Rob And GailChapter 2 free porn video

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I lost myself in work and fortunately there was so much of it that I never had a free moment to spend thinking about Gail.

I hadn't been home five minutes when the phone rang and caller ID showed that it was Gail. I didn't take the call or any of the four others that came after it before unplugging the phone and going to bed.

I skipped gym the next morning for the same reason I had skipped the day before and instead went for my run in the morning rather than in the evening after work as was my usual habit. During the run I realized that unless I changed gyms there was no way I could avoid Gail. Plus I was doing well with my tai chi and I didn't want to give it up and have to start all over with another instructor. So, hoping that Gail was still going to the gym in the mornings I sucked it up and showed up for my tai chi class that evening and for a change the Fates and the Gods didn't screw with me.

Until class was over and I got back to my truck.

Sitting on my right front fender was Gail. I stopped about ten feet from the truck and just stood there and looked at her.

"We need to talk Rob."

"I thought that everything that needed to be said was covered the other night."

"No it wasn't. You need to hear me out. It won't hurt any to give me my say."

"Horse shit Gail. You have all ready hurt me with what you have all ready said.

"Then the damage is done so what I still have to say won't hurt you any worse."

I figured that she would keep after me until I gave in so I thought I might as well get it over with.

"Okay Gail. Go ahead and speak your piece."

"Can we get in the truck? I don't want people passing by to hear what I'm saying."

I hit the button on the remote to unlock the doors and we got in the truck.

"First off" she started, "Give me credit for being totally up front and honest with you Rob. I know you won't look at it the way I do, but ask yourself if anything I did when I was away from you hurt us. No it did not. Granted, you didn't know about it, but you had no need to know because as I told you once before we were not in a committed relationship. You offered me a committed relationship and I was totally honest with you.

"I want that relationship Rob. I really do want your ring on my finger, but like I told you; I will not cheat on you, but I have my needs. Can't you understand that?"

"Of course I can understand it, but what you asked of me was that I condone what you would be doing to meet those needs. You were asking me to let my fiancée fuck other guys. Just what kind of guy would that make me? A cuckolded wimp is what. No way Gail. No fucking way!"

"You are not a wimp Rob and I'm fully aware of it. A wimp wouldn't have tried to protect me the way you have and cuckold is just a made up word and it means nothing. It is just a word that will be inside your head and no one is going to call you a cuckold because no one is going to know. I don't do anything with any one you know and I don't do it around people who know the both of us.

"You want me Rob and I want you. All I'm asking is that you let me do what I need to do to let us happen. It doesn't even need to be twice a week Rob. May once every two or three weeks. I don't really know. I've never tried to go for any length of time without it. I don't know because I have no frame of reference since I've never had to go without. I wouldn't rub your face in it. I wouldn't tell you when I was going to do it. It would only be at times when we weren't together and it wouldn't necessarily be all the times we weren't together so you wouldn't know when.

"The main thing is that I would not be cheating because you would be aware. I want you Rob, but I will not, absolutely will not, cheat on you. We cannot happen if you cannot accept what I need to do. Just remember this Rob; I could have said yes and taken your ring and then told you that I play cards with some of my sorority sisters every Tuesday or Wednesday night and used those nights to scratch my itch with you being none the wiser, but I won't do that to my man. Once again Rob; I will not cheat!!

"I want you Rob and I believe that you want me. You are the only one who can decide on how bad you want me. I'm yours if you can do what it takes" and she got out of the truck and walked away.

Lying on my bed staring up at the ceiling I went over what Gail had said. I did want her, but bad enough to do what she said I'd have to do? I thought about the periods when I'd dated her and she had seen 'to her needs' both times and she was right in that it had never hurt us, but that was only because I hadn't known. Would it have hurt us if I had known? I didn't have an answer for that.

Like most red blooded guys in this age of computers I'd cruised the Net and visited porn sites and I'd visited story sites and read some of the stories. In the cheating stories the guys always ended up asking themselves why the woman did it. Weren't they getting the job done? Wasn't their dick big enough and stuff like that, but I wasn't in the same situation. My prowess or lack thereof didn't enter in to it because we had never made love.

Yes, I was pissed and angry when I heard what she had done, but I couldn't overlook the fact that it was Gail herself who had told me and I did have to accept that she was being up front and honest with me about it all.

I woke up in the morning at three AM and couldn't go back to sleep so I put on my running shoes and went for an early morning run. My runs served a dual purpose. They helped keep me fit and it helped clear the cobwebs out of my head. I could usually think a little more clearly after a run.

When I got home I grabbed my gym bag and the garment bag with the clothes I would wear to work and headed for the gym. I wasn't going to spend my life ducking Gail so facing up to the situation needed to start now.

Gail was already standing in front of the doors waiting for them to open when I got there so I sat in the truck until Nancy opened up to let the people in and didn't get out of the truck until Gail went inside. I wasn't going to avoid being where she was, but I saw no need in putting myself in a situation where we could stand around together and give her another chance to talk to me.

Gail wasn't in the circuit room so I assumed that she was down in cardio and I decided to do the machines first. I was on the last machine, the one called "Rear Row Deltoids" and just finishing the last of my hundred reps when Gail came into the area. She called out "Good morning Rob" and I acknowledged her with a nod, got up and headed for cardio.

I'd had a good run that morning so I took a pass on the treadmill and opted for the Stairmaster. After fifteen minutes of that I headed for the locker room, put on my trunks and headed for the hot tub only to find that Gail was all ready there. It was a big hot tub and could seat up to twenty-four so I didn't need to sit within talking distance of Gail. I sat down as far from her as I could get, leaned back, closed my eyes and soaked.

The swirling water, bubbles and the noise of the jets masked the approach of Gail and I had no idea she was sitting close to me until she said:

"I didn't sleep well last night Rob. All I could do was lie there and think about what might have been or maybe I should say could have been or even more accurately what should have been."

I opened my eyes and looked at her for a couple of seconds before saying:

"And whose fault is that Gail? You are the one who can't keep your legs closed and don't give me any of that horse shit about how you can't go a week without sex. You could if you wanted to, but the fact of the matter is that you don't want to. You try and sell the song and dance that it wouldn't be cheating if I was to go along with it and that is absolute bull shit. If you are in a relationship with someone and are fucking someone else you are cheating! Period!!

"There might be some warped dudes out there who can accept it when their woman fucks some one else, but I'm not one of them. My woman has to be mine and mine alone. I will not share! You can't commit to me and that's on you Gail. If you can't sleep because of your actions that is your tough luck and not mine."

I got out of the hot tub, showered, dressed and went to work.

For the next two weeks I saw Gail every day Monday through Friday and while she never did try to talk to me I do have to admit that I couldn't take my eyes off of her. What had started that day in college still held; I had to see her. There was something deep inside me that required that visual fix.

I spent a lot of time thinking about how unfair life was. To want something so bad and to know it could be yours if only you were a little more accommodating. It was unbelievable how many rationalizations I was able to come up with that would let me give in to what Gail said she required. Everything from a simple "Why should I care. I'm not using it" to a more complicated "If you really want something bad enough shouldn't you be willing to pay the cost?"

I knew Gail was my other half the instant I laid eyes on her for the first time and every minute that I'd spent in her company since then had only solidified that belief. So why couldn't I do what she wanted? What could it hurt? It would get me what I wanted. What I craved. It really hadn't hurt us when we dated right? And I wouldn't even know when she was doing it. Just that it might – only might – happen on the nights we didn't spend together. And she had said that it would never be with anyone I knew or around anyone who knew the both of us. Those were the thoughts roaring through my head as I tried to make myself do what I needed to do to make Gail mine.

And then one morning I woke up and faced a few things. If she couldn't go a week without what would she do if we were married and I wasn't around? And that would happen. I knew going into it that my job was going to eventually require travelling on business. There were industry conventions, seminars and the like that would be out of town and require me to be gone a week or two. What if I got hurt and was unable to perform for a couple of weeks? And what if my sex drive wasn't as strong as hers? I had some dark thoughts. Dark thoughts indeed.

I guess I really wasn't as strong and firm as my "I won't share!" statement indicated. I kept sliding closer and closer to the precipice. It came to a head on a Friday three weeks after I'd gotten out of the hot tub and stormed off leaving Gail behind.

I was again in the hot tub following my workout and about five minutes after I'd sat down Gail joined me. She sat down away from me, but still close enough to talk and after a minute or two of silence she said:

"I've missed you Rob. Can't we at least be friends?"

I wanted to be more – much much more – than just friends, but I didn't say that. What I said was:

"We will always be that Gail."

"Maybe close enough friends that we could occasionally date?"

The plaintive tone of her voice struck a chord in me and my downfall started with an:

"I don't see why not."

When I left the tub to dress and go to work I had a date for that evening.

In the following three weeks I went out with Gail nine times and at the end of the third week we went up to my parent's cabin for the weekend and the last nail was driven into my coffin. I let Gail talk me into sleeping with her. Just sleeping. No love making. When we got there I told her the sleeping arrangements would be the same as before with her taking the bed in the loft and me using the sofa bed, but at bedtime she said:

"Sleep with me Rob. Please? I'll be good. I won't push anything. I just want to be held. To snuggle up to you and cuddle."

I said yes and when I woke up the next morning with Gail wrapped around me I knew that I would do whatever I had to do to keep us together.

I didn't jump right out and say "Okay Gail; I'll accept your conditions." Another two weeks went by and I listened to her trying to talk me into what she wanted and I did spend a lot of time thinking on it. Then on a Friday night date she said:

"Please Rob. I'll do my best not to do anything. I can't promise, but I'll do my absolute best. I swear I will."

As I've said I'd given it a lot of thought and it all boiled down to "Was I willing to pay the price for what I wanted" and in the end the answer was yes. But was she? And the answer to that one was no. She was not willing to give up fulfilling her desires in order to get me. But would she be willing to suffer some humiliation? It was time to find out.

In all the thinking I had been doing there had been some dark thoughts as well and those dark thoughts were going to be dropped onto the table. When she finished saying "I'll do my best Rob; I swear I will" I said:

"I guess I can give it a try Gail, but I do have some conditions that will have to be met."

"Conditions? What are they?"

"The first one is a matter of trust. I am only willing to go along with you because of your up front honesty about what you have been doing and will probably continue doing your absolute best not withstanding. I am counting on that honesty to continue. So the first condition is that you never lie to me. No lies Gail; not even little white ones and no evasions if I ask questions.

"Next you will never break a date with me to be with one of your fuck buddies."

She started to say something, but I cut her off with "You can have your stay when I finish. If you break a date with me you should know that I will suspect that it is so you can see some one else to take care of those needs you keep throwing up to me so you need to be very careful Gail. Very, very careful because a date broken with me could very well kill us off. If we set up a date for say a Tuesday and you break it it will most likely be the kiss of death. However, if I ask for a date on Tuesday and you say you can't that will be acceptable.

"Next on my list is that from Friday after work until midnight Sunday you are mine. These are my days exclusively and family functions are the only acceptable excuse for not giving me those days.

"This last one is the biggie. As long as you are seeing other guys I will no longer perform oral sex on you since I could very easily pick up with my mouth whatever diseases some other guy might give you. You have heard it said that when you have sex with someone you are having sex with everyone that person has had sex with right? Three days before the wedding you will have to give me a report from a reputable local doctor or lab stating that you are disease free."

"How can you ask me to do that? I thought you loved me. Asking me to do that is just disgusting."

"Now you know how I feel about what you are asking me to do. Anyway, those are my conditions. If you want us to go forward you will accept them. You accept them and I'll slide a ring on your finger and you can turn your mother loose to do her thing."

"I'm going to need to think about this."

"No you don't Gail. If you want us together as bad as you say you do there is nothing to think about. If you really do need to think about it I'll take it to mean that your feelings for me are not as strong as they need to be for us to be in a committed relationship. If you can't say "Of course I accept Rob; anything to get you" then both of us are wasting each other's time and we need to put an end to things and get on with our lives.

"This is our defining moment Gail. What you say in the next thirty seconds will determine the start of our futures. We will move into those futures either together or singly. Your call."

Gail sat looking at me for maybe ten seconds and then she finally said:

"You know I have to accept Rob. I know we belong together and I will do what I have to do to make it happen."

"All right then Gail Marcella Luoma will you marry me?"

"Yes Rob I will."

I reached into my pocket for the ring and then I reached for her left hand and said:

"I all ready did the knee thing" as I slid the ring on her finger, "And while this might not seem like an overly romantic moment it is a totally sincere gesture on my part."

"It is good enough for me Rob. The important thing, at least to me, is that I now have your ring on my finger."

The next day Gail took me to meet her parents. I hadn't met them before, but I had talked to her mother several times on the phone when calling Gail. They seemed very nice and I didn't sense any displeasure as to their daughter' choice for a mate.

Gail's dad asked if we had picked a date for the wedding yet and Gail said:

"It is up to mom. She has been talking about what she was going to do wedding wise for the last four years. If it were up to me I'd get the license and blood tests done and have a civil ceremony next week."

"Oh no you won't" her mother said and got up and left the room. She came back a couple of minutes later with a calendar. She sat down and looked through it and then said:

"I think the second weekend in March will work."

"That's better than the six or seven months I expected" Gail said and then she turned to me and asked, "How about it sugar; can you wait four months for me?"

"I can, but there is one thing that hasn't been discussed before now and that is the fact that my mother will undoubtedly want to get involved."

"Just have her call me dear" Gail's mother said.

"I'll do better than that. Gail and I will take you and my parents out to dinner on Thursday. You need to get to know each other anyway."

"We would love to meet them" Gail's dad said.

I noticed Gail's face lose her smile when I said that I'd set up the dinner. Gail had already met my folks and had seemed to like them so why the lost smile at my setting up a meeting of parents? And then it hit me. She had been planning on meeting one of her fuck buddies that evening. That thought wiped the smile off my face, but then I got a grip on myself. I'd known it was going to happen sooner or later and I had all ready agreed to look the other way.

When I left to go home Gal's goodnight kiss didn't lack the usual passion so I guessed she didn't know that I'd caught her change of expression and figured out the cause. As I drove home I wondered for the hundredth time if I'd made a mistake. I didn't know any other guy who would accept what I had accepted, but I clung to the thought that if you wanted something bad enough you had to be willing to pay the price.

My parents and Gail's got along great and my mom and Gail's mom exchanged some ideas and arranged to get together several times over the coming weeks. My dad said:

"It is out of your hands now Rob. All you have to do now is show up on time on the appointed day."

"That's not true" my mom said. "He has to pick out his best man and ushers and make up a list of who he wants invited. And the sooner the better."

I told her I'd get to work on it right away. Friday I called Mike and asked him to be my best man and he said he would and then I called half a dozen good buddies and lined them up to be ushers and they all said yes. There were another dozen or so people I knew well enough and liked enough to invite and I made up the list and gave it to my mother on Friday. Then I picked Gail up and we headed for the cabin to spend a lazy weekend.

The next four months flew by. I was with Gail on the average of four times a week and I had no idea of what she did on the nights she wasn't with me and I made no attempt to find out. Gail had told me that she would do her absolute best to control her urges and I was hoping that she could do it.

I've mentioned Mike. But he wasn't the only buddy that I had. There were lots of others who for the most part did nothing to warrant mention in this tale. The same could not be said for some of Gail's friends. There were four in particular and all four had been Gail's friends since the second and third grades.

There was Bea whom I knew. Knew fairly well as a matter of fact. Bea was one of the two girls who had dumped me for not having sex with her. There were the Fowler twins, Mary and Martha. They were fraternal and not identical.

And then there was Cindy.

Cindy was Gail's BFF and Cindy did not like me. She did not like me at all and I had absolutely no idea why. I'd never met her before I started dating Gail and I could not remember ever saying anything to her or do anything to her that would give her the feelings she had toward me. Once she asked Gail right in front of me why she was wasting her time with a loser like me. Gail's response – "Because he's cute" – was less than satisfying to me at the time.

The nights that Gail wasn't with me, at least the ones she told me about were invariably spent with the four on girl's nights out. Like it or not the four were always going to be around even after Gail and I were married and all four were going to be a part of the wedding. Cindy was Maid of Honor and the other three were going to be bridesmaids.

The rundown to the wedding wasn't at all smooth. The thoughts that I had in my head about what Gail might be doing were being fed on occasion by guys that I knew.

One night Ray Hendrickson asked me if it didn't bother me some that Gail ran with a bunch of sluts. According to him the group never seemed to meet a cock they didn't like. He hastened to add that Gail didn't act like the rest of them, but did he say that because it was true or because he was my friend and didn't want to upset me?

Mike also made a comment or two about the group that Gail ran around with. Once, a month before the wedding, he asked me if I was sure that I knew what I was doing. When I asked him what he meant by that he said:

"It's like this. Say you absolutely love chocolate and one day someone gives you a whole case of Hershey Bars. You love chocolate so much that you sit down and eat the entire case in one sitting."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"It means that just because you love something and really really want it it doesn't mean that it is good for you."

Before I could get him to clarify that for me he said he had to run and he got up and left. I'm not stupid and I knew what he was saying. He was flat out telling me in disguised fashion that he thought Gail wasn't good for me. Why did he think that? What did he know? Gail told me that she never did anything with anyone that I knew or did anything around people that knew us both. Was that true? Were Ray and Mike keeping something from me because they felt I'd turn away from them if they told me something they thought I wouldn't like or that would upset me greatly?

I fought hard to push those thoughts out of my mind. I'd made my bed so to speak and I'd just have to lay in it. If Gail was doing what she said she would try her hardest not to do I couldn't let it bother me. I'd said that I would go along with it and I would just have to.

Gail had her bachelorette party on the Tuesday before the wedding and I had my bachelor party on the Thursday before the wedding. It didn't have the usual stripper; just a lot of beer and card playing and before it was over Mike made one last attempt.

"Are you really sure you want to do this Rob? You really want to tie yourself to a girl like Gail?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I'm going to be flat assed honest with you bud even at the risk of getting you pissed at me. I think the girl is a cock loving slut and I just can't see her being a faithful wife."

"Why would you think that?"

"I've heard rumors of what happened at her bachelorette party and then of course there is the bunch she hangs out with."

"Just rumors?"

He looked away from me and said, "I know the male stripper Cindy hired for the party. He told me how wild things got. There were fourteen girls there and he had to call three friends to come and help him out. Things were so busy that he couldn't keep track of who did what, but he did say that at the end of his dance the bride to be sucked him off. By the way, he doesn't know you or that I know you."

"It changes nothing Mike. Probably a last sowing of wild oats before she settles into married life."

"It is your life bud, but I would be less of a friend if I didn't tell you what I know."

"Not to worry bro; I'll always owe you for pushing her into my arms."

Two days before the wedding Gail handed me the paperwork from a local lab that said she was disease free. She really didn't need to do it because the blood tests required to get the license were clear, but it is what I told her I had to have and she wanted to show me that she would keep her word.

The wedding went off as scheduled, but I was nervous and edgy most of the way through the ceremony. I half expected some one to stand up and speak out when the good reverend got to the "Does anyone know of any reason why Robert and Gail should not be joined in Holy Matrimony" but no one did it.

The reception was held at the VFW hall. It turned out that both my dad and Gail's dad were members. It was at the reception that I belatedly came to realize that Gail had had misled, if not outright lied to me. She had told me that whatever she did wouldn't be with anyone I knew or around anybody who knew the both of us. It became obvious about an hour into the party when I noticed that the dates of Bea and Mary along with Martha's boyfriend and Cindy's fiancé Norm were throwing 'knowing' smirks and grins my way. They knew! There was no doubt in my mind that they knew what Gail had been doing as had her four girlfriends. After I noticed I made damned sure that I sat with my back to them. It wasn't easy to totally ignore them since Cindy as Maid of Honor was always around and usually with her fiancé Norm.

About two hours into the party I needed to go outside for a breath of fresh air. No smoking rules either hadn't reached the VFW, didn't pertain to private clubs or were just flat ignored and the smoke filled room had gotten to me.

I was sitting on a bench against the back wall of the building and I was apparently under the partially opened women's bathroom window. I heard a couple of women come into the room talking to each other. I recognized the voices as belonging to Cindy and Mary.

" ... here and part of it, but I still have a hard time believing that she married the twit" I heard Cindy say.

"I know. It doesn't make sense to me either. How someone with Gail's sexual appetites could marry a man without knowing if they are sexually compatible makes no sense at all."

"If I know my girlfriend as well as I think I do she will be hanging horns on him if he doesn't toe the mark."

"Well she had better leave Tim alone because I plan on marrying him."

"You should have told her that before she tried him on. He seems to be around her a lot."

"Listen to yourself. You haven't been able to keep Norm out of her pants."

"What can I say? Friends share."

"She's going to let you fuck the twit?"

"Why the hell would I want to?"

"He's not a bad looking guy and the fact that Gail won't tell us about his package leads me to believe he has something she doesn't want us to know about."

"So what? He is still a twit. I mean come on! I can see a seventeen year old or eighteen year old holding to a promise made to mommy, but a grown man who won't fuck because he promised mommy he wouldn't? Gail has to be nuts to have married him."

"Maybe, but then again maybe not. Maybe she thinks that if mommy can control him like that she can too. You know the way he followed her around and mooned over her. She probably thinks she can get him to do whatever she wants."

"You might be right. Maybe she can pussy whip the twit into doing whatever she wants?"

"You think she can get him to watch while she fucks other guys? She has always liked fucking in front of us. The last time she did Norm she made sure that Tim, Ben and Sam sat and watched before inviting them in to make her airtight."

"Wouldn't surprise me a bit. I know how hung up she is on Norm's big dick. I doubt that she will give it up just because she is married now and she will probably want to get the twit involved somewhere along the line so he won't nail her for cheating."

"Think you, me, Bea and Martha can work on her to turn him into a willing cuckold?"

"I'd be almost willing to be..." and they were gone.

But I was still there. Still there and wondering why the Fates and the Gods loved shitting on me. I sat there shaking my head as I came to grips with what I'd just heard. Mike had tried to warn me and so had Ray, but I of course knew better. I just knew they had to be wrong.

Shit! Who was I trying to kid. I'd known all along what Gail was doing even if I did pretend otherwise. But I wanted her so bad that I was willing to pay the price needed to get her only the price I had been expecting to pay was her occasionally meeting a guy not known to me to satisfy her need for sex. I knew it would stop as soon as I stepped up to take care of my husbandly duties. Now I had to ask myself if it would.

I might have still been a virgin, but that did not mean that I was ignorant when it came to things sexual. I'd seen plenty of porn and read erotic literature and I knew what 'airtight' meant. I was already asking myself if a girl who liked being that way was ever going to settle for being with just one man.

Same as Rob and Gail
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Rob Deb and Sue ndash Playtime

You may want to read our previous post on the preparations for our summer cruise and our first swinging encounter for this all to make sense. To summarise we met Rob and Deb whilst out shopping and ended up having a great evening of sex with them.We kept in contact with Rob and Deb after our encounter and respective cruise holidays, we spoke about meeting up around Christmas for a weekend in the country however that didn’t happen. Sue and I were both back at work full time and weekends seemed...

3 years ago
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Rob And Sarah

Rob and Sarah considered themselves a typical American professional couple. Both worked in America at the start of this tale. They lived in what might be described by an Englishman, in typical American, white, suburbia. Lawns, gardens, driveways, spacious homes, spaciously apart, professional mediocrity where life changes little. Everybody is polite and superficially neighbourly. They had seen very few Black Americans. They considered themselves educated, and sophisticated. Americans who knew...

1 year ago
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rob and azmat 2

The next morning as Rob Taylor sat in the coffee shop, Azmat came up to him and said "Hello Mr. Taylor."The 39 year old British technician looked up, his hazel brown eyes showing his pleasant surprise to see her; she usually was part of the afternoon shift in the coffee shop."Hello there" He said with a big smile and a sparkle in his eye"You're here early today"Azmat made a fuss of straightening the tableware and replied "Shift change. I am on early duty for the next month."Azmat stood beside...

2 years ago
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Rob Summer

Part 1.Rob had nothing but admiration for this girl. The fact she was his daughter made little difference. He gazed upon her with love in his eyes.She had suffered many tragedies in her short life, many were shared with Rob, yet, she still smiled everyday. She'd grown up happy, in good health, with loving parents. Rob and Claire had been married since they were sixteen. They bore two c***dren, two years apart. Eddie was the elder, Summer the younger.The first tragedy struck when Eddie was...

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Rob fucking my wife

Me and Rob was hanging out at our apartment. Linda was getting ready for a girls night out with her BFF Stacy. Linda came out in a black dress, it went down to her knees. Spaghetti straps, no bra.Linda came over to me, straddle me and whisper in my ear. She said, I shaved my pubic hair off and I’m not wearing any panties. I started nibbling on her neck. She said, Tonight. She got off of me and said by, and said by to Rob too.It was getting late and the fight we were watching was over. Linda...

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Rob Would Not Be Denied

I have hooked up with Rob a few more times since our first meeting. And he has trained me quite well, that huge dick of his will always be difficult to take but I will keep trying. Rob asked me to come over to his apartment for a few drinks but I knew what that meant. I told him I will be sl**ping over, his laugh and said no stays at the “Rob Hotel” for free. I thought to myself, ran to the shower and did a shave. I wanted everything nice and clean, all over for him. I packed a bag of a cute...

1 year ago
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Rob Would Not Be Denied

I have hooked up with Rob a few more times since our first meeting. And he has trained me quite well, that huge dick of his will always be difficult to take but I will keep trying. Rob asked me to come over to his apartment for a few drinks but I knew what that meant. I told him I will be sleeping over, his laugh and said no stays at the “Rob Hotel” for free. I thought to myself, ran to the shower and did a shave. I wanted everything nice and clean, all over for him. I packed a bag of a cute...

4 years ago
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Rob Joe Women of the Church Ch 03

** This story is the third segment of this series. I would suggest reading the1st & 2nd chapters if you are new to the series. The story is about two young college grads and how the women of the church offer no end of opportunities for their sexual fulfillment (some willingly and some with a little pressure applied.) On Saturday morning, Joe and Rob were looking forward to the party at the house of the pastor that evening. Since they had done all of the landscaping and beautification of the...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

3 years ago
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Rob and Jane Part 3 Public Relations

After Rob and Jane’s wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn’t stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...

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Rob and Jane Part 3 Public Relations

After Rob and Jane's wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn't stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Rob And Gina

Once upon a time I loved my wife and I thought she loved me. I thought we had a good marriage, but time changes all things and our relationship was no exception. I met Gina by accident - literally - when she ran into the back of my car while I was sitting at a stoplight. It wasn't her fault; she was rear ended and pushed into me. When we got out of our cars to check out the damage I paid more interest to her than I did the damage to my car. Visually speaking, she was my ideal woman. Tall at...

1 year ago
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rob and azmat 1

The 39 year old, British technician, Mr Robert Taylor, sat alone sipping tea in the lounge of the Sheraton hotel Karachi.He had finished early for the day and sat watching people, especially the women, go by in the hotel lobby.Rob had been surprised at first by how more liberal Pakistan seemed. The women did not walk around in black sheets or veils as he expected. The majority seemed content to be in a loose trouser and shirt suit known as Shalwar Kamiz. It had not taken Rob long to see that...

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Rob Jodi and Pete a hot threesome chapter 1

Rob and Jodi satisfy their needs while her husband, Pete, watches and eventually joins the fun... The following is a work-related sexual adventure. Jodi and I knew each other from working together, years ago. We weren't particularly tight but liked to talk...go to lunch...gossip. It was left that way because we were both married and had too much in common...always seemed to be a little attraction floating through our relationship. I ran into her at a conference and decided to drop her a line...

2 years ago
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Rob Joe Women of the Church Ch 02

Ch 2 Sex in the Fitting Room This story picks up the activities of two rich young men who have found ways to maximize on the sexual needs of the women of the congregation. Following the pastor around town leads them to sexually deprived women. The most deprived are the pastor’s wife and her twin sister. Read Ch 1 to meet Helen (Pastor’s wife) and Margaret (Her twin sister). We join Rob and Joe as they leave an afternoon of sex with the twins. ………………………………………….. As Rob and Joe meet each...

4 years ago
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Rob and the Kiss of Death

She used the key I'd given her to let herself in. I wasn't expecting her so I was sitting on the couch reading James Lee Burke's latest, "The Glass Rainbow." I put the book down and gave her an appreciative look. She was drop dead gorgeous and the sexiest looking woman I had ever laid eyes on. She was the kind of woman that a star had on his arm at the Academy Awards or some MTV award show. She was the kind of woman you saw with super stars, famous athletes or some extremely rich bachelor....

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Rob Jenkins Part IIIChapter 14

Rob knew the hospital's legend for lab results highlighted was red: panic and yellow: abnormal. He saw from the display he was in serious trouble. Dr. Angell returned the page and called Dr. Kournikova. She answered and said, "Rob Jenkins is in my lab. His rbc is 3.0, his wbc is 2200, his platelet count is 754, his absolute retic count is 579.4, his blast count is 12 and his creatinine is 6.4. I suggest an immediate bone marrow biopsy, and then a PET scan. I've admitted him overnight to...

2 years ago
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Rob and Mickey

I saw her when she walked in from the parking lot and nothing had changed. My heart still did flip flops and my blood started racing. I was surprised to see her alone and then I thought he had probably dropped her off close to the group and then went to park the car. I knew she would be there and I knew how I would react to seeing her and that is the main reason that it took my twin brother Rich so long to talk me into coming. For some reason that I didn't understand he attached great...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

3 years ago
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Rob and EllenChapter 3

I was sitting in a booth eating breakfast when Dixie sat down opposite me. "How we doing Rob?" "Day to day Dixie, day to day." "You about ready to give me another shot at you?" I looked at her and remembered what we once had and my dick started to harden. "Why not?" I thought. It has been months and I certainly didn't owe Ellen any degree of faithfulness. "What do you have in mind?" "Bob Thomas and the Highway Travelers are at the Stagecoach. How about Mexican for dinner and...

2 years ago
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Rob Joe Women of the Church Ch 04

The party is about to start. Rob and Joe have the pastor’s yard looking great with the fountain and oversized fishpond being the central focus with flowers and shrubs bringing the yard alive. Several benches have been placed around the yard to give different views. One bench at the back of the property looks out over the city and is secluded from view of the rest of the yard. Helen and Margaret have plans for that bench tonight. Helen and Margaret are dressed identical for the party. They take...

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robs wife

I liked to be dominated. I like when men take control and tell me what to do. My husband discovered this after a few years of marriage, and things haven't been the same since. Lately, though, things my have gotten a little out of control. It seems that my husband, Rob, had been discussing domination with a few of his friends at work. He had, after a couple of beers at the local bar, told them about our secret sexual practices. He told them that I liked being a love slave, and would do anything...

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Robs Wife

I liked to be dominated. I like when men take control and tell me what to do. My husband discovered this after a few years of marriage, and things haven't been the same since. Lately, though, things my have gotten a little out of control.It seems that my husband, Rob, had been discussing domination with a few of his friends at work. He had, after a couple of beers at the local bar, told them about our secret sexual practices. He told them that I liked being a love slave, and would do anything...

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Rob and Jane Part 2 The next morning

Rob and Jane Part 2 The next morning...Jane woke from a peaceful sleep. She felt a heavy arm draped over her stomach, a hand lightly brushing her navel as she breathed in and out. She smiled remembering last night's encounter. Sighing she rolled from her side to her back and turned her face to the man beside her. He began to stir and slowly opened his eyes. With a broad grin on his face Rob breathed 'Good Morning Miss, I take it you slept OK?' 'I sure did' she replied and they both began to...

Quickie Sex
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

3 years ago
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Rob Joe Women of the Church Ch 01

This will be the first in a series about two college roommates who have many different sexual opportunities with women by attending and being active in church. The stories will share the interesting lives of the women they pursue As in life one contact leads to another. This will be my first submission in a couple of years. Many enjoyed the Pastor Sarah series I wrote in 2003. I hope you enjoy this series Joe and Rob were roommates in a prestigious university with all the benefits of rich...

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Rob and EllenChapter 2

I watched him walk out to the garage and was glad that he would never know the truth of my night with Stu. The truth would just kill him. The truth was that Stu had given me the best sex of my life. It had been so good that I wasn't sure that I wouldn't have run away with him if he had asked. I really do love Rob and I'm sorry now that Stu and I played. I told the truth about the guilt I was carrying, but deep in my heart I know that I had kind of lied when I said 'never again.' It would...

2 years ago
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Rob and Aggie

I met Agnes in the ninth grade, started dating her and we were pretty much an established couple from the tenth grade on. We had no problems all the way through high school and – cliché of all clichés – we exchanged our virginities the night of the senior prom. Once we discovered sex we were at it every chance we got. We had been talking about getting married since the eleventh grade and we had decided that we would wait until we finished college before tying the knot. College changed Aggie....

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Rob Jenkins Part IIIChapter 12

I knew I had upset Pris. I wanted to say something to comfort her, but I was afraid I would make her feel worse. I didn't want to engage the autopilot, leave the pilot seat, and go back to her. It was too dangerous and she seemed to want to avoid me. The Barin Signal Group tested very sophisticated communications equipment including some classified Army equipment. They had installed some special radar and communications equipment on my Aero Commander. I rarely used the special...

3 years ago
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Rob Harry Sueleen and Mellissa

Harry had been my best friend for so long that it was hard for me to sometimes remember how far back we went. I'm pretty sure that it was around the second grade, but it might have been the first. He lived three doors down from me and we started walking to school together in the morning and then home again after school. We played together after school and on the weekends and as we grew older the bonds became tighter. When we were thirteen the Ellsworth brothers took his bike and I went with...

1 year ago
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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

4 years ago
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Robs stay with Auntie Serena

I’m 18 years old and I really can look after myself but my mum insisted I went and stayed with some neighbours while she was away for a few days.Mind you I didn’t mind as it was with Auntie Serena and Uncle Mark. They weren’t really my aunt and uncle but as they were the same age as my parents I was bought up to call them auntie and uncle.You see Serena was very attractive, and had gorgeous kissable lips and always wore a deep red lipstick. Whenever she spoke to me I found myself looking at her...

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Rob And Cheri

This story is like many others I have read on this site. It is unique only in that it happened to me. Looking back on it now I suppose I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. I can only blame it on being blinded by my love for Cheri. Well, the blinders are off now and I can't believe that I have been so stupid. I had been married to Cheri a little over ten years. They were good years and as far as marriages go I would have put ours in the top ten percent, but as with a lot of marriages...

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Rob and Several Ladies

It had its start in high school. If it had happened a few years later it probably wouldn’t have amounted to much, but when you are a teenager you don’t look ahead to the possible consequences of your actions. Sue Ellen and I had been going steady for a little over a year and we had actually been talking marriage when we got out of college. Looking back I could see where it was probably silly of us. I mean we still had to graduate from high school and God only knew what would or could happen...

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Rob Gets Even

This story had its origins in high school although not much really happened there. There were three elementary schools in town that took you from kindergarten to the fifth grade; two middle schools that took you from the sixth through the eighth grade. There was only one high school that took you from the ninth to the twelfth so when I started the ninth grade I saw tons of kids that I had never seen before and one of them was Nancy Wilde. I don’t know if you remember what it was like when you...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Rob and Amy

The gate clicked closed behind me and I started walking toward my sister's car. I took a deep breath. The air where I was walking was the same air that was on the other side of the wall, but some how it smelled fresher and sweeter. Marci gave me a hug and said: "Before I take you home is there anything you want to do? Any place in particular you want to go?" "Yeah. I guess there is. I'd love to have a cold beer." "You got it. Bud's Bar do it for you?" "You bet." As we drove away...

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Rob and Glenda

We had just gotten off work and Ben and I were sitting at the bar in Riley's Tavern sipping suds and shooting the shit while watching Monday Night Football on the TV. The game was just so-so, neither team seemingly able to get it together although the Broncos did manage to get a drive or two going even though they never capitalized on them. A shot of the Broncos cheerleaders hit the screen and Ben nudged me and said: "Would you?" "Would I what?" "Do one of those...

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Rob and Mickey

I saw her when she walked in from the parking lot and nothing had changed. My heart still did flip flops and my blood started racing. I was surprised to see her alone and then I thought he had probably dropped her off close to the group and then went to park the car. I knew she would be there and I knew how I would react to seeing her and that is the main reason that it took my twin brother Rich so long to talk me into coming. For some reason that I didn’t understand he attached great...

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Rob and LoriChapter 2

September found us in college. Lori went for Information and Systems Technology and I went for Business Management. We managed to make it almost all the ay through our freshman year before Lori's strong will surfaced again. There was a concert that Lori wanted to go to, but it was on a Friday night and I had already committed us to attend my mother's birthday party. Lori knew this almost a month ahead of time and never gave any indication that she didn't plan on attending. Three days...

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Rob and JanChapter 4

I went out and drove to my new second home, 'The Timberwolf' sports bar, and took a seat at the fairly empty bar. I had my head in my hands when I heard the glass hit the bar, I looked, and there was a tall glass with three ice cubes and about three fingers of amber liquid. My eyes moved higher and saw a smiling face, Brenda. "I figured the battle was over for now, so you needed a little more medicine. Things go as planned?" "Pretty much; there were a couple of small glitches that were...

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Rob and GailChapter 3

Four days before we moved into the house Gail asked me if I would mind if she had a girl's night out after work with Cindy, Bea and the twins. It didn't surprise me because I knew it was coming after listening to the bathroom conversations and I'd heard Cindy bring it up on yesterday's output from the phone tap. Gail said that she would think about it and let Cindy know after running it by me. I gambled on Cindy not rushing into her plans and taking the time to set things up so I told...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Rob and LoriChapter 4

I hit the city limits at six in the morning and slowly drove through town looking for the changes that must have occurred during my two year absence. I noticed that Charlie Farrow's gas station was gone and a McDonalds sat in its place. Alice's Diner was now Suzie Q's Café and Apex Appliances had boarded over windows and a For Lease sign. There was a touch of irony in that the Super 8 Motel was the only motel I could find that had a vacancy and the way things were going for me I almost bet...

4 years ago
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A few years ago I hit it big in the lottery. I took the lump payment and walked away 140 million richer. My sister Lara was pissed at me when I refused to give her the time of day, let alone one dollar of my winnings. I had never liked her husband Mike. The guy was a sleaze bag. He and I got into a huge fight one year on Christmas when I saw a hand print bruise on my sister's arm. I left him u*********s in the middle of their kitchen. I was persona non grata after that. So Lara was S O L when I...

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Rob and JanChapter 3

About 10:30 this morning, I got a call from Marge. I only asked one question and then hung up. I asked, "Was she a good girl?" I heard, "No; she wasn't..." I hung up, and lay my head on my arms on my desk and imploded. The next thing I knew my PA, Shelia Peterson came in after lunch and asked if I was okay. "Shelia, I'm not feeling well; I haven't slept well for the last couple of days, and I may be coming down with something. I'm going home and see if I can get over this. Have...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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