Rebirth Chapter 4 free porn video

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Rebirth Chapter Four By J.L.Williams CHAPTER THIRTEEN: THE BEACH PARTY The next few weeks passed with no major excitement. Jamie spent her mornings doing aerobics. She was now becoming a master at them, and challenging Riccardo to make the programs more and more difficult. Breakfast was always spent talking with Dr. Leslie. She came to the conclusion that these were on going psychological examinations! But she didn't care. She loved Leslie more than anyone. Her afternoons were filled with trips to town. She visited Terri, tormented Dick, and explored the shops and the surrounding countryside. Evenings were spent with the doctors. Sometimes with Leslie, sometimes with John, and sometimes with both. Jamie loved the nights with both best of all. She didn't want to play favorites. She loved loving both of them. She never felt so protected as when she slept nestled between them. This was an idyllic existence. Finally, the long awaited Saturday of the beach party arrived. The morning was sunny but cool much to the delight of Jamie. She got out of bed at 7:30 am to find the ever attentive Eve standing by her bed waiting to help her into her workout clothes. After the customary hour of aerobics with Dr. Leslie, and a light breakfast, indoors, Jamie headed back upstairs to get ready for the picnic. She was half way between excited and terrified as Eve washed her in the bathtub. Eve knew that Jamie was mentally far away, and deep in thought; because Eve was, as usual, very thorough, but she did not initiate any unnecessary touching or conversation Jamie stepped out of the tub, and Eve wrapped her in the huge thick terry cloth robe with the initials JLM embroidered into it. After briskly drying Jamie off, Eve helped Jamie into her picnic attire. She wore lemon colored panties and a matching colored lace bra, blue jean cutoffs, white anklets with lace around the edges, Reebok running shoes, and a grey and black Chicago White Sox sweatshirt. Eve put her hair in a ponytail, and applied on the very basics of makeup. Jamie then went downstairs and impatiently waited for Terri. Soon enough Terri arrived with two girls that Jamie had not yet met. They were Amy Dexter and Becky Eaton. Amy was class president, and she seemed to be vaccinated with a phonograph needle. She was nonstop talk. Amy was about five feet tall, and rail thin. She looked like a small bird. As she entered the foyer, she was in optical overdrive. She didn't want to miss a thing. Her head seemed to be on a swivel. Becky was the perfect compliment to Amy. She was practically a mute. Becky was the class secretary, and if seemed as if her life truly was to follow Amy around making notes. Becky was about five feet four inches, and she had soft round features, not heavy, just soft. She wore glasses and seemed to have a look of constant bewilderment about her. Terri did the introductions to Jamie and Dr. Leslie, and then it was time to go. They loaded up Terri's car with pop, food, and all the bags of 'stuff' necessary for the picnic. Dr. Leslie noted that the girls looked like they were wearing uniforms. Each had similar shoes, shorts, and sweatshirt tops. Jamie laughed, but she was secretly very pleased. She desperately wanted to blend in, and to look like everyone else was just what she wanted to do at this time. The ride to the beach was fun. Amy talked nonstop. She went from asking Jamie questions about everything imaginable, to talking about everything that was about to happen at the picnic. Without every pausing long enough for an answer from anyone let alone Jamie. After about forty five minutes the four girls arrived at the beach. The car pulled into the parking lot, and Amy was out of the car almost before it came to a stop. She immediately began directing people, who zombie like followed her directions. Soon fifteen people were helping with the several items that were stored in the trunk. Becky and Terri took control of Jamie and began introducing her to every single person on the beach. Jamie's head was moving back and forth like she was at a tennis match. She was sure the she would never be able to keep up with the names and faces that Becky and Terri were pointing at with lightning speed. Jamie smiled, nodded, and simply hoped for the best. She remembered how terrible she was at names in her past existence, and resigned herself to learning the names at school. Today enthusiasm and a smile would certainly work well enough. The kids at the picnic had already set things up very well. There was an area marked off for volleyball, there was a grill area, there were tables set up with snacks, and even though it was only late morning, someone had already built two bonfires. The only thing ruining this picture perfect setting was about two hundred yards away. There were about thirty students over there. They were apparently having their own picnic. Jamie didn't know why they were over there, but intuitively knew that it wasn't good. She forgot about the group on the fringe for the time being because Amy had rejoined the group and had pushed Jamie into a volleyball game. Within a few minutes of joining the game, Jamie got into the spirit of the game. Her old competiveness surfaced and she found herself really letting go, and feeling like a teenager. She noticed how it was now impossible to spike the volleyball with her considerably shorter stature, but she was laughing and having a great time. Jamie's team won the first match 15-8 and 15-6. They were then challenged by a new team. This one was lead by Dick Brodnowski. He came over and said 'hi' to Jamie, and wished her luck, but not too much. He then lined up opposite her at the beginning of the game. Jamie noticed a very distinct difference in Dick here as opposed to the restaurant. Here he seemed very self assured and confident. At the restaurant he seemed much more hesitant. Jamie somehow knew she liked the Dick on the beach better. Jamie's competitive fires grew as the match progressed, at least she hoped that they were fires stoked by competition, and not something else. She really wanted to beat Dick's team. She became even more determined after Dick spiked over her to win the first game 15-12. Unfortunately, Jamie's team failed to do even that well in game two losing 15-5 in a game that wasn't even that close. Jamie was most disappointed by the fact that as 'Jamie' she was dominated in a game that in her previous life she would have dominated. To make matters worse Dick spiked on her three times in the second game! And worse than that he apologized for doing it! After the game Dick came over and shook her hand, and they went for a soft drink. As they sat on the sand the noise from the party two hundred yards away grew louder and louder. Jamie asked Dick, "Who's over there, and why are they separated from this group?" Dick responded, "That's Jason Bracht and his friends. They're drinking, and probably doing some drugs. That's as close as we'll let them come to the beach party. If the cops show up, none of us want to get busted." "Will the cops show up?" Asked Jamie. "Eventually, and Jason and his friends have a real chance of spending a night in jail. Last year two seniors were killed when they got drunk during this picnic, they drove off the road and into a tree. Yeah, the cops will bust them for sure." Said Dick. Jamie was about to ask Dick another question: who or what was keeping Jason and his friends away from the main party, when she was interrupted by Amy. "Dick you promised to be the head chef. We're starving, it's time to start the barbeque." cried Amy. There was no escape from her Jamie thought. Dick sighed. He didn't want this private time with Jamie to come to an end. He had been picturing this in his mind since he first saw her in the restaurant. He got up, offered Jamie his hand, and pulled her up. Jamie was startled by the size of his hand and the ease with which he pulled her to her feet. She actually lost her balance for a minute, and fell into Dick. She was taken aback at how solid this guy was. She looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, and then Amy urged them to hurry. They walked down to the grills in silence. Both seemingly impressed with the other. The afternoon was a blast. Jamie spent most of the time with Terri, and they were with at least eight other girls. Jamie was at a complete loss as to any of their names, but each was nice, fun, and seemed to take to Jamie right away. It started getting dark around 6:30, and the boys built three more bonfires. There were now six in all. Five at the main party, and one at the alternative group down the beach. After eating way to much, the girls settled down on blankets and were watching the boys doing "boy things" like wrestling and trying to throw each other into the water. Jamie and Terri were sitting on the outer perimeter of the bonfire closest to the alternative party, but still at least two hundred yards from them. Jamie was about to ask Terri about Jason and his group, when there was a loud roar from Jason's party. They looked up to see twenty drunken eighteen year old boys racing towards them. They were screaming and waving their arms. Their mission was purely to cause trouble. They decided in their drunken haze that they were going to 'capture' the first two girls they could get from the party. That meant Terri and Jamie. It was their misfortune to be the closest and most accessible. Though both girls tried to resist, they were picked up and carried back to the single bonfire party. It happened so fast that at first no one really knew that Jamie and Terri were missing. The drunken boys carried the girls back to their campfire and presented them to Jason Bracht. He was sitting on a small mound of sand with two girls that looked completely drunk. One on each side of him, leaning into him, their heads lolling back and forth. Jason had a loopy half grin that comes only with too much alcohol. Jason's eyes lit up when he saw Jamie. He loudly, drunkenly, and lewdly recalled the time he saw her at the club. He then turned to Terri and called her a lesbian and said she thought she was too good to go out with him. Both girls were forced to stand there and listen to this as they were held fast by the boys holding their arms. Finally, after his wild rambling speech, Jason, with more than some difficulty he stood up and approached them. At first he tried to run his hand along Terri's face. She tried to bite it. He swore at her again, and turned his attention to Jamie. He tried to tear at Jamie's sweatshirt, but she kicked him right in the groin. Jason collapsed in agony. His friends let go of Terri and Jamie as they started to laugh uproariously at their fallen leader. Jamie and Terri turned to run. They got about twenty yards from the drunk boys when they ran into Dick Brodnowski and about twenty football players. Jamie held up her hand to stop them. "It's all over." She said, her voice shaking badly. Dick stopped the horde of footballers. He looked at her carefully, and with great care asked, "are you alright?" Jamie assured him that she was fine, she looked at Terri, who though obviously shaken as well, appeared to be okay too. Jamie started to say that they were both fine, when she unexpectedly started crying. Dick silently motioned the football players back to the main party, and put his arm around Jamie's waist, and led her back to the central campfire. Once they sat down, Jamie instinctively leaned against Dick, and he held her for almost an hour as they listened to the singing. Dick and Jamie sat in silence, as did Terri and Bobby Dale. Bobby wasn't a football player, but he was a good friend of Terri's and he was the one she turned to for comfort. The beach party buzzed about the attempted 'kidnapping', but they soon lost themselves in singing, and pairing up as the night progressed, and slowly some couples drifted away from the light of the bonfires. After quite a while Dick asked, "Jamie, are you okay? Those guys are really jerks. They didn't hurt you or Terri did they?" Jamie told Dick that nothing happened, they were holding them by the shoulders, and when Jason tried to take off her sweatshirt, she kicked him in the groin. Dick started laughing. He said, "That's something every girl in this school has wanted to do, and most of the boys too. You're already a legend Jamie, and you haven't even been to school one day yet. Jamie implored Dick not to say anything, but he assured her that the boys at the other bonfire would surely pass her story on, and it would grow better with each telling. There was nothing Jamie could do now, but accept the fact that she beat up Jason Bracht. It was an act that should make her proud. Dick and Jamie sat by the fire for a long time just talking. Finally, after telling Jamie everything she ever wanted to know about football practice, Dick took Jamie's chin in his hand, and lifted her face towards his. He quietly asked if he could kiss her. Jamie's brain went into hyper drive. He brain went through a list of pros and cons, and in an instant she moved her lips to his. Dick bent down and gently kissed Jamie, then he moved his mouth to her neck, and softly kissed her there, then moved back to her lips, where gentle pressure from his tongue caused her to open her mouth and welcome his tongue with hers. She felt electric shock run through her. She felt like her body had taken over from her brain. She felt like she was floating off the ground. Then she sighed. It was an involuntary act. But one that told Dick don't stop. It caused him to increase his caressing of her neck and the back of her neck especially. Jamie just pulled him closer. Without letting his tongue out of her mouth Jamie moved closer to Dick, and put her arms around his neck! Jamie felt the stirring in her brain, but she was more astonished at the activity that was trying to happen below her waist. Jamie was very thankful that she had secured her penis between her legs so that it would not pop up. It was trying to get out, that was for sure. Jamie couldn't believe the effect kissing Dick had on her. But she also had feelings beyond sexual excitement. Dick felt warm and strong, and she felt warm and protected in his arms. Dick was a gentleman and didn't try to go any further than what they were currently doing. They kissed and talked until the park closed and the rangers arrived to chase them home. All of the kids reassembled in the parking lot to meet up with their rides at eleven o'clock. Jamie, still holding Dick's hand, found Terri with a group of kids. Dick had asked to take her home. Jamie wanted to have him take her home, but she was afraid, plus, she knew it would disappoint Terri. She told Dick that she had to go home with Terri. But she thanked him again, and said that she had a great time with him, and couldn't wait to see him again--outside of the restaurant. The drunks down the beach were next to be ousted by the park rangers. They had been partying and keeping to themselves, despite the ranting and raving by Jason. He wanted them to 'kill the bitch that kicked me'. The drunks were all running to their cars, but the park rangers busted most of them, Jason Bracht included. Jamie felt terrific watching them get handcuffed. The arrests would make all the papers, and the police made sure that their parents and the school would be handing out punishments and sanctions. Jamie arrived home about twelve thirty. She was tired, she was sweaty, she smelled of smoke, but despite the trauma of Jason Bracht, she felt great. She was somewhat confused, but she was definitely upbeat when Dr. Leslie called to her from the study, where she was working on some medical papers. Dr. Leslie asked, "How was the beach party?" Jamie told her everything. Leslie laughed about Amy and Becky. Jamie told her about being over matched playing volleyball--and not liking it! Jamie told her in great detail about the episode with Jason Bracht, and made sure that Leslie knew she was okay, and that she should let the matter drop. She then told her about kissing Dick, and that she liked it. She liked it so much that she was afraid to ride home with him. Jamie couldn't believe she was telling Leslie this. All the way home in the car while not listening to Amy go on and on about the day's events, she thought she would not tell either doctor about her time with Dick. But now it seemed so natural. She was comfortable with Leslie. It was like telling her sister. She wanted her input when she was done with her story. Dr. Leslie smiled, and said, "it is normal despite what you may think, and despite your plumbing, Jamie, you have had enough female hormones put in you to want to attack a hunk like Dick Brodnowski. I'm glad the day was a good time in that respect, but we must be careful about Jason. If he was that big of a jerk tonight, he certainly won't forget about this. You'll have to be on your guard. Now go up to bed, and get some rest. Eve has already retired for the evening, but you should take a shower before you go to bed. If you'd like I could come up with you." "Dr. Leslie, you know that is always what I'd like. Why don't we take a shower together, then we could continue this discussion," said Jamie with a wicked smile. "I'd like nothing better. Too bad John had to go into the clinic tonight. I am sure he would have loved to hear your recap of the day. He especially would have liked to join us tonight." Said Leslie. Leslie thought later that it probably was good that John wasn't there. He would not have reacted very calmly to the Jason Bracht part of the story. Leslie thought there are always solutions to these kinds of problems, and slyly smiled. The girls each turned off the lights in the den, and headed up the stairs to Jamie's room. They quickly disrobed, and headed for the shower hand in hand. Leslie went first. She soaped Jamie up very sensuously. She spent a great deal of time massaging Jamie's sensitive breasts, and slowly stroked Jamie's erect penis. Jamie returned the favor to Leslie. She massaged her back, her breast, and then she knelt in front of her and lathered her feet, calves, thighs, and then lovingly washed between her thighs. Jamie tried to kiss her there in the shower, but Leslie held her away. "There will be plenty of time for that when we get into bed." Said the beautiful doctor. The wrapped themselves in towels, and headed toward the bed. They dropped their towels, and climbed into the bed from opposite sides. The met in the middle. They met with tongues, hands, feet, but most importantly, they met with love for each other. Jamie couldn't do enough to please Leslie. She caressed her, kissed her, licked her, virtually worshiped her. Finally, Leslie couldn't take any more attention. She wanted to do something for Jamie, but Jamie told her no. It was a night for Dr. Leslie. She should just enjoy herself, and when she was tired, Jamie would stop, and they would both get some sleep. Finally, after several orgasms Leslie drifted off to blissful slumber. Jamie fell asleep in Leslie's arms. She smiled as wonderful dreams filled her head, but her dreams were filled with the arms of Dick Brodnowski holding her safe and secure. CHAPTER FOURTEEN: FIRST DAYS OF SCHOOL Jamie went to bed at eleven o'clock at night, and then woke up every hour on the hour. She couldn't believe that today would be the first day of school. She knew what she would wear; she had spent the entire day before laying out clothes and then changing her mind. Even Eve, who had the patience of Job, finally excused herself from the process. Jamie was totally out of control. Eve said she would be back when 'Miss Jamie' had made her decision. Finally, at five thirty in the morning, Jamie heard Eve enter her room to perform the unneeded function of waking her up. She told Jamie that even with school, aerobics would continue every morning. Eve helped Jamie into her electric blue leotard, and sent her down to the workout facility in the lower level of the mansion. The workout room would rival any health spa anywhere, and it seemed out of the question to call this area the basement. Jamie hoped that the workout would take some of the tension out of her, and get her to at least less than internally hysterical. She smiled as she saw Dr. Leslie and Riccardo waiting patiently for her. As soon as she entered they started to stretch, and then went immediately from stretches to an hour of non stop strenuous workouts. Jamie felt the sweat dripping off of her within the first fifteen minutes. It felt good. Finally, Riccardo stopped, and the girls grabbed towels, and started to cool down. Riccardo excused himself, and the girls went upstairs to the kitchen. Eve had prepared more than the usual for breakfast. Coffee, juice, bagels, and this morning oatmeal. She smiled as she put the steaming porridge in front of Jamie. Eve said, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day Jamie, and with school, I thought you'd want something that would stick to your ribs!" Leslie and Eve both laughed. Jamie smiled and said thanks. She had a momentary flash back. She thought of her first foray into high school as Terrence. She remembered her own mother, how she would make oatmeal at least twice a week when Terrence was in school. Leslie must have seen the far away gaze in Jamie's eyes, because she started to ask Jamie a laundry list of questions about her plans for the day. Jamie snapped back into the present, and started answering Leslie's questions. "Yes I have my schedule. I've decided to buy lunch and not bring it. Yes the car has enough gas. No, I don't know if I'm coming straight home from school, Terri said we might get together after school, but I'll be home for dinner." Jamie, Leslie and Eve all laughed. They knew that Dr. Leslie was almost as nervous for Jamie as Jamie was for herself. Eve said it was time for Jamie to get ready for school. Jamie and Eve went upstairs and while Eve got Jamie's bath ready, Jamie stripped down, and while undressing, checked out her schoolgirl attire once more. Eve called her from the bathroom, and Jamie heeded her call. Eve hurried through the ritual of bathing and drying Jamie. She took her time fixing her hair and applying Jamie's make up. Jamie was getting more and more excited. Jamie had selected a conservative look for her first day. She would be wearing white bikini briefs, a white lacy bra, a white long sleeved blouse, a black skirt that went to just above her knees, nude pantyhose, and black patent leather pumps with two inch heels. She also had a black choker with a brioche on the front, and silver earrings. She had the panties and the bra on, and when Eve tried to tuck her manhood between her legs, she became rigid. Eve looked up at Jamie, and smiled. Jamie looked down at Eve, and couldn't believe the words that came out of her unladylike mouth, "Eve, since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, perhaps you'd like to have something that will stick to your ribs also." Eve started to laugh, but instead, immediately started to caress Jamie and then took her deep within her mouth. Eve's expertise never ceased to amaze Jamie. It also caused her to have an orgasm almost immediately. Eve cleaned Jamie, and finished dressing her. Both were smiling when Eve handed Jamie her purse and her knapsack style bookbag. Jamie kissed Eve, and tasted herself as she did, "Thank you Eve, you're the best. I wish you could know how happy you make me." Eve hugged Jamie, and told her that the feeling was mutual, and added wryly, "I hope I can have this same breakfast to warm me on the cold winter days that are coming." Jamie told her she wouldn't have to wait 'till winter, and started downstairs. Dr. Leslie and Dr. John were waiting at the door for their schoolgirl. Jamie asked how she looked, and both said that despite the fact that she was dressed too plainly, she looked terrific. Jamie kissed them both and headed out to her car. She jumped into the front seat, and headed into town. Headed to her first day as a senior at Jefferson High School. Jamie swung the car into the school parking lot. She got out of the car, and started walking towards the main entrance. She noticed how young most of the kids were. Especially those that appeared to be freshmen. She also was mentally checking out every girl she saw. She was dressed very conservatively. She saw girls dressed in jeans, cutoffs, micro-minis, and sweats. She also saw some girls dressed like her, but not too many. As she started up the front steps, she heard someone call her name. She turned around, and saw Terri bounding up the walkway. "Jamie, did you let your aunt pick out your clothes? This isn't prep school!" Terri said laughing as she joined Jamie in entering the school. Terri was dressed in nice tan slacks, a starched blue button down shirt, and tan loafers. Jamie sold her aunt right out, "Yes, she thought this would be the right look for a 'young lady' on her first day of school." They both laughed, and headed for the auditorium. The first thing today was a general assembly. The hall was close to full when Terri and Jamie entered. They sat in the back and chatted about nonevents as they waited the few minutes until the principal, Mr. Jackson entered and began to drone on about how he and the entire faculty were very excited about this school year and how they hoped that the students were equally excited. Then the assistant principal Mr. Moran, Terri told Jamie that he was the disciplinarian, got up and went through a listing of rules and the punishments that would follow if the rules were broken. He especially went on and on about drugs and alcohol. While he never mentioned it exactly, Jamie knew he was constantly alluding to the beach party and Jason Bracht and his friends. Jamie mused that he never mentioned crossdressing, so there mustn't be anything wrong with that practice. Finally, Amy got up and talked for a few minutes about the upcoming school events, particularly homecoming, and the need for school spirit. Jamie listened, but was constantly being brought to the brink of laughter by Terri. Jamie found new respect for her friend. Terri was a bonafide cynic. When Amy finished, the principal dismissed everyone and sent them to their respective homerooms. Like any school, there was a stampede to get to where no one wanted to go. Jamie and Terri were separated, but Jamie just headed to Mrs. Brown's room. Her homeroom had about 30 kids, all seniors. Jamie was relieved to find Dick in her room but not Jason. Mrs. Brown wasted no time, she went through roll call, and then began her American history class. The rest of the day went uneventfully until Jamie got to her last class of the day--English Literature. It was taught by Ms. Kinsella. Jamie walked in and sitting right in the front row with a serious scowl of his face was Jason Bracht. He looked at Jamie, and she felt her knees weaken. This was a very bad sign. Despite her actions the night on the beach, Jamie wasn't looking forward to dealing with Jason again. She looked for someone she knew to sit with, hopefully far from Jason. She saw the friendly smile of Bob Dale in the last row with an empty seat next to him. Jamie made a beeline for the seat, as she slid in she gave Bob a big smile, that he eagerly returned. Ms. Kinsella was the most attractive teacher Jamie had, male or female. She was about thirty, five feet ten inches tall, one hundred thirty pounds, with long brown hair that she had in a ponytail. She wore a light blue suit, and had great blue eyes. Jamie wondered what was under the suit when she repeated her question to Jamie, "have you ever acted Jamie? We are going to need people for our Shakespearian festival in December. It certainly will help your grade if you participate." "Oh, uh, yes," stammered Jamie. She would love to spend more time with this woman. Bob Dale, said that he would be glad to participate too. This brought about some rude remark from Jason. Jamie wasn't sure what Jason said, but Bob blushed, and Ms. Kinsella, without blinking, sent Jason out of the room, and down to Mr. Moran's office. She said, "Everyone in this class is a senior. I expect all of you to behave as adults. I will not tolerate that kind of outburst in my classroom. Now where were we?" And she went though the rest of the class asking who would be interested in the Shakespearian festival. The bell rang, and everyone headed for the door. Jamie gathered up her books, and dropped her purse. Bob bent over to help Jamie, and they banged their heads together. It didn't hurt, and Jamie laughed. Bob, looked up, and his face went from fear, to embarrassment, to relief, and then laughter as well in the space of two seconds. Jamie said, "I'll get it Bobby, I don't want a concussion from your help." She gathered up her purse, and the two of them left the room together. Jamie started asking Bobby (somehow calling him that only made sense) some questions. He was about Jamie's height and build. He had the most beautiful green eyes she had ever seen, and had gorgeous reddish brown hair. Jamie couldn't help but think it was a shame he kept it so short. As they walked to the exit she learned that Bobby was a life long resident of the town. He lived with his widowed mother, and they lived in a small house just off of the town square. Jamie was sure she had seen it, but it was nothing you would stop to look at. Bobby also said that he was an aspiring actor, and he loved Elizabethan literature. When they got to the door, they were met by Terri. She suggested they go to the town square restaurant to celebrate making it through the first day of school. Jamie and Bobby agreed, and Jamie offered to drive. As they walked to the parking lot, they passed the football field, where the boys were straggling out to begin practice. Jamie saw Dick and waved. Dick waved back and called over to Jamie to wait for him. He ran over to the fence, and said hi to Terri and Bobby. First he asked Jamie if she was going to the first home football game that Friday night. She said yes, she thought so, then he surprised Jamie by asking her out after the game. Jamie's brain froze. She couldn't think of a reason to say no, so she said yes. Dick said, "great, if you can get a ride to the football game, that would help. We're going out after the game, I'll drive you home. We can work out the details tomorrow." He turned and ran back to the start of practice. "Mr. Romantic," said Terri. "Instead of going all the way home on Friday, why don't you just stay with me, you can have dinner with me and Aunt Betty, then change for the game." "Sounds like a plan to me, but I have to check with Leslie and John," said Jamie. "And the cheese stand alone," sang Bobby. Both girls laughed and poked him in the ribs. They said lets get going, and they were off to town. The three of them had the favorite combination of most eighteen year olds, French fries and diet cokes. Jamie said she'd see Terri tomorrow, and then offered to drive Bobby the few blocks to his house. He was grateful for the ride. On the way to his house Bobby was relishing the fact that he was riding with such an attractive young woman. He finally asked the question he wanted to ask, "Jamie, were you serious about wanting to participate in the Shakespearian festival? I really hope you are, because I really like you, even if you are going with Dick Brodnowski, like everyone says." "Who says I'm 'going with Dick Brodnowski'" Said Jamie a little too harshly. She could see that Bobby was sorry he said that. "It so happens he seems like a nice boy, and I have talked to him at the restaurant when he worked there this summer. I also spent some time with him at the beach party, but we're not 'going together'. And yes, I would like to participate in the Shakespearian festival." Jamie then added, "Bobby, please do what you can do to dispel that rumor." Bobby was glad Jamie would be part of the festival, and was glad she wasn't mad at him. He didn't have a lot of friends, and he was sure that having this beautiful blonde, as a friend would help his stature at school. He thanked Jamie for the ride home, and said he'd see her tomorrow. Jamie waved good-bye and headed for home. As Jamie drove to the mansion she wondered about Bobby and who besides Terri took an interest in him. She unknowingly sped up each time she thought about the 'going together' comment. Finally though she slowed down and remembered two things; first these were kids, and second she spent about an hour making out with Dick a week ago! Good grief she thought. I can't get paired up with someone yet. Then she wondered why she would say 'yet'. The doctors were home early, and couldn't wait to hear about Jamie's first day of school. They grilled her on her teachers; who was in her classes; did she make some new friends? Jamie answered their questions, and sounded like a typical teenage girl. She spent an undue amount of time telling them that she felt over dressed, and then just saying that her teachers were 'ok'. Finally, Dr. John asked, "What did you do after school?" Jamie told them about going for something to drink with Bobby and Terri, and then, making it sound like an afterthought, mentioned that Dick asked her to go out with him after the football game. Dr. Leslie grabbed Jamie by the hands, and cried, "That's terrific!" Dr. John, however, said, with mock seriousness, "I might be jealous of this young man. He better treat you like a lady, and why isn't he picking you up?" Jamie started to explain that he had to be at the game early because he was playing, when Dr. John cracked up. He got her, and she had to admit it was good, she was defending this young man, and Dr. John's stern act fooled her. Then she told them about what Bobby Dale said about her and Dick 'going together'. Jamie received no sympathy from Dr Leslie or Dr. John then or at dinner. They teased her about her new 'boyfriend'. Finally, Jamie excused herself and went to her room to do some homework. About nine thirty Jamie finished her homework, took a quick shower, and decided she was going to do some teasing. She went into her closet and found her sexiest bedtime outfit. She put on the red fishnet stockings, and attached them to the matching red garter belt. Then came the wispy red silk panties. It took an enormous amount of concentration to get her manhood tucked under, but she finally managed. Then the low cut red teddy and the long sheer robe. She put on four inch red spiked high heels, and her favorite red choker. She looked in the mirror put on some make up, and decided that the 'lady in red' staring back at her would tempt anyone that was breathing. She quietly came downstairs to find the doctors reading in the study. She strode into the center of the room, and asked what was happening Both doctors looked up, and in unison closed the books they were reading. Dr. John spoke first, "look Leslie, dessert is served, and I for one am very hungry." Leslie, added, "this lovely dessert is low calorie too. Lets have dessert right here." With that both doctors started to take off their clothes. Jamie stood there, taking off only her robe. Within seconds both doctors were kissing and caressing Jamie. Dr. John took off Jamie's panties while Dr. Leslie took off her shoes. They were then on the bear skin rug in front of the fire place. All three bodies intertwined. Soon all three were naked. Leslie was down by Jamie's feet. She had been kissing and licking Jamie down there for quite awhile. John was kissing Jamie on the mouth and the neck, and caressing her breasts. Jamie tried to stop them, but they would have none of it. Leslie said this was payback for how wonderful Jamie had been to her the other night. When Jamie thought she could stand it no more, Leslie moved up between Jamie's legs and started to kiss her penis. John moved around to Jamie's back, he began kissing her there, and as he moved lower he started to kiss and lick her buttocks. It didn't take Jamie long to reach one of the most powerful orgasms she ever had. Leslie sucked her until Jamie couldn't stand it any more. She gently pulled Leslie up to her, and kissed her. As their tongues intertwined she could taste herself. She was so happy. John came around, and kissed them both. They headed up to the doctors bedroom, there Jamie fell asleep between them. She slept soundly and dreamlessly. She was so content. The rest of the week was uneventful. Jamie's classes were not too difficult. She started to know more and more kids. She started to really like Bobby Dale. Terri did too, and the three of them were usually found together. The best part of the week was that Jason Bracht had managed to get himself suspended for eight days. Jamie knew that only postponed the inevitable confrontation between them. But she was willing to see it put off as long as possible. Who knows, maybe he'll quit school and join the Marines or something she thought. Thursday evening Jamie made a point to spend some serious time with Dr. John. She wanted to talk to him about this by now infamous 'date'. She really wanted to know what he thought about it. She felt like she was 'cheating' on him. Plus, she had discovered through the grapevine that young Mr. Brodnowski was quite smitten with her. She certainly wasn't prepared to get serious with him, but she was looking for help. Dr. John was wonderful when Jamie came to him. He asked Jamie if she thought Leslie was jealous of the relationship he had with Jamie. She said no, she was sure Leslie was comfortable with the relationship all three of them had, because she was secure in her knowledge that they each loved each other unconditionally. Dr. John said he felt the same way. He further said that if the day came when Jamie wanted to take her relationship to another level, whether that was with another boy or another girl. He and Leslie loved Jamie enough to let her do just that. Jamie got up, went over to Dr. John and hugged him. He hugged her back, and she nestled herself onto his lap. She put her head on his chest and clung to him. She loved him so much. She wanted to show him now, but he held her on his lap, and caressed her hair. Finally, he kissed the top of her head and said, "Jamie, you are such a wonderful girl. Leslie and I love you so much. Now go upstairs and get some sleep. You're going to have an interesting day tomorrow." Jamie offered once more to do something for John, but he smiled and said he had a very beautiful woman waiting for him upstairs, and despite the temptations of a precocious teenager, he was saving himself for that 'older' woman in the bedroom. John went upstairs with Jamie, and left her at his bedroom door. He kissed her on the forehead, and bid her goodnight. Jamie went to her room and wondered if she would ever find a man as wonderful as Dr. John. CHAPTER FIFTEEN: DATE WITH DICK Friday morning dawned cool and overcast. Eve met Jamie as she came out of her sleep to help her get dressed for aerobics. Jamie was excited and nervous. She was going 'out' with Dick after the football game tonight. There was going to be a mixer in the gym, and then Jamie and Dick were going to Amy's house to with a bunch of seniors. Dick was then going to take Jamie home. The night had many possibilities for being alone with Dick. Jamie was nervous about this. She knew that Dick was a gentleman, but he was also an eighteen year old boy. After aerobics and breakfast, Eve and Jamie packed the change of clothes that Jamie would need for the football game and the rest of the evening. Eve then told Jamie that they had better get going if Jamie was going to get to school on time. Dr. Leslie wanted to drive Jamie to school, but she and Dr. John had a seminar to attend today, and had to leave for the clinic early. Jamie certainly didn't mind going to school with Eve. Eve seemed just about as excited as Jamie for her date. The two of them headed downstairs, and off to school. Jamie stuffed her change of clothes into her locker, which was between Terri's and Becky's. Terri was glad to see Jamie, but seemed to get quiet when she saw her bag with the clothes. Even though Terri had volunteered to have Jamie come over to her house after school, and she liked Dick a lot, Jamie couldn't figure Terri out when it came to Jamie and Dick going out. She was certain it wasn't that Terri was jealous that Jamie was going out with Dick, but she couldn't put her finger on just what it was. School was typical except that all the boys on the team wore their game jerseys, and the cheerleaders and pompon squad wore their uniforms. The talk among the girls was who was going to be with whom at the mixer, and what parties they were going to afterwards. The boys were talking about who was going to win the game. After school Jamie and Terri went to the lingerie shop. For a change Aunt Betty was up front. She was helping a matronly looking woman with some foundation garments, that were obviously designed for someone who had just had major breast surgery. Jamie felt bad for the woman, and the two girls hastily retreated to the living quarters of the shop on the second floor. Terri said they should get a soft drink, and get rid of their books, and then she wanted to show Jamie the downstairs section of the shop. Jamie remembered that was where Terri got the shoes the time she tried on that great black nightgown ensemble. Both girls grabbed a diet cola, and went down the back stairs to the basement. Terri turned on the light, and there was a whole room full of clothes and shoes. There were two rows of racks with nothing but shoes, and all of them were at least four inch spikes or more. There were racks of scanty baby doll pajamas. There were leather outfits, corsets, garter belts, and some more erotic and exotic wear. Jamie couldn't believe it. She asked Terri, "what's all this stuff doing down here? Your Aunt really stocks and sells this? To who?" "Well, Jamie, it's a small town, but people are people no matter where they live here or New York or San Francisco. Aunt Betty was young once too. You'd be surprised who comes down here, and who we do special ordering for, on a regular basis too." Jamie just nodded, she walked among the leather goods, and started to look at one particularly serious corset. It was red and back and heavily boned. Terri said she should try it on. Jamie said she wasn't sure, but Terri insisted. In fact Terri said they should each try on some of the more daring lingerie, she said that it would be fun, and she also thought that there was a Polaroid down there somewhere. They used it to show their patrons what they looked like when trying some of the more expensive and risque articles. Jamie was getting more than a little turned on looking at the vast array of lingerie. She said sure. Terri clapped her hands, and said this would be great fun. She told Jamie to go back to the stairs so that she, Terri, could pick out an outfit, and then she'd let Jamie come back once she was in the changing room. That way they could each pick out a complete outfit, and put it on, and then show the other what they had selected. It sounded like fun to Jamie, so she went to the steps, and Terri started selecting clothes. While she waited, Jamie took off her sweater, her penny loafers, and her knee socks. She was sitting on the steps for a few minutes, and then she heard Terri call to her and say it was time for Jamie to pick something. Jamie started walking down the aisles and she knew what it meant to be a kid in a candy store. She started to look at the corsets and the merry widows. She started down another row, and she immediately knew what she was going to wear. There was the cutest harem girl suit at the end of the row. It was multicolored in purples, blues, red, and pink. The pants were billowy and were open from the waist to the ankle. The top was a skimpy halter-top. It had chains, scarves, and all kinds of cool bracelets and chains. Jamie grabbed it and was in the changing room in a flash. She nervously put the clothes on, and after putting on the ankle bracelets decided to go barefoot. She called to Terri that she was ready, and both girls left the changing room and headed towards the middle of the basement. Terri took Jamie's breath away. She was wearing four inch black patent leather shoes, she had black fishnet stockings attached to the black and red corset that drew Terri's waist in at least four inches and pushed her breasts up to give her exceptional cleavage. Terri also had black leather armbands, and a black leather biker hat. All she needed was a whip. Jamie had a momentary flashback to the summer camp. Terri was beautiful but intimidating. With Terri in heels, and Jamie in bare feet, Jamie was at least three or four inches shorter than Terri. Jamie was getting very excited. Terri looked at Jamie like she was good enough to eat. In fact that was the thought that both girls had, as they looked each other over. Terri had a look of absolute lust in her eyes. Jamie knew at that moment, something would happen between them. She didn't know what or when, but she knew something would be happening. Both girls were beautiful. Both girls knew that the other had dressed at the other end of the erotic spectrum. Both wanted to do something, but neither was sure just what it was they were to do. The awkward silence was broken by Aunt Betty calling for the girls to come up for dinner. They shrugged, and went back to their respective changing rooms and went back to their schoolgirl selves. After dinner Terri and Jamie went up to Terri's room to change. Jamie had a golden colored long sleeve silk blouse and a navy blue miniskirt with sheer pantyhose, and matching navy blue shoes with two inch heels. She also had a sweater, which she would only need if it got any colder. Terri wore grey slacks with grey socks, black flats, and a navy blue turtleneck. Terri looked terrific, Jamie thought that with her tall thin frame and her short jet black hair, it made her look a little like Pierce Brosnan. Terri drove them to the football stadium. The Jefferson High Scarlet Knights were scheduled for an easy win. The crowded stands were not disappointed. Dick led the team to three consecutive touchdown drives on their first three possessions. Jamie sat with Terri, Becky and Amy. However, she didn't talk to them during the game. She had her old persona kick in and she became completely engrossed in the came. Her experienced eye told her that the team was well coached. The Knights had a good running back, some skilled blockers on the left side of the line, and most importantly, Dick was an excellent quarterback. He ran the option well, he threw the ball well, and he was without words the undisputed leader on the team on the field and on the sidelines. Dick only played the first half, but even though the game was out of reach, he was all business. He never looked into the stands. When he wasn't playing he was leading the cheers for the second string. Jamie found new admiration for Dick. He really was into leading this team. The final score was 49 to 6. The Knight's fans cheered their team as they headed to the locker room. Jamie and the girls went from the football stands right to the gym. There the 'DJ' had already started playing music. Jamie and the girls went for the stands and sat down. They were just watching the first of the dancers. There was no opportunity to talk. The music was too overpowering. Bobby Dale came by and sat with the girls. He seemed to want to ask Jamie to dance, but he asked Amy instead. She left Jamie with Terri. Soon Dick came out of the locker room, and walked straight over to the girls. He was with Jack Gowers, the team's lanky wide receiver. Both guys still had wet hair from their showers. Dick screamed that they should head into the cafeteria to get something to drink, and get out of the din of the 'DJ's thundering music. Terri and Jack walked behind Dick and Jamie. As they walked to the cafeteria, everyone they passed congratulated Dick on his great game. Dick was gracious, but clearly embarrassed by all he attention. They sat down at one of the long cafeteria tables, and Jack and Dick went for some colas. Jamie asked Terri if she was okay. She said yes, and said she liked Jack. She meant as a friend, but didn't say that to Jamie. When the boys returned, they asked the girls what they thought about the game. Terri said that it was kind of boring since they won by such a large margin. Dick asked Jamie what she thought, She started by asking if on offense, they always ran to the left, and if typically they kept their tight end on the wide side of the field, and if Dick was allowed to call audibles, and if he was did he tonight? Then with regard to defense she asked if they ever played a defense other than the one they played tonight, she said it seemed that the defense they played left them vulnerable to a good passing attack, and that the linebackers never really took the passing game seriously. Dick sat there with his mouth open. Jamie thought, "oops!" Dick said, "Where did you learn to pick up all of that football knowledge?" "Well, my dad was a coach," Jamie lied. "He had me come to his practices and his games. I guess I just picked it up by osmosis." Dick started with the first question, and started to work his way through the questions Jamie had on the offense. When he tried to gloss over the answer, Jamie wouldn't let him. She figured she had gone this far, she would grill him on all the questions she had about the game. At last Dick satisfied all of Jamie's questions. He vowed to everyone at the table not to ask Jamie what she thought about a football game again. They all laughed, and went back out to the gym to dance. The 'DJ' was cranking out a series of rock and roll classics. Everyone was up and having a great time. Finally with about twenty minutes left in the mixer, he switched gears and ended the affair with five slow songs in a row. It was an easy transition for Dick and Jamie to go from dancing two feet apart to moving together to dance together. For the first song Jamie danced formally. Hands in the right places, and keeping a little distance between her and her partner. The second song brought them closer physically and emotionally. Jamie relaxed a little, and brought her hands in and moved closed to Dick. She remembered the old country and western term of 'belt buckle polishing music', and smiled to herself. Halfway through the third song Jamie had her arms around Dick's neck, and her head on his chest. It was somewhat disconcerting that she was too short to put her head on his shoulder. She really didn't even hear the fourth song, and by the fifth song she didn't think they moved from the spot they were on. They just kind of swayed back and forth. The crowd spilled out of the gym and piled into their cars. Jamie went out with Dick. He took her hand, squeezed it slightly, and she instinctively squeezed back. They got to Dick's car and waited for Jack and Terri. Terri, despite protests that she had to get up early, decided to go to Amy's after all. Jamie was glad for the company. Once everyone was in the car they were off to the party. The party was fun. More music, more soft drinks, and munchies. Jamie was having a great time dancing like she had never danced as Terence. All those hours of aerobics were paying off on the dance floor. She wore Dick out, and by midnight the only people dancing were the girls. At 12:30, Dick said that they would have to go. He had a curfew, and didn't want to get grounded. Dick asked Jack if he was ready to go as well. Jack said he would walk Terri home, and he would walk from there. Thanks, but he and Terri didn't need a ride any more tonight. Dick and Jamie said their goodbyes, and went out to the car. Always the gentleman, he once again opened the door for Jamie. When she went to get into the car, Jamie went a little crazy. She purposely let her skirt slide up a little farther than it should, just to tease Dick. She knew he was staring. She looked up sweetly and said thanks, he didn't look as self- confident now as he did on the football field. All the way out to the mansion Dick talked about the football game. He said it was so cool that he could talk about the game and specific plays with Jamie. He said most of the girls at school weren't smart enough to know a bunt from a punt. Jamie asked, "a sacrifice or a suicide squeeze bunt?" "Don't tell me you know about baseball too," said Dick. "Actually, I prefer baseball to football, but right now I have a personal interest in football, especially one of the best quarterbacks I've seen." Jamie couldn't believe she said that. All that would do is encourage Dick. And it did. They pulled up to the gate of the mansion, and Jamie gave him the electronic key card to open the gate. They pulled up to the front of the house, and Dick turned off the motor of the car. He looked over at Jamie, put his arm on the back of the seat, and started to slide over to Jamie. She found herself moving over to meet him. Dick started to say that he had a great time, and before he could finish, they were kissing. Dick started softly, then moved to her top lip, then opened his mouth. Jamie felt his tongue on her lips. She opened her mouth and welcomed his tongue with her own. She gently sucked his tongue further into her mouth, and brought gentle pressure on it with her teeth. She could tell that Dick was getting turned on, she was as well. Dick broke off the kiss. He said, "God, Jamie you are so sexy. I really had a great time tonight. We have to go out together more often." With that he was back attaching Jamie's mouth with his tongue. Sensing that Jamie was getting turned on, it was easy, he could hear her soft moans as he started to massage her back with his right hand, Dick decided to make a move. He brought his hand around and put it on Jamie's leg. It took Jamie a couple of seconds to realize that this was not where she wanted Dick's hand. She let it stay there until he started to creep up her leg. Now it was Jamie's turn to break off the kiss. She echoed Dick's sentiment from a few minutes earlier. "Dick, I have had a great time too. Thanks for asking me to be with you tonight. I hope you mean it that you want to go out with me again." She then picked his hand up from her leg, and kissed it. She thought about sucking his fingers, but thought that would be a little too forward. In fact she thought about checking his pants, and if she had him as excited as she thought, she would suck him off. She liked Dick she thought. Hmm, pun intended? Dick saw that Jamie was thinking of something else. "Is there something wrong Jamie?" "No, in fact Mr. Brodnowski, everything is wonderful. I was just thinking about how I wish you didn't have a curfew. I'd like to invite you in for a coke or something. But now that I know how much fun you are, you better get home, and not get grounded. Plus I had better go in the house." Dick looked disappointed, but he knew he had to get home. He got out of the car, and Jamie waited for him to go around and help her out of the passenger seat. Once again she let her skirt rise up a just a little too high. Dick took her hand to help her out, and didn't let go of it after she stood up. They walked hand in hand to the front door of the mansion. When they got to the front door, they each said how much fun they had, and Dick bent down to kiss Jamie. She found herself on her toes reaching up to kiss this guy, she really liked him. She leaned into him, and as she did she could feel the hardness of his manhood. Jamie wanted to drop to her knees and take care of him, but she knew that she shouldn't on a first date. She wanted to do something. So as they broke off their kiss, she let her right hand brush 'accidentally' against his pants. She looked up and smiled, and said she hoped the next time they got together would be very soon. Dick, said, "absolutely, and Jamie, would you go to homecoming with me?" Jamie responded with a slow passionate kiss, and said, "I would be delighted." Dick was beaming. He must have had this on his mind all night. He said as soon as he knew his schedule for next week he would call Jamie. He definitely wanted to see her again, and very soon. Jamie turned, opened the door, turned back to Dick, gave him one more lingering kiss, and said thanks again for a great night. Dick walked back to his car trying to fix his erection. It seems his underwear was all tangled up. Jamie closed the door and leaned against it like a schoolgirl--like the schoolgirl she was. She hoped the doctors were home, and still awake. She wanted to tell them how much fun she had, and she was hoping they weren't too tired for some fun. Jamie had a lot of pent up sexual tension to get rid of, and she didn't want to just take matters into her own hands. Jamie walked through the hallway and saw that the kitchen lights were still on. She walked in to find the doctors having a late night cup of coffee. Jamie walked in and her smile told the doctors what they needed to know. "Jamie, have a cup of coffee, and if you'd like we can put 'something' in it if you'd like," said Dr. John. "Please do come and sit with us Jamie, I want to know how your date went." Said Dr. Leslie. Jamie sat at the kitchen table, and told Dr. John that she would love a cup of coffee, and some Irish Cream with the coffee would be wonderful. She then turned to Dr. Leslie, and recapped the evening. While Jamie didn't notice how excited she was, both doctors did. They were both very pleased that Jamie had such a wonderful time. Dr. Leslie made a mental note to talk to Jamie about how to best handle her sexual tension, and more importantly how to handle Dick's sexual desires. She was certain that they would need to do something. They also noted that Jamie, even before her cup of coffee, was completely wired. Dr. John suggested that they each have a refill, and head upstairs. Leslie and Jamie smiled in anticipation, and all three headed up to the doctors bedroom. The rest of the evening consisted of a group shower followed by two hours of wondrous lovemaking. Jamie couldn't believe how lucky she was. She hoped that this would never end. CHAPTER SIXTEEN: GETTING ACCEPTED Saturday morning dawned sunny and unseasonably warm. Eve woke Jamie at 8:30 am, and told her that Riccardo would not be coming today. The doctors had left early for the clinic, and they had suggested that Jamie could do her aerobics on her own, and then do her homework. Eve asked if that would be alright with Jamie. She said it would, and then Eve said that she had to leave to for town about noon, if Miss Jamie would like to go with her, she would be grateful for the company. Jamie said she would love to, and with that she got up, dressed in a white spandex workout suit, white Reebok's, and headed downstairs to work out. The fact that neither Leslie nor Riccardo was there to push Jamie through her aerobics did not cause her to slack off. She pushed herself hard. She loved this new body, and would do everything she could to take care of it. In fact she had taken to checking it very carefully everyday. Not just weighing herself, but looking in the mirror for the minutest changes. She didn't want to have any imperfections on this body. She owed the doctors to take care of it, but most importantly, she was having too much fun with it to let it ever get out of shape. She went upstairs for breakfast, and found Eve busily cleaning up the kitchen. She asked Eve how she was doing. Jamie said she felt bad, and felt that she was ignoring Eve of late. School was taking up so much time, and with homework and driving herself, she felt like she hadn't talked to Eve in a long time. Eve assured her that she didn't feel ignored, and she knew Jamie was busy. Eve said she to was busy. The doctors had planned some cocktail and dinner parties within the next few weeks, and Eve was in charge of putting them together. This was the first time the doctors had given her this responsibility, and she was not going to let them down. Jamie finished her light breakfast. She ate while reading the paper, mostly the sports pages. There was a great article about the game last night, and it have glowing reviews to senior quarterback Dick Brodnowski. After making Eve read the whole article, Jamie said she was going to shower and get dressed. Eve suggested a bath instead. Jamie said that would be great, knowing that Eve probably would want to do more than just bathe her. She stayed downstairs and finished the paper while Eve went up to prepare the bath. Jamie was certainly right that Eve had more on her mind than a bath. Maybe it was just self fulfilling, because by the time Jamie was in the huge tub, she was aroused. Eve disrobed, climbed into the tub and gave Jamie the most sensuous bath ever. It didn't qualify as a bath, it was more of a submerged massage. Eve brought Jamie to the edge of orgasm at least three times. It was getting to be more than Jamie could stand. She asked Eve what she could do for her, and Eve surprised her. She asked if Jamie would make love to her like a woman. She wanted to feel Jamie inside of her. Would she? Jamie would not have said no to anything that Eve asked for at that point. She nodded yes, and Eve quickly got out of the tub. She dried herself off, and then motioned for Jamie to exit. She dried Jamie off and led her to Jamie's bed. There Eve took a tube of lubricant, and inserted a large dollop into her, and then lovingly turned to Jamie and began to coat her penis with a generous amount of the slippery substance. Eve then rolled over, put her head down, and raised herself up on her knees. Jamie knew what to do, but started to have an anxiety attack. This was something she had only done once before, and that was years ago as Terrence. She wasn't sure she could do this. Her thoughts were interrupted by Eve as she grasped hold of Jamie's rigid penis, and started to insert it into her rectum. Once Eve had it carefully located at the exact spot for insertion, Eve started to call for Jamie to make love to her. Eve's desperate pleas for Jamie to enter her had it much easier for Jamie to succeed at this most desirable task. After three short thrusts by Jamie she felt Eve pushing back. The fourth thrust caused both of them to gasp. Jamie was into Eve all the way. Eve then went crazy. She was bucking and thrashing. Jamie grabbed Eve around the waist, and held on. It was all she could do. Eve was tight, warm, and the speed and friction caused Jamie to orgasm in only a couple of minutes. She slid out of Eve, and rolled over onto the bed. Eve moved over to accommodate Jamie, and she felt a wet spot. Obviously it had been good for Eve. Jamie smiled up at Eve. She was glad tha

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Rebirth Chapter One

ITrust me, I really want to tell you how it all started and how it all ends, but first things first. Be sure that this is by no means a story for everyone, but the truth of what happened, should you feel tempted to be in the know, more or less lies within these pages. I truly and fully accept the consequences; in fact, I feel all tingly just thinking about the consequences as I put pen to paper. So here goes nothing.Indeed, things had been brewing for a very long time. What really set things in...

4 years ago
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Rebirth Chapter One

ITrust me, I really want to tell you how it all started and how it all ends, but first things first. Be sure that this is by no means a story for everyone, but the truth of what happened, should you feel tempted to be in the know, more or less lies within these pages. I truly and fully accept the consequences; in fact, I feel all tingly just thinking about the consequences as I put pen to paper. So here goes nothing.Indeed, things had been brewing for a very long time. What really set things in...

Gay Male
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Rebirth Chapter Two

I Would you believe it if I told you that, at the age of twenty-four, I was still a virgin? Perhaps at some point, I had subconsciously decided that nobody would ever want to fuck me. Now I’ve decided this ought not to be the case; I was wasting time not being put to good use. If I wanted to become Anastasia, I’d have to start somewhere, right? Surely, there were too many horny men out there in need of sexual release, at least some of whom would be more than willing to have their way with me.I...

Gay Male
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The strobes flashed, and the fans churned up a make-believe ocean breeze. It even smelled like the beach in the studio, from the ton and a half of sand they hauled in for the shoot. The center of attention was a lithe, fair-skinned model with long hair that flowed like black water in the wind. As the cameras clicked and hummed, she posed expertly, every move perfect, every look to die for. Two lighting technicians enjoyed the show. Their equipment was in place and required no...

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RebirthChapter 6

Mom was up early again and she got what she wanted before I got my eggs. The girls came down later and looked at us as if to find a way to read what was happening. They knew our mother and I had sex and the scream at the end readily confirmed it. Paige was on the look out for threats on the way to school and I let her have her fiction that this is they way I would be attacked. Before school started I reported to Mr Goods and told him of how Goldbalm had almost pushed his way into our home...

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RebirthChapter 7

Today I took Paige home with a difficult parting for each of us. I kissed Jane and the girls but got my bike out of the garage. It had been used for the newspapers and had large balloon tires. Though my body had rode the bike even in the winter my mind had not been on a bike in fifteen years. I walked with Sandy and Faith, and my cane was sticking out of a cardboard box. We spoke of the projects and I explained about what the bottoms would be like as the world liberalised. "The bottoms can...

4 years ago
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RebirthChapter 8

I slept in until eight thirty. I woke to find Maggie licking my erect prong. They were whispering encouragement and possible technique. Susan said, "Lick just the end. Clara says her sister does that to her boyfriend and it drives him wild. Ya, like that but just use the tip of your tongue." I was enjoying the sensations then I heard, "Guys like girls to run the tip of your tongue all the way from the bottom to the top. Other guys have lots of hair so you can start on his bag." Maggies...

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RebirthChapter 9

I woke up early and just stayed in bed looking at my lover. She had a small snore that she always denied. When she woke up she looked around to see me looking at her. "What are you looking at mister?" "Oh, just the woman I love." "Ha! You love a lot of women and I have to share." "True but I love you the most." "Prove it." I started my journey till she remembered her state. Her bum got a single swat and I continued. Her scream five minutes later woke the others. With her hand...

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RebirthChapter 12

The girls accused me of being a tyrant because of my constant questioning. Passing this year would be less difficult for them but I still wanted them to get high marks. This would boost their confidence and probably get them to work even harder in September. Paige came over and showed me her new dress. The quality time she shared with her mother had taught her many skills and caused Nora to go beyond what she knew. I was always getting new things to taste. I had homemade shirts too that I...

3 years ago
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RebirthChapter 13

A week before final exams, I handed in the completed patent application. Reference was made to one mirror at the back to bounce more of the laser light back into the system. Other gases including that from a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher were entered. These were expensive to fill but the school board or Mr Flaherty let me have one. I had even skipped school to work on the 'special project'. North Shore Signs donated some neon that allowed me to cover that particular gas. Helium was not...

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RebirthChapter 14

Everything changed again on July 20. I was moping around the house after my first appearance in court. The court case was slated for seven days later. I had even turned the television on. I was watching drivel on CBC but my mind was that way too. At eleven twenty a news report came in that cut into the show. The announcer mentioned that a man hijacked an automobile with a gun in Windsor Ontario that morning. A still photo showed a good-looking young woman that the reporter said was...

3 years ago
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RebirthChapter 15

There was a fog on the ground in the morning. It was quite cool. When it was light enough I studied the topo map. We were much higher now and I took out the compass I had found in the cabin. The kidnapper, or Carl Honzer, would keep the hydro road well patrolled and try to keep us from getting to Vockner. The more sizable town of Malute could be reached with more difficulty and the man could not be in both places at once. Though it was chilly I did what was necessary. I dumped my water and...

2 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 3

Pre-recorded music was only in record form in 1958. Eight or the rare four track cartridges were not even around then. Phillips made tape recorders but they were the reel to reel type. There were some quality problems with sound and maintenance. There was a very noticeable hiss from the tape that could be corrected by using a ceramic head. These devices had not invented yet. Also later on, two ridges on the head were used to guide the edges of the tape so it didn't wander. Another...

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Rebirth IIChapter 4

The bus trip to Toronto was boring but I managed to get a seat that had some light and I buried my nose in a Chemistry book from the library. When things quieted down, I was able to lean on a metal partition and get some sleep. Surprisingly nobody recognised me. At fifteen minutes after seven in the morning we got into the bus station. I had got my bag from overhead and felt bad because I had to have help to both put it in place and retrieve it. A familiar suit and face was waiting in the...

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Rebirth IIChapter 5

While Mr Holtzman spoke, I absently caressed Corinne's hair and continued working on the ideas that had to be covered in the patent. I must have been at this for ten minutes before I heard my host. "Jeff, will you come here? Mr Sackman is on the phone." "Sure." I put the clipboard aside then tried to slip from under Corinne without waking her. I put her head down and she just went back to sleep. "Hello Mr Sackman. How are you doing?" "Hello to you too Mr Congdon, and I'm feeling...

2 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 6

Paige and I got to Miss Floit's room before the first class. The teacher smiled and said, "Hello Jeff, Paige. How are the pair of you doing?" "Not bad for health but Paige is singing flat again." Paige retorted but only with a little anger. "I am not — " She saw the smile and blushed. I said, "I came here to ask you something. Susan is canvassing for a small band to play with her and the other girls when they play 'Everybody's Somebody's Fool'." "Is that another of your...

3 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 7

I woke up the next morning with someone spreading a bad case of morning breath at me. We were holding each other and it felt good to be where I was. It was still early so I went back to sleep but moved the pillow to deflect the air flow. The second time I awoke it was to people moving in the house. There was an analogue clock on the table because digital clocks were not invented yet. That may be another thing to make when I got LCDs done. Corinne looked very beautiful as she rested quietly....

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Rebirth IIChapter 8

It was a different student this time. He yelled at me, "Watch where the fuck you're going. You trip me again and I'll pound the crap outta you good and I won't let you drop a rock on me either." My shoulder that suffered from the gunshot hurt like hell. The young man was bigger than the last, and maybe grade eleven or twelve but I wasn't sure. I got up with difficulty and said, "Did she promise you some good pussy for this. I doubt if she will pay up. That makes you a fool." The...

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Rebirth IIChapter 9

The next day at gym, Mr Renzo didn't mention health class at all. I did get a little shit for not being as fast as I should be. The students looked sharply at me as if I was going to flatten the teacher. Later, though, they had lots of questions. I had even less time to answer them. Home Ec was better because Mrs Cameron was talking about budgets and then negotiating for a good price. Since I had mentioned this the first day of class, I was asked again. I had fun talking about the machines...

4 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 10

The girls used the phone to contact friends and I started to make lunch. We ate together as usual but this time Susan was talking of her plan. It had some thought put into it. I politely shot some holes in it so she could find ways to patch her strategy. The basement called me and I went down with a bit more hope in wringing out some information to make something that I had seen thousands of times. Jane made supper and she whispered to me, "They are still very excited. They called lots of...

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Rebirth IIChapter 11

Monday morning, Mr Sharp unexpectedly said, "Jeff, Mrs Cameron would like to see you. She said you may want to take an extra Home Ec class today." "That is a hard choice to make. I like this class or I would not have taken it. If I go to Home Ec, I have to eat all my mistakes. Would you get better response from your students if you instituted the same rules?" He smiled and pointed. "Get out of here." I smiled back and left. It wasn't until I knocked and was let in that I noticed...

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Rebirth IIChapter 12

Wednesday I saw more of the proud looking girls. Their backs were straight and they walked with graceful steps. If the queen had come, she could walk no better. Some nodded their heads at me as if signalling that I was at least partially acceptable. When I got into Home Ec, Janice came to me quickly before the class started. I thought she was going to ask about a suitable boy but she said, "Jeff are you going to give us a talk too." Mrs Cameron came in right behind her and interrupted,...

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Rebirth IIChapter 13

Friday morning had an inch of snow on the ground. This was almost nothing to us. A few fools forgot that they had to use more room to stop and got into accidents. I knew that even this much snow would stop some warm cities because nobody had any experience driving in this condition. I listened to the girls talk as the snow crunched under their boots. I wondered why Sam Johnson had not phoned last night and put it off as his method of saying he wasn't really interested in my songs. That was...

2 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 14

At nine thirty we got to John's home and I just wanted to sleep. Corinne wanted to talk and play. I had a quick shower and talked to the child for a half hour then went to sleep. Corinne got on the bed later and watched me wondering why I wanted to do a stupid thing like sleep when I could be playing or talking with her. I got up at four with a headache from changing my sleep pattern. Corinne was happy that I came to my senses. I wanted to do some shopping before the stores closed. Sunday...

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Rebirth IIChapter 15

I was able to have lunch with Paige the next day. We enjoyed ourselves even more because Marcy didn't come around to bother us or abuse me. There was not even a large young man ready to do damage either. Other young men bothered me though. It was not the same group but either they had the same complaint or Marcy had found a more subtle way of attacking me. I could see her quite easily stirring up the guys by blaming me for all their ills. I did another small experiment in chemistry and at...

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Rebirth IIChapter 16

James and Jane were sitting down drinking some tea when I arrived. He seemed to like some of Jane's pastries. He jumped up when I got there. I had to smile and said, "Sit and eat. We are not in that much of a rush." He nervously said, "I got most of the things you wanted. The planning department provided me the maps without a problem." "Did you find out about the crusher?" "It was bought by a scrap yard. I went by and saw that it has not been cut up yet. I don't know how good it...

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Rebirth IIChapter 17

It was a cold morning although there was no new snow. We talked as we walked to school, and I was worried about the girls. "Jennifer, why don't you set aside some time for music? You too Susan. You can still have your social gatherings but you did start the other tasks." It was Susan that answered. "I guess we could." She looked around at the other girls and they seemed to nod in acceptance. I guess they were looking for a way to get back to their old routine, they just needed a small...

4 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 18

When I regained my seat I said, "How many of these can we get? I want to put out the possibility of letting the current tenants stay in the house until we are ready to upgrade the street." Both were staring at me. Jane was the one that broke first. "Well?" "Well, What?" "The loan?" "Oh, it looks like I got it." "How much?" "It's on a sliding scale. The line of credit is based on what I currently own. When I use the money to buy any particular property then that loan can be...

3 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 19

That night Paige and I bathed in our own en suite. I couldn't wait and made love to her in the enclosure. She returned the favour as I held her head to me. When we got out I carefully dried each inch of her body and kissed the portions to make sure. She shivered though as I continued until the job was done to my satisfaction. We hurried back to bed so I could begin again to make love to my future wife. The door opened slowly and I stopped what I was doing. The eye looking at me was only...

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Rebirth IIChapter 20

We got into North Bay at a little after eight. We all went to our house in two taxis. I opened the door first and knew there was something wrong. I could detect the faint smell of cigarette smoke. It was old but not that old. Being at the front of the bus all that time kept the smell of cigarettes away from me. I pulled Jane off to one side for a moment and whispered, "Someone was in our house. Don't say anything that can harm the family. Tell the other girls though. I don't want to upset...

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Rebirth IIChapter 21

Wednesday was almost a non-event. I was still not ready to participate much in school life. Jamie invited me over to his home but I had to refuse. Mr Grissom gave me some pamphlets and even some phone numbers to try, but because Barry was now twenty, getting him educational help it was not going to be easy. There was no such thing as an adult education centre anywhere that I knew of other than at a college or university. Ian though was coming around enough that I was able to introduce him to...

2 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 22

When I woke up the four engineers were still there with six others. Mrs. MacIntee was making breakfast, and when she bent down to put a plate in front of me I impulsively kissed her cheek then said, "Thanks, you are a great cook." "Thank you too Mr Congdon." "I think we have known each other for a while now. We can go by first names. Mr Holtzman runs his home his way but I like to be more personal." "My name is Rose." I went upstairs later and woke up a sleepy little girl by...

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Rebirth IIChapter 23

Jamie came in with a bruise on his face. His walk was odd; and it could have been from a fall as he said. It was during gym that I saw the bruising on his arm much like a strong man had squeezed him on both arms. After gym I said, "Jamie, will you do as I say? I am your friend." "Yes — yes I will." I pulled him back into a corner and hand him face away from the light. "Bend over and touch your toes and keep your hands there." "Why?" "Am I your friend?" He did as I asked but did...

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Rebirth IIChapter 24

I woke up now very mindful of the microphone. A hand was holding my erection while Jamie was cuddled to my back. I could feel that a portion of his anatomy had slipped out of its confines and was now between my legs. When I moved to get up Jamie moved to keep me in place as if it were important we stayed this way. It took a little work but I got away from him and covered him with the blankets again. I walked into the kitchen with my pajama bottoms sticking out and found Edgar there having a...

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Rebirth IIChapter 25

He didn't argue but couldn't get Jamie to respond. When the boy started to collapse the man moved faster than I could believe possible and scooped him up. Everybody now was concerned. I picked up the box and said, "Jamie is still upset. He is just going for a rest." I hurried up the stairs and found Jamie on the bed and Charley kneeling beside it trying to think of what to do. I sat on the bed looking at the boy and Charley said, "Do you want me to go?" "No." I stroked Jamie's...

3 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 26

Mr Sackman left the next day. He took the 'Star' newspaper with him to read about what happened in North Bay. He said, "With this I can make you even richer." John went to work. Carm and I went with him and used his car. We toured Chinatown; and it was a lot smaller than what it would become in years to come. I bought oriental vegetables, rice, spices and a great many more articles including various kinds of tea. When I found that Carm had not been paid yet I gave him some money as an...

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Rebirth IIChapter 27

We arrived on the thirteenth and tomorrow would be Wednesday, Maggie's birthday. John was going to stay over and go to the party even if it was just a small one with just our extended family. Paige came running to see me. We hugged and kissed right in the street. The ladies were lined up and I kissed all of them but had to do it more chastely for real family. Corinne was happy to see both her Grampy and me. All the girls kissed Jamie more thoroughly than I had been greeted, and he seemed to...

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Rebirth IIChapter 28

Things had not settled down at school. People who didn't know me avoided me as if I would suddenly attack them. Cops wore guns in later years and the police were usually known for being stable. The gun was not noticed as much. I hoped that they could see that I was not going to do anything unless I was threatened. The people that did know me avoided me as if they didn't want to hurt a celebrity. I just tried to act as like a dopey kid and hope they bought it. I was able to eat lunch with...

1 year ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 29

We went to Toronto with presents for Corinne. John had some for me too. MGM had bought Jaws and the novel 'Star Wars' was going to be published late in the fall. The deal for the razors went through and we even got an offer from Bell or rather AT&T. It was a lowball figure and I was not letting them get away with it. We had sent the same design out to various countries in Europe. They had not got back to us even though they had the parts and drawings for just as long. A similar circuit...

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Rebirth IIChapter 30

The two weeks before the trip were hectic. The band and everyone else expected me to get everything ready. I got everyone's birth certificate as this was all that was needed to cross the border. Flashing money at a problem was not good so I just made use of the bus system one more time. I purchased tickets ahead of time for an express coach to Toronto, followed by a short stop over and a regular bus to Fort Erie and then over the bridge to Buffalo. In Buffalo we would get onboard a flight...

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Rebirth IIChapter 31

The trip home was not as exciting as the one going south. We had slept on the flight with the help of hypnosis. The band members were not involved in this. Angela's parents and Paige's came over and the group let them in on the details. The highlight was to meet some of the professional singers. Everyone here had a chance to shake hands with Elvis among others. I received some good and bad news too. The city fathers were having a special meeting on Tuesday to discuss the sale of the land....

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Rebirth IIChapter 32

The courtroom the next day was exactly the same. The Crown Attorney took up where he had left off and dealt with the next set of charges against Goldbalm. "Tell us what happened when you were chased by Mr Sinclair." I had a folder in my hand with my notes and went through them point by point. The courtroom gasped as I took out Mr Sinclair's eye then his testicles and jaw. I explained how I was hurt but still got the man into the car. I mentioned his gun but he was in no condition to get...

1 year ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 33

When I left the house and went back to town I stopped off at the lab. Edgar showed me the ruby laser in operation. There was more dispersion in the beam and Edgar said, "We are doing other crystals too to get the strongest results. The chrome works great. What else can we use?" "Pick something and try it. I want your name out there too and not just as the guy that built the device for me. I do have two more kinds of crystals to make then we are going public. We could get more done but I...

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Rebirth IIChapter 34

School had changed not only for me but for everyone. The female population was not as meek. Girls had always known that they had something that the males wanted and felt secure that they could trade for it. It was just that after the trade was legitimised then it was taken for granted. Now the ladies were more socially aware and knew a lot more about what was ahead of them. This now made the boy who was malleable in more demand. In a way the boys were now being trained so they would fit...

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Rebirth IIChapter 35

Paige's perspective: I felt so helpless. Dad walked behind me as we went down the steps to the front door. Maggie and Jamie just stood open-mouthed as we walked by. I turned around with tears in my eyes and looked at Jeff who was following us. He was just as upset as I was. He looked at me as if we would never see me again and I felt the same way even though I knew that we would get back together somehow. Dad had never been this angry before and I didn't know what caused it. Outside the...

4 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 36

Jack was remanded for ten days in jail. We went down to see him but I did not go in just yet. Paige came out crying because her father was not better yet. I began to suspect something rotten and then consider what I could do to monitor the man. Nora confirmed my suspicions when she said, "Jack isn't getting better. In fact he still looks like he's on a drunk." I took my suspicions to Mr Tatum the Crown Attorney. After we shook hands, he said, "What can I do for you Mr Congdon? How is...

2 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 37

School was not that different for me, but it was for some of the grade nine students. The girls took a class with a woman teacher that taught how to service a car. One young and good looking female cook from the Mandarin Restaurant showed how it was really done in a kitchen. I had a difficult time understanding her but her class was in quite a demand. The restaurant was not finished yet but the roof and walls were up. It, like the dojo, showed the peaked roofs of eastern architecture. Mai...

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