Rebirth free porn video

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I knew I should have checked the long range weather before I left the
airport. I had been airborne for several hours and the weather was rapidly
getting foul. November weather can be very tricky in this area and can change
quickly...warm one hour and cold the next. It was snowing heavily now, I was
hitting strong, gusty headwinds, and I wasn't exactly sure I knew where I
was. I estimated I had about an hour's worth of fuel left in my single engine
Cessna 172. Unable to make radio contact with anybody, I really felt alone in
this unfamiliar white world. For the first time, I felt a strange sense of
fear...perhaps panic, a feeling of confusion. Was this my end? My mind was many things left to many things I've accomplished. Regaining
my composure, my thoughts returned to trying to find a place to
land...anyplace. Survival, yes....But all I could see were trees and white
snow....fresh snow. I was in trouble. Real trouble. I didn't have any cold
weather survival gear...not even winter clothes. It was to be a routine
flight. Oh why didn't I check the weather reports...too late now.

The engine was running fine, but I sensed the wings were starting to ice
up....I could feel the sluggish response to the controls and I was losing
lift. My altimeter was slowly dropping. White...blinding white...everywhere.
Before I realized, and helpless to respond, my landing gear was grazing the
treetops. I quickly killed the engine, pulled back on the yoke...trying to
get the nose up...and opened the door as I had been taught to do in an
emergency landing. Too late, the wheels snagged the trees, the plane nosed
down, tumbled, and started to break up in the trees as the momentum
decreased. I fell out of the open door, still belted in my seat which had
torn loose, falling to the snow covered ground. I don't know how far it was,
but I blacked out as the plane burst into flames from the ruptured fuel tanks
emptying their contents on the hot engine..

I woke up in bed, in a warm room...a cabin...a log cabin. I quickly became
aware of the fact that I was nude and wrapped with a heavy wool blanket.
Looking around I noticed a massive field-stone fireplace, built into the wall
of a rustic yet well furnished room, was throwing comfortable heat
throughout. Gas mantle lamps were glowing a white incandescent light from
several ceiling fixtures, giving a soft, even illumination in contrast to the
orange flames in fireplace. It was like a dream cabin in the woods as I had
seen in sales brochures for log cabins. I could hear the wind howling outside
this cozy environment. As my eyes focused more clearly, I saw a large burly
man, attired in a red and black checkered shirt and bib overalls, standing at
a white enameled sink across the room in what appeared to be the kitchen

"Where am I?" I muttered, still feeling groggy.

"So, you're took quite a fall...been out for a long time," he
replied, turning towards me.

"How long?"

"Oh, 'bout a day and a half. What happened, anyway? Why were you out in this

"I was flying from Idaho, heading for Billings...ran into bad weather. Wings
iced up...went down. That's all I remember."

"Lucky for you I saw the fire. I went out to investigate when I heard a plane
buzz over, flying low. I wondered what nut would be flying in this stuff.
Luckily I found you in the snow. You seem to be OK, but your plane is ashes.
Your clothes were all torn and you were cold and soaking wet, so I stripped
you and wrapped you in that blanket. Couldn't very well leave you like that.

"I guess I owe saved my life. Thank you," I said, my head throbbing
from a lump.

I was feeling better, but very hungry and thirsty. I slowly sat up in the
bunk. Before I could ask, my host approached with a bowl of hot stew and a
mug of coffee. He helped me sit up, propping a pillow behind me. He was a
big man, a giant, but very gentle. I took the coffee and nearly drained the
cup, stopping for a breath.

"My name is Jack Clark....where are we?" I asked.

"Hi Jack...I'm Ben Davis. This is my ranch, and we're in Montana...a couple
hundred miles west of Billings. "

He seemed friendly and grateful for someone to talk to. I was grateful just
to be alive.

"We're socked in here for a while cuz of a blizzard. I still cant believe
anybody would fly in this stuff. The last thing I expected to hear above this
wind was the sound of an airplane!"

"Yeah well, nobody in their right mind 'would fly in this stuff', but I
didn't check the weather before I took off, like a damn fool, and got caught
and it nearly killed me. So, how long do you think we'll be stranded?"

"Oh, could be over a month, . Everything's blocked with drifts. I've been
snowed in all winter before. Depends on the weather," Ben replied rather
matter of factly. The weather was routine for him but the unexpected visitor
was not.

"Hope you don't mind having a guest for a while, Ben. Anything I can do to
earn my keep?"

"Aw, it's nice to have some company, for a change. We'll find things to do."

"Do you have a telephone or anything? Maybe I should notify somebody."

By now I had finished the hot, spicy, stew and was feeling stronger and
thinking more clearly. Ben took the bowl and placed it in the sink.

"Well, I do, but the lines are are the power lines. It'll be a
while before they're fixed too."

"So, it looks like I'm missing and given up for lost. Oh well, might as well
make the best of it. Say Ben, I hate to make a pest of myself, but do you
have anything I can wear by any chance? I mean, I cant stay in a blanket for
a month."

Ben started to chuckle.

"I'd share my things with you Jack, but I'm at least twice your size. But
let's see what we can do."

Ben opened a chest of drawers and pulled out some of his long underwear. Two
of me would fit into it. Same for his pants. His shirt fit me like a
nightshirt on my 5'5", 135 lb. frame. Ben was about 6'5" and at least 270 lb.
A foot taller and twice my weight!

"Yep, I thought're just a little guy. You don't even have any body
hair to keep you warm. Like a woman. Hmmm.Well, there is another possibility,
but you might not like it, Jack."

"At this point, I'm open to any idea...what've you got in mind, Ben?"

"Ah....well you see, I was married once, but the little lady died. I still
have her things put away. Didn't have the heart to get rid of
them...actually, she was about your size...." His voice trailed off as he
thoughts reminisced.

"I'm sorry to hear that...were you married long?"

"Only about 5 years. Mary fell off of a horse, bumped her head
hard...happened so quickly." His voiced trailing away, again.

I didn't want to continue the conversation. It was like opening an old wound.
The thought of losing his wife...then it hit me that he started to tell me
about her clothing that he had saved.

"Wait a minute, are you suggesting I wear Mary's clothes?"

"You got a better idea? You're her size. You wanna try them, or freeze? It's
your choice. Nobody's gonna see you 'cept me, and it's gonna be hard enuf on
my seein' you in her things, but it's sort'a survival. You gotta have
something to wear and they'd be put to good use."

He was right...I had little choice. So I nodded my acceptance of what now
seemed a gracious offer. He emerged from a storeroomin the back, dragging a
large trunk.

Opening the lid, I saw a large assortment of woman's clothing. He carefully
removed each item and gently laid them out on the bed.

"I kept all this stuff, don't know why...just couldn't get rid of them....."
he muttered, his voice dropping.

Now, I felt ashamed to wear any of them, not because they were woman's
things, but because they had been Ben's wife's and the circumstances of why
he had them.

"Go ahead, try something...maybe you can use them. Don't be shy."

I selected a pair of denim jeans. The length was perfect, a little large in
the hips, but I couldn't button the waist...too tight. I tried a sweater.
Perfect fit. As I sorted through the items, I selected garments with elastic
waistbands or stretch fabric, which turned out to be mainly skirts and
dresses. These were indeed the clothes of a young woman about my size, as Ben
had said. They were pretty things...she had nice taste. Trying a long cotton
skirt with a scalloped fringe, it was a fit. So now, at least I had something
to wear. Ben had busied himself washing my dish and spoon and adjusting the
fireplace. He didn't want to watch me nor did I prefer that he did.
Reluctantly, I found some underwear...briefs and slips and tried them. I
needed clothes for warmth...anything.. To my surprise, even her shoes were a
tolerable fit. Now I had a new wardrobe. Maybe not the warmest way to dress,
nor the most appropriate, but cover at least. Taking only what I needed to
get by, I carefully folded up the remainder and placed them back into the

"Okay Ben...I've got enough to get by, thanks."

"Alright Jack...I'll keep this trunk handy for you in case you need more.
Lets find a place to set you up for a while."

He re-arranged his dresser so I had a drawer for my newly acquired stuff.
Then he gave me a tour of his home, showing me the well equipped bathroom,
storeroom, kitchen and bedroom. It was a large log cabin with rooms
partitioned off but open to the vaulted ceiling. Fairly modern, he had hot
and cold running water and bathroom with a tub and shower. A kitchen with the
basic appliances...sink, gas range, refrigerator. All the necessities.

He had rigged up an extra bed for me complete with bedding and blankets. I
asked him how he continued to have running water without electricity.

"I have a wind generator for back-up power. Keeps my pump going."

"What about lights and radio?"

"I use propane for the lights, cooking, hot water, and heat if I'm not using
the fireplace. Radio? I seldom use it, and we get no TV out here."

Well, I thought, this was certainly a cozy and isolated arrangement. Ben was
a good housekeeper...everything was neat and clean and orderly. I began to
look for things to do to make myself useful. I started to help Ben make
dinner. This must have been a pretty picture...big burly Ben working together
with petite little Jack in a skirt and sweater, looking like his wife, except
for my short hair. It certainly was a new experience for me, wearing woman's
clothing . Little did I know that this was the beginning of a series of
events that would change my life.

We spent the time during dinner getting better acquainted. If we were going
to live together for the next few months, there was a lot to discuss.
Starting out with the usual male banter, about the weather, ranching, my
flying experience, etc., it became difficult for me to forget that I was
sitting there looking like a woman, and becoming preoccupied with that image,
I soon found myself doing a lot of passive listening while Ben talked.

I assumed the chores of cleaning up after the meal, both because I felt an
obligation to "earn" my keep, and being the "lady" of the house, at least in
appearance, I accepted it as my duty. Ben, meanwhile, went out to check on
his horses in the adjacent barn, the ones he had used to rescue me, and to
get more firewood.

The next day, the storm had subsided and we were able to go outside. I wore
Mary's parka and boots. It felt kind of strange walking in deep snow in a
skirt, but I found some heavy tights to keep my legs warm. Ben had a large
barn, or complex of barns where he kept many head of cattle in bad weather. I
don't know how many, but it was a huge and fairly modern facility...I had
actually expected to see something more "turn of the century"...and it
provided good shelter for his herd. He showed me his setup for feeding and
watering the cattle. His business was to fatten them up and market them for
beef. Of course, in the summer, they would graze in pasture. Offering to
help, Ben showed me how to mix their feed with dry chemicals, vitamins I
assumed, to accelerate their growth. He added the pre-measured powder to a
vat of grain and stirred the dry mixture with a canoe paddle as one might mix
cement. It looked easy...I could handle that...and that's what I did,
initially. Being not in condition for such manual labor, after a short time,
I was barely able to move the paddle, so I continued to mix the batch with my
bare hands, up to my armpits. Much better and easier for me. When it looked
uniformly mixed, Ben wheeled the whole vat away and began to feed the a****ls
while I returned to the cabin to warm up and rest.

The days passed, Ben and I got along very well, doing the chores in the barn
which became my routine, playing board games, and generally trying to pass
time. I developed a lot of respect for him being able to maintain this type
of life style for so long. I expected I'd get hardened to it, but instead, it
seemed I was getting weaker with time. Heavy work sure tired me out. I was
never one for manual labor and this wasn't really a lot of hard work, but I
seemed to be losing strength in my arms and upper body. Ben fabricated some
furniture out of wood pieces, branches, and reeds, while I did some mending,
tried some handicraft, and practiced cooking and baking. I hadn't done that
before, but it somehow filled my time and felt useful. Not being very strong
nor experienced in ranch life, there wasn't much else for me to do. Ben did
all the heavy work. I just naturally fell into the "woman's" role of doing
lighter tasks and actually enjoying it. I found patience that I never before
had. He commented several times that seeing me sitting there in Mary's
dresses doing needlework, reminded him of her. I offered that if it was a
painful memory, I'd stop, but he insisted that, in fact, it was a pleasant
memory and to please continue. I had gotten so accustomed to wearing her
things that I forgot how I looked, especially since my hair had gotten
noticeably longer in a short time. But I had also gotten adjusted to the role
of a country woman. Ben had been treating me like the woman I appeared to be
as I scurried around in dresses and frilly things and I came to enjoy that
treatment. He was kind, considerate, and very gentle. I don't think he would
have treated a "regular" man like that but he obviously didn't consider me a
man anymore. Sometimes, being in a playful mood, we would act out being
husband and wife, a role I was beginning to accept. Maybe we'd get too
carried away with our acting when I'd pretend to swoon into his arms after
he'd compliment me on a dinner or dessert or he'd pretend to kiss and caress
me when I did something nice for him.

Besides helping Ben in the barn, I had willingly assumed all the inside
domestic, cleaning, even doing laundry. The electricity had
been restored and eventually the telephone came back to life. Of course, Ben
had to teach me the basics of cooking, but I learned fast.

Sometime after the storm, we went out to the crash site on horseback. The
terrain was rugged and heavily wooded. I never would have found a clearing to
land. Except for a hole burned in the trees where my plane had been,
everything was covered with a heavy blanket of snow. Not a trace of my plane.
Anybody searching for it would have seen nothing.

"Do you want to call anybody to tell them where you are?" Ben asked after the
phone service had been restored..

"Not really...I have no family and no one else except my boss, and by now, he
likely thinks I'm dead. Unless, of course, you want to get rid of me." I was
hoping he'd want me to stay. I rather enjoyed this lifestyle, and Ben was a
great guy to share it with.

"No Jack...I'm hoping you'll stay. It gets awfully lonely out here. You being
here makes the time fly. You're welcome to stay as long as you like."

So, the phone remained unused.

After about two months had passed, one night while taking a shower, I noticed
the skin on my body had become very soft and smooth and my hair was rapidly
growing very long and unusually full bodied. In spite of all the exercise of
mixing the cattle feed, my arm muscles were getting more slender instead of
growing. I wonder if something in the water was affecting me. What was in the
water? It sure wasn't like city water I was used to drinking. My thoughts
were to check it out for a possible commercial venture, maybe open a health
spa or something. Women would pay money for water like this if it would make
them look so good.

By the end of January, on a bright sunny day, I decided this was the life for
me. Emotionally, I had a general overall feeling of well
being...calmness...things just didn't bother like they had in the past. I
thought I lost some weight because my waist was slimmer, although my hips
seemed fuller. I tried on some of Mary's jeans and now I could button the
waist so, with an extended wardrobe of work clothes, I tried to be more
helpful to Ben in the barn. Difficult to get around that area in a skirt. I
had gotten very accomplished at mixing the cattle feed by hand, blending it
like a baker working dough, right down to my chest.

One evening, showering before making dinner, while washing my hair, which was
now below my shoulders in length and looking so good I didn't want to cut it
(nor did Ben want me to), I observed that my nipples had become very
sensitive and noticeably enlarged, and my breasts were getting fuller. I
thought it was my imagination so I said nothing to Ben. Seeing myself in the
bathroom mirror, I noticed a definite change in my figure. I had developed a
woman's shape! My waist was slender, my hips and butt were enlarged as were
my breasts. My arms had gotten slender and my skin was softer and smoother. I
was only shaving about once a week now. With my long hair, I looked liked a
female except for a small appendage in the front, and it had become very
small. No wonder Ben said I looked so natural in woman's clothes. I thought
it was just the long winter getting to him.

My nipples were so tender and uncomfortable from rubbing on fabric, that I
located a bra in the trunk and put it on as a cover to relieve the
irritation. What a difference that made. And I filled the cups! That was the
beginning of my wearing a bra. From then on, it was a necessity as my breasts
continue to develop.

During the days, I routinely wore jeans outdoors, but in the evenings, when
working in the house, I changed into a fancy skirt and blouse or a pretty
dress. It was just something I felt I wanted to do for Ben (and for myself).
Never in my life would I have ever dreamed of doing that before, but now I
wanted to...something had sure changed in me. I desired to look nice. With my
long hair and now, my new "pointy" chest, I definitely looked very feminine.
Ben immediately noticed that I was wearing a bra and he casually asked why I
had decided to do that. I told him about the changes I had seen in my body
over time, and my theory about the water.

"I don't think it's the water, Jack. I noticed you mix the cattle feed with
your hands."

"Yeah, my hands and's too hard with the paddle like you do
it...You're so much stronger than I something wrong?"

"Well, maybe you didn't notice but the chemicals you add to the feed are
vitamins and hormones, estrogen, I think they said, to fatten the steers up

"So? Do you think it's getting into our water supply?"

"No...I haven't shown any changes in my body...but I think it's being
absorbed into your body through your skin. I recall reading something about
that. I never use my hands...that's why I use a paddle. I never like to touch
any of those chemicals. I think you're changing into a woman from the
hormones, my friend. At least you're properly dressed for it," Ben chuckled.

"Oh my God! What should I do?"

I suddenly had the same panic feeling as when I was in the plane and going
down. Ben, turning serious, looked at me and replied,

"What can you do, Jack? You've already started to change... you're starting a
new life anyway...the old Jack was killed in a plane crash. Are you unhappy
with your life here?"

"Why no...actually I love it here, Ben."

"Then why not accept it, become "Jackie," and stay here with me. I'll take
care of you. I love having you here. 'Sides, you're more fun as a woman,

"So, I should keep on mixing with my hands, right?" I said, now feeling
coquettish. I had no intention of stopping now, anyway. I sort'a liked the

"You bet, Jackie!" Ben said, winking, and hugging me.

So that night, Jackie was born. I continued to mix the feed, getting a daily
massive exposure to hormones, my breast development advanced until I filled
the bras more than fully. My figure continued to take on a feminine contour,
and emotionally, I felt like a woman and accepted it. I was willingly wearing
all of the clothes in Mary's wardrobe, filling them out as well as she would
have, perhaps better. sleeping in frilly nightgowns, I wore dresses daily. I
even found some makeup and unashamedly started to wear a little lipstick and
experiment with other cosmetics. Having acquired the figure of a woman, I
felt the need to improve upon look pretty. I even spent time grooming
my hair and practiced setting it. And the results were amazing.

Ben's attitude obviously changed towards me, also. As friendly as he had been
from the beginning, he now was becoming even more attentive and
gentlemanly...chivalrous. He was treating me as if I was a real lady and he
was courting me. I had made my decision and I felt it was the right one. I
would try to be a woman in every aspect. We became very close, almost
romantic. I felt comfortable touching him as when I cut his hair, trimmed his
beard, did little things for him, and especially dancing with him when we
could find some music on the radio. I never had had homosexual desires
before, but now, feeling like a female, I found him sexually attractive. I
liked being held by him...he was such a big guy. He somehow made me feel

By the end of March, the snow was gone, the roads were open, and we could
leave the ranch. Once we had the cattle outdoors, I stopped mixing their
feed. They would now spend the summer grazing. When Ben was able to get his
truck started after wintering in a shed, he took me into the nearest town on
a shopping trip for food and provisions. I didn't feel shy about being seen
as a woman since I knew I looked passable and I was so eager to see other
humans, I was excited to go. Not knowing what to expect, I wore what I
thought was an appropriate dress, with stockings and medium heeled shoes, my
hair done as best as I could. Ben was certainly pleased with my appearance.

It was a fairly good size town with a variety of stores and the ubiquitous
Walmart store. Ben told me to buy whatever I needed for the house and for
myself. We had compiled a list of household items, but there was nothing I
needed in clothing. His wife's wardrobe was holding very well, except for
underwear. I did buy more lingerie...I felt better having my own, and I
needed larger bras...cup size, that is. He suggested I buy fresh cosmetics so
I'd have my own there too. So I stocked up on lipstick, foundation creams,
and eye shadow, and of course, hair conditioners. I even stopped to have my
hair done professionally where I picked up a lot of pointers on grooming long
hair, something Jack never had to do.

Ben took me to the medical clinic for a checkup because of the prolonged
exposure to hormones. After explaining my situation to the physician, how I
felt and my intentions, he put me on a maintenance dose of Premarin so I
wouldn't change back to being a man. He said I had been getting a hefty dose
of a****l strength estrogen, even absorbed through my skin, I was lucky I
didn't suffer any organ damage to my body. Other than the changes I had
experienced, I was OK. I admitted that I had become happy about the changes.

Ben met a few friends and neighbors and introduced me as his "mail order
bride". I asked him to explain that. He said a lot of single men in small
isolated towns advertise for woman in big city newspapers looking for brides.
Many woman respond by coming to visit, to get acquainted. Some don't like the
isolation and leave immediately.

But, some do stay to get married. That would account for my presence. He said
he tells everybody I just "dropped in" to check him out. Well, I couldn't
deny that. Nobody questioned him further, and I was warmly welcomed as a girl
from the city, especially by his neighbor's wives who were grateful for more
female companionship.

We loaded our purchases into the truck and returned to the ranch. I was now
more convinced than ever that I would stay here. I was very happy with my new
lifestyles, as a woman, and a rancher's wife. The day was warm and sunny, the
people had been was good.

While Ben unloaded the truck, I prepared dinner, after which, I cleaned up
the dishes and relaxed for the evening. I thanked Ben for a lovely day,
giving him a friendly little kiss on his forehead. He pulled me down gently,
and kissed me on my lips.

"You're welcome, pretty lady." he said, quietly.

"Ben, that's the first time you've called me that."

"Jackie, my friends have met you and like you. They told me you are a pretty
young lady and I'm lucky to have found you. I think they're right."

"But you know the truth about me...I'm not a real lady."

This was a turning point in our relationship. Which path were we going...I
had to know.

"You're my pretty lady, Jackie."

He didn't have to say anymore. I kissed him warmly and passionately as a
woman kisses her man, and he returned my kiss. I felt like a real woman and
he responded to me as one. We continued kissing and petting for a long time.

Ben stood up and brought me a gift wrapped package. Without a sound, our eyes
saying it all, I slowly and carefully opened it to find a white nylon
nightgown with lace trim and wide shoulder straps. It was stunning.

"I thought you should have something of your own, Jackie. Why don't you try
it on?"

Without hesitation, I went to the bathroom, undressed completely and slipped
it on. It fit perfectly. He knew my size from Mary's clothes, and my
developed breasts filled out the bodice completely. I re-entered the main
room without modesty and twirled around to let him see me. He pulled me to
him and we kissed again, our tongues dancing together. That night was the
beginning of my sleeping in his his arms. I was his woman,
emotionally and sexually. We developed a definite male-female relationship. I
completely forget I was physically a male. I felt like a bride and I couldn't
get enough of him..

In July, on the 4th, we were invited to a picnic at our neighbor's ranch. It
was over an hour's drive to get there so we got an early start. I had spent
the previous day cooking and baking for the event. Arriving early, I joined
the women to help with the food while the men went off to do their thing. Of
course, I was accepted as any other woman and assumed to be Ben's new wife,
'tho common law. We all talked about our men and eventually the conversation
got rather intimate since some of the ladies were trying to get pregnant.
With all the talk of love making with their husbands, I could contribute
little to the chatter, but I was beginning to get a little horny thinking
about Ben. Luckily I chose not to wear tight jeans but rather, a long full
skirt or I would have given myself away.

After a wonderful day of eating, playing, and socializing, we took a
leisurely drive home. Going directly to bed, I snuggled with my man and I
touched his manhood intentionally with my hand, curling my fingers around it.
It immediately grew large and hard. Saying nothing, he rolled onto his back
while I removed it from his shorts and firmly grasped it and gently stroked
it as only a man would know how to do for another man. He started to moan
with pleasure as his hands brushed through my long thick feminine hair. I
continued the massage with my open palm on the sensitive underside of his
organ as I kissed him passionately. Shortly, he climaxed as I cupped my hand
over the end of his shaft to contain his fluid. I whispered that I loved him
as he fell asleep. I quietly got up and cleansed my hand and his organ as a
wife would do for her husband.

The next day, Ben was especially nice to me, treating me like a princess. And
I treated him like the king that he was to me. I had become more intrigued
about satisfying him sexually as the other wives did for their husbands. I
fantasized all different options. One night we went to bed nude. It was a
warm night and seemed appropriate and Ben liked to fondle and kiss my
breasts, which I enjoyed. My penis was very diminutive now, and I didn't care
for him to touch it. We started love sessions by kissing, then it progressed
to my rubbing his shaft until it was very rigid. They evolved to many
different situations as a "normal" couple might encounter. Our love for each
other grew intense. I couldn't get enough of him. We loved each other deeply.
He made me feel so feminine. He had not only saved my life, he gave me a new
and better one.

The next time I got together with the other ladies, I could join the
conversation and talk about my husband.

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Eons of eons in the future, or at least what humanity once called the future, earth and all of its inhabitants have long disappeared.  The sun, the beginning, and source of all life exhausted its hydrogen fuel, and, as a result, slowly expanded into a red giant.  Earth, and the other inner planets, had been swallowed up, vaporized.  Only a slowly cooling white dwarf remained to pinpoint where humanity began and once lived. Humanity, however, did not die.  Just as the sun had evolved, so too had...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The strobes flashed, and the fans churned up a make-believe ocean breeze. It even smelled like the beach in the studio, from the ton and a half of sand they hauled in for the shoot. The center of attention was a lithe, fair-skinned model with long hair that flowed like black water in the wind. As the cameras clicked and hummed, she posed expertly, every move perfect, every look to die for. Two lighting technicians enjoyed the show. Their equipment was in place and required no...

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It was late, quiet with nothing special like usual. They were on the couch at her house just watching t.v. while her mom slept. MTV, Vh1, and many other channels were cycled through as time went by. Finally, she spoke up, “It’s been so long since last time we had sex? What does it mean?”. He had thought about this many times too and never truly came up with an answer. “I mean I don’t know why but I don’t get horny like I used to.” “I’ve been thinking about it myself and I believe we just...

2 years ago
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Rebirthday It was the beginning of my senior year of college, and our fraternity was throwing the annual fresh meat back-to-school party. It's easily the best party of the year because it's our first chance to check out the crop of incoming freshmen girls. They're always so sexy, all dressed up and unsure of themselves, awkward and embarrassed by their blossoming 18 year old bodies, and they're always so worried that they have to put out or they'll get a bad reputation. And as usual...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Ginger Banks Blonde Slut Creampie POV

Enjoy seeing this beautiful blonde slut Ginger Banks on a sensual striptease wearing black and orange seductive lingerie and showing her spectacular body, her natural tits, and her tight wet pussy ready to please you. She is eager to have your dick and give you a good blowjob, she takes your cock inside your throat, and then you touch your pussy and insert your fingers in it, she continues sucking and licking your dick while she gives you a handjob, then she places on doggy position over the...

3 years ago
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New Neighbour

It had been a few days since my 48year old neighbour Sally had been over to my place. She had been such a great fuck, a really nice tight pussy, a lovely tight ass and tits to die for. I was going to make sure I had more fun with her. I picked up pen and paper and wrote a note.'Sally, be over my place tonight at eight, I want you in your shortest skirt, tightest top. You are not to wear any underwear and I want you in 4" heels, from Master Mike'I walked over to Sally's house. I was just about...

1 year ago
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Otherworldly Encounter

It's been a long, stressful day at work; I need to get away. My boss is a prick, annoying coworkers never quieting and Dan, from the cubicle one space over from mine, keeps leering at me with his peering, beady eyes. So, unsurprisingly, I was SUPER exhausted! I clock out and head for the car.After getting in my car and driving aimlessly, I find myself suddenly at the city's lake. I smile, the first time today, remembering all the hot, sunny days spent in this serenity. I shut off the engine,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Teacher The Latino Cleaner

my friends always told me that my college teacher had a thing for me but i didn't listen to them, i thought it was just another bullshit. she a brunet well fit, big tits and ass. just a week before we broke up for xmas she told me to see her in her office at 7pm, at that that time the only people in the building are the cleaners. so i went to her office and she asked me to sit down.she was wearing a skirt but nothing under it, whilst we were talking she would spread her legs wide every now and...

3 years ago
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July 1 Paris in the summertime. Few places rival it, though Florence at sunset can hold its own. I’ve got less than 24 hours in The City of Lights and I’ve spent my time wisely: drinking champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower, rolling a Sauvignon Blanc around my tongue as I pursue sculptures and models of King Louis the VII’s rooms at the Musee du Louvre, quietly wandering through the Notre Dame Cathedral before settling in a small cafe to sample white Bordeaux. By three, I am well and...

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New Innocents Face

Die „New Innocent Face Nervenheilanstalt für straffällig Jugendliche“ gilt als der sicherste Ort der Gegend. Sogar darüber hinaus. Es heißt es sein noch schwieriger einzubrechen als auszubrechen. Kein Kamerateam konnte je Innenaufnahmen dieses alten Gebäudekomplexes machen. Kaum ein Mittarbeiter gab Interviews und die wenigen, die sie gaben, waren verwirrend und nichtssagenden. Und so war des einzige was es je nach draußen schaffte Gerüchte. Manche Zeitung schrieb, es handle sich um in Wahrheit...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess12e13 Claire Domi 52 from Reading

We’re rolling along a narrow country lane, trees and hedgerows on both sides of the road, every few seconds a gateway cuts through the hedgerows – high steel gates, with brick gateposts – and behind those gates, well-kept driveways that curve away out of sight. We slow and turn into one of those driveways, the gates already open to welcome us – then the gravel crackling under our tyres as we curve up the drive and a large house comes into view ... Very impressive, very expensive. Several...

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I was in Florida with my dad and a couple of his friends playing golf. We went out to dinner and one of his buddies brought his daughter. She was cute with a big ass and tits. She was 24 and I was 21. After dinner she invited me to pleasure island in Disney world. She went home to change and get her dad's car. She left wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She returned wearing boy cut shorts and a half shirt that said "kiss". Looking ready to party. We hit up a couple clubs...

4 years ago
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Your TV Adventure

AN OPEN LETTER TO THE READER FROM "c.c." Author of "TV for a Week", "Evelyn's TV Dance" etc... Dear Reader, The other day, I heard someone say that for a writer to take his work seriously, the characters he creates must be Important to him. It was a pretty innocuous statement, but it got me to thinking. Over the last few years, I have created several characters, and put them into painful and embarrassing predicaments just so you, the Reader, could laugh at their antics and enjoy...

2 years ago
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Son-in-law's Summer of Love and SexbySusanJillParker©This is a Summer Lovin' contest story. Please vote.Wife abandons husband and baby for a wild life on the French Riviera. *Glad for the experience, it had been a long, hot, emotionally charged and sexually frustrating summer spent with my mother-in-law. Surviving the heat, a record number of 90 plus degree consecutive days, no longer feeling sorry for myself, I was looking forward to the cooler temperatures of fall to clear my head for a fresh...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 120

As with all thing Washington, nothing is simple. The staff had recorded the statement starting thirty minutes before. It had the talking heads making noise with their useless opinions. The only thing that caught my eye in the pre-statement lead-in was the ad the Marine Corps ran. The General said the poster was going to be reused and they did. ‘‘The few - The Proud - The Marines; a stepping stone to become President.’’ The professionals would go over the speech and I would get lessons on...

1 year ago
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Weekend Excursion

What a week! Some weeks seem to fly by, but this one was excruciatingly slow. I'd been working at this office for almost three years. We had moved over here from our main office to be at the client's beck and call. It was nice to have fully billable hours on my timesheet, but sometimes it was tough. Lately, it had been harder to really throw myself into the work. As an engineer, I like to design things that will be built. It's exciting to see my designs take shape and then start working...

2 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 11B Friday February 11 Part Two

"What... what are you going to do with me?" We were back in the van and not unnaturally the girl was still a little uncertain about us. She slumped back in her seat and looked to the left and right at each of us in turn. "I mean that was horrible what happened in there. How can you... ?" "How can we do what we did? Believe it or not it's easy, some people just don't deserve to live. Do you know what they were going to do to you?" "Rape me. Have a little fun at my expense maybe. But...

4 years ago
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Das Tor 2

Danke f?r die netten Kommentare. Deswegen habe ich mich beeilt, hier ist also Teil 2. -------------- Nach 10 Jahren war ich das erste Mal wieder auf dem Weg zu der Lichtung. Wieder war es ein sch?ner Tag. Schon ein wenig k?hl, aber ein toller Herbsttag. W?rde ich sie wieder finden? Und was sollte ich dann tun? Das letzte Mal hatte ich praktisch v?llig die Kontrolle verloren. W?rde es mir jetzt, als Erwachsener, besser gelingen? Es konnte nicht mehr weit sein. Dank meines...

2 years ago
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what the fuck

What the F..Every year, about this time I start going nuts, being inside the house more than being outside due to the weather, and not being able to do the outdoors things that I enjoy. I am a mature 55 year old Hispanic women who enjoys life, sex and everything about sex. I have really gotten into exploring my wilder side, and have not really found anything I would not do or try. I have nice breasts (36D) and am not skinny, but also not fat – just right for some hardcore pushing. While the...

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The Algebra Teacher

Colleen threw her long Auburn hair back and smiled. “Good Work Phillip.” Basking in the glow of the praise of his favorite teacher Phillip managed a meek. “Than You Ms Ritzer”. Collen handed Phillip his paper lightly brushing against him and smiled. Collen turned to the other students. “Lisa, good Job!” Collen handed back assignments to Lisa and Kerri, the two other students in her Algebra study group. “Thank You Ms Ritzer.” Lisa and Kerri got up to leave as the hour was up....

3 years ago
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Medeival Rape by Father in law and Guards

Introduction: Maeve is kidnapped and forced to marry, but her new husbands father is angry that she has not born a child, so he punishes her… This scene was originally part of a book I am writing, but I ended up changing the storyline to allow them to escape in order to save her sister from fate worse than death. Also, for where I was publishing it online this scene was too erotic. ,) But it was too good not to share, so enjoy! If you want to read the whole story, even though this scene is no...

1 year ago
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The Wager Part 1

Thanks to ‘Mandy’ (you know who you are) for her valued opinion and input. John relaxed in a corner seat of the hotel foyer, enjoying the busy hum of the place and watching the constant stream of people passing through. He’d been at the hotel for an hour or so, had checked in, gone up to the room, shaved, showered and changed into a crisp white shirt, jeans and Timberland shoes before coming back down to wait for Mandy.  It was almost five weeks since their last date. They tried to meet up once...

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Bigtitted Molly8217s first facial

It had been too long since John had last seen Molly in any real, special way. It had also been too long since he’d cum. The last meeting between the high school loner and the sexy mail carrier who was fast becoming as obsessed with him as he was with her had been over a week ago, on Halloween night. For weeks the two had teased and tested each other. John had jerked off in front of Molly twice, once on her large, bare breasts. And most recently John had went down on a woman for the first time,...

3 years ago
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Nazis of the Undead

Obergefreiter Schroeder ran through the forest, most of the Mann's had given up. Not Schroeder. Nor his three top officers, Sturmbannführer's, Amsel, Fleischer, and Faust, who ran behind him armed with MP-40's. Faust turned around hearing the Americans drawing closer. He fired his MP-40, the weapon firing in a series of *pops* as fire was returned through the thick fog of the forest, except fast and furious.  A thompson. "Surrender!" an American voice cried, "Fock you american...

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FemDom pt 3

Now that i had been collared and leashed, spanked to a nice shard of red, face fucked till my throat was sore and my eyes watered, and had my cock slapped around a tad, Mistress was ready for the fun to begin, as was i.As i stay on my hands and knees, collared and leashed, at the threshold of Mistresses basement, i took a look around and saw all the familiar devices she had and would use to aid her in the use of her slut. i was her slut on this night, and i could feel my balls tighten, my cock...

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Maid to be Submissive Part One

As I stared up at the ceiling, contemplating my own existence, I couldn't help but retrace the last few weeks in my mind. My girlfriend had just broken up with me, apparently, she had met someone else and had been cheating on me for months.The same week, I found out that my company was laying people off and I was about to lose my job too. This is how I ended up at age twenty-five, living with my mom again.It wasn't all bad, I thought, trying to convince myself. My mom owned a long-stay motel,...

4 years ago
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My village trip

My village tripIt happened when i was 15. I went to my village after the board exams to visit my grandmother and aunt. My aunt is well built but dark in color. She was a typical south indian village women. She was 5.5’ tall and 44 38 44 in structure. I took the bus in the afternoon and reached the village around eleven in the night. I usually enter the house through the back door. As usual i entered the house through the back door. I was shocked to see my aunt was having sex with her husband in...

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The Girl Scout Master Part 2

It has been a week since my first visit with Elin Johannessen, my daughter’s Scout Master. I’m dropping Annika off at a neighbors for the weekend. I tell her I’ll pick her up on Monday, kiss her on the cheek and leave. I do not want to be late and receive another punishment. I rang the door bell and my Mistress, Elin answered the door with nothing on but a smile. ‘Nice to see you are punctual,’ she said. Once inside she cuffed my hands in front of me and with the chain in her hand led me to...

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Deputy PorterChapter 80

The next few days could only have been more boring, if I had still been tied to the desk. I was on light duty and Hugo understood what that meant. He didn't take me on anything with a duration of more than an hour. If something was going to be strenuous or take more than an hour he left me in the truck or in the office. I hated it on one hand and I appreciated it on the other. I had spend one weekend tied to that trailer, so I did not want to spend another. Friday when Hugo gave me the...

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My 18th Birthday Present 2 Characters

It was graduation day and my 18th birthday.My parent,s were having a party for me and some of my friend,s,of course all the neighbor,s too.I went in and changed clothe,s,put on my tight little jean short,s,and jersey top.I was such a sissy faggot,all way,s wearing tight fitting clothe,s,walking sexy with my long blonde hair.smooth arm,s and leg,s.walked into the back yard,my neighbor,s just looked,to afraid to say anything with my parent,s there.One neighbor did come up to me,his name was...

1 year ago
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Friends Forever part 3

Once we arrived back at John’s house we decided to have a drink. While we set drinking glasses of a nice red wine we John asked me if I was ever with any guys while we were in college. I told him I had fantasized about it but never acted until after college. Then he shocked me when he thought he could tell back then that I had the hots for him and although he thought about asking me or making a move when we were roommates he was to afraid. We chatted for awhile more then he said he felt like...

4 years ago
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Joan Jill Adam

"Baby," she gasped, her chest heaving, as she struggled to regain her breath. "I haven't come that hard in years. Maybe I've never had one that good." "I'm only here to serve," Adam grinned and hefted her right breast in the palm of his hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed the nipple. Only then did he realize his lips were actually sore from eating her out so thoroughly. "Oh, I'm done," Jill said, "I'm exhausted, really I am." "I can go again if you'd like," he...

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Cumming into my office

You walk into my office and close the door. I'm sitting in my chair, and turn you see you walking close to me, bending down and putting your hands on the armrest of my chair, your eyes staring directly into mine... "Go ahead..." you whisper.... I allow my eyes to wander down your body, aware of your eyes watching me intensely, knowing that you're watching me as I look down at your fantastic breasts.... My hands reach up, sliding gently along your arms, toward your body, and then down from your...

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Perfection part 1 of 3 By Morpheus Dr. Gretchen McDermott carefully took off her thick glasses and set them down, rubbing at her weary eyes with the back of her hands. With a loud yawn, she stood up and stretched her aching body before once again donning her glasses and staring into the microscope before her. She smiled faintly as she examined the results. Feeling a surge of triumph, she hoped that this would be it. That all her years of research and hard work would finally...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 44 INTERLUDE THE KERMAC ENVOYS

The Kermac Diplomatic delegation had to share a visitor’s alcove with other dignitaries, observers and diplomats. Viertlvorfier, the Kermac High Consul found it less disgusting than standing with the crowds outside, or watch the even in the Embassy on GalNet. The Nul, the Togar, the Shiss and a host of other Non-Union species had observers here. Form their spot they had a good view towards the Narth alcove. The delegate of the Karthanian said.” It appears this event is not important enough...

2 years ago
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At The Company Seminar

Hello horny people out there.. This is Arjun here with my first story how i hooked up with an office staff when we met for a 3 day seminar in bangalore…. I am Arjun a merchant navy officer hailing from Kerala…..I was on vacation after my contract when i received a call from office informing me to attend a seminar for fleet officers held in bangalore…. I agreed to attend attend the seminar as all the expenses will be beared by the company…. So finally i flew to bangalore and we checked in to the...

1 year ago
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BangBus Penelope Kay Hottie With Perfect Tits Fucks for Money

This week, we pulled up on this chick that was on her way to the mall. At first, she didn’t want to talk to us, but eventually she started opening up once she saw we had a stack of money. Eventually, we convinced her to hop inside the bus after giving her a grand to let Tony lick her toes. From there, it wasn’t difficult to get her to do whatever we wanted. She soon got naked, this chick had a perfect body with amazing natural tits. Eventually, it all lead to her getting fucked. Tony stretched...

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Damsel in Disdress

I am having marital problems for the past year and you have been my confidant at the office. Listening so attentively as I cry on your shoulder about the latest husband drama. You are consoling, gently suggesting I consider leaving him.After months of me sobbing out the same shit over and over, you finally say rather sharply-"for Christ's sake woman, why don't you just leave? You have no c***dren, nothing holding you there."This is when I burst into tears and through the sobbing I stammer out I...

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HeadacheChapter 10 Settlement

Before we left the Courtroom Marty Mariston and Richie Thurston had both offered me the job of running the Lab again saying that I now had a vested interest in seeing it succeed. I thought a minute and said I would take it as long as they understood I would only work one week a month and could hire a Head of Research and Personnel Manager acceptable to all parties. They readily agreed and I felt like I had already made mistake somehow. I submitted three names for their consideration for the...

3 years ago
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Sreemukhi 8211 A Dream Come True

Hello guys, how are you? I hope everyone is fucking who has a partner (can be girlfriend, wife, secretary, teacher, mother, sister, aunty, granny, in-laws etc) and who doesn’t is using their hands to proper use :p My name is Rahul and I’m 23 years of age. I thank iss for providing a stage to share experiences. It is always a thrill to read and feel how the other person has fucked and it gives an adrenaline rush for us to have a better orgasm. I’m from Hyderabad. Note: people who read the...

4 years ago
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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 13 Totally Exposed

Actually, things weren't as bad as I thought. I think Jim knew that and didn't bother to tell me, wanting to make me worry about the worst. Giorgio was a very good stylist. He asked me my opinion about how I wanted my hair done, and he was a bit surprised at my naivete about styling. To tell you the truth, I never did my hair to impress anybody--even myself! As is usual at a hairdresser, Giorgio engaged me in conversation. I found him quite witty and just a bit concerned about Jim. I...

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Rum Sodomy and the Lash Ch 10

If Kitty had not known him better, she could have sworn that Captain Prince was feeling guilty about the severity of the punishment he had meted out to her. He was uncharacteristically solicitous for the remainder of the week, bathing her bottom and massaging lotion into her cane welts each night until they blackened into bruises then faded altogether, allowing her to stay in bed as long as she liked, even permitting the wearing of her shirt in the cabin. It was as if her Spanish escapade had...

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Hatchery RoadChapter 25

Shelley called out as soon as she came in the door. “Hey, Lindsey!” “We’re in the kitchen!” came the reply. Walking through the living room, she could hear them before she saw them. From the voices, it sounded like the pastor’s wife had a few additional helpers in making lunch. Sure enough, when she came around the corner, there was Megan doing something with fresh green beans, while Josie was hard at work putting a garden salad together. Lindsey, meanwhile, was pressing out hamburger into...

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Denisa Black Boy Voyeur

Denisa & Black Boy + Voyeur bygonzi2©Lady Denisa now had black lovers from three generations of the same family. The oldest at seventy was the most sexually accomplished. His son aged 39 was a crippled war hero who Denisa helped to relieve his sexual frustrations. Her favourite still though was Kenny at eighteen the son and grandson of the other two. He had been her regular lover at the airbase and now was employed by her as her driver and black toy boy. It was 1946 and the war with the...

4 years ago
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53 Miles West of VenusChapter 5

After one last look into the gloom of the cavern lake I declared the official tour to be ‘done’ ... unless of course the EPA Bitch (or anyone else for that matter) wanted to turn over a few more rocks someplace else. It was already getting late but I could keep walking around for the rest of the evening and all night as well. I gave everyone a big cheesy grin and even began to quietly hum “I could walk five hundred miles...” Well, perhaps not quite all that quietly. Inside, I could tell that...

3 years ago
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Fate and Destiny Pt 01

This novella is in ten chapters with a short epilogue, it has been split into two submissions to Literotica. Specific dialogue and scenes in this work are fiction, however, the general plot happened almost as written here. Names, locations, and characters have been fictionalized to protect what remains of the reputations of those that survive. Many have forgotten these events, but I remember, although I was only a minor character I was close enough to see first-hand how the affair unfolded and...

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Women Obsessed with Sex

by Kiran AliFirst off, I want to thank and say I appreciate the e-mails from several people who have loved my postings from a woman's point of view and can relate to my adventures. I love having both a female audience as well as the all the men that get-off reading about my encounters or staring at my photo. Everyone seems to inquire if my stories are true. Well, why they are stories, most are based on real experiences over the past five years with Kabeer. Others are fantasy or created at the...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Layla Belle Curvy Coed Takes A Footlong

We’ve got two new great ? performers making their Hussie??️Pass debuts today, as we welcome busty natural 21-year-old Layla Belle and VERY well hung 18-year-old Damion Dayski to the site. After we get to know a little about the juicy blonde ??‍♀️ Layla gets herself warmed up by playing with her clit and fucking herself with a long double-dong. Damion sits next to Layla for a brief 2nd interview ????‍♀️ where we find out that this is his first time with a white girl! The action starts with...

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SeniorChapter 11 Marcies visit

While waiting for Marcie's flight to arrive, I had time to reflect on the current state of my existence on this earth. Even separate, the issues were complex; combined they were insurmountable. At the top of the list was Megan. I knew that she was disappointed with the way Mel had dismissed her appeal to spend time with me. I wasn't there and I don't know what was said, but I do know that he had flatly refused to listen to her. Mel probably wasn't a bad guy. I couldn't blame him for...

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An Unknown Desire 2

I awoke with a start, remembering the night before, the first night of our "new lifestyle", as Mark had termed it. Oh, God, what had I done? And where was this going? I tried to move and found that my wrists were still tied together and secured to the headboard. Yes, I had let him tie me up like this, except the last I had remembered my legs had also been secured to the footboard, one ankle to each side so my legs were obscenely spread. And the webcam, oh damn, the webcam had been on and I...

3 years ago
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Wifes Surprise Gift Part 3 FANTASY THAT WILL BEC

The stranger sat obediently on his hand in the middle of the floor just as my surprisingly dominant wife had just ordered.She started rubbing my cock again and gave a hard passionate kiss. "Time to play with my new toy" she whispered to me as she ran her finger between her pussy lips then slipped it in her mouth.She turned toward her "toy" and stepped closer to him.She grabbed his jaw and pulled his head towards her, tilting his head back as she done it.She pinched his two lips together and...

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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 1

To say Erika was smoking hot would be an understatement. She stood tall at 5'6", 115 pounds with soft-blue eyes and an amazing body: full pouty lips, slender hips, round tight ass and flat stomach decorated with a dolphin shaped belly-button ring, and the most perfect set of tits on an eighteen year old I had ever seen. Her blond wavy hair went 3 inches past her shoulders and was usually loose, or tied in a single ponytail.Erika was a freshman at the local college and rented my one-bedroom...

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This is a true story. I only remember sparse details of conversations some forty years later, but there are quotes that managed to burn in, the rest is story telling. Any names, of course, have been changed. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is intentional. Coming Home The day I flew home from Andrews AFB to come home my Dad had come to pick me up. I was still in my khaki's, my Corcoran jump boots gleamed in the Texas sun. I adjusted my beret and walked through...

2 years ago
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Desio sex

Is storie ko parrh ker btayega zaroor keh kiya meri friend ne theek kiya ya ghalat kiya us ko yeh sab kerna chahye tha ya nahin hi all friends i am amina from pk i am 19 years old girl like lesbian sex i am silent member of this group maine is group main bohat si stories parrhi hain ajj main app ko pehli bar apni aik friend ki story sunane ja rahi hon may be kuch logon ko yaqeen na ho is bat ka mujhe bhi nahin huwa tha lakin jab maine us ko apni ankhon se dekha to phir yaqeen aya keh yeh sach...

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