Addiction To Dress free porn video

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Addiction to Dress by Ellen (Revision 09/07/2000) Ed was on his way to an off campus books and school supply store to purchase some art supplies. The sun was out and the air really began to warm up. He took his usual route to the store today. The main reason was so that he could pass Marges' Bridal. As he approached the store front, Ed felt his heart rate go up. A twinge of excitement began to go through him. As he began to slowly pass the front window he saw a lovely white wedding dress. Long sleeves were sheer with a bead design like flowers. The bodice just as lovely in white satin and a scoop neck. Eds' eyes opened wide as he glanced at the full tulle skirt. A part of Eds' anatomy stood at attention, as he admired lovely white bridal princess ball gown. His speed slowed to a crawl. Passing the window the dress now captured his imagination. The moment the display left his field of vision, Ed had wished that there was some acceptable way for him to be able to go into that store and try on that dress.... It has been a few years since he was able to dress up. Once he left home for college, Ed knew it would be to risky to wear women's clothes in his dorm room. He had never wanted to take the chance. Now he was in a fraternity, privacy is even less in a house full of beer-swigging jocks. Ed was five foot nine. He weighed 160 pounds. He played college basketball his first two years at Bradley University. Ed played the position of guard. He had a deadly shoot from the three point line. Very accurate perimeter shooter. Unfortunately for him, he did not have the muscle to drive inside. His playing time was very little, and he would usually be brought in only when there team was ahead by a good margin. Many times on the bench during a game he would be distracted. What would distract a basketball player you ask other than watching a great sport. Well girls, or shall I say cheerleaders. They looked so good in there little skirts and tight tops. Ed sat and stared and wished that he could be wearing one of those cute red and white uniforms. Ed was suffering great withdrawal from his cross-dressing. He would have dreams about going into womens clothing stores and rummaging through the racks just to feel the feminine material in his hands. The stress was building and it was affecting him all day and night. In class there would always be some girl wearing an outfit that he wanted to imagine wearing. Something had to give, and Ed knew that if he didn't appease his need to wear womens clothes. He would go nuts. ...As Ed approached the bookstore, a fleet of emergency vehicles turned onto the street. He watched as the sirens screamed by him. One firetruck, one ambulance, and two police vehicles pulled in front of Pizza Town. A couple of people from the store were standing outside as smoke poured out from the roof. The emergency crew began pulling out hose as medics checked the employees for any injuries. Ed could not believe he was so involved with the bridal store that he did not smell a fire as he walked right by the restaurant on the other side of the street. Then a wicked idea crossed his mind as he looked back down at Marges' Bridal. There was a crowd of bystanders outside of the stores. Like a bolt of lightning an idea struck him. He slowly walked back towards the dress shop. Staying in back of the crowd as he reached the front door. He looked into the store and saw no one. Glancing among the onlookers, Ed believed that the employee's had to among the large group. Ed took another look through the window and then opening the front door, he quietly slipped into the bridal store. He ducked down and darted towards the back. Seeing a stairwell that went down into a basement. This was his best chance to find a hiding spot. He raced down the stairs and found racks of gowns' pushed into a corner. Ed crawled into the racks and found a nice dark spot to hide in. Then taking three deep breathes his eyes closed. "Relax", he told himself. This was going to be his night. The store closed at five o' clock and he still had to wait for the ladies to leave. He checked his watch, against the little light and it showed him two-thirty. He stared at all of the dresses in his hiding space. Dozens of white satin gowns. This was going to be very difficult for him not to reach out and start feeling the material of the various dresses. So Ed put his head back against the wall and eventually drifted to sleep. The bride stood at the top of the stairs with her lovely back to the crowd of women, who waited anxiously to catch the bouquet. A photographer positioned himself midway up the staircase. Green vines with white flowers were entwined around the railing and banister. Her ivory gown with flowing skirt and train all bustled up. The back had a heart design with sheer white exposing the soft skin of the bride. The single ladies all stood ready to fight over prize. She turned and glanced down upon the group. Her face was made up to perfection. A flowered headpiece rested on the top of her long brown curls. The face was familiar. She held the bouquet in the left hand and made three throwing motions. With each motion the women reacted as if the bride let go. Then on the fourth motion the bundle of flowers sailed over the brides shoulder and fell down into the sea of waving hands. The bride turned and smiled down as his younger sister caught the bouquet. Ed looking down and saw down the cleavage of his breasts. Then turning to the photographer he coyishly possed for the camera. "I'm beautiful!" He thought. "I'm beautiful!" His eyes snapped open. Ed's mouth had gone dry. He wondered how long he had been asleep. The basement was now dark. Crawling out as careful as possible Ed made his way towards an emergency exit sign. The little light that came from the sign showed him that it was just past eight o clock. The store had been closed for three hours. He listened carefully and had not heard a sound. Ed crept towards the stairs being very cautious. Excuses filled his head to say if someone caught him in the store. "The fire caused me to become disorientated." He was going to lie and say as a child he had a trauma. Whenever he sees a fire he panics and hides. He had plenty of time to plan an excuse. Ascending the stairs, there still was no sound other than the passing of traffic from outside the store. Once in the back of the store and double checking the front to see that the building was empty. He took three relaxing breathes. His eyes looked around the store. He had light from the store front window displays bleed through into the front of the store. He also had a exit sign at the back delivery door, that lit up a small area. Eds' vision adjusted to the semi darkened store. Ed had taken an inventory of what he had to choose from. There were a lot of lovely dresses. He knew this may be his only chance so he wanted to do it right. He made his way into the back storeroom by the delivery door. There he saw shelves of lingerie. He carefully picked out white bridal underwear. He found white panties that were lace on the sides and silk on the front and back. He located garter belts and stockings. He found a white strapless corset style bra. He draped the articles of undergarments on his arm. Then he turned to walk back into the store when he saw another row of shelves with what looked like shoe boxes. He went over and looked in one of the boxes to discover high heels. He looked carefully for a size twelve to fit his size eleven foot. Since men's feet are wider they need that extra size up. He found a pair a white satin heels that were low. He took his selection and went to one of the changing rooms. Each dressing room had a light switch of it's own. He found one in the back so that he could not raise any suspicion from outside of the store. He stripped off his clothes and stood completely naked in the dressing room. Now he began to get the shakes. Ed was nervous, but nervous with excitement. He hands trembled as the garter belt went around his waist. After clasping it the belt felt nice and snug. Next he ripped open the package of white stockings. He sat on the bench and crossed his legs. He bent forward and with one stocking rolled to the foot he slid the nylon onto his foot and he slowly rolled it up his leg. Then he repeated the same steps with the other leg. Ed than stood up and attached the garters to the stockings. Each leg had three garter straps. One for the back side and front. He had experienced wearing articles of clothing with garters before. So Ed had no problem locking the tabs of the garters into the tops of his stockings. Now that the stockings were in place he stepped into the pair of lace and silk panties. He was so excited that the bulge was very noticeable. He knew that he had to try to keep his sexual excitement down or his adventure would end with a mess in these lovely panties. Then his guilt would never allow him to continue. Ed knew to place the panties over the garters so that it would be that much easier to go to the bathroom. He remembered his mother telling his sister this before she got married. Ed picked up the corselet. He placed around his body and did the hooks from the front. There were at least twenty of these clasps. Once in place he turned the tight garment so that the clasps would be in the rightful place and the cups would be in the front. He sat down on the bench one more time and placed the two inch heels on his feet. He stood up and looked in the mirror at his white lingerie covered body. Shivers went up and down his spine. He felt tingly sensations. Ed caressed his chest and went all the down to his nylon covered legs. He shook with anticipation of what would come next. Out there in the store awaited his prize. An actual wedding gown. He had a huge selection to choose from. Ed stepped out of the dressing room and into the store. All of the gowns were in clear plastic zipper bags to protect them. Ed looked at the racks and found the area that contained all the wedding dresses in size sixteen. His mother wore fourteen size clothes and some of those were tight on him. He wanted to be comfortable and protect the dress he choose at the same time. He slowly went through the rack until he came upon a gown that looked to good to be true. He pulled it from the rack, and was surprised at how heavy the garment was. He went back into the dressing room and hung the garment bag on the hook. He unzipped the back and revealed the gown. The gown white with a satin bodice, a full satin skirt. The dress had crinoline lining so the skirt flared out. The sleeves were long and at the shoulders were puffy. He undid the clasps and buttons of the dress and the zipper from the just above the waist into the skirt. The back had a big white bow. He lowered the gown to the floor and he stepped into the garment. Ed raised the dress and slipped his arms into the sleeves and he finished pulling the dress onto his shoulders. Ed turned sideways to the mirror so he could reach behind him and pull the zipper up to it's resting place. Only now he had trouble with the clasps and buttons. Ed tried his best but could only do the few at the bottom and the ones at the top. Determined to enjoy the experience, he walked into the main room but to his shock a figure stood with arms crossed. "What are you doing here!" The voice demanded. Those excuses Ed played with in his head just did not come to mind. He didn't think sleep walking would work either. "Not going to talk, you wait right there!" The person went to the front of the store and pulled down a door shade. Then reached to turn on a switch that lit up the store. "That's better, now I can have a better look at you." Now that Ed could see her better, he could tell that she was college age. She was very sweet looking. She stood about five foot seven, looked about 110 pounds. Her breasts were exquisite. She had golden blonde hair and blue eyes. He was still in shock and could not get a word out. The woman then said, "I want you to slowly turn around so I can make sure your not armed." Ed slowly turned as instructed. Once his back was to the girl, she saw that he was having trouble. "Let me help you with that." She suggested. Ed jumped as this stranger walked towards him. Then he received the shock of his life when the girl put her arm on his shoulder and motioned him to face away from her. Then completed fastening the back of the gown. "Now I want you to follow me!" She ordered. She grabbed Ed's hand and pulled him out into the store. The girl pulled a brown shoulder length wig from one of the mannequins and placed it on his head. She adjusted it and commented on how much better he looked. She walked back to him and motioned for him to sit down. There was some chairs. She sat across from him. "My name is Julie, I take it your a student at the college as well?" Ed nodded. "I work here part time. I come in at ten o clock and vacuum and clean the dressing rooms. You have no idea how much I wondered if I would ever meet someone like you. Please relax I'm not going to tell on you. May I ask your name?" "My name is Ed." He cautiously whispered. "Relax Ed, or should I call you Ellen." She giggled. "You know you look familiar Ed or I mean Ellen. I don't think I have seen you model in any bridal magazines have I?" Ed was to afraid to share any information with her. If word got around that a college basketball player was caught in a bridal store dressed in full lingerie and gown, he would become a bigger laughing stock since Marv Albert was outed for being kinky. Julie knew he was nervous. "You know I am a psych. major. I could probably do a paper on you. I have often been curious about men who cross-dress, or is there something more in it for you. Do you want to be a woman?" "I don't know." Ed stated, "I really can't explain why I like the feel of women's clothes." "How long have you been dressing up?" "Since I was nine years old." "That's pretty young." She commented. "Say would you mind if I put some make-up on you?" He shook his head. Julie stood up and grabbed her purse. "How about a little lipstick?" Ed watched as she took a tube of lipstick out and applied it to his mouth. He became aroused as she glided the red gloss over his lips. He watched as her eyes grew bigger. "My g-d! You play for the basketball team!" She exclaimed. "I knew I've seen you before. I'm a cheerleader!" Ed wanted to panic, and then realized that Julie did look familiar. For some reason when he found out she was a cheerleader he became calmed down. "Look you have to forgive me, I am just nervous Julie. I have never been caught before. My worst fear just happened and this is not what I imagined would happen, if you know what I mean?" "Did you expect someone to call the police, maybe blackmail you?" Julie asked. "Well, Yes" answered Ed. Julie grabbed Ed's hand. "Well Ellen, what makes you think I won't blackmail you. Look up there!" She pointed up to a camera in the corner of the store. "That camera has just recorded pictures of our little meeting here. I'm sure it has pictures of your whole evening in the store. That camera has night lens so when the store is dark it can still pick up everything." Now panic seemed to be a reasonable reaction to his current situation. "Don't worry Ellen maybe tomorrow I can come and retrieve the videotape without the owner ever knowing what happened here tonight." Ed pleaded, "Please I'll do whatever you want." "Yes you will Ellen, Yes you will." Julie laughed. Julie went over to the phone and made a couple phone calls. She was whispering to the people, but he could make out that she invited them to come over to the store. Ed was becoming restless. The last thing he wanted was an audience. After hanging up the telephone, she smiled at Ellen. "I have something to take care of I'll be right back." Julie walked back into the dressing room and gathered all his clothes. She checked all the pockets and placed his wallet and keys onto the counter. Then she disappeared into the back of the store. He heard the opening and shutting of a steel door. Then Julie entered back into the store to assess what needed to get done. Ed meekly asked, "What have you done with my clothes?" "Well my dear, your male attire has no business being in a women's store. So I threw them out into the dumpster." Stupid question, he thought. "What do you plan to do now?" "Good question, I think it is time to prepare you for our guests. I think that I can do better then just that lipstick I added." Julie took out more makeup from her purse. She sat back down in front of her living easel. "Now be still. I don't want to get any of this on your gown." First she applied a coat of light bronze foundation. Then she used powder to smooth out his face. The eyes required Julie to instruct Ed on where to look as she penciled in eye liner. During the application of mascara he tried his hardest not to flinch as she brought the wand to his eye lashes. With the colors she had, eye shadow was next. The little brushes were dabbed into the powder and then like an artist she brushed the colors onto his eyelids. Julie had blended some colors that really brought out his eyes. . "Can't forget a blushing bride needs blush." Finally out came a make up container with a rose colored powder. She took the brush out and dabbed it into the container and then with light strokes applied the color to his cheeks. Julie leaned back and took a good look at her handy work. Then she looked down at his chest and frowned. "Ellen your going to need a lot of help to fill out that chest. I know just what you need." She went into the back once more. Ed could hear the rustling of boxes. When Julie reentered she held out a pair of large breast forms. "Pardon me." he laughed as her hand pulled back on the scoop neck. Julie then reached in and inserted one breast at a time into the bra cups of the corselet. "You are really enjoying this aren't you?" Ed asked. "Of course, Your mine and I love having control. Now why don't you get up and let me show you off to the mirror." Standing up Ed took her lead and walked back to the full length mirror. Julie positioned him right in front so he could so himself in the full glory of his feminized situation. The mirror was a three panel reflector so that the bride could see all of her angles. She flipped a switch on the wall and a light above the mirrors shined down on top of the brides head. Ed gazed at his reflection. This has to be a dream he thought to himself. Everything around him seemed to vanish as he became lost in his own reflection. Julie stepped back and watched her creation admire himself. Spotting the one last item needed to complete the transformation. She took off a headpiece from one of the mannequins. The crown of flowers and fine white netting and lace was lifted above the brides head. Ed looked up as the crown was set down onto his head. Julie fixed his wig and pinned the headpiece into place. The veil was pulled back. His eyes were fixed upon the woman he imagined in the mirror. Julie leaned into his ear and whispered, "You look lovely Ellen." Ellen rang through his head as Ed realized he was no longer there. Instead this woman who could easily be his twin stood in his place. A knock at the door startled Julie. She ran over to unlock the entrance. Ellen did not even hear the knock, She was too busy hearing "Hear Comes the Bride." Julie opened the front door and in walked two of her friends. Roger Lowery, a male member of the basketball cheerleading squad and Liza Sweeney, who also cheered with Julie but was also in some of her psychology classes. "I'm so glad you both could make it." Julie exclaimed as she locked the door behind her friends. "I have a surprise for the both of you." "What is it?" Roger asked. "Not what Roger who?" Julie giggled. She pointed to where Ellen was standing totally lost to the world around her. Liza chuckled, "You brought us here to see her?" "Him." Julie replied. The jaws dropped on both Liza and Roger. They could not believe there eyes. "I knew the both of you would appreciate this situation. I came into the store and found him trying on that gown. After our sharing of fantasies that one night we got drunk, I had to get the both of you down here." "What do you have in mind Julie?" Roger asked. "Do you trust me Roger?" "Yes." he responded. "Well you and Liza just play along and we will all get some pleasure from my new girlfriend." Julie escorted her friends towards the mirror where The bride was twisting and watching the movements of his gown. When Ed saw that all of a sudden an audience appeared from behind. Snapped out of his feeling feminine, he stood in horror as Julie and her friends stared in admiration of his beauty. "Ellen, I want you to meet some friends of mine. First this is Liza, she too shares an affection for men who like to wear female clothes." Ed raised his hand and gave a short wave. Being so embarrassed, he was surprised that he could muster up any response. "Pleased to meet you Ellen!" greeted Liza. "Ellen this is Roger." She took Rogers hand and pulled it to Ellens hand so that he could greet her properly. "Roger I want you to met Ellen." Roger pulled Ellen's hand to his lips and gave her a gentle kiss. "Charmed to meet you Ellen." Ed's rose tinted cheeks turned a brighter shade of red. Julie smiled at Ellen and gave her a wink. "Roger here had just a few weeks ago shared a fantasy with me about meeting a girl like you." Then in the depths of humiliation, Ed recognized Roger from the cheerleader squad. The voice of a basketball teammate echoed a comment from the past. "He's gay!" Then Liza chimmed in. "Since the camera's are still rolling I think I would like to make the survielance videotape a real hot XXX feature." Liza and Roger smiled at each other. As Ed frowned at Julie. "So I am going to sit here and instruct you on what I want you to do. Your going to do as I say or your secret will be on the television and in the town newspaper. Revealed to the entire college town. I bet ESPN would love a story like this." Either do as she says or be the laughing stock of the sports world. He had an idea of what may happen. How bad could this be? His mind had no answers other than to cooperate and be done with the whole thing. "What do you want me to do?" He gave in. Julie and Liza clapped as they both took a seat. "Now Ellen I want you to hold Roger's hand." Roger took Ellen's hand and held it tight. Ellen began to feel dizzy from the experience. "Now Roger repeat after me. I Roger take you Ellen as my lover for tonight. To do to you whatever I want. I will keep your secret between me and these walls forever and ever." Roger repeated as Ellen began to fear the worst. Lover did not sit well in his stomach. "Now Ellen you repeat after me, I Ellen promise to do what I am instructed to do." Ed took a big gulp, and repeated, "I Ellen promise to do what I am instructed to do." "You will love, cherish, and obey forever and ever." "I will love," Clearing his throat, "cherish, and obey forever and ever." "Very nice, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." As Julie instructed Roger pulled Ellen to him and brought his lips to his and kissed. Ed felt the room spin as he responded to his kiss. Roger then pushed his tongue into his brides' mouth. For a second Ed was repulsed, but then Ellen took over and her tongue inter-twined with his. The two girls clapped as they watched the two french kiss. Liza hadn't been this excited since her experiences with a boy she talked into dressing in girls clothes. "I think we should just skip right to the honeymoon." Julie suggested. "What do you think Liza?" "Oh absolutely, I agree." "Roger, why don't you help your bride out of her wedding gown." Roger nodded and went behind Ellen, who pulled her long hair and headpiece out of the way. Now Roger had easy access to the clasps and buttons. The zipper then followed. Ellen's shoulders slouched as the gown slipped down. She pulled her hands out of the sleeves as gravity did the rest. Ellen stepped out from the gown. "You know, I did not get to see his lingerie, He was already in the gown when I found him. I must say you have great taste Ellen." Admired Julie, "What is your opinion Liza?" "I think it really makes our bride look dainty and effeminite. I love his boobs. I mean hers. What are they D's?" Liza asked. "Yes Liza good eye, I picked out the breast forms myself." Julie then asked Liza, "Would you be a dear and pick up the gown and place it on the hanger in the dressing room?" "Just don't start anything until I get back." "Don't worry I will start them off with a little foreplay." Roger began to remove his clothing. When Liza returned he had already completed his disrobing. Then he took his hands and brought them to Ellen's shoulders and swept back her hair and planted gentle kisses on her neck. Julie and Liza coudn't help but notice the brides panties stir. Ellen closed her eyes, she felt really good. "How could this be," he thought. "I'm a man being kissed by another man, and I am enjoying it." Ellen responded by turning around and returning the kiss to his lips. Roger placed his hands on her buttocks and gave them a squeeze. Her mouth opened in reaction and once again the two were nibbling and sucking each others tongues. Ellen carressed his back. "Ellen I want you to kneel down and begin to pleasure your husbands cock." Julie instructed. She knelt as ordered and faced the enlarged penis. The first time he had ever been in such close proximity of a male organ. The smell of sweat lofted into his nostrils. Liza suggested, "Tease him Ellen. Use both your hand and tongue." Ellen took hold of his cock and closed his eyes as is hand guided the awaiting organ towards her mouth. She pumped gently as her tongue greeted the tip. Roger threw his head back at first at then with his hand began to stroke his lovers hair. Although it was a wig, Ellen felt as if it was his own hair being played with. This turned her on more and made him get into the blow job all the more. Taking her hand she gripped his balls and ran her tongue the length of his shaft and back again. Finally gaining the courage to place it in the mouth. This undiscovered country was now becoming harder and longer. To her surprise Roger grabbed her head and made sure the virgin bride was introduced to deep throat. Julie and Liza stood up and stood one on each side of Ellen to give her encouragement. "That a girl, take it in. Breath through your nose. Can you feel his cum welling up in his cock?" All these comments entered his head. she was breathing much better and yes she could feel something welling up. Ellen flashed thoughts of a dam with a crack. As a slight bitter taste registered from a small amount of discharge from Roger. Julie said, "I bet you could taste the pre-cum just oozing out. When you feel that prepare for the explosion Ellen." "Be a good girl and make sure to swallow every drop, you wouldn't want to get cum on that pretty lingerie." Liza added. Ellen felt the cock begin to pulsate. The cum was building up and was almost ready to shoot out. The crack in the dam was growing larger, she could imagine it crumbling. Roger pushed his cock deep into his victims mouth. The dam broke open as he ejaculated into the bride's mouth. The spurt of cum shot down her throat with ease, but he had to kick in his swallowing reflex as a second load and a third load exploded in the back if his throat. Ellen could tell the semen was filling his mouth faster than he could get it down his throat a forth convulsion from Roger led to one more squirt. This caused cum to back up and drip from her mouth onto the carpet of the store. Liza ran to the counter and grabbed some towels. Roger let go of Ellens head and she collapsed backward onto the floor. "That was the best damn thing that ever happened to me." Roger exclaimed. "Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this happening." Julie took a few towels from Liza and began to wipe around the bride's mouth. Liza helped Ellen to her feet and sat her down in the chair. Julie then began to pull her shirt off, "Allright you both gave us a show it is time to put on a show for you." Liza also began to get undressed with her friend. The two stripped off all there clothes and stood in front of the bride and groom ready to start act two. Julie and Liza kissed each other at first. Planting passionate kisses on each others neck and shoulders. They laid down on the floor together and rubbed there bodies. Both sets of breasts showing full nipple arousal. At first Liza began nibbling on Julies breast while her friends fingers did the walking to her vigina lips. After watching the honeymoon performance Liza was wet and waiting for the attention. The heavy petting and breast fondling was wreaking havoc in Ellen's panties. Roger was amused but knew this was not his cup of tea. Stroking Liza's clitoris was taking it's toll. She could not hold back much longer. Tonight was so tremendous she was ready to orgasm and could not hold back. "Ohh Yes, Julie you hit the spot." Ohh this feels so good." Julie smiled as her friend began to shiver and her muscles tense and release with the orgasmic vibrations rocking Liza's body. After gaining her composure Liza pulled Ellen down on her back to the floor. Julie stratled her face. Julie asked, "Now work that magic on me like you did for Roger." Sitting on her mouth, Julie's wet pussy dripped for attention. Now Ellen used his tongue and mouth to pleasure this dominant woman. The taste of cum went away fast as juices flowed out of Julie. Liza went down to Ellen's panties and pulled them off, revealing a very neglected male member. Ed realized that it had been awhile that he thought about being a man. But as his cock was freed from the confinement of the tight underwear. The testosterone was flowing freely. This just made him work harder at getting Julie to orgasm. Taking his penis into her hands Liza began to work on him. Roger could not sit any longer and decided to participate by grabbing Julie's breasts and giving her a massage from behind. Julie was grimacing from the muscle build up. Ellen was feeling his mouth become numb from all the sucking and licking. Liza took the openis into her mouth and began practicing what she preached earlier. Roger was becoming aroused again, and Julie could feel it growing in her backside. All this took it's toll on Julie as her body tensed one final time and relaesed an orgasmic blast that rattled over Ellen's face. Liza stood up and her knees cracked from kneeling to long. She immediately suggested a change in position. Now Liza stopped and they all moved into the positions Julie asked them to move in. Roger was back in the game and felt it was only proper for the bride to loose her virginity. First Julie went into Liza's hand bag and brought out a toy that she had asked Liza to bring. Liza lay on her back under Ellen's cock. Ellen had her arms out and her knees to the floor in a doggie position. Julie used her juices to lubricate the bride and then she sat across Liza in front of Ellen. Roger took the quarterback position. Ellen felt the pain of Roger's manhood enter his anus. The pressure was a lot and it took all the strength to keep from falling on Liza. Roger eventually made good penetration and as he rocked back and forth, Ellen began to loosen up. Liza once again took Ellen's cock into her mouth and began the blow job. Julie took her toy a long rubber two sided dildo and iserted one end in Liza and the other end in her. She stratled the other end of the toy and began to rock back and forth. The orgy was in full swing as each one felt orgasms welling up inside. Liza and Julie were really close. Ellen who was concentrated on his blow job had a harder time because of the rear entry from Roger, Ellen knew that since she brought him to such a powerful orgasm before it was going to take a little more time for him to get off again. Roger on the other hand wasn't worried. He was closer than anyone would have guessed. The moans and groans rang out from the room like a chorus. Liza began to work with Julie bucking back and forth. Ellen looked at them as he bit his lip in anticipation of her orgasm and Roger began to pump faster. The taste of pre-cum spilled into her mouth she worked her hand up to grab his balls. Julie became flush as her body tensed up. She could feel Liza's stomach tense up as well. The grunting and heavy breathing indicated only one thing. Everyone had an orgasm within seconds of each other. Ellen was first, as cum filled Liza's mouth, Julie lost it, her body rumbling triggered Liza to orgasm again. Roger shot a small load into Ellen. . Julie, Ellen, and Roger joined Liza on the floor all exhausted from their sexual escapades. All breathless. All tired. At about three a.m. all four awoke and regained there composure and had gotten themselves in order. Liza, Julie, and Roger all dressed up into there clothes. Ellen sat in the chair in his lingerie. "What about me Julie?" Julie had forgotten that she threw his clothes away. At the same time remembered that she also had Liza bring a dress. In Liza's bag, Julie pulled out a pink cotton ribbed dress, with an empire waist. "Why Ellen you'll leave almost as I have found you. I can't have you take the wedding gown or the headpiece but this dress Liza brought you will fit. I am letting you keep the lingerie shoes and wig as a gift." "You mean I have to walk back to campus at this hour dressed like this?" "Of course not we will give you a ride. I wouldn't want you to get raped." Before leaving the store Liza quickly helped Julie straighten out the store while Roger cleanup up the floor. Ellen washed up in the bathroom staring into the mirror as the make up wiped away from her face. When everything was back in place they were all ready to go. Ellen only worry about the videotape and getting back into his dorm. But at this hour the campus would be empty and his roommate fast asleep. Roger drove all of them to drop off Ellen. They parked in the back of the dorm so he could enter through the side stairwell. Before closing the door and saying goodnight to everyone, Ellen/Ed had to ask, "So you will be able to get the videotape in the morning before your boss see's it." "Don't worry dear, you go and get to your room quick before your discovered. We will see you at the next basketball game." Ellen/Ed closed the door and waved as Roger pulled out of the dorm parking lot. Liza watched as he made his way to the door and entered the building. Then she turned to Jlie who had a big smile on her face. "What is so funny Julie?" "Oh the videotape, the camera's are fake. I discovered that when dusting in the office and found no tape recorders." "Your bad, Julie Oh are you bad!" Laughter echoed through the night sky as they drove off towards home. After sneaking back into his room and going into the washroom, Ed undressed and folded everything neatly. Then took a shower to make sure all traces of the sex and make up were removed. He put the feminine apparel into his bottom drawer under his own clothes. As he climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep. Ed's final thoughts were if he had to be addicted to anything, he was happy that his addiction was to dress. The End.

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AddictionChapter 2 On Collision Course

The urgent need for gratification had decreased to the intensity of a throbbing ache inside her greedy cunt as she tossed the vibrator down. Slowly, her breathing returned to some semblance of normalcy. But even now, she was still tenderly fondling her hyper-sensitive clitoris. God, I am deranged, she thought. She had just climaxed and now only seconds later, she was fondling herself again. But it felt so good. Turning her head, she stared at the pantyhose that had precipitated the near...

3 years ago
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The Dressmaker

THE DRESSMAKER By Lisa Lovelace I had utterly the most horrid crisis in my boudoir on Wednesday morning. Phineas and I had responded s'il vous pla?t to a Thursday night soiree at the Gardners' on Chestnut Street, on the coveted south slope of Beacon Hill. It was the grandest house to which we had yet been invited - and the gorgeous new gown that I planned to wear lay in ruins. It was two-layered floor-length tulle over light gold taffeta, embroidered with purple and plum flowers. The ...

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Addiction Ch 01

I’ve got a secret. Wait. Before you close the cover and discard this because you think you’ve already heard this story-STOP. This has nothing to do about anything I’m not proud about or scared that someone may find out. I am a slut. And I’m trapped. I need sex. I live and breathe sex. I’ll die if I can’t get what I need. I’m not a slut because my father left me or my mother abused me. I have good, kind God-fearing, church going parents. In fact, I too, attend church. I just love...

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Addiction Chapter Two

The meal went well. Mags sat on Paul’s right with Kay on his left. Everyone was chatting away. They had ordered and were all drinking Chablis. Mags had her left leg pressed against Paul’s right leg. Paul put his hand under the tablecloth and soon found her wet pussy. She had a huge clit; he slid two fingers inside her, and she was gripping his fingers tightly.  Paul put his left leg against Kay’s right leg. She pushed against him. He then put his left hand under the tablecloth. Ann took his...

1 year ago
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Addiction 2

"Jan," Blair Vogelson said into the intercom, "please bring me a cup of coffee and the those letters you typed up for me last night!" "Very good, ma'am," the secretary replied, "I'll be right in!" A few moments later her office door swung open and in strode Jan with as Styrofoam cup of steaming coffee in one hand, and a half inch thick stack of papers and envelopes in the other! "How's it going this morning, boss," Jan asked brightly, "anything special on the agenda for today!?!" Carefully...

2 years ago
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If you want to be my friend and read rest of the stories, please leave a comment here. All friend requests are ignored otherwise.==================================================================I was in the kitchen. My egg white omelette was almost ready. As the sumptuous meal simmered, I turned around to get some tang. This morning was just like any other morning as our house and I saw no reason to change anything in the routine.I had made the same omelette for last 2 years, to be eaten with...

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Addiction Chapter One

Chapter One Kay put the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. There weren't many, as only Paul and she were in the house this week. Alex, her husband, was in London. She had taken him to the airport ten days ago. She had a text message from him on Friday saying that he would be staying in London for the foreseeable future. Kay had not replied to the message. They had had separate bedrooms for the last twenty years. Kay had not taken a lover. She was part of a coffee morning group that met for...

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“Hey.”Shivers ran through my body. It was his voice. The voice I had wanted to hear for a long, long time. It had been three years since we had last seen each other.We met while I was in my second year of university. I was going through a rough patch and just wanted some company. I guess you could say I was going through a bit of a ‘slut phase’ where I literally slept with every guy I went on a date with. In a way I was trying to fill in a big whole in my life, but it only made it worse. Then I...

Straight Sex
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Addiction aka Risky Sex

I suppose that admitting that I've got a problem is the first step. Of course when you're a 20yr old junior in college and in the best shape of my life with a cocky attitude of invincibility don't think you have a problem. Now, I will admit on the looks scale, I was average. But as for my body, I was enjoying myself a great deal. I was working out six days a week back then. I had dropped my body fat to 5%, I was the most tone I've ever been. I felt stronger than I actually was. I was a...

3 years ago
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Addiction With Aunty

  Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, Rehan here. It all happened when I was in 12th standard. One day in the afternoon I came to know that a newly married couple were coming at our house as a tenant. They were a very beautiful couple. Aunty had a slim and sexy figure. Actually, she was not an aunty, I mean, she was around 24 and has a cute face so I usually called her Simran didi. She was an open-minded lady but always behaved limited and had never...

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AddictionChapter 2

"Martinez, you again?" asked the weary cop as he munched a sandwich at his precinct desk. "Numbers again?" "I swear, you got the wrong guy this time," fast talked the Latino. "I was only..." "Yeah, yeah, well what have you got for me that'll keep you out of jail?" Jimmy ran numbers and was a sometimes bag man for a local bookie, but he also was not above snitching to keep his behind out of the slammer. "Pedro Juarez. I hear you been looking for him." "Yeah, he pimps young...

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AddictionChapter 3

"I'm Jimmy. Jimmy Martinez," he smiled as the waitress brought their order. "I am Maria Montoya," she replied timidly. "Where you from?" he asked, amused as she wolfed down the burger and fries, obviously not having eaten in some time. "Fajardo, a small town on the eastern end of Puerto Rico." Jimmy's family had migrated four generations ago so he had never been to the island, but he still felt a close affinity to his heritage. "What brings a beautiful girl like you to the...

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AddictionChapter 5

After a trip to a hair stylist where Maria's dark curls were cut and styled in a shorter, more youthful coiffure, Jimmy made good on his boast and spent that entire afternoon and evening reaming Maria's luscious body, bringing the woman to uncountable and unbelievable climax after climax. And also true to his boast, Maria, worn out, sore and exhausted from Jimmy's unrelenting carnal assault, finally begged him to stop, but her surrender to his will and sexual dominance only gave him new...

1 year ago
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AddictionChapter 6

The sights and sounds of a racetrack were foreign but exciting for the widow from Puerto Rico. She had to admit she enjoyed herself immensely, meeting and greeting new people, watching the horses run and cheering on her personal favorites chosen from the program strictly by whim, the racing colors of the jockey or the sound of the horse's name. She held Jimmy's arm tightly and several times thrust out her chest to display her prominent bustline when Jimmy reminded her she was being admired....

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AddictionChapter 7

The next day was indeed another shopping foray. This time the outfits were, if anything, tighter and more revealing than before, the stockings and skirts showing more leg, while the blouses and dresses did little to hide Maria's luscious breasts, the heels even higher, accentuating the calves of the widow's shapely legs while thrusting her bosom and hips into more prominence. Maria looked even more like a hooker than before, but she wanted desperately to please Jimmy and would have worn...

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AddictionChapter 8

The Dragon's Lair was a private club in the heart of the city. The upstairs providing dining and a bar while the downstairs could be reserved for any activity the members might desire. Tonight, as was the usual Tuesday night case case, the downstairs held a large circular, felt covered poker table and six comfortable padded chairs. A small bar stood off to the side. Big Daddy Donnally and his game were always welcome because the stakes were high and he paid well for the privacy afforded by...

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AddictionChapter 9

Big Daddy had promised her the next month would be a living hell for her and he was true to his word. That same night after the card game, he raped her again not once but twice before letting Maria collapse into an exhausted sleep. The next day he had her clothes picked up from Jimmy's and dealt her the most severe blow of all. "For the next month you're gonna be my personal whore. You'll fuck who I say, when I say and make 'em like it understood?... I said understood?" he repeated in...

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AddictionChapter 10

Charlie smiled as he dropped the box of dog treats into a plastic bag. He had two reasons to smile. Old Mrs. Cravens, nearing ninety, often asked him to drop off various items for her poodle "Sugums." She lived nearby and he lived in a small apartment over the shop, so he didn't mind making the delivery after closing up for the night. His second reason to smile was his encounter today with the young woman, Maria. She was obviously troubled and he wished he could have been of more help,...

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AddictionChapter 11

Maria awoke to the tantalizing smell of bacon and eggs. She slipped on her outfit and walked into the kitchenette where Charlie was pouring juice and coffee. "Good Morning," she smiled, stretching. "Good Morning. Hey, that shiner looks a lot better this morning. Maybe we can knock off a few of those hundred and ten years," he kidded as he served up breakfast at the small circular table. "Charlie, I absolutely feel rejuvenated. Good company, a delicious dinner and a good night's sleep...

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AddictionChapter 12

Jimmy was miserable. Since turning Maria away that day at his apartment, a month ago, he had had no less than seven women, all young, beautiful and great in bed, but strangely, none had provided the same feeling as they walked down the street with him as had Maria. Yes, Maria was older and he wanted to kick himself for the hurtful put downs he had said to her, but Maria had never done anything except love him and try to do anything and everything he had asked. She was beautiful and he enjoyed...

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AddictionChapter 3 Til Death Us Do Part

Quietly slipping into the house, she stopped. She could hear the faint sounds of David's television floating down from upstairs. Her heart was beating a thousand beats a minute. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she forced herself to climb the stairs. The stairs seemed as tall as Mount Everest and every step, a bog of quicksand. Struggling upward, she could only wonder where it would all end. Finally, hours later (it seemed to her), she made it to the landing. Her heart, hammering so...

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AddictionChapter 4 The Final Humiliation

Gloria had just stepped out of the shower when she heard the garage door open. Donald was back. That had been close, she thought, wrapping her robe around her and hurrying down to the guest room. She and David had just finished another session of lovemaking not thirty minutes earlier. It had been wonderful, as usual. He had met her at the door when she got home from work. He had been naked. He had given her a single red rose and they had made love right there on the floor by the front door....

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The Scarlet Witch Versus The Hairdresser

Chapter 1. Recap and Introduction In her first encounter with the infamous follicle felon, the Hairdresser, the mutant heroine known as the Scarlet Witch, and commonly simply referred to as Scarlet though Wanda was her Christian name, had been lured into his diabolical styling salon under the premise of a beauty make over and hair coiffure. However, instead of a relaxing hair appointment to enhance her already natural beauty and provide a boost to her self-esteem, the Scarlet Witch had only...

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Now where was I? Ah yes, you see once I cum that high is gone, so I can either use my hand or a lovely female partner. I doubt stories of self-pleasuring would excite you as much as these ladies would, so let’s introduce the ladies that helped me satisfy my craving. Have you ever had a person that was sexually devoted to you? Willing to try any and everything to please you? Well let me introduce you to Eve. A mixture of An African-American Father and Puerto Rican Mother, Eve...

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Addiction “So Doc, ahh crazy question - is it possible to be um, like, addicted to a person?” It was a crazy question and Tom was somewhat embarrassed by even asking it, but it was a question that he had been wondering about for days now. The doctor, actually a psychologist, was a bespectacled balding man in his fifties, who had heard a whole lot of crazier things in his twenty odd years of practice. He was aware that Tom was serious and he needed more information before he could give...

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It all started with a sleep over at one of my friend’s house. I lay there as her boyfriend crawled in through the window. I pretended I was asleep and they started doing it right there in front of me. Although I couldn’t see anything I heard them and it made me feel wet and wild. I even wanted to go join them but knew I wasn’t ready for that. I started tickling my clit for a while and as they got louder I started penetrating myself deeper. One finger after another went inside of me...

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Chapter 5 Playing with a New Friend While Dresse

While my friend Jim was pretty much my best buddy, I never tried to involve him in my panty play. I didn’t believe he would go for it, and I was afraid to suggest it to him for fear I would lose his friendship and become the object of his ridicule.I did meet another boy my age, and I discovered he shared my passion for nylon. His name was Dale. He also had a mature woman fan the flames of his passion. It was his mother, but, as he told me, she merely facilitated his enjoyment of her...

4 years ago
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First Time With Crossdressers

For once, I actually decided to look at some of the other categories on the streaming sites I'd visit. So many things came up under fetish. Some of it I don't get but to each their own. A BBW was mixed in with the fetish and as I had expected before hand, it wasn't my cup of tea. Several videos had girls dominating guys in leather or latex outfits. I liked how tight they were, showing off every curve of their body, leaving little to the imagination. Upon thought, I had never been...

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Chronicles With Sexy Crossdressers

My email id is Do not forget to let me know how this sex story was. Who knows, we might get even lucky if everything goes well ;) Clean shaved men inside female clothes (or people who are known by the name crossdressers) are my new found favorites. Believe me, I always make it a point to taste every bit of them with passion and fire. My hands and tongue never leave an inch of their body. Hairless, like women and the ‘EXTRA’ jackpot called ‘COCK’, is simply divine. This is a story of how a...

Gay Male
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Playing Dressup

My parents have a library. I was a very lucky girl growing up, not because of the collection of classics that they had in leather bound editions, or even the enormous number of new books that they seemed to add constantly from visits to the book store or from various book clubs that they belonged to. I liked a lot of those, but my favorite books in their collection weren’t actually on the shelves in the spare room that we used as a library, they were in dusty boxes stacked in the garage and...

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In her Dressingroom

With a make-up wipe I took the orange glaze, the white glitter and the sweat of my face. It was always such a satisfying moment. After the show was done, my muscles sore, I would take off the sweaty costume of the Sugarplum fairy, but before I jumped into the shower of my private dressing room I first took the make-up off my face. Seeing the Sugarplum fairy disappear and my own face reappear. A moment of self care. A moment off calm, no sounds, no music, just the soft rumbling of the...

3 years ago
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The Jamaican culture is rife with cuckold stories, white women bored with their husbands taking advantage of numerous available lovers to satisfy their needs. I went to school with the product of many such unions. Later as I matured sexually, I listened as the old bulls told of interesting liaisons, with the tourist women, who frequented our idyllic island looking for the same. So it was one night a bunch of us young ‘Turks’ were hanging out scoping the women hoping to get lucky before the...

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Babs dresss

My father used to look after and maintain the garden of a local business man who had a large mansion, and at times I would go with him to cut some flowers for the lady of the house to decorate the lounge and other rooms . She would show me how to do flower arranging using the flowers and ferns, she was always very nice and pleasant with me because they had no c***dren of their own, and would at times she would ask me to tea after school. I always agreed because my parents were always arguing,...

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Filipa becomes a cuckoldress

Filipa had been annoyed by her boyfriend Mark for sometime now about getting into cuckolding . She had resisted the idea of dating and sleeping with other men because of her religious upbringing but recently she had become more comfortable with the idea.She had been chatting with several guys online and was starting to feel a connection with one in particular "Derek" .He had been trying to persuade her to meet him for a drink. he was tall 6,2 to be exact with a muscular ripped body and a great...

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Black BBW Cuckoldress

I meant Janine on live links. Actually I was drunk when I called the line. Just hoping to talk a woman while I jacked my little pink dicklet. In my introduction I mentioned that I was into cuckolding, and SPH, and that I had preference for BBW's. This was in the Detroit area so most of the ladies on the line were African-American. Her ad stated that she liked to have her asshole licked, and was looking for a long term relationship where she could really control the person she was with. At the...

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The Irish Cuckoldress

"I finally got a date with her!", I shout loudly as I walk home. Of course the people around me have no idea who or what I am talking about, nor do they care. Her name is Claire and is an absolute Goddess. is 6 feet tall, blonde, big titts, long legs, and a body that a porn star only has. She is beyond beautiful and pretty. I have tried for months to get a date with this amazing wonder like woman but have always been rejected due to...

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Marrying a cuckodress

So it's my wedding day, i look at my future husband as i walk down the aisle and see his smile, then i look at his best man and wonder if i'm rally doing the right thing getting married. It wasn't that Alex wasn't a nice guy, he totally was and he was the sweetest guy i'd ever met, but i was just used to being with dickheads, a lot of dickheads , and didn't know if someone like Alex could handle a woman like me. I knew he was very inexperienced, although we hadn't actually done anything much...

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Today my very lucky & equally pathetic cuck bitch hand delivered me a £500.00 cash tribute along with a bottle of champagne, some vodka, flowers & cocktail shaker..he thought he was just dropping them off & meeting my bf in preparation for our big joint session in a couple of weeks..nothing could of prepared slut for what I had in store for him....Here in his words is part one..After a near sleepless night thinking about the day to come it was with eagerness and trepidation I set...

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Black Cuckoldress

I met Shanice at work three years ago. We worked for a manufacturing company, I worked in the plant and she worked in the lab. It was at the company Christmas party that we really had a chance to talk. I had such a great time with her at the party that I decided to ask her out. Things progressed from there and soon we were dating on a regular basis. I can still remember the first time we had sex. Shanice is a beautiful, athletic black woman. I had never seen a naked black woman up close before...

2 years ago
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Babs dresss

My father used to look after and maintain the garden of a local business man who had a large mansion, and at times I would go with him to cut some flowers for the lady of the house to decorate the lounge and other rooms . She would show me how to do flower arranging using the flowers and ferns, she was always very nice and pleasant with me because they had no c***dren of their own, and would at times she would ask me to tea after school. I always agreed because my parents were always arguing,...

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Military School Crosdresser

MILITARY SCHOOL CROSSDRESSER By Kresha Matay PART 1 Tim was a sensitive young boy, bright and intelligent, but lacking many of the physical characteristics of Joe, his father. The father had wanted a son who was interested in sports, hunting and fishing just like himself. Unfortunately, through no fault of his own, young Tim couldn't measure up to the desired image. Joe had expected his son to grow up to "be a chip off the old block" and when he didn't, his father felt...

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Mommys Darling 2 Playing Dressup

Mommy's Darling 2: Playing Dress Up - By Billie Lovelace At twelve, I was deeply conflicted. On the one hand, I was a normal boy. At school I liked sports, roughhousing, and teasing girls. On the other hand, mother hated masculine aggressiveness. So at home I was more girlish. I played the piano, did housework, and spent hours with mother -- brushing her hair, polishing her nails, and helping her in and out of her high heels. It was so confusing. I wanted to be like other boys....

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1-900-DRESSUP By Ricky I'm sure that you have seen an ad or two (or twenty) for one of those 900 phone services. They usually have neat names like 1-900-HOT-HOTT, which is a real number that a teenage neighbor called twice on my garage phone before I caught him. If I ever could understand why someone would pay $25 for the first four minutes of talk when for a smaller monetary investment you could go to a bar somewhere and buy some floozy a few drinks and get the talk live, or...

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Sidedressing By Tyrone Slothrop Older sisters can be a boy's good friend and most effective torturer. Bernadette, charged with watching her little brother, was getting bored and decided to see how far she could manipulate him. Nothing nasty just keeping her hand in. Practice makes perfect. "Ralphie, come here, I want to try a new game." Ralph heard his sister and put down his videogame. He wandered into her room. At thirteen he was fairly average in height, about five feet...

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Babs dresss

My father used to look after and maintain the garden of a local business man who had a large mansion, and at times I would go with him to cut some flowers for the lady of the house to decorate the lounge and other rooms . She would show me how to do flower arranging using the flowers and ferns, she was always very nice and pleasant with me because they had no c***dren of their own, and would at times she would ask me to tea after school. I always agreed because my parents were always arguing,...

2 years ago
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Playing Dressup

My parents have a library. I was a very lucky girl growing up, not because of the collection of classics that they had in leather bound editions, or even the enormous number of new books that they seemed to add constantly from visits to the book store or from various book clubs that they belonged to. I liked a lot of those, but my favorite books in their collection weren't actually on the shelves in the spare room that we used as a library, they were in dusty boxes stacked in the garage and...

Straight Sex
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Confessions of a Cuckoldress

Confessions of a CuckoldressHi! I’m Melissa. I’m just a regular gal that has a very active sex drive. I found a great solution to the age old problem white women have had since the beginning of time and this is my story about how I found this solution.We white gals love our white boys. They are great for cuddling, doing housework, showering us with affection and of course worshipping us. The problem with white boys is their little dicks! What is a girl to do when she is in love with a white boy...

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The Jamaican culture is rife with cuckold stories; white women bored with their husbands taking advantage of numerous available lovers to satisfy their needs. I went to school with the product of many such unions.Later as I matured sexually, I listened as the old bulls told of interesting liaisons, with the tourist women, who frequented our idyllic island looking for the same.So it was one night a bunch of us young "Turks" were hanging out scoping the women hoping to get lucky before the night...

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Custom Cuckoldress

Tonight's the night. My boyfriend has been insistent that I try to fuck another man. I've been hesitant because it seems so bizarre, but, ultimately if we do it safely, I guess once can't hurt, right? We've had a few group dates with an African American man named Markus, and decided he'll be the one. I'm fairly anxious, I've never been with anyone other than my boyfriend. I've been trying to keep my head on my shoulders. We arrive to the hotel. Underneath my clothes I'm wearing some dangerous...

3 years ago
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Confession and testament of a crossdresser

Italy, september 2011. Sorry for bad english, I try to write correctly but don't know if I did. From tonight, I was a crossdresser. I'm been crossdresser from 12 to one day before my 27th birthday. Irony. I begin to have an answer to the question: "What feel girl?" Yes, a simple question. What feel girl when wear panty, tights, dress, skirt? What feel a woman in heels, purse, with her hair falling down the shoulder? What feel a teenage when begin to make up herself? When wear lipstick,...

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My Qualifications to Write About Crossdressing

My Qualifications to Write About Crossdressing By Ricky How ironic! While looking for something in my files the other day I found I have been writing about crossdressing more than 10 years now. The problem is, I now realize I am completely unqualified to be a crossdresser, let alone a writer on the subject. Think about it, just what are the qualifications for a crossdresser? Surely you've read a multitude of "true life stories" in the crossdressing magazines. Perhaps if we...

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outside the hairdressers

My wife had gone to the hairdressers, I was sat round the corner in the car waiting for her, it was opposite the employment office, where all the screbs go to get money off the state, it was a run down area but I never felt unsafe, as I was sat there I reached for a cigarette, as I opened the packet a girl was next to the car, she said "Do you have a spare cigaretts", I said "Maybe".She was around 20, long brown hair, slightly chubby, wearing a trakkie bottom and a white top. She said "I really...

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Fantasy I have with my hairdresser

My name is Gary and I’m married and I’ve had this thing about a hair dresser I use to visit. Her name is Deena and she’s twenty years younger than me. I haven’t had Deena cut my hair in a couple of years and missed her. So I called her for an appointment as I was thinking about her recently. “Hi Gary, it’s been a while,” she said answering the call. “I know. I’ve been extremely busy with work.” “What can I do for you?” All...

2 years ago
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The hairdresser

The place I used to work at last yr had a hairdresser that came in on a regular basis to do the older ladies hair , I noticed her from the word go as she was such a sexy little thing, about 5” 1 and blonde with a sweet little figure and a lovely set off boobs, a little older than I was but at the time I didn’t know by how much, over a few weeks and a little small talk I asked her if she would like to have dinner, and with a little persuasion from a colleague she agreed, I made dinner and we had...

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Lockdown Hairdresser

Like most self-employed people Becky was struggling as a hairdresser during lockdown. No clients meant no money, but the bills didn’t seem to stop. She’d already resorted to cancelling every subscription she had and had even sold her TV on eBay. But she was still short of cash. At twenty-six years old and living the single life she had no one to help with the bills.Out of desperation she’d texted one of her clients to see if he needed a haircut and didn’t mind breaking the lockdown rules to...

1 year ago
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Milwaukee Cuckoldrsquos Wife and the Crossdresser

Judy used several sites over the years to find her friends with benefits. She never tells me until afterwards what she has done. It’s rare she tells me anything in advance. One day she advised me the k**s were at my parents and she was entertaining that night and I would have to stay in the family room. My curiosity was getting the better of me.She went and took a shower and asked me to come in and shave her pussy. She had me paint her fingernails and toenails. Once she was ready she put on her...

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Teenage crossdresser

Here are the usual disclaimers this story is for adults only if you are viewing this andare not 18 years of age or older please close this page immediatly.There is no cross dressing in the story but this is how I began my transformation fromregular boy into cock suckking teenage crossdresser.We were having a really hot heat wave. i meat with my older brother (wear red shorts, and a black T-shirt) wanted me to get out of the house and off the computer so she suggested a movie. I felt wierd going...

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Amazing Night With A Sexy Crossdresser

Any ways, it had been awhile, and I wasn’t in any sort of relationship at the time, and the thought of being with a tranny again had started to be on my mind. Luckily, this was before Craigslist dropped its casual encounters section, so it was relatively easy to look for hook ups, and being there was a TS/Crossdresser section, I could easily contact one. I remember looking through postings, hoping to find one that was attractive enough, because as I’m sure you know, many cross dressers and...

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