Unforgettable free porn video

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There are three words every teenager has said at one point in their life, “I’m not normal.” It doesn’t matter if they’re popular, a nerd, a geek, a jock, or a floater they’ve said those three words multiple times in private or out loud. For a fact I’ve probably said them every day since I was twelve.

I’ve really never felt normal. I’ve always felt left of center. There are several reasons for that. It could be that I never knew my dad. According to my mom I was the result of a one-night stand. The only things she knew about him is that his first name was Rick, he was Korean, adopted by American’s, and lived in Utah. Personally I could never see myself living or visiting there, but I hear it’s beautiful.

Another reason is that my mom was going to put me up for adoption. A family flew all the way out from Michigan to await my birth. But at the last second my mom changed her mind. In some ways this was one of the most selfish things she could’ve done. Not only did it devastate a couple that desperately wanted me, and was financially secure enough to give me everything I wanted, but at nineteen my mom was not prepared in a lot of ways to care for and support me.

While this isn’t the final reason, it certainly one that separates me from normalcy, my mom does porn. She started when she was eighteen, and to this day continues to work (I’m not going to tell you who she is, so don’t ask).

You might think porn stars made a lot of money. They don’t. My mom had to supplement her income doing other things like dancing and escorting. She’s not proud of what she had to do to support me, but she did whatever she had to do to keep me happy, fed, and clothed.

When I was nine my mom retired from porn and moved us from L.A. back to her hometown outside of Dallas. She reconciled with her family, which meant I’d finally get to meet my grandparents and my Uncle Rodney. For a while we lived with her parents, which meant I got to spend a lot of time with family just being a kid.

A few months after we move my mom realized that working a normal job and going to school would not bring the money she enjoyed in the past. She decided she wanted to come out of retirement. At least she didn’t pack us up and move us back to L.A. Once or twice a month she would fly to L.A., Florida or Vegas to shoot her scenes, while I got to live my life in Dallas.

When she returned to the business I could hear her and my grandparents arguing about her career choices. At that moment it occurred to me what being an “adult” actress really meant. I was devastated. Not at my mom doing what she did, but what would happen if my friends knew what she did for a living. I was worried they wouldn’t want to be friends with me any more.

Now I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about my mom. I love her. While she’s not the typical mom, I can’t imagine another one. She’s my best friend. I can tell her anything. And I mean anything. Unlike some of my friends mom’s she won’t judge me. She’ll give me her honest opinion before telling me yes or no. And yes she does tell me “no” a lot.

After I turned sixteen we started having honest conversations about her career choice. She told me that she was probably one of the few girls who went out to Hollywood to specifically get into it. When she was sixteen she discovered my grandfather’s collection of porn (magazines and videotape) in the basement. When no one was home she’d take them out of their hiding place, watch them, and masturbate until she heard the car pull up the driveway. During those moments of pleasure she developed a massive crush on Peter North. If you don’t know the name all I can tell you is that he’s a legend in the porn world who shoots massive loads.

So right after graduating high school she packed her bags, moved to L.A., found a cheap apartment in Hollywood, and signed with World Modeling. A week later she was shooting her first scene with Peter North. She was on a roll. As a hot barely legal blonde my mom was in demand, not only with the various studios, but with fans as well. She quickly signed on with an escort agency that specialized in introducing porn stars and fans for intimate encounters. That’s how my mom met my dad. He was a client. The condom broke and into the world I came.

Today she’s still in the biz. While she doesn’t act as often anymore she still gets in front of the camera. When I was seventeen she moved back to L.A. She now also works behind the camera, and even met a great guy (who’s not in porn). And yes she still occasionally escorts.

When I was sixteen I started watching porn. I tried to go out of my way to not watch scenes that involved my mom. There have been a few times where she’s popped up but as soon as I see her, I click onto another one. The other thing that’s weird about having a mom in the biz is that a lot of her friends are or were doing porn. It’s surreal watching porn from the late nineties and early two thousands, and seeing the parents of kids I used to play with getting fucked on camera.

The weirdest one to see was my “Uncle” Tad. Before we moved to Dallas, he was the closest the most important male figure in my life. The funny part is that he was like a big goofy kid, except that he was six feet tall and extremely muscular. I loved spending time with him laughing, bowling, and just having fun. Every birthday and Christmas he always made it a point to give me presents (even after we moved he never forgot to send me one). To me he was like my dad and I prayed every night that he and my mom would get married. Unfortunately my prayers were never answered.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered he also did porn. The first time I saw him appear I had to stop watching; it was just too weird to see a man I considered an uncle fucking a girl only a couple of years older than me. But my curiosity got the best of me; so I re-clicked play and continued watching.

In the scene Tad was still the goofy man who I adored. But in this scene he played the girl’s stepfather, whom she seduced to take her virginity. When he took off his pants I could see why she wanted him to be her “first.” He was packing a huge, thick cock. The thing was a monster. And she was devouring every inch of it.

I wanted to be that girl. I wanted my first time to be just as amazing. I started rubbing my wet pussy imagining that I was the girl and that “Uncle” Tad was eating my pussy, letting me suck his massive cock, eating my asshole, fucking me, and shooting his load all over my face. I watched that scene over and over while fingering myself until I fell asleep.

I became obsessed with him. Every night before bed I’d search out his scenes, and there were thousands of them. There were scenes with him fucking all kinds of beautiful women and many were threesomes and more. Every scene gave me a different orgasm-driving event. I’m going to admit one of my favorites involved him and my mom. They played a married couple coming home from dinner to find the babysitter playing with herself. They decide to join in and the scene was so hot. Thankfully all my mom did was masturbate as he fucked the babysitter, so it was pretty easy to block her out.

Every day I masturbated while thinking of him. I wanted him so badly. I wanted him to do to me everything he did to the other girls in all of his scenes. I can’t describe how badly I wanted him; the very thought of him fucking me consumed my daily thoughts. The only problem I had was my boyfriend, Jimmy.

He was the perfect boyfriend. He was gorgeous (kind of looks like Justin Timberlake), my age, and he dressed well. He was in a band, they were called Ruff, and they were amazing. Everyday after school I’d go and sit in his garage and listen to them practice.

We would fool around lot. Lots of kissing, masturbating, oral sex, and dry humping. Never having sex. My problem was that no matter what we did he always came rather quickly. I didn’t want my first time to be one pump and done. I wanted my first time to be memorable. I wanted my first time to be with my “Uncle” Tad.

In my head I have the entire thing planned out. The week of my spring break my mom was going to L.A. to shoot some porn and escort a bit. Whenever she went out there she stayed with Tad, so all I had to do was to convince her to let me go on the trip.

That would be easier said than done. As I got older my mom tried to separate her two worlds. She didn’t want me hanging around porn people; she was always afraid that I would get into the business as well. Unlike her I excelled in school, and it was her hope that I would go to college and do something amazing. She thought if I was around her peers I might be tempted to walk away from a promising future for the lure of easy money.

So I walked down to the living room where my mom was kind of watching TV while she was texting. “What’s up?” I asked as I sat down next to her.

“Not much sweetie,” she said as she sent her message.

‘That’s cool,” I said. “So I was wondering if I could go to L.A. with you over spring break?”

“You know I’m going there for work,” she replied.

“I know,” I responded, “But it would be nice to get out of town.”

“I thought you wanted to spend time with your boyfriend, you know, cause you looooooovvvvvvveeeee him,” she said sarcastically.

“Shut-up,” I responded while laughing.

“Is there trouble in paradise?” she asked in her concerned mom tone.

“No, I just want to go to L.A. with you,” I replied.

“You’ll be bored,” she said. “I’ll be working all the time and we won’t be able to really do anything.”

“That’s okay,” I replied.

“Seriously, why do you want to go?” she asked.

If I were a normal teenager I would have came up with some type of bullshit reason to join her on the trip. But I’m not normal, and neither is my relationship with my mom. We are like sisters and can talk about anything. In fact when I first sucked Jimmy’s cock I told her all about it. Afterwards she gave me tips to improve my technique. My mom is cool like that. So I took a deep breath and said, “So I can fuck “Uncle” Tad.”

My mom started laughing, as she said, “No.”

“Why not?” I responded while pouting.

“You’re too young,” she said emphatically.

“So,” I said.

“He’s too old for you,” she said sternly.

“So,” I said with attitude.

“He’s too big for you,” my mom said.

“No he’s not,” I replied.

“Trust me,” she said while pretending to text someone.

“Mom,” I said, “You got into porn just to fuck Peter North. I don’t need to get into porn to fuck “Uncle” Tad. All you have to do is make it happen.”

“No sweetie, if you want to have sex, have sex with your boyfriend,” she replied.

That’s when the waterworks came out. As the first tear rolled from my eyes I said, “But I want my first time to be amazing. If it’s with Jimmy it’ll be over quickly.”

My mom just stared at me. She wasn’t buying my crying act. She just shook her head and said, “Do you really want this?”

I nodded yes.

“He’d certainly give you a more memorable first time than Jimmy,” she said.

“So is that a yes?” I asked excitedly.

“No,” she responded, “That’s an I’ll think about it.”

That was better than a no. So I went back to my room, opened my iPad, and fingered myself as I watched “Uncle” Tad in action.

A few days before my mom was set to leave she finally gave me the good news that I was going to go with her. She also gave me some bad news; “Uncle” Tad was reluctant to take my virginity. He still thought of me as the goofy kid he taught how to bowl, and didn’t want this one action to ruin his memories of me nor did he want to ruin our relationship.

I wondered if that was just an excuse. Did he think I was ugly compared to the women he got paid to fuck on camera? Was he worried that I wouldn’t be able to pleasure him? That I was just going to lay there motionless while he fucked me? I knew that wouldn’t be the case. I studied his scenes. I watched what the girls did to turn him on. I even practiced sucking dick on a banana imagining that it was his. I knew I could make him smile.

My mom reassured me that once he saw me his reluctance would quickly fade.

“Uncle” Tad started in porn in 1995. His girlfriend at the time was doing it and got him into the business. According to my mom he not only could stay hard, but he got to the set on time and never complained. That’s why he continued to get booked. My mom loved working with him. And for a short while she was in love with him. As she drove us to the airport she told me that they were lovers, and they even talked about getting married. When the relationship soured she quit the biz and moved us back to Dallas.

When she returned her first scene was with “Uncle” Tad. She told me it was weird. She hated him for how their relationship ended. When you’re a porn star you don’t have to like who you’re fucking, but you have to act like you do. By the time the scene was over and she was washing his jizz off her face she was ready to forgive him. It wasn’t the sex that made her feel different. It was that he made her laugh during the scene.

He was never going to leave the business. It afforded him the luxury to not have a real job. He was able to devote his free time to go to the gym, go mudding, and work on his house. He treated the business like a business instead of a party. That’s how he was able to save and amass a nice a little nest egg.

His number one reason for staying in the business was the steady influx of new talent. He was living every man’s fantasy by getting to fuck barely legal women and get paid for it. He got off on being the first male talent to fuck a girl on camera. To him it was the greatest high in the world. No drug, natural or synthetic, could match that euphoric feeling.

I was hoping that taking my virginity would give him that feeling. He would be the first man to fuck me. That obviously trumps being the first to fuck a girl on camera.

A few hours later our plane landed at LAX. My mom’s agent Joel met us outside and drove us to the model house where we’d spend our first night. On the way there he took us to dinner where him and my mom discussed business while I picked at my food.

I felt uncomfortable listening to them talking about tomorrow’s scenes in front of me. I really didn’t need to be hearing that my mom would be doing an anal scene at nine the next morning. It kind of ruined my appetite, but I still ate since my mom said they really didn’t have much food at the house.

Joel was in his late forties, had blonde curly hair and was muscular and tall. The guy was all business and really didn’t say much to me. The only thing he did was occasionally stare at me when he thought my mom wasn’t looking.

Once we arrived at the house we were shown our room. My mom quickly got on the phone with her escort agency to get her bookings (she was listed for several weeks before our arrival). She actually had a request for that evening. Since my mom never turns down money she accepted it.

Soon after my mom left there was a knock on the door, it was Joel, my mom’s agent.

“Is there anything you need?” he asked.

“Nope,” I responded.

“Can I come in?” he asked.

“Sure,” I replied.

He walked in and sat on a chair next to my bed.

“Your mom tells me the two of you are staying at Tad’s place for the rest of your visit,” he said.

“Yep,” I replied.

“You’ll love it there,” he said. “Tad has a great house. It’s not as crowded as this place.”

“That’s what my mom said,” I replied.

“Love your mom, you know I used to work as male talent before becoming an agent,” he said.

“Why’d you stop?” I asked.

“Got married,” he said as he was checking me out. “Started the agency to keep a foot in the business. Get this before I got into porn graduated from law school and passed the California Bar Exam.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Contract law,” he said. “Fucking on camera seemed like a better career choice. Maybe I shouldn’t be talking about this in front of you.”

“It’s okay,” I said.

“Cool. You know you’re very pretty,” he said.

I blushed.

“When you turn eighteen you’d be a star in this business,” he said. You have a very unique look.”

“My mom doesn’t want me in the biz,” I said.

“Did her mom want her to do porn?” he asked.

“No,” I replied.

“That’s right,” he said as if he was trying to sell me on the biz. “No one’s parent wants their kid to do this. But if you decide to I’m pretty sure I can get you something your mom never got, a contract with Vivid or Wicked. How does that sound?”

“I don’t know,” I replied.

“Promise me you’ll think about it and let me know when you turn eighteen,” he said.

“Okay,” I said in an unconvincing tone.

“Do you have spending money while you’re down here?” he asked.

“A little bit,” I replied.

“I can give you a few hundred,” he said. “That way you can buy yourself something nice, you know to make the trip more memorable.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Really,” he replied.

“Wow. Thank you,” I said with a huge smile.

“But there is something you need to do for me first,” he said in a creepy tone.

“What’s that?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“I want to watch you masturbate,” he said. “Is that cool?”

“No,” I replied.

“Were you going to play with your pussy tonight?” he asked.

I didn’t respond.

“That tells me that you were,” he said. “If you did it without me watching you’d still get yourself off, but you wouldn’t be making $300. You know you want to.”

He threw the money onto the bed. I grabbed it and stuffed into my pockets. I then stood up and took off my clothes to reveal my naked 5’0, 97lb, and 34b-24-34 body. I then got back on the bed; spread my legs and slowly starting rubbing my clit.

“Insert your fingers,” he demanded. “Then slowly move them in and out.”

I licked my fingers, and then proceeded to insert them into my wet cunt. He pulled out his cock and started stroking at a slow pace.

“Are you a whore like your mom?” he asked.

“No,” I responded as I started inserting my fingers at a more rapid pace.

“If you weren’t why’d take my money?” he asked.

I couldn’t think of an answer.

“Tell me you’re a whore,” he said in a harsh tone.

“I’m a whore,” I said quietly.

“Scream it,” he yelled.

“I’M A WHORE,” I screamed.

“Say it again,” as he rapidly increased the tempo of his strokes.

“I’M A WHORE,” I once again screamed.

Before I finished yelling that his cock exploded. His seed spayed all over the place. As the lost drop spit out he collapsed back onto the chair.

“That was fun,” he said smiling. “I could watch you play with that sweet pussy all night long.”

I continued rubbing as he talked.

“Did you cum baby?” he asked.

I shook my head no.

“I can help,” he said.

“I don’t want to have sex,” I replied.

“Honey I’m a married man,” he said. “My wife would kill me if I fucked another woman. I am allowed to eat pussy, that’s not cheating. Do you want me to eat your yours?”

“Yes,” I replied.

He got on the bed, spread my legs and stuffed his face between them. He was so much better than Jimmy. He had technique. With every movement of his tongue he hit the right spot. I squirmed, and moaned as every inch of my body became euphoric. He wasn’t flailing around down there like my boyfriend; he was making every lick and finger insertion count. Within minutes my head started spinning and my body started shaking. I was having the best orgasm of my life.

“I’m guessing you liked that,” he said smiling.

“Yessssss.” I said in ecstasy.

“You earned every penny of your spending money,” he said. “And please call me when you turn eighteen, together we can make a lot of money.”

He kissed me on the cheek before leaving the room.

“What the fuck just happened?” I thought to myself as I counted the money before putting it in my purse. “I don’t do things like this. The only reason that happened was because I got caught in the moment. That’s the story I’m sticking with.”

I then went to the bathroom, got myself cleaned up and went to sleep.

I guess between the travelling and my encounter with my mom’s agent I was pretty tired. Normally it takes awhile before I pass out, but that night I was out the second I hit the pillow. The next morning my mom said she tried to wake me when she got back, but I was out cold.

Around seven in the morning I could hear my mom making a ton of noise, as she was getting ready to leave to shoot today’s scene.

“Did I wake you?” she asked as she placed some lingerie into a small suitcase.

“Yes,” I replied not fully awake.

“Good. What did you do last night?” she asked.

“Read and talked to Joel for a few minutes,” I said.

“You’d tell me if he was being inappropriate?” she asked.

“Yes mom,” I replied.

“I’d hope so,” she said. “So Tad is going to pick you up around eleven. So be ready.”

“What time are you going to be done?” I asked.

“I hope around eight,” she said as she closed her suitcase. “I’m shooting two scenes today plus stills.”

“You could’ve stopped at around eight,” I said.

“I could’ve but you are so cute when you pretend to be grossed out,” she said laughing.

“HA!” I sarcastically replied.

“When I get done there is a great Mexican restaurant by Tad’s. How does that sound?” she asked.

“Sounds great,” I said.

“Have fun today,” she said before kissing me on my forehead and leaving for work.

Once she woke me up there was no chance I was going back to bed, so I decided to get cleaned up and eat some breakfast. Of course there was nothing in the house to eat. One of the girls told me there was a McDonald’s a few blocks away, so I walked there and got some food and a coffee.

Tad arrived at the model house promptly at eleven. He was even more handsome than I remembered. He looked like a statue of Greek god come to life. I was in lust. I wanted him to take me upstairs that very instant and have his way with me. But the moment was ruined by a few of the other girls staying in the house.

They ran up to him and started talking.

“Ladies, I’d love to stay in chat,” he said gleefully, “but I promised her mom that I would rescue this special girl from this house and take her wherever she wants to go?”

“Can we come too?” one of the models asked?

“I wish I could, but I haven’t seen this young lady since she was eight,” he said. “Back then she drank soup like she was a cat.”

I turned bright red.

“She would also rub her head against the furniture and purr,” he said while trying to contain laughter.

I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.

“I could tell you stories about her wanting to be a Power Ranger,” he said while laughing.

“STOP,” I yelled.

“It would be impolite if I didn’t do what the young lady asked,” he said once again trying to contain his laughter.

“Boo,” cried one of the other models.

“Maybe I’ll write a blog about it,” he said with a large smirk on his face.

“Don’t you dare,” I screamed.

“I won’t use your name,” he replied. “Now get your stuff and so we can get the fuck out of here.”

I ran upstairs, got my bag, hurried back downstairs, and walked out with “Uncle” Tad to his Mercedes S550.

Once we were on the road Tad asked, “Are you hungry?”

“A little,” I said.

“You like burgers?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“I know this great burger joint, called In-N-Out Burger,” he said.

“We have them in Dallas,” I said while trying not to sound like a bitch.

“Hmmm. How about Sushi?” he asked.

“Love it,” I said.

He drove to a conveyer belt sushi restaurant in Chatsworth. As we were eating our food he said, “So your mom told me you’ve seen me on the internet.”

“Yep,” I replied. “Kind of shocking. It never occurred to me that you and mom did the same thing.”

“Imagine how my dad felt when he rented a video and saw me in one. Said I ruined porn for him,” he said.

I laughed.

“At least my folks didn’t cut me out of their lives,” he said.

“That’s a good thing,” I said as ate my tuna roll.

“I agree,” he said before a long pause. “Man Vanessa, you’ve grown-up to be a beautiful young woman.”

I blushed.

“Seriously you are beautiful,” he said as he stared into my eyes.

I blushed again.

“Your mom told me about your, I guess the best word to use would be, ummm, wish,” he said as his face turned bright red. “I was going to let you down gently. There are thousands of reasons of why that would be the best way to go. But I can never say no to you. Do you remember when you were five and I took you and your mom to Toy “R” Us?”

“No,” I said.

“Your mom was going to buy you a new Barbie,” he said. “It was all she could afford. But I could tell you wanted the Barbie Dream House, her car and a Ken doll too. So I got you every toy and accessory. Even ones you didn’t want.”

“You only did that cause you were dating my mom,” I said.

“Partially true,” he replied in a serious tone. “I did it because I wanted you have everything. Seeing you happy always made me happy.”

I smiled.

“Will me fulfilling this wish make you happy?” he asked.

I nodded yes.

“Then finish up and let’s go make you happy,” he said smiling.

We quickly finished our food, paid, left the restaurant, and drove twenty minutes to “Uncle Tad’s spacious ranch styled house.”

When we walked inside the first thing I noticed was the place was immaculately clean.

“It’s normally not this clean, my girlfriend is kind of a slob,” he said.

“Girlfriend?” I asked.

“Her name’s Olga, she’s in Miami shooting this week,” he replied.

“Oh,” I said disappointed.

“Don’t let that freak you out,” he said. “We have an open relationship. She can fuck whomever she wants and I can fuck anyone I want. She’s cool like that.”

“That’s cool,” I replied.

He grabbed my hand and walked me over to the couch in the living room. For the longest time we just stared in each other’s eyes. It was kind of hot. Then he leaned in to kiss me. He was a really good kisser. Jimmy was sloppy. But Tad was the exact opposite. His kisses made my heart pound. Blood flowed rapidly to my cheeks making them redder. He put his hands on my waist moving me closer and closer to his chest. I was his.

For a brief moment our lips parted and he said, “I haven’t made out with a sixteen-year old since I was sixteen. Crazy.”

“Crazy,” I repeated as I placed my lips onto his, and slightly opened my mouth as invitation for his tongue to enter.

He then put my hand on his jeans and moved it up and down the outline of his hard cock.

As my hand did that he lifted my shirt off my body, unhooked my bra and started kissing, and lightly biting my hard nipples.

“Let me see your cock,” I whispered.

He took his mouth off my breasts; unbuttoned his jeans and unleashed his monstrous cock (8-inches long, and 6-inches wide). I watched for a few seconds as he stroked it. Then he put my hand onto it. Unlike Jimmy’s I couldn’t put my entire hand around it. I moved my hand up and down his gigantic shaft as he resumed kissing me.

After several minutes of me jerking him off he asked, “Have you ever sucked cock?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Suck mine now,” he ordered.

I hovered my face above his erect penis. My right hand continued to stroke it as I blew on the tip. I was terrified of it. I was pretty sure the whole thing wouldn’t even fit in my mouth. So I opened leaned down and started sucking.

I started licking from the balls up to the head, where I spent several seconds bobbing up and down on it, before heading back down and repeating.

“Kiss me,” he demanded as my mouth engulfed his hard-on.

As our lips once again locked he said, “Your lips taste wonderful.

A few minutes later he told me to take off my shorts and panties, then bend over the couch, and stick my ass out.

I got up and did as I was told. While bent over he slapped my butt and said, “You have an amazing ass.”

Gently Tad put my knees on the couch, which stuck my ass out even farther before kissing my left butt cheek, then my right butt cheek. Slowly he slid his tongue along my ass check and slid his tongue into my asshole. Which felt amazing and made me even wetter. His tongue moved up and down alternating between my asshole and pussy.

I couldn’t wait any longer. I had enough foreplay. I wanted to get fucked. So I opened my mouth and moaned, “I’m ready.”

He stood up, grabbed my hand and walked me to the bedroom. We then laid on the bed next to each other, kissing, stroking and touching. Tad rolled onto his back and had me stand above his hard cock. Stroking his hard penis he told me to slowly lower myself on to it. As my pussy hit the tip I could feel it start to stretch it out. I whimpered in pain as it engulfed the first few inches.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

“No,” I cried.

He grabbed onto my butt cheeks and slowly moved me up and down the top of his monster cock. The pain was slowly replaced by pleasure. His thrusts become a little faster and deeper. My moans were getting louder. He spanked my ass right before he stuffed his entire cock into my tight, no-longer virginal pussy.

I just sat on top of him, not only to get used to this feeling, but to enjoy the fact that I was no longer a virgin.

He smacked my ass again before moving his dick in and out of my pussy at a nice, steady pace.

“Bounce baby, bounce,” he said as he slapped my ass again.

I did as he told and bounced up and down until I had my first orgasm. I then collapsed onto his chest with his cock in my pussy and said, “Let’s do another position.”

He grinned and smiled. I climbed off his dick and started sucking sucked it for a bit. Tasting all of my juices on his massive cock.

Tad moved me onto all fours. He told me to wiggle my sexy ass, all the while I was doing that he slapped it before sticking his cock into my pussy. He continued spanking me as his hard cock was going into me from behind. I felt his hands spread my ass and his fingers started playing with my asshole. Immediately this caused my second monstrous orgasm.

Pulling his cock out of my pussy he rolled over onto his back and had me climb back on top. This time he had me go reverse cowgirl. I looked down and was able to watch his cock penetrate my wet pussy. I’m going to admit it was pretty hot and was pushing me towards my next orgasm. His hands found my tits and he then pinched my nipples as he increased the speed of his thrusts.

I was on fire. I then jumped off of Tad got between his knees and sucked his on his amazing cock.

I was working his cock in and out of my mouth. Taking every inch that I could handle. Tad told me he wanted to taste my pussy. He laid me onto my back, slid between my knees and dove into my pussy. Teasing my clit at first and then sucking away. His hands slid underneath me and found my ass. His fingers slowly teased their way into my asshole. This feeling was amazing and drove me to orgasm number three.

I was feeling awesome. I finally was having the sexual experience I wanted for my first time. I felt “Uncle” Tad as he slid his cock back into my wet pussy and began pounding me with his jackhammer. This caused several minor orgasmic tremors throughout my body. He increased the speed of the pounding. I was in heaven. He then said, “Where do you want me to cum?”

“In me,” I cried.

He let out a grunt as his seed exploded in my pussy. This caused orgasm number four.

He laid down next to me and we kissed for several minutes.

“I want to go again,” I said with glee between kisses.

“It’s going to be a few minutes,” he said. “It takes a few to recharge the old batteries.”

I laughed.

“I’m going to go grab a protein bar,” he said. “Want anything?”

“Water,” I replied.

“I’ll be back in a few,” he said right before getting out of the bed and walking out the door.

I’m going to admit I felt different afterwards. I felt sexier. I felt like this was the moment where I was able to start living life. And as cliché as this might sound I felt like a woman. I felt like I was ready for whatever came next, and that was going to be another round with “Uncle” Tad.

The Beginning.

Same as

Unforgettable Videos
3 years ago
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Black Neighbor Baby Sitter

The baby sitter was a next door neighbors daughter who was 16 years old. They were a black family and he was a white man with two daughters of his own ages ten and eight. They really liked the girl as she liked playing with them and wasn’t afraid to tell them when they were doing something wrong. She scolded them without being mean to them like so many other girls that they had had as a baby sitter. This girl was more a young women then a teenager. She was tall about 5’ 4”, with long...

3 years ago
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Job Application Turns Into Love Making

Myself Arjun (), a software professional aged 32 from Bangalore. I am working for a small software firm in a reputed position and I got this opportunity to pen up coz of my job. I am married and having a good family life. However, something is missing from life due to my wife’s lack of interest in sex. Even I am interested in enjoying it outside, I never tried something until this happened. This happened in 2015. We were hiring new developers for our company and I got many resumes during that...

1 year ago
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Summer Lovin Swinger part one

The summer started like the one before. There was the big company picnic and introductions. I felt at home in almost the truest sense where there’s a comfortable familiarity and the ackwardness of not truly fitting in the group. It was good seeing the old faces and I had to deal with the new. One night at the local tavern I was hoping to play pool when I saw a couple of the costume shop ladies playing. One I already knew. But this other woman was a sight to behold. She wasn’t the most beautiful...

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Ori WarForest stalkers

I was born in the northeast and my mother died giving birth. My father raised me in the forest where we hunted, trapped or collected herbs and spices. I fired my first weapon when I was five and killed a Liger when I was six. They were huge forest cats that hunted more than animals. By ten I could track anything that walked, ran or flew. By fourteen I was hunting on my own to support my father. He died before I turned eighteen and that was when war came to Alexander. I joined the foresters...

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The Three Faces Of Evan

THE THREE FACES OF EVAN by Throne It was Saturday night. Evan had been waiting all week for this evening. It was when he had sex with his extremely desirable wife, Tyra. She was a tall blond with generously padded contours. He couldn't get enough of her big bust and wide jutting ass. But what he loved the most was going down on her. He was hooked on cunnilingus. He lived for the taste and feel of her pussy. If she encouraged him, he would do it every night. She appreciated his...

2 years ago
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Women Who Perform With AnimalsChapter 7

The headquarters of Xylotopic Industries was a large and lavish office building in the other end of the city. Lenny journeyed there in a cab. Her assignment was clear-and yet the theme of the advertisement that attracted her interest was one placed by Masters McClain. It read: "AN EXOTIC DANCER WANTED, FOR PROMOTION OF SENSATIONAL NEW PRODUCT, APPLY AT XYLOTROPIC INDUSTRIES INC." As the cab swerved and jounced through the jungles of lights and traffic, Lenny thought back to Boss Carl's...

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A canoeing day that went wrongright

A canoeing day that went wrong/right.The events that got me into this position are unimportant. What is important is that I’ve been backed into a blind date, so my canoe buddy can get into a perfect 10 blonde’s pants. He has covered for me in the past. So fairs, fair. The 20 something brunette in the front of my canoe has a pain face and has dressed in clothes that do not show her figure at all. The only thing in her favour is that she hardly says a word and obviously knows how to paddle. I...

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Jaq social distancing

We are certainly living in some strange times at present. As many of my avid readers will know, this is something that Jaq and myself will find very hard.  As a couple we love to entertain couples, guys and females, to engage in some sexy fun.Of course, this sort of fun is out of the question at present, or so I thought.While enjoying a glass of wine one evening Jaq made a suggestion; her idea was to take our daily exercise walk through the local woodland. Jaq suggested that we could enjoy a...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Gabbie Carter Where The Magic Happens

Chuck’s been having a rough go of it in the time leading up to Gabbie Carter knocking on his door. Recently divorced, Chuck has been forced to sell his house, so his good buddy, Gary, recommends the smiling blonde as a realtor. Gabbie is flirtatious, and Chuck is almost dumbfounded that such a beautiful woman is so interested in him. That’s when he calls her bluff, and Gabbie admits that while Gary did send her over, it wasn’t as a real estate agent… and unbuttons her...

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My Slutty Teen Slave Part 2

I awoke the next day, smiling. I opened my eyes to see Jessica, still sleeping, curled up against my side. Light filled the room, forming a bright outline on the closed curtains. I pulled off the purple cover, setting my bare feet on the carpeted floor. Turning back, I saw her sleeping, cum dried on her face. I walked over to my bag, pulling out some clothes to wear. Dressing in sweatpants and a T-shirt, I rose to my feet. The digital clock Jessica’s desk read 8:26. I left to explore the...

2 years ago
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for another 2 hours. I kissed Kelly good bye and was leaving her apartment when I see Sandy waiting in the hallway. “From the sound of things I’d say you really wore out my daughter tonight” she said. I asked how long she had been home, she told me about 45 minutes or long enough to hear us fuck for a good while. I was looking for the words to apologize to her but she stopped me and said “I’ve spent 3 years having you show up in my home wearing your tight shorts or your...

1 year ago
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The neighbors wife

My neighbor is a jerk. He is about 12 years younger than me and when I bought my house, he was a pre teen jerk. His father never made him work, he purchased him a car, which he promptly demolished and his dad bought him another. When he was 18 he moved out due to an argiment with his dad. His dad had a bad heart and developed CHF and he moved back. His dad died not too long afterward. So he was left the house and a large endowment. That was 25 years ago. In the man time he has been through a...

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The Game

Last night these ten 18 year olds graduated high school and their parents got them a pair of 2 bedroom condos on the beach as a graduation present. The group drove down in 2 vehicles Chad’s Jeep Wrangler and Grace’s Ford Maverick. In Chad’s Jeep there was Chad his girlfriend Amber, his neighbor and longest friend Aiden, Amber’s best friend Chrystal, and Chrystal’s twin sister Kirsten. In Grace’s pickup was her boyfriend LaBrandon, her co-captain from the cheerleading squad Alexis, Alexis’...

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We Love LucyPart 3

How are you supposed to slip back into your usual life when something extraordinary happens to you? It's a simple enough question. When your world changes, how are you supposed to change it back? How, for example, do you fuck your beautiful wife while she is wearing your teenage daughter's underwear, sharing your darkest fantasies about savouring the tastes and sensations of her virginal body, and then shower and change and go on with your normal, mundane existence? How Becky and I got...

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PrivateerChapter 8

I grabbed Sam's portable carrier and transferred her unit into it. AIAs reside in a sealed unit about the size of my fist (remember I have big fists) that looks like a silver/black cube with only a single data port in the bottom. The units are damn near indestructible seeing as they are used as data recorders. Ships have been blown to pieces and AIA units have survived to tell what happened. The only thing more likely to survive is something we refer to as the hardened vault, a massive...

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I Just Popped Out For Some Smokes byFunnbunniesco

It was a beautiful, lazy day today. It had been raining for a few days and the stifling December heat was finally broken.I woke up early this morning. As I slid out of bed, my wife still lay asleep, not stirring. I quietly moved to the kitchen and made some coffee. While the kettle heated up, I fired up my PC and immediately logged on to the internet to find hot pics of sexy trannies and smooth, cute CD's. I was in a horny mood.I spent most of the day online. I would have liked to chat with...

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My YouthChapter 5 Youth Part 4

Sal and Barb came back after making sure Mary was ok. The girls were gone about an hour and it made me wonder if they were partying themselves. Arriving back, Sal told me Mary went straight to Alice and Sharon and they shut up into one of the bedrooms, later calling our girls in to talk. “They acted like we were some kind of ‘sisterhood’ or something. After Mary told them, pretty graphically I might add, EVERYTHING you did to her. She even unbuttoned her dress and pulled her bra cup up to...

2 years ago
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Enjoy watching

Hello, ladies and gentleman. This is Shobh one more time after "Enjoying sex ; with wife Kum and her sister Pyari .My sweet salli.. Before going to the story let me introduce myself I am Shobh here age 28 years. I am living in the city of navabs hyderabad. So lets start the story. This is about 4 month back in November there was marriage party in Mount Opera some 35 km from city. This marriage was my Wife’s friend. So we decided to go by 5pm in the evening. We were about to get ready to go to...

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No MichaelChapter 3

I guess I could have spent some time finding out about the guy who was going to date Martha but I could get that information any time. I was more intrigued by Miss Librarian. I didn't have a source who'd give me information about staff or faculty without questions being raised so I knew I'd have to go directly to the source. I'd ask her myself. The library stayed open for an hour after classes ended and I was there within five minutes. The only other students there were using the...

3 years ago
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UniversityChapter 77

"Well," I said, "Here we are! Is there anything on this afternoon's agenda?" We were in the Grand Hyatt and had eaten a snack. "How about a glance at the Potter Center? It's only a few minutes away and they're open till 17:00." I laughed. "And what are we going to see? I know you've planned something." "This is the final week of the Sue Ford show." "I guess that's the something." Sue Ford [1943-2009] was a pioneer of Australian photography, and one of the most...

1 year ago
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Familie Inze macht einen Urlaub auf den Bahamas

Der kleine Propellerflieger fliegt über einen türkisen, schier endlosen Ozean hinweg. Ich schaue gelangweilt aus dem Fenster und rufe dann meiner Mutter zu: „wann sind wir denn eigentlich endlich da? Mir wird echt langsam langweilig.“ meine Mutter lächelt gnädig zurück: „Bald, keine Sorge! Es dauert nur noch ca eine Stunde.“ „Eine Stunde? Wow das ist ja noch ewig.“ echauffiere ich mich fast etwas zu viel. Alex lächelt wieder und sagt dann zu meiner Schwester: „Vicky Schatz. Lenk doch deinen...

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Too Much of a Good Thing the Body ModifierChapter 5

For his 18th birthday Jamie had been given 2 tickets for the Center of Gravity music festival, which included coach travel and 3 nights in a hotel. Lily and he decided that this would be a good place to have fun with the app in public for the first time, as no one they knew was going. It was the first weekend of the summer vacation when the teens arrived early at the Greyhound terminal and boarded the coach, sat near the back and settled in for the long journey. The bus was fairly full which...

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The Receptionist

Even as a relative newcomer to the surgical staff, Dr. Roxanne Tremblay had already heard rumors about the 'Cutters Club' of the male surgeons. At first, she dismissed the rumors as folklore, propagated by bored nurses and resentful administrators. With massive egos, chauvinist attitudes, and salaries that often didn't match their skills, the male doctors certainly gave enough ammunition to their detractors. Until she heard it straight from another female surgeon, she didn't put too much...

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The Night we Left an Ass Full of Cum and had Kinky Sex

My buddy James and I were out drinking at a bar when we noticed a really hot chick walk in. She spoke to some patrons and saw us watching her. She came over and said, “Want to get laid tonight?” We looked at her and then at each other. “Both of you,” she said. “How much?” I asked and she smiled saying, “That can be decided on the way to your house.” We took her to James’ place and began with some more drinks. I had dreams of filling an ass full of cum and this seemed like a good opportunity. “I...

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sexysara2890 goes clubbing in Brixton

handed her coat to the cloakroom attendant and began to adjust herself in the white body fitting dress she was wearing. "Only a slut shows both cleavage and leg", was the mantra of her teenage years. Well she was a slut and loved it. She reposition her boobs in the cross fold low cut neck, making sure thier full roundness was clearly visible and pulled the dress a little further down her thighs, not out of modesty, but to ensure that it was smooth and tight over her full round arse. Her bare...

2 years ago
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A Ride With Ryan

"It's my party today!" Sarah shrieked down the phone.On the other end Maxine rolled her eyes. "Of course it is honey and it'll be a brilliant night. We'll have so much fun!" Sarah was her best friend, they had been friends for nearly fourteen years. Today was her twenty-first birthday party and it was going to be epic. Her parents hadn't spared a penny, and everyone who was anyone would be there."Oh my god! I can't wait for you to get here. When is your train at?" Sarah asked excitedly."About...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Leaning on Each Other Chapter 2

The next morning, Cassandra and her son, Adam, ate a light breakfast and fought off the urge to fuck again. She wanted the two of them to get waxed so that they weren't having to deal with the pubic hair. And Cassandra was turned on by shaved cock and balls and felt sexier when she was smooth below as well. She hadn't had the need in so long, she had forgotten the pleasures of a smooth muff and partner.They arrived at their destination in time for their appointment. Since it was her son's first...

4 years ago
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First Cock

So there I was just 1 and never briefed on the birds and the bees, didn't know the first thing about sex, no idea where babies came from. Just thought a dick was for pissing. And then a former school mate who had moved away came back into the picture. A strapping black k** about a year older than me, Punkin' Head Brown as he was known because of his big head. We get to chatting and I invite him over to my house for a coke and as luck would have it there is no one home. So, we're up in my...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 27

Wood Green Secondary school was not your average British school. It had been highly Americanised. About a decade ago, you could have described it as very ‘middle of the road.’ Not the worst school in the country, but not the best either; just average. Then, at some point about fifteen years ago, wealthy people started to move into the area to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. With this influx of wealthy residents, came a demand for the kinds of things rich folk enjoy having in their...

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The Last Wish BluesChapter 8

A man can take only so much. That she was desirable, bald or not, had sunk into Bob’s bones. That she was clearly available, whether she actually knew what that meant or not, was also undeniable. Bob had never been on the side of being seduced ... at least he didn’t think that way. In actuality, Dannie had worked him like a saxophone, pushing his buttons until he was a helpless wreck ... and leaving him making some of the same sounds a sax could make. It had been one of her favorite things to...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 11 The Ties that Bind

Our morning of post-coital bliss was disrupted. We’d planned on the Gordons and Prices coming for lunch, but not on my daughter arriving with the surprise announcement that she was engaged. Trust Betts to make everything about her. My head was absolutely spinning and I wanted time to lie in the arms of my lovers and just absorb what we had done. Lovers. I had made love to a woman. I was in love with a woman. And my husband, of course. I had lain next to them and guided my husband’s penis...

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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 21 Test Run

"Trip?" Malcolm asked from behind the pillar that the small battle group used as cover. "All clear, Malcolm. You better take a look at this." Carefully Malcolm crawled into the access tube and with a horrified "urk!" he quickly covered his nose and mouth with the collar of his uniform. "You better stay out, T'Pol," he called back, knowing that she would probably drop down unconscious immediately if confronted with the horrible stench. After indicating Trip to activate the...

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SexAndSubmission Sarah Jessie Rough Trade

When Sarah’s new boyfriend sells her to a sex trafficker, she manages an escape. But Ramon, her sadistic trafficker, hunts her down and fucks her into submission to enter his rough trade. Before Ramon can offer her up to clients he needs to check out his sexy blonde merchandise. He inspects her big firm tits and her shaved pussy, then he tastes her ass just to know what he is working with. Its all good! He wants to try her out in more ways than one so first he pulls out his big hard cock...

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Her slice of sweet sex

Hey guys my name is Shyam [all names are changed] and I live in Kerala, malappuram. I am 18 years old and I have a fairly good figure. I am a regular reader of ISS and I enjoy all the experiences that the authors have had. I would like to relate to you my personal sexual experience with my lovely Valsa aunty. Valsa aunty is my neighbor. She must be around 45 years old but her boobs were large and sexy. She had a round sexy ass too and a very sexy figure. Her husband is a lawyer and often stays...

3 years ago
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A crush on my lesbian sisters

Coming back to our story : We were quite normal sisters, but we were very open with each other; we would talk about boys, puberty, fantasies or anything. I remember one weekend when it all started, I was lying on the sofa watching a cartoon that I wasn’t paying attention to. I was watching the rain, hoping for it to clear up, when Manju came down the stairs, jumping the last three and landing so her miniskirt flew up around her belly-button, exposing her pink knickers and beautiful rear-end...

4 years ago
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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 28

“I couldn’t believe that in addition to that we have experienced here,” said Kari, “we helped another family get interested in family and public nudity.” “As we, have said, things keep getting weirder and weirder,” said Kevin. After returning from their vacation at The Meadows, it didn’t take long for the Krills to get back to real life mode, but once in awhile, they would revert back to vacation mode. Usually, especially at dinner, the conversation would turn to talking about their...

4 years ago
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Drunken Mom and her four sons

Betty is tired of anonymous sex, so one night after she’s all ready to go out, she gets drunk instead. Her four sons come home and find her skirt up to her hips, and extremely drunk. They help her to bed, making sure to undress her nice clothes and lingerie before doing so. As I do maybe a couple times a year when my boys are out for the evening, I dressed in sexy clothes and prepared to go out, pick up a man, and get laid. Sometimes I just get so horny that I need to have a cock inside...

3 years ago
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superbowl sunday

i have this straight man who lives in the same small city i live in. i've been servicing his big thick cock for a few years now. on a few occassions he has offered my throat to a few of his friends. this was the first time he did so.it was superbowl sunday when he called and invited me over. i told him the game really held no excitement for me, but if he would let me nurse on his uncut cock while he watched the game i would be right over. he agreed.when i arrived at his home, he greeted me at...

3 years ago
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Dangerous Liaisons

It was days after my time with Hunter and I couldn't stop thinking about him. The experience left me wanting more and I didn't know how to approach the situation next. So I would build up the courage to talk to him, and as I got close he would give me a weird look and I'd chicken out.I knew he was interested because I caught him looking at me in class and he would turn away quickly. It was a Tuesday afternoon and my last class was gym, which would be interesting, since I would see him getting...

2 years ago
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Would It Make You HappyChapter 1

Vanessa got out of line and sat down at a table in the back corner of the shop. She hated her job and was going to spend every possible second of her break enjoying her latte. She cursed herself for not taking the job for the financial services company. Instead, she took an entry level job working at a fashion magazine catering to African American women. She gambled that her brief, teen career as a model would have opened the door for her there. Unfortunately, the bosom that blossomed in her...

3 years ago
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The Drug Girl

She was quite tall, and looked a little older than most other people at the party, and yet there was something about her that made her seem incredibly young. Perhaps it was the small breasts, the sparkly dress or the slightly dollish make-up, but whatever the case this infantile nature which I sensed on my first sight of her invoked in me peculiar, protective, almost paternal feelings. She was hurrying between people as though looking for someone, and I felt that I almost desperately wanted...

2 years ago
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Change of Plans Results in Our First 3Some

From our earlier story you know we have only recently been exploring alternative sexual experiences. We hadn't worked up the nerve to try full swinging; especially in a swingers club or anything like that. Up until a few weeks ago we didn't know what dogging was, but we had our first dogging experience and it really turned us on at the time and since then our sex together was off the charts.We had made plans not having any obligations on Saturday night so we could try our luck again dogging. ...

3 years ago
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Driving Britney Spears

The pressures of being a teenager and being famous can sometimes be just too much to handle. Often these young k**s turn to harmful things like drinking or d**gs to escape the harsh reality of their lives. My name is Bobby and I can relate to the tremendous stress these teen idols go through day in and day out. You see, I am Britney Spears’ personal limo driver. I’ve known Britney since she was 11 and I’ve watched her grow into a very talented and beautiful young teen. And the pressure she...

3 years ago
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Mature Submissive and Massive Breasted Cruise Ma

Chapter 1Long story short, I managed to be awarded a free cruise to the Bahamas. The award is certainly cool, but there was a pretty big buzzkill attached to the cruise: I would be going on it by myself without anyone else that I knew. I wasn’t sure what I was going to be doing on a cruise by myself, but I supposed it would be alrightl. After all, I was a single 35 year old. I was sure I could find something to do. As I stood in line to check on to the boat, I happened to notice a woman who was...

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 10

X ‘Nice top’ I wanted to get to the office early since there was bound to be a lot of work to catch up with, to say nothing of Connie and Fran, so instead of walking the mile to the station I caught the bus. This meant that I saw her before she saw me. There she was, standing outside the station, oblivious to the admiring glances she attracted from each passing male and peering anxiously at every possible approach route. I was shocked to recognise none other than my girlfriend from the...

1 year ago
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Mommy and 14 Year Old Rachel Are KidnappedChapter 2

Sarah, still naked, let go of the kidnappers' cocks. She wiped their cum off on her legs and rushed to comfort her daughter, who'd been forced to put on a sex show by masturbating in front of them. She helped Rachel, who was sobbing, pull up her panties, and held her close. It's not like anyone was hurt or even raped (at least not yet) but this was not the kind of experience a Jewish mother and her innocent and sheltered daughter could deal with easily. It was horrible and terrible. And...

2 years ago
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ASS Fucked by brother and his Friends

I have been on several videos with Hal (funnsun2) and he knows how much I like pussy AND big cocks I also have been on swingingbicouples and done some wild things! I told him this story one time about me getting fucked in the ass for the first time and he told me to write this story and share it with YOU.I'm not a good writer but here goes and I hope to hell my family doesn't read this..LOLWhen I was in highschool, my brother was in college. He was really popular and went to the University of...

2 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 43

The political relationship with Harbouria was further deteriorating; border clashes were more frequent and hotting up, Raffles and Armageddon had made the lead news for several days. The Admiralty ordered all vessels to a higher state of readiness and authorized Captains who found themselves in space with a Harbourite to raise full shields with weapons hot. Parliament seemed finally to be getting the message. The Reserve was activated and crews brought to war levels. The major yards went to...

1 year ago
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Dive Bar Dorita

Years ago I frequented a dive go go bar called the Ironbound. In the Portuguese and Brazilian part of Newark. This was kind of the last stop for these girls on the way to the go go retirement home. Some of these girls may be pushing 60, but most of them, despite the mileage still have killer tits and asses. They dance twenty minuets or so then get twenty or so off. During the off time, if you buy them a drink they'll sit with you, tip them singles for gropes, or for a twenty they'll jerk you...

2 years ago
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I was leaving my kids' school in the morning after dropping my son off when I saw Laure, our neighbor who was very French in every way. I waved to her and she came over to walk with me. We only lived a few blocks away, so we usually could talk for a few minutes about kids and events in the school. She was very nice and very sexy. She had long dark hair that draped over her shoulders in a perfect way. Her DD breasts were perfectly formed and had nipples that always looked erect through her...

2 years ago
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Apocolypse chapter 1921

Introduction: ok people trying something new….. Let me know if u like the whole 3 chapters at once or back to the 2 at once Chapter 19 It was finally time to go to the grocery store to restore our diminished supplies. You ready to go AJ? I asked. Yep Ill be there in a second. he replied hugging his little brother bye and running out to catch up with me. I hooked the trailer cart up to the ATV and we were off to town. We walked into the store a little while later to a raunchy smell. Eww oh my...

3 years ago
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The ExhibitionChapter 4

Two hours later, the show opened, revealing Sammy to the crowd once again. She faintly heard the artist addressing them. "Welcome to the second weekend of my exhibition! It's nice to see so many familiar faces returning! I expected something like this might happen, so I took care to update the main display with a number of new features. Feel free to play around as much as you'd like, I've put some explanations down in the corner, but come and find me if you have and specific questions....

3 years ago
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Im Your Doll

I'm Your Doll By Sissy Cindy The Personal Ad It read: Dress Me Up. I'm a SWM crossdresser seeking a woman for a long term relationship. Most of my wardrobe is casual everyday dresses (I don't wear anything provocative). I'm shy, gentle, financially secure and loyal. I'm 5 feet 4 inches, have a slim build (size 10), and don't smoke. Taller woman are okay. Kevin Smith placed this ad on an Internet dating site that had thousands of ads from around the country. He was...

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A Freaky Fuck pt1

I was still in high school, and on my way there to be exact, when I got this great ideal about going over to Horse Dick Harry's house and hang out. Harry is the Uncle of Charlie, one of the three miscreants that assaulted and ****d me one day while playing hooky. Charlie and Harry found me in the store one Saturday and they took me to Harry's home and Harry proved to me why he was called Horse Dick Harry. Ever since I saw and experienced Harry's enormous fuck tool invade my butt I was hooked. I...

1 year ago
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Her Light

She leaned against the window, her cheek touching the cold glass where hundreds of little raindrops chased each other down to the ledge. Fat droplets backlit by streetlights glittered silvery, mercury. Their shadows on her face slithered down too, mirroring their counterparts’ progress down the glass. Grey-black snakes, tearing down her profile, absorbed by the black shirt she wore. Her eyes stared unseeing out into the empty night. Today. Samhain. Here it was, the time when the membrane...

1 year ago
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Helping Each Other OutChapter 5 The Next Day

Debby woke up the next morning after sleeping soundly the night before. As she slowly woke she realized that she wasn't in her own bed. She was in Dave's. He was spooned behind her, his hard cock nestled between her ass cheeks. His right hand was cupping her breast. Her erect nipple felt good poking into her brother's palm. She remembered losing their virginities to each other the night before. Her pussy was already wet. She snuggled back against Dave. Debby's movement woke Dave. He...

2 years ago
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The Shady Stranger and His Slave Ravyn

Ravyn was a teen aged girl of about 15. She had shoulder length black and purple hair with bright green eyes. Her body was as pale as the moon light. She had two plump good sized breast about a b cup a round perfect sized ass, and her body was in healthy shape . Ravyn had here lip, her tongue and her nipples pierced. A black heavy blanket was now over her resting body, under witch she was wearing a spiked collar and ankh necklace, a silky black bra with a soft black g string, a black velvet...

2 years ago
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Part 6 Puppy love

Introduction: my first boyfriend and moms attraction This story might seem to slow down a bit from the rest, but I want to keep chronological order for those of you reading my stories. This story will lead to much bigger things, in later stories. Hope you enjoy and comment. I was about 9 when I had my first boyfriend. His name was Tyler. A white boy from my class, that would always try to get behind me in physical education. I talked to him a little bit, but didnt have an interest in him. One...

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