Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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I don't know whether I was naïve or just plain stupid, but it had to be one or the other that put me in the situation that I was in. And that? Driving away from the home of my sister in law with her husband's video camera and Beretta 94F on the seat beside me. I don't come off looking too good in the story that led me to this point and all I can say about it is what I said in the first paragraph – naïve or just plain stupid!
It all started fifteen years ago when I met Beverly McKay. It was lust at first sight on my part and it took me two weeks of trying almost daily to get her to go out with me. It took another month to get her on a bed with me and after that it was 'Katy bar the door' as we had sex anywhere we could and as often as we could.
It was great sex and Bev was one hot mama, but we both knew after the first couple of weeks that we were not right for each other, but that didn't stop us from fucking up a storm for almost nine months. It might have gone on longer, but Bev met Brad and I was history.
Three months later as I was moving through the Boom Boom Room looking for a honey to grace my bed that night I saw Bev and Brad come in and they had a raven haired beauty with them. I didn't go and say hi to them because I was a bit uncomfortable around Brad. He knew about the nine months I spent with Bev and while he'd never said anything to me I always felt that he was keeping a close eye on me when he was around. He really didn't need to though because even though I was a horn dog I did have some standards. I would not go after a married woman. I admit that I've had a few, but only because they hid the fact from me. Once I found out that they were wed I dropped them.
Even though I was avoiding Bev and Brad they had seen me when they came in and maybe twenty minutes after they had arrived Bev came up to me and told me that she needed a favor.
"My sister Barb just moved back to town and she is here with me tonight. She is a little on the nervous side because she doesn't know anyone here. Will you please join us and keep her company? I know she wants to dance, but she hasn't liked the looks of anyone who has asked her so far. I told her that I knew you and that you were a nice guy so help me out here please?"
"Knowing me as well as you do you are still willing to inflict me on your sister?"
"You aren't a bad guy Rob. You always took no for an answer. You kept trying until I stopped saying no, but you always stopped when I told you to."
I did join Bev, Brad and Bev's sister Barbara. Barb was a stone fox and by the time we returned to the table after our first dance I wanted her and not just as an evenings bed buddy. By the end of the evening in my mind I was already picturing the ring I was going to buy her. By the time we said goodnight I had a date with Barb for the next evening.
We had a great time on that date and when I took her home I had a date for Friday evening. For the first time since high school my goal was not the immediate bedding of my date. I took things slow and was extremely careful not to do anything that might put Barb off.
It was our sixth date before we kissed and even then it was Barb who made it happen. She had kissed me on the cheek on every date since the third, but on the sixth she kissed me on the lips and we stood in front of Bev and Brad's door necking for about ten minutes before she pushed me away and said:
"Good night sweetie."
On our next date the necking took place in my truck and lasted for over a half an hour. Once again it was started by Barb. When I pulled up in front of the house she slid over next to me and said "Kiss me" and of course I did and I kept doing it until she pulled away. I walked her to the door, got one last steamy kiss and then I headed back to my condo.
Yes, my condo. I guess it is time for a little about me. I'm Robert Dawson – Rob to my friends – and I'm a twenty-four year old college graduate with a degree in Business Management. I wanted to go for Electrical Engineering, but my dad was paying and he insisted on Business Management. He insisted because it would prepare me for moving into his business. The business was actually a holding company that had several going concerns among its properties.
Dad had started a construction company that had done so well that he bought a building supply company in order to give him better pricing on materials. The construction and building supply companies kept growing and dad bought a foundation and forms outfit to give him better pricing on concrete for his basements and footings. Next was a block of properties that he could build houses on followed by a landscaping company to finish off the houses that he built. And it went on and on like that.
Every summer from the time I turned thirteen was spent working for one or another of dad's companies as dad started to prepare me for taking over from him someday. That was his plan, but not mine. By the time I was eighteen I knew that I didn't want to take over from him. Not that I disliked the business, but because I didn't want to live the life he led.
The business consumed him. Up at five and off to work, rain or shine, weekdays and weekends and home late more often than not. I watched his marriage to my mom disintegrate slowly. He made lots of money and mom lacked for nothing. Big fancy house, a new luxury car every year, a maid to take care of the house and a gardener to take care of the grounds. Membership at the country club and enough credit cards to buy a small country. The one thing she really wanted she couldn't have. Dad!
I spent more time with him than she did, but only because he drug me off to work with him. Weekends, holidays, vacations and spring breaks were all spent working at one or another of his companies. Mom would have preferred to work with him as his PA or something just so she could spend some time with him, but he wouldn't have it.
"No wife of mine is going to have to work. I'm doing all this for you. I want you to have the life you deserve."
The problem with that was that it wasn't the life she wanted.
I was not going to live like that, but I was a realist. I didn't have to look for a job after graduation. I was guaranteed a job with a good salary and more than likely I would inherit the whole thing someday. I say more than likely because it wasn't a sure thing. Dad had a way of getting back at those who pissed him off and I belonged to that club.
It wasn't a month after going to work for my dad as a full time employee that I had an occasion to tell dad that his life was not going to be mine. I was working ten or twelve hours a day during the week and one Friday around two in the afternoon he called me into his office and told me that I was going to have to work the Sanderson project over the weekend and I flat out told him that I was not going to do it.
"Friday nights and the weekends are mine and I have no intension of spending them at work."
Then I got the lecture about responsibility and the needs of the company and how I needed to learn all the ins and outs and I could only get that experience by putting in time. I let him finish and then said:
"I know the ins and outs. You forget that you have had me working here since I was thirteen. I'll give fifty or sixty hours during the week, but the weekends are mine. I have absolutely no intension of turning out like you and spending every waking moment working, I am going to have a life outside of Dawson Enterprises."
He didn't like it, but short of firing me there wasn't anything he could do about it. I left his office, went home and changed clothes and then I went out on the prowl. That Friday was a turning point in my life. Not only was it the day I let my father know that Dawson Enterprises wasn't going to consume me as it had him, but it was on that Friday night's prowl that I met Beverly which in turn led to my meeting Barb.
As I drove home to the condo I'd bought with the trust fund I'd come into when I graduated from college (Mom had insisted that dad set it up) I contemplated my relationship with Barb. More to the point I contemplated on how hard or far to push things.
For the first time in my life I had a woman that I didn't want to lose. I'd had other ongoing relationships, but I had always known that they weren't going to last and knowing that I was not overly cautious about what I said or did. I did not want to do or say anything that would push Barb away.
Add to that Barb's actions. She had made the first moves as far as make out sessions were concerned and I had to wonder what that meant. Was she sending me signals? I had no frame of reference because it was always me pushing forward in my other relationships. I'd never had a woman make the first move. Was Barb telling me that..." "Oh fuck! Give it up" I thought as I parked the truck in my parking space. "Too much thinking is almost as bad as not thinking things through at all." Just before falling asleep I decided on what I needed to do.
The next day I took an early lunch and paid a visit to Zales. That evening I took a knee in front of Barb and asked her to be my wife. The response was not what I expected.
"Gee Bob, I'm flattered that you feel that way about me, but we don't know each other well enough to be taking a step like that."
"I know you well enough that I'm on my knee asking."
"But I don't know you well enough to say yes."
"Oh come on Barb. You know everything about me up to and including my hat size."
"True, but I don't know about the most important thing that I need to know. I like you Rob; I like you a lot. Actually I like you an awful lot and it may even be love or something growing into to love, but I am a very sexual person Rob and the man I marry is going to have to be able to keep up with me. I have tried my best to lure you into the bedroom to see what you can do, but you can't seem to take the hint. I have to wonder why. What are you hiding? What are you afraid that I might discover?"
"None of that. I've been afraid of making a move that might push you away from me."
"Then I think what you need to do is take me to your place, get me naked and see if we have a future together."
It was a long night and I believe that I gave a good account of myself. I guess she thought that I was a good enough fit where she was concerned because she said:
"There is one thing that you need to know before you slide that ring on my finger and I'm telling you ahead of time that you are not going to like it."
"Whatever it is it isn't going to scare me off."
"We will see. I have a trust fund that my grandparents set up for me. I don't come into it until I'm thirty-five. I could have had it at twenty-five if I would have gone to college, but I hated high school and just couldn't see another four years going to classes. Anyway, one of the stipulations of the trust is that if I marry before coming into the trust the man I marry must agree to sign a prenuptial agreement."
"I don't see a problem with that."
"You haven't read the agreement yet. One of the clauses is that if either party is unfaithful the unfaithful party leaves the marriage with nothing. You see the problem? We are not even officially engaged and we are already talking about adultery. Not even married and we are discussing how to end it."
"It is only a piece of paper Barb and it means absolutely nothing. If anything I can look at it as an insurance policy against you cheating on me. Would you cheat on me knowing that it could cost you your trust? Hell no you wouldn't."
I got off the bed and went to where my pants had fallen when I'd hurriedly striped down to get on the bed with Barb. I got the ring out of my pants pocket and then for the second time in twelve hours I asked Barb to marry me and that time she said yes.
Six months later we were married and eleven months after that we were the parents of twin boys. Sixteen months after that, almost to the day, Barb gave me twin girls.
The condo was sold and I had a six bedroom house with four baths built on two acres. Barb became a stay at home mom until the kids were all in school and then she took a part time job as a receptionist at a law firm. We didn't need the money, but she said she needed to get out of the house and do something.
Her hours were set so she didn't need to be to work until after she'd gotten the kids off to school and she got off about half an hour before they were due home. She did have to work every other Saturday and while I didn't much like it I kept my mouth shut to keep the peace.
Life settled into a routine. I bowled one night a week on the team that the company sponsored in the Tuesday night men's house league at Starlight Lanes and Barb spent Tuesdays and some Thursdays working with Bev who had taken up selling Tupperware. We went out for dinner and dancing on either Friday or Saturday and usually with Bev and Brad.
Our love life was pretty damned good and even after fifteen years of marriage we were still going at it five or six times a week. The only dark spot, at least for me, was that Barb would never let me have her sexy ass. She said she had tried it with two previous boyfriends (long before she met me) and she had hated it. I didn't press the issue since nothing else was off the table and I got as much as I could handle anyway. As far as I was concerned I had a great marriage. A superb marriage.
There was a bad period during our thirteenth year while I was trying to get over the death of my parents. They had chartered a flight to go to Cabo San Lucas for their fortieth anniversary and somewhere between home and Cabo the plane disappeared. No wreckage was ever found and after the will was read I found myself standing at the helm of Dawson Enterprises.
ABBY & BARB This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This story is an interracial story. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW … This is a story about a mother, Abby Ordman and her daughter, Barb. Abby is 43 and Barb is 20. Both women have trim...
“You seem pensive today," said Christopher. "No, no, I just can't keep from recalling the old days, and how he and I got on. How we never had to worry about paying the bills. I hope he's all right. Probably rich by now while you and I are just getting by," said Amanda. He gave her a you-should-appreciate-me-more stare "Why do you keep worrying over him? Because he was some hot shot salesman when he was here? He lives in freakin' Montana for chryssakes. He's just another guy, Mandy. And we're...
CuckoldNote to reader: This is a true story which happened in the late 1980’s. Some parts were taken from other sources. To the best of my knowledge, they are accurate. Names (other than mine) and a few other minor things have been changed to protect the identities of the people involved. However, the basic story is factual. All people engaging in sexual activity are at least eighteen years old. •••••••••••••••••••••••• Richard and Barb Coleman and their two daughters, Amanda and Jessie, moved into...
Before Keri and I got together, if I was not to wrecked from a weekend competition, Monday night had been my karaoke night. I would go to the same downtown bar that hosted the blues jams on Wednesday night. I would sing and drink some of the high dollar bourbon that they always had for $5 a glass instead of the normal $7- $10 a glass. My favorite is Basil-Hayden. The crowd was all 30-something hipsters and the music was eclectic, to say the least. One guy would get up and do a rap, the next...
Randy had joined a gym downtown. He was addicted to working out, the way Josh was to cigarettes. One evening, out on the patio, he asked me if I wanted to go work out with him the next day. I bummed a Marlboro from Josh. “There’s your answer.” Really, working out negates all the good you get from the booze and tobacco. About two weeks after we moved in Randy came home one night with a grin on his face. “I think I’m going to ask out this girl from the gym.” He showed us a slightly out-of-focus...
Randy had joined a gym downtown. He was addicted to working out, the way Josh was to cigarettes. One evening, out on the patio, he asked me if I wanted to go work out with him the next day. I bummed a Marlboro from Josh. “There’s your answer.” Really, working out negates all the good you get from the booze and tobacco. About two weeks after we moved in Randy came home one night with a grin on his face. “I think I’m going to ask out this girl from the gym.” He showed us a slightly out-of-focus...
Exhibitionism‘Hi, Louis,’ I said brightly, carefully descending the three white carpeted steps of the sunken living room. ‘I’m so very excited for our date. Do you like it?’ I twirled around, displaying all of my stunning, provocatively attired figure. ‘I think that this is going to be a great weekend, Barb.’ He stood up off the black leather sofa, eyes devouring my alluring form. I walked over to him and placed my arms around his neck, my breasts deliberately pressed against his white shirt and my red...
I'm Robert Lundsford, age thirty-eight, husband, stock broker for Hilling's Investments, and as I now know; an unknowing cuckold. My wife of ten years is Amanda Lundsford; age thirty-six; works for Hammond Industries, wholesalers of kitchenware—she's a receptionist—oh, and a lover of men. Amanda is tall, at five-ten, and slender; I sometimes call her Willow. Me? Five four, also slender and still with all my hair, thank God. Yeah, yeah, I know she's way too tall for me; but fact is she'd long...
CuckoldIt was a fine dinner. The nighttime view of Victoria Harbor from his penthouse flat was magnificent. As were the food and the conversation, both enhanced by a bottle of vintage white wine that Louis told me he had had from before he left for America and was saving for a special occasion. He was a perfect gentleman, seated across from me in the middle of a long glass table meant for six. He listened attentively to what I had to say and was forthcoming with his own thoughts. For the most part, he...
I must have awoken about a half hour later. Louis was still asleep. My weekend with him would be ending in a little over 12 hours. I thought I was falling in love. He seemed to have everything I was looking for in a partner. He was confident and engaging, he made me laugh and understood my goofy humor, he was tasteful and wealthy, he was handsome and, oh, what a lover. I really wanted to get to know him better, to determine how truly compatible we might be. He had seemed to indicate that he was...
As usual, I woke up at 8 o’clock. Louis was still sleeping soundly. I went to the guestroom, taking the clothes from last night with me. We had planned for dim sum in the late morning, so I did not consider making breakfast. I removed my jewelry and I re-applied the sultry make-up from last night. I had a number of pieces of lingerie that I had brought over, many of which I had been gifted after modeling them during a fashion shoot. I rummaged through one of my suitcases, finding a few...
I kept my bikini bottom and heels on during the silent ride back. Louis, of course, took advantage of this, noticeably admiring my shapely gams and provocatively-encased feet. He kept his hand on my right thigh the whole journey, caressing it unhurriedly, and occasionally venturing next to my pussy lips. I, in turn, looked at him adoringly probably the entire time, grazing my hand constantly across his left cheek and occasionally giving him soft kisses on his head and neck. Once inside his...
I awoke and a clock indicated 8 o’clock, I couldn’t have slept more than five hours. My body felt somewhat tired, but my mind was excited and my heart was leaping. Louis was still fast asleep. I looked at him for a bit, wondering whether I was falling in love. I had only known him for one night, was it possible? Oh, but what a night! Such a handsome, wealthy, intelligent, confident, powerful man … and I felt so alive around him. I felt so comfortable and secure around him. And so great at...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
I'm Robert Lundsford, age thirty-eight; stock broker for Hilling's Investments, husband, and as I now know an unknowing cuckold. My wife of ten years is Amanda Lundsford age thirty-six; works for Hammond Industries, wholesalers of kitchenware; she's a receptionist—oh—and a lover of men. We'd moved to Des Moines almost immediately after marrying. I had a friend, Bret Hilling's. He and I had attended state college together; his offer of employment was an opportunity too good to pass...
From they original netflix speaical film Naked 2017 movie comes a new version of the story. Lets just picture it shall we Rob is in a elevator laying on a floor. There he is unconcious laying on the floor and as he wake up he comes to the realisation that he is naked in they elevator. Then as he's there naked in they elevator he is now panicking because he is now hearing the elevator coming to a stop. Then the elevator stops he is now panicking as the reality hits him that as Rob is literally...
FetishPlease read Part one of this story to get the background.Can be found here. you like it, please comment, I'm still a novice writer and feedback is always helpful, and makes me want to write more!!Part 2.Rob looked fondly at the sleeping form cuddled next to him, the soft white sheet covered most of the delicate creamy flesh, but it did show a creamy white breast, the soft pink nipple resting against his ribs.With his free hand, Rob reached...
Rob stretched his arms above his head and twisted his body to get the kinks out of his back while looking out the window of his bedroom. It was early morning in the city of Sundsvall in Sweden. Located about six hours north of the capital of Stockholm by car it was what Rob considered a town, not a city. Being from Chicago, anything with less than five million people was a town or village to him. It had taken him a month to get used to his new environments and the darkness that held the city...
MatureYou may want to read our previous post on the preparations for our summer cruise and our first swinging encounter for this all to make sense. To summarise we met Rob and Deb whilst out shopping and ended up having a great evening of sex with them.We kept in contact with Rob and Deb after our encounter and respective cruise holidays, we spoke about meeting up around Christmas for a weekend in the country however that didn’t happen. Sue and I were both back at work full time and weekends seemed...
Rob and Sarah considered themselves a typical American professional couple. Both worked in America at the start of this tale. They lived in what might be described by an Englishman, in typical American, white, suburbia. Lawns, gardens, driveways, spacious homes, spaciously apart, professional mediocrity where life changes little. Everybody is polite and superficially neighbourly. They had seen very few Black Americans. They considered themselves educated, and sophisticated. Americans who knew...
The next morning as Rob Taylor sat in the coffee shop, Azmat came up to him and said "Hello Mr. Taylor."The 39 year old British technician looked up, his hazel brown eyes showing his pleasant surprise to see her; she usually was part of the afternoon shift in the coffee shop."Hello there" He said with a big smile and a sparkle in his eye"You're here early today"Azmat made a fuss of straightening the tableware and replied "Shift change. I am on early duty for the next month."Azmat stood beside...
Part 1.Rob had nothing but admiration for this girl. The fact she was his daughter made little difference. He gazed upon her with love in his eyes.She had suffered many tragedies in her short life, many were shared with Rob, yet, she still smiled everyday. She'd grown up happy, in good health, with loving parents. Rob and Claire had been married since they were sixteen. They bore two c***dren, two years apart. Eddie was the elder, Summer the younger.The first tragedy struck when Eddie was...
Me and Rob was hanging out at our apartment. Linda was getting ready for a girls night out with her BFF Stacy. Linda came out in a black dress, it went down to her knees. Spaghetti straps, no bra.Linda came over to me, straddle me and whisper in my ear. She said, I shaved my pubic hair off and I’m not wearing any panties. I started nibbling on her neck. She said, Tonight. She got off of me and said by, and said by to Rob too.It was getting late and the fight we were watching was over. Linda...
I have hooked up with Rob a few more times since our first meeting. And he has trained me quite well, that huge dick of his will always be difficult to take but I will keep trying. Rob asked me to come over to his apartment for a few drinks but I knew what that meant. I told him I will be sl**ping over, his laugh and said no stays at the “Rob Hotel” for free. I thought to myself, ran to the shower and did a shave. I wanted everything nice and clean, all over for him. I packed a bag of a cute...
I have hooked up with Rob a few more times since our first meeting. And he has trained me quite well, that huge dick of his will always be difficult to take but I will keep trying. Rob asked me to come over to his apartment for a few drinks but I knew what that meant. I told him I will be sleeping over, his laugh and said no stays at the “Rob Hotel” for free. I thought to myself, ran to the shower and did a shave. I wanted everything nice and clean, all over for him. I packed a bag of a cute...
** This story is the third segment of this series. I would suggest reading the1st & 2nd chapters if you are new to the series. The story is about two young college grads and how the women of the church offer no end of opportunities for their sexual fulfillment (some willingly and some with a little pressure applied.) On Saturday morning, Joe and Rob were looking forward to the party at the house of the pastor that evening. Since they had done all of the landscaping and beautification of the...
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I lost myself in work and fortunately there was so much of it that I never had a free moment to spend thinking about Gail. I hadn't been home five minutes when the phone rang and caller ID showed that it was Gail. I didn't take the call or any of the four others that came after it before unplugging the phone and going to bed. I skipped gym the next morning for the same reason I had skipped the day before and instead went for my run in the morning rather than in the evening after work as...
After Rob and Jane’s wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn’t stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...
After Rob and Jane's wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn't stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...
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The 39 year old, British technician, Mr Robert Taylor, sat alone sipping tea in the lounge of the Sheraton hotel Karachi.He had finished early for the day and sat watching people, especially the women, go by in the hotel lobby.Rob had been surprised at first by how more liberal Pakistan seemed. The women did not walk around in black sheets or veils as he expected. The majority seemed content to be in a loose trouser and shirt suit known as Shalwar Kamiz. It had not taken Rob long to see that...
Rob and Jodi satisfy their needs while her husband, Pete, watches and eventually joins the fun... The following is a work-related sexual adventure. Jodi and I knew each other from working together, years ago. We weren't particularly tight but liked to talk...go to lunch...gossip. It was left that way because we were both married and had too much in common...always seemed to be a little attraction floating through our relationship. I ran into her at a conference and decided to drop her a line...
GroupCh 2 Sex in the Fitting Room This story picks up the activities of two rich young men who have found ways to maximize on the sexual needs of the women of the congregation. Following the pastor around town leads them to sexually deprived women. The most deprived are the pastor’s wife and her twin sister. Read Ch 1 to meet Helen (Pastor’s wife) and Margaret (Her twin sister). We join Rob and Joe as they leave an afternoon of sex with the twins. ………………………………………….. As Rob and Joe meet each...
She used the key I'd given her to let herself in. I wasn't expecting her so I was sitting on the couch reading James Lee Burke's latest, "The Glass Rainbow." I put the book down and gave her an appreciative look. She was drop dead gorgeous and the sexiest looking woman I had ever laid eyes on. She was the kind of woman that a star had on his arm at the Academy Awards or some MTV award show. She was the kind of woman you saw with super stars, famous athletes or some extremely rich bachelor....
Rob knew the hospital's legend for lab results highlighted was red: panic and yellow: abnormal. He saw from the display he was in serious trouble. Dr. Angell returned the page and called Dr. Kournikova. She answered and said, "Rob Jenkins is in my lab. His rbc is 3.0, his wbc is 2200, his platelet count is 754, his absolute retic count is 579.4, his blast count is 12 and his creatinine is 6.4. I suggest an immediate bone marrow biopsy, and then a PET scan. I've admitted him overnight to...
I saw her when she walked in from the parking lot and nothing had changed. My heart still did flip flops and my blood started racing. I was surprised to see her alone and then I thought he had probably dropped her off close to the group and then went to park the car. I knew she would be there and I knew how I would react to seeing her and that is the main reason that it took my twin brother Rich so long to talk me into coming. For some reason that I didn't understand he attached great...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
I was sitting in a booth eating breakfast when Dixie sat down opposite me. "How we doing Rob?" "Day to day Dixie, day to day." "You about ready to give me another shot at you?" I looked at her and remembered what we once had and my dick started to harden. "Why not?" I thought. It has been months and I certainly didn't owe Ellen any degree of faithfulness. "What do you have in mind?" "Bob Thomas and the Highway Travelers are at the Stagecoach. How about Mexican for dinner and...
The party is about to start. Rob and Joe have the pastor’s yard looking great with the fountain and oversized fishpond being the central focus with flowers and shrubs bringing the yard alive. Several benches have been placed around the yard to give different views. One bench at the back of the property looks out over the city and is secluded from view of the rest of the yard. Helen and Margaret have plans for that bench tonight. Helen and Margaret are dressed identical for the party. They take...
I liked to be dominated. I like when men take control and tell me what to do. My husband discovered this after a few years of marriage, and things haven't been the same since. Lately, though, things my have gotten a little out of control. It seems that my husband, Rob, had been discussing domination with a few of his friends at work. He had, after a couple of beers at the local bar, told them about our secret sexual practices. He told them that I liked being a love slave, and would do anything...
I liked to be dominated. I like when men take control and tell me what to do. My husband discovered this after a few years of marriage, and things haven't been the same since. Lately, though, things my have gotten a little out of control.It seems that my husband, Rob, had been discussing domination with a few of his friends at work. He had, after a couple of beers at the local bar, told them about our secret sexual practices. He told them that I liked being a love slave, and would do anything...
Rob and Jane Part 2 The next morning...Jane woke from a peaceful sleep. She felt a heavy arm draped over her stomach, a hand lightly brushing her navel as she breathed in and out. She smiled remembering last night's encounter. Sighing she rolled from her side to her back and turned her face to the man beside her. He began to stir and slowly opened his eyes. With a broad grin on his face Rob breathed 'Good Morning Miss, I take it you slept OK?' 'I sure did' she replied and they both began to...
Quickie SexAndrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
This will be the first in a series about two college roommates who have many different sexual opportunities with women by attending and being active in church. The stories will share the interesting lives of the women they pursue As in life one contact leads to another. This will be my first submission in a couple of years. Many enjoyed the Pastor Sarah series I wrote in 2003. I hope you enjoy this series Joe and Rob were roommates in a prestigious university with all the benefits of rich...
I watched him walk out to the garage and was glad that he would never know the truth of my night with Stu. The truth would just kill him. The truth was that Stu had given me the best sex of my life. It had been so good that I wasn't sure that I wouldn't have run away with him if he had asked. I really do love Rob and I'm sorry now that Stu and I played. I told the truth about the guilt I was carrying, but deep in my heart I know that I had kind of lied when I said 'never again.' It would...
I met Agnes in the ninth grade, started dating her and we were pretty much an established couple from the tenth grade on. We had no problems all the way through high school and – cliché of all clichés – we exchanged our virginities the night of the senior prom. Once we discovered sex we were at it every chance we got. We had been talking about getting married since the eleventh grade and we had decided that we would wait until we finished college before tying the knot. College changed Aggie....
I knew I had upset Pris. I wanted to say something to comfort her, but I was afraid I would make her feel worse. I didn't want to engage the autopilot, leave the pilot seat, and go back to her. It was too dangerous and she seemed to want to avoid me. The Barin Signal Group tested very sophisticated communications equipment including some classified Army equipment. They had installed some special radar and communications equipment on my Aero Commander. I rarely used the special...
Harry had been my best friend for so long that it was hard for me to sometimes remember how far back we went. I'm pretty sure that it was around the second grade, but it might have been the first. He lived three doors down from me and we started walking to school together in the morning and then home again after school. We played together after school and on the weekends and as we grew older the bonds became tighter. When we were thirteen the Ellsworth brothers took his bike and I went with...
Four of my friends and I have an on-going bet. We each put up twenty dollars. We go to a bar or club that is chosen by the first person who gets to try and pick her up. The last person who gets to try is the one who picks the woman. We are all on a long dry spell and the pot has grown for nine months. We decide if no one wins tonight we will split the money up. I need new tires on my truck and new brakes on my car. I know I can take care of one of them with my share if no one wins. Joe is to...
MatureI began dressing to attract my dad. My mom was a beautiful and classy woman. Her style of dress was impeccable. She always wore pencil skirts or dresses of modest lenght, 4" heels, and always sheer fitted nylons and either a 6 or 8 strap waist cincher. Pantyhose had become quite popular by then but she did not wear them. I had witnessed my parent making love many times. They had a "date" night once a week and mom would look her best. The date always ended with them making love. I would peek...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
I’m 18 years old and I really can look after myself but my mum insisted I went and stayed with some neighbours while she was away for a few days.Mind you I didn’t mind as it was with Auntie Serena and Uncle Mark. They weren’t really my aunt and uncle but as they were the same age as my parents I was bought up to call them auntie and uncle.You see Serena was very attractive, and had gorgeous kissable lips and always wore a deep red lipstick. Whenever she spoke to me I found myself looking at her...
This story is like many others I have read on this site. It is unique only in that it happened to me. Looking back on it now I suppose I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. I can only blame it on being blinded by my love for Cheri. Well, the blinders are off now and I can't believe that I have been so stupid. I had been married to Cheri a little over ten years. They were good years and as far as marriages go I would have put ours in the top ten percent, but as with a lot of marriages...
It had its start in high school. If it had happened a few years later it probably wouldn’t have amounted to much, but when you are a teenager you don’t look ahead to the possible consequences of your actions. Sue Ellen and I had been going steady for a little over a year and we had actually been talking marriage when we got out of college. Looking back I could see where it was probably silly of us. I mean we still had to graduate from high school and God only knew what would or could happen...
This story had its origins in high school although not much really happened there. There were three elementary schools in town that took you from kindergarten to the fifth grade; two middle schools that took you from the sixth through the eighth grade. There was only one high school that took you from the ninth to the twelfth so when I started the ninth grade I saw tons of kids that I had never seen before and one of them was Nancy Wilde. I don’t know if you remember what it was like when you...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...