned a generator. "The generator is just for the boilers and the pumps, not for the whole...
Hello everyone, this is Atharva from Bangalore. I am new to this platform and want to share some of the hot incidents that I have had with girls. So let’s cut to the chase. This happened in my third year of college. I was in a serious relationship for two and a half years before I broke up with my girlfriend. Initially, it was awkward as both of us were in the same batch and things got quite uncomfortable whenever we were together. However, with time, things kind of mellowed down and we started...
I guess this is what you would call a “Confession” of sorts. Not that I am a Roman Catholic or anything like that. I am a good Church of England girl and I was brought up real strict by my mum who constantly reminded me every school day to wear clean knickers in case I got hit by a truck on the way to school.Knickers!Whenever I start to think about knickers or even bras my mind just goes right into the gutter and all I can imagine is being forced to take them off by nasty men who want to get...
BisexualFriday I woke up, Aky was with his arm over my waist and Mark had his leg over mine, it felt warm…so good…I gave both a small kiss on their cheeks and slowly got up to prepare the usual stuff of the morning, it was actually pretty much the first time I had woke up and they were not already up, playing. I yawned moving to the kitchen, in some minutes only Aky came walking down. “morning..” He said rubbing his eye and holding his glasses, I always loved that scene. “morning sunshine..”...
Adira Allure heard that Toni Ribas has a website dedicated to squirting, so she shows up at his house in a bondage harness and squirts all over the place as soon as she’s in the door! Adira knows she’s got what it takes to be a squirting star – she deepthroats Toni’s big dick and shows what she’s got as he fucks her pussy and holds a huge vibe on her clit. This horny blonde loves it kinky, and after she rubs her clit with a riding crop, she tells Toni to smack her...
xmoviesforyouHi everyone I like to tell about true story happen in my life. First let me introduce myself I am Vinu Kumar people call me VK and I am 32 I am from Chennai and I a regular reader of ISS my email id is () give your feedback and suggestion about my story. Coming to the story, this happened last week. In my home my maid is working name is Kalai age 34 and she is a widow. She is working in my house for last four months. The day I saw her I had an eye on her she is dame sexy she always were only...
Marina is a normal career woman. At 35, she is divorced and has no children. She is an active member of the community. Though she is a conservative dresser, her cute face and gorgeous "B" cups still turn heads. At 5'8" and 120lbs; she's a classy woman. She has a very modest demeanor, but her ex knows she has an amazing libido. Her friends in the community are stunned when they found out, she had went on a date with me. I surprised her with a call, telling her to meet me Friday evening at...
When I was in junior high, I would get home about an hour before my mom got back from her part time job. This gave me plenty of time to masturbate on my parents bed. This was in no way a fetish or fantasy of mine, they just had a way softer bed than I did and better yet, their door had a lock. I just locked the door, got naked, laid back and waxed the dolphin until I came on my stomach. Our house had those locks that don't have a real key, just a piece of wire you put through the keyhole...
THE LION'S MOUTHT.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please...
My hubby wrote recently about how I discovered what a Glory Hole is and got to experience a huge black cock. It drove my hubby crazy with desire and we have enjoyed hours of great sex since. He keeps telling me how turned on her got when he walked in to the cube in the porn shop where I was getting stuffed with a huge black cock. I had told my hubby to go and get a xl sized condom so I could fuck the huge black cock that I was sucking. He had almost rushed out of the room. Soon as he was gone...
Now l had been staying at my aunts for about a week and we had fucked in virtually every room in the house and my aunt seemed to have a different outfit for every day,my education was coming along quite nicely and from the way my aunt responded l felt l was getting straight A's.This particular morning my aunt was dressed to go out she was wearing a black leather suit with the skirt midway between her knees and thighs so if she sat in a certain position the tops of her black stockings could be...
The alarm went off and I groaned while reaching over to hit the SNOOZE button. “Damn.” I said getting out of bed. As my usual routine, I turned the TV on, turned to channel 2 and waited to see what Atlanta rush hour traffic would have in store for me. “We go now to Karen Minton with your weather.” Fred Blankenship said on the television. I shook my head. “Makes no sense how fine that man is.” I said walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth. It was supposed to be cool that...
My name is Mark and my friend Felicia, here at Hamster, asked me to tell you about this story I told her a few weeks ago!I was in high school and my parents worked for the US State Dept. and traveled a lot. They had a two month assignment in England and since I was in school, they didn't want me to move for that short time so they had me stay at my grand mothers house. Truthfully, she was an old women, at least to me, and I believe in her late 50's or early 60's but even I could see she use to...
November 22, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio I’d expected an immediate reaction but for a good thirty seconds, you could have heard a pin drop in the sitting room. The silence quickly grew oppressive and suffocating. I carefully watched Deacon Vasily’s face and specifically his eyes, and waited for the eruption which was bubbling just below the surface, but his wife beat him to it. “Sasha,” she asked softly, a tear running down her cheek, “are you sure?” “Yes, Mom, I’m sure.” “How did this...
I was regularly looked after by R-V and his crew, no one messed with me. A week later and everything changed. Suddenly, there was no R-V or T-Bone and Chucker. I received no calls, he wasn’t at work and no one was telling. In the space of a week, something had happened to my boys. I started freaking out, I sent texts and calls but no news. Then after three weeks, I know somethings was up. Elijah seemed to be head of security. He worked in a fag bar but hated fags, so you could...
There is, if you look, a bar like it in every town. Back home it was Ernie’s; a small friendly bar where women meet other women. In LA, where I found myself working as close protection for an actress, Faye Millerton, it was Matt’s. A good friend, Hannah, had recommended it and when Steph had to go home. It was where I went to fill the vacuum her departure left. I’ll explain why Steph had to go home a bit later on.One Friday evening while Millerton was in DC attending a ball at the White House I...
Lesbian“So, tell me about this…Jock the Cock…” Cat finally managed to ask.Tilly laughed. “There’s not much point in telling you when you can see Jacques for yourself!” And she pointed across the clearing, where three of the women, as well as two of the guys, were clustered around a naked, well-built, but rather ordinary-looking man.At least, he was ordinary from the waist up. From the waist down, it was a different matter entirely. He had the largest cock that Cat had ever seen or heard about. She...
Oral SexPart 2As arranged, I turned up the following week.I was nervous not sure what to expect and would it be as exciting as the last time.I knocked on the door, the door opened and thee was Jimmy dressed only in a white dressing gown. He invited me in and ushered me to the living room.To my surprise sat on the settee was another gentleman, also dressed in a white dressing gown.I was introduced to Evan, Jimmy said he had invited him because 5 years ago Evan would have been me and he knows what I was...
He was shocked. As much as he confessed not to be, I could tell what I had said had taken him aback. “You’re repulsed.” “No, no …” he stammered. I turned away from him. I just told him my deepest darkest secret and even though he attested to having “heard it all”, I knew my confession had him mentally spinning. And Nolan doesn’t suspect …” “No. He suspects nothing.” I sat up and grabbed the pillow next to me, clenching it in front of me like it was a shield and I was going into battle. “You...
AnalMy wife, Maggie, having found out I cross dressed slowly warmed to the idea but the rule was all to be in strict private. Evenings in dress and having some fun became a fairly regular thing. I was at the time on a popular TV site and chatted to the girls in the chat room. We were on there as both me single and us as a couple and Maggie occasionally logged in via this to use the chat room.After one evening chatting she surprised me by suggesting we invited another TV to visit and said she had...
Scarlit Scandal and Nickey Huntsman, two old friends, meet up at a high school reunion. They haven’t seen each other in YEARS and are so happy to catch up after stealing away to a classroom to escape their noisy peers. As they talk about the fun times they had together, it’s revealed that they both were a bit on the mischievous side. It seems like there was nothing these two wouldn’t do in order to have a bit of fun! It also seems like the more they relive these wonderful...
xmoviesforyouI didn't, I couldn't move. My body remained frozen except for a growing itch between my shoulder blades; a feeling that I was fervently hoping would go away if I didn't physically move. Yes, I know that's how rabbits react when hit by a passing car's headlights but at that moment it was a feeling I could totally associate with. "Turn around, Mr. Hayles," demanded the woman's voice and my worst fears were realised. I closed my eyes in despair and turned slowly to meet the bearer of my...
On Sunday my s*s was back home so I jerked off into my room alone. I jerk off before breakfast looking at my favorite pornstar Bobbi Star. In the scene she got gang bang by a bunch of guy on a sofa, we can see her getting ass fucked like crazy and she almost faith. She looked a little bit like my mom but mommy got bigger tits and was a little fatter. But the smile was identical. I was looking at the scene and thinking back on the day before when mom was blowing on the tip of my dick to make...
Throngaar yawned and reached back as he stretched out until he was up on his toes. The sunshine was streaming through the narrow window to the outside world, and the dwarf smiled. It promised to be a good day. The thick, wavy glass pane in the window prevented him from hearing the birds chirping outside, but he knew they were there. Next, he meticulously brushed the tangles from his long, reddish brown beard, put on his brown breeches and his favorite red shirt. He ran his fingers over the...
Part 2 When I woke up. I woke up to the sound of heavy rain hitting the roof and ground. At first I was lying there looking up at the ceiling, when I realised that Mandy was suppose to be next to me. I got up, dressed in my boxers and T shirt, then started looking around. My wallet and other personal items were still on the table. Then I looked in the bathroom and saw that all of her clothing were taken down. I was just about to ring the manager when I practically tripped over her pack...
'Get ready for bed, pancake,' his voice said in a gentle tone. 'In bed by eleven-thirty and asleep by twelve,' he reminded her for the third time that week.The girl tensed her lips into a tight smile as she crawled off of the couch, leaving her boyfriend alone in front of the television. She groaned - the couch was brand new and very comfortable. They bought it just last week when they moved into the apartment together.For the past two days, she had just decided to ignore us rule. He seemed a...
Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Five: Good Vibes, Big Apple After two nights without sleep, Sandy was having trouble keeping his eyes open as he drove down Santa Monica Boulevard towards the Hollywood Hills. The evening rush was thinning out, but the surface streets were still a better bet than the freeways, and he tried to unwind with his favorite shock jock as he coped with the stop-and-go traffic. His cell phone rang. It was Ashley, asking him what time she...
he strode over 2 me, his muscles playing with the light as they moved beneath his ebony skin. his enormous, semi-hard cock swayed slightly back & 4th as he slowly moved 2ward me. my own cock lurched at the sight of him & was already completely hard when he finally stopped in front of me. he looked me over, running his eyes from my head 2 my crotch. then i gasped, open-mouthed, as i watched him coming closer & he laid a huge hand on my chest & pushed me back on2 the mattress, as...
One little piece of genetic information unlocked. Just the right stimulus and it becomes possible to control the minds of others. And I'm the only one who knows the secret. At least I hope I am. "Did you find what you were looking for?" "Yes Cherry, thank you. You've been very helpful." Cherry Evans is a high school student. She wanted an internship with an important research group, and I snatched her up out of the list of applicants for our department. She's not the brightest bulb, but that's...
Mind Control