De Haut En Bas - Part 2 free porn video

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Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story ? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. -- La livraison -- Julie et Sarah, enfin Arnaud et Alex, devaient les accueillir et leur indiquer les diff?rents bureaux o? elles devaient livrer. Ce job ?tait g?n?ralement confi? aux h?tesses les plus incomp?tentes. Pire, c'?tait Alex lui m?me qui avait mis ce syst?me en place, les h?tesses les plus incomp?tentes avaient cette t?che d'aider les ouvri?res, voire d'?tre consid?r? comme l'une d'elles, lors des jours de livraisons. Pris ? leur propre pi?ge, Julie et Sarah attendaient, patiemment devant le parking de livraison, lorsque Nadine arriva. -? H?! Vous! Vous ne pensez pas que vous allez travailler habill? comme ?a aujourd'hui? Venez avec moi. ?. Julie et Sarah ne mouft?rent pas, bien qu'au d?but de leur transformation elles faisaient de la r?sistance, maintenant Nadine ?tait leur sup?rieure et si elles ne voulaient pas que leur situation empire, elles devaient se conforter ? la r?gle. Arriver dans le vestiaire des femmes, Nadine leur confia leurs nouveaux v?tements. Arnaud se rappela que c'?tait lui m?me qui avait mis en place le port obligatoire de ces v?tements pour les h?tesses charg?es de la livraison. Il s'agissait d'un pantalon taille basse en jean et d'un d?bardeur blanc. Certes plus pratique pour travailler en tant que femme, il laissait aussi voir les seins et parfois la culotte des nanas, ce qui excitait Arnaud au plus haut point. Mais plus maintenant. Cela mettait la petite naine de Julie et la petite Sarah, qu'ils ?taient devenus, dans l'embarras. Toute la journ?e, elles vont devroir accompagner les ouvri?res dans les diff?rents bureaux de leurs anciennes entreprises, o? tout leurs anciens employ?s les verront, et en profiteront pour les matter, elles, les plus mauvaises hotesses du mois, en se disant "qu'elles sont bonnes". Julie et Sarah se r?sign?rent ? mettre ces v?tements. Ces derniers ?taient un peu trop grand. Le d?bardeur allait encore, merci ? leur jolie tout de poitrine, mais le pantalon tombait un petit peu et ne moulait pas leurs jolies fesses rondes, ce qui les arrangeait aussi en fin de compte, mais permis de bien voir le haut de leurs petites culottes. Puis elles retourn?rent au parking de livraison o? le camion ?tait d?j? arriv?. Un gros moustachu les attendait avec deux femmes d'une quarantaine d'ann?e . L'une ?tait une blonde platine d?color?e du plus mauvais go?t s'appelant Cyndie, tandis que l'autre ?tait une brune, avec des pointes rousse, se nommant Chantal. Elles ?taient clairement en surpoids, preuve qu'elles ne s'occupaient plus de leurs lignes depuis un certain temps. Elles regardaient leurs pieds et n'osaient relever le regard tellement qu'elles en avaient honte et soumises de leur condition. En tant qu'homme, Julie et Sarah avaient l'habitude de regarder ce spectacle, les poufs les plus incomp?tentes du bureau se prenant le temps d'un jour pour des "pseudo-boss" face ? aux ouvri?res encore plus stupide et impopulaires qu'elles. -? Bon... ?, commen?a ? dire Arnaud, -? il faut que vous commenciez ? livrer le troisi?me ?tage et le quatri?me ?tage. ?. Les deux ouvri?res s'activ?rent. En prenant les paquets, Julie et Sarah s'aper?urent que la blonde d?color?e avait un string tandis que l'autre avait un tatouage de "Loup" dans le bas du dos. Elles se regard?rent dans les yeux et esquis?rent un sourrire moqueurs. Lorsque les ouvri?re partirent et que le gros moustachu ?tait occup? ? appeler sa femme au t?l?phone, Sarah dit ? Julie : -? Ah! Tu vois on est peut ?tre devenu des femmes tr?s idiotes et qu'on est plus les patrons, mais il y a pire. ?, dit elle en pouffant de rire. Julie pouffa de rire aussi puis ajouta : -? Et t'as vu comment elles ob?issent? ?. -? Bah! Ouais, on est leur boss aussi, h?h?! apr?s tout on a peut ?tre qu'un CAP de secr?tariat mais on a pas le niveau "?cole maternelle", haha! ?, rigola Sarah, encore de plus belle. Julie et Sarah continu?rent ? pouffer de rire en pensant que m?me si elles n'avaient plus de BAC+5, elles ne seraient jamais des ouvri?res, c'est alors que le moustachu arriv?rent dans leurs dos : -? H?! Mes jolies! ?, dit-il avec un sourire. Julie et Sarah l'ignor?rent royalement. Pourquoi ?couter et laisser se faire draguer par un vieux de 50 piges, gros et beauf, mais le moustachu dit alors : -? H?! Arnaud et Alex ! ?, Julie et Sarah se retourn?rent alors ?tonn?es de cette interpellation. -? Oui, je sais qui vous ?tes et vous savez pourquoi? Les deux derniers hommes que vous aviez insult?, vous vous souvenez? ?. Julie et Sarah se rappel?rent alors de ces deux hommes en blouse et qu'elles les avaient envoy? bouler. -? Ces deux hommes sont mes meilleurs amis et ils sont aussi des sorciers, oui, c'est bien eux qui vous ont transform?. Ils vous avaient bien prevenu? Maintenant votre libido et votre "charisme" a d? bien chang?. ?. C'est vrai que depuis leur transformation, Julie et Sarah n'avaient pas os? lever le ton, face aux femmes et surtout encore moins aux hommes. -? Je vous ai ?cout? mes jolies et vous continuez ? ne pas vous prendre pour de la merde, si vous ne voulez pas que je dise ? tout le monde que les deux petites cruches, que vous ?tes devenues, sont en faites Arnaud et Alex, il va falloir ?tre tr?s coop?ratives. ?. Julie et Sarah devinrent blanches. Le gros moustachu commen?a ? se toucher la bite ? travers son jean. -? Soit vous me faites des petites faveurs, soit vous aidez Cyndie et Chantal pour la livraison ?. Le gros moustachu glissa alors ses mains dans les pantalons taille basse de Julie et Sarah. Elles se recul?rent et se r?sign?rent ? prendre les paquets et commenc?rent rapidement la livraison. Arriv?es ? l'ascenseur, Julie et Sarah s'y pr?cipit?rent. -? Mais quel connard! Putain! ?, dit Sarah -? Oui, et tu l'as entendu, on connait maintenant l'origine de notre transformation ?, ragea Julie. -? Oui... Bon livrons ces paquets et retournons chercher les autres ?, repliqua, furieusement, Sarah. ?trangement, Julie et Sarah, se d?p?ch?rent de livrer les paquets dans les bons bureaux comme si c'?tait leur job. Quand on leur demanda pourquoi elles faisaient cela, elles disaient simplement qu'elles aidaient les ouvri?res. Ce dont les autres employ?s ne manqu?rent pas pour se moquer derri?re elles avec des remarques qu'elles entendirent, du genre : "ha ha ha! Tu me diras, au moins ?a leur demande pas trop de r?flexion ? ces deux cruches! " ? midi, Julie et Sarah avaient perdu tout leurs leadership et elles attendaient les ordres du gros moustachu au m?me titre que Cyndie et Chantal pour leur plus grand plaisir. -? Bon les filles, on va manger dans le PMU d'en face, il fait brasserie aussi... ?. Julie dit alors : -? Nous allons nous changer et nous iront manger dans un petit japonais ? c?t?... ?. Le gros moustachu lui r?pondit : -? Mais non! Pas besoin de vous changer, vous faites le m?me boulot tout ? l'heure, et puis vous ne voudriez pas que les autres apprennent quoique se soit ? propos de vos anciennes vies? ?. Encore une fois, le sang de Julie et de Sarah se gla?aient. Elles disent alors : -? Ok, on va avec vous. ?. Sur le chemin, Chantal proposa des gitanes ? tout le monde, ?tonnamment Julie et Sarah ne refus?rent pas et commenc?rent ? fumer. Arriv? dans cette petite brasserie peupl? d'ouvrier et de camionneurs, Julie et Sarah eu d'un coup la folle envie de commander le plat le plus gras tandis que Cyndie et Chantal command?rent deux petite salades. Julie et Sarah se goinfr?rent sans pouvoir s'arr?ter. Le gros moustachu les regardait avec un regard machiav?lique. Julie alla aux toilettes. Ces derni?res ?taient assez sale, elle enleva son pantalon puis s'assit pour faire pipi. En remettant son pantalon, celui-ci lui semblait plus serrer, enfin il lui allait mieux, bizzare? Il ?tait encore plus grand en d?but de matin?e. Arriv?e devant le mirroir, Julie se regarda, son maquillage avait disparu ? cause de la transpiration et de la livraison, elle avait des traces de transpiration sous les aisselles qui en avait jaunie son debardeur blanc. Mais encore plus ?trange, en regardant plus attentivement son reflet, elle avait l'impression d'avoir pris l?g?rement du poids, pourtant ? part l'?cart d'il y a ? peine 5 min, elle faisait attention ? sa ligne. D'un coup la porte s'ouvrit, c'?tait Sarah ?nerv?e : -? Putain ce gros con de moustachu m'a forc? ? me faire la m?me coloration rapide avec une bombe de peinture rouge que celle de Chantal... regarde moi ?a mes pointes sont maintenant toutes rouges... putain de merde... ?. -? Sarah, il n'y pas que ?a ... j'ai l'impression que toi aussi tu as des ?normes cernes de merde ?. -? Oui .... et pourquoi on jure tout le temps, putain?... J'ai l'impression qu'on sent toutes les deux la cigarettes, la vache... ?. -? Ouais! Bordel?... Bon retournons dans cette turne, ? nos putains de place...???...retrouver ce connard. ?. En revenant, le gros moustachu les attendait avec une bouteille de whisky et un rire narquois. -? Alors les filles! On picole un peu et on retourne travailler. ?. -? O? sont pass?es ces greluches de Cyndie et Chantal? ?, dit Julie. -? Elles sont parties faire un petit footing, elles ont besoin de perdre du poids. ?. -? Nous aussi on doit... ?, dit Sarah avant d'?tre coup?, -? Vous! Vous m'ob?issez, on va boire et retourner travailler. ?. Julie et Sarah n'eurent pas le choix de boire lorsque le gros moustachu leur versa un whisky bas de gamme. Elles furent ?tonn?es de voir ? quel point elles appr?ciaient malgr? tout ce tord boyau et le buvaient avec une telle facilit?, elles qui ne buvaient plus que de l'eau min?ral ces derniers temps, ? la place de leur grand cru stock? dans leur ancienne cave ? vin. Et il leur en reversa un 2eme, puis un 3eme, et un si de suite jusqu'? finir la bouteille. -? Merde!...Hips! suis en peu bourr?e ?, dit Sarah. -? Filez moi une clope, j'ai envie de fumer putain... ?, dit ensuite Julie. Le gros moustachu se marra sarcastiquement tandis que Cyndie et Chantal revenaient de leur footing. Julie et Sarah furent surprises de constater qu'elles avaient perdu du poids. Julie dit alors : -? H?! t'as vu ?a Sarah, j'y crois pas, putain de merde, j'ai l'impression que ces pouffiasses d'ouvri?re de merde sont moins grosses que nous ? pr?sent? ?. -? Oui j'ai vu ?a, et c'est quoi ce langage ? la con qu'on a? On n'arr?te pas de parler vulgairement, putain bordel de merde... ?, essaya de dire Sarah, avant d'?tre int?rrompu. -? Bon allez les filles! il faut vous remettre au travail. ?, dit le gros moustachu tout en se marrant. Julie et Sarah se remirent ainsi au travail sans discuter et all?rent rejoindre les autres ouvri?res au camion. Sarah croisa alors une fille assez enrob?e, un peu vulgaire avec des piercings un peu partout sur le visage. Elle dit alors, ouvertement ? haute voix, ? Julie : -? ha ha ha! mais regardes comme cette meuf a l'air repoussante avec son style et son poids! ?. La fille r?pondit alors : -? Tu crois que tu es mieux avec ton gros cul, tes grosses miches qui tombent et ta teinture rousse ridicule sale morue? ?. Sarah s'interrogea alors sur sa remarque et vit dans le reflet d'une paroi en metal, polis comme un miroir, la description exacte, de son corps actuel, dites par cette femme, elle se sentit alors compl?tement honteuse de s'?tre moquer de cette femme, en r?alisant que finalement ainsi elle n'?tait pas mieux qu'elle, mais aussi surprise et appeur?e de d?couvrir ces changements sur son jolie petit corps. N'y prennant plus attention, elle se convainquit d'une hallucination d? ? la fatigue ou ? l'alcool et se remit au travail. Julie et Sarah prirent leurs paquets et se dirig?rent dans le b?timent pour livrer les marchandises. Elles pass?rent alors le hall d'accueil et crois?rent alors les h?tesses de la soci?t?. L'une d'elle dit alors : -? H?! Vous! les deux grosses. C'est interdis de passer par l'accueil pour les ouvri?res. Non mais! regardez vous! Il faut pas que des clients vous voient accoutr?es ainsi. Vous avez vu votre tenue et l'image que vous donnez de la soci?t? avec votre physique en plus? ?. -? Putain! mais comment tu t'adresses nous et pour qui tu nous prends sale gouine ?, dit Julie. -? Non mais je r?ve.. Entendez moi ce langage...Et qu'est ce qu'elle a l'air vulgaire avec cette teinture blonde rat?e... Remarquez l'autre ? c?t? n'est pas mieux... Allez! D?gagez! Ou j'appelle ma responsable Nadine. ?. Julie et Sarah s'en all?rent, humili?es d'?tre ? pr?sent prises comme de vulgaires et moches ouvri?res. Elles tomb?rent un peu plus tard sur Cyndie et Chantal qu'elles avaient du mal ? reconnaitre. Chantal avait ? pr?sent perdu ses m?ches rousse et Cyndie avait des cheveux d'un blond parfait. Elles avaient une taille fine et de jolie mensuration, ?taient maquill?es et le teint frais, mais surtout semblaient avoir perdu plusieurs ann?es. Deux heures plus tard, Julie et Sarah, compl?tement en sueur apr?s plusieurs livraisons, avaient l'impression qu'elles avaient de nouveau grossies, elles sentirent leur peau plus flasque et d?tendues, de nouvelles rides de lisaient sur leur visage fatigu? et frip?. Sarah dit alors : -? Putain j'ai chaud et soif, je me boirais bien une bonne kro... ?. -? Oui, moi aussi... Et j'ai aussi envie d'une bonne clope... ?, repondit Julie. Elles crois?rent alors deux belles femmes qui ressemblaient ? leurs sosies, comme elles, avant le d?but de la livraison. -? Salut Cyndie et Chantal! ?. -? Hein?... Quoi?...Comment tu nous as appel?, sale conne? On se pr?nonme Julie et Sarah, ok! Et puis comment se fait-il que vous nous ressemblez tant que ?a bande de pouffes? ?. -? Ha ha ha! On ressemble ? ce que vous ?tiez, pas ce que vous ?tes ? pr?sent. Non mais regardez vous?! Je ne sais pas comment c'est possible mais vous etes devenues nous et nous sommes devenues vous. Vous n'?tes plus ces jeunes et belles h?tesses de 24 et 25 ans mais des ouvri?res stupides et alcooliques de 35 et 36 ans vivant dans le nord pas de calais ? pr?sent. ?. Julie et Sarah se regard?rent et r?alis?rent que c'?tait pourtant bel et bien la v?rit?. Cela confirma leurs doutes depuis ces derni?res heures, sur les changements qu'elles resent?rent, au fur et ? mesures de leur besogne, mais ne voulaient pas y croire. Elles se mirent alors ? chialer en voyant chacune leur nouveau physique, repoussant et viellit, alors qu'elles ?taient si jeunes et attirantes auparavant. -? Bon! Allez les grosses, allez finir le d?chargement du camion, il reste encore de la marchandise ? ranger avant la fin de la journ?e ?. Julie et Sarah, qui ?taient devenues respectivement maintenant, Cyndie et Chantal, n'avaient pas d'autres choix que d'ob?ir, r?duites ? devoir se faire donner des ordres par ces nouvelles h?tesses qui avaient pris d?finitivement leurs places, en plus de leurs corps.

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Military DelightsChapter 29 Colonel Abubakar Ibn Abbas

Nearly two years had passed since the start of the war against Tirfil when Colonel Abubakar Ibn Abbas heard through the grapevine that a white woman who had been captured there was now to be sold. She had been annexed by the Emir and had spent the intervening time in the harem of the butler to the Emir, after the Emir had used her. Although he had no idea what a "butler" was or did, he thought that she might prove entertaining for the troops, especially as she had shared the Emir's bed....

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Mommy I dont want to try out for the baseball team again Part2

Part 2 Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old All, I added a few paragraphs from Part 1 so my story would be easier to read. I hope you enjoy my story, I am sure I missed a few spelling an especially grammar so please forgive. Hugs...

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Sebastian and Ciel

Sebastian opens the door, and allows Ceil to walk into the room. The Hotel Room is large, but enough for three people to sleep in one bedCeil walks forward and sits on the bed, grumpy. Sebastian steps forward and slowly and sensually takes off his shoes, tying them out and slowly taking them off. He puts them in the shoe closet and takes off his coat. He looks at his Master; "Master you are a mess" he says and Ceil looks up;"it's because of all these free hugs and glomps, when you were not...

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Sebastians plaything

Sebastian strutted up and down the huge wooden floored room muttering under his breath, Alexandra couldn't understand what he was muttering but she knew it wasn't good. Heavy foot- steps hit the floor; the riding crop beat a similar rhythm on his right booted leg. Suddenly he blurted out "you have tested my patience to long young girl" Alexandra tried to get some words out but Sebastian ignored her attempts to speak so she just laid there relaxing her limbs and leaving a little slack in her...

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Ambassadors of Peace

Ambassadors of Peace By Malissa Madison Netti Zell had no idea why she was being summoned at six in the morning. Her mother and father had no idea either, but it was a royal summons. The only odd part was that the Guardian who delivered it stated that she was to bring her Vershang. At twenty one Netti had just completed three years of her college geared towards a career in the Diplomatic Corp. The final fourth year however was supposed to be spent in the field under a seasoned...

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The Sebastian Files Gary1

GARY: Well, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a disaster. SEBASTIAN: In what way? GARY: In what way? In every way. If our parents find out—what a nightmare. If anybody finds out. What is she telling her friends? That's what I worry about. And what are her friends telling her? I'm pretty sure that's where she got the idea in the first place. SEBASTIAN: So she initiated this. GARY: Yes. It was during the summer, when she was back from college. SEBASTIAN: She is nineteen, and...

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Wheres the Turkey Baster

All characters having sex are over eighteen. Thanks to my diligent editor who helped out on this project. ***** Thursday 1:40 am ‘Where’s the turkey baster?’ Emma asked with a soft laugh to the back of the man she had surprised in the kitchen. It was well after midnight. She giggled and added, ‘You’re naked,’ JT was rattled. He apologized, ‘I hope my nudity doesn’t upset you. I thought everyone was asleep and I could sneak in here and grab a quick drink without encountering anyone.’ He...

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The Sebastian Files Michelle

SEBASTIAN: Why would you argue about that? MICHELLE: I didn't. That was them. They were a little drunk. We were all drunk. We'd had enough of the family gathering and we were hiding and being bad. Except we didn't plan on being that bad. SEBASTIAN: Indeed. Can I ask, who has the better body? MICHELLE: Oh, probably my sister. She's stunning. But my brother is pretty hot too. It's close. Call it a tie. SEBASTIAN: So they were arguing... MICHELLE: They were joking around. We...

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Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality Part 2

SEBASTIAN EMBRACES HIS SEXUALITY An Imaginary Homoerotic StorybyJason PART 2CHAPTER 4 “Pour yourself a drink,” said Craig, “While I go and make myself more comfortable.”He was back two minutes later, stark naked; a fact which did not at all surprise me as I had already realised back at the gym that this guy was hot to have sex with me.Craig looked at me and said, “You don’t seem very surprised to see me like this.”"Why should I," I said, with more conviction in my voice than I actually felt...

Gay Male
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Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality Part 2

SEBASTIAN EMBRACES HIS SEXUALITY An Imaginary Homoerotic StorybyJason PART 2CHAPTER 4 “Pour yourself a drink,” said Craig, “While I go and make myself more comfortable.”He was back two minutes later, stark naked; a fact which did not at all surprise me as I had already realised back at the gym that this guy was hot to have sex with me.Craig looked at me and said, “You don’t seem very surprised to see me like this.”"Why should I," I said, with more conviction in my voice than I actually felt...

Gay Male
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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 1 of 6

Prologue My business card is very discrete. It says quite simply Sebastian - Male Escort Absolute Discretion Assured Telephone xxxxxxx For those unfamiliar with the term ‘Male Escort’, let me explain. It is a euphemism for a man who is a professional copulator, selling what is usually known as anal stimulation to his exclusively male clientele. Crudely put, a Male Escort is a man who fucks other men’s arses for money. And let me say, with no false modesty, that I am a consummate...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 66 Conclusion

So now here I was, facing my second week as barman a Mike’s place, with an appointment to service a city businessman on Monday afternoon, just one week after my ‘debut’ on the New York copulation trail. In spite of this firm appointment, and success to date, I wondered if luck would still be with me. But in fact my worries were unfounded, for just as Craig had prophesied, my second week in Mike’s bar produce another crop of visiting cards from men asking me to give them a call and so it went on...

Gay Male
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LEON SEBASTIAN via Face time

LeonI want to suc on your ears, nibble them and nibble from 1 ear to the other ear and leave little bites across your neck SebastianreallyLeonthen I want to kiss & suc your yummy lips & mouth and suc on your tongueSebastianno one likes meSebastianbecause i'm autistic and walk and talk funnyLeonthen I would kiss down your chest to your nipples and suc & chew each nipple till they are hardSebastianokLeonyou don't need to talk & walk when you make luvSebastianwould u like to meet...

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Sebastian and the Gara Rufa Fish

In the water Sebastian bathed himself, water on his face, neck, shoulders and chest. His hands moved down his body to his cock and balls, he washed his butt and butt hole, moved down his legs, as far as he could reach without submerging his head. He stood in the water, letting the slight current wash over him. In the clear, warm, fresh water he saw some tiny fish drawing close to him. Sebastian stopped moving and thought the fish would leave him if he left them alone. The large school drew...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 46

I arrived late back from the gym at Craig’s place, about 11 o’clock and he was already there, eager to know how things had gone with Mike. “Well, I got the job with no problem and the terms seem okay. At least I will have enough cash to keep the wolf from the door, but the great surprise was what Mike and I had got up to that afternoon. If you can believe it, he invited me up to his apartment- he lives above the bar, by the way, in case you did not know - and we spent the entire afternoon...

Gay Male
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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 3 of 6

Chapter 10 At the table, after ordering, Craig took the lead and gave me a potted history of his life. Basically he was the only son of a well-to-do New York family whose wealth was obviously considerable, judging from the apartment in which he lived, which he told me was provided for him by his father. He himself was 25 years old and worked in Wall Street in the family-owned stock-broking business. Now came the great revelation. Craig told me that he was sexually AC-DC, or better put, a...

Gay Male
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The Strange Ways of Sebastian Vetch

Conversations With The Press "It's good of you to see me. Not everyone in your business welcomes the attentions of the press." Sebastian Vetch looked out through the glazed door that led to his carefully tended garden. The carefully trimmed lawn, the neat flower beds surrounding it were a picture of order. "Miss Barton, you should realise that I, of all people, would be pleased to see a nosey reporter." Alice Barton smiled. He was right of course, she thought. His series of novels and...

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Simon And Sebastian

PROLOGUE This is a sequel to my first story, which is entitled ‘Sebastian -The Male Escort’, which gave an account of my education at a private school in Sheldon, New York and how, on leaving school I moved to New York city and through a variety of circumstance, found myself acting as a paid Male Escort, which turned out to be a very profitable business for me. My first story ended about three years after my arrival in New York, by which time I was a well established Male Escort and I am now...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 56

Saturday morning dawned and I realised that since starting my job at Mike’s Bar, I had not been back to the gym and I truly felt that I needed a workout: so I decided that I would go over there this morning and see what I could arrange with Jonathan. I had more or less resigned myself into becoming a paying client at the gym where I had been working until just a few days previously. I had just packed my things together to leave, when the ‘phone rang and it was Mark, my bartender buddy from...

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Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality Part 1

SEBASTIAN EMBRACES HIS SEXUALITYAn Imaginary Homoerotic StorybyJasonThis is the second of a series of short stories each of which can be read as a stand-alone piece. However, as they tied together by some of the characters, who, in one way and another, figure in several of these tales, I recommend my readers to read them in the order in which they were written which is as follows:-1. Sebastian's Schooldays2. Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality3. Sebastian – The Male Escort4. Sebastian Meets...

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Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality Part 1

SEBASTIAN EMBRACES HIS SEXUALITYAn Imaginary Homoerotic StorybyJasonThis is the second of a series of short stories each of which can be read as a stand-alone piece. However, as they tied together by some of the characters, who, in one way and another, figure in several of these tales, I recommend my readers to read them in the order in which they were written which is as follows:-1. Sebastian's Schooldays2. Sebastian Embraces His Sexuality3. Sebastian – The Male Escort4. Sebastian Meets...

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Karvachauth with manjula

Some men are born to be lucky. For others the luck is ordained. I am from the second category. My Wife’s friend Manjula married to Navy officer who has exactly the same name as mine. Manjula is one of those beautiful indian housewife who have a burining desire of infidelity, but due to social paradoxes are not able to express their lustful desires openly. Manjula is extremly beautiful & expressive by nature. Her height is 5’6”, figure is 36”-28”-38” & complexion fair. She has extremely shaped...

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Polly and Sebastian Leotard Lovers

I had Kev on speaker phone. His voice was lamenting how his boss had fired him and how unfair it was. ‘A-ha,’ I said disinterestedly, as I applied more mascara and ran another layer of lip gloss over my dark red lipstick. ‘Right, okay,’ I said, rolling my eyes. I smoothed my hands over my skintight, long-sleeved black leotard and checked my gleaming silver-black tights in the mirror. ‘Listen, I’m kinda in the middle of something now,’ I said impatiently. I secretly smiled, as I carefully placed...

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Introduction: My introduction to bestiality that i never thought would actually happen Please be aware that i am not the original author of this work, i am just editing it for grammar and spelling mistakes etc…enjoy !! I really dont know why but my husband Jim is suffering from ED (erectile dysfunction). We have tried all the ED medicines on the market, and the best that would happen is he would get a semi hard on, but its really not hard enough to make love to me, not even to penetrate me, i...

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A Husband Watches His Wife Get Banged From The Bas

Dan was 27 years old when he first met his future wife Katie for the first time. Katie had been a 24 year old server at a sports bar that Dan and a few of his friends had frequented. She had just started working their one night when Dan and a few of his buddies had stopped in. She was their server and Dan practically fell for her beauty almost instantly. Dan’s friends razed him all night long that there was no way he could ever get a beautiful girl like that to go out with him. Katie was a...

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Maa Ko Bas Mein Kiya Chodne Ke Liye

Hi friends yeh story meri mom aur mere sex ki hai. Aap ko to pata hai hamare yaha mom ke bare mein aisa, yani sex vagera sochana sin hai. Incest feelings kisi ko pasand nahi hai. To agar aapko mom ke sath sex karna ho to bahot difficult hota hai. Pehale to mom ko fasana hota hai. Maine almost 2 years tak mom ko fasaya. Fir is garami ke chuttiyon mein maine mom ke sath sex kiya. Pehale to mom ke bare mein. Meri mom ki age 38 hai. Mom jab 18 ki thi tabhi main paida hua tha. Mom apni figure ka...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Simon and Sebastian

Well, what did the morrow bring after my chance meeting with Yan in the bar? Today was my last day in Taipei, as even though the contest was still continuing for several more days, my flight back to New York was the next day. I went very early to the auditorium where the preliminaries were taking place and got myself a seat right on the front row. Yan and his co-competitors others were still in the intermediate heats and I had a marvellous time seeing them pose and shoot cum from a front seat....

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Bostonfictionwriters Big Bash Ch 01

Are you ready for a party? Are you ready for some fun? Would you like to rub elbows with some hot women and men who have as much as a libido as you do? Well, sign up to attend the biggest bash of the year. I’m hoping to collect thousands of attendees to make this the biggest and best party of the sexes ever, bigger than the swingers’ party they hold in Vegas. It’s been a long, but gratifying year of writing stories. I’ve never written so many stories in such a short time. As a reward to all...

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Ambassadors of Peace Demonian Royal Precedings

Ambassadors of Peace, Demonian Royal Preceding's By: Malissa Madison I was trying to figure out how we could possibly make it to Demonia Two for the Coronation, let alone the Funeral that was two days away. And then there was the issue of Tizzy and her nearly uncontrollable desire to acquire Matrix Crystals when she was near them. It had been explained that it was a form of 'Crystal Thrall', only this was more akin to being a...

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Chatting with Bashful

Chat Night Guest: Bashful Monday July 12, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal Editor's Note- The Chat Room was down before the chat. Mindy got the system up and running just minutes before Bashful's chat would start. No wonder we call her Magical Mindy! (Mindy) There is a virtual domain software package on this server that was also on Fictionmania that drove it crazy. I need to remove it and go to something else, it forgot it's settings. (CarrieGore) Just another fun episode in...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 2 of 6

Chapter 6 As I have already remarked earlier, by an extraordinary stroke of chance, I was born on January 1st , New Year’s Day, so my final term at Sheldon commenced more or less on my eighteenth birthday. I left the school forever in June of that year at the age of eighteen and a half. Sheldon had no career’s master or advisor and did not seem interested in what any of us would do once our schooldays were over. We all left Sheldon with or without our high school diploma, as the case may be...

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Bastion of the Enchantress

"Milady... he's here." The Enchantress Allura stood by the window. She turned slightly, her profile silhouetted against the evening sky. The herald gulped at the sight of her stunning figure: long silky hair, dark as midnight; endless legs leading up to a narrow waist that blossomed into huge round breasts. Her clothing left little to the imagination -- high heeled sandals accented her toned legs, while her short, low-cut dress revealed a deep chasm of cleavage. Yes, Allura was truly stunning,...

5 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 12 Embassy

Colonel Allen Murphy strode purposefully through the dimly lit halls of the American Embassy. Even in these times, he didn't normally get a summons from the Ambassador in the middle of the night. His eyes were constantly moving, noting every nook and cranny in the shadow-draped halls. He stopped to swipe his card through a card reader that gave him access to the courtyard leading to the residential wing of the Embassy. Goose-bumps rippled up his arms, and a chill ran down his spine, as he...

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Bashful Must Be Destroyed

BASHFUL MUST BE DESTROYED by Eric (you might want to read Bash's Bakery first) He sat upon his dark throne brooding, his forehead deeply knitted. Such an insult must not be tolerated -- nay, would not be tolerated. Bashful must pay. (Bashful? What a misnaming of names!) Bashful must be destroyed, utterly! How? 'Death was too easy for the slime ball, and transformation into a dirty dog might be a step up,' the cruel figure thought with graveyard humor. His brilliant...


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