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This is a sequel to my first story, which is entitled ‘Sebastian -The Male Escort’, which gave an account of my education at a private school in Sheldon, New York and how, on leaving school I moved to New York city and through a variety of circumstance, found myself acting as a paid Male Escort, which turned out to be a very profitable business for me. My first story ended about three years after my arrival in New York, by which time I was a well established Male Escort and I am now on my way to a naked body building competition organized by an outfit called MuscleCock-Asia, in Taiwan. This is the story of how I came to find Simon, the love of my life and how our life together developed. I have called it Simon and Sebastian, even though I am the narrator: it simply had a better impact than Sebastian and Simon. Now read on.


By way of a quick recapitulation, and as an introduction to this tale, let me just tell you that my name is Sebastian Watson. I am twenty-five years old and am, by profession, what is euphemistically called a ‘Male Escort’. I live and work in New York City and most of my clients are wealthy business men. For the uninitiated, a male escort is nothing more than a man who performs sexual acts on other men for money: in short I earn my living (very well, I might add as there is a big demand for my services among top business executives in New York) by administering what is called anal stimulation to my clients; anal stimulation is a circumlocution for saying that I fuck their butts.

Although I am a professional copulator, I do not indulge in most of the, to my mind utterly revolting practices, common among gay men. I fuck butt, allow my own butt to be fucked, suck cock and allow my own cock to be sucked and that is about it. For some reason I have an utter revulsion to most of the other aspects of anal male sex: so I guess many other gay guys would consider me as a bit of a prude, but for myself I consider that I exercise my judgment and discrimination, which coupled with my professionalism, sets me apart from the crowd. But make no mistake about it, I really enjoy my job. I am a top flight fucker and can bring most of my partners to a huge orgasm without recourse to much more than my cock. So that is just the way it is and my clients seem to like it that way, as most of my business is repeat bookings and new clients come by word of mouth recommendation.

Most of my clients are happily married men with families, but who, in spite of a satisfactory conjugal sex life with their spouses, still feel the occasional need to take another man’s cock up their arse from time to time. My success as a male escort resides in the fact that I am (no false modesty here) a well set up young stud: I have a muscular physique ,which I maintain by regular visits to an upmarket gym in New York and mother nature has blessed me with a large thick penis, which is one of my key attractions. My clients just adore seeing me strip off for them: I can see them beginning to drool at the thought of what is to come as they fix their gaze upon my rock-hard ten inch cock.

Whilst I have many friends and three regular non-client sex partners with whom I enjoy what I have chosen to call recreational sex, I have not, to date, found my life’s partner. I still live completely alone and feel that I am missing that something in life, which makes it all worthwhile. I live in hopes that one day I will, somehow, somewhere, stumble across the man to whom I feel I can truly relate; in short I dream that one day I will meet a guy with whom I can fall in love and that we two together can become what is today termed an item.


I had been at work in New York for about three years, without taking a break, other than a few brief weekends in the sun with my closest friend, Craig, at a gay resort in Florida. By way of entertainment I had taken to following a sort of fantasy blog called MuscleCock, whose editors publish a blog devoted to the competitive antics of a wide selection of very heavily muscled men with huge cocks, which brings me to the beginning of this story.

I had been following the preparative bouts for a competition called the MuscleCock-Asia, which was to take place in Taipei, Taiwan. The MuscleCock competitions are open to contestants of any nationality, but given the Far East venue, the vast majority of the entrants for the Taiwan event were from East Asia. I had been attracted by the incredible physical quality of many of the competitors, who, in my mind, were the equal if not the betters of Caucasians. And so, after three years with no true vacation, I decided to shut down my escort activity for a couple of weeks and go to Taipei top see firsthand what the competition was really like in the flesh. And so I, a true blue American, who had never been further than New Jersey booked myself a flight to Taipei and set off on a vacation for amounted to two weeks of muscle and cock watching.

I had been following the build up to the MuscleCock competition for several weeks on the blog site before the competition itself actually started in Taipei and I had more or less decided on the guy I was going to support, much in the way fans support a football team, even though it is not necessarily their home town team.

My favorite among those in the previews shown in the blog was a guy called Yan Cheung. He was a really handsome Asiatic, Chinese I assumed from his name, although I was not at all sure. I guess he was a light heavyweight, by which I mean he was at the lower limit of the weight scale which the competition uses to place contestants in their weight category. Suffice it to say that this young stud was picture book perfect for me. He had a magnificent physique, which avoided that knotted muscle look which so many body builders affect with a view to projecting their masculinity and aggressiveness and this was enhanced by a ten inch soft cock of beautifully balanced girth (so many of the guys seemed to go for length and forget about the balance so that their cocks look like pieces of hosepipe hanging between their legs) and beautifully cut, to boot, so that the heavily lipped head was perfect displayed in all its glory and was truly worthy of the epithet, knob.

Before I got to Taipei I had never seen this guy in the flesh, but he already pushed all my buttons and just looking at still shots of him on the blog made my own cock start twitching and oozing a little precum, so you can see just how I felt about Yan Cheung.

I had taken a nice hotel not far from the congress hall where the MuscleCock contest was taking place and could walk there in about five minutes. I had already seen several heats, for the competition is somewhat complicated as different weight categories perform separately and have to complete a certain number of heats before moving on to the next stage.

It was not until my fourth day there that I finally saw Yan Cheung in person. And let me tell you that in the flesh he more than fulfilled my greatest expectations. He was not the most muscular guy of his category, nor did he have the biggest cock (which I had learned counted for quite a lot in the scoring of the contestants) but he was aesthetically way above all his co-competitors in my eyes. At the end of the day, Yan was placed fourth even though he had made ten impeccable cum shots, which are an obligatory part of the stage performance.

These cum shots are coordinated with certain programmed classical bodybuilder poses and flexes, and the aim is for the experienced competitor to synchronize his cum shot with his flexing programmer. The whole procedure totally amazed me. I really had no idea how any of the contestant managed to produce so much sperm in such a short time: it simply shot from their cocks like water from a fountain and was often targeted at one of their co-competitors, so that by the end of the round, most of the contestants on stage were dripping another guy’s cream from their chests, arms and faces.

It really was quite an amazing sight, of which at the end of the day I was not at all sure I approved. But who was I to judge? I was a newcomer and really had no clear idea of precisely what everyone expected. But to judge from the applause, the ability to shoot cum in quantity and at regular intervals was a key element of the ‘sport’, for that is the word the organizers used to describe what was happening: it was a sport!

That evening, walking back to my hotel, I realized that I myself was beginning to feel quite sex starved. Remember that as a male escort, I had sex virtually every day with two and sometimes three of my clients and in the evening and at weekends, I had my friends for recreational sex. It was now well over a week since I had had any activity of any kind and I was beginning to feel withdrawal pangs, which were intensified by the fact that I had just had the pleasure of seeing my idol of the contest in the flesh for the first time: the tension inside me was building up to an untenable level and I had to do something to relieve it – but what?

I suppose I could have located the gay bar district of Taipei and trawled the bars there, looking for a suitable casual pick-up for a one night stand, but as you know from my previous story, sleazy bars and the types that frequent them are just not my scene. Then I had a bright idea. It occurred to me that I had got started on my present career some three years ago, by taking a temporary job as a trainer in an upmarket New York gym, where I had not only met my now best friend Craig, but had also become a friend and regular sex partner with the owner of the gym, a terrific guy called Jonathan.

And so, thinking back about how I had found my feet in New York, I thought that perhaps if I went and had a drink in the bar of a really plush hotel, I might just find some guy to whom I could relate and that perhaps we could have sex together. After all, my friends back home were always telling me what a magnet I was to other guys, so I thought if I have this magnetic gift, then I had better go out and find some iron filings, so to speak, to attract towards me! But the long and short of it was that I desperately needed sex, and as soon as possible as the withdrawal symptoms were beginning to become very serious.

Just across from the congress Hall where the MuscleCock contest was being held, was the finest hotel in Taipei, the Taipei Imperial Palace, so there was my target. For the MuscleCock contest, as a spectator, I had worn just normal casual clothes, nothing extrovert or too sexy looking, but now as I was seriously on though prowl, I decided that I had better make myself look as attractive to other men as possible.

I should add here that in my professional life, I usually wear a conservative business suit so that I am dressed in a way which does not offend the sensibilities of anyone I might meet on the building on the way to my assignment, which is often in my client’s office. But I do nevertheless have some really sexy clothes, which make the most of my figure and particularly of my crotch, which I occasionally wear when I want to be outrageous with my friends or at a party.

And just such an outfit I had brought with me, for one never knows what one might need and I wanted to be equipped to fit any occasion. So I stripped off and slipped on my very best cut thong, which I had chosen to make the most of my cock. I then pulled on a fitted shirt, which hugged my body and emphasized my pecs and completed my outfit with a pair of designer jeans which made the best of the parts I really wanted to vaunt: my arse and my cock and balls. I pulled on a clean pair of socks and a pair of light shoes and I was all set to go. I picked up my satchel, for I always carried lube and condoms wherever I went and set out for the Imperial Palace Hotel, which was but five minutes away on foot.

As I entered what had to be one of the plushest bars in Taipei, I sensed that many eyes were upon me. My New York friend, Craig had told me so often, I had this magnetic quality and I was finally beginning to see what he meant. As I learned somewhat later, the bar at the Imperial Palace was reckoned to be the best upmarket gay pick-up place in the city. I walked up to the bar, slightly self consciously, and ordered a glass of champagne.

As the bartender placed the glass on the counter in front of me, I turned to my right just as the guy standing beside me turned left towards me. I could not believe my eyes, for whom was I standing next to but Yan Cheung himself in person. I, of course, recognized him immediately; how could possibly not, for this guy was my idol and here I was standing right next to him; he, of course had no idea who I was; after all, how could he as we had never met. We were both about the same height and I sensed that for a moment he was sizing me up and I saw that his eyes had immediately dropped to my crotch, which as I have told you earlier I had made the focal point of my outfit that night.

“A man of discernment,” he said, by way of an opening remark, in perfect American English, looking at the glass of champagne on the counter, “and just looking at you, I guess that you are here for the MuscleCock?”

I nodded yes.

He then continued, “I’m Yan Cheung, by the way. I’m actually competing in the heavy weight section off the contest.”

“Sebastian Watson,” I returned. “I actually knew who you were as soon as you turned towards me just now, as I saw you on stage this afternoon.”

I did not elaborate to tell him that I had been following him on the MuscleCock web-site as he prepared himself for the competition. I was already feeling my cock stirring in my pants, just with the with the sheer excitement of finding myself not only standing next to, but actually talking to the man who was my personal favorite in the competition. I truly had the hots on for this guy, though he did not know it!

He continued, “Well in that case you have seen it all. I don’t know how well you thought I did, but I somehow think that I shall be lucky if I even get a placing now that I have seen those heavy bruisers I am up against; they really are something else and I am not sure that I am even vaguely in their league and after years of training now that I am on stage for the first time in a competition. I am beginning to wonder if I am truly cut out for this so-called sport.”

“Oh,” I said, “I thought that you made a good effort on stage. In my eyes there is more to the game that just being the biggest and the greatest cum shooter: aesthetically. I thought and still think that you were easily the best man out there earlier today. You may not be as heavy as some of the others with their knotted, cast iron muscles and ill proportioned cocks, but you have a beautiful muscular body and, frankly, as we are talking turkey here, you have an absolutely sensational cock, with perfect balance between length and girth, which makes you very appealing.”

“I only wish you were right,” he said, “but the way these things are scored by the judges, aesthetics do not seem to count for much: it’s all about brute force, bulging muscle and cock size coupled with an ability to shoot cum until the cows come home.” and he ended with a laugh.

It was obvious to me by now that we were just starting what could turn into a very interesting encounter and as the ice was now clearly broken and we were becoming more relaxed with each other, I put to him question which had been on my mind since the moment he first spoke to me.

“You know Yan, you speak absolutely perfect English, where one earth did you learn it?”

He smiled at me and said, “You have been tricked by my face, which told you that I was Chinese, whereas I am in fact a fourth generation Chinese American from Los Angeles. So in fact, I never actually learned to speak English as a foreign language for it is my mother tongue, but as we are here in Taipei, you naturally assumed that I was a native Chinese. In fact, this is the first time I have been out of the United States and in spite of my Chinese ethnicity, I neither speak, read nor write any form of Chinese: I am just as American as you yourself clearly are and Taipei is just as foreign to me as it must also be to you.”

He clearly intended to go on and so I sat on a bar stool, sipped my champagne and listened to him. It is amazing how much of their private lives two strangers will divulge to each other on first meeting, presumably because they are like two ships passing in the night, blinking their lights at each other, but never destined to meet.

And so he continued. “In fact, my great grandfather came over to America from somewhere in China, ask me not exactly from where, towards the end of the nineteenth century. He was one of thousands of Chinese who were recruited to work for a pittance on the rail road which was being built at that time to join the Eastern States to the West Coast. In fact according to family history, he worked on some of the worst part of the project, as the railroad crossed the mountains separating California from the center of the country.”

“When this job ended, he found himself in California and eventually gravitated to what was then a small town, called Los Angeles and what is today the second city of the United States. He married a girl, from China and neither of them apparently ever learned to speak English. They earned a living by doing that very Chinese thing, which was to open a laundry, for there they could easily get by without speaking English. Together they had but one child, my grandfather who was born an American citizen in Los Angeles, which is where the family has been ever since.”

Yan continued with his family history, “The next generation, my grandfather, started in life by selling real estate. It was at the turn of the last century, about 1900, I guess, and Los Angeles was buzzing: it was in process of rapidly growing from a miserable cow and oil town into the vast metropolis we have today and real estate was a good business to be in. My grandfather, who spoke Chinese at home with his parents, spoke English in the street as he had attended an American school then made a fatal, but at the same time life-changing, decision; he met, fell in love with and married an English girl whose parents had emigrated the America from England some twenty years earlier.”

“The decision was fatal in terms of family, for the Chinese see all other ethnic groups as ‘foreign devils’ and at that time, to marry one was just one step too far. So the upshot was that my Chinese speaking great grandfather disowned his son on his marriage and never ever saw his new daughter in law.”

“My grandfather, who was trying to earn a living in the real estate business, as a commission agent selling land and real estate, took a major decision to move out of the Chinese community and resettle with his new wife in what I suppose must have then been a working class Anglo neighborhood and by that simple act, severed completely all his connections with the Chinese.”

“But, like all Chinese he was a hard worker and gradually succeeded in building up a realtor's business, which, by the time my father was born had three offices in the Los Angeles area. As his English wife spoke no Chinese, English became, perforce, the language of the household and when my father, their only child was born, he was raised speaking only English.”

“By the time my father was twenty years old, the real estate business had blossomed and Cheung Realty had no less than twenty offices in greater Los Angeles. My Anglo-Chinese father took over the business from his father, my grandfather, when he was about thirty and for the next thirty years worked hard at developing the business until Cheung Realty was one of the biggest real estate brokers in the Los Angeles and surrounding area with nearly fifty locations and an annual turnover of nearly 500 million dollars”.

“My father himself had married an assimilated Chinese girl, who like himself spoke no Chinese at all and I am their only child. So, when my father died five years ago, I become the sole owner of this multi million dollar company, in which I have no interest whatsoever. So, my father in his later years appointed as chief executive, an Anglo I might add, to run and develop the business, which he did, and for that matter, still does, very effectively. In fact, in spite of my Chinese name, pretty well all my friends are of European extraction and my own understanding of Chinese culture is pretty thin. So, in me, you see a typical example of a man of clearly ethnic background whom is, in fact, a totally integrated American. I might still look Chinese, but I am just as much an all-American boy as you yourself clearly are. Come to dinner at my house and you will definitely not get chop suey!”

“When I became President and outright owner of the company on my father’s death, I decided to leave the then Chief Executive, a post he had held for the past few years, in charge. It is a decision which I have not regretted as the business, under his direction, has continued to grow. My CEO has the very un-Chinese name of John Smith! In many ways I feel guilty about my unearned wealth, which I have personally done absolutely nothing to earn. My parents knew from an early age that I was homosexual and neither approving nor disapproving, they accepted it and let me get on with my life as best I saw it, for which I was and still am infinitely grateful, for homosexuality sits badly with the Chinese in general.”

“The saddest thing of all is that I have no interest whatsoever in the business which I own and which, were I to take over and attempt to run I am sure would rapidly turn into a disaster. So, for the time being, I just sit around, take the money and try to enjoy myself as well as I can. I pay John really well so that he has every incentive to make the business grow, which he has on a year to year basis ever since he took over”

“You know Sebastian, here I am aged thirty, a multimillionaire, and I really have no purpose in life. I ask myself what I am doing and why I am doing it. I took up this naked body building business about three years ago, and you can see the results of my toil and let me tell you it is jolly hard work, but after my first experiences of public competition here in Taipei, I doubt very much that I want to go on with it.”

“At the end of the day, what have I to show for it, other than a muscular body and a big cock, and what the hell do I do with them on a daily basis? So for the moment I am in the holding mode of going on with going on, so to speak. It’s all a bit aimless and I hope that one day I will find my true vocation, whatever that might be. I am toying with the idea of selling the Cheung Realty business, for with my own sexual orientation there will be no son to whom I can pass it on. I am, in fact the end of the line: I have no brothers or sisters, nor cousins nor aunts and uncles. My only living relative is my aged mother and when she departs this life I am the last of the Cheungs, so what the hell am I keeping the business for?”

My God, what an outpouring after just a few minutes acquaintance. I could see that this guy was in a tormented mental state, really at sea with himself and desperately in need of some sort of life jacket, but what?

Yan then went on and asked “So what about you Sebastian how are you fairing, better than me I hope? I have the impression from seeing you here in this bar that you are very much a lone ranger in this life, or am I wrong?”

I laughed and said, “You know you are really quite a perceptive guy, Yan. I am sure that you have read between the lines and realized that I came here tonight hoping that I would find a one night stand, for I have been alone now for a week what with the travel and the MuscleCock. I know no one here in Taipei and I can tell you that I am feeling sexually totally deprived. I am sure that I do not have to tell you that I am, like you, totally gay and that I need sex on a regular basis.”

“I have to say that until I came into this bar tonight, I had no idea that this was the top gay pick up bar in the city. I just knew it was the best hotel and on the whole I have found that top places are the best for me as I really am not a frequenter of the low-life, gay- bar fraternity. You know, Yan, you really have laid out heart on your sleeve in telling me about our background, so let me fill you in on my life to date so that you have some idea of the person to whom you have just poured out your heart.”

“Curiously, I am like you the last of my line, with my only relative being an aged aunt, my father’s elder sister, who lives, if she is still in this world, for I have no contact at all with her, in Boston. My parents both died when I was two years old and my aunt brought me up until I was eleven when she shipped me off to a boarding school in upper New York State, where I literally spent my entire life until I was 18 years old and left school.”

“By the time I was seventeen, I had realized I was gay and as you can divine from looking at my crotch, as you have been doing ever since we met, I already had a good sized cock which I started to exercise on a regular basis simply by jerking off in private and then, by mutual agreement, fucking one of my class mates. Anyway, on leaving school, my aunt handed over to me what was left of my inheritance, an inheritance from my late parents, which, I might add, until that moment I had no idea existed, and I left Boston for ever and went to New York without having a clue what I was going to do there, other than find some sex partner, for I just knew that I could not live without regular sex.”

“Well as things turned out, I fell on my feet, and to cut a long story short, I found myself with three very good friends with all of whom I was able to satisfy my sexual needs – and they theirs with me - I hasten to add, for it was important to me that sex was a two way affair. Okay, one can have a one night stand to relieve oneself, but with one’s regular friends, has got to be a give and take arrangement if both parties are to be satisfied long term.”

“By chance, shortly after my arrival in New York, I was able to start and build up a male escort business, which is to say that I sell sex to business men who want to have their arses fucked; it’s known in the trade as ‘anal stimulation’. And so I now have a very successful top level escort business, with a regular clientèle, which brings me a handsome income. I’m not in your league financially, but I think of myself as being very comfortable as far as money is concerned. Until now, I had never been further than New Jersey, but as I had become interested in MuscleCock, I decided to treat myself to a long overdue vacation and come over here to the contest in Taipei, which is how I come to be here in this bar tonight.”

I then went on and said, “I am in a way, a bit like you, in that I have not until now found my life’s partner, though I continue to live in hope. I am not, unlike you, dissatisfied with my lot in life, which I do not find aimless, but I have never found a truly permanent partner, that person with whom I felt that I could be spiritually attached. I guess I am in the same position as the average straight guy, who is looking for his life’s mate.”

I went on, “You know, Yan, we have covered an awful lot of ground, just standing here at the bar, and we really do not know one another. At least you do not know me, but I feel I know you quite well, in the sense that I have been following your preparation for the MuscleCock on the web site for the past three months, so in a certain way I feel I have known you for quite some time.”

“I don’t want to flatter you, but I can tell you honestly that I think you are just the most perfectly put together guy I have ever seen. I do not know what the Greek God Adonis, really looked like, but for me, you are his personification. I simply drool at the mouth and get twitching in my nether regions when I look at photo of you, let alone a face to face encounter like now in the flesh. So there you have it, call it what you will: you really are the bee’s knees, the flavor of the month, the presser of my buttons. I do not care whether you win or not at the competition, for you are already the winner in my eyes: you are simply in a class of your own.”

“Well,” said Yan, “that really was a eulogy, which I wonder if I truly deserve, but here is something that you don’t know. You are right in that this bar is the top gay pick-up place in the city and you came here to try to pick up a guy for an evening of sex. Well, I have to confess that I am here for exactly the same reason. I am in fact staying in the hotel myself, but after today’s performance and what happened off stage afterwards, I really need someone to give my arse a good pounding, for I am under tremendous tension which I have to release and for me the best method of release is to get someone to give my arse a good hard fuck.”

“I simply could not stay back stage where a large number of NBAs , which stands for Naked Bodybuilding Assistants, are standing around naked waiting to have their holes reamed by any or all of the contestants as they come off stage.”

“It might seem surprising to a newcomer like you to the scene, but in spite of the fact that we have all been posing and shooting cum on stage, when we are finished we are all in such a state of tension that most guys need to fuck butt just to release the tension they have built up. In my case I find that I get the greatest relaxation from being fucked rather than fucking butt myself. In fact, a day at the competition involves intensive butt fucking before we go on stage to perform and the same afterwards. What you guys in the audience see when we are on stage, is but a small part of the entire process, for believe me we all do a lot of cock work with our NBAs and trainers before we step onto the platform. By which time we are all in a state of high tension. I can tell you without exaggeration, that performing on stage, with all that comes before and follows afterwards, is fucking hard work! I can tell you when we leave the stage we are well and truly fucked, literally and metaphorically, which is why I am in my present state of tension”

“But what I really cannot stand about this whole business, which I am experiencing now for the first time, is the way many of these guys, my co-competitors, pound into the NBAs back stage as if there is no tomorrow. They treat these young guys like dirt, under the motto that they, the competitors, are the kings of the universe, the all time alpha males and as such they can do anything they want to anyone. And so, I left today and came back here as soon as I had finished on stage. So what you see before you is a guy, highly tense, looking desperately for another guy to fuck his butt.”

“I am not much of a believer, but I would say that our chance meeting here tonight is fate: you are here looking for someone to fuck and I am here looking for someone to fuck me. It seems to me that we are an impromptu team made in heaven, so how about it?”

I could not believe my ears: here was my idol, whom I never even thought I would meet in the flesh, asking me to fuck him. You can imagine what my response was and we both got up and left the bar and took the elevator to Yan’s room as he called it.


Well Yan’s room turned out to be a huge two bedroom two bathroom suite, with a roof terrace overlooking the city.

“Let’s make ourselves comfortable.” He said and with no more ado started stripping off his clothes.

I followed suit and there we stood facing each other, stark naked.

I had long admired Yan, first in photos in the MuscleCock blog and then afar on stage at the competition, but nothing prepared me for the extraordinary beauty of this young guy in such close proximity. His figure was perfect: perfect muscle tone and with a silky flawless skin. And as for his cock, well this was truly to die for: it was at least ten inches of soft flesh, but with a certain solidity about it so that it curved gently downwards from his body and ended in the most perfect head imaginable. I was totally entranced. If there had been an award for the cock of the year, then Yan’s tool must surely have been it: I just could not take my eyes of it!

Now I do not habitually indulge in cock sucking, but I just could not stop myself: I simply had to take his knob into my mouth and so I dropped onto my knees in front of Yan and took the head of his cock, his knob, into my mouth, where I savored ever moment of having his flesh inside me. I then moved my mouth upwards across his belly, until I reached his pecs and nipples which I sucked with the greatest of pleasure. It was utter heaven to be able to touch and fondle such a superb physique.

Yan let me do this for a few moments then said in a somewhat plaintive voice, “Sebastian could you please service my burning need: I desperately want to feel your cock inside me. I have so much tension that if you do not help me relieve it soon, I think I shall burst.”

So I reached for my satchel took out a condom and my anal lube kit and made ready to service him.

Yan said, “Sebastian, I guess we are both clean, by which I mean HIV negative, so if you do not mind I would like to dispense with the rubber as I much prefer flesh to flesh contact when having sex. You can forget the lube as well as I lubed myself up before going down to the bar, just in case I scored there. Could you take me with me lying flat on my back as that is my preferred position and I think that you can give me a better pounding by the frontal approach and that is truly what I want.”

“I want some really rough sex right now, so please do not spare me. Go straight in and really give it to me as hard as you can.”

Well, I was presently surprised with all these requests especially so as the frontal approach, the so-called Mission Position is my own favorite and I am HIV negative as he rightly supposed, so why not go at it without a condom? So, I simply used the lube pack which accompanies each Fukit condom, my habitual brand, to lube up my own cock. Yan was already flat on his back on a table with a cushion under his buttocks to facilitate my access and waiting for me with clear eagerness.

I simply could still not believe what was happening to me, that I was being requested to fuck my idol, but there it was and fuck him I did, with all my heart and soul: I gave him the very best I was capable of. As Yan wanted a bout of rough sex, I plunged my rock-hard meat straight into his hole, without any of the normal pre-penetration gestures which I normally use to relax my partner’s sphincter. I simply thrust my shaft into him until I had given him its full length and then I began the normal movements associated with all acts of copulation, but I endeavored, as he had requested, to be as vigorous as I could.

So I pumped back and forth with ever increasing amplitude and force, somewhat reminiscent of a piston on a steam engine until we both climaxed simultaneously shooting huge amounts of cum, I into him and he all over my chest and face. It was an absolutely heavenly moment for both of us, and it seemed to go on forever as we both pumped and pumped our cream in a seemingly endless stream: it was a moment I shall treasure forever. It was easily the best fuck I had ever had and I guess that I felt that way as I was fucking my dream partner.

“That was incredible,” said Yan, “I can see why your clients like you. That was the best fuck I can ever remember and believe me, I have had some memorable experiences in the past, but this time was just the tops.”

We were now lying side by side by side on the table, regaining our breath for the sheer physical effort had take its toll on both of us, when Yan suddenly said,| “ Sebastian, let me give you a return match, for I am just dying to fuck you after what you have just done for me.”

Now this had not been on the books when we started our sex act, and I felt my spine tingling with apprehension at the thought of taking Yan’s huge cock up my own hole: it was much the same feeling as I had had when my fried Craig had relieved me of my anal virginity during my early days in New York. But by the time I had collected my thoughts, Yan was already on top of me, forcing my legs apart and tapping at my sphincter with his rock-hard tool. I tensed, with a moment of fear, as he thrust himself into me, but the feeling soon vanished as Yan forced his meat deeper and deeper into me.

I wondered if I was capable of taking twelve inches of cock up my arse but there was no problem at all as Yan bottomed out with his pelvis against my arse and started pumping. It was a totally new experience for me, as I had never been in the arms of such a superbly developed man before, which was a heavenly feeling, and I had never ever experienced the like of a twelve inch fuck-stick pounding my arse. And pound it he did, until I thought that I could stand it no longer, the tension had become so great, at which moment we again both exploded simultaneously with two gigantic orgasms, accompanied again by enormous fountains of cum. It was absolute heaven for me: I had never experienced anything like it. My own orgasm was unbelievably intense, and I think that fact that he had a huge fuck stick which enabled him to massage my prostate was the reason for that. Whatever the reason the whole experience was totally something else: I had absolutely adored it!

When it was all over, Yan and I took a shower together and he let me give his cock another good sucking. Still naked, he rang for room service and ordered a dinner of steak and champagne for us. When the room waiter arrived, Yan opened the for him, with no embarrassment at all at his nakedness in front of a stranger, and the waiter, to give him his due did not bat an eyelid at seeing two muscular studs standing there naked, waiting for the dinner to be served.

It had been an evening I would never forget and when I left Yan’s suite to go back to my hotel, I felt a new man: I had just had a fabulous experience unlike anything I had previously experienced. “That sure was one hell of a one-off fuck,” I thought to myself as I climbed into my bed. I doubted that I would ever see the like again. But fate plays strange tricks as I was to find out the following day.

To be continued

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This is a true story that I need to share and has completely change my sex life. I've been married to my loving husband for 20yrs and have been totally faithful. we have a good sex life and are both in our mid forties, both in good shape we also have a fifteen year old daughter.I like dressing sexy for my husband and love him fingering me until I cum. We have often talked about me getting fuck by someone else and allow it really turns me on I have never had the courage or the intention. My...

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This is a true story that I need to share and has completely change my sex life. I've been married to my loving husband for 20yrs and have been totally faithful. we have a good sex life and are both in our mid forties, both in good shape we also have a fifteen year old daughter.I like dressing sexy for my husband and love him fingering me until I cum. We have often talked about me getting fuck by someone else and allow it really turns me on I have never had the courage or the intention. My...

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This is a true story that I need to share and has completely change my sex life. I've been married to my loving husband for 20yrs and have been totally faithful. we have a good sex life and are both in our mid forties, both in good shape we also have a fifteen year old daughter.I like dressing sexy for my husband and love him fingering me until I cum. We have often talked about me getting fuck by someone else and allow it really turns me on I have never had the courage or the intention. My...

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Simon Says RevengeChapter 6

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

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One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure. At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans that showcases his tanned torso. I am wearing a short black silk blouse which barely covers my pubic area. It has a row of buttons down the back with only the top one fastened, so when I walk my naked arse is on full view, something Roger likes very much. “You really do...

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One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure. At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans that showcases his tanned torso. I am wearing a short black silk blouse which barely covers my pubic area. It has a row of buttons down the back with only the top one fastened, so when I walk my naked arse is on full view, something Roger likes very much. “You really do...

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Things stayed very much the same for nearly two years. Simone and Kevin successfully kept their relationship secret from everyone except Monica. Brother and sister shared the same bed for a long time. Simone insisted they be more discreet as her first daughter became more aware of her surroundings. But even then, they put on a good show at home, they found plenty of opportunities to make love and they spent many nights together. Monica also joined them at least monthly for some very intense...

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Simone The Schoolgirl Part Two

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SimoneChapter 17

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Simone The Schoolgirl Part One

I looked at her with new eyes. Her hair was hanging forwards and her sweet face looked so soft. I looked at her perfectly straight legs, slightly tanned. He thighs were full and her calves had a lovely roundness to them. She had a woman’s legs - not those of a typical skinny schoolgirl. I felt my cock starting to twitch and decided the best thing would be to get this over with a.s.a.p. I moved behind her, holding the ruler poised above her glorious behind. Simone The Schoolgirl (Part One) A...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

2 years ago
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SimoneChapter 15

Simone was sure she knew what Kevin was going to attempt, and she couldn't believe it. She wasn't able to close her legs because he was between them. She couldn't move far from her place on the bed because her vagina was filled with Kevin's semen and she wanted it to stay pooled around her cervix. Simone hadn't been ready for Kevin to do what he was about to do because she feared that it would turn him off from the act altogether. But THIS ... doing this NOW would surely keep him from...

4 years ago
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SimoneChapter 14

Over the next 24 hours, Simone carried on her routine, including taking two home pregnancy tests and stopping by a local clinic for a real test; all of which were negative. Simone then made her way home after running a few errands, baby in tow. She couldn't wait until Kevin came over after school. He hadn't stayed over the night before because his parents wanted some time with him. As Simone entered her kitchen, the first thing she saw as she came into the kitchen was a single rose and a...

2 years ago
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SimoneChapter 4

"I said, 'Kev, there is one thing that would help me a lot right now.' He asked what. I said, 'Well, it might seem kind of weird, but ... Could you just, hold me for a minute?'" "Mmmmm... ," Monica mumbled. "That sounds risky seeing as how vulnerable you were." "I know. I think I kind of surprised him. I probably even surprised myself by saying it. And he looked a little confused, or something. I'm not sure, but maybe the problem wasn't whether or not he should say yes. The...

3 years ago
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SimoneChapter 3

Monica did call Simone to touch base the following day. She purposely avoided bringing up Kevin, choosing to wait and see if Simone mentioned it, which she did not. The women spoke several more times over the next week, but Monica did not make the personal visit she had promised for nearly ten days. Simone heard the doorbell ring one morning and was surprised but pleased to see Monica on her front step. "Hey, you!" Simone exclaimed as she opened the door to invite her friend in. "Hi,...

3 years ago
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SimoneChapter 6

Kevin came over as had become the pattern and asked what he could help Simone with. She had a small list of chores, which Kevin got started on immediately. Before either of them realized, it was time for dinner. Simone was aware that they hadn't had time yet to talk. She ordered a pizza and nursed the baby while they waited for it to arrive. Finally the baby was in bed and Simone and Kevin sat across from one another at the kitchen table, eating pizza and sharing basic chit-chat. When they...

3 years ago
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Simon Says RevengeChapter 4

“Are you ready for it, babe?” I asked Michelle as I pointed my cock right at her asshole. “Yes ... please! Fuck ... my ass! I’m tired of being dull and demure. I want to be your slut! I’ve wanted you for a long time, Simon! That stupid bitch Danielle didn’t know how good she had it! Fuck her!” Michelle snapped, now eager to take my prick up her tight, cherry pucker. “Alright, here we go, then,” I eased my first few inches into Michelle’s brown eye, making my new blonde cum whore feel the...

3 years ago
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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

2 years ago
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SimoneChapter 10

Greg was awakened in a way he had not been for years. He awoke to the delightful feeling of having his penis sucked to erection. He could scarcely believe his eyes when he looked down and saw that Simone had opened his robe and was kneeling next to the couch with his semi-hard cock in her mouth. "Holy shit, Simone!" He exclaimed. "What the hell is all this about?" "Oh, Greg," she cooed after removing his member from her mouth, "After the things you said this morning, I just wanted to...

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