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Basil?s Torment





Basil breathed through his nose as Lucinda rubbed the tip of his cock once again. The Ten o?clock News was now over?and it was time to go to bed. Lindy let go of Basil?s cock, and watched it bounce with a smile on her face. She patted Basil?s cheek.


?Well, another fun night of television.? Lindy smiled at Basil, who tried to smile back weakly. Since they?d finished dinner, Basil and Lindy had been sitting on the sofa, Basil?s pants down as always. Lindy, an ash blonde resplendent in her powder blue tube top and cut-offs, had been playing with Basil?s cock throughout their TV watching?mostly during commercials, of course.


Lindy liked to focus when ?Gray?s Anatomy? and the news was on. Then Basil, who was unable to focus on the TV, would sit on his hands while his lovely wife enjoyed her program, and only slowly returned her hand to Basil?s hard, twitching cock. Basil got up and nearly tripped over his pants, and Lindy chortled again. As Basil leaned down to pull them up, Lindy said ?Oh, no?I need to get rid of that distraction. I don?t want you trying to spoon me in bed tonight, Basil, honey.?


Lindy reached beside the sofa and picked up the riding crop. ?Do you like it, Baze?? It irritated Basil that his American wife pronounced his name Bay-sil instead of Bah-sil.


He looked at Lindy?s new crop. ?Only you would find a fiberglas riding crop, Lucinda.? But his cock was straining, and she smiled.


?Well, you need a little more than the average bear, honey.? Lindy stepped up to Basil. ?Hands behind your back? Lindy giggled, and her powder blue tube top jiggled, which didn?t help the erection problem any. Basil breathed through his nose and put his hands behind his back.


When Basil had first begged Lindy to dominate him and participate in his teasing and denial fantasies, she?d told him she wasn?t having any of the ropes and chastity devices. ?You?re going to control yourself, because this is what you want?even when you don?t think you want it, dear heart.? So he had to hold one wrist with the other.


Lindy smiled and lifted the fiberglas riding crop. Basil thought desolately that if it had ever been used on a horse, Lindy would have been jailed by the A.S.P.C.A. WHACK! Basil?s eyes closed as he commanded all of his will power to keep his hands behind his back. The sting was unfathomably painful.


?Did you like that, honey??? Lindy?s voice came to Basil?s ears. He gritted his teeth. The scorch right above his glans was killing him. ?Tell Lindy how much you liked it.?


Basil opened his eyes weakly. ?It was wonderful, Lindy. Thank you for taking the trouble to work with me on my special needs.? Lindy grinned, tapping the tip of the fiberglas riding crop against her burgeoning boobs.


?Well, I do my best to please my sailor boy.? WHACK! THWACK! WHACK! Three times the crop fell against Basil?s penis and he shrieked, but did not let go of his wrist. Warming to her work, Lindy slammed the crop again and again, and was amused to see Basil hopping up and down, but he did not let go of his wrist, which was all she wanted.


?Th-thank you Miss Lindy?? Basil said with tears in his eyes. ?Th-thank you?fuh-for taking the troub-trouble to work?? Basil began crying. His cock hurt so much. Night after night they went through this, the endless teasing and then the punishments, but he could never quite get used to it.


The night before, they?d not watched television?instead Lindy had sat Basil naked to the cold, metal kitchen stool, in a sitting position thank God, and she?d stroked his cock as she made bran muffins?this had gone on for three hours, and then she?d thumped his cock limp with her fifteen inch two finger tawse. As Basil had screamed in frustration, Lindy had reminded him that she?d bought it---after he?d picked it out, and with his Visa card.


Now, Lindy waited patiently for Basil to stop crying. She tapped her foot, and Basil whined on. ?You know, I think you need something to cry about?you bitch too much, honey. As Basil?s eyes widened, Lindy went to the bedroom and came out with a nasty dog whip, and of course the strap-on.


An hour later, the much bruised Basil lay in bed gently, and Lindy rolled in beside him. ?It?s so hard to deal with you some nights, Baze? she said gently, as she kissed Basil?s neck. Her perfume much aroused Basil?s cock, now denied 74 days. ?I have to do so much to make you get your life together?and now I?m tired, and I need some pampering.?


Basil looked at Lindy?s beautiful, full naked breasts and shaved twat, her flat stomach. He smiled ?Would you like a massage, darling?? Lindy smiled assent, and Basil spent an energetic half hour rubbing his lucky hands all over Lindy?s full buttocks, her soft thighs, her back, before turning her over and enjoying having his fingers wandering along her soft breasts.


Then Basil moved his head down to Lindy?s sweet vagina and he brought her to three orgasms before she finally fell asleep around midnight. Basil had to struggle to keep from touching his rock hard cock as he prayed for sleep, which didn?t come til about 2 a.m.




? After the assassination of Buckingham in 1628, critics in Parliament turned their attention to King Charles' religious policy. He angrily dismissed his third Parliament in 1629? Basil said, as he walked back and forth in front of the class. His eyes wandered to Evan Parsons, a luxurious brunette, who leaned back, smiling at him, as her pink sweater bobbed. Basil breathed, but continued.


?Charles imprisoned several of his leading opponents, and declared his intention of ruling alone. The eleven-year period of the King's Personal Rule was also described as the "Eleven Year Tyranny??? Suddenly a hand was raised.


A lovely little white hand with magenta nails. It was Stacy Wintersmith, whose curly blond hair was quite beguiling. Her long fingers with their pretty nails waved in the air, and Basil imagined them toying with his cock. As she raised it higher, to attract Basil?s attention, he could see her breasts rising in her pro-choice T-shirt. ?Get Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries? was ballooning behind those hot boobs.


?Yes, Ms. Wintersmith?? Basil?s cock, now orgasm-less for 75 days, was bulging against his boxer shorts. He might have to dismiss class sooner so he could touch himself in his office.


Stacy smiled and licked her lips. ?I understand that this so-called Tyranny was a good thing for the English, Professor Naples.? Stacy?s right leg, swathed in fishnet stocking, crossed her left knee.


?How I do like students who do the reading.? Basil smiled benificently. ?Yes, Depending on one's political affiliation, this time was known either as the "Eleven Years' Tyranny" or "Charles' Personal Rule"?and it was primarily Parliament who felt tyrannized.?? Basil beamed as Stacy Wintersmith smiled at him, and he looked longingly at her lower pouty lip.


?Yes, the Eleven Year Tyranny was initially successful ? during the turmoil of the Civil Wars, many people looked back upon it as a golden age of peace and prosperity.? Basil gasped silently as another girl, Felicia Tomaso, absently tucked in her snug top.


A gorgeous coppery redhead with blond highlights whose name Basil didn?t know raised her hand, pulling her striped jersey up over her expansive bosom. ?But isn?t it true, Professor, that Parliament would?nt give the King money??


Basil?s cock was now roaring. ?Yes, this is true, but Charles found an ingenious way to take in money. He decreed anyone who earned ?40 or more each year to present himself at the King's coronation so that he may join the royal army as a knight, Charles fined all individuals who failed to attend his coronation in 1626.?


The girl in the striped jersey pouted and dimpled at the same time, and her breasts jiggled a bit. ?That doesn?t seem fair, Professor Naples.? Oh God, thought Basil, I may take her here and now. He smiled. ?Well, often life isn?t fair.?


Basil continued his talk. ?You see, Charles' rule without Parliament constituted a valid but nevertheless exceptional exercise of the royal prerogative.? Basil breathed heavily, as the girl dimpled at him. ? In former times such rule would have been considered just but by the middle of the 17th century it was held by many to be an exercise of absolute power.?


Then Eva Parsons put her tongue out just past her lips, and Basil coughed huskily. If he pulled out his dick and began jerking off, he would be in trouble with Lindy AND would lose tenure AND would go to jail. But still it was tempting.


Gamely, Basil went on??Charles had made peace with Spain and France by 1630. Trade and commerce grew; the King's finances were stable by 1635. This enabled him to commission great works of art by Rubens and?? Eva Parsons unbuttoned one of her top buttons, and it was just too much. ?I?I?m dismissing class five minutes early today.? Basil said. ?Remember that we have a test on Wednesday.?




Basil rubbed his cock up and down, as his pants swaddled round his knees in his stuffy little faculty office. His laptop was up, and Lady Champagne, an indolent brunette, was rubbing and squeezing her breasts on the webcam. ?Are you enjoying this, Basil?? Champagne purred, as the overheated professor gasped and rubbed his cock a little faster.


Champagne?s webcam cost Basil $8.50 per minute, and she?d been on for nearly an hour since his seminar had lapsed. ?Don?t?don?t you want to cum, Basil, boy?? Champagne purred at him, and Basil jerked harder.


Close?closer! Basil felt as if he were about to cum, and he released his hand, and sadly watched Champagne go through her gyrations until his penis finally calmed down a bit?and then he began rubbing again!


Champagne was unbelievable. She had, in the past forty-two minutes, put three different dildoes in her ass and pussy, she?d sucked a vibrator and made her nipples dance as the frustrated history professor pounded his cock.


He had to slow down a bit, because he was so in danger of spurting?and if he did, Heaven only knew what Lindy might do to him. Basil?s last accident had resulted in Lindy running a curling iron up and down his balls for nearly an hour.


?Come on baby?you know what you want, don?t you?? Basil rubbed the purplish head of his penis. He brought the laptop to work every day just so he could use the computer without the university administration finding out about the porn sites.


Before Basil had gotten the laptop, and discovered Champagne?s wonders, he?d used his cell phone to call 1-900 numbers until Lindy complained the bills were too high. Champagne was actually cheaper, though Basil kept her on for long periods of time, as of course he wasn?t allowed to cum.


There was a knock on the office door, and Basil quickly shut off the laptop and pulled his pants and his underwear over his swollen penis. ?Come in, please.? The door opened and the girl in the striped top entered. Basil smiled, as his hand moved to the desk to avoid playing pocket-pool.


?Professor Naples? Hi, I?m Andria Havens? I was in your class?? Andria shyly pulled her coppery mane so it partially covered her blue striped top. ?Do you have a moment?? As Basil smiled even wider, and pointed to a chair, Andria sat down and crossed her legs. Basil was happy to see that miniskirts had not gone out of style.


For forty-five minutes, Andria talked to Professor Basil Naples. First they discussed her upcoming paper on the role of Oliver Cromwell in the in the battles of Marston Moore, and then Andria told Charles about her boyfriend, and her upcoming beach trips.


As Andria spoke, she absently picked pieces of lint off her striped top and crossed and re-crossed her legs. At one point as she was showing her interested professor a picture of her and her girlfriends in their new bikinis, Andria toyed with her earlobe and ran her tongue across her teeth?and what a good listener Professor Naples was!


?I-I feel like I can trust you, Professor Naples?you?re so patient, and?your accent is like public television or something!? Andria giggled. ?Do you mind if I take my sweater off, it?s a little warm in here?but am I taking up too much of your time, sir?? Andria?s eyes were sincere. ?Oh no, no?? Basil responded enthusiastically. ?You are such an intelligent young woman.?


Andria threw her striped top onto her bookbag. ?I guess you think this halter I have on underneath is too skimpy? the redhead said, ?But I get so hot in this spring weather, you know? Oh, you are so nice,? she said as Basil turned on a small fan. ?I have to tell someone this, and I?m so ashamed. Everyone here is so young, and I?m old for a freshman, almost twenty-one. Do I look old??


Basil shook his head vigorously, worrying that his thigh was rubbing too hard against his almost missile-like prick. Good God, he couldn?t make a mess in here. The girl pushed her chair around behind his desk so she was looking sincerely at Basil.


??I can?t tell any of the girls who go to this dipshit school the truth about myself?but I used to be a stripper, for nearly two years after I dropped outta high school..and I gave lap dances. It was so humiliating? Andria looked intently at her professor and rubbed his hand with her fingers.


?L-lap dances? I don?t think I?m familiar?? Basil had only been in the country a couple of years after he?d finished up at King?s College, Oxford. As Andria bent over to tell him more, her halter top cleavage nearly opened up, and he saw Nirvana. ?Is it a sort of? fox-trot, or like the American Hustle dance??


?I never heard of those.? Andria said simply. ?It?s a terrible, dehumanizing thing for a woman to have to endure, Professor Naples.? She shook her red mane and it danced over her shoulders and breasts.


?P-please, Andria, call me Basil. If-if you?re not comfortable discussing this?? Basil? wiped his forehead. ?I know it must?ve been painful, dancing?was it cage dancing??


Andria laughed. ?Naw. Wait, and I?ll show you. I can?t believe you never had one.? She got up and skipped over to the door of Basil?s office, and locked it from the inside, and came back before he knew it.


Flipping on Basil?s clock radio, Andria flipped stations until a Bee Gees oldie came on.


?It?s so offensive, and now I?m a Women?s Studies major, but I can?t explain a lap dance, I gotta show you, Professor Basil.?


As the soft tones of ?How Deep is Your Love? filled the narrow little office, Andria stood back from Basil, placing one foot on the floor between his feet and the other on the arm of the chair.


Basil listened, transfixed to the song, as the girl swayed her hips slowly with the music, and Barry Gibb sang:


?I know your eyes in the morning sun
I feel you touch me in the pouring rain
And the moment that you wander far from me
I wanna feel you in my arms again?


Andria shook her chest in Basil?s face, and twitched her rear end, staring straight into Basil?s eyes. She stroked her breasts and licked her lower lip as the song went on:




.? Then you come to me on a summer breeze
Keep me warm in your love
Then you softly leave
And it's me you need to show
How deep is your love?

?Basil began breathing? quite heavily and Andria winked at him, taking her foot off the arm of his chair and poking him gently in the crotch?and Gibb sang on?

?How deep is your love, how deep is your love
I really mean to learn
'Cause we're living in a world of fools
Breaking us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me?

Andria ran her hands over her stomach and breasts, looking as if she was giving herself an incredible massage. She closed her eyes in ecstasy as if she was having an orgasm.

The voice filled the room as Andria absently turned up the volume on the radio:

?I believe in you
You know the door to my very soul
You're the light in my deepest darkest hour
You're my saviour when I fall?

Andria slowly removed her halter top, and then her skirt, gyrating her hips? wildly. Basil felt as if he might explode.

?And you may not think I care for you
When you know down inside that I really do
And it's me you need to show
How deep is your love?

Then Andria removed her bra, her panties and began unhooking her old fashioned garter stockings, while still caressing herself occasionally. She smiled at Basil, and he gaped back at her,looking like a calf about to be slaughtered.

My God, she?s naked, Basil thought?a naked girl in my office. Look at those beautiful pendulous breasts, not fake like Champagnes?goodness!

Andria leaned into Basil, letting him smell her perfume, and rubbed her bare breasts in his face, keeping the nipples just out of his mouth?s reach. Then she spun, rubbing her delicious buttocks into Basil?s lap.

?Grinding her buttocks against his taut pants, she hummed along with the Bee Gees song, and as she felt Basil rubbing his crotch back against her.

Andria ran her long hair up and around Basil?s shoulders and along his chest. And suddenly she was sitting in his lap, pushing her bare buttocks against his swelling crotch, and whispering in Basil?s ear. ?You see how humiliating that would be for a woman?? Andria whispered. Basil groaned in response?

?It?it must be horrible for you? Basil croaked. ?I-I can?t believe you had to degrade yourself like that.? Andria looked at Basil with glowing eyes.

?You understand! Finally, a man who understands, and doesn?t want to cheapen a girl!? Enthusiastically, Andria gave Basil a huge kiss on the lips, smearing her Bonne Bell Lip Smacker Lip Gloss all over Basil?s cheeks.

Hopping off Basil?s lap, Andria began dressing. ?You are a wonderful man, Professor Naples?and I won?t call you by your first name?I respect you too much.? As she walked out, Andria waved at Basil?s sweating face cheerily.

Outside the door, Andria tapped a few buttons into her cell phone. ?Hey Lindy?yeah, it was fine. I don?t even think he knows I?m not in his class.? Andria giggled. ?No, that?s okay. You have to pay the bachelor party company for my services, but you don?t owe me a tip?that was hysterical?and no, he didn?t cum.?

?Andria listened again, laughed, and shut off the phone. Twitching her miniskirt, the 34 year old stripper clicked down the hallway, drawing scandalized? views from the old bags in the Faculty Lounge.







Basil breathed through his nose as Lucinda rubbed the tip of his cock once again. The Ten o?clock News was now over?and it was time to go to bed. Lindy let go of Basil?s cock, and watched it bounce with a smile on her face. She patted Basil?s cheek.


?Well, another fun night of television.? Lindy smiled at Basil, who tried to smile back weakly. Since they?d finished dinner, Basil and Lindy had been sitting on the sofa, Basil?s pants down as always. Lindy, an ash blonde resplendent in her powder blue tube top and cut-offs, had been playing with Basil?s cock throughout their TV watching?mostly during commercials, of course.


Lindy liked to focus when ?Gray?s Anatomy? and the news was on. Then Basil, who was unable to focus on the TV, would sit on his hands while his lovely wife enjoyed her program, and only slowly returned her hand to Basil?s hard, twitching cock. Basil got up and nearly tripped over his pants, and Lindy chortled again. As Basil leaned down to pull them up, Lindy said ?Oh, no?I need to get rid of that distraction. I don?t want you trying to spoon me in bed tonight, Basil, honey.?


Lindy reached beside the sofa and picked up the riding crop. ?Do you like it, Baze?? It irritated Basil that his American wife pronounced his name Bay-sil instead of Bah-sil.


He looked at Lindy?s new crop. ?Only you would find a fiberglas riding crop, Lucinda.? But his cock was straining, and she smiled.


?Well, you need a little more than the average bear, honey.? Lindy stepped up to Basil. ?Hands behind your back? Lindy giggled, and her powder blue tube top jiggled, which didn?t help the erection problem any. Basil breathed through his nose and put his hands behind his back.


When Basil had first begged Lindy to dominate him and participate in his teasing and denial fantasies, she?d told him she wasn?t having any of the ropes and chastity devices. ?You?re going to control yourself, because this is what you want?even when you don?t think you want it, dear heart.? So he had to hold one wrist with the other.


Lindy smiled and lifted the fiberglas riding crop. Basil thought desolately that if it had ever been used on a horse, Lindy would have been jailed by the A.S.P.C.A. WHACK! Basil?s eyes closed as he commanded all of his will power to keep his hands behind his back. The sting was unfathomably painful.


?Did you like that, honey??? Lindy?s voice came to Basil?s ears. He gritted his teeth. The scorch right above his glans was killing him. ?Tell Lindy how much you liked it.?


Basil opened his eyes weakly. ?It was wonderful, Lindy. Thank you for taking the trouble to work with me on my special needs.? Lindy grinned, tapping the tip of the fiberglas riding crop against her burgeoning boobs.


?Well, I do my best to please my sailor boy.? WHACK! THWACK! WHACK! Three times the crop fell against Basil?s penis and he shrieked, but did not let go of his wrist. Warming to her work, Lindy slammed the crop again and again, and was amused to see Basil hopping up and down, but he did not let go of his wrist, which was all she wanted.


?Th-thank you Miss Lindy?? Basil said with tears in his eyes. ?Th-thank you?fuh-for taking the troub-trouble to work?? Basil began crying. His cock hurt so much. Night after night they went through this, the endless teasing and then the punishments, but he could never quite get used to it.


The night before, they?d not watched television?instead Lindy had sat Basil naked to the cold, metal kitchen stool, in a sitting position thank God, and she?d stroked his cock as she made bran muffins?this had gone on for three hours, and then she?d thumped his cock limp with her fifteen inch two finger tawse. As Basil had screamed in frustration, Lindy had reminded him that she?d bought it---after he?d picked it out, and with his Visa card.


Now, Lindy waited patiently for Basil to stop crying. She tapped her foot, and Basil whined on. ?You know, I think you need something to cry about?you bitch too much, honey. As Basil?s eyes widened, Lindy went to the bedroom and came out with a nasty dog whip, and of course the strap-on.


An hour later, the much bruised Basil lay in bed gently, and Lindy rolled in beside him. ?It?s so hard to deal with you some nights, Baze? she said gently, as she kissed Basil?s neck. Her perfume much aroused Basil?s cock, now denied 74 days. ?I have to do so much to make you get your life together?and now I?m tired, and I need some pampering.?


Basil looked at Lindy?s beautiful, full naked breasts and shaved twat, her flat stomach. He smiled ?Would you like a massage, darling?? Lindy smiled assent, and Basil spent an energetic half hour rubbing his lucky hands all over Lindy?s full buttocks, her soft thighs, her back, before turning her over and enjoying having his fingers wandering along her soft breasts.


Then Basil moved his head down to Lindy?s sweet vagina and he brought her to three orgasms before she finally fell asleep around midnight. Basil had to struggle to keep from touching his rock hard cock as he prayed for sleep, which didn?t come til about 2 a.m.




? After the assassination of Buckingham in 1628, critics in Parliament turned their attention to King Charles' religious policy. He angrily dismissed his third Parliament in 1629? Basil said, as he walked back and forth in front of the class. His eyes wandered to Evan Parsons, a luxurious brunette, who leaned back, smiling at him, as her pink sweater bobbed. Basil breathed, but continued.


?Charles imprisoned several of his leading opponents, and declared his intention of ruling alone. The eleven-year period of the King's Personal Rule was also described as the "Eleven Year Tyranny??? Suddenly a hand was raised.


A lovely little white hand with magenta nails. It was Stacy Wintersmith, whose curly blond hair was quite beguiling. Her long fingers with their pretty nails waved in the air, and Basil imagined them toying with his cock. As she raised it higher, to attract Basil?s attention, he could see her breasts rising in her pro-choice T-shirt. ?Get Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries? was ballooning behind those hot boobs.


?Yes, Ms. Wintersmith?? Basil?s cock, now orgasm-less for 75 days, was bulging against his boxer shorts. He might have to dismiss class sooner so he could touch himself in his office.


Stacy smiled and licked her lips. ?I understand that this so-called Tyranny was a good thing for the English, Professor Naples.? Stacy?s right leg, swathed in fishnet stocking, crossed her left knee.


?How I do like students who do the reading.? Basil smiled benificently. ?Yes, Depending on one's political affiliation, this time was known either as the "Eleven Years' Tyranny" or "Charles' Personal Rule"?and it was primarily Parliament who felt tyrannized.?? Basil beamed as Stacy Wintersmith smiled at him, and he looked longingly at her lower pouty lip.


?Yes, the Eleven Year Tyranny was initially successful ? during the turmoil of the Civil Wars, many people looked back upon it as a golden age of peace and prosperity.? Basil gasped silently as another girl, Felicia Tomaso, absently tucked in her snug top.


A gorgeous coppery redhead with blond highlights whose name Basil didn?t know raised her hand, pulling her striped jersey up over her expansive bosom. ?But isn?t it true, Professor, that Parliament would?nt give the King money??


Basil?s cock was now roaring. ?Yes, this is true, but Charles found an ingenious way to take in money. He decreed anyone who earned ?40 or more each year to present himself at the King's coronation so that he may join the royal army as a knight, Charles fined all individuals who failed to attend his coronation in 1626.?


The girl in the striped jersey pouted and dimpled at the same time, and her breasts jiggled a bit. ?That doesn?t seem fair, Professor Naples.? Oh God, thought Basil, I may take her here and now. He smiled. ?Well, often life isn?t fair.?


Basil continued his talk. ?You see, Charles' rule without Parliament constituted a valid but nevertheless exceptional exercise of the royal prerogative.? Basil breathed heavily, as the girl dimpled at him. ? In former times such rule would have been considered just but by the middle of the 17th century it was held by many to be an exercise of absolute power.?


Then Eva Parsons put her tongue out just past her lips, and Basil coughed huskily. If he pulled out his dick and began jerking off, he would be in trouble with Lindy AND would lose tenure AND would go to jail. But still it was tempting.


Gamely, Basil went on??Charles had made peace with Spain and France by 1630. Trade and commerce grew; the King's finances were stable by 1635. This enabled him to commission great works of art by Rubens and?? Eva Parsons unbuttoned one of her top buttons, and it was just too much. ?I?I?m dismissing class five minutes early today.? Basil said. ?Remember that we have a test on Wednesday.?




Basil rubbed his cock up and down, as his pants swaddled round his knees in his stuffy little faculty office. His laptop was up, and Lady Champagne, an indolent brunette, was rubbing and squeezing her breasts on the webcam. ?Are you enjoying this, Basil?? Champagne purred, as the overheated professor gasped and rubbed his cock a little faster.


Champagne?s webcam cost Basil $8.50 per minute, and she?d been on for nearly an hour since his seminar had lapsed. ?Don?t?don?t you want to cum, Basil, boy?? Champagne purred at him, and Basil jerked harder.


Close?closer! Basil felt as if he were about to cum, and he released his hand, and sadly watched Champagne go through her gyrations until his penis finally calmed down a bit?and then he began rubbing again!


Champagne was unbelievable. She had, in the past forty-two minutes, put three different dildoes in her ass and pussy, she?d sucked a vibrator and made her nipples dance as the frustrated history professor pounded his cock.


He had to slow down a bit, because he was so in danger of spurting?and if he did, Heaven only knew what Lindy might do to him. Basil?s last accident had resulted in Lindy running a curling iron up and down his balls for nearly an hour.


?Come on baby?you know what you want, don?t you?? Basil rubbed the purplish head of his penis. He brought the laptop to work every day just so he could use the computer without the university administration finding out about the porn sites.


Before Basil had gotten the laptop, and discovered Champagne?s wonders, he?d used his cell phone to call 1-900 numbers until Lindy complained the bills were too high. Champagne was actually cheaper, though Basil kept her on for long periods of time, as of course he wasn?t allowed to cum.


There was a knock on the office door, and Basil quickly shut off the laptop and pulled his pants and his underwear over his swollen penis. ?Come in, please.? The door opened and the girl in the striped top entered. Basil smiled, as his hand moved to the desk to avoid playing pocket-pool.


?Professor Naples? Hi, I?m Andria Havens? I was in your class?? Andria shyly pulled her coppery mane so it partially covered her blue striped top. ?Do you have a moment?? As Basil smiled even wider, and pointed to a chair, Andria sat down and crossed her legs. Basil was happy to see that miniskirts had not gone out of style.


For forty-five minutes, Andria talked to Professor Basil Naples. First they discussed her upcoming paper on the role of Oliver Cromwell in the in the battles of Marston Moore, and then Andria told Charles about her boyfriend, and her upcoming beach trips.


As Andria spoke, she absently picked pieces of lint off her striped top and crossed and re-crossed her legs. At one point as she was showing her interested professor a picture of her and her girlfriends in their new bikinis, Andria toyed with her earlobe and ran her tongue across her teeth?and what a good listener Professor Naples was!


?I-I feel like I can trust you, Professor Naples?you?re so patient, and?your accent is like public television or something!? Andria giggled. ?Do you mind if I take my sweater off, it?s a little warm in here?but am I taking up too much of your time, sir?? Andria?s eyes were sincere. ?Oh no, no?? Basil responded enthusiastically. ?You are such an intelligent young woman.?


Andria threw her striped top onto her bookbag. ?I guess you think this halter I have on underneath is too skimpy? the redhead said, ?But I get so hot in this spring weather, you know? Oh, you are so nice,? she said as Basil turned on a small fan. ?I have to tell someone this, and I?m so ashamed. Everyone here is so young, and I?m old for a freshman, almost twenty-one. Do I look old??


Basil shook his head vigorously, worrying that his thigh was rubbing too hard against his almost missile-like prick. Good God, he couldn?t make a mess in here. The girl pushed her chair around behind his desk so she was looking sincerely at Basil.


??I can?t tell any of the girls who go to this dipshit school the truth about myself?but I used to be a stripper, for nearly two years after I dropped outta high school..and I gave lap dances. It was so humiliating? Andria looked intently at her professor and rubbed his hand with her fingers.


?L-lap dances? I don?t think I?m familiar?? Basil had only been in the country a couple of years after he?d finished up at King?s College, Oxford. As Andria bent over to tell him more, her halter top cleavage nearly opened up, and he saw Nirvana. ?Is it a sort of? fox-trot, or like the American Hustle dance??


?I never heard of those.? Andria said simply. ?It?s a terrible, dehumanizing thing for a woman to have to endure, Professor Naples.? She shook her red mane and it danced over her shoulders and breasts.


?P-please, Andria, call me Basil. If-if you?re not comfortable discussing this?? Basil? wiped his forehead. ?I know it must?ve been painful, dancing?was it cage dancing??


Andria laughed. ?Naw. Wait, and I?ll show you. I can?t believe you never had one.? She got up and skipped over to the door of Basil?s office, and locked it from the inside, and came back before he knew it.


Flipping on Basil?s clock radio, Andria flipped stations until a Bee Gees oldie came on.


?It?s so offensive, and now I?m a Women?s Studies major, but I can?t explain a lap dance, I gotta show you, Professor Basil.?


As the soft tones of ?How Deep is Your Love? filled the narrow little office, Andria stood back from Basil, placing one foot on the floor between his feet and the other on the arm of the chair.


Basil listened, transfixed to the song, as the girl swayed her hips slowly with the music, and Barry Gibb sang:


?I know your eyes in the morning sun
I feel you touch me in the pouring rain
And the moment that you wander far from me
I wanna feel you in my arms again?


Andria shook her chest in Basil?s face, and twitched her rear end, staring straight into Basil?s eyes. She stroked her breasts and licked her lower lip as the song went on:




.? Then you come to me on a summer breeze
Keep me warm in your love
Then you softly leave
And it's me you need to show
How deep is your love?

?Basil began breathing? quite heavily and Andria winked at him, taking her foot off the arm of his chair and poking him gently in the crotch?and Gibb sang on?

?How deep is your love, how deep is your love
I really mean to learn
'Cause we're living in a world of fools
Breaking us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me?

Andria ran her hands over her stomach and breasts, looking as if she was giving herself an incredible massage. She closed her eyes in ecstasy as if she was having an orgasm.

The voice filled the room as Andria absently turned up the volume on the radio:

?I believe in you
You know the door to my very soul
You're the light in my deepest darkest hour
You're my saviour when I fall?

Andria slowly removed her halter top, and then her skirt, gyrating her hips? wildly. Basil felt as if he might explode.

?And you may not think I care for you
When you know down inside that I really do
And it's me you need to show
How deep is your love?

Then Andria removed her bra, her panties and began unhooking her old fashioned garter stockings, while still caressing herself occasionally. She smiled at Basil, and he gaped back at her,looking like a calf about to be slaughtered.

My God, she?s naked, Basil thought?a naked girl in my office. Look at those beautiful pendulous breasts, not fake like Champagnes?goodness!

Andria leaned into Basil, letting him smell her perfume, and rubbed her bare breasts in his face, keeping the nipples just out of his mouth?s reach. Then she spun, rubbing her delicious buttocks into Basil?s lap.

?Grinding her buttocks against his taut pants, she hummed along with the Bee Gees song, and as she felt Basil rubbing his crotch back against her.

Andria ran her long hair up and around Basil?s shoulders and along his chest. And suddenly she was sitting in his lap, pushing her bare buttocks against his swelling crotch, and whispering in Basil?s ear. ?You see how humiliating that would be for a woman?? Andria whispered. Basil groaned in response?

?It?it must be horrible for you? Basil croaked. ?I-I can?t believe you had to degrade yourself like that.? Andria looked at Basil with glowing eyes.

?You understand! Finally, a man who understands, and doesn?t want to cheapen a girl!? Enthusiastically, Andria gave Basil a huge kiss on the lips, smearing her Bonne Bell Lip Smacker Lip Gloss all over Basil?s cheeks.

Hopping off Basil?s lap, Andria began dressing. ?You are a wonderful man, Professor Naples?and I won?t call you by your first name?I respect you too much.? As she walked out, Andria waved at Basil?s sweating face cheerily.

Outside the door, Andria tapped a few buttons into her cell phone. ?Hey Lindy?yeah, it was fine. I don?t even think he knows I?m not in his class.? Andria giggled. ?No, that?s okay. You have to pay the bachelor party company for my services, but you don?t owe me a tip?that was hysterical?and no, he didn?t cum.?

?Andria listened again, laughed, and shut off the phone. Twitching her miniskirt, the 34 year old stripper clicked down the hallway, drawing scandalized? views from the old bags in the Faculty Lounge.




Same as Dazzled Basil Videos

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The Ice Cream ManChapter 3 The Wedding

What can I say? It was fabulous! Mary and Jen, put it together so quickly that it had to surprise everyone that everything was so well done. I found out that Mary had contacted my Mom and she lent a hand in helping make decisions about the food and decorating. It was surprising how my mother and Mary became such good friends in such a short time. I was surprised when I arrived at the church and it was full of people. I guess the Bradley's had a lot of friends and associates. I was happy to...

3 years ago
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Me and mom

It wasn’t easy to go ahead and fuck my mother in the very first attempt as all I could manage to do was to stroke her soft stomach, squeeze her boobs and at best get a prolonged kiss from her. My sisters played spoilsport by returning much earlier from than expected and I had to resort to masturbating again, only the difference being that I could vividly visualize my mother’s sexy body than ever before. I waited for a whole month looking for an ideal opportunity to have sex with my mother. My...

2 years ago
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tv sex

4 week I was in a well known high street shop that sells men and ladies clothes..i was looking at jeans I went to try them on in cubicals men to the right ladys to left .as I shut main door it caused a draft and blew a curtain open I see this guy with good size cock in suspenders belt black stockings with his cock and balls on show he was clean shaven.i didn't bother buying any think as all I could think of was his little arse and cock I wanted to fuck him as its been about 14 months since my...

1 year ago
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The World as Myth

Prologue My name is Duncan Shepard. I was 19 years old. I am tall with pale skin and shoulder length black hair. My parents died when I was very young, forcing me to take care of my red haired brother Felix. But the orphanage couldn't afford to keep us, we had to leave when I was fifteen. I had been taking care of Felix ever since, but we ended up dropping out of high school and spent most of our time inside, playing video games, watching movies and writing porn, though I did work odd jobs to...

2 years ago
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The Underground

He was late. He was always late. This time he swore to her that he wasn't going to be late again. This time he even stuck a half dozen Post' um around his office reminding him not to be late for the dinner tonight. This dinner was very, very, very important to her. The "Her" in the last few sentences was his fiancé Jennifer. Not Jenny, nor Jen, but as she would always reminded him it was Jennifer. Jennifer Leoncourt to be precise of The Leoncourt of the Upper West Side. The day he meet her is...

2 years ago
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Joannes Story Part 3 Complete Trust

The story contains scenes of hardcore sex, mild bondage and moderate pain. Please be warned. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected] Joanne’s Story – Part 3 – Complete Trust “Do you trust me?” His eyes looked directly into my soul as they always seemed to and I noticed they were glinting in the candle light that adorned the small bathroom. The steam from the shower had cleared and I was...

2 years ago
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Beach Changed Wife 1

Patrick and his wife, Alissa, recently had a wild sexual experience that has totally changed the dynamic of their relationship. They were both madly in love with one another, both were so full of life. Alissa is a stunning brunette who is quite shy and very reserved. Patrick had always been very proud of his sexy bride. Pat would constantly encourage her to dress in revealing clothing so other men would envy what a gorgeous wife he landed.Alissa, being the loving wife that she was, would...

3 years ago
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One Night Of Fun At The Park

I was visiting my cousin for a few weeks. We were having fun in town, and ended up at the park. We played around on the swings for awhile. My cousin and the guy she was hanging out with that night disappeared in the darkness. I was dressed in jeans and a t shirt. The guy I was hanging out with that night was named David. He was tall and really built. He had some rock hard abs. He was wearing a t shirt and jeans, and man did he look good. He had brown hair and the cutest blue eyes I've ever...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Prosecutor

So it was a rainy autumn evening and I felt the desire to be with a woman. I live in a very rural area and at the time I didn't have a woman who came by quickly because of my mood.So I thought I would put an ad on the Internet without much hope that it would be a great success. Of course, I also wrote in this ad that I would like more and would be willing to pay.To my surprise, a woman answered very soon. She came up close and didn't talk about money or anything. Well, I had my doubts, but we...

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