Rebirth: Chapter 2 free porn video

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REBIRTH PART TWO: FIRST SUMMER ? by: JL Williams CHAPTER FIVE: FIRST MONTH Jamie awoke the next morning slightly sore, but smiling. The ever- present Eve bathed her, and prepared her for the morning aerobics. Eve was her usual efficient self, but Jamie was distracted. She needed to talk to one of the doctors. Eve led Jamie to the aerobics class, and to the beaming Leslie. Jamie was relieved to see her, and to see her smile. She struggled through the aerobics work out. Her muscles were sore from yesterday's workout, she was probably a little hung over, and she was certainly preoccupied. Riccardo was becoming frustrated with Jamie, but there was nothing she could do about it. During a break Jamie overheard Leslie tell him that 'it was a bad time of the month for Jamie'. Riccardo nodded, and smiled in a patronizing way at Jamie for the rest of the workout. Jamie thought that despite the pain, Leslie could not have been more wrong. The last two days have been the best of her life. They finished the workout, bid goodbye to Riccardo, and headed over to breakfast. It was only then that Leslie hugged Jamie and told how excited she was about the news. Jamie blushed. Leslie said, "Jamie, there is nothing to be ashamed about. We love you. We are overwhelmed by our success, and to succeed with someone with your attitude--we never ever expected results like this. We now need to get you ready for vacation, and for the upcoming school year. You'll need clothes, and more importantly you'll need confidence. I am sure we will have both in time for the August gathering, and the start of the school year." "You need to tell me what is in store for me this August, and I am terrified about school. I won't be able to fool anyone," protested Jamie. "Don't worry about a thing dear. We will gradually build your confidence to a point that will surprise you," Leslie said, and then added, "as far as August goes, it is a gathering of people that John and I have met over the years. They are by and large professionals who have lifestyles that they must keep secret from society in general, some even from their families. We meet each year in a secluded location somewhere around the globe and let it 'all hang out' for four weeks. This year it is in a lodge in the mountains, actually not too far from here. I am sure that you fill find it not only very interesting, but quite enjoyable." "Leslie, I'm not sure I'm ready to meet people yet," protested Jamie. "Yes you are Jamie, you just need to get started. In fact we will start today. You need to be seen on the streets around here, and today is as good a day as any other. Besides, you will need to get to know your way around if you're going to drive to school. It wouldn't look good for a senior to take the school bus. Now let's get dressed, and head for town," said Leslie. As she said it, she rose and she bent over and kissed Jamie on the lips. Jamie tried to kiss her back, but Leslie said, "That is for later." She put on her robe and headed for the inside of the mansion. Jamie hopped up, and before she could move any further, she found Eve helping her on with her robe. Eve selected Jamie's clothes while Jamie showered. When she emerged from the shower with her towel wrapped modestly around her upper torso, she found a peasant outfit carefully laid out on the bed. A white cotton blouse that left Jamie's shoulders bare, and a brightly colored plaid skirt that was cut just below the knee. Jamie started with the white bra, but found herself fumbling with the strapless contraption. Eve moved over to help Jamie, her fingers lingering just a second too long on Jamie's soft skin. Next came the bikini underwear, a soft blue, but first came the now ubiquitous 'gaff'. She found herself highly aroused and unable to strap it down and out of sight. Eve knelt before Jamie, and looked up at her with lust in her eyes. "May I please you Mistress?" asked Eve. Jamie nodded, and Eve went to work. She was an absolute expert. She finished Jamie off in no time at all. She sucked until Jamie had to pull Eve off of her flaccid penis. Eve wasted no time for sentiment. Once she finished, she was back to work. She said there was no need for the 'gaff' now, and simply tucked Jamie 'up and under'. Eve then produced sandals that she lovingly strapped onto Jamie's feet. There were no socks. Jamie felt naked in this outfit as she thought about going to town. Eve applied a light touch of make up, and the final curl to her hair. "I'm not ready for this Eve," Jamie said. "Certainly you are Jamie, you will be the heart breaker I wish I could have been," replied Eve. Jamie went downstairs, as she did, she noticed two things, one she was starting to feel at home in this place, and second it felt odd to have flat shoes on. She smiled at those thoughts, and said to herself that maybe she could go out in public. Leslie was already in the car that was idling in the driveway. "Typical teenager, always late," was her greeting. Both were laughing as Leslie put the car in gear and headed into town. Jamie was surprised at the fact that it took twenty-five minutes to get into town. She also noted that there wasn't much besides rolling countryside and this two-lane highway between town and the mansion. The place was truly secluded. Once in town Leslie found a parking spot on the main street, and the two 'girls' began a day of shopping. They fooled everyone. From sales clerks to waiters, from kids on the street to leering construction workers, no one suspected that Jamie was anything other than a beautiful eighteen-year-old young lady. Jamie's confidence grew with each step. She found herself looking curiously at the beautiful reflection that she saw in the windows. She was soon caught up in the shopping and meeting of all the people that Leslie introduced her to in town. Leslie took Jamie around to all the shops on Main Street, and opened up accounts for her in each one. Jamie was treated as someone special. After all, she was 'the new girl from the Mansion outside of town'. After spending a few hours shopping and browsing the girls went for a late lunch. There was a trendy little place on the town square that Leslie led Jamie into. Their waiter was a young boy named Dick. He was over six feet tall, and was very handsome. Leslie asked him several questions, and discovered that he was going to be a senior in high school this year. Leslie then introduced the blushing Jamie. Dick was less than subtle about looking down Jamie's peasant blouse, and when he got caught, it was his turn to be embarrassed. Needless to say the service was more than attentive. Leslie ended the lunch by excessively tipping Dick, and suggesting that he call on Jamie when they got back from vacation. Dick thanked Leslie, and said he would, "Call Jamie, for sure." When they got back in the car Leslie was gushing about how cute Dick was, and that he was really taken by Jamie. Jamie sat quietly in the passenger seat trying to organize her thoughts. She also enjoyed seeing the young man. She also enjoyed talking, and eventually even flirting a little bit with him. But she dared not do more than that. "Leslie, how can I ever try and fit into a school environment? How can I accept a date from a boy like Dick? They?..everyone are bound to discover our secret, and when that happens someone like Dick is going to beat the hell out of me." "Don't worry Jamie, you still have a lot to learn about who and what you are. I am sure that by the time school starts your fears will be gone. By the way, on your left is the school you will be attending! You should know that young Dick is one Richard Brodnowski, captain of the football team. He is the son of the mayor, to date him would be quite an accomplishment." Jamie flashed back on 'his' own high school days, and thought how different this would be as 'her' high school days. No football, basketball or baseball, no hanging out with the guys. This was going to be totally different, what was in store for her? Then without warning, Leslie announced that there would be one more stop on the day's excursion. She took Jamie to the motor vehicle department so that Jamie could get a drivers license. Jamie was too frightened to even react, but Leslie calmly produced a birth certificate, and a notarized copy of Jamie's high school transcript showing that she had completed three years of high school in Chicago, and she had received an 'A' in drivers education! The written test was a breeze, and she passed the eye exam easily. This startled Jamie since in her previous life she as a contact lens wearer for over twenty years. She had forgotten all about her previous need for contacts. The next step was the road course. The state trooper put Jamie through her paces on the course, and here it was Terence who resurfaced and took control. He thought it was not by accident that he was wearing flat shoes. He passed the test easily, and in fact started to tease the young and very handsome state trooper by being sure that the skirt rose just slightly too high on her thigh as he/she drove. The excitement of this whole affair caused Jamie to forget momentarily that she wasn't wearing her 'gaff', but wisely she calmed herself down. When they finished the course, the trooper, named Ed, asked Jamie if they could go out that weekend. Jamie said she was sorry, but she was booked. She couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth when she said to please call her when she returned from vacation in September. By the end of July Jamie was driving Eve into town to get the groceries, and running errands three times a week. She would let Eve off at the supermarket, and then head into the main shopping area by herself. She was able to walk into the stores, browse around, and even try on clothing without a bit of fear or embarrassment. Jamie, despite her youthful appearance was also finding that she was able to merge her middle-aged maturity to this body. She enjoyed watching the boys and the construction workers staring at her long tanned legs. She even went into town braless a few times, the sensation of her breast against the blouse coupled with the sexual overtness, caused Jamie to be constantly flushed, but she loved the excitement. She always smiled back and flirted with the men from town-- from a safe distance. She enjoyed chatting with the female sales clerks, asking abut the new styles, and saying how much she liked living here, and how much she looked forward to starting school in September. In fact Jamie had even met a few of the 'kids' that she would be in school with, and they invited her to a few parties, but she always declined. One girl in particular went of her way to be nice to Jamie. She was Theresa Montini, but everybody called her Terri. Terri was a beauty. She had long jet-black hair, a beautiful body, and stood at least four or five inches taller than Jamie. Terri was going to be a senior also. She had moved to town the year before and she said she knew how difficult it was for Jamie. Jamie thought if she ever knew how difficult. Terri worked in the local lingerie shop. She worked for her aunt who owned the business. After a while Jamie discovered that like her, Terri was orphaned, and was living with her widowed aunt. Jamie made it a point to always stop into the store each time she came into town. The sight of Terri, and the sight and touch of the lingerie always excited her. Terri invited Jamie to her home on two occasions, but Jamie declined. She said that between getting caught up on school she missed last semester due to her parents accident, and her August vacation with her aunt and uncle, she just couldn't. But she always added, "don't forget to ask me once school starts, I'm so bored way out in the sticks!" The girls often went to lunch together. They always went to the same place, and even managed to normally get the same table. The one waited on by Dick Brodnowski. The three of them got to be good friends over the few weeks in July that Jamie was in town. They promised to get together over Labor Day weekend, before the start of school, to introduce Jamie to the rest of the senior class. There was a traditional party at the lake by the seniors every year to start the school term. Jamie was nervous about the party, but it seemed far enough in the distance, to just say, "great count me in!" The month of July flew by. The days were filed with new discoveries in town, and the nights were filled with making love. Jamie was smiling almost every minute of every day. She spent her nights with Leslie, with John, with both of them. Each was wonderful to her. Each in their own way brought out the femininity in Jamie that she so longed for in her previous life, but could never attain, because of her psyche, her physical limitations, her environment. Jamie thought occasionally back to her previous life, and while she knew she missed her old family, this was a fantasy come true. This was how she had always hoped to live. Jamie was totally devoted to the doctors, and they were wonderful with her, to say nothing of the things that they taught her! CHAPTER SIX: AUGUST IN THE MOUNTAINS On July 31, Eve worked like a whirling dervish. She had obviously started hours before anyone else had gotten out of bed. She was packing for the four of them--clothes for a month in the mountains. Jamie was with Leslie in town picking up some last minute toiletries, and never saw what was going on except for the early morning flurry of activity. But when she arrived that afternoon, Dr. John was pacing in the study. He was glad to see Jamie and Leslie, but Jamie knew he was anxious and excited to head to the mountains. John told Leslie that Eve had already left with their 'stuff' three hours earlier, and would have everything unpacked and set up by the time they arrived at the lodge. With that, they headed back out the door and off to the mountains. Jamie had asked and asked about what they would be doing for a whole month, but the doctors would only say she would have a great time. She really hated to be gone for a whole month, but she trusted them. Jamie had the whole back seat to herself, so she stretched out, and promptly fell asleep. Some time later she awoke to the gentle nudging of Eve. It was dark; it was only then that Jamie thought that she should have stayed awake to see where they were, and how long it took to get there. Eve helped her out of the car, and over to a large cabin. Entering the cabin Jamie found herself in a spacious well-appointed house that befitted the location. It had large woven rugs on the floor and the walls. The fireplace had a large antlered animal of some sort over it. John and Leslie were sitting in the living room talking to three other people, two women and a man. As Eve entered, the five stopped talking. John stood up and walked over to Jamie, he took her by the hand and brought her to the middle of the group. He introduced her to Frank and Barbara Higgins, and Janet Miller. They exchanged pleasantries. Barbara, a woman that Jamie took to be in her mid-thirties, said, "Jamie, you are lovely. The doctors told us that their niece was beautiful, but I thought that they were just bragging. I was wrong, and so were they. You are stunning." Jamie blushed and stammered out a thank you. Eve was then instructed to take Jamie to her room. Jamie said good night, and went upstairs with Eve. She had helped Jamie take off her skirt and her blouse, and gave Jamie a light blue baby doll pajama set to wear to bed. Eve told Jamie that she should get some sleep. Tomorrow would be a full day. Jamie asked what she meant by that, and Eve merely told her that she would enjoy herself. Jamie fell asleep on the king size bed not realizing until some weeks later that it was the first time she had gone to bed without having one of the doctors make love to her since she had found herself in this body. Jamie awoke very early the next morning. She got out of bed and, out of a newly formed habit, put on a robe and slippers with three-inch heels. She walked to the window to look out at the mountain morning. What she saw made Jamie gasp. She saw the two women from the night before. They were dressed in skintight black leather, and were apparently walking their pets--except that the pets were people. Jamie could not tell who the pets were because all four of the people on the end of the leashes were wearing black leather hoods. But she could clearly see that each of the women was walking a man and a woman. Despite the coolness of the early mountain morning the pets were naked except for the hoods and collars. Jamie watched in fascination as the six of them disappeared into the woods. This promises to be really weird thought Jamie. She turned from the window, and was startled to find Eve standing behind her. "Good morning mistress," said Eve as she greeted Jamie. Jamie sensed something different about Eve. She seemed more docile, more subservient. Jamie then noticed the leather collar around Eve's neck. It was about two inches wide and had metal loops in the front and back. It looked like the collars on the pets she had just seen disappear into the woods. "Eve, what's with the collar?" asked Jamie. Eve lowered her head, and said, "It is part of my training up here in the mountains. Would you like me to fetch my leash?" "Of course not Eve, just help me get dressed. I need to get downstairs and find out what is going on here." Jamie went to the bathroom and started her shower while Eve busily laid out Jamie's clothes. Eve patiently waited for her as Jamie applied her own make up and fixed her own hair. When Jamie emerged from the bathroom she was surprised to see that Eve had laid out a red leather outfit for Jamie. "What's this for?" asked Jamie. "Jamie, this is the uniform of a young dominatrix. This camp is for people with veried types of sexual preference. By wearing this outfit the rest of the people in the camp will know that you are not a subservient person like me. You see I wear a collar. That is my costume. The red color tells the rest of the camp that this is your first time here. When we go downstairs the doctors will tell you more. Please Mistress, let me make one request of you before we go downstairs, as I am not allowed to address you during our weeks up here, unless I am asked a direct question by you. Please take me and do what you will to me sometime during our stay. You must realize that there is nothing I will not do for you, or let you do to me. It will give me great pleasure to serve you in anyway I can." Jamie hastily promised she would do what she could for Eve. She was too distracted by the whole concept of this gathering. Eve then helped Jamie into a skintight leather bustier, leather garter belt, leather bikini underwear with luxurious silk lining. Eve tucked the reminder of Jamie's previous life up and under her, and helped Jamie with the sheer nylons. Finally, the knee high boots with the four inch heels. Jamie had gotten used to high heels over the last month, but these were actually dangerous. Eve laced the boots, and then kissed the toes of each boot when she finished. "Thank you for letting me serve you Mistress," Eve whispered. Jamie was not so much confused as curious, and certainly excited. Leslie was right about gaining self-confidence. She was eager to find out what was going on, and breakfast seemed to be the place to find out. "Good morning, Jamie," John said as he rose to greet Jamie as she entered the room. "I hope the clothes fit. You look terrific!" "I feel terrific, Dr. John. But why these? What am I to do?" "Jamie you have given Leslie and me a great deal of pleasure over the last month. You have the opportunity to please many more people. You have a unique sexuality that the people who are here for this month will find irresistible. The rumor that you would attend has caused this year's gathering to be one of the best attended ever. First eat. Then we will give you your tour, and your first presents," said Dr. John. Jamie started on her breakfast when the two women from the night before came in the back door. They were wearing clothes identical in design to Jamie's, but in black. Seeing the women in leather made Jamie realize that John and Leslie were still in their bathrobes, and not in uniform, or costume, or whatever. Following the women were the four pets. Janet the taller of the two women, whispered, "sit". All four of the humans instantly went into a severe crouch. They sat motionless. "Good Dogs," said Janet. Then she turned, leaving all four inside the door to the cabin poised waiting for their next order. "Good morning!" beamed Barbara. "I hope all of you have slept well. Janet and I like to get up and out early. It is a truly beautiful morning, and now we get to eat breakfast with the equally beautiful Jamie!" There was a natural radiance to Barbara's light complexion, and her lilting voice that made the black leather seem out of place. Jamie felt herself more at ease with her than the taller darker Janet. Janet said nothing, but went to the counter and filled four bowls, two with dry breakfast cereal, and two with milk. In a barely audible whisper she commanded, "heel", and the four human pets crawled obediently to the food that was now on the floor. The pets waited, poised over the food. Then Janet said, "eat", and the four jockeyed for position around the food. Smiling icily, Janet strode over to the table and sat down. Eve silently served breakfast as Barbara, Janet, Leslie, and John talked about the upcoming month. They discussed a number of people who were in attendance, and some who for some reason or another were unable to attend. Jamie merely listened. She obviously did not know any of the people discussed. She did find herself staring at the four human dogs. They had finished their breakfast, and were now back on their haunches in the corner of the room. Once breakfast was complete, Leslie said, "Poor Jamie, we are ignoring you. You need to know what is going on around here. Today is the first day of the gathering. Over the next month what you will see will amaze you. We have every kind of person here from the ultimate dominatrix-- Janet here, to the ultimate masochists--the dogs behind me. We also have everything in between. We have every known fetishist, from transvestism to infantilism. We have enema givers and takers. There are golden shower enthusiasts, and again, both giving and taking. Jamie, by virtue of your 'rookie status' you have the opportunity to avail yourself to any and all of what I have described. In fact feel free to make something up!" The four friends laughed. Jamie was a little concerned. She knew that the way she dressed, looked, and acted was certainly not normal, but this other stuff was way out. She wasn't sure that she could do it. CHAPTER SEVEN: GIFTS Dr. John must have seen the confusion in Jamie's eyes. "Don't worry Jamie you have a whole month to try these lifestyles out, we won't rush you. However, I do have some things to give you. First, here is a collar. You have the ability to go both ways in this camp. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You can only do this at one camp. It is for first time attendees, and then only for those who arrive with your stature. With the collar is a key. You should only put the collar on when you want to assume the submissive role. Once you place the collar on, you must give the key to the dominator or dominatrix in the relationship. Then, you cannot remove the collar for at least twenty- four hours. Second, here are two leashes. You have been assigned two pets. They are outside waiting for you to take them for a walk. Please feel free to go anywhere you like, you can't get lost. The pets will find their way back here. If, for any reason, they disobey any, and I repeat any command, they are to be beaten. You should not have any trouble with these two. Although young, they are veterans of the gathering. When you are done with them, simply remove the leash from each of them and tell them to go home. They have a spot in the kennel." Jamie nodded dumbly, this was getting weird, she knew that she needed to get out by herself, and to take stock of the situation. She finished breakfast, and excused herself from he table. Each said goodbye to her, but Janet added, "Jamie, if you would like, I'll hold your collar for you. Maybe I could show you how it works." "Thank you Janet, but I think I'll have Eve put it in my room for now. Once I'm ready to try it on I will let you know." "I'd love to show you," said Janet with her, by now, patented icy smile. Jamie handed the leash and key to Eve and instructed her to take the red leather leash and silver objects to her room. She then took the leashes and went outside. Sitting quietly, obviously waiting for her were a young woman, who could not be much more than Jamie's age, and a young man of about the same age. Both were in excellent physical shape, in fact they were beautiful. Each was holding a black leather hood. They had slits cut for their eyes and nose, but not their mouth. They held them up silently, as if asking, "should we put these on?" Jamie took them and set them on the porch. She then connected the leash to each collar, and simply said, "Let's go for a walk." Instantly both pets rose and started slowly toward the path that led into the woods. The three of them wandered down the path, Jamie deep in thought, and the pets seemingly just happy to be moving forward. Jamie thought that if she could find a clearing she could sit and think about what was in store for her this month. After walking for about ten minutes, Jamie spotted what she was looking for; it was a grassy knoll with a large shade tree at one end. Jamie instructed the pets to walk to the tree, and they veered to the right. Once they reached their destination, the pets stopped and waited fro the next command. Jamie wanted to think, and not worry about these two, so she removed their collars, and instructed them to be good dogs and go play in the field, but don't wander from the clearing. They instantly ran into the field with obvious joy and abandon. Jamie couldn't believe it. They were acting just like dogs. They were chasing each other, sniffing at each other, and generally making barking noises. Jamie started laughing. This was too amazing. She watched as the male became very aroused, and seemed to be chasing the female with but one intention. Jamie called both to 'heel', and they came running back to the spot where she sat. She looked up at the still aroused male, and said, "Can you talk?" "Yes, if asked to Mistress," he said with a bowed head. "You look very excited, what is your name?" Jamie asked. "It can be whatever you want it to be, Mistress," he replied. "Well, I'll call you 'Tramp', and this will be 'Lady'. Lady, are you as excited as Tramp?" Jamie asked with a broad smile. Lady, head bowed as well, replied softly, "Yes, Mistress." "Well," Jamie said, "far be it from me to keep to dogs in heat from doing what comes naturally. But don't go running over to the far side of the field. If you two are going to rut, I want to be able to at least see what you do. Now be good doggies, and have fun, but stay near." Jamie then spent the next sixty minutes watching the Lady and Tramp show. They nipped at each other, and stuck their noses in each other's butts, licked nipples, and sucked on each other's most private parts. Jamie found herself very aroused, but was afraid to join into the party. Finally, Tramp mounted Lady from the rear and began humping her. They were both covered with sweat as they humped. Jamie could think of it no other way. She never would use the 'F' word for intercourse. She always believed that was what animals did. Humans had to make 'love, or it was not worth doing. But these two were definitely 'fucking'; there was no doubt about it. Finally they climaxed, and they collapsed exhausted on the grass. Jamie let them sleep in the warm sunlight, and she tried to think about her new life, but the warm sun made her drowsy too, and she drifted off to sleep, and dreamt of collars. After about an hour and a half Jamie awoke to find her new pets sitting quietly waiting for their master to awaken. Jamie stretched and collected her thoughts. She knew what she had to do, "Take me to the center of the camp," she instructed, as she refastened the leashes to the collars. Off they went into the center of the most bizarre scene Jamie had ever witnessed. The center of the encampment was a large open area that had many cots, racks, stocks, and some other articles that Jamie didn't even recognize. Around the field were tents, campers, mobile homes of every size and shape. Set back from the square were the cabins, some grand like the one occupied by the doctors, and some not so grand but nonetheless very nice. Over in one corner, tucked behind some tents Jamie saw a large fenced in area that looked newly constructed. She instructed the dogs to check that area out. They went straight to it. When they arrived Jamie realized that it was the kennel. There were probably two-dozen large dogs housed within the fenced in area. "Is this where you live?" asked Jamie. Tramp answered, "Yes mistress." "Do you like it here?" asked Jamie, with an air of disbelief. "Yes, mistress, it is the highlight of the entire year for us." Answered Lady. "How long have you two been coming here?" Asked Jamie, starting to fear that she really didn't want to know much more. Tramp stunned Jamie by saying, Mistress; "We have been coming to the gathering and living as pets since we were fourteen. Our parents have brought us here since we were ten." "You're brother and sister! I didn't know, oh no, I didn't mean to have you....," Jamie's words dropped off in horror as she thought she ordered these two to have sex. Lady looked up at Jamie and into her blue eyes with genuine caring, "Mistress, please do not be alarmed. We love each other. We are twins, and we are forever in your debt for allowing us that time in the field. It was wonderful." Jamie couldn't believe it. She wanted more information about the gathering. "Tell me more about this place," she said. Tramp looked at Lady, and let her tell Jamie what she knew of the gathering. "The center court is for daily events. Here the dominants and the submissive gather each day at scheduled times to carry out the rituals that give each pleasure. These are supplemented by the private meetings and the prearranged sessions, that are held in the tents, campers and cabins that surround the square. Here the rules of society have no meaning. There are captains of industry wearing collars like these, and unemployed grammar school dropouts wearing leather. Here young can order the old, and even children whip parents. Each is free to do and accept what is in the darkest recesses of their individual psyche." Jamie stood there totally entranced. She thought of her previous life and the furtive trips to the adult bookstore. She thought of what she was doing at a teenager. She then directed the pets away from the kennel, and softly said, "Let's head back to my cabin." The doctors were glad to see Jamie return. They had started to get worried about Jamie being gone for so long. "Jamie, welcome back! Where have you been? We were worried!" blurted Leslie and John alternatingly. They were still attired as Jamie had left them, so she was still puzzled as to exactly how the doctors fit into the whole picture. "I had the twins take me out to the woods, and I sat out there and dozed off for a while. Then we went to the center of the camp, and I saw the square, the tents and all, end even the kennel," Jamie said. "Well, you certainly had a full morning. I'll bet you're hungry. Plus, we need to fill you in on the schedule for today. Leave the twins, and I'll have Jaqui get you some lunch, and she can feed the pets later," said Dr. John. "Jaqui?" asked Jamie. Leslie said, "Jamie, you will need to get used to seeing all kind of new help this month. Jaqui will probably be with us for the next week. Let me get her in here." With that Leslie rang a small bell that was sitting on the table. Within moments in came a six foot three-inch blonde. She was even taller in her four-inch heels. Jaqui was rail thin, and frankly had a very nice body for what was obviously a man in his early to mid- thirties. Jaqui was dressed in a traditional maid's uniform, all in black and white, with black seamed nylons that attached to a garter belt that could be seen beneath the all too short skirt. Jaqui entered the room, lowered her eyes and curtsied daintily. "Jaqui, this is my niece Jamie. She is to be obeyed by you in all things," commanded Leslie in a voice so stern it surprised Jamie. "Yes ma'am, it will be my distinct pleasure to serve Mistress Jamie," squeaked Jaqui in a high-pitched voice that was supposed to sound female. She curtsied again, and waited for instructions. "Jaqui, Jamie is hungry, and her pets need feeding. Please go outside and feed the pets. Then prepare a light lunch for Jamie. Dr. Roberts and I have meetings down here, so Jamie can take her lunch in her room. Now hurry!" With those instructions from Dr. Leslie, Jaqui was gone. "Jamie, I'm sorry, John and I need to meet with some of the others on some matters that would only bore you. Please be a dear and have your lunch in your room. Actually, you could have some fun with Jaqui. Once our meetings are completed, we will get together. I feel badly that we have not had a chance to spend any time together today." CHAPTER EIGHT: LUNCH Jamie trooped up to her room, which had been made up spotlessly. Jamie assumed that Jaqui did it. Jamie slowly removed her boots-which were beginning to become very uncomfortable. She then took off her hose, and the leather garments. She left on only her 'gaff. Jamie was slipping on her thigh length, cream-colored satin robe when she heard a timid knock at the door. "Come in," said Jamie, as she tried her best to sound stern. Jaqui entered; pushing a cart similar to the ones Jamie had seen hundreds of times in hotels. Jaqui 'was' room service, thought Jamie. Without looking up Jaqui asked Mistress Jamie where to set up lunch. Jamie just pointed to a spot near the window. Jaqui slowly and carefully arranged the cart, and then asked if she could remove the lids from the dishes, and bring a chair over so that Mistress Jamie could eat lunch. Jamie tried her best to sound icily detached, but she was a dismal failure. She told Jaqui that the chair in the corner would be fine, and that she should bring the chair from across the room for herself. She could sit with Jamie; in fact Jamie said there was plenty of food, she would be happy to share if Jaqui was hungry. Jaqui said that she was not worthy to sit with Jamie, and that she would be more than happy if Jamie let her sit at her feet. Jamie said that would be fine. Jamie started to pick at her lunch. She was more interested in the exotic creature kneeling at her feet. She wanted to know all about her. "Jaqui, tell me about yourself." "There is nothing to know Mistress. I am here to serve you. My past would be of no interest to you, and my future is dependent on you desires," answered Jaqui. "Jaqui, my desires are to know who you are when you are not Jaqui. What do you do, and why you derive pleasure from this. If you answer my questions correctly, I will reward you, if not, I will find a way to punish you." Again Jamie struggled to be stern. "I am sorry mistress. I always want to be Jaqui. However, by birth I am Jack Ackerman. I am a teacher. I derive the utmost pleasure out of being dressed in woman's clothes, and being totally submissive. Why, I am afraid I am not smart enough to know the answer to that question." Jaqui never looked up, but Jamie could see that discussing Jaqui's real self was making her uncomfortable. Jamie thought it was time for a reward. "Jaqui, walking all over the woods, and the camp, got my feet all dirty. Would you be a good girl and wash my feet with your tongue?" Jamie no sooner got the words out of her mouth than Jaqui was massaging Jamie's left foot. Jaqui was lavishing kisses on Jamie's foot, licking, kissing, sucking, and virtually worshipping the flesh. Jamie thought this is a girl that loves her work. Jaqui worked diligently on Jamie's feet, she did not miss an inch. Jamie was totally aroused. She told Jaqui to stop. "Are you displeased with me Mistress?" Jaqui inquired. "No Jaqui, you have done a wonderful job on my feet. I would like to reward you even more, and let you lick other parts of my body." Jamie stood up and walked over to the bed. She quickly removed her robe, and dressed only in her silk 'gaff', which by now was becoming very uncomfortable, laid back on the bed. Jaqui minced over to the bed and stood there waiting for her next instruction. Jamie instructed Jaqui to remove her outer garments. This left Jaqui standing in front of Jamie in her four-inch heels, bra, garter belt and stockings, as well as her own 'gaff'. Jamie then instructed Jaqui to wash her back, but she should start where she left off--at her feet. With that Jamie rolled over onto her stomach, and let Jaqui begin to lick her. Jaqui started on Jamie's ankles and slowly and sensuously worked her way up Jamie's legs. When Jaqui reached the place where Jamie's legs came together she truly turned up the heat, and the distance that her tongue was able to cover as she lovingly entered Jamie's rectum was truly amazing. Jaqui's expertise drove Jamie wild. She was squirming wantonly on the bed. Then, either accidentally or on purpose, Jaqui untied Jamie's 'gaff'. Freed from captivity, Jamie's penis instantly hardened. Jamie spun around onto her back. She could stand it no more. The look in Jamie's eyes told Jaqui without having to say a word that Jaqui needed to satisfy Jamie's desperate need----now! Jaqui quickly stripped Jamie of her unwanted 'gaff', and took Jamie into her mouth. Jamie was holding Jaqui's head and moaning softly. All too quickly Jamie was bucking uncontrollably on the bed. She came and came again! She had one of the most intense orgasms of her life. Jaqui refused to quit. Finally, Jamie coaxed Jaqui into letting go of her totally spent penis. Jaqui started kissing Jamie gently on the stomach, and quietly whispering, "Thank you, Mistress," to Jamie. Jamie was absolutely sure that she couldn't move. She quietly asked Jaqui what would make her happy. Jamie felt she owed Jaqui. Jaqui quietly said that she was happy enough pleasing her Mistress. Jamie wanted to do something, so she ordered Jaqui to sit up, and to remove all the rest of her clothes. Jaqui complied without hesitation, and immediately Jaqui's erection popped up. Jamie thought that she should take care of Jaqui, but she also knew that Jaqui had been in years of training to be this submissive. So she quickly settled on a compromise solution. "Jaqui, you are a naughty girl. Look at yourself. No one gave you permission to look like that. You are going to have to get rid of that impairment to your femininity immediately. I want you to masturbate right now. I want you to ejaculate into one of the empty dishes from lunch. When you are done, you will need to lick your plate clean. Now get a plate, and get back here so I can see that you are performing your task properly." Jaqui was only too happy to comply. She hurried over to get the plate, and she hurried to comply, spurting on to the plate. Jaqui then licked her plate clean. She relished the high protein dessert. Once finished Jaqui awaited her next command. Jamie told her to get dressed, and to start Jamie's bath. While Jamie was bathing, Jaqui was to clean the room and take the luncheon cart downstairs. She would then await her next orders from the doctors. Jaqui started immediately, and once the water started, Jamie got out of bed; she was very unsteady from the energy expended on her orgasm. She went over to Jaqui, kissed her lightly on the cheek, and thanked her. Jamie then quickly turned, and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She was so exhausted; she needed the time to quietly rest. Jamie never saw the tear run down Jaqui's cheek, and the look of absolute adoration in Jaqui's eyes. Jamie climbed into the tub. Her brain was a jumble of mixed up thoughts. She was trying to decide what to do with dominatrix concept. She had always felt that love, not sex, had to be a mutual thing. In fact Jamie had always been the 'doer' not the 'receiver' even though she, as a he, had always wanted to be the receiver. She wanted to be loved, to be taken, to be ravaged. How did that interact with ordering Jaqui to masturbate onto a dish? Did Jamie like ordering Jaqui to do that? She didn't know. She knew she couldn't be cruel. She knew she was at home in this new body, and that she would not change one thing about her relationship with the doctors. She just had to figure out the weirdness of this month in the mountains. CHAPTER NINE: A NIGHT WITH JANET Jamie finished her bath, and laid down on the bed to rest. It was three hours later when Jaqui's gentle touch awakened Jamie. Jaqui said she was instructed to help her dress, and to be sure she came down to dinner within the hour. Jamie anticipated the red leather outfit, but instead she found Jaqui presenting her with a slinky red satin dress that barely covered the hooks on the garter belt. Jamie was dressed totally in red from the low cut dress, to the strapless bra, to the color of the sheer nylons. The outfit was accented with over four inch red leather high heels, and a beautiful red velvet choker with a large brooch centered in the front. Jamie started to do her own make-up but Jaqui said that she was instructed to help 'Mistress Jamie' with her entire look. Jaqui led Jamie to the dressing table and proceeded to make Jamie up. Jamie's first inclination that something was different came when it took longer than the few minutes that it normally took Eve. Jaqui then curled Jamie's hair, and asked Jamie to turn around. The look was not unpleasant, but Jamie certainly looked different. She was amazed at how the addition of extra make-up changed her appearance. "Jaqui, why so much make-up tonight?" asked Jamie. "I wish that I knew mistress, all I know is that Mistress Janet asked that I perform these functions, and Mistress Leslie agreed. You do look lovely." Jamie blushed slightly, and said, "Lets head downstairs and see what's in store for us tonight. Jaqui, you are going to have to help me when we get to the stairs, these shoes should be illegal." The two 'girls' went down the hallway and down the stairs together. When the prepared to enter the dining room Jaqui stopped before the closed oak doors. "This is as far as I may go Mistress. I am not allowed at the party," said Jaqui with a hint of sadness in her voice. "What party? Jaqui why didn't you tell me? There was no reason not to let me know. Who's in there?" asked Jamie. She wasn't angry with poor Jaqui, who seemed to physically shrink in front of Jamie as she asked these questions. But she was taken off guard. "I thought you knew of the party Mistress. If I have displeased you, I will do what you request as punishment," was Jaqui's meek reply. "I don't want to punish you Jaqui, you may go now." As Jaqui left for the kitchen, Jamie pulled open the doors, and boldly entered the room. As she entered it occurred to Jamie that what Dr. Leslie had said about her confidence was certainly coming true. Jamie, as Terence, would not have had a problem entering this room, and now Terence, as Jamie, had no problem either. The room was extremely crowded. Jamie estimated that there were at least eighty people, all engaged in eating hors d'oeuvres, drinking, and engaging in very animated conversation. Jamie thought that she had entered the room unnoticed, but she was wrong. Janet, the dominatrix she met last night and again this morning, came up to Jamie immediately and said, "Jamie, you look absolutely fabulous! In fact you look good enough to eat; and in fact tonight I hope to see that you are!" Jamie smiled at Janet, and in her best effort to be flirtatious, said, "Am I on the dinner menu?" "You will be on mine Jamie, dear. I have spoken to the doctors and they have decided that you need to broaden your horizons, and I am just the person to do it. We will be leaving within the next hour or so. Do not make me look for you. Stay where I can easily summon you." The matter of fact authority in Janet's voice took Jamie aback. She also felt the self-confidence she had felt when she entered the room ebbing out of her as she dumbly nodded yes to Janet. Just then Eve approached and offered the two women some champagne. Janet accepted the glass, and Jamie, without knowing why, looked at Janet for an approval before taking hers. Janet nodded to Jamie; only then did Jamie take the glass from Eve. Janet then told Jamie to mingle, yet stay close to her. Janet said she wanted Jamie nearby, but she had other things to do before they left. Jamie followed Janet at a distance, and looked for a familiar face. After a few minutes, she came upon Dr. Leslie. She asked what was going on with Janet. Dr. Leslie told her very quickly that Jamie's training was to be accelerated. They had hoped to let her spend two weeks getting acclimated to the gathering, and then spend a week with Janet and her friends, and then let her spend the fourth week wherever she felt the most comfortable. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the local authorities. Evidently the gathering was expecting trouble, and several people had already left. There was to be a meeting of the leaders of the gathering later that night, and decisions made. Leslie finished by telling Jamie not to worry her pretty little head about it, and to have a good time with Janet. She should look upon the next twenty-four hours as a valuable learning experience. Dr. Leslie turned and left Jamie holding an empty champagne glass, and a mind full of questions. Some unknown instinct made Jamie turn to find Janet, and as she did she crashed into Eve. Seeing the champagne, Jamie made a decision that whatever was to happen this night would be helped by alcohol. She quickly downed two more glasses of champagne, and thanked Eve. Eve whispered back, "Have a wonderful time this evening Mistress. You are lucky to be with Mistress Janet. My time of service to her is still one of the highlights of my life." Before Jamie could ask Eve what she meant, or Eve could get away, Janet approached, "Well, I see you would rather associate with the help than listen to me. Didn't I tell you to stay near me? Didn't I tell you we were ready to leave? Girl you are going to have to learn, and it will start right now!" Jamie's brain just froze. Janet's physical size, her stunning good looks, the slinky black cocktail dress, and the five inch black high heeled boots certainly added to her authority, and Jamie was in awe of this woman. She didn't answer or even move. As she stood rooted in place, Janet reached for the brooch on the red velvet choker that Jamie was wearing. In what seemed like an instant, Janet removed the brooch and had attached a six foot long red leather leash to the clip that formerly held the brooch in place. Jamie was now unable to get more than six feet away from Janet. Janet quickly turned and started to walk across the room and toward the door. Jamie almost fell over as she tried to keep up in the four-inch heels. Jamie tried to notice the others in the room; she was desperately looking for help. They all appeared to be completely unfazed by what was happening to her. Jamie felt tears welling up in her eyes, and the heat in her cheeks from the embarrassment of being led from the room in such a fashion. As Janet approached the door, Jaqui appeared from nowhere to open it for her. Jaqui curtsied and smiled as Janet and the stumbling Jamie left the party, the building and who knew what else. Jamie was now openly crying. She wasn't hurt physically, but she was scared, and after all of the pleasurable times she had experienced lately, this had caught her completely off guard. Janet roughly tugged on the leash and Jamie lurched forward. She was desperately trying to keep her balance, and watch where she was stepping--through the blur of her tears. Mercifully they arrived at Janet's cabin. It was roughly the same size as the doctors, but it was easily distinguishable because of the two human pets sitting on their haunches at the front door. Janet paused to open the door, completely ignoring the pets, and pulled Jamie into the large sitting room. Janet gave the leash one extra tug, and that was all it took to cause Jamie to go flying across the room. She landed on her stomach, on the rug in the center of the room. "Well, little Miss Rich Bitch, let's see how well you deal with some discipline!" Hissed Janet. Jamie was too frightened to speak. She literally shook with fear. "Get up, and stop crying. Then get out of those clothes. You have work to do, and I'll not have you spoiling that pretty dress." Commanded Janet. Jamie managed to get to her feet, and with violently shaking hands tried to take off her dress. It was no use. She was terrified. She was truly acting like she was a teenager, and could not summon the strength she need from the forty-year-old side of her brain. When the lack of speed in her efforts finally caused Janet to lose her temper, she reached out to Jamie, and literally ripped the dress down to Jamie's knees. Then Janet did the same to Jamie's bra. Jamie now stood shivering with fear naked from the waist up. There was a pile of clothes gathered around her feet. Her feet wobbled in the four-inch heels. Jamie instinctively covered her breasts (later, when she had a chance to go over the events of this night, she smiled to herself at the thought of her being so modest). Janet laughed cruelly at Jamie's modesty. She knocked Jamie back down on to the rug with a sharp shove of her right hand. While Jamie was landing roughly on her back, Janet whistled for the 'pets'. They bounded in and stopped obediently one on each side of Janet. Janet softly said, "Just leave the 'gaff'." With that the dogs were on Jamie in an instant using only their teeth to pull of the remnants of the dress, her garter belt, nylons, and her shoes. Being good pets, they neither touched Jamie's flesh or her 'gaff'. When they were done, they merely went back to sit on either side of Janet. Jamie found herself in the fetal position on the floor. She knew that she had to get her composure, and quickly. Janet instructed the pets to pick Jamie up and take to 'the room'. The pets quickly lifted Jamie up, and while she was moving her feet, she was supported by the pets. They entered a brightly lit room, Jamie knew she needed to assess what was in here, and to get her act together if she was going to endure this-- or try to escape. What she needed was only a few minutes of clear concise thinking. Unfortunately that was not what Janet was offering. Instead, Jamie found herself being fitted with metal cuffs on both her hands, and her feet. She was then led over to a metal frame where she was secured to metal rings and hoisted upright so that her legs were spread as far apart as possible, and her arms were fastened in the same manner above her head. Janet then whispered to the pets, "now the 'gaff'." Jamie closed her eyes and tried to use this time to get herself together. The flimsy 'gaff' came off quickly, and the pets were once again at Janet's side when Jamie opened her eyes. Janet was standing within inches of Jamie, with a riding crop in her hand. Jamie gritted her teeth, sure that the crop was for her, but Janet reached down and gently prodded Jamie's dormant penis. "I see our little program does not excite you. Maybe we can get you aroused. Let me think about what I can do." Janet looked down at the pets and asked them theoretically, "Electric shock? No. Golden Showers? No. How about a little enema training? That's it. Let's just see what our little flower can hold." Janet was demonically smiling as she started to describe what she intended for Jamie, and that was just the start. Tomorrow morning in the square there would be the bondage display, and the caning, and then tomorrow afternoon subservience training. Then before Janet could finish, there was the sound of someone entering the cabin. Dr. John burst into the room and blurted out, "Security reports that our protection here has broken down. We need to break camp immediately. All of us need to get out of here right now, and leave no trace of what was going on here. You know the program; this is the same thing that happened five years ago. Sorry, Janet, but you have to let Jamie go. We need to take her with us." Janet quickly agreed with the doctor. She said that she would get Jamie dressed and have one of the pets take her to the cabin immediately. Dr. John thanked her and said he had to let additional people know about the security break down. He estimated that the sheriff and a large contingent of law enforcement people would be at the camp within a few hours. Dr. John then literally ran from the room. As he left, Jamie, who had overheard the entire conversation, had regained her composure by now, and was quietly breathing a sigh of relief. She watched the doctor leave, and then turned to see Janet's face twist back into its cruelest sneer. "Well my little Barbie doll, you think that you are free of me. Well you're not. You are in for a bad surprise. You're coming home with me. In the confusion I'll be able to hide you in my trunk, and instead of only twenty four hours, I'll have you for at least a week," gloated Janet. She then turned to the pets and said, "Clean this up, get everything back in the van, and as soon as it is, get out of here. You know what of mine is to go into my car. Pack it as well. Once you have everything packed, take our little toy here (pointing at Jamie) and dress her in one of the slave outfits. Bind and gag her then place her in my trunk. I will be back in a short time. I have other things to settle before we leave. Once you have finished, take the van, and I will meet with you tomorrow evening, do you know where, and do you understand my directions? The pets nodded, and immediately began to disassemble the room. Janet turned to Jamie, she reached into her pocket, and produced breast clamps. She placed one on each of Jamie's nipples. It hurt, but Jamie just gritted her teeth and glared back at Janet. "Well, little one, I see that you are over your crying. That's good. These are just something for you to remember me by until later. This little problem with the police would normally be a terrible disappointment. But now I have you. I am glad that they are coming. I am sure that within a week you will be as well." With that Janet turned and walked out of the room, leaving Jamie hanging there. Jamie found it hard to estimate the time she spent hanging, but she estimated that it was close to an hour before the pets returned. They removed the clasps from Jamie's ankles, and slipped a brutally tight 'gaff' up on to her and around her penis. They then slipped a short black pleated skirt onto her. Before releasing Jamie's wrists, they placed shackles back onto Jamie's ankles, with just enough chain between them to allow her to hobble, but not walk. The pets then released Jamie's wrists, and she fell to the ground. The pets hauled her upright and slipped a short black silk tunic with red trim over her head and let it fall to just below the waist. The pets then placed a thin gold chain around her waist, locked it, and took another chain and ran it down and connected it to the chain between the shackles on her ankles. As the pets were about to handcuff Jamie's hands together behind her back, she knew this was her only chance. She gathered all the strength and anger in her five foot six inch frame and punched the taller of the two pets in the throat. She quickly turned and brought her fist into the face of the other pet with equal force. The shock, the suddenness, the fury, and the force knocked both pets off of their feet, and for the moment left them unconscious. Jamie started for the door, and promptly fell over. She didn't want to take the time to try and get up, she literally crawled out of 'the room' and out to the front door, where only then did she dare to pick herself up. She used the doorknob for assistance, and then carefully shuffled out of the cabin into the night. Jamie expected to see mass confusion as she exited the cabin. Instead she was only the occasional set of headlights, and the infrequent sound of doors closing. She stopped and tried to get her bearings. She was counting on the confusion to allow her to get help. Now she was faced with the black mountain night, and no idea of which direction to go. She guessed left, and headed uphill along the dirt road that led away from the cabin. Painfully shuffling, the chains digging into her ankles. She was now very aware of the pain of the nipple clamps. She tried to focus on good things as she moved slowly forward, all she could think of was that she was moving away from Janet and her pets, and she was glad for once in her life to be barefoot. As she shuffled along, she alternated between looking forward for help and on the lookout for Janet, and looking back, fearful that the pets would be racing after her. A set of headlights appeared, and Jamie started waving. For some reason she assumed that Janet would not be in an automobile. The car stopped, and the passenger side window slid down. Inside the car were a young girl and a young boy--they were Jamie's pets from the morning. Jamie blurted out that she had escaped from Janet and needed to get to her cabin. The young girl explained to Jamie that it was forbidden to assist anyone who was being dominated. To help Jamie would cause them to be barred from any future gatherings. Jamie's brain started to lock up. They couldn't leave her here. She had to get out. She somehow managed to gain control of her emotions, looked the young girl in the eyes and said as menacingly as she could, "You have to take me out of here. If the police find me, you, your parents, and everyone up here will wind up on the front page of every newspaper in the country. Now let me in the car, and take me to my cabin." Jamie held her breath, as the two seconds that it took for the young girl to move toward the rear door lock seemed to take forever. The young girl opened the back door, and Jamie fell forward into the seat. The boy put the car in gear and drove quickly to the Leslie/Master cabin. But it was deserted. Jamie found out later that Janet told them Jamie had gotten a ride home from Eve. The boy looked at Jamie and said, "We will take you to your home." He slammed on the accelerator, and headed down the hill. Jamie struggled against the aches in her arms, her legs, and her nipples. She also felt the fatigue wash over her like a tidal wave. She needed to stay awake to be sure that these two didn't take her back to Janet. As they rode through the blackness of the night, they rode in silence. Jamie scanned the horizon for the police, for Janet, and the end of this nightmare. After about two hours, the young boy slowed in front of a large gate that looked very familiar. It was the entrance to the estate. Home!! Jamie couldn't believe it. She started to cry tears of happiness. She felt herself losing control of her emotions. The young boy stopped the car and turned around to Jamie. He said, "We should never have done this. We felt we owed you something for the way you treated us today. Please get out of the car, and do not tell anyone that we brought you here. Please." Jamie assured both of them that she would never tell anyone how she got home. She said that if she went to the gathering next year, she would certainly make this up to them. With that Jamie struggled out of the car, and shuffled up to the bell. She stabbed at it repeatedly, and was thrilled to hear Eve's voice ask who was there. "Eve, thank god you're home! It's me Jamie. Please let me in." With that Jamie leaned against the wall, and slid to the ground and waited for Eve to come and get her, and to let her in. Moments later Jamie was in her own bed. The soft forest green silk baby doll pajamas felt wonderful against her skin. So did the satin sheets, but sensations would have to wait until morning. All Jamie wanted to do now was sleep. The morning would be soon enough for questions and answers, and whatever could possibly be next. END OF PART TWO OF 'A REBIRTH'

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Rebirth Chapter Two

I Would you believe it if I told you that, at the age of twenty-four, I was still a virgin? Perhaps at some point, I had subconsciously decided that nobody would ever want to fuck me. Now I’ve decided this ought not to be the case; I was wasting time not being put to good use. If I wanted to become Anastasia, I’d have to start somewhere, right? Surely, there were too many horny men out there in need of sexual release, at least some of whom would be more than willing to have their way with me.I...

Gay Male
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The strobes flashed, and the fans churned up a make-believe ocean breeze. It even smelled like the beach in the studio, from the ton and a half of sand they hauled in for the shoot. The center of attention was a lithe, fair-skinned model with long hair that flowed like black water in the wind. As the cameras clicked and hummed, she posed expertly, every move perfect, every look to die for. Two lighting technicians enjoyed the show. Their equipment was in place and required no...

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RebirthChapter 6

Mom was up early again and she got what she wanted before I got my eggs. The girls came down later and looked at us as if to find a way to read what was happening. They knew our mother and I had sex and the scream at the end readily confirmed it. Paige was on the look out for threats on the way to school and I let her have her fiction that this is they way I would be attacked. Before school started I reported to Mr Goods and told him of how Goldbalm had almost pushed his way into our home...

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RebirthChapter 7

Today I took Paige home with a difficult parting for each of us. I kissed Jane and the girls but got my bike out of the garage. It had been used for the newspapers and had large balloon tires. Though my body had rode the bike even in the winter my mind had not been on a bike in fifteen years. I walked with Sandy and Faith, and my cane was sticking out of a cardboard box. We spoke of the projects and I explained about what the bottoms would be like as the world liberalised. "The bottoms can...

4 years ago
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RebirthChapter 8

I slept in until eight thirty. I woke to find Maggie licking my erect prong. They were whispering encouragement and possible technique. Susan said, "Lick just the end. Clara says her sister does that to her boyfriend and it drives him wild. Ya, like that but just use the tip of your tongue." I was enjoying the sensations then I heard, "Guys like girls to run the tip of your tongue all the way from the bottom to the top. Other guys have lots of hair so you can start on his bag." Maggies...

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RebirthChapter 9

I woke up early and just stayed in bed looking at my lover. She had a small snore that she always denied. When she woke up she looked around to see me looking at her. "What are you looking at mister?" "Oh, just the woman I love." "Ha! You love a lot of women and I have to share." "True but I love you the most." "Prove it." I started my journey till she remembered her state. Her bum got a single swat and I continued. Her scream five minutes later woke the others. With her hand...

3 years ago
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RebirthChapter 12

The girls accused me of being a tyrant because of my constant questioning. Passing this year would be less difficult for them but I still wanted them to get high marks. This would boost their confidence and probably get them to work even harder in September. Paige came over and showed me her new dress. The quality time she shared with her mother had taught her many skills and caused Nora to go beyond what she knew. I was always getting new things to taste. I had homemade shirts too that I...

2 years ago
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RebirthChapter 13

A week before final exams, I handed in the completed patent application. Reference was made to one mirror at the back to bounce more of the laser light back into the system. Other gases including that from a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher were entered. These were expensive to fill but the school board or Mr Flaherty let me have one. I had even skipped school to work on the 'special project'. North Shore Signs donated some neon that allowed me to cover that particular gas. Helium was not...

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RebirthChapter 14

Everything changed again on July 20. I was moping around the house after my first appearance in court. The court case was slated for seven days later. I had even turned the television on. I was watching drivel on CBC but my mind was that way too. At eleven twenty a news report came in that cut into the show. The announcer mentioned that a man hijacked an automobile with a gun in Windsor Ontario that morning. A still photo showed a good-looking young woman that the reporter said was...

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RebirthChapter 15

There was a fog on the ground in the morning. It was quite cool. When it was light enough I studied the topo map. We were much higher now and I took out the compass I had found in the cabin. The kidnapper, or Carl Honzer, would keep the hydro road well patrolled and try to keep us from getting to Vockner. The more sizable town of Malute could be reached with more difficulty and the man could not be in both places at once. Though it was chilly I did what was necessary. I dumped my water and...

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Rebirth IIChapter 3

Pre-recorded music was only in record form in 1958. Eight or the rare four track cartridges were not even around then. Phillips made tape recorders but they were the reel to reel type. There were some quality problems with sound and maintenance. There was a very noticeable hiss from the tape that could be corrected by using a ceramic head. These devices had not invented yet. Also later on, two ridges on the head were used to guide the edges of the tape so it didn't wander. Another...

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Rebirth IIChapter 4

The bus trip to Toronto was boring but I managed to get a seat that had some light and I buried my nose in a Chemistry book from the library. When things quieted down, I was able to lean on a metal partition and get some sleep. Surprisingly nobody recognised me. At fifteen minutes after seven in the morning we got into the bus station. I had got my bag from overhead and felt bad because I had to have help to both put it in place and retrieve it. A familiar suit and face was waiting in the...

4 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 5

While Mr Holtzman spoke, I absently caressed Corinne's hair and continued working on the ideas that had to be covered in the patent. I must have been at this for ten minutes before I heard my host. "Jeff, will you come here? Mr Sackman is on the phone." "Sure." I put the clipboard aside then tried to slip from under Corinne without waking her. I put her head down and she just went back to sleep. "Hello Mr Sackman. How are you doing?" "Hello to you too Mr Congdon, and I'm feeling...

2 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 6

Paige and I got to Miss Floit's room before the first class. The teacher smiled and said, "Hello Jeff, Paige. How are the pair of you doing?" "Not bad for health but Paige is singing flat again." Paige retorted but only with a little anger. "I am not — " She saw the smile and blushed. I said, "I came here to ask you something. Susan is canvassing for a small band to play with her and the other girls when they play 'Everybody's Somebody's Fool'." "Is that another of your...

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Rebirth IIChapter 7

I woke up the next morning with someone spreading a bad case of morning breath at me. We were holding each other and it felt good to be where I was. It was still early so I went back to sleep but moved the pillow to deflect the air flow. The second time I awoke it was to people moving in the house. There was an analogue clock on the table because digital clocks were not invented yet. That may be another thing to make when I got LCDs done. Corinne looked very beautiful as she rested quietly....

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Rebirth IIChapter 8

It was a different student this time. He yelled at me, "Watch where the fuck you're going. You trip me again and I'll pound the crap outta you good and I won't let you drop a rock on me either." My shoulder that suffered from the gunshot hurt like hell. The young man was bigger than the last, and maybe grade eleven or twelve but I wasn't sure. I got up with difficulty and said, "Did she promise you some good pussy for this. I doubt if she will pay up. That makes you a fool." The...

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Rebirth IIChapter 9

The next day at gym, Mr Renzo didn't mention health class at all. I did get a little shit for not being as fast as I should be. The students looked sharply at me as if I was going to flatten the teacher. Later, though, they had lots of questions. I had even less time to answer them. Home Ec was better because Mrs Cameron was talking about budgets and then negotiating for a good price. Since I had mentioned this the first day of class, I was asked again. I had fun talking about the machines...

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Rebirth IIChapter 10

The girls used the phone to contact friends and I started to make lunch. We ate together as usual but this time Susan was talking of her plan. It had some thought put into it. I politely shot some holes in it so she could find ways to patch her strategy. The basement called me and I went down with a bit more hope in wringing out some information to make something that I had seen thousands of times. Jane made supper and she whispered to me, "They are still very excited. They called lots of...

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Rebirth IIChapter 11

Monday morning, Mr Sharp unexpectedly said, "Jeff, Mrs Cameron would like to see you. She said you may want to take an extra Home Ec class today." "That is a hard choice to make. I like this class or I would not have taken it. If I go to Home Ec, I have to eat all my mistakes. Would you get better response from your students if you instituted the same rules?" He smiled and pointed. "Get out of here." I smiled back and left. It wasn't until I knocked and was let in that I noticed...

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Rebirth IIChapter 12

Wednesday I saw more of the proud looking girls. Their backs were straight and they walked with graceful steps. If the queen had come, she could walk no better. Some nodded their heads at me as if signalling that I was at least partially acceptable. When I got into Home Ec, Janice came to me quickly before the class started. I thought she was going to ask about a suitable boy but she said, "Jeff are you going to give us a talk too." Mrs Cameron came in right behind her and interrupted,...

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Rebirth IIChapter 13

Friday morning had an inch of snow on the ground. This was almost nothing to us. A few fools forgot that they had to use more room to stop and got into accidents. I knew that even this much snow would stop some warm cities because nobody had any experience driving in this condition. I listened to the girls talk as the snow crunched under their boots. I wondered why Sam Johnson had not phoned last night and put it off as his method of saying he wasn't really interested in my songs. That was...

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Rebirth IIChapter 14

At nine thirty we got to John's home and I just wanted to sleep. Corinne wanted to talk and play. I had a quick shower and talked to the child for a half hour then went to sleep. Corinne got on the bed later and watched me wondering why I wanted to do a stupid thing like sleep when I could be playing or talking with her. I got up at four with a headache from changing my sleep pattern. Corinne was happy that I came to my senses. I wanted to do some shopping before the stores closed. Sunday...

3 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 15

I was able to have lunch with Paige the next day. We enjoyed ourselves even more because Marcy didn't come around to bother us or abuse me. There was not even a large young man ready to do damage either. Other young men bothered me though. It was not the same group but either they had the same complaint or Marcy had found a more subtle way of attacking me. I could see her quite easily stirring up the guys by blaming me for all their ills. I did another small experiment in chemistry and at...

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Rebirth IIChapter 16

James and Jane were sitting down drinking some tea when I arrived. He seemed to like some of Jane's pastries. He jumped up when I got there. I had to smile and said, "Sit and eat. We are not in that much of a rush." He nervously said, "I got most of the things you wanted. The planning department provided me the maps without a problem." "Did you find out about the crusher?" "It was bought by a scrap yard. I went by and saw that it has not been cut up yet. I don't know how good it...

1 year ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 17

It was a cold morning although there was no new snow. We talked as we walked to school, and I was worried about the girls. "Jennifer, why don't you set aside some time for music? You too Susan. You can still have your social gatherings but you did start the other tasks." It was Susan that answered. "I guess we could." She looked around at the other girls and they seemed to nod in acceptance. I guess they were looking for a way to get back to their old routine, they just needed a small...

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Rebirth IIChapter 18

When I regained my seat I said, "How many of these can we get? I want to put out the possibility of letting the current tenants stay in the house until we are ready to upgrade the street." Both were staring at me. Jane was the one that broke first. "Well?" "Well, What?" "The loan?" "Oh, it looks like I got it." "How much?" "It's on a sliding scale. The line of credit is based on what I currently own. When I use the money to buy any particular property then that loan can be...

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Rebirth IIChapter 19

That night Paige and I bathed in our own en suite. I couldn't wait and made love to her in the enclosure. She returned the favour as I held her head to me. When we got out I carefully dried each inch of her body and kissed the portions to make sure. She shivered though as I continued until the job was done to my satisfaction. We hurried back to bed so I could begin again to make love to my future wife. The door opened slowly and I stopped what I was doing. The eye looking at me was only...

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Rebirth IIChapter 20

We got into North Bay at a little after eight. We all went to our house in two taxis. I opened the door first and knew there was something wrong. I could detect the faint smell of cigarette smoke. It was old but not that old. Being at the front of the bus all that time kept the smell of cigarettes away from me. I pulled Jane off to one side for a moment and whispered, "Someone was in our house. Don't say anything that can harm the family. Tell the other girls though. I don't want to upset...

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Rebirth IIChapter 21

Wednesday was almost a non-event. I was still not ready to participate much in school life. Jamie invited me over to his home but I had to refuse. Mr Grissom gave me some pamphlets and even some phone numbers to try, but because Barry was now twenty, getting him educational help it was not going to be easy. There was no such thing as an adult education centre anywhere that I knew of other than at a college or university. Ian though was coming around enough that I was able to introduce him to...

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Rebirth IIChapter 22

When I woke up the four engineers were still there with six others. Mrs. MacIntee was making breakfast, and when she bent down to put a plate in front of me I impulsively kissed her cheek then said, "Thanks, you are a great cook." "Thank you too Mr Congdon." "I think we have known each other for a while now. We can go by first names. Mr Holtzman runs his home his way but I like to be more personal." "My name is Rose." I went upstairs later and woke up a sleepy little girl by...

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Rebirth IIChapter 23

Jamie came in with a bruise on his face. His walk was odd; and it could have been from a fall as he said. It was during gym that I saw the bruising on his arm much like a strong man had squeezed him on both arms. After gym I said, "Jamie, will you do as I say? I am your friend." "Yes — yes I will." I pulled him back into a corner and hand him face away from the light. "Bend over and touch your toes and keep your hands there." "Why?" "Am I your friend?" He did as I asked but did...

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Rebirth IIChapter 24

I woke up now very mindful of the microphone. A hand was holding my erection while Jamie was cuddled to my back. I could feel that a portion of his anatomy had slipped out of its confines and was now between my legs. When I moved to get up Jamie moved to keep me in place as if it were important we stayed this way. It took a little work but I got away from him and covered him with the blankets again. I walked into the kitchen with my pajama bottoms sticking out and found Edgar there having a...

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Rebirth IIChapter 25

He didn't argue but couldn't get Jamie to respond. When the boy started to collapse the man moved faster than I could believe possible and scooped him up. Everybody now was concerned. I picked up the box and said, "Jamie is still upset. He is just going for a rest." I hurried up the stairs and found Jamie on the bed and Charley kneeling beside it trying to think of what to do. I sat on the bed looking at the boy and Charley said, "Do you want me to go?" "No." I stroked Jamie's...

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Rebirth IIChapter 26

Mr Sackman left the next day. He took the 'Star' newspaper with him to read about what happened in North Bay. He said, "With this I can make you even richer." John went to work. Carm and I went with him and used his car. We toured Chinatown; and it was a lot smaller than what it would become in years to come. I bought oriental vegetables, rice, spices and a great many more articles including various kinds of tea. When I found that Carm had not been paid yet I gave him some money as an...

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Rebirth IIChapter 27

We arrived on the thirteenth and tomorrow would be Wednesday, Maggie's birthday. John was going to stay over and go to the party even if it was just a small one with just our extended family. Paige came running to see me. We hugged and kissed right in the street. The ladies were lined up and I kissed all of them but had to do it more chastely for real family. Corinne was happy to see both her Grampy and me. All the girls kissed Jamie more thoroughly than I had been greeted, and he seemed to...

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Rebirth IIChapter 28

Things had not settled down at school. People who didn't know me avoided me as if I would suddenly attack them. Cops wore guns in later years and the police were usually known for being stable. The gun was not noticed as much. I hoped that they could see that I was not going to do anything unless I was threatened. The people that did know me avoided me as if they didn't want to hurt a celebrity. I just tried to act as like a dopey kid and hope they bought it. I was able to eat lunch with...

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Rebirth IIChapter 29

We went to Toronto with presents for Corinne. John had some for me too. MGM had bought Jaws and the novel 'Star Wars' was going to be published late in the fall. The deal for the razors went through and we even got an offer from Bell or rather AT&T. It was a lowball figure and I was not letting them get away with it. We had sent the same design out to various countries in Europe. They had not got back to us even though they had the parts and drawings for just as long. A similar circuit...

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Rebirth IIChapter 30

The two weeks before the trip were hectic. The band and everyone else expected me to get everything ready. I got everyone's birth certificate as this was all that was needed to cross the border. Flashing money at a problem was not good so I just made use of the bus system one more time. I purchased tickets ahead of time for an express coach to Toronto, followed by a short stop over and a regular bus to Fort Erie and then over the bridge to Buffalo. In Buffalo we would get onboard a flight...

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Rebirth IIChapter 31

The trip home was not as exciting as the one going south. We had slept on the flight with the help of hypnosis. The band members were not involved in this. Angela's parents and Paige's came over and the group let them in on the details. The highlight was to meet some of the professional singers. Everyone here had a chance to shake hands with Elvis among others. I received some good and bad news too. The city fathers were having a special meeting on Tuesday to discuss the sale of the land....

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Rebirth IIChapter 32

The courtroom the next day was exactly the same. The Crown Attorney took up where he had left off and dealt with the next set of charges against Goldbalm. "Tell us what happened when you were chased by Mr Sinclair." I had a folder in my hand with my notes and went through them point by point. The courtroom gasped as I took out Mr Sinclair's eye then his testicles and jaw. I explained how I was hurt but still got the man into the car. I mentioned his gun but he was in no condition to get...

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Rebirth IIChapter 33

When I left the house and went back to town I stopped off at the lab. Edgar showed me the ruby laser in operation. There was more dispersion in the beam and Edgar said, "We are doing other crystals too to get the strongest results. The chrome works great. What else can we use?" "Pick something and try it. I want your name out there too and not just as the guy that built the device for me. I do have two more kinds of crystals to make then we are going public. We could get more done but I...

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Rebirth IIChapter 34

School had changed not only for me but for everyone. The female population was not as meek. Girls had always known that they had something that the males wanted and felt secure that they could trade for it. It was just that after the trade was legitimised then it was taken for granted. Now the ladies were more socially aware and knew a lot more about what was ahead of them. This now made the boy who was malleable in more demand. In a way the boys were now being trained so they would fit...

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Rebirth IIChapter 35

Paige's perspective: I felt so helpless. Dad walked behind me as we went down the steps to the front door. Maggie and Jamie just stood open-mouthed as we walked by. I turned around with tears in my eyes and looked at Jeff who was following us. He was just as upset as I was. He looked at me as if we would never see me again and I felt the same way even though I knew that we would get back together somehow. Dad had never been this angry before and I didn't know what caused it. Outside the...

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Rebirth IIChapter 36

Jack was remanded for ten days in jail. We went down to see him but I did not go in just yet. Paige came out crying because her father was not better yet. I began to suspect something rotten and then consider what I could do to monitor the man. Nora confirmed my suspicions when she said, "Jack isn't getting better. In fact he still looks like he's on a drunk." I took my suspicions to Mr Tatum the Crown Attorney. After we shook hands, he said, "What can I do for you Mr Congdon? How is...

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Rebirth IIChapter 37

School was not that different for me, but it was for some of the grade nine students. The girls took a class with a woman teacher that taught how to service a car. One young and good looking female cook from the Mandarin Restaurant showed how it was really done in a kitchen. I had a difficult time understanding her but her class was in quite a demand. The restaurant was not finished yet but the roof and walls were up. It, like the dojo, showed the peaked roofs of eastern architecture. Mai...

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