Cat FightChapter 27 (The Last) free porn video

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds
specton - 2 1/2 minutes
Toton - 2 1/2 hours
minton - 2 1/2 days
daycon - 2 1/2 weeks
Malant - 2 1/2 months
quant - 2 1/2 years
galant - 2 1/2 centuries
Metson - 2 1/2 inches
maclon - 2 1/2 feet
heckson - 2 1/2 miles
tetson - 2 1/2 acres
unit - 2 1/2 ccs
Tac - 2 1/2 pounds
Mayan Terms
p’uchik - spank
nohchil - Chief
Ahau - King
k’aat - Claim
k’iimil - Death
taak’in - gold
Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh
King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father, Lion clan
King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother, Lion clan
Queen Trianna Axor - Bill’s dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria
Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill’s
Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill’s body guard and mate
Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill’s body guard and mate
Mikos Glac - Chartreux clan
Skylos - Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan
Henna Glac - Chartreux clan, Mikos mate, Xendran Doctor
Theta Panadon - Cheetah clan
Cornelius Glax - one of Bill’s Uncles, Grey Tabby clan
Conrad Nox - Bill’s other Uncle Bengal clan
Assassin group - Jaguar clan
Second assassin group - Ocicat clan
Typree Maxor - Sub King of Mandria, Lion clan
Adina Maxor - Paladin Princess of Xendra, Sub-princess of Mandria, Lion clan
Timora - The great mother of the feline people, mate of first tribal leader
Hippacamp - Timora’s father, father of modern Xendran doctors
Kindra - First Queen of the Realm
General Roth - Leopard clan
Gregor - Cougar clan
Gwayne - Panther clan
Thomas - Lynx clan
Paladins - Female Knights
Wrena - Leopard clan, Roth’s mate
Cetana - Cougar clan, Gregor’s mate
Dawney - Panther clan, Gwayne’s mate
Mileen - Lynx clan, Thomas’s mate
Ambrose and his party moved swiftly back into the boundaries of Tikal. As they approached the king and his men the king breathed a sigh of relief.
“We are glad to see you back amongst us Lord. Many of the men were afraid that you might have abandoned us and our city. I assured them that you had a plan to save most of the city. It didn’t help that you were gone as long as you were Lord.” The king told them.
Ambrose nodded then stood before them, “as I said before I am here for a few more of your days. I intend to save as many of the city as I can. If I could I would be here to battle your enemies with you. I am afraid this I cannot do, the others have plans for this city. Fight and die well Warriors of the great city of Tikal.”
A great cheer went up from all those there as they started to chant Cit-Chac-Coh as Ambrose and his party moved off toward the city it’s self.
“Skylos?” Ambrose said when they were out of ear shot of the king and the warriors. “Are we close yet?”
“Almost there sire, shouldn’t be more than another specton or two. I have repaired all I can the ship’s auto is finishing the rest.” Skylos replied.
“We need to get going as soon as possible. I might have gained us another half minton though I’m not sure. I’ll be glad to be moving them again.” Ambrose told Skylos.
“Yes sire I understand,” Skylos said then there was a hissing coming from further back from the com. “I have to go it appears that the others are anxious to get going also.”
Suddenly in the background Ambrose heard Twitty yelling, “Skylos! We have work to do! I do not intend to stay here the rest of my life. Who are you talking to?”
“As I said sire I have to go.” Skylos replied.
“Sire?” Ambrose heard Twitty yell. “Mate,” Twitty said as she snatched the com from Skylos. “Unless you intend to stay here when this place is over run, please don’t disturb our work again!” With that the com went dead as Ambrose started to laugh.
Turning back he spoke to Roth and the rest of his knights. “It appears that we are almost ready to go again. If we can bar other break downs we should barely have enough time to complete this.”
All of them nodded as they ran to their positions, turning back toward the city Ambrose hoped they could get all of them. It was a quarter toton later that Skylos informed Ambrose that they were ready to go.
A moment later Adina walked up to Ambrose, “Cousin I know that you feel that the people would be calmer if you went. I am feeling that there is a great unrest with those that are staying and waiting. Perhaps you should speak to them. I am sure those that are going can send Hippacamp back.”
Ambrose’s eyes went wide then he was nodding in agreement with her. “I see your point Adina, I am also glad that your voice has finally returned.”
Adina was eyeing Ambrose with her eyes narrowed not sure if she could believe him or not. “I am glad also cousin, though I am not sure if I can truly believe you. I know you are not like my brother though you are a male. Please forgive me you are different yet it is hard to believe that you are that different.”
Ambrose’s face held a look of shock then he bowed to Adina who gasped in surprise. “I apologize for you having doubts cousin. I’ll try to not do that again.”
Adina was staring at Ambrose even harder it truly appeared as if he was telling the complete truth. Then a radiant smile lit upon her face. “Thank you cousin, if you can achieve that then I will do everything for you I can, always.”
Ambrose could only nod at her after her declaration. “Thank you cousin, as I said I will do all I can to not give you doubts again.”
Adina was nodding with a large smile on her face as she led Ambrose to a large clear area of the city. Looking around as they broke into the open Ambrose could only stare at Adina.
“What is this?” Ambrose said indicating the huge throng of people that were waiting there.
“I thought you might agree with me on this so I had the people converge here.” Adina told Ambrose.
Still hardly believing his eyes Ambrose thought for a few moments. “Good people of Tikal. I know you feel better when I travel with you. I also know that many who are here still have fears. I will soon send Hippacamp to help allay your fears.” A mighty roar went up as Ambrose nodded to all there.
Turning Ambrose saw that Adina had another huge smile glued to her face. “By the great feline! You are such a powerful speaker. I am so glad that you will lead the realm.”
Sighing Ambrose nodded then said, “I hope that I will, we first have to return. As you remember the last time this almost drained me.”
“I remember, though as you pointed out each time you use it, the next time you are stronger. Besides,” here she paused, “you won’t be doing more than one thing like last time.” Then almost in a whisper she said. “I pray to the great feline you aren’t required nor have to.”
Ambrose’s eyes went wide then he nodded agreement. “I am hoping also cousin; I personally don’t want to expire before I can do any good.”
Adina’s face was shocked then it held anger as she spit, “Don’t joke about that cousin! You are far stronger than father was, you’ll make it; that I am sure of.” Then she sided up to Ambrose purring, rubbing her face on his hand. “We all have to survive, you more than the rest of us.”
Ambrose watched her for a moment then pulled his had back pulling her face up. “We are all just as important, remember that. I don’t want to think that I’ll have to punish you when this is done.”
A look of shock registered on Adina’s face, “Punishment? What are you talking about cousin?”
“I learned of it while I was on earth though somewhat primitive, this seemed quite effective.” Ambrose told her.
“Primitive? You mean barbaric what was this punishment called?” Adina smirked as she replied.
“It was called a spanking though primitive I didn’t find it barbaric at all. Quite the more, at times even sexual,” Ambrose replied a huge smile on his face.
Adina still unsure pressed on, “So this punishment was a normal thing for all on earth?”
Here Ambrose smiled wider, “No it seemed to be reserved more for misbehaving children.” Ambrose’s eyes then looked more intensely at Adina.
“Cousin! I am no child I...” Adina started.
Another voice came from behind both of them startling Adina, “Hmmmm cousin a p’uchik might do well in this case.” The voice of Typree said.
Adina’s mouth dropped open as her eyes narrowed looking at her brother then flitting quickly to Ambrose. “You wouldn’t dare! I am over eighteen summers you therefore have no right even as king of our world!”
“In that respect you are right though as king of the realm, our cousin has more than the right. Besides,” here Typree’s face held a devilish grin. “You really do deserve it!”
Adina’s teeth bared as she growled at first her brother then Ambrose. “I do not deserve such...”
Ambrose had heard enough as he swiftly had Adina over his lap, pounding his flattened paw on her hind quarters. Typree had started to chuckle ‘til Ambrose sent him a look that almost made his blood freeze.
Finally finished Ambrose stood Adina growling at her. “You are a princess of the realm. It’s about time you started acting like it! You can’t keep carrying on like the little child that you once were.”
Adina more embarrassed than hurt lowered her head tears falling from her eyes softly growled, “I will remember cousin, my king.” Rubbing her hind end she swiftly made her way away from the others.

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