The Collapse A New Beginning Book 2Chapter 1
- 4 years ago
- 22
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The girls accused me of being a tyrant because of my constant questioning. Passing this year would be less difficult for them but I still wanted them to get high marks. This would boost their confidence and probably get them to work even harder in September.
Paige came over and showed me her new dress. The quality time she shared with her mother had taught her many skills and caused Nora to go beyond what she knew. I was always getting new things to taste. I had homemade shirts too that I was proud to wear them to school. My clothes had been gone through with a fine-toothed comb and those garments needing repair were quickly mended.
Paige stood in front of me and twirled around. This made the hem of her skirt travel out and expose a bit more thigh. "Do you like it?"
"It looks very good on you. Certainly not what a girl your age would normally wear but not quite what an older woman would either. It's a good compromise. The colour matches well and it looks comfortable."
She smiled at the compliments and reached over to grasp the hem in two hands. She raised it seductively until I saw that she had no panties then it went higher. "Do you like what's underneath? It's been waiting for you all my life."
Now I smiled widely. "I certainly do like this. Do you want to hop up on the table so I can see how quickly I can make you come?"
Paige got serious. "Actually I don't."
This stopped me cold and I wondered what was wrong.
"Jeff, your bandages are gone. Your blisters are nearly all gone too. You told me that I'm your wife. You can't give me a baby now and I want what only a husband can give."
This staggered me. "I was worried about pushing you Honey. I know you don't mind being directed but this is something that has to be freely given without me influencing you other than saying that I love you. It's as if I have to step back and let you lead."
"Well I want to lead now and I want us to do this."
Now I put a pleased smile on my face. "I have actually been saving myself for you. I haven't used this equipment except to allow you girls to play with your hands or mouths. You know that the other girls will want what you get."
"They will get it after me and I have saved myself for you."
We went upstairs to my room hand in hand. We didn't hurry this. The first time came only once. Jane came out of the bathroom and looked at us oddly. She said, "So this is the time?"
"Are we that obvious?"
"To me you are. Usually you run up here for some fun then go do something else." She looked at paige. "My first time was just ok. I know that you will remember this day with a lot better memories than most girls have."
Paige said, "Jeff's special. He always taken care of me since I was a little girl. I loved him then and I know he knew it. He got all red sometimes and had to swallow when I came close. I knew he was going to be the father of my babies too."
"Well have fun. I'll try to keep the peanut gallery away. I hope you know Paige that your mother will know when you go home."
This shocked Paige. "How?"
"It may not be you walking funny but it'll be the way you talk and the way you act. This is one of the steps to leaving childhood and they'll see that you have grown up just a bit more."
Paige was not worried though and nudged me into moving. Jane went downstairs and we entered the bedroom. I was much neater since I was a boy but it looked like Paige had been here ahead of me and made things better herself.
She started undoing her dress and I stopped her with a touch and began to undo the buttons one at a time. I marvelled at her creamy skin that became exposes as I worked. I had to kiss this area and continued to do so as more area was slowly exposed.
Paige groaned in want but I continued my slow-moving pace. Paige hurried when she could to get things moving but I wanted to enjoy this and try to file away all the information so I could relive it for the rest of my life.
At the very end I even kissed her feet after removing her bobby socks.
"Hurry Jeff, please. You're killing me."
"I may be torturing you Honey but I want us to remember this when we're old and have our great grandchildren on our laps."
She smiled as if seeing this image. "We can still hurry a bit to the good parts."
My own clothing came off quickly. I slid beside her and kissed her lips in the most tender of ways. She kissed me back with a level of passion that she seldom showed.
I made slow love to her body and I felt small tremors coming from her. When I came up from her feet she pulled my ears because my hair was still too short. When I was nestled into her very moist opening she kept me there to do what was needed.
I still worked at my pace while she built to two slow orgasms and screamed both times. Later I worked my finger into her bum when she was climbing for her third and this pushed her much higher and over with a cry that must have shaken the house. It quickly stopped as she fainted with the intensity of the moment and of course the feelings that raced through her young body.
I heard footsteps climbing the stairs and I had not bothered to even close our door. We were a family and as such we should not hide.
It took a moment but Paige's eyes opened with a flutter then she saw me and hugged me to her with force enough to hurt my neck. "Oh, I love you my husband." After a moment she added, "We have to get started or we'll never get those great grandchildren you were talking of."
"You're getting to be a pushy wife but I like it. You're well lubricated now. Why don't you get on top of me?"
"That sounds kinky," she said but with a big smile. She did get up and took her time to get into position safely. She sat down on my legs with something sticking up in front of her opening. "Do I look like a boy now?"
I said, "There are many things you'll never look like and one of them is a boy. I'm not that big and you now look like a girl with a big clit."
"Do some get that big?"
"I don't think so but I have not made a large enough survey. Do you want me to start and get back to you with the results in a few years?"
She looked exasperated. "No. I think the information isn't necessary. Now what do I do next?"
"Try to get higher and walk forward on your knees."
She tied but giggled at her mistakes until she was in position. She rubbed me back and forth across her opening to get me lubricated. She started to sit herself but stopped to ask. "Can I sit now?"
"Honey, most of the time I'll help you decide. At times like this just think what I want without asking. What I want is to make you happy. Now make me happy if you're ready."
She did smile but she was worried. She knew all about being quick against the benefits of going slow. My growth spurts were in the future and I was far from being big. I could joke about my body and cock now because I knew I would grow appreciably in both areas by the time I was eighteen.
With a bit more wiggling and a few nervous giggles she sat down fast. Her face was ready for a lot of pain but she gave me a weak smile instead. "It didn't hurt much."
"That's good but our first baby will change your mind. "When the pain leaves, you can start moving slowly. There's no need to rush. We have our entire lives ahead of us."
"I like that idea too."
Her movements were slow and her strokes short. There was whispering in the hall but I wasn't concerned. They may even be at the open door for all I knew because Paige was blocking my view.
Paige's strokes got longer and she started to groan. The way she did it, I knew that she was working herself up like a future Mount St. Helens.
Paige called out loudly as if she were in great need. The voices in the hall got louder. One was Jane but another sounded like Nora. This prospect sent a chill down me but the woman was not yelling at Jane or coming in here to yell at us. You had to go with what cards you were dealt and if the woman got this far she may as well go for the finale.
My hands ran up and down Paige's smooth body. Reaching her breasts was difficult so I moved the pillow under my head to my back to prop me up.
My movements allowed me to think, and allowed Paige to slow her assent. When I pinched her nipples she groaned loudly but she started to respond more to me instead of the sensations flowing through her body.
"Paige, you look so beautiful, and more so when you're excited. Are you going to act like this every time we make love?"
"Oh, I love you in me."
"Does your mother act like you? Is she a horny woman? Does she drag your father away and make love to him? Does she have that just fucked look in the morning?"
Paige continued to move on me and said, "Sometimes. Dad smiles too, so they are a good match. I used to rub myself when I heard them making noise in their bedroom. I'm not bad, am I Jeff?"
"You are my angel and you cannot do any wrong. I was just comparing you to your mom. An old saying is that if a man wants to know what a woman will look like in twenty years. He just has to look at her mother. Do you think I'll look as tired out as your dad?"
Paige finally slowed down for she was doing all the work. "Jeff, why are you asking me all these questions? I don't mind answering but not right now. Can't we get back to what we were doing? I was so close too."
"I know you were. You were working yourself to a fantastic explosion that would lift the roof and tell the entire neighbourhood that you love me."
"I would not — well only a little. Do you think my Mom will hear us?"
"I am very sure she'll hear you. Now let's start again. This has to be remembered for posterity."
Paige bent over and I kissed her lips. As I whispered endearments she soon went back to the way she was a few minutes ago. One of my hands hand played with her nipple while the other caressed her clit.
She built up from there and got even more excited. She worked so hard that I came all the way out but she managed to hit the right place to get me back home. A mantra came from her lips and she had all the classic signs I had seen when she was older. When the time came I pinched her nipple hard and pushed my thumb onto her clit and rubbed painfully.
The scream rattled the windows and was the longest I had ever heard her make. It was cut off at the end when she stood on her knees and I was far from that last bit that I needed myself. She fell forward on me and I caught her weight and guided her to my chest.
In the doorway I saw Jane, Nora and all the other girls trying to get a look to see what was going on.
Nora looked very worried. I used my right hand to beckon them in. Nora was not sure of her welcome but Jane came in and pulled Nora with her.
To both of them I said, "This is our first time and Paige just fainted. It was just too much for her. I think she will be a very sensuous woman and I'll have my hands full keeping her happy. In seven or eight years a child might slow her down but I'm not sure."
Nora whispered incredulously, "She just felt so good that she fainted?"
"Yes, some women get that way."
Nora replied, "But I never heard of that."
Paige cuddled but when she heard her mother's voice she froze. She said almost hysterically, "Mom, what are you doing here?" Her voice was loud and she was certainly worried.
Nora it seemed didn't know what to say either. " — I came over to tell you that you had a phone call. Everybody was up here. I came up and found that you — you were here making love to Jeff."
"I'm going to marry him Mom. He even said he was."
"Yes he did Honey. I know young people change their minds all the time. I just don't want you hurt. I don't want a baby to come too soon either."
I looked at Nora and said, "Mom look between my legs."
The woman was hesitant but did as I asked. "I have no dark hair. My John Henry is small and not developed as a man would be. You can see that my testicles are small. That means that I'm not making any baby juice. Don't ask me how I know but I think that I will not be normal until I am sixteen. At seventeen to eighteen I will grow a great deal more. I will only be six feet but I will be wide and very strong. The old John Henry will have grown much more than the rest of me.
"What I am trying to say is that I cannot produce children until later than normal. That will not stop me from practising safe sex. I want my future wife to give me two lovely children but not until we're ready. My family will be everything to me. Children would change my commitments and they would come first even if the world has to wait.
"Now if you ladies either take a seat or wait in the hall I want to continue our first time with my young wife."
Nora was shocked and Jane smiled. The rest of the girls were in the room too and nobody looked to be leaving.
"Paige, roll over on your back. I have to get you warmed up again."
"But Mom's here!"
"Roll over Honey." She did as I asked and even spread her legs without me urging her. Paige had bled some but not much. Menstrual blood may have bothered me a bit but not this. In only a few minutes Paige had forgotten that we had any company. She was urging me on and pulling my ears to make sure her directions were followed. An orgasm followed with a scream that made me feel good to have caused this in the woman I loved.
When she calmed down I crawled between her legs and pushed my way in very slowly as if I had my full adult size. Paige came down far enough to remember her company but after twenty strokes she forgot them again.
I used all of my techniques to turn my woman into jelly. Many times I pulled out and moved her body then went back in. Paige cried for me but not to finish. Her incoherent words were punctuated by her mumbles for more or exclamations to her maker. I was not in shape and knew my limitations now. When her next orgasm came I sped up my own and growled out that she was mine.
Our screams had joined and even hurt my ears in a way but I was beyond worrying about it. Instead of falling on Paige I pushed myself to one side and fell beside her. Her arms sought me out and we held each other tight.
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IncestThe Cursed Salon or Be Careful What You Say Out Loud. A Halloween Tale by Maria Ski. "Bimbo...!" the term echoed across the street. This caused Natalia to pause and look towards the pair of boys wondering which one held yelled the phrase. At 5' 8" Natalia was anything but a bimbo. She owned and managed 'Bella Bella' a high class beauty salon. The blonde woman looked as one of the boys made a sudden dash to get away, whilst the other ran and tripped. She walked towards the fallen...
My husband Mark is crazy about my tits, and though I don’t mean to boast, most guys seem to really love them, especially my big, dark nipples. Mark is always trying to pull my top down when we’re out and about, and he loves it when I flash my tits in public places. And I don’t mind his obsession with displaying my tits, since I’m not shy about my body and I’m proud of my tits. Anyway, we’re always on the lookout for revealing tops and sexy lingerie which show off my tits. One day Mark came home...
SwingerCamille wasn't worried at all about this attack. Yes, this was an unusually large Arkadian host. Yes, the enemy’s numbers seemed larger than the normal band of brigands. And yes, the enemy had actually managed to capture a small town and (presumably) slaughter its garrison. But Camille had been on numerous anti-pirate ops—she was a veteran blooded member of the elite Falkirk Guard after all. She knew that in the end, the cowardly criminals always fled. Besides, this display of military...
So it came as a total surprise when Erin walked up next to Emory with a raw red nimbus of power surrounding her. Even Mordrant dropped his final warding in astonishment. "Well, what do we do now?" Erin asked as sheets of energy sparkled on the surface of her wards. "I mean, do we just leave, or is there a particular reason that we are hanging around here? I know I'm a bit new at this whole magic thing, but I have played Dungeons & Dragons before, ya' know?" It was Roland who broke...
First, stranger Night out, turned quiet night in... until a stranger comes to the door.Walking home alone one warm, humid evening, after a few drinks at thebar with some girlfriends, I could feel him following me as I walkeddown the alleys and back roads. I could see no one but a stray cat and afew birds returning to their nests for the night, but could hear distantfootsteps and the fading noises of the city... and someone a little waybehind me. I knew it was a man, as the steps were far apart...
Mrs C and I hadn’t been out digging for a while. And with her more recent antics. We both had quite the horn on of late. With the change in weather lately. We were not expecting much action to be fair for a mid week trip out. So I made arrangements with a couple FB’s we know. To ensure there was something to cover both Mrs C and my self. Wednesday night comes round. And after several flirty messages over the course of the day. We are home showered and ready to role out the door. Mrs C has her...
This is my first story, i've been meaning to write it for a while. Please let me know how it is and if i should write more.Another day in college and of course i had woken up with a raging hard on. My roommate, Kevin, was still asleep in our dorm room. So, i decided to go masturbate in the shower. I jumped in and turned the steaming water on as i began to stroke my stiff cock. The hot water dripping down me felt so good. My throbbing cock was wet with water as i imagined fucking the hot...
Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson went undercover at a costume party in The Hamptons in hopes of discovering a notorious Madame’s wild sex party and drug operation. Lexa an Detective Mason went to the party unaware that their hostess was really the wanted Madame. Hudson’s Corvette was bombed and he was mildly wounded by a gun shot. In this chapter, Hudson and Lexa team up as undercover cops for the first time. If you wish to skip all the action and storyline, read SCENE TEN for a brief oral and...
Next morning, New Year’s Day 2009, the two families watched the Viennese concert and ate Christmas Cake and chocolate torte with whipped cream, along with Scottish Coffee (with whisky cream liqueur), after which David’s parents made their departure, followed in the evening by the Welsh contingent. Siân’s parents seemed very happy to leave her behind. As they cleared the debris and tidied up, David said “I think we need to talk about last night.” Siân stopped her tidying briefly. “OK,” she...
Sam was just pulling Trina to her feet after the homeless men were done with her when a large city refuge truck with four men aboard rounded the corner, they had been on a late afternoon special pick up and when the driver saw the girls especially Trina, big, beautiful, and naked, he had immediately jammed on his brakes bringing the big truck to a screeching halt!. The men in the cab climbed down as the two on the back jumped off and all four were now standing in front of the truck...
One WeekendI was twenty when I met Michelle. She and I didn't actually move in together, but she had a suitcasethat she kept over at my place with many different clothes in it. Everything from nice panties to nofrills granny panties. Her sexy black dress, jeans, bikini, lingerie, and regular stuff also like white tshirtsand pajamas. She had some cash through her family. She wasn't rich, richer than I was and stillam. So her clothes were mostly higher end stuff ordered or purchased from Europe....
Reddit Eraser Nipples, aka r/EraserNipples! Ah, what could r/EraserNipples/ subreddit possibly be about? Eraser Nipples, what the fuck is that? While I think that this should be more than obvious, let me make it clear… The Eraser Nipples are nipples that look like erasers, aka they are perky and bigger than what you would expect. Now, I do not mean that they are the size of Russia; I am just saying that they are bigger than usual.Also, the whole point of this subreddit is to offer babes with...
Reddit NSFW ListJenny was puzzled by the delivery note that a packet had not been possible to deliver; she had not ordered anything since she was never home to take deliveries.She wondered if she should go to collect after work or whether to ask her mother who lived nearer to collect. Jenny thought she had better collect herself.She would have the rare evening with her teenage son out tomorrow and could collect the package and open in privacy.Jenny was looking forward to a relaxing evening alone and she toyed...
Greg awoke somewhat disoriented. There was a head on his shoulder. He remembered. It was Megan. He yawned and put his arm around her. When he touched her, he became wide awake. He felt only soft, warm skin. The shirt he'd given her was nowhere in evidence. Not that the feeling of her body wasn't pleasant. Quite the contrary. He felt his erection growing. It escaped through the fly of his boxers and tented the bedclothes. He gently stroked Megan's back, feeling nothing but skin. Here he was...
i went to work on saturday morning fora half the day. trying to get home to watch football in the afternoon. when i got home i got a beer and sat on the couch, the wife was not home. when she got home she went strait to the bedroom put on one of her teddys and grabbed all her toys. when she came back in the den she threw a pair of thongs at me and barked off put these on. well i did as i was told. we made out on the couch and i ate her out. she started giving me a bj. while she was busy she...
The scene that greeted Amanda, Lucy and Andrea as they entered the meeting room was one that no one who was there would forget. The men being held at gunpoint were now sitting on the floor with their arms bound behind them and their ankles tied too. On the left side of the platform at the front of the room stood a black clad fembot with a naked Gerry Haynes kneeling beside her, his genitals locked in a metal tube, a collar around his neck and a hood obscuring his face. To the right a...
Glancing at her smart phone, fourteen year-old Brenda Matthews suddenly realized how drained she was. It was almost six and there was no certainty that the purchase negotiations would finish today. It had been three grueling days so far, and yesterday alone had involved some ten hours of talks. Brenda was on the negotiations team for AZ Porn and it was estimated it would take two days at the most to wrap up the contract to purchase more girls and women for the company. What the team hadn’t...
Her arms hurt. All she remembered was the white van at the curb and a handkerchief over her nose. It was warm and her unclothed body was stretched vertically against a tile wall. There was water running nearby, and steam in the air. She tried to move, but restraints were around her wrists, her waist and her ankles. She said, ‘Help, where am I?’ A gentle spray of warm water was directed over her body. Gentle soapy hands washed her. Someone poured some nice smelling shampoo on her head and...
"Ladies and gentlemen," Dr. Phineas Jasper said dramatically, "I give you our latest invention, The Mobile Chronobubble." "This is a tremendous breakthrough in time travel," Professor Andrej Turgenyev continued, "With this device; we possess the ability to traverse the Ultra Time Line at will." Dr. Rhada Nuveen, Director General of the Temporal Management Agency and the group of Time Agents listened with interest. The machine before them appeared to be simplicity itself; a thick round...
Cadence Lux and Zoey Monroe are enjoying some quality time together on an outdoor balcony, playfully chasing each other and stealing kisses. They don’t hesitate to grope each other’s butts, the heat between them building as they make their way to the front door of the home. Cadence and Zoey are clearly aching for each other, their impatience showing through as hurried words and butt smacks as they fumble with a key to let themselves inside. As soon as they burst through the door,...
xmoviesforyouAlyssa sat by herself pouting. She can't believe she didn't hit home with this Brandon guy, he was so attractive and nice. She waited for him for about 30 minutes, then one of her friends told her she saw him go into an upstairs room, and everyone knows what goes on in those upstairs rooms. She stared down at her Pepsi, no alcohol, she swore she would be clean tonight so she doesn't make any dumb decisions. At the table next to them some girl was snorting cocaine off a another girls...